when you specifically type in a CERTAIN SPECIFIC SHIP and your results are anything but that certain specific ship.
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stargazing-imagines · 4 months
Hold Me — Conrad Fisher x Fem!Reader
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Description: you are back in Cousins, but along with you came a secret that you are hiding from Conrad.
Warning: fighting, violence, slight Domestic Violence, let me know if there’s more ASAP! Plus if you are in a Domestic Relationship, YOU DESERVE BETTER! just putting that out there! NOT EDITED!!
Fandom: the summer I turned pretty
A/n: it’s summer again and you know what that means!! TSITP imagines! So get ready for a ton of them! We may not be getting season 3 till 2025, but that doesn't mean the fics stop there! Enjoy Connie Baby Stans *Winky emoji*
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“I don’t know what Conrad is going to say when he sees Connor.” You said as you were packing your suitcase to head back at another summer at Cousins beach, your best friend Carolina who sitting beside your open suitcase on the bed.
“Come on y/n, Conrad shouldn’t be that upset.” Said Caroline “I mean he was the one to break up with you, and you’re better then that.”
You half smiled at your friend before looking down at your suitcase, to say that you were looking forward to cousins would be a lie.
“I don’t know… the breakup was pretty messy.” You said removing your suitcase before sitting down on your bed.
“Yeah it was bad, you were in a ice cream coma for a long time.” Said carolina “besides this summer is the summer to embrace who you are! Be yourself.”
You smiled at Carolina, before nodding your head in confidence.
"Your right! I need to just be myself."
"That's the spirit." said Carolina "Now I have to go home before my mom makes an Amber Alert for me." said Carolina as she looked at her phone before looking back up at you "Have fun, remember, call me if I need to fight anybody."
You laughed waving her off.
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"Ok kids I need you all to pitch in to help with the chores this summer." said you mother "Plus with Susannah in the shape that she is we will be helping her as much as we can."
"Wait... What do you mean with the shape that she is in?" you asked as you stopped mid-bite of your Fruity Pebbles.
"We didn't want to tell you kids till the end of summer because of the boys but... Susannah's cancer is back."
"is she going to be ok, right?" you asked, pestering your mother with questions about her health, your mother stayed silent.
"Oh my god... I need to talk to belly." you said as you stand up, but your mother stops you with her hand on your arm.
"She can't know y/n." said your mother "Susannah wanted to wait till the summer is over so that we all can have one last full summer together.
You nodded your head, letting the news sink in.
"ok mom... I keep it a secret."
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"Come on Conrad, you seriously can't still be hung up on y/n." said Jeremiah as he was playing video games with steven, taking his eyes off the tv every few seconds.
"I heard that she got hot." said Steven "From the way Belly talks she has a whole boyfriend and everything."
"Can we stop talking about y/n?" asked Conrad as kept his focus on the television "Besides I don't care if she has a boyfriend or not."
"Oh thats right?" asked Steven as he paused the video game to face Conrad "Your dating Nicole."
At that moment, Belly came stumbling down the stairs in a blue and white summer dress, before she can open the door; laurel stops her.
"Where do you think you're going young lady?"
'Over to y/n's house... Me and Cam are double dating her and Conner at the drive in."
"Well... Ok." said Laurel "But be back by 10."
"11?" asked Belly
"10:30, and that's it."
"Yay! see you guys later." said Belly as she walked out the door, Laurel walks back into the kitchen, the boys hearing hushed voices from Susannah and Laurel.
"Belly has a date?"
"With y/n and Conner."
"Oh that sweet boy that Connie keeps mentioning? he so handsome, apparently he is lifeguarding with Jeremiah at the country club this summer.
"You know what I'm thinking?' whispered Steven to Jeremiah and Conrad.
"No... what?" asked Jeremiah
"Crashing this 'double date'."
"You know we can't do that?" asked Conrad
"Yeah but do you really want to leave y/n alone with this conner freakshow?"
"And see Belly making out with Cam Cameron? no way!" said Jeremiah
"Come on... I know you want to."
"Ugh fine!" said Conrad "lets go."
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It was pitch dark at the drive-in, Barbie playing on the screen. Belly and Cam were in the back talking, and whispering. Y/n, and Conner were in the front seat, conner with his arm around y/n, and her head on his shoulder.
"Can you guys be quiet? we're trying to watch the movie?" asked y/n as she looked towards the back.
