frootietoots · 7 months
i love foodplay so much like yes please dunk me in a melted tub of ice cream n eat me!! i want to be slowly lowered into a warm maw after being submerged in a cold tub of ice cream! aaahh n as their tongue curls around me n their jaw rises to press me to the roof of their mouth, coating me in saliva as the ice cream washes away n down their throat,, knowing i'll soon be sliding down with it all!! OUUUGH i simply pass away,,,...
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duckprintspress · 5 months
Urgent: Help Us Not Get Screwed
Anyone who follows us has seen us screaming from the hill-tops about our current crowdfunding campaign for Aether Beyond the Binary (17 aetherpunk stories! Outside the gender binary main characters!). We've only got 50 hours left...and we just got screwed.
Our Anthology Kickstarter is being scammed.
About two hours ago, with us still roughly $1,500 from our goal, we got a junk pledge for almost $2,000. This pushed us into being marked as "funded" but there is zero chance it's a real pledge, it's from a shell account marked as being in Turkey. This kind of money doesn't just fall like a miracle into the laps of small business like ours.
The timing on this attack is devastating. The final 48 hours of a campaign are absolutely critical, especially for one as close to meeting our goal as we are. We were very likely to hit our target, but doing so was going to require appeals to y'all that started with "hey, we're so close, please help spread the word." Further, the campaign has hundreds of followers who will get a notification at the 48 hour mark, and many who might have backed to help get us to the finish line will now think "oh, they're there, they don't need me," and not back. Meanwhile, one of two things will happen with the spam pledge: either it will get removed by Kickstarter, which could take hours or a day+, totally nuking us during this crucial window, or it won't get removed until the payment bounces post-campaign, at which point we won't actually have enough money to do fulfillment.
Either way, we are fucked.
Please, please don't let these dipshits ruin the love and passion that 30+ people have poured into this project for over a year.
Our campaign IS NOT FUNDED, and it won't be without help. I'm begging, help spread the word about how we're getting screwed, and help spread the word about Aether Beyond the Binary (visit the link for so much info!) so that we can get enough real pledges to fund this project we've poured our hearts and souls into.
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merrigel · 5 months
I want it back = I drag its dead weight forward
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nyaskitten · 5 months
Hey, I REALLY do not appreciate how much I've seen people act like the Palestinian Genocide is just some random drama. That is a fucking GENOCIDE, innocent people are dying every single day, one death is already one death too many, yet so many I've seen (more on Twitter than here) are treating it like just some drama. "I wanna remain neutral, both sides are just as bad."
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expelliarmus · 8 months
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rooftopdaigos · 3 months
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a lil thing
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acewitch-writes · 6 months
Fanon Remus is the bane of my existence. I want to gouge my eyeballs out every time I see it. Who is this asshole that behaves as though he's superior to everyone else around him? This aloof imposter that rolls his eyes constantly and says intentionally hurtful things to Sirius for shits and giggles? Who is this edgy, streetwise, Cool Dude™ natural genius with chiseled muscles and superhuman strength that towers over everyone else both physically and intellectually? He's so far removed from the actual Remus Lupin it would be laughable if it weren't so infuriating.
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queenlucythevaliant · 1 month
Just to clarify my thoughts (since I've had a number of people ask me about it) re: Job and cursing God. There's a big difference between cursing God as used in Scripture and how we generally would think of cursing at God today.
Cursing someone, in the Bible, has a lot of depth to it. It's not just saying "screw you " in anger, it's got a sense of forsakenness to it. It's the opposite of a blessing, a removal of blessing. If the blessing is presence, your face shining on the person you're blessing, then a curse is absence. In some translations, Job's wife tells him to "renounce God and die," which I honestly think makes a lot more sense to modern ears.
Job says a lot of unpleasant things to and about God in his anger and grief. So do the Psalmists. A number of the Prophets. So can we. God can take it if we come to him with honest expressions of our emotion, including those not-so-nice ones directed at him. I don't think there's anything wrong with getting mad at God and saying, "How dare you, you bastard" when you suffer unjustly. You can say much worse, I think, without sinning, though I don't feel particularly inclined to give examples. But as long as it's an honest expression of your heart, I think you're doing exactly what prayer is for. You're presenting him your heart with an open hand. He can use that. Opposite of love is not hate but indifference, etc.
