#I'm a FOOL
abbeyofcyn 1 year
No one:
Me: I've never animated before so I bet I can do this without effort or practice right before going to bed.
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*guy watching a prequel to a thing he's already seen and know ends badly* wow i sure hope this doesn't end badly!!
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lamento96 9 months
So... I managed to knock down Raphael to 1 health, got the cutscene for freeing Hope and then went and looted him. Since he wasn't dead, he had only his 3 diaries, no armour whatsoever. While he was down, I healed him till he got to 55 hit points. But then, when I returned to Baldur's Gate everybody thought I'd killed him. Not sure what's going on. I suppose I'll have to wait for that incubus scene in the streets or maybe the actual endgame to find out.
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fangirlforthewin 9 months
I was hoping for some Stolas/Blitzo talks at the end of this episode.
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haupia-lcb 8 months
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Okay, so it would have been total turn 121 even if I didn't fight the wood man on the cycle count 5
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the0garden0of0eyes 10 months
Guess who decided to wear a dress on the coldest, wettest day of summer,
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this fucking guy
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skulandcrossbones 2 months
me, 10 hours ago (clueless): how long could it take to make 3 movie gifsets
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grisbleuvert 4 months
So, I spent all Dune Part 2 thinking Feyd-Rautha was Bill Skarsg氓rd and thinking how cool, he got cast with his dad
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terrible-eel 9 months
Sunflower for storytime let's go
Sooooooo when I was about 13 I found this really fucked up looking plushy in a store and brought it to my mom and cousin and said
"Look at this horrible looking thing. Is it supposed to be some kind of fucked up fox? And it's got a name..." and I go on to pronounce it. "Chi..... hoo-ah.....hoo-ah...."
"That says Chihuahua you idiot." Says my cousin in dismay. My mom was basically on the floor laughing.
When I was about 14 I'm heading downtown with my parents and I see this nonsensical sticker thats making me think of Doctor Seuss. So I say out loud: "What the heck is 'Yah-leh' " and my parents both lose their minds. They can't even talk. I keep saying "what?? What is it??" And they're in tears. Basically wheezing. Finally my dad catches a breath enough to answer me and says: "You don't need to worry about that, you're not getting there any time soon!"
The bumper sticker said "Yale"
When I was 24 I was singing "la cockroacha la cockroacha" as I had done since I was 16 because it seemed to peeve my loving boyfriend. Suddenly I pause and say "I wonder what cockroach is in Spanish anyway?" And my boyfriend pauses and gives me a look like he's about to assassinate me and says "you've always known you're singing the song incorrectly and you've been giving me that cheeky smile and it's been because that MYSTERIOUS word to your ears sounds LIKE COCKROACH!? BUT YOU DONT KNOW THAT WORD IS COCKROACH!?"
In the process of writing this, I was trying to type "wheezing" but then my phone said it was wrong and I got confused. I asked my boyfriend how to spell wheezing so he spells it out to me. Then he says: "Wait. How were you spelling it?"
So I spelled it out for him.
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dudefrommywesterns 5 months
snapchat guy is losing cell service so we might have to communicate through e-mail...if he even still wants to talk to me :/
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cosmicwhoreo 2 years
how do you get triple d so... FLUFFY???
A LOT of shampoo and conditioner. Add a decent blowdry to finish him off and he's clean!
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gretavanfleetposts 1 year
Changed my pfp and didn't recognize myself on the dash 馃槀
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js-sunflowers 8 months
o/ hey hi welcome to my blog, the boy zone. only big men are allowed in here. only for a couple minutes though then you gotta get out i don't like talking /j my name is jebediah and i am a spiritual + phycological c!schlatt fictionkin 馃憤馃憤 not factkin, not irl and somewhat canon-divergent, as much as i can remember you can call me schlatt or jeb i don't really care getting this out of the way first so it's not "AUGH DSMP JUMPSCARE" and then you punch me directly into hell i use he/him pronouns and star/ghost xenos because i'm cool like that. only hot transmasc boys use neo/xenopronouns and that's the truth i'm a minor (16-18), AND i'm neurodivergent so you legally cannot bully me /j (autistic + adhd comorbidity, and this does, in fact, impact my ability to hold a conversation so don't be too concerned when i say words to you) i made this account to post about my experience as a fictionkin (read: sob over my missing boys and post about the sky sometimes) and make some minecraft things and maybe find some of my canon-mates, or any other kin who'd want to chat so uhhhhhhhh yeah ! that's me (edit: ft. my new carrd based on glass animals' newest single...you should so check it out guys) (https://dnicrit.carrd.co/) - basic dni criteria [for those who don't know the drill: racists, transphobes/homophobes, ableists, proship. get off my blog], <20 yrs & >16 yrs, cc stans (to be specific. cc!schlatt, cc!dream and cc!wilbur stans. out.) i don't fw ccs, factkin, those who partake in cringe culture. basically just don't be a dick and we'll probably get along
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g4yr4t 9 months
wait... could I have been saving in the middle of investigations this whole time?
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nosferatu-pvssy 9 months
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Me receiving a love letter (from a vampire obv 馃槍) in the middle of the night. I was ready to go to bed!! 馃様馃様馃様
Link: x
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spotlightstudios 1 year
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