#the stimulation is just actively too much for my very very small brain
daydadahlias · 1 year
why won’t you ever see 5sos
just not really a fan of their music :/
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sayitdido · 1 year
♡♡bf!txt and things you can do for them♡♡
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synopsis: small or big things/gestures to show your love for them or things they would love in their partner and their reaction based on my observations and astrology /seperate
genre: pure fluff and nothing else i swear
wanings: delulu headcanons, might come across cringe to some, is fluff a warning? imo it is! fight me about it if you want, kissing?
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i love my tubatu boys so much, i want to cry~
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let him what he needs to do show love
i think yeonjun would get very upset if you were to say stuff like how overwhelmed you are with his gifts since you can't do the same for him or judge him for wanting to show pda
so he is most likely to settle for bare minimum in this case. he has high standarts in everything else but this one in particular restricts him and his love for you. so just let him love you however he wants~
listen to his advices
he no means to control you but let's just say you made changes in your style just because yeonjun suggested you to do that particular thing, he would be so happy. this may include lots of variations of advice but like i said not in a controlling way.
wear matching clothes/accessories with him
not cringe ones like "his/hers" or "look at my bf/gf" but like waering the same necklace he bought for you or same themed clothes that do not necessarily scream couple clothes.
tumbling down his walls
i don't think yeonjun likes showing weakness. i have similar placements with him, i would know. so when you be the person he can truly feel comfortable around to show his real self, he is considering you love of his life.
encourage him in what he does
although this may apply to everything he is passionate about, his job in particular is where he needs you to be hyping him up. call him "4th gen it boy" or compliment his lyricism and him being all rounder. yeah almost everyone does that but he also needs you to do that, too.
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let him take care of you
soobin has this great parental energy that traditionally falls under father figure roles. what i mean is for example if you have a problem you are facing, just let him be the one who helps you solve it. i am not saying he wants to be your savior but he cares so much and this is his way of showing.
cook/bake together
soobin likes to cook/bake even though he is not the best at it. he tries. but he loves to cook/bake with you. especially if you are excellent cook. he feels like this is your love project together and also a fun activity on top of it. what's not the like?
be his equal
i don't think soobin would enjoy an obvious power imbalance in a relationship. of course there is some places he is better or worse than you but they balance each other out. and i mean this also in a way that no one in the relationship should hold the power, it would make him so uncomfortable.
get along with his friens
he is the introvert that has lots of friends for an unexplained and mysterious reason but he loves them and you so you getting along with them genuinely makes him happy. just like the one of the biggest hit there is: spice girls - wannabe. lyrics are just so soobin.
enjoy the things he enjoys
you get a joke he made and laugh at it, he is happy. you like the date idea he suggested and excited to do it, he is happy. you watch him play video games with his friends, he is happy.
basically he is happy to be understood and seen. many more examples can be given
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not be boring
always stimulate his brain. play hard to get. (not too much tho) be cool in general. get his jokes. at least try to enjoy things he loves.
may seem a lot but he doesn't like the idea of being bored in general. (this i can relate) but it heavily influences his love life the most.
listen to his worries
beomgyu is also a human being. he needs nurtiring just like everyone else. no matter how small the problem is, show that you care. and also beomgyu deserves it. most people deserve this but beomgyu deserves it more than the rest.
be his star crossed lover
he wants to believe that it is more than his and your choice. he wants to believe that some powerful being or universe wants you to be together. call it soulmates, call it twinflame. doesn't matter. just be his true love.
validate him
he doesn't nor necessarily seek for validation from others,he does but not in the unhealthy way, but his s/o is a different story. so when you are proud of him, he is proud of himself. don't make him feel untalented or stupid or useless or someone who is trying or some- one who is not really nice.
open up to him
he feels uneasy with someone who doesn't share. it feels like you don't trust him. he talks about his problems, right? so why don't you. like i genuinely think he wants you to trauma dump. he wants to learn why you are the way you are.
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be different
he doesn't want to commit to someone who is just like everyone else you can find on the street. maybe it is your style, maybe it is your personality, maybe it is your taste, maybe it is your dislike of pop culture... but don't be a poser and don't make this all of your personality.
take care of him when he is sick
idk why but i think tyun would show his vulnerability to his s/o but would also make sure that he has borders. but it changes when he is sick. he is a baby, okay? so take care of him!!!!!! (he lowkey likes the motherly/parental vibe you are giving, too)
let him take control
i am talking about your relationship. he likes independent people who take care of themselves but he would prefer leading the relationship. not in the toxic way i swear, he asks for your opinion of course.
kiss him a lot
some of you guys may know my taehyun the expert french kisser theory... and if you don't, here it is again. he is a expert french kisser. loves kissing so much. doesn't need to be mouth to mouth action. just kiss him or let him kiss you.
work out with him
i know some people make working out tyun's whole personality but i mean this in a way that be a part of his routine and also take care of yourself. two birds one stone, you know. he likes this activity so even you watching him do it is enough sometimes.
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get along with his members and family
we all know hyuka doesn't let anyone to be in his life. he has his members and family. so if you are blessed enough to be in it, you should get along with them. he also values family so much. he seems to have very healthy relationships with his family and members so it is unavoidable that he wants his s/o to be part of it.
be a geek with him
i don't think hyuka is geek btw but he would love it when you play mario kart with him or watch batman the animated series with him. you know traditionally geeky stuff. also make commentary and jokes while engaging with the media. and react his commentary and jokes, too.
be nostalgic with him
this is why i think he would want someone his age or close to his age or older than him since they can experience his childhood memerioes. kinda related to the one above but if you enjoy the things he enjoyed when he was younger, that would make him happy.
cook for him
he would really appreciate this one. may want to help but the thoughtfulness of you makes his heart flutter. definitely loves your cooking even if you are not the best. also he may want to try different foods so when you cook something he wanted to try, he is in love. the experience is definitely better than a fancy restaurant.
beautify yourself
i am not saying fit in the beauty standart. i am saying be fashionable and confident. like if he likes your aesthetic, you are beautiful to him. so try to have your own style and aesthetic. if you put an effort, he would also put an effort. he likes to adorn himself for his s/o and expects you to do same.
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a/n: i had this on my notes for so long. i am just glad that i finally got to share. i also tried to do moodboards. though i think i failed a little, it was fun to do it.
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watatsumiis · 2 years
Snuggle series - Dottore edition
Feeling like shit tn i just want to snuggle with dottore >:c
(some silly self indulgent hcs below the cut)
gender neutral reader, can probably be read as platonic but it's fairly on the physically affectionate side.
Listen. Dottore is a very much 'has to keep moving' sort of guy, he gets antsy when he's not stimulated enough - he needs something to do, whether that be actively working on experiments or observing/researching stuff. Maybe he has his own hacked version of an Akasha terminal that stores all his research information and that he can add to on the fly just to keep his brain occupied.
If you approach him and ask for cuddles, his first questions are always "why?" and "to what end?". He's a very curious person and lives to find out more information about everything, especially you. Eventually, after some prodding, he'll find you both a comfortable spot to sit and pat his thigh invitingly, allowing you to sit in whatever position you like.
In this scenario, you sit down sideways in his lap, leaning your head on his shoulder, just about pushing your face into his neck. He's... not a particularly comfortable candidate to sit with, there's several bony bits poking into you (including but not limited to his hips, shoulders, collarbone and thighbones).
Dottore smells like a science experiment gone wrong - some strong chemical smells mixed together, the hint of hydrogen peroxide burns your nose. It makes you a little lightheaded, but if you weren't willing to put up with it, you wouldn't have come to him.
He won't admit it but he actually quite likes the pressure of someone sitting on him - it compresses his sympathetic nervous system in that way that's entirely perfect, and you hear him let out a quietly relieved sigh as you settle.
If he's feeling particularly tender, he might wrap his arms around you, pushing slender, gloved fingers against the small of your back, rubbing up and down in a manner that isn't too dissimilar to someone carving wood. He seems to know exactly where to press to make all the tension in your body disappear, even occasionally reaching up to massage the nape of your neck. He barely even thinks about what he's doing, it's like instinct to him, the way he prods at all the sore, stiff parts of you until you begin to ease up and melt into him.
Though perhaps falling asleep around Dottore isn't the greatest idea, it's nigh on impossible not to doze when he's got you here like this. Whatever he's working on at the moment is pretty quiet - the only sounds you can hear are his pen tapping on the paper and the gentle noise of your synchronised breathing (Dottore will brightly inform you later on that it's a common phenomenon that occurs when two people who are emotionally close to one another make prolonged physical contact).
Dottore is more than happy to let you doze for as long as you feel like it - it's not like he has anywhere to be for a fair while. He continues his work (which is probably just a large amount of observations about you) and just... lets you do your thing. Even if somebody else were to enter his lab (which they're mostly forbidden from, but there's always a chance someone will disregard the warnings), he would go out of his way to make sure you're not disturbed - that would ruin the results he's collecting, after all.
Overall, he's a pretty good person to snuggle with in the grand scheme of things, at least for a little while. He also gives great massages (provided you're fine with him keeping detailed notes on you).
