#I'm always beating myself up but i can't accept some of the terrible things they say under their liberal kinky umbrella when u fear they
anauwhere · 2 years
Me: mh maybe I was over reacting when I blocked-unfollowed them gotta check them out again cause I'm bored
Satan: *left the chat at the sight of their url*
Me: do u know what? I should trust past me more she's always right
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mikasa-imadebiscults · 4 months
Hello! May I have a romantic adult matchups for JJK and Kny?
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Thank you!
(Hello there! I hope you enjoyed this and have a great day/night!)
I match you with..
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Gyomei Himejima
- He’s a very patient and honest person.
- He won’t pry about any of your problems because he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable.
- Once you feel comfortable with physical affection, he’ll happily cuddle with you for as long as you want. He prefers to cuddle when you’re ready to go to bed, so that you can sleep in his arms.
- He helps you spar, he’s hesitant about you sparring with him because he’s afraid that he’ll hurt you really bad.
- Loves your homemade baked goods. He thinks you bake really well.
- He’s a good listener and he’ll reassure you that you can come to him anytime about your problems and he’ll do his best to help you out.
- He likes to listen to you talk about your interests. For example, you telling him about the most recent chapter you’ve read, what you drew that day, etc.
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Gojo Satoru
- No matter how hard it is to get to know you, he is determined. He’s also not scared off by your cold appearance or your brutal honesty.
- When he finds out that you love receiving gifts, the gifts will keep on coming (prepare to get spoiled)
- He also likes quality time with you, even if it’s the both of you just chilling around each other.
- Whenever you are reading next to him and he gets bored, he’ll sigh very dramatically to see if you’ll give him any attention.
- Sometimes you’ll find your glasses missing and when you go looking for them you’ll see them on him.
- It took him by surprise the first time that you flirted with him, but he instantly flirted back.
- He loves your rebellious side. The two of you get so chaotic sometimes and the others are so done with y’all’s shit lmao.
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malevolantkitcheen · 3 months
Hello! May I request a male JJK match if they're still open ^^. Please no nanami or choso
She/her, Gemini, Intp, 5w4
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I like gifting my friends and receiving gifts.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I don't fall first and don't make the first move.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child.
Thank you!
Hiya lovely, for Jujutsu-Kaisen i match you up with…
Megumi Fushiguro
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- You and Megumi hit it off really well as friends as he was one of the very few at jujutsu tech that really understood you, especially when it came to humour. Megumi admired the fact that you stood your ground because some of his other friends were susceptible to being walked over by other people.
- It took him a while to actually come and talk to you because he thought that you were quite intimidating. He was relatively awkward when he first tried to come and talk to you but it meant a lot to you because typically people don’t go out of their way to interact with you. You were a bit skeptical of Megumi at first but it became clear very quickly that his intentions were genuine.
- You two would train together almost every day and would always head into the city afterwards to go grab lunch, which he would always beg to pay for but you would always beat him to it. This routine went on for a few months and over time Megumi started to open up more and more, causing the two of you to become inseparable. He loved just listening to you talk, as well as the way you always made sure to keep him in check and in line. You were his voice of reason.
- He would always reassure you if you seemed off, even though you would never tell him what was wrong. This meant a lot to you because he would never pressure you to tell him anything and he would never pry for information. He was just there because you meant a lot to him. Megumi understood you not wanting to talk about your issues because he was relatively reserved himself. No one had ever been like this with you before.
- After around a year, Megumi took his chances and took you out for a date. It wasn’t anything fancy, it was just a day out to the park because it was cherry blossom season. He thought that the act itself had more value than if he had spent a fortune on a meal. You still found a way of treating him and bought the both of you coffee. After returning back home, you both ended up binge watching some new true crime documentaries.
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Hi! Could I request a BG3 matchups please? Males only please, I'd prefer monogamous
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
A/N: Holy details Batman! Thank you so much for your detailed description. It gives me a lot to go on. For you my Gemini Anon, because you wanted a monogamous male result, I think your best match-up would be… Gale! 
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☸ Gale is a great guy for you! He’s loyal and kind, and very adept at communicating (in his own way lol). He’s equally interested in science, and very driven. He appreciates your inclination towards logic rather than emotion. 
I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but I hc Gale as a Sagittarius, which means you being a Gemini, are VERY compatible! You both crave adventure and appreciate being part of something bigger than yourself, but you both also relish the need for independence. This means when you need someone to venture on a journey with you or support you in a difficult time, the other is ready to be relied upon. At the same time,  you both value loyalty and commitment when it’s done right. The only thing you’d need to look out for is potential differences in approaching problems. As a Gemini, you see multiple sides of things, however as a Sagittarius, a lot of situations appear in black and white to Gale. You’ll need to communicate on behalf of the grey areas in between for him to see from your point of view. 
Gale thinks you’re adorable. And beautiful! “Adeautiful”?? Is that a word? He loves it when you wear glasses (it’s a secret turn-on of his, shhh! Don’t tell anybody! lol) and he thinks your changing fashions from one extreme to the next is exciting. Whether it’s a pajama day or full-on regalia day, he loves what you wear. (Although if he’s being honest, he much prefers jammy days with you. This man puts comfort > style.) 
