#I'm kinda laughing at Van like I really love the guy
ladykailitha · 5 months
Staking My Claim Part 3
Hey, guys! We're back!
Part 1 Part 2
We finally get the lowdown on what happened. Otherwise known as don't mess with Jeff.
Robin freaks out.
And Gareth is loaded. Or at least his parents are. ;)
I'm also going to try tagging the untaggables separate and see if you can't get you lovelies tagged.
@redfreckledwolf, @mira-jadeamethyst, @itsall-taken, @emly03, @rozzieroos
He hurried over to the phone and called Family Video.
“Hello, thank you for calling Family Video,” the soft female voice said. “How can I help you?”
“Robin!” he cried again. “I’m so sorry!”
“Steve!” Robin shrieked. “Where have you been? Are you okay? You’re not in the hospital or jail are you? What happened?”
“I’m not in jail or the hospital,” he assured her. Eddie huffed out a laugh. He whirled around to stick his tongue out at him. “I’m okay. I’m still in Indy. I just landed at some friendly metalheads’ apartment.”
“Wait...” Robin said. “Those friendly metalheads wouldn’t happen to include one Eddie Munson, would it?”
Steve looked over at said metalhead and turned away to hide his blush. “Maybe,” he mumbled into the phone.
“Hell yeah!” she crowed. “Now tell me what happened now!”
Steve pressed his lips together. “Um...to be honest...I’m not one hundred percent sure I know what happened last night. Like I remember bits and pieces, but it all kinda blurs together.”
Eddie walked over and pointed to the phone. “May I?”
Steve nodded and hand it to him.
“Robin?” Eddie asked. “This is Eddie Munson.”
“Hello, Eddie,” she said coolly. “Would you like to explain why my best friend isn’t, I don’t know, home?”
“I would love you to tell you that story if it’s okay with Steve finding out by me telling you?” Eddie questioned, looking over at Steve.
He shrugged and waved his hand for him to go ahead.
“He’s says it’s fine,” Eddie said.
“Noted,” Robin said. “Now spill.”
So Eddie did. He told her about the sleazeball at the bar who wouldn’t take no for an answer. About his daring rescue of pretending to be his boyfriend.
Steve blushed when he heard Robin go, “Awww,” at that.
Eddie grinned at him. Then he launched into the actual fucking rescue. It turned out that Mr. Persistent bumped into Steve to lace his drink with a drug to knock him out.
Steve’s eyes went wide. “He did what now?”
Eddie hummed. “Yeah...it was this whole thing. Jeff even got to punch the guy in the nose. I think the bartender has a crush on him now.”
Steve’s eyebrows went up. The bartender was a thirty something Asian dude with tattoos and piercings. But he supposed it made sense, considering the bar’s general attitude toward that specific portion of the population.
“At least he’ll get free drinks for life, right?” Robin said with a chuckle.
“That’s certainly one way to look at it,” Eddie agreed. “So yeah, this dude bumps into Steve and suddenly our friend is getting tipsy, fast. And I’ve been at many a rager to ply my wares, there was no way Keg King Steve was drunk after two beers, a margarita, and a half of a Cosmo.” The half a Cosmo was from sharing with Gareth.
Steve blushed. He wasn’t proud of those wild days in high school, but it probably saved his life in this case.
“Yeah...” Robin agreed. “I’ve seen him drink men under the table who were bigger and had been drinking longer.”
Eddie nodded even though she couldn’t seen him, but Steve could.
“Then the asshole comes over and starts flirting with Steve again, trying to draw him away,” he continued. “That’s when we really got that Steve wasn’t acting normal. So Brian steps in and tells asshole to leave him alone. But this guy has gone past persistent and into full creep territory.”
“Eww...” Robin hissed. “How did Jeff get his punch in?”
Eddie chuckled. “That’s honestly the best part, so Brian and Gareth take Steve out to my van and I go and get the bouncer. We come back and asshole is trying to get past Jeff to make his escape. So he takes a swing at Jeffy.”
“Bad idea, I’m guessing?” she said with a hint of laughter in her voice.
Steve tilted his head in interest and Eddie fought down a smile.
“Jeff’s dad is a former boxer who taught him how to fight to make the bullies leave him alone.”
Steve’s eyes go wide and Robin said, “Oooh. Please tell me he laid this asshole out! Please!”
“Dude stiffened like a board and went straight down,” Eddie confirmed. “The only downside is that they couldn’t prove anything, so he just got tossed out, but make no mistake, they’ll make sure spread the word around the other gay bars about this guy.”
“That’s good,” Robin agreed.
Steve wandered back over to his food, safe in the knowledge that he was in safe hands.
Jeff and Brian were at the counter grabbing their breakfast so Steve joined them. Coffee was was doled out by Eddie a few moments later.
Creamer, milk, and sugar were placed next to the coffee pot.
“Robin says not worry about coming into work,” Eddie murmured to Steve. “She said she would tell Keith you have the stomach flu. Which according to her will get you at least three days off.”
“That’s pretty impressive,” Brian said. “I don’t think there is anything I could tell my boss short of being in the hospital that would get me even a couple of hours off.”
Steve laughed. “Keith has a weak stomach. You just mention vomiting and the dude turns green.”
“Handy that,” Eddie said with a smile.
“It’s very handy when you’re out drinking and drink too much,” Steve said with a shrug.
“I’ll say,” Jeff said. “I’m just glad we were there, man.”
Steve blushed. “Yeah, me too.”
He dug into his food and was happy to note that while it didn’t necessarily ease the queasiness in his stomach, it didn’t make him want to throw it all back up, either.
He cleared his plate.
“So this is what’s going to happen, Stevie,” Eddie said as he cleaned up the pans from breakfast, “you are going to stay here until I am sure one hundred percent that you won’t throw up on the three hour journey back to Hawkins.”
Steve opened his mouth to argue, but he couldn’t. Right now nothing was coming up, but put him in a moving vehicle and he couldn’t say for sure that breakfast wouldn’t come right back up.
He nodded.
“I gave Robin the address so she’ll be stopping by after she gets off work,” Eddie continued. “I recommend that you get so actual rest, she seems like she’s a lot without her worrying about you, I can only imagine what she’s like when she is.”
Steve blushed.
“We’re going to all stay here,” Gareth said. “At least for one more day. I talked to my mom about it and she would rather pay more for utilities this month then worry about Steve getting worse.”
The other boys nodded their agreement, while Steve blinked at him in confusion.
“What now?”
“You do realize I live in Loch Nora, right?” Gareth asked, raising an eyebrow.
Steve shook his head. “My parents were very much exclusionists, dude. I only got to hang out with people that they deemed acceptable. Nicole, Carol, Tommy H. If they thought they weren’t in the right trade or held more liberal views, they weren’t worthy to interact with their son.”
Gareth blinked. “Fuck, that must have been lonely.”
He ducked his head and half shrugged.
“Anyway,” Gareth continued into the now deafening silence. “They pay for this apartment in the city for when we play gigs or need a place to crash after a night of drinking.”
Steve frowned. “You’re not eighteen yet, though, right?”
“No,” Gareth said with a laugh. “But my parents trust these guys to keep me safe.”
Steve thought about Dustin and his mom. That despite all the things that Steve had gotten up to in his high school career that she still trusted him to take care of her baby.
“Yeah,” he said fondly. “I can see that.”
Eddie came over to the other side of the counter. “Come on, up you get. You’ll be sleeping in my room.”
Steve’s eyes widened. “How many rooms does this place have?”
“Three,” Jeff said. “Brian shares with Gareth, but Eddie and I get our own rooms.”
“That’s because you’re both sluts,” Brian said rolling his eyes, “and me and Gareth don’t want to be kicked out of our rooms when you bring someone home.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, okay. That’s fair.”
“I’ll give you the tour when I steer you back to my room,” Eddie promised.
Steve nodded and allowed himself to be lead back through the apartment and back to the bedroom.
Eddie tucked him back in and put a garbage can next to the bed. “I’ll be out in the front room, holler if you need me.”
Steve nodded and let himself drift off to sleep.
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Yeah, I'm sorry, I doubt even a middle class family would buy their very young son (if we hold to the belief that Gareth is OG drummer and was in the talent show with Eddie and Chrissy, putting Eddie in 8th grade, Chrissy in 6th, that would make Gareth in 5th grade) a drum kit.
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @vecnuthy @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @genderless-spoon @anne-bennett-cosplayer @irregular-child @lololol-1234 @r0binscript @monsterloverforhire @mugloversonly @live-the-fangirl-life @f0xxyb0xxes @lublix @breealtair @croatoan-like-its-hot @confuseddisastertm @dissociatingdemon @sleepdeprivedflower @thedragonsaunt @jamieweasley13 @hellfireone @dragonmama76
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muertawrites · 2 years
Eddie Munson and Sex [18+]
Warnings: explicit descriptions of s*x (minors this isn’t for you don’t fucking touch it i swear to GOD), perv!eddie my beloved, tiny bit of a daddy kink (i refuse to apologize) 
Word Count: 1k
Author’s Note: i have no idea what this is. it was going to be a fic i think but then it derailed into a headcanon-y drabble. it has not been edited. i’ve been so fatigued for the past two days that getting anything written has been difficult (thanks depression). once i come up with a plot / scenario i hope to have a very tasty smut fic written soon. i just have to puke all my other ideas up first i have so many. if any of y’all have some smut ideas drop them in my inbox please i would v much appreciate them <3
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Eddie Munson was a dirty pervert. He frequented the local adult video store, from which he'd amassed an expansive collection of erotica. He masturbated at least twice a day. He had handcuffs nailed to his wall for exactly the reason you'd think, and a nasty little habit of stealing your underwear, often keeping it in his back pocket as he went about his day. He had explicit photos of you on his wall, pinned to the dashboard in his van, tucked in the front of his wallet.
And he was the sweetest, most tender lover on the face of the earth.
You both knew what it was like to be consumed by loneliness. Neither of you quite felt like you fit anywhere, and your romantic histories were both utterly tragic. It was your loneliness that brought you together - a friendship based on instant understanding that blossomed into a love so deep and consuming it terrified you at first. But Eddie, despite all his cynicism and hurt, gave you his affection readily and without the slightest hesitation. He showed you just how much you deserved to be loved, and you offered up all of yours in return.
Of course, knowing just how invested his sexual interests were, you assumed he was experienced. You knew he'd never really had any lasting relationships before he met you, but you found it difficult to believe a man like him could go more than a month without seeking release from another person. You assumed his body count was high, a gallery of women used for convenience and to distract from just how impossibly alone he felt. He was a man, after all - and men are really only after one thing.
That was until you had him naked, splayed out on your bed with your chest between his thighs, your mouth wrapped in a vice around his cock. He didn't last even a minute.
"I've never... no one's... ever given me a blow job before," Eddie admitted after you'd finished.
"... What?"
"I know, it's pathetic-"
"No, no."
You laughed, sitting up and kneeling beside him so you could look him in the eye.
"I thought..." You chuckled again at your own ignorance. "I thought I was like... your hundredth partner or something. Like you were fucking women left and right before we got together."
Then it was Eddie's turn to laugh.
"What? Do I really seem like that kind of guy to you?"
You shrugged, slightly embarrassed.
"I don't know... You're just really into sex," you explained. "And you're in a band. Casual hookups kinda made sense to me."
Eddie shook his head, his lips curling into a soft smile as he reached out to stroke your hair.
"Nah... not me. I, uh... I can never really get it up unless I like someone, y'know? I mean I'm horny as fuck but I never felt... I never felt okay giving it to someone who didn't give a shit about me. You're only the second person I've been in bed with. And the first I kind of regret, honestly. She was nowhere near as good to me as you."
You smiled, endeared by how endlessly sweet he was. You leaned forward, snaring his lips in a deep, intentioned kiss that he quickly got lost in, his hands raising to lay at your jaw.
"How about another blow job?" you offered as you parted, biting your smiling lip with anticipation.
He nodded vigorously, and the rest of the evening was spent working his cock in and out of your mouth, teaching him how to keep his cool and make the pleasure last.
No matter what his sexual appetite, Eddie loved nothing more than making you cum; and although he wasn’t as experienced as you thought, years of reading porno mags and watching smut films taught him plenty. 
He could work magic with his mouth. The moment he got you alone in his bedroom, he pinned you to his mattress, spreading your legs wide and latching his lips to your clit, licking and sucking at you with expert precision. He could spend hours with your legs slung over his shoulders, gripping and kissing at your thighs, shoving you over the edge of an orgasm without giving you a chance to recover, savoring the way you squirmed and whined from overstimulation. 
“Just one more, sugar,” he would coax you. “Let daddy make his favorite girl cum just one more time...” 
And of course you would. When he spoke to you like that, your mind went numb, fucked out and sex drunk and entirely consumed by his adoration of you.
His favorite way to make you cum was (surprisingly) in missionary. He would fuck you slowly, holding your little bullet vibrator on your clit, diving in at an excruciating pace until you came, hard, flexing around his cock and bringing him all the closer to his own release. He loved watching your face contort with pleasure, pressing tender kisses to your jaw so he could listen to you moan in his ear. It was pretty vanilla, but the way he worked you, it felt like the dirtiest, most delicious thing he could do to you. 
Eddie often used his erotica as a reference, which made everything about your sex life interesting. From toys to positions and even health advice, he was constantly bringing articles and photos from his favorite magazines to your attention, sometimes even reading them out loud as a form of foreplay. He wasn’t the biggest fan of watching porn while he fucked you, however - he preferred to set up shop in front of a mirror, getting off on watching himself slide in and out, the way your body moved with his, from a different angle. 
He wouldn’t admit it, but his favorite part of having sex with you was laying beside you after fucking you into a stupor. He’d light a cigarette or roll up a joint and hold you in the sweetest silence, sometimes with your head on his chest, sometimes with his head on yours, but always with the lightest of kisses feathered across your skin, every inch of your body worshipped by him. He loved kissing down your back, over your collar bones, up the inside of your wrists. 
Eddie Munson loved you with all his soul, and his body was how he showed it.
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🌹💀 get your eddie fix 💀🌹
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menonlywrestling · 1 month
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Montana 2001
Batchelor Arthur (51), works as a delivery driver for a furniture company. He didn't do very well academically, and still lives in the town he was raised in. He always dreamed of becoming a Pro wrestler, but life got in the way and it never happened for him. He's a total pro wrestling nerd and goes to every live pro event in his county. Mostly he keeps himself to himself, and in his spare time, apart from watching wrestling, he works out in the small make shift gym in his basement. Occasionally he'll meet other men out of state, that he chats to online, for private pro wrestling bouts.
A few months ago, Jonathan (29) joined the same company, and was assigned to Arthur to help with the larger deliveries. Initially very quiet, he's starting to come out of his shell and chat a bit more when they're out in the van. Arthur isn't the most talkative either, but they're relaxed around each other a bit more now and there isn't as much awkwardness. They have some things in common. Working out, Sci fi and action movies. The gossipy receptionist at their company told Arthur that Jonathan was recently separated from his wife, and had moved to town to start over.
Arthur has become a bit infatuated with Jonathan. He's always checking him out when he's not looking, admiring his thicc, muscular body. Those eyes, those arms, the sexy Southern accent, that BIG ASS and package. He jerks off every night, imagining what Jonathan would look like in Pro gear. If he could wrestle, what would his favourite hold be? Would he be a heel or a jobber? He fantasises about them wrestling each other. About them being a tag team and winning the regional belts. About them making love in the ring after a bout.
One day, Arthur mentioned that he was going to a pro wrestling show after work. Jonathan asked if he could tag along. He had no plans. He doesn't really know anyone else in town. At the show they're having a great time. It's a Friday night, they're drinking beers and laughing. While watching the action, Arthur is impressed with Jonathan's commentary and knowledge of Pro wrestling. When he mentions this, Jonathan tells him that he wrestled Pro for a bit when he was younger, to earn some extra cash. His grandfather was a pro wrestler and taught him when he was a kid. He had a ring set up in his basement that they would practice in.
Arthur cannot believe what he's hearing. He's impressed, and incredibly turned on. He also notices that during the main event, a violent and bloody chain match between two enormous hot muscle bears, that Jonathan is trying to hide his massive hard on. Arthur questions if this is this really happening. Is he imagining this? Is this wishful thinking? Has he had too many beers? The guy's straight, after all.
After the show, Jonathan thanks Arthur for letting him tag along. He's had a great time. He says he's been feeling a bit lonely. "maybe I should start wrestling again, to get out of the house?" he says, jokingly.
As they make their way to the taxi rank, Arthur asks if he has plans for the weekend. Jonathan shrugs his shoulders "no, sir" he replies. Arthur pauses, then asks Jonathan if he'd like to come to his house tomorrow night. "We can order some pizzas, drink some beers and watch the WWF PPV on cable, if you'd like?"
