#Might not make sense
myfeetrcolddd · 7 months
Not an appropriate reaction
He tugged on her long pony tail, hard enough that it made her head jerk back. He imagined doing that in bed, wrapping her long hair around his fist while he did unimaginable things to her.
The pretty girl spun on her heel, already ticked off by the relentless amounts of teasing and mocking Theo had been throwing at her that day. So, in a fit of rage she slapped him. Hard. In front of the whole school.
Theodores head snapped to the side at the force of the hit. He could feel his cheek stinging and he was sure it was turning red, his eyes were down cast and he lifted his hand to touch the sore spot.
"Fuck you, Nott." She spat, her own cheeks pink from the sudden adrenalin rush, but Theo didn't see it. He was too busy thinking about her skin on his.
She'd slapped him. Theodore Nott. She had slapped Theodore Nott who was notorious for not letting anyone get away with disrespecting him.
Around them everyone seemed to hold their breath. When Theo didn't respond the girl scoffed, rolled her eyes and walked away.
A smirk grew on Theos face, and something in his pants grew as well.
He'd liked that too much. The violence, the anger in her eyes. He knew he liked to tease and rile her up but he didn't think he liked it this much.
The Slytherin boy sauntered to his room, where he promptly scribbled out a note for the girl before sending it away.
The next morning, during breakfast in the great hall he watched for her reaction. Saw the way her cheeks reddened and a swallow worked it's way down her throat. Her eyes met his and he knew that the feeling was mutual.
Her eyes narrowed and he only smirked wider.
The things he'd do to that girl were endless.
Wrote a small follow up! HERE
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loverboy-ant · 1 month
yearning so bad that i lie on my bed with my hand out imagining that someone somewhere is doing the same imagining holding your outstretched hand in theirs
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samsayswhatever · 10 months
Fanfics are cannon now
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I just want to say that "the sacred timeline" is just their fancy term for saying it's cannon.
Now that Loki freed up the multiverse, so people can have free will, any story ever told in the MCU is now branching.
There are now infinite timelines. That's a lot. It means that if it ever could have happened, it now did.
So if you ever wrote fan fiction about the MCU, the Loki show is basically saying it's cannon now. You're welcome.
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phantomram-b00 · 7 months
So I know I’m super late. Valentine’s Day is done. Finish. At least in my time zone. But there was this one headcanon/scenario I thought of.
So I think I heard about how Crowley’s a painter or dabbles in painting. And also there is this popular (and in a sense implied) headcanon of Crowley’s eyes not seeing stars for his snake eyes. And I love them both sm. (Well not the last one, that one is sad but I guess what I mean is I do headcanon it too)
But for some reason, I’ve had an headcanon where Aziraphale bought like a heart shaped box of chocolate for Crowley. They done this sometimes for Valentine’s Day. (Quote the scrapped scene) but then he had an idea: to paint the front of the box but to what? Then an idea pop into his head. He decided to paint over the front box. Putting in minute details. Making sure the colors worked nicely. And once it dried, he look at what he painted, it stars themed. But specifically, it the stars and galaxies he remembers seeing with Crowley. And he knows he can’t see it so for Valentine’s Day he thought “why not I try to recapture that scenery for him so he can see it”.
Then once Crowley comes with his gifts and they exchange them, Crowley see the painted front of the box. As Azirpahale explain his process and why he did it, Crowley rushes over to hug him and the star theme box of chocolate. Because he gets to hug and see his two stars.
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Random post. Because I currently have no one to talk to. You can scroll. It's just me ranting about the most mundane things and talking to myself :)
Okay, now I dunno what to say. I'm not texting anyone cause I'm not gonna bother anyone in my DMs with this
That's so vague HAHAHAHA
I like cats SO much. OH MY GOD-
Like, if you do not like cats, I do not trust you.
