#I’m weak for themmmm
jemmo · 2 years
it’s ep 2. how is this show already making me cry??????
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noname-nonartist · 3 months
Do the shipping bingo for nobamai, nanamichi, and nanajunpei please and thank you.
L-Linkspooky! Hi ya! OvO;
Oh mannnnn~
These jjk ships mannnn~ Seeing them are sparking a bit of my jjk hyperfixations againnn
Ah! But I mustn’t let it catch on fire tho! Unless I want my current wips collecting dust, unfinished once again!!! >x<;
So yeah! I’ll just do this bingo really quick and such! So short answers mostly! But trust me. I do have A LOT OF FEELINGS ABOUT THESE SHIPS
(More under the cut lol~)
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Okay okay. I know that this ship be as rare as a shiny Pokémon. Or maybe even rarer. But! I really love this ship! Okay?! TvT
It’s just… the potential is there! The enemies to lovers ships be such a weakness of mine~
Ahhhh! So much thoughts about themmmm! So much that I can’t formulate words properlyyyyy! Just know that the potential and conflicts within this ship be massiveeee, Trust! >w<;
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Hell yeah! Hm? “Who’s Michi?” Well… hehehe~
Michi is one of the really well written OC within the jjk fic series made by Linkspooky! :Dc
Oh god, I need to reread/catch up on that series too. It’s been so longgggg
And mannnn. I really love the romance between Michi and Nanami. It’s so tender and sweet. I’m just melting thinking about them~ >///<
All of their soft touches that doesn’t last long due to Michi’s insistence of not wanting to make Nanami uncomfortable and- Ahhhhh~
I just love their scenes together~
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Heck yeah! Another Bingo!
Huh? W-Whoa! W-Wait! Hold on! Put those pitchforks down!
The Nana in that Ship name refers to Nanako! Nanako! One of the twins that Geto raised, remember?! Yeah! The one with the phone!
Hm? They haven’t even meet in the series, you say? Hehehe… you silly fool! Of course they haven’t!
But! They do within Linkspooky’s jjk fics! And man! Their relationship and dynamics be so good there!
Nanako’s complicated feelings towards Junpei as she now love someone else who is outside of her little world~
Junpei’s new purpose in his new life of now protecting the twins and being by Nanako’s side! Ahhhh~
Love itttt! >w<
That’s all I gotta say for now, before I completely roll over back and forth out of pure excitement and love over these ships!
Thank you again Link for giving me this ask! It was fun reliving my feelings for these ships! ^w^/
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elsyrel · 1 year
I played the demo of Touchstarved and... I knew it. I knew I would get obsessed. I love it T______T I love the artists and the writers, I missed so much finding new content of such quality. The story and the characters just feel special. I’ve just played the demo and I know already I’m gonna love it (both with Last Legacy and the Arcana, I didn’t properly fall for the characters until I started each of their routes, but just starting the prologue they caught my attention... I have the same feeling with Touchstarved. I just KNOW I’m gonna get obsessed, lol) But honestly, I don’t know which character is my fav, lol. I fucking love all of them, I seriously don’t even know which route will I play first. Each as their own  charm... I might toss a coin??? Lmao. And the art is so beautiful ;-;!!! Of course, I’m especially weak to the blushy sprites, lololololololololol Just one little thing... I’ve played for hours just to see all the dialogue options... and somehow, I STILL MANAGED TO NOT GET VERE’S AND KURAS’S RED OPTIONS OMFG. How. How do you get themmmm??? Which is the magic combination??? I need to see everything, pleasssssseeeee orz
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giggly-squiggily · 11 months
Can i request lee hiyori and ler kisumi from free? Coz like in the movie kisumi kept saying that hiyori was cute and it made me kinda ship themmmm
Oo, this is a new pair! :D I don't remember how much they interacted in the movies- I might have missed this one lols. Either way- I've gotcha covered, anon! :3
Cloud 9 (Taglist):
@duckymcdoorknob @baby-tickles2022 @cupcake-spice13 @
“Guess who’s here?” Kisume poked his head through the dormroom, jazz hands and everything. “It’s me!”
Hiyori glanced briefly at him before returning to his homework. “Hi, problem.”
“Ah- Taylor. You’re definitely going through it.” Kisume nodded wistfully as he walked in, a bag of convenient store goodies in hand as he gently kicked the door shut behind him. “How long has it been since they left? Not even half a day I think?”
“Don’t make me out to be some desperate guy. I’m not even upset.” Hiyori glared at his homework, his pencil digging in so hard the pink haired man was worried he’d rip the sheet. “If you’re only here to bug me, go somewhere else. I’m busy.”
“Hiyori, my guy- it’s Friday night and you’re here doing homework that’s not even due till-” Kisume shot a glance at his planner. “Wednesday!”
