#I'm at the library today trying to finish a paper
girlscience · 4 months
I just finished my first non-fiction book in probably years. It was 277 pages long. I can read a fiction book that short in about 2 and a half hours. This took me 3 months to complete. I do wish I was faster with non-fiction, I've got a huge list of science and political and historical books I want to read, but I have to remember these books require more brain power so it's not bad they take longer. The learning is important not the time.
#it was white fragility. which from my understanding is a pretty basic sort of baby's first foray into anti-racism#but it seemed like a good place to start? if I can't handle myself I'm not going to get anything out of the other books I want to read#I found a short paper on anti-colonialism/land back that I think I'm going to read next#I'm also in the middle of cobalt red but I had to return it to the library before I could finish so I placed another hold on it#idk I'm trying to educate myself#I have black and hispanic and indigenous friends and I am very aware that I'm white but haven't ever really done anything to learn#how that affects my relationships with them or to be aware of things I could do unknowingly/unintentionally or what biases I have#and I don't want to be another person that hurts them so I need to do things to be better#and I mean just generally in the world I'm around people of color all the time and I want to be aware and such there too you know#and then also everything about the history of the US and colonialism and such here and around the world#I benefit from that so I need to be learning about it and doing things to help fight back against it#idk. this is all stuff that's been on my mind for a few years#but I was struggling to actually act on it. hopefully I can keep doing better today and tomorrow#and reading and learning seems like a good place to start#I just have to keep reminding myself that these aren't fantasy stories and they require more thought and brain power than most books I read#so it's good thing it takes me longer. that means I'm considering and digesting what I'm reading#it is not a bad thing to read slowly
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sleepingoreo · 3 months
Just thinking about Yan Sunday with Layla reader…
Reader is so tired, weak and stressed all the time about her study and thesis… reader’s state could be vulnerable to him since he can grabs her so easily.
Or Cryo Vision? He just need to keep away from you, make you lose memories and lies that you are his lover.
Please, I need Sunday post with Layla reader..
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Yess Ofccc! I love Layla sm she's so pretty and I relate to her a lot, but I ignore my work on purpose. But her design is so pretty when I first saw her she became my favorite immorality like Furina! I Barely sleep now because of tests and exams. Also Thank you for the request <3
Pairing: Sunday x Layla reader
Warnings: Yandere Sunday, a bit ooc, mention of drugging/spike drink, manipulation
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The paper, assignment, and late work kept piling up on you. You can't catch a break even after completing each assignment. Your sleep schedule started getting messy which raised concern from Sunday.
Yet Sunday never liked how you pushed everything aside to focus on your academics. He secretly hated the mentions of your future that’s without his picture in there. How you'll leave the dreamscape in Penacony once you graduate and finish your studies here, yet he kept a happy smile pretending to support your goals.
Recently a big project and essay was coming soon. You need to submit your thesis and get it approved as soon as possible. Writing endless papers piling up anything to get this approved like your life depends on it.
Sunday lent you his office since the library was packed with others trying to get their thesis approved too. Sunday quietly works on his paperwork reading the new bills and policies trying to get passed. Work was keeping you both busy yet you still couldn't help but start dozing off.
Your head and eyes felt heavy falling slightly. Your tired body rested against Sunday's shoulders causing him to look up from his paperwork and towards you. He raised an eyebrow before smiling and caressing your cheeks.
The tea he offered you really seemed to take effect quickly. He couldn't help but to spike your tea before offering it to you. He couldn't stand seeing the eye bags under your eyes when you forced yourself awake even though your body was already weak enough. The way you've been ignoring him and growing distant from him to focus on your studies, he despises the fact you cared more about your academics than him.
He caressed your hand gently. He was glad you were deeply asleep knowing he was soon going to perform the last step to keep you for himself…
You woke up in a room and stretched. You felt more at ease but a sinking feeling appeared in your heart when you realized your thesis and project was due.
You scrambled, throwing the blanket off and seeing Sunday's hands stopping you and shushing you holding you in his arms.
"What's the matter? You looked at peace when sleeping?" He cooed at you brushing his hands through your strands of hair.
You stumbled over your words as you tried explaining your thesis still needed to be submitted before the due date. Sunday's face darkens slightly as he forms a wan smile
"Oh, the one you were working on? A friend of yours came in stating they were your partner for this thesis and were going to submit the thesis for you today," He held your hands in his.
Your face and heart dropped so far below. You sobbed as you scrambled hugging yourself and started ignoring his words. You were furious at Sunday even though you knew it wasn't his fault for falling for this trick. You’ve never told him what you were working on anyway.
"Oh dear, I'm sorry I didn't know," he said in his sweet tongue. Gosh, you really can't hate him but blame yourself.
In the end, the due date passed and it was too late. You sobbed and sobbed as Sunday held you in his arms comforting you. You were so fragile to him. A fragile weak human who needed his and The Harmony's protection, yet mostly for you to rely on him.
As you cried you looked in his pile of trash paper to see your thesis. You pushed yourself off him and grabbed the paper pushing aside his pile of documents and scattering them all over the floor.
Fury arose yet you sat there in complete silence and confusion, "why?" You muttered weakly dropping the paper as you broke out into a sob, "Why Sunday? Why did you lie?"
Sunday wing's on his head tense up as well as his expression as his smiles slowly fade away.
"What do you mean? Your thesis? I thought you meant the project you were working on earlier," He tries to hide his guilty expression by the fact he was caught in a lie.
Before you could comment you were dragged out by the Bloodhound Family. Sunday was going to make sure you never stress over any academics again.
You open your eyes in a white room. You sat up smelling a familiar white room and bed. A hospital? You looked and saw a man. Gray hair, white angel wings on his head, a golden halo floating above his head, and a sweet angelic smile plastered on his face.
"I'm Sunday... Do you remember me, darling?" The man named Sunday introduces himself with a question. Yet even though he felt similar you couldn't break down why.
"I feel like I know you"
"That's great darling" he brushed the hair from your forehead planting a kiss on your head. "I'm your lover, not just your boyfriend."
You didn't stop him but sympathized with his feelings. Sunday was never going to let you leave this dream now. You'll never have to cry or mess up your sleep schedule and health anymore. You were just too fragile to face reality so he’ll insist the dreamscape is the only safe haven for your fragile body. This was the true dream he longed for and he will make sure you love it too. 
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wasteddmoondust · 6 months
an old diary || remus lupin
pairing: remus lupin x reader 812 words, fluff, remus finds your old diary from this request! a/n: i twisted the request just a teeny bit away from what you might have been expecting. but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless! this was so fun to write and the scenario is just too cute hehe
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"Hey, Remus?" He hears your voice call from the library . "When you're free, do you think you can help me organise the storage room? There's a load of books from years ago that I need sorted."
Remus doesn't even hesitate on his answer, he knows he'll do anything for you. The both of you have stuck close since your school days, and took care of each other through the war. He feels forever indebted to you especially for that.
And that's how he finds himself in said storage room, the musty smell of yellowing paper wafting around him.
He scans the stacks of books. There's not many, compared to the rest of the library at least. This should just take the afternoon.
He starts to sort each stack, slowly making a system in his brain on how to tackle this task. But as he's on this third pile. a glimmer catches his eye, and he turns towards the direction of it. Underneath a pile, something familiar is sticking out, but he just can't put his finger on it.
He decides to abandon whatever task he was supposed to do and reaches for the book. Carefully, he slides it out of the stack.
The name on the book knocks his breath.
Y/N L/N, 1977.
That's what is was, your old diary from seventh year.
Remus finds himself frozen. That year was wild, to say the least. The bittersweetness of his final year, relishing of how much youth him and his had left. But mostly, it was the prelude to most of the pain he would experience in his life. This book is holding whatever you were feeling in those days.
He knows he shouldn't peek.
He flips the book open to a random page.
15 September, 1977 Today we went out to the lake, and I realised no words can describe the amount of love I have for my friends. To my dearest girls, Lily, Marlene, Mary, and Alice. I hope we are never too far apart. We shall grow old together gossip even as we do now.
Remus' heart swells at the sentiment, knowing each of the mentioned girls' fates. He flips to other pages, which mostly are written about the daily life of a Hogwarts student. However, a glimpse of his own name gets his attention. He stops to read the page.
25 January, 1978 Remus Lupin. Oh the man that you are. You and your stupid jumpers and stupid books and stupid tea you take with milk and two sugars. What I find the most stupid is the way you treat me. It makes me question who I am to you. Your friend? Maybe more? I can only dream. I don't think you'll ever see me that way. I'm perfectly happy where we are as friends. But somehow if I get even the slightest chance I will be taking it. Even if it comes ten years from now.
He's stunned, to say the least. He never knew you harboured these feelings back then, and wonders if you still had them now.
It's funnier especially when after all this time he never found a way to say he has those feelings too.
He knows what he should do. There's a newfound feeling of courage and bravery in him, and quickly finishes his tasks before you leave the library for the day.
"Oh, done already?" you ask, packing your work bag before leaving. "That was quick. Did you have much trouble?"
"No, not at all. Found some pretty good things in there," he says, trying to act casual. He hides the diary behind his back.
"Really? Do tell."
He pulls out the book from behind. You gasp.
"No way!" You grab it from his hold. "That was in there the entire time?"
"Mhm, I took a peak, if you don't mind," He says.
You furrow your brows. "You did?"
He nods slowly.
"And what did you read...?" you ask. He knows that you know what was written in that diary.
He shrugs. "Let's just say..." he looks around avoiding eye contact. "You said ten years, and it's been fifteen. So would you still?"
You frown, but you know exactly what he's talking about. "Still what?"
"Take the chance?"
You groan and cover your face, feeling your cheeks heat up. You hear Remus chuckle. "So is that a yes?"
Your hands leave your face, showing a pout. "I can't believe you read that!" you swat him playfully. "But yes... I would..."
"Brilliant," he says, smoothing your hair down and smiling at you.
"Now what?" you ask. You mentally kick yourself for asking such a question.
Remus grins, the same grin you've grown to love over the years. "I'd like to kiss you now, if it's alright with you."
The both of you lean in. In the library after fifteen years, he's finally yours.
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paleprincessturtle · 5 months
hi! Hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if I could request a Harvey fic where Harvey gets jealous once reader gets some male attention. Harvey was always used to the reader falling at his feet, watching him with her doughy eyes, always finding an excuse to talk to him. But then he noticed her getting distant with him, almost not acknowledging his existence. Then he noticed flowers get delivered to her office, a guy coming by her office to take her out for lunch, etc. and poor little Harvey getting upset that she’s not at his mercy anymore lol & he confronts her about it :)
Happy New Year and I hope all of you people had a great holidays!
This one is for my friend @marjorie189! Thank you so much for the request and hopefully you like this.
Winner Takes It All
She walked briskly out of the elevator. Her bag was on her right shoulder while she tried to balance the two cups of coffee she carried and a few files she also carried at the crook of her arm. She made sure the one on her right hand was Harvey's coffee. Since Donna became COO, it wasn't unusual for her to see that Harvey had forgotten his coffee. Since then, she has made it her mission to bring Harvey his morning coffee. She was relieved to see the door to Harvey's office open. She invited herself in. "Hey, good morning," she said in a chirpy voice. "Morning," Harvey answered shortly. "I brought you coffee. Just how you like it," she hoped that Harvey would look up at her. But instead, his eyes were glued to the laptop in front of him. "Great, just put it here," Harvey signed with his head to the place around his desk. She shuffled around, trying to balance everything as she placed his coffee just beside his pen. "So, how was your morning?" She waited expectantly for Harvey to look up at her and probably finally realized the new dress she put on. Harvey finally looked up at her after a split second, but the expression on his face wasn't what she expected. There was annoyance in his face. "It was good and productive before you came in and decided that today would be a great day to just sit around and talk." She smiled curtly at his response. "Alright, I'll get back to work. Enjoy your coffee," she said as she waved at Harvey and walked out of his office.
She giggled to herself as she read the reports in the library. Harvey would like it, she thought. Scratch that; Harvey would love this. A huge help to his case. Even though she wasn't assigned to this case with him, she always secretly kept track of his cases. When she knew he was in trouble, she took extra time to help Harvey, aside from doing her own cases. She always ran to Harvey's office with her findings. "Harvey!" She barged into his office. Harvey's face was a mix of confusion and irritation. "I found this," she said, handing Harvey the papers she had photocopied earlier. "This is good," Harvey said, giving her a small smile as he nodded. She almost jumped in joy upon hearing that this would help Harvey. "Just good?" she teased. "I don't know, Harvey. I think this is brilliant!" Harvey sighed. "If you need praise and flowers, go to Louis. This is good, but get back to work. What are you doing anyway with my case?" Harvey questioned her. "I'm helping you, of course," she said as she giggled. "Thank you. Now, can you please go so I can call my client?" Harvey said as he picked up the telephone. "Bye, Harvey!" she said as she left his office, closing the door behind her.
