#I'll just post randomly from time to time about anything idk
0iam0 · 1 year
Idk I take this blog too seriously or something so just posting whatever. I'm in some laboratory and idk what we're doing, what readings are we supposed to be taking
i bored
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feel free to talk. always feel free to talk btw. u can even spam my dms I wouldn't mind
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shmolish · 2 months
AN: Def seems like the person to deny being sick, and act like a little bastard, and not take medicine, and just act whiney and clingy
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Sick! Shadow Milk Cookie x Reader
Oneshot (headcanons below)
Warnings: idk, just a silly little post of our favorite trickster ☆☆☆
"Shadow Milk, you have to take the medicine or you're not going to get better!"
"I already told you- It's gross and I don't wanna!"
This back and forth had been going on for who knows how long.
You see, Shadow Milk had caught a cold, and you have been trying to get him to take medicine to recover. The only problem was, he was being a stubborn little brat.
"And I'm fine! It's just a cough. I'm not even sick-"
Oh, and there was that too. He kept insisting that he was fine when he clearly wasn't.
"You threw up an hour ago."
"That's unrelated."
You frowned.
"If you don't take it then I'm going to become sick. You would want that, right?"
He glared at you. "I don't like how you're using your own health against mine," he'd say.
"Fine, give it here," he reached his hand out for the bottle of medicine, to which you happily gave him.
Then he began to gulp it down by the bottle-full.
"Just be grateful I'm even taking it in the first place!" He'd hiss.
He finished the entire bottle.
"This stuff tastes gross. I don't know how you normal people do it," He'd stick out his tongue, and you would snatch the now empty bottle from his hands.
"That's because you're not supposed to drink all of it."
"Yada Yada, rules aren't really my thing, doll. Anyway, am I like.. not sick anymore?"
What a clueless, loveable, idiot.
"...No. You have to wait a while,"
He had a disgusted look on his face.
"Are you serious? I drank that whole bottle and it doesn't even cure me? That's such a scandal." He would cross his arms.
"Again, you weren't supposed to drink it all."
"Yeah yeah, my bad. Now hurry up and cuddle me. It's been much to long since I've last had you in my arms." He would reach his arms out for you, making grabbing hands and a pouting face.
"No way- I don't want to catch what you have."
He ignored your response and snatched you under the covers with him.
You were really stuck now. You both know that if Shadow Milk wants something, it's his. And in the current moment, he wanted your attention.
"If you do end up getting sick, then I'll be the one to take care of you."
It was going to be a long week.
Headcanons ☆
Runs around the house to avoid taking medicine
Denies being sick, even though he sneezes like every five seconds
Refuses to rest
Will get abnormaly warm, but will still complain about being cold
Will cuddle you in the night and you're legit overheating
He says sorry but doesn't do anything about it
Either takes all of the blankets from you, or puts ALL of the blankets on both of you
Either way, he uses all of the blankets
Ten times clingy, but he insists its for 'no reason in particular.'
Gets so whiney and needy
If he doesn't have your attention 24/7 he screams
Will 100% use his sick status to avoid responsibilities
Still a flirty bastard
If he ever seems to get randomly better, he'll say it's because of your love
One time has attempted to start an... interesting doctor and patient role play
You shut down the idea quickly and he wouldn't stop nagging you about it for the rest of the day
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tenelkadjowrites · 10 days
i've been putting off making a formal announcement on this blog but i think i've reached a point where i can say the blog as everyone knows it is...done. the hiatus has turned into a retirement of sorts.
basically, going forward, there is no promise of any fics being posted, no more tag lists, no more icon/header changes for a hwa fic, etc. fics can be posted randomly and not just be focused on hwa, it'll be about whatever catches my attention and i want to write a fic on. this could mean months upon months with no update. it could mean i never update again. idk i am not really focusing on it.
so yeah, thats the short version. longer version under the cut.
the thing about running this blog is that over time it ended up being whatever idea i had needed to be tweaked in order to feel comfortable post it here. that could be trying to put smut scenes in, or thinking about the dynamic and how it would come across to an audience, or if i went too long without posting and it would weigh on me.
after my move to toronto, i hit burn out with the blog. i missed writing original works, and i missed the genre exploration i liked to do with original pieces such as horror. i dealt with a sort of nagging guilt if i didn't post on here for long periods of time and i felt like if i kept pushing against how my brain was going, the fics posted here would suffer in quality.
ppl who have read this far know that i don't pay attention to the amount of notes i get on my fics. i write the ideas because i want to write them. that's been my rule and once i got the sense i was writing for the blog and not writing cuz i wanted to, i realized i needed to step away from it.
so going forward, the only time this blog will be updated is if i got a story idea that naturally and organically was planned as a fic in my head. this could mean no more hwa fics ever again. it could mean fics about random video game characters. it could mean more star wars fics. or it could mean i don't update for a really long time. i don't know what form it will take. i'm not really focusing on that.
while this blog was my primary focus, i met a lot of amazing people and ended up meeting people that now mean so much to me. i had tons of nice messages sent to me. i never thought i'd get 3k followers here and that wasn't my goal, it just ended up happening.
if you read all this, thanks, and thank you to everyone who took the time to read anything i posted, it means a lot. i'll be at the toronto ateez show if anyone wants to say hi.
my main blog is @hologramhoneymoon - you can follow me there for a lot of random reblogs from a lot of random things.
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lilacsareinbloomagain · 5 months
Ik you said you’re on break but that’s okay! I can wait lmao
I’m obsessed with your yandere lu writings. I would love a yandere Time x fem reader where he like extra creeps on reader? I’m talking like spying on them n shit and maybe stealing an article of clothing just bc it smells like them
Lord help me that sounds so weird
Why am I like this
Thank you so much for requesting for my boy Time!
Notes: No no I like your way of thinking, give me your worst. Me, personally, I can be way worse than that lol
In fact, I may have accidentally made this creepier than I meant to, idk
By the way, when I said underpants in this I meant those white pants thing Link uses, which is probably called tights or something, but I didn't want you guys to read this and imagine reader with, like, fishnets by accident lmao
Time has anxiety and I'll not elaborate
I was gonna post this tomorrow, but ya know
TWs: Yanderism, stalking, suggestiveness, clothing stealing.
Yandere! LU! Time x Reader
In a way, Time was like a cat.
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There was no way you could just ignore random articles of your clothes going missing every time you went to bath.
No matter where you went to clean yourself, it was like one part of your outfit was picked out by hand and evaporated, be it your undershirt, underpants, socks, and sometimes even your underwear!
You tried everything to prevent it, hiding your clothes, setting up traps… You only drew the line when it came to anything to do with poison, since you couldn't bear to possibly end up killing an innocent animal just for the sake of clothes.
Even if said clothes somehow always ended up randomly returning unscathed to the rest of your laundry.
Time and time again, this topic was brought up in conversations with the men you traveled alongside. Yet, for some reason, the matter was also time and time again swept under the rug. It never got solved, neither did it ever get discussed, more often than not.
Starkly different from your point of view, Time found it pretty cute how you got all fussy over some little clothes, clothes which he could easily just make you throw away and buy new ones, it's not like he was lacking the rupees for it, after all.
Yet, he couldn't find it within himself to keep pressing on that matter, not when you looked just so embarrassed protesting against the idea of throwing away your under clothes, stressing about how comfortable your clothes were and about how they were your favorite because of that exact reason.
From what he's noticed, you barely ever wore anything else, no matter how many clothes they could offer you, which was proof of just how much you adored that outfit, each part that composed it having been carefully thought out before being picked out by your hand back when they first went to the market to look for an appropriate Hyrulean attire for you.
It was more than obvious by now that you weren't planning on getting rid of it any time soon.
Still, despite all your best attempts to keep your clothes safe, you couldn't really stop them from randomly disappearing, that is, unless you stopped bathing, and that was something you obviously couldn't even consider doing.
So, you simply sighed with resolution as you took off your clothes to once again go into the river next to the camp, wanting to wash off any grime that may have rubbed on you from the last battle the Links went through before you guys left for the next village.
A little ways down in the same river, you knew the other men were washing themselves, that way, a scream would be all they needed know to come over to help you, should anything happen.
Not that anything had ever happened to you while you were bathing.
You kind of felt like you were being watched, but then again, you learned to not pay attention to that, after all, your brain always seemed to like playing tricks on you, be it making you think you saw the shadows in the corner of your eye moving, or strange noises coming from bushes, all of which always proved to be absolutely nothing at all. Especially the strangely distinctive smell of Time rubbing off on your clothes...
Besides, whenever you looked around yourself to see if your senses were correct, you'd only be able to hear the calm silence of the river waters, almost as if the fish itself held back from swimming every time you tensed up.
The regular calming ambiance noises returned when you finally stopped being paranoid, going back to washing yourself with a relieved sigh, knowing the feeling of being watched was just a product of your tricky mind.
Sound doesn't travel much underwater. Should it be sounds of heavy breathing, sounds of something much larger than the river fish swimming, or even the heavy sounds of metal boots sinking into the sandy floor of the river with every step their wearer took.
Time observed with certain amusement as you walked around the shallow part of the river, your head just above the surface, your feet dangling dangerously near the deeper part. One wrong step and you could risk drowning.  
However, you seemed to be having fun while cleaning yourself, enjoying the cool, clean water. The elder, though, was having his own fun watching you.
He had to give it to you though, no matter what you did, your movements were always so captivating to him. He had already seen a lot in his life, many races, creatures and even monsters. Yet you had such a… Human way of behaving. Even if humans were so alike hylians, you still seemed different in a way, a very good way in his eyes.
What was even more interesting to him was the fact that you were still different from the other humans he'd met through his life.