Job doesn't renounce God. Neither should we. But I think when you're truly suffering, you're gonna have those feelings toward God either way. He'd rather you address them with him directly than try to avoid them. Cursing at God in the modern sense is actually a great way to keep the relationship strong and not end up cursing/renouncing him in the Biblical sense.
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almond-gallery · 4 months
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happy valentine's w yhk <3
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willowser · 1 year
you're not expecting the bathroom door to swing open.
sitting in katsuki's overly-large bathtub, soaking into suds and fragrant oils and trying to enjoy what you believed would be another evening alone; one of kirishima's sidekicks is out with an injury and your great explosion murder god has been picking up the slack, pulling double shifts almost every night this week. not something to be upset about, as it's no one's fault, really—but you certainly didn't forsee your bath being interrupted.
this is what your i'm in here! call is met with: the creak of hinges and the smell of smoke, the deep scowl on katsuki's face as he shuffles across the tile, eyes rimmed with that greasy paint he wears under his mask.
very rarely does he intrude on your alone time—not that you're complaining. a faint shy streak travels through you, and you pull your knees closer to your chest as you smile at him. without a word, he stands across from the tub, leaning against the sink counter as he scratches at sweat dripping down his neck.
"hello," you tell him quietly, trying to tide back your excitement for the sake of his exhaustion. "didn't expect to see you here, stranger."
it's only a joke, but katsuki's frown deepens. for a while, his eyes dance anywhere other than you, long enough that you begin to wonder if a nerve has been struck, but you're surprised to find him a little pink as he straightens out his slouchy posture.
"scooch." is all he demands of you, gruffly. before you can manage a retort, his arms go over his head to grab a fist full of his shirt by the back, tugging it up and free from his dirty, worn body.
it's a nice sight, one that keeps you quiet and content: the soft curve of his shoulders and the rippling, bruised plane of his ribcage; the thick muscle of his thighs as he yanks down his pants; the spreading flush to his chest, as he strips himself bare.
you are more than happy to scooch, slipping to one side easily so that he can sit at your back. a rough groan escapes him when he sinks into the steaming water, as he stretches out and rubs at one of his knees, digging his fingers into his skin with a grimace before gently tugging you to lean back against him.
you turn your head just a bit, so that your forehead is against his cheek, nosing at his jaw. again, you give him a quiet, "hello," that elicits another long, deep groan from his chest.
"hi," katsuki murmurs, a little awkwardly into your hair. you tell him he stinks and he grunts out a single laugh, before pinching your sides under the water until you're squirming against him a little too intimately.
when you turn to face him now, the scowl has slipped away, replaced by a soft curve of his lips that looks almost like a smile. his head is leaned back against the edge of the tub, eyes lidded, and he infects you with a yawn that stretches out his whole face.
he's so cute when he's sleepy like this that you can't help it; you wrap an arm around his neck and run a hand through his hair, leaving water to drip free and down from his temples. you place a fat kiss on his cheek, no matter how dirty, and it earns you a pleased hum that makes you want to squeal.
it's been a long week, that's all, and you're just happy he's home.
"are you all mine tonight?" you ask, pulling your lip between your teeth when he raises his head to stare at you. something heavy weighs in his eyes, like his response will answer to more than just your question, this question, right here in the bath and in your arms.
katsuki blinks softly, and digs a hand into your hair, too. "yeah," he murmurs, serious. "all yours."
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cosmicstarlatte · 6 months
If we're being thirsty tonight: getting used by the brothers right before class so you have to go out completely stuffed full of demon nut. You're doing a good job of keeping it all in until someone teasingly smacks your ass too hard.
nsfw mdni // poly (skirt wearing) mc, use of 'slut', mc gets recorded, humiliation, messy headcanon I suppose lol
when you simultaneously love the humiliation but feel a sense of pride too by having taken all of them 😩
but also;;; me thinking of mc wearing a skirt and Solomon being the one to smack your ass, he's disappointed he couldn't get to you first. perhaps he will wait til later.
he does note, however, your disappointment.