It was just like any other morning. Every partner had a meeting before the day started to touch base on everyone's cases. Harvey was assigning some new cases to every other partner. It wasn't long before the meeting finished. She stayed longer than everyone else, as she saw Harvey also stay longer. She looked like she was about to leave but stopped at the end of the table. Stopped exactly beside Harvey. "Do you need help with that?" Harvey, who was flipping some documents in front of him, stopped and looked up at the woman smiling down at him. "Actually, yes." She nodded excitedly. "Can you deliver this to the DA office?" She doesn't even ask questions. "Consider it done," she said, bowed, and left the room.
For the past few days, Harvey didn't realize anything different until one morning he saw his newest and youngest partner. She just walked by his office. He remembered how, in the past few weeks, she never stopped by his office to deliver him his morning coffee. He stood up, trying to catch a glimpse of her. She brought with her a cup of coffee. A cup, as in a singular cup. Harvey's brows knitted, but he just shrugged and got back to whatever he was doing before.
"Hey," Harvey said, entering her office after knocking. "Hey, Harvey," she greeted him, eyes never leaving the paper in front of her. Harvey noticed the unnecessarily big flower arrangement on a credenza behind her. She caught him staring at her freshly delivered flowers. "Are you going to tell me why you're here, or are you just going to stare at my flowers?" Harvey straightened himself; he seemed caught red-handed. She watched him impatiently. "I was wondering if you could help me with the deposition tomorrow." She shook her head. "I'm taking the rest of the week off ," she informed the clueless Harvey. "In the middle of the week?" Harvey folded both his arms in front of him. "Yes, I've asked Donna since 1 week ago. I've taken care of everything." Harvey looked at her as if she had two heads. "Where are you going?" She laughed. Harvey smiled at the sound he hadn't heard in the past few weeks. "Why is it your business?" Harvey was about to answer when she interrupted him. "I'll get someone else to help you, okay? Don't worry. Now, if you excuse me, I think my client just entered the conference room." Harvey stood there, flabbergasted.
Harvey was talking with Donna as they waited for the elevator. Harvey heard a familiar laugh approaching, but the voice was accompanied by a deeper laugh. Harvey whipped his body around and tried to locate the laughter. There, she was laughing with a man Harvey had never seen before in his life. They approached closer, seemingly wanting to leave the building as well. "Hi!" she greeted Donna and Harvey. "Oh, where are you two going? A lunch date?" Donna teased them. "Maybe," the stranger answered as she smirked at Donna. Okay, Harvey thought. This person knew Donna. "We haven't had the pleasure of an introduction," Harvey straightened himself. "Jonathan Seymour," the man said, smiling and extending his hand for Harvey to shake. Harvey took a quick second to look at his hand and chose to ignore it. "Harvey Specter, but you must've seen my name before seeing me," Harvey signed to the wall behind them with the name of the firm etched. "I need to see you before you go home," Harvey pointed his eyes directly at her. Before everyone could say anything, Harvey stepped inside the full elevator, leaving the three of them.
"Harvey, I'm about to leave. You need to see me?" Harvey moved his head, and she got inside his office. "Since you will take the rest of the week off, I need your help with those files." Harvey pointed at some folders stacked upon one another. She wanted to say no, but she felt bad now that she was taking the rest of the week off. "Okay, sure," she smiled. "What should we do?" she asked as she took off the coat she just put on.
Harvey watched her work. The fact that this was just a little over midnight, the fact that now her hair was in a high bun, and the fact that she looked very beautiful as she pouted, concentrating on the task at hand. He missed this. He missed her presence. Her chirpy voice. Her smile. Her scent is one of amber and rose. "Are you going to tell me where you are going for the rest of the week?" Harvey started the conversation. "I'm going to accompany Jonathan. His cousin is getting married in Aspen. But he said he wanted to show me around," she smiled. "Are you happy?" Harvey asked abruptly. She was taken aback by his question. The man he had been trying to get close to for almost a year was now asking personal questions. "I'm happy, Harvey. Any reason why I shouldn't?" Instead of answering her question, he asked her another question. "So you can positively say that you are happy with this Jonathan?" She sighed. "Where is this going, Harvey?" She put her pen down, giving Harvey her full intention. Harvey was quiet for some time; she raised her eyebrows at him and demanded that he continue. As she saw Harvey struggle to find words, she picked her pen back up and got back to work. "I like you," he blurted after a full five minutes of silence enveloping the room. "You what?" she asked, her voice higher than usual. "I like you. I don't like seeing you with Jonathan. I like you, and I never realized it before." She looked at him, and confusion marked her face. "Don't go with Jonathan. Go with me. I want to show you how sorry I am for treating you badly for the past couple of months, and I want to show you how much you mean to me," Harvey said as he kneeled in front of her, hands intertwined. She looked down at their hands. "You have to win me over, Harvey." But everyone knew, Harvey always won.
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mosaickiwi · 10 months
Someone In Between; Something Intertwined
Your babyboi Rendacted (from @14dayswithyou) struggles to be himself in your new-ish relationship. Gender neutral reader c:
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
You haphazardly pushed a cart full of returned books across the library. It'd been such a long day. Elanor had called in sick, so on top of desk duty, both the morning and afternoon story times fell on you. The kids were well behaved—as well behaved as elementary schoolers could be, anyway—but by the time it finished you were at your limit. The only solace was that today was Friday, so you had the whole weekend to spend at your boyfriend's apartment. A smile bloomed on your face and you couldn't help but push the cart a little faster as you thought about them, surely waiting outside already. 
Ren, your tall, clingy, dark-haired-at-the-roots boyfriend. It'd been 5 months since you officially started dating, and 4 months since he'd been convinced to let go of the Haruko persona. It was agonizingly slow progress, you still didn't know him well—he came off a bit neutral sometimes, unsure how to act around you before reverting to Haruko or a blank slate to mirror you. But you were happy that small parts of the real him managed to peek through over the months, no matter how much time it took. And it was taking a long time.
As you opened the overflow room, you checked the clock on the wall. It was barely 4 minutes until the end of your shift. The cart bumped over the threshold when you pushed it in and locked the door. Once that was taken care of, you did a quick look over the computer and study areas, picking up scrap papers and trash to put in the bin before heading to the break room, then your desk to grab all your things. 
You took a peek in Conan's office to bid him goodbye. "I'll see you next week! Enjoy your weekend," you said with a cheery voice and walked towards the entrance.
"You too!" he called after you. 
The doors flew open and you practically skipped with relief out into the cool autumn air. You spotted Ren leaning against the brick of the building, dressed in their now-usual style of black on black on more black. His hair was partially tied up in a ponytail, most of it still a pastel pink that fell over his shoulders. From the low collar on his shirt, you could see he'd covered his tattoos with makeup, but a few of his piercings were in. He was trying, and that meant so much to you. His ocean blue eyes were focused on the phone in his hand, so he didn't notice you at first.
"Ren!" You sang out their name and bounced over to them. 
He looked up in surprise before quickly smiling. "I was just texting you," he said and put his phone in his pocket. "Hey, Angel."
"Hiiii," you said as you grabbed his hand, taking gleeful notice of the light blush forming on his cheeks as your fingers laced together. At first you used to think it was only his Haruko persona when he blushed at any contact—but it turned out they really liked holding hands. It was the first thing you learned to keep in mind about the real him. So you made sure to do it as often as possible. "Sorry to keep you waiting."
"It's only 5:01."
"And I'm sure you got here much earlier," you teased him, earning his embarrassed agreement when he flushed a deeper pink.
"Just 20 minutes," Ren mumbled and changed the subject. "Did y'want to stop anywhere? We don't have to go straight to my apartment."
"Nope! Work's got me feeling lazy. I'm all yours for the rest of the night." With that, you stood on your toes to kiss his cheek. 
He kissed you back on the lips, his snake bites catching the light as he smiled. He didn't even try to hide how happy he was. "Good."
An hour later, you were sitting on his couch eating pizza, a horror movie on low in the background while you chatted. You'd gotten half the pizza with your favorite toppings and—with a lot of stubborn encouragement on your part—Ren had gotten what were supposed to be his favorites. There was some overlap with a few of them, but he swore up and down they were things he liked. 
"L-Lots of people like pepperoni," he insisted. "You can't be suspicious of that one. It's basic."
"You got more than pepperoni to be suspicious about. But, true. I'll allow it," you conceded and munched away at the last of your pizza slice.
"Besides, I'm not that picky about food."
You swallowed, thinking about the age old debate about pizza toppings. "Pineapple on pizza?" Right on cue, the next victim in the movie shrieked in bloody terror.
"I'd eat it," he said after a moment of thought.
"Oh. Anchovies?" The screams continued.
He was a little more confident on this one. "Yup." 
"What about the really weird toppings?" you asked. You inwardly grimaced as you vaguely remembered a weird picture Moth had sent.. "Like… corn and chocolate?" 
Ren made a face between confused and disgusted. "Together? On pizza? People eat that?"
"Maybe. Probably," you said and shrugged. You grabbed a napkin from the coffee table and wiped your hands, then stood to throw away your paper plate. "People eat plenty of weirder things."
He paused the movie and quickly followed you into the kitchen with his own plate; he'd finished eating a little bit before you. As he trailed you to the trash can, then the sink, he spoke honestly, "It sounds really… out there. I don't think I'd eat it."
"Hmm," you said as you pumped the soap dispenser. You weren't sure if his answer would change if you said you'd eat it—not that you would, ew—but it was nice for him to voice his own opinions without trying to hear yours first.
You felt him trap you against the counter and rest his chin on your head. His arms came around you, but he only began washing his own hands as you were doing. It was an oddly comforting position.
An easy silence fell over the two of you, only broken by the rush of water from the tap. Eventually, the water stopped and he grabbed a paper towel, quickly drying his hands. You expected him to move, but instead he grabbed another towel and started drying your hands for you. He seemed content, even humming quietly to himself. So you simply watched. His rough fingers were steady as he delicately went over every inch of your hands until they were completely dry. He wasn't even half as thorough with himself; it was cute.
"You're really touchy," you innocently blurted out.
Ren suddenly let go, as if he'd been burned. "S-Sorry, Angel. I should've asked—" He quickly backed off, putting distance between you two and fiddling with his sleeves.
You realized your mistake and turned around, shaking your head in apology. Without the persona as a barrier, he was more on edge about your reactions sometimes. "I didn't mean it in a bad way. Here—hand, please," you demanded and held out your own to him. He cautiously took it and you smiled, closing the space to pull him into a hug. "See? No harm done. Touchy is good. Wonderful, even."
Despite the blush on his face, he seemed relieved. "Really?"
"Almost as wonderful as corn and chocolate pizza," you teased.
He laughed for a moment before squeezing you against his chest. "There's no way you'd actually eat that," he mumbled above you and got even quieter. "I'm so sorry, Angel. 'M afraid you'll push me away one day."
His arms felt so nice wrapped around you, but his words broke your heart. "I'd never do that. I care about you, Ren. Okay?" you whispered into his shirt. Your fingers curled tightly into the fabric and you pressed on. "Not Haruko, not anyone else." His real name slipped out in a quiet whisper. "You."
A rather stressful sigh left him and he started rambling, "I'm trying my best. And I get what you mean, but it's hard t’believe you'd want me as I am. I'm less than perfect for you. Why would you want that?"
"I don't need or want 'perfect' like I'm a test you studied for," you huffed in frustration and looked up at them, shocked to find hurt and loneliness in their gaze. "I'm not mad at you!" you immediately sought to reassure him. "But I want to accept you like you've accepted me, warts and all. I'm not perfect either."
"Except that you are per—" he opened his mouth to protest, but the way your eyes narrowed had him choosing his final word carefully. "Are… person?" He pulled away to fiddle with the hem of his sleeve. "I just can’t trust you’d like me when I haven’t been myself that often. You don’t know me that well.” His bangs covered his eyes as he lowered his head and looked away.
“I like the parts I’ve seen,” you stubbornly declared and crossed your arms, rapidly firing off the list you kept in your head. “You sleep like a corpse, you’re a tease and a flirt—even worse in bed. You won’t give anyone the time of day but me, you like your coffee black but somehow have a ridiculous sweet tooth.”
“Angel.” They tried to get your attention, but you didn’t hear them. 
