the-empty-refrigerator · 11 months
when you specifically type in a CERTAIN SPECIFIC SHIP and your results are anything but that certain specific ship.
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Man jason is such a good person I love him so much. I would totally trust him to protect innocents because he's just a good person. I love having a fav character that's angry about the injustice in their world and he does whatever it takes to help. What a great guy.
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izzy-b-hands · 14 days
You ever have a day where you feel like you're doing everything wrong, even when you're like. just doing things you normally do. And are alone, so like the only person i could in theory upset/piss off/etc right now is me myself, and Yet the feeling persists
Yeaaaaah. That's today's vibe for me apparently lmao
#text post#it's fine bc i know it's probably just a culmination of a couple different worries that i should be able to address#in the coming days/weeks but all the same#my brain is pinging like no you immediately need to check with everyone you know that you aren't mucking up#but like. if that was the case they'd talk to me and let me know#and i could apologise recognise where/how I've fucked up and change what I'm doing/try to do better#some days i just can't turn off the 'everyone is frustrated with u & feeling worse bc u aren't recognising that u fucked up' feeling#bc sometimes it's true! i missed a cue or didn't properly pick up what was being put down/implied!!#and when i do that it just. kills me 💀#like i know that life does just involve fucking up sometimes and being in the wrong and apologising and doing better#but also oh god i need to know immediately if I've fucked up so i can do better and try to make things right#or as close to right as possible#i need to stop typing tags and get onto the survey sites and into the chores that need doing today#fr tho if i have fucked up recently & any friends on here know/have been nervous to tell me#pls just do. i want to know so i can try not to make the same fuck up again#the anxiety over feeling like I've fucked up something but haven't realised it is ten times worse than#being told i fucked up apologising and figuring out how I'm going to try and make things better#no more tags rn tho!! time to try and get something done!!!
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byleranalysis · 1 year
I cannot wait to rub your face in the fact that you’ll be wrong about Byler becoming canon in ST5.
Not to mention all the people who will come for you on Twitter for being a manipulative twat with poor analytic skills. You will never live it down.
And any reviews you write someday as a “film major” will be haunted by this ghost. Because we’ll all be there to remind you what an absolute failure you were at understanding the fundamental storyline of even one TV show.
I’m already laughing at you in advance, when all your left with is FanFiction and tears. Toodles.
imagine writing this and thinking I will be the one shitting, crying, and throwing up if my ship doesn’t occur…
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sonicranger1 · 2 days
Can't believe i'm forced to say this again but alas- (<- No one is forcing me to do this)
The only one that could possibly be canon to Ink is Swap if we take into consideration the canceled comic Comyet did a long while back! And the art Comyet has done with Ink and Error I'm 99% sure is just a what-if, not canon interpretation on how they think they possibly would interact together
Everytime I see someone with their full chest exclaim how the dream twins or Error are canon to ink I internally die inside I'm sorry
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dynmghts · 5 months
i did NOT linger on ch402-405 long enough because as far as i can tell katsuki brought himself back right before all might was brought over by all for one, right? but with the distance, he wouldn't have seen them, nor did he have any sufficient means of closing such a distance THAT fast. so how did he know to go to the ledge and observe below?
either those on the field told him where izuku was, or he heard izuku scream for all might. or BOTH - which is more plausible, because yes, he can trust izuku will win, but with all might in danger and dragged toward ua by all for one, it put everything in jeopardy.
and so what do you mean katsuki bakugou, dynamight, symbol of victory, likely heard izuku's cry for help from below, and charged straight to him - trusted that he would be pointed in the right direction? what do you MEAN he probably heard the desperation in izuku's voice the moment he breathed life again, and his first thoughts were; izuku is in trouble. all might is in trouble.
katsuki didn't even give himself time to live again before he went into another life-or-death fight, because what follows is that he doesn't just save all might from all for one's clutches. he goes to end all for one so he'll never achieve his goal.
because those two people are the largest testament to the man he's become, and he'll defend them with his life - like he did before.
i am unwell.
