#I'll treat dolls like they're real life people if I want to
trynadollsiesplay · 2 years
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Hi again! So, progress update (11.10.2022) 😊
We finally managed to sew a full top and bottom lingerie set for our Jnr Vi doll! Like, omg! Mwahahahaha!
I never imagined I would be sewing doll clothes. After a traumatic speed-run through 1 year of textile classes in Aussie High School (at about 14 years of age) I believed my sewing journey was over. I was told I wasn't very good at it. I had the one sewing machine that was extremely broken. I never managed to remember a thing from those classes, and even though I liked the idea of dress making, I never thought we'd get anywhere with it.
Lol, this has changed my life.
I haven't shown all of my terrible trials on this blog. But I have made a good 7-9 pairs of underwear (or... my system, us, has). One of them, until this pair, was actually salvageable / fit and didn't look hideous. But here we are! At something decently good.
I refused to use other peoples patterns. I'm guilty. I trialled pattern making and watched tutorials until I understood measurements and making patterns from those measurements. Glad wrap copying would not do. These are skills for my future.
And, I hand stitched them all too! I am so not good at sewing and I am so proud of these achievements!
And, sure, this isn't perfect. But I'll keep making more until they are. I have the pattern now! It's all about adjustments from here. So this is really a good spot I'd at. And it just makes me so happy! 😊
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x9, A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Part IV
I just realized the winter carnival episode is next and tbh I'm pretty stoked about that one.
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Ugh, someone left Gilmores on my front porch. Fetch me my broom. Shoo! Shoo! At Thanksgiving number one, we find out Lane is spinning yet another tangled web of lies to ensnare Soggy Rygalski (my new pet name for him, don't ask). Mrs Kim thinks Soggy is actually in a Christian band that Lane discovered through church and not a sinful rock band. Mrs Kim serves Tofurky and I feel as if our little vegetarian diner rat would have enjoyed that.
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Welcome back, Soggy.
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Dang. When Rory sees how people like her mother and Luke and Mrs Kim treat their employees, it's no wonder she doesn't want to get a job! Bad dum tssssh. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night.
Why did I remember that scene as being a lot longer than it was? It lasted less than three minutes. Weird!
Onward, from Soggy to Sookie.
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"According to the National Fire Protection Association: deep fryer fires cause an average of 5 deaths, 60 injuries and more than $15 million in property damage each year. Deep-frying turkeys has become increasingly popular, but the new tradition is a recipe for holiday tragedy."
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Men, eh? One minute they're lying about turkey preparation and the next they're lying about having a vasectomy.
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Rory looking gravely concerned or lost in thought as usual. Thinking deep thoughts about frying. Asked Sookie not once but twice "What do you use the oil for"?
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Granny creakily rising from her lawn chair to join the hordes of Jackson's screaming white trash relatives has to be one of my favorite bits in this episode (maybe the season?) so far.
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Gather round, white trash young and old. Your king has arrived.
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This whole scene is top notch. I tip my hat to you, Miss AmyShermanPalladino. After departing the white trash jubilee, it's time to circle back to Lukes. I know small business owners are hard working people who don't always have the luxury of shutting down and taking a break, but do you think he ever closes the diner? For anything? Christmas Day? Yeah, I'm sure ya'll can name a few times on the show where he closes up shop (would actually be interested to hear what they were). It wouldn't matter. He'd try to close on Christmas Day and the Gilmores would show up anyway and demand to be served instead of drinking eggnog in their own home. For Christmas, Lorelai should buy Luke a massage. (A LEGITIMATE MASSAGE. You filthy readers).
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Mommy Daddy please stop fighting
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*smashes Jess and Rory together like I'm 9 years old forcing two Barbie dolls to make out*
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Alarming to see Lorelai treat Jess this nicely because I worry she may be ill. Or possibly delirious from hunger (she didn't eat at Sookie's or Lane's, she threw out Mrs Kim's tofurky and just gawked at Sookie's house). It looks like Luke was nice enough to give Jess the day off, but Walmart (and its Hunger Games-style Black Friday festivities) may still be calling. Is this the first real, hot, home made, lovingly prepared holiday meal anyone had ever served him in his entire life? (I'll give partial credit to The Bracebridge Dinner). No street wieners for Jess Mariano this Thanksgiving! Jess says he's starving, but Luke told him not to eat until the Gilmores arrived first. That's some grade a bullshit.
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All he wants this Thanksgiving is for his fellow white people to Check Their Privilege. Good luck with that, Lucas.
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Serving lewks. Luke has just served the table four heaping plates of hot food and upon hearing that the Gilmores will be trotting off to the McMansion next, presumably to eat way fancier, he says they can just throw everything the fuck out and drink soda if they want. Kay... Jess: Please, Uncle Lucas, don't take away my hot meal. I'm ever so hungry.
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A screen shot of Milo eating makes a great gift or any holiday or special occasion.
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How DARE you Lucas. You are not going to make my poor tired boy serve coffee to the Gilmores on Thanksgiving Day! Lorelai's your ball and chain, you do it.
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Yeah, what a pity that not everyone can kiss like Dean.
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"You and Jess are a couple of chickens pecking each other." Yooo, it's about time you pick a lane, Lorelai. You're confusing the poor girl. The last time an adult got wind that Jess and Rory were about to peck like chickens The Incredible HulkLuke smashed down the door and put those two chickens out to pasture. Rory: Mind your own business. Lorelai:???????? I assure you she does not know the meaning of the phrase. R: I'm not good with public displays. L: You didn't have that problem with Dean Me: Trying fruitlessly to remember any scene where Dean and Rory passionately made out in public or showed any sort of affection with each other anywhere that Lorelai could see it R: I don't know how this first second boyfriend thing is supposed to go. L: Well he's your first second boyfriend so give it time. R: The whole town got used to me with Dean. L: It'll get easier, you'll have hundreds of men. Well maybe not hundreds. A couple. Three more. Dean again, Logan, then Logan again. L:They'll adjust to seeing with you Jess! R: What do I do about Dean? L: Well he'll move on too. All this sensible advice coming from Lorelai? It is truly the Thanksgiving of Miracles.
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God bless you, Babette. God bless you.
The next scene, a Friday (Thursday) Night Gilmores Showdown at the McMansion goes on for around 8 minutes which is going to feel like more than an hour in Salty Time. I'm going to wilt.
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katakosmos · 2 months
i’m begging you to make a post with all the bartydora thoughts in one place PLEASE. I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING.
so, i see them in a very specific context, where evan, pandora and regulus are a really close friendgroup, and barty is the last to arrive. this works in my fic (cause, yk, it's the whole plot), but it could also work at hogwarts: evan and pandora are sorted in two different houses and, since they're inseparable and even a little arrogant, they don't have any friends except regulus, and they have known him since childhood.
barty, on the other hand, is a popular guy. even if he's a ravenclaw like pandora, they spoke to each other probably three times in four years. he also, like the twins, has no friends: he just knows people. and many.
he has never been interested in regulus, evan and pandora, but when the first rumors start to spread at hogwarts ("that rosier almost killed a kid!", "look! he came back without an eye!"), he finds himself completely fascinated by them.
somehow, he makes his way within the group. he's different from all of them: he's smart, but he doesn't care about having good grades if he has to work hard to get them; he goes to parties; he has an horrible family too, but he never seems to think about his parents, he doesn't even miss them. he says he doesn't have a family, that he's alone but happy.
so pandora sees barty, and she realizes that her life can be different. that she can be free from the obsessive control evan has over her (cause yk how my evan is: violent, control freak, obsessed with pandora in an unhealthy way; he can't stay away from her even for a second, they sleep in the same bed, he believes that every boy who talks to pandora wants to take her away from him).
and so she thinks barty is a sign, and that he came to save her. she could absolutely get rid of evan on her own (and in fact she will, much later), but after years of control, during which evan organized everything in her life, she doesn't even know what it means to be free to choose and decide. so she needs barty. he's the key.
she thinks "if i make him fall in love with me, we'll marry and i'll be free".
the first time pandora shows who she really is to someone, that someone is barty. and he doesn't get it. doesn't get her. because barty is sure he already knows the real pandora, but he doesn't really see beyond what pandora wants people to see: a beautiful girl who always smiles, a doll, kind and gentle.
and also, we could say he doesn't really care. he just finds it reassuring to have a source of positivity at his side, and he's not interested in understanding who pandora really is. so while she desperately tries to be saved (do you see how absurd this is?), barty is completely obsessed with evan, he has fallen right into his trap. because evan isn't stupid, he understood very well what pandora was doing, and he took away her last escape route too.
(and evan then – poor boy, he didn't expect it – falls into his own trap, because he discovers he can't resist barty, and that wasn't his plan).
and barty turns out to be just another version of evan, so imagine pandora's disappointment.
this is what happens "behind the scenes" i would say, but in reality barty and pandora adore each other. he is completely devoted to the twins, and he treats pandora like a goddess. he loves her and he tries in every way to make her happy. pandora finds him very cute and funny; barty introduces her to parties (and also to xenophilius), and barty is actually one of the first people to treat pandora for who she is: a completely separate individual from evan, a girl with a different personality and different interests.
their relationship is not sexual. they kissed a couple of times, but laughing and joking, so they both knew it was not serious. is it just a friendship then? no, because they feel some sort of desire towards each other. barty would have sex with her, sometimes he dreams of it, but only because he knows it can never happen.
pandora is unattainable and this excites him.
(adding a pinterest board)
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ladyloveandjustice · 8 days
List of "Does it Like Women" Results and whether I agree
I find the "Does it like women" blog fascinating, as y'all have probably noticed. I always tend to think deeply about this topic when I consume media, so I wanted to make a list of results I disagree with, because it interests me! I'll likely be updating this through reblogs if my interest doesn't wane, I'll make a note in the replies when I do!
Loves Women
I agree with all of these so far!