“Little things make you happy even though you’re a pessimist, a drama queen when you want to get your way, a smug, petty brat on top of that, a total fucking geek if I’m being honest—sometimes you get really excited and babble about tech I don’t understand—and the very first thing I learned—”
“Angel,” he interrupted a little louder with a touch on your shoulder and you snapped out of it. Gentle as could be, he pried your fingers away from your arm. You didn’t realize you were practically digging your nails into your skin from how riled up you were. “Okay,” he continued in a low voice, a tinge of awkwardness to it. “You know me, in some ways.”
You smiled up at him, just as self-conscious about your momentary rant. “You really, really like holding hands, too,” you quietly pointed out and wiggled your fingers in his grip. He hadn’t let go, not that you wanted him to.
“I didn’t think there was so much of me—the real me—that you cared enough to notice,” he said, idly tracing over your fingertips. The gentle touch comforted you.
“It’s all important to me. And it made me so excited when I could see those little parts of you," you admitted with a nervous laugh. “This is embarrassing, but I'd try to write down all the things I'd learn when I got home so I wouldn’t forget. But then I’d scribble and tear up the papers—I’d think to myself like ‘that’s creepy, stop it you weirdo.’ Isn’t it though? Taking notes on someone is a bit much.”
Ren seemed to piece something together in his mind before answering confidently, “Not at all, in fact it’s really cute. Who's studying for who, here?”
Heat flushed your cheeks and you blew out a silent breath from pursed lips. “I wasn’t studying. I was happy that you were being yourself! There are so many quirks or habits you don't realize that just make me fall more in… love… with you…?” You trailed off, eyes widening in tandem with theirs as you both processed what you'd just said.
The confused look on his face had you positive that his brain was malfunctioning. At least yours certainly was. “Ah—In love? Like you love me?” he asked in disbelief and repeated himself. "You love me?"
You nodded robotically, wanting to melt into the marble floor. You did love him. And all the little pieces that shined through the cracks in his act. You loved getting to know him, good and bad, bratty or sweet. Confessing to note taking already had you flustered, yet here you were, continuing to run your mouth and put it all out there. “Yeah... I love you,” you managed to say in spite of yourself.
He lifted you off the ground by your waist, drawing a weird squeaking noise you had surely never made before out of you. He didn't seem bothered as he sat you down on the counter and tenderly kissed your forehead. “I love you, Angel. More than anything,” he breathed out against your skin then pulled back. “I really love you.” His hand brushed stray hairs away from your face before he was cupping your cheek, staring at you for a long while with a shamelessly adoring smile. 
Sirens started blaring in your head the longer nothing happened, so you quietly asked, “Can you kiss me before more embarrassing stuff comes out my mouth?”
“Ahh, um, I’m kind of—overstimulated? Overwhelmed? I never thought I'd hear y'say you love me," he confessed with giddiness. "I can’t decide between teasing you or crying from happiness."
“If you tease me right now I’m going to be the one crying."
That got him to choose. Not a moment sooner, he finally kissed you. The sirens in your head quieted down, only to be replaced by butterflies in your stomach as your eyes closed. He was just as affectionate as he always was, but you could tell he had trouble holding his emotions back from the way his hand gripped your thigh. There was a trembling excitement to the gentle kisses he gave. Ren was clearly on cloud nine. His lips drew a feather light trail from the corner of your mouth up to your ear, barely tickling you as he lingered.
“Angel,” he whispered softly as his thumb traced circles on your leg.
You tilted your head to look at him, feeling pure bliss from his affection. “Hmm?”
“Don’t tear up your study notes next time. ‘Wanna read ‘em.”
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bsverryin · 9 months
: ̗̀➛ Stressed reader x Alhaitham
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✎ School AU where the reader is stressed out, struggling with academics (reader is very the archer coded) alhaitham is really smart and that's it , there may be grammatical errors but I'm trying my best w proofreading (im doing this instead of studying) I'm sorry this is short and straightforward I can't find the right time to write 😭😭 but🫰 ENJOY!!
"I've never been dissatisfied with a student before, especially you, Y/N. What happened to your grade? I thought you aspired to be the top student academically till the end of the school year? I will not accept this; everyone will have to retake their examinations." The bell rung, signaling the end of the school day; your teacher was the first to go, his angry expression revealing his disappointment.
You headed back to the library to study again, barely eating or sleeping as you were so eager to pass your exams, you didn't know what got you so low, maybe because you were distracted by your own problems, school isn't the only thing that you prioritize, you had to help with chores and take care of your parents as well as younger siblings, it was all too much for you to know what to do first.
here you are, who once thought that the tests were finally finished and you had nothing to worry about, but everyone got so low that everyone had to retake it, so you sat on the library chair and grabbed every book that can aid you during your studies.
You were ready to take a book that had always helped you, however someone else was about to grab it as well, ending with your hands touching against each other's.
"Will you kindly let me borrow this first?" formally said a man with gray hair.
"As much as I want to, I need this book first so I can go home early." You replied, trying not to sound rude that may cause misunderstandings.
"Look, if I needed it tomorrow, I would not borrow it today; there are other books; can't you check them out?" He sighed when he heard your reply.
He cleared his throat before continuing to speak.
"I am not sure who must let it go, but I'm certain that it's not me. You can take this tomorrow, and I guarantee you that this book will be where it is tomorrow." He was as serious as you were when he stated it, and it appeared that you both needed the book at the same time.
"I could suggest more books comparable to this one, but for now leave this book with me."
Looks like he's not going to lose for the book, as you let it go so you can start studying; he offered you a paper full of books that he said were similar to the book you needed, but you didn't bother looking for them because there were so many and you had no time to look for them.
You lost track of time since you were studying continuously and were the only one in the library, but just as you were ready to finish, someone opened the door and it was the guy you encountered earlier, He stared at you as if he was perplexed on why you were still there.
You raised your brows as well, glancing at him, who was holding the book you needed earlier. He sat in front of you, confused by his unexpected actions.
"Is it true that your section has to retake the exams?" He asked seemingly out of nowhere.
You nod.
"Are you aware that it's getting dark outside?"
You shook your head.
"Let me give you some advice: get enough sleep and eat healthy. I assure it will make your academics simpler." He said.
"I could help you with that basic calculation problem. You don't have to worry as long as you have the numbers right, if your mind isn't concentrated enough, you should consider going home." He continued, his voice becoming quieter.
"I do know what to do, but I still can't get the answer right." You replied.
He glanced at the calculation problem you had to solve while attempting to answer it himself; he was able to answer it on the first try while you were stuck.
"Calm down and answer the question casually as you would in any other calculation problem. I can tell your mind isn't at ease right now; I'm not sure what's bothering you, but studying won't help either; yes, you have to study, but your health comes first; there is still a way to pass your exams; I can help you tomorrow early, just make sure you get enough sleep and food."
Everything stopped for a minute when he said those words, as if you were comforted that everything would be well.
You accepted his words and headed home to finish some chores and get ready for a nice night's sleep when you remembered you hadn't asked for the guy's name.
He was there at the library waiting for you the next morning, taking time to study with you and being patient. He made certain that you understood everything before moving on to the next topics. He was quite helpful and made things easy for you.
"come to think of it, I haven't asked for your name." You said after studying together.
"Alhaitham." He said with his usual tone.
"Oh! you're the smartest student that everyone was gossiping about."
He tried to hide his smile when you said that.
"I suppose that's what everyone is whispering behind my back?"
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givemeonereason · 2 months
Meditations: First, the Friend and then, the Son
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Photo Credit: Here
Dragon Ball Masterlist Givemeonereason Masterlist
Plot: Krillin seeks out Gohan to get some more information about the girl who lost her "Piccolo." A warmth between friends and family.
A/N: Hello, and thank you for patiently waiting for me to write up this next installment. I kept saying I was writing and I kept pushing it aside. Depression is so real and writers burn out is really real too. I think I just overdid it.
I'm so excited and happy that this series has taken off. Seems like there really is an audience for Piccolo. And he deserves it! I'll keep it going for as long as the story needs it. Tall, green, and handsome love for all.
The police speeder came to an abrupt halt outside Son Gohan estate.
When Krillin gingerly unhooked his regulation helmet and hung it from the handlebars of his unit, the elderly man who was tending to flowers in the garden was swiftly walking towards the main house.
After he disappeared through a side door a kind-looking, middle-aged woman came out to greet him.
"Good morning, sir." She bowed her head politely. "To what do we owe the pleasure of the local law enforcement?"
The formality of the situation made Krillin perk up his shoulders. "Sorry, ma'am I need to speak with Gohan. Do you know if he's around?"
"I believe he is in the library." She turned on her heel. "Please follow me."
What seemed like an endless amount of stairs for a pair of small legs, the door to the library was ajar. Gohan was buried among several piles of books, a laptop, and three mugs, which presumably had an unknown concoction of caffeine.
"Gohan." Krillin called out to him as he walked towards the desk, but Gohan only pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He scribbled vigorously at the notepad before him.
"Gohan?" Krillin repeated with a little more oomph. Gohan began to mumble to himself.
with the help of prefectural flora cultivation, this can provide direct resources to the habitat of-
"Gohan! Snap out of it."
Gohan shook his head and blinked his eyes a few times while readjusting his thick black frames. "Whoa, Krillin I didn't see you there."
"Obviously..." Krillin rolled his eyes.
"Gosh, how long have you been here." Gohan finished the sentence he was muttering and almost stabbed the notepad when he poked the paper at the period.
"Well, I've been trying to get your attention for a few minutes now."
"Okay, I'm sorry I'm on the verge of a breakthrough here." He picked up a large blue mug and took a swig, only to spit it back into the glass. His face contorted when he tried to wipe his tongue on his sleeve.
Krillin had picked up a book nearest him and flipped through a few pages. "Cognitive Ecology of Pollination: Animal Behaviour and Floral Evolution." Too many words. He set the book back down and crossed his arms. "This might be out of left field, but have you seen Piccolo lately?"
"Not today, no."
"No, I just mean recently. There is something fishy is going on. I don't know if you know about the girl?"
"There's a girl?" Gohan took a sip from a different mug garnished with a Satan City logo. He set that one down quickly. "Did Piccolo do something to a girl? I'm not sure I understand."
"That's what I'm trying to find out." Krillin took a seat in a wooden car adjacent to the large desk. "This is going to sound odd. Considering we've seen and experienced some very odd things in the past, this one is hard to place when it comes to weird."
Krillins folded his hands and relaxed his shoulders. "Well, here goes. Long story short; I got a report of a girl screaming on a hillside about an instrument. When I went to investigate the girl said she lost her piccolo. I put two and two together and figured she might be talking about our Piccolo. So when I went to The Hideout to ask Piccolo about this girl, he got defensive and said he did something to her. And I think he couldn't forgive himself, or I don't remember fine details."
Gohan sat for a few moments in silence thinking. "Do you know this girl?"
"Never met her a day in my life...until I spoke with her."
Gohan scratched at his hairline, pushing the rouge tuft of hair out of his face only for it to fall back down towards his eyes. "Piccolo hasn't said anything to me about a woman." His shoulders were undulated with confusion.
Before Gohan could circle the same conclusion, he spoke again. "Whatever it is, he seems to care enough about this girl. You know him. He's a pretty unfazed guy. Very serious. Not too emotional, or softish. You know what I mean."
Gohan reached out for the last mug on the desk, hesitating before grabbing the handle. He stared down at the contents swirling around in contemplation and decided against it. The mug clanked against the desk surface as Krillin's pleaded with him.
"I was kind of wondering if you would go talk to him? He practically demanded I leave The Hideout when I pressed the issue. If he's going to talk to anyone it's got to be you. You're practically his son."
The last bit made Gohan chuckle. "I don't know Krillin. If he didn't want to talk about it, maybe we should just leave it alone."
Krillin stood up and walked towards Gohan. "Could you just at least try. If he doesn't open up to you then I'll let it go, okay?"
"Okay, okay." Gohan stood up, pressing his palms against the armrests of his chair. "I'll go to talk to him tomorrow morning. I'll call you when I get back."
Krillin smiled widely. "Thanks Gohan. I just think, you know, he does.. has done so much for us that we can try and help him too sometimes. Even if he says he doesn't want it."
When the morning light touched the western side of The Hideout, Gohan walked through the threshold Piccolos room. “Hey, Piccolo.”
Piccolo turned towards the similarly dressed young man, putting down the small, leather bound book in his hands on the small desk beside him. “Gohan, what brings you here this early.”
Gohan stretched his arms, his elbow popping loud enough to warrant a light echo. He laughed with some embarrassment. “Well, I guess I’m just a little rusty. I was wondering if we could spar?”