"Your no fun?" said Belly as she playfully shoved you.
"Your getting Cherry Coke all over my car!" yelled out Conner in a playful manner, but it didn't seem playful.
'Conner, chill." you said "She just a teenage girl."
"I know but did she have to come with us?" Whispered Conner "I mean..."
"She's my best friend Conner."
"She's 15 years old." said Conner "You shouldn't be hanging around with 15 year olds."
"That's it. I have had enough." you said as you get out of the car, slamming the door making Cam, and belly shrug their shoulders.
"What is wrong with you?!" shouted Conner as he came running behind you as you were speed walking away from the scene.
"Away from you!" you yelled before walking away again, that was the moment that you saw Conner's true colors.
He placed his hand on you arm, tightly swing you around to face him. Terrified to your core at his sudden move.
"Listen here, you are going to be a good girl and walk back to the car if you don't want anything bad to happen."
"Get your hands off her!"
you turned around, and saw Conrad trailing behind you.
"This doesn't apply to you." said Conner "Now go!"
"She not going anywhere with you, Jeremiah go get Belly and Cam they don't need to be hanging around this guy."
Jeremiah Nodded his head before walking away, Conrad facing you again, checking you over.
"Your ok?" asked Conrad "He didn't hurt you did he?" You shook your head.
"Go wait in the car." said Conrad as he looked Conner stern in the eye you followed his command walking away from the situtation.
"This isn't a place to fight man but what you did tonight really hurt her."
"Shes my girlfriend, she told me all about you and how you dumped her last summer." said Conner "You really think you are the guy for her huh?"
"Oh I know I'm the guy for her, and because of what you did... You deserve this."
With that, Conrad punched Conner in the face which resulted him into breaking his nose.
"Dude you broke my nose!"
"Be glad that was all that you have broken."
With that Conrad left
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"How long has this been happening?" asked Conrad
"Ever since we broke up..."
"What else has he done to you?" Asked Conrad concerned
"I don't want to talk about it..." you said "Can you please hold me?"
"Of course."
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The Summer I turned Pretty Masterlist
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wowthatsextra · 1 year
Tsitp fandom annoys me sm... like I love Conrad but wtf are these jeremiah hate takes?
"He only fell for Belly when she turned pretty" 1. So did Conrad, didn’t he tell Cleveland the exact same thing? 😭 and 2. It's literally in the title, it was the summer that changed everything and 3. There's nothing wrong with that? They're, like, 17.
"Jere pursued Belly knowing Conrad is in love with her/tried to sabotage Belly and Conrad" Show me when he did that outside of the fireworks stunt (which was shitty, he put their lives in danger and lied about it, i won't defend that). He literally STAYED out of Belly and Conrad's way. "He's gonna break your heart/did you not see that coming because I sure did" Let the kid be angry at his brother for a betrayal 😭 And as much as I understand Conrad (I shut down and self-sabotage) he did break Belly's heart, didn’t he 😭
Whereas Conrad kept grilling and guilted him into an "approval" after Jere clearly didn’t want to ("i can't believe you came here asking me of this") and then twisted his words to Belly ("Jere's been on a high, he's been going on dates" and the audacity of "he's over it, but i can't get over you" when Jere was almost in tears the whole conversation). Like, Conrad was all like "She's scared of hurting you, Jere" with no "so am I" 💀 My man did not give a single fuck, he just wanted Belly, which makes sense for his 18yo brain, but stop accusing Jere of something he didn’t do 😭
"Jeremiah guilted Belly about his mother's cancer" He did say that "great timing, it's not like my mom has cancer or anything." so this isn’t unfounded. But he just found out Belly kind of cheated on him with his brother right after he found out his mom has cancer and his brother kept it from him 😭 let my guy have a one-line outburst, it's not like he manipulated Belly into anything. Plus, I'm sure Belly understood that considering she went ahead and told Conrad to go to hell DURING his mom's funeral 💀 (she was so funny for this)
And the worst part about this is a big part of the show is about Susannah's cancer and how losing her impacted the people who loved her. Conrad, Jeremiah and Belly are all lost and grieving and finding comfort in each other. It's okay that you don’t like a ship or a character but it's like Jere is not even allowed to have feelings, he's not allowed to struggle about her mom's cancer and death and complicated father and complicated brother and falling in love because if he does, he's standing in the way of a ship. And that's gross. (And same goes for Conrad AND Belly! I love that they're all messy and cheeky and making horrible decisions because it makes them feel more real to me.)
