#I'm always up for a chat uwu
hyunubear · 2 years
I haven't been very well tbh but I am trying to make things more bearable as much as I can 😂; uni is draining and today I finished my teaching practice for the first semester (thank god. it wasn't that bad but I am happy it's over. at least until the second semester but anyway), and since this is my last academic year of my bachelor's i am preparing to apply for master's in foreign universities and i feel so confused and scared about my future and what to do and yeah. just life, you know. thank you for asking 🥺💜💕
I know 😭 you start something then abandon it and then start writing something else, an existential crisis here, a nervous breakdown there (at least from my experience) 😂; i will read your works these days, thank you for the links 🥰🥰🥰
oooh, it looks so delicious 😍😍😍 i will definitely try it!!!
lee changsub, the loml (all his songs are!!!!!! but as expected from musicians like btob)🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰; i will listen to the others asap! i only watched the official mv for "youth" but i still haven't listened to the whole album :( (i am just more active on my other blog and tbh i am more into my seventeen and japanese bands brainrot era xdd).
thank you for the recipe, for the music recs. and for everything, niki. have a very lovely evening and rest of the week. take care 💜💜💜💕🥰😚💖💖💞💗💟🌌💝💖💞💕💟
oh gosh im just seeing this now ;;;;; my app has been so weird and glitchy the last couple of days...
oooffff I can relate to that... I wish you all the best on uni suff!!! that shit ain't easy... (even tho I kinda miss it now that its over)
writing is... an experience lsidjlskdj i can't say I've abandoned a lot of work (no abandoned fic in my published work) maybe 3 or 4 but yeah the mental breakdown is 100% true ldjfldfj
hehe i hope you like them!! let me know how u like Kihyun's bsides!!! also that's totally valid!!!
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redtsundere-writes · 8 months
First Time | Megumi Fushiguro
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megumi fushiguro x reader
Sypnopsis: Megumi has never fell in love but there's a first time for everything.
Contents: fluff fluffy, he is just shy uwu, Megumi is 18, first love.
Word count: 872 words.
Author's note: English is not my first language and I'm still learning, so feel free to comment on things I can get better at. Thanks for reading!
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> Megumi Fushiguro has never had a girlfriend. It's no surprise since he is a serious and reserved guy. Also, it's rare to see him with other people around his age aside from Itadori and Nobara. 
> Megumi Fushiguro enjoys going to the public library and borrowing books to read in the comfort of his bedroom. Everything changed when he first saw you studying. In that moment, he decided to stay and “read” his book on one of the library’s couches. 
> Megumi Fushiguro has never felt attraction for anyone, in fact, he even thought that he was asexual. All his doubts were gone when he saw you cutely sitting at the table with a mountain of books around you like a wall. 
> Megumi Fushiguro felt very silly when he found himself visiting the library several times a week with the hope of finding you studying for your university entrance exam. 
> Megumi Fushiguro wanted to talk to you, but he was afraid of ruining his first impression by interrupting your studies, so he always ended up chickening out. Until, he developed a genius plan: Waiting for you to finish so he could approach you for a book recommendation. 
> Megumi Fushiguro didn’t know that you didn't finish studying until the library closed, so he ended up waiting for 3 hours. When he finished reading The Art Of War for the tenth time, he decided to approach you. 
> Megumi Fushiguro approached and greeted you. You returned his greeting a bit tired from your 4-hour study session. Megumi, embarrassed because he thought he was bothering you, asked if you could give him a recommendation because he saw that you read a lot. You recommended Atomic Habits because it helped you improve your study and sleep habits. He thanked kindly and you said goodbye.
> Megumi Fushiguro was happy that you recommended a good book to him, as it also helped him improve his sleep schedule. (You have something in common!) It was the first time you talked and he was looking forward to seeing you again to chat some more. 
> Megumi Fushiguro decided to arrive a little earlier than usual at the library and smiled gently when he saw you searching for the books you needed to study. He came over and offered his help to find the books quicker, which you kindly accepted. Once you were ready, you started studying and he joined you by reading his own book.
> Megumi Fushiguro would help you from time to time with mathematical operations that you didn't know how to solve in exchange for a book recommendation. He was a good teacher, so much so that you understood his instructions and had no doubts. 
> Megumi Fushiguro used to go from time to time every couple of weeks to borrow books, but since you appeared in his life, he was there almost every day. Of course, on days when he was resting or when he wasn't killing curses. 
> Megumi Fushiguro enjoyed your company, your accurate comments and your elegant way of expressing yourself. He tends to be annoyed by people and be very distrustful, but it seems he could finally be himself with someone without having to worry.
> Megumi Fushiguro walked in the library again, slightly later than usual because this time he had taken longer to kill a curse, and noticed that you were not studying at your usual table. He looked around the huge library to see if you were elsewhere, but there was no sign of you. "Maybe she took a break today," he thought. 
> Megumi Fushiguro came back one, two, three more times to the library and there was no sign of you. He inwardly scolded himself for not asking for your contact last time he saw you so he could make sure you were okay. Although, there was the possibility that you were avoiding him so that he would no longer interrupt your studies.
> Megumi Fushiguro went back to his routine of borrowing books to read in his room. This time, after acquiring his books, he saw you enter the library and your gazes finally met. He sighed in relief to see that you were okay.
> Megumi Fushiguro didn't hesitate to approach you to say hello and check about your well-being. You told him that you didn’t come to the library because you went to take the entrance exam to Kyoto University and passed the exam to get into medical school. He was excited for you and said, "I knew you would make it." 
> Megumi Fushiguro was genuinely happy for you, but being in Tokyo, you would probably never study in that library again. You noticed his distress and asked him what was wrong. He replied that he would just miss studying with you. You suggested that they could still be study partners via video call, an idea that pleased the black-haired man. 
> Megumi Fushiguro asked for your contact (finally) and invited you to grab a coffee to celebrate your entrance to university. You accepted and reached for his hand, he hesitated to give it to you, but when your warm fingers wrapped around his hand he knew that everything would be fine. You both left the library holding hands and never let go of each other.
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Order your own fanfic! (Starting price: $5 USD)
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gavisuntiedboot · 1 year
Level 8000 (Gavi x Reader)
28 day writing prompt challenge - prompts are here
Day 6: Meeting for the first time
"Alright I'm going to get onto an online server. No one try to reach me for the next several hours."
Your roommates laughed at the warning as you slipped your headset on. You adjusted the ears, bringing the mic over your mouth, and settled back into the couch. Your hoodie and sweats swamped your form, providing maximum comfort for your gaming session. Were you a fantastic gamer? No. But had you fixated on two or three games for long enough to get good at specifically those games? Yes, yes you did. One of those games was FIFA. You had played all the events throughout the World Cup, in between the early morning matches, and late at night when your 7pm Redbull kept you up until the early hours.
This binge playing over your winter break, as well as the game events, lead to you having a crazy stacked team. You had a super high Neymar as your front man, meaning that as long as you got the ball in the last 1/3 of the field, you were almost guaranteed to score. When all your real life friends had grown tired of you winning 7-0, you turned to PS online. People on the internet were ruthless. You played against stacked teams, losing your first dozen matches. But as you practiced and upgraded your players (as well as googling some good team formations), you started to win. Your win-loss ratio improved immensely with the addition of one piece of equipment: headphones with a mic. You started to join the voice chat, and the sound of a woman sent these poor gamer boys into a frenzy, allowing you to score two goals before they could recover.
Now it was your escape. You loved the power of overwhelming men just by saying "good luck", and the profanities that followed when you won. Tonight was no different. You had already beaten four different whiny men, and had tied a game with another girl on the voice chat, who practically squealed with delight when she heard the sound of your voice. Now it was time for match number 6 of the night, and you were sufficiently warmed up, ready to destroy.
[Opponent] - 6avira30
You smiled, thinking to yourself 'Awe, a Gavi fanboy. I wonder if he has him in midfield." The audio connected, and you heard a couple different male voices yell at each other in Spanish.
"Hello?" You said softly into the mic. Couldn't have them think you were anything other than a soft uwu girl using her boyfriend's account. The voices stopped suddenly, with a long pause before the reply: "Are you a girl?" You laughed at the question. It was not the first time you had gotten it, but the utter confusion in the boy's voice caught you off guard. "Yeah, I am. Hurry up and lock in your team so we can start the match." "Ay, be patient. My great strategic mind needs time to work."
You groaned into the mic. These "strategists" often were the most annoying people to play with, and often the one calling you a cheater or a bot or saying that your "man" was playing while you were on the mic. You locked in the same team you always used, and waited for the great mastermind to lock in his squad. The match began a minute later, and you were not surprised to see it was mostly Barca players, old and new.
"Wow a Xavi-Iniesta midfield. It's been a minute since I've seen that." You said, trying to get the ball across the center line.
"They're the best duo in the world. Everyone should have them in the middle." The boy replied, harshly attacking all your midfielders. It had been a while since you encountered someone who played this aggressively, but it was interesting enough to get you to sit up straight.
"Really? Given your tag, I thought you would have Pedri and Gavi in the middle."
The boy got quiet at this, the statement clearly catching him off guard. It was the lapse in focus that you needed, getting the ball to your super-charged Neymar, and slamming a goal in from outside the box.
"What the actual fuck was that?" A yell came in from the other side. You laughed freely now. This was a fun match. You were being challenged in the middle of the field, really having your defense tested. The boy kept you entertained online, asking all the typical questions about how you got so good. The match ended 3-1 to you, and you were about to say goodbye when a notification popped up on your screen.
[6avira30] - Rematch Requested
"You want to play against me again? One loss wasn't enough?"
"I'm not going to lose again. I just have to recalibrate the squad."
You continued playing against the same opponent for 7 or 8 matches in a row, the conversation moving from the game to your lives.