More often than not your actions were unpredictable and random, not at all serious, it was like you somehow weren't very phased after getting kicked out of whatever universe you originally belonged in and into another. An universe that was extremely dangerous and distinct from yours. His universe.
You were very, very far from your home, yet he could still see some of it in the way you spoke, behaved and reacted to the things and beings around you.
Sometimes, he'd catch himself becoming infatuated again with the stuff that he was already used to, simply because you seemed so surprised and excited by them. 
Things he saw in his everyday life and just happened to ignore. Places, people, animals, creatures, plants, you name it. You gave him a renewed view of life, the whole "enjoy the small things in life" a concept so simple that still managed to make him feel truly alive again.
When he was with you he felt like Hylia and the Golden Goddesses themselves were paying him back for all heroic deeds he performed. In his eyes, you saved him.
In no time, watching the stars with you became a new routine, you were always so interested in them, yet still didn't seem to mind when he preferred to do something else, as to avoid looking at the moon.
Therefore, counting and catching fireflies was the next best thing.
And before he even noticed, he had bought an extra satchel at the market just so he could collect and buy those things that reminded him of you, things he noticed you pointing out whenever you saw. Pretty rocks, shiny crystals, colorful shells, and even those silly little trinkets that, in his eyes were useless, yet brought happiness to yours.
You'd even managed to make him blush the other day, when you told him he was acting like a cat, placing gifts by your bedroll at night, while you were asleep.
Yes, you made him blush. Him, The elder, The Hero Of Time that was also The leader their group, a group made up of the strongest men known in the history of Hyrule.
But, in a way, you were actually correct. 
Cats are very attached to their favorite person, enough to follow them around and watch them do the most simple things, like sleeping, or bathing.
He didn't feel like admitting to those things though, especially not to stealing your clothes.
At first, he assured himself that he was doing all that watching just to make sure you were safe, after all, bathing time was the only moment of the day when you were “fully alone” or so you thought. Time would never forgive himself if you accidentally got hurt because of his lack of attention to you, even if the “hurt” in question was merely a scratch on your knee from accidentally slipping while bathing.
He knew better than anyone that too much peace meant something bad could happen at any time, and too little peace was even worse! Therefore, there was no middle ground, you needed to be protected at all times. And the fact he also got a little fun out of guarding you didn't hurt anyone. After all, what the eyes don't see, the heart doesn't feel.
He didn't even try lying to himself about stealing your clothes, he wasn't that delusional, after all, liking your smell didn't sound like too good of an excuse to tell you, should you find out about that little habit of his.
In a way, he wasn't even hidden right now, per say, he was just not in plain view. 
In fact, sometimes even hoped you saw him, so that he'd be able to stop just watching and join you already.
After all, you wouldn't be able to get hurt if he was right there beside you, right?
Let him keep pretending that's the only reason he wanted to join you in the bath.
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novalizinpeace · 3 months
This question just came up randomly from my dyslexia, but I'll ask it anyway.
Why did you name the characters exactly what they are called now? Like, what gave rise to giving them such a name? Especially a question for Neill.
(By the way, I pronounce his name as “Nail” (nail and hammer) due to dyslexia and only now realized that Neill is correct)
It took me like 3 hours looking for the names for each children (on the original post were i introduce them), 'cause i was really trying to get details both for the original critters and the children own personality in said name.
Let me use Google to explain the meaning part, and then i explain my own work with it. long post guys, Nova is gonna talk a lot
First with Nell
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As i said before, Nell's name was fitting for him 'cause the ''Shinning light'' goes fine with Dogday character, but on the other side, the ''hard as a horn'' was the part that, for me, work with the experiment one: Nell's can be emotionally weak, but his temple and spirit is the strongest in the gang, specially if it mean to protect those how he care, he's the shining light of the killer team, their boss but most important, the one that is ready to give his life for his loved ones.
Now, Callem (here it show Callum, but is another way of write it, it mean the same)
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Just, is a simple meaning, and yeah the bird side was for Kickin, BUT the meaning of said animal is was Callem's character really is about
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Callem is the free spirit of the gang, a soul that is only trapped in the physical way, but that doesn't care about anything else, he isn't afraid of cry, of scream, of love. Yup, maybe he doesn't take the iniciative with Nell, but not 'cause he's afraid, but 'cause he care for Nell's feelings, he never liked to be force to do something, why would he force Nell out of his comfort zone? He's ready to fly when needed, that's Callem for you.
Now, Charlie
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What does this had anything to be with Bubba? Well, this was a inside joke with my lil' cousin, that when we read the name Charlotte whe remember the spider, AND then we remember the game song (in spanish, idk if there's a version in english) ''Un elefante se columpiaba sobre la tela de una araña'', it was a silly moment, but she ask me to name him Charlie, 'cause she liked the name and, in her words, ''Tiene cara de charlie'' (he had a charlie face). So yeah, Charlie doesn't have a strong meaning in his name, but hey, the ''Warrior'' part was what make me put him in the Killer team, and it a choice 'm really happy about.
Now Alba
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The ''white'' meaning is for literally Crafty's fur, and also the name is kinda relate to a colour palette, so it fit in her side. Now, with the experiment, is basically a mirror of Nell, but in a more ''bright'' way; Nell and Alba had always been mirrors of the other during their time working in the playcare, but Alba has something that Nell doesn't: A mind without attachment. Alba never had something to care about in her past life more that herself, something that make her miss her past life, so when she learn the true, she was angry 'cause she was used, no 'cause she wasn't a children in playcare anymore. Nell since day one has been emotionally ''in a eternal night'', there's something that give weight to his actions, something that make him worry. Alba was able to pursue Nicole, she was able to become the second in charge of the heretics, she was able to make a community with the little they have, 'cause her mind was already past the night, unlike Nell, that shine in the dark.
Now, Nicole
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Obviously more close in meaning with the cartoon side that with the experiment side due the deatils of ''victory'' related to competitions, BUT in Nicole theres also some true: She has always been a fighter, maybe not in the physical way, but in her past life she refuse to let the employees experiment with her using the Poppy serum, doesn't caring if she could die without it, she wasn't a lab rat, and even after getting turn in Hoppy, she show them that she still was able to win over them, by been the most hard to tame, to the point of breaking the scientists's patience with a literal jumpscare (this gonna be show in her VHS)
Now, Samina
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The name, as i read in another place, also mean a ''well feeded child'' that goes to the side of Picky, but the rest is for the experiment, 'cause yeah, the bitchiest, most intense and meany member of the gang is actually a generous soul, but a soul that had been breaked over and over again, and even after that still have a lil' piece of that kind soul to give to her friends.
And then, we have Amara
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why i had to scroll so much to get this meaning? But yeah, 'm using the latin/spanish meaning of this name for her, that is basically ''to love'', something that work both for Bobby and for Amara herself, 'cause both were means to be a character full of love to give, full of emotions and ready to ''love'' those she care about.
Also! Funfact!
Do you know what Theo's name mean?
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An interesing choice considering all his relation with the prototype, good on that Mob game.
And here ends my tedtalk, good night everybody!
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lettheladylead · 5 months
Hi! I was looking through Magica De Spell’s Wikipedia page today and it says that Magica has a sister named the Wicked Witch of the West, who has children named Witch Child and Warlock. I couldn’t find any information of them online so I was wondering if you knew anything about them, if they exist at all.
If they don’t, do you think you could instead do a character post on Magica’s cousin Matilda? Your old family tree posts helped me a lot in understanding Duck lore.
Aw I'm glad those posts help!! I'm still down for making them 'cause it's a lot of fun for me to find old comics and do some research.
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So before I talk about Witch Child, I wanna clarify some things that are relevant to the character.
This is another case where Americans can't stop themselves from taking "sister" and "aunt" literally. Aunt can be used to refer to any older woman in someone's life. Sister is frequently used in stories about witches (because a coven is like a sisterhood/sorority, it's a whole thing). Neither imply blood relation! Even "cousin" is often used to refer to friends/neighbors. Different cultures and languages treat words like that very differently than Americans do.
Witch Child, Warlock, & Witch of the West are all from a very specific time period of Brazilian duck comics where Magica and Madam Mim (from The Sword and the Stone) were living together/dating/???? and interacted with other Disney movie characters. In this specific timeline, the ducks live amongst regular humans which is very strange but you just gotta accept it. Magica also lives in Duckburg I think? It seems like she and Scrooge just run into each other randomly so I believe she and Mim have a house in Duckburg for whatever reason
"Witch Child" is not her name and I don't know why she's referred to like that on InDucks/other wikias. Her name in Brazil (where she was created) is Magali, in Italian she's Maghetta/Maghina/Streghella (inconsistent names in translations are very common), and in French she's Seraphine. None of her comics have an official English publication so again idk where "Witch Child" comes from! But I'll probably refer to her as Streghella for the remainder of this post 'cause it's easier that way.
OKAY now for details:
In Streghella's first comic, Magica gets a letter from a friend asking her and Madam Mim to babysit her friend's daughter. Streghella is whiny and rude and a troublemaker. She ruins a magical career opportunity for Magica and it's pretty funny
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Then there's a whole bunch of comics where she just appears for no reason, making trouble. She's a surprisingly powerful witch but she just loves to piss everyone off, especially Mim.
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Another important note about Streghella - she was only really drawn by two comic artists during the height of her appearances (in the 70s, pretty much). The above drawings were all done by an artist named Jim Fletcher. But she had a lot of appearances drawn by an artist named Glenn Schmitz, who drew her completely differently.
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I don't know if I would've realized these were even the same character if it wasn't documented lol but y'know they didn't have the same resources in the 70s that we have now so they did what they could.
Anyway, from what I can tell her personality stayed mostly in tact through most of these comics. Whiny, stuck-up, nosy, but also very funny and magically powerful. She would occasionally interact with Scrooge or HDL but mostly her appearances were in Magica and Mim comics.