J: "Sounds great, thanks, that would be cool"
A: "You know, I'm not a bad pro wrestler myself. I've been wrestling for years, on the underground scene. I was thinking that maybe, just for a bit of fun, we could have a bit of a tussle, were kinda the same size and....
Before he could finish, Jonathan says "I'll bring my gear".
To be continued?
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tayfabe75 · 20 days
Did Taylor and Matty meet on Myspace? (And other early coincidences!)
Early on in their careers, Taylor and Matty both utilized Myspace as a way to promote their music. Taylor, specifically, would message with other teenagers on Myspace:
"I'd post my songs on my MySpace and, yes, MySpace, and would message with other teenagers like me who loved country music, but just didn't have anyone singing from their perspective."
Matty, too, described himself as "King of Myspace" when he was fifteen. But he brought it up more recently on the Ion Pack Podcast, even mentioning his age as seventeen at the time. And here's a retro clip of Taylor talking about how she wasn't some corporate entity on Myspace, if you messaged her account, you were talking to her! She also filled out her profile in her own words.
She has some things in her profile that might've caught Matty's eye, a fellow teenage country fan and fan of American music specifically, that might've emboldened him to message her:
"I love people who like my music. I love people who are nice to me. I like people who are excitable. I think it's endearing when people cry when they're happy. I'm pretty excitable too. Guys don't ask me out because they know I'll write songs about them. But I'm also the girl who still believes prince charming exists somewhere out there -- fully equipped with great hair and an immature sense of humor. I'm fascinated by black and white pictures. I like people who can be sarcastic and laugh about tense situations. I'm a fan of fans."
Say whatever you will about Matty, but that man is a genuine fan of Taylor's music. When he became a fan is open for discussion, but let's just pretend, for fun, that he found her via Myspace early on in her career.
Now, here is the old Myspace page for The 1975 back when they were known as 'Drive Like I Do' in 2008. Note the James Taylor in the list of Influences! (as well as the Jamie Squire in the top 8! How sweet, I'm sobbing!)
Taylor was a bit of a firecracker on Myspace (and not just there, there's a whole conspiracy theory she used to troll 4Chan!). A few of her comments were screenshotted and you can find them around the internet. Here are some. The one from October 31st, 2005 about a queer fellow ("I'm sorry that I'm kinda queer, it's not as weird as it appears") with a Sex van ("take your shoes off in the back of my van") really caught my eye, anyway…
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"Listen my queer fellow. I thinketh we shall hangeth out sometime soon, eh? yes, I do believe I am growing fond of this idea. drive over in your sex van and come pick me up, farewell knave."
Notice the spelling here, too. Thinketh? Hangeth? Knave? Feels a little bit Shakespearean, at least for say, a fifteen-going-on-sixteen-year-old girl (as we would later discover, Love Story and Robbers were both inspired by Romeo and Juliet, both written around the same time so far as I know, but it's hard to find exact dates!)
Matty, by the way, used to refer to himself as the "Prince of the Tyne". He's also got some old Drive Like I Do lyrics from 'We Are the Streetfighters' that are suspicious to me: "Well in four thousand miles we'll meet you" (The nearest airport to Macclesfield is in Manchester, and the distance between Manchester and Nashville? Roughly 4000 miles)
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Two months later on December 21st, 2005, just after turning 16, Taylor says she's in England.
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Did they meet? Who knows! But there's enough weirdness there to make me wonder. Speaking of weirdness… we're going to go on a side tangent about Fearless, but that's part of the puzzle, so bear with me…
I don't know about anyone else, but when I saw Matty's Fearless Love Gaze™, I was rocked to my core! Men do not look at women like that, but especially not brand-new flings. They're too concerned with trying to look cool and unaffected. For most men (stereotypically), romance and love are "dumb" and "stupid" and perceived as a "woman thing" that men can't be bothered with. But not Matty. Matty was utterly transfixed by her. Something about that touch of mischief in the lip bite when she says the bit about "absentmindedly making me want you", the way he just barely mouths along to the words at the end of the clip, well… sirens started going off for me. So, I followed my intuition and started researching all of this.
Now, Taylor wrote the song 'Fearless' sometime in 2006. The hidden message liner note for Fearless? "I loved you before I met you". Taylor describes 'Fearless' as a song she wrote about a perfect first date she hadn't had yet, about something she didn't have but dreamt of. She debuted it for the first time on April 6th, 2007 in Reading, PA (if you don't already know it, that's two days before Matty's 18th birthday). At this show, she debuted 'Sparks Fly' (yes, in 2007! Original lyrics were brown eyes rather than green eyes, by the way) and 'Tied Together With A Smile'. She also played a cover of John Waite's song 'Missing You' which seems to be about a long-distance relationship: "And it's my heart that's breakin' down this long distance line tonight"
Speaking of Matty's birthday, the release of Fearless TV happened to coincide with Matty's birthday! She dropped a sneak peek of Fearless on his birthday in 2021, and the album would release one day later on the ninth (perhaps because albums release on Fridays and that's as close as she could get?)
Taylor describes the Fearless album as her diary from when she was seventeen (misplaced my source on that quote, d'oh!) That said, 'Love Story' interests me as well. There are some interesting facts about Love Story:
Hidden message: Someday, I'll find this. Taylor wrote this song in a very short amount of time after her parents had told her that she couldn't be with the person she wanted to be with. And in her own words:
"'Love Story' is actually about a guy that I almost dated. But when I introduced him to my family and my friends, they all said they didn't like him. All of them! For the first time, I could relate to that Romeo-and-Juliet situation where the only people who wanted them to be together were them. That's the most romantic song I've written, and it's not even about a person I really dated."
Taylor's UK television debut (like first time ever performing on TV in the UK) was on Loose Women (Matty's mother's show). Now, Denise was not there during this period as a host, but she had been before that and would be afterward, so maybe there's some significance? Maybe not. But if Taylor and Matty knew each other, he would definitely get to be in the audience to see her if he wanted to. The song she chose to perform was 'Love Story'.
Now, 'Robbers' is also based on Romeo and Juliet (and also written circa 2007), and Matty describes that here in a fan video from 2015. We'd see Romeo and Juliet imagery pop up again in 2014, both in Taylor's video for Blank Space (where she's on a balcony looking down at her lover) and in November where she stood up on a balcony at Matty's show as he serenaded her with Fallingforyou (visual comparisons here)
Blank Space, too, might reference Fallingforyou. There's a scene where she rides bikes with her lover inside her enormous house, perhaps reminiscent of Matty's lyric: "All we need's my bike and your enormous house":
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Matty even dresses a bit like the lover from 'Love Story' music video at the 2017 BRITs:
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When you fall down the Myspace rabbit hole, you start noticing other strange similarities in their lyrics - like Matty referring to a "girl on the screen" in 'If You're Too Shy', which perhaps parallels Taylor's "guy on the screen" in 'Karma'. In 'The 1' (another song that lyrically parallels 'Robbers'), Taylor imagines "the 1 that got away" meeting a woman on the internet and taking her home, which might be another reference to Matty, perhaps lyrically paralleling The 1975's 'Playing On My Mind'. This theory, of course, makes the entire album 'A Brief Inquiry into Online Relationships' suspect, especially given that 'Be My Mistake' is a song Matty wrote "about Nashville", the striking similarities between 'Sincerity is Scary' and 'Me!', a song called 'Mine' that references the year 2009, and the inclusion of a Drive Like I Do track Matty wrote when he was just fifteen years old, '102' (the same age he was when he was "King of Myspace"). Considering 'Love Story' was written for someone who Taylor's parents disapproved of, it makes this lyric all the more striking:
"I hope this song will remind you I'm not half as bad as what you've been told."
Lastly, if Matty is the confirmed 'Cardigan' muse and if 'Willow' is the continuation of 'Cardigan' (based on where the music video begins), the scene where she gazes into the water at her lover could perhaps represent a visual metaphor for looking through a screen, no?
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Back to the NYU commencement speech! I recommend listening to the FULL clip. She talks about: feeling lonely, chatting with other teenage country fans on Myspace, and then segues into her motivation behind protecting her private life:
"Having the world treat my love life like a spectator sport in which I lose every single game was not a great way to date in my teens and twenties, but it taught me to protect my private life fiercely."
All of this seems correlated to me (also why it's hard for me to reconcile this whole football charade! But for me, it's easier to believe Taylor here about privacy being important to her, and not assume that some boyfriend kept her locked away in a dungeon against her will or something)
Now, to tie this all into a very nice bow, here's a quote where Taylor talks about how she uses easter eggs:
"Easter eggs can be left on clothing or jewelry. This is one of my favorite ways to do this, because you wear something that foreshadows something else, and people don't usually find out this one immediately, but they know you're probably sending a message. They'll figure it out in time."
What shirt was she wearing during her pap walk with Matty? Think of the "He lets her Bejeweled" meme… She had on an NYU sweatshirt.
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Now, could be just a giant coincidence, trust me, I know, I get it. However… maybe she's really hinting about an old Myspace pal that she has protected fiercely. I mean, she did seem to use that speech to easter egg/foreshadow YOYOK & Labyrinth lyrics…
Speaking of 'Bejeweled'… On July 15th, 2023 Taylor flubbed the lyrics: "Sapphire tears on Myspace", and then she giggled. Freudian slip, perhaps? But this is the woman who assures us that "nothing is accidental"... and in a song that mentions a "Top 5", no less! (reminiscent of a Top 8, perhaps?)
Maybe James and Betty were involved in a "teenage love triangle" for a reason, and maybe TTPD references "teenage petulance" for that same reason… or maybe it's nothing but a bunch of eerie coincidences! Who knows! In the meantime, I'll keep on clownin'! 🤡
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rockstvrdotcom · 1 year
okay, hear me out, a D/S dynamic with Ticci Toby. One day you leave the mansion and go into town to buy a couple of things with Toby, and while he's gone to go get something some random guy approaches you. You don't realize it but he's flirting with you and again without realizing it you're somewhat flirting back, but Toby definitely noticed and when you get back to the mansion he's decided that you need to be taught who you belong to.
- 𝙔𝙊𝙐'𝙍𝙀 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙀 !! ⪼☆
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oh my gosh i literally love this OMGG
CW: hair pulling, being tied up, dom/sub, jealousy fuck, breeding kink, orgasm denial (like once) , light choking, degradation, name calling (slut, whore, cunt), fwb, dub con (if u squint..)
you can skip to the part where it becomes NSFW cuz its kinda long
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"you ready to go?" toby asked, keys to the mansions shared car in hand. he wore a black hoodie and some grey cargos with a belt, a mask covering the lower half of his face. you were just gonna get groceries for the mansion, you and toby were the more "normal looking" people.
you nodded, heading towards the exit. he opens the door for you and you thank him in response. you heard the old van's engine begin to run, you were suprised how that old thing still works. you head to the van, opening the door to the drivers seat. toby grabs your wrist. "we both know you suck at driving, let me drive." he said so passive aggresively. you roll your eyes, "i also suck something else." you winked. he looked away, shoving you into the car.
you mostly sat in silence for most of the ride, the occasional sex joke here and there. the ride to get into town was almost half an hour with this old ass van, leaving you both plenty of alone time.
but, you and toby arent a couple. actually, you aren't even that close as friends. it's more of a friends with benefits situation, whenever you both are horny or whatever, you fuck. that's pretty much it. you don't really talk when you're not doing that.
you think hes cute and hot, and he thinks the same for you. thats for sure. but relationships in the mansion never really.. work. you asked toby out before, but he rejected you since it "distracts from work" or whatever he says, you guys never became more than just friends with benefits. you breathe in as you both arrive to the grocery store. just a few snacks and frozen meals, you both didn't want to be out for long. your faces have been on wanted papers lately, you didnt wanna risk it.
you looked at the checklist..
kitchen knife
it wasn't much, so you took your time look through the aisles for something you wanted. as you walked, you accidentally bumped into some random guy who had tons of stuff in his hand.
"i'm so sorry-" you let out a little gasp, apologizing for the inconvenice. you don't usually apologize, let alone do you even say anything thats somewhat nice, but damn this guy was smoking hot.
"it's no problem," the guy laughed. you smiled back sheepishly. "would you mind helping me pick this stuff up? if you have time of course." he asked.
you nodded yes frantically. picking up this fallen cans of food and whatever else there was, as you were, he asks "what's your name?" while scratching his neck, trying not to make it obvious he was trying to get your number.
"it's y/n. what's yours?" you ask back. you finished helping him pick everything up.
"it's emir." he smiled. he was almost as tall as toby, he was about 6'1 (ik thats not tobys canon height) with (h/c) hair and (s/t) skin.. and he was mighty fine.
"sooo.. i think you're pretty cute. and i may or may not have bumped into you on purpose just to get your number.." he laughed nervously and you giggled in response.
"aw thanks! i think you're pretty cute too," you took out your phone, "my number is-" you felt an arm snake around you, and another snatch your phone out of your hand.
you looked behind you, a figure slightly towering over you. "what the f-" he shushed you.
"she has a boyfriend." it was toby, you realized that when he grabbed you by the wrist and dragged you to the exit, grocery bags in his other hand. you looked behind you to emir and mouthed sorry. he laughed awkwardly, disappointed.
toby let go of you so you could get in the van. you both went in and literal steam was about to come out of your ears. "toby, what the actual fuck was that." you said with furrowed eyebrows.
he stayed silent and turned on the radio. he began to drive and you scoffed. "the guy was actually hot too.." you mumbled under your breath. you faintly heard a grunt escape tobys mouth and you rolled your eyes. "while you were flirting with some guy, i got the groceries." he said, eyes focusing ahead of him while he started the engine.
"we weren't even flirting, he just wanted my number!" you told him, anger obvious in your voice.
"like hell you weren't flirting. you literally were about to give him your number dumbass." you kept silent after he said that, and looked out the window for the rest of the ride.
by the time you both were out of the car and at the mansion, he had a death grip on your arm as he dragged you up the staircase and into his room. he slams the door behind you, locking it.
nsfw below the cut! ★
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he pinned you against the wall. "you're fucking mine." he whispered into your ear. he moved strands of your hair away and bit and sucked at your neck and shoulders, showing everybody who you belong to. you moaned out his name, feeling his dick growing through his pants against your leg. he shoved you onto the bed, getting ontop of you with his knee inbetween your legs. he took off his belt and took ahold of your wrists, tying you to the headboard of his bed.
his look softened for a second, admiring your body beneath him. "you're such a fucking slut. what makes you think you can talk to other men like that? you're mine, you belong to me." he said into the nook of your neck, lightly choking you as he was taking in the smell of your perfume. he took off your clothes that were already half off. he fondled with your breasts, smashing his lips against yours, your lipstick lightly smudged on his lips. his lips found their way across your body, he left occasional hickeys on the way down to your pussy.
he aggresively kissed your inner thighs, "all mine." he grunted inbetween kisses. hands gripping your thighs, his nails digging into your skin.
"i'm all yours, toby." you said under your breath, your back slightly arched.
"bullshit." he scoffed as he looked up at you, pushing your panties aside and putting his fingers inside of you, thrusting them in and out of your dripping wet cunt. a loud moan escaped through your lips as he began to eat you out while he fingered you, tongue circling around your clit.
"you love my tongue, don't you? slutty bitch." he said, words laced with venom and jealousy. his harsh words brought heat straight down to your pussy, you clenched around his fingers. you became increasingly hot, and knew your orgasm was coming.
"toby- fuck- i'm coming." you moaned, biting your lip. the knot in your stomach began to untie. you felt his pace begin to slow, then stop. you whined, bucking your hips up hoping to get some pleasure and bring you to your high. he retracted from your pussy and took back his fingers. leaving you a panting and sweaty mess, still tied up. he shoved his fingers into your mouth, making you taste yourself on his hands. "suck, whore." he told you, pushing his fingers further down your throat.
"please toby, let me cum, please. i'm sorry. " you cried out through his fingers, begging for your release. he chuckled at your pleas.
"you wanna cum so bad, don't you? fucking slut." he laughed at you, the humiliation brung red to your cheeks as you tugged at his belt that kept you stuck to the bed, begging to be untied and atleast finish yourself if he wasn't gonna do it for you.
you sighed in relief as he took off his shirt and pants, throwing them to the side and pulling down his boxers just enough so his dick would pop out. "i'm gonna put all of my babies inside of your pathetic cunt." he growled, eyeing down your naked body like a hungry wolf.
he pushed his dick into your pussy, already thrusting in and out at a brutal pace. you cried out, back arched. he admired how your eyes rolled back and how your beautiful voice was chanting his name. he messily played with your clit as he pounded in and out of you, the bed banging against the wall.
you felt the knot in your stomach being brung back once again, tears of pleasure flowed out of your eyes. he straddled your hips, nails plunged into your sides, enough to break skin. you tried to grip onto something even with your hands tied, clenching on his dick.