Gale is glad you’re polite, mainly because he doesn’t think his poor heart could take it if you were rude to him. He cares for you so much and doesn’t mind that your facial expression isn’t always one of excitement of joy. He also appreciates how you’ve learned to have an edge with other people. He can be a bit of a pushover so it’s good for his partner to be able to put their foot down and call people out on their bullshit, as you said. 
Don’t worry about being socially oblivious, Gale’s right in the same boat, lol! He’s not always ignorant of the social workings around him, he just gets so caught up in magic or history that he tunes everyone else out. 
Gale would argue he has a strong moral compass and while that’s true, he also has an insatiable curiosity. Similar to how he ended up with the orb inside his chest, he’ll push boundaries if magic is his end goal. His logic and ambition can get in the way of his best interest. Given the right persuasion, especially any persuasion from you, the two of you could end up in some pretty reckless or precarious situations if you’re not careful. Thankfully, as an expert in putting his foot in his mouth, Gale’s usually quite adept at getting it back out. (And if all else fails, he can always cast fireball!)
Gale is fine with a good ribbing every once in a while, he rather appreciates back-and-forth witty banter. But he doesn’t appreciate mean-spirited jokes or insults, so do watch your tongue in your moments of anger and irritation. Gale hides his feelings as well, so you may not notice when a barb hurts him, as he doesn’t wish to let anyone know he feels vulnerable or sad. He’ll share an insightful thought or comment before brushing it off with a joke, or a pun. He doesn’t want to feel like a burden. That being said, he understands the pain of being isolated and misunderstood. He was abandoned and completely misunderstood by his own goddess, believe me, he knows the sting of abandonment better than anyone. 
Gale is so thankful you’re a woman of ambition! He has great ambition and always wants to share such glory and achievements with his partner. He’s also interested in stories about science, and mad scientists as well as astronomy, so he’s very happy to share lengthy discussions with you about such topics. 
Gale thinks you’re perfect, just the way you are, even if you don’t feel as such. He’ll remind you with little trinkets he’s picked up here and there (They may be magical, maybe not. Depending on how ‘hungry’ he was that day.) He doesn’t need flashy declarations of love to know that you’re still loyal to him, your continued presence and support is enough. 
Gale loves cuddles! He loves getting into his comfy purple camp clothes and snuggling up with you next to a roaring fire. (Tara likes it too because she enjoys the added warmth from your body heat. Also because she gets to report back to Mrs. Dekarios that a new family member may be on the way.) However slow you need to take it, Gale will respect your wishes. I see him as someone hesitant to share physical/sexual intimacy due to his past with Mystra. He needs to learn his human body again, and who better to learn it with than you?
He is incredibly kind and patient whenever you’re involved. He does his best to communicate his thoughts and emotions concerning your relationship. Any book on scientists or crazy experiments he is always so excited to gift to you. 
With you, Gale abondans his goddess. He is so grateful you’ve shown him what true love and respect are like. 
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Don’t forget to Like & REBLOG!!!
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And if you enjoyed it, feel free to Tip Me on Kofi! 
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am-i-interrupting · 4 months
Hi! Can I request a hazbin hotel matchups if they're open? Please no husk or the Vs
She/her, Gemini, Intp, 5w4
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). But concerning feelings none is more obvious or naive than me lmao. I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I like gifting my friends and receiving gifts.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I don't fall first and don't make the first move.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child.
Your Match Up Is. . .
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You met him before his seven year vacay (as Vox so eloquently put it).
Somehow, someway you caught his attention.
Maybe it’d been because you encouraged a friend’s reckless behavior, maybe it’s because he saw you while visited Cannibal Town, just one way or another you met and he didn’t just brush you off.
It would take a long time before anything happened between you. Not just months, not just years, probably decades.
You sort of orbited around each other’s circles for a while and became tentative friends.
Then, one random day, you were doing something completely mundane when Alastor asked you, without looking up from his paper, if he could court you. Thus began your relationship.
Honestly, not much would change except Alastor would be in your life more.
Some mornings you would wake up to him having made breakfast, having welcomed himself into your home.
The biggest way he’d try to woo you would be to take you dancing and wow is he hard to keep up with.
You would be welcome to touch him eventually.
The most PDA you would get would be looping arms, his hand on your waist or back, your hand on his shoulder, and perhaps a kiss on the hand.
In private he’d be more receptive. He wouldn’t exactly reciprocate but he’d allow it. He wouldn’t search for it but you could.
After a seven year disappearance, he knew to give you space.
Then, if you forgive him for leaving without a trace, things would go back to normal.
You’d encourage some bad behaviors at the Hotel like nothing ever happened.
Alastor would introduce you to everyone, not be immune to showing you off and smile a genuine smile when everyone was surprised he had a partner before they realized, no it made sense actually.
Vaggie can be very hostile. Charlie tries to be welcoming. Everyone else is a little scared.
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simplyreveries · 4 months
Congrats on your 500 😁
May I get a matchups please?
She/her, Gemini, Intp, 5w4
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I often give gifts to friends and like receiving them too
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child.
Thank you!
i match you with lilia vanrouge!!
