#I'd not even dignify these as headcanons
gofancyninjaworld · 2 years
Six degrees of Stench
I joke/not joke that One-Punch Man canonicity consists of canon and not canon (yet) link. Wild shit just happens because it can and somehow it works.
So, for shits and giggles, a handful of headcanons that I’m fairly sure *won’t* be becoming canon.
First degree: cute
When Genos wants to wheedle a new toy (like a kit car) out of Kuseno, he makes the old man his favourite treat: home-made doughnuts, a chocolate dipping sauce, and freshly-ground coffee made over the stove. Kuseno claims every time that it won’t work. It's never failed.
Kuseno is strict about his bedtime: from the time he retires at 11 pm to when he appears at 6 am, Genos better have a damn good reason for disturbing him. A leg dropping off does not qualify. Most afternoons, Kuseno also has a nap behind his desk. He has always claimed to be just mediating when Genos has asked.
Second degree: unexpected
Although neither man knows it, Kuseno is the reason King quit competitive gaming: there was this one mysterious guy he just couldn't beat. It still haunts King.
Kuseno himself no longer does competitive gaming: between Genos keeping him busy and missing his once-faithful rival, it's lost its appeal.
Third degree: connections
Bofoi was his old student.  They each changed their names for... reasons.
Fourth degree: Chekov's gunman... or there's no badass like an old badass
Manga-only.  Kuseno finally shows up to give his boy a hand. As Genos tells Kuseno to fall back already, the old man levels one of the suit's shoulder-mounted guns and... there's a void where there was once a dragon-level monster, not even a curl of smoke remaining.  Kuseno: yeah, I came up with this last week but I've not yet figured out how to make it small enough to install on you.
Fifth degree: Old man, you scary
Webcomic-only.  The climax of the battle sees Genos and Saitama get to the heart of the Organization and just as things are getting super tense, a third person joins the fray.  It's Kuseno, heavily armed and very much alive. That bring-back-a-dead-person-so-long-as-their-brain-is-intact technology we saw elsewhere?  He was the original inventor.  Genos: but you told me to run away!  Kuseno: And yet, here you are. Be so kind as to shelter behind Saitama-kun, will you? Kuseno (to the enemy): I don't mind if Genos gets beat up, that's how my boy learns. But you bastards made him cry...unleashes hell
Sixth degree: Cruel, cruel world
Like something out of a cruel soap opera, the reason Genos and Child Empror look a bit like each other is that they're siblings but each was so convinced the other was dead that they'd never thought to look into it. In Isamu's case, his foster parents had been very good at gaslighting him so he doubted his very memories.  As they compare notes, suddenly the random attack makes sense... it'd been intended to grab Isamu in the first place. Something else makes sense too: why Kuseno had arrived so fortuitously. Genos: Oh, I was the consolation prize.
And so...
Webcomic edition: Genos finds his inconsolable grief over losing the old man suddenly become consolable, although it's down to Saitama to accidentally on purpose to say something that puts it in perspective, e.g., by pointing out that there was nothing false about the affection he had had for him.  
Manga edition: Since the old man is alive,  Genos confronts him.  He doesn't deny it but says that he'd intended to kidnap Child Emperor alone to forestall the massacre that happened.  And yes, while to begin with, he'd thought of Genos as a consolation, he's long since changed his mind. Yes, it's true that Genos doesn't have the mind of the century, but he's got the sort of intellect one meets only a few times a decade.  His courage though?  That's the sort people write legends about. Now let’s talk about you trying harder to stay alive long enough to become one.
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katyspersonal · 2 months
(Responding remaining asks for the ask post in a bundle)
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Thank you 🥺 But hey, you only won't have more Soulsborne knowledge than me with THIS attitude!! You gotta believe in yourself! XD
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THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Also I feel like I know who you are XD
That guy, honestly.. I remember giving him some thoughts and analysis that I am still proud of even back in time before I was aware of finer details and translation errors. He felt like someone very real and full of nuances even in my "sounds like creep" era, and then first character I wrote a good analysis on! I take credit for popularising the knowledge about English localisation completely skewing him, because despite LP's document being in access for years nobody fished out THOSE details from it until me!! It took deliberate searching with the purpose of learning THE character!!!! 😎
I miss my more "unalloyed" version of Gehrman though, such a real cold dead-inside man, saved and adopted from abusive house but with the demons inside left forever, whose lack of empathy made him perfect hunter and whose sole true positive emotion in life was meeting Maria but then he took a massive L fsdhdsh I blame @fantomette22 for softening my general perception of him though by just standing there!!! You and your soft ass! GET OVER HERE-
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^ This one was sent during me typing this post! Thank you very much, this is a lot of praise.. т.т I am self-conscious about my art and feel like the only way to improve is to get a teacher, which can't be organised any time soon, but I am happy you enjoy it as it is still!