Look, there are valid criticisms of Jeremiah. It's clear that he's always been insecure of Conrad and in a one-sided competition with him and even though he truly loves Belly, part of the reason why he wants to be with her/be chosen by her is because he wants that one-up on his brother (*cough* Damon Salvatore *cough*). And that's an interesting conversation, and I'm loving Conrad and Jeremiah's dynamic this season, but the constant need to scrutinize EVERYTHING Jere does is... unhealthy? HE IS A GRIEVING TEENAGER. Let him have realistic emotions and reactions!
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eon-become-instant · 1 year
Reading TSITP fandom opinions is kind of maddening because everyone's all up in arms fighting about whether Conrad or Jeremiah is the better choice, and are trying to use whatever criticisms of the boys' characters they can come up with to prop up their arguments... which I guess is to be expected with this kind of show...
But can ya'll just relax and stop acting as if either of these boys are some kind of horrible person, just to make your fave look like a better choice? You can like one more than the other without making either of them out to be the series villain.
"I don't know how anyone can be Team ____!".
Hmm. It's almost like this show's audience consists of more than one personality type. These are two dudes who have very different methods of coping. Neither of them are perfect, and they're both dealing with some extremely difficult circumstances in their own way. One is overly avoidant and needs space to process things, and doesn't cope well when he feels smothered, while the other overly relies on the people around him and lashes out when they don't meet his sometimes unreasonable or unrealistic expectations. Neither of them deal with things well, which is to be expected with how young they are, and how different their coping methods are. People are likely going to feel more sympathy/empathy for the one they identify with most.
Personally, I'm much more drawn to Conrad since his methods of coping (or failing to cope) are far more familiar to me, while I find Jeremiah quite irritating because I know I would not have much patience for the way he often reacts. But that's just me! I'm sure there are plenty who feel exactly the opposite! No one is wrong for preferring either of them over the other. Neither of them are the villain here.
People should really try to be more open minded with content like this - there's no one "right" way of dealing with events as significant as these, and even if there was, are you really gonna sit here and say "Yup if I were in these boys' shoes, I wouldn't react like this, I'd be completely reasonable and perfect 100% of the time!"? Cause if you think that... you're wrong.
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ur-lil-flo · 4 months
get-to-know-me v2.0
Hi, Flo here! This is a new post, because I thought it'd be better to make a new one than to re-write the old one and confuse everyone. Also, I saw some new people following me, so hi guys, and let's get right into it!
I post and talk about writing, shows and movies I watch (TSITP, OBX, Young Royals, RWRB, Maxton Hall, and more...), mental health, music, and I also post edits from time to time.
Some important info about me:
✨️ writer - I've been writing poems for about 15 years and prose since I learned to write. I've always been fascinated by words and the way they work, I love telling stories, and my head is always full of new ideas. I also write fanfiction from time to time and actively participate in Fandom Combats on ao3.
✨️ editor - I love-love-love making edits, and I wish I had more time for it! Feel free to check them out here
✨️ ict student - I love coding, because it's creative, and you can make literally any app, or website, or program from scratch!
✨️ barista - mastering the art of latte hearts!
✨️ traveler - I moved to another country alone to study when I was 16, and I guess that's when it all started! For the past few years I tried to travel as much as I could (new places in my city, other cities & other countries). My bucket list for traveling is endless, and I'm always looking to expand it, so feel free to drop any suggestions/favourite places!
✨️ study freak and language learner - well, it's pretty self-explanatory!
what else? hmm...
I love analyzing things and making them work, and I enjoy long meaningful conversations. Dm me if you think we have something in common!
That's it for now, I'll be happy to chat and meet new people!
~ xoxo, Flo
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claire8216 · 11 months
Fic Tag Game
Thanks @fandomscraziness22 for the tag!! 🩵
How many works do you have on AO3? 10! My page says 7 but I have some I've published anonymously.