Oh there's one comic where she looks like this for some reason?
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BUT THEN what's interesting is Streghella making a few appearances years after her comics all came out. First there was one comic in 1995, then twice in 2011 and once more in 2016. There's also apparently a 2020 appearance but I couldn't get my hands on it :(
In her 1995 appearance she looks really cute but her personality is, well. Personality-wise she's completely unrecognizable. Now Magica makes comments about Streghella always trying to be good and getting in trouble for being good all the time.
(Ignore the bad english translation I was just popping pages into google translate lol)
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She's still a troublemaker in the sense that she tries to trick Magica and Mim into consuming a potion that will make them good, kind people. But then the comic ends with Magica doing something nice by choice and it's cute but yeah the character is nothing like her original self.
Her first 2011 comic is where she...wants to go to a Jonas Brothers concert and chats with April May & June online to try and make it happen. Something like that. It follows along with "Streghella is too kind and Magica tries to teach her to be evil" from the '95 comic, but for some reason the colorist made Streghella a brunette. Idk! They also forgot her iconic hat!
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Next 2011 comic has Huey Dewey and Louie accidentally traveling to a magic academy. It's very Harry Potter-y? I guess? Streghella is friendly and does some magic. You can tell it's her 'cause of the pigtails and bows. But still no hat :(
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In her 2016 appearance, she's been reading April May and June's blog and wants to help them with some problem. Magica is like no be mean and Streghella's like no I want to help! You get it.
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This comic is pretty fun. Magica turns herself into Grandma Duck and puts a truth potion into some cake Streghella bakes for the Duck Family and gets a bunch of secrets out of them.
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There's also a joke at the end where Daisy accidentally reveals Brigitta's age to everyone (we don't get to see it) but according to this comic, Brigitta is much older than she looks lol Not that we didn't already know that.
Anyway so that's all there is to know about Witch Child/Streghella. She's cute!
Warlock time!
Warlock is Streghella's brother. He's only in four comics total and they're mostly very early comics - his real name is just whatever Streghella's name was at the time but with an -o at the end. If she's Maghetta, he's Maghetto. If she's Maghina, he's Maghino. You get it. He'd probably be Streghello if he had a named appearance more recently.
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His personality is not very distinct from Streghella's. He's also magical and a troublemaker. In his first comic he arrives in the mail, in a, like...little jail cell? Crate? Idk? And then Magica and Mim eventually box both kids up into the crate and ship them away.
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(Yes that's supposed to be him, apparently.)
He appears in the magic school comic as well...
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And that's it! There's not really anything else to know about him.
Last but not least...the Witch of the West! Actually, that's a lie. Least. She appears just the one time. And I'm gonna be honest. I don't think she's the biological mother of these bird children.
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'Cause yeah she's a human witch. Idk if she's from another Disney property or if she's supposed to be the witch from the Wizard of Oz. Idk man. But Streghella calls her "mama" and she refers to Streghella as her daughter so I'll take those ones literally.
There's nothing much to say about her - she doesn't have a name and all she does is drop her kid off with Magica and then reappear when Mim and Magica threaten to lock Streghella inside a bottle.
NOW if you're wondering...how do these characters connect to the previously known characters that are related to Magica De Spell?
They do not! The fact that Streghella has made a few recent appearances means you can decide how you want her to fit in, but trying to blend these different canons will not be seamless. You just gotta take what you like. Streghella frequently refers to herself as Magica's apprentice so you can always take that route, too.
Aaaaaaaaaand since you asked, I'm happy to talk about Matilda! God there are too many Matildas in duck comics. I have never met a woman named Matilda in my life. It's fine.
Matilda De Spell (not an official name but I call her that anyway) - Magica's teenage cousin! Is she actually, biologically, Magica's cousin? Probably not. But it's fiiiiiiine.
I did actually scanlate all three comics that Matilda appears in, so you can read them if you'd like:
There's not really anything to know about her outside of these comics. She's tomboyish, spunky, fun. Really looks up to Magica. I think their dynamic is fun and I always like to see more teen characters lol I think I've portrayed Matilda as Amelia De Spell's younger sister but that's definitely not canon, just me trying to stick the blondes together.
Anyway sorry this ended up being such a long response. I haven't had the opportunity to research random duck characters in a while. I hope this has the answers you wanted :)
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Facts About the TWST Boys You Might Not Know: Diasomnia
It's the last post for this series.
So let's go I guess.
I'm sure we all know this, but Malleus has a sweet little Tamagotchi pet names Roaring Draco. (In Japanese, it's Gao-Gao Dragon-kun, which is just adorable)
Whenever he appears or disappears, firefly-like lights appear.
Poor guy needs special pillows cause of his horns.
His first time being called for a housewarden meeting was in the first chapter of the Fairy Gala Event. (this is just sad now)
Malleus is so freaking strong that it'd be easier for him to break a large rock with his hands than crack an egg without making a mess.
His first time in a car was during the Scalding Sands event.
Also during that event, he mentions his parents. (and the wiki doesn't say why this is there, but I'm pretty sure it's cause he doesn't talk about them much.)
He's a terrible fucking cook. (basically twst's Solomon)
Lilia's portrait is actually in a textbook in NRC.
He's good with instruments.
Lilia says he's so good at singing lullabies that children go to sleep in a fraction of a second after hearing them. (Idk if that's cause he's really that good of a singer or if he's using magic.)
I'm sure this is well known, but his bangs were burned once by Malleus breathing fire.
Lilia likes the taste of potions deemed rotten tasting by others. (maybe that's why he thinks he's a good cook)
He says he knew Sam's great great great grandfather.
He doesn't just dye his hair pink, he sometimes does other colors.
He cuts his own hair.
He likes sweets.
And I didn't want to type this out cause it's funny the way it is "Sometimes, Lilia randomly picks his nose even when he's in public."
He's the only named student to not have a last name.
He, Azul, and Cater are all 5'7". (??? why is that just in the wiki?)
According to Ruggie, he and Kalim are "mad-free" people. (???)
Small animals are attracted to him. (probably well known, but whatever)
He thinks MC/Yuu has a talent for the sword. (??? What is with Silver's wiki? I'm so confused)
What is this wiki holy fuck. "According to Lilia, he and Sebek used to be scaredy cats, due to that Lilia had quite a bit of laundry to do after Halloween." (??? (a few weeks later: ohhhhhh. I get it now)
He got his name from his hair color, says Lilia.
And either he or Lilia cuts his hair.
He's really good with objective classes, but struggles with subjective classes.
He likes reading.
He was a late bloomer with his magic. (I wonder if that's a sore spot for him.)
He likes warmer and more humid places. (crocodile)
Horses get scared of him for some reason. (crocodile, also, how's he able to do anything in his club then?)
Pfft- "According to Grim, whenever Malleus is brought up he gets really exhausting."
He's jealous of Kalim and Jamil's relationship (as Jamil being Kalim's "servant," as he says) and is also jealous that they've known each other since birth.
He's usually in charge of heavy lifting in Diasomnia.
He can lift 8 chairs at once with ease.
Holy fucking shit Sebek's is so freaking funny "He has a portrait of Malleus in his room, which he greets every single time he leaves or comes back." (I fucking can't..... I'm laughing so hard making this post)
Sebek's really close to his grandfather.
Ok, so Diasomnia's wiki was really confusing and really funny.
And you can also tell they get a lot of love like Heartslabyul.
But every other dorm doesn't get shit.
So.... maybe I'll do the side characters?
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irldiancie · 2 months
All Kagehina “proof” I know of
Ok i wasnt gonna post this but ive been told by a friend to explain why some might ship Kagehina so... try me. i dont exactly ship this myself but lets just say im a pro when it comes to this topic also it's not as bad as i thought it was there are worse ships idk why i was a hater also i lowkey got some of this from shipping wiki but most of it i knew already, plus NOT ALL OF THIS IS NECESSARILY REFERENCES TO THE SHIP it kinda just adds on to it anyways lets just get into it
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ok so starting with common knowledge i think everyone knows that Hinata is the protagonist followed with Kageyama being the deuteragonist, they get the most screen time together and are pretty much paired MOST of the series, we get a lot of content with them together while also getting content of them on their own, they're known as the "freak duo," the "greatest teammates" and like 100 other names they've been called I've seen a lot of people intemperate their relationship wrong, I've seen a few say Kageyama was downright "abusive" to Hinata which I think is a little farfetched, but to each their own! They genuinely do care for each other and it shows, even at the end of the manga you can tell how far their relationship has come, even if they consider themselves rivals, they are without a doubt still friends Now a lot of people have said "well they're not gay they're just friends", while this is true, it has been referenced/implied officially in many places, including manga panels and english dubs, so while it isn't canon there is a few cute things about it which we know are official which is why I'm sharing this, I myself know it isn't canon, plus I didn't really make this to prove anything it was kinda for fun sorry if that made little to no sense but I'll start getting into more interesting stuff 1. at the tip of the iceberg we have the fact they're in so much official art together
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theres like a 1000 more of these btw theyre often put near eachother even in official arts not based off them
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I have like 1k more of these but i have more proof than this but i think you get my point some of this is probably promo art but that's also considered official art so 2. moving on i think another known one is that Ukai calls them lovebirds ONE TIME in English dub and I have no idea who approved that but I think it's funny and obviously this probably meant nothing but take it as you want video of it here 3. this is kinda randomly thrown in but the fact that they also trust eachother, they've mentioned it a couple times but I think it's nice to know 4. i dont remember when this was or what chapter or something but kageyamas grandfather said "somebody even better will come for you", which just happened to be Hinata of course 5. ALSO after that whole fight scene back in season two, Hinata says this
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he didnt really consider kageyama as a friend, but he considered him a partner which i believe is more important to hinata. teammates/partners were always something Hinata wanted, as before he went to Karasuno, he didn't feel like his friends in Junior high were necessarily teammates. Meaning he valued Kageyama more because he was his partner.