(and I am sure your personality is great as well <:3 )
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Which 'hot' takes? My takes at cooking that chicken @heraldofcrow JUST right? Well this makes sense I guess dfshhsd
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fdjhshdsf okay seriously, thank you XD I am not good at dignified, intelligent way of describing my theories that sounds like telling a sad tale or a scary legend that I see some people do both in text and podcasts.. Hell, some of such posts sound like small fanfics! And I sure as hell don't want to accidentally slip into the unapproachable, humourless "let me educate you peasants" tone (it is hard to not even notice)! So the only option left for me as a wordy kind of loredigger was to unleash my inner clown!! I heard people say that adding jokes and cursed memes in the middle of sharing a theory is actually relaxing, so I am glad I am this way <:3
Also really not tryna become a "contrarian" kind of user, we do NOT have a shortage of blogs that throw a shade at the fandom trust me! But what do I do when I also have a lot to say... 🙄 Aren't we all just people who desperately try to not be Hunters until beasts come at OUR doorstep?
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This is what you see in a Petri dish you've put me in after 2 minutes:
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Yes I know I used this image today already you just made it VERY hard to not do it again sdhhfsdsd Anyways, thank you!!
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Thank you! I hope you still like them!!
I'd actually say that anyone can make really unique headcanons and interpretations! My secret is actually to minimise exposure to the takes in the fandom until I've came up with my idea to offer! It helps me to jump into a metaphorical pillowfort with @val-of-the-north when a character or a question interests us and brainstorm the ideas; I do the suggestions, intuition, right questions and imagination part, whereas he does finding the most obscure gameplay consequences, finds obscure images from the furthest corners of the internet and remembers literally every detail that could help or debunk like a supercomputer! *sets the 'days since praising Val on public' counter back to 0 AGAIN fhsdhds*
THEN I hop on Tumblr and offer my idea and look what other people say (with rare exceptions about smaller things). Key word is, 'THEN'! I've met many people who were shocked when I informed them that what they assumed was canon in fact was just a popular fanon! Many people make the same mistake: they see many people doing [thing] and just assume it has to be legit then and never double check for selves! This ensures less variety of interpretations with all (designs, ships, story, portrayals and takes) which is a bit disheartening! Just remember to 1) look at the source material with clear eyes, only consulting wikis and reference videos, for example to know about questline or item you've missed 2) communicate with the fandom about a topic when you DO have your own idea already, this will me mutually enriching for both and 3) never simply take majority's word as canon! And then you will be like me! x)
You will ALSO be like me if you add Spongebob meme within a serious theory and organise dash wars with your mutuals but that's for another story fdshfhsd
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syoish-aot · 4 months
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ARIA MARKS - (post canon) Mikasa Ackerman x Original Character
Aria's been floating in and out of my head as another character in my post-canon verse for a while now. I haven't spent too much time thinking about her because I wanted to focus my energy into The Letters She Wrote, since that's the intro fic to my post-canon OC/CC world.
Still, even though I don't spend as much time thinking about her, she's in my head and pops up every once and a while. Over the last few days she's been around a lot so I've been slowly piecing together some things about her and I figured I'd post them (as well as a short fic preview) to give them somewhere to go! So here's everything I know about her so far:
She meets Mikasa post canon, after Mikasa comes back to Shiganshina, and they start living together.
Because of Mikasa's PTSD and depression that begins after everything in canon, Aria pretty quickly slips into a sort of caregiver role for her and does the bulk of the household chores while Mikasa heals (both physically and mentally)
Aria is a musician/singer and plays the piano
She works late night shifts as an entertainer/sex worker where she can perform her music (she has several very dedicated patrons that often give her gifts)
She's a redhead, which is an idea I love because it ties in the symbolism of the red colour of Mikasa's scarf!
Her character colour is light blue
She's an aromantic lesiban but sleeps with men for work
She has scars on her left arm and I'm still trying to find out why but I think it has something to do with whatever she was up to during the rumbling
She has a pretty bubbly/positive personality and will flirt with anyone that breathes. She specifically thinks it's funny to make men squirm because they're weak willed and easy to please.
Her romance with Mikasa is a very slow burn that starts from a place of loneliness and desperation and eventually blooms into a place of healing and safety. There's a strong sense of "I've loved before, and you'll never replace the person I lost; but what we have is special too and I don't want to lose it".
Mikasa and Aria end up having a very nontraditional relationship (since I headcanon Mikasa as heterosexual and Aria is aromantic) but they still love each other very much and are each other's life partners.
Everything about her is very subject to change and I have no idea what her backstory is. But I'll figure it out slowly, just like I have with everything else!
[picrew source]
Aria stared down at the worn stone at the base of the tree:
Here forever, it read, resting quietly.
This was the place Mikasa was always visiting. Always wandering off too. Always spending hours sitting or thinking or- crying… Aria figured she did a lot of that, based on how she always came home with her eyes red and swollen before excusing herself to the bedroom for the rest of the night. 
It was here.
At the base of this huge tree, on top of the hill, overlooking Shiganshina.