"mmm don't tell me the brothers left you unsatisfied? Or are you just that much of a cock hungry slut?"
imagine he takes you right back out of class to the nearest restroom and records you cleaning yourself up from the brothers mess,
"Tell them why you're cleaning yourself up"
"Mm...need your cum...p-please. I n-need it."
once you're all cleaned up of course he takes care of you, he makes sure to send a close up of your messy filled hole to them and your fucked out face.
he ends the video with, "now that's how you fuck someone."
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sstormyskyess · 22 days
y'know. i was thinking about the most recent season of mw3 and the fact that it's soap (something i'm not complaining about btw, he's fine as fuck)
it's interesting to me that the previous three seasons had price and ghost as the promo characters and then... makarov? for some reason? so once again we have the COD devs using all of the members of 141 in promos...
except for gaz. they used makarov before gaz.
they used the main villain of mw3 before the main protagonist (their words btw!) of the entire reboot mw series
there's literally no explanation for this other than racism/racial bias and i won't be taking any critiques at this time or any time from here on
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rad-roche · 1 year
it's my neo-noir and i get to paint the cover
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i'll be making a masterpost when dead woman walking is out, so i figured it'd be cute to make a themed cover for both. this'll be for the first one and i'll fill in all the text later on when it's all ready to go
speedpaint as always. i did this all in one sitting because i'm quite sick at the moment and needed the distraction. i would not recommend doing this. actually, i'd advise against it
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fist-of-vengeance · 20 days
micheal dawson get behind me I'll protect you
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So, we have money set aside that we cannot touch for a place to live. We have incomes coming our way. We are simply trying to survive until we can secure housing. But we don't have the funds yet because we're waiting on approvals and such. We're going to try and stay at hotels until then, because sleeping in parking lots is scary with a car full of girls.
Especially when we break down and have to push the car. One of those nights we managed to get to a parking lot and most people kept their distance even with greetings. But while I was getting something out of the trunk, bend over looking for something, someone was trying to talk to me and calling me beautiful and it was gross. Saying things to me and my sister but she didn't notice. The only reason he left us alone was because some other guy shooed him away which I grateful for. But a lot of the times there aren't people willing to do that you know? And that was like at two a.m. or something, not an hour of politeness.
Plus it's been raining and that in itself has made me want to curl up in a ball and stay away from cars. Got too much car trauma for that shit.
Basically, trying to avoid more trauma for myself and my siblings, and my mother. If anyone could please help, whether it's a dollar or five, just whatever you can!! We appreciate it greatly!!
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4th-make-quail · 1 year
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Took some pictures around Krauser's tent! I was especially interested in this after seeing someone post a pic of the title screen which had an ashtray on it, so I wanted to see if that was actually in his tent!
The fact that it is... Is fucking me up big time. Krauser smoking? Hello???
Some of the other items here are interesting too. Obviously there's all the dogtags from his men, which make a complete lie of his words to Leon about how his seeking power isn't for revenge - why would he keep those tags, and out on his desk at that, otherwise? He's taunting Leon, trying to get a rise out of him.
The cream of celery soup cans are hilarious and depressing, poor guy. There's a few of those old books scattered around too, which makes me wonder if they're from Los Illuminados. No obvious symbol on them, but they look old enough to be that.
Ofc lots of military gear: webbing straps, bandages neatly folded in a tin with some hydrochloric acid (plus lots of bloodied bandages on the bed which is also interesting, I wonder if they're from his own transformations?), a battered old leather bag, and then two large weapon cases which must be for his bow since the smp he uses is very small.
All the tools scattered on the table near the first box are good, they imply that he really did spend all that time setting up the Ruins arena just for Leon - look, he even made all the traps and things himself! Anything for the pretty boy!
However my main takeaway from all this is still..... Krauser smoking...... Hrrrrghhhhhhh
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