"So you've never been to a football match in person? How is that possible? You live in Barcelona!"
"I'm a university student who is struggling to pay my rent. I don't have the time or money to buy tickets. Well, at least the tickets that I want."
"Well, what tickets do you want?"
"I want the ones that are right up on the field, so at the end of the game I can ask Lewy for his shirt at the end?"
"Lewandowski? Not one of the younger players?"
"Nah, everyone is always yelling for Gavi's shirt. And while it would be nice to see Gavi or Pedri shirtless, I feel like if I was ever lucky enough to get one of their shirts, my life would be in danger. So I would rather get a shift from DILF Lewy."
A loud laugh came in through your headphones. The boy yelled at his friend in the room, "She just called Robert a DILF."
At the end of the match (a 2-1 win for you), it was time to log off. You informed your online partner, bidding him a good night.
"Wait wait, before you get off, could you send your number in the chat? It's fine if not but I'd really like to talk to you again."
"My number? Why not just my Instagram?"
"I... Can't really follow you on Instagram. It's kind of complicated."
You sent him your number and logged off, going to bed with a stupid smile on your face. A boy had asked for your number. Could he be a weirdo in his mom's basement? Absolutely. But you could find that out later.
You woke up to a text that read: Hope you slept well - Lindo from PS Live. The stupid smile stuck to your face all day. For the next two weeks, you texted this boy almost every waking moment. You could not get enough of him, despite the fact that you couldn't get him to tell you his name.
[PS Live Boy]: Want to have coffee with me tomorrow?
The text set the butterflies in your stomach free, the fluttering feeling spreading to every cell in your body. You has said yes embarrassingly fast. He texted you the location: a pretty upscale coffee shop in the shopping district. Like 17 euro black coffee upscale. You now jumped up and down like a giddy school girl - PS Live boy had money.
You walked into the place, the hostess looking over your skirt and sweater with a sickly sweet smile, asking who you were supposed to be there with. PS Live boy had left the table under your name as to maintain his shroud of mystery. You sat at the table, reapplying your lip gloss and checking your hair in the camera of your phone.
[PS Live boy]: you can't freak out when you see me
[PS Live boy]: Because then I would have to leave and block your number
[PS Live boy]: and file a restraining order. and i dont want to do that
You let out a nervous breath, smiling at your screen. Usually when men said not to freak out, it was because they were ugly. The hostess that didn’t like you walked over to the table again, closely followed by someone in a hoodie, hood pulled up to cover their face. She pulled out a chair, and your PS Live boy sat in front of you. He thanked the hostess, before turning back you you and pulling his hood off.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Gavi looked at you with a cheeky smile playing on his lips. You were overwhelmed. Pablo mf Gavi had met you on PS live and liked you, asked for you number, and was now here on a date with you.
“Three weeks of being mysterious was worth the look on your face.”
“As Spain’s youngest player on the national team, how are you so shit at FIFA?”
“Okay okay okay, let’s go back to you being surprised and not talk about me getting my ass kicked 8 times in a row. Pedri still makes fun of me?”
“Dang Pedri was there? I should’ve asked for his number instead.”
“You have me leveled up to like 8000 in FIFA. I know you want to be here with me.”
A/N: this was supposed to be done last night but I fell asleep lol. I love the idea of Gavi being kinda cheeky and self confident. Most talented young boys are (because society inflates their egos). Anyways, see y’all later tonight w day 7!!
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yelshin · 1 year
An: big credits to that one person(aka @/yourlocalstranger123) who gave me this idea and motivation UwU(it came out/not me)
Tw: grammatical errors (its me using grammarly/j)
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Feeling lazy to get out of your bed and do your routine you decided to stay and cuddle with your kitten, not long after your phone rang and it turns out it was Hu tao! You answered the call feeling lazy to speak up.
"Hey [Name]! Wanna hangout again?" You could literally hear Yoimiya and Ayaka at the background giggling at each other, you stare down at your cat who's sleeping peacefully and god he's just so cute! You can't just leave him alone (if ykyk).
You cleared your throat making sure your voice sound raspy before answering Hu tao "I'm really sorry Hu tao but... Cough I can't hangout with you guys because im..sick." you excused and you could feel Hu tao frowned through the phone "Alright! But make sure to rest well and hope you will be better so that we can hangout again! Take care [Name]!" She ended the call and you found your self giggling while rubbing your nose to Kuni's head squealing in happiness
"Now that im 'sick' you and i can spend time together!" You hugged Kuni tightly. While you two are busy cuddling you suddenly heard someone knocked on your door, feeling the momment is ruined you're a little bit mad because the audacity of this person interrupt your momment.
You opened the door to see the construction worker(?) "We got all materials miss, we can start building the room now" You smiled at them before stepping aside and let them do the work.
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"meow" your kitten meowed while hiding under your pillow while the loud sound of drilling machine irritates him so much that your pillow is full of scratches but you don't mind, you can just buy new ones anyway.
"Kuni i know its loud and annoying. As much as i want to go out of house right now i cant risk being caught by Hu tao and the others especially i faked my sickness.." if ever your friends caught you red handed they will drag you more on hangouts meaning you wont get to spend time with your cat and you don't want that!
Kuni got out of the pillow before hopping off the bed and sulks on the corner (just like the 3rd pic above) while he let out small meows and you felt bad, but thank god your brain works faster when it comes to Kuni instead of your homework (this is true fight me if disagree) you walked up to Kuni before picking him up and go to the nearby 7/11 (i love 7/11) and eat ice cream and ofc to take break from the noises (not that noises.. what're u thinking?🤨or is it js me)
"[Name]?" You flinched at the voice behind you; turns out it was your long time friend Xiao! 'What a coincidence that he's here at 7/11..' you usually found him eating almond tofu alone at the roofs but its not like you're not happy to see him
"oh hello Xiao" you greeted, ignoring the fact Xiao and your cat are sending daggers at each other (imagine Xiao is also a kitten that [Name] adopted before kuni🤔🤔🤔 thoughts???) 'whos this little cat think he is?' Xiao thought and have a little chat with you and bid goodbye after.
"Now..." You turn your head to Kuni who's pawing your stomach wanting your attention all over him "you wanna go home? But its still-" "Meow." You sigh and drag Kuni along with you at your house to be greeted by a loud noise again .
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It has been weeks and now Kuni's room is finally done. You decided to invite your friends including Xiao, you just thought of inviting him since he's always lonely (idk id i should laugh or feel bad💀)
You heard your doorbell rang and you quickly rush to open it to see your friends having their own pajamas and some blankets for the pillow fort. "Its nice to see everyone being present well come in! Make yourself comfortable."
Well they didn't expect a grumpy cat greet them across the living room. Yoimiya and Ayaka look at each other; sweatdropping
"haha..maybe your cat doesn't want us to be here [Name].." you brush it off before saying "don't worry he's like that when he sees new faces"
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"LOOK AT HIM GO!" You clapped while standing proudly like a parent watching their child have baby steps while Kuni tried his best to impress you by standing for 10 seconds "YOU GUYS SEE THAT RIGHT?? ISN'T HE SOOOO CUTE!" you cooed while giving your cat some treats and the others look so done.
"i regret going here."
"hello brother? Yes i wanna go home-"
"is it possible to give myself a coffin discount?"
"now do you guys wanna play a game?" You turn your head to your friends while they awkwardly look at you "Yeah! But i think we need some snacks because playing games without snacks are boring" Yoimiya answered "Alright! I'll go to 7/11 to buy some snacks while y'all stay here and think of any game." You got up before grabbing your wallet to buy some snacks.
Kuni look at the door before transforming to human Infront of your friends (yall dw he have clothes and dont ask me how🥰)
"WH-WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!" Hu tao shrieked along with the 2 other girls while Xiao have wide eyes. Scaramouche sigh before looking at them with bored eyes "WHO ARE YOU?! ARE YOU [NAME]'S CAT?? BUT HOW一"
"Yes its me [Name]s cat. Got a problem?" It took like a minute for the others to calm down and realized the situation 'does [Name] know about this?' Ayaka thought as they heard the door opened.
"Hey guys im back一"
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An: hehehehehehehe CLIFFHANGER BCS YES. Also i need some requests bcs im bored and now that my mailbox is open y'all can send requests now! Also this one is rush jajjajaajwunebdkeusndbf
Taglist: (the bold ones are the one i cant tag.) @thetwinkims @sunsethw4 @etherisy @kunikuzushicandegrademefr @Heiijoxz @eliciana @naritecs @kkazuyass @itztaki @makilovescofi @louise-rosita-leroux @w9vyy @lystaaa @midoriapologist @lilithticalx @red-chester @yushiu @raideneiari @scaraapologist @kxr0mi
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chiharuhashibira · 10 months
Hello again a thank you for doing the sanemi x abused reader it was soooo goooodddd !!! But can you like make a modern au of teacher sanemi x teacher reader plss???😳thank youuu🤗🤗
Hello again @skeleton-the-gangser! Of course! I would love too!
I want to insert here some plot inside my head and I think a Modern AU of Teacher Sanemi X Teacher Reader would do well on it. XD
But perhaps~ you'll see another character OwO And I hope it would be good for y'all~ UwU
𝑩𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒕𝒐 𝒀𝒐𝒖
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐦𝐢 𝐗 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧 𝐀𝐔)
Content Warnings: Curse words, Slightly Suggestive
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"Y/N-sensei, is it true that you're still not married by now?"
For the millionth time, you've sighed, releasing all of the pent-up irritation that these incessant questions have brought. The gathering was supposed to be a get-together with your old class, but instead, you found yourself in the hot seat.
It's clear that your students from two years ago were just curious about what happened to you. But it really irritated you that they quickly shifted the conversation from their newfound jobs or their college lives, to your nonexistent love life.
