#I'm hanging this on the fridge
technofinch · 1 month
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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa brandon it looks SO GOOD!!!!
I don't even know what to say, it's even better than I could possibly have imagined. Thank you so much, I will cherish this gift until my dying day
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thebibliosphere · 4 months
I feel like I've complained about Tim's email situation in Gotham Knights before (edit: I have), but the truth of it is just so funny.
He's signed up for so many podcasts, video game streamers, and random news alerts; it's just a constant barrage of data going straight into his constantly whirring brain. Hell, he even floats the idea of the Batfamily having their own podcast as a way to correct misinformation about them (which Jason shoots down instantly), and it's made me realize something.
Timothy Drake would be a YouTuber.
In this universe specifically, Timothy Jackson Drake, the heir to Drake Industries and the foster son of the late Bruce Wayne would be a YouTuber.
Think about it. It'd be the perfect cover. Who would ever suspect that some 16-year-old nepo baby with a YouTube channel could ever be Red Robin? You'd have to be mad. I mean, look at him.
Red Robin just dropped out of literal thin air and garotted someone four times his size, and you expect anyone to believe that's the same kid who does 24-hour Minecraft charity streams and occasionally drops 6-hour video essays (his last one was on Lex Luthor's illegal bit mining operation on the moon)?
That kid?
You think that kid is Red Robin?
Ch'yah, okay, sure. And the Joker is funny 🤡.
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zephyrchama · 1 month
Lucifer probably does his best to keep the House of Lamentation clutter-free, meaning no personal effects are allowed in the hallways or common areas. He has to be very strict about this. Showing any of his brothers even a little leniency will cause the house to soon be overrun with massive piles of their random possessions.
What if the one (1) exception is a picture? A picture hand-drawn by MC, of everybody standing together and smiling. It has been hung up in a spot that humans supposedly only use to display their most precious art: the refrigerator door.
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thatsuccubabe · 30 days
If you don't have a mother to celebrate this weekend, I'll be your mommy 😘
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Yo it’s amethyst here!
I was wondering and it’s ok if not if you would be interested in me doing some fanart of your smiling critters au for you? I’ll be sure to credit and tag you so you can see!
Sure, go ahead I don't mind lol! I cherish any fanart I get honestly. I have like a privated channel where I keep all fanarts/gifts I get from people.Kinda like a nice little art gallery
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saltiestbread · 11 months
welcom to 'i can't sleep again so i draw other being do so very peacefully and comfortly' to night victim isssssss
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and of course Ink's one true soulmate Broomie is here as well :)
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renegadeknight · 2 months
Hi, I just need you to know I’ve read stubborn love twice already. And I regularly think about getting to download it to my kindle in full once it hits 22/22 so I can read it on holiday.
Just need you to know what it means to me :))
Hi, this is me seeing this message:
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8ball-wizard · 1 year
I was talking to friend while on tumblr and I waslike oh yeah there's this Tumblr wizard I follow and everyone thinks he's got 8 testicles and so I drew THIS
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And was like, so everyone thinks this dude is just gonna drop a character ref and being look looking like this and I didn't think my friend was just gonna come tell you 💀
I'm gonna go die now thanks 😭😭😭
this is the best day of my fucking life. i'm sending you a potion of Really Cool Shoes in your lunchbag
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blunderpuff · 7 months
my mom hates the house, hates the neighborhood (can't walk to anything/have to get in the car for everything), can't find stuff she packed, doesn't have good places to put her stuff, her big desk doesn't fit in the "office alcove", the cat is days away from being put down and so he's clingy and sad...
#the secret world of merry mac#and she keeps yelling at Arthur to leave her alone but he's fucking dying. he barely eats and he's cold and has balance issues#the poor cat is existing in his final week on this planet and she's just mad at him and taking it out on him#i have basically no furniture (none of it matched and so i didn't mind giving it away/selling it)#so that means my things are all shoved into precariously stacked boxes and i'm sleeping on an army cot#i'm depressed too!! i left a decent paying job doing something i really liked! i would have been fine moving to a different house in town!!#she wanted (1) trader joe's (2) kaiser permanente and (3) her own swimming pool#she got (1) trader joe's 2 freeways/30m drive away (2) no kaiser and (3) no pool#this is how we always move; my mom gets the itch and then we leave. it's not that she wants to move TO somwhere-- it's just AWAY from here#(wherever 'here' is)#so i spent my entire last paycheck on furniture that won't even be here for a week or more#i also hate the (brand new) fridge that came with the house. it's a side-by-side and it's simultaneously stupidly spacious#but also the space is used in such a stupid way that you can't even lay a frozen pizza flat on a freezer shelf#she also collects screws/nuts/bolts/nails/washers like a fucking magpie and so no two are the same#and she doesn't use the correct things for the job and she just put two ROOFING NAILS into the wall to hold a magnet board up#she sucks at home repair (made worse by the aforementioned WRONG TOOLS FOR THE JOB) and so everything is done#with extreme frustration and it turns out half-assed and looks bad#she doesn't wait and/or think about where she wants stuff to go so she's just spent the afternoon hanging things up badly#and the house is going to look like it was decorated by some clown who needs to hang every piece of art they own all at once#we have picture rails so we can swap artwork/photos according to mood/season/etc but no... she just puts EVERYTHING out all at once#anyway i'm so sad and tired and frustrated and angry and it feels really unfair to keep my mouth shut when she says 'i wish we never moved!
