#I'm gonna do a reblog with more stuff on it
therealtrashpanda · 11 months
I haven't worked on this in nearly 2 years, but recently I've had a sudden motivation spike and am planning on bringing it back.
I'm starting by redoing and revamping the current relevant transformations of the characters.
Unfortunately I can't art. I am bad at drawing, so I can't do comic, even though I would love to. So instead I'm doing YouTube videos.
I will write up the summary later. But the idea is That Adrien, Marinette, Nathalie and Gabriel swapped miraculous' as well as roles.
But one thing that I should make clear is that Gabriel isn't really a good guy. When I made the origins episode I was lazy with the backstory on how Nathalie and Gabriel attained the miraculous' but I am going to clear it up at some point.
Some episodes will be discluded because Adrien, even as a villain has different morals than his father. Meaning he won't akumatize his family, friends, or children (so no puppeteer in season 1) I'm also changing some akuma designs up a bit because some really sucked.
Anyway I have a bunch of ideas on the concept. Might eventually redo the original episodes. But for now I'm gonna start on Pharaoh in a little bit.
Akuma class gets character development because I said so. Marinette is not the only one learning lessons, also because I said so. And Love Square isn't gonna exist.
I'm trying again, so hopefully the inconsistency after this long break won't be too bad.
I just redid Nathalie and Adrian's transformation, Gabriel's is next.
More clarification on the Gabriel isn't a good guy thing, originally I didn't have Adrien as a Senti-being, but I changed that when it was made canon. But Gabriel's treatment of Adrien is what pushes him to this extreme. The only reason Gabriel isn't still Hawkmoth in this timeline is because Adrien stole it from him before he found out about the wish and got the idea to terrorize Paris.
Anyway I'll probably link the main ones I made so far.
Scarlett Transformation and Dark Morpho
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lesbiancarat · 2 months
want to give my two cents on the AI usage in the maestro trailer--
i think seventeen doing a whole concept that is anti-AI is very cool, especially as creatives themselves i think it's good that they're speaking up against it and i hope it gets more ppl talking about the issue. i also understand on a surface level the artistic choice (whether it was made by the members, the mv director, or whoever else), to directly use AI in contrast to real, human-made visuals and music in order to criticize it. i also appreciate that they clearly stated the intention of the use of AI at the beginning of the video
however, although i understand it to an extent, i do not agree with the choice to use AI to critique AI. one of the main ethical concerns with generative AI is that it is trained on other artists' work without their knowledge, consent, or compensation. and even when AI generated images are being used to critique AI, it still does not negate this particular ethical concern
the use of AI to critique also does not negate the fact that this is work that could have been done by an actual artist. i have seen some people argue that it's okay in this context because it's a critique specifically about AI, and it is content that never would have been done by a real artist anyway because it doesn't make sense for the story they're trying to tell. but i disagree. i think you can still tell the exact same story without using AI
and in fact, i would argue that it would make the anti-AI message stronger if they HAD paid an artist to draw/animate the scenes that are supposed to represent AI generated images. wouldn't it just be proof that humans can create images that are just as bad and nonsensical and soulless as AI, but that AI can't replicate the creativity and beauty and basic fucking anatomy that's in human-made art?
it feels very obvious this was not just a way to cut corners and costs like a lot of scummy people are using AI for. ultimately it was a very intentional creative decision, i just personally think it was a very poor one. and even if some ethical considerations were taken into account before this decision, i certainly don't think all of them were. at the very least i feel like the decision undermines the message they want to convey
i would also like to recognize that i myself am not an artist, and i have seen some artists that are totally on board with the use of AI in this specific context, so clearly this is not a topic that is cut and dry. but generative AI is still new, and i think it's important to keep having these conversations
#melia.txt#also want to add that as musicians svt are more directly threatened by AI generated audio than they are by AI generated images#and yet AI generated images is what was used in the video#and i guess the MV director/production company are the ones directly responsible for putting that in there#whether it was their initial idea or not#and they work in a visual medium so perhaps that makes it more 'fair' but idk it just feels like#the commentary is around music. which makes sense. and using human produced music/sound#but then taking advantage of AI images#idk just feels weird#i mean i don't like it either way#like i said in the main post i understand the intention behind the creative decision#and i'm still happy svt are speaking against ai at all i do think overall they're doing a good thing here#i just don't agree with the creative decision they/the production company/whoever made#edit: deleted the part about not boycotting svt over this bc ppl were commenting about boycotting bc of the 🛴 stuff#i meant specifically /I/ am not calling for a boycott because of specifically the ai stuff#was just trying to make a general point that im not making this post bc i want to sabatoge svt or whatever#bc kpop fans love to pull that catd whenever u criticize anything#so yeah just removed that bit bc i dont want ppl getting confused what im talking about#respect ppl boycotting because of scooter/israel stuff but thats not what this post was intended to be about#edit 2: turning off reblogs bc im going to bed and having asomewhat controversial post up is not gonna help me sleep well lol#may or my not turn rb's back on in the morning
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ardate · 2 years
I've been checking out the OC tags for a little while, and I can say the state of OC sharing on tumblr is in absolute misery.