Please don't repost, steal, copy or otherwise plagarise my writing!
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passionfruitmango · 3 months
I'm starting my vent post here, cancer season is doing it's thing and I'm up in my feels struggling to focus on fact
Yay I'm home and not yay I cannot leave until after sunset, there are too many people outside my building and everyone wants my attention, I just don't want to hear my government name while forcing small talk about my job, nor do i want to visit the lemonade stand with the parent flagging down tenants (mind you they don't even live here). I wanted to take out some garbage later and sit downstairs to try to ground myself and relax since I'm so yucky feeling today, but idk how fucking long the lemonade stand is going to be there. My social battery is NEGATIVE. I'm sorry I want to be fucking alone in peace without people feeling entitled to my ears and energy. Need to buy some fucking over ear headphones so people can stop assuming I can always hear them (I wear raycons for music)
I didn't realize how much the current climate of the US was getting to me, I'm genuinely spiralling about that and I can see how I've been using my furby obsession+consumerism to cope. It's also led me to thinking about semi irrational but not too far from reality fear based scenarios such as "how will I survive when/if the US loses internet?" I don't fit in with my local community and those that I do feel one with are nowhere near me. I'm stressing about how to become active in my community while simultaneously paralyzed with fear over who is and is not safe, since this county is very conservative and many people have made it loud and clear how "phobic/ist" they are of most things I am.
I really started feeling the 12H pain of "feeling like there's a glass window between you and others that prevents them from seeing you as who you are" today as I was "noticing" (I know I was projecting, but these things won't leave my head) how differently coworkers talk to me, if at all. Been in my head about how I'm a bad friend (because i am) and even as im typing this I see how silly that all is, because it doesn't really matter if people like me or not, but I crave the validation of others for my right to exist.
I'm sad that singing along to songs I love gives me anxious adrenaline when people are around now. I can't perform without feeling fear that someone will make a stupid comment. Is it even performing though if its just singing along to whatever bullshit is stimulating me through the workday?
Idk, I'm stressing over the fact I'm watching the US's pluto return in action, what good does talking about it do? It just solidifies the sad reality of the lies we were sold.
And I know it's so wrong to impulse buy things to get easy dopamine but it's that or drugs and I don't quite feel like doing dxm when i work the next day. I've also gotten myself to stop doing recreational drugs to cope. But also like, iykyk how hard it can be to say no to an old vice that you know gets your brain just soft enough to feel "okay" for a few days.
Ughughugh, I'm gonna feed my cats and shower.
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mansion1of7 · 3 months
Doing a thing is pretty cool
I want to live life faster, yk? I want to have the thought "I wanna do X" and just go do it, instead of at earliest 4 hours later or some shit
It is what it is with disabilities though. Going from activities quick, physical tasks, anything that requires concentration, I'm just undeniably, medically limited in those regards. To some degree I feel it could come from my mindset though, and that's something I'm gonna try to be working on
I might not have it in me physically or mentally to get to work on that creative project, but I could at least do something that stimulates my creativity a bit. Write about something interesting, edit/take some pictures or type up so lyrics I'll never use just for fun, yk? It might not be THE THING, but if I at least do a thing then that'll still be fun, it'll still give me more experience doing shit, it'll get me thinking about new things too, inspiration
I would also like to be able to move faster through daily tasks. I often end up just sitting in the bathroom or something scrolling TikTok or watching YouTube or something and just, idk, passing time? I start it cause I can't always move from place to place in my home quickly due to physical limitations, but like, it doesn't take me 1-2 hours to be able to move somewhere, and it's legit been that long sometimes. I start it cause I'm like "well, since I gotta rest for a bit, might as well just mindlessly pass some time" but then my time blind ADHD ass gets stuck in the time chamber. So I think I should find alternative ways to pass time that don't disconnect my brain completely
Yeah, I'm disabled, I can't be moving that much, but that doesn't mean I never can. When it's calmer, when I can stand up and move around without feeling like I'm dying, I should have fun with it. Sure, I do usually gotta spend most of that on cooking to stay alive, but if can get a bit of dancing or stretching or both during the waiting parts of the cooking or while moving around the kitchen, like, I should do that. Every time I have it in me to be moving I should be doing that, cause it consistently helps with my mood and makes it way easier to sleep without too much restlessness and get all comfy <:3
So, yh! I might not be able to go on walks, or work on every creative thing I want, or do all the tasks I want to do quickly, but, I can still do the smaller versions of those,
I can get a little activity, do some little small works, and find little ways to get on to tasks a bit faster
Very good plan I think, is been making me feel a little better already <:3
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How to Learn not to be Writing.
I haven’t had much to say recently when it comes to writing. I haven’t been writing at all. Or, I have been trying not to write. I have the time to be qriting now that my manuscript is all tidied up and ready to submit, and I have plenty of ideas which I have been jotting down. But I am trying not to write.
I’ve had a few people comment on the fact that, as writers go, I’m a hard worker. Fellow poets have told me they have seen my output during Napowrimo in the past and wondered how I managed it. Others have asked how I manage to come to a new poetry night with a selection of new material every time. 
This is a wild thing to hear when you have had it pummelled into you through school reports and parent’s evening visits that Pascal would be so successful if only they put in more effort... I still remember being a short little kid and looking into these kindly ladies faces who would look down at me with all the expectation in the world. Which, in turn, was very jarring to hear when I was struggling to do basic things like tell the time, tie my shoes, climb stairs and bathe myself.
As a kid, I felt exhausted all the time. Not in the same way I do now, I felt emotionally exhausted. I was drained by the constant bullying at school, I was getting heart palpitations and stomach cramps from the anxiety of constant testing from middle school to senior school and through to a-levels. 
I started to have panic attacks in my teens that would soon last hours and hours. My phobia was spiralling into obsession and terror. I attempted on my life twice. And I was convinced this was normal. Therefore, I had to carry on at the same speed everyone else was managing to keep up.
I am paying for that now. ME/CFS has forced me to stop taking everything at a break neck pace. And yet writing is the one thing I haven’t slowed down on. I do write a lot. Its not all good, you don’t see it all and certainly quantity isn’t quality, but at least I have that on my side.
I don’t have any impostor syndrome. I believe I’m a good writer, I’m not exceptional, but I have two things on my side which I think have given the illusion that I am somehow always writing all the time. I write to relax and I do not care how good or bad my writing is when I am at it.
These are both, in fact, big fat lies. And I have known this in the back of my heads for years. 
I do care very much how well I write and that’s why I write so often. It feels like the memory of all those beaming teachers praising me for the one thing I exceeded at is engrained in my brain. If I stop writing, I stop having purpose, I stop being useful.
Writing is often something I do to keep myself awake. This isn’t a problem most people have; most people do not need to find activities that balance needing tiny amounst of physical energy with high mental stimulation. If I don’t have both, I go slightly berserk. If my fatigue is too high, I struggle to form basic sentences and look after myself. If I get too bored, I get anxious, I get angry, I get depressed. It is a tight rope walk where I have to keep running or else I will fall into a bottomless pit.
That is a not a healthy way to go about any kind of work. Especially when I have a life outside of writing. I have a family I need to look after during a difficult period and a body that needs feeding, washing and excercising. 
I have poured everything in the last year into my manuscript. Because my ‘everything’ is so small and insignficant next to the forty hour work weeks I see my family and friends a part of, it didn’t feel meaningful. Right after Good Listeners was published, I gave myself a month or two of a break and began shaping the manuscript I have just finished.
I had spent the previous two years shaping Good Listeners. And the previous five years grinding through the most challenging and transformative part of my life. I remember working so hard on my dissertation in the final days, when I went to hand it in, the staff in charge of the printers insisted I sit down and get some water because I looked so pale. 
Someone thought I was high. I felt high. I felt so adrift, I was walking around like a zombie. Someone said I was speaking in whispers. I showed up to the hand in with flowers in my hair because I was so giddy from lack of sleep. I had so little sleep my eyes would start darting around if I relaxed, I would fall asleep on the floor folding towels or unconciously try to sit down in the shower and sleep.
Afterwards I moved back into my parents house and began working until my fatigue slowed me to a crawl. And all I could do to be useful was cook, clean and write whenever I could.
Before that was a-levels. Before that was school. I do not remember a time in my life when I have not been chasing a deadline or creating my own to feel a sense of purpose. I don’t think I can do this any more. 
Not because I don’t want to continually get better and better and better, I adore writing. It is a beautiful thing to find the way you can make yourself whole in this world. I write down every strange dream, weird film idea, every game I want to make one day.
I am writing this down to make it real. To make sure I know the only way I know how to accept what is better for me. I said I would try and finish two manuscripts this year, I finished one and now I am fighting to get up each morning to take my medication. I think it is best if I just step away from deadlines altogether until the new year. 
This is what we call in the writer world a really shitty situation. I hate this, I hate knowing I need to do this. I know every time I have taken a break from performing or publishing I have been left behind by opportunities and valuable experiences. But if I keep I trying to out run my exhaustion, I won’t grow, exceed or expand on what I can do.