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cynical-cemeteries · 1 year
compilation of recently revealed concept art i’ve found!!
(i'm including links instead of the actual images because i'm not sure what their policies are towards reposts)
popbanao (twt) / @popobana
rosanna’s “holiday edition” (regular & limited): [link]
SINBARU (twt) / @sinbaru-ap
avillon knight edition: [link] & [link]
lumie’s “formal suit” (regular & limited): [link] & [link]
lairei’s “midnight edition” (regular & limited): [link] & [link]
dhurahan's "midnight edition" (regular & limited included in thread): [link]
k'merisath's design: [link]
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glimmeringtwilight · 2 years
Hey! I just wanted to say that I am so in love with your writing and the way you portray the characters. 😭 Your articulation and your pieces overall are simply immaculate. As a Dottore simp, let me tell you, I hopped on Tumblr solely to find some good Dottore fics and you're quite literally the only writer whose works I absolutely loved and was left wanting more content from! I looked up Dottore fics on other websites and I just couldn't find anything I liked, possibly because you set my standards so high I literally can't read anything else KSNDKHDJDH. Without sounding like a creep, I just wanted to kindly ask if you plan to write more Dottore in the future? Obviously, I respect you and your time and just want to thank you for sharing with us and allowing me to read such gorgeous fics, I'm just here like "I wan more"
Ahem, anyway that's all 😭 i hope this didn't sound rude in any way!! (I had to stop myself cause I can go on and on about how terrifying (in a good way) your Dottore fics were GITIDDIYIYDIDY)
Sending many good vibes your way!!
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Kicking my legs and giggling fr 😭 this made my night when I saw it JGHSJFJS TYSM..... HOLDING YOU!!
And ABSOLUTELY I have more fics planned for him, 100% Currently I have the general premise for p3 of Gilded Cage written down (Dottore and Pantalone), I have the baseline for the halloween Dottore piece, and then there's the p2 for Daffodils which will also have Dottore 😌
I've also really, REALLY been meaning to write a modern au piece for him.... I have a few ideas floating around but nothing concrete that I want to move forward with yet. Until then I might write some short snippets of different modern au ideas to get a feel for which one I like the most, then do a longer one for it 👀
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metastablephysicist · 2 years
dude sitting across from me on the train was staring at me and eventually asked me my name. turns out he mistook me for his buddy from high school. strangers keep assuming i am a man. i’m not not a fan?
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asiancatboy · 2 years
unlearning helplessness one optimistic thought at a time
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anaalnathrakhs · 2 years
what is it with parents and raising you to be an upstanding citizen but jumping ship on it once you hit like, age 14
#yes mother you should pull up mail proof of ownership of the package before coming up to the desk#not while walking to it especially if there's zero queue#that would for example prevent you from greeting the cashier with your nose on the phone like ''hello yeah hang on i'll find it''#it would also not hurt if you knew the rules of retrieving packages for other people but i guess i can't know if you've done that here befor#also fuck this one's just me being a petty bitch#but yes mother i would appreciate if we followed a coherent path for grocery shopping#if you had the list in front of your eyes for example if you can't remember it#god i know i'm being an asshole and she's running on not a lot of sleep#(awarding myself a little star sticker for not snapping too much and taking away the sticker for still snapping some)#but jesus mother let me be in charge of the pathing#or yknow#take time if you want to take time#just not standing at the intersection of the main pathway and the soup aisle fishing your list out of your pocket#grocery shopping with my mom is starting to be like grocery shopping with my dad lmao#except that my mom also buys the stuff that goes in the fridge so stuff i can't touch#so i still need her i can't just take care of everything and let my dad read while i shop#sigh#cannot wait to live on my own and do my own grocery shopping!#and only buy things i can eat!#broadcasting my misery#vent#(i know i'm also in the wrong here to be clear. i'm an emotional beast. stuff's complicated.)
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nightshadeowl · 2 years
Oh shoot hi. Hello
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gender-euphowrya · 2 months
thinking about some terf anon i got a while back that told me ''yOu'rE jUsT a StRaiGhT wOmaN'' because like.
besides the failed attempt to make me feel bad, what was the goal exactly. did she think i would go "oh wow, thank you person who doesn't know me, you actually understand my gender a lot more than me even when I've been thinking it over for mmmm 10 years, you're right I will be a straight woman now"
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