This is where Eren Jaeger was buried, 6 feet under, along with Mikasa’s entire heart.
Aria scowled. “You’ve got some real audacity,” she told the stone, “you know that?”
The stone- the grave- didn’t reply. It was a rock, it couldn’t. But still, Aria continued:
“You’re a selfish jerk. Wiping out pretty much the entire world wasn’t enough for you, was it? You had to leave her like this too. Well, guess what, I’m glad you’re gone. I’m glad you’re dead and I’m glad you’re never coming back. I don’t like you. And even if you weren’t dead, I’d kill you myself!”
Her hands clenched into fists at her side as she continued to scowl and the world went completely quiet around her.
Even the gentle breeze, that had previously been causing the leaves above her to flutter, had enough sense to come to a quick halt.
“I’m going to make her smile again,” Aria said confidently. “I’m going to make her smile so widely and laugh so loudly and for a second- even just one second- she’s going to forget you ever existed!”
With a dignified huff, Aria spun around to walk back down the hill.
She got three paces away before she stopped.
No. That wasn’t good enough.
He didn’t get it yet. He didn’t get the rage that Aria was feeling. The frustration. The pain. The way her heart broke every time Mikasa returned home and tried to hide her tears. The way Mikasa flinched at the sound of a merchant accidentally dropping a large box outside. The way she tossed and turned in the night with words of “Eren” and “don’t go” and “stay with us” mumbled against her lips. 
It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fair that Mikasa was here and Eren was just-
All he had to do was die.
Dying was easy.
Being left behind… that was the real hell.
Aria quickly turned back around and pointed directly at Eren’s grave. “ONE DAY I’M GOING TO MAKE HER SO HAPPY!” she yelled. “SO MUCH HAPPIER THAN YOU EVER COULD!! SO HAPPY THAT YOU’LL FEEL IT FROM THE DEEPEST, DARKEST CORNER OF HELL!!”
The breeze picked up again.
Fallen leaves danced around Aria’s feet.
And a bird flew above her.
Aria didn’t move. She just stood there glaring at a headstone- at the base of a tree, on top of a hill, overlooking Shiganshana. She just stood there and glared. 
Mikasa Ackerman would smile again. No matter how long it took. She’d smile.
Aria Marks would make sure of it.
Her hand dropped to her side and she confidently nodded.
Suddenly… Aria’s shoulder was covered in bird shit.
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goshdangronpa · 5 months
Thanks for your patience! Peko isn't someone I think about very often ... which is perfect for this ask game.
Sexuality headcanon: I expect she hasn't thought much about it, or perhaps let herself think much about it, but I say bisexual
Gender headcanon: Another thing I suspect she hasn't thought much about. She's a girl insofar as she wears clothing and styles her hair in a manner often considered girly - which were probably laid out for her by the Kuzuryu clan, rather than chosen by her. Just wearing a pair of pants might be a revelation for her.
A ship I have with said character: Can we get a little love for pekogami in here? (Is that even the ship name? Am I loving it right?) Sakura would understand Peko's motivations without enabling their more toxic aspects, never letting her efface or diminish herself. Peko would deeply admire Sakura for being ever honorable and using her strength to protect others. They even went to the same high school, giving them a canon basis for knowing each other before Hope's Peak. I just think there's something there!
A BroTP I have with said character: I love fuyupeko as much as the next person (unless that next person is a certain brilliant creator who specializes in that ship and whom I reblog every time they post), but sometimes, I get hung up on the whole "they're practically siblings" thing. Even if they feel like kin rather than a couple, Peko and Fuyuhiko are a unit. Not always the healthiest, with the way their ingrained habits and worldviews sometimes reinforce each other's darkest sides ... but no one understands them like they can, and they'll always be there for each other. Whatever kind of love you see them sharing, it's true love.
A NoTP I have with said character: I don't really have one, though I'd need some convincing that she and Mahiru would ever get along. The latter might forgive, holding Fuyuhiko responsible no matter how Peko would protest, but she doesn't forget so easily ...
Random headcanon: Peko's taste in music is dogshit. Really, just the most embarrassing conceivable playlist. Butt rock sung by Chad Koreger ripoffs, braindead pop from the most obvious industry plants, soupy ballads that even a crybaby like me would snort at. Everyone knows better than to hand her the aux, though Ibuki and Hiyoko do just to see what she dares to pick next. She's aware, but she can't help liking what she likes.
General opinion: Peko appeals most to me as an underrated comedy character. Chapter 1 puts her dignity through the wringer: it starts with her totally losing her cool after Teruteru correctly guesses her underwear, and it ends with her failing to prevent a murder because she was too busy shitting herself. It's only so funny because she's so dignified. Don't get me wrong, though, I do feel great sympathy for a girl who radiates such negative vibes that animals can't stand her. And her incredibly strange yet effective gambit in Chapter 2, along with her heartbreaking confession and even sadder execution, make her memorable. Peko's a character I wish I understood better - I certainly like what I know about her.