“Better to be prepared.”
“I think you’re avoiding the issue.”
Hiyori stopped, pencil in white knuckles as he counted backwards from ten in his head. He wasn’t upset that Ikuya’s off on a roadtrip with his old swimmates. It wasn’t like it was some secretive event; they’d been planning the trip for awhile now, and Ikuya shared all the details- hesitantly at first but with more confidence as they got closer to the big day. He even extended the invite to Hiyori- something the brunette kindly but firmly turned down. This was his chance to reunite with old friends-he'd just be third wheeling.
No- he wasn’t upset Ikuya went. If anything, he was happy for him.
He just felt so off without him. That old loneliness crept in, hovering in the corners of his mind as the reality that he wasn’t gonna see the green haired boy again until Tuesday at the latest hit him. He hated it- that old insecurity. It made him feel so pathetic.
“Hiyori?” A finger poking at his ribs snapped him out of his thoughts. “Are you still there?”
Oh- right. Kisumi- the annoyingly pretty boy currently invading his space. Forgot about him. “Unfortunately.”
“Oof- right for the jugular with that one.” Kisumi poked him a few more times, grinning at the twitches he received in return. “You wound me- like Brutus wounded Caesar. Et tu, Hiyori?”
“Your own fau-lt.! Stop th-at.” He tried blocking the hand poking him with his arm, but Kisume was adamant on tickling him. Before long two fingers were tasering his side, leading to a full onslaught of fingers worming past his barrier, pressing into his ribcage. “Doohoohn’t!”
“Nope! You clearly need a distraction, Hiyori! One that doesn’t involve homework.” Kisume giggled as the brunette tried stabbing him with his pencil, easily avoiding each jab as he carried on tickling. Spinning Hiyori’s chair so he was facing him, he latched onto both sides, rapidly tapping his fingers against his weak spots. “Come on, give me a smile! You know you want to!”
“Geehhehheht! Aheahhahha- gehehehhet ooohohohohohoff! Gehahahahahahahha!” Hiyori cackled out, dropping his pencil as he doubled over, a reluctant grin pulling at his lips. “Kihihiihiihihsumheehehehhehehe, stahhahhahap!”
“What was that? Don’t stop? Okay!” The pink haired man giggled as he carried on, drilling into his highest ribs before dragging his fingers down to his hips, repeating the process again and again as Hiyori spasmed. “Wow- you’re so ticklish! Where’d this come from? Last I checked you were immune!”
“AHeahahhahahahha! I dohohohohohohn’t know, I juuhuhuhuhuhust ahahahhaam!” Hiyori gave up on pushing him away, instead now trying to twist away in his chair.
For a brief moment- it worked!
Until the entire thing tipped over, sending him tumbling to the ground. Kisume was quick to follow. “KIHIHIHIIHISUUHUHUHUMIHIHIHIIHIHI! He cried, his laugh increasing to a proper guffaw when the pink haired man grabbed his ankle, dancing his fingers along his foot.
“That’s my name! Man, you’re so ticklish here!” Kisumi laughed, giving his foot one last scribble before releasing him, giggling as Hiyori curled into himself. “Had enough?”
“Ehehehe…ehehehehe…I frehahahhaking hahhate yoohoohu…” He groaned, lacking any real malice. Wiping at his eyes, he leaned back with a sigh, suddenly tired.
“Nah, you love me. You know you do.” Kisumi crawled over so he was leaning over the brunette, poking him in the belly. “You think I’m cute~”
“Shuuhuhsh! No I don’t!” He glared, but the smile on his lips killed any real effect it may have had. “Ugh, you’re so-”
“Charming? Adorable? Charismatic?” Kisumi winked. “You’re too kind- please keep going.”
Hiyori snorted, pushing him some. “Annoying for sure.”
“Ack!” Kisumi collapsed across him, clutching his chest. Unable to fight it off- the brunette laughed and laughed, fresh giggles replacing his tickly ones. Kisumi was soon to follow, laughing just as much.
Eventually, when their bellies were aching from mirth and their cheeks were pink with breathlessness, Kisumi sat up with his trademark smile, eyes warm. “Hey- let’s go play basketball!”
“Somehow I knew you’d ask that.” Hiyori rolled his eyes but let the other pull him up to his feet. “Fine- maybe a game or two.”
“That’s the spirit!” Kisumi laughed as he ran out the door, reaching back just in time to grab Hiyori’s wrist.
For the first time in a while, his thoughts weren’t on Ikuya or his loneliness. Just on the pretty pink boy who showed up when he needed someone, all smiles and sunshine.
Thanks for reading!