We've all discussed how bad the ratio of reblogs has become, how the amount of them have been dwindling those last couple of years, but I think an extra important emphasis has to be made on original creation. Though everything is hit by the lack of sharing, fanarts at least have a tag people will look for, improving their visibility - fandom OCs are sadly shared less than fanarts, in general, but they still enjoy that same visibility.
But what of the purely original? People who have OCs belonging solely to their own world, with a tag nobody will look for? I've been seeing awesome OC art that has been sitting for days and weeks with 0 or 1 notes, sometimes 5 or 6 with luck (though most of the time only likes)... And though there are exceptions, overall, it's a frankly saddening sight.
The way for someone to get attention on their OCs is to already be a well established blog or to produce fanart on the side to build a following. Blogs solely creating original content sit at the bottom of the note pool with no escape in sight.
As much as we praise tumblr for its tagging system and the fact it doesn't kill old posts the way other social media does, it still does fail in the way of uplifting creation that isn't fandom-based.
I don't have a solution to this. It is merely a sad observation. It's only natural that people would look for what they already know and love. But in a world where all of our interactions are linked to consumerism, in a world where automation replaces human imagination, I'd love to see a community of people willing to actively search for, and uplift, the creatives that are trying to peek out of the water.
One reblog may lead to another may lead to a follow, may lead to a creator feeling like their work matters.
So I'm doing it, one reblog at a time.
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chaosdefinedcomic · 1 year
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<<Previous (Beginning) Next>> The plot thickens! Bit by bit. Welcome back! I apologize that I'm not a fast artist. Or a faster artist, rather. One week's not that bad for three pages, honestly.
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ikkaku-of-heart · 2 months
Finally someone gets it!
As a transman I can't get it how forced genderbend it a nice thing.....I just am so worried they would get horrific dysphoria for their first time and it irks me.....
Genderbend is not bad if it's done well and not sexism (how oda does)
Glad to help people know they aren’t alone in this whole thing. I don’t necessarily hate genderbend - I can enjoy it occasionally in a fanservice way - but honestly most of the time I just find it unnecessary.
Forced genderbend? Fuck that. What happened in chapter 1063/episode 1093 shouldn’t have been treated as comedy. It should have been horror.
I get people thinking fem!Law is hot but the whole context around the scene is just so fucking disturbing that it should have been fan-disservice. I mean, I can only imagine being forced into a body that isn’t your own is nothing short of terrifying. Especially when you consider that this happened mid-battle against one of the most powerful antagonists in the series, so you’re now suddenly in a body that feels *completely off* when you’re fighting for your life. Even without the sexist implication that being in the female body made Law weaker (hate that bullshit and fuck you Toei and Doc Q) it’s still jarring ashell and something like that could get you killed in this kind of situation.
I could get into the full implications of just how dark and horrifying I feel this scene really is (and perhaps someday I will with it being tagged as such), but for now, I have to say that, while Oda was sexist, I’m more disappointed in the fandom over it than him. Oda I sadly expect to some extent. The fandom? Yeah, the obsession they immediately had over it and the way the tag has been flooded with people going gah-gah over it and fetishizing it and (in the case of one zine server that I ended up leaving in part because of this) even using it as an excuse to ship Law with Blackbeard instead of calling out the sexism and transphobia and fetishism and recognizing it as horror…
Yeah, not a fan. It’s not canon as far as I’m concerned. I can accept people thinking the fem!Hearts are hot, and people can draw and write what they like. I won't bash anyone for it and I respect that some people see it as harmless. But I’m just really not thrilled that more people aren’t calling out how problematic the whole scene is. I’d probably be a little less pissed at the fandom if I saw it more balanced, with both simping AND pointing out how bad that scene really was.