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carnal-lnstinct · 2 years
How do you think Vegeta's life was before he showed up? Some people think he was a virgin before he met Bulma, and others just hc him as being a sex god or something like that (though I think these people are a minority I suppose). What do you think? I honestly can't decide, it's hard for me to believe both options so I hc a middle ground of those things for him 🤔
That's definitely something open to interpretation, I don't think either way is unlikely. I actually never thought about Vegeta being a virgin before meeting Bulma, before. But it would add to a list of things why he's so shy about PDA even after years of being her husband and having kids. Personally, I don't think they have sex often and that's why any affection he gets "surprises" him but that's probably some "super-ism" that's started growing on me.
And if he wasn't a virgin, then you gotta ask yourself was Vegeta clapping Frieza Force member's cheeks? 👀I wanna say he was maybe too proud and dignified to lose it by questionable means, but I mean Frieza clearly gave him some leeway to indulge himself.
I would take the sex god thing as headcanon and I ain't mad at it. xD I like writing him that way too because it's easier with his personality. Especially if you're like me and struggle writing him close to canon, defaulting to that works in a pinch.♥
But now that's been shown to me I kinda like the idea that he was a virgin before meeting Bulma. I'd love for his first experiences with being shown kindness, love, and intimacy to be the foundation of becoming her husband and save the future. And of course in the ol' Vegeta way, whatever he is not immediately great at he will master through diligent practice and focus.😏 He's not gonna settle for just being good at something and I think that ould put him in the middle ground for me.
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luimagines · 2 years
It's avi-anon, long time no talk! (See? Idk at this point) Anyways, so you do Dragon AU's? I just read your post of the Wars Dragon Au and it got me thinking, would the rest of the chain be different types of dragons? Or would they all be variants of the same type?
So for instance; (these are personal hcs so if you don't agree feel free to change them!)
Warriors would be an English dragon, (two wings and four legs), His scales would be a greenish blue with bits of purple mixed in.
Wind, could be a wyvern (two wings, and two legs), his scales would mainly be a pale blue with specks of gold and white scattered throughout.
Four would be a Wyvern, with his scales being mainly Dark forest green. Although the colors of his tunic shine through around the end of his tail, and his tail instead of ending in a spike or tip could end in a sort of feather to rep for the minish?
Twilight, is a Drake (four legs no wings), I say this bc of him being a grounding person and most of the time being a voice of reason in the chain. His scales would be green, with white and black markings on his sides and face, and he has fur around his legs and at the tip of his tail.
Wild, would be a more wild type of dragon so I'd say a Wyvern. He'd have mostly scarred scales but the main color would most likely be navy blue, or a dark brown? (I've also been toying with the idea of giving him color changing scales to reflect how he deals with loss and everything but idk). The Champion's colors would blend in around his wings as markings or even gradients on his legs.
Time, a European Dragon, would have bright green scales that fade into a silvery dark green. He has the fierce Deity markings on his wings and face He'd also have scara scattered along his body in numerous places.
Hyrule I feel would also be a Drake, like Twilight, but smaller. He'd have sandy brown scales which fade into a dark green at his feet and tip of his tail. He'd also have more silvery markings on his face and around his tail due to his magic ability.
Legend, would be at first a very sand beige colored Dragon, but that would change once he gets cursed which would change his coloring to an almost rose gold with paler hues around his feet and tail. He has scars -mostly on his legs- and when he walks you can see that he limps though it's really subtle.
So, there's my takes on the Chain's dragon forms. (As a bonus I'll include Zelda's image at the end.)
I was also wondering what kind of Fantasy AU's are you interested in doing? Bc if you have time... I have ideas!
Here's Zelda's;
Zelda would definitely be a European Dragon. But instead of membrane wings, she'd have feathers to have a more regal and dignified look. I feel like her scale covering would be mostly white, with some markings of gold, and purple to signify her royalty.
She'd also be a lot smaller than the others in the chain due to her being cooped up in the Castle all day.
Avi- Anon! So good ot hear from you again! :D
As a matter of fact, @cafecourage and I both talked about dragon au a bit before I got that request. That's why it was a bit easier for me to write to be honest XD
Frankly, your headcanon of Twilight is spot on with what we thought about for him.
They actually posted about it not too long ago if you want to check it out. You can find it under the tag #dragon fruit sobet I believe. They might have to correct me on that one.
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countlessrealities · 1 year
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses? 28. can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest? 30. most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses? { you can choose which muses you feel like answering for the questions 👀 if you don't wanna answer for all of them ! }
Asks for muns with a multimuse || Accepting !
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13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
I went with just some muses because picking one for all of them would have meant using a level of brain power I currently don't have xD I picked the muses I usually neglect when it comes to this stuff for a change xD
Mabel: When eating M&M (or any similar candies with a colourful exterior coating) Mabel firstly licks / scrapes off the shell so she can eat it on its one, and only then she eats the core.