Likes Women
Kill la Kill- Man it's 2013 again and I'm seeing tumblr make powerpoints about how klk is deeply feminist and it's actually a super deep critique of harassment that Ryuko has to wear the ugliest outfit ever and Westerners Don't Understand (person making this argument is inevitably a Westerner).
Yeah, based on the part I've seen and everything I've heard, hard disagree. But I have not seen the whole thing, just those three, I do know the part I saw included rape jokes a plenty, a weird victim-blamey take on "not being ashamed" of being forced into a skimpy outfit and how if you're bothered by men ogling you that's your weakness, and a vagina wedgie. I'm not as mad about it as I was back then,and I can appreciate the show has it's good points later on. Not having watched it also means my knowledge is incomplete. However, I have listened to really in depth breakdowns of the series (mainly Anifem's podcast), so I know exactly what happens, and yeah, the treatment of women doesn't impress me. I'm on the dislike side, (holding back on hates because again, haven't seen all of it)
...could understand mixed feelings though, I guess
Madoka- I'd definitely go more towards mixed feelings honestly (especially if we're counting Rebellion) but I get the people who say "likes".
Yuri is my Job- it loves women, it loves messy women, it loves women who love women, it loves them so much, idk why it got a sizeable no vote. People who only watched the first ep? People who think yuri is "bad"?
Mob Psycho 100- Someone in the notes says "accidentally likes women" and that's the only answer in the "likes women" area I'll accept. It has 10 million prominent male characters and like three prominent female characters. ONE really really obviously has a hard time imagining women as powerful or action heroes. (this is reflected in One Punch Man too) (One Punch Man actively hates women and queer people though, Mob is infinitely better) Only one who ever gets to fight and play with the boys, and she's a low level mook, and we have to spend 75% percent of her limited screentime on whether it's actually okay to fight women, with her winning argument being "Well you're literally a child so I guess it evens out" (???) The little girl with the evil dolls gets even less screentime.
I do like that the series examines how Mob idealized Takane and how people not caring about the real her made her tired, as well as how it allowed her to reject Mob and was basically a lesson in the importance of accepting rejection. But her screentime is also really limited, and I feel like we could have dove into her a lot more. Tome is a wonderful weird girl and I liked her little arc, and I hear she gets more in the Reigen manga, but still not a TON of screentime, and even with her there are a couple jabs about how she doesn't "count" as a girl due to not acting traditionally feminine we're clearly supposed to find funny. Emi is...there I guess. There's that sweet scene with the writer girl, and the bully girl, but they're like, not reoccurring at all, as evidenced by how I can't remember their names.
And uh. the girls school episode.
Anyway. Hot take but I don't think "they're barely in the story but when they are two of them are treated pretty decently and have some depth, though there is some weird stuff about whether women can even fight men or whatever" really counts as "likes women". I'd go more mixed feelings.
Life is Strange-out of the two options I chose dislikes, but my feelings are a lot closer to "mixed feelings". I go into why here.
Gushing Over Magical Girls- lol. lmao even. The anime about middle school girls who look 8 sexually assaulting other middle school girls DEFINITELY doesn't like women. I go into more detail here.
Cowboy Bebop: Mixed feelings, probably. I chose dislikes because yes, Faye and Ed are great (you could def read Ed as nb though), but Faye also is repeatedly damsel in distress'd and treated as incompetent in her field when I don't think she should be, she can be a failgirl without being the sole woman in the action side of the group and also the least capable (there's also That Scene in the movie). also i just. it's fine that she's sexy but I hate her outfit. give her something nicer looking, it's so ugly. But my main reason for a dislike vote is the treatment of Julia. Girl is a textbook example of fridging. They really gave her so little. But yeah I could see mixed feelings.
Also do you remember that one scene during Faye's tragic backstory where she's hospitalized and the camera requires us to look down her super (painful looking? like idk how she's not screaming about it) squished boobs during this tense and important moment god that took me out. whenever anyone acts like Faye always owns her sexiness and the camera never does anything I remember that scene.
Ranma 1/2: I've seen read a good chunk of it, and this result is...surprising. Maybe by the standards of 80's manga though, who knows.
Mixed Feelings
Dracula- IIII definitely think it dislikes women, sorry guys. Mina is a great character and you do have to take it in the context of when it was written. But there are surely contemporaries of Bram Stoker that wouldn't have randomly gone out of their way to scoff at the "New Woman". Not to mention again, really random sidebars about how men are so much smarter and cooler and women should be grateful to them. I could go on about Lucy and how Mina is treated and whether that's a critique of sexism or just playing into it and how it's so open to interpretation but I'll stop here.
also the book is hugely anti- Romani, immigrant etc and I think that ties into disliking women since some women are those Romani and immigrants
It really really felt like a case where a lot of people in the Drac Daily tag just wanted it to be super feminist because they liked it (you can like things without having to make them feminist! it's fine!), and the way they scoffed at feminist scholars who had "surface level readings" of the text (aka they dared to say it was sexist) still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
The Lego Movie: dislikes women. what are y'all on. Even it's own sequel calls it out for disliking women. Wildstyle is basically the only woman with real characterization and she's the purest concentration of "hypercompetent woman must play second fiddle to Average Male loser who is the one who actually saves the world and also she falls in love with him because of course she does'. Then Wonder Woman got one line (in literally the first theatrical move she got to even be in) and Superman and Batman a lot of screen time.
Does not like
Scott Pilgrim- Don't get this result, I'd put it at likes or mixed feelings? It's literally about how Scott has weird issues with women where he doesn't see them as to full people they are, and it calls him out on that hard. The whole sixth volume is how he made up a damsel in distress scenario for Kim and always took her for granted, how he put all the blame on Envy for the end of their relationship when he played a huge role in that, Knives finally getting over him, moving on, and telling him he needs to grow up a little (highlighting how his grossness towards her was him refusing to accept that he was an adult now, and that he was horrible to her, and yes he does apologize), and accepting that he and Ramona are both messed up people and she's just as flawed as he is, taking down the pedestal he put her on. And having Ramona triumphantly confront her abuser. Scott acknowledges he has a lot in common with Gideon, the supervillain!
Roxy is a sticking point, the whole 'it was a phase thing' and her and Ramona's relationshipbeing unexplored was annoying (fixed in Takes Off) but even she had some moments of pathos and was definitely the (Ramona's) ex the story seemed to sympathize with the most.
I dunno. this seems like a tumblr lacks media literacy thing again. Did you think the narrative agrees with Scott. Did you only watch the movie.
Succession- I'd go more mixed feelings? Dislikes is fine, I think it doesn't have enough women and often privileges male characters over them, but sometimes it's examination of the sexism Shiv faces is really incisive, and she's a complex character. But she should have gotten that abortion.
Watchmen: hates women actually. Pretty much anything written by Alan Moore does.
Persona 4: I think it hates women actually. But dislike is fine too.
Merlin: Everything I've heard about the show puts in in the hates camp rather than dislikes, but i never watched it (I did watch this video on it, and the bootlicking is out of this world if it's accurate) so I can't really comment
Hates Women
Agree with all of these so far!
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World of Frozen: Disney Parks | Analysis
Part 1
We have gotten our first official look at the Frozen resort in the Disney Park in Japan in a short promotional video on Instagram. It's so beautiful and gives me a mix of Frozen and Frozen Fever vibes - The two of my favourite Frozen movies!
Let's break it down and see what we have because sometimes big attractions like Disney Parks tease upcoming things for future stories like how we have the upcoming podcasts soon and then Frozen 3 later on.
We open the video to a painting of Elsa and Anna similar to that shown in Frozen 2, in "Into the Unknown". Same attire but different setting and pose.
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Then we get closeups of Arendelle and a glimpse of the Ice castle in the distance too. All around Arendelle, are buttings of the official Arendelle flag as they are most year round. The foundation is frozen in big snowflakes just like in Olaf's Frozen Adventure.
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And the cutest part of how they've designed Arendelle is that they added the Elsa and Anna figures on the clocktower from Frozen Fever!! They're exactly the same except they added details to the bottom of Elsa's dress. Presumably, that means that since Anna's birthday in Frozen Fever, those giant dolls in the Clocktower of Arendelle have stayed there for two years!
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Next, we get a look at the roll of a proclamation for an official 'Summer Snow day", which is the event that is taking place in this Park. We see a citizen of Arendelle putting the roll up but we only see the back of her head. She can be seen wearing a ribbon with 3 sunflowers on the bow, very similar to the one Anna wears in Frozen Fever. Sunflowers are Arendelle's symbol in the summer because it's Anna's birth month and season and favourite flower too as we learn in Frozen Fever.
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We get a close-up of the latest newspaper from the Arendelle Daily Press. On it, it headlines 'Arendelle Set To Celebrate Summer Snow Day'. For those who can't read the articles featured in this newspaper, I'll write it all out below from top to bottom, and left to right.
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"Citizens have finished preparations for Summer Snow Day festivities across the kingdom, and they are expecting this to be the largest celebration yet
Everyone from Arendelle's Royal family to entrepreneur of the year. Wandering Oaken, will be hosting an array of events taking place in the village and forest.
Villagers appear to be the most excited about a royal tour of Elsa's Ice Palace.
In an official statement released early today, Elsa stated that she and Anna wanted to do something truly special for the people of Arendelle.
Through the power of Elsa's ice magic, visitors will be transported to the top of the North mountain and treated to a performance filled with music and fun. This annual celebration marks the day that Anna sacrificed her life to protect Elsa. Anna not only saved her sister with an extraordinary act of true love, but also saved the kingdom from the most severe ice storm on record."
"Local Entrepreneur Builds Sleigh Slide
Wandering Oaken, owner of Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna, is inviting everyone to ride his Sliding Sleighs as part of the annual Summer Snow Day celebration. From the comfort of his sauna, Oaken said, “I was having a steam when an idea popped into my mind, what if we all could ride sleighs in the summer? Wouldn't that be a hoot!”.