#💥 ⸍ i. out.#💥 ⸍ ii. headcanon.#bnha spoilers /#bnha manga spoilers /#long post /#/ ok big ramble in tags#/ like. do you think i.zuku believed that everything will be okay the moment he saw k.atsuki standing on the edge of ua?#/ do you think that he saw his symbol of victory freshly arisen like a phoenix from ashes and felt at ease knowing he'd win?#/ because i can guarantee that k.atsuki - if he heard i.zuku as soon as he was alive - knew EXACTLY what he had to do.#/ he was always going to throw himself down to i.zuku and take his hand and trust that he was going to be where he had to be.#/ he was always going to believe that i.zuku could win his fight without him. and that meant he could save their mentor from death.#/ the fact that k.atsuki brought HIMSELF back which means he nearly bound himself to the afterlife but didn't .............#/ he was satisfied with his death and yet he knew there was more he had to do - not necessarily for himself but for others#/ i mentioned this to bella yesterday but it was like taking the fruit of the underworld and holding it in his hands. ready to eat.#/ but then something stops him from sinking his teeth into its flesh. something that tells him he still needs to return.#/ like he KNEW that there was more he had to do in life first. that his sacrifice was - somehow - not the end for him yet.#/ and they may not have fought side by side in the war n they might not have interacted much since it began. but their trust?#/ tho everything's gone wrong they trust each other to make it right#/ one of these days y'all will be sick of me preaching abt their bond#/ but today pls let me have this i can think of nothing else
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cosmic-kaden · 5 months
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definitelysapphic · 2 months
The assumptions so confidently spoken as fact genuinely make me question if I somehow missed something major but no people are just making the tag confusing and annoying again
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jamietxrtt · 1 year
like roy doesn’t even really have any friends besides jamie. keeley says “don’t you ever want something more than just the yoga mums?” and roy says “nope this suits me just fine” but c’mon we know he’s lying. his only friends are people who know nothing about him. and that’s how he likes it, he claims. so he can remain guarded and stoic and keep everything under control. having friends who know nothing about you is Better Actually because then nobody really gets you and if nobody gets you then nobody can hurt you.
AND THEN JAMIE COMES ALONG, jamie who is so similar to roy’s past self that it makes him want to scream sometimes, jamie who has so many parallels and shared life experiences with roy that they Get each other even if they don’t Like each other, and jamie decides “i want to be friends with roy now” and By God Nothing Will Stand In His Way, not even roy himself. so it’s just jamie going “hey can we be friends now :) can we be friends now :) can we be friends now :) can we be frien” for like a whole season straight until roy is finally like UGH. FINE.
and now they will be besties who got all of their hatred of each other out early on so that now they just Get each other. they get each other and they get how to keep each other in check. and jamie is the only one who could ever draw roy out of his shell! because of course he could! he gets roy out seeing the sights of amsterdam and teaches him how to ride a bike and takes him to see a windmill! you know what roy would’ve been doing if not for jamie? sulking for hours on end and that’s it. and that’s what he usually does at home too. but jamie JAMIE is the only one who can fucking pester him enough into going outside and Actually Enjoying Himself For Fucking Once. partially because roy just doesn’t wanna put up with jamie’s Persistence if he says no but also after a while i think it just becomes habit to, if jamie wants to go out and do something, just go with him. he might grumble and complain on the way there but he’ll be smiling on the way back :)
and from jamie’s perspective. HOO BOY. i mean hello roy kent??? childhood hero roy kent??? on the poster on his wall for 10 years roy kent hello???? there’s a reason jamie’s been trying so hard to get through to him. roy laughs at a joke jamie said once (1ce) and jamie is On Fucking Cloud Nine for the ENTIRE rest of the night. literally Beaming for hours on end.
and also i think just like. with his teammates and all that, jamie loves them, but he’s still often very concerned with how he comes off to them. he’s still trying to be very considerate about Being A Good Teammate, and being Cool, and being One Of The Lads. he likes the lads and hangs out with them but i think he worries about what they think of him a bit too much.
but with roy.... like he and roy were at each other’s throats for fucking months. they know how to handle each other’s bitchiness. jamie lashes out and says something mean to sam and sam will just get all sad puppy dog eyes until jamie’s guilt crushes him. but jamie says something mean to roy and roy is just like “fuck u dick” and jamie knows to shut his mouth and that’s that.
roy’s hated him and tolerated him and held him sobbing in his arms. they’ve both seen each other at their worst and ugliest and weakest. jamie doesn’t need to pretend to be nice bc roy knows hes a prick and jamie doesnt need to pretend to be “tough” because they’ve both seen each other cry before. so there’s no need to pretend anymore, there doesn’t have to be any work to keep up pretenses. there’s no more reputation left to burn!!! they know each other too well for that!!! which is very freeing for jamie i think as someone who’s so so obsessed with his image.