"For the tenth time today, yes. I'm not married. I'm still single at 25. For God's sake. Let's just stop talking about me. Let's just chat about how successful you guys have been."
Laughter echoed in the restaurant, but no sound came out of your lips. You just felt like you wanted to head home. You never thought it, but this reunion had become draining. It felt like all your strength had seeped out of your body as you dodged all their invading questions.
Looking around for help from your crazy group of students, your eyes landed on your co-teacher, who was watching how flustered you were all along. You widened your eyes at him, signalling him to come and get you from there.
It seems like Sanemi took that hint, and with a smirk on his lips, he stood up from his seat and went towards you. Rolling up the sleeves of his white button-up shirt in the process.
You gulped when you saw the muscles on his arm, wishing that the man would never notice how you looked at him. Sanemi has always been fit, and there are times that you can't take your eyes off him.
An arm suddenly snaked around your shoulder, pulling you closer. With a creased eyebrow, you turned to look up at Sanemi, who's definitely taller than you. "Ey, ey! I can see how you've been pestering your Y/N-sensei. So I'll be taking her away from you."
Students often flinch at the sound of Sanemi's voice since he has always been the sternest teacher of you all. Often times, you would feel like hitting his head because of his attitude, but now you're very thankful for it.
Sanemi really did take you away from your old seat, despite the grunts that came from your curious students. For some reason, heat seems to build up in your cheeks as you realise that his arms are still wrapped around you. Sanemi's body radiated more warmth than you could ever imagine, as he acted so cold around some people sometimes.
He finally let you go once you were at his table. A small chuckle escaped from his lips as his purple eyes watched you settle down. "Why are you laughing, Shinazugawa-san?" You asked, rolling your eyes in annoyance and fluster.
You looked aside before being drawn into his intimidating stare, and he didn't even answer. "You know, if you'll tease me too—"
"I'm just curious too, Y/N-chan. Why are you still single?"
The audacity to ask that! Incredulous by what he had just said, you stared at him with wide eyes and cocked an eyebrow. You never expected that a man as stern as him would be interested in gossip.
Even though you were trying to keep your cool, all you could think about was punching the smirk right off his face. Maybe it's just the booze talking.
"Why on earth would you care?"
"Perhaps because I can change that?"
You seemed momentarily stunned. Did you catch every word he said? Is he actually so tipsy? After hearing what Sanemi had to say, your mouth nearly hit the floor in shock.
Is that a fucking confession?
There was a brief period of silence. You did nothing except stare at him in bewilderment, like a young child with no idea what was going on in the world.
Perhaps Sanemi couldn't stand that; he pulled you outside, making sure that none of your former students or co-teachers were looking.
No protest came from your lips, even as Sanemi had already carried your bag on his left shoulder, holding you by your right hand. All that matters in your head right now is figuring out what he just said.
"What in the actual fuck are you doing, Shinazugawa-san?"
These words suddenly came out of your mouth as you realised that you were being dragged away from the gathering by your co-teacher, who seemed to be too drunk.
Yes, you will admit that you enjoyed the sensation of his calloused hand against your small fingers, wondering how his palm became like this in the first place.
"Oh, mind your language, Y/N-chan!" Sanemi teased, making you pull away from his hold. For real, what's on with him tonight? Curiousness and fluster mixed up within you, making you feel a boiling sensation in the pit of your stomach. You bit your lip and tried to steal your bag from him, but as he was taller and quicker than you, he just moved an inch, and all your efforts were wasted.
You groaned loudly, making some people look at the both of you. Realising that you both were in public, Sanemi raised an eyebrow at some bystanders and spoke with a cold tone.
"What's the matter with you? Enjoying the show? Go fuck off."
No one would ever think that this foul-mouthed man is a teacher with how he acts sometimes. You shot him a glance, mortified at what he had done, but it didn't seem to phase him in the slightest.
He looked back at you and sent you that smirk once again, which annoyed the hell out of you. "Shinazugawa-san, you're fucking drunk. Stop this." You're almost crying from too much frustration over his teasing.
And perhaps he had seen the tears that were welling in your eyes when Sanemi suddenly gulped and gave you back your bag. "Eh, I was just teasing. No need to cry, Y/N-chan." He said it as if both of you were children playing at the playground.
"Whatever!" You said, snatching the bag away from his hand.
You no longer felt like continuing on with the reunion and instead wanted to return home. You then turned around and started walking in the opposite direction, completely befuddling Sanemi. He chased after you, mumbling your name.
His mint perfume came to your senses, bringing back some memories. Whenever both of you are at school, you can always tell he's around because of his distinctive minty, masculine aroma. Sanemi loves to ask how you have been. Often times, he would help you carry books or even walk you to the bus station.
He isn't like that with the other people; it's as if he has a facade when it comes to them.
Or perhaps it's the other way around. You're the one who's seeing his facade.
"Hey, I was just joking earlier." He said it now, with a hushed tone, making you stop walking. As if he had lost his senses, Sanemi bumped into you, accidentally hitting his lip on the top of your head. A yelp came out of your lips as you turned to look at him and saw that there was blood on his lower lip.
"Shinazugawa-san! You should be careful!" You said that all of the annoyance faded as you took your handkerchief and wiped the blood from his lower lip.
It would be an understatement to say that you don't feel anything. As you wiped the blood from his lip, you couldn't help but witness how long his eyelashes were and how the little hair from his bangs moved with the littlest of his movements.
Gulping at the sight, you finally looked away and were about to step a bit further, but Sanemi caught your arm and pulled you close.
"But I'm definitely serious about one thing that I've told you tonight. I want you to be my girlfriend, Y/N-chan."
What he had said surprised you. At first, you thought that he is drunk, but then eventually realised that there is no hint of alcohol in his breath. So, he's definitely sober, and he's clearly confessing to you.
You gulped and didn't answer him for a while. You stared at him once again and saw how serious he is by the look of his face and the glitter of his eyes. His lips, his plumpy lips... You suddenly had the urge to feel them and check how they would taste.
But then, you stopped yourself and these crazy thoughts... for a while...
"Shinazugawa-san, uh... Let's get your wound cleaned first. Then we'll talk about this again..."
A smile crept up his lips—not that signature smirk that he always wears. You didn't smile back, but you're sure that you're blushing like a schoolgirl.
"Where do we go then?" He asked while taking the opportunity to gently squeeze your hand. You took a deep breath and glanced at your hands, which were intertwined.
"Up to you..." You said it in a small tone, feeling a lump on your throat as Sanemi's fingers caressed your hands slowly. When you returned his gaze, his earnest grin changed into a childlike smile, and a flush appeared on his cheek.
"I know the perfect place. Come with me."
𝑻𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒖𝒆𝒅…
𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 1, 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒆!
𝑶𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒈𝒐𝒔𝒉, 𝒐𝒉 𝒎𝒚 𝒈𝒐𝒔𝒉!!! 𝑰'𝒎 𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒊𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 𝒏𝒐𝒘!
So, surprise! This story will be chaptered, and it'll be my first chaptered fic since 2014/2015 I think? HAHA!
Thank you once again @skeleton-the-gangser for the prompt >///< I will definitely tag you to the next chapters~ I hope you like the first one tho!
Feel free to comment or reblog~
✌𝓡𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓵𝓵 𝓸𝓹𝓮𝓷✌
Feel free to request any content~ Would really love those UwU
Thank you for reading this fic! 🌸
Love yah all!
Ja ne~
𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫>
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bratshaws · 2 months
through the hourglass 386. brb x oc
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a/n: my day was awful uwu (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia @mrsbradshaw01
How was it going so far???
He was nursing himself to some punch,non-alcoholic, they still had to go back to the hotel after all. He was sitting on the corner as Beatrice busied herself in getting some water instead of punch, his smile widening as she looks back at him, “I got some lemon water.” she announces, holding the glass “It’s nice, you want some?”
Rooster's smile softened at Beatrice's thoughtful gesture, "Sure, honey," he replied, accepting the glass with a grateful nod, "Thanks."
Beatrice returned his smile, her eyes shining with affection as she watched him take a sip of the refreshing lemon water. As they stood together, sipping their drinks and chatting quietly, Rooster's mind wandered back to their earlier conversation with Jason. "You know," Rooster said suddenly, breaking the comfortable silence between them, "It's funny how life works sometimes. Meeting old friends like Jason...it's like stepping back in time."
Beatrice nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it really is," she murmured softly, "It's strange how certain moments can transport you back to a different time and place."
Rooster took another sip of his punch, feeling a sense of nostalgia wash over him as he reminisced about their past. "Do you ever miss it?" he asked quietly, his gaze drifting to the dance floor where couples swayed to the music, "The way things used to be?"
Beatrice sighed softly, her heart heavy with longing for the carefree days of their youth. "Sometimes," she admitted with a wistful smile, "But then I remember how far I’ve come since then. And I wouldn't trade where we are now for anything."
 "Me neither," he replied softly, reaching out to take her hand in his, "I'm grateful for every moment we've shared, even the difficult ones."
Beatrice squeezed his hand gently, her eyes shining with love and gratitude. "Me too," she murmured, leaning in to press a tender kiss to his lips, "I love you, Rooster. Always."
Rooster's heart skipped a beat at Beatrice's words, overwhelmed by the depth of emotion in her voice. "I love you too, Beatrice," he whispered, his voice filled with sincerity, "Forever and always." he leans down to kiss her forehead.
Weird to have a romantic moment when Get Low by Lil Jon started playing.
Beatrice smiles up at him, “Are you having fun?”
He hums,hugging her close to press his lips to her forehead “...you know…I am,a little. It's definitely...an experience," he replied, his eyes scanning the room as the pulsating beat of the music filled the air.