"fuck fuck fuck fuck- i'm coming, please let me cum." you begged. he looked at you for a second, as if he was making a decision. then he picked up his pace, going faster than before. you cried out in pleasure, a wave of ecstasy washing over you as you came around his cock.
you felt his hips stutter, his pace became slower and sloppy. he wrapped his hand around your throat, leaning over you while playing with your tits. you bit your lip, still riding out your high. his thrusting sped up, then came to a stop. you felt him release inside of you. "fuck, your gonna look so pretty with my babies growing inside of you." he told you behind clenched teeth, roughly caressing your cheek.
"i don't wanna see you acting like that with another guy again." he said, about to unbuckle your wrists. you scoffed in annoyance.
"i asked you out and you said no, that's your fucking problem." the sexual tension was still there, but you could see rage on his face.
"your cunt belongs to me, you belong to me." he growled, before he roughly took ahold of your face and connected his lips with yours. his hands creeped down back to your pussy, playing with your clit. you tried to speak, to tell him that you were still sensitive. but it was muffled as he aggresively made out with you. he untied your hands, leaving them free to roam all across his body. you traced his muscles with your fingers, caressing every scar.
eventually you guys stopped eating at eachothers faces, and he laid down on the bed. you held him close to you, the room still smelled like sex. he pulled his boxers back up and pulled the sheets over both of you, kissing your forehead.
you laid there, your body sore. slowly, you began to drift away and fall asleep, head on his chest.
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its not proofread so sorry if i made any mistakes. another post is coming otw! ♡
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heartthrobin · 2 years
hold me like i’m more than just a friend
eddie munson x female!reader
wc: 3k
warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, some swearing, first kiss (kinda), so much pining, henderson!reader, pre-season 4, they’re so in love ew
an: this is another piece from my ao3 but since you guys liked amuse and romance me like you do i thought you might enjoy this :) i’d love to hear your comments
summary: is it easier to keep pretending you’re not in love with Eddie Munson before or after he offers to kiss you to prove how good it can be?
The Yellow Piglet made the best bacon French toast in the whole of Indiana.
On weekends every booth in the cramped diner was occupied, especially Sunday mornings after the church service. The diner shared the street corner with a tall white church: a fact that always made Eddie laugh, he joked that if he ventured too close to the edge of the parking lot that he'd burst into flames.
The weekdays, however, were quiet. You'd make small tips in the morning with the gentlemen from the cop shop, the working class stopping in for a quick coffee and a bite - but by night it was dead inside.
It was one such night, the darkness seeping in through the windows with only the starchy yellow light reflecting off the countertops you found yourself wiping down with a filthy rag from the kitchen.
Eddie sat across the counter, grinning around a mouthful of raspberry pie you so graciously offer him every evening shift when he comes to pick you up. He usually brings Dustin after their Hellfire meetings, the rumble of his red van all the way at the end of the road audible from inside the shop, before picking you up to drop you both at the Henderson residence.
"—he came to me and said they kissed under the bleachers on the soccer field," Your words were punctured by laughter as you retold the story. "He was crying his little eyes out because he thought the kiss had gotten her pregnant."
The mane atop Eddie's head was thrown back in laughter, the little wisps of hair pushed out of his face and you couldn't help but notice how he glittered in the low light.
Dustin hadn't caught a lift with Eddie that night, having yelled out some excuse for him to be at Lucas' for the evening before leaving for school that morning. You'd phoned Eddie to tell him he didn't need to pick you up, you'd find a way, but he'd persisted.
"Don't worry about a thing, princess. I'll be there."
He spooned another piece of pie into his mouth, "I'm totally gonna use this story against him."
"Don't you dare," you whipped him playfully over his leathered shoulder with the wet rag. "He'd never forgive me."
Dustin had made you swear to never tell anyone that story, and you promised your little brother you'd never tell a soul, but somehow when Eddie glances up at you with those wide, wet brown eyes: the control you have over what spills out of your mouth is pathetically low.
You pushed the thought away rudely, give it a rest, this is becoming embarassing.
The owner's Frank Sinatra tape was still playing in the empty diner as you leaned to stack the last of the washed plates up on the shelf. He let you close up on your own when you had evening shift, and you appreciated it. It meant you could slip Eddie a piece of whichever pie was freshest and have an excuse to watch him over the counter just as you had done now.
"And what about yours?" His voice pulled you from your thoughts.
"Your first kiss story, smarty pants." His eyes glimmered mischievously. "I'm sure it's just as entertaining as your brother's."
A chuckle forced itself up your throat, "It's really not."
Eddie leaned further forward over the counter and your heart lurched happily in your chest at the sight.
"Well, don't leave me in suspense here, Henderson."
You reached for the rag again, smoothing it over the counter as if you hadn't just cleaned it - desperate to have something to busy your hands. "It's ... you see, I haven't actually—"
"There's no ways you haven't had your first kiss."
The look up to meet Eddie's eyes was painful, "Why do you say it like that!"
He laughed, "I— it's just not possible, it's not a bad thing..." The air was thick and you noticed how he fidgeted in his chair, "you're just too pretty. To not have been kissed, I mean."
An uncomfortable heat pressed over your neck and face. he's just being nice, just fucking calm down.
"In any event..." you tried to momentarily ignore that Eddie had just called you pretty, but you knew it would ring in your ears all night. "That's not what I said."
It was true, you had, technically been given a first kiss. Just that you were too drunk to remember much of it and you were sure it had been horrible.
Eddie's eyebrow raised, "Oh yeah? Go on."
The fridge hummed into the space between you before you sighed deeply, the blush over your face only reddening.
"I kissed Jackson Gillespie at a party last year, but I was really drunk and he was really drunk ..."
Your eyes avoided Eddie's, but you could feel the weight of his gaze as you busied yourself with the already gleaming countertop.
"I don't remember any of it, just that it was ... uncomfortable, and wet. So yes, I've had a first kiss - and that's the story - but I kind of don't think it really counts."
It took all the willpower to meet Eddie's face again. He was smiling softly, licking over his fork in consideration, eyes all over you. Your stomach churned under his gaze.
"Hm, well that's a shame. A damn shame if I do say so myself." He folded his arms against the counter, leather jacket stretched over his arms.
It convinced a chuckle out of you, a light one as you felt the nervous churn of your stomach against your apron. "Oh yeah, and why's that?"
"Because kissing is nice. If you're with someone who knows what they're doing? Phew, it'll make you forget your own name."
Suddenly the chilly diner felt warmer, or maybe your uniform had grown thicker. You lifted the box of knives and forks from under the counter to stack away the last of the cutlery, trying to ignore the twisted fantasies Eddie's words were weaving into your brain.
"Seeing as nobody's had the stomach to kiss me sober, I'll just have to take your word for it."
He was surveying you carefully and you suddenly realized how pitiful your response had sounded, "I didn't mean—"
"I could show you."
The butter knife clanged as it hit the tile floor. Your throat closed around your breathing pipe.
Eddie took a nonchalant sip of the milk you offered with the pie, his shit-eating grin visible from behind the clear glass. "Don't look so scared, Henderson. I'm just trying to right the wrong the universe has done you. Only if you want, to that is."
You blinked at him. "You want ... you mean, to kiss me?"
"If it helps, I've never had any complaints."
A sharp sting of jealousy ran somewhere beneath the stream of adrenaline pumping through your chest at the thought of Eddie kissing other people. You ignore it to deal with the more current circumstance.
Eddie Munson just offered to kiss you in the dimness of your diner and not only just kiss you, but to kiss you well.
You couldn't count all the times you'd lain in bed imagining what it would be like to kiss the Dungeon Master since the first time he waltzed into the restaurant with your little brother attached to his side. Admittedly, you'd pictured something a little more spontaneous.
The offer that he was presenting wrapped carefully around your brain.
"Right now?" It came out as more of a squeak than anything.
He set his fork down, "No time like the present. Isn't that what the old people say?"
Biting carefully on the corner of your bottom lip, you offered a cautious glance. "Eddie, if you're doing this out of pity then I'd rather not—"
He rolled his eyes playfully, "Kiss you out of pity? Don't make me laugh. Just get over here."
You flattened out your uniform, rounding the edge of the counter - every alarm in your brain going off all at once.
What if this is a cruel joke?
The plastic over the chair squeaked quietly as you slid yourself onto it, the place right beside Eddie's.
No, Eddie would never do that. He's just being helpful.
He twisted in his seat to face you. "Ready, princess?"
Eddie watched how your eyes flickered between his own, desperate for a place to settle. He prayed you couldn't hear his heartbeat, although he was sure it could be heard all the way across Hawkins.
He was still mostly in shock about how he'd managed to convince you into kissing him. Eddie felt almost bad that he was leading you into him under such false pretenses as to just show you a good time when really Eddie just didn't think he would survive another day on this planet without the knowledge of what your puffy lips tasted like. So when he saw his opportunity, he seized it - only about 20% sure you'd actually take him up on it.
A soft smile slid across your mouth and you giggled softly, "Actually, you have a little ..."
Your hand lifted to his face, the pad of your thumb wiping gently at the edge of his mouth where he could feel the crumbs roll off.
"You had a little pie around your mouth, and I'm not willing to kiss a dirty mouth, Munson."
You wiped your hand on the apron in your lap, the apron pressed against the baby pink dress you were forced to wear as a server at the Yellow Piglet. God, he loved that little fucking pink dress. You looked like a doll straight out the box and when you climbed into the front seat of his van, the skirt would lift and tease him with the upper expanse of your thigh.
With every passing day, every late night pickup and now you wiping down the corners of his mouth like you could almost love him: Eddie was finding it harder and harder to not just fall onto his knees and beg you to be his.
He chuckled, "Oh, you're gonna love this dirty mouth, Henderson."
It was impossible not to notice your cheeks burn redder and Eddie's stomach lurched in his abdomen.
"Don't be gross, Eddie." You were whispering now, words wrapped with a teasing thread.
The moment was closing in, Eddie knew just how to find them when they presented themselves. He shifted closer to the edge of his seat, closer to you.
Your skin was soft where his knuckle came to find the bottom of your chin, tilting you slowly up to look at him with those wide doe eyes that were turning his insides to goo.
His fingers drew you in until your hot breaths mixed in the space between you. "Wouldn't dream of it, princess."
Suddenly his mouth was on yours. He felt your warm gasp against the bow of his lip.
Any chance he had of getting over you was completely shattered, absolutely crushed when the sweet sticky taste of your cherry bomb lipgloss slipped in against his patient tongue.
His forehead pressed against your own and he could feel your tentativeness in how your lips moved slowly over his, taking short glides and waiting for him to extend the hand he'd so readily offered.
It was what he'd promised after all, and if this was the only time he'd get to kiss you in his whole wretched life, he was going to make it the best you'll ever have.
He stayed gentle, his one hand smoothed up your neck until it found solace with its thumb tucked behind your ear and the other warming over your knee - rubbing circles into the side.
Eddie kept it slow, making sure you were okay, and pushing what was left of his dignity to the back of his mind as he realized that the length of the kiss was quickly nearing what would be an appropriate time for a kiss to be in these set of circumstances.
Affording himself one last lick at your bottom lip, desperate to let the taste of cherry linger, he pulled off your lips.
Fortunately, he didn't go far - just far enough off of your face to realize that your eyes were still closed even with him gone, but close enough that your hand could quickly reach up to wrap his guitar pick chain around your index finger. You tugged him back against your lips, allowing a low, sweet whine to fill the space between you.
Eddie was sure he was dreaming. Or dying. Or both.
The force of your tug was enough to pull him off the edge of the barstool, enough to slot himself between your knees and bring you flush against his chest. Your head was thrown almost all the way back to reach Eddie's face as the height difference had him looming over you. Eddie couldn't imagine a sweeter sight than your neck exposed for him and your warmth washing over him like a hot Indiana day.
He almost dipped down to dare a taste at the expanse of neck skin when you hesitantly slipped your tongue across the seam connecting your mouths, and it was Eddie's turn to groan deliriously against you.
The warm metal of his rings dug into your side and your nails were running lines down his scalp as—
A shrill shriek split the air between you, causing you and Eddie to knock foreheads before your wild eyes whipped around the diner - where Eddie had just about forgotten you were - for the source of the disruption.
He lifted his hand up to his then throbbing forehead as his gaze landed on the ringing phone against the wall.
Your eyes were wide, glancing barely at him. "S-Sorry..."
Jumping from the stool, you barely took a moment to untangle your legs from Eddie's - nearly tripping over yourself to grab the phone off the wall.
"The Y-Yellow Piglet speaking," your voice shook. "How can I help?"
It was obvious that you were avoiding meeting his gaze, but still, he made out the deep breaths you were drawing against the mouth of the phone and couldn't help feel a shine of pride that he'd been the reason you were panting against the line.
"N-No, I'm sorry. We closed at seven, but we'll be open by six in the morning."
Eddie suddenly didn't know what to do with his hands, taking to running them up and down the length of his thighs. Even he could feel his chest rising more quickly than normal and almost jumped when the click of the phone back against the wall echoed into the space between them.
You'd hardly hung up the phone, daring only the shortest of glances at Eddie before muttering, "I'm g-gonna go lock the back door and grab my bag, then we can go."
But you were already gone.
The kitchen door swung back and forth after you, squeaking loudly and Eddie watched it. All of a sudden, it felt like he'd made the wrong move. He'd always told himself that he was holding it together just for Dustin - or maybe purely because of his own cowardice - but Eddie wasn't sure he could deal with you ignoring him and him pretending his feelings don't exist after you'd just given him the best kiss of his whole life.
The drive home was mostly quiet.
You sat in the passenger seat, as you did most weekday nights, but that night there was none of Dustin's intellectual babble to fill the space despite the fact that there had never been a greater need for it.
Eddie's usual tracks played softly from his speakers and you couldn't help notice how his fingers rapped against the steering wheel to the beat more erratically than usual.
The Henderson house was barely a ten minute drive from the Yellow Piglet and while you usually felt there was never enough time between the two places, enough moments for you to glance across the car to watch how Eddie's rings curled over the gears, it was painfully long to sit in near silence wondering if you made the biggest mistake of your young life.
Eddie offered one simple pity kiss to you and you practically grope him while simultaneously falling in love - rather, falling deeper in love than you already were - and digging the hole wide enough that you knew you'd never be able to climb out now.
The old red van grumbled to a stop at the end of your driveway and you clutched your purse closer to your chest, Eddie's eyes on the still road ahead.
"I—" you weren't sure whether you'd even be able to speak without choking, "Thanks for the lift, Eddie. I'll see you tomorrow—"
"Was it good at least?"
Your hand froze where it was positioned over the door handle, ready to leap out, run upstairs and cry into your pillow.
You didn't need to ask what he was referring to. He glanced back at you and for the first time you found something besides surety in those wide brown eyes.
Your mind bounced between possible replies, obviously taking long enough that Eddie felt the need to interject.
"If it was bad you can say that—" the little chuckle accompanying his words was painfully transparent.
"—I think ..." you opted for the plain white truth, "you've ruined every kiss any man could give me for the rest of my life."
It was harder to break the eye contact now that you'd lain your heart out into his palm. His eyes grew impossibly wider.
A long silence followed, but you couldn't move. Not until he said something, said anything.
"Is it wrong that I want to be the only man you kiss for the rest of your life?"
He swallowed hard, it was loud enough that you giggled softly at it. At him. At his confession. You were leaning forward before you could allow your words to mess anything more up.
The kiss was slow and warm and you took him in with all your senses, every nerve in your body buzzing in happiness - your tongue lapping at the raspberry remnants on his lips. He hummed quietly.
"You're getting unfairly good at this." His voice was muffled against your mouth but you could feel his grin.
"I've had a good teacher." You kissed him again before pulling slowly off him again, the car still rumbling beneath you.
Those long black eyelashes blinked down at you, his face turning almost serious again.
"I don't think I can wake up tomorrow morning and go back to pretending like I'm not falling for you."
You reached for a handful of the famous Eddie Munson mane and let it run through your fingers. "Please don't do that." You whispered.
He nodded, "Then you'll let me take you out tomorrow before your shift?"
Your smile was so tight, the reach in your cheeks were cramping. "Only if you promise that I'm the last girl you'll kiss until then."
"Princess, you're gonna be the last girl I'll kiss until I'm six feet under."
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Who's there?
Part 2
Pairing: Eddie munson x fem!reader
Summary: Eddie takes you on a mini vacation to a cabin in the middle of the woods. Where the two of you can enjoy your time alone together and try something new.
Warnings: kinda dark, knife play (no actual cutting involved), unprotected sex, role-playing, everything here is consensual. Established relationship. Cat & mouse. Breeding kink? Pussy slapping, Restraints CNC DUBCON
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Today was the day you and Eddie would be heading out to the little cabin you both rented for two weeks. Two amazing long weeks of just the two of you being alone together. You never really got much alone time with work and family, friends taking up most of your time. When you and Eddie did get alone time, you usually had to keep quiet while he fucked you with his hand over your mouth. While Steve and Robin were in the next room arguing about who's the better Spice girl.