Blitzo: He can't eat too many sweets / eat too much sugary foods / drink sugary beverage because it sends him into a manic sugar high. No one knows this, not even Loona, so whenever it happens they assume that he is on drugs. Blitzo considers that explanation more dignified, so he had never bothered to correct them.
Millie: One of Millie's hobby is the hellish equivalent of yoga. It might seem a little strange because of how temperamental and over energetic she is, but it actually helps her staying balanced.
Adrien: He hates the sound of a gum being chewed. He doesn't know where the strong loathing comes from, but every time someone is chewing a gum around him, he has to leave not to snap at them at the point of making a scene. As Cat Noir, he is much less polite and verbally forces the person to spit the gum out.
Jinx: She refuses to drink plain water. Mind you, it's hard to find truly clean water in Zaun, but Jinx would rather drink the dirty one anyway. She doesn't like how it tastes like nothing, it rubs her off in the wrong way. For that reason, she always has to mix it up with something, no matter what and where she is.
I have more, also for the other muses, but these are the ones I can think of right now. Also, I'm not sure some of this count as weird, but well...Maybe unusual?
28. Can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?
I wasn't exactly sure of what the meme meant with this, if it was referring to physical strength or to how strong as an opponent each muse would be, so I went for the latter xD Also because it was easier than figuring out how physically strong each of them are x.x
Weakest to strongest: Mabel, Summer, Morty, Cat Noir, Stan, Evil Morty, B-001, Jinx, Mercenary Rick, Blitzo, Millie, SR, AR, Rick, Evil Rick, Bill.
Bill was the one I knew where to put right away because duh.
30. most importantly, are you having fun playing each one of your muses?
Weeeeell, this is a tricky question. If I have to think only about writing the muses in general, then I'd say that yeah, I'm having fun with all of them. Sure, at times some of them are too demanding, and others are finicky, but that doesn't take away the fun from writing them. Of course I have muses that I find more fun to write than others, but all in all the experience is entertaining with them all.
If I was to reply basing myself exclusively on my writing experience on Tumblr, then the answer would be so and so. Though, this isn't because of the muses themselves, but it's more about the site and how most people in the RPC act.
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thousand-winters · 2 years
Dear pal!!! 💖 I also come asking for Darius lol, but I also ask for your takes on Soren. He was one of my og fire emblem favs and the first one I ever cosplayed way back in the day so I'd love to talk fe9/10 more!
Hello!!! 💖😄
Oh, my god, you cosplayed Soren? That's SO cool, I kinda wanted to do that, but I've never done cosplay asfhjsdg
But okay, okay, let's start with the man, the legend...
✨ Darius Deamonne ✨
1. Sexuality headcanon
This man is aroace in my heart. Ace at the very least, I don't mind any romantic orientation, but I'm hellbent on him being asexual, haha.
He has the vibes, the ace community has claimed him, he's ours.
2. OTP
Me and him /j
Sorry, I had to 😔
Honestly, my feelings for Darius ships are mostly neutral. I do see shippy art and go "oh, cute", but I don't actually ship anyone with him, tbh.
Eber and him, of course
Is it fair if they actually have a sibling-like relationship? I have no idea, but I pick them anyway. They get to me. Absolute opposites and yet they adore each other, joined at the hip, I will never recover from Darius instantly stopping fighting the second he saw a knife being pointed at Eber's throat.
The siblings ever 💜🧡
I was gonna say Dalador because while I understand why it can be fun, it just doesn't click for me, but you know what? I've seen Darius and Adrian as a couple before and that's... yeah, I'm picking Darius x Adrian for this one.
My man has better taste, I'll stand by this. That's, uh, aside from all the ways in which Darius wouldn't stand Adrian personality and morality-wise, of course asjfgjsdg
5. First headcanon that pops into my head
Oh, Darius being a messy sleeper keeps rotating in my head lately. As in "do you see this man that looks all fancy and dignified? Yeah, he's snoring LOUDLY and sprawled all over the bed right now" + him definitely NOT being a morning person and taking a solid hour to wake up in the morning, it just feels right
I cannot remember how this one came to be, but I know it's the Dadrius server's fault /pos
6. Favorite line from this character
There are two quotes battling in my head right now. I'll cheat and say both.
Okay, first of all: "NO MORE PLAYING AROUND!"
Just... the growl ✨ the anger ✨ the anticipation to his transformation. 10/10, I'm obsessed with the delivery of that line and that scene in general. He was lowkey pulling the dramatics with that one and I love him for it
And now, because of my Dadrius heart, of course:
"Magic or not, I think you'll make your predecessors proud"
The actual pride already in his voice, his smile, his newfound fondness. I'm so soft for that line 🥺
7. One way in which I relate to this character
Oof, that's a hard one, I'm not sure I actually have much in common with Darius.
... The inherent necessity to be impossibly extra sometimes, I'm counting that one (I mean, I did go very extra to be dressed in a him inspired outfit that one time so...)
