#I’m very weak willed 💙
daydadahlias · 11 months
why won’t you ever see 5sos
just not really a fan of their music :/
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iris-of-bliss · 4 months
ℙ𝕚𝕝𝕝𝕠𝕨 𝕋𝕒𝕝𝕜
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Summary: You and your boyfriend Steve Fox, a British boxer, engage in sweet conversation after a peaceful sleep.
Pairing(s): Steve Fox/F!Reader
Word Count: 578
A/N: A very short and fluffy work of Steve Fox once again. Enjoy 💙
You were embraced in comfort by your charming boxing boyfriend through the early morning. Good thing that Steve chose to spend an entire day with you after his win at the latest tournament held by the Mishima Zaibatsu. This is his treat after that accomplishment, and he’s willing to forge an opportunity for a brighter future. Since Steve has won a fortune of money from the tournament, he plans to open up his own boxing gym as well as spoiling the hell out of you. Maybe he was even dreaming about it in his sleep, too.
Slight shuffles occur in bed, you waking up first under the touch of sunlight. Your boyfriend’s arm still settles around your waist. Steve has been lying on his stomach the whole time. His sleeping was nice and sound in silence against the lush pillows. You giggle at his resting form before trickling your nails under his jaw. Steve’s lips curl into a smile. The hand on your waist grips as he woke up. His other hand combs through his hair while he lets out a yawn. Eyes slowly open before you, examining your sweet face surrounded by the slightly ruffled hair.
“Mornin’, dove,” his voice mumbled, “How’d ya sleep?”
You whisper, “I slept well, and dreamed of you.”
Your boyfriend hummed and rubs your side to keep you warmer than you already are. You blush as your back arched slightly from the touch. Steve loved it when he made your body jump. He brings his hand to your back.
“C’mere, love.”
He pulls you close to him with both arms, bodies touching in contact. His lips peck a kiss against your forehead before nuzzling his into you. He ends up kissing again, this time along your cheek to your jawline. You let out a giggle from his lips tickling your skin.
“Okay, Steve! That’s enough,” you laugh out.
“Aw, but my kisses are never enough.”
Steve gives his last kiss to your lips until laying next to your face smiling. You look into his soft blue eyes in silence for seconds. That was one of the features that made you weak in the knees. His body also impressed you, too. All of that work he put in for his dream of boxing paid off. He isn’t done with his work yet, though. You were then curious to ask with a caress to his cheek, “Now that you’re going to set up your own gym, what’s next for Steve? No plans yet?”
He replied with glee, “Not yet, but it would be a pleasure to take you out for dinner.”
“I’d love that…”
Steve’s eyes remain fixed to yours as his hand combs through your hair. You feel a warm blush after feeling that, and boy it felt so refreshing. How he was so happy to see you again, and the life changing award money is now in his hands. He was stuck thinking about this moment. Steve still couldn’t believe it actually happened. He pulls you in again to give one more surprise kiss, this time it felt deep. You bring your hands to his neck, rubbing in during the kiss. You break from each other with light laughter. Your forehead resting against his.
“I’m so happy to have met you, Steve. I really am proud of you.”
His heart skipped a beat from the response, then held out a smile, “I couldn’t have done all of this without you, (Y/N).”
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Unconventional's Kink RP Ad
I decided to bite the bullet and put out feelers for more kinky RP partners.
Looking for fellow adults with decent writing skills who are interested in short or long-term threads and okay with long gaps in between replies. I prefer using Discord or Pillowfort, but I have a roleplaying sideblog here on Tumblr if needed.
While I prefer playing with OCs, I have a few fandoms I like to play in and am open to playing with other people’s fandom muses as long as I don’t need to be familiar with their canon. My favorite genres to play in are modern day, urban fantasy, paranormal fantasy, high fantasy, and sci-fi. Pairings-wise, I’m particularly fond of queer-for-queer M/F, and I very much enjoy M/M, F/F, NB/any, and polyamory. I’m always down to whip up a custom OC to fit a partner’s muse or a concept we like.
Under The Cut
Kinks List
Main Fandoms
Main OC Muses
Kinks List
belly rubs
liquid bloats
Omegaverse (within my boundaries)
👌 Okay
mild weight gain
fat admiration
non-graphic emeto
diegetically consensual forcefeeding
⚠️ Maybe
BDSM (mainly bondage, D/s, CG/l, and pet play)
diegetically nonconsensual forcefeeding
horror themes
safe vore
❌ No
extreme weight gain/blob
graphic emeto
full-body inflation
breeding kink
death feedism
Main Fandoms
The Magicians (TV)
Falling Skies
Grimm (TV)
Warehouse 13
Doctor Who (Ninth through Thirteenth; still on S12)
Five Nights At Freddy’s (Games)
Main OC Muses
Angel: (she/her; bi; late 30s) A big beautiful feeder and professional Domme with an old Hollywood style, a passion for roleplay, and a love of sweet, needy, hungry pets.