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he isn't one to be put off by initially demeanors or personalities, he doesn't think much of it if you were even cold to him to begin with. but lilia was always nice, playfully and teasing, but treated you kindly whenever he was around you. and he’d love it whenever you do it right back as a joke. he likes your fire; he thinks it's a good quality to be honest.
you two more often than not are teasing and playfully bantering all the time. he likes to see you retort something back at him, he finds the whole thing to be amusing to him. seeing any kind of your attitude around others is even more entertaining to him, though he will lightly joke and warn you to be careful.
lilia is curious but he never seems to pry into getting you to open up or anything, he's content as long as you’re okay. he’s surprisingly quite patient and has no qualms waiting for when or if you're ever comfortable you be a little vulnerable with him. he just has this affect (must be from parenting ...) and this energy where it feels easy to feel a sense of security around him— in the best way. when you're fine with it too, lilia is a very affectionate person with you.
naturally, he is a gift giver himself, usually from travels he's been on. he tends to keep you in mind and make sure to remember getting a gift for you. he is completely flattered if you get him anything for him and will gush of how sweet that is of you.
thinks your habit of daydreaming often to be endearing. he’d inquire and ask sometimes what it may be about, if you’re willing to share that is. (he thinks it's funny when he pops in and asks if you’re thinking of him.. SIGH). though, he knows you probably don't want to be interrupted so he can be quiet for you believe it or not.
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silly-sirenz · 4 months
Howdy! May i get a romantic hazbin hotel matchups please?
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only chil.
Thank you!
Thank you for asking. I hope I did an okay job. 🖤
It was so interesting to read your request. I think I'm going to match you up with...
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● You were originally on one of the guest panels for one of his late night talk shows.
● You always had quick, witty and honest responses, which made you by far the most interesting thing about that episode to him.
●Afterwards he invites you out for drinks. You don't think much of it. It's probably a pleasantry he does with most of his guests.
●You have a few rounds, just the two of you and end up flirting a bit. Nothing much comes of it but by the end of the night you have his number.
●When he's free from business you often talk on the phone.
● You both can complain about the whiny people you put up with on a daily basis. However, this often ends with you two teasing each other.
● As big as his ego is, he secretly loves that you challenge him. He thinks two can play at that game.
● You'll often have banter and insult eachother in non serious arguments.
● Whilst doing this, he'll often switch between the languages in his settings to see if you can keep up. You haven't been fooled yet. But he's certain one day he will catch you out.
● Brutally honest, logical, and fiercely independent, you both know how to cherish your alone time.
● That doesn't stop Vox from taking you out on extravagant dates, though. Tables for two at Hell's most exclusive restaurants. He has the money for it. Why shouldn't he flaunt and spoil the person he's spending his time with?
● Along with this comes the gifts,
"See anything you like, doll? It's yours. Only the best for you.'
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togetherhearted · 4 months
Hi! May I also get a match please? For twst, Reverse and HSR
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I like giving and receiving gifts
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars. I like physics too
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Of course you may!
Always a pleasure to see peolle jumpjng on this silly game of mine.
That said,I hope my intuition guided me to the right path as I matched you with these lovely guys.
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whiskersz · 4 months
Hi! It's me for the matchups exchange hehe
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child.
I hope it is not too long. Have a great journey!
Hello there! Super excited for this matchup exchange as it’s my first one! I’m not going to lie, it took me a while to get you figured out, but I think that ultimately I managed to pick the perfect match.
What’s your favorite cocktail? Cause this guy’s gonna mix it for you, as I match you with...
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I think Husk is a good match for you for a number of reasons. First of all, even though he might not look like it, he’s very patient and observant, as shown in one of the episodes of the series too. He easily reads people’s emotions, so he doesn’t need you to be open about them to understand if you’re going through something. If bottling up your emotions is your go-to coping mechanism, he’s not going to think twice about calling you out on it and on whatever you’re actually going through. He might do it a bit harshly at first, but his tone is quick to change into a gentler one as he doesn’t want you to get defensive and build up more unnecessary walls between you two.
Husk is not really afraid of getting called out by you; he’s got nothing to hide, so while this aspect of you calling people out on their bullshit might intimidate somebody, he’s not included in that group of people. If anything he’s going to call you out first as I mentioned earlier, and he’s going to make sure that you’re always sincere with him from that moment on.
He’s also not really bothered by your habit of cursing a lot, as he does so himself. He thinks some curse words are pretty hilarious if used at the right moment, and he won’t hide the occasional chuckle when you curse over something that he finds particularly funny.
With the flirting however, he’s going to act annoyed over it at first...because he is. A little bit. He actually genuinely likes you as a person and ends up catching feelings for you in the long run, but by God, why do you have to be such a tease? It’s not really typical to see him blushing, but he’ll end up having to turn around or hide his face a lot around you because he just can’t help but get embarrassed by some of your teasing. He’s glad his fur kind of conceals some of it, at least. He’s eventually going to start teasing you back, mainly by calling you pet names seemingly out of nowhere. What comes out of it is a very fun friendly and perhaps romantic banter.
What really did it for me was when you said that you need a partner who can both keep up with you and be patient and honest; Husk can very well be this kind of partner, even though he leans more towards having a pretty low energy but I don’t think it’s an issue as you don’t seem to have the highest energy yourself. Though he loves when you bring out your charisma, he thinks it’s very attractive.
Speaking of attractive, he absolutely loves your beauty marks, he reminds you this almost every day along with reminding you that you’re beautiful in general. Husk is a gentleman at heart with his partner, so he’ll do it in a very sweet and genuine way, and he will never be vulgar with his compliments. If you like pet names, he will use those for you, especially things like ‘doll’ and ‘bella’, which means beautiful in Italian.