The upturned smirk told all Gohan needed to know before the two of them were passing blows hovering over the ground far below them.
One after the other, fists flying, blocking, dodging, power surging. Time was passing as the sun arched across the sky, but it only felt like moments. The adrenaline of the fight.
When Gohan began to tire slightly he landed a singular hit that propelled Piccolo back that anyone with even the best eyesight wouldn’t have seen. The super Sayain gives his all in the last throes of battle.
Piccolo gathered his equilibrium, and wiped the blood staining his lip against his forearm. He laughed as he landed on the grass below them. “You say you’re rusty, but you still got it, kid. You just got to put your mind to it.” He gently patted Gohan’s head, shaking his hair lightly.
Gohan plopped down to the ground and lay sprawling, taking in breaths. Piccolo sat down near him cross-legged. "I still think you have it in you to be the strongest, Gohan. But you've got a family now and your studies. You have more important battles to fight than just with your fists."
Gohan put his hands behind the back of his head. "I get discouraged sometimes. Everyone chastizes me for not keeping up with training. I'm 'a shame to the Sayain race,' or 'If only he could have---'" He shook his head. "Sometimes I wonder if Dad is still proud of me, even if my progress is strictly academic." He pondered on the thought. "It really doesn't matter, does it? Between Dad and Vegta there won't be anyone as strong. There won't be anyone who can't save the world." He looked over at Piccolo. "You're pretty strong too Piccolo."
Piccolo let out a deep, humph. "You are still stronger than me. And I only get involved when I am needed."
"Right. Why should we constantly have to be ready for a threat that might never come?"
"They always do."
Gohan sighed, closing his eyes. "Well, if they need me I will always be there. I won't let anything happen to anyone. Not after all the things we faced before."
The subtle sounds of nature became more apparent with this silence. The shallow sounds of breathing between them. Piccolo looked off into the near distance, his voice calm and relaxed. "If it accounts for anything, I am very proud of the man you've become."
Arms were tightly wrapped around. "Thank you for never giving up on me Piccolo."
Piccolo smiled to himself as Gohan sat down next to him. "I've been meaning to ask you something. Do you have a girlfriend?"
"A what?" Piccolo's voice turned deep again with seriousness.
"A girlfriend. You know, someone who you like and date." The look in Gohan's eyes was hopeful and sweet.
Tch- "I know what a girlfriend is. Why are you asking me this?"
"Well, Krillin stopped by and---"
"Not this again. Did that small man send you to do his bidding?"
Gohan got up and followed Piccolo when he began to walk away. He shouted, "I told him to stay out of it."
Gohan picked up his pace to meet the Namekian. "I don't even understand what Krillin was saying. But I wish you would just tell me what's going on. If not, you know he's going to get my dad involved."
Piccolo stopped and grunted. His arms crossed in defiance. Anything but Goku getting involved. Piccolo will NEVER hear the end of this. And if Goku makes a big deal out of this, it's everyone's problem.
But it's just his problem.
He stood quiet and tense. Gohan stood beside him stretching his legs and preparing to leave for home.
"I--" He started and stopped.
Hmmm, Gohan turned towards him.
"I don't even know how it happened. She came out of nowhere. Day after day, she prodded me with questions about myself. She sat with me as I meditated. She wasn't frightened of me." Piccolo was speaking so fervently and fastidiously that he was almost out of breath. "And I didn't know why or what to do. So I tried to show her that she shouldn't be so curious. I tried to scare her. I tried to stop her from coming around." His arms were tight against his chest. His chin pressed down into his collarbone.
Gohan watched Piccolo in awe. He's never seen this man act in such a way. The sorrow within the tightness of his shut eyes. The deep purple across his cheeks. Piccolo usually being a towering man, now pulling inward at his middle.
Gohan reached out and hugged him again. "Okay..." He looked at Piccolo, who bent his shoulders, which would normally be difficult to see over his shoulder pads. "Okay." Gohan's hand on Piccolo's forearm. His voice was so sweet and kind. "What did you do to scare her?"
Piccolo only took a deep breath. His booming voice was now almost a whisper. "I picked her up and took her in the air, flying. I flew and made myself out to be like another version of myself. I tried to make myself into King Piccolo." He's bent over near Gohan's shoulder, and Gohan lets him rest his forehead. "I made myself into something worth being frightened by. I didn't want her to trust so easily because she can easily become fodder like so many others have." His voice was almost nonexistent. "I could have killed her."
"But you didn't kill her, right?"
Piccolo shook his head. "But I could have."
"You didn't though. Sure, you could have maybe got your point across in a different way, but she's alright, right?"
"The look of terror in her eyes. The tears. I don't know why-- why I went--"
Gohan could hear the choked sobs before he pushed Piccolo back to face him. "Piccolo, I have known you my whole life and I've never seen you like this. You're like a whole different person. Usually, you're a very reserved guy, but I know these types of feelings. You must care a great deal for this girl. You're beating yourself up over the smallest thing." Piccolo kept his eyes closed shut, but his head lifted slightly, his arms relaxing as much as he could muster. "Hey, at least you don't explode or anything. You don't resort to your power because a lady is hurt or in danger. Blame it on the Sayain blood.”
Piccolo tried to straighten up and fix his posture. He wiped the tears that escaped from his eyes against his sleeve. Swallowing down his feelings deep into his chest.
“Piccolo, you’re allowed to have feelings like everyone else. Look at Dad, he’s an alien and he’s insane half the time.” Gohan laughed. “It’s okay to care about something for once. I know you care about me, about my family. But you can also care about something for yourself. If you care that deeply about this girl then I think you should talk to her. I think you should set things right between the two of you. Even if nothing comes of it and you just get closure.” Gohan pointed to Piccolo’s chest, pressing down into the fabric of the Namekian’s purple Gi. “If for all of us, but just for you.”
Gohan turned and started to walk away, calling over his shoulder. “You don’t need to bare the weight of this on your own. We’re always here for you. This is just a different type of fight.” He began hovering over the ground. “I have to get home before Videl gets angry.” He laughed. “Responsibilities.”
Piccolo could he his voice fading as he flew away. “All you have to do is try, Piccolo.”
Piccolo stood there, silent. The weight in his chest was still heavy. Do I care about this woman this greatly? He pressed his palm firmly against his chest, his cape flittering in the wind behind him. A heart beating strong behind his fingers. Is this love or understanding?
What I was once so sure about, I am at a loss.
Who do I want to be now?
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(Just an extra reference photo here of our precious, green boy) Credit
© 2024 givemeonereason
Don’t steal other people’s works! Respect creators!
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Tag List:
@jadew-08, @sussybacca, @imaginarydreams, @oriistar, @mddbsf, @boogeysmoth, @stefnarda
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As We Go Along (Part 2)
I know I'm gonna hear about how I ended this, but I felt it was getting a bit too long and this just let's me be able to make the next part a bit spicy. 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT
A/N: very brief mention of 2 dogs being kicked, but that is it. Also, some of the tags in the taglist didn't work and I don't know why. This picture is how I pictured the dogs. No, I do not own this picture, I found it on Google.
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It had been a couple of months since you came to Bucky Barnes’ home. A lot of people Bucky either worked with or for Bucky were in and out constantly. This you were used to. Your father always had a bunch of people in and out of your house as well. What was different this time though, they would acknowledge you. You weren’t sure if it was Bucky or the snacks and sweets you liked to make to keep yourself busy. Everyone was always polite with you. The only one that would act familiar with you, other than Bucky, was Steve. Steve always made sure you were taken care of if Bucky was busy. You enjoyed his company and you thought he enjoyed yours as well. 
You were still getting used to not being told what to do or when to do it. Bucky wanted you to make yourself at home, so you were trying. You had never felt welcome when you lived with your family, but this felt different. You cooked and baked as you pleased. If you needed something that wasn’t in the house someone would get it for you. You hadn’t ventured out of the house yet. You wanted to get used to being in your new home before you started going places with or without Bucky. 
Today you made some snacks and cookies, leaving them in the kitchen for everyone to eat. You decided to explore the library Bucky had. You opened the doors to it and felt like you were in Beauty and the Beast. You’re sure you looked like Belle the way your jaw dropped as you looked around the room. There were so many books. You wanted to read them all. You looked through all the books until a title caught your eye. You had heard about this book but never had the chance to read it. You grabbed it off the shelf and found a very cozy chair to sit in. You cracked the book open preparing to get lost in the words on the page.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed but a loud yell jolted you from your trance. You realized you were well over halfway finished with the book. Putting the book down, you made your way to the library doors. You could still hear yelling. Someone ran down the hall. You couldn’t help the panic that was rising in your chest. You opened the door, almost running into someone in the process.
“Shit.” You looked up to see Steve looking at you with relief plastered on his face. “There you are. I was starting to think you took off on us.”
“Of course not. I was just reading. Is everything okay? Who just ran down the hall?”
“Everything is fine, sweetheart, don’t worry. Buck is looking for you though. He’s in his office, he’s waiting on you.”
“Oh, okay.” You thanked Steve as you made your way to Bucky’s office. When you made it there the door was cracked. You could see he was reading something and pacing behind his desk. You admired him for a bit. He was almost always in a suit. The one he had on today was gray with a white button up underneath. He looked incredibly handsome, as alway. You gave a knock to make sure he knew you were there.
“What is it?” The harshness in his voice caught you off guard. 
“Bucky?” His head shot up at the sound of your voice. He laid the papers back on his desk and made his way to you.
“Hey, doll. What have you been doing?”
“I found the library. I was reading. Did I interrupt? The door wasn’t closed.”
“Not at all. I just got caught up in some paperwork. Did you find anything good?”
“Yeah, the one I found is really good. I’ve always wanted to read it.” He put his hand on your lower back as he led you out of his office. 
“I’m glad you found something you like, doll.”
“Steve said you were waiting for me?”
“I was. I needed to talk to you.” You tensed for a split second but Bucky was quick to reassure you. “Nothing bad, but your father has been pressing about a wedding for the last couple of days.” That surprised you.
“Really?” Your father never wants to know about anything that has to do with you. He must want to make sure you’re really out of his hair. That or he wants something.
“From what you told me about him, it surprised me, too.” You didn’t say anything. This was the first time a wedding was brought up since you had been here. The closest it had been was your first night here when the two of you were talking about why and how you ended up engaged to each other. You still hadn’t thought about the wedding, you were still getting used to being with Bucky. Sure, you knew you had to marry him, but the two of you were still getting comfortable with each other. Bucky hadn’t pressed the wedding and you hadn’t either. The two of you had been perfectly content the last few weeks. 
“What did he want to know?” The two of you had made your way into the kitchen where Bucky noticed you had some snacks out again. He couldn’t help the small smile that came to his face. You had been making yourself at home and he loved it. He wasn’t sure you even realized what you had been doing. He loved that you had started doing things like this. 
“He wanted a date. I told him we hadn’t decided yet, but he’s still pressing for one.”
“Probably wants to make sure I’m not his problem anymore.” Bucky gives you a sad smile. You shake your head. “Don’t give me that look, Bucky. I’m just stating a fact.”
“I still don’t like it, doll.” 
“I feel like he wants something, though. I know him, it’s not just about the date for him or getting rid of me. He wants something.” Bucky sat you down on the barstool in the kitchen. Then he started to get things out of the fridge to make the two of you some lunch. You watched as he got various things out to make subs. He took off his suit jacket, rolling up the sleeves on his button up. You couldn’t get over the fact that you had someone who would do this for you. You didn’t even ask, yet here he was making you lunch.
“What do you think he wants?” You sighed. You really didn’t know, but it wasn’t like your father to want to know about anything to do with you. 
“I really don’t know.”
“Whatever it is, I’ll handle it.” You could hear the finality in his voice. You believed him when he said he would handle it. In the short time that you knew Bucky, you knew he would take care of you. You had no doubt about that. You also knew he wanted you here. He made that very clear to you. It made your heart swell with affection for him. You watched as Bucky assembled the subs and sat one down in front of you while he finished his up. 
“Thank you, Bucky.”
“You’re welcome, doll. So, would you want to talk about setting a date?” You mulled over his question as you took a bite of your sub. It was wonderful.
“Sure. Did you have anything in mind?”
“Not particularly. Did you? I know most women have their entire wedding planned before they even meet someone.” He laughed a little at the end.
“That’s fair. My sister does and she isn’t even dating anyone.” You laughed. The two of you sat in comfortable silence while finishing up your lunch. Once you were finished Bucky took your plate and placed them in the dishwasher. While he did that you put up everything he used to make lunch with. 
“I would’ve gotten that, doll.”
“I know, but this way it’s already done. I don’t want to keep you from anything either.”