This time, though, you and Eddie have a house all to yourselves where you can be as loud as you like. Eddie had called you and told you to get the bags you guys had already packed ready. He would be picking you up straight right when he's getting off from work.
A few moments later, you hear his horn honk, and you run towards the van and literally jump inside of it. Eddie laughed at you when you got in the van throwing the bags in the back seat.
"Well, someone is ready to leave," He said with a laugh.
"Yes, let's go now. Please, I'm ready to get out of here." Clapping your hands in excitement.
"Don't have to tell me twice, princess," Eddie then backs out of your driveway and practically high tales it out of Hawkins.
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Around 2 hours later, you pull up and drive down a long driveway surrounded by trees to an older cabin. The cabin was surrounded by greenery with a lake and peer in the back. Eddie puts his hand on your leg and shakes it, interrupting you in your daze.
"Hey, come on, help me get this stuff in so we can get settled." He leans over and kisses you.
Blushing slightly, you hop out of the passenger side and run to help grab bags, bringing them into the house. Once you're done bringing everything inside and putting it away, you take in your surroundings. The inside was nothing but wall to floor windows and shabby curtains. You can tell the owners kept up with the place since it didn't look run down at all. The windows, though, made you nervous, especially since there were so many of them. What if someone is watching you?  Shaking your head to forget that thought and ease your mind. We're surrounded by trees and nothing else. No one else is out there you reassured yourself.
Jumping slightly when you feel a pair of arms wrap around your middle. "Hey, you okay?" Eddie asked, confused. "Yeah, I'm fine, just a long ride. You lied to him. Nodding his head, he goes in for a neck kiss and squeezes you tighter to him. "Let's get started on dinner. I'm starving, " Eddie said as he let go of you walking into the kitchen. You follow him, and you both start preparing dinner. You loved cooking with Eddie, both of you dancing around and giggling together.
Once dinner was done cooking and you both sat at the dining room table eating, Eddie leaned over and whispered in your ear, "I can't wait to have you screaming later." He leaned back over and continued eating like he didn't just making your heart flutter. After dinner was done and you both cleaned up, Eddie kept true to his word. He had you laying on the edge of the bed with your thighs pressed down on your chest. He's standing in front of you pumping his hard cock at a vigorous pace inside of you.
That's how it was for almost your entire trip. Both of you laughing and giggling with one another or Eddie making you cry on his cock. He was right he would have you screaming, and no one would ever hear you. You loved being loud and not having to worry about anyone hearing you. Eddie didn't care if anyone heard you, but he knew you were shy about that stuff. With your vacation coming to a close with just a few more days left, and you really don't want to go home. You want to stay here forever with Eddie in bliss. 
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Your mind keeps thinking about what you and Eddie talked about just a month ago. He had wanted to try some role-playing, but you never could get a chance alone to try it out. He even went as far as to come up with a safe word for you in case you needed it. You both decided on the word "orange" as your safe word. Now that you remember this conversation, you wonder why he hasn't even mentioned it yet.
Maybe he wasn't into it anymore, but you definitely were. The thought of having Eddie chase you around until he catches you and taking you right there and then. You press your thighs together, sitting on the couch waiting for Eddie to get out of the shower. He comes out a few more minutes later, with a towel hanging low on his hips. Making you stop breathing for a moment. He truly was so beautiful to look at with his lean abs and happy trail.
"Hey baby, I gotta into town to pick up some stuff from the store," He told you, rubbing a towel in his hair and walking back into your room.
"Okay, don't be long," you yell out to him.
You want to bring up the conversation you both had about the role play stuff, hoping he'd want to do it on your last few nights here. You figured you would talk to him about it when he comes back from the store.
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After Eddie left, you were starting to get a little scared being all alone. You were surrounded by open windows and trees. Eddie had left about 10 minutes ago, and the sun has already set in that short amount of time. You try to at least close the curtains to help ease your nerves, but they won't budge. That's when the phone on the wall rings. Strange that phone hasn't rang once since you've been here. Maybe Eddie's phone died, and he's calling you to let you know he's on his way back. Picking it up, you answer with a "hello," but the other end was quiet.
Hanging up, you got to put on a movie, but the phone rings again. You pause for a moment and look around the room. You answer again with a soft "hello." Someone else on the other end finally responds.
"HI, What's a pretty thing like you doing all alone" they asked you in a deep voice.
"I'm not alone by boyfriend is here." You lie trying not to sound scared. You were hoping Eddie was just messing with you, but after hearing that voice, you know this isn't Eddie.
"Really? Tell me something. If your boyfriend is there, then where is his van at sweetie?" You hear them snicker into the other line.
Hanging up quickly, you got to lock all the doors in the cabin and wait for Eddie to get back.  the phone begins to ring again, and you pick it up and slam it back down onto the receiver. You're shaking and crying. You go to grab your phone and call Eddie, but notice it's not where you left it. Looking everywhere, you go into the master bedroom and see if maybe you left it on the charger, and no, it's not there either.
A loud bang comes from the living room, and you hesitantly go check it out. Calling Eddie's name out there is only silence. That's when you see the front door wide open, and you run quickly to lock it up again. Backing away, you hurry to go find a weapon, and that's when you see him. He's standing right in the hallway, blocking the entrance to the kitchen. He's wearing a ghostly white mask with exaggerated features and a long black cape with combat boots. You back away slowly with tears running down your face.
Trying to make a run for it, but he's faster than you. Before you can open the door, he's behind you, slamming it closed, caging you in. You fight and push him out of the way, running down the hall and looking for a place to hide. He's on your tale running after you and slams into your back, grabbing you. Thrashing violently, you manage to get out of his grip running for your life again.
Finding your bedroom, you run in and lock the door and hide under the bed. Covering your mouth with your shaking hands trying to be as quiet as you could. You hear him slamming into the door to get in but eventually gives up. You wait and wait until you don't  hear any more noise. Hoping whoever this is was is just playing a prank and left. You get out from under the bed and walk quietly to the door. You open it up gently and take a peak out of the crack. You don't see them anywhere and don't hear anyone. Where the fuck is Eddie? You think to yourself.  What if they hurt him as he was leaving?  You start to panick. Walking slowly down the hallway, you don't see him behind you. He's creeping up on you slowly until he once again grabs you.
He wraps his arms around yours so you can't thrash around. He makes his way to your bedroom and slams you down on the bed, straddling your waist. He takes a large gloved hand and holds down your wrists. With his other hand, he pulls out a buck knife and slowly drags it smoothly from your mouth to your neck.
"Please let me go, and I won't tell anyone, I swear," you crying hysterically.
He shakes his head no and puts the knife down, taking out two zip ties. He wraps them around your wrists tightly and picks his knife back up. Your eyes go wide when he brings it back to your neck and drags it down slowly to your chest. You close your eyes tightly, getting prepared for the worst he's about to do.
He brings it back up and cuts the straps to your dress. He yanks the fabric down your legs, throwing it to the floor. He notices you're not wearing a bra, and you can hear him groan at your naked tits. Nipples are coming to a peak from the cold air they are exposed to. He moves the knife down and cuts your panties off next and discarding the fabric.
You keep begging him to leave and don't do what you know he's planning on doing. "Please, my boyfriend is going to be here soon." You cry out that your voice has become horse.
His shoulders shake like he's laughing at your pathetic attempt to plead with him. He gets off the bed and removes his boots and jeans. He pulls the cape up slightly to reveal his hard thick cock to you. He gives it a few pumps before kneeling back on the bed in between your legs. He removes his gloves and plays with your clit to help get you nice and wet for him.
You bite your lip, and you try to hold in your moans. He notices and slaps your pussy hard making you cry out in pain. He starts rubbing you again and stopping to slap you hard again. He repeats this a few more times until your pussy is aching and dripping wet. He aligns himself at your entrance and thrusts himself in hard, not giving you time to adjust. Throwing his head back he's fucking you so painfully hard. Eventually, you stop trying to hold in your moans and let them out. You begin to cry harder because it's feeling so good. He's pumping into relentlessly, and the sound of your bodies slapping fill the room.
Feeling yourself getting close, and you can tell he is, too. His thrusts are becoming sloppier with ever thrust, and you begin to clench around him. He suddenly pulls out and flips you on your stomach, pulling your ass in the while he takes the side of your face and smashes into the mattress. He positions himself again at your entrance and pushes himself in harshly. He grabs your hips and pulls you back against him hard. Your makeup is now smeared onto the comforter beneath you.
"Please don't come in me, please." You beg him.
"My boyfriend is gonna be so mad if you come in me," you whine out.
You begin to push back into him involuntarily and moan out loudly again. His pace doesn't slow, and you can feel know you're getting closer to coming on his cock. The tightness in your core becomes too much. You try to move your tied wrists to play with your clit. He notices and slaps your ass hard, making you jerk forward. He brings his hand to your clit and rubs it fast. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as your orgasm takes over your body. You're moaning now is sounding more like whimpers and legs shake. He's still pumping into you and with a few more thrusts he's spilling his ropes of cum inside your pussy. He stays in you for a few more minutes
After he his breathing has calmed, he pushes you off of him roughly. He pulls out and watches his cum drip out your pussy. He takes a bit on his fingers and shoves them into your mouth, making you gag. "I told you not to come in me." You choke out.
Eddie removed his mask and laughs out at you. "Yeah, I know how your boyfriend is gonna be soooo mad at you, huh?" Making you giggle. He rolls you over softly and grabs his knife, cutting the zip ties from your wrists.
Eddie helps you sit up carefully, and he examines your body to check for any marks."Was this okay?" Did you enjoy it and have fun?" Smiling at him and nodding your head quickly.
"I loved it Eddie can we do it again sometime."
"Sure thing, princess. Was there anything specifically you didn't like, though?" He asks you while giving you soft kisses to your lips.
"Well, I didn't really like the phone calls that actually did scare me," you confess to him.
He looks at you confused and quickly changes the subject. "How about a bath, and then we can cuddle." Forgetting what you just said, you race to the bathroom together.
After your bath, you lay in bed wrapped up in Eddie's arms. "Hey, Eddie, why did you give me that look when I told you I didn't like the phone calls."
"Oh, I'm not sure why I did that. Don't worry about it, princess, get some rest." He kisses the top of your head. Both of you drifted off to sleep, but Eddie kept waking up wondering who exactly was on the phone with you.
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amatchinwater · 2 years
I Know What You Want from Me (part 2) | Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: There's a lot of fluff...like, a lot of fluff. Kinda sorry, but also not lol. Eddie takes you home after your time in the woods and takes care of you as promised. Then your relationship blooming with one another to fulfill a much needed sweet tooth. Flash forward to finding out if Eddie graduates or not after you helped tutor him.
Warnings: 18+, drug use, sexual content (no condom, reader on the pill), fingering, oral (f receiving, m mentioned), spanking, choking, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, creampie, mentions of your parents (but no interaction cause found family), a very cheesy date, what could again be seen as subspace if you squint, slight dom!Eddie (again, if you squint real hard), I think that's it (let me know otherwise)
Words: 8997
a/n: I know Nothing Else Matters didn't come out until '91, but let's just pretend it was earlier. Okay? Okay, lol. Other than that, I hope you enjoy. I'm still reeling over the love for I Know What You Want From Me. I just- it's crazy and I'm super grateful that you guys liked it to much. Every single note put a smile on my face. I appreciate all of you! Thank you 💚
Requests are open. Masterlist. Part one
Not my gif!! Credit to creator!!
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You fell asleep in the passenger seat with a can of pringles and a half drunk bottle of water in your lap. Eddie had you curled up in his seat with him for a few minutes once you’d reached his van, making sure you actually drank some of the water before your heavy eyes lost their battle to stay open. He rubbed soothing strokes along your back, peppering kisses in your hair, while you consumed the liquid that tasted like pure heaven to your fucked out senses. 
As fuzzy as your brain still was, the incredibly sweet nature in which he treated you after fucking your brains out made your heart practically sing in your chest. If you hadn’t already loved Eddie, you’d have fallen for him right on the spot. Him trying to coax you awake is just as soft and sweet, but you want nothing to do with it. Pinching your eyes closed to try and will yourself back into unconsciousness. 
“Come on, princess,” Eddie gently shakes your shoulder, trying to wake you up. You just groan in response, your head lolling to the side as you squint your eyes open at him. Sleeping for another several hours definitely sounds ideal right now. “Okay, I get it,” he chuckles under his breath, reaching over you to click open your seatbelt. Looping an arm around your neck and under your knees, Eddie scoops you up into his arms, kicking the car door closed behind him. “I believe m’lady requested food and a bath.”
“Now why would I go and say a stupid thing like that?” You grumble, curling into his neck, a contented sigh rushing through your nose. Even the slight sweat mixing in with his scent is comforting because it’s him. 
Eddie laughs at you, carrying you up the steps to the trailer, “because you needed them. Wouldn’t have asked otherwise.” He holds you tightly to him for balance so he can open the front door, “if my girl asks for something, she gets it.” His use of ‘my girl’ unleashes a swarm of butterflies in your stomach. You’re not sure you’ll ever get over hearing it now that it’s for real.
“Well, now I’m asking for sleep,” you tease, hoping it will work. 
It doesn’t. 
“Nice try, princess,” Eddie kisses the top of your head as your traitorous stomach growls. “But you should really eat something…and uh,” he laughs smugly, moving into the kitchen, “your pants are kind of soaked.” 
“Okay, that’s fai-”
“What the hell happened to you, darlin’?” Wayne’s voice cuts you off and you lift your tired head to look at him. 
A violent blush burns your cheeks because what the fuck are you supposed to tell him? 
Good thing Eddie’s always looking out for you. “Someone here thought it’d be a good idea to defend your devious nephew from some jocks. Cracked ‘em a few times with a baseball bat she apparently owns.” Wayne’s eyes grow comically large. “Yeah, same,” Eddie remarks on his uncle’s reaction. “She got a little-” he seems to ponder his word choice, “-shaky once the adrenaline wore off from kicking the shit out of Jason and his goons.” 
Wayne seems only partially convinced as he takes in your disheveled hair, the still hazy look in your eyes, and the litany of marks on your neck. “Should I be worried about the police stopping by?” He grabs his lunchbox and keys off the kitchen counter, walking towards the front door. 
“Nah,” Eddie snorts, “I think Jason would be too scared of invoking her wrath again if he did that.” 
Eddie’s uncle nods, turning the knob and opening the door, “oh, and Eddie?” 
“Yeah?” He stops halfway down the hall, you still in his arms wanting to very much pass back out.
“I wasn’t born yesterday, let's not have any mini Eddie’s running around just yet, yeah?” 
Embarrassment wracks your frame and you groan, shoving your head into Eddie’s neck to hide the violent blush on your cheeks. Eddie lets out a hearty cackle, “we were careful!” He swears, carrying you into the bathroom when the front door closes. “Okay, princess,” Eddie sets you down on the closed toilet seat to start the bath for you while you take your shoes off. Filling it generously, your favorite scented soap floods the room, steam rising from the heat. Just the way you like it. “I’m gonna go make you something to eat, okay?” 
You pause with your shirt halfway over your head. “No, wait,” you grab his wrist, stopping him from leaving. “You’re not going to stay with me?” You can’t help the pout even if you wanted to. Being away from Eddie is the last thing you want right now. 
“Well,” Eddie smiles softly at you, “you just want me to sit in here with you…” he trails off, lips curling into a wider grin. “Or do you want me in the tub?” 
“In the tub,” you respond without a second thought. That sounds fucking perfect. Cuddling up in the bath together while he just holds you? Sign you the fuck up. You’re fully capable of taking a bath by yourself. But, well, you want Eddie. You don’t really feel as fuzzy as before, but having him close to you seems like the best thing for you. “I don’t mean to be needy, but I just reall-”
“Woah, hey,” he cups your cheeks, “you’re not being needy, sweetheart. I asked you what you needed before we even left the woods for a reason. So if some physical contact is what you need, then I’m more than happy to give it to you, okay?” You nod, reveling at just how lucky you are to have Eddie. “Okay, let me get something in the oven at least, and then I’ll come back and join you,” Eddie offers, petting your hair to calm you back down. “Sound good?” 
“Thank you,” you offer a small smile. 
“Always, princess,” Eddie looks at you seriously, “always.” With one last kiss placed on your lips, he walks out of the bathroom. 
Waiting until you hear clanking in the kitchen, you discard the rest of your clothes. Practically needing to peel your now tacky jeans from your skin. If you weren’t so ready to fall back to sleep, you’d be a little more disgusted about it. But even then, you probably wouldn’t be. Because it’s just literal proof of having been with Eddie. That that beautiful, wonderful man is yours. Properly this time. 
You dip your toes into the warm water, sitting into the tub with a loud groan. Yeah, this is just what the doctor ordered. The bath is doing wonders at soothing your sore muscles and sensitive pussy. There’s a few bruises on your hips that make you smile, surely- hopefully- your neck matches. He’d really done a number on you and you didn’t even realize it. But fucking hell was it worth it. You quickly turn the water off before it can get too full and stretch out, leaning your head against the tile wall. 