Husk admires the fact that you can defend yourself, both verbally and I’m guessing physically, since your hobbies include fighting sports. It’s another thing about you that he finds infinitely attractive. Still, in moments of danger, he will never let you defend him and do nothing for you, if anything you’ll either be asked to stand back so he can do all the work or you’ll be fighting back to back and looking out for each other.
He really appreciates you not being clingy in your relationship, as he sometimes needs his space, but he’s a cuddler at heart so once you get comfortable with physical contact he’ll be all over you as long as he has your permission. During cuddles, his cat instincts slightly take over, especially when he’s sleepy...so you might get asked to scratch him under his chin or behind the ears, don’t fret though as you’ll be rewarded with a good amount of purrs.
I honestly do not think that Husk is a morning person either; if he’s grumpy during the day, imagine when he’s just woken up. When you two wake your bed is a mess of intertwined limbs and feathers he’s lost during the night while moving around, and none of you has any intention of getting up and making the situation better. Instead you opt for taking those sweet five more minutes under the covers, his tail wrapped around your waist protectively.
He also takes an interest in listening to you talk about your hobbies. I have a feeling that he’s not a fan of many hobbies honestly, but you could get him into something, such as reading. Spending hours together in silence as you read your favorite genre of books or stories and he picks up some Action novels sounds like a good time, no? Especially when it’s a bit cold outside, and he has you curled up against one of his warm wings.
Hi hi ^_^ it’s me again! I wanted to say that this was very fun to write and to inform you that I was really about to match you with Adam, because you really sound like a person who could keep up with him; I ultimately decided not to do that because you mentioned that you’d rather be in a relationship with a patient person, and that you don’t like whiny people – which he kind of is, let’s be real with each other. Anyways! I hope you enjoyed, and that my choice wasn’t a flop :D Here is an Husk ^^
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leorawright · 4 months
Hi! Can I have a romantic genshin matchups please ^^
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
For you I've chosen...
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He can also come off as a bit emotionally unavailable when you first meet but he quickly warms up to you and you know he cares
Its a common occurrence for you two to exchange gifts and Ayato spares so expense for you
He never pushes you to show affection, and he'll wait patiently until you're comfortable
Whenever he has time, he loves debating with you
If you shut down or isolate yourself, Ayato will leave food outside your door with little encouraging notes until you're ready to come out again
He'll go along with your chaotic ideas to make sure you don't get hurt but he'll never stop you from trying something
He never tries to hide anything from you and whatever questions you ask him, he'll answer them honestly
He enjoys your honesty since most people just say something nice to appease him and he takes your opinion to heart
Sometimes, after a long day, he enjoys walking along the beach near the Kamisato estate and stargazing with you
He supports your interests and buys you whatever you need to further your expertise
4 notes · View notes
vampr1x-bl00dx · 4 months
Hi! Can I get a genshin impact matchup please?
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I'm not the one who falls first and don't make the first move
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Thank you!
Hi! And of course! Thank you so much for requesting
I see you with….
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For one you two would personally get a long with one another easily! He’ll definitely wait for you to warm up and open up to him
He would understand your trust issues and would do anything to earn your trust
Another thing is that you two would definitely make bad decisions but he’ll definitely take the blame for you because he wouldn’t want you to get into major trouble
He’ll definitely gift you wine (that he stole) and sing you songs he wrote to help you calm down from anything
He would honestly be honest with you and would enjoy having fun with you on your adventures
He would also let you daydream and let you tell him about you day dreams
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misssakuramochi · 4 months
Hello! I'm here for the trade ^^
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Thank you!
I match you with...
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○ You're a good moral match. You aren't strictly morally upright and you don't see things in black and white- which allows you understand and respect Astarions sometimes twisted perspectives. However, gray or not, you do have morals - you won't wrong the innocent. Astarion at first finds this naive, and then charming - you keep him on track and upright and honestly you give him a direction that makes him a better person
○ Charasmatic and flirty, but guarded, you get along well. You both understand how hard it is to open up after burying your secrets so deep you hope to lose them - neither of you are pushy with one another, as too much shove and you'll force the other away. You dance around flirty questions about one another until you're comfortable enough to be more genuine. Traveling in a party as you do reveals secrets whether you want it to or not though, and sooner or later you end up confiding in one another because you know the other will get it more than anyone else.
○ Astarion doesn't mind your more aloof and independent nature. He needs space to think, work things out, and relax as well. He also lived under someone's thumb too long to be ok feeling restricted - your lack of jealousy is very important as he's a flirty guy. He'd never overstep your boundaries, but he needs room to be himself and you provide that. Of course, if he's ever feeling lonely he won't hesitate to just.... get your attention.
○ Absolute power couple. You guys are actually quite intimidating. You're both ambitious in your own ways, and once Astarion falls for you hes hell bent on making sure you succeed, by any means you'll allow. You're both confident, strong willed, and you go for the things you want.
○ It's actually amazing to Astarion how oblivious you are when he first shows genuine interest in you. Being charismatic and flirtatious, he assumed you'd be... seasoned, and perceptive to his romantic hinting. He was wrong. He finds it incredibly charming, in a way, when he has to spell out the fact that he wants to spend the night with you.
○ Gift giving is big for you guys. Astarion loves to be spoiled and having possessions he can truly call his own is a big thing for him. Once Astarion realizes how affirming gifts are, especially to you, he makes a point to find something for you in every town you go to. Usually it's stolen but it's the thought that counts.