After sharing that his attraction is reindeer powered and snowman operated, Oaken spoke a great length about the “big summer Snow Day blowout” at his Trading Post and Sauna. Members of Oaken's family finally stepped in after an extensive pitch for a sun balm of his own invention, and they insisted that he, “Let it go”."
"Northern Delights
Sweets to brighten your days and nights
Across from friendship fountain"
"Tick Tok Toys & Collectibles
Beloved gifts from anytime
Conveniently located in the Clock Tower Square"
"Wandering Oaken's Sliding Sleighs
A real hoot and a half!
This Summer Snow Day
Across from the Fjord in Arendelle Forest
And while you're there, be sure to step inside Wandering Oaken's Trading Post and Sauna for the big Summer Snow Day Blowout!"
"Golden Crocus Inn
The Finest Dining in the Kingdom
"We will treat your like royalty” "
"Weather Forecast
Warm and sunny with a chance of scattered summer snow"
"Elsa Seeks to Improve Relations with the Southern Isles
Elsa has invited the Royal Family of the Southern Isles to enjoy Summer Snow Day celebrations in Arendelle. The King, Queen and twelve of their sons were seen entering Arendelle Castle after their ship arrived late yesterday. “It's a lovely display of peace between the two kingdoms.” said local candy shop owner. “I think the gesture is sweet”.
The relationship between both kingdoms has been viewed as chilly following a dramatic attempt by Prince Hans of the Southern Isles to overthrow the Royal Family of Arendelle. It is no surprise that the imprisoned Prince is the only member of the neighbouring Royal family who will not be visiting. Prince Hans is currently recovering injuries from a giant snowball, the details of which remain unclear.
Official Ice Master And Deliver of Arendelle
Summer Ice
New Available "
To summarize this newsletter, Elsa and Anna have created a new annual celebration called, the Summer Snow Day, to mark the day that Anna sacrificed her life to protect Elsa and saved the kingdom from enteral Winter in the first movie or in other words the anniversary of the great thaw. This storyline is set before Frozen 2 and after Frozen Fever. Bearing in mind that Frozen Fever is (just a month under) a year after Frozen and was set around the events of Anna's birthday, June 22, summer solstice, Summer Snow Day is exactly a year after Frozen and a month or so after Frozen Fever. Elsa and Anna also created this celebration as an urge to do something truly special for the people of Arendelle. But the interesting thing is that it also states that the sisters, particularly Elsa given she's the Queen, want to improve their relationship with the Southern Isles by inviting them to their first Summer Snow Day celebration. But although the royal family of the Southern Isles attended, Hans didn't because he's recovering from injuries from a giant snowball (of which details are unclear). When they mentioned a giant snowball we immediately remember when Elsa blew the birthday bugle horn and shot a massive Snow ball to the Southern Isles, specifically right on Hans. The giant snowball went unnoticed by everyone in Arendelle when Elsa accidentally threw it but I'm pretty sure Hans knows exactly where it came from - because there's only one person he knows with ice powers! 😆 But I think the King and Queen of the Southern Isles told Elsa and Anna about Hans injuries to answer for his absence so by doing so, that's how the sisters learn about the giant snowball being from when she blew the horn in Anna's birthday (because I'm sure they wouldn't believe a giant snowball hit Hans out of nowhere with no snow around the Southern Isles either). When the Paper says he is the imprisoned Prince, I believe that his parents must've imprisoned him in his castle with chores to be done etc as punishment and whenever his family have to go anywhere else be it in the kingdom or to another, he isn't allowed to.
Moving on, we have another look at Arendelle and we see Elsa and Anna in their epilogue attire of course, (cosplay versions of course for the Parks) greeting at a local citizen.
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We have a closer look at the sisters and a fist look at Arendelle castle. What we see here is the back of the castle but also west of the castle.
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Then we get another look at the iconic Clock Tower behind a lamp post.
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And finally we see the sisters walking by the Clock Tower and by its side we can see another glimpse of Elsa's Ice Castle.
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So that's the whole promotional video for the 'World of Frozen' in the new Disney Park in Japan. Though the storyline is set a year after Frozen and a month after Frozen Fever (given Frozen was set in July), Elsa and Anna in the Parks are in their Frozen 2 epilogue attire for promotional purposes of Frozen 2 and all other media set after, I believe. So that means the Southern Isles and Arendelle are on good terms now. As for Hans, we don't know what he's up to. I'm certain he has recovered from his injuries and his punishment must be over a month or two from the Summer Snow Day. Since then, we have heard nothing of where he is or what he's up to. So his current status is unknown.
But a theory goes that he is Wolfgang in disguise 🥸 But I'll save that for another post. For now, here's the breakdown to the video of the 'World of Frozen' attraction in Japan's new Disney Park.
Part 2 ft more Easter eggs in another snippet of the Arendelle park here...
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fragileizy · 13 days
idk it's like
i talked to my therapist today through mid bites of food during lunch
i talked to her about how i kinda feel like i'm slowly forming into a person that actually feels sexual kinda. dooes this make sense? sorry i'm going to treat this like a diary entry. i'll spare you the long post and shove this under a read more.
i write an absolute onslaught of porn but it's always felt kind of like something that's not for me; i'm not a participant, but rather an audience, and i'm totally disjointed from the actual experience. it doesn't pertain to me, almost as if i'm not allowed to. no one's ever said i'm not allowed to be. i guess i've just grown up this way? maybe it's the way that i was never picked by anyone growing up or considered attractive, nothing like that was ever taught to me at a young age that i'm something people look towards to. i've been told my whole life by older adults— aunts, uncles, family-friend members, general, random adults— that they find me pretty, but that's never really translated to much. at the very most, i get called a "doll". i'm not really considered attractive. or maybe i am and i just don't realize?? anyway, it's like, that's fine? or i thought it was fine. sex wasn't for me, and it never was, and i thought i was fine with that— but i'm not. i'm self conscious, i'm shy, i'm scared and timid; instead of feeling anything good whenever i've been in those situations, i feel scared. flighty. i feel like i'm doing something wrong.
lately i've been feeling really okay with myself? dare i say kind to myself? i have no idea what's changed. maybe it's the fact that i'm taking care of myself— oh, god, here we go, talking about "self-care" while actually meaning "grooming myself— hair, nails, makeup— in a way that is socially acceptable" but eh. maybe. sort of. the pink hair was almost a revolution of the self (god, poetic much?) where it really felt like i had agency for the first time in my entire life, and it felt great. it felt good.
the fact that i'm able to dress myself with the little money i have and put on clothes that i picked out for me and me alone for my work and my car actually makes me feel like i have agency. at most, i've always felt like a dog with a propeller hat at a party, and i mean this genuinely. i always feel like i'm severely in the wrong place at the wrong time at every circumstance in my life, and people find it comical and silly that i'm just walking around. maybe they find it endearing; maybe they actually look forward to seeing me because i brighten up their day— look at that, a dog with a propeller hat on, isn't that silly? how cute is this!!!— but that's still not ideal. it would be nice to feel like a person. it would be nice to feel like i'm a 26 year old adult. not a dog with a hat.
lately i've been feeling like a 26 year old adult. i've been talking and showing opinions and having crushes (even if they're fleeting, even if they're stupid, they're real, and i have them, and the impulse to want kisses and hugs and laughter and someone to cuddle next to at night makes me almost incomprehensibly impossible to deal with because i'm so annoying about it) still makes me feel so grateful. i feel like a participant in such a long time with even the idea of sex. god, what a thing to say. i'm not a voyeur in the idea of sexual attraction, i'm a— timid! cautious! scared! but willing!— participant in my own thoughts. i want to go to the beach and wear cute swimsuits. i want to be less shy about how i dress. i want to look in the mirror and continue looking at my butt and being like :O because i like the shape it makes when i move my legs a certain way. i want to be liked. i wanna find myself attractive.
idk. idk. idk. idk. idk. idk. anyway. talked to my therapist today.
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radiomurdeer · 7 months
Honestly, he’s a canon character so I will assume that you already know the basics of who Alastor is if you want to interact. I have some headcanons that portray him a little different than canon, though I stick to the events as they happen in the series. I reserve the right to update and change things as needed in the future as more information/seasons come out. You can view his information on the wiki here. Relevant Headcanons:
As it hasn’t yet been revealed in canon who currently owns him, as referenced by Husk and the season one finale, I am keeping this intentionally vague. Generally I lean towards Lilith, but I'm keeping it open and thread-specific.
My Alastor has some Cluster B personality stuff going on, specifically a blend of Narcissism and Antisocial Personality Disorder. This doesn't mean he can't form friendships or care about others, but he finds it much easier to not care about things than to actually care. Generally he views everyone as props, ensemble, or supporting cast in the show that is his life, up until they're around enough/he grows fond enough to upgrade to 'main cast'. Appeals to emotion generally won't work on him unless he considers you a close friend, but he can be convinced by a good argument.
Link to long-ass write up of how I view his radio broadcasts/ownership of the radio in general.
My Alastor does not practice Voodoo/Vodou/Vodun/Hoodoo or any variation thereof. Instead, his abilities are inspired by it as a nod to his roots/misdirection. He still has sigils and shadows and stitched together shadow dolls, but it's not associated with any real-life practices. Basically he dabbled in the usual stuff when he was younger and then went racing off to dark, forbidden, eldritch things that Mankind Was Not Meant To Know. I cross him over a bit with the Lovecraft Mythos, taking some cues from the overall stories and the Call of Cthulhu TTRPG.