Theres a cat near where I live, but she won't let me pet her babies :(
I used to call kittens 'cat babies'. I still do. It sounds cuter. But like, cats are so cute, if I get one, I'm gonna love it forever and give it lots of kisses and hugs and treats and everything it could ever want and a little cat bed and a tiny blanket and a scratchy thingy, idk what it's called, and dedicate most of my life to it and love it so so sosososososososoooooo much and they're so cute and lovable and huggable and kissable and if my future partner doesn't like cats I'm kicking them out cause I want a cat, and I'm gonna love it so much and show it off to everyone cause it's mine and I love it and I also reallllyyyyyyyy love flowers
Like, flowers are so cool. How could you NOT like flowers???? And i can name so many flowers and I told my best friend about soooooo many flowers like lotuses and sunflowers and peonies and lobelias and Cordelias and bleeding hearts and foxgloves and poppies and and and-
I love cake SO much. Red velvet is my FAVOURITE. Maybe thats why i have memory issues. Oh oh! Did you know that if you consume too much sugar, it gives you memory issues
And diabetes
Reminds me of the time I used to sometimes eat sugar because why not? And ice. I liked chewing on ice. And I used to read so much as a baby. And zooooooooooom everywhere. I used to have a cycle and it was pink and white and so cute and I used to take it everywhere
Sometimes I feel like rapunzel. Cause ivory tower, yk? Like, my dad never let's me leave the house after 10 and says I'm not allowed to exit the apartment floor n stuff, and I used to make up little songs about leaving and seeing the world n stuff, I don't so that anymore though. I gave up on that dream. But I still wanna leave yk?
And the one time I was sitting on a sofa and looked at the arm of the sofa and saw a tiny spider there and we maintained eye contact for like 4 seconds before it jumped off the arm and onto the floor and lay there unmoving and I laughed while crying. Reminded me of the time when I tried to climb a tree in muree that was on a mountain and nearly fell off both the tree and mountain.
Shes bullying me with uwus. I'm not gonna open her chat >:(
My best friend is actually sososososo cool and I love her sm. I've known her for 3 years and she can actually make me laugh genuinely. Props to her. That's hard to do. And shes sososososo pretty and bossy makes me giggle and I feel so happy, she reminds me of Sunflowers. I tell her so many stories like the time I ate something I shouldn't have and almost got lost in the woods at the dead of night behind the farmhouse we were visiting. And she's a doctor and she's sososososo cool
You say you love me. You say I'm your friend. WHAT'S MY FAVOURITE SONG, YOU WEENIE.
I gave her a watch and she wore it. I almost cried
I saw a bird yesterday. My best friend hates crows. So I always chase them off for her.
I miss the humming birds near our house. They were pretty. I'm sleepy. And I'm also thinking. Well, not really. Thinking is wierd. Because when you start thinking you start thinking about everything. Like, how do we know the big bang happened when none of us were alive when it happened and how do we know an alternate reality doesn't exist, because maybe it exists, and maybe aliens exist too, because who are we to conclude that aliens don't exist? Because we are literally smaller than specks as compared to this entire universe and mermaids could exist too, because we've py explored 5% of the entirety of the oceans and yeye
You ever think about how 'crises' sounds like 'cry sis'? Because I do, because I cry. Now im thinking about Lobelias and how to murder my English teacher. I want to experiment on her. What will happen if I inject glitter into her veins? Or glue? Or glitter glue? Maybe give her tiny heart attacks by injecting small doses of air into her veins. Would that work?
Maybe i can cook up her remains and shit and give it to the other people I hate
Assign me a Taylor Swift song
I like The Prophecy from TTPD. I relate
Im so selfish it's funny
I like bows. Especially blood red ones. Did you know my favourite color is blood red?
This talk post is longer than most fics you've read hehehehe
I still don't know what a loubtine is. How do you spell it? Louboutine? Lobetine? WHAT IS IT
Idk I give up.
Alina thinks I'm cute. I am so not. I am evil. Safa (my best friend) agrees with Alina (the music girl) and I have to defend myself everytime. I am not cute. I am evil. I ONCE STOLE BACK MY ERASER FROM A GIRL WHO STOLE MY PINK ERASER IS THAT NOT EVIL ENOUGH FOR YOU????
Safa's younger sister once gave me a flower and a sketchbook. I drew stuff in it. I want to draw Edinburgh. Paint it, I mean. This post is very messy.
Cosmo Sheldrake by Come Along is stuck in my head rn
And chase altantic songs.
Idk the name of that one song that goes in a way I can't describe
I just noticed I wrote the cosmo Sheldrake song wrong
But im not gonna go back to fix it cause this is a messy post and I like it
I meant Come Along by Cosmo Sheldrake
Cool song.
Reminds me of the fae.