This means that some projects are going to go into hibernation, like the nonfiction manuscript and most likely Hundreds & Thousands podcast. I have to re-learn that writing isn’t all typing and scribbling as you’re chained to a desk as people peer over you waiting for shakespeare to happen. I have books to read, workshops to attend, writers to talk to and so much more.
I recently read a Vietnamese epic called the Song of Kieu. Its stunning, heart wrending and world rearranging. And it did very little to further my own writing. But now I have that book in my world. It has grown my purpose to love and perservere and listen to the demon on the road.
I might be posting more on this blog, to get things out of my brain. Or I might not. I will be cooking, cleaning and helping my family. I’ll be taking naps and medication. I will still be here.
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letrashbag · 1 year
I woke up at like 5:30-6 this morning and then I spent 2 hours cleaning my whole house, which is so therapeutic I cannot even, but now its like 10 o'clock and I have nothing to do.
Anybody else ever get that feeling of something just like itching in your skin so you have to do something, but the second you try doing anything it just gets so much worse. I am barely holding it together right now, actively typing this.
I can't watch youtube videos (short dumb videos aren't engaging enough and long serious videos are too engaging), I can't listen to a podcast (I need something to do physically with my body and the thought of listening to something while doing something else sounds like actual torture right now), I can't draw (I need to be listening to something and again the idea of having more than one thing take my attention sounds miserable), doom scrolling is out (I already reached my end point for tumblr and going down any other rabbit holes will only last a couple of minutes before I'll reach the point of wanting to tear my hair out), there's nothing I can clean or organize that will take enough effort to engage me but still be quick enough that I'll feel a sense of accomplishment for, I can't read an online comic because the words are so small and my eyes hurt, I can't read my webtoons because it's been a while since I've read anything and the idea of having to catch up sounds exhausting, any shows or movies I could watch are either too new and would take emotional effort to get invested in or are too familiar and won't be stimulating enough.
Basically I'm gonna die.
There are literally a million things I could be doing, and the idea of doing any of them sounds absolutely miserable. But I'm barely staving off the rising pressure by typing this out and I know the second I stop it'll creep up and I'll die.
Maybe I could go running? Except then I'd have to change clothes and my exercise clothes are disgusting. I can't do laundry cause my family's dryer is broken, so I can't wash my clothes yet. I also can't wash my towel so I can't take a shower.
Ugh, my hair is so disgusting right now. I have it all tied up in a weird way so that I don't rip it out of my scalp. I can't wait until I can shave my head, then I won't have to worry about this.
So I can't do my self care activities, and I can't accomplish a task that is very important to my everyday functions, and that's breaking me brain.
Maybe when I rant like this I'll figure out what makes me feel this way.
I'm so tired, I want to take a nap, but I know I won't be able to fall asleep. I want to clean some more, but there isn't anything for me to do really. Especially since I have family members out and about getting in the way. UUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
It's fine.
I'm fine.
I'm doing great.
I'm losing my mind.
Maybe I should write poetry? I haven't done that in a while. But it sounds too involved. I already drew a bunch of angsty stuff after the fight with my mom. We're both just ignoring it by the way. I'm avoiding her as much as I can without making it obvious, and neither of us are addressing it. I only have one more week and then I'm gone. I'm so excited to leave.
Okay, I think this is it.
My brain is giving up on me.
I knew this wouldn't last forever, but it lasted for a bit, and for that I am grateful.
Okay, I'm done.
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copperbora · 2 years
My Mom Officially Made it to February 2023! HUZZAH!
She just keeps beating the horrible doctor predictions regarding her survival.❤️ She's like the Secretariat of cancer patients.
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Half a week into going on ADHD meds I don't really feel too much different - maybe slightly less helter-skelter mentally. (Honestly I can't believe that I only started them last Saturday because life just moves slower when you are a caretaker to a critically ill and beloved parent.) It's still early days with this medication but so far I have observed:
- Literally no more energy. These drugs are supposed to be a stimulant equal to four cups of coffee. Instead, I feel slightly sleepier, if anything. The first day I took them I passed out on the couch and slept until lunchtime. I don't even remember my visiting brother J leaving!
- The drugs make me slightly nauseous by the end of my work shift. I can deal with slightly nauseous.
- I'm still distracted as heck. Squirrel!
That being said I had a marvelous epiphany today that the reason why cleaning (at home*) is literal hell for me is because of the ADHD, which would much prefer literally any other activity. Thank goodness for distractions like Youtube, podcasts and audiobooks which make such tasks bearable for my crazy little miswired neurodivergent brain. Today I read in the textbook that I am studying, Taking Charge of Adult ADHD (by Russel A. Barkley PhD,) that we ADHDers are impulsive beings and that this is often what gets us into serious trouble (also our coon hound-like brains which want to identify EVERY SINGLE DISTRACTION.) Like speeding tickets, serious injury, and, well, you know - death. Looking around at the several questionably stupid purchases which I made last year (being a well paid courier would have been great for destroying my debt - had I not been afflicted with ADHD,) I can definitely see that, yeah, I really need to work on the impulse control. My itch to practice a bit of mild retail therapy definitely is not helped by:
- The fact that I grew up dirt poor. There was a couple of years where every supper featured plain rice. I'm only just recovering my liking for the stuff!
- The fact that up until recently all my jobs were retail and featured truly craptastic pay.
- The fact that I am stressed out of my mind from being a caretaker to a very sick loved adored parent.
Those are my excuses. I will master this so that I don't blurt them anymore; my future happiness needs it. (I'm thinking... letting myself have an allowance. A very small allowance. Like $20.)
I'm really damned grateful that I do live with my parents because if I didn't I'd probably be dead. Plus, I wouldn't get to look after my mom, and I wouldn't be able to work just part time.** Part time is at least paying my bills even if it isn't doing much to slay my college debt. Eventually, I tell myself, I will be able to move out and get a dog. And go on international adventures like finishing the Scottish National Trail. Eventually.
*I clean apartment buildings for a living. It's only doable with the magic of the previously mentioned interesting audio distractions.
**I'm glad it's only part time because I don't have enough energy for full time. Perhaps if it was less boring and I wasn't also a full time unpaid caretaker. (Except I am paid - in treats - which miraculously have not made me put on any holiday fat according to my weigh scale. Apparently trudging up and down apartment building stairwells is keeping that off.)
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papyrus126 · 2 years
I wanted to add onto an autism post of do’s and don’t’s, but I didn’t want to rant SO much on theirs, so now y’all are stuck with this one here.
-Don’t take away the music. If we put headphones on, or start humming/whistling/singing to ourselves/tapping out a tune, etc. PLEASE LET US! There is most likely too much stimulation, and it is a form of stimming or winding down from a particularly stressful situation.
-If you feel as though you want to gossip across the room while it looks as though we are lost in space, we are most likely just not able to focus on everything we are actually listening to (at least for me). If your convo piques my interest from across a crowded restaurant, I may be listening to it and you would never know.
-DO NOT TAKE OR MOVE OUR STUFF UNLESS YOU LET US KNOW WHERE YOU ARE PUTTING IT!!! It sets off a MAJOR panic attack for me when something of mine goes missing; even if it wasn’t mine, yet it was entrusted to me. Even a slip of paper that was given to me to keep an eye on.
-DO NOT TOUCH UNLESS YOU ASK! I know this was outlined already, but I just want to REITERATE. PLEASE do not touch us unless you have explicit permission from the INSIDE voice.; not the outside voice. We may just say ‘sure,’ when we really mean ‘no’ because we don’t want to upset you. Anxiety, ADHD, and other stuff goes hand-in-hand strongly with Autism and Asperger’s. Also: Respect. THE BUBBLE. If we step back, don’t worry. We can STILL hear you back here in our comfort zones.
-If we come in and just sit down without saying anything, please wait. We may just want to sit and say nothing at all. Just you’re presence is enough. Please don’t try to yank us into a conversation that we actively have to be apart of if we look uncomfortable with it (watch for cues like stimming, stuttering, etc.).
-Please don’t give us coffee or any other sort of stimulant if you see that we cannot handle it because you think it’s ‘funny’ or our attitude ‘changes for the better.’ Personally, I HATE coffee with a passion because it not only physically hurts my chest, the reactions I’m given during and after the rush I get hurts the spark. I have been told that I am very annoying when I’m on caffeine. I have also been told (on the same day) I’m ‘more enjoyable’ when I’m in the middle of caffeine… Both hurt feelings-wise, even when I don’t have as much capacity to actually SHOW them (unless I’m exploding due to stress from something; positive or negative).
-On the topic of caffeine, please don’t tease us when we stim more than usual, crash, or ‘go insane.’ For me, even a small sip can make me unable to talk/talk so fast that no one can understand me. Telling me to ‘talk normal’ or ‘slow down’ really hurts, especially when I’m trying as hard as I can as it is. I have almost passed out due to the smallest sip of energy drink, so please be careful on who you’re giving your stimulation-whatever to.