Humming a pleased sigh, you close your eyes. Perfect. It’s absolutely perfect. The only thing that could make it better-
“We’ve got about forty minutes until dinner’s ready,” Eddie places a timer on the sink, his jacket and vest left in the kitchen. He rubs his hands together, kicking off his shoes, “time for some T.L.C.” You watch him through tired eyes as he takes the rest of his clothes off, realizing that this is actually the first time you get to see him naked. Something Eddie must realize too, cooing, “that’s right,” slowing the movements of unclasping his belt, “you want a show, princess?” Eddie wiggles his eyebrows at you, making you giggle. 
“Yes, please,” your eyes fixating on him, propping your head on your elbow. 
Eddie’s belt comes off with a flourish, extending his arm he promptly drops it to the floor. When his fingers curl into the hem of his shirt, you giggle again as his hips sway to a beat in his head, lifting the fabric over his torso. Good, god, he’s beautiful. Covered in more tattoos than you thought, proven when his pants shimmy down his legs revealing more ink than taking off his shirt had. The moment is broken completely when you see just how caked his boxers are to his skin and you cackle. 
“Hey,” he chuckles, “that’s all your fault.” Eddie grins devilishly at the scarlett hue of your cheeks. “It’ll wash out,” he assures you, winking, “then you can do it all over again.” Eddie’s eyes never leave yours as he peels the fabric off, lowering them to his ankles. Leaving himself exposed in all of his glory as he toes out of them. Your half awake mind barely finds the strength to not drool over him. Even soft, he’s by no means small. “See something you like, princess?” 
His voice snaps you out of your trance, “huh? Oh- uh,” you blush hotly, “I’m, um- you’re just-” you narrow your eyes, pinching your mouth closed to stop yourself from saying something stupid. Or to just stop the babbling that was surely about to start. 
“Easy, pretty,” Eddie steps closer, gently leaning you forward to tuck himself behind you in the bathtub, “I was only teasing. You’re cute when you get flustered is all,” he pulls you back against his chest, his ring clad hand tenderly brushing your arm. “This what my girl needed?” Eddie asks, wrapping his other arm around your torso to keep you close, his chin resting on your shoulder. 
You can only hum in response, your head resting against his chest. A content sigh leaving your lips as the hand on your arm trails to your stomach. The strokes of his fingers are still delicate and sweet, but there must be magic or something in those fingertips because when he teases farther down- no devious intention in mind, just aimlessly touching you- your breath hitches in your throat.
“And here I thought you’d be done, sweet thing. You were so fucked out you passed out in the van,” he chuckles in your ear. “I didn’t mean anything by it, but if you want more,” Eddie brushes a little lower, teasing at the curls of hair before coming back up, “all you have to do is ask.” The words are kissed into the side of your neck, flaring goosebumps despite the heat of the water and the body against your back. 
“Eddie,” you whisper out a whine. 
“Hmm?” He hums, still peppering your neck with kisses, continuing to dip his fingers enough to make warmth pool in your gut, but not nearly as low as you want them to be. Already need them to be. His voice drops sensually thick, “you want something, princess?” 
“T-touch me,” your breath stilts once more, “please.” 
“I am touching you,” he gives a love bite to your pulse, circling his finger around your folds, causing you to moan and your legs to spread as much as the tub will allow. You whine a groan in frustration when Eddie pulls his hand back again, leaving you needy and throbbing, walls clenching around a finger that hasn’t even gone inside you yet. “Alright,” he chuckles again, “I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure you really wanted to do this. I wasn’t exactly gentle earlier. Don’t wanna hurt you, baby.” 
He doesn’t give you even a chance to worry that he’s changing his mind, fingers pushing past the tuft of hair, circling with pressure on your clit. You moan, head digging into his chest as you try to throw it back from the sensation. You feel like a live wire. Ready to spark at any given moment. To be put back together by the same skilled hand making you fall apart so beautifully. “Eddie,” you gasp, two fingers plunge deep inside making you see stars at his expert finding of the bundle of nerves inside of you. 
“That’s my girl,” Eddie groans in your ear, feeling your pussy clench around him as he pumps faster, harder. Building your orgasm at a rate that whitens your vision and your hands dig crescent moons into his thighs. “Come on, princess. Squeeze that pretty pussy. I can feel how close you are,” he purrs in your ear, licking over another bite on your neck. 
Electricity crackles through your limbs, legs shaking with the exertion of your orgasm winding tightly inside you. Begging to snap, release the floodgates like a cracked dam. Your clit throbs almost painfully with the need to be touched. “Shit,” you gasp under your breath. “Eddie, Eddie, fuck-” you moan, writhing in his lap, “please.” 
“So pretty like this,” Eddie praises. “So pretty,” he repeats, pressing his palm into your throbbing clit and that throws you over the edge. Pinching your eyes closed and crying out from your orgasm as your pussy spasms around Eddie’s fingers. “Good girl,” he drawls, slowing his thrusts to gentle you through it. But not really stopping, keeping the fire licking inside. “Got another one for me?” Eddie asks, curling into the spongy part of you, making you shake, “whaddya say, princess? One more? Or are you too sensitive now?”
“Eddie,” your breathless voice echoes in the small room, “please, I-” want another one? Can’t take any more? You don’t know, but your hips grind into his hand otherwise, the way his fingers keep brushing against that sweet spot inside of you has you teetering towards another orgasm like the first one didn’t just happen. So you just whisper, “please,” again, grinding down.
 The hand around your waist moves up so that Eddie can place a hold on your exposed throat, rings biting into your skin. “My fucking girl,” he groans, working his fingers in your cunt faster until you’re gasping for breaths, eyes fluttering with their struggle to stay open. “That’s right,” Eddie nearly growls in your ear, “always got just one more for me, right?” 
You don’t process that him saying always like this isn’t the literal second time he’s had his hands on you. Because you couldn’t care less. You don’t plan on going anywhere and know for damn certain that he’s absolutely right. As long as it’s Eddie doing it, you’ll always have one more in you. Not that you can really voice that right now, the water from the tub splashing with Eddie’s efforts and your eyes roll back, everything releasing at once. “Eddie,” his name, a screamed moan from your lips as your cunt convulses while you come. 
This time, Eddie slows his fingers, easing you through your orgasm with soft kisses behind your ear. His thumb stroking lovingly at your erratic pulse, whispering, “you did so good, princess, so good. Thank you,” another kiss to your temple this time as he pulls his fingers out. “Now, you just relax,” he says, getting your hair wet, “and let Eddie take care of you, sweetheart.” 
Even still in the post bliss of your orgasm, you sit up and giggle, “did you just talk about yourself in the third person?”
“Sure did,” Eddie quips, uncapping the bottle of shampoo to wash your hair. “Problem?” He teases, lathering the soap in and you let out a sigh, eyes drooping shut from the tender intimacy. When all you offer is a hum in the way of an answer, Eddie chuckles through his nose, working on getting you clean. Once satisfied with both of your cleanliness, he gets out of the tub, quickly drying off so he can wrap you in a towel of your own. 
The pair of you dry your hair off before going into his room. You dig through your underwear drawer, trying to find a pair comfortable enough to sleep in when Eddie kisses your shoulder. “Something tells me,” he rests his chin where his lips had just been, “these will be much more comfortable than any of the panties you own. As pretty as they all are.” 
Turning to face him, you see he’s holding a Rob Zombie t-shirt and a pair of his plaid boxers. “Why, Mr. Munson,” you cross your arms to your chest in faux annoyance, “how would you know what all of my panties look like? Has someone been snooping?”
Eddie snorts, “no. You’ve been living here for months, I’ve seen you do your laundry more than once.” You cock an eyebrow, playing unamused. You really don’t care if he’d gotten curious and peeped in your underwear drawer. “Okay, fine. I might have taken a peak in your underwear drawer. Should I be sorry about that?” 
Shaking your head you laugh, “I don’t care, Eds. You did the same thing when we were younger too. I’m not really surprised. Besides,” you playfully snatch the clothes from him, winking, “you’ll see them all on me sooner or later.” 
“Can you please wear the red ones next time? Please,” Eddie asks, unashamed of himself, massive grin on his face over pleading, puppy dog eyes.
Your lips curl around the edges, “I’ll wear the whole set.” Patting his cheek lightly, you walk away and drop the towel. 
“There’s a whole set?” Eddie exclaims and another laugh bubbles in your chest. 
“So you didn’t go through everything?” You tease, tugging on the boxers and shirt, plopping down on the mattress. 
Yanking his own Slayer shirt over his head, “no,” Eddie rebukes. “That’d be weird,” he says, grabbing the wooden box off his dresser while you shake your head fondly at him. “Care to join me?” He shakes the box, sitting down beside you. 
“That sounds perfect,” you say, excitedly sitting up and bunching a pillow in your lap. When your shoulders brush, a strange sense of calm and giddiness tangles in your stomach. Being with Eddie feels natural, no longer strained like it was when you were trying to hide your feelings for him. But now? With the cat out of the bag and absolutely purring, your heart does several funny things in your chest, bringing a slight tinge to your cheeks. 
It’s nice. 
“Yes!” Eddie’s legs bounce in their criss-cross position when he opens the tin and finds two joints, rolled and ready to go. “I thought I had rolled extra the last time we smoked,” he purses his lips, tilting his head down to look at you, “but we were also pretty high.” Eddie breaks off in a laugh that you can’t help but giggle along to. “I wasn’t sure if I’d imagined it or not,” he takes out one of the joints and a lighter, closing the tin and tossing it on the mattress. “Glad I didn’t.” 
“Me too, Mr. Munson,” you tease, swiping the rolled paper on its way to his mouth, placing it in yours instead. 
Mock offense flashes on Eddie’s face before all he can do is smile wide and lovingly at you. “Slippery, little minx, aren’t you, princess?” He shakes his head with a laugh, flicking the lighter on and extending the flame for you. “I’m sure you need it after today,” Eddie muses while you focus on lighting the joint and taking a long drag once properly lit. “How are you feeling, by the way?” 
“I’m fine, Eddie,” you say, holding the smoke in your lungs. Exhaling, you smile, “I promise. I’m a little sore, but,” you wave the joint, “you’re helping with that. The bath was really nice too,” playfully nudging his knee, you take another hit. “The fuzziness is gone now too. I’d tell you if I wasn’t or if there was anything else I needed,” you assure him and the tension finally pulls out of his forehead. 
Satisfied with your answer, Eddie holds his hand out for the joint which you gladly hand over, leaning into him. Placing the rolled paper between his lips, Eddie takes a drag, maneuvering his arm around you, his other hand pulling your legs into his lap. “Much better, baby,” he exhales the smoke, brushing his nose with yours. “I can’t tell you how long I’ve wanted to do this with you.” 
Taking the joint back from him, you giggle already feeling the effects of your first big hit. Before taking another, you state, “we’ve smoked together plenty of times.” 
“That’s not what I mean,” he replies, laughing softly at the coughing fit your much too big drag conjured. He leans down to kiss your head, rubbing your calf. “I meant not having to pretend like I don’t want to be touching you every second that I’m around you. That I actually get to hold you now. It’s ni-” the timer in the bathroom dings, cutting him off. “That’ll be the food,” he pats your leg and you groan. “Unless you want to eat burnt lasagna, I suggest you let me up, sweetheart.” 
Grumbling, you lift your legs off his lap, pulling another hit into your lungs and handing the almost burnt paper back to Eddie. Pinching it carefully in his fingers, he kisses your forehead, throwing himself off the bed to go get your dinner. Good thing too. Because as much as you didn’t want the warmth of Eddie to go away, your stomach rumbles violently in demand of meat and cheesy goodness. 
“Would you play for me?” You lift your head a bit from his thigh, his fingers still gently stroking your hair. Belly full of lasagna and weed, a song from Eddie is the perfect thing to send you back off to dreamland. 
The peaceful grin of his face widens to a full on smile, opening his eyes and ducking his chin to look at you. “Sure thing, princess,” Eddie offers you one last scratch before coaxing you out of his lap. While he grabs his acoustic guitar, you curl up with a pillow, waiting patiently. “Any requests?” Eddie asks, sitting down beside you, guitar in his lap. 
“Whatever you want, Eddie,” you smile, humming softly to yourself as you nuzzle into the bed. “Something soft though,” you decide, wanting to be able to fall asleep to it. 
Eddie chews his lip for a minute, before strumming all the strings, “I know just the thing. One of your favorites if I’m not mistaken,” he sets to tuning the guitar to where he wants it before playing. It takes you a couple of seconds to realize what he’s playing for you. 
A cheesy, high induced, Eddie centered smile plasters itself to your face as his fingers pluck away Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. By far the softest song they’ve ever written. But it was meant for Hetfield’s girlfriend. To prove to her that while he was away on tour, he loved and missed her. It makes your eyes water with happy tears that this is the song Eddie chose to play for you. 
You’re about to tell him exactly how sweet he is, but Eddie starts to hum and very softly sing the lyrics to you and your heart stutters in your chest before swelling about four sizes too big. So rather than interrupt him, you curl closer, careful not to bump his arm strumming the guitar and let your eyes drift closed. The warm, fuzzy feeling in your chest shrouding you like a blanket. It’s perfect. Eddie’s perfect. And you couldn’t ask for anything better. 
“Come on, Eddie, you can do this!” You encourage him from where you’re sitting on the bed. Eddie’s on the floor in front of you drowning in text books and papers. “You managed to pull yourself up to a C in her class! I know you can do this, baby, you’re just getting in your head.” Looking over his shoulder, you see he’s still stuck on the same problem from ten minutes ago. “Remember, what you do to one side-”
“You have to do to the other,” Eddie finishes your sentence with a sigh. “I know, you’ve ingrained that into my brain, princess. The execution, however, could use a little work. I keep getting the wrong answer,” he grumbles, hastily erasing the work he’d done to start over. 
Sitting up, you bracket him with your legs, rubbing his shoulders, “one wrong answer isn’t going to fail you, Eds.” Because checking his paper again, every prior answer is correct. “O’Donnell was kind enough to give out the exam beforehand so everyone could properly study. And Eds, you’re doing great!” Muttering something under his breath, he turns his head, nipping at your thigh. You squeal, wiggling your legs around him, his hair tickling the abused flesh. “I’m serious! This one equation can kick rocks because you’ve gotten all the others right so far. How about you skip it and go back to it later?” 
“Can’t we do something else?” Eddie whines, his hands coming up to your calves. “I’m going crazy over here, sweetheart.” 
“How about this,” you plop down on the floor beside him, “you finish this and then we can do whatever you want. Okay? Wrong answers or not and we’ll try again later. But I want to see you working Eddie, not filling in random answers to get out of this.”
“Eddie, I want to graduate with you,” you tell him softly. You’re not wanting him to feel like he’s being guilted into this. But it’s the truth, you want to watch him walk that stage in the same stupid cap and gown you’ll be wearing. “You’ve worked so hard to get your grades up and you’re doing an amazing job. Principal Higgins deserves you flipping him off,” you jab him with your elbow, trying to get him to smile. 
He does you one better, snickering with a wide grin on his face. “You make a damn good point, princess.” Eddie picks his pencil back up, pausing over the paper, “anything I want?” 
Unsure of what you’re agreeing to, you smile and nod, “anything you want.” 
You had honestly thought that when Eddie gave you that devious grin that it was dripping with sexual connotations. It wasn’t. Apparently anything Eddie wants means going to the arcade in town for a cute little date together. After spring break and with summer coming up, Eddie’s been dealing a lot more lately. Meaning he’s had a lot more cash to spare. So more dates have been occurring lately and you’re hardly complaining. 
While your parents haven’t asked for the money back, you also haven’t touched it either. You got a job at the video store with Robin and Steve. It’s not much, but it’s enough to get you guys by and not have to change anything about your lifestyle. You’re keeping the money from your parents as a safety net. Or if you and Eddie wanted to get a place of your own. Or- not that you’ve mentioned it- if he wants to pursue a career in music, it’s more than enough of a cushion to get you whatever you might need for it. With half of his band still having a year of school left, if you need to stay in Hawkins, you can. 
“I figured whatever you wanted would involve a lot less clothes,” you tease as he opens the door to the arcade for you. 
“Oh, don’t worry,” Eddie places a hand at the small of your back, leaning into your ear, “that’ll be when we get back home.” His laugh is sensual and it sends a shiver down your spine at the promise of his hands on you again. “What do you want to play first?” 
“Donkey Kong is open!” You exclaim, running over to the game to make sure that it stays that way. 
Eddie just laughs at your antics, “I’ll go get us some tokens,” he kisses your shoulder as he passes by to the counter. When he comes back, his jacket pocket is jingling loudly, “ladies first,” he smiles, producing a golden coin for you. 