○ Astarion is your personal hype man. Delicate matters like insecurity aren't foreign to him, but after years without it comfort has become foreign. Still, you don't really need him to dote and fawn over you -- you're confident and even in your moments or areas of insecurity you know you're a bad bitch deep down. Reminding you of that is, at least, something Astarion knows how to do. You're tough enough to handle his own somewhat brutal honesty when he gives imput, and it reassures you that he means every word.
○ Physical touch develops slowly. You need time to feel comfortable, Astarion needs time to feel safe. However, once he gets used to a kind touch with good intentions behind it, he's a kitten in your lap. Once you both become comfortable he's quite physical, often holding your hand, teasing you by using you as an armrest, or cuddling up to you in your bunk.
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okkalo · 2 months
Hello! Congratulations on your 1k event! I was wondering if I could request a matchup for Genshin and Tokyo revengers pretty please
She/her, Gemini, Intp, 5w4
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I like gifting my friends and receiving gifts.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars. Sweets are a must...
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I don't fall first and don't make the first move. I like having fun on dates. By going to the arcade, watching the sky and talking or just enjoying time together at home. I'm a sucker for cuddles but hide it. I ramble a lot when in the mood and like having matching stuff/stealing clothes. I often playfully banter or play fight with my lover
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Thank you!
hello :> thank you for the request and i hope you like your matchups 🫶🫶
𝗶 𝗻𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗮 𝗰𝘂𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿𝘀𝗲𝗹𝗳 𝘄𝗼𝘂𝗹𝗱 𝗯𝗲 𝗮 𝗳𝗮𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲 ₊˙♡﹗
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𝗸𝗮𝗹𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 : rindou from tokyo revengers
you are exactly what rindou is looking for in a partner. he loves your bravery to catch others on their mistakes. while you may be scary in the mornings, it’s not something rindou hasn’t become used to due to living with ran for all of his life.
rindou loves quality time so expect him to drag you on many fun dates! he will always listen to you if you get fascinated by a true crime event or if you want to talk about a good book that you’ve recently read! best believe he will talk shit about your ex as well!
if you’re ever feeling down about your weight rindou will also do everything he can to reassure you. despite his scary demeanor, he has the biggest soft spot for you that even ran occasionally pokes fun at. he always wants to make sure his girl is doing alright!
overall, it’s you and rindou (and ran, of course) against the world.
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𝗸𝗮𝗹𝗼 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵𝗲𝘀 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 : kaeya from genshin
just like rindou, he adores your ability to catch other people out. you both are often misunderstood (he’s more of a mystery to people than misunderstood actually) and relate heavily in that case.
do be expecting tease-offs with him as well. kaeya, as we all know, loves to tease and will take pleasure in flirting with you at every chance he gets. while that could easily build up uncertainty within you, kaeya is always cautious enough to make sure every word will be understood as coming from his heart. in other words, his love is clear despite how often he will tease.
he finds your lip-biting habit to be adorable, though mostly keeps it to himself because he never wants to change that part of you. if he sees you biting your nails, however, he will lightly chide you in a smooth tone before moving your hand away from your lips. instead, he presses a kiss to your knuckles with a smirk upon his sweet lips.
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br4inr0tx · 4 months
Howfy! I'm here for the exchange hehe
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I like it when someone speaks their mind and is ambitious (not a follower)
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies. One of my childhood dream was making clones out of people and messing with DNA but it's apparently immoral which I don't understand.
Yes ofc!
Your Hazbin Hotel matchup is…Lucifer Morningstar !
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• In my opinion, you’d be best with the big boss of hell himself.
• He finds you extremely adorable and even hot. Though mostly adorable, especially when he sees you in comfy clothes.
• He’s really playful, he’d steal your glasses and wear them himself until he gets a headache. Maybe even do an impression of you. It’s all playful of course though.
• He has different ways to try and get you to smile though, like making silly jokes or magic tricks as he usually does. He has a bit of a circus motif, so expect the clownery at full speed.
• Your sarcastic attitude makes great chemistry with his, so you often get into cute play-fights with each other. You both are able to go back and forth really quickly and keep on each others toes too.
• If you flirt, he’ll flirt back 10x worse until one of you gets too flustered to even go on anymore. He can play playful as well as competitive in that regard.
• Tease him too, please. He’s quick witted, and will absolutely tease right back.
• He understands your habits. I headcanon him with ADHD, so I’m sure he has some stress habits he relates to you. You both usually try to help the other calm down, it’s really sweet to see.
• He fuels your daydreaming more then anything else! He loves thinking and coming up with ideas, even if not all of them come to fruition. Who better to do it with then someone with the same creativity?
• Not to mention, he loves getting into devious plans and trouble when he sees the need to, with limitations of course. (He doesn’t outwardly kill people for fun, nor really at all. He’s just a chaotic gremlin, lol!)
• That being said, if you ever want to run into shinanigans, please let him tag along!
• Still, if you get too silly, he’ll be there to ground you and slow you down. He can also get too excited sometimes, so it’d be appreciated if you can watch out for him too.
• He’s usually very honest as well. Though on occasion he may or may not beat around the bush if he believes something might hurt you or others feelings. He doesn’t want to do that, after all. But it’s pretty easy to tell when he’s holding himself back, and if you call him out he’ll immediately cut the act.