-NEVER say something like ‘what’s wrong with you?’ Or otherwise. Its just common knowledge that should be applied for everyone. Especially Aspies or anyone on the spectrum. I am personally very people-pleasing. It does not help when it tacks onto my aspergers and multiplies the feeling. I will shut down for the rest of the day if I’m told something of the like in such a way.
-If you want/need us to do something, SAY IT. Don’t beat around the bush. Say it directly with the most words that you can in order for us to understand EXACTLY what you want. Just don’t treat it like your talking to a caveman. Those on the spectrum are VERY logical (myself included) due to the fact that we are not born with much or any empathy. Those of us that are take EVERYTHING seriously. Sarcasm, jokes, etc. are taken literally, so it’s difficult to know that what your saying is supposed to be funny/intentional by ‘normal’ standards. Do not be upset if we may get offended or ask if you can explain it. Just tell us why it’s supposed to be funny or sarcastic, then we’ll log it in our brain. Even if we may forget about it, we’ve heard it before and the why, so when you say it again, we know “hey, that’s funny,” or “hold on. Maybe I shouldn’t do that/should pay more attention to this thing here,” not “I don’t get it. Why would you say that?” You may have to repeat yourself multiple times. Patience is a virtue that’s unfortunately disappearing very quickly due to the times that we’re in.
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coldalbion · 5 years
(Background: I have a lifelong disability and am a wheelchair user. After surgery I’ve basically been stuck living and sleeping in one room for three years. These are things I have learnt which may help, though with the caveat that everyone is different, and baseline mental health varies.)
1. YOUR MENTAL HEALTH WILL PROBABLY SUFFER - and although humans are social creatures, even the most introverted will chafe against boundaries enforced upon them by circumstance. The degree to which it suffers will be related to your mental health baseline and physical health. Understand that this IS NOT YOUR FAULT. Stimuli and enrichment methods are required. It’s why animals need such things in zoos and conservation parks. This leads us on to my next point.
2. COMPREHEND WHICH ACTIVITIES ARE ACTIVE AND PASSIVE FOR YOU Spending your confinement solely doing passive things (watching TV, Netflix, browsing the internet, scrolling through the internet) will take a load off your brain and make the time pass quicker. But if that’s all you do, the sense of disconnection increases over time. Activities which require you to *do* something, even if it’s just engaging your motor skills via video games, or lifting some cans of beans, or actively reading - these deliberate acts foster a tiny sense of achievement which gives your brain a dose of helpful chemicals. If you want to consider your activities, look up the work of Marshall McLuhan as regards “hot media” and “cold media” (See https://mediawiki.middlebury.edu/MIDD…/Hot_versus_cool_media for basic premise.) Balancing out your media intake with hot and cold activities keeps your brain active and pumping tasty neurotransmitters.
3. LIMIT YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA USAGE TO SOCIAL PURPOSES. Infinite scrolling as found on many social media platforms is a hot medium, as per McLuhan. The reason Likes exist is to give that little spike of interactivity. It’s not a conspiracy to say many platforms are designed to keep you on them so they can show you more ads. (See also https://www.theguardian.com/…/has-dopamine-got-us-hooked-on… which explains the brain chemistry angle) However, DM’s and other messaging faculties are supremely useful. Use them to interact with your friends, indulge your fandom theories. Person to person interaction requires and enhances deep-seated neurological and biophysical reflexes. Text your mates. Skype/Facetime or otherwise call them. Use the technology of the 21st century for genuine social ends, deliberately. Catch up with their lives one to one or in groupchats.
4. PICK TIMES TO CHECK THE NEWS AND STICK TO THEM. This relates to point 3 - unfortunately we live in a 24hr news cycle, with constant liveblogging of important issues. This means that we’re constantly streaming anxiety inducing situations into our brains JUST IN CASE. That’s not helpful, particularly when you can’t actually DO anything about those events - the urge to DO something is why people are panic-buying. It’s a very basic primordial need to grab resources for defence. By picking times of the day to check news, you are again, making a DELIBERATE CHOICE, enacting some small level of agency, while at the same time limiting anxiety-inducing stimuli. If the news gets too much, then don’t check it as much - or at all - and do something else.
5. IF YOU DO THINGS WITH FRIENDS, SEE IF YOU CAN DO THEM ONLINE. Run that game of DnD/Other TTRPG you’ve been meaning to. Hold your book club online. Have a few drinks online over voice-chat if you are missing the pub. Hold watch parties for your favourite shows. The key, as ever, is to be engaged rather than passive. It’s harder if you’re ill, yes, but it can be done.
6. USE YOUR IMAGINATION TO CREATE THINGS. Write that fanfic. Start that novel. Design that game. Doodle. Paint. Humans have been creating since the day we became human. Consider things from the perspective of a pre-modern person. Make handprints on your own personal cave wall - contact each other and tell spooky stories. Build a complex fantasy world. Write an account of your confinement for some person to find pieces of years after you’re gone from the world. Think about a problem, and learn how to solve it via taking online classes (See http://www.openculture.com/freeonlinecourses) Write an essay on your chosen passion or hyperfixation - nobody needs to read it but you. Treat yourself to intellectual stimulation, if that’s your thing.
7. IF YOU HAVE A SPIRITUAL. RITUAL, OR MEDITATIVE PRACTICE DO IT. It doesn’t matter if it’s not perfect, or limited in scope. This also includes atheists and those who despise woo - you have personal rituals, things you do that have Meaning to you as a person. Maybe it;s alphabetizing your music collection, or spring cleaning or cooking your favourite meal like grandma used to make. Humans have patterns they perform. When you perform them DELIBERATIVELY (or dare I say MINDFULLY) you become aware that these are the scaffolds that structure human life.
8. STRUCTURE YOUR TIME. Following on from 7, we often don’t realise the structure of our lives until it is disrupted. When that’s removed, our minds can go into freefall. If you’re isolated/in lockdown, oftentimes you won’t be able to access those structures. Rather than wait for them to to become accessible again and risk a period of feeling lost and directionless, which can enhance depression and anxiety, it’s best to develop a new structure based on the resources you have. It can be as loose or as strict as you like, but sticking to it allows us to develop a rhythm which makes time pass in recognisable fashion and gives us a sense of being-in-the-world as some sort of engaged process.
9. KEEP YOUR SLEEP PATTERN REGULAR AND LONG ENOUGH. The key here is REGULAR. Following on from 8, it’s important to keep your body well rested, as this aids your immune system and cuts down on the possibility of your body having to deal with stress . If you’re ill it’s harder to keep this regular, because sometimes your body just needs sleep to regenerate NOW. Equally in isolation, particularly if you’re feeling mentally low, it can be tempting to sleep forever, because y’know, you’re feeling low and what’s the point. (Of course the point is why we have 8 in particular, along with all the rest.)
OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT. Particularly for those with disabilities or chronic illnesses, we may be even more limited in our activities while isolated than able bodied folks. That said, the key is to remember that certainly during this pandemic, and otherwise YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE FEELING THIS WAY. Rubbish as it may be, many are in the same boat. If it pleases you to, seek them out - see what commonalities you have, what hopes and dreams and fascinations you may share. FIND THE OTHERS - it’s what humans have always done.
Be well.
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moxfirefly · 3 years
Hey I kinda wanna make a request (don't know if I have already)
13:I’m not wearing anything under this
26:Don’t make me pull over - that’s it
29:Scream for me. I want everyone to know how good I make you feel
Praise Kink
Over-stimulation kink
With the loveable nerd donnie?
If this isn't possible I understand, love all your work by the way
I have never seen a more perfect set up. Friend you’ve got it!
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
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He exactly knew what you were trying to do from the moment you climbed into the truck in that frilly little sun dress. In fact he would bet a kidney that the choice of wardrobe on the hot summers night was catered to distract him to the point of muttering to himself.
Donnie was and is, a safe driver.
But that stupid dress had mysteriously ridden up your thighs when he hit a pothole somewhere into his drive through Manhattan. It was a fun little activity the two of you did all the time, a means of getting away, AC on high and privacy you both didn’t get often.
But you had intentions.
Intentions that hopefully would lead to the a very good outcome. So when Donnie saw your hands smooth over the tops of your thighs, his eye would twitch. Never mind when you crossed your legs and that defiant flimsy fabric just allowed more skin to show.
“-could you believe the nerve of that guy? Anyways my boss fired him, good riddance honestly. What about you babe? How was your day?” Donnie had absorbed cero information for the first time in his life, he was at a red light, big brown eyes blinking at you.
You smirked, uncrossing your legs, crossing them the opposite way you had previously.
“What’s your game plan here?” He asked, you almost snorted.
“Whatever are you saying my dearest? Can a gal know how her man’s day has been?” Oh you were a clever sneak but your eyes always betrayed you and when the corners of your mouth shot up in a fit of laughter, Donnie frowned. “My day is great! Just somewhat distracted by a certain someone, you know if we crash it’s totally your fault” He honked when the guy in front of him didn’t move at the green light.
Wanting to make things even more savory, you played with the hem of your dress. “I love when I distract you, it’s a favorite past time of mine” You lifted it and reveled in Donnie almost cracking his neck to see what you were doing and then back to the road ahead.