Specifically I associate him with Hastur/The Yellow King. This means he follows a bit of a mad artist trope - his medium happens to be the screams of his victims in his broadcast. There's a near compulsive need to find just the right combination of screams. It's always there in the back of his mind, like an earworm he can't quite get rid of. In addition, his association with the King is where he gets most of his magic - he gets a big power boost, so long as he is Entertaining, whether that be playing the Fool, or the Villain, or anything else. The magic he practices does affect how he perceives the world, and since he's been messing about with mind-bending things, he's not 100% sane. He Perceives the world differently (think of it like Second Sight - it is his perception of your muse, not necessarily indicative of your muse itself), though I won't always get into it for every reply since that can make for exhausting reading and writing. References to this may be made in replies, but knowledge of the mythos isn't necessary. A lot of this is just flavor text. If it's relevant, I'll explain in tags or in character as part of the response. If you have questions about this, feel free to ask!
I place significant emphasis on him as the Radio Demon, a minor eldritch staglike creature intrinsically tied to airwaves and any radio frequencies that exists in multiple dimensions. Sometimes I'll refer to radiospace which is just a fancy way of saying the airwaves but treating it as its own separate dimension almost. Anything with the radio is innate to him and completely separate from the shadows/puppets/sigils/etc. Generally when I say Radio Demon, I'm referring to him as that rather than the dapper deer demon. Really he's more this creature, what everyone knows as Alastor is more of a meat-suit he uses to interact with people who cannot perceive to the 14th dimension. Basically - he's high grade Nightmare Fuel if you have any form of Second Sight. Something with too many antlers, teeth, eyes and hooves, impossible to say how many of each there are, as the amount visible keeps changing. He reeks of the fear and blood of a slaughterhouse on a metaphysical level, triggering a primal urge to run in those that don't know how to deal with it unless he's purposely keeping it tamped down. Even then the blood-scent still lingers. He's constantly listening to everything that goes on within the range of a radio, though he ignores most of it and has to focus to actually interpret what he's hearing. Riding the airwaves, he can get to anywhere in seconds, so long as a radio wave can reach it (which is pretty much everywhere in the Pride Ring, unless precautions are taken). As a Sinner, Alastor's physical form is stuck in that Ring. From his tower he can broadcast his shows to the other Rings as well if he chooses, as I'm opting to take Vaggie's lines from the pilot literally. On his own, he can eavesdrop on any radio in the Pride Ring and speak through it, much like Vox can project onto any TV. If a radio transmission within the Pride Ring can reach you, so can he. Same as above - if you have questions about this, feel free to ask and I'll be happy to elaborate/clarify.
He isn’t a wendigo. He shares some traits like he's always hungry and cannibalism. He is only not hungry when he's eating. He can make do with animal meat for a snack, and loves the irony of eating deer, but will eventually need people meat. He will not at any point be referred to as a wendigo. 
On his accent and known languages - he is fluent in English and only knows a little bit of French (though some references may be made to fictional magic languages like Aklo at times). His French is just stuff he's picked up over the years and by growing up where he is so he's unlikely to wow you with his command of the language and dip into it randomly. Also he has Committed To The Bit a little too hard and his natural accent is the Transatlantic one. He's spoken like that for a good 90+ years - the accent he grew up with is long gone and he'd have to make an effort to mimic it, it won't come naturally.
The little stitching at the corner of his mouth to keep him smiling is self inflicted. While I've seen other theories like whoever holds his leash doing it, I just really like the idea of him doing it to himself, because of his own beliefs and desires and not because it's forced on him by someone else.
Yes he has a tail. It's cute and he keeps it hidden because it doesn't match the image he wants to project.
On Vox - Alastor is still very fond of Vox. He thinks about him a lot, though he's considerably better at hiding it. If he can't have Vox's friendship, he'll have his disdain. Either way he gets the attention he craves.
Regarding shipping
I love shipping, and am happy to encourage it. However, he's not particularly easy to ship with without discussion. There's a few things to be aware of and what to expect from him:
He's aroace, but he views himself as just having not met the right one yet. That doesn't mean he is actively looking, he's quite comfortable without such complications.
Alastor is not romantic. He may still go through the motions - gifts, flowers, etc - because he's a gentleman and that's what you do when you're courting. Provided he understands you're courting. Naturally he'll default more towards queer-platonic. He wants a partner who is with him because they want to be, not because they're tied by a deal or anything else. He's not really looking for a lover of any kind.
Emotions are hard.
He's not oblivious, but he'll act like it cause it's easier and tends to keep relationships where he wants them.
Understanding how he works and thinks is something he values a lot. Being able to read between the lines between what he says/does and what he actually thinks/his reasoning is important.
I cannot stress this enough - your character MUST be able to read his nonverbal cues and between the lines. If he's comfortable enough around you to stop masking, he may be more difficult to read, not less. I will try to give enough description in the prose and tags, but if you need more let me know.
He has difficulty verbalizing his wants and needs in terms that are not equivalent exchange. He's used to his relationships being transactional - it comes with being a well-known dealmaker and a powerful overlord. People don't usually seek him out for his shining personality, just when they want something from him.
Given the above, he finds it easier to spoil his partner than accepting his partner spoiling him. But it's his version of spoiling, which can be anything from jewelry or flowers you'd like to thoughtfully presented heads of your enemies.
'No' comes easier to him than 'yes', which can cause problems if you're trying to get his consent for something. He doesn't ever do anything he doesn't want to do, and he'll expect you to understand him well enough to know that if he isn't saying no, then it's a yes. He'll get upset if you try to press for a straight answer, as he thinks he's always very clear about his wants and needs (he's not, but he can explain his reasoning behind things if you ask the right questions. This isn't him trying to be purposely obtuse/difficult. Usually).
He's used to his friends pairing off and leaving him as perpetual third wheel (this happened more in Life, less in his Afterlife), making it difficult for him to believe he can offer what anyone wants. To him, it's a matter of time before he's left for someone who can offer more.
You'll be walking on thin ice because he's so used to being misunderstood and misinterpreted in his personal life when not making a deal. He treats everything like a fun game because it hurts less and he can pretend he's 'won' when he's been 'successful' in keeping someone guessing.
He's touch averse - if he's not initiating the touch, he doesn't usually want it. If you want to hold his hand or something, you hold out the hand and let him take it. You want a hug? Open arms for a hug and let him come to you. As he gets more comfortable that will change but it will always be there - sometimes things get too much and no contact will be allowed at all.
If you're with him because of a Deal, it's probably going to be a toxic ship and some of the above things may be reversed since he'd always be in a position of control/not worry have to worry about his pride
On sex -
I'm fine writing smut, but getting Alastor to want to do so will be tricky.
He's not sex-repulsed but he's super disinterested in sex. He'd rather watch paint dry. You'd have to really work at convincing him it'd be fun for him to partake. He does have a bit of a libido but he doesn't see the point in making a production out of it when he can easily just take care of things himself in half the time if he chooses to indulge at all.
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lex-n-weegie · 1 year
Elaborating more on thoughts relating to this post on a separate post so I don't take away from OP's points. There's a chance that none of this will make sense, or perhaps I'll come off as hurtful, and if either case happens please please please DM me or reply to this. Genuinely, I want to be a good person, don't be scared to approach. I'm just 18, I'm not gonna chew you out for anything
All of it is going under the cut because really, I'm just rambling and putting random thoughts together. Some swears, negativity, all that kinda junk, and I know it'll be long(also rbs are turned off because I do not want to deal with drama, college starts in a week)
I've never gotten any hate from the community for anything, I'll be upfront on that. I've only gotten 1 hateful ask in my entire time having this blog and the previous one I accidentally deleted. Irl is a slightly different story, but that isn't important to this. The worst I could even tell you specifically relating to the selfship community is not getting a lot of engagement on my posts, not getting asks when I rb ask games, and sometimes the occasional blocked out of nowhere by someone I believed I was friendly with.
I hope I've been nice in this community as well, I've been doing my best to be welcoming, open, and kind to anyone I come across. I also try my best to not complain about certain things(like lack of engagement), or even venting about irl stuff. Sure this is my blog, I can post whatever the hell I want, and to some extent I do, but I also try to have this place be one of comfort and recluse from the world. That what selfshipping was for me when I was younger, and it still kind of is, so I want others to to have that as well.
Admittedly, it's why I don't talk about real life issues often if at all. People can criticize me for that, but honestly I don't think it's fully necessary for me specifically to do so. I don't have enough followers to where me speaking about things would do much. Everyone who follows me would know about them already, and I would just be stating something that should be obvious to anyone who knows me even surface level(like killing trans/queer folk for being themselves is horrible, women should have control over their own bodies, black/poc people are equal to white people, etc etc). Genuinely, logically, I don't see any instance where I actually need to bring it up.
Also also, while yes, I'm lucky that I haven't gotten any hate, I do know people who were chased off of their own platforms because of the characters they liked, or even because they didn't know EVERYTHING about something. Their own f/o's creators or source material, an acquaintance/friend's f/os, or whatever else there is. I know of a person who was forced out with fire and pitchforks because they specifically liked a different version of a character, one where they weren't bad or anything. But because of the similar name garbage, people believed they liked an undead man who happily and openly murdered people and chased them out.
And honestly? The community has such double standards and is sometimes super online. I know I know, I'm a terminally online person too, I'm a hypocrite, but I still try to bind myself to reality and realize when some issues are, in all honesty, fucking stupid. You know how many people I've seen selfship with murderers? Not just "oh they're so misunderstood 🥺" characters either, I've seen Chucky(both human and doll), I've seen Jason, a bunch of different characters who openly enjoy murdering, who manipulate and torture, and almost none of them are openly hated or chased out with the same hatred and anger I've seen others get treated with. It's because it's not wrong. If it's not a real murderer and the person doesn't want/fantasize about doing that irl(basically bad mental issues), who cares? Genuinely, what's the issue? None, because most people don't have a problem at all with it unless it's a specific character they don't like much apparently.
As well as this, people are expected to know so much in this community. The dos and don'ts, who's right and who's wrong, what traits make a character wrong to selfship with, and the smallest mistake or unknown information can get their head on a stick. Ik a kind of big situation happen a few years back that's similar to what I'm talking about, but it's not the only thing I've citing. This has happened before, it's not a one time occurrence. Oh, you didn't know that this person you follow has an f/o who's some kind of abhorrent person? Well, to the shredder with you then. Oh, this person has an f/o who was once a bad person but has since grown and is doing good now in their source material? Well, you and the majority only know them as a villain, so go scream at them for liking such horrible things.