The music continued to pulse around them, the energy of the crowd infectious as they danced together in the dimly lit room. Rooster held Beatrice close, his hands tracing gentle circles on her back as they watched the crowd.
It was…something, but at least those people were having fun.
"Hey, you know what?" Rooster said suddenly, his voice low and intimate as he looked into Beatrice's eyes, "I'm really glad we came here tonight. It's been...nice."
Beatrice smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Me too," she murmured softly, "It's been a wonderful night, I’m glad you are having fun.”
Rooster's smile widened at Beatrice's words,he held her a little tighter, kissing her forehead, thanks gorgeous. At some point, the DJ switched up the music, transitioning from upbeat dance tracks to slower, more romantic tunes. Rooster pulled Beatrice closer, "Remember this song?" Rooster murmured softly, his voice barely above a whisper as he recognized the familiar melody.
Beatrice nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as she leaned into him. "Of course I do," she replied, her voice soft and tender, "It was one of the first songs you played on the piano for me.”
“Yeah…’ he smirks, holding out his hand “Shall we?”
Beatrice's heart fluttered at Rooster's invitation, a warm glow spreading through her chest as she took his hand. She let him lead her to the center of the dance floor, their movements fluid and graceful as they swayed to the music.
As they danced, Beatrice couldn't help but lose herself in the moment, the world around them fading away as she focused solely on Rooster. His touch was electrifying, sending shivers down her spine as they moved together in perfect harmony.
Rooster held Beatrice close, his arms wrapped protectively around her as they moved to the rhythm of the music. He pressed his forehead against hers, his breath mingling with hers as they shared a tender moment together.
Beatrice gazed up at Rooster, her eyes shining with love and adoration as she lost herself in his gaze. In that moment, surrounded by the soft glow of the dance floor lights, she felt like the luckiest woman in the world.
The song came to an end, but Rooster didn't let go of Beatrice. Instead, he pulled her closer, his lips brushing against hers in a gentle kiss. Beatrice melted into his embrace, her heart overflowing with love for the man who held her in his arms.
"I love you," Rooster murmured against her lips, his voice filled with sincerity.
Beatrice smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling with happiness. "I love you too," she whispered back, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Thanks for…being here,by the way.”
“You don’t have to thank me,”
“I know but…” he frowns “You know I was very hesitant in coming here.”
Beatrice gently brushed a stray strand of hair away from Rooster's forehead, her touch tender as she looked into his eyes. "I understand," she said softly, "But I'm glad you decided to come."
Rooster's expression softened at Beatrice's words, a sense of warmth spreading through him. He leaned in to press a kiss to her forehead, his lips lingering against her skin as he savored the moment. "I just needed a little push,gorgeous," he murmured, "You know that."
Beatrice smiled up at him, her heart swelling with love. "I do," she replied softly, "And I appreciate it more than you know. And I–”
He grimaces. John.
Rooster's smile faltered as he heard John's voice cutting through the tender moment. He reluctantly pulled away from Beatrice, turning to face his old friend with a forced grin.
"Hey, John," Rooster greeted, his tone strained, "What's up?"
John swaggered over, his usual cocky grin plastered across his face. "Man, you gotta come check out this new bar I found," he exclaimed excitedly, clapping Rooster on the shoulder, "It's got the best drinks in town."
Rooster glanced back at Beatrice, a silent apology in his eyes as he tried to navigate the sudden interruption. "Actually, John, we were just about to head out," he replied, his tone firm, "Maybe next time."
John's grin faltered slightly at Rooster's rejection, but he quickly recovered, slinging an arm around Rooster's shoulder. "Aw, come on, man," he wheedled, "One drink won't hurt. Besides, I haven't seen you in ages."
Rooster exchanged a helpless look with Beatrice, silently pleading for her understanding. Beatrice nodded in response, a small smile playing at her lips as she squeezed Rooster's hand in reassurance.
"Fine, one drink," Rooster relented with a sigh, knowing that John wouldn't take no for an answer, "But my wife has to come with.”
John blinks “Wait…what? But this is a macho retreat man!”
Rooster's eyebrows shot up in surprise at John's response, his irritation growing at his friend's insistence on excluding Beatrice. He exchanged a quick glance with Beatrice, his expression tight with frustration.
"Sorry, John, but Beatrice is my wife," Rooster replied firmly, his tone leaving no room for argument, "And wherever I go, she goes."
Beatrice's heart swelled with pride at Rooster's words, her admiration for him growing with each passing moment. She squeezed his hand, silently thanking him for standing up for her.
John's expression darkened at Rooster's refusal, his annoyance evident as he glanced between them. "Fine," he muttered grudgingly, "But don't expect me to treat you any differently just because you're married now."
Rooster shrugged off John's attitude, his focus solely on Beatrice as he led her out of the room. "I wouldn't expect anything less," he replied coolly, "Let's just go and get this over with."
The bar was dimly lit and crowded, the sound of laughter and music filling the air as they entered. John led them to a corner booth, where their old friends were already gathered, beers in hand and smiles on their faces.
"Hey, look who finally decided to join us," one of them exclaimed, clapping Rooster on the back as they slid into the booth, "Thought you were too good for us now that you're married."
Rooster forced a smile, his discomfort growing as the conversation turned to their past exploits. He glanced at Beatrice, silently apologizing for dragging her into this mess.
But Beatrice just smiled at him.
He waits until she’s comfortable to sit down next to her, kissing her forehead ‘You okay with this?”
Beatrice nodded, her smile unwavering as she leaned into Rooster's touch. "I'm fine," she reassured him softly, "As long as I'm with you."
He pressed a tender kiss to her temple, silently thanking her for her support.
"Hey, Bradshaw, remember that time we crashed that party in college?" one of their friends exclaimed, his voice loud with excitement as he regaled them with tales of their wild youth.
Rooster forced a smile, nodding along with the story as memories of their reckless antics flooded his mind. “Sure…” he did not remember “It was…crazy,huh?”
Beatrice leaned in close to Rooster, her voice barely above a whisper as she spoke. "Do you really remember crashing that party?" she asked, her brow furrowing in confusion.
Rooster shook his head slightly, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Not really," he admitted quietly, "But I'm not about to let them know that."
Beatrice chuckled softly, her hand reaching out to squeeze Rooster's thigh under the table. "Well, at least they seem to be having fun, and stopped…being weird i guess." she murmured, her eyes twinkling with amusement.
"Hey, Bradshaw, remember that time we went skydiving?" John then said and Bradley just furrowed his brows.
Rooster's confusion deepened at John's words, his brow furrowing as he tried to recall any memory of going skydiving with their friends. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't conjure up any recollection of such an event.
"I...don't remember that," Rooster replied slowly, his voice tinged with skepticism, "Are you sure we did that?"
John shrugged nonchalantly, taking a swig of his beer before replying. "Yeah, man, it was epic," he insisted, "We jumped out of a plane together, remember?"
Rooster exchanged a glance with Beatrice, his confusion mirrored in her eyes. "I'm pretty sure I would remember something like that," he said with a small frown, "Are you sure you're not thinking of someone else?"
"Of course I'm not thinking of someone else," he snapped, "You were there, Bradley. Don't you remember anything from our past?"
Rooster's frustration grew at John's insistence, his patience wearing thin as he tried to make sense of the situation.
Beatrice reached out to take Rooster's hand in hers, squeezing it gently as she met his gaze with a reassuring smile. "It's okay, Roos," she murmured softly, "We don't have to engage with this if it makes you uncomfortable."
Rooster nodded in agreement, a sense of relief washing over him as he leaned into Beatrice's touch. "Yeah, you're right," he replied gratefully, "Let's just enjoy the evening and forget about whatever weird alternate reality John is living in."
“I mean,is marriage life really taking that outta your brain?”
Rooster’s glare shifted to John who really should just shut the hell up “What?’
"Marriage life has nothing to do with it," Rooster replied evenly, his tone firm, "I just have a good memory for things that actually happened."
John's smirk faltered slightly at Rooster's pointed response, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his expression. "Hey, man, I was just joking," he said quickly, trying to diffuse the tension, "No need to get all worked up."
Rooster resisted the urge to roll his eyes, his patience wearing thin as he struggled to keep his temper in check. "Well, maybe next time you should think before you make jokes about someone's memory," he retorted, his voice tinged with annoyance.
John's attempt at a joke fell flat, the awkward silence that followed stretching on uncomfortably. Beatrice squeezed Rooster's hand reassuringly, shooting him a sympathetic glance as she tried to ease the tension.
"Anyway," John said finally, breaking the silence, "Let's not dwell on the past. We're here to have a good time, right?"
Rooster nodded in agreement, grateful for the change of subject. "Yeah, you're right," he replied with a forced smile, "Let's just enjoy the evening."
“But anyway,Brad,” John begins “Your ma,is she still around? And if so…is she single?”
Beatrice could barely stop her gasp or the blur that was her husband when he launched himself towards John “Roos!!”
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sweeteaacakes · 2 months
I opened my phone and found a game I pre-registered months ago! It's called "Tokyo Debunker"!
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Have you guys seen those creepy ads of a video game that looked like pkmn rip-offs called "Evertal*le"? This is one of their game and the ad caught me so I went for it. I was expecting a pixel-game but, uh, well, it's not TT-TT)... They tend to make misleading ads but this? I got caught by this...
It's more like a VN... BUUUUT it didn't disappointment me in and it served surprisingly well too!
Supernatural cases in Tokyo alongside devilish ghouls and quirky cats!
At the prestigious Darkwick Academy, your untily classmates have sold their souls to demons in exchange for a wish... and you'll have to find a way to make them work together to solve supernatural cases all over Tokyo. If you get stuck, you can always turn Darkwick's clever cat familiars for their supports!
It's comes with variety of gameplay modes!