Adam: (he/him; bi ace; mid-20s) A sweet, energetic feedee who's an absolute tummy slut with eyes eternally bigger than his stomach and an unquenchable thirst for cuddles, praise, and belly rubs.
Dustin: (he/him; gay ace; late 30s) A charming but easily flustered ex-Southern sugar daddy feeder with a weakness for pretty boys and a talent for cooking.
Jaxon: (he/him; questioning; early-20s) A cocky rich kid feedee who’s much less experienced and much more insecure than he wants to let on.
Jeb: (he/him; gray-ace; mid-30s) A warm-hearted farm boy turned bodyguard for hire who loves people and a good meal.
Axel: (he/him; bi; late-30s) A big, tall, rowdy but friendly biker bear who loves to eat and never backs down from a challenge, though he’s always a good sport.
Caleb: (he/him; ace; wolf; early 20s) A sweetheart of a himbo with an utter weakness for tummy rubs who’s almost always hungry. QPPs with Callie.
Callie: (she/her; ace; cocker spaniel; early 20s) A shy and anxious tummy kinkster who’s nonetheless fiercely devoted to taking care of others. QPPs with Caleb.
Rex: (he/him; ace; golden retriever; late 30s) A traumatized veteran turned disability aid who’s reluctant to admit just how much an overfull stomach calms him down.
Giselle: (she/her; masc-leaning bi; gazelle; late 30s) A graceful and elegant feeder who used to be a night club singer before she developed ME/CFS.
Malchior: (he/him; ace; dragon; 100+) A powerful and ill-tempered wizard who prefers to be left alone to his hoard and his magical experiments, though he’s not impossible to win over.
Salazar: (he/him; ace; vampire; 300+) The gracious second-in-command of an unusually tight-knight paranormal community who’s building up a tolerance to the human food he so loves to cook for others.
Lucinda: (she/her; unlabled; witch/fae; ???) A dangerously beautiful temptress who likes inflicting magical tummy-related punishments on assholes she encounters, though she’s surprisingly willing to make sure they don’t suffer too much.
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clownqueenofprom · 1 year
I Got an AU for y’all today.
Behold the 💙 White Lily 💙 Au
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The fact that I have yet to see anyone make an au where Lady Bone Demon and her host have a wholesome relationship is a crime against nature, a crime against humanity, AND A CRIME AGAINST ME, SO YOU’RE DAMN RIGHT I’M GONNA DO IT MYSELF.
Thus the birth of ✨ The White Lily Au ✨
See I already had this very, very bad write-out attempt of it on wattpad but we’re gonna ignore it because it’s an hour and thirty seven minutes of GARBAGE
Anyhow, in this AU, Macaque does his friggin job for once and frees LBD like he was supposed to, albeit a little tiny bit late. I thought it was weird that the mayor waited 500 years before freeing her if he had the key, so for this au, we got the mayor HUNTING DOWN MACAQUE’S GOOFY SELF and dragging him to that tomb.
“you’re gonna open this tomb and you’re gonna like it, you ding dong dingaling”
So Macaque becomes a whole tomb raider to get the mayor out of his business, watch out LaUrA CRofT
And boom, 400 years early, our girl is back.
Because Macaque was WAY BETTER as a villain we’re gonna keep him that way. In this au, LBD plans to use Macaque to replace Monkey King in her new world, sounded like a good deal to him
But how can LBD complete her very nefarious plans without a proper host? Because she was freed 400 years early, her body hasn’t decayed yet, so she still has her original form, but it’s still pretty weak from imprisonment.
So an idea pops into her head. She should get a host! And since she’s got the extra time on her hands, she can afford to be picky!
She wants a host who’s strong enough to handle her full power, but she also wants a female child, as a disguise and to make people feel bad for trying to attack her. A willing host was preferred but definitely not a necessity. Kind of difficult to have all of those at the same time, so what does she do? She adopts a child, planning to train them to handle her full power so that she can have the perfect host to carry out her plans. She sees only one viable candidate for the position.
LBD has her work cut out for her, because Bai He is a standard spoiled preschooler and the Lady Bone Demon hasn’t even SEEN a child in eons, much less understand them.