“I’m not wearing anything under this” You spoke, a sultry hint to your words. You were in fact bare, with every intention of teasing him into having to do something about it.
He bit his lip and shook his head, this was so not happening right now and you sure as hell weren’t...
“Y/n...” Your name sounded like a demand the moment he saw your palm run over the hood of your sex. He kept a good handle of driving and sneaking glances at your lap. Your legs spread enough for you to slide a finger in between your folds and to Donnie’s pure teasing realization he heard how wet you were. You relaxed back, soft touches working you up and Donnie soft little churrs picking up volume. When you pushed that digit inside of yourself, he gripped the steering wheel. “Don’t make me pull over” It was that stern voice he used on occasion.
With another turn on a less trafficked street, you turned to him, digit slowly pumping in and out of you and said, “Or what?” You grinned mischievously. “-That’s it”
Donnie parked the car by the sidewalk, not really caring that even if it was relatively late pedestrians were still passing by here and there. He reclined your chair, enjoying the little yelp that exited your mouth. Pushing your hand away he popped his own digit into his mouth before teasing it at your entrance. “Have you been walking around this city with no underwear? Answer me” You stifled a giggle by biting your lip but that quickly melted into a moan when he pushed his much larger digit inside of you. Your thighs shook with the delightfully stuffed sensation it brought.
“You haven’t answered my question” He thrusted his finger, moving just the way he knew that could illicit the best response.
“So what if I did?” Defiant words for somebody in a precarious position. Donnie had that little twinkle in his eye, the one you knew all too well.
“Nobody, and I do mean nobody, has or will have the right to see this” He emphasized the last word with a harsher thrust of his finger that made you choke. “I guess that only leaves one other option, reminding you exactly who you belong to” That sentence was enough to make you want to scream internally, pushing the usually chill terrapin to these extents wasn’t the easiest. Sometimes one had to play dirty, which you we never opposed to doing so.
Somewhere between a moan and a full body shiver you felt Donnie crook his finger. That first release whenever sought out like this, always made you just a little dizzy, made your joints protest from tensing so much. Your hands flew to his chest, the firmness of his plates grounding you back from your high.
“Say ‘thank you, Donnie’, come on baby, use your words” He swelled with pride seeing your mouth start to move but nothing resembling the words coming out.
So naturally, he started up again.
You squished your thighs together, trapping his hand when the oversensitivity hit but he only ‘tsk’d’ his disapprovement and gave your thighs a soft slap. “Don’t squeeze, don’t squeeze” Trembling thighs obeyed and separated enough for him to continue his strokes, thumb circling over your clit with enough pressure to make your hand fly up to your mouth.
Just like that he pulled another orgasm out of you, but did not stop his motions over your clit.
You started to squirm, breath hitching into embarrassing squeaks and all the more he glued those precious brown orbs of his to you.
“Well?” He barely sounded strained, he was hardly even breaking a sweat.
“Thank you! Thank you!” You shut your eyes when he didn’t stop, every nerve in your body felt over exposed, saturated with the constant onslaught to your sensitive nub.
One more, yanked from your body, hard enough you felt a rush of something in your brain and that jelly like feeling hit your limbs. He fucked his finger slowly in and out, bringing you down into a somewhat false sense of security. Your hazy vision found the window on your side, a few pedestrians passing and the idea that somebody could’ve heard...
Pulling out his digit, Donnie popped it into his mouth. “I had a very nice date planned out, but then again this isn’t far off from the original plan” He pulled you up into a sitting position but maneuvered you onto your knees to face the car window. He bunched up your dress and nudged you forward to rest your hands on the glass. “You like making a spectacle? Walking around with nothing under your dress?” Donnie spoke those words against the back of your head, he enjoyed the scent of your hair. Gripping your hips he pushed you against the prominent bulge.
Oh how your thighs shook. Your breath fogged up the glass as you heard him unzip. “Dee-ohfuck” He ran the length of his cock through your folds, squeezing your thighs for the right pressure for the teasing friction. “Aren’t I a nice guy? See how good I treat you?” He hunched over you, chin resting on your shoulder. A large three fingered hand landed on the glass next to yours, it gutted him to see the contrast in size, to see your pinky wrap around his much thicker digit. “Tell me how it feels, when I push into you” He whispered against your shoulder, slowly sliding in and stretching you out.
It was tricky, the space wasn’t too small but between both seats he found a good spot to stand (or more so bend) and give you the first thrust that left your mouth hanging open. “So so so good,” You muttered with a shaky voice. “And? What else?” He loved the way you swallowed letters the moment he thrusted just a little harder. “You’re so fucking big, you do this so good, god Donnie nobody’s fucked me like you before” There was deep rumbling churr against your neck, he tasted salt and your perfume when he licked it.
“You’re the best, you’re the fucking best!” You moaned out, loud enough you felt embarrassment as somebody passed by. Naturally Donnie noticed, smirking against your neck. “Now we’re shy? Now you want to be a good girl?” He hooked an arm around your waist and absolutely threw caution to the god damn wind.
He sped up, deep thrusts that were fully determine to make you scream your head off. Right there with his hips smacking against your rear he spoke the words you knew would be your undoing.
“Scream for me, I want everyone to know how good I make you feel” He drove into you with that very purpose in mind. That long cock of his hitting exactly the spots you needed in order to do so. In order to scream your head off when your release came suddenly and so devastatingly strong, you felt something gush out of you. It’s intensity made your eyes shut tight as you rode the high. Feeling teeth at your shoulder and a muffled string of curses and your name you felt warmth shoot into you.
You don’t remember Donnie shuffling the two of you onto the couch but at some point you’re there. Body slumped, dress still scrunched up as Donnie rummages through a small bin for some wet wipes. “Did you cum on the chair again?” You asked him sleepily and with a smile, you still had enough gas in the tank for a few jabs. He had bag between his teeth as he stumbled to push up his pants. Dropping the wipes near you he smirked.
“No, but you did” He declared quite triumphantly.
Your foggy dopamine ridden brain took a bit to load.
“I squirted!?” You wanted to sit up but that wasn’t gonna happen any time soon. You covered your face, embarrassment clear. Donnie snorted and rubbed your rear affectionately. “Please, if it were up to me I’d leave it there like a badge of honor” He stifled another laugh when you peaked through hands and glared.
“By the way...” He kissed your arm.
“Hm?” The sensation lulled you.
“I love you” His words were soft yet serious.
“I love you more” You whispered back.
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hollyhomburg · 3 years
Color me pretty
(Bts Little space au)
Summary: When it came to the littles, the caregivers knew there was no better activity than coloring. 
Tags: SFW, implied bts x reader, pure fluff, little space, little! kookie, Little! m/c, Caregivers! bts, 
W/c: 1.5k
A/n: If you don’t like this kind of content please just skip over it and pay it no mind! this is very sweet and fluffy. this can be read alone, but i did use the characters from my other little space ask au titled ‘the peanut butter to my jelly’ it’s linked at the end of the fic!  i wrote this drabble in one sitting! 
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- On the nights that Koo and the m/c are non-verbal but still feeling energetic enough to need stimulation the caregivers have a special little ritual that they like to do. 
- it’s something tucked away, always ready to have on hand when they need it, it never fails to calm an overly excited or sugar high little; the blanket made out of a special material that can be washed after it’s doodled on, painted, and made new. 
- On those special days, the caregivers bring around all their ‘messy blankets’ the fort making supplies that no one minds if they get ruined, if koo gets his apple sauce on it or if a sippie mistakenly gets it’s lid taken off. they make a nest in the living room with markers and crayons and they’re allowed to get the blanket as colorful as possible. 
- The blanket is magic in the littles eyes! filled with simple flowers that they can color in as many times as they want! All the laundry fairy (Taehyung) has to do is pop the blanket in the washer and voila! it’s all ready for more coloring! no more marker marks. 
- I just picture her and Koo stretched out on it with half of their stuffed animals for “moral support” while cartoons play in the background coloring to their hearts content. Koo gets a little younger in his headspace sometimes than the m/c though they’re pretty equal in general.
- Eventually koo just gets so small that he forgoes coloring all together, instead busying himself with sucking on the end of a marker. while the m/c just giggles with her tongue hanging out, swinging her feet, the picture of adorable concentration as she struggles to keep her pink marker inside the lines.
- Occasionally one of the caregivers will come in to check on them. And they’d come pet over their heads and koo and the m/c just excitedly gesture to the mess they’ve made! their brains too cottony to make many words other than “flower! made’ pink!!!” koo in his little sing song voice going “flower flower flower~” 
- And whichever caregiver who is on “baby duty” will praise them, today it’s yoongi who takes a second to sit, each of the littles tucked under an arm. yoongi leaning in close and tracing his finger along their pretty lines. “you guys got so far today! almost all of them are filled!” he loves how puffed up both of your chests get at the praise. 
- He can almost tell how far down they were when they first started coloring. on the outside border the flowers are carefully patterned, but the ones just under where you where sitting are full of wilds scribbles. Yoongi reminds himself to take a picture before they wash it, wanting to save a memory of today. 