Facilities building where your classmates can work and allows you to interact with them or read a conversation of your other classmates;
It have an "investigation" which is an... auto-turn-based battle mode. You just have to brainwork with their skills and equipments;
As bonus, it have a rhythm game! It's pretty easy since it's linear and you have to tap to allow the cat to turn around. You get 3 tries and is available for later!;
It also have co-op kode but I haven't tried yet!
Now let's start with opening!
As you can see on the imagine above, there are seven characters with each different uniform! Each of them are the leader of each "Houses".
Dark Blue: Frostheim || Yellow: Vagastrom
Orange: Jabberwock (and they have an axolotl in their emblem!!! ♡♡♡) || Dark red: Sinostra
Lilac: Hotarubi || Violet: Obscuary || Green: Mortkraken
The game will make you choose "who will you save"? It have a total of 7 houses with minimum 2 to 4 members. With Frostheim the with 4 members and Mortkraken with only 2! Obscuary is a particular one since it only shows one of its member! Once chosen a house, you will choose a character who will appear in the prolouge.
Aaaaand, yeah. The houses will be mentioned few chapters later :3
I won't spoil much but I can say that despite how lighthearted this this game is later... it knows how to jumpscare :)
And we go with Chapter 1
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Aye! The MC here! They're female in illustration but I prefer calling them in GN! term and named them "Lucien"! We are in a train after a music concert. The chatroom with the people we went in left the chat and only us and another person, Mina, remain. Turns out we're both in the same train too so we decide to meet up!
A moment after the train arrived at the stop...but it's not ours...
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Kisaragi Station? The creepypasta °0°)!?! (/j)
So, we're now in another stop... and found ourselves in an eerie place... And an unknown number calls us. Whether we pick it up or hang down, Mina will text us...
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Mina makes her way in our car. We look at the number... 7... the door slides wide open but nothing's there other than darkness. Until someone whispers in our ears.
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Gehehehe. I'm not gonna show you the whole thing in case you want to see it yourself!
I cut the spoiler of this chapter here but I'll give you preview of other shots because they are gorgeous!
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And this few panels! It's not much but I wanted to show how the writing and illustration doesn't shy away from showing blood and swearing! (Note: that guy used those mirror shards as the ammo for his gun btw... pretty rad.) So far, it's fully-voiced too!
Anyways, supernatural, eldritch beings, monsters? Check! They're very creative on it uwu). Good writing? Yaah! The art? Beautiful! Good humor? Nyah! (^=w=^)b
As said before, I'm not far in the story yet. I hope to see more creepy and cool stuffs but the daylight story isn't bad either! The characters have personality. Even MC had a good impression on me. They are down-to-earth and is quick at picking up to things happening around despite the sudden event in their life.
The only sad thing is... they all have body shapes... like... um... twink shaped in their 2-D.... and only one "dark-skinned" character 🥲... usgjqhsqj the Ad*nis Ot*gari of the game 🫠🫠🫠 I think he's cool and adorable tho! He went to the academy to search for his twin brother.
No romance, just classmates being sillies(/affectionate) going around to solve the supernatural in order to mantain the world's order.
The game is rated 16+ so I'm not sure if I'll post much about this here. I just wanted to show in case someone's interested!
The illustrations really do well at gorgeous scenes and at eerie scenes.
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ineffabildaddy · 5 months
6, 8, and 21 for the soft asks <3
omg hiii hehehe
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical)
oh god okay, physical: my tattoos are sick, my beard's coming along nicely, and ermmm i'm stacked in the back lmfao
non-physical: i try to be a friendly person, i'm very organised and clean at work which i'm proud of, anddd i'd like to think i know a good amount about music
8. tag someone (or multiple people) who make you feel good
this bit's gna be long so i'll put it under the cut dlfjlkdg
@raining-stars-somewhere-else he's an inactive king atm but he's my bestie and i love him<3 so so hilarious and observant and talented and kind. he's my dude and he means a lot to me go away
@sad-chaos-goblin i feel like i can be totally insane around you and you'll get on my wavelength immediately, it's amazing dlkkkljgfjkld. also i feel really lucky to be friends with someone so well-rounded and driven and fun, not to mention compassionate<3 i'm really really lucky to have met you and i hope we get to do irl adventures in the nearish future!!! until then we're great friends from afar!!!
@omens-for-ophelia we're just perfectly matched for our headcanons and kinks and shit and i absolutely love it. u get me, i get u, we get each other on this front and on many others!!! ur an extremely nurturing person too. i also love having u around bc ur full of fun facts and passion and energy, and of course ur art is absolutely incredible, i'm scratching at the walls just thinking about it dklkjldfgjkl. can't wait to create more absolutely feral works of crowley and aziraphale [redacted] in various ways hahahhkshjdf. and also hopefully have some london hangouts soon<3
@queer-reader-07 of course i've gotta mention ya because you're one of my fave blogs! i feel so warm and welcome reading all your posts and tags because you're a very lovely individual, and you've also got so many valuable things to say and i really look forward to seeing your takes on everything<3 also as i said before ur a very funny person and i enjoy that heh. i always get so excited when u pop up in my notifs i'm like little old me????
@foolishlovers bestie your writing makes me so happy but chatting and things makes me even happier<3 you're a really enthusiastic friend to have and you've got so many wonderful qualities that i just wanna share the love as much as possible hehe. i'm very glad we're doing shhh it's a secret together and that we've become close in general uwu
@crowleyslvt ur a little lad who's always got something hilarious and insightful to say about literally anything i come to u with, whether it's fkn silly memes or an existential crisis lol. you have such a unique way of looking at the world and i really enjoy it. also having a giggle with u is always top tier and on top of that ur a very supportive king<3 and of course u writing's delish at all times in any context
@voluptatiscausa i can literally tell you my most redacted thoughts and you'll be like yeah this is just another day at the office dkffjddgl. you're a silly and goofy guy (gn) who's simultaneously very easy to open up to which is always a comfort<3 the fact that we both like mitchell and webb makes us collectively Not Like Other Girls and we need to capitalise on that more tbh. also i greatly enjoy ur writing ofc
@bowtiepastabitch you're jokes. also we're very different and yet somehow the same brand of fucked up which i love<3 the lore could not be more disparate but the vibes could not be more immaculate. pls continue to be my friend smh
some more legends i love @crowleyholmes @fearandhatred @crowleys-bentley-and-plants @celestialcrowley @sabotage-on-mercury @quoththemaiden @ineffable-rohese @crawley-fell
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
probably this - one day you're going to start sticking up for yourself, i promise<3
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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COLLAB WITH @gaybitchfx
It's Muzan uwu
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Though he was technically in the demon Slayer corps (name) was a doctor amongst fighters, white coat and all.
"You never leave this office, I promise the outside air won't kill ya" Rengoku said as he walked into the office and stared at his tired friend who snorted at his words "with the rate you guy injure yourselves in training, leaving this office is a risky game" (name) sassed "are you injured?"
"What? can't see my friend?"
The two chatted away, the warm summer heat and the ceiling fan felt quite nice on them "Come on, take a lunch break! Lets go out!"
(Name) squashed the hopes of it ever being more than friends but agreed none the less, he could go for some street food.
Rengoku was like a magnet, always attracting those around of them and (name) was no exception to this, falling hard for the fire hashira but he knew better than to say anything.
He never shown interest outside of being friends after all.
The town was as full of life as ever, the two friends merrily getting food "(name) doesn't this look like you?!" Rengoku said holding a hand sewn (animal) and (name) snorted "and this one looks like you" he said pointing to a plush of an Emperor penguin, the blond laughing before purchasing both toys, the men having a great time "oh young love" an elderly woman said making (name) blush heavily and stutter, unsure what to say really "ah thank you!" Rengoku said happily and pulled (name) close "Kyo?! What are you on about?!"
"Well this is a better time than any to say that I wanna be your boyfriend!" He said confidently and (name) dropped his food "only if you want to of course!"
(Name) blue screened "you're not fucking with me right?"
"I would never"
"Then...yeah, yeah I would like that!"
(Name) watched his now boyfriend cheer happily"and this isn't a date! I'm taking you on a real one!"
(Name) just gave an amused smile, nodding as the two returned to base hand in hand.
Surprisingly it took the others a month to figure out the two were dating, the two already touchy and close, no one thought much about it but none the less they were happy with their relationship.
And that Rengoku would shut up about (name) now.
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Random post. Because I currently have no one to talk to. You can scroll. It's just me ranting about the most mundane things and talking to myself :)
Okay, now I dunno what to say. I'm not texting anyone cause I'm not gonna bother anyone in my DMs with this
That's so vague HAHAHAHA
I like cats SO much. OH MY GOD-
Like, if you do not like cats, I do not trust you.
Theres a cat near where I live, but she won't let me pet her babies :(
I used to call kittens 'cat babies'. I still do. It sounds cuter. But like, cats are so cute, if I get one, I'm gonna love it forever and give it lots of kisses and hugs and treats and everything it could ever want and a little cat bed and a tiny blanket and a scratchy thingy, idk what it's called, and dedicate most of my life to it and love it so so sosososososososoooooo much and they're so cute and lovable and huggable and kissable and if my future partner doesn't like cats I'm kicking them out cause I want a cat, and I'm gonna love it so much and show it off to everyone cause it's mine and I love it and I also reallllyyyyyyyy love flowers
Like, flowers are so cool. How could you NOT like flowers???? And i can name so many flowers and I told my best friend about soooooo many flowers like lotuses and sunflowers and peonies and lobelias and Cordelias and bleeding hearts and foxgloves and poppies and and and-
I love cake SO much. Red velvet is my FAVOURITE. Maybe thats why i have memory issues. Oh oh! Did you know that if you consume too much sugar, it gives you memory issues
And diabetes
Reminds me of the time I used to sometimes eat sugar because why not? And ice. I liked chewing on ice. And I used to read so much as a baby. And zooooooooooom everywhere. I used to have a cycle and it was pink and white and so cute and I used to take it everywhere
Sometimes I feel like rapunzel. Cause ivory tower, yk? Like, my dad never let's me leave the house after 10 and says I'm not allowed to exit the apartment floor n stuff, and I used to make up little songs about leaving and seeing the world n stuff, I don't so that anymore though. I gave up on that dream. But I still wanna leave yk?