Now im thinking about Cassian. Why not? He's my blorbo. He's also my favourite. And his cousin Zinnia is sososososo pretty and theyre as close as siblings. I'm gonna draw them when I get an iPad (even tho I'm a Samsung girlie but I need procreate)
I just remembered my cult. It was called the Cat Cult. I was the leader. It was all just cats except me and one of my friends. We plotted to take over the world. I wonder how that fat orange cat is doing now
Fuck math, do meth.
Sometimes I wonder if there's someone out there who's gonna listen to me yap for hours on end and love it. A girl can only dream.
Ngl I'd rock an enemies to lovers trope. That or I'd completely flop. No in between. Cause I'd call him the weirdest names that he wouldn't even understand like 'frostingless cupcake' or 'dry ass oatmeal' or a weenie.
Did i say that before?
I have brown eyes.
I wanna be pretty so bad
Am i pretty? Kind of
Im not gonna call myself ugly. I'm not ugly >:(
Calling people darling or love is so fun
How are you darling?
I am good
I am a good babie
I gave chicken to a cat today
And saw a birb
And a tree
And a cloud
And i ate icecream
I am sleppy
Goodnight, ma belle
This is not even a rant
It's just me rambling
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warmpeachxo · 10 months
Wish I could stop taking things so personally, when people’s actions tell on them, and shows that I’m a priority in their lives but then in the same breath they also do the complete opposite and I’m completely isolated
I need consistency and communication
And if you lose interest, tell me
It’ll hurt like hell but I don’t forgive bread crumbing and lies, you’ll make me sick
I don’t ever want to assume anything but I’m not a mind reader
But ultimately, I’ve lost all hope that I get the love in deserve
Going through another talking stage just for the person to become a lesson may not break me, but I don’t think I’ll ever love the same
I don’t want games, just something real
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enjoymorestuff · 1 year
Where I'm coming from is that I've watched all of Critical Role but only some of Dimension 20. So naturally I was excited that Matt Mercer is going to run a Dimension 20 game.
So now I'm watching A Crown of Candy (putting The Unsleeping City on hold, if you're keeping track, and why would you be) and like everyone says, it's really good and full of dark D&D stuff.
And I feel like I've seen people say that it makes sense that Matt is going to do a prequel series to A Crown of Candy, because it's Dark, Serious D&D at its core, underneath the goofy puns.
So I would just like to say that that is very Level One thinking, and that I personally don't want Matt to run a game that just feels like High Fantasy Critical Role But With Funny Names. When Brennan came over to Critical Role, he ran a Critical Role-ass game, you know?
I guess what I'm saying is that I want Matt to go to Dimension 20 and be funny.
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calorey · 1 year
i wish i was recovering but in the way where i was hospitalized or something for being underweight, and then i could just gain, but instead it doesn't matter if i recover since i still have to lose weight anyway because im overweight so it's like omg recover! but not that much haha. for people like me it's like don't starve yourself (but they don't really care at all until you're too underweight to be attractive)
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These clown animatronics in FNAF wild as hell..
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cadillacjohn · 1 month
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Can't explain this but it is correct.
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hesztia16 · 3 months
*Wayne Manor, Family dinner*
*Barbara’s phone rings*
*she leaves and comes back a few minutes later, expression solemn*
Dick: what happened
Barbara: the Joker is dead
Jason: *shocked silence*
Tim: *shocked silence*
Damian: *shocked silence*
Alfred: *shocked silence*
Like a dozen other more: *shocked silence*
Bruce: *leaves the room*
Dick: Bruce!
Alfred: Master Bruce what-
Jason: *looks away, clenching his fist*
Bruce: *returns, with a bottle of champagne*
Again: *shocked silence*
Tim: why’s there a note on that saying: “For when the Joker dies”?
Bruce: it was a gag gift from Harvey when he was… you know, less murderous
*not so shocked, more of a hesitant silence*
Jason: *stands* pop it open, old man. I’m bringing the glasses
Alfred: the help is much appreciated, Master Jason
Steph: how did he die?
Barbara, a little confused: my dad said something along the lines of… a bunch of fans manifesting it after the writers were cowards for too long?
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myfeetrcolddd · 7 months
What if?
When she was very young Hermione had met a boy.
He was pale, and his hair so blonde it looked white, and at their young age he already had a small scowl.