• He never pushes you to say things you don’t want to, of course. Though if it’s obviously hurting and affecting you, he’ll be a little more stubborn. This usually makes you two get into fights as you want to be left alone, and he just wants to know if you’re okay.
• He’s some what of a mad scientist in is own right, especially considering his duckies. So, that’s another one of your many hobbies he gets involved in!
• When you finally do explode, Lucifer most likely expects it by then and isn’t taken aback. Not to mention he might feel a little guilty and force himself to stay away just to let you have the time. He’s does understand the feeling of wanting to be left alone after all.
• I think Lucifer can deal with his failures decently well, although he’s a terrible procrastinator. Sometimes your only motivation is doing stuff for each other, in which then you guys finally get stuff done.
• He’s literally the King of Pride, so your small ego that you have is seriously the cutest thing on Hell to him.
• His own Pride is too big to take most insults to heart, seemingly. Unless it really hits home, like anything related to Heaven or reconnecting with his daughter. He’s never leave you over insults though, as it’s something he’s used to and can most definitely deal with.
• He most definitely indulges in your hobbies, especially ones that are art forms seeing as he can get his creativity out that way. He likes to draw and bake mostly! He tries to play video games, but most of the time ends up cheating with his powers which may or may not piss you off.
• He’s self conscious about his height, so he understands there being bits and pieces that simply don’t feel right. He likes you just the way you are, and he reminds you of that if you ever start feeling down.
• Lucifer does have a tendency to be distant with even reality it. He’s glad you’re very chill about as much as he is. If you ever do want his attention, don’t be afraid to just ask.
• He also has a tendency to not appear emotionally present, but he knows it works the same way for you too. Even if one of you wants to be by yourself for awhile, it doesn’t mean you don’t love the other. This is something I would he had a hard time with when he was with Lilith, so he’s glad that you at the very least understand the concept.
• You like giving gifts? Gift him anything duck related (or whatever he’s hyperfixated on at the moment), and he’ll treat you like royalty.
• He’s adores hugs! He’s shown to give a lot of hugs out so expect a lot of them. If you tell him you like hugs too, they’ll double.
• He gives you everything you want. With his magic he can make almost all of your dreams come true. His power has no bounds! Supposedly…
• Yes, this includes making clones.
• You two are a wonderful, fun-loving couple full of mischief and sweetness. He’s glad to have someone in his life that ups his spirits as much as you do.
Your Genshin Impact matchup is… Kaeya Alberich !
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• Note that I don’t really play Genshin as often as I used to, so if there’s any new characters that would match with you better please don’t gut me lol.
• That being said, I think Kaeya would fit best for you! Albedo being a close second.
• He likes you for you, no matter how you are. You’re perfect. Though he will admit, his heart does flutter when he sees you where classic villain attire. So cute!
• Your cold and sarcastic demeanor made him very interested in you. Not to mention the way you can switch to being polite when you wanted to was intriguing. Over all, you’re an intriguing person to him.
• He gets a little flustered when you initially flirt with him, but the more you two grow closer the more he gets comfortable with flirting back.
• He can be a little revenge driven sometimes, but tells you to back off sometimes if things really do get bad. You can call him out if you wish, as I know you don’t like hypocrites. This will most likely get him to think and start fixing up himself a little before helping with your own issues.
• He appreciates honesty above everything though. Although he does like to fuck around sometimes with white lies for adventures to stir the pot, it’s mostly if not all in good faith. Especially when it comes to important matters.
• He’s a very focused man, and doesn’t get distracted often. So, he helps you drive back focus when he can, while sometimes letting you indulge if it’s not something important.
• He doesn’t like to push things. Just like Lucifer, if it gets to a very serious point where he becomes worried, then he’ll acknowledge it.
• Kaeya also reminds you it’s important to take care of yourself as much as you want to take care of him. It works both ways, and he doesn’t want to see you be one of the things you hate.
• He takes it very slow when you’re angry. When you’re ready to talk, you talk. It’s as simple as that.
• If and when you do explode, he immediately tries calming you down and making you feel better. This could be in the form of many things, like making you something you taking something stressful of your hands; or even just leaving you alone if that’s what you truly want.
• He’s a smooth talker just like you, so he appreciates someone who can keep up with his tone. Sometimes it can catch people off guard, so he’s glad to have someone that’s not so taken aback by it.
• Your daydreams make him inthralled when you explain them to him. As the both of you go on your daily quests and adventures, he loves hearing you info dump whatever on your mind or what you’re thinking about. You’re so interesting to listen too..
• Though your morbid curiosity makes him a little concerned, if they’re just thoughts he doesn’t think to hard on it. You may need to tell him it’s just a simple interest and you’re not planning on actually hurting others for your gain.
• As a knight, Kaeya knows what to defeat feels like. He helps you through those hard times that he used to go through, and he shows you some coping mechanisms to drive your mind away from it. He’s surprisingly helpful, but you can’t help but wonder if Lisa have him the initial advice.
• He’s very active and go-getting. Kaeya is willing to push you to get going if that’ll help you get out of bed and do something. Not in a mean was, just honest. He doesn’t physically force you out of bed unless it’s in a playful way.
• He loves having debates with you, seeing his penchant for knowledge and history. Sometimes they get playfully heated, and between the two of you it’s very cute and fun.