Anyhow this AU is adorable, with Macaque as the angsty oldest son, Mayor is the weird middle child and Bai He is the annoying youngest who always gets away with everything while LBD tiredly raises them all.
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theflagscene · 11 months
Hi! <3 You haven't been around much and I was wondering how things were going? Love your fics! Hope for updates soon ^_^
Hey, sorry for the late reply, I swear I wasn’t ignoring you ‘nonny. I’m glad you like my fics, that always brings me so much joy when I hear that ☺️
As for updates, sadly, I don’t think any will be happening sooner rather than later. I know it’s been months with nothing from me and I’ve almost completely stopped posting on Tumblr, honestly I think that’s because none of the currently airing shows interest me so I’m not really connecting with the fandoms current obsessions. I’m hoping that’ll change once the series I’m actually looking forward to start to air, but as right now, everything is very blasé.
I’ve also been dealing with a lot of stuff in my personal life, my mental health is not doing well, my family life is pretty chaotic and summer is just turning out to be a complete mess on the home front. I haven’t written in… well, months, if I’m being completely honest. It breaks my heart because I want to, but I just can’t. Like the spirit is willing, but the body is weak, ya know?
Anyway, sorry to info dump on ya, anon, that’s not what you wanted or asked for lol.
TLDR; Love that you love my fics. Things aren’t going great. No updates any time soon but hopefully in the future.
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obi-wkenobi · 2 years
Hello 🥰 I'd love to hear more about light, even in the darkness if you have anything to share?
Hi, lovely! 💙 I can finally talk about a fic that I'm actively working on haha. The story takes places in the third year of the war and focuses on how both Anakin and Obi-Wan react when Anakin uses the dark side to win a battle. It's going to be an introspective story that looks at how I think the prequels could have ended had these two just talked to each other. Here's a snippet:
“If you leave the light I won’t be there with you, Anakin.”
It sounded manipulative, and it may have been, but that didn’t make the statement any less true.
Anakin’s lip curled in anger. “I’m in the light.” It was weak, almost beseeching. An attempt by a man to convince himself of something he wasn’t sure of.
Their eyes locked and he nearly flinched when his frightened mind envisaged them a puss yellow. Not yet, not ever. They were still that beautiful, kind blue.
“You are,” he confirmed. “But you very nearly weren’t.” There were no false platitudes, no curting around what had happened. Obi-Wan knew what he had felt and he knew Anakin had felt his horror. This wasn’t the moment to scorn or lecture, this was a moment for the truth.
“Tell me,” he begged.
Anakin’s brows jumped in surprise, mouth opening in an attempt at speech, “I-I…” Their gazes broke as Anakin looked away, his teeth gnawing at his lip nervously. Soft lashes fluttered against Anakin’s cheek bones as he lowered his eyes in shame. “No, I wasn’t.”
Obi-Wan willed his heart to calm, the loud thud distressing in the utter silence. “Tell me what happened,” he said softly, hands tightening in their sweaty grip.
from this title ask game. 💙
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deceitful-darlings · 3 years
I’ve been getting cravings for yandere Adeuce. There’s just something about them being the closest people in your life❤️💙
How would you think they react to thinking MC isn’t making any new friends (of course their doing). They’re so happy because the only guys in her life are them. That’s until they hear a rumor of MC having sex with some unknown student. I’m not sure if the would confront her or... stalk her to find out. Well the rumor is true. I can just imagine Ace busting down the door and Deuce pulling MC off the guy’s cock. They need to amp up their yandere skills lol
Of course they’d done everything they could to keep you alone! You’re an idiot that doesn’t need to be wasting time blabbering on to other guys in the academy according to Ace, whereas Deuce is worried about how you could end up hurt by the rest of the school, they may not have the strongest magic but all that means is you need to interact with fewer people since they can do so much damage to you.
It’s not like you need anyone else, the two of them had been there with you since you first got here, they’re your first friends, the only people you should trust in this twisted place. Unlike everyone else, they have your best interests at heart, they promise. You won’t be lonely with the two of them around anyway, no matter what you want to do the two of them can always lend a hand or entertain you.
The only time you seem to get to yourself is when the two are in detention, extra classes, or being forced to run errands for the teachers, and you have to treasure that time. You don’t get long before they find you and everyone keeps you at a distance again, so you take the time to just try and get closer to anyone, anyone who isn’t them. They shouldn’t complain if the one you get close to doesn’t have strong magic, that was their concern after all.