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dilfl0v3rss · 11 months
i’m new here and i’m seeing everybody real comfortable on yo page twin so lemme jus slide on in this bitch😂i met one of my brother friends today (he in college we went to visit him) and the whole time he was quiet but HE KEPT LOOKIN AT ME like i kept on catching him looking and when i did catch him he would look away😭✋🏾. like at first he was standing right next to me and i saw him lookin dead at me out the corner of my eye but i ain’t look back at him (first of all, i am SHIT at holding eye contact with people i jus can’t do it it stresses me out makes me nervous as hell) but mind you we out standing in the sun so it’s hot as hell im bothered jus ready to get to the car but yk black ppl say they finna leave and continue to converse about more shit (and we actually had to leave before it got too late bc my mama don’t like driving in the dark and it was a damn near three hour drive). i move away from him tho and stand with my back facing the sun so it wasn’t hitting my face and that’s when i rlly get a good look at him. and i also noticed every time i laughed he would look up from his phone and look at me😭girl it was jus a whole lotta lookin and no talkin like he was fr a quiet dude and i wasn’t trippin bc i’m lowkey a quiet person too. like i rlly only talk a lot around ppl i’m close with. he was fine as hell tho i ain’t even gon lie. this nigga was brown skinted HE HAD DIMPLES and it looked like he had jus took some twists or braids down bro had hella hair too. he was fr cute and shit and i can’t lie i was a lil cute today too had my fro out with my lipgloss on and shit. tried to wear earrings but i couldn’t do it💀✋🏾but yea i jus wanted to say that. there was hella other shit i wanted to say about other niggas i met that my brother friends with (bc some of them fr had me mentally giggling and shit) but decided against it. it would’ve been way too long. anyways that’s all imma say i love yo page tho like you fr chill asf😭🫶🏾
how i’m lookin rn typing this (plus a bonnet):
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LMFAOOOOOO BAEEE THE END GOT ME WEAK ASFFFFFF but i hope you see him again and y’all talk a littleeeee. them quiet boys be coo asf when you get to know themmmm😛❤️❤️
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literaphobe · 3 years
dude so sorry about the weirdos :( i was super excited to see ur post-mcc takes and i hate to see people being ableist dicks for no reason hope ur doing ok !!
yeah honestly i just think most of them are so goddamn dumb n have no fucking reading comprehension and some of their attempts to ‘counter’ me are so bloody goddamn stupid that i am praying for themmmm i don’t wanna directly interact bc they’re dumb n they’ll probably cry about how they’re getting cyberbullied by anons (VERY ironic how some of them said i shouldn’t have posted a ‘bad take’ if i wasn’t ready to get ‘clowned’ like ok then don’t dogpile someone if ur weak ass doesn’t want anon ‘hate’? lmfao) but i remember one of them being like ‘ughhhhh 🙄 op ur so dumb if people are short in basketball that doesn’t mean we make the basketball hoop easier to reach!’ and that’s such a lousy comparison to make that completely LACKS compassion too like damn i’m sorry but when people have adhd or they’re colorblind schools that aren’t EVIL will be like oh i see! do you need extra time to complete assignments and exams? is there are anyway we can assist you on questions that have color identification involved?
and yes, mcc isn’t school but they are run by people with COMPASSION. and the willingness to make changes if they see how badly affected some of their players are? like, they’ve made changes to buildmart before, notably the subtitle that pops up n shows what the name of a block is when u go near to it! and that’s great! but some of you are acting like it’s laughable to want different/further changes upon review? its like giving someone a monocle and then laughing when they say ‘these help, but i think having something like prescription glasses can help even more’ and when people say shit like ‘god, x just affects a minority of the players. most of them are just fine’ DO YOU HEAR… YOURSELF
i don’t think i need to recontextualize that sentiment to show how devoid of awareness that is. who cares? who cares if the only issue w buildmart is how it disproportionately affects people with colorblindness and the only colorblind player was george? (he isn’t. btw. but he arguably has the worst case of colorblindness) or that buildmart disproportionately affects people w adhd n there was only one player who had it? scream and cry about how it’s not that deep all you want, i KNOW so many of the people who tried to mock me didn’t watch any of the povs i was talking about. like didn’t some of y’all cry about how parkour warrior supposedly gave someone a panic attack? if that’s valid criticism then (which i think it is! i do think that parkour warrior became flawed after all the difficulty reworks and if it was so upsetting to certain people then a rework of the game is needed) why isn’t any of this stuff valid now? and why is it so hard to believe that someone also had a similar reaction playing build mart?