“I’m done for the day. I actually wanted to take you out.” He smirked a little at the surprise on your face. “Nothing fancy. I just wanted to spend the day with you. I’ve been pretty busy since you got here. We also need to go pick out a ring for you.” You felt your heart hammer in your chest. A ring. That made this real. You tried to calm your racing heart.
“Bucky, I don’t need a ring.”
“I want to do this, doll. I know you didn’t have a lot when you got here either. I want to take you out and you can get whatever you want. Let me do this for you.”
“I don’t need anything. I have what I need.” You tried, but you could tell by the look on his face it wasn’t going to convince him otherwise. 
“That right there, doll, is exactly why you deserve to be taken care of. You’ve never asked for anything from anyone have you?” You shook your head. You asked for something one time, but you were met with laughter and then yelling. Yelling that you shouldn’t ask for anything and you had everything you needed. You never asked for anything ever again. 
“Then that settles it. We’re going out and doing whatever it is you want, doll. I’ll go change and we’ll head out.”
“Okay, um, I’m gonna go change too. I’ll meet you back down here in a few minutes.” Without thinking Bucky leaned in giving you a kiss on the cheek. When he pulled back his eyes were as wide as yours. Neither of you had been expecting that. You cleared your throat. “I’m gonna get changed.” Bucky just nodded.
You walked up to your room a wide grin on your face. You couldn’t believe what had just happened. It was just a kiss on the cheek, but it made your face heat up and your toes tingle. You looked around your closet to find something to wear. You settled on your favorite jeans and a sweater. It was mid September so it wouldn’t be too hot or too cold. You paired that with your favorite pair of converse. You walked back down the stairs only to find Bucky waiting with Steve. Your heart nearly stopped. He was in slacks and a sweater. He was so handsome. You wanted to tell him. 
Bucky heard you on the stairs. He turned around and he swore his heart skipped a beat. You weren’t in anything flashy or attention seeking, just jeans and a sweater. You looked beautiful and he decided to tell you so.
“You look gorgeous, doll.”
“Thank you, Bucky. You look handsome as well.” You decided to voice your earlier thoughts. 
“Let’s go treat you to a day out, doll.”
The two of you were walking down the street. You went to a few stores, but you only got some practical things. You got some more sweaters, jeans, and a couple pairs of shoes. You did end up with a few things you had wanted like fuzzy blankets and comfy clothes. You hadn’t been to a jewelry store yet. You weren’t sure when you were going to go. Bucky wouldn’t let you carry any of your bags. He handed them off to Steve who would always go put them in the vehicle you rode.
“I can carry my own bags, Bucky.”
“Nonsense, doll.” That’s how it went in any of the stores you got anything from. Finally Bucky ushered you into a jewelry store. You hadn’t paid attention to what store it was, until you looked around. Your mouth dropped. You were in freaking Tiffany and Co.
“Bucky, what are we doing here?”
“Getting you a ring, doll.”
“But, Bucky, this is Tiffany’s.”
“And?” Your eyes widened while you looked around. You didn’t deserve to be here. This was too much. 
“I don’t deserve all this, Bucky.” Bucky paused to look at you. 
“Doll, you deserve so much more than what you’ve been led to believe. I want to show you, but I need you to let me.” You could see the honesty in his eyes. You never had someone who wanted to do things like this for you. 
“Okay. I’m just not used to this. It’s going to take me some time.” Bucky grabbed your hand. He brought it up to his lips, giving your fingers a kiss.
“We’ve got nothing but time, doll.” You gave Bucky a soft smile. You knew this man would take care of you. Bucky led you around the store with his hand on the small of your back. You looked around. All the rings seemed so extravagant. You couldn’t really see yourself wearing any of them. Then you came to one that seems simpler than the others you had seen. Bucky caught on when you stilled.
“See one you like, doll?” You gave him a small nod and pointed to it. One of the workers came over when they noticed the two of you looking pointedly at one of the cases. 
“Did something catch your eye?” The two of you looked up to the lady behind the case. She was giving the two of you a sweet smile. 
“I believe we did. We’d like this one please.” She looked down to where Bucky pointed. She unlocked the case and handed it to Bucky. 
“What do you think, doll? This the one,” Bucky asked as he slipped it onto your finger. You looked down at the ring, your ring. It was big and kinda flashy, but it was the simplest one you had seen and you fell in love with it. You loved it.
“It is. I love it.” Without thinking you rose on your toes giving him a kiss on the cheek. You sat back down on your feet. You weren’t sure but you could’ve sworn, Bucky’s cheeks turned pink. You slipped the ring back off, handing it to Bucky who then handed it to the associate from the store.
“We’ll take this one.”
“Wonderful! If you’ll follow me over to the register we can get everything settled and talk about a payment plan.”
“That won’t be necessary. I’ll pay it in full today.” The associate’s eyes went wide. 
“Oh, of course, I didn’t mean to assume. That’s usually how it works.” She scurried over to the register waiting for the two of you to follow.
“Why don’t you head back out to the car, doll. I’ll be right there.” Bucky gave your hand a squeeze. 
“Okay.” You gave him a small smile. Steve was waiting for you by the car. 
“Hey, sweetheart, find anything?”
“We did. Buck-” your words were cut off by a high pitched yelp. You and Steve looked down the street to see a man kicking a poor dog. Without thinking you quickly made your way down the street towards the scene. You never took your eyes off the dog. It was a pitbull, scrawny and pitiful. You could tell it was hungry. Then you noticed he was kicking another that looked just as pitiful. You quickly grabbed the two dogs away from the man.
“What the hell are you doing?” You nearly yelled as you held on to the two dogs.
“They were digging in the trash. I don’t need any more messes to clean up.” You looked up at the hateful man.
“You can clearly tell they’re starving. They’re just trying to survive, like everyone else. You don’t know what they’ve been through. You should be ashamed of yourself for kicking poor defenseless animals.” Steve saw a fire in you he had never seen or even had an inkling you had in you. Neither you nor Steve had realized Bucky had made his way down to where you were. 
“I don’t give a damn. I don’t need these mutts ruining my business. If you know what’s good for you get lost!” The man yelled. 
“What’s going on here?” Bucky came up behind you. You were still crouched down holding on to the two dogs tightly. Bucky held his hand out for you. You gladly accepted and stood up. Bucky wrapped a protective arm around you. The dogs stayed right by your legs even after you stood up. The man froze when he saw Bucky and how he interacted with you.
“Nothing, Mr. Barnes. I was just telling his girl to mind her business.”
“So that is how you justify yelling at my fiance?” You had never heard Bucky’s voice so cold before. It sent chills down your spine. 
“Fiance?” He looked back to you. You stared at the man with fire in your eyes. You watched as his face paled.
“Yes, now I believe you owe her an apology.”
“I’m sorry, ma’am, truly I am.” You didn’t say a thing. Anyone who hurt defenseless animals didn’t deserve kindness, not in your book. Bucky looked up and realized the restaurant was owned by a friend of his. He smirked at the man.
“I will be talking to Tony and Pepper about your despicable behavior.”  Bucky released his hold on you to step closer to the man. “If I were you, I’d start looking for a new job outside of this city, because you will not be finding one in it any time soon. Understood?”
“Yes, sir.” The man scurried back in the restaurant. Seeing Bucky in control and in charge like that did something to you. You found it… sexy. You shivered a bit from the realization and the chill of the wind. Bucky turned back to you.
“What was that all about, doll?” You crouched back down to the dogs before you. They leaned into your touch. 
“He was kicking these poor dogs, Bucky. Yes, they got into the trash, but they’re just trying to survive. They were getting kicked for trying to live. I couldn’t just stand there.” Your eyes never left the sweet babies in front of you. Bucky was in awe of you. He saw the way you had talked to the man before he said anything. He was falling for you and quick.
“Let’s go get them checked out.” You looked up at Bucky.
“What?” Bucky crouched down beside you.
“I told you, I’ve always wanted a dog. Let’s take these two and get them checked out, then we’ll take them home.” Without a second thought, you leaned into Bucky kissing him. It caught you both off guard. You leaned back realizing what you did. You looked at each other with wide eyes. You opened your mouth to apologize, but before you could, Bucky gently grabbed the nape of your neck bringing your face to his again. The two of you parted once you needed air. You opened your mouth again.
“Don’t you dare apologize for that. I’ve been wanting that for weeks.” You felt a blush creep across your cheeks.
“I wasn’t. I was gonna ask if we could go get some things for the dogs.” You giggled. Bucky couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him.
“Of course, doll. We’ll do that after the vet.” You picked up one dog while Bucky picked up the other. Steve was in front of the two of you opening the car door. Once you and Bucky were in with the dogs. Steve drove you all to the vet.
You were finally home after your eventful day. You watched as the two dogs curled up with each other in the big dog bed you got them. They were dressed in pajamas much to Bucky’s dismay. Bucky shook his head as he sat on the couch with you looking at them. 
“I can’t believe you put pajamas on them. They’re supposed to be fierce animals, doll.”
“Bucky, everyone is scared of them. They’re just big babies. They deserve to have a fair shot like everyone else.” He couldn’t argue with that.
“They need names. Any ideas.”
“I had a couple.”
“Let me hear ‘em.”
“I liked Maple and Blu.”
“Maple and Blu.” It was as if the dogs knew you were talking about them. They both looked at you and started wagging their tails. 
“Maple.” The tan bully started wagging her tail looking at you.
“Blu.” The gray bully started wagging his tail looking at Bucky. You laughed.
“I guess that settles it then. Maple and Blu.” He stared at the two bullies that were now named and content in their bed. He couldn’t believe the way his life had turned out over the last few weeks. He’s going to marry a kind and beautiful woman.  He finally got, not one, but two dogs. He couldn’t wait to share his life with you. Which reminded him of a certain blue bag that had your ring in it. 
“Wait right here, doll.” Bucky got up off the couch. He sat the bag in his office while you got the dogs settled and Steve took the rest of the bags to your room. He grabbed the bag and made his way back to you in the living room. He sat down on the coffee table in front of you. You sat up to meet him. He had this look you couldn’t quite place.
“Doll, I know we have an arrangement, but I don’t see it as an arrangement anymore. I want to share my life with you. I want to treat you to things you would never treat yourself to. I want to do things with you, explore with you. Please, know I want to marry you because I want to.” There were tears in your eyes. You had been wondering if this was still just an arrangement to him. It wasn’t to you, not anymore. You were relieved to know he felt the same way. 
“You don’t know how happy I am to hear that. I’m so glad you feel the same way I do. This stopped being just an arrangement to me a while ago.” Your tears started to fall, but Bucky was quick to wipe them away. 
“Oh my sweet, sweet girl. You don’t know how precious you’ve become to me over these last few weeks. I’d do anything you asked me to.” He took two boxes out of the bag. The first he opened was your ring. He slid it onto your finger with a kiss to your hand. Then he opened the second to reveal a necklace that matched your ring. “I wanted to get you something else. I thought this would suit you.”
“Thank you, Bucky. Would you put it on me?”
“Of course, doll. Turn around.” You did so. You let him adjust your hair as needed. He clipped the necklace in place. When you turned around, Bucky placed his hands on either side of your face. You gently grabbed both of his wrists. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were. Bucky brought you close and kissed you with so much passion it made you dizzy. You couldn’t help the moan that escaped you. Bucky felt himself harden at your moan. 
“You can’t be making those noises, doll.” 
“What are you gonna do about it?” You watched his eyes darken. 
What did you just do?
Tag List: @vicmc624 @pattiemac1 @nerdyreaderpapi @elite4cekalyma @cookingdancingchick @sunset90 @eat-limes-bitches @inarabee @abbyyourlocalmilf @ravenmoore14 @dean-and-baby343 @kandis-mom @eris-rose-86 @jewelrybean25 @steeph-aniie @cynic-spirit @qluvsher @sapphirebarnes @thealyrs @bigtreefest @carelessreadersstuff @loving-life-my-way
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mossmurdock · 8 months
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these tags!!! thank u for opening my mind
you finally hand in your paper and leave the class only to find satoru standing out there waiting for you by the door. his face lights up when he sees you but your brain is so drained that you can hardly muster up anything at the sight of him. thankfully (obviously) it doesn't offend him as he crowds into your space before you're even able to catch your breath.
"so? how'd it go? did you remember everything we went over? what did the bonus question end up being? was it something from the chapter she hadn't assigned yet like i thought?" he bombards you without a second thought, overwhelmingly energetic and inquisitive. a part of you heats up at his curiousness, it's obvious that he took this class last year, some of the other students ogle at him as the two of you walk, the professor greets him briefly when she catches sight of him from the window of the door.
you used to feel a little embarrassed about this. gojo satoru: a year below you, completely ahead of you in your shared academic goals, and your tutor. now, with a week of sleep lost to you forever and your brain fried to bits, it just feels like—
"satoru," you hush him gently. "what are you doing here?"
