#I’ve had a few
gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Even more Villain lines
“Take a moment, breathe in the air, take in the sights and sounds around you. It is not everyday you enter the room where you will die.”
“History states that Good triumphs over evil. Though history is not written by the good, it is written by the victor. And no man will ever write himself as the villain in his own story.”
“There are three types of people in this world. The weak that accept their place being ruled, The foolish that try and change their place, Then there is me, the one who reminds the foolish they are weak.
“I have never feared for my life, for fear only comes when there is uncertainty. And I’m certain that nothing will ever be strong enough to kill me.”
“To err is to be human, but to forgive is Devine. I do not err and I do not forgive. What would that make me?”
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mackenzielovee · 2 years
feeling nostalgic and kind of sad so if anyone has any pre-ambivalence series blurb ideas, please let me know. 🖤 want to write him forever
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claypigeonpottery · 8 months
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can’t sleep, carving instead
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tuttle-did-it · 28 days
You know, it's genuinely sad to me that aging favourite character actors no longer have any fun murder-mystery tv shows to guest-star as murders on.
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transzsonix · 25 days
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sinningvin · 2 months
The best payoff about being autistic and having an f/o is that at a certain point you’ve got the characterization down after ages of studying your character under a microscope. Headcanons, Canons, Speaking, Humor, etc, all that came from months or years of constant love and fixation. And then you can imagine having conversations about ANYTHING with them. Your special interests, goals, dreams, hypotheticals, any jokes, vents, absolutely anything. And you can formulate their response in real time, and it’s like having a conversation, even though it’s just be an imagination exercise. If you’re up to the challenge, I recommend you try it.
Pro/comship scram
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tainebot01 · 3 months
So… how we feeling about these new names?
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shawsimmer · 8 months
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wanderingmausoleum · 6 months
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drawing stupid shit again
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mostly-natm · 4 months
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Take a minute with Mr. Data in the Holodeck!
Still frame under the cut!
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atelierlili · 3 months
Sorry not sorry, anytime I see someone say Peeta's childhood crush as obessive/creepy, I can tell they're reaching so hard or projecting. Because Peeta's crush on Katniss is literally so normal. He never acts on it until they're placed in a life or death situation and he only weaponizes it as a tool to keep HER alive. Peeta's affection for Katniss, is and has always been unconditional and innocent. It's so ick when people twist it into something it's not to perpetuate their narrative.
When he realizes that Katniss doesn't reciprocate his affections and may feel burdened by his affections, he put so much distance between him and Katniss that she admits to missing him and HE gets criticized by most of the fandom for freezing her out.
He has always been respectful to Katniss’s autonomy and respects her boundaries. Is he overly self-sacrificing and have little self worth? Yes, but in comparison to red flags in a partner, this is barely one at all. He’s not abusive at his own volition. Doesn’t guilt her for not liking him back or continuing their lover’s facade to keep their families safe. His flaw is workable and it’s never something that can harm Katniss physically or mentally (at least for the most part). And this is not to mention that Katniss shares these flaws as well.
At the same time, these examples of his self-sacrificing nature are placed within contexts where once again, Katniss and Peeta are planning to die for each other again. Where Peeta is doing the ruthless calculus of war and knowing in the grand scheme of things, his death will have less repercussions than Katniss’. He doesn’t have people relying on him to live. He’s not the one the rebellion is using as a symbol.
“Oh, but he used to watch her go home everyday-“ no. That’s what the movie said in that abysmal cave scene. Even if that were the case, it’s not like he’s stalking her- they go to the same school?? Some people act and cling to this instance as if he’s following her home and stealing her panties. All he’s ever done is watch her (and saved her life) and guess what??? Katniss was watching him too? She’s been taking sneak peeks at him too (oh, he can lift heavy bags of flour so easy, he came in second in the wrestling tournament. 🤨 Giirrrrrl) so I guess their both creepy and obsessive for each other. Match made in heaven 🤷‍♀️
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mmmairon · 8 months
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You happen upon two renowned public figures about to smooch on a bench in the gardens…wyd?
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itsscaredycat · 2 days
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ah yes…
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my thoughts under the cut (turned out to be longer than initially intended lol)
honestly, kinda mixed feelings :’)
it’s great that the fandom is making a comeback because gravity falls is seriously an amazing piece of media, and all the offshoots that came from the main series are equally incredible. it deserves this second wave of attention and more! still one of my favourites, all the mysteries and secret codes back in the day changed my brain chemistry lmao
as far as personal feelings go, i can’t believe the amount of people i’ve had tell me that i inspired them in some way to be an artist through my old gravity falls art, it’s amazing! and i am so flattered and happy that i could have that kind of positive influence on people. art is my passion and knowing i had a hand in making it other people’s as well is a really cool feeling :’) i read every single message i get in my askbox and some of them have made me legitimately emotional (in a good way)
but then on the opposite side, there are a lot of people— most of whom i have never interacted with— who have a fully formed opinion on me based on actions of mine that are almost a decade old. just knowing that has been crippling, i’m ND and i’ve always struggled with anxiety issues surrounding how others think of me. it feels kinda hopeless and scary, because there is no way my current actions and the ways i’ve changed will ever reach all of them. but i’m only human, all i can do is focus on the positive and keep being kind in both my offline and online lives, and hope it comes back around
the shy part of me wishes i was just another person in the fandom so that i could share my art without fear of hateful comments, but also having made enough of an impact that something i made got acknowledged in “canon” is hilarious and pretty fucking cool (shoutout to @valdevia LOL) i’m just gonna keep doing what i’ve always done: make art because it makes me happy, and share it in hopes it will make others happy too 🩷
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months
BBC Sherlock is on Hulu! :)
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davidjrpalos · 6 months
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