What's your AO3 word count? 122,718
What fandoms do you write for? It's been a while since I've posted anything but when I do find the motivation to write it's usually Julie and the Phantoms, Outer Banks, or The Summer I Turned Pretty! I've written some for other fandoms too but that was a looong time ago haha.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? (Not including the ones I'd like to remain anonymous 😉) - Fire Red and Ocean Blue (TSITP) - I Hate the Way I Don't Hate You (JatP) - Been Counting My Blessings Thinking This Through (OBX) - Something Like That (JatP) - I'm Standing in Your Line (I Do Hope You Have the Time) (JatP)
Do you respond to comments? I really try to respond to every comment, even if it takes me a while to respond! I genuinely appreciate people who take the time to not only read my writing but also share with me their thoughts, so the least I can do is respond back 😊
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Oof in general I usually stick to happy endings so there hasn't been a ton of angsty endings! But I once wrote a fic exploring a character navigating the aftermath of the sudden death of his wife. It ends with him bonding with a woman in a bar who had also lost her husband, and they dance together and while it's nice to have some sort of companionship again, there's an unspoken agreement that nothing and no one would ever compare to their late spouses. (Based off the song Ghost of You by 5SOS, specifically the last line!) I don't usually write major character deaths, and I actually ended up taking that one down because it was too sad for me haha.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? The rest of my fics pretty much all have HEAs because at my core that's what I enjoy most haha. But my favorite and probably fluffiest ending is Fire Red and Ocean Blue.
Do you get hate on fics? I don't remember ever getting any hate! *knock on wood*
Do you write smut? What kind? I do not, but I always enjoy reading a good smut fic!
Do you write crossovers? No, but I love AUs or fics based off of other books/shows/movies!
Have you ever had a fic translated? Also no haha.
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? I've attempted to, a loooong time ago when I was first getting into fanfic. Nothing ever came of it though, we were both, like, 12 so it fizzled haha. I have no idea where that person is today but I hope they're doing well!!
What WIP would you like to finish, but doubt you ever will? Back when s1 of Outer Banks came out I started working on a Jiara one night stand fic and got about halfway done. I still think about it often, but too much has happened in s2 and 3 it just wouldn't make sense anymore and I'd basically have to start from scratch.
What's your all-time favorite ship? This is a tough one! My oldest and most beloved ships will always be Romione and Percabeth. But no ship has ever, and may never again, have me in a chokehold quite like Juke did during the height of my JatP hyperfixation. So one of those three! 😂
What are your writing strengths? Ooo I love a good theme or motif or analogy and bringing everything back around full circle. It makes my little perfectionist virgo brain very happy haha.
What are your writing weaknesses? Sometimes I'll rush through the little details just to get to the main plot points. I constantly have to remind myself to slow down, a sort of "stop and smell the roses" if you will, and set the scene or create unique little character details to make my fics more descriptive.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in a another language for a fic? If it's needed it's needed! I usually will copy/paste and look up the translation if I need to.
First fandom you wrote for? Glee haha. I used to be OBSESSED.
Favorite fic you've ever written? I feel like this answer changes depending on my mood haha. Right now I think it'd have to be Been Counting My Blessings Thinking This Through, but that could totally be recency bias haha. I am very proud of it though!
What fic would you want to rewrite someday? I wrote this PJO (Tratie) fic called Rivers about 10 years ago and to this day the idea behind it is probably one of my favorite ideas I've ever had for a fic. When I reread it now, I can't help but see the writing of a 15 year old girl who had no idea what she was talking about and was unable to execute it in the way I wanted to in my mind haha. I always tell myself I'm going to rewrite it, and maybe with the show coming out soon, it'll inspire me to!
This was so fun!! Tagging @story-courty @bex2313 and @writerownstory and anyone else who wants to participate!
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alphinias · 1 year
No actual tsitp show spoilers but if you don't want to discuss elements until after you catch up feel free to ignore!
I know people are upset about Belly and Jere but I'm gonna be completely honest...if you've read the books (which I know you have, but just for others), this season is pretty much exactly what you'd expect.
Actually, I was expecting much worse as Team Conrad. I think the show has done a great job making it very clear that Conrad is Belly's endgame and always will be.
I hope you're enjoying your vacation and I'm excited for you to catch up so we can hear your thoughts! :)
Yeah, I definitely know what to expect (lots of annoyance), which is why I’ve been putting it off 😭 but @ghostiewriter and I are gonna catch up together this week with each other for emotional support so we can bitch and make it easier xhsnsnsns.
I’ve loved how they’ve done Conrad this season! It makes any allegations against him look so silly and I love that.