"i wanted to see how you did," he answers obviously. "i waited."
you try not to falter but fail, sputtering through your groggy brain and trying to keep up with his honesty. "didn't you also have an exam today?"
"i finished it early," he says.
of course.
"are we going to the library?" satoru continues.
"no. my dorm is this way."
satoru smiles. "that's the first question you've answered so far." he moves even further into your space, grin widening by the second. "come on, don't leave me hanging. just because the exam is finished doesn't mean i can't grace you with my wise guidance."
"satoru," you sigh exasperatdly.
"yes," he answers. his eyes are bright, his skin is stupidly smooth, he isn't wearing a hat even though he should be, which is why the tips of his stupid ears are red. and, god so are his lips. his lips, they're—for fucks sake is he wearing tinted gloss? you don't even think you remembered to put on chapstick this morning.
"i ended up using all my time, but—" you pause, another long sigh, as if you're trying to push out all the stress from you. "—i think it went well. smoothly, even."
"satoru." this is the third time you've used his name. the third time he seems to have blushed against the cold of the air. "i'm tired. but, i'd like to thank you for everything another time."
"brunch?" he offers.
"oh." you look past him for a second. maybe the air really is colder than you thought. "yeah, brunch. brunch sounds nice."
"it'll be a date." he quickly closes the space between the two of you to kiss your cheek, hand ghosting your arm before stepping away, gloss transferring onto your skin. "when you get your exam back don't review it without me!" he leaves, literally abandoning you in a cloud of powdery snow.
with all this extra effort, you thought today would be the one time you leave a class without feeling overwhelmingly dumbfounded. but you were wrong, left there stupid and hot for the millionth time.
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ADHSquirrel project time
In true disorganized jumping-bean-brain fashion, I've got multiple projects going at once. I prefer this, actually - I like to cycle through things when brain screams "No more focus on this!"
In no apparent order:
Dollhouse nostalgia: this is a cheap, bad kit from the 90s alternately known as the Greenleaf Allison or the Whitney Cambridge dollhouse. It's made of balsa wood, and the wood warps if you look at it sideways.
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I put one together when I was (much, much) younger, and then we threw it away when it started to fall apart. Now I want it back - but this time, I want to put it together so it's a lot more stable.
Plans: reinforce exterior load-bearing walls by creating faux clapboard siding and quoins (the corner pieces) like this:
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I found craft wood sheets that are 1/8-inch (3 mm) thick, and I'll be cutting them in 1/2 to 1-inch strips and gluing them to the exterior walls. Then paint and seal. I also like the raised decorations on the window sills and shutters. Hopefully, I have enough craft sheets to do that, too. I got the kind of sheets that are thin enough to cut with a craft knife, and I've got rulers for days. Dreading the sanding, though. So much sanding. Also, I've been researching putting together dollhouses, and I learned that it's better to dry fit the whole thing, secure in place with masking tape, and then glue stuff together. This is - very smart.
Sewing: continues apace. Pattern pieces are cut out for this Requiem Art Design Renaissance gown.
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I'll be doing the long, fitted sleeves. The pattern is made for knit fabric, but I'm using a woven fabric (silk dupioni I've been told, but I am not entirely certain what that is), so I incorporated the seam/hem allowances into the edges. I'm not linking to this pattern again, because it has... issues. Let's call them issues. (I'll be sending a write-up of my feedback to the designer once I've finished.)
I've cut out the pattern pieces. Now I'm tracing them onto cereal box cardboard to make pattern "blocks" - then I'll trace them onto yet more paper after I add 1/4-inch seam/hem allowances. I'm also planning to use washable markers to trace the actual patterns onto the fabric. I want to see if the marker actually washes out.
Next up: cutting cheap fabric for a toile/muslin, aka a practice run. Sewing machine has been cleaned and is in good operating condition.
Dress fabric:
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I'm using the one on the right for the dress, and the one in the middle (a gorgeous copper in person) for the arm bands and sleeve linings. It's going to be for my Feeple60 girls.
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Poor Ria.
Face-ups/blushing: every time I'm in the mood to go downstairs and work on face-ups and blushing, my ankle decides to be a little diva and inform me that under no circumstances will I be able to take the stairs today. This is exceptionally frustrating, but such are the joys of aging, I suppose.
Craftorama room: even more stuff has been cleared out of the master bedroom in preparation for upcoming staycation, when we'll move into the MBR and create Craftorama room. My office has been totally taken over by dolls, and I love it. I walk into the office to work, and all my lovely girls are here to keep me company. Cleaning books off bookshelves and filling a box to donate to the local library/thrift store, so I'll have shelf space for my dolls. Cuz priorities.
I am so excited for Craftorama room; I will not shut up about it. No more ankle-diva-no-stairs. I can close the door and work - no worries about cats trying to play with (and possibly get injured by) sewing notions. And I can finally, FINALLY, restring in peace.
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britt-kageryuu · 2 months
Donnie and Mikey are streaming together today. Their models are wearing shirts reading 'Smarts and Crafts Team', blue jeans, lab coats, safety glasses, gloves, and boots. They're messing with some science based crafts on the AR set. Shelldon and River sitting on the a box that has the chat box overplayed on it.
"So we got some resin to try out some crafts we found online." Mikey announced while they put some drop cloths on the floor around the table. "But we don't trust something not spilling, and this stuff can get tricky to clean if things go wrong."
"Which is part of why we're using UV resin, that we can just pop in the basking room for a bit to let set." Donnie says, in flat tone that sounds a bit sarcastic, "We're going to start simple, then work up to complicated, though that may go in reverse with us."
Mikey goes off screen to grab some supplies. While Donnie puts the big bottles of resin on the counter.
A cartoony turtle shell slides across the screen to have cartoon Mikey pop out with fan fare, coins tossed around, and Miss. PaintSlatter Donated $30!
Mikey jogs back in to check the notification. "Thank You, Miss. PaintSplatter for the $30. Oh 'Do Shelldon and River have access to mobile games? Hey Dee?"
"Shelldon doesn't play mobile games, but River plays Animal Crossing Pocket Camp. Partially for the app exclusive items you send to New Horizons, partially to befriend Villagers she wants, but can't find in NH." Donnie answers while he sets up some small molds. Then picks up and tests a heat gun.
"Well, we got the resin, pigments, molds, mold release, heat gun, little charms we plan to put into the resin. Are we missing anything?" Mikey askes.
"Spare gloves, paper towels, and the tall trashcan!" River answers back, then smacks the chatbots out of the chat box!
"And proper ventilation, or maskes." Shelldon says with a bit of snark.
"Right, I'll go get the portable ventilation, and trashcan and Mikey, please grab our ventilator masks from the art closet, a box of gloves, and the paper towels." Donnie instructs while they go grab said items.
Shelldon and River are left to entertain chat.
"What did I find that scared Dee? Sorry, we have been sworn to secrecy under threat of having our game libraries memory reset to no save files." River says.
Shelldon nods with his eyes closed. "And I don't have access to the file that was sent because Dee blocked me from getting it."
"FOR GOOD REASON!" Donnie tells from across the room, as he brings in what looked like an air purifier with a long tube sticking out of the back. "And for those who are confused, yes this is the portable ventilation system. Yes, it's a air purifier that I found in the dump, and heavily modified it." He announces with a bit of pride, "While I'm sure I could find something like this on the market, I wanted to build one myself."
Mikey also returns with his stuff, and organized the counter a bit so there's less of a chance of something getting knocked over.
They proceeded to finish set up, and get started on some simple resin experiments. And at least one small spillover and frantic clean up, before shouting 'You saw nothing!' And a 'Clip Recorded and Saved' from both Shelldon and River, who don't mention it right away.
Chat was still begging for the info of what Scared Dee, but after some were knocked out it calmed down, people started giving suggestions on what the guys could do with the resin.
My actual favorite nickname for Donnie is Tello, and I want to have River call him 'Tello Tello', but that can't really happen with most of my story. Unless I can think of another behind the scenes post.
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juni-aldaine123 · 2 months
PICK-UP LINES/ knh ; jinmao
・❥・fluff . cute . short . oneshot . alternate universe: college/ university . librarian maomao . residential student jinshi . who likes to flirt with her . using corny pick-up lines
Maomao sighs as she leans back on her reclining chair, a thick literature book sitting in her lap. Eyes darting around she takes in her surroundings. Few students remain in the library and they're all busy with their own assignments and research papers. Maomao checks her wrist watch and sure enough, there is still two hours left  till her shift for today ends. Any moment now and he will walk in. Maomao feels anticipation build up in her chest.
Just as the hour hand of her wrist watch strikes 6 in the evening a tall young man walks in through the big wooden doors. Maomao immediately ducks her head, trying to hide herself behind her book and waits with bated breath for the man to approach. She hopes he doesn't get the hint that she had eagerly been expecting his arrival.
When she slowly pulls her book down, enough for the man in front of her to just see her eyes, she quirks up a brow and drawls out an aggravated, "Hi Jinshi."
"Hey Maomao," he calls back with enthusiasm unlike her.
"How is the most beautiful person in the world doing?" he greets, leaning against her desk, a little too close for her liking.
"I don't know." She doesn't look at Jinshi, decidedly staring at the words running across the crinkled pages that have stopped making sense the moment he stepped into her space. "How are you doing?"
"I- uh- good! Great! I'm doing great!" Jinshi blurts out in a haste, clearly not having expected Maomao to retort to his flirtatious ministrations with ease. For someone who often tried to tease her with his words he quickly turned into a blushing mess whenever she countered him.
'Cute,' she decides.
"How can I help you today?" She changes the topic and watches amused how Jinshi reverts back to his composed self, as if she just hadn't wrecked his heart a minute ago.
"Actually-" He pushes a piece of paper towards her. "-I was hoping you could help me find these books. I'll need them for the upcoming finals."
She nods wordlessly and takes the paper to type away on the computer, searching through catalogues.
"I'm borrowing these books from the library, but can I borrow something from you?"
"What?" she asks, distracted, eyes set on the computer screen that she fails to notice his growing smirk.
"A kiss. Let me borrow a kiss. I promise I'll give it back." Maomao can just pretend she didn't hear him, loud and clear, and continue her search. Jinshi might take the hint and keep his mouth shut (though that is doubtful.)
Unfortunately for her, the only hint he takes is the deepening blush on her cheeks- she will never admit she'd already been blushing the moment Jinshi had walked in- and considers her reaction as a victory. Now she won't even be able to deny that she didn't hear him. She sighs and hopes it comes out as a tired one though Jinshi only thinks of it as fond acceptance of her defeat.
"Go to Aisle 8 and 11. You'll find what you need." But Jinshi stands perfectly still, his lips pulled in a pout. 
"What is it now?" Maomao is sure she won't be able to finish her literature lesson till the time her shift ends with her current situation. 
Which is a pretty adorable one, if she may add.
"I'm afraid I might need more help."
"Oh I'm sure you'll be fine. Just look around a bit." But Maomao feels her restraints weaken the more she stares at a pouting Jinshi.
"Fine." He wins. And Maomao leaves her desk with Jinshi following her like a duckling with its mother.
She retrieves two books for him without much difficulty but when she tries to get the last one she realises she is at a disadvantage. There is a ladder at the end of the aisle but Maomao has no intention to drag it to the middle where they stand so they'll have to help themselves.
"You might have to get this one," she says, but when she turns around her vision is blocked by a sturdy chest. Jinshi leans over her head and extracts the book as Maomao stands at his mercy; her grip on the books she holds loosening.
She makes the terrible mistake of looking up and by some miracle it is the exact moment Jinshi too looks down at her. In such a close proximity Maomao almost hears her rapidly accelerating heartbeat and hopes beyond hope that her treacherous heart doesn't betray her to Jinshi.
But he might as well feel it, she thinks, because their chests lie pressed to each other's.
They don't move away, though they should, if they wish to retain their composure. But while their minds will them to push eachother away their hearts tug them together. It is only the sound of approaching footsteps that reel Maomao back to the present and she ducks under Jinshi's still outstretched arm holding the book and makes adequate distance between them.
The newcomer pays them no mind and flits about for a minute or two, pacing from one end of the side of the aisle opposite to them to the other and grabs the book she was looking for and walks away without so as much as a glance.
Maomao mentally thanks this stranger for not giving them a look. Because their flustered faces could surely give someone else the wrong idea.