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
He's perfect, he doesn't cause me second hand embarrassment at all... I think. I enjoy him very much, I know he might have been embarrassed at getting the fright of his life because of Eda's curse, but I simply enjoy him
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Oh, I think he counts as a problematic fave, haha. It's not even his fault, but people make the biggest fuss with him for things they would overlook with other characters, it's a whole mess with Darius. I personally don't think he's problematic as much as simply flawed, but people will fight tooth and nail to insist he is, so... yeah
And as for my darling Soren 💚
1. Sexuality headcanon
Mmmm, good question. I don't tend to think a lot about this at all, but perhaps demiromantic?
2. OTP
I'm a simple woman. But also there's SO much to their relationship, I'm sure it's been talked to death and back but their conversations make me unwell in a good way 😭💕 They need each other so much, they're so important to each other, I adore them
It's absolutely in part because of that scene from the extended script but... him and Ranulf. Idk why but I kinda feel like there's some camaraderie and complicity between them by Radiant Dawn, and I found it very sweet how Ranulf was genuinely happy to see Soren coming out of his shell. There was a certain level of trust there that I find fun when it's explored
I surprisingly haven't seen unholy ships, but I'm sure they're out there somewhere afdjkghfh
There are a few ships with Soren that I think are kinda cute but for NOTP, I think the one I've seen that makes me go "nope" is Soren x Mist. Does Soren look like a straight to you /j. I think if anything they would be closer to siblings too, tbh
5. First headcanon that pops into my head
Okay, so I have this headcanon that Soren does NOT enjoy reading, at all.
Why would he, tbh? He was kinda forced to learn by the sage, and I believe he mentions he had to study that stuff day and night when he was still pretty young, which... yikes. it has always been for him a question of how useful it can be for this or that, even later with the Greil Mercenaries, since he uses that skill to be useful to them too.
Now, it might be less canon, but in one of his dialogues in FEH he mentions he's reading a History book, not for personal pleasure, but to see if he can find anything useful for the strategies in that world.
He never once mentions reading books for fun, it's always work oriented, so because of that and because the whole thing with the sage sounds honestly traumatic, I truly think reading is a duty for him, not a hobby
6. Favorite line from this character
Okay, I have two here as well, ahaha, also coolness factor vs emotional value.
The first would be: "It would be in your best interest not to presume to know my strength"
It's just a cool line, alright? I'm rotating it in my head constantly when I think of him. Resident small mage is actually very powerful, true, do not underestimate him
And then of course: "I just wanted to see the only boy who had held out a warm hand when I had nothing"
Like at this point you have learned the whole story between Ike and Soren, and it just hits so hard. Something so small, so simple, brought their bond, and such a strong bond it is 🥺💚
7. One way in which I relate to this character
Trust issues ✨ Inherent self-value in what you can offer others. We won't address this 😌
8. Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Oh, my god, his scenes with Aimée are ridiculous and ridiculously funny, I adore them, he's such a cheeky little shit, but I'm half covering my face when he's flirting with her in RD, he says such embarrassing shit, help asjhfgjhdsg
9. Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Oh, problematic fave for sure. There's his whole thing with the laguz, though I love how he learns and starts getting over it. He is very much an asshole with that tho, so... yeah, problematic
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
I'd love to see headcanons of Hashirama and Mito sharing a S/O. Maybe they had to marry because of the clan politics either way regardless of the fact they loved another and decided to just share the darling behind everyones back?
So a poly relationship. With these two here that should be fun. Both of them make a great duo.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, delusions, indirect mentions of blackmailing and manipulation
Mito and Hashirama sharing a s/o
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🌳🦊Both of them make a great pair and they loved each other and weren’t angry when their clans told them that they needed to marry each other. They were just sad and disappointed because that meant that they wouldn’t have the chance to be together with you the way they wanted too. Hashirama would show his disappointment stronger than Mito since she’s the one who has her feelings better under control.
🌳🦊Both of them knew that they had feelings for you even before they knew that they were to marry each other. Hashirama was painfully obvious with it whilst Mito kept it more subtle, but she treated you with a gentleness she had so far only showed Hashirama. Mito was also the one who realized that both of them loved you and was also the one discovering the unhealthiness of their feelings.
🌳🦊Mito was also the one who decided at some point that they should talk about it. None of them was angry with each other. They decided at that point already that they would share you.
🌳🦊But after they had married each other they had a small problem. You were off limits for them now. It would be a disgrace for their clans if both of them would continue to have romantic feelings for you since they were married now. Both of their clans expected them to only focus on their duties and each other.
🌳🦊Mito handled the new situation better than Hashirama who was devastated by this. She knew that the clan had done what they thought was necessary. But the problem was that the clan didn’t know that both of them had feelings for you. Such dark feelings too. She knew that it was her duty to serve her village, but she also knew that Hashirama would suffer under this. Not to mention that she would suffer too under this.