And the one time I was sitting on a sofa and looked at the arm of the sofa and saw a tiny spider there and we maintained eye contact for like 4 seconds before it jumped off the arm and onto the floor and lay there unmoving and I laughed while crying. Reminded me of the time when I tried to climb a tree in muree that was on a mountain and nearly fell off both the tree and mountain.
Shes bullying me with uwus. I'm not gonna open her chat >:(
My best friend is actually sososososo cool and I love her sm. I've known her for 3 years and she can actually make me laugh genuinely. Props to her. That's hard to do. And shes sososososo pretty and bossy makes me giggle and I feel so happy, she reminds me of Sunflowers. I tell her so many stories like the time I ate something I shouldn't have and almost got lost in the woods at the dead of night behind the farmhouse we were visiting. And she's a doctor and she's sososososo cool
You say you love me. You say I'm your friend. WHAT'S MY FAVOURITE SONG, YOU WEENIE.
I gave her a watch and she wore it. I almost cried
I saw a bird yesterday. My best friend hates crows. So I always chase them off for her.
I miss the humming birds near our house. They were pretty. I'm sleepy. And I'm also thinking. Well, not really. Thinking is wierd. Because when you start thinking you start thinking about everything. Like, how do we know the big bang happened when none of us were alive when it happened and how do we know an alternate reality doesn't exist, because maybe it exists, and maybe aliens exist too, because who are we to conclude that aliens don't exist? Because we are literally smaller than specks as compared to this entire universe and mermaids could exist too, because we've py explored 5% of the entirety of the oceans and yeye
You ever think about how 'crises' sounds like 'cry sis'? Because I do, because I cry. Now im thinking about Lobelias and how to murder my English teacher. I want to experiment on her. What will happen if I inject glitter into her veins? Or glue? Or glitter glue? Maybe give her tiny heart attacks by injecting small doses of air into her veins. Would that work?
Maybe i can cook up her remains and shit and give it to the other people I hate
Assign me a Taylor Swift song
I like The Prophecy from TTPD. I relate
Im so selfish it's funny
I like bows. Especially blood red ones. Did you know my favourite color is blood red?
This talk post is longer than most fics you've read hehehehe
I still don't know what a loubtine is. How do you spell it? Louboutine? Lobetine? WHAT IS IT
Idk I give up.
Alina thinks I'm cute. I am so not. I am evil. Safa (my best friend) agrees with Alina (the music girl) and I have to defend myself everytime. I am not cute. I am evil. I ONCE STOLE BACK MY ERASER FROM A GIRL WHO STOLE MY PINK ERASER IS THAT NOT EVIL ENOUGH FOR YOU????
Safa's younger sister once gave me a flower and a sketchbook. I drew stuff in it. I want to draw Edinburgh. Paint it, I mean. This post is very messy.
Cosmo Sheldrake by Come Along is stuck in my head rn
And chase altantic songs.
Idk the name of that one song that goes in a way I can't describe
I just noticed I wrote the cosmo Sheldrake song wrong
But im not gonna go back to fix it cause this is a messy post and I like it
I meant Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake
Cool song.
Reminds me of the fae.
Now im thinking about Cassian. Why not? He's my blorbo. He's also my favourite. And his cousin Zinnia is sososososo pretty and theyre as close as siblings. I'm gonna draw them when I get an iPad (even tho I'm a Samsung girlie but I need procreate)
I just remembered my cult. It was called the Cat Cult. I was the leader. It was all just cats except me and one of my friends. We plotted to take over the world. I wonder how that fat orange cat is doing now
Fuck math, do meth.
Sometimes I wonder if there's someone out there who's gonna listen to me yap for hours on end and love it. A girl can only dream.
Ngl I'd rock an enemies to lovers trope. That or I'd completely flop. No in between. Cause I'd call him the weirdest names that he wouldn't even understand like 'frostingless cupcake' or 'dry ass oatmeal' or a weenie.
Did i say that before?
I have brown eyes.
I wanna be pretty so bad
Am i pretty? Kind of
Im not gonna call myself ugly. I'm not ugly >:(
Calling people darling or love is so fun
How are you darling?
I am good
I am a good babie
I gave chicken to a cat today
And saw a birb
And a tree
And a cloud
And i ate icecream
I am sleppy
Goodnight, ma belle
This is not even a rant
It's just me rambling
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no bc ur right. i feel like mcyt fandom spaces jsut. don't care about women bc all female ccs are either put into the box of "uwu soft girl cottagecore lesbian catgirl pretty pink" or "one dimensional #girlboss with sword" (sorry if u dont want this kinda discoursey stuff in ur inbox i just had some observations)
(nah idm it! i'm always up for chatting)
Yeah, that's true! And I feel like it's true of a lot of fandoms that female characters in general get put into those roles. Like, we all are overcorrecting from seeing female characters as "getting in the way of my gay ship >:(" and "sweet honeybun uwu" and "mom friend hehe" that we've gone in another weird direction. And like, I guess in regards to shipping in mcyt fandoms, there was a period where a lot of fans reduced female ccs to perceived relationships with male ccs. So now there's overcorrecting and m/f shipping is just like....seen as a weird cringe thing. I wouldn't even mind so much if it wasn't popular if female ccs got plenty of attention but like...that really isn't the case. Witchcraft SMP is a beautiful social experiment in people only caring about male ccs lmao
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godbirdart · 1 year
Hi there! Short time appreciator of your stuff (I found you a few months ago + love your style sm!!) first time asker, and this might be an odd one, but do you have any suggestions for how to get involved with the furry community? Just, where to meet folk, maybe what to keep an eye out for (good or bad!) and such? I'd love to chat to folk and such but I'm just a very nervous person ^^;
You don't have to post or answer this if you don't want to! But thank you for all the cool art and the funny memes, I love seeing Sebastian with assorted snacks ^-^ you take care!!
aaA thank you!!
i'll be honest i personally skirt around the edge of the community because i too am a shy creature that emerges only every waning moon to hand people artwork
depending on the involvement level you want, you've got a number of options. a lot of people are still active on twitter, and mastodon and cohost seem to be picking up! i know mastodon has a few furry instances, such as meow.social, though I don't use mastodon that much so I cannot say if the community there is good, bad, or otherwise. same goes for cohost. last i checked it's very much so a twitter clone, but many furries i've noticed have skipped over there. pillowfort.social has a small Furry Artists community. if in doubt, there's also /r/furry on reddit.
if you just want to appreciate art and maybe comment every now and again, tumblr is pretty good. sure the tags can be a little broken sometimes, but at least you'll find the content you're looking for when you look up Furry in the search. same goes for deviantart and furaffinity, ofc depending on your interests you may have to dig around a little to get to the content / art style you specifically like. both tumblr and twitter i find are somewhat good at recommending similar artists if you follow some. sometimes there’s a recommended that pops up after you hit follow on the profile on twitter or a “blogs like these” section on tumblr, so there’s that.
telegram and discord are still popular as ever, though i feel finding a Good chat can be a herculean task. the r/furry reddit mentioned above has both telegram and discord [both sfw].
it’s super likely there’s a local / regional furry group for your area. some meet irl, even! most of these groups have telegram chats or discords if you want to meet people closer to home. of course there's also the Countless furry conventions going on too
it all depends on your social level as an individual. you can dip your toes in just by commenting on and following other furries, or opt to attend meetups and conventions and meet people in person
as for things to stay away from, the two biggest problems i want to mention are:
furry raiders. an alt-right furry group.
people with the zeta symbol “ζ“ in their bio /  name. now, the presence of a symbol isn’t always indicative of someone’s affiliation with something, so use discretion; but the zeta symbol is often used by people who are zoosadists / into be*stiality. these people are not furries, they don’t represent what the community is about, and everyone hates them. we can and will call the authorities on these people for animal abuse. if you see someone telling “zoos” to fuck off, there’s a 99.9999% chance these are the people that person is talking about.
these aren’t the only issues of course, but i feel they’re the most prominent ones. also maybe be wary of people who constantly say things like “no politics uwu” - especially if they turn it into some furry pun like “pawlitics”. maybe i personally have just had too many uncomfortable interactions with people like this and now i’m biased, but i’ve grown to never trust that.
apologies, i’m a bit of a hermit in online spaces and can’t offer anything more specific. if anyone has cooler recommendations they’re welcome to add them in the replies / reblogs!!
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givesmeyourteeths · 7 months
hi there :3
i'm rebecca
you can call pretty much any nicknames you can come up with, i like nicknames uwu
she/her or it, just pick either one
Transfem catgirl (maybe. i'm still trying to figure the trans part out)
i consider myself relatively kinky and i'm literally just here to exist in a constant state of horny
if you want to chat, my DMs are always open
i like making new friends but i don't really like starting conversations. i can do that, i'm just not good at it
my asks are also open
this blog isn't really for anyhing specific, i just post and reblog whatever i want. i'm just very horny so you could still consider this a horny blog i guess
I'm gonna try marking my original posts with #becca posting :3
The face is very much part of it
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ceeyuin666 · 8 months
Hi this is the main account for @yourgildedcage I'm featuring the recruiters in a special Halloween fic and want to make a last minute ask about the Recruiters personalities. (I'm aware I can search around Tumblr but I like having multiple sources)
If all the main recruiters are too much I can settle for Apple Poison, Malfie and Jack Heart.