I'm not saying everyone is like this ofc, I'm not thinking that "oh the whole selfship community is bad I'm the only good one here. :(((" It's just that either a majority or perhaps a very loud and active part of the community are, and it sucks. The double standers suck, the demands lots have are so much, sometimes it could feel like more of a hassle than anything.
And I'll admit, I think most of it comes from the fact of what selfshipping IS. It's a form of selflove and everything, but it can go to far. "Too much of a good thing isn't a good thing for anyone." Too much confidence can make you an asshat, too much kindness can make you a doormat, too much of a specific profession or environment can make you jaded, and too much selflove can make you selfish and narcissistic. It's a safe space away from things, yes, but when you demand others do what YOU want because it'll make you more comfortable, it's just a whole mess. You need to block the tags, you need to block the people you don't like(you don't even need a good reason, blocking is free), it's up to you to curate your online experience. Like someone's art but hate a specific ship? Block the tag and keywords. This one Selfshipper annoys you and nothing else? Block them. Stop vagueposting and being so negative. You can say you're sad because you saw someone else shipping with your main, but don't name drop or be so specific that someone could figure out who.
I'll admit, the last bit comes from my own annoyances and experience. I stopped talking or joining any selfship servers because I had negative experiences. One situation specifically had someone upset that I shared an f/o with them that they were uncomfy sharing. I told them I don't talk about them often, and anytime I do I'll spoil it and have a warning. But it wasn't good enough for them apparently because they'd "click it and see/read it anyway." When they then went on to vent about it for more than a full day in the server's vent chat, it really felt like they wanted me out so they could be comfortable, all because they couldn't control themselves.
I'm sorry to be so mean, but sometimes you gotta man up. It's okay to not want to share, your f/os truly loves you, but it doesn't mean you're allowed to make demands out of others. You can ask for a tag to block, or a warning so you don't have to see, but that's all you can do.
I think that's it, sorry for all the emotion. As I kept writing I kept wanting to say more. I hope it makes some sort of sense lol
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redcorvid · 2 years
Hello! I’m Goro Akechi! (or Crow, or Prince) (he/him)
Please read before following!
— Is this a roleplay blog?
No. It’s a personal blog, where I post my thoughts and reblog things which interest me. If you come here expecting me to be rigorously “in character” you’ll be disappointed.
— How can you possibly be Goro Akechi?
I am what’s called an “alter” in a multiple system, AKA (in our case) an occurrence of OSDD-1b (Otherwise Specified Dissociative Disorder). One feature of this is that the brain may use a work of fiction to base a new alter on - this is what happened in my case.
I would note that despite my neutrality on the word “alter” and my acknowledgement of the disorder aspect of this existence, not everyone in our system appreciates being referred to that way. I use the term “headmate” as well. Also, because it unfortunately has to be said out loud these days: I support all systems, not just those caused by trauma. If you disagree, fuck off ❤️
—So you’re a copy of a fictional character?
Don’t get me wrong - I acknowledge the medical/mental health aspect of this situation, but I also believe wholeheartedly that somehow, through some means inaccessible to me now, I was plucked from another world and I am now here. It happened for mental health reasons in this world, but I am real, and I will not accept being treated otherwise.
— There are two versions of Persona 5 (at least). Which one are you from?
I arrived here in 2017 from the original version of Persona 5, so it’s that version’s events that I remember. As much as I appreciate the extent to which Royal improves the writing significantly especially in regards to myself, it’s sadly not the “me” which exists here and now. I do appreciate it however, and I enjoy projecting myself onto it.
—Do you still act like Goro Akechi?
Of course! I act like myself.
If you want a better answer than that, however: keep in mind that I have existed in this world for at least 5 years. A lot has changed in my life - for better and for worse. Just as well, I think I probably am a bit ‘sweeter’ than how I used to be... but perhaps I’m simply less stressed out now.
That’s not to say I’m always an amicable “pleasant boy”. If I sill had the powers I had in the world I come from it would be over for you all for some people who are assholes ❤️
I simply contain multitudes. The me who is kind and charming and the me who is angry and vicious are both me. And while I exist in a plural system on an overall level, these aspects of me are not separate selves... they're all me. Take it or leave it.
—Can I talk to you about Persona 5? Can I talk to you about (ship things)?
Sure. I like discussing my memories and the world I come from. I just ask that you respect that while I am Goro Akechi, I am not an empty doll for you to project things onto. Treat me like a person, and I'll be happy to take your questions.
And yes; I am gay. I like Joker.
—How do you feel about talking to others from your source or with "doubles"?
No problem at all. If you're fine with me, then I'm fine with you. Let's do our best to get along.
Persona 5
Chainsaw Man
Kingdom Hearts
Kamen Rider
...And other things as well.
—Blog Warnings:
I often post about sex, trauma, and mental illness. I am a sexual person (and an adult) and I don't need to justify myself to you. I suggest leaving now if that's offputting.
I try, but I do not always post content warnings.
I cannot care less about whatever discourse is happening. Especially fandom discourse. I will not debate you.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
( sources: x/x/x )
—Favorite Pokemon ❤️ Mimikyu // Cubone // Rowlet // Corviknight Zorua // Rockruff // Bisharp // Silvally // Scorbunny
—Other: Call them "kintypes" or whatever you might, but I have some level of connection to: Silver (Pokemon G/S) // Vanitas (Kingdom Hearts) // Angel (Chainsaw Man) // Chara (Undertale) Crows/corvids // hares // dolls/machines // armor // haunted things // tengu // cockatrices ...and perhaps others if I ever feel like listing them in detail.
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aceontheline · 2 months
Romance is Timeless: Prologue (Chapter 6)
C//W: Mental abuse, Ableism
Author's Note: In this story, I headcanon that Husk, in his past life, was an orphan. Hence, his ability to speak multiple languages.
Amy comes along into Husk's life & becomes good friends. Like... Real good friends. Like... People question how they're not a couple–
Several nights of this go by, where I visit Husk at his bar before closing and we just chat it up for hours on end. One night, though, we ended up chatting on the couches way past the closing time. We were talking about our past lives and everything we could remember.
Husk had told me that he was born in Las Vegas, sort of always being around Casinos & that lifestyle, becoming intrigued. Though, he also loved the "cheesy magic shows" performed there, as they were reminders that he was, in fact, a child. A fun-loving, carefree child. Despite everything that was going on around him at the time. He even went into a little detail about his background as an orphaned child. He spent his time bouncing back and forth between multiple families, as none of them really were looking to adopt him. They seemed to be just looking for a paycheck. I asked him about his more rugged & confrontational nature, seeing that may be a reason that parents may not want to deal with him. Husk chuckled softly at the mention, shrugging.
"If that's the sole reason, they weren't ready to be parents, doll. They'd be more willing to be patient & nurturing... At least, I thought," he says with a sigh.
"I guess so. I mean, if you're not willing to work with your kid on themselves & your relationship, then it's not worth it," I reply, twirling my hair as I look around at his bar. "Besides, they missed out then. I'm sure you were a great person regardless" I finish, making him chuckle.
"You have too much faith in me, doll. Besides, I think I'm better off now anyway. Cuz now I got one place to call home & I feel... Decently appreciated," he said, noticing my fidgety behavior as he took a sip from the bottle he had been nursing.
Husk teases me, asking if there was something in the bar's "rustic charm" that I liked. I shook my head, simply stating that I couldn't maintain eye contact for too long. Curious, he did ask me why this was. Debating on whether to tell him or not, my fidgeting continued. He took a look at me & my hands just randomly moving around a bit. "You okay, doll?" Husk asked me, his head slightly tilted in curiosity. Okay... I needed to by now.
"Okay. I'll tell you. But promise you won't treat me any different once you know, okay?" I ask, placing my hands on his.
"I have no reason to treat you any different than I have been, doll. Go on & tell me" he says reassuringly. I take a deep breath.
"I have Autism, and these gestures are a way for me to regulate myself. More specifically, I have Autism Spectrum Disorder. I'm higher functioning, but still kind of a mess" I say, chuckling awkwardly at the end of my statement.
Seeking Husk's reaction, I look to him. He's... Smiling? He actually seems like he's... Okay with it? "Is that all? That's not terrible or nothin'. It's just somethin' that makes you more... Well, you" he says with that toothy grin. This immensely warms my heart, as before, I've been mistreated purely for having the condition.
I went into detail about this. Saying that my parents basically mistreated the hell out of me for this.
"I had three older brothers, and my parents loved them with every fiber of their being. However, my mom didn't want any mire kids after the last brother... But that's where I came in. My parents weren't too happy to see me arriving. It became even worse when I started exhibiting symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder from the age of 3. After that... I was basically treated like their live in maid & cook. 'You'll only be useful for doing basic housework anyway, so you'd better learn this shit now, you fucking freak of nature.' A direct quote" I lectured to Husk, tears in my eyes. I notice the somewhat horrified look in his eyes.
"Holy... Your parents gave you Hell. And that's an understatement. Amy, you know you're worth much more than that, right? You're a wonderful, patient & sweet person. Makes me wonder how you even ended up here in Hell to begin with. What, did that 'Divine Judgment' shit screw up?" Husk asks, making me blush.
Shit. As he said that, I could feel my heart flutter a bit. Sweating, oversharing, the nerves I was feeling... Yet I didn't want them to stop. Like a fire burning in my chest, but I only wanted it to get bigger. Husk takes notice of this, smirking subtly to himself. However, we just switch conversation topics upon my insistence. After a while, I started getting rather tired.