and another thing. like i see ‘oh if it bothers you so much then don’t play mcc? every game gives u anxiety should they remove every game then?’ like look. i have anxiety and adhd. anxiety is Not neurodivergency. there is a big difference between an entire event being a huge trigger and giving you panic attacks at every potential turn and 1-2 games that you physically are unable to play like a neurotypical person because your brain structure prevents from doing things that could be CHANGED to help you and others like you. if someone just can’t handle the pressure of a competitive event like mcc and it makes them crack and suffer bouts of anxiety that is a Health issue. it is a health issue and if they want to step aside from something that hurts them in its Entirety, then that’s fine. but if someone can’t find sand blocks n cracked gold blocks bc they can’t detect the differentials in the shades of the colors n all that would need to be done was perhaps. changing the colors to be much more distinct or the textures of the blocks to be easier to identify without color then… why can’t people Want that. why can’t people ask for that
i understand! that people are being toxic and rude n overshadowing people’s victories n perhaps even shitting on the people that won on like, twitter or something. i get if you’re mad that people on dttwt are sending hate or something like that! but this isn’t twitter! i never once implied that mcc was a bad event or was being run by bad evil mean people who rig the whole thing. don’t take your grievances out on me! don’t interpret my posts in bad faith and then cower and cry wolf when u find out people who see sense are willing to stand up for me! and if u wanted to see if i was complaining about the winners of this mcc like some people were after the last few mccs as well then you could’ve scrolled down my blog and looked at my other posts instead of having weird preconceived notions about what i am or what i stand for. its possible to feel happy for others’ success while still wanting changes to be made to certain games. like. survival games gave mcc15 red rabbits the win. but i still think that the point system needed to be reworked after that bc it gave too many coins. u can be happy and still think things can change/improve to be more fair/make the event better. which is what noxcrew DOES. they want to make changes not because they think they’ll get hate if they don’t but because they care about their event being good and they have integrity about it and that’s why they take feedback on this stuff all the time. ultimately, the decisions they make as event organizers and minecraft developers are theirs, but it doesn’t mean people can’t speak their minds
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uhhhh dukeceit if youre comfortable w/ the dark sides, if not maybe analogical
unfortunately i’m not suuuper comfy with dukeceit but will gladly take any other pairing with deciet and another side 💗 but in the mean time, go go analogical!! my two faves hehe 🥺
1. Who has the cutest tickle laugh?
godddddd this is so! hard! they both have adorable laughs... but i want to say maybe logan JUST BECAUSE it’s slightly goofier than virgil’s and being all happy and giggly and flustered is a really good look on him. virgil gets embarrassed, but in a sweet, shy sort of way where he obviously wants you to tease him about it- logan’s brain just short-circuits and he is not in control of his laughter when you tickle him ahsgshjdgh
2. Who is ticklish in unusual places and where would that be?
i think i’ve already put it in other posts with different pairings, but both of them! virgil’s spots are his back and ears, logan’s are his ears and wrists! i feel like they would gently brush their fingers near those spots whilst cuddling and smirk when they notice the other trying to hide a wobbly grin 🥺💗
3. Who gets cheer-up tickles?
both of themmmm hehe especially logan, because i feel like his first instinct when virgil is sad/grumpy isn’t to tickle him (plus it’s more fun to cheer him up and then make him ask for it asjhsjdgh), but it definitely is for virgil LMAO- only when he can tell it’s nothing super serious, though. logan will just be sulking and virgil will sigh and shake his head and pin him to the bed and blow raspberries against his sides and tummy until he’s aaaall cheered up (and a couple extra, just to make sure 😉)
4. Who takes advantage of the other one getting their arms stuck while taking off their shirt?
much like he does to roman, logan likes to play games with virgil BUT this time he takes full advantage and will wrap his arms around his torso from behind and get him good (how can you blame him, there are just too many good spots that he can never get at normally because virgil is a squirmer and will wriggle around like a worm) ((also virgil loves it and will make a point of yawning and stretching as much as possible in logan’s presence so he’ll spider his fingers up his ribs and trap him and make him curl into a lil giggly ball))
5. How did they discover each other’s ticklishness?
i feel like virgil would probably have been teasing logan about how uptight he is and telling him to ‘loosen up a little’ and logan just narrows his eyes and is like ‘i’ll show you how to loosen up’... cue what virgil will say was a tickle fight, but really he only got in a good five minutes before logan turns the tables and figures out that his torso is all one big death spot ashgdhdgh