Hi there, I'm always happy to be a source of info for the Recruiters! You've probably seen it but I do have a intro post on each Recruiter here if that's helpful at all: link
I'm not sure what info you'd like exactly so I'll do a basic summary of their personalities. Hope it helps!
Apple Poison: The stoic, tall, dark and handsome "uncle" of the Recruiters. He's professional and takes his job seriously, when he goofs off it doesn't seem to be on purpose but he's just funny like that.
Jack Heart: The natural "Entertainer" Jack is very bouncy and acts like he's always in the spotlight. He has young, playful energy but can be a bit of a brat, such as when he picks fights with Apple or is dismissive of other's Masters.
Mr Dalmetia (Daru): He is the personification of a puppy so naturally he is bratty and full of energy. He will pick fights by teasing others and he gets along really well with Jack. He does not hide his emotions and will jump on you if he's happy and bark at you if he's not.
Malfie: The Narcissist of the group, nothing matters more to Malfie than his own appearance and telling others how beautiful he is. Overall he gets along with everyone, he's not as outspoken as say Jack or Daru but will eagerly participate in conversation
Eight-foot Joe: He's just a tired guy here to do his job. He performs at the bare minimum of what is required of him but seems to genuinely care for the other Recruiters who have become his family. He is mostly dismissive or reluctant to participate in antics but can be seen chatting away in the background.
Lady Pirate Hock: She is very serious and takes on the role of a big sister to the other ladies- she is authoritative and can often be seen flirting with Veil and Farja. She takes her job seriously and clearly holds great pride in being a pirate in Captain Hook's crew.
Veil: She can seem a little air headed but she clearly takes her job seriously. She is devoted to her master and her roots, with the motif of the bell of Notre Dame, she sings most of her feelings and has an amazing voice. She is often picked on by the men because she's less likely to snap back at them.
Pretty Scar: She's energetic and loud but also very "cutesy" which is seem as a bad image for a villain. She's the type that would say "UwU" unironically and ask you isn't she "so pweety and cyute". She is madly in love with Daru and clings to him any chance she gets and while she doesn't seem to get along very well with any of the others, she holds pride in herself.
Farja: The other louder member of the ladies group, Farja is obnoxious and the brattiest of the women. She will straight up ask for praise and get mad if you don't give it to her, she could be considered selfish but gets along with the others well enough. Farja loves magic tricks and teasing others.
Ms Hades: She's the more standoffish, 'cool' one of the ladies. She is here to do her job and that's about it. She will have quiet conversations with the others but usually keeps to herself. She is professional and graceful but is the type that gets giddy and excited at mentions of her master.
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bratshaws · 7 months
through the hourglass 294. brb x oc
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a/n: hi um WHY ARE HIS LIPS SO NICE???? (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca
Beatrice smiled so much when she got his text she just bolted out of bed and hurried to place her phone somewhere to support it upright. She wasn’t complaining about having a video call with Rooster so early in the morning, nor that she had a bedhead and looked…er…less than bright, but she was so glad to hear from him.
And her heart melted when he said, through the screen “...you look beautiful.”
Rooster's words hung in the air, and Beatrice couldn't help but blush at the unexpected compliment. Her hands unconsciously fidgeted with the hem of her sleep shirt as she chuckled, "You're too kind, Roos. It's just the morning glow." and she shrugs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear then settled into a more comfortable position, leaning against a few pillows she had hastily gathered.
Rooster smiled on the other end of the screen, his eyes reflecting a genuine affection. "No, seriously, Bea. You always look beautiful to me, no matter the time of day. How have you been?"
Beatrice's smile widened at his words. "I've been managing, you know. The usual chaos with the kids, but Shells,Ev have been helping and I have it under control. How about you? How's everything on your end?"
Rooster's expression shifted slightly, his wedding band appearing into view as he rubbed his eyes with his ring finger. "We're still dealing with some unexpected twists in the mission, but we're navigating through it. I wanted to check in with you and see how you're holding up."
Her gaze softened as she listened to his words. "I appreciate that, Roos. It means a lot to know you're thinking of us, even with everything you have on your plate. The twins are settling in well, by the way. They've been such a joy." she pauses, “They do cry a little bit more than Nikki did.”
A genuine smile appeared on Rooster's tired face. "I'm glad to hear that,gorgeous. I miss them, and I miss you."
Beatrice's heart swelled with warmth at his words. She was quiet for a few seconds before saying, "I miss you too, Roos," she admitted, her tone soft and filled with longing. "Are you alright? It’s late for you isn’t it?”
He grunts, adjusting himself on the cot, brown eyes looking up at a sudden snore “Payback.” he answers her unasked question “Um…yeah, a little, just felt like calling you. We have a bit more freedom to do it in this mission.”
“Oh, that’s good,Roos.” she pauses “You…aren’t we going to wake Payback up if we keep chatting like this?”
Rooster chuckled, glancing towards Payback's cot, where the other pilot seemed to be blissfully unaware of the conversation. "Nah, he's in his own world right now. Probably dreaming about a new recipe for his protein shakes or something."
Beatrice laughed softly, the sound like a soothing melody through the screen. "Well, I'm not complaining. It's nice to have a surprise call from you, even if it's in the middle of the night for you."
"I figured I could use some of your morning positivity to brighten up the upcoming mission," Rooster said with a playful smirk. "And besides, I wanted to see your face."
Beatrice couldn't help but blush again, the giggle leaving her throat before she could stop it “Flatterer.”
Rooster leaned back against the wall of his quarters, the muted light casting a soft glow on his face. His eyes remained fixed on Beatrice, savoring the sight of her even through the pixelated video feed. "So, tell me, how's my favorite woman doing today?"
Beatrice smiled, her eyes reflecting the same adoration he was. "Your favorite woman is holding down the fort. We miss you here, but we're managing just fine. Like I said, it’s the same old same old, you know?"
“Anything new at the bar?”
She hums,scratching her neck “Well,Penny wants to fix the back walls. The sand is digging in the wood and it’s making it fragile…and uhh,oh!  We got some fancy European beers to try too.” she smiles “Because of yours truly.”
“No, way,really?”
“Well, the guy was Italian and i managed to snack it at half the price and earn some free ones because I spoke with him fluently.” she shrugs, clearly proud of herself. “So yeah!”
Rooster's eyes lit up with genuine interest at Beatrice's updates. "Look at you, making deals and getting fancy beers for the bar. Penny's lucky to have you managing things. You're running the show back home."
Beatrice's cheeks flushed with pride, her smile growing wider. "I'm doing my best,I’m trying Roos. And you know Penny, always thinking about the bar's wellbeing, it is her baby. I'll make sure to send you pictures once we get those back walls fixed."
"I'd love that," Rooster replied, his expression softening. "It's the little things, hearing about the bar, the kids, and everything back home—it keeps me grounded, you know?”
She smiles softly, licking her lips and dropping her gaze to her hands “...you know when I asked about how YOU’ve been doing…you told me about the mission.” her husband’s smile falters a bit “...are you okay,Roos?”
His eyes softened, the weight of the mission momentarily set aside. "Hey," he said gently, "I'm holding up, Bea. It's a challenging mission, and there are things happening that I can't fully share. "
“Roos.” she frowns, “I’m talking about you.”
Her husband purses his lips, then his gaze flicks to where Payback’s cot was before he lowers his voice “Honestly, a bit irritated,annoyed…worried.” he says “The breach is still in everyone’s minds and we are all…being careful, but I’m the leader of this squad,you know?”
Rooster's voice carried a mix of frustration that was so very him. Beatrice could sense the weight he carried, not just as a husband and father but as the leader of a squad navigating through the aftermath of a security breach.
A big one too.
She leaned closer to the screen, her eyes filled with concern. "Roos, you don't have to shoulder it all alone. You have a team for a reason, right? Lean on them when you need to. I'm sure they understand the pressure you're under."
He nodded, a weary smile on his face. "Yeah, they do.But sometimes, it feels like I need to be the rock, you know? Keep everyone steady, especially after what happened."
Beatrice reached out, her hand trying to touch the screen as if she could offer comfort through the pixels. "You're strong, Roos. I know you can handle it, but yYou're human, not a machine." she smiles softly “My human.”
Rooster's eyes softened at Beatrice's words, and he sighed, a subtle release of the tension he carried, as if her words had given him permission to let go, even if just for a moment.
"Sometimes, I forget that," he admitted, his voice carrying  a careful amount of vulnerability. "In the middle of missions and responsibilities, it's easy to lose sight of the fact that we're all just human, trying to navigate through this chaos." he chuckles softly “I'll try to remember that."
"That's all I'm asking," Beatrice replied, her expression filled with warmth. "And I want you to promise me something, Roos."
"What's that, gorgeous?"
"Promise me that you'll take care of yourself. Physically, mentally, all of it. Don't neglect your own well-being in the midst of everything else. And if it ever gets too much, reach out. Call, message, whatever. I'm here for you, Roos."
Rooster's eyes softened further, touched by her genuine concern. "I promise, Bea. I'll take care of myself, and I won't hesitate to reach out when I need to. You're my heart, remember?"
Beatrice's smile widened, a glow of pride in her eyes. "I remember. Just don't forget, you're mine too." she says while hugging her knees, “I just worry about you, you know?”
The acknowledgment of his own struggles seemed to ease a bit of the weight on his shoulders. "I know, Bea. I feel the same way," he admitted, his voice sincere. "And I worry about you.”
“Oh…I’m fine,well,” she sighs, “Besides dealing with Miranda.”
"What did she do this time?"
Beatrice rolled her eyes, a fond exasperation in her expression. "She decided that I, and I quote. ‘needed help dealing with your deployment.” she says, huffing “I’m serious!”