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(credits to triananero for these images) and when him and Kageyama started working together, they most definitely were perfect together, as they balanced each-other out, which made them become an unstoppable duo or whatever they called them 6. the fact that they have matching jersey numbers 9 and 10 moving on to less canon stuff, there is a light novel of Haikyuu called Haikyū!! Shōsetsuban!! which probably isnt close to canon but Furudate was a part of it even though it wasn't written by him, so it's at least somewhat official 7. anyway according to shipping wiki there is a chapter where Kageyama feels "fluttery feelings at the bottom of his stomach" when Hinata texts him, it's on volume 8 chapter 1, I REALLY WANTED TO SHOW YOU GUYS BUT I COULDNT FIND IT ANYWHERE ONLINE. i searched countless tumblr posts and websites but i could only find chapter five and chapter three so im fully convinced this is lost media LMAOOOO 8. also in Haikyū!! Shōsetsuban!! apparently there's a part where Hinata daydreams about him and Kageyama eating under cherry blossom trees i just found that cute AS MUCH AS I WANNA SHOW YOU GUYS I LITERALLY CANNOT FIND ANYTHING OF THIS LIGHT NOVEL ANYWHERE i just know it's real, if I ever get my hands on it which I doubt, I'll share proof it exists btw AND THIS IS REALLY RANDOM AND SOMEONE WANTED ME TO INCLUDE THIS BUT 9. Basically there was a ad for deodorant a couple years back, collabing with Haikyuu, where you could buy deodorants to “smell like them” or whatever, some shippers believe it’s a Kagehina reference as they also advertised Kageyama and Hinatas scents together as some like matching couple thing
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and then there's this
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And I think I've said enough, there's way more you can find out about this ship, but I hope with this post you've learned something new or whatever... I MIGHT MAKE THIS A SERIES should i do kenhina next or kuroken ANYWAYS DISCLAIMER I didnt look too much into most of these things but I can gaurentee this stuff is true also this was just for fun and not serious but i hope you liked my little post!
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iichaeyj · 2 years
enhypen as cute things they would say to you . . . ♡
PAIRING: enhypen x gn!reader
GENRE: fluff
A/N: this is the enhypen version of this txt post!! and yes, this is still inspired by things my bf has said <3
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"would you love me if i was a worm"
i feel like heeseung would like sending you his random thoughts and questions throughout the day
he's probably very busy so he just likes sending you things he'd normally say to you if you were right next to him
and sometimes he sends the most random questions just to get a lengthy response out of you
and it sounds so random and weird, but in all honesty, he just likes listening to your thoughts and likes sharing his
i feel like communication would be a big thing for him
and speaking with his s/o is just smth that calms him down, if that makes sense
"i'm always here if you need me"
idk but smth about this just radiates jay
like he'd probably be busy most of the time with his schedule, but he wants to make sure you know that he'll always be available when it comes to you
and i feel like he'd do this stuff pretty often, too
like he's the type to send good morning and good night messages
and ask if you've eaten throughout the day
he knows he can't always be with you, but he still wants to know how you're doing and take care of you
probably wishes you were there with him, tho tbh
he's just very caring and protective :((
"i love you and i mean everything i say to you"
i feel like he'd just be so good at giving reassurance
and you wouldn't have to ask for it either
he just always makes sure to tell you how he's feeling and how much he loves you
like he would not let you doubt his love for you for a second
i just feel like he'd be really good with his words
like even when it comes to random things like when you're picking an outfit or doing your hair, he always makes sure to compliment you
he's just the sweetest honestly :(
"i'll make time for you, just tell me when you're free"
i think that quality time is a big love language for hoon
i feel like we all know he isn't the best when it comes to showing his emotions and being romantic all of the time, but he does love you and shows it through his actions instead
like he just loves coming over and hanging out with you
especially if you two have been dating for a while, he'd probably just show up randomly at your place all of the time
and tbh i feel like he'd like going on dates, too
no matter what type of date, he just loves being with you
sorta random, but he's also the type to win you a teddy bear from a crane machine
like he'd waste a lot of money in the process, but he'd be so determined
"you need to stop doing that or i'll just keep falling for you harder and harder until you can't get rid of me"
okay okay but tbh i can see sunoo being very playful in a relationship
like he'd definitely annoy you for like an hour and keep saying you can't get rid of him because u love him, yk?
and you rlly can't bc u do rlly love him <33
also i feel like he'd just be so good at giving compliments
like whenever you do anything, like literally anything, sunoo calls you cute
you could literally tie your hair and he'd be all dramatic and call you a goddess or smth
he's rlly the cutest plz :(
"this reminded me of you"
i feel like jungwon would do this a lot
like idk why, but whenever he sees smth cute, he sends you a picture of it and claims that it's you
it's honestly rlly endearing :(
and i feel like he's also the type to just send a lot of pictures in general??
like he just likes sending you pictures of what he's doing or pictures of things he found cool
he thinks of this as a way of having you with him even when you're not there physically
he's got it bad for u honestly
and he always smiles when sending you said pictures
it's so cute gn i can't do this anymore
okay tbh i didn't know how to like make this a quote, but he always matches your energy
like if you're screaming about smth, he will always scream back
it doesn't matter if you're screaming cause you're mad or excited or whatever, he will always make sure to give you back the same energy
you could literally be screaming about how annoyed you are at a person and he will chime in to agree with you without even knowing who the person is
i feel like this just comes naturally to him, too
like he just wants to let you know he's on your side and he wants to keep up with how you feel, if that makes sense
honestly, i feel like conversations with him would be so fun
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an-au-blog · 7 months
hello again!!
i'm quietly dying to know if u!buggy is present when robin translates the skypeian poneglyph & the note roger asked oden to leave on it. just. an amnesiac clown staring at this giant rock, too busy silently screaming what does it meeeean to hear robin explaining what it means. cracks me up.
(i also love the thought of there being a pattern of older locals recognizing buggy just a moment too late as 'one of the kids from back then'. i love a running gag that doubles as foreshadowing! though crocus would surely recognize buggy on sight, i bet he assumes buggy's being cryptic on purpose when he "pretends" not to know him, and goes along with it.)
i'd misremembered that conversation at shakky's bar as having only a handful of the strawhats present, and so was imagining that buggy had no idea they'd gotten a lead on his past, and rayleigh would only see buggy on the kizaru-kuma-strawhat battlefield for a minute before he gets kuma'd away… on one hand, i still love this idea bc i love pain. otoh that conversation happening with everyone but buggy present feels wrong. and a "don't tell me, i'll find out the truth for myself!" ending to rayleigh and buggy reuniting is so fitting, it's the same argument robin & luffy make to rayleigh in that scene!
i looove the thought of buggy losing track of luffy after marineford. what a situation he's in now!! surrounded by dozens of ex-prisoners who idolize him, maybe two he gets along with, a half-dozen he's terrified of, and shanks. he's heard stories from luffy, but that's luffy! you can't go to him for realism or accuracy!! but... this shanks guy does have a boat... and something about his face is kind of familiar...
how long does it take shanks to realize buggy acting like he doesn't know him isn't an act, i wonder? how many old grudges does shanks halfheartedly apologize for, trying to get buggy to give in and acknowledge him? is one of those apologies the thing that makes something click for buggy? does he freeze up, or immediately snap and shout at shanks bc he's misremembered why buggy was mad at him that time? :3c
xoxo, difan
Hello, Difan!
I thought about that like once when I was thinking about Robin in the u! universe, but then i forgot and never really thought about it again lol. In my mind he comes along somewhere between East Blue and Alabasta, though if anyone wants to adopt this au, I'm fine with whatever interpretation or spin they want to put on it.
Now that you said it, I agree, it would be really fun if the locals recognize him randomly like "yeah, yeah, that was the red-nosed kid! Aw, he was so cute, we gotta live him! Pity he's not with his friend though, hope nothing bad happened to the other one..." And Buggy just going"ifk what you're talking about, you're being weird af" and everyone just assumes the other kid (shanks) died and it's a painful memory so they're all like "Oh, yes of course... our bad... if there's anything we can do to help you tell us, it's been so hard for you, we're so sorry ". Which confuses Buggy even more, but hey, he's getting positive attention, even if it's pity, and he's not going to complain about it.
Buggy meeting Rayleigh in the bar is so dear to me. Idk if it'd be realistic but I feel like he'd be very defensive qt first but then Rayleigh would be "Buggy? Is that you? I barely recognized you, you've grown so much, and become such a strong young man" and then something snaps and he just falls into his arms absolutely sobbing. He doesn't know why, he can't remember him on a conscious level, but they still jave this father/son moment of comfort.
I don't remember if I said this in the last post or if I thought of it now, but him losing Luffy at Marine Ford and clinging to Shanks for protection would be funnier (to me) if he goes by the logic of "Okay, he's scary, the generals are even scared of him, Luffy likes him and he seems fond of Luffy. He looks a bit familiar so idk if he would have some grudge with me if I've wronged him in some way... so I'm just going to use my contact with Luffy as leverage!" So he just starts going "You know Luffy, right? Well I'm in his crew" (which breaks Shanks's heart because... why isn't he in his crew? What did Luffy offer him that Shanks can't?? And why is he jealous of his child protege? Buggy sees he's a little upset by it so he continues "So if- if you're his friend and care for him, you'll take me and my men to safety... and not kill me.......... please."