6. Who can’t take tickle bites?
NEITHER OF THEM AHHHHHH they’re both so easily flustered and this is the quickest way to do it because the shrieking/squealing/snorting etc. noises they make are a) the most adorable thing to ever exist to the ler, but b) horribly embarrassing to the lee LMAO (but honestly, /hj because they secretly love it, it’s so fun and silly and makes them feel all bubbly and giddy and like they’re floating). also, they’re most susceptible to them in different places- for virgil it’s his neck and ears, for logi it’s his shoulder blades 😭💗
7. Who has to be tickle-forced out of bed in the morning?
virgeyyyyy- logan likes to stick to a tight schedule, so he’s always awake before virgil, but he’s never truly merciless because he knows that sometimes he has trouble getting a good night’s sleep and so he figures that maybe a pleasant wake-up call will make up for it. he’ll wake up and get dressed and tick a couple of things off of the to-do list, before slinking back up to their room and sitting on the bed and rubbing a hand up and down his back before gently brushing his fingertips against the backs of his ribs (super secret death spot BUT also a melt spot if it’s really light touches like this) until virgil drifts awake with a soft, sleepy smile on his face
8. Who gives up in a tickle fight?
listen... virgil may be stubborn but logan is built like a trojan warrior and also knows virgil’s worst spots way better than virgil knows his. unfair? perhaps. does that stop virgil from baiting him into starting a fight he knows he won’t be able to win? absolutely not. also, i know technically they’re all the same height, but in my head logan has an extra 2-3 inches on virgil and so essentially towers over him once logan has him pinned against the bed with his shirt pushed up and his hands trapped under his knees, which makes him feel even smaller and more trapped than he already is and has virgil begging for mercy within minutes ahshsjdghh
9. Who is in danger of getting hurt when attacking the other?
virgil is super squirmy but will take everything that’s dished out to him pretty well (mostly because he’s so ticklish that he’s usually too weak to fight back properly so all he can do is wiggle around wahhhhh), and logan is a tiiiiny bit less ticklish than virgil so doesn’t struggle as much, HOWEVER if virgil can manage to shove him onto his front and sit on his legs to get at his feet, he is in imminent danger of being kicked. honestly, the reason why logan is reigning tickle fight champion is 30% his skill/strength and 70% the fear that virgil will get his feet because it’s his worst spot and he CAN’T TAKE IT lmaoooooo
10. Who always provokes the other into tickling them and how?
i love this question LMAO i genuinely think i’ve put ‘both teehee <3′ for every single pairing, so why break tradition now? of COURSE both of them provoke one another, but they do so in different ways. here, i think virgil would be a little bit less shy around logan and so will poke and prod him until he yanks him onto his lap and pins his arms against his chest so he has free access to all of the spots around his sides and belly. logan, on the other hand, gets all huffy and flustered when virgil catches him trying to ‘ask’ for tickles by being all cuddly and wrapping virgil’s arm around him so that his hand is closer to some of his better spots, so virgil tells him to ‘use your words, braniac...’ if he reeeeally wants to be tickled. which, he does, so he’ll bury his face into virgil’s chest and mumble them, barely loud enough to be heard, but virgil doesn’t need to be told twice before digging his fingers up underneath his arms and making him shriek hehe 💗
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tsuuuukiii · 3 years
How about 16 20 or 32
Sorry for picking three
No don’t worry about it!! I appreciate it, actually☺️ another long post oops-
16. Are you into any ships?
Bet my friends are screaming rn😼
HAHA YEAH I AM! I constantly annoy them about it sorry😔😔💔
20. What friendships/relationships are you most interested in?
This is similar to #16 so I’m going to finish answering that one here :)
My biggest (comfort) ships are gendice and kuujyu. THEYRE JUST SO GOOD AND IN LOVE I could talk about them for hours😭😩😩 *me pushing my agenda once again >:)*
Hifudo is a close second!! I love them :> I like them as just platonic too but… like come on they’re married 😛
Other ships I like are:
Sasarosho (they cute💖)
I think hifumi/ramuda would be cute ;v; (platonic and romantic)
I’ve seen hitoya/hifumi fanart that I just… love omg it’s so freaking cute ngl
Naughty busters + nemu best trio (platonic)
Otome/ichijiku (let’s go lesbians🏳️‍🌈)
Rio/dice🥺 (platonic)
Me/my favorite characters😏/hj
32. Which media do you prefer- ARB, the manga, stage play etc.?
Stage play for sure! I am SO WEAK for the stage play I love the actors so so so much😭😭😭💗 but I’ve only seen the first two tracks and a little bit of the other ones :,)
I like the manga a lot too! Seeing them in pretty art styles is a blessing :,>❤️
The lives are also fun!! Watching the seiyuus have fun makes me so happy🥺🥰
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VL with the kiss prompt 16 🤘😌
Here you are, ma’am! <3 Some VL for you. Never hesitate to send me a VL request or ideas because I luv themmmm  And, I ended it with a question, just like you challenged me to. sO THERE. 
VL: 16 — A Kiss, Lazily 
It was late morning when Vergil woke, and it took a moment to blink the sleep away from his eyes. I… slept late? He frowned, trying to remember through the fogginess of sleep. It was rare for him to sleep, let alone sleep in late. Typically he would stay up for days at a time, only succumbing to sleep when exhaustion finally got her greedy hands on his mind, tugging him down like the weight of several tons on his shoulders. He couldn’t resist his human needs forever. 