Rooster chuckled, placing his hand under his pillow. "And you hated it.”
“...you are so cute,gorgeous.”
Rooster leaned back against the wall, a playful glint in his eyes. "What else did she suggest this time to 'help' you?"
Beatrice rolled her eyes, her expression a mix of amusement and frustration. "Oh, nothing besides that she thinks I need more 'me time' and I think she’ll invite me for those yoga classes she keeps raving about."
"Yoga, huh? I mean you already know Yoga,right?”
Beatrice raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on her lips. "Yes,but I’d NEVER join her, ugh. Jesus I’d rather watch paint dry.”
He held up his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, I'm not saying you will gorgeous. But,well yoga might help you destress…it’s been a while. And it's not like I want you to be stressed, right?"
She sighed, feigning exasperation. "Fine, but I’ll do it here, at home But only because you asked so nicely."
Rooster grinned, enjoying the banter that provided a brief escape from the challenges of the mission. "Thank you, gorgeous. But hey,just imagine you, Miranda, and a room full of people doing yoga. It'll be an experience. You’ll be better than anyone there."
“I’m serious, you are so good…and you look great with those pants.”
Beatrice narrowed her gaze at him, shaking her head. "You are awful." she smiles though, “...I might film it for you.”
And his eyebrow went up “Oh?”
“Maybe,you’ll see if I do it.”
He reached for his water bottle, taking a sip before responding. "My wife is just so mean.." she laughs quietly and he has to check if payback is still asleep, “Oh…now I’ll have to wonder what that’s like!”
“It’s not like you don’t know!”
“But still!” He grinned, his eyes holding a warmth that transcended the digital divide. "Yeah… and I can't wait to be back and fully immersed in those moments. Until then, I guess our video calls will have to do."
She just flicked her brow at him “You are so dramatic.”
‘Hmmm you love it.”
And she smiles, genuinely “So much.” she checks on the twins via the baby monitor quickly, then on Nicole, “They are still asleep, it’s Friday after all.” she shrugs, “What will you do today?”
Rooster chuckled, getting more comfortable in bed. "Well, I was planning to go over some mission briefs, catch up on sleep, maybe hit the gym later. You know, the usual routine. How about you? Any exciting plans for the day?"
Beatrice rolled her eyes playfully. "Please, I'm living the dream over here. Laundry, dishes, maybe a nap if I'm feeling wild." She smirked, her eyes filled with a mischievous glint. "Living the glamorous life, as you can see. I wouldn’t have it any other- wait,did you say sleep? Bradley, did you not sleep????"
He chuckled, a sheepish grin spreading across his face. "Okay, maybe I stretched the truth a bit. Mission briefs and the gym are on the agenda, but I might sneak in a nap if the opportunity presents itself. A soldier's gotta catch some Zs when he can, right?"
Beatrice narrowed her eyes at him, mock suspicion in her gaze. "You better be taking care of yourself over there, Roos. I don't need you passing out from exhaustion in the middle of a mission. I’ll FLY there if I have to! With the kids!"
Rooster quiet laughter at Beatrice's mock threat was enough to break her frown into a grin, the image of her flying over with the kids bringing a smile to his face. "I promise, Bea, I'm taking care of myself. No need for any superhero flights. Besides, I wouldn't want you to go through the trouble of navigating the skies with the thee kiddos in tow."
Beatrice grinned, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Oh, I could handle it. Besides, with how smart Nikki is she might carry us all over there."
“...don’t say that outloud to Mav.”
“I won’t, don’t worry.”
Rooster couldn't help but feel a pang of longing. The mundane discussions about daily life, even the teasing about superhero flights, highlighted the stark contrast between their current realities. 
Beatrice sensed the shift in his mood, her expression softening. "Roos, you there?"
He blinked, shaking off the momentary reverie. "Yeah, sorry. Just got lost in the thought of being home. It's the little things, you know?"
Beatrice nodded in understanding. "I get it. But I’m serious,Roos, you have to sleep!”
Rooster leaned back against the stack of pillows, his eyes on the small screen that connected him to Beatrice. "I promise, Bea, I'll grab some shut-eye. You know me, always pushing myself a bit too hard. But hey, it's all for a good cause, right?"
"Just don't forget to take care of yourself. We need you back in one piece."
"I'll do my best, Bea. And I have the best reason to come back in one piece, don't I?" he said with a warm smile, his hand unconsciously reaching for the wedding band on his finger.
Beatrice grinned, the worry momentarily replaced by a playful sparkle in her eyes. "Damn right you do. The kids are eagerly waiting for their dad to come back and play superhero with them."
Rooster chuckled, sleep slowly taking over "Tell them I've been practicing my superhero moves just for them. Maybe I'll have a surprise for them when I get back."
"I'll make sure to build up the anticipation," Beatrice replied with a laugh. "They'll be expecting something truly epic, you know."
"I've got a reputation to uphold as the coolest dad ever," Rooster said, a twinkle in his eye.
As they continued bantering, the conversation shifted to more serious matters. Beatrice couldn't help but express her concerns about the security of their communications. "You know, Roos, sometimes I worry about these calls. What if someone is listening in? Because…of the breach,you know?”
Rooster raised an eyebrow, a sudden seriousness settling over his features. " These channels are encrypted, and the protocols are top-notch. There's no way anyone could breach them."
“Well…I mean,it…happened before, that’s why you are so worried right?”
"The security measures have been significantly reinforced since then. Trust me, Bea, our conversations are as secure as they can be."
Beatrice nodded, her worry not entirely dissipating. "I know you guys take security seriously, but it's just the mom in me being overly cautious. I can't help it."
"I appreciate it, Bea. It's how you are,gorgeous. I appreciate it.” Rooster said, his voice filled with warmth and gratitude.
A brief silence hung in the air before Beatrice spoke again, her tone unintentionally lowering. "Just promise me, Roos, that you'll be careful. We've had enough scares, and I don't want anything jeopardizing your safety."
"I promise, Bea. I'll be careful. Okay?" Rooster reassured her, his gaze fixed on the screen.
“...okay.” she whispers, “...Okay,Roos.”
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Congratulations on the 1.7k~! That's super cool for you! Your headcanons and scenarios are so cute and sweet (or beautifully angsty) so it makes sense why you've got so many followers!
And I'm glad to be one of them!
And, uh, I also have a request for your event... So...
Could you do headcanons of Nacht Faust and Morgen Faust in a Modern AU? Specifically them working in a bookstore and helping the reader to find a book (maybe as a source for a school paper or just a book recommendation)?
The Faust twins give me bookworm vibes, that's all.
When I saw Erika in my inbox, I was like: YES FAUST !! also my FIRST MORGENN WOOHOOOOOo
uwu this request is so cute hehehe!! I hope I met your expectation of your favourite Faust siblingssss <3
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Nacht | Morgen x f! reader AU: Modern AU! tw: vulgarities , unchecked work.
Nacht Faust (the old, blonde hair Nacht)
He was kinda there just for the side bucks actually. He needed money for cigarettes and he thought being a bookstore keeper would be an easy job.
"Who the fuck comes to a bookstore?" He was surprised at the number of people that comes in and out. And more so at people actually buying books.
He totally makes fun and jokes at the "nerds" in the bookstore to Morgen and Morgen just rolls his eyes at his brother.
Until he met YOU.
When he was packing some of the books, you came up and poked his arm with your finger. "h-hi, do you happen to know where this book is?"
He turned around and it was like someone punched the wind out of his lungs.
Nacht didn't believe in all the love at first sight cheesy shit, but at that moment he did. And he fell hard.
He searched high and low for that book you wanted, and even dragged Morgen along. "SOS brother. Find that book NOW."
He found a lousy excuse to get your contact. Something along the line like, "oh we'll let you know when this author releases another book or like when a new similar book comes?"
And he read that entire book at one go, then texted you, "how's the book? :-)"
Every time you popped over to browse books, he'd be there to chit chat with you.
And one day, he finally asked you out. AFTER rehearsing with Morgen like hundred of times.
"hey y/n, my legs are tired from standing and talking, I know a cafe nearby, wanna grab a coffee while we continue?"
His face was a little red and he gave you a little shy smile, which made you melt.
Morgen Faust
He loved books, which was why he got a job here in the first place AND he dragged Nacht along because he was rotting his life away.
He read a lot of books while he was there to his heart's content. It was a win-win for him really, he didn't have to pay to read the books, but he was paid instead.
You just came into the bookstore on a random day, he's never really saw you before, well of course since you were the student that rarely did any work.. Now it came to finals, you were low key panicking.
"er, hello...." you tilted your head and read his tag, "Morrrrrrgen."
Because you couldn't really see the tag, you dragged his name longer and he's never heard such a cute voice in his life.
"hey, how can i help?" he was a smiles as always but his heart was ramming against his ribcage at how cute you looked as well.
So you needed to find LOTS of materials for your final year project and thank the lord you bumped into Morgen the bookworm because he could find all the books for you AND recommended other useful books for you as well.
You both already hit off the first day you met, and you talked a whole lot. When you left, Morgen was all smiles, even Nacht couldn't take it.
"sheesh look at you all starry eyed over that girl..."
"I am not.."
"Oh please, we're twins. Besides, you NEVER let anyone use your staff discount code." Nacht teased his brother.
You came again to get more books , but low key, it was to see the handsome, charming bookstore guy with beautiful hair.
Morgen was elated and almost sprang from his seat to greet you, causing Nacht to laugh like a hyena.
"y/n was it? Morgen has been waiting the entire week for ya~" he was still laughing as he took his cigarettes and went out for a smoke break, leaving his brother in a blushing mess.
Getting the hint, you mustered your courage to ask Morgen out.
"so er.. to thank you, can i treat you to a meal soon?"
To which the raven haired twin agreed enthusiastically.
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