"C'mon." She drags him away by the sleeve of his coat. They both speak nothing of the event and Maomao silently fills the entry under Jinshi's name.
"Hey.....I don't have my library card."
Maomao opens her mouth to speak up, to tell him that it's alright, that she can simply look up his name on the database, completely oblivious to the real meaning behind his words when Jinshi continues, "But do you mind if I check you out?"
"Don't you do that anyway?" her mind makes her speak, though she has no clear understanding of what she's saying anymore, her consciousness switched to autopilot in her panic. Jinshi finally closes his mouth, promptly forgetting his own words when Maomao retorts to his flirts with her wits, and goes back to his seat with his books and works in peace for awhile. Maomao thinks she can try as well to finish her abandoned english lesson in the meantime.
Time flies past without Maomao's knowledge and when she acknowledges a presence near her desk she draws herself away from her book. A boy asks her to add a few books to his tabs and then leaves and other students too file past and soon it's only Maomao and Jinshi in the library.
'Time to close the library,' Maomao thinks when she sees it's ten past eight. Jinshi must have been finished with his research paper too if she considers his haughty smile and the way he struts towards her. Literally struts.
But he might just be the only one to pull it off according to Maomao's humble opinion.
"Yes?" she asks bluntly, closing tabs and arranging the account registers hastily when Jinshi comes to her desk.
"Do you have a map?" Oh, this one.
Maomao is left disoriented for a moment at the random question but quickly recovers herself. She knows the answer to this one very well. But she still indulges him. "What for?"
"Cause I'm getting lost in your eyes." This totally doesn't make her smile. Nope. Not at all. 
She rounds about the desk and stands in front of Jinshi who gazes at her quizzically, albeit warily, waiting for her next move.
"I'm sorry, but I don't have any map with me. But-" She catches the collar of his dark navy coat and brings his face close to hers. She takes in his surprised expression with no little satisfaction. "-I do have something else for you." She presses her lips against his in a fleeting kiss and pulls away before Jinshi even has the chance to relax into her touch.
"You promised to return it to me. Don't forget," she says seriously- though it is comparatively less effective due to her red face- to the still malfunctioning Jinshi and walks to the backrooms behind her desk to bring back her things.
"Wait for me?" And Jinshi dumbly nods, still in a daze. His fingers aimlessly poke his lips on which Maomao's soft ones had kissed, the touch lingering. He hopes he doesn't look too excited. He can't scare away Maomao by weirding her out. Not yet. Not anymore. Now that he finally has her reciprocating his feelings.
Besides, he still needs to return her kiss.
Maomao comes back with her big, oddly shaped cross-body bag with her literature book now tucked in and her jacket hanging by her arm. She silently picks up Jinshi's hand and guides him to the doors. She locks the doors, tucks the key in the breast pocket of her shirt and turns around to walk away with Jinshi in tow when suddenly he looms right in front of her.
"You aren't going to wear your jacket?" Jinshi asks in response to her own questioning glance.
"I don't want to." She shrugs as it isn't a big deal, though Jinshi takes offense.
"You have to Maomao. It's getting very cold this late." When Jinshi doesn't budge she gives him a scathing glare (that would've made anyone else cry their eyes out) that he returns pointedly with his own. And his signature pout for added effects.
Maomao shoves her bag to his hands and tugs the jacket on but Jinshi stares unconvinced.
"Now what?" Jinshi shakes his head with a huff and Maomao sees white smoke billow from his mouth. He steps in her space and just when she tries to protest shuts her up by zipping her lips with his own and her jacket with his deft fingers, and she is made all too aware of the warmth encasing her. She's not very sure if it's because of Jinshi and his lips still anchoring her to him or her jacket that hangs on her body.
"As per my promise," he tells her when they break away. "And-" Another kiss on her forehead. "-this one is for extra comfort."
Yeah, Maomao thinks, Jinshi might as well be magical, because his charm works too well and she finds herself melting in his embrace to seek 'extra comfort'.
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ihrtnjm · 1 year
a library date with jisung
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synopsis: you and jisung have a date with the books. pairing: park jisung (nct) x fem!reader genre: fluff, uni!au wc: 213 a/n: hallo again :3 as i post this it's the day before spring break and i'm gonna see dream in less than a week (!!!!) if you like what you're reading, please reblog to support more of my work! thank u for reading :D
okay but... imagine going on library dates with jisung. after your last class, he would wait outside your classroom and give his hand to you as you walk to the campus library. you two talk about each other's day as you head there.
"how was your day?" he asks.
"...meh, it was okay. just the same old lectures today. although, i did get my midterm back! a minus, baby!!" you cheer.
"woah, that's awesome!"
"yep, and i barely studied!"
by the time you arrive and begin studying, you can't help but focus on jisung. even though you try and get work done, you're still distracted by him. brows furrowed and lips pursed, he tries to work on an essay that's due next week.
"can you look this over for me?"
knocking you out of your jisung-induced daze, you reply, "of course."
flushed, you take his computer and read through the paper. once you finish adding notes and tips, you hand it back to him. throughout the afternoon, you work on your upcoming assignments. while you try to focus on your work, you glance at him as he works diligently. you can't believe that he's yours. he notices you staring at him, and smiles at you. you smile back at him. he's all yours.
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An Unlikely Backer (Mammon x Reader) Chapter 4
Previous Chapter: Today I'm a Cute French Maid
Full arc title: The Unfavored Daughter Chooses an Unlikely Backer (link to arc masterlist here)
Chapter title: The Best Things in Life are Free, the Second Best Things…
Word count: 1.6K
Pairing: Mammon x FMC, Mammon x F!Reader
The duchy was falling apart. The mines had been stripped of every piece of gold and diamond they could offer and Mammon was now feeding his people from his own pocket. Sure the royal family would give a hefty award for winning the war but he had hundreds of people living in the dukedom, he had a lot of mouths to feed and he needed a separate award for the men who accompanied him to battle. The royal sum won’t last them long.
“You keep sighing.” It was his former nanny and current head maid, Everleigh. She brought him a pot of tea. He really didn’t like tea, but it wasn’t like they could afford wine or hot chocolate anymore. He technically could, but then what would the people eat?
“Leigh, what should I do? I suck at writing letters.” He had crumpled at least a dozen pieces of paper trying to find a way to ask for a loan from Viscount Leopold. 
“Take a break, Your Grace, you haven’t rested since you arrived yesterday.”
Unable to resist temptation, he snuck out for a drink at Ammencera Promenade without his men to clear his head. But of course, they caught him.
With another sigh, he gave up. “I think I will take a break.”
Leigh grinned before bowing and living his study.
He finished every drop of the warm tea before retiring to his bedroom.
The next morning he woke up earlier than the break of dawn, slipped into plain-looking trousers and the dirty white shirt he wore when he sparred with the knights, and escaped back to Ammencera Promenade. Everleigh didn’t like him going there, not because it was the so-called “land of the peasants,” but because she didn’t want him getting caught and ostracized even more by the other nobles.
He didn’t care what the other nobles thought about him though.
He passed by several decrepit buildings and a bunch of construction workers and glassware makers laughing.
“They look awfully cheery for men who are awake this early in the morning,” Mammon said as he met with Richard, the elderly toymaker he met with last night before getting his drink. 
“I hear business is booming.”
“Huh.” Mammon shrugged. “Ya got what I asked?”
Richard chuckled. “Ten dolls and ten soldiers, just like you commissioned.”
Mammon beamed and gave him his payment before taking the sack of toys from his old friend. “Thanks, Richard. I may need to come back again so do your best to stay alive.”
“Ha! Never gets old.”
Mammon hurried to the orphanage, where Winnet stood holding her own sack. “Finally! I thought I was going to freeze to death.”
“Why didn’t you wait inside?”
“I was worried you’d get lost with all this fresh snow.”
“I’m not that stupid.”
“I really doubt it.”
“Where are the wonder twins?”
“At home, exhausted.” Minette grinned. “They had a rush order and they found their new ‘muse.’”
“Really?” That was a first. 
“Well, come on, the kids are waiting.”
You were in the library when Lyrra informed you that your purchases have been delivered to the estate. 
“Send them to my room.” Without looking away from your book, you tossed her a coin, which she shakingly caught with both hands. 
“Yes, milady!”
“And be sure to call me when lunch is prepared.”
“Of course.”
The system watched the maid skip away with glee before dinging. [Won’t the family be mad about the giant hole you left in their pocket?]
You chuckled. “I’m counting on it.”
Lo and behold, your father was fuming when he caught you walking into the dining hall for lunch.
You ignored his and your stepmother’s glares as you made your way to your seat. No one spoke a word while the servants brought the meal. No one moved even when the last plate was set down.
Shrugging to yourself, you picked up your spoon to try the soup–the head of the house coughed loudly, an act that even a young child of any nobleman would deem inappropriate and rude.
You didn’t flinch, of course, in fact, you haven’t acknowledged his presence since you entered. The man has ignored this body 90 percent of the time. 
Smiling tenderly, you proceeded to eat first.
That set him off. “You dare eat!”
You set down the spoon and dabbed your chin with your napkin before making eye contact. He was a sour-looking man, with graying hair and a nasty set of distracting yellowing teeth. 
You offered a small but loose. "It is lunch time, is it not? You all seemed unwilling to eat so I went ahead and took the first bite to show you that the food isn't poisoned."
Your father turned pink so his loving wife stepped in, grinning forcefully at you. "I hear you went out shopping."
Your sisters lit up at the mention of the merchandise delivered at the door. 
"I saw everything. I didn't even recognize any of the branding," commented Deneve. 
“So many things and yet so little taste,” added Alma. “That reminds me you’re wearing an interesting ensemble today, sister.”
“Yes, the redness of your lips is so lovely. You look worthy enough to be married to Marquess Whitlock.”
Marquess Whitlock was an old man notorious for sleeping around with the so-called ladies of the night.
The two girls burst into a fit of muffled giggling, content with their wittiness.
“Now, girls, be nice to your sister. It’s your job to guide her during times like this.” Your stepmother was definitely smirking behind that veneer of pity and sympathy she showed you.
You merely hummed. “I don’t blame you for not noticing the brand names, after all, the Queen was the one who suggested them. She also complimented the glow of my face when I visited her the other day.”
The girls froze and a silence befell the room. To insult the Queen’s taste, the opinion of anybody from the royal family, was a major faux pas akin to social suicide. There was an old legend about a king from long ago who went to war and came home with a woman with origins unknown. Not much was known about her aside from her love of flowers. During a tea party, one of the guests innocently inquired why she wore a floral dress, as the pattern was commonly associated with little girls. The king cut the person’s tongue and florals bombarded the market for years.
Even if the majority found it over-the-top, no one would ever talk badly about how you previously donned the violet of the royal family or how your former fiance insisted on wearing flashy suits. (Not where it could be heard, anyway.)
“Nonetheless, even you have spent way more than necessary,” your father said. 
Before you could open your mouth, your stepbrother, Bardrich, defended you, “Father, Alma and Deneve have spent more on fur coats and hats this season, I’m sure a few more won’t be too bad.”
You narrowed your eyes but quickly smiled at him. 
Bardrich wasn’t horrible to look at. In fact, he was one of the female lead’s many admirers who made several appearances in the webcomic. They first met with her in a tree and she yelled at him for saying it was unladylike. He ate up the “not like other girls” act like grapes. 
However, your body had no memories of this man outside of being just one of the members of your distant family, so it was a big shock for him to defend you like this.
“I beg your pardon, my lord, my ladyship.” The butler arrived holding a silver tray with a single letter.
You knew exactly what it was–
“It’s a royal invitation to the celebratory ball.”
The mood in the dining hall lightened instantly as everyone discussed what to wear and who to expect.
You quietly finished your lunch before excusing yourself to your room, leaving the family to their own. 
[My Host, your ability to lie while smiling sweetly continues to impress me. Now please explain just what you’re going to do when everyone arrives at the ball and sees that Queen is wearing the same unflattering makeup!]
“No need to yell.” You picked up the boxes that didn’t have the Winfred’s logo. You unwrapped a wooden box freshly varnished and beautifully inlaid with rose flowers. You then went to find the other boxes that didn’t contain clothes or accessories. After finding the different glass vials, you opened the Witches’ Cauldron Chem Set and made a facial cleanser kit, then you made a hypoallergenic powder, a blush, and a lipstick, each one contained in ornate, professionally carved glass and metal containers. You had to thank Winnet for introducing you to such talented craftsmen.
You then wrote her a letter which included the usual greetings and polite chitchat in addition to your instructions: “Please avoid using your usual makeup during these three weeks as they will interfere with the treatment. If you must paint your face, please use the ones I have included in the box.”