i just. roy jamie friendship has such the potential to heal them both SO SO MUCH and i need it. i need it for my soul. thank u
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kawotari · 2 years
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@mortallychaotickingdom 's OC, Artemis ! (go check their work, it's amazing)
Just wanted to draw her cuz I love her so much and she deserves it 👏👏
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evansbby · 2 years
I swear to god this place gives me so much anxiety now
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simgerale · 2 years
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hope everyone is doing well!!! ♥ made a cute fairy girl as an excuse to post something lol
#ts4#i'm so tired but i finally had some time on my hands#a lot has happened since we all last spoke !!!!!!!!! and by spoke i mean since i have last rambled in the tags about my life#some sad news and some bittersweet news and some happy news!#pet death tw#i know that won't block anything but i am gonna talk about it so scroll away pls if you need to#my childhood dog got really sick last week and had been in-and-out of the vet#she was 16 years old and it's amazing that she has been with us for so long honestly#but we had to put her down this week as her liver started to fail. we think it might have been cancer that finally showed its head#i was so sad and couldn't stop crying for the life of me. but i had to go to work the next day and that felt so wrong#i know that's life! it just sucks that my grieving period is cut short and i have trained myself to adjust to that#onto the bittersweet news... today (or yesterday i guess since this will post on saturday) was my last day at my job!#i will be moving soon to live with my boyfriend so i figured it was time to cut my ties there (esp. since other people are also leaving#and i didn't want to clean up the mess)#everyone was really sweet about my departure and i will miss them#but i also know this is just the beginning of my life!!!!!!!#which brings me to happy news#like i said i'll be moving soon!!!!! moving in with my bf whom i'm very excited to marry one day!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i will get the domestic bliss i've always wanted in life. how basic! i know! but i can't wait.#i don't have a new job yet but i've been applying to both remote things and in office things#i'm excited for what that may mean as well.#over all. life is life and it's happening for me#so that's why sims has been on the backburner!#soon i will return <333 thank you for your patience lovelies.#have a great GREAT weekend.
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polaraffect · 1 year
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mukuberry · 2 years
Yknow at first it was like "haha the ppl saying Mikoto is terrible DID rep are probably trying to help, I'll just try and help them see otherwise or block em :)" but there seems to be an uptick in these posts and its slowly becoming "wow the only character that makes me feel normal for having this disorder is constantly shamed by ignorant fans for having it and im feeling abnormal again :D"
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God give me the patience to not engage with byler doubt that's cross tagged
Give me the serenity to hold my hope high and not bicker w ppl who are jaded and can't keep their neg to themselves
Give me the wisdom to scroll past and let them be proven wrong later without wasting my energy
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astrxealis · 2 years
i lost my moral compass ever since i started liking zenos
#/joke pls LMAO although i genuinely do like zenos's character#you see . idk but i love his character ... ig i can understand how it's like too ( not to the same extent ofc though dw )#i like tsuyu and fordola too :] i. i don't hate asahi bcs i LOVE his voice but also he's ... yeah .........#he's a funny guy . i can't hate him . but it'd be wrong to say i love him . and then fandaniel is one of my favs lmao <3#emet-selch is SUCH a good character ... you cannot fight me when i say he is literally the best antagonist#hmmmhmhmhmhm characters like belial beelzebub and lucilius greatly fascinate me :O i like them all too heh#my favorite characters i realize are a Bit morally ambiguous though ... dimitri akechi sandalphon g'raha#sandy and dima are more 'shit happened but in the end i'm getting better' i can't explain properly but that is . the gist#akechi ... if you know you know. and for g'raha >_< all of them i think are good people at heart#tho dimitri went thru that stuff! sandy w his purpose and all! sandy similar to raha but raha is moreso just. doing his duty for the best#possible outcome ( 'best' btw ) and will do what it takes to keep us alive and save the world from peril ( i love him sm )#akechi ... yeah just if you know. then you know. it's just pretty tragic#idk where i went with this i suddenly got Thoughts#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#i would say i definitely still have quite the strong moral compass ... it's complicated. not black and white#i think about that stuff a lot but at the very least the one truth is that i just generally want the world to be a better place eowjofnsod#+ justice !! yes :] okay i stop rambling now for this#tag later#what is my saved tag again
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