When the rumour first starts floating around, Ace brushes it off, what do they have to worry about, some stupid rumour of you fucking someone was bound to come up eventually being the only girl on campus, Deuce is a little more worried, but let’s it slide. But then in persists, and it gets more detailed, and it’s the same name that keeps cropping up. Deuce isn’t sure how to handle it, but Ace puts his foot down, telling him that they’re going to talk to you about this tonight.
The two of them storm over to Ramshackle that evening, having told you they had detention to give you your normal sense of security, they don’t wait for you to answer the door, barging their way through the dorm and to your room hoping that it’ll all be unfounded and that’ll you’ll just be resting.
Only to open the door to your room and find you on top of the very student from the rumours. At that point, they both see red. Deuce goes full delinquent mode, pulling you off of him, pushing you over to Ace so that he can beat the shit out of this no name bastard. Ace doesn’t catch you though, legs still weak from being in the middle of fucking, they collapse under you when Deuce lets go of your arm, leaving you in a heap at Ace’s feet.
You’re reeling from the situation, the look on Deuce’s face as his fist lands on him again and again is sickening, luckily he seemed to lose consciousness pretty early on with his head being cracked against the floor from a particularly hard punch, but your attention is soon brought back to Ace when he speeks.
“Prefect, you’re such a slut, aren’t you? A whore that’ll open her legs for anyone!”
At the insult, and having taken out most of his anger on your poor partner, Deuce looks back towards you and Ace.
“Maybe...maybe she just didn’t realise-“
“Yeah, she could just be a stupid slut, but it doesn’t change the fact that she fucked some random bastard Deuce.” He looked down at you, a sick smile on his face. “And if you’re willing to fuck someone you don’t know to deal with your needs, you’ll be more than happy for us, your best friends, to help you out with your little problem, right? You’re already warmed up, so we’ll finish the job for you.”
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💀 🕵💙
Send me a symbol and I’ll tell you my opinion on the Markiplier ego!
Is there a character for the pawn symbol? I don’t see one, though I would be perfectly willing to do characters who aren’t on the list. Please tell me who it is! I may just be blind!
💀 Darkiplier- I just think that Darkiplier is a very interesting character. Who he is, what he is and how he relates to the lore of all the ego stuff is all very cool and interesting! Like… So many people on the YouTubes and the like have an evil persona for themselves, but Dark is more than that. He’s different from that. He isn’t really an evil persona for Mark at all. (That honor goes to the Actor.) Also I just think that’s it’s funny how Mark himself doesn’t really seem to like Dark, but he keeps popping up anyway! Like, Mark LOVES Wilford Warfstache. I think that Mark would be more than happy to use Wilford in every chance he gets. But Dark? His first appearance was so that Mark could mock us, the fans. Same with his third appearance. He wasn’t even supposed to be in the heist, but here he is again! Calling us disgusting for wanting answers. Dark is here to stay whether Mark likes it or not. And I kinda love that. There are a lot of possibilities that I can think of for Dark’s character. And I wonder what his motivations really are at this point. Because he can’t kill Mark. And here he is just collecting friends for… Some… Reason? So what is he actually trying to do? Also that aesthetic is just… SO good! I love it a lot!
💙 Damien [the Mayor]- Okay. So I’m just a damn sucker for lawful good boys that have a negative path of growth, alright? I just saw Damien that first time and knew that I was fucked! Yeah, I know. Fuck the law and all that, but I can’t help it! I was studying politics and Damien is a Mayor! My weakness! And he’s just a good boy! My other weakness! And he has a sad and tragic fate! OH NO MY OTHER WEAKNESS! And then he turns evil! OH NO MY ULTIMATE WEAKNESS! Sometimes things happen and I’m just left to sit here like, “Was this made specifically for me and me alone?” And Damien was that for me. (The other major time this happened, NOT in the Markiplier fandom was with the Big Finish Doctor Who Unbound story ‘Sympathy for the Devil’.) He is a precious boy to me. And no matter what happens, he will always be my favorite. I can’t help it. I made an ask blog for him. There is no going back for me now. He came for me like a goose with a knife. And right after my crush on Mike Yates from Doctor Who too! (Another lawful good boy who had a negative path of character growth.) Also it was nice to have some of my headcanons validated in DAMIEN. I have just this fascination and fixation with characters who have negative growth. Damien was a good man. The best out of anyone there at the party. He loved his friends, he loved his city, he loved his people, and he loved us. He cared so much. But he was pushed into doing unspeakably cruel things. He was forced to change against his will for the worst. But he isn’t beyond help. He isn’t beyond saving. He isn’t beyond caring or kindness. In fact he took this role as a kindness to the sister that he loved. I love Damien and want to explore his characters in all the ways. I’m just a damn sucker for the boy.
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