- “Oh did you make this for us little ones? I bet Joonie’s going to love it you know how much he loves nature! and you even gave each of them little stems.”
- And of course, eventually they find the m/c and koo are asleep in their little puddle of markers. Maybe the m/c has a little bit of purple splotch on her cheek. After they wake them up to put them to bed she whines softly when they clean it off her cheek “oh you poor fussy baby, don’t worry it will only take a second” her cute pout demanding a kiss for every rub.
- Eventually she presses into bed and koo kisses the faintly red spot on her face. his kiss a little wet and open mouthed but so innocent it makes the caregivers bookending them on either side coo. it’s as much of a sorry as koo can articulate right now. his mind feels like marshmellows and stuffed animals, like a too squeezed juice pouch and an empty packet of fruit snacks. totally devoid of big scary thoughts. 
- The caregivers are glad they made the decision to throw out all and every permanent marker in the house after the last little incident when Koo decided that people were a viable canvas. I think their whole house would be full of little doodles from the two littles. When they get big they always blush and say that they don’t need to pin them to every available surface. But the caregivers just shush them because they honestly love their drawings. 
-To the caregivers, their collection of drawings is a representation of the love they have for their two youngest. A mark of a healthy relationship- that they can give love in a way that matters to the two of them. Maybe jimin gets a tattoo of one of their flowers, a little purple one for koo and a pink one for the m/c on his hip at once point. 
- Maybe one day the m/c has what they affectionately call a ‘tiny day’ where she’s small and can’t seem to snap out of it. she tries valiantly, but after that catch her pouting down at her coffee and staring wistfully at her stuffy on the bed they tell her it’s okay. she can be small today and they’ll handle all of the big thoughts. 
- Of course they can’t stay home because they have a track due soon, and alas they are adults, so certain things have to be accounted for. There have been many times that the m/c has had to pretend to be at least a little big in public, luckily for the caregivers their littles are always remarkably well behaved. 
- They treat it as a game, today, bunny is a secret agent and cannot be discovered by anyone, sent to protect the princess. Nothing can happen to her as long as bunny’s there. But no one can see bunny- or else his powers are nullified. It does the trick. They love to see her nodd seriously when Tae weaves the story for her. it makes their heart hurt when they catch her talking to the bunny. “i gots you.” it makes it so hard to seperate from her for the day. 
- Seokjin packs up a day bag and gets her in the comfiest clothes possible and she spends the whole day quietly coloring in the corner of Joonie’s studio with her favorite bunny stuffie in her lap. She’s always careful to tuck him under her blanket and hide him whenever someone comes knocking, pretending to tap away on Namjoon’s tablet, but luckily no one pays her much mind, used to her presence. 
- When the noise and the stimulation gets too much for her namjoon puts her in a pair of noise canceling headphones that play soft nature sounds and pretty soon when he turns around to check on her he finds she’s nodded off in his couch. And he gets up to fix the blanket around her before he goes back to work for a few more hours. 
- She’s still asleep when the others finish up and decide to pry joonie away from work (a feat in itself) and when the others softly knock at the door she gets up, all bleary-eyed and honestly half-asleep rubbing at her eyes with a closed fist. almost tripping in happiness when she sees jungkook. hitting into his chest with a little ooof, almost tripping to get out of her blanket. So excited to see him- her favorite playmate “Koo play now!? koo get tiny!!!??” 
- Already the stress is weighing on Jungkook’s shoulders, his eyes getting all misty when he sees her bunny and the blanket and just wants to regress so bad. He starts to help her clean up the day bag but seokjin and Namjoon ease him away from it.
-  “You’ve got to watch her for us Kookie, can you do that? can you be a good boy?” by now they know how to softly nudge Jungkook into his headspace and it does the trick, lets him have a task before he can truly let go. they end up giggling softly with their foreheads pressed up against each other, telling stupid little jokes that are no doubt from jin and playing with each others hands. 
- On the ride Home, they both hold onto one of bunnies ears in the backseat of their car. Their heads loling by the time they pull into their safe underground parking garage ready for some snuggles and probably a nice relaxing bath for kookie because he hates feeling sweaty from practice when he’s little. He Just wants to sit and play with some bubbles and bath toys while someone runs shampoo through his hair, the soft-smelling kind that's meant for babies.
- Inevitably Koo always looks up from his bubble bath and points at himself and says “baby?” Hobi nods sagely while smoothing his hair into a goofy mohawk, “baby” he agrees.  
- But that’s not exactly true- the better term would be ‘their babies’
Please reblog and comment! Likes are nice- but they do little to support content creators! 
(You can find more little space content here)
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hey there you said you needed an idea for Kirishima fluff. So maybe you can do a scenario of him (force) cuddling his darling. Romantic maybe if you want I am fine with platonic too. Where the Darling is just pouting but is still letting him cuddle them ( like the one fic where you did where mic and Aizawa treated you like a little baby). Him using the kangaroo method or tucking you under his shirt with the"pacifier" in your mouth
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Kirishima loves physical affection, you knew this very well, as he constantly had some way of touching you lovingly, wether it was laying your head in his lap while he read, or swooping you straight off your feet and pulling you into his chest, he always made it very clear. Sometimes you liked it, the times when you were falling asleep on his chest, him humming a soft tune, you clutching onto the back of his shirt. Then there were times you didn’t like it, the times when he would baby uou so much it felt humiliating. Of course, it was warm and cuddly, and if you were dressed, you might’ve liked it, but you weren’t, and so you didn’t.
This was one of those times, it’s not like he actively saught out to make you feel flustered and embarrassed, he just “knew this was good for you”, it’s stimulating for the brain to hear the heartbeat, and forces a closer bind when skin to skin contact is involved. He’d form this pretty much since the first day you’d been here, stripping you of clothing, only leaving the soft cotton underwear Ron you lower half, as you’d cried and begged long enough every time he’d tried to take those too. And set you straight under his shirt, he would sit in his office chair, or on the couch, or at the table, jsut anywhere, doing his work, reading you a story, rocking you to sleep, letting you press your little head close to his heart while he stroked your back.
Today in particular, he’d come home unhappy, an uncucessful business partnership had put him in a sour mood, and he was just so excited to go home to his little girl and hold her right while he cooed at her. You were the little thing that couldn’t make him happy at any time, even if he was furious previously, you never ceased to wash his over with cuteness and make his day a million times better. The moment he’d seen you waddling your way down the stairs (as he keeps weights on your hands and legs after your previous escape attempt), he just had to scoop you up and hold you close, it was just instinct at this point, ignoring you while you whines when he tugged the cotton t shirt over you form, then the pair of his boxers you er wearing as shorts.
“Ohhh- I know I know, it’s cold, I bet you were waiting for me huh? Sorry I was late bubs, people are meanies” he cooed, tucking you right under his stretchy shirt, letting you wrap you arms around him the best that you could, before making his way down to the couch, and laying back against the cushions, you jsut huffed and let yourself get absorbed by the warmth, all your wanted to do was go get your cat from the downstairs, you’d been so determined to do it too, you’d actually gotten up! And then this man comes and just runs straight through your plans. This is kinda nice though… kinda
“I want my kitty, where is she?” You questioned, looking at him through the neck hole of his shirt, he chuckled, rubbing your back with soft pats. Of course that’s what your thinking about right now, your best little feline friend, he’d gotton her for you almost a year back, jsut a poor little kitten cast away on the side of the road, he couldn’t just leave it, as she reminded himself so much of you. She had also grown quite attached, becoming quite protective whenever she felt that kirishima was of ill intent, even bit him once.
“Oh I bet she’s sleeping right now, it is kinda late isn’t it? We don’t wanna wake her up now do we? Then she’ll be grumpy, just like you will be if you don’t get to sleep soon, sleepy little thing” addressing the small white ball of fluff snuggled into her cat bed, you couldn’t see it of course, being fully sorrounded by fabric, but you could guess. A small “mm hmm” made its way out of you lips, not wanting to even fight right now. His eyes scanned the sorrounding tables, hoping to find sight of the small rubber pacifier he would place in your mouth, it had moved from its original spot, meaning you’d actually used it! Aww how adorable that is!
Picking up with a grunt, he reached over your figure to grab the object, latching his finger onto the loop of it, and pulling it closer while you snuggled up in his shirt. He reached under, cooing at you when you looked back up at him confused, and popped the rubber piece straight into your mouth. With a small pucker noise, as you were suprised at the sudden movement, the piece of rubber slowly went up and down over your lips, signaling that you were in fact, sucking on it.
“Awwww, how sweet is that? Aren’t you jsut my sweet little things? Uh huh- I think you are. Such a sweetheart.” He played with you, your legs were bunches up around his bare waist, and your arms were locked firmly around his neck, it was so comfortable, and warm and fluffy, just great. He brought his hands up into his stretched out shirt, pulling a blanket up behind him, slowly rubbing up and down on your back, you just cuddles closer to him, xuzzling your face into his upper chest, flustered at the baby talk.