The warmth of a small hand trailed across his bare chest and he realized, as the fogginess finally dissipated, that he was not alone. That’s right. He remembered now. Last night. Heat rose in his cheeks as he recalled the fevered kisses, and hungry touches… breathlessness, the way her hips had moved against his. “Stay…” she had murmured against his lips, while he was still catching his breath, “I… missed you…” 
Now, she was still, her breathing steady, though she had shifted closer to him in her sleep, and that made him feel… warmth…? Like she cared for him… a feeling that seemed so foreign. And he realized, with all the times they had done this that he cared for her too… or maybe care was too weak of a word. His heart skipped a beat, and he reached out to brush her hair away from her cheek, leaning over just enough to brush a faint, lazy kiss to the corner of her lip.
“Mary... you have built for me a ‘heaven in hell’s despair...’” He whispered. She stirred and he trailed off, watching her as her eyes fluttered open, a sleepy smile touching her lips. 
“Good morning,” she mumbled. “I thought you’d be up already.” 
He didn’t respond, gently brushing his thumb across her jaw. He wanted to memorize this moment. If there was ever a night he had a nightmare (which was more often than not) he wanted to wake up and think about this — about her. 
She smiled again, that sleepy and content smile, cupping his cheek and kissing him lightly on his forehead, his nose, and then tilting her head and kissing his lips. She pulled away, dropping back against her pillows again and offering him a smile. “Did you say something… before I was really awake?” 
He hesitated. He had hoped she hadn’t heard that. “Nothing important,” he lied. She studied him for a moment, and he knew she didn’t quite believe him. But she didn’t press for more information. Instead she sat up, leaning over him with a soft smile. Her hair was fluffed from bed — a mess really — but somehow he found that it made her even more beautiful. 
“Let’s stay in bed today,” she said. 
Vergil laughed, “That’s not something I’d normally do… but I can’t say no to you.”
“Oh, I know.” Lady smirked, “There’s something about me… I’m irresistible.” 
How right you are… Vergil mused as she leaned forward to kiss him again. Irresistible. Infuriating. Captivating. I should tell her. He thought as she deepened the kiss. My true feelings… How much I… love... The word made him pause. He would have normally scoffed at it. But there was something about this woman that made him see clearly. 
I love her? She pulled away from his kiss to curl up next to him once more, resting her head against his shoulder. I love her. He glanced down at her as she reached out to take his hand. But how could he say it out loud? He was used to keeping things to himself, used to being alone. And now here she was, turning his whole world upside down. 
“Mary?” He whispered. 
“Hmm?” She glanced up, her eyes meeting his. He hesitated. Then leaned over, pressing a lingering kiss to her forehead. 
How can I tell you — No… how can I show you how much you mean to me?
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rayshippouuchiha · 5 years
oh god i am so glad you like naruto and i am so glad you like kakashi/naruto!!! there's never enough of it!!!! if you ever wrote a kaka/naru fic, what would it be? plot-heavy mission fic? fake relationship trope? have-to-share-a-blanket-to-avoid-hypothermia fic? when would it hit kakashi that "oh shit he's grown up and i like him"? when would it hit naruto "oh shit i like my idiot sensei"? I wanna pick your brain for your kaka/naru headcanons i love themmmm
I do adore the pairing even with the drama that often surrounds it in fandom.
If I was to do a Kakashi/Naruto it’d more than likely be a heavy AU cause I’m fucking weak for like No-Massacre AUs and the like where we just sweep the actual majority of the Naruto plot off the table and play with the world instead.
And I’m also a big fan of the other older shinobi just being tired of Kakashi being Kakashi(TM) and just kind of punt Naruto in his direction.
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henrikvanderswoon · 4 years
I was tagged by @defectivenancydrew like... a while ago, for this on my other blog (I'm sorry I'm only just now getting to it) but I'm excited to do so! Thank you for the tag, Caitlin!
Name: Lauren
Nickname: I usually go by Lauren, but I have some friends who call me Lo, my mom calls me Lamb, my girlfriend and roommate both call me Lawn, my girlfriend also calls me Beeb, and my best friend and I call each other Bro (it started ironically, I swear).
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
Height: 4'11
Nationality: American
Languages Spoken: English, some Spanish, and American Sign Language
What Time is It? 2:20am bxjzjzjs
Celebrity Crushes: Mmm... is it weird that I don't have any?? Like I have celebrities I love but I don't crush on any of them 🤔
Favorite Fictional Character: Nancy Drew and Joe Hardy, naturally. Um... outside of the Drewniverse I love a lot of characters. My own, for starters (I have three book series I'm working on oh god) Annabeth Chase, Wadsworth the butler from Clue (here's to you, @naancypants) and uhhhh Armin Arlert (don't look at me).