And he switches from being sad to being so confused like,
Shanks: wdym I'll do it because of Luffy. I'm not helping you because of Luffy,
Buggy absolutely terrified that his one strategy of manipulating his one ticket to freedom has expired:..... wh.. why?
Shanks: I'm gonna help you because we're friends! You're my best friend Buggy!
Buggy: We are? I mean uh, we are.
Shanks assuming he remembers him and being do happy: So you remember me?
Buggy afraid if he says no, Shanks will get mad and leave him: ... yes.
Once in the ship (because the prisoners are so many) everyone sleeps wherever they can. Except for Buggy. Shanks insists on giving him his bed or at least his a place in his room. "We were bunkmates after all" he says but Buggy just smiles and nods hoping he doesn't find out he doesn't actually recognize him. Shanks can feel Buggy is on edge the entire time and he tries asking but Buggy always goes "No, no it's fine, everything's great haha" so he starts testing the waters by asking "hey do you remember *insert thing that never happened* that was so crazy, right?" To which Buggy'll go all "yeaaaah, absolutely haha, very crazy that happened I remember!" And after the third or fourth time Shanks couldn't take it and confronts him about it. Buggy is furious but also devastated because that's it. He's going to kill him now. Maybe even worse. (Keep in mind Buggy has seen how cruel people can be and his time with the straw hats doesn't help him think better of people, because they also keep bumping into horrible people)
He starts scream crying at him, he's already a deadman, what else does he have to lose, might as well let it all out. Meanwhile, Shanks is so confused because he understands absolutely nothing.
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dogtoling · 1 year
how do you come up with your ocs personalities, designs, and stories? (sorry idk how to word this properly)
Honestly this is a really good question and really hard to answer because I have no idea myself, and it also really depends on the OC. With most of my older OCs like Amber or Peppermint, when i made them initially it was pretty much a random grab bag and I've just been building on that over time to see what works. A lot of the times I'll make an OC and they will just kind of drift over time to be completely different, and that just happens naturally. They don't tell you this about OC or character design but after a certain point it stops being character design because the OC will just have a mind of their own so it can actually become really hard to make decisions like, "what job should this character have?" or "should this OC get a new haircut?" because it's not even your choice at some point. It pretty much becomes "WOULD this OC do such and such".
Historically when it comes to making OCs I've had like, dozens of OCs that never become anything and it's really a case of lacking identity or purposes. A lot of the time when making OCs in the past I've just sat down and tried to design a random character and assign them some kind of super basic personality and gearset from the game, and that often goes NOWHERE. So more recently when I've been making characters I've been trying to start from establishing what kind of character I could include in the general setting, what their "purpose" is, and THEN work on the design and character itself to fit that part.
My most recent character is actually Frillda, and for her I just had the basic premise of "i need a cool meangirl character for this lowkey evil Turf team". And I also failed, because she's not very evil at all, but she still fits the role I think. But that's part of the fun I guess, and I struggled like hell to get her design to a point where it felt good, and considering i've drawn her literally twice it WILL probably change over time.
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But basically when it comes to OC designs and personalities, I find that leaning hard into a theme or personality trait will make a more interesting character than trying to immediately balance out the character into a more "realistic" one. By interesting I mean like, memorable and impactful, to where that character has a clear identity. Once you have that, it in turn becomes much more interesting working out how that character would act in different situations, and how they deal with stuff like anger or unwelcome surprises. So like my current go-to strategy is start simple, don't be afraid to lean into weird or niche themes (there's ALL kinds of people out there and variety makes the world feel more alive), and just kinda build from there. And if a character starts developing some kind of theme, try leaning harder into it and see what comes out of it.
As for stories, it's really random and I MEAN it's really random. Pretty much all my character stories have originated from me going "what if my OC did x or had x thing happen?" and then flipping a coin in my head and seeing how it would affect the general story and other characters. And if the result is interesting or at least mention worthy, then I usually go forward with it. Life works in really unpredictable ways and stuff just happens, so I find that just going with things like that and even embracing stuff that comes out of left field can be really interesting to put in a story. And other times the inspiration just comes from an external thing randomly. like Toast only got run over by a car because of that Four G's post I saw on tumblr and I had to assign them to ONE of those, and Amber and Peppermint are only a couple because I did a shipping roulette meme in like 2017 and they looked cute together so I had to work it in.
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kyswoo · 2 years
Dandelions // Kim Sunwoo
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masterlist 🌸
pairing: sunwoo x fem!reader
genre: fluff, angst
request: “hii can i request for sunwoo fluff/angst base on dandelions by ruth b ? hehee idk why i'm a lil emo these days..“  
warnings: just some cursing I think, not sure if it's angsty enough :(
summary:  “ and now you don’t know if it’s just the feelings from the past coming back or if you’re falling for him all over again, maybe you just never stopped loving him”
word count: 5,319
a/n: I’m so so sorry, this took me sooooo long to write, at first I was super inspired but it ended very fast lol, then I tried my best to write something but I couldn’t write anything for months, I wrote like 4 different ones bcs I didn’t like any (and I’m still not quite sure how I feel about this one)
anyways, I hope you understand :( I'm really sorry for those who requested, I'll try to post them asap
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You remember when you first met him one year ago, you and Sunwoo were classmates but never talked to each other before, all you knew was each other's name. Your test had just begun and you were so focused on it that the touch on your shoulder startled you, so much you could hear your heart beating faster, you tried to hide it as fast as possible, but Sunwoo still noticed it, his smile got bigger and he was laughing inside, trying his best to not actually laugh, because of how cute you looked when you got scared.
"Can I borrow your eraser?" he whispered with a friendly smile on his face, for a brief second you couldn't stop staring at him, part of you was still in shock trying to process what he said, while the other was mesmerized by him.
"Sure" you nodded, handing him the eraser which he returned with the same smile and then focused again on his test, you took a deep breath to calm down your racing heart before doing the same.
After that you found that he was a friend of a friend, so you and Sunwoo became close, every day you and Sunwoo were the first ones among your friends to arrive at school and that made it easier to talk to him alone. 
"Y/n, what do you want to do in the future?" Sunwoo asked, it had been just a few weeks since you two started to talk more frequently, you two were waiting for your friends to arrive at class and he was always curious about you.
"Mm… I don't really think about it right now, I just want to live the moment I guess… you?"
"For now I want to study abroad, I always wanted to leave this place and I think educational purposes is a good excuse right?" you let out a soft laugh, Sunwoo smiled and stared at you, he always thought your smile was the cutest
"But why do you want to leave here?" 
"My life feels so dull, like no ups and downs, it's just a straight line, my parents are quite strict so they don’t let me do a lot of things, so studying abroad seems like the only way to have more freedom" Sunwoo noticed this was the first time he was talking about this to someone, he loves his friends but he never got the chance to have this kind of conversation with them, but with you, it was so easy to talk to.
With time you noticed that he was a very bright and funny guy, but also very mature when needed, which quickly made you want to be with him all the time and before you even noticed, you started falling for him, but you never got the guts to tell him how you feel, you tried showing him signs but he probably didn't catch it.
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You're sitting down next to your friends and Sunwoo is also there, you wanted to sit next to him but your friends sat there before you could, so you would randomly look at him in the middle of the class admiring his beauty, he was so close yet so far. None of your friends knew about your crush on Sunwoo besides Chanhee, your closest friend and also the one who officially introduced you to him.
The door opened and you could see Chanhee slowly entering the room, he bowed saying sorry for being late to the professor and walking toward you.
“Always late…” you muttered, shaking your head in a disapproving way to tease him 
“Always staring at him..” Chanhee whispered in your ear sitting down next to you, you sent him a death glare for a second and returned your attention to the class.
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"Y/n! Finally!" Sunwoo smiled, holding a bunch of notes, you could feel your heart beating louder and breathing getting harder "help me study for the test please!"
You giggled sitting in front of him "you're studying 15 minutes before the test?"
"Well… better than nothing right? At least I’m not late like Chanhee" he stated making you laugh. You tried teaching him everything you knew as fast as possible before you heard the ring bell indicating the test would begin soon.
“Let’s have lunch together” one of your friends said after the class ended
“Yeah let's go!” Sunwoo wrapped his arms around Chanhee’s shoulder looking at you “you’re coming too right?”
“Of course! Me too” Chanhee answered for you after realizing the silly smile on your face looking at Sunwoo, showing that you weren’t paying attention to anything else.
This time you managed to sit next to him while Chanhee was in front of you. While waiting for your orders, your friends talked about random stuff and Sunwoo would eventually murmur something to you.
“Hey Sunwoo!” Eric said in his loud voice, getting everyone’s attention “is it true you’re going out with that new girl? What was her name again..?”
“Hyejin.. and no, I talked to her just a few times” Sunwoo quickly tried to change the subject but Eric brought it back
“She’s pretty tho, why don’t you give it a shot? Want me to help?” Eric winked at him, Sunwoo just scoffed, looking away without answering “oh.. is that a yes?” he again ignored what Eric said, taking his phone out of his pocket.
Chanhee looked at you trying to read your face, when you two made eye contact he whispered a “are you okay?”, you just nodded, but he didn’t believe you so he kept paying attention to you. Sunwoo not answering the question was even worse than if he said yes, at least you would know what he thinks but now you had no idea. You weren’t exactly upset, but you really wanted to choke Eric at that moment.
You and your friends decide to go to a convenience store nearby. You stood outside, waiting for them since you weren’t buying anything. You kicked the stones on the floor as a way to distract yourself, you were spacing out at the moment and didn’t notice Sunwoo standing next to you.