• He adores how creative you can get, and is always interested to see the things you come up with. You’re genuinely a very interesting person to him..
• Your ego is cute sometimes, though he does warn you sometimes to avoid being too big for your bridges. You’d never want to be in a situation you regret, would you?
• Kaeya loves reading, and I think true crime is something he could get into. Most of all though, he loves fighting, and loves sparring with you often! It’s honestly his favorite memories of you.
• He tells you you’re absolutely perfect just the way you are, like o said before. He wouldn’t trade you for anything, even when it comes to your weight. He hopes that one day you’ll be able to love your body, as he wishes you could really see how beautiful you are.
• He doesn’t get jealous or clingy too often, though this may different depend on who he’s around, like his brother.
• Kaeya gives some pretty solid advice like you do, so luckily you can always count on each other for that kind of support.
• He adores each and every gift you give him, and probably has a little area in his quarters where all his present (that aren’t toiletries) from you go.
• He’s usually emotionally present, unless deep in thought about something in particular. So don’t be too worried.
• He gives your hugs when you’re ready or want it. Like I said, he’s not one to force things at all, especially at times when it comes to personal matters and relationships like this.
• He can adapt to things quickly, so don’t worry about change. He’ll guide the way for you if you ever have a harder time with something new
• Sorry for the lovey-dovey stuff this match, it mainly fits how I’d see Kaeya with someone!
• Overall, you two are absolute sweethearts that do as much as you can for one another. Quite the power and lovable cutie patootie couple, I’d say
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merbear25 · 5 months
Howdy it's me! Here's my description hehe
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes and suits , no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money.
I mostly kin Malleus, Floyd, Furina, Diavolo from OM, Douma and perhaps some ratio or dottore.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Sorry if it's long hehe
These characters are all so different from each other, but I think they each compliment and appeal to different parts of you.
For Hazbin Hotel I match you with...
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This may seem like a crack pairing, but I just immediately gravitated towards one of the V's. The more I read your submission, the more I felt like Valentino would suit you best.
You being upfront about what you want and don't want earns a bit of respect from him. He would like your 'no bullshit' attitude. I feel like he may relate to your determined, yet procrastinating, nature and you'd for sure hype up any bad ideas he'd have. Then, you'd probably go bond over fucking shit up together.
Thank you for being vulnerable about your past relationship. You mentioned that you value honesty, and even though his line of work involves the +18 crowd and he has a tendancy to get personal with his employees, I don't think he'd try to hide anything from you. Of course, I don't know what all of your personal deal breakers are, but I feel like you two would have a conversation about it at the very least.
He'd absolutely shower you with gifts and would love to take you out to nice restaurants. He'd just love to spoil you, especially once knowing that you're very reseptive to it. On top of that you're naturally flirty, so he'd adore that.
For JJK I match you with...
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He'd probably be able to get past your cold exterior with ease and handle your reckless behavior rather well. He's definitely the more logical type like you but of course, he isn't completely void of emotion. With that being said, he's extremely observant and would most likely be able to pick up on the feelings you're trying to bottle up. I can't see him necessarily being encouraging about spilling all your issues and feelings out, but that doesn't mean he'd just do nothing about it. He might just offer any help or assistance you need, just let him know.
Like you, he's also determined, but unlike you, he isn't a procrastinator. I could see him movtivating you a bit to push through whatever's keeping you back from doing something, but he wouldn't push. It'd be too exhausting for him to constantly be on you about it.
He'd admire your straight-forward behavior and also values honesty. There wouldn't be any reason for either of you to try to hide something anyway, seeing as he's not exactly one to shy away from confrentation.
Since you mentioned you like debating, he'd find this a fun opportunity not only to better understand you as a person, but to also educate each other on topics outside of your typical range of interests.
For Black Butler I match you with...
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Ever the exciteable type, Ronald would bring golden retriever energy into your life. He's rather silly himself, so he'd love to joke around with you. He wouldn't be the greatest influence on you when it comes to getting work done, since he'd much rather go out and goof off together. That being said, he's like you in the way that he can work hard when it's necessary.
I could see him being cuddly in a relationship, but he wouldn't be one to push you into something you aren't comfortable with. He'd be respectful of your boundaries and just enjoy the time getting to know each other. When you're comfortable with cuddling, then he'd snuggle you till you're absolutely sick of it.
He probably wouldn't really notice your coldness when you meet because he'd be more interested in getting to know you before judging you.
He'd be so supportive when you're not feeling very confident. He'd probably be pretty patient when it comes to a relationship. Honesty wound't be something he'd struggle with either. You'd be able to bring up anything without much fear of him shutting you down.
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obsoleteozymandias · 3 months
Hello I'm here for the exchange! Sorry for the hectic answers its my test period at uni 🫠
A BG3 match please! Just mention me when you're done ^^
She/her, Gemini, Intp, 5w4
Chaotic Good
Appearance: 164cm. Brown wavy hair, dark Brown eyes. Curvy body I guess? I'm pale with visible beauty marks like on my lips. I wear glasses/sunglasses. I've been described as cute and a tease because I always bite my lips out of habit lol. I often have a tired/annoyed expression or a smile. I wear comfy clothes and even pj outside. Or cliché villain clothes, no in between. I try to wear gloves to stop myself from bitting my nails.