Favorite Musician: Lindsey Stirling
Favorite Sports Team: Obviously the Paseo Del Mar Manatees (what are sports?)
Favorite Season: both winter and fall!
Favorite Flower: Lavender
Favorite Scent: Also lavender (guess my lavender tattoo make sense...)
Favorite Color: Periwinkle
Favorite Animal: Cats, but of wild animals I love wolves, foxes, and owls
Favorite Food: I have a weakness for sushi, but give me any kind of food and I'm happy
Dream Car: one that's reliable?? I dont really have a dream car. I have a Corolla right now and I love him (his name is Felix).
Dream Trip: Iceland! I want to see the black sand beaches, but also the Northern Lights!
Instruments: I'm a beginner at piano and violin... but I sing!
Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate: ALL OF THEMMMM
Dog or Cat Person: I love dogs, but I am a CAT person.
Following: From this blog? 188
Followers: 67
Other Blogs: @the-down-lo is my personal blog
Blog Established: Like three days ago (four?) 👀
Do you have a tumblr crush? A what now?
Do you get asks? I've gotten one on this blog so far, but I do occasionally on my other one
What's your lucky number? 18 and 4
What are you wearing right now? Honestly? A giant t-shirt and no pants because I hate wearing pants in bed (its 2am)
Drink of Choice: water or leaf water tea
Number of blankets you sleep with: Two - a big soft one (I keep it cold in the room) and my childhood blanket (I have sheets and a comforter but they're usually folded at the foot of the bed when it's not made lol
Average # of sleep hours: I wish I could say 8. Probably and average of like 5 or 6 right now... maybe
Random Fact: I have 5 siblings and we're all twins (so...my parents had three sets of twins). I'm a member of the oldest set.
Thank you again for tagging me Caitlin! I feel like everyone's done this, but I'll tag @ghostdogsofwaverly and @hurricanesonny and anyone else who would like to do this!
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princessofwails · 5 years
Happy Thanksgiving!
Today is Thanksgiving over in the USA so I figured I would write a thankful list 😊 Might just be a tad bit different than regular lists lol
I am thankful for....
• My ticklishness!
• That my boyfriend is a tickle fetishist tooooo
• That look a ler gives you that makes your knees weak, a shiver to go down your spine, and butterflies to invade your stomach
• The moment a ler hits a spot you never knew was even ticklish
• Tickle fights....
•...especially ones you know it is inevitable that you'll lose, that moment when they pin you, give you that 'i got you now' look and a smirk that tells you you're in deeeep trouble
• My feet being as ticklish as they are (even though they're the place I protect the most 😄)
• Lers that just their presence makes saying the t-word damn near impossible
• Kick ass aftercare
• For having tickle friends and getting to play with themmmm
• Every single one of my sessions
And I'm sure so many many many more things! Have a Happy Thanksgiving and great day!❤😄
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mdatriplestar · 5 years
Part 4: Hacker
ummmm gonna make this one short....
Xue yang: 
Hi I'm the hacker
I hated Song Lan
but I hate his Wifi more
So I hacked it
It was easy
now they're disconnected...
I decided to kill the Wifi after a month of them being depressed
but someone tried to protect him...
It was too easy to break the password though... 
WAIT WHAT THE HELL I got hack --- they tried to delete me--- that A quin! She like used a reverse uno card on me! Oh no! I haven’t done my revenge yet...
The time is ticking by.... _THE ANTIVIRUS will DELETE THE VIRUS IN...
20% I can’t move
40% I am going to die
70% I thought this Antivirus is weak I underestimated themmmm....
80% so all of what I did failed huh 
90% this is so annoying
95%..... 96%........97%......
huh.... what the ...
-ANTIVIRUS CANCLED----- Interrupted by....
Save by Wifi- Xiao Xing Cheng....
“because I know what you felt... to be not wanted or be dead...”
Xue yang, “Well you didn’t” 
Xiao Xing Cheng “ So are  you”
.................. (doki)
Next day: XXC gave XY candies...
Me:i don't know how to continue this but I know how to end it....
PART 1: I lost it
PART 2: Wanted
PART 3: The Encounter
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sleepingrenjun · 4 years
omg just saw the post you reposted so IMMA DO a buncha groups im sorry ITZY, NCT DREAM and EXOOOOO!! its cloud anon btw hhh //i sent in the last ask too but i forgot the emoji TT//
hihiiii!!! Hehehe thank you! 💕 I don’t actually listen to ITZY so I can’t answer 🥺 BUT:
First bias: I think it might have actually been my bby chenle but I’m not 100% sure...