When everybody was asleep, you rang for Lyrra. You handed her a delicately wrapped box and the sealed letter. 
You slipped her a pouch of gold coins. “This must be sent ASAP, and no one else but you and the delivery man is to know about it, understand?”
She nodded, arms heavy with your gifts to Her Majesty and her salary.
“Oh, and before you go.” You threw her something. “Consider this a reward for your good job.”
Lyrra drooled at the diamond bracelet between her fingertips. “I’ll continue to serve you faithfully!”
“I’m sure you will.”
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nadinebrooks · 2 years
Here is the link to my masterlist.
You Realize You Like Him Part 2
George: Slytherin, halfblood, same year
I quietly sat in the library working on a couple of assignments alone. I wasn't super busy or anything. I just wanted to get ahead with some of my classes.
Looking up I saw George walk into through the doors. I was a little surprised since George nor Fred liked to show their faces in here. The library was the last place you would ever expect to find either of them.
I had no idea how they were managing to continue moving up in their classes, but they did it. I assumed that the professors didn't want them hanging around any longer than necessary so they made sure to pass them.
His eyes scanned the room and landed on me. He marched over to me and sat down right in front of me. I guess I was the one who had brought him to the library.
"The blonde told me you'd be in here." He grinned picking up one of my quills and playing with it.
"Draco?" I questioned sitting my other quill down so I could focus on him.
"That's the one."
"I can't believe you two actually had a civil conversation." I giggled in shock. It seemed like the two of them were always sneering at each other. I don't think they had ever had a normal conversation.
"Now I wouldn't go as far as calling it civil (y/n). There was a lot of arguing of course. There were even a couple curses, but in the end he ended up telling me where you were."
"I just don't understand why you two can't get along. You know that the two of you are two of my favorite people in the entire world and I just want you to get along."
"I know (y/n)." George sighed. "Honestly, I don't see that ever happening. I wish I could be more positive about it."
"So, why are you really in here George?" I asked before the conversation could get even more off track.
"I'm falling behind in Potions. Can you please help me?"
"Of course." I grinned gesturing for him to grab a book and some parchment paper so I could help him with some assignments we had due at the end of the week. After a while George and I decided that we should go visit the house elves in the kitchen.
I loved the house elves so of course I agreed. I think he was tired of working and he knew that I would never turn down a chance to see them. The elves made us some tea to help us stay away for a little bit longer so we could finish up George's homework.
I watched as George walked over to one of the elves and whispered something in her ear. She eagerly nodded, snapped her fingers, and some music began playing.
"May I have this dance (nickname)?" He extended his hand and bowed a little. I giggled and took his hand.
"Of course you may Georgie." I stepped up to him and he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me into him.
I laid my head on his chest so that I could feel his heartbeat. In the time that I was dancing with him, I could feel his heartbeat get faster. I just ignored it and eventually it went back to normal.
"I'm getting sleepy George." I admitted after we had been swaying around the kitchen for a while.
"Me too (y/n). Let's go get our stuff from the library." We told the house elves good bye and thanked them for everything. George merely shoved everything into his backpack and took a seat waiting on me to finish up.
It took me a minute to finish packing because all of my assignments had a specific place to go so I could keep up with everything. While cleaning up, I noticed George staring at me.
"Why are you staring at me?" I shyly asked. "Do I have something on my face?"
"No," he chuckled and then sighed. "You're beautiful (y/n). How could I not stare?" The usual cocky George was nervous and I had caused it.
Little did he know, he was the only person that had the same effect on me.
Fred: Gryffindor, pureblood, 2 years below (same as Trio)
"Shit." I yelled rolling out of bed trying to pull on my Gryffindor uniform that lay crumpled on the floor. It was from yesterday, but it would have to do. Of of all days of course I would oversleep today when I had a very important potion to do for Snape's class.
This was one of the potions we would have to perform for our OWLS so being there for class was extremely important. Breakfast was still going on so if I could just get down to the dungeons without anyone stopping me, I should be fine.
I ran down a couple of flights of stairs periodically checking my watch. I was going to make it to class on time and everything was going to be okay. I knew a shortcut and I tried to avoid it since Malfoy and Parkinson liked to linger around there, but today I was going to have to take the risk and pray they weren't there today.
I was deep in thought congratulating myself on how I would get to class right in time and then I felt someone tightly grip my arm.
"Hey (nickname you don't like), why are you running?"
I tried to snatch my arm out of Malfoy's grasp, but he was much stronger than me. I turned around to see that famous smirk plastered on his lips. I could deal with him any other day, but please not today.
"Please just let me go Malfoy." He had come up with this nickname for me that I absolutely hated but I didn't have time to tell him off so I thought maybe if I was nice he would get bored of me.
"Why are you running?" He repeated in a softer voice as if he was actually curious to where I needed to be.
"There's no need to repeat yourself," I muttered under my breath, "I ignored you just fine the first time." I watched as the smirk fell from his face and I instantly regretted opening my mouth. I should have just told him.
Sometimes it could be difficult to control the things that came out of my mouth. He grabbed my shoulders and roughly shoved me up against the wall.
"You have a really quick tongue (nickname you don't like)." He eyed me up and down with those cold pale eyes causing me to feel uncomfortable. "Maybe we could put it to good use."
It took me to realize what he was implying and when I realized, I couldn't help but scowl. When had he become so vulgar?
"Never gonna happen Malfoy." I hissed shoving him away from me. I gathered all my things that had fallen to the ground and realized I was missing something.
"Looking for this (l/n)?" I very slowly turned around to see Pansy waving my diary around. I looked at my watch. Everyone would be taking their seats in class right now. I could slip in without anyone noticing if I just left them to keep my diary. I wrote some really personally things in there and who knows what would happen if I left it in their hands.
I lunged towards Pansy but she tossed the book over my head and Malfoy easily snatched it out of the air.
"Did you write anything about me in here?" He wondered out loud flipping through the pages. I needed to find a way to distract him so I could get my book back and take off down the corridor.
"And why would your name be in there?" I snapped glaring over at him.
"I'm hurt." He fake pouted, closed my diary, and looked like he was going to hand it back to me. "So if I give this back to you, will I get anything in exchange?"
"Hey." There came a voice from the other end of the corridor and I let out a sigh of relief. "What's going on down here?" Fred Weasley, my hero. Watching him walk towards us, I had never seen him this angry before.
It reminded me a little of his mom, Molly. I watched as Pansy sulked into a corner and Malfoy had this sort of scared look on his face. He snatched the diary from Malfoy, grabbed my arm, and dragged me out of the hallway.
"What are you doing with them (y/n)? Don't you have a class right now?"
"Yes. I was running late to class and Malfoy-"
"Malfoy did what?" He quickly turned around waiting on me to finish my sentence.
"Nothing." We were standing at the entrance to the Potions room. I knew that if I had told Fred some of the things he had been saying to me, he would be furious and there was no telling what would happen if he got mad enough.
"Did he hurt you?"
"No. Nothing like that. Look I have to get to class, but thanks for saving me." I stood on my tippy toes and planted a kiss on his cheek before heading into Potions class. Right then and there I realized Fred was always going to be there for me.
Cedric: Hufflepuff, muggleborn, same year
I remembered someone bumping into me and then the sound of air rushing past my ears. I remembered the crowd gasping, but then there was nothing. I opened my eyes to see the Hufflepuff quidditch team surrounding me. I slowly blinked and attempted to sit up.
"(y/n). Are you okay?" Cedric asked kneeling down beside me. He pushed me down a little as if he was trying to keep me from standing up.
"I'm fine." I tried to stand up but there was something seriously wrong with my leg. I was about to fall back onto the ground but Cedric reached out and wrapped his arm around my waist to keep me steady.
Even though I was in so much pain, I couldn't help but get nervous at the fact at Cedric was this close to me. I looked away from him trying to hide my face as much as possible.
"What happened?" I questioned looking around at my team members wanting an explanation for why I had fallen off. They all had this furious look on their faces when I brought that up.
"Marcus Flint knocked you off your broom." Cedric said through clenched teeth. "Madam Hooch had a fit and heavily penalized them so don't worry about that. I think we're going to have to reschedule the match since you can't fly."
"No no no, I'm fine." I tried to push myself away from Cedric to stand up but that just resulted in me collapsing to the ground.
Marcus looked at us smirking. He knew that he had caused this and he didn't care that I was hurt. He was going to do whatever he wanted to make sure that his team won.
Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones made their way down from the stands and over to us offering to take me to the hospital wing while the rest of the team got everything sorted out.
Cedric sent someone to talk to Madam Hooch about rescheduling the game. What what Marcus did was completely illegal and we deserved to play again once I was better.
Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Cedric marched right over to Marcus. I turned back around looking towards the castle not wanting to watch them fight.
I laid in the hospital bed waiting on someone from my team to come update me on the situation. Madam Pomfrey managed to fix my bones to the best of her abilities but she said it was going to take a little while to finish healing on its own. So that meant no Quidditch for a couple of days.
Cedric walked into the infirmary with a black eye and a bloody lip to take a seat next to my bed.
"What happened to you?" I cupped his face in my hands looking at all the bruises and scratches.
"He hurt you." He simply said. "Flint hurt you and that was not okay. I promise it doesn't feel as bad as it looks."
"Are you in any trouble?"
"Nah," he shrugged, "I know Madam Hooch saw us fighting, but I think she turned a blind eye to it. We got the match rescheduled for the weekend of Halloween." He stood up getting ready to leave. But before he left, he leaned down and placed a kiss on my forehead. "I would never let someone hurt you and get away with it (y/n)."
Watching him walk out of the door I realized he was one in a million.
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laxmiree · 8 months
[CN] MLQC Lucien's Through Thousands of Mirrors event translation (Day 1 -Thursday)
This post contains a HEAVY SPOILER for the event that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Through Thousands of Mirrors Event | Day 1 (You're here!) | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | HS/Uni SSR Story: Monochrome Scenery
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[Tidbits: I don't wanna break the flow so I'll put some information here first 😂. Dr. Lawson is Lucien's post-grad professor. Before, he also appears in UR MQ Distant Similarity. During his post-grad he has three seniors Colt, Elliot, and Caroline.]
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Seeing the particularly puzzled expression on the classmate next to him, Lucien starts to consider whether he should offer some assistance within his capabilities.
For instance, he thinks about telling the classmate that the topic currently being discussed on the blackboard is not from the same chapter as the one in the textbook he's currently reading.
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After the vending machine devours Lucien's one dollar and twenty-five cents for the third time, and with only three minutes left to get to his next class, he begins to seriously contemplate whether he should try some mysterious repair method—like giving it a good smack or a swift kick.
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Lucien coincidentally runs into Colt by the sports field, just as Colt is about to attend a cricket practice session.
Upon realizing that his senior from the lab is not only managing coursework and a significant project workload but also juggling a 20-hour weekly part-time job and daily school cricket team training, Lucien begins to contemplate whether there is any room for further optimization in his own schedule.
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During the brief half-hour period, Lucien typically uses the time to prepare for the upcoming class or visit the library to research and gather information.
In any case, that time should not be spent on arguing and explaining to people, like the enthusiastic campus volunteer in front of him.
"No, thank you. I'm not a high school student attending a summer camp. This is my student ID, and I'm indeed a student here, a graduate student. Yes, I'm not lost, and I need to get to my class. Can you please let me go?"
Lucien presses the enter key, intending to ask the teacher if he can leave early once his coursework is done. However, the error message on the screen deters him from that thought. So, he sits back down and begins to examine it again.
But that's okay, he does understand the commonality between computer science and experimental research: it's often hard to know right away if the thing at hand will work, why it's not working, or even why it's even working.
Come on, come on, come on. After moving this box, there's another.
And after moving that box, there are three more to go.
The prospects for the future and the shine in one's eyes are often taken away by the God of research in such necessary yet mechanical repetitive work.
Lucien goes out to get some water and returns to find a school burger on his desk.
Colt, with dark circles under his eyes, waves at Lucien and saying, "No need to thank me, newcomer. Have some food, we might be staying here today."
Lucien quietly eats the burger, hesitant to tell Colt that he has spent more time in the laboratory than in the dorm.
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When Dr. Lawson enters the laboratory, what he sees is a scene where his graduate and doctoral students are sleeping and sprawled all over the place.
On the laboratory whiteboard, several words were written in large letters: "Publish immediately! Guaranteed to be published in Nature!!"
Dr. Lawson retrieves small blankets from the cabinet, covering each of these research madmen.
He proceeds to organize the data and take over the finishing work on the project. Of course, when it comes to authorship in the paper, not a single one of these kids' names can be left out.
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