I appear as cold and very sarcastic. But I can be charismatic when I want. I'm always polite unless I dislike you (you'll know it because I become passive agressive). How I act depends on how you act with me, unless I'm in a bad mood. In that case I isolate to not break hearts too much. I act flirty around my friends and is known for sometimes playing with hearts (I'm oblivious to it). I'm petty and can go very far out of spite or vengeance. I curse a lot and will call you out on your bullshit with no issue no matter who you are.
I'm moody and not a morning person AT ALL. I'm brutally honest and it affected some friendships because people sometimes won't dare to approach me. I'm also socially obvious to a lot of things. I'm very curious and have a short attention spawn.
Getting along with me is easy peasy. As long as you're not whiny or a hypocrite we will get along. Now getting to know me is....nearly impossible. No friend of mine has managed to make me spill my problems even thought they share theirs and I help them out. My trust issues and daddy issues are too important for that lol. I don't open up and bottle my feelings all the time till I shut down or explode. I isolate a lot when I have problems or I'm just thinking (I love daydreaming). I'm rebellious but also a smooth talker. My friends know I have good intentions and would never wrong an innocent person. I'm the smart but reckless friend cuz I'll always hype up bad ideas for fun. I can be a bit naive. Even thought I have morbid curiosity and shared dubious experimental ideas....morals ain't my Forte. I'm more logical than emotional. I'm ambitious and can't stand my own failure. But I'm also lazy and a procrastinator which is a terrible combo. I'm always willing to debate and learn new things because knowledge is very important to me. I'm creative and innovative, I know when to get to business. I'm very competitive and try to hide it. Yeah I have an ego, so what? if you don't have a solid argument with me, I'll destroy you.
Despite that, I joke a lot and never take anything seriously. It happens that I underestimate people (I beat them later sooo). I'm a big tease and love to rile up people and see them get angry. I subtly insult people when they piss me off.
Because of that, I get very lonely and I'm misunderstood. I don't recognize my own feelings and mask that pretty well as it fools everyone. i don't consider myself to be a good person for some reasons. I envy easily and get annoyed easily because I want to succeed above all lol. Oh and I love money. I like gifting my friends and receiving gifts.
Hobbies: Reading (mystery, thriller, fantasy), true crime, video games, manga, drawing, baking, fighting sports (sparing and shooting), learning, daydreaming. I love space and mad scientists stories. My aesthetic is definitely related to those subjects as well as the sea and stars.
I'm insecure about my weight despite not being overweight.
In a relationship, I'm the most chill person. I don't get jealous or clingy. You can do whatever you want. I'm always here to give you advices because helping you out, giving you my time and giving you gifts is my love langage. It bothered my last boyfriend because he thought I wasn't emotionally present and isolated a lot (which I did. I warned him that I accepted out of boredroom and didn't love him but he still went ahead. Then he emotionally cheated on my bd and everyone noticed but me lol. I separated from those friends cuz none told me and I value honesty a lot). I love cuddles but I'll take time to accept physical touch. I enjoy a partner that can keep up with me and be patient and honest because I value honesty. I also love receiving gifts because uh...I grew up with them validating love. I hate whiny and cowardly people. I don't fall first and don't make the first move. I'm a very understanding and loyal lover.
I speak Arabic, French and English. I'm an only child. I study electronics and want to work in space related studies.
Thanks for doing this with me mate <3 Hope you enjoy! 
== Baldur’s Gate III ==>
I match you up with…
This one is a tough one, because I think this relationship is very complicated. 
When Astarion first meets you, he finds a kindred spirit in you. He likes that you’re sharp and initellegent, and he especially likes that you’re willing to indulge him without asking for much in return. 
I can imagine the two of you having a casual relationship at first, one with no strings attached. Your emotional distance and his distrust make it easy to keep up, although you two never really trust one another. 
It’s convenient, and you both get some semblance of pleasure out of it, so what’s the harm? 
I imagine this goes on for a long while, until he shows you his scars. He’s being genuinely open and vulnerable with you, and he knows that you don’t share your emotions in the same way. 
But afterwards, it bothers him. He wants to console you. He wants to be there for you, even if it was clear that you wouldn’t be available like that. 
And so the situationship ends. 
And then you go through some absolutely batshit insane fantasy world bullshit, and something in you snaps. 
Whether it’s the pressure or the emotional strain, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is suddenly everything is too much and you bottled up your emotions again until they exploded and now you’re alone and struggling. 
And when Astarion sees that, he sees himself. He sees someone unwilling to accept help and to let others in, and he sees someone who needs a shoulder to lean on. And even if he knows he shouldn’t, he goes over to you, whether you like it or not, and stays with you until you feel better. 
That’s where the relationship succeeds: not in the casualness of it, nor in its easyness, but in the way that he allows you to be vulnerable, and in the way that he’ll wait for you for as long as it takes. 
After that, there’s a tentative but passionate go at a proper relationship. 
He’s somewhere safe for you. You can be blunt and honest with him, and you can laugh with him, and at the end of the day you can complain about people who annoy you with him as you fall asleep in his arms. 
And he can be rude and judgemental with you. He can be open with you. He can leave behind the fear that you’ll leave him because he sees himself in you so strongly that he understands your actions as if they were his own. 
Are there fights? Yes. Are there challenges? Absolutely. You two are so headstrong that a couple of fights and differences of opinion are bound to come up. 
But it never stops you two from being willfully in love and hopelessly devoted to eachother. 
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