You both take turns, trying to help one another out when you don’t notice a barrel coming your way or an enemy. Elatedly cheering each other on when you survive to the next level. Even when you move onto Galaga, it’s the same. You’d never really considered how much fun it would be to just play games together. It’s always been fun to watch movies, so this really isn’t all that different. 
“Ooo, ouch,” Eddie winces when a block of spaceships crashes into you, blowing up your little fighter ship. “How about,” he wraps his arm around your shoulder, turning you towards the row of skee-ball machines, “we play something for tickets? You can let me show off,” he winks at you, poking your nose so you giggle. “That way I can win you whatever prize you want, like a proper date.” 
“Eddie, I’m no good at that game,” you pout, Mrs. Pac-Man calling your name. “I won’t be able to play with you.” 
“Lucky for you,” he guides you over to an empty game, “I’m very good at skee-ball.” Eddie hugs you from behind, placing a kiss on your neck before pulling a token from his pocket and sliding in into the slot. “I promise you, princess, any prize you want.” You want to protest that he doesn’t have to win anything for you for tonight to be proper. That is until he picks up the first ball and it glides right into the top corner pocket and your jaw drops. “Told ya,” Eddie winks at you, another ball effortlessly following the first. 
Eddie has the game cheer ‘new high score’ after his first round. Only to play it a second time and have it cheer for him again. The smile on your face aches, thoroughly proud of him and overjoyed at how happy he seems. The amount of tickets he wins is startling if not intimidating and you struggle to keep them in order. 
“Let’s go see those prizes,” he shakes the massive amount of tickets, earning a giggle from you. Looping your arm in his, you let him guide you back towards the counter. “What’ll it be, M'Lady?” 
Nothing in the cases really catches your attention, so you look at the wall of stuffed animals and your eyes light up. “That,” you say, pointing towards a giant purple and green dragon breathing fire. Then you see how many tokens it’s worth, it’s the third highest amount, “think you have enough?” 
He snorts, “oh yeah. ‘Scuse me?” Eddie gets the attention of the teenager behind the counter, “she’ll take the dragon, please.” 
The girl takes the tickets and starts feeding them into a machine to count them. After grabbing the dragon down and handing it to you, she says, “you still have four hundred tickets left over. Anything else you guys want?” 
“Can I pick this time?” Eddie asks, not even looking at you, gaze fixated on something in the cases you can’t see. 
“Of course,” you smile, cuddling with your giant stuffed animal. “You won the tickets, after all.” 
“Those, please,” Eddie points towards the glass and between your dragon and his shoulder blocking the angle, you’re not sure what he’s chosen. “Thank you,” he smiles, taking a small black box from the girl. Leaning on the counter, Eddie faces you, biting his lip, “open it,” he instructs, holding it out for you. 
Stuffing as much of the creature in your arms as you can, you grab the box, opening it to find two rings inside of it. One a massive dragon head that looks similar to the one you’re holding, and a smaller one with a purple orb being held by a scaly, clawed hand. “Eddie,” you whisper, overwhelmingly happy about the sheer corniness of the situation. But so fucking in love with him for doing it for you that you don’t even care. 
It’s cheesy as all hell, but that’s what makes it so sweet. 
“Well,” he smiles, curling his shoulder with a shy grin, “for one, they match your dragon. Two,” Eddie wraps an arm around the small of your back, bringing you as close as your stuffed animal will allow, “think of it as a placeholder until I can get you a real one.” 
You let out an exaggerated gasp, “why Eddie Munson, are you proposing to me?” You break off in a fit of giggles. Knowing that he’s mentioned on occasion more than once that he plans to marry you one day. It’s just fun to tease him every now and then. “I love it, Eds,” you smile warmly, pulling the dragon head ring out of the box. “May I?” You fight your smile, but it splits your lips when he sheepishly offers you his right hand, the one with free space for a band that size. 
When you slip the ring on his middle finger, Eddie’s brown eyes sparkle. “Now yours,” he takes the other ring out, sliding it on the proper finger and hand, pinching the adjustor so it stays in place. “Perfect,” Eddie strokes the back of your hand, lifting it to kiss your knuckles. “What does the lady say to grabbing some milkshakes and heading home?” 
Tucking the dragon under your arm, you loop your free arm around Eddie’s, leaning into him. “Sounds great,” you lean in with a smile. 
Eddie is happy to acquiesce your request for a kiss before dessert. 
“He should be here any minute,” you rub your temples with your eyes pinched closed. Telling Dustin for what feels like the thousandth time that Eddie is on his way. You're curled up in his throne before the start of their last Hellfire campaign. Last session they came all the way to the precipice of the final monster, but it was very late and the younger ones have curfews. It’s also the last day of finals for seniors. 
Eddie finds out whether or not he graduates today. Mrs. O’Donnell’s class holds his future in the palm of her hand. You’re trying not to be worried about the fact that Eddie isn’t here yet. Anxiety tickling your brain that he’d received bad news and doesn’t want to face you guys. He’s not necessarily late. But in Eddie fashion, he’s always the first one here. So with everyone but him surrounding the table, you’re not the only one wondering where he might be. 
What his head space is right now. 
Okay, you’re worried. But you’re not going to let the group know that. 
“Okay, but if Eddie didn’t graduate-” 
“Jeff!” You scold his name, cutting the teen off. “You and I didn’t have as much on the line as Eddie did, okay? We graduated,” you drop your hands, opening your eyes to look at him, “maybe he’s just excited and taking a minute to collect himself. He still has time to get here.” 
Mike thinks it’s a good idea to press the issue further, “but he’s never late. Ever.” 
“And he still isn’t,” you huff out a breath. 
“We just care about him,” Dustin offers, finally seeming like he’s settling in his seat. 
“I know. And he cares about you guys too, whether he admits it or not,” you smile at them, Gareth nodding in agreement with you. “He’ll be here.” 
As if you’d summoned him yourself, the door bursts open and Eddie walks in. “Sorry guys,” his face painfully expressionless. No sign of joy from graduating or anger from having not. Like a goddamn enigma. “Had some things to take care of,” Eddie crosses the room, scooping you up in his arms, taking your seat and placing you in his lap. “Missed you, pretty,” he whispers in your ear, placing a kiss on your cheek. “Ready to start?” 
Dustin makes a strangled noise, Mike gesturing wildly. 
“Dude,” Gareth raises his hands, “are you gonna tell us or not?” 
“Can’t a man just sit here with his girl in his lap and play a game with his friends? I don’t want to talk about school right now,” Eddie says and your eyebrows furrow. 
That doesn’t seem like a very good sign. 
“We’re just excited for you, Eds,” you try to gently coax him into answering. 
"It's our last campaign before I have to write a new one. Come on,” Eddie draws out the word with a whine. 
"No, seriously, Eddie. Tell us,” Dustin pushes harder than you. 
Fishing into his jacket pocket, Eddie pulls out the same blue paper you and Jeff received a few hours ago. Your final report cards. Slamming the paper on the table without jolting you too badly, Eddie yells, “I graduated!” Causing cheers to erupt in the room while he cackles loudly. 
“I’m so proud of you, Eddie,” you tug the collar of his jacket in your excitement, yanking him in for a kiss. “Told you you could do it,” you whisper against his mouth right before the rest of the group crashes into the chair. All reaching out to congratulate their dungeon master on finally graduating. 
Needless to say, it was a late start to the campaign. But none of you were complaining with the bonding and amount of happiness permeating the room. To top it all off, the boys won their campaign.
Getting Eddie ready to graduate was one thing. Getting Eddie ready for graduation is a whole different beast, not even the blow job on the way here was enough to get him to relax. You’re not even remotely surprised that he isn’t dressing up for it. Honestly, you’d be a little concerned if he had. He did, in his version of dressing nicely, found his least ripped pair of jeans and the least faded band tee he owns to wear under his cap and gown. Eddie was very displeased that his leather jacket wouldn’t fit under the dark green garment. 
“I look ridiculous,” he hisses, clutching the cap in his hand as you two make your way towards the gym. Thankfully, your graduating class is small enough that you don’t have to sit outside in the heat for the ceremony. All the kids fit on one side, friends and family on the other, and the stage set up on the basketball court. 
“I think you look very handsome,” you tease lightly, yanking a lock of his curls to get him to smile. Eddie mostly does, though he rolls his eyes at you while doing it. “You don’t believe me? Green is definitely your color. Very sexy.” 
“Far from it, princess,” he takes a shaky breath and you finally realize that he’s nervous. “You on the other hand,” Eddie’s arm snakes around your waist, leaning into your ear and dropping his tone, “I could just eat you up right here.” 
Blushing, you decide to exude more confidence to hopefully quell his nerves. “Maybe later,” you wink at him, turning to kiss neck, loving the way he groans under his breath. Reaching the bleachers with other teens all in their caps and gowns, it’s time to leave Eddie, “got me with you, Munson,” you ask, lifting the clawed orb in your finger. 
Tension melts from his shoulders and Eddie shows you his own hand, the beautiful dragon head glinting at you, “and I’ve got you, princess.” Eddie gives you one last kiss before you both head to your respective sections outlined with the letters for your last names. 
Sitting in alphabetical order, you’re not nearly as close to Eddie as you’d like to be. The way your section works, you just so happen to be sitting in the front row, toes tapping against the gym floor. When your name is called and you walk the stage, your eyes fan over the crowd and you’re honestly not surprised to find that your parents aren’t sitting in the bleachers with everyone else’s. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t sting a bit. Until your gaze falls on Wayne and the Hellfire club. Eddie’s uncle smiles at you from across the room, giving you a small wave. It warms your heart knowing that they’re here for you just as much as they are for Eddie. 
That the people who matter are here for you. 
It’s enough to put a smile on your face, Eddie yelling loudly from the bleachers only amplifies it. A shouted, “that’s my girl” falling from his lips, making you blush, but you blow him a kiss nonetheless. One he catches, placing on his heart before he sits back down. 
Eddie’s name being called only makes you smile all over again, to the point of hurting your cheeks. You watch your boyfriend make his way up on the stage, green cap obscuring the top of his head. As soon as he gets to Principal Higgins, he does as promised. Snatches his diploma right out of the man’s hand and flips him off. Both you and the boys on the other side of the room jump to your feet, proudly yelling for him. Wayne claps, hollering for his nephew despite the mini scene he’d caused. 
Eddie graduating is more important to Wayne than your boyfriend sticking it to the principal. You haven’t found your seat yet, still standing and clapping when Eddie bounds off the stage, diploma in hand, he races over to you. 
“You did it,” you barely manage to get out before he wraps his arms around you, lifting you off the ground, spinning you around as he kisses you fiercely. “I’m so proud of you,” you tell him when Eddie breaks the kiss, keeping your toes dangling in the air. 
“I had a good tutor,” he whispers, giving you a softer kiss before sitting in your spot and pulling you in his lap. No one says a word about it and thankfully the girls on either side of you don’t seem bothered by it either. At least, they don’t show it on their faces if they are. “Thank you, princess,” Eddie hugs his hands around your middle while you wait for the ceremony to be over. 
Leaning into his hold, you slide your hand under the sleeve of his gown, stroking his arm, “you’re welcome, Eds.”
By the time you, Eddie, and Wayne get home from a celebration dinner with your friends, it’s time for his shift to start. Caps and gowns long since tossed into the back of his van. Your simple black sundress with red flowers on it hugging you without feeling like you’re suffocating anymore. 
Wayne pulls Eddie into a firm hug, “I’m proud of you, son,” his voice sounding thick with emotion. He might be a little rough around the edges like his nephew, but Wayne has raised Eddie. The only thing that makes Eddie not his actual son is semantics. Wayne is the closest thing to a proper father that your boyfriend has ever had. And you know for a fact that his uncle loves Eddie as though he were his own. 
Happy tears sting your eyes from watching them. 
“Thanks Wayne,” Eddie pats his uncle’s back, “for everything.” 
After they release one another, Wayne grabs his lunch box and heads for the door, stopping next to you, “I’m proud of you, too, darlin’. It couldn’t have been easy getting his stubborn ass to graduate.” 
“It absolutely was not,” you laugh. 
“Hey!” Eddie shrieks in offense. 
That only makes you and Wayne laugh harder, the man walking out the door with the biggest smile on his face that you’ve seen in a while. 
“Stubborn ass, huh?” Eddie asks when the front door clicks closed. 
“Well,” you draw out the word, rocking on your feet, teasingly scrunching your face at him, “you did whine a lot whenever we studied.” 
Eddie gasps, hand clutching his chest over his Black Sabbath tee, “how dare you? I did not whine.” 
Keeping your teasing stance, “you kinda did.”
Something in Eddie’s face changes, a flicker of something almost playful flashes over his features. “Okay,” he quips, dropping his hand, stalking over to you. On instinct, you back up, feeling like you’re prey all of a sudden. Holding his hands behind his back, Eddie leans down a bit as he advances. “Pretty sure that out of the two of us,” your back hits the front door, he leans his hands beside your head, nose an inch from yours, “you’re the one who whines, princess.”
Breathing properly is simply not something you’re capable of with him this close. The spicy scent of his cologne intoxicates your mind and washes every thought down the drain. Leaving you utterly useless to anything that doesn’t revolve around the man in front of you. Eddie’s hand comes up to your throat, thumb hooking under your jaw to move you at his will. A gasp escapes your throat when he makes you look at him with the smallest tilt of his thumb. 
“Isn’t that right, pretty?” 
You shake your head no. If you had tried to speak, there’s no way you wouldn’t prove him right. That with as little effort as this, he already has you wanting to whimper and whine for him. It’s ridiculous and you want to feel embarrassed, but there’s a fire in those brown eyes that makes you feel nothing but empowered. You clench your thighs together to try and stow the ache beginning to form between your legs. Hoping that one, it will help, and two, that Eddie won’t notice exactly what he’s doing to you. 
Or that you lied about the noise that is trapped in the back of your throat. 
It shouldn’t be a surprise that it doesn’t work. In any sense. Not only does the friction from your thighs make your pussy want even more attention, Eddie noticed immediately. Eyes flicking down the moment you twitched, a devilish grin pulling at his lips. “No?” He asks, not even remotely believing you. 
“N-nope,” you manage to whisper without making any other noise. 
“That so?” He hums, pressing closer, his foot kicks your legs apart, your breath stuttering in your chest. Eddie’s thigh is quick to close the gap, your thin, lace panties the only protection from the harsh material of his denim jeans digging into your pussy. Your eyes flutter closed and a whine escapes your parted lips. “Told you so, sweet thing,” Eddie whispers at the shell of your ear, nipping at your lobe when you do it again, hips bucking against his leg. “Such a pretty noise,” he praises, “come here, princess.”
Eddie’s hands hook around the back of your thighs, lifting you into his arms, your legs wrapping around his waist. The second your hands curl into his hair, Eddie’s lips are on yours, smothering every soft moan with his mouth. How the two of you don’t fall on the way is beyond you, but somehow he manages to get you both in his room and your back hits his mattress. Eddie not once breaking the kiss and his hips slot with yours easily. 
He grinds against you, cunt painfully clenching on nothing, “Eds, please,” you pant into his lips, tongues tangling together. “I can’t-” your hips buck on their own. Eddie slips his hand between you to rub at your pussy, but it’s not enough. You just need him inside you, slamming his hips against yours until you can’t see straight. 
“Whatever you need, princess,” he groans against your mouth. Apparently you’d been talking out loud without realizing it. So long as it gets you what you want, fine by you. Not being able to handle foreplay, Eddie hastily unbuckles his belt, yanking his jeans and boxers off while you hike up your dress. You do your best to get your panties off, you really do, but given Eddie’s chuckle, you're clearly struggling to do so with him still so close. “Poor baby,” he coos, tearing the lace as if it were paper, tossing the scraps to the ground. 
You moan at the sight, more turned on than you know what to do with, watching Eddie with hooded eyes as he grabs his cock, rubbing it through your dripping folds. You whimper, reaching for his arm, trying to guide him inside you faster, thinking he was trying to tease you. 
Far from it.
“Just slicking it up, baby,” Eddie rubs your thigh, thrusting himself inside you in one push of his hips, earning you both a throaty moan. “Can’t hurt my pretty pussy, now can I?” His smirk is as teasing as his tone. Eddie knows how and when to be gentle with you, but more often than not, when you're having sex, it's rough and fast. Whatever it takes to get the two of you off as quickly as possible. 
You don't remark on the jab, his cock filling you up deep inside like you'd craved is all you care about. The mouth sucking a litany of marks on your neck and chest as he sets a pace to make you dizzy. Tingles numbing your toes, fingers digging marks into his sides where you cling to Eddie beneath his shirt. Riding through his harsh thrusts with punched out moans until you're hoarse. 
"Always so tight for me, princess," Eddie moans, your walls clenching around his dick as your orgasm inches closer with the barrage on the bundle of nerves. "You gonna come, sweet thing?" He grunts, ramming his hips into yours that has you convinced there's going to be bruises left behind. 