My vacation was so great but I’m happy to be home and returning to my fandom hole now!!
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I heard the "cheating" plot would be removed I honestly want most of the book removed nothing good was in it except some cute Jelly quotes they really need to be endgame I'll wait until I hear from you guys then I'll watch. You're right it's 2023 it's time for Jenny to redeem herself for that ending I would love her if she did make Jelly endgame look at how much chemistry they have while Bonrad has none. I love Chris I really do but him and Lola doesn't do it for me. Jelly is basically the main ship or that's how I felt like it was shown since season 1 Conrad was more of the obstacle they had to get through to be together right? lol
Yesss I agree with the last line 💯
And you know if bonrad stans could pick and choose and enjoy only bonrad scenes in s2 then we should also be able to do that with book 3. Like I only acknowledge the good parts from it lol.
It's that fandom's double standards that gets me coz I have been in countless anime fandoms and yet they never try to spoil manga to the anime only watchers like the bonrad stans did (I kind of don't care about that tho coz tsitp is like whatever & I would've wanted the spoilers too) but the only reason we all know about the ending is coz of them constantly breathing about book 3 down our necks instead of just letting us enjoy season 2 in peace. Especially since that fandom was enjoying the bonrad content in the season but none of us jelly shippers were like "it's a jelly season, you're not allowed to enjoy this." Like let people enjoy content in peace.
I'm also waiting for a jelly warrior who would go through s3 for us lol. And I so hope they drop all the episodes tgt coz weekly releases would be too much unnecessary drama plz.
Yeah like it's 2023, I don't even care if Belly doesn't end up with Jere (lying, I might cry) as long as she doesn't end up with Con. Like what's the point of Jenny sending Belly to Spain if we can't see her end up with a hot/cute European husband!?!?
(Lola and Gavin have too much chemistry to be wasted on a non endgame couple. And also jelly is given endgame tier writing so it would be so much wasted potential in my humble opinion.)
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The last kiss between Jere and Belly in TSITP was really well done. It was so hopeful and the actors had really great chemistry in that scene. It got me back into Jaybabs too and now I'm in misery because of lack of content Jason and Babs. Omg J+B is in both their names lol
Is there anything you are hoping to see in season 3? I really hope there are more happy Jere and Belly scenes.
I haven't read the books, but I've spoiled myself on the events, so honestly I'm dreading S3 as a Jeremiah fan. That's part of why I was disappointed by the way every BellyJere moment in S2 seemed paired with a reminder that Conrad is endgame, because if the season of Jeremiah looks like this, what's the season of Conrad going to be like?
That said, the kiss was so romantic it almost made me forget how disappointed I was in the rest of the season. Between that and the S1 pool kiss, we know the answer to which brother is the better kisser.
Also I feel you on JayBabs. The worst part for me is that fandom Batfam charactarizations have drifted so far from canon that I'm really limited to just Batman Eternal and the Three Jokers for the dynamic that I crave.
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Hello TSITP fandom!!!
I'm watching the show right now and plan on reading the books.
I'm not strictly team Jer or team Conrad and I love all the characters equally, and I think the story is really interesting.
Looking forward to seeing all the stuff you guys are making and your hot takes!
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hiddenwashington · 1 year
anonymous said : i'm trying to check your list and it could be that its super late as far as my brain goes but i can't figure out what tsitp is under on your page. I saw you have a jeremiah so i know it's there.
no worries. on our taken page, the summer i turned pretty is alphabetically under "s" for "summer!" currently, the only taken characters from that fandom are belly conklin and jeremiah fisher, if that's what you were looking for. have a great night!
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infinite-wanders · 2 years
As 12 July drawers closer I am trying not to expect a s3 trailer but am really expecting a s3 trailer tomorrow.
Mind you, looking back at last year when s2 dropped on 15 July, we literally had a 1 week warning of when the new trailer for s2 would drop which did on the 17th June.
So at this rate ... we haven't even had a "Hey, heads up ... trailer dropped in 7 sleeps."
Like is NHIE just riding the coat tails of the fandom keeping the hype alive via tumblr/twitter/reddir/insta.
Are marketing worried if they released earlier it would have gotten lost among the stranger things/tsitp/the boys/obi wan/ms marvel/etc hype?
I've tried to be cool and patient but I'm losing my shit. Going to bed now and I better wake up with my inbox flooded by mutuals.
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