🌳🦊So she came up with a plan on how to make sure that they would fulfill their duty and still be able to share you. She felt deep down terrible that she was betraying her clan like this, but she also knew that she wouldn’t be able to give her fullest when she didn’t have you by her side. She would just work even harder to make up for it.
🌳🦊They needed to be really careful that no one would ever find out about this. It would be over the moment their clan would find out. That meant that they couldn’t risk to be seen with you in the village doing couple stuff. Mito had no problem with that, but Hashirama as a big fan of PDA did. However, it was helpful that everyone thought that the three of you were good friends so that they could at least spend time with you in the village without looking too suspicious. Couple activities needed to be done in the safe walls of their shared house or somewhere isolated in the forest.
🌳🦊Hashirama is the one who needs more personal time with you than Mito does. But if Mito demands some personal time with you he won’t object. But there are also times where the both of them spend time with you together.
🌳🦊Mito is the mastermind in this relationship. She makes sure that no one finds out about you and also makes sure that you don’t try to tell anyone. She’s also the one who has to lecture Hashirama and you when you get reckless. She needs to restrain this guy from spoiling you too much.
🌳🦊Even though Mito is the one who makes the plans, Hashirama is the one who puts them into action since he’s the Hokage. He’s also the one who will look out that Mito isn’t too serious and has fun with the both of you from time to time. She should just enjoy things from time to time.
🌳🦊A very great duo to have as Yanderes. It’s good that Mito is there to keep Hashirama under check because he can something be a bit too overbearing with his affection. If you’re worried about something talk to her and she will try to find a way to help you. Hashirama on the other hand wants Mito to not worry too much from time to time and just relax with him and you. He makes sure that Mito doesn’t intimidate you too much with her dignified aura. If you want to have some fun go to him.
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knight-of-the-thorn · 3 years
1, 6, 7, 11 for a vari of your choice ✨
Thank you for the ask! I'll be answering these for Theitia :D
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1) Are they woodier or leafier? Succulent, deciduous, evergreen?
Aside from the left over scaring from being corrupted by Mordremoth, which is definitely more of a wood-like texture, Theitia's skin is probably more like leaves, specifically rose leaves, but her hair is made up of thorned vines as opposed to leaves. She's never really grown her own armour, she prefers fabrics because they feel more dignified to her and she prefers the look in general, but if she were to it would naturally tend towards petals and some thorns as opposed to leaves or bark.
6) What’s their relationship with the Pale Tree?
Contentious. She believes that she is uniquely qualified to be the knight of the thorn because she is willing to, and I quote, "tell mother dearest where she can stick it." Basically she had a lot of misgivings towards the Pale Tree as a sapling, she was given a wyld hunt and she resented that, she didn't like being told what to do, hence, nightmare court, then soundless. She came back to the dream because everything with Mordremoth kind of gave her more perspective on the situation and prompted her to reevaluate. But even as the Pale Tree's champion, even with her new respect for her, she uses her position to challenge the Pale Tree when she thinks that she's being unreasonable or unfair. Theitia worked fucking hard to stomp out the Nightmare Court after Faolain died and she's not about to let that be undone because the roots of the issue, so to speak, weren't addressed. She understands that the Pale Tree is wise in a lot of aspects and loves her children, but she doesn't understand them all the time. She doesn't have a mortal perspective on this, she's a fuck off big magic tree. Theitia understands how people work and why, and she's willing to challenge the Pale Tree, and the Pale Tree values her insight. It's difficult for both of them sometimes but it seems to be working.
7) How do they react to Mordremoth when they first hear him?
Hey remember how a paragraph ago I offhandedly mentioned Theitia was soundless for a bit? Yeah. Yep. I wouldn't say she reacted well. Using a bunch of Asura gates she came basically straight from Ascalon where she was hiding from the Court to the Heart of Maguuma because "Oh free will is my whole thing guess I'd better help!" This was widely regarded as a shitty idea on her part and she did loose her mind a bit there the second she got in the vague proximity of the call. All things considered she kept it together pretty well. I mean yeah she killed some people, yeah she got sent into unfathomable rage at Arceidai for things that were pretty much her fault, yeah she did try and kill them and steal Aurene's egg, but the important thing is she didn't! And she learned some valuable lessons from the experience! Or at least she said she did which almost counts for just as much.
11) Random headcanon!
Theitia didn't want to get involved in the icebrood saga because she didn't want another Elder Dragon fucking with her head, so she wasn't there for anything that happened in Bjora Marches. When Arceidai was shot by Bangar, there was a bit where no one was entirely sure whether or not they were going to make it. So Theitia was called by Braham to the Eye of the North. She had to deal with the fact that her partner might die again and that she might have to take up the mantle of commander in their stead. It didn't come to that but she went with them to Drizzlewood Coast. It was also the first time Ghainen didn't give her any shit for ignoring her actual job.
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greentrickster · 4 years
For the avatar au, I'd love to hear any of your headcanons on Kay, particularly regarding her interactions with the adults and the other kids!