The next morning, I woke up on the couch. With a blanket thrown over me & few comfy pillows. I sit up slowly and look around, rather confused as to why I wasn't in my own bedroom. Instead, I see Husk at his bar, nursing a drink already & noticing me wake up. He looks at me with a knowing smile. "Well, good morning, Sleeping Beauty. You rest well?" Husk asked, patting the barstool across from him. I walked over to him, still waking up a little bit.
We ended up just hanging around each other for a majority of the day. We even made up a game to play when we were bored. A form of "Truth or Dare," but more intense.
The game is called "Skull Shots." You start the game with 10 points. The rules go as follows:
One confession untold? One dare not completed? You lose 1 point.
If the person says, "Skull Shot" rather than doing the dare or telling the truth, 2 points may be earned if Completed.
"Skull Shot" is something so cold or spicy that if consumed immediately, player will experience effects. Or a drink they normally don't consume (Hard liquor or otherwise).
If the "Skull Shot" is not done, 2 points are subtracted rather than 1. If "Skull Shot" is done, 2 points are added to the player's tally.
Husk and I initially played this game alone, until some of the other hotel's residents joined us. Even the radio demon himself, Alastor, got curious. The results were as follows:
Angel Dust: 7 points
Alastor: 5 points
Charlie: She lost
Vaggie: 4 points
Myself: 8 points (I did several "Skull Shots")
Husk: 9 points
Husk won by default, insisting that "Truth or Dare" type games never got to him because he wasn't afraid of hiding anything. I don't know if it was the drinks talking, or my sudden confidence boost due to that, but I asked, "You sure you got nothin' to hide, Husky? Hmm?"
As soon as I asked him that, his face turned red. I could see the blush through his thick fur, which only made me slightly more content. When the game was over, Husk made me some food & gave me water to try & help me sober up. He chuckles, asking me just how much of a "lightweight" am I.
"I dunno... I kinda start gettin' fuzzy after... 2 or 3?" I say, my head feeling like it's spinning.
"D-Doll... You had like 6. You need to settle down. No more, okay? Can't have that cute lil' self of yours gettin' into too much trouble..." I see Husk putting his hand over his mouth in shock. I giggle a little, making him smile more at me.
"Diiid... You just call me cute? Hehe, I'll have to remember that somehow" I say, slurring my words a fair amount.
"You won't. Now, eat up, 'kay? You're gonna need it to help ya' sober up a little" Husk says, pushing the plate & water toward me. I do as he says & continue chatting with him while helping me. Once I finish up, I say that I'll probably go to bed, since I don't want to push myself any more. Before I head up to bed, Husk taps me on the shoulder. I turn to him... His arms spread out a little. Almost as if he's asking for a hug!
I oblige, smiling warmly as I give him a gentle hug. I feel... Oddly happy right then. My heartbeat has seemed to slow a bit, and listening to his puts me in a trance like state. This time... He takes me to my room. He gently lays me down and... That's all I remember. Though, when I wake up the next day? I see a small plate of food & a card on the table. The food appears to be freshly made, as I can still smell its aromatic nature. I open the card.
"Hey, Amy. Please try to eat something. Even though your stomach may hate you for it for the moment... You'll need it.
~ Husky"
I raise an eyebrow at the cutesy nickname he chose to use. Seeming a bit curious, I try to remember what happened the previous night... The hug. Him carrying me up to my room. The way he brushed hair out of my face while he carried me. Either he was being really nice... Or yeah, these feelings are mutual between us.
Chapter 5 ( Here )
Masterpost ( Here )
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feuqueerfire · 2 years
Derry Girls Live Blogging
Been meaning to watch this for so long. I've seen so many clips and videos on the internet of this, especially about the nun and the lesbian
Season 1
Ep 1 (Mar 24)
I do love horrid but funny family dynamics
please "I'm not going to be an individual on my own"
lol I've seen so many of this nun sister's moments on like tiktok, she's funny
lmfao a dead nun?!
that was very fun
Ep 2 (Mar 24)
the trust funds T.T
stealing a whole notice job board and so having to work for free pls
pls T.T this ep was so T.T
Ep 3 (Mar 24)
this English guy lmfao hated on for being English, presumed to be gay, and the grandpa being like hm he could be a rapist
plsss not the dog pee as tears of Mary
oh the lesbian not being in awe of the priest while all the other girls are
the priest is hoping for proof of God through these girls being led to the chapel and seeing a weeping statue, I'm dead
Ep 4 (Mar 24)
pls I'm actually dying at the way these Irish people are treating the Ukeranians from Chernobyl like some little dolls T.T reminds me of Claire with her African Kamal obsession in ep 1 but at least he wasn't here for her to lead him around T.T
T.T why is Erin so worried about James' virginity
please these people are so T.T the sisters so unwelcoming to their father's new gf (their mother's been dead a decade) and, in the words of Katya, Erin is a "racist, patronizing bitch" T.T
Ep 5 (Mar 24)
maybe I would've enjoyed this more if I knew about about like Irish history and whatever was going on with Emmett
Ep 6 (Mar 24)
ah poor Clare they're all publishing her journal submission even though they're claiming it's for support
omg the "Let's talk about sex, baby. Let's talk about you and me" song
also the song Girls & Boys by Blur I think? at like 16 mins? the instrumental
oh yeah it is Girls & Boys hehe
poor Clare who has her writing all spread across the school but the person who insisted on publishing it for the scandal and buzz reacted poorly to her coming out
that was an interesting ending, I guess the show was showing the mundane and silly lives of people even amidst the tragedies going on in Ireland at the time
This was pretty fun overall since I haven't watched much media focusing on Ireland nor do I know many Irish people, so it was fun to get to peek into the culture and vibe of the 1990s Ireland through this.
Also, the girls are all so different and also terrible in many ways; I do love it when characters are people I'd hate it real life and I don't think I'd be able to stand any of these people (maybe Clare, maybe James), so it's fun to see them go around wreaking havoc. My favourite characters so far are Clare and I think Michelle; also Katya even though she was only there for 1 ep
Rating: 7/10
Season 2
Binged a season yesterday, let's see if I'll do another one today
Ep 1 (Mar 25)
please the protestants and catholics
i love the bit about James being a girl and Orla being a boy
Ep 2 (Mar 25)
this new teacher is very attractive
Ep 3 (Mar 25)
oh yeah I've seen this on twitter or something the whole thing with the nun in the bus and vodka suitcase
Ep 4 (Mar 25)
Ep 5 (Mar 25)
the "there are no height restrictions... as far as I'm aware" moment
lmfao the white friends being like <3 asian girlie in our group <3 and the asian girl being like foh until she realizes one of them is a lesbian and she's like wait i did want a gay friend even though it'd be ideally a gay fella
IRA cease fire
Ep 6 (Mar 25)
naurr James is leaving for London? pls him saying he's developed Stolkohm Syndrome
omg James Derry Girl at heart
naurrrr why is this so randomly emotional? I don't want James to go away and maybe be let down by his mother in the future
yesss okay I was like I want James to like being a girl the way Orla likes being a boy and now he's happily claiming he's a Derry Girl
Still very fun, though there were some that weren't as good/funny in the middle. Liked the little emotional moment with James at the end. Love Orla being a girl who's a boy and James being a boy who's a girl (and this time he agrees to being a Derry Girl rather than them slagging him for being a girl/gay).
Rating: 6.5/10
Season 3
Ep 1 (Mar 26)
T.T not them helping thieves and robbers burgle the school
and getting arrested
lol for a sec there I was wondering if the dad and grandpa are gonna end up getting accused
Ep 2 (Mar 26)
okay lmfao the "you've seen my driving instructor pick me up at school a dozen times" "i thought he was just a creep" "and yet you didn't intervene?" "you seemed happy enough" <- me about some of these BL boys
Ep 3 (Mar 26)
Ep 4 (Mar 26)
naurrr I got nervous that there'd be a romance subplot when James and Erin went to prom together but I thought we escaped it, so I wish James didn't apparently like Erin and now they're kissing agh
oh yeah the incest clip lmfao
Ep 5 (Mar 26)
lol that's cute the mothers in 1977
Ep 6 (Mar 26)
a Halloween episode? I thought ep 4 was the spooky episode
lesbianism hehe
AN ANEURYSM?! and death?!
Ep 7 (Mar 26)
this ep is twice as long as others. this is the series finale right, no season 4?
oh dang everything's changed so much
Clare lives 20 minutes away, there's some sort of agreement about peace and governing ability and letting people out of prisons, Michelle's brother had killed someone and gone to prison and so she has a vested interest in getting this to pass whereas Erin doesn't think he or others should get out
oh is the nun making sure she stays in the school
they're all voting for Yes the good Friday agreement. i suppose i should search it up
I don't know how to feel about the ending - it was touching but certainly a different tone than the other episodes, but it still had enough of the same vibes. It was good season but I'm not yearning for more.
Rating: 6.5/10
0 notes
nachotrash · 3 years
ft: @catchmewiddershins @lilikags and @paradise-creator // no haikyuu boys this time
Pauline: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Wid, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Pauline: We're having a baby. Shiyu: Oh, congradu- Wid, slamming adoption papers onto teh table: It's you, sign here.
Pauline: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Shiyu, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Wid, whispering: Because I have little hands. Shiyu: Because they have little hands.
Wid: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Lili: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
Wid: Pros and cons of dating me. Wid: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Wid: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
(cons. you're the smart one😔)
Shiyu: Sure, you're verified on twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of god?
Pauline: Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and strings kids.
Shiyu: Did you just call me a shrimp, you asshole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
(*lipbites in 166 cm*)
Wid: I don't dab. I stab.
(nOw WhEarE HAvE i SeEn ThIs BeFoRe)
Shiyu: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
(t-pose to assert dominance)
Shiyu, as a child, reading their school assignment out loud: I love my library because... Shiyu, mouthing words while writing: I love reading, fuck you.
(lmao baby nacho really be bold)
Shiyu: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Lili: It's not ugly, just aesthetically challenged.
Pauline: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.