Current bias: well morkly isn’t in dream anymore so ig I’ll go with hyuck 💘
Bias wrecker: all of themmmm but I have a weak spot for my smart boy renjun 💫
Fave song: mmmm I really love all their songs 😭 maybe dear dream, candlelight or dnyl? (But also trigger the fever is an absolute tune)
Fave MV: DNYL ALL THE WAY!!! That mv really hits different 🥰 but also GO tbh...
First bias: Chanyeol my love 💘
Current bias: okay lowkey I think it’s still Yeol but I’m rly going through it w Baek cause of the obsession MV (also sehun tbh I’m just in love w him) 🤷🏼‍♀️
Bias wrecker: literally all of them it really depends on the day 🙃
Fave song: mmm either tempo or lotto or lightsaber at the moment 💫
Fave MV: aghhh it’s between obsession, tempo and loveshot (and monster cause who doesn’t love the monster MV) I’m too hopeless I cannot choose just one 😶💕
Yes I really love tempo & dnyl okay leave me be
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parabataisarah · 6 years
Masterlist here.
Reactions under the ‘Keep Reading’ cut.
- Awh, I feel sorry for IRIS and Aleister…
- Although Zahra said the shard looks like it has an evil spirit in it… I wanna touch it!
- I just said I wanna touch it, so if you give me the option to do so, which you did, I’m gonna do it!
- Should’ve told them how you knew to touch the crystal, MC!
- Playing some kinda tag game with seed pods.
- Heck yeah, I’m letting them have their moment!
- God, I love this group of weirdos.
- I know the whole thing is about getting home, but I kinda don’t wanna leave Vaanu either?
- I love how the thing for Grace having something MC could wear is because Grace is always getting cold and brings extra layers with her.
- But what about the other members of the group who aren’t in cold weather outfits/have blankets?
- Polaris would thrive in this climate.
- Well hello there shadow of Lundgren!!
- M’kay, Lundgren is now second on the list of people I wanna punt into the volcano!
- Great. Arachnid Soldiers. Why spiders? I hate themmmm.
- I. Am. Not. Leaving. Jake. Behind.
- It’s time for Jake’s Tough Choice and I have a 67% chance of this working. Let’s do this.
- “Dammit, Princess… Why you gotta make me feel weak at a time like this?” Whoops, sorry not sorry!
- We’re gonna need to cross that plane, aren’t we? Or even find a way to use it?
- She has katanas? I love them, but not her.
- Let’s haul ass people! Ruuuun!
- PFFFT! Of course Craig’s idol is a hulking bear.
- So I guess this first scene is before they left for the island?
- His email starts off so well, but… I don’t think he’ll make it in. The world is an asshole like that.
- Awh that sucks that he didn’t make it in though.
- ‘Aleister wraps you in a tight hug, then collects himself and pulls away.’ BABY BOI LEMME LOVE YOU!
- Shouldn’t you at least try to open the box and see exactly what type of equipment they’re sending out here?
- Why is there another resort all the way out here?
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perfectlyrose · 6 years
clara/rose 58? i honestly die for this ship no one writes themmmm
58. “I don’t know what’s wrong, okay? I’m just… really tired.”
Clara x Rose
Clara frowned when she walked in and found her girlfriend buried under three blankets on the couch. “Rose? Are you alright, babe?”
Rose struggled out from her cocoon just enough to look at Clara. “I was just cold, I think.”
Clara gave her an assessing look, taking in the flush of her cheeks and lack of luster to her eyes. “You sure nothing’s wrong? Because something seems wrong.”
“I don’t know what’s wrong, okay?” Rose answered defensively, starting to burrow back under her blankets. “I”m just… really tired.”
“And cold.”
“And very cold.”
Clara set down her bag and made her way over to the couch. “Did you make it through work today before all this started?”
“Donna sent me home around lunch because I apparently didn’t look well,” Rose admitted.
“Despite my well-known love of your looks, I have to agree with her,” Clara said. 
Rose protested but Clara paid her no mind. She reached out and put her hand against Rose’s forehead, already expecting to find it hot.
“Definitely feverish,” Clara declared. “Have you taken anything?”
“Been too tired to move since I collapsed here with the blankets.”
“See if you can muster up the energy to get to bed and I’ll dig up some medicine for you.”
“You’re using your teacher voice,” Rose mumbled as she struggled to sit up.
“That’s because you’ll listen to it.” She leaned down and pressed a kiss to Rose’s overwarm cheek. “Plus, you love it.”
“Love it more when I’m not sick.”
“Get better soon and I’ll bring it out again.”
“Deal,” Rose said with a weak smile. Clara grinned back and helped her to her feet so she could get to their bed and be comfortable while the sickness had her in its grasp.
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