I’m assuming we’re talking Avatar-setting, so here we go!
First off, once Kay joins the group, no one has personal space anymore, only space that Kay is not currently occupying, and, really, thinking she wouldn’t use you as a launch platform was just wishful thinking on your part. She gets along with Klavier like a house on fire, because she hasn’t fully mastered the ‘stealth’ portion of being a ninja just yet, but she makes up for it with ENTHUSIASM!!!
MIles is initially the only adult in the group she actually recognizes as having the authority of an adult (she doesn’t always listen, of course, but she acknowledges it’s there), Larry and Phoenix are potential cohorts with no power over her. It takes awhile for her to gain enough respect for them to start viewing them as really worth listening to if they tell her she should or shouldn’t do something.
Ema’s still pretty stiff when Kay joins up, I think - even though she’s only eleven, we’re seeing her in a state similar to how she is in AA:AJ, just because she’s terrified for her sister and feels responsible for things outside her control, so she is 11/10 Stressed Out for a lot of this story. She finally starts relaxing again once Lana is saved, and winds up in a sort low-key frienemies situation with Kay, since they work for armies of different nations.
Apollo doesn’t like Kay much, but Kay likes Apollo a lot - he’s super fun and easy to tease! These two facts are related.
Maya she instantly recognizes as a Potential Partner In Crime, and once Franziska joins the group they form the unstoppable Team Teach Franziska How To Have Fun! Klavier is a probationary member of this group.
Kay thinks Trucy is adorable, and this is Very Good, because Trucy’s a two-year-old airbender, and Phoenix loves her and has no intentions of returning her to the air temple she came from afterwards, he’s going to hide her behind his back as say she was stolen by wild rabolopes when the time comes, but Trucy takes so much energy to take care of, and sometimes he needs a break, and Kay can and will cheerfully keep up with her.
Nahyuta is a very dignified Master Airbender and will behave with the decorum his status requires. Kay is going to make him crack.
Kay is also waiting for her Uncle Badd to just ask her dad out already, sheesh, yeah, earth picks its moment, but there have been a lot of moments he has not picked and he’s not getting any younger, Kay can tell, she can see his hair starting to turn grey. Once she’s rescued them from the pirates (with a tiny bit of help from the rest of the Ace Benders) she’s going to be very disappointed in him for not using the opportunity to make a move, because you were captured by pirates together, how much more romantic can you get!?
Thanks for the ask!
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hollenka99 · 2 years
2, 7, 13, and 18 for the fanfic asks! -River
Ask game!
2. What character(s) do you find the most difficult to write for? Why?
I'm not sure since I tend to stick to such a small selection of characters, especially crimeboys and sbi in general. Not to mention I stick to aus more than canon-compliant. As long as Wilbur is dignified as an act to hide his insecurities and Tommy is mischievous yet thoughtful when the occasion calls for him to be, I think I'm doing okay with them.
However, I recently found that Tubbo is a bit of a weak spot for me and I am certainly not used to writing Sapnap so those two require more practice for me to feel confident while writing them.
7. What story/headcanons do you feel the proudest of?
In terms of AUs, it can't be anything except Regicide. Anon and I have been expanding the world on a daily basis for the past 7 months. And it shows. She tends to be the one who suggests worldbuilding that we then jointly expand on while I'm more the type to introduce new ways to make it angsty (a fair few leading to non canon paths or even a bunch of them becoming a new canon path).
For an actual fic though, I'd say I Beg of Thee Have Mercy on Me (I Was Just a Boy, You See) aka the Regibur self-destruction arc fic. I worked on it for 4 months on and off. When it ended up growing to 24k words, I impressed myself with how big it became, especially since I was expecting it to be half that length. Before that though, it was The Life of Jameson Jackson because I love that story and its universe. Hands down one of my favourite fics from not just the ego fandom but from all the fandoms I've written for.
13. When did you start writing fanfic?
In 2014 so 8 years ago now. I had recently read Divergent which was how I discovered Quotev, thanks to a faction quiz on there. Soon afterwards I decided to give writing out a fic idea a go. But since this was 2014 and I myself was 14, all of my fics for the next two or so years were 1D fics. Mostly of the Niall or Louis x OC variety.
They're all still up there if anyone really felt the need for reading them but at the time I very much did what everyone else was doing, which was tackling serious issues like mental health and abuse etc. Stuff I didn't have the experience or maturity to handle respectfully in my works yet.
18. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished?
It's a bit of both tbh. There's projects like the camarvan chapter where I wrote it all in present tense since I just couldn't make myself write in past tense as I went along, which meant I was editing the entire chapter once it was done. But then there's longer fics where I'm constantly going back to varying sections as I write so I can maintain consistency with all the sections where necessary.
All my fics are first drafts more or less. I write until it's complete, go over it to make sure there's no grammar mistakes or accidentally incomplete sentences then I post.
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