Pauline: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? Pauline: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
(we are the squad now)
Lili: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Wid: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something. Wid: I need my socks.
Pauline: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect.
(yes yes you are how dare you)
Shiyu: Yeah I'm LGBT. Shiyu: cuLt leader. Shiyu: God hates me personally. Shiyu: cowBoy hat. Shiyu: *sniffles* Trying my best.
(my asexual ass be like;)
Wid: *plays shreksophone* Wid: Woo. Wid: Time to listen to this on loop for all eternity. Shiyu: ...Genius coping mechanism my friend
Shiyu: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Pauline: Killed without hesitation.
Pauline: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Pauline: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Pauline: I hate Lili. Shiyu: "Hate' is a strong word. Pauline: I have strong opinions.
(oh no)
Wid: How does that even work? Shiyu, mocking them: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?! Wid: Your face doesnt make sense.
(...fair enough)
Pauline: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Pauline: My stomach growled super loud in French. Pauline: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class. Shiyu: Bonjour. Lili: Le growl. Wid: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
(reminds me of the 'ill speak french between your legs' tumblr legend and im wheezing)
Shiyu: *tapping fingers on table* Lili: *taps fingers back furiously* Wid: …What’s going on? Pauline: Morse code. They’re talking. Shiyu: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - Lili: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Shiyu: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Wid, Lili, & Pauline: Okay. Shiyu: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Wid: Bold of you to assume I have money. Lili: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Pauline: Bold of you to assume I can die.
(pauline is a goddess. goddesses cant die)
Lili: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong? Wid: Strong. Shiyu: Weak. Pauline: An idiot, is what your are.
(as long as you dont flinch or scream youre strong. unless you get punched in the gut by someone like ushijima ofc)
Shiyu: Those darn tall old people. Wid: Darm em' indeed. Pauline: Don't worry, they'll be gone soon enough. Lili: *sharpening knife* Yes. Dead. The Squad: Lili: Hahaha. Lili: ...Is this self-destructive behaviour?
Wid: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Pauline. They're mad at you. Pauline: No, it's Shiyu. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Shiyu: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Lili: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Shiyu: I stand by my choice.
Wid: What do we think of Shiyu? *pause* Lili: *sighs* Nice pal. Pauline: I think they're gay.
Wid: Where is Shiyu? Pauline: I'll do you one better, who is Shiyu?? Lili: Here's a better question, why is Shiyu?
(i dont know man. ive been trying to figure it out for the last few years)
Wid: On the count of three, what’s your favorite cake? Wid & Lili: One, two, three- Wid & Lili: Chocolate cake, peanutbutter frosting, and chocolate chunks! Shiyu: Our turn, Pauline! One, two, three- Shiyu: Vanilla! Pauline: I’ve never had cake before. What is cake?
Pauline: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Wid: A doll. Shiyu: A cinnamon roll. Lili: A sweetheart. Pauline: Pauline: ...stop it.
(cant deny the truth bby)
Wid, Pauline & Shiyu: *screaming* Lili: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Shiyu?! Wid: Wait, why are you asking Shiyu that when Pauline and I are also here? Lili: Because Shiyu wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
(i mean... its true )
Pauline: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. Wid: Fucking Shiyu and Lili were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
(manifests dvalin cause i wanna ride on their back and fall off)
Lili: Wake me up- Wid: Before you go go Shiyu: When September ends Pauline: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
(cant wake up- WAKE ME UP INSIDE)
Shiyu, watching Pauline & Lili panic : What's going on? Wid: Pauline is having a midlife crisis and Lili is just having a crisis.
Lili: *Gasp* Pauline: wHAT?? Lili: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Pauline: *inhales* Wid, in another room with Shiyu: Why can I hear screeching?
(shiyu: same shit different day)
Shiyu: Christmas is cancelled. Wid: You can't cancel a holiday. Shiyu: Keep it up, Wid, and you'll lose New Year's too. Wid: What does that mean? Shiyu: Lili, take New Year's away from Wid.
Pauline: So, are they your friend or... Lili: They’re like Wid, but if Wid was ordered to be around you. Pauline: Oh, so Shiyu. Lili: Precisely!
(if its about how annoyed i always look then you ahve a point)
Wid: You’re just being paranoid. Again. Pauline: When have I been paranoid? Wid: Um, when you first met Lili you thought they were an undercover cop…? Pauline: No one has a wart that big, I thought it was a surveillance camera! Wid: And last year you were sure Shiyu was a mermaid! Pauline: They hate wearing shirts! COINCIDENCE?! *Later, when Pauline’s theory is proven wrong* Wid: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Pauline: I still think Shiyu is a mermaid.
(id gladly be one)
*Wid drunkenly wanders around the manor and Lili is drunkenly giggling* Shiyu, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the wold, Pauline. Pauline, going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Wid: We need to distract these guys. Lili: Leave it to me. Lili: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Pauline & Shiyu: *immediately begin arguing*
(*pulls out dictionary*)
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Shiyu, with Wid and Lili behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Shiyu: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Shiyu: Pauline FUCKING FELL OFF!
Wid: What is love? Pauline: An emotional minefield. Shiyu: A neurochemical reaction. Lili: Baby don't hurt me.
Pauline: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Wid: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Lili: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. Shiyu: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Shiyu, pointing to the wall: What color is this? Pauline: Gray. Lili: Grey. Shiyu, turning to Wid: Now tell them what color you think it is. Wid: Dark white.
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juzuya-13 · 5 years
The future of Snake.
The parallels between Snake and Pluto are starting to scare the living hell out of me for a number of reasons... The more I think about it the more paranoid I become.
First and foremost they're both related to an animal, Pluto is a demon hound and Snake is supposedly a snake hybrid. They both possess supernatural powers/abilities to a certain extent, Pluto being capable of turning into a hellish, fire breathing dog and Snake being capable of communicating and controlling snakes, also his ability to feel earthly vibrations only snakes can detect, as we learned during The Emerald Witch arc when Snake sensed the enemies approaching which left Bard rather impressed.
Pluto was first introduced in the anime as being Ash/Angela's ally, while Snake was first introduced in the manga/anime as one of the first-string members of the Noah's Ark Circus, therefore being part of the main trope, and even though Snake didn't grow up with them on the streets, and later on the Renbourn Workhouse, or partake in the kidnappings the circus trope was conducting, he made it very clear that he considered them like his own family and vise versa. He was incredibly loyal and grateful to them for accepting him and treating him as an equal.
By the end of the circus arc Snake was left all alone and seeking revenge against Smile and Black, (Our Ciel and Sebastian) which contributed to the events of The Phantomhive Manor Murders arc, and by the end of the arc Sebastian managed to capture Snake and the truth was uncovered, Snake expressed his rage and explained his motives for attempting to kill Our Ciel, Our Ciel as a response and to Sebastian's surprise decided to spare him and take him in, but in order for this to be doable he had to lie, so he lied by telling Snake that Joker and the rest of the circus trope had escaped and were currently on the loose, ultimately telling him that he was actively looking for them and wished he could find them so that they could finally "atone for their sins" and find true happiness. Our Ciel told Snake he wanted to "save them" just like he wants to "save" Snake, Snake is stunned by everything he's hearing but believes him, feeling rather emotional and touched by the fact that someone wants to take him in, and with hopes that one day he'll see the circus trope again, if he stays by Our Ciel's side that is...
Now, we have no idea what could happen if the truth was to be revealed, if Snake finds out the whole circus trope was murdered by Our Ciel, Sebastian and the servants... Most importantly, that Our Ciel was lying about it all along, just like he's been lying about many other things, Snake will most likely feel betrayed, hurt, confused and those kind words that once made him feel like he belonged were nothing but a cheap lie...
In the end of Black Butler season 1 the servants had to reluctantly dispose of Pluto as we know, because he went berserk when reuniting and under the influence of Ash/Angela. Now incorporating a little of another theory, what if one of the Star Lords (Lord Polaris, Lord Vega and Lord Canopus) turns out to be in fact Joker? Some people have been theorizing that it is possible that the Star Lords might be characters that we already know and that died at some point during the story, or maybe not all of them but maybe one or two, who knows? We know that Joker and Doll still weight heavily on Our Ciel's conscience, to an extent I believe that he's possibly, genuinely regretful of eliminating them the way he did... Anyways, it's a very interesting theory worth looking into... So! What if Joker's body was retrieved from the burning mansion and brought back to life by the Undertaker? If that was to become the truth I can't even begin to imagine what would happen if Snake was to see Joker once again and have Joker tell him the whole truth... Even if Joker isn't one of the Star Lords and he is in fact irreversibly dead, the Undertaker and Real Ciel know the whole truth, and they can use it for their own advantage whenever they find fitting...
Overall my fear is that if Snake and Pluto are in fact parallel characters, there's a chance Snake won't make it to the end of the manga, if the truth comes out and Snake goes on a rampage the servants will have no choice but to kill him and honestly I don't want to even think about such an outcome, even though it is possible and unfortunately the way things are headed in story at the moment, I'm seeing it as almost inevitable...
Let's hope Yana has better things in mind for our beloved Snake. Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be ugly crying on my bathroom floor.