Moaning wantonly, you nod wildly, head digging into the pillow beneath you. 
Just as you're about to, Eddie hastily pulls out. Your whine of indignation cuts off when his mouth latches onto your fluttering cunt. His nose bumping against your clit, his tongue flicking inside you until you scream, come splashing against his tongue and chin. Eddie groans happily, lapping up all of your release up like he's starved for it. 
"Fuck, you taste amazing," Eddie groans, kissing your sensitive pussy before rushing to claim your mouth in a dirty, bruising kiss. Despite the risk of overstimulation, you tilt your hips, trying to get it cock back inside of you, only to have it glide against you. Groaning in annoyance, your hands slam to the bed. Eddie chuckles at you, "it's okay, pretty, let me help." Laying on his back, Eddie grabs you by your hips, lifting you up to straddle him, sinking you down onto his dick. 
"Shit," you breathe out, the new angle pressing him right against the bundle of nerves beautifully. "Fuck, fuck," your pussy clenches on its own, intensifying the feeling. Placing your hands on his chest, you swivel your hips, moaning prettily for him. 
"That's it, baby, fuck, just like that," Eddie grunts a moan of his own, gripping your hips to help you keep your rhythm. "Not gonna last, pretty," his fingers pinch into your skin, grinding you against him faster, your own hips moving erratically as you chase your release. "Come on, come on my cock so I can fill my pussy up," Eddie's hand cracks against your ass and you cry out, feeling tingly and so goddamn good you smile full of lust. 
"Please, Eddie," you moan, cunt clenching impossibly harder, warmth spreading throughout your body. "Wanna feel it," you whine, hazy eyes falling on his face. His hair sticking to the sides of his face from sweat. The hands on your hips move you faster, the only sounds are both of your moans and the filthy squelch of your pussy. 
Eddie's breath turns labored, his brows pinching together as you flutter around him, head falling back as you come. Trembling through your orgasm, your chest heaves in attempts to get proper air into your lungs. With one last buck of his hips and a husky moan, Eddie spills deep inside of you, filling you to bursting. His come warming you from the inside out with a giddy type of pleasure. Boneless and utterly spent, you slide off of him onto your back, a blissful smile on your face. 
Trying to come back down from your high, you barely register Eddie moving, settling himself between your thighs. Not until his fingers gather the bit of come trying to spill out and he pushes them inside. Whimpering, you halfheartedly try to push his hand away, overstimulated and ready to pass out. "Gotta keep it where it belongs, pretty." Eddie's fingers curl inside you, evoking a moan. The sheer thought of him fucking his come back inside of you stokes the fires once more. 
"Eddie," you pant, fisting into the sheets, eagerly awaiting your last orgasm. 
"Yeah?" He grins up at you, lazily stroking his fingertips against the spongy part of you. "Just one more," Eddie murmurs, his tongue licking your swollen clit. The warmth in your core turns to burning, a stabbing need for release. One Eddie is more than willing to give to you as he pumps his fingers, moaning around your bud. It's the vibration of his moan that does it. 
A broken cry scratches through your vocal cords as you shatter. Falling apart from your orgasm in the best way possible. You nearly white out, spots dancing in your vision. But everything is fuzzy and so fucking good that you just lay there in bliss under Eddie's worship.
Eddie carefully pulls his fingers out, kissing the inside of your thigh sweetly. He leaves you long enough to dash into the bathroom. You half hear the water running and him coming back. But your eyes are too heavy to open them. A warm, wet towel gently wipes you clean, a contented hum vibrating your throat at his care. He gingerly gets you out of your dress only to replace it with the Black Sabbath shirt he’d just been wearing. 
"You did so good, princess," Eddie drops the towel, laying down beside you to pull you into his chest. "So perfect," he praises, kissing your forehead. "Do you need anything? Hungry? Some water?" 
"In a bit," you sigh peacefully. "Just need you." 
Eddie holds you tighter and you can feel his smile on your skin, "you've got me, baby. Always." 
Part 2 taglist: if you asked to be tagged, you were, if you asked for a part two, I tagged you as well.
@quixscentsposts @ick90 @underrailed @ellathefriendlyalpacaaa @psychobitchsthings @th0rswh0res @wh0reforeddie19 @yogabbagabba17 @theloser007 @urlocalhippie2029 @eddiemnsonsstuff @slutforeddiemunsonnn @victoriacourone @eddiemunsonstoes @baby19sthings @tony-starks-ego @imnotsiriusyouare @drewsgfduh @heyitmelexie
Eddie taglist:
@only4wakingup @decadentpaperduck @wolfhrdds @live-the-fangirl-life @imnotsiriusyouare
a/n x2: There might be a teensy part 3 to this where Eddie takes you to a show for Corroded Coffin after they make it big and proposes? Idk, it's a big maybe because I'm not sure if that's too cheesy or not. Let me know what you think of part 2 and the idea of 3, my loves and thank you again for all of the love and support! Let me know if you want to be added to the Eddie tag list 💚
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Little Crazy Doesn't Hurt~ B.H
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Anonymous asked:
hey love!! This has been on my mind for a while and I really want someone to write it lol , could you do a Billy Hargrove x fem!reader but the reader has the same personality as Harley Quinn, and also she’s lowkey psychotic, could it possibly be where he sees her on his first day of school and absolutely simps for her and it kinda just builds from there
Author's Note : Thank you for coming to me with this <3
m-rae23~ palomam18~eddiesprincess86~gloomybrieyxb ~hqtetsurou
The door to Hawkins High opened and all eyes, all heads and all the attention turned to you. You walked through the door with your hair flowing down your back, walkman playing Dreams by Van Halen with one strap of your book bag on your shoulder as you walked down the hallway.
Tommy H, Carol and Billy stood by the lockers laughing and talking among themselves when the color of your hair caught their eye.
" Look what we have here" Tommy eyes you up and down but you don't bother to hear him and it's when you put your walkman into your locker, and grab your books and closed your locker, you saw them.
" Named Tommy, this is Carol and this is Billy" your eyes fall to Carol, who is scoffing at you as she leans on Tommy.
" Nice to meet you, Cathy . Love your perfume. What is that? The stench of death? or do you happen to live by the garbage?" Carol's mouth dropped open at the comment as you smirked, holding your books in your arms.
Billy was mesmerized by you already. What was your name? He licked his lips as his eyes roamed your body. You were dressed in a jean skirt with a black shirt that had a band logo on it from when he saw it before with a necklaces around your neck and boots on your feet. The way you spoke to Carol just now sent a shiver down his spine.
He sent you a wolfish grin when your eyes locked with his.
He had to have you.
You switched your book to hold it on the side by your hips when Carol reached out with her hand reaching for your necklace and chug it down the hall.
You follow where she threw it and slowly turn back to her turning your head to the side.
" Opps, my hand slipped. I hope you don't go crying to your mommy" Tommy and her snicker together.
The loud thud of your textbook caused them to stop snickering and eyed it. " Um..." Tommy started to say. You started to laugh with your shoulder shaking.
" If I'm not crying, and I'm mad enough to skip the tears and go straight to laughing, you better run because I'm about to lose my shit" you say. Her eyes got wide as she grabs Tommy as they both ran.
" You're crazy!" you hear them shout. You chuckled, " the best people are the crazy once" you shrugged picking up your textbook noticing Billy was standing there.
" What's got you gawking?" He smirks as he licks his lips, " I like you."
" Keep dreaming, buttercup" you patted his chest as you headed to class.
His eyes were on you all night. The way you down drink after drink after drink with a giggle. He leaned against the wall in his black leather jacket with his chest glistering from doing a keg stand earlier hoping to get your attention.
Yet, when he finished and eyes looked for you. You weren't there.
You point to your head holding a drink in the other while you were talking to the two guys that were drinking with you," I know the voices in my head aren't real, but some ideas are truly awesome."
You giggled tapping their chest, the guy looked at the other guy showing him that he thought you were crazy.
" Hey! That's not nice" you mumbled shooting him a glare.
" I don't go crazy, I am crazy and that's normal from time to time" Carol had happened to walk by as she listens but she has to cups in her hands, she made it look like she stumbled upon you dumping her drinks on your new shirt that you bought earlier that week.
You glanced down seeing the stain on the white shirt you had bought, a frown on your lips. Bill put out the cigarette he had into a cup of someone's drink as he was moving to defend you seeing the whole thing.
" Must be your butterfingers, Cathy" she shrugged.
" If you know what's good for you, blondie. Go back where you came from or I'll make you regret it"
Billy now stood behind you as he watched.
"That's cute that you think you're scary. You wanna see scary?" you grabbed a beer bottle from the table next to you and breaking it. In your hands you held the broken beer bottle with your fingers slightly covered in blood.
" How about you try again. I dare you" you chuckled raising the broken beer bottle up to her.
" Freak!" she shouted. An arm wrapped around your wrist pulls you to the front door making you drop the broken beer bottle. It crashes to the floor into pieces.
" Hey!" you tried to tug on your arm from him, noticing the golden curls and the leather jacket. Billy dragged you to his Camaro where he pushed you against the car with his body leaning against yours.
" You're really something, princess" you shrugged, slight giggle. " A little crazy, I like that" he adds.
" Wait till you get a load of me, buttercup" Billy eyes your bleeding hand. " Does that hurt?" he asks motioning to your hand. You shake your head, but he digs into his car and gives you a towel from the back to wrap your hand in.
You don't question the towel or where it came from.
" You do know, every man need a little crazy by his side?' Billy asks as he lights up a cigarette and before he can put it into his mouth, you snatch it in from him.
" You wanna be my crazy?" He smirks and leans in.
" Better believe it, buttercup"
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callme-dickmaster · 1 year
Sweetheart - (eddie munson x reader)
Ch. Eight - Ride Home
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summary: eddie and y/n go on a drive cw: 18+ (minors dni) this is obnoxiously long, unfortunate use of y/n, language, fluff, eddie already obsessed with you, billy hurts reader, i have projected so much that you and i share a snake now. take care of him pls you'll love him :) -i think that's all- author's note: ...hi :) i'm sorry i've been gone for so long bro i'm nonstop working plus school and then i've been fucking sick again for the past week and a half
<<Part 7 --- Part 9>>
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“You seriously don’t like KISS?!” Eddie exclaimed, almost dropping his ice cream all over the van. Y/n laughed and shook her head. “Nope. Hate KISS,” she said.
Eddie gaped at her, shaking his head in mock disappointment. “Damn, Y/n! You know, this is really gonna put a dent in our friendship!” he joked, earning a cackle from Y/n. She scoffed and shrugged, “Yeah, well, I think the first scratch in our friendship started when you admitted you didn’t like Eurythmics, so…” she trailed off, a snarky grin on her face.
Eddie snickered, messing with the spoon in his ice cream cup before sneaking a glance at her. She had a small grin on her face as she scooped up more of the ice cream Eddie bought her to make up for the lunch she bought.
“Fuck, she’s pretty…” he whispered. Y/n turned to him, humming since she didn’t hear what he said. Eddie scrambled to cover his tracks, “U-uh, I didn’t say anything!” he said quickly.
Y/n smirked but nodded anyway, offering to toss his empty cup while she tossed hers too. Eddie nodded, starting up the van while she did and shoving a Black Sabbath tape into the radio. Y/n smiled widely when she pulled herself up into the seat. “Let’s ride!” Eddie called, howling loudly as he sped out of the lot.
Y/n gave him directions to her house, quietly humming along and laughing with him in between. Eddie squinted through the windshield as he pulled up to her house.
“So, this is the palace, huh?” he asked. Y/n snickered, “Sure, if you can call it that. Thanks… for today. I kinda needed it so, thanks Eddie…” she said. Eddie smiled and nodded, “Yeah! Of course! Anytime you wanna, like, hang out or anything you have my number, so…” he trailed off, seeing Billy come out of the house shirtless with a cigarette to glare daggers at the van.
Y/n looked over her shoulder and rolled her eyes at Billy. “Ehh, don’t worry about him. He won’t do anything. Besides, I’m a grown ass woman, and I can hang out with whoever I want!” she said, nodding firmly with a smile.
Eddie smiled, looking down at his hands to try and hide his joy from finding out she still wanted to hang out with him. “Well, hey, I’ll see you tomorrow okay?” Y/n asked, grabbing her bag from the back. Eddie nodded, going to crank up the music and saluting her as he drove off. Y/n giggled and walked up to the house, rolling her eyes when Billy met her at the door.
“Who was that?” he asked.
Y/n gave him a deadpanned look, already bored with their conversation. “Like you don’t know,” she scoffed, “Isn’t he one of the people guys like you and your boyfriends make fun of?” she asked, brushing past him to go upstairs.
Billy laughed a humorless scoff and caught her arm before she could scoot off to her room. “Yeah, he is. And if that’s who I think it is… if you’re hanging out with Eddie “The Freak” Munson? I’m not gonna be happy,” he practically growled.
Y/n scrunched up her face, “What the fuck does it even matter? You’re not in charge of me. In case you forgot, I’m an adult. I can hang out with whoever the fuck I want. Whether you like them or not,” she snapped, trying to pry her wrist free from his iron grip.
“Yeah, sure. Believe what you want. But like it or not, we’re family now and I gotta make sure you and your shit pile sister don’t get mixed up with the wrong people and keep your asses outta trouble. So, just stay away from that freak, okay? Keep away from him…” Billy commanded before releasing her to go back to lifting his precious weights.
Y/n stared at him, disbelief knocking into her. What a dickhead! She quietly winced, rubbing her wrist as she hopped up the stairs. Y/n set her bag down on her bed, quickly checking in on her snake in the corner before going into the bathroom to figure out if her arm would have a bruise on it or not. She scrunched up her face, sighing and looking at the red hand marks Billy left on her wrist.
“Fucking dick…” she whispered, hitting the light, and stomping into her room. Y/n laid in bed for a while, letting her snake, Jerry, crawl all over her and the bed as she let her thoughts roam around.
Wait a damn minute.
It was way too quiet in the house. Y/n got up, wrapped Jerry around her neck and jogged downstairs. “Billy!” she called, hearing him drop the bar he was lifting at her voice. “What?” Billy snapped, wiping his sweaty forehead with a dish towel.
“Where’s Max?” she asked, absent-mindedly bringing a hand up so Jerry didn’t fall from her neck.
Billy rolled his eyes, “I- would you get that fuckin’ thing away from me!” he huffed. Y/n tutted at him, waving Jerry in his face as she asked him again. “I don’t know, man. Not my problem!” Billy exclaimed.
Y/n raised an eyebrow, “You don’t know where she is? Was she not in your car this afternoon when you left? Don’t you bring her home every single day William?” she scoffed. Billy sighed, annoyance flooding him.
“I don’t know where she is. I’m not her keeper Y/n. I told her not to be late and she was. So, little bitch can skate home for all I care!” Billy said. He decided their conversation was over and kept lifting. Y/n rolled her eyes and stomped upstairs, set Jerry back in his tank, and picked up the phone. “Please be home… please be home…” she quietly pleaded.
“Eddie! Hey, it’s Y/n…” she trailed off. “Ah! Hey! Hey, Y/n! W-what uh… what is up?” he stuttered, squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment.
Y/n giggled, making his heart do a somersault. “Uh, well, I hate to ask you this but… my sister is kinda, like, MIA? And Billy is useless and would rather die than let me drive his car, so could you come back up here and help me find her? I’ll pay you gas money and everything. You don’t have to, I totally understand if you don’t,” Y/n said, nervously twisting the phone cord.
Eddie smiled fondly, twirling his bracelet around. “Be there in ten,” he said before promptly hanging up and jumping around his kitchen.
Were they hanging out? No, not really. Was he happy about it anyway? Absolutely.
Eddie ran into his room, checking his hair in the mirror, fluffing it up a bit before spraying on some of his uncle’s cologne. Eddie sighed, shaking out his hands, “This is stupid,” he breathed, “It’s not like she asked me out! She just asked me to help her out in finding her sister,” he mumbled, jumping in his van.
True to his word, ten minutes later Eddie pulled up in front of Y/n’s house. Y/n was sat on the porch, waiting for him, and smoking a cigarette.
“Where to first?” Eddie asked as she buckled in.
“The middle school,” Y/n replied, flicking her cigarette out the window. Eddie smiled and threw it in drive, zooming down the road. “Thanks for this, Eddie. I can get you gas money tomorrow,” Y/n said, biting her nail nervously.
Eddie waved his hand dismissively, “Nah. No need for it. You gotta find your sister, man. I’m happy to help, babes,” he said.
Y/n smirked to herself, pulling at a loose string on her sweater. “Babes? Really?” she jeered.
Eddie blushed bright red, opening and closing his mouth like a fish. He stuttered lamely, trying to find some excuse for the nickname. “I’m just joking with you, Eds, jeez!” Y/n laughed, “Call me whatever you want, man. I don’t care,” she added with a shrug. Eddie sighed in relief and nodded, “I almost had a heart attack and died, bro! You keep scaring the shit out of me. Making me feel like I’m weirding you out,” Eddie snickered, sending her a fake glare.