“Stooooopppppppp” you whines like a child, dragging out your words in a nassaly tone that he found sis for able, you threw your head back to look at him, he acknowledged the visible flustered appearance, and the way you were trying to hide your face, awwww! Did he make you blush? How cute is that?
“I’ll stop when you got to sleep bubs- but for now. For now I get to call you my little sweetheart all I want!” He continued on with his (intensely embarrassing) coddling, it internally made you want to facepalm, or just gouge your eyes out, but at the same time is was almost… ALMOST, endearing. He egged on the idea of you going to sleep, he had told the enihbor, a sweet old lady who approved if you, to help you get some stuff out of the fridge to eat. So your tummy was full, you were all set for the night, and right now; he just wanted to hold you.
You just gave up, completely melting into a puddle of y/n, hiding your face back in his chest, absorbing his warmth, just letting the snuggle feeling take over in a wave of pure bliss. The pierce of rubber in your mouth wasn’t gonna fall out (as you’d learned), and you were just a little bitty bit tired, kindof a lot tired, and it’s not like you have anything you want to do. So might as well enjoy this fuzzy feeling that washed over you as you lsiten to his heartbeat, letting it be the only thing you were able to focus on, you zoned out any of his coping, or the fire spitting flames, consumed entirely by the warmth, and the steady thumping of his heartbeat, and that fuzzy feeling spread.
You nuzzled into him one last time, before your eyes dropped close, the pacifier continued to no inside your mouth, as you’d gotton used to it and now it naturally happened, you grew to be more relaxed, your limbs completely dropping while kirishima wrapped his own arms around you, smiling down at you, guess this method really does work huh?
How sweet right? His little sweetheart
Thanks for requesting! It was super fun to write and I enjoyed it quite the bit.
Havea wonderful day today! Goodbye
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Okay, so.
You’re hanging with the Baku squad, playing truth or dare (Mina’s idea). When you are dared to make Denki short circuit. So you take Denki aside with a plan, but he takes over.
other than the usual tags, electricity(because he likes to give small shocks), biting/marking, domination
Figured I’d ask since I don’t see a lot of Denki! Thank you for being awesome!
- 🐷
Sweets I like the way you think. This is actually my very first time writing Denki, so I hope I got his characterization right.
Denki Kaminari x Fem! Reader
***18+ Fic***
Needless to say if you’re under 18 you shouldn’t be here.
Warnings: Dom! Denki, a tiny bit of choking (but not really), a hint of praise, use of ‘good girl’, fingering, quirk play/electrostimulation, overstimulation, unprotected sex, biting/marking, creampie, aftercare
Word Count: 1.1k
Author’s Note: So I wrote for a female reader....it wasn’t specified so I just let the prompt take me wherever cause this was a big brain ask. Sorry if it’s not quite what you had in mind, sweets. Anyway, this got kind of long but that’s okay cause I had fun writing it. 
You’re sure you had a plan, going into this. Flirt a bit, get a little handsy and bam, dare fulfilled.
What you didn’t expect was to be pinned against the wall with a hand on your throat the second the door closed.
“D-denki?” To say you were shocked would be a bit of an understatement. He gave a low chuckle as he leaned in close, lips ghosting over yours.
“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” Those golden eyes were piercing, sharp like a predator about to toy with its food. And you’re his prey. As hard as you try you can’t hide the shiver that runs all the way down your spine.
“Oh don’t be scared, I won’t hurt you I promise.” His tongue darts out and licks at your bottom lip, a tease through and through, before he closes the distance in a heated kiss. Your tongues dance together, tasting each other, then suddenly you feel a little spark of electricity flow through your veins and your squeal is swallowed up by his mouth. Did he just-?
“You like that, sweetness? I can do it again~” He’s dragging you over to the bed by the neck, unceremoniously tossing you onto the mattress. You always forget how strong the man can actually be. Then he’s on you, hands squeezing at your waist and hooking your legs around his hips, kissing up your neck and leaving a sloppy trail of saliva.
“Ready?” You don’t know what you should be ready for until he’s activating his quirk again, sending electric sparks up your wet neck and making you thrash and squeal.
“Shh, you’re supposed to be flustering me aren’t you? Can’t let the others know you can’t finish the dare. But that’s not your fault sweetheart, I’m sure they won’t hold it against you.” His fingers slip under your shirt and tug at the fabric.
“Tell me to stop and I will.” You shake your head, a whine slipping past your lips.
“Please don’t stop, Denki.” That’s all he needs, and before you know it you’re completely bare beneath him. He groans at the sight of you, hands toying with your flesh wherever he can grab you.
“You’re so gorgeous. So much better than I imagined.” A hand dips between your legs, deft fingers slipping between your folds to find you dripping for him. 
“Fuck, already so wet. So good for me, aren’t you?” You’re a whining mess as he pumps his fingers into you, curling them to hit that sensitive spot and your back arches when he doesn’t let up. His hand clamps over your mouth just before a shock makes your whole body thrash, and you scream into his palm as the aftershocks course through you.
“Shhh you’re okay. Feels good doesn’t it? Come on, I know you can cum for me.” His thumb reaches up to swipe at your clit, giving it a tiny jolt from his quirk. It’s all you need to come undone around his fingers, legs trembling and tears pricking at your eyes. He pulls his fingers out and makes a show of licking them clean, groaning when your essence hits his tongue. He dips down and gives you a quick kiss, knuckles petting your cheek.
“Stay still for me okay?” Then he’s off the bed, stripping himself of his clothing before slotting his hips between yours again. You’re nearly drooling at the sight of him. He’s so pretty, lithe muscle beneath smooth skin and a blonde happy trail leading down to his equally pretty cock. And he’s long, veins trailing along his length like lighting and a pretty curve to the right. 
“Like what you see?” You nod absentmindedly and he chuckles.
“Can’t use your words, pretty thing? That’s okay.” He lines himself up and slowly pushes in, groaning as your velvety walls close in around his cock. His hands are holding your hips so tight you know there'll be bruises by morning. When he finally bottoms out he stills his hips, his fingers dip down to toy with your clit again, sending more little shocks into the little bundle of nerves and you’re squealing and thrashing as he pins you with his free hand.
You can’t stop your second orgasm from slamming over you, punching the air from your lungs as you claw at the sheets beneath you. Denki groans and takes his hand away, leaning down and kissing at your neck. 
“So good for me, cumming around my cock like that.” He sucks and nips at your skin, slipping his arms around your waist and holding your body impossibly close as he snaps his hips into you. You sob, overstimulation and his electricity making your whole body sensitive. 
“You gonna be a good girl and cum again?” You shake your head no, tears falling down your cheeks. There’s no way you can cum again, it’s too much, you feel like an exposed nerve.
“I know you can cum again, sweetness. Let go for me~” You’re sobbing as he sends another wave of electricity through your body, his mouth clamps down on your shoulder, teeth sinking into your flesh as he pounds you through your third high of the night. He detaches his mouth and licks over the bite, then moves to another spot and chomps down again. Over and over, bite after bite, shock after shock, he’s making your brain fuzzy. 
There’s so much he’s doing to your trembling body, frying your nerves and pulling at your skin, you don’t know how many times you’ve cum, can’t even focus on the way his cock drags over your slick walls so deliciously. It feels like ages before the steady pace of his hips begins to stutter, his arms squeezing you tighter as hot ropes of cum fill you up and warm your belly. 
He collapses on top of you for a few moments before rolling over, tugging your body over his and stroking down your sweaty back as you whimper into his neck, brain and body completely fried.
“It’s okay sweetheart, I got you.” He holds you until you stop shaking, stop sniffling. Then he’s laying you down and leaving the room, returning with two cold bottles of water and a damp washcloth. He cleans you carefully, gently wiping over the bite marks littering your shoulder and very, very gently cleans the cum leaking out of you. He shushes you as you shake from it, not yet ready for any more stimulation down there.
“Just a little bit more, I gotta clean you up.” When he’s done he sits you up and tips a water bottle to your lips, making you sip at the cold liquid and singing little praises into your ear. Soft whispers of ‘good girl’ and ‘pretty baby’. Soon you’re drifting off, exhaustion settling into your bones. The two of you lay down and you get comfortable in Denki’s arms, fall asleep to the rhythm of his heart beating.
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Minors DNI
This contains: This is more of Kyotanis pov (sorta), Fem dom, sub Kyotani, texture play (? Is that a thing? They play with oils and stuff), hand job, slight overstimulation
Summary: There was only one bed! The sendai frogs manager joins the team on the practice trip to aid in kyotanis medical needs. Kyotani has a big ol crush on reader.
His conscience was not going to let you win. No way in hell. You were going to sleep on that bed and that’s final. What kind of person would he be if he let you sleep uncomfortably.
“I insist you take the bed Kyo. It’s been a long day.”
“You’re right, which is why you should take the bed.” He set your blanket on the bed trying to make his point final.
“Kyo, you’ve been practicing all day. You must be exhausted, so please take it. I’ll go on the pull out.” You grabbed your things back from him and placed them on the un-made pull out.
He really wanted to just ask you to sleep together, but he was scared. Would you think he was being weird? Creepy? A Perv?! He would never want to do anything to make you feel uncomfortable.