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Rio & Grace
Rio: Gracie! Can't tie either parental down so you're unlucky enough to be my first port of call Rio: If I come down this week (half term, right? God I feel old not knowing, ick!) how many of yous are gonna be about? Wanna catch all of you if I can Grace: I'm not surprised, Nico thinks mum's charger is the most fun thing EVER and you know dad still kicks it like he's at some 70s disco instead of a restaurant kitchen. So cringe! Grace: Iggy's took off in the van and Pablo's never here even when he is (ugh we get it, you're hanging shush) but everyone else maybe? Grace: Unless Junior's nerding it up idk Rio: Bless them, you'll miss them when you go Rio: Mum and Dad, the cats, only your faves and Nico is a little bitch 😂 Rio: Good enough for me! Sure enough I'll only hold any of yas down for a hot second regardless Rio: What've you been up to? Got any fun plans then? Grace: 😂 No way they're the worst and won't give me the chance Grace: Ask Janis they're always in her grill now she has a bf she can't ever peel herself off of Grace: Gurl you better make time for me! 😚 London's like another planet and I need that goss Grace: Gotta keep uploading that 🐰🐣 content Grace: but keeping it lowkey 👌 Rio: They're highkey nerds, tis true, least they give a shit, eh? 😘 Rio: Fucking knew it, sneaky bitch. I asked her at NYE and she said nah but I KNEW Rio: Ugh, gonna give her SO much shit when I come back 😂 Rio: Duh! My goss might not set the teenybop influencer world alight but think you'll be into it Rio: Also, got some lush bunny ears from work you can style up if you like, there's the content Rio: Very Ariana Grace: We're so blessed 🙏 Grace: OMFG THANK YOU 👏 she's such a lying bitch Grace: And they are so 😍💍💘 it's HONESTLY disgusting like I can't Grace: YAS 👑!! babes I knew I was missing you Grace: Such a mood Rio: 🙌 Rio: Steady on 😂 Fill me on the beef before I'm taking sides Rio: Can't roll like that babe 🙉 Rio: Is he a twat? I could barely get a look in, hot property with the whole fam that night not just Jan, like 😏 Rio: Right? My turn to THANK YOU 'cos all the other girls were raging after me lemme tell you, saying it reeked of misogyny and cheesy old school playboy Rio: Not educated in Hef paving the way for ladies being allowed to be sexual, ESP the sistas 💣💥 Rio: Its iconic, yeah? Like hush Grace: Honey not even! Now he's got her feeling the 💖 we all benefit Grace: Like from 💀 to 😍!! Grace: Here's the thing he's NICE!! 😮 How and who tf !! 😂 In THESE ends Grace: He's pimped my feed with his 📷 more that once. Lush! Grace: Trust her to find the one decent lad Grace: OMG how shaming! it's literally so on point I feel bad for how off they are. Beyond awkward Grace: 👯💜 Rio: Can't argue with that Rio: It'll be nice to see her happy Rio: All of yous Rio: Yeah, had noticed your new lad was off the feed Rio: Just not the one or do I need to crack skulls on YOUR behalf? Spill! 😘 Maybe Gus has had his 💔 Rio: Right? Not complaining when they were raking in the tips and looking fly doing it, this is why Vinnie listens to me and not them though so 💋 win win for me Grace: 🤞 Grace: UGH don't go there babe Grace: I'm off men rn 🙏 so you can relax Grace: Give Gus and Diego their time to shine 😂 Grace: OMG PLEASE say you can finally get me in sometime soon! 💋 Rio: Good girl 👍 Rio: Me too, more trouble than they're worth, and I'll always check what they're worth, feel me Rio: Love 'em 😂 I'd say they keep me sane but not with the shenanigans they still manage to get themselves into, nah lads Rio: You're old enough that I can vouch for you with him to get you in but Imma need to go out in Dubo with you first Rio: See how you handle your liquor, can't be risking the boss' license if you're gonna get #WGW 😏 Grace: I 100% swear down that D has a 💘 at his school but he's pulling a Jan over it so Grace: Yay! I'm buzzing Grace: Say when and I'll be on it Grace: The vibe looks EPIC in every insta it's 💕 Rio: Surely not! My babies! 😭 Rio: I've changed all ya nappies, it ain't right, I tell ya! 👵 Rio: Whenever you can pencil me in darling 💋 If you come back on the plane with me you'll only have to do the one back alone Rio: Unless you want to bring a mate but you've gotta vouch for them 'cos I don't know them enough to put my name on the line, they ain't my little sister 💛 Grace: 😂😂 I had to go full spa on him cos he was 🙎 and not vibing with the sheet masks he'd been stealing from me for WEEKS 😂😂 Grace: He's so 😍 for someone Grace: This is HAPPENING 👌 Mum'll say yes cos it's obvs for my mental health Grace: It's enough for collab our schedules tbh imagine trying to get the squad hooked up Rio: Aww! What a little sweetie! 😭 Giving me so much fodder to get 'em all with, yas gurl! 🙊 Rio: She defs knows the benefit of letting ya hair down and if she disagrees then she ain't our Muvva 👽 Rio: Same when I was your age, so many parties, so much time stretching ahead...ugh, hark at me Rio: Speaking of though, Pabs has managed to keep outta the drunk tanks since my last visit, yeah? 🙄 Chief Grace: I'd say go easy cos the acne is !! but where was mine was I was a 🍕 me and payback are bitches that have each other's backs like 😂 Grace: So welcome 💋 remember who treated you right hun 😚 Grace: Oh babe that's proper tragic 😂 Are you okay?! Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: I'd lie to spare your feels but I can't even cos he is not forgiven! Fuck him truly Rio: Way harsh babe! Gotta share that knowledge and spot treatment 🙏 older sib duties ✌ you only gotta look out for them 3, feel MY pain when I wanna be a petty bitch please 😉😂 Rio: Clearly not, like...What tf am I like? 🙈 Rio: Still in the dog house then...I hope little miss tiny tits is too, seen her being snide on the 'gram Rio: we know she's no 😇 so as long as she's getting her share of the 💩 from you, I ain't judging on the Pabs score 👌 Grace: 😈 LMAO jks obvs I'm living for getting to flex like that Grace: Nobody else lets me near their face, their loss but still BOO Grace: Ugh yes cos he doesn't even see that he did me WRONG she was trying he's just an idiot and its like BOY NO Grace: Never learning them lessons Grace: 🚫 No worries there she's BEYOND cancelled 🚫 Grace: I hate that bitch Rio: That's why you gotta get them clients honey, just you wait, people will be BEGGIN' for your time and expertise 😘 Rio: Yeah, he's a fool in general though Rio: Not to say that ain't valid, 'cos 100% babe, but it wasn't personal, like Rio: Try to remember that 'cos he's not that boy, no matter what typa foolishness he's caught up in rn 😒 Rio: 👏 I like what I'm hearing, Gracie! So much growth! Rio: Here for it Grace: I feel you but also it's like idk it was personal to me cos she was my best friend and he knew that Grace: On some level idk Grace: Whatever I'm trying to be over it Grace: There's bigger 🐠 Rio: Fair Rio: Idk if he knows he knew...Mouthful Rio: Give him time and a chance, but that's it, sensible big sister said her piece on that, you're free to go on doing what you're doing 😜 Grace: Thanks 👑 Grace: Rio, I can forreal come to london right? Like you're not just shhing me Grace: I'm so done with this place atm Rio: Of course you can Rio: As long as the 'rents sign off on it, you can stay for as long as you like Rio: That's Dubo for ya...gets under your skin Rio: Anything else I can do, tho? Grace: 💜 Grace: Ugh it's just everything Grace: There's barely anything I can do Grace: Ignore me I'm a hormonal 👾 Rio: Have you had your B12 and folates checked? Billie and Edie were anaemic you should double-check 'cos that will have you feeling rough as Grace: 👼 You're adorbs Grace: Enough of my chatter anyway, how are you? Rio: 👀 okurr but we're coming back to this later Rio: 'cos I'm same old same old Rio: Nothing beyond the promised goss of London to report Rio: No boys, remember? Grace: 🙄🙄 Grace: Oh please you always have a boy Grace: Spill it Rio: 😨 Swear on my life, babe! Rio: Nothing and no one Grace: We're twinning then 💕 Grace: Do tell Janis 😂 Rio: Coming for ya brand Rio: Shameless 😏 like to think I could pass, not that old or having THAT crisis tho, jfc Grace: 👯💣🔥 Grace: You're flawless babe don't even stress Grace: when I'm your age I'll have to pray Rio: Aww, you doll, extra brownie points for boosting my ego 💋 Rio: What you chattin'?! We're all babes, lbr Grace: 😂 shhh avó be repping herself hard in me and no offence 👵 it's not goals 💔 lmao Grace: obrigado,... mas não, obrigado like she rocks it but she's also way old so Grace: the struggle is real 😂 Rio: You're mad gal Rio: don't be wasting your youth hating on what you'll miss Rio: though we all age like fine wine, avó paving the way 💣 Rio: Ma was onto something having us so young Grace: Don't let her hear you say that Grace: My ears are still ringing from her calling me out Rio: umm Rio: BISH YOU WHAT Grace: 🤷 No drama just Rio: You weren't on the pill? Or missed a day? Rio: We've all had the scare but I never got as far as needing to tell Mum Rio: You poor thing! 😨🙈 Grace: Well obvs that was my bad but she only made me die about a thousand times Grace: I survived Rio: Eeep! Rio: At least she didn't march you down the clinic in a shame cone like most would round here Grace: OMG like she made me go but my ootd was my own doing 🙏 Rio: Not so much as a high collar in sight 🙌 Rio: Explains your hormones though, babe, that shit will FUCK you up for ages Rio: so no worries there Grace: I know exactly what I'm in for Grace: Ugh Rio: Forreals Rio: Who'd be a fucking woman, eh? Grace: Mia. To fuck over the others Grace: kms Rio: 😂 Rio: Fueled by her PMS that one Grace: [Sends her 2 very similar selfies} which one do you vibe the most with? Rio: 1st one, s'more natural Rio: smile ALMOST reaches your eyes Grace: lmao Grace: Thanks babes Rio: if you gonna fake it 'til you make it Rio: gotta keep you the realest, ain't I? 😉 Grace: gotta keep me 😂 Rio: Wanna Rio: Blood ties aside 😘 Grace: 💜 Rio: Best get ready for work Rio: Could use you here to do my look for me, cba tonight 😐 blah Grace: I'd be living for that you know it but you'll be killing it with or without me, honey Grace: You got this gurl Rio: Cheers 🍸 Rio: I'll get the first round in when I see ya boo 💋 Grace: Yay! So excited 😚
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