She hadn't thought much about him at first, not until he began to monopolize on her one and only friends time, because at that age Hermione had already begun having trouble making friends.
So, she became somewhat possessive of that friend, in the end she became better friends with the small blonde boy. The best of friends.
He really was the only person who talked to her. Though, she wasn't quite aware of it.
After that year of friendship, the boy had disappeared and for years she wondered about the boy with hair so blonde it was white, the boy who despite his small scowl never seemed to scowl in her presence.
When she got her letter to Hogwarts she had even wondered if he had gotten one. If he did, would he remember her? Did he think of her as much as she thought about him?
Growing up Hermione still struggled with making friends, and she never felt as though she had met anyone who she liked as much as she had liked him, no one as close the two of them had became.
What she hadn't expected was to actually see him that first day. He was taller, not taller than her yet, and he had begun to slick back his hair and his scowl had grown.
He hardly looked anything like the boy she remembered but she knew it was him.
His blue eyes snapped to hers, and she saw the recognition flicker in his eyes and it was like a reel of memories flashed before her eyes. Of their families dining together, having each other over.
She smiled at him, but his face remained indifferent. His eyes glazed over and it no longer seemed like he recognized her, it was like he was looking at a stranger.
For someone so smart Hermione Granger could never quite grasp how to make and keep friends. Though, with Draco she thought she had perfected it, and all her other friendships were her grasping on the one she had with him.
Admittedly it had not only been friendly feelings she had for the boy. Her feelings for him, her first real friend, had branched into something more. Something she never quite got over.
And even as the years went on, as he continued to ignore her and their history, she thought about him and what could have been. If she had been more out going and confronted him. If she hadn't befriended Ron and Harry, would Draco have eventually warmed up?
She would never know, she would only ever be haunted by what might have been. Forced to play the 'what if' game every day before bed and every time she saw him in the halls or read of him in the papers.
So this is my first Dramione fic. Probs my last.
It's heavily based on my life and a friendship I had...
So if this makes no sense just keep scroling<3
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ruporas · 3 months
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need to exist in your warmth (id in alt)
#vashwood#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#trigun#trigun maximum#blood tw#ruporas art#love u when i get to cuddle u and love u when i get to feel ur blood soak into my hands#being this close to one another means the eternal suffering of trying to separate love and mission. love for one and love for humanity#i like to think of pre-vol8 vash as someone who struggles with his feelings for ww bc as equal and as trusted he is -#vash knows his responsibilities and he knows/expects ww wouldn't let him stray from it either. for that he can't take to any romantic incli#and i think itd make him view ww in a stricter non-personal way... If that makes ANY sense.#for ww - take someone who youv gotten close to and ended up liking more than you expected#someone who has a belief and follows it stubbornly - someone who'll get into more fights and trouble more than youv had your entire life#ww thinks of him as a monster but he knows theres a limit he himself can take - i feel like hes considered what might be the limit for vash#for Safety measures. just in case. yknow. whenever he himself might have to load the bullet < him hyping himself up as if he could do it#my point being that the thought of vash being dead crosses his mind more than he'd like. i think its a simultaneous dread drop in his stoma#for failure of the mission - but also an Ok? They can be killed? and also a disastrous gunning of his own heart. considering how much they#both live in their own heads some days are Just the worst ever for them in each others company. but also they lov each other :[ sooo much
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verflares · 4 months
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(draconifies your zelink) oh whoops lol
+ an extra pic of em hanging out together :]
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btw, you can find these guys on inprnt! both as a pair, or apart :] You Choose.
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Oooo, now I'm thinking how nice it would be if I were the mycelium network consuming your corpse and enveloped you in my being, thus we both exist in an infinite eternity of collective and rebirth
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soupinaboot · 7 months
In my opinion, Bruce should be above average height or at least average. But since he surrounds himself with demi-gods, aliens, meta humans, etc, he's just dwarfed next to them. Like maybe about 6'1 or 6'2, but that's NOTHING compared to Diana '7'3 feet tall' Prince. Or Clark '6'9' Kent.
All the tabloids claim he has to be at least 5 feet tall because the only photos they can get of him are when he's next to his giant ass friends.
It is also my personal headcannon that all the robins stay shorter than him, except Jason, who should be at least 4 inches taller.
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