Y/n laughed, tossing her head back. And God, Eddie wished he had a camera. But he would have to settle for the memory. Y/n was squinting and looking in the seats of every car that drove past them. Maybe she got a ride home with a friend or something.
“Hey, there’s some kids right there!” Eddie said, pointing at a group of kids standing around on a set of stairs. Y/n sat forward, squinting to see them. She shook her head when she finally spotted Max’s fiery red hair leaned up on the railing.
“Yep, that’s my sister,” she sighed. Eddie nodded and pulled into the lot next to the bike rack. Y/n huffed and got out of the van, giving Max the sternest expression she could.
“Max!” she yelled.
Max’s eyes widened and she stood straight when she saw Y/n standing there. “In the van… now!” Y/n commanded, jerking her thumb behind her. Thank fuck Eddie put one of the back seats in.
Max cringed and sent Dustin and Lucas a look before she trudged over to the clunky van Y/n came out of. Y/n squinted at her sister and opened up the side door of the van, trying not to laugh at Max’s face.
“Girl, get in! I’m supposed to be mad at you!” Y/n snickered. Max smiled and jumped into the van, raising an eyebrow at the guy in the front seat she’d never seen before. “Leave it. Please?” Y/n mumbled, shutting the door between them.
She turned back to the trio of boys still standing at the stairs. Dustin and Lucas stared at her in awe, finally getting to meet Max’s sister. Even just from a distance it was great. Mike rolled his eyes at their faces. It was just some weird girl, who cares?
“I’m not your mom, but you guys might wanna head home too. It’s gonna get dark soon and your parents are probably wondering where you are,” Y/n said, smiling before she got back in the van. “See ya!” she added as they drove off.
Dustin smiled goofily and waved, watching her drive off until Mike rolled his eyes and pulled Dustin’s hand down. “She can’t see you idiot,” he huffed.
When they finally got to the Mayfield's, Y/n forced Max to go in the house first so she could talk to Eddie and thank him again. “Seriously, Munson, you’re a lifesaver! Are you sure you don’t want gas money?” Y/n asked, feeling bad for making him run all over town.
Eddie laughed, shaking his head, “You ask me again, I’ll pay you to shut up,” he joked. Y/n smiled, whacking his arm. “Kidding! Kidding!” Eddie relented, putting his hands up.
Y/n giggled, glancing at the house behind her and saying her goodbyes. “Well, again, thank you. And I’ll see you tomorrow! For real this time!” she said before kissing his cheek and getting out of the van. Eddie snorted and nodded, waving goodbye as she walked away. He smiled to himself and drove home.
For some reason he couldn’t understand, the world seemed brighter. Even his van felt better! Nicer even. Maybe it was because there was still a trace of her in the passenger seat. And a tiny bit of her touch on his arm that followed him everywhere and spread a bright light all over everything. He felt like a fucking idiot placing out his outfit for the next day like a girl going on her first date. But he could worry about how dumb he looked in the comfort of his own home later. He had bigger things to worry about…
like which Iron Maiden shirt would get Y/n to like him more…
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taglist: @sisgotdemons @tlclick73 @deafeningmoontragedy @marjoriea13 @playfuloutcast @twosluttychains @leetaeilsnecktattoo @lil-quinnie @razzles-bottom-lip @originalstar1 @yessargeantbarnes @bebe0701 @shotgunhallelujah @uselessastheginlasagnaa @mynameismothra @niragis-right-hand-rabbit @shecagobaby @moviefreak1205 @munsonmunster @chonkzombie @sadbitchfangirl @screaming-blue-bagel @urdad-hot @kjaxm @xxaestheticboyxx @ok-boke @coffeeaddictednymph @ohmeg
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warmaidensrevenge · 1 year
Always seen you.
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Pairing: Eddie x insecure!Fem plus size reader
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: Yoooo. This is a little long. Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy. As always feedback is greatly appreciated. Kay love ya bye.
Warnings: 18+ Language, fluff, angst, slow burn, heartache, sexual situations, smut and not proof read and no word count.
Summary: You finally got your guy. But something always gets in the way. Does true love conquer all?
Part 14
You woke the next morning feeling the other side of the bed. When you didn't feel Eddie, you died a little inside. You sat up holding the sheet to your chest. While rubbing your eyes with the back of your hand. You accidentally scratched your cheek with something.
You pulled your hand away to see what the hell just hurt you.
With widened eyes tears formed. Eddie's Onix ring was your finger.
" Wh-what?"
You reached over for your glasses and looked over to his side. There was a note and the keys to his van on the pillow.
You picked up the note.
' Morning Angel,
You looked so peaceful sleeping. So I didn't want to wake you to say bye. God baby I haven't even left yet and I already miss you. I bet you're wondering what my ring is doing on your finger. Well Angel, every time you look at it I want you to be reminded that I'm yours. Sorry it's too big. But I'll get you one that fits you better soon. I also took your favorite scrunchie. I'm gonna wear it all the time too. Also, I left you my van for whatever you need. I had Wayne make sure it runs good for you. Can't have my girl get stranded. Well baby I better go before I change my mind. I'll call the room as soon as I land in LA. I love you.
" I love you too Eddie."
You laid back down and held the note to your chest. It was good that he didn't wake you to say goodbye. You would have begged him to stay.
Later that day you sat around waiting for him to call. And when he did your heart skipped a beat.
" Hello?"
" Angel!"
" Eddieee." You squealed.
He chuckled. " Hey baby."
" Hi. How was the flight?"
" Ugh terrible. I hate flying."
" Yeah? Me too. I always have to get that extra buckle."
" Yeah?"
" Yeah...so are you settled in?"
" No. Once I got in the room I just dropped my stuff and called you."
" aww that's sweet."
There was an awkward silence. One you haven't had in a long time.
" I miss you baby."
" I miss you too."
Another awkward silence. Why was it like this?
" So umm about the ring?"
" Yeah?"
" I...I love it. But umm did you have to take my scrunchie?"
He laughed again. " Yeah I did. I needed something."
"And my underwear wasn't enough?"
" Well that's for later baby."
"How many pairs is that now?"
" uhh do you really want to know?"
" hmmm probably not. But I need to know if I should buy more."
Eddie smirked. " Yeah. You'll need to get more."
" You're awful."
"You think so?"
"No. Not really."
Eddie laughed again. " And why is that?"
" I...I don't know actually. It kinda makes me feel...I don't know."
Eddie could almost see you blushing.
" You like when I steal them?"
" Uhhh. No comment."
" Oh my baby likes it."
" Shush Munson."
You and Eddie laughed.
After a few minutes Eddie yawned.
" I'm sorry Eds. You should get some rest."
"No I'm fine."
" Eddie take a nap. We can talk later."
He yawned again. " Okay okay. I'll call you in a couple of hours."
" Looking forward to it."
" Me too. Love you Angel."
"Love you too Eds."
Eddie woke up the next afternoon. When he looked at his watch he first thought it was one in the morning. He sat up and saw Jeff strumming his guitar.
" Shit!"
Gareth laughed throwing himself on the bed. " Afternoon sleeping beauty."
" Afternoon?"
" Yeah man you were out for hours."
" Aww fuck! I gotta call my girl."
Eddie reached for the phone.
" Hey isn't she supposed to be going back home right now?" Jeff asked
Eddie shook his head and put the phone back down.
" Man she's probably worried." Eddie said palming his forehead.
" Nah. She knows you were tired. She called last night."
Eddie looked at Gareth. " Why didn't you wake me up?"
Jeff came and sat on the other bed. " We tried. But you were out."
" Damn. And she sounded okay?"
" Yeah she was fine." Gareth patted his back.
"Okay. I just don't want her to think I forgot about her."
" She doesn't Eddie. She said to call after we get back." Gareth said
" Where are we going?"
" We are starving my guy. And we need to meet with the producer after we get lunch."
Eddie nodded and stood up. " Alright. Where we going?"
" Awww man I keep hearing about this place called Fatburger." Jeff smiled
Eddie clapped his hands." Burgers sound awesome."
Gareth jumped up." Let's go before my stomach eats itself."
Eddie followed his buddies towards the door but stopped when he saw his reflection in the hallway mirror. He looked back at the bed and saw your scrunchie on the pillow. He went back and grinned picking it up.
He went to the mirror and put his hair back up.
" Miss you baby." He whispered to himself.
" Munson seriously! We will leave you." Gareth warned.
Eddie laughed " alright man. I'm coming."
You weren't upset that Eddie didn't call. You figured he would be jet lagged. But you wanted to hear his voice before you went to bed. So you called. You asked Gareth to hold the phone to Eddie's ear. While smiling at his snoring you said goodnight and that you loved him.
In the morning instead of bugging the guys again you waited for Eddie to call. But he didn't. You went to school that day sad that Eddie missed a scheduled call.
But when you got home the first thing you did was check the answering machine. Your heart leaped hearing his voice.
' Hey baby. I'm sorry I missed our phone date. But I promise the second I get to the room I'm calling you. I know you're at school already but I hope you have a great day. Make sure you eat something good and don't work too hard. I'll talk to you soon. Love you Angel.'
Eddie did call that night and you guys actually fell asleep on the phone together. It was really sweet.
December was a very long month. It went by so slow. And even slower when Eddie said he would be coming home for Christmas. You were so happy.
A month without Eddie's hugs and kisses. A whole damn month without playing with his curls and falling asleep in his arms. It was agonizing. But that didn't matter. He was coming home.
Well he was supposed to.
" I don't understand Eddie. How come Jeff and Gareth were able to come home and not you?"
" Baby they're only there for less than 24 hours."
" So? Eddie it's Christmas."
" I know baby. And I'm really sorry. But I have to work on rerecording my solo. Something is off and I can't blend the riff."
You were sitting on your bed with the phone in one ear and picking at the wrapping paper you were using to wrap Eddie's gift.
" You promised." Your voice broke. You didn't even try to hide it. You had been just so happy before this call.
You heard Eddie sigh.
" I did. And I'm so sorry I broke my promise. But I will make it up to you."
You didn't say anything. All you wanted to do was cry. But Eddie didn't need to know that.
" Angel I'm coming for New Year's. I'm gonna come and kiss the shit out of you."
A small smile crossed your lips. But it went away as quickly as it came.
" I just wish you could open your present tomorrow."
" Me too. But I swear. I'm going to be there in a couple of days. Just hold onto it for me."
" Oh-okay."
Both of you were quiet for a minute.
You looked up to the ceiling, fanning your eyes so that you wouldn't give in to tears.
" Sp-speaking of presents. Did you get yours?"
You looked down and grabbed your necklace.
" I did. It's beautiful Eddie."
" You're beautiful baby."
" No you."
You both let out little laughs. You knew he missed you just as much as you missed him. And he knew that you loved him as much as he loved you.
After talking for a while Eddie looked at the time. It was a little past 9. Which meant it was after midnight for you.
" Merry Christmas baby."
" Merry Christmas Eds."
Eddie didn't come on New Year's. None of the guys did. See Eddie was ready to go. At least that's what he told you. But at the last second Mel, the band's new manager booked them to play New Year's Eve at the famous Starwood club.
If the guys were gonna get their stuff out there and make it big time. That was the place to play. So many metal bands perform on that stage and were huge now.
This was their shot. You had to be happy for them. And a part of you was. Truly happy for your friends. But the other part was hurt. Another broken promise. Sure it was for the band and you could accept it...it still hurt though.
Was this going to be a regular occurrence? Would it hurt less as time went on? You hoped it would. Maybe one day sooner or later. He would come home.
You prayed for him to come soon.
Eddie knew you were hurt when he told you that he couldn't come. It broke his heart having to cancel again. But he had to. Right? This was huge for the band. If they did this, they could play at bigger venues and have their music everywhere. They would finally make it.
You even said it before you let Eddie get ready for the performance.
You did try to sound happy for him. But he just knew that he made you sad again. And though he promised he wouldn't hurt you. This was necessary for the future. For the life together. He did swear to himself that he was going to make it up to you. Whatever it was, he promised he was going to do whatever it takes to not make you sad again.
The set was by far the absolute best performance they ever played. It was epic. So much so that after, the guys nearly got mauled. Security had to escort them out.
Finally back in the room the guys were in disbelief of what just happened.
Jeff and Gareth were playing around and started to wrestle. Eddie was laughing being the ref. That was until he took off your scrunchie and looked at it.
He quickly went to the phone and called you. But there was no answer. It was almost two in the morning for him so it was almost five for you.
Since it was really early, he figured you were sleeping. So he waited for a few hours before he tried again.
After a power nap he called. But still, no answer.
He tried three more times. To no avail.
Now he was starting to worry. You never missed morning phone dates.
A bad memory brought itself to Eddie's thoughts. The last time you didn't answer this many times Eddie found you cleaning up your brother's blood.
He called his uncle immediately.
" Hello?"
" Hey old man."
" Eddie?"
" Yeah man. Hey I need you to check up on y/n."
" Good morning to you too son."
" Shit! I'm sorry. Morning. Look I'm worried about y/n. I've been trying to call but she's not answering."
" That's because she's here."
A wave of relief washed over Eddie when he knew you were okay. But then Wayne kept talking.
" She came over last night. Looked like she'd been crying her eyes out."
You were crying?
" Did I raise you to make promises you can't keep?"
Eddie was quiet. He felt like a complete ass hat.
" BOY?!"
" N-n-no sir."
" That's right! I didn't. If you break another promise to that poor girl by God I will go over there and drag your ass home. Do you understand me?!"
" Y-yes. I'm- I'm sorry."
" Don't apologize to me. You apologized to her."
" I-I-I will."
Wayne sighed. " Good!"
" Is...is she awake?"
Eddie heard his uncle groan.
" No. She's sleeping in your bed."
" Oh...okay. I guess I'll call her later then."
" How about you let her call you?"
" What? Why?"
" Because I want to talk to her before she talks to you."
"What-what're you gonna say?"
" I just want to see if she's okay. That's all."
"Y-yeah. Okay"
" Okay. Well I will talk to you later."
"Okay. Bye."
When Eddie hung up all he could think about how he should have just went home to you. Yeah his job was important. But not as important as you were.
He swore from this moment forward he wouldn't make you cry from him not showing up.
When you woke up you hugged Eddie's lumpy pillow really tight. Breathing in his lingering smell of sandalwood and citrus. With the faded hint of cigarettes and weed.
You didn't realize how much you missed his scent. Until you were surrounded by it again. Last night you were sitting in your room working on something when you looked out your window. You wished Eddie's light would be on. You prayed that it would turn on any second. Because if it did, then that meant Eddie was home. And if Eddie was home you could hold him and kiss him.
But when his room stayed dark. So you cried.
Why did it hurt so much? He was only gone a month and it felt like you were slowly bleeding out. The whole month you tried to go on normally. You even started hanging out with Robin and Steve. Upon Eddie and Dustin's request.
They did their best to distract you as best they could. But you never seemed to be into anything they wanted to do.
That's why you stayed home tonight. You could have gone to some random party with them or go to Bethany's with your brother. However, you just wanted to be alone.
As soon as it turned midnight for Eddie you said sent out a silent "Happy New Year Eds."
It was just after 3 am when you saw Wayne come home. You put on your slippers and went right over.
Wayne opened the door and saw you. All puffy eyed and tear streaks on your cheeks. His heart broke for you. He started seeing the difference in you since Eddie left. Your once big beautiful smile was slowly fading. That was until you talked to his nephew. Then you would get it back ten fold. As the days went on you would have a small smile plastered to your lips. But your eyes told a different story.
Wayne could tell from the moment he met you that you loved his nephew. Sure it was under terrible circumstances. But he could see it. And the same went for Eddie.
Wayne had never seen that look in his nephew's eyes before. He also never heard him talk about anyone or anything in the way he talked about you. So Wayne knew you were Eddie's be-all and end-all. Especially after the whole Mrs Clark debacle.
He knew then just like he knew now. You were his family. And he would do anything to make sure you were happy and safe. Even if he had to keep you safe from his nephew.
He motioned you to come in and let you stay the night in Eddie's room. He then heard your soft whimpers and sniffles after a while. He wanted to talk to you but he was a little tipsy from a few drinks at the bar. So he thought he would wait until the morning.
Which he did.
It was only about thirty minutes after his brief conversation with Eddie when you came out. Wrapped up in Eddie's blanket.
" Mornin' darlin'."
You went to sit with him on the couch.
" Morning Mr Munson. Umm thank you for letting me stay here."
" You're welcome darlin'. Whenever you need to, you are always welcome."
You nodded. For some reason you couldn't look at him. It was like if you did you would start crying again.
" Thank you sir."
You brought Eddie's blanket up to your nose to take a whiff.
" I miss him too you know."
You nodded again.
" I uhh sometimes I kinda still hear him playing his guitar."
You looked at Wayne but he was looking