Alas, fandom gonna fandom, and I won’t let them ruin my love for the Hearts. I'll just keep doing what I always do and write them being awesome, funny, competent pirates who absolutely are their captain's hype squad. They can say he looks great as a girl and believe he can kick ass in any body, but the reaction they had over it, and the fandom's continued reaction, just gives me the ick.
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mortellanarts · 1 year
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I'd die at 22 to feel alive at 21
(The voting for decisions/fragment selection on this awesome ztd rewrite fic by @kayzero is happening on Tumblr now so... maybe try reading it to understand the context of this? I prommy it's worth your time pls join me)
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crescentfool · 5 months
hello to the new influx of people who followed me from my silly little ryomina comic 👋 i hope everyone enjoys their stay!!! 🥳 i am very p3 piled with sprinkles of splatoon. please feel free to browse my blog tags and archives like it's your feed, i always like seeing posts circulate :3
and to everyone on this fine saturday. or sunday! have an excellent week :) you are so cool
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bonetrousledbones · 4 months
anyway. i think i am going to order a pizza from my favorite pizza place. i think i deserve it today
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ghostoffuturespast · 11 months
Being a writer is weird.
#it's tough fighting that human visual bias on a platform like this#my queue ran out and i haven't posted any vp because i was trying to crank out that last chapter for my long fic#and like i get it maybe most people aren't interested in reading it#different strokes for different folks#but like the discrepancy between how people interact with photo vs writing posts is wildly disheartening sometimes#and i've been see-sawing back and forth all day about this#riding high and wallowing in the mud#this is literally the creative project that i've been pouring myself into for the past month and a half every spare moment i have#and i've been doing this for the past year and a half#it's weird pouring so much love into something when the vast majority of people won't even give it two seconds#i love writing but it is also a mentally exhausting craft and people don't seem to acknowledge that for some reason#it's why i try to reblog stuff from my writing mutuals when i see it because it's usually the artwork that gets the least amount of love#anyway just felt like getting that off my chest#i'm sure my fellow writers can commiserate too#i'm not mad or anything i just had thoughts and perhaps voicing them is better then stewing on them i suppose#also i feel bad for not reading more stuff from other people but i've got like zero beans to give atm#no need to worry or anything i'm still gonna keep writing and posting my shit#more vp comin in over the weekend#also god the new tumblr ui for desktop is fucking ugly absolutely atrocious#man i really don't want to have to set up shop on another social media outlet it's tiresome#i don't want to keep up i just want to blog in peace
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pillars-of-salt · 7 months
that one post about how everyone is bad at making playlists is so annoying in an unserious way, like i thought we were all in agreement that there isn't a wrong way to listen to music
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b4kuch1n · 1 year
lol that post got super derailed off the bat (nobody’s fault but mine for being smarmy there tbh) but the point stands. before you call any creature with feathered wings I make “angel” please imagine me being very miffed about it and then do as you wish
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byanyan · 12 days
the amount I've been hoarding away some of the memes I've seen on the dash over the last week or so is so not okay for someone with as many drafts as me ashfjdh
#me: i want to focus on getting through all my drafts when i get some energy back#also me: but good & juicy memes........#I'm thinking I'm gonna lean more into doing whatever the hell pleases me once I get back to writing tbh#but I'm almost definitely throwing all the drafts into a paused queue that I won't start posting until they're all finished#will I reblog a meme or two to play with as I do that? probably. almost definitely.#fresh stuff always helps get my brain going again ahdjgsg#but know that drafts will be happening!!!! I did delete some stuff but like. not enough lmfao. I have too many great threads#that I can't bear to let go of and i've kinda accepted that at this point#sorry I'm so slow y'all pls know that me taking forever to get to shit has nothing to do with how much I'm enjoying our threads#the fact that I'm clinging to them despite wanting to start completely fresh & dump everything says a lot more about how much I love em all#anyway. may or may not write tonight? I'm going with the flow tonight & rn the flow is telling me to keep reading#I finished my reread of the second book in the millennium series last night (& stayed up way too late in order to do so ahdgksg)#& I've started my reread of the third today and I just. I can't stop. it's too good.#if I find the willpower to put it down at some point I might dabble in poking at smth but. if not perhaps tomorrow uvu#(also want to note I've been marking the books through my reread with pink page flags#whenever smth really smacks me in the face with how much byan was inspired in some way by lisbeth lmfao)#ANYWAY. love u guys!!! I'm lurking & hoping you're all doing well!!! 💜💜#━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ ooc ⋮ don’t @ me.