“Look, you get ready for bed and I'll get all the oils and stuff out. We’ll figure this out later. Is that ok?”
He had completely forgotten why you were here in the first place. His doctor had recommended a series of full body massages after any intense activity. You volunteered to help, seeing as you were the manager and were the only one willing to get so close and personal with him.
“Yeah ok. I’ll go shower then.” Grabbing his bag, he picked a towel from the cabinet.
“Good boy. Now hurry up so I can take care of you.”
God, you drove him crazy. He rushed into the bathroom and turned the water to the coldest it would go, quickly stripping out of his team uniform. Goosebumps covered his body the second he touched the water. You’ve been teasing him all day. He mocked your voice in his head. “You’re doing so good Kyo.”,”Hit deeper.”,”Thirsty?” It was an endless cycle he couldn’t seem to break. You riled him up and he went home and fucked his fist, over and over until your face and voice left his brain. Which never happened quickly. Whimpering small phrases, ‘more’, ‘please’ and variants of your name. He was a dead man if you ever found out. He could feel heat rising in his gut just thinking about you.
He finished up showering and got dressed. After taking a few deep breaths to calm his nerves, he walked out and set his things down.
“Alright big guy, everythings set up.” A series of lotions and prescribed oils lined up the edge of the night stand along with large towels covering the bed.
“What is all this?”
“You didn’t read the package the doctor gave you, did you?”
“Nope.” He popped the p, dragging the tips of his fingers over the bottle labels.
“Well then, guess I’m in control. Lay down and take off your shirt.”
“What?” He instinctively crossed his arms. Eyes blown wide at your honesty.
“I mean I can’t really do anything if you keep your shirt on. The pants can stay, I can just roll them up.”
“Right, sorry.” He reached for the side hem of his shirt and pulled it off over his head in one movement. You gave him a playful whistle trying to calm his obvious mood. It didn’t really help.
“Hey,” You reached to cup his cheek. “Calm down, this is supposed to help you relax.” Looking into his eyes you notice his missing eyeliner. You let out a small chuckle. “First time seeing you without makeup, pretty boy.”
Your reassuring tone and laugh made him visibly relax. Crawling onto his back, he dropped down making the bed shake. Crossing his arms he hid his face into the mattress.
“Ready.” Peeking up from under his arm he gave you a small smile.
“Good, tell me if anything ever hurts.”
Grabbing the lotion bottle you lathered your hands and pressed them into his back. He winced.
“Sorry what did I do!” You quickly stepped back worried you hurt him.
“Cold.” He shoved his face deeper into the pillow and gave an exaggerated shiver. You rolled your eyes at his dramatics.
You continued rubbing soft circles to loosen his muscles before you got into the doctor's routine. A frustrated grunt left his mouth when you stopped to grab the paper.
“Alright it says to ‘knuckle' at any sore spots throughout the body, focusing on the back, legs, arms and chest. Use strong thumbs to break apart knots and tension areas’ Sounds simple enough.” You shrug, tossing the paper back onto the night stand. “I’ll start with your back, is that ok?”
With his hum of approval, you got to work. Mixing oils onto your hand and doing as instructed. Mint and floral scents filled the air each time you opened a new bottle. Pressing your knuckles into his back, every so often wincing when you pressed into a sore spot. You took note of the freckles that littered the tops of his shoulders. Your hands traveled from his neck down to the seam of his sweats. Holding his waist up slightly, pressing your thumbs into the small of his back.
His heart started to race. He felt you everywhere all at once. Your touch was gentle yet demanding in a way. Every time you touched his neck he tried to think of anything but you choking him. He was so deep in thought, he completely missed when you made him sit up to work on his legs.
You sat on the floor now with his leg slung over your shoulder, working on his calves, ankles and knees. Working your way up to his thighs you noticed the clear outline of his bulge in his sweats. Too prominent to have anything concealing it.
“Not wearing underwear? Very bold Kyo.” Your purring voice vibrated in his chest, hands smoothing over every inch on his leg. Up and down, up and down. He just needed you a little higher. His mind went blank and rampant at the same time. He needed you to touch him. To please him. To satisfy him.
As if hearing his pleas your palm smoothed over his clothed bulge. His eyes shot open at the low groan he let out.
All the textures and scents of the oils stimulated his senses. He was so deliciously overwhelmed.
“The paper says full body, doesn’t it?” You raise an eyebrow. Your look asking for his permission. And he gave it to you with no hesitation.
“Please.” His voice sounded small. Different than usual. His begging tone drove you over the edge. Tracing his v-line down you took his full cock into your hand giving it a few experimental pumps before tugging his pants down below his waist. Your hand felt so much better than his. You took a couple seconds to admire him. Looking up you could see his begging eyes, flushed cheeks and heaving chest. Your heart skipped a few beats.
“Shit” He cursed under his breath when your other hand came over to cup his balls. The mix of liquids produced a squelching noise that made his ears turn red in embarrassment. Dropping back onto the bed, he covered his face with his arm.
“Enjoying the message, pretty boy. My pretty boy.” He could hear the smile in your voice.
A loud whine left his lips. He repeated the words in his head like a chant. ‘My pretty boy’ He was your pretty boy. Yours.
You increased the pace of your hand, his hips meeting your pumps.
“Please, please please!” He was begging for release.
“Come on Kyo. Cum for me.” Your warm breath against his thigh was what tipped him over the edge. His back arched off the bed as he pawed at the sheets.
Your pace never wavered. His whines became louder and quicker, hands reaching to push yours away.
“S’to much.” Words slurring together, his whole body twitched. Your hands finally left his cock to smooth over his thighs.
“Relaxing right?”
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0brain0storm0ideas0 · 2 years
1. I get distracted easily by outside stimulation (nosies, lights, people and smells) things like-oh that cat is really cute… wait what was I doing again...? When I gets distracted and It takes an few minutes for me to remember what I’m doing in the first place. Let me reload my computer brain again. Ooh now I remember. Time to focus.
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2. When I begin a task and it’s too much detailed i can’t remember anything. I hear you, I see you and I have repeated things you said to me but my short time memory are really bad. If someone talks to me between a to c I have most surely forget everything I need to get done. It sometimes takes me a few rounds to bring everything i need to do a cake. “Damn I forgot the eggs. I will be right back.” 5minutes later. “Still not enough eggs?” “Sighs. It’s time for an another trip. Be right back boss.” That why I write down what I need to do in small notes and how I’m going to do this IN PICTURES! Because when I’m hungry/tired/stressed I need very easy clear instructions that in form of visual.
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3. I’m an organised mess. I like having every necessary tool on the table before preforming so I don’t have to worry about getting it later or forget that it exists in the room. But! BUT! I will always try clean up after myself and put everything back where they should be. ALWAYS!
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4. I can be really hyper focused of things that I really finds interesting or passionate about. That means I will ignore you or get frightened very easily when I’m in the zone. But that doesn’t mean i am being rude or that i don’t like you. I’m really into this tasks that everything just disappears around me including people and especially time.
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5. The flipping side is that the things I find difficult or boring are things I can’t seams to find motivation or energy to start. No matter how much I try. It feels like I am walking on shattered glass and it painfully boring. The task are very under stimulating and I only want to get it out of the way and it will take very much time.
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6. If you want me to work my best I need some kind of freedom to find a way that works for me. I have try one fit all it doesn’t work for me most of the times. I have found that Effective and Fast doesn’t mix. If you you want fast you get messy. If you want effective you can’t get fast. But you can help me priorities and organised task or give me an to do list. So I can work independently.
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7. Internal clock, understanding measurement as in distant/weight that doesn’t exist in my brain naturally. That’s why I need tools as clocks and timer to do my job properly. If I don’t see an physical clock on the wall where I work. I don’t know if im too slow and running out of time. I can’t planning ahead of myself. The future is now and sure I can get the job done but if I don’t know what to do I will do poorly with my work.
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8. My mood changes very easily based on my basic needs, environment and people I’m with. Sometimes I just feel deeply about things. Super happy. Super sad. Super angry. Super tired. Super hungry. Super in love. Super hate. Not everyone can handle my extreme emotional roller coaster ride.
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9. I can come out as cold hearted to some people. But I don’t like passive aggressive and indirect talking (irony). Get to the point even if it hurts a little. I will appreciate you being honest then you being indirect about things. I respect honesty.
Any topics gets sorted in this category fast by me.
Loves it = we can’t talk about it enough :D
Curious of it = takes all my time and energy.
OK with it = I don’t have any option of it but it’s an nice way to pass the time with.
It’s boring = You lost me or I actively avoid it.
Hates it = Can’t stand it. Don’t want to talk about it Period.
I hate putting on an show for anyone and act like everyone else because I am very truthful with my feelings/thoughts. I talk without filtering. People also say I don’t have an poker face. Which is also why I don’t try hide my true feelings. For good and bad sometimes.
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10. When I don’t know what I’m doing I get bored, nervous and stress myself out. BUT When I get too much going on I get paralysed and can’t handle stress easily.
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