#I'm indecisive you choose
occasionallyprosie · 4 months
So both have a part two with an alt prompt, so...
The fics in question...
A Song On Repeat: A time loop fic where Time teaches Legend the Song Of Time with little intention for Legend to ever use it, but he does. The update will be an aftermath chapter w/ some angst.
Hiding Behind Plaster And Ceramics: An early LU fic where Legend, in all his avoidant attachment glory, avoids attachment by being a jerk. He gets sick and Twilight(Green Link) finds out that Legend is actually the Red Link from Hytopia(Triforce Heroes). The update will be a continuation.
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smile-files · 2 months
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fun fact: "cherub" likely didn't originally describe a little angel baby -- it comes from the hebrew word "keruv" which, in jewish mythology (according to my rabbi mom, anyway), is much more like a sphinx: an angel with the front half of a lion, the back half of a bull, the face of a human, and wings!
so here is my doodley little cherub creature... with a lamb in back instead of a bull! and with rosy cheeks and a halo too, to be like modern depictions of cherubim for fun. my mom just recently learned what a furry is and said if i were an animal i'd be a cherub (mainly because of my mane-like golden hair)... she might be right!
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darkestmad-er · 2 months
Hello sexy,
I have one dare for you. If you would be kind and show us the hottest picture of yourself in your gallery rn, that would be awesome!
Thank you ❤️
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You choose
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greeenchrysanthemums · 5 months
I've been thinking of rewatching some old content so
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da-proti-toku-grem · 2 months
❤️‍🔥 ⛰ 👀 🌾 for the ficwriter asks!!
Thanks sm for the ask 🥰
❤️‍🔥 Favorite ship you have written about?
I'd say jance because they're the ones that I've written the most and they're my comfort ship so :3
But I also have to mention bojure because I always have so much fun writing them, and I also really loved writing that poly!JO prompt but I've only done one so idk...
I still have so many different ships to write for the kiss prompts so maybe I change my mind in the future, who knows 👀
⛰ Hardest fic to write?
Probably darling you're my work of art. Overall I didn't really found it that hard, but it took me like a month and a half to finish it because I had a mental breakdown in the middle of it (for unrelated reasons lol), so I stopped for a few weeks and it was hard to get back to it tbh
👀 What’s an idea you had for a fic that you never did anything with?
Well, I have so many ideas that I don't really consider wips (yet) but I do have some random ideas written that I want to include. But, one that I don't have anything written besides the idea is a bojance fic with established jance (I haven't thought much about the plot yet, but basically just the husbands taking care of Bojan)
🌾 A fic you really want to write but you haven’t (yet)?
A Nace-centric 5+1 fic!! I've had the idea for so long and I have some things written down already, but I haven't gotten to writing it yet
Fanfic writer ask game
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delzinrowe · 2 months
I am broke, but I've also realised I'm on my fucking period right now so I will go in debt and order food cause I feel like shit
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ase-trollplays · 5 months
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t-u-i-t-c · 5 months
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henlo wifi!! hope everything goes ok for u w whatever it is u need to do tomorrow im telepathically sending u a bouquet and whatever ur fave meal is :') 💕
thank you my dear!!! luckily it's over and it went alright but woooo i am exhausted ehe... just wanna think about Foul Legacy now :))
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eudikot · 1 year
I have two comics that I have been sitting on for a while now and I think I should start posting one so...
One has a page drawn out and ready to post while the other has like 7 pages of story planned out but not rendered so they both need work but I wanna start finishing them
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citrusfield · 1 year
♡ @hcrdknocklife​ / an injured / sick starter.​​
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all things considered, things could’ve been a lot worse. a newbie to the ice had gotten a little overzealous this morning and lottie found herself to be the unfortunate victim, but luckily, she’s no stranger to injuries. in fact, if they had it their way, they would take the painkillers issued to them and be on their merry way. but no, it’s hospital policy to not let head trauma patients leave by themselves. god. she’d argue this barely constitutes a trauma — at least compared to what she’s dealt with before — but there’s not much fighting to be done against a doctor who knows better. so here she waits, seated in a small cubicle with an admittedly pounding headache and she can’t hide the wince that crosses her face as the curtain is suddenly pushed back and the bright fluorescent lights catch her eyes. “shit.” stupid emergency contact. worrying anybody was the exact opposite of what she wanted to do. “i’m sorry they called you… i promise i’m fine, you didn’t have to come.”
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daughterofhecata · 1 year
3, 6, 8, 9, 10 & 29? 🐧💕
[ao3 wrapped]
(just answered 3 & 6 🙈😄 but actually, I'll give another one for 3.)
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Because I completely forgot about because hell is empty, and I'm stupid proud of that one, of getting Stan being high across, of the descriptions and the word choice, and of hopefully also communicating the Emotions of that one. (And also I'm very proud of Necessary Tragedies, but that one's not finished or published yet xD)
8. Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
I think that might actually be Cotta/Goodween? Did definitely write surprisingly little Peter/Skinny and if we count all challenge prompt fills and ficlets it was probably Cotta/Goodween.
9. Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
I'll say Justus/Victor because I'm just really happy I finally finished something longer/multi-chap for them and I DO get very emotional about them if I think about them for too long.
10. What work was the quickest to write?
Either one of the feel-good flash fic ficlets or the writer's month drabbles, because relatively few words I usually wrote down without having to give them much thought.
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Aaaaaaaah this is so hard, I produced so much text this year?! Like, I literally Can Not say, because I've already forgotten about half of what I finished this year, and there are so many good passages in many of the stories.
For the sake of the ask game I'll just put the last exchange from Mein rasend Herz:
„Victor, bitte-“, brachte er heiser hervor, der Name ging ihm viel leichter von der Zunge, als er erwartet hatte.
Offenbar war nicht nur ihm klar, dass er den Namen gerade zum ersten Mal laut gesagt hatte, denn Victor hielt für eine Sekunde inne, die Stirn auf seiner Schulter abgelegt, ehe er mit rauer Stimme erwiderte: „Alles, was du willst, Justus. Alles.“
And also the last line from Die Stille der Nacht:
Und vor dem Fenster, in dem immer noch die Kerze flackerte, fielen sacht Schneeflocken.
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mooonboy · 2 years
i hope my moots are asleep bevause i might rant in the tags
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peppermint-pimp · 8 months
So I'm on my juicing journey, trying to stay consistent and whatnot. I think I made the best juice I have ever tasted in my life. I wish I wrote down all the ingredients. I should make a juicing journal, come to think of it. But from what I remember I put Kale, celery, spinach, lemon juice, orange juice, apple, strawberries, 2 jalapeno peppers, and carrots. I might have added a mango. But this shit tasted so good. I thought it would be spicy cause of the jalapenos but complemented everything and added a bit of a kick to it. *Chef kiss* 10/10 I'm definitely keeping this in my juice repertoire.
Now can shrooms be infused in juice?🤔 Can it be broken down in an oil firm like weed? Let me go do my Googles cause let me find out I can. Shoot, I can drink healthy while also being able to have a conversation with my couch. My type of carrying on
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keikeu · 1 year
Just wondering bc you write for enhypen, txt and &team who is your bias in all groups? Mine is Sunghoon, Huening Kai and Jo 🥰
mine are jay and niki, taehyun and huening kai and since i can't choose one my bias line in &team is ej, yuma, harua and maki!!
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