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keeps-ache · 23 days
thinking of fairies that look like ferret + mourning doves. uh huh yep :>
#just me hi#ferret + seagull. otter + sparrow. snake + goose#give those wiggly creatures some more wiggle room hfbvsh :3#wouldn't they be neat!!#giving the snake goose parts because geese are cool. yea :>>#specifically canadian geese because they are some of my favorite bird lol#not for any good reason but i grew up with them and they are cool :D#mouse + pigeon. it would be so precious man [<- tears in eyes]#what other animals do i know? uuhmm#electric eel + american eagle. all for the worst reasons hgbfhshv#i don't know if electric eels are so mean but it would be funny finding out that way lmao :3#/NAH but a teeny mouse with a teeny frock with teeny pigeon wings. she has a little basket of bread crumbs. are you seeing it#pigeons <333#/giraffe + swan. they shall soar like none before hbsh#hmmm. humphead fish + hummingbird. i believe in him. he would do so well hfsvhhfs#wonder what kinda magic they would all do !#//anywho i have my things and stuffs i should be doing lol </3#recently i've been consistently overjoyed with remembering that i have something to work on hfsh#but it all feels like a lot rn. ooh well! i think i'll work on my panels :>#that or watch a movie. depends which one will tire me out faster lol#i need to. find an hour+ long video to listen to. ouhg#i haven't finished one playlist i was listening to but i wiped my yt history so i don't know where i was hhhhhh#there are lik 8 videos and they're all a little over an hour long#a refresher wouldn't hurt but ourh. ouuhrrh. hfbhs#//i'm gonna try to get to it then !! :)#i always end up reblogging like a thousand things before i ever get to anything though lmao - let's seeeee#toodles pool noodles :>
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sunrise-on-the-shore · 4 months
temporarily back with one post. i am not ready to fully come back.
all the stuff you need to know about the future of this blog are in the tags.
#sunrise thoughts#after i thought a lot i made multiple choices#i am still going to post about dsmp#i am still going to post about cwilbur#dsmp has been my biggest special interest ever#and i cannot move on from cwilbur in a day or week#i obviously won't talk about the cc anymore duh and to me the cc and c are extremely disconnected from each other#i will do all my screaming and kicking and nasty emotional stuff in private#i got fucking blasted by the consequences of forming a parasocial relationship!! ouagh!!!!#if you're uncomfortable following me for my dsmp posting you can obviously unfollow me i completely understand<3#i will be tagging everything with my usual tags and you can filter them all you want if you decide to stay for other things! and uh—#i am so proud of shelby for speaking about something so terrifying and painful and i wish them the absolute best#i hope they will find a wonderful support system and get all the help they need and want and recover in a good safe environment.#(now back to blog related things haha!!)#i will try to be more multi fandom#you will still see from me a lot of minecraft smp silliness!!!#uhhh i'm talking qsmp life series and hermitcraft stuff!! (i'm gonna check season 10 very soon!)#as for non related minecraft things uhhh idk yet!!!#(btw don't expect me to reblog posts about the situation because the subject itself is so fucking uncomfortable for me)#(i am myself a victim of abuse [very different type but yeagh] + i am a mess atm for many different reasons)#(remember to always believe victims and such. [you probably heard the whole talk from people who are so much better at words than me#so i won't repeat things in a badly worded way]#anyway#(i am so sorry that this whole thing is messily written and in a bad order i am writing everything at like past 4 am)#(and i really really don't want to go back and rewrite tags in the right order)#(but yeah. erm.)#this is all you will hear from me for a while#take care everyone
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yeleltaan · 11 months
// Plotting call! Like this post if you'd like me to go into your DMs so we can talk ideas and see what we want to do going forward!
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monty-glasses-roxy · 4 months
I keep forgetting to reblog things like I used to and it's just hit me I could be doing that when I'm bored and wanna chitchat but don't have anything to say lmao imma fill the queue again at long last
As I've just remembered, this is your reminder that reblogs are the most important thing on Tumblr! They're Tumblr's user generated algorithm! Reblogs are how we get things seen by everyone! Likes are great but the reblogs are what allow a post to travel!
This is a reminder to everyone plus myself!
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