“What are you doing?” he whispered in your ear startling you, making him laugh “you’re such a scaredy cat”
“Why you always do that when I’m distracted..” you whimpered, he smiled at your cuteness wanting to pinch your cheeks, but he held himself
“Y/n look!” he pointed to the floor, crouching down to pick it up “make a wish” he held the flower in front of you
You smiled thinking for a moment before blowing the dandelion, you looked at him and he had the same smile from the day he asked for your eraser. You two stared at each other for a few seconds before you heard the door open and your friends coming out holding their bags full of food.
The next day you and Sunwoo were talking to each other before Eric stormed into the classroom “Sunwoo! Come here”, he stood up walking toward Eric 
“What is it?” Sunwoo asked and Eric put his arms around his shoulders forcing Sunwoo to walk with him, you couldn’t hear exactly what they said but you did hear Hyejin’s name, you once again wanted to choke Eric.
“Hyejin is looking for you” Eric said while leaving the room, Sunwoo stopped and frowned at the other boy “what?” Eric questioned, confused.
“What does she want?” Eric shrugged his shoulders “tell her I’m busy” Sunwoo said turning around to go back to you but Eric stopped him with a disapproving look, “whatever it is she can tell me later right?”
Eric thought Sunwoo was just shy at first, but then noticed he wasn’t interested on her, he didn’t want to force him to do something he didn’t want so Eric didn’t insist anymore, but as soon as they were about to go back to the classroom, they heard a female voice calling Sunwoo’s name. He wanted to pretend he didn’t listen but he didn’t want to look rude, so he just smiled softly looking at the girl coming in his direction.
“Get in and make y/n some company ok?” Sunwoo whispered to Eric, he just nodded and did what he said
Eric sat in front of you, putting his bag on the floor, when he looked at you at first he noticed a small pout on your face, but as soon as you looked at him it turned into a soft smile.
“You okay?” he looked at you waiting for your response, but you just nodded, paying attention to something else. At that moment, something clicked in Eric’s head, but since he wasn’t so sure of it he decided to not ask you about it.
For the next few days, Sunwoo tried his best to be close to you, he loved your company but you noticed he wasn’t so bright as he used to be. He still smiled and laughed often, but it sounded like he was forcing it and you didn’t know why.
“Y/n” you were sitting on the grass taking a few notes when Sunwoo showed up behind you, his voice sounded softer than usual. You looked back at him and saw a faint smile on his face, he sat next to you and for a second you forgot how to breathe, but you managed to maintain your composure.
“You okay?” you asked, realizing he looked upset. Sunwoo wanted to show you only his good side so he always tried to smile, but he also felt comfortable being vulnerable only around you.
“Yeah I…” he sighed, thinking for a moment about how he was going to say it “I’m moving to another country next week…” Sunwoo just spat it out, then stayed in silence for a few seconds, not having the courage to look into your eyes “you know my parents want me to study abroad, I also worked very hard for it, but now I don’t know if I really want to go”
You both stayed silent for a moment, you already expected that one day he would tell you he was moving but you still felt upset. Sunwoo was vaguely looking down, he grabbed a flower from the floor and held it in front of you. 
"I thought you always wanted to live abroad" you said as soon as you grabbed the flower from his hands and you could feel your heart aching.
"Yeah I just.. I started to really like it here, I don't know if I can just leave it all behind" he looked around as if trying to picture everything before it was too late.
"It will be good for you, all the experience and you’ll probably make lots of friends too, don't give up" you didn't want him to regret later for not going, it's better to regret doing it than not doing it, right?
He quickly put a smile on his face "make a wish" he pointed to the dandelion you were holding. You looked at it in your hands not being able to even force a smile like Sunwoo, but you did as he said, blowing the flower.
"You want to know my wish?" you asked, looking at him as he shook his head, still smiling.
"If you tell me it won't come true" he messed your hair and stood up "don't be sad I won't be here to scare you anymore", you two giggled as he reached his hands to help you stand up.
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You were heading to the airport, Chanhee and your friends were already there, making Sunwoo company until his flight, you lost track of time and were afraid you wouldn't make it in time.
Sunwoo was feeling anxious, his feet shaking seeing the time pass and worried he would not be able to see you one last time. He looked at his phone every minute to see if you sent him anything, at this point he was already thinking of giving up his decision of leaving the country, thinking he wouldn’t see you and his friends again, even though it was just temporary, he was starting to regret it and he could feel tears building up in his eyes. You ran as fast as possible, hearing the calls to his flight cursing at yourself for losing track of time.
"Y/n!" Sunwoo could finally smile, he walked towards you and opened his arms, hugging you tightly.
"I'm so sorry.. I'm late" you said trying to catch your breath 
"It's okay, I'm happy I can at least say goodbye to you" he broke the hug, holding your shoulders "I'll miss you the most y/n…"
"Sunwoo I-" you were interrupted by the last call
"Sorry I need to go... bye y/n" Sunwoo hesitated for a moment, not letting you go, but he sighed in defeat trying his best to not cry in front of you, he let you go and walked away, waving at you and your friends.
"You okay?" Chanhee rubbed your back trying to comfort you
"I couldn't tell him… I wanted to tell him…" you said, still breathless, cursing yourself again for getting there too late.
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"Have you been talking to Sunwoo?" Eric asked you, leaning on the wall while crossing his arms.
"Can I ask you something?" he said seriously after a few seconds of silence
"Not very often, there are 13 hours between us so it's hard to talk to him" you answered picking up all your stuff
"You just did" you didn’t look at him, just focused on whatever you were doing
"I will anyways" he giggled "were you and Sunwoo dating?"
"No… why?" you looked at him, surprised by his question
"I’m pretty sure he likes you" he tilted his head, saying it like it was obvious “you like him too right?" you turned your attention to your backpack again, not answering him "I'm sorry I tried to push him to Hyejin back then, I hope that didn’t get between you two"
“It’s ok… wasn’t he interested in her?” Eric shook his head, standing straight
“I thought he was just shy at first, but he really wasn’t, he even told me one day that she confessed to him, but he rejected her because he already liked someone, he didn’t tell me who, but I know it was you… you are prettier though” Eric smiled and messed with your hair before taking his bag and waving goodbye to you “and you two make a pretty good couple”.
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"Sunwoo!" he was sitting on the grass like he always did, plucking out random leaves and flowers when he heard his recent new friend calling him "we are going to a club tonight, wanna come?"
"Oh hey Kevin" he said, grabbing one of the flowers there "I don't know… I don't really feel like going, sorry…"
"It's ok!" Kevin smiled while sitting down next to Sunwoo "that's a dandelion right?" he pointed to the flower Sunwoo was holding
"Yeah… it reminds me of someone" he hugged his legs, resting his chin on his knee still looking at the flower
"And… you like this someone?" he asked in a curious tone and Sunwoo nodded
"I really miss her… I wish I had the guts to confess to her before I left, but I think it's better this way, I’ll just get over it…" Sunwoo blew the dandelion, wishing one day you would know how he feels, he stared at the petals flying away while Kevin patted his back trying to comfort him somehow.
“You know what? I’m going with you tonight” Sunwoo looked at Kevin, who smiled weakly and nodded. That night they went to the club together and met some of their friends. Kevin knew Sunwoo got as drunk as he could so he would not feel so sad about the things he said to him earlier.
Sunwoo took his phone and opened your chat, he started recording a voice message to you without thinking twice. 
He then sent the audio and when Sunwoo sobered up he regretted and cursed at himself thousands of times, not knowing you never received it for some reason, but still anxiously waiting for your response which never came.
“What’s with that face?” Chanhee asked, sitting in front of you. You were pouting again, thousands of thoughts running in your head.
“Do you think Sunwoo found someone there?” You said without thinking, you regretted it a second later, afraid of what he would say.
“I don’t know… I don’t think so” 
“He is not talking to me anymore…” you looked at your phone for the nth time, seeing if there was at least a signal of life from Sunwoo
“Y/n… I know he will be away for a few years and will be back, but are you really going to wait for him?” Chanhee tried his best to not sound too insensitive, but he didn’t want you to get hurt
“What do you mean?” you looked at him questioning, even though you already knew the answer, actually you knew it a long time ago, but you refused to accept it.
“I mean that… maybe you should move on” you looked away, still not wanting to do it
“It’s not that easy Chanhee…”
“I know…” you both knew there was nothing you could do at that moment, you know Chanhee is probably right, Sunwoo can be with anyone he wants and so do you, but why do you feel so sad about losing someone who was never actually yours?
Sunwoo wanted to call you every night, but he always hesitated before pressing the button and eventually gave up. He can’t help wondering what you thought when you heard the message, maybe you never liked him back and didn’t want to be mean to him, so he just ruined your friendship, so like this he convinces himself that it is better to be far away from you. His new life was not bad, he had the freedom he always wanted, and he has nice friends, but it was not all happiness as he thought it would be, every night he wished you would not forget him.
It’s been three years since Sunwoo left, at first you both would make some effort to at least text each other, but at a point you two gave up and just stopped talking. It was hard at the beginning, but eventually, you stopped thinking about him, keeping yourself busy was the best way to do so. You could still feel your heart sinking whenever you heard his name, but with time it didn’t hurt so much anymore.
You heard your name being called, you took your coffee order and turned around to leave, but suddenly a guy who was putting his jacket on raised his arms and knocked your cup, spilling coffee all over you.
“Oh my god... I’m so sorry…” the boy said, panicking taking a bunch of tissues to try to help you
“It’s ok, don’t worry..” you said waving your hands, showing it was fine
“I’ll pay the laundry… let me give you my number” he said searching for a piece of paper to write.
“It’s really fine, don't worry about that...” you said while holding your shirt so it would stop sticking to your body.
“But… I feel bad about it…” he said so low you almost couldn’t hear “let me pay you another coffee then”
“Alright then… I’ll just clean this first” he nodded smiling, you went to the bathroom trying to clean the coffee stains on your shirt, but almost nothing changed, for your luck, kind of, you had a sweater you could wear to hide the stains so you did. When you left the bathroom, the boy was standing there holding a cup.
“Here! I’m really sorry about that” he shyly smiled while handing you the coffee “Are you sure you don’t want me to pay for the laundry?”
"It's fine, you already got me another coffee" you smiled to reassure him
“I can’t believe you didn’t get his number!” Chanhee walked next to you, you told him what happened at the coffee shop while you two were heading to a club.
“I- there was coffee all over me, I wasn’t really thinking…”
“Ugh you seriously… Do you even know his name?”
“No… He didn’t tell me and I didn’t ask…”
“It was right there, he was going to give you his number, you just had to accept it! Stupid…” he sighed shaking his head, frustrated that you wasted such an opportunity. You know Chanhee was scolding you in a teasing way, but you too were regretting it.
You both arrived at the club, Chanhee went to grab a drink when you saw a familiar face walking towards you.
“Hi!” he was holding a drink, smiling so innocently. You grinned, happy that you two met again when a few minutes ago you thought you would never see him again, it felt like it was destiny.
“Hey! You’re the guy that spilled my coffee right?” you asked teasingly, the boy laughed putting his drink on the table
“Yeah… it sucks that this is how you remember me…” you giggled, you were about to ask him his name but someone else interrupted you.
“Hey Kevin!” you heard another guy calling him, right after he showed up behind him softly slapping his arm “you were supposed to wait for me!”
Your eyes widened and your smile slowly faded when you looked at the other guy and when he saw you, he had the same reaction, the boy, whom you now know it’s Kevin, looked at you both not understanding what was happening.
“Do you guys know each other?”
“Y/n?” He said ignoring Kevin, in fact, he didn’t even listen to what he said.
“Sunwoo… when did you come back?” you forced a smile, hiding how awkward you were feeling at that moment
“Last week” Sunwoo looked at Kevin as if telling him to leave you two alone, Kevin noticed it and excused himself “it’s been a while”
“Yeah… Chanhee is here with me, we should all hang out sometime!”
“Yeah sure, I’ll call you!”
“Oh you still have my number?” you didn’t realize at that moment that it sounded like you were complaining about him never talking to you again.
“Um… I think I do, is it still the same?” he took his phone feeling a little embarrassed as you nodded 
“Kim Sunwoo! You’re back!” Chanhee suddenly showed up and greeted Sunwoo “I thought you forgot about us”
“Of course not… I’m sorry I haven’t kept in touch” Chanhee and Sunwoo kept talking like nothing changed, just like they always did 3 years ago.
You weren’t paying attention to what they were saying, as you were looking at them, you realized that Chanhee didn’t change a lot in comparison to Sunwoo, or maybe you just never noticed because you saw Chanhee almost everyday, but you didn’t see Sunwoo for years. You were thinking about how much Sunwoo had changed, but at the same time still looked the same. He looked more mature and more handsome if that was even possible, and as you were looking at him, you smiled like an idiot without even noticing, forgetting about everything else.
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“Chanhee is gonna be late…” You put your phone away after talking to Chanhee, he said he was getting ready and would arrive in a few minutes. You told him to not be late because you thought you would feel awkward if it was just you and Sunwoo, but what did you expect?
“Typical of him” Sunwoo scoffed, crossing his arms, he was sitting in front of you at the cafe. “He hasn't changed a bit uh?” he said laughing.
You two waited for him, but after almost 2 hours you realized he wasn’t coming. You took your phone to swear at him for doing this to you, Chanhee read it but didn’t reply
“I guess he is not coming” Sunwoo said and you shyly smiled, silence hitting you both and awkwardness growing. You two tried distracting yourselves with something, looking away from each other and avoiding talking, until Sunwoo clicked his tongue and broke the silence.
“I need to ask you something” he leaned in and rested his arms on the table “Why did you never answer my message?” You frowned, confused at what he was talking about.
“What message? You’re the one who never reached me anymore…”
“I know for sure I sent you a message, I waited for your response for weeks”
You took your phone and searched for his chat, you now wonder why you still have your conversation with him. “There is nothing Sunwoo… the last message was mine”
Sunwoo then did the same and showed it to you “See? I sent you an audio”
“Which I never received…” you showed your phone to him, both screens showing different things “What did it say? The audio”
“It doesn’t matter now” he sighed in relief, putting his phone away, he felt like a weight had been lifted from him “Sorry, I didn’t know you never got it… I kept resenting you for ignoring it” he chuckled embarrassedly
“It’s fine… I did the same thinking you ghosted me” you admitted, curious about what he said that he waited so long for your answer.
“Should we go somewhere else?” Sunwoo said, trying to change the subject. You agreed to him, you two stood up and started walking around just to pass the time. You told him how you met Kevin and Sunwoo talked about how he met him and how it was to live alone in another country “You know Kevin kept saying that he regretted not asking the number of a girl, someone he accidentally knocked the coffee on, if I knew it was you I would have told him to back o-” he suddenly stopped talking when he realized what he was saying, hoping you didn’t hear that.
You listened to him attentively and from what he said, it seemed like he had a good time there and maybe that’s why he never spoke to you or your friends again. You couldn’t help sulking up for a brief moment, still Sunwoo noticed it and stopped walking, when you noticed it you looked at him confused.
He walked near you and put your hair away, his face stopped a few inches from yours, you felt a cold sensation so you looked down your neck and saw a necklace. “It reminded me of you when I saw this” he was standing still in front of you smiling “I was afraid I would never have the chance to give you this”
You stared at the necklace speechless, feeling your heart beating like crazy, it was so hard for you to get over him but now you felt like the same person from 3 years ago who was head over heels for him, and now you don’t know if it’s just the feelings from the past coming back or if you’re falling for him all over again, maybe you just never stopped loving him.
You two decided to stop at a park nearby to rest, as you were walking Sunwoo suddenly stopped and picked something from the floor. You two sat down at the bench and he looked at the flower he just picked up.
“Why do I keep finding this? Is the universe trying to tell me something or what?” he giggled “Make a wish, I think I already asked for too many things”. You smiled and thought about something to wish for. The last time you did this you were with him too, and you remembered your wish was for him to reciprocate your feelings, little did you know that it was fulfilled before you even wished for it.
“I made a wish a few years ago, but I guess no flower can grant me that so I’m the only one who can make it come true” he stared at you like he was in a trance, you looked at him taken aback and your eyes met.
“What do you mean?” you did your best to sound as calmest as possible.
‘Well… fuck it I’m telling her now’ he thought before gathering the courage to say it out loud “I wished that you would know how I felt” he turned his body to you and he would slowly lean closer, more and more “I wished that one day you would be mine, I regretted every day not telling you that before” you stared at him in complete shock, his face was so close to yours your breaths mixed “I was in love with you and I’m in love with you again” he stayed silent for a second, trying to read your expression to know if he should move away “Actually I think I never stopped loving you”
He stares into your eyes, waiting for you to say something. You blinked many times and had your mouth slightly open, thinking to yourself “Am I dreaming? Did he really say that?”
“Now it’s the time you say you don’t feel the same” he smiled  “Or else I’ll kiss you”
“I- you- are you serious?”
Sunwoo stayed silent and took his phone, he opened your chat and played the voice message he sent you that day he got drunk at the club. 
“y/n hi… it’s Sunwoo… I miss you miss” he giggled at himself “You know… on that day you sat next to me and I needed an eraser, I could just have asked my friend in front of me, but I wanted an excuse to talk to you and I ended up scaring you, did you know you look very cute when you get scared?” he chuckled again and stayed silent for a few seconds, the effects of the alcohol still strong in his body “I heard people talking about a love that comes once in a lifetime and I thought that’s bullshit, but I’ve never known anybody like you, when I’m with you I feel so alive and free, I forget how to breathe you know? I just wish you loved me back…” Sunwoo went silent again and took a deep breath, this time starting to feel nauseous “I think I’m gonna pass out at any moment…but I really mean it… everything”
Sunwoo took a deep breath trying to figure out what you were thinking “I still feel the same way… even after all this time”, he pressed his lips together, feeling a little embarrassed about the drunk audio he just showed you “How about you answer it now?”
“That day at the airport I wanted to tell you this, I even practiced before and I lost track of time but I couldn’t tell you… since the first time I saw you, you made my heart beat like crazy and you never left my head after that, whenever I was with you I was the happiest” Sunwoo now has the same reaction you had when he confessed his feelings to you “I wonder what would be different now if I didn’t get late that day and told you that I loved you”
“You loved me? And now...?” 
“I still love you Sunwoo…” Sunwoo's eyes widened and he cupped your cheeks bringing you closer to him, he smiled looking deeply into your eyes before kissing you. 
“I wanted to do this for so long...” he said putting your foreheads together, his hands still cupping your face while yours were on his waist.
“Me too…” you chuckled
taglist~ @deputyjuyeon @super-btstrash-posts @ilijimo @en-sun /@justchuji ? @heavensmisfit @sunoo-bby
“I guess that it just wasn’t the right time for us, but what matters is that we can be together now” you nodded agreeing with him, he then hugged you, resting his head on your shoulders ”I need to thank all those dandelions now”
(I forgot about the taglist, is this right? I don't even remember how to do this anymore hahah, let me know if I tagged you wrong~)
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lucifersagents · 8 months
Listen it’s close to two years since you’ve posted anything so idk if you’ll ever see this, but you just randomly popped into my head and I want to say that I hope you’re okay, I used to love your blog so much, I’d keep it open in a tab and check it multiple times a day. I hope life treats you well and I hope you receive kindness and good things 💞
Life has been pretty hectic on my end 😅 (I'll just give y'all a mini update). Between working, changing jobs, trying to get out of my current situation, and trying to get some therapy, it's been CRAZY lol. I definitely haven't forgotten about this blog though. I always hope that someone, somewhere is brought some kind of joy or happiness from these stories ❤️.
I also thought about starting a blog with original characters I've been thinking about for awhile. Like just kind of my own characters with some kind of story, I'm not really sure lol. It's been on my mind. That and a monster blog, because ya girl loves monsters.
Anyway, if I do happen to have the time, y'all can expect a random story or two now and then. It probably won't have a gif, or fancy alignment, since my laptop took a big peepeepoopoo. I love to write and create stories it's a great escape, but I definitely have to sort some things out on my end first lol. That being said, I do appreciate everyone's patience and love for this blog ❤️❤️. I hope y'all are well and doing okay. Sending love to all of you out there seeing this answer! Also, I wuv you anon! ❤️❤️
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Oh god I just finished Book 2 and it was so bad… I went into this with an open mind just like I did with Book 1 and god did I hate this. Clem just annoyed the hell out of me for the entire book. I liked everyone BUT her, Ricca and Morro. And I don’t even hate Morro she just showed up randomly to say weird ominous shit and then went to do her walker autopsies. Idk… it just sucked so hard. I miss Amos.
I've reread it and I'm working on my review so I won't go into a whole spiel but yeah. I mean, I still think I like Book Two over Book One... until we get to chapter 7. It has the same problem as Book One where the ending is just bad.
Clementine still feels out of character when you compare her to game Clementine, but she's consistent with Book One Clementine. I get what her character's supposed to be and why she's going through these things, why she approaches things the way she does but it makes it hard to enjoy when you have context from the games. I've already seen Clementine grow up and face hardships in the apocalypse, and the games have the advantage of showing all that across four games whereas this series only gets three books, so we don't have time to waste, y'know?
But Morro was the biggest wasted opportunity, like... what a disappointment. When I read it the first time, I was giving my first reactions in chat with Pi and we were both like, "So it's gonna be revealed that Morro's actually doing science experiments on walkers, right?" but no.... she's literally just doing autopsies like c'mon, walker science experiments and abominations would've been amazing!
And Ricca... honestly, I like the idea of Ricca because let's be real, a lot of us wear glasses or contacts or have some sort of vision impairment, myself included, and a zombie apocalypse would suck! If my glasses broke and I had no means of getting a new pair and it's the zombie apocalypse, I'm dead. And Book One set up this interesting story where Ricca's brother was an abuser who purposely broke her glasses so that she had no choice but to rely on him, then when she finally found pair that worked, she left him. But now her eyesight is worsening, and that's scary, that's something I could sympathize with...... but it's almost treated like an inconvenience? Because her and Clementine's relationship is the emotional drama that takes stage and frankly, I don't like clemricca. Not just because it's not clouis. I went into it with an open mind wanting to ship it but... meh.
I don't like how Ricca's like, "I'll wait for you," and then later she gets butthurt because Clementine won't get on the same level as her fast enough. Clementine doesn't owe Ricca anything, y'know? But Ricca is like "I love you, and I know you love me too, but I need you to love me always, not start and stop. It's not fair, you want me to wait for the impossible!?" Stop trying to guilt her when she's clearly not ready for a relationship? I get the frustration but c'mon.
And then there's chapter 9 which... I'm honestly this close to losing my shit with people. I don't think I've ever been as disappointed or disgusted of the fandom than I have seeing people send threats to Tillie on her instagram over chapter 9. She posted about how Book Two released AND she gave birth to her son on Oct 4th, and you go to the comments and there are just people calling her a pedophile and writing threats-
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On a post. From Tillie. About the birth of her son. What the hell is wrong with you???
And then there are people just straight up LYING about shit.
I read a comment on reddit where someone compared Clementine Book Two to 50 Shades of Grey because there's an explicit sex scene and uhm NO??? There's absolutely nothing explicit, Ricca is not like Christian Grey like?? What the fuck is wrong with you? It's like these people read the summaries on the wiki- WHICH BY THE WAY if any of you happen to see this screenshot circulating anywhere-
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^this is not a real quote, this is obviously fake.
Please don't mindlessly believe people on the internet about shit, especially when they themselves haven't actually read it.
Anyway, it's like people read the wiki summaries and decided to spread false and exaggerated information about the comic because they want to paint it in the worst light possible to trick people and it's working and I'm so...UGH.
Sorry to nosedive into this but it pisses me off. There's a lot to discuss about chapter 9- shit, there's a lot of criticism to be had with Book Two, and I will go over everything in my review, but for right now I'll just say yep, Book Two isn't very good.
I miss Amos, too.
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cacodaemonia · 9 months
Character asks for... your Wobble! And same ones for Cody!
12. Crack headcanon, 21. Drink of choice (not just alcoholic), 30. Sleeping habits
Hi :D Omg so many, haha, I'm also going to combine @hellsbelle8675's ask here, since they asked about #12 for anyone and my brain doesn't really traffic in crack HCs, so I'll be lucky to think of one. Okay, uh, just gonna do 12 last because I've been trying to come up with something since yesterday... 😅
21. Drink of choice, hmmm... The only thing I can come up with for Wobble is making something fizzy, simply based on a line in a fic I collab'd on where my co-author wrote something about Teeko having made Waxer try a fizzy drink before. So maybe he does the same to Wobble with all kinds of things he comes across, and Wobble really likes some obscure space!soda or something. I feel like Cody is a practical dude who drinks water most of the time, but caf is a crucial part of his day—probably with a splash of cream in it, post-war.
30. With the permanent nerve damage in Wobble's left leg, he often has pain from being on his feet for too long or sometimes just randomly, so he keeps things like painkillers and a heating pad near the bunk or bed (depending on if this is wartime or post-war). He probably also sleeps with some extra pillows when possible so that if he's lying on his right side, he can put a couple of them between his legs to support his left leg. Or he just uses Teeko for that part :' ) <3 Cody.... Hm, I'm gonna say he can fall asleep anywhere at any time, then basically snap awake and be ready for whatever new bullshit he's got to deal with.
Oh no, 12... Ummmmmm, maaaaybe one of Cody's many antennas isn't actually for anything work-related but he got someone to modify it to pick up local subspace radio wherever the 212th is located, so he can always have some jams to listen to inside his helmet? Haha idk, like I said, crack ideas don't tend to stay in my head alongside regular headcanons or character info and I'm not funny enough to come up with them on my own XD;;;
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master-k0hga · 3 months
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| M A L I C E C I L |
[ Category: Misc OCs ]
| Another non related OC, think I showed him off last time but I re-drew him recently again cuz I didn't like the one before...
Anyways super awesome demon bf Mali, who, another OC I previously introduced, is dating Winston for like... Idk years- Winnie didn't believe he was an actual demon for like a whole year, people were telling him but he would've just shrugged it off... Til he finally believed Mali one day that the horns were not a headpiece-
But anyways, a wild ride their relationship first started out with, but funnily enough it never got worse.. It actually got better, Mali is usually the type of Demon to have fun, go out drinking, one night stands, groupies; All that, but Winston was an exception for him, like yeah he'll do his basic normal demon things, but he'll always be willing and happily come back to Winston, even plans one day to propose to him... Which he'll need to get a job for himself if he were to do that as a surprise.. Anyways-
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Malicecil Species: Demon General Personality: Perverted, cocky, confident, easy going, flirtatious, playful, funny, overall very welcoming, very chill Height: 9ft Relationship Status: In a relationship
Extra Info:
His age doesn't seem to be very easy to tell as he looks roughly in his late 20's/ early 30's all the time, but it's not a surprise that he is well older than that. Winnie himself was in complete shock when Mali just randomly walked up to him one morning and just whispered how old he was in his ear; Whether it was to sound impressive or just to see his reaction is of course another question however
As mentioned, he has in fact gotten arrested one time for driving while under the influence of alcohol. Apparently despite being a demon who could potential wreck havoc to the world one day if he snapped; He's so chill to the point where authorities can still get him done for human related crimes
Has an underworld form for whenever he ventures in and out of hell, or as most demons decide to call it; "The Underrealm", how he looks on the surface is the best he can ever get to looking more "human", despite him not looking THAT much different to his real look. He's literally only slightly taller and more brute built in his Underworld form
There are other demons who have socialised along with humans just like him, he even hangs out with them in clubs, going out for drinks and so forth while keeping it buddy-buddy; Humans aren't excluded from joining them if they ask, no discriminating here after all
Has gotten romantical with quite a few humans at LEAST dating back to the late 60's, unsure whether he has lived longer than that is unclear however as he refuses to acknowledge his life before that era
Has many forged ID's for every country; Why wouldn't he, he's a demon after all. Winston sometimes wonders how he manages to get himself into trouble before the problem is "seemingly forgotten"
Acts as Winston's personal mannequin when it comes to stylizing and tailoring; Mali enjoys it believe it or not, anything that makes his boyfriend smile is good enough for him
Despite being green, he actually likes the colour brown more
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
That's all I believe, didn't really have much for him at all honestly so with this was definitely a good time to delve a little deeper into his character... Most of my OCs are mainly just made because I've thought of them either for a purpose of another OC or just because my brain decides to go "I dreamt this" (kinda like the "I made this")
Anyways, I don't really have much to talk about this besides just the usual so I guess that's it really....? I'll just get on with trying to get on with my other OCs in the meantime and take a break from it with fan art from time to time.. I'll just hopefully get more refs done for the OC spam, since I know I won't be really doing much online these days so I'd rather not work on a drawing then post it immediately... And then having nothing else to post, especially when it takes me ages just to be happy with a sketch and finish it off..
... Oh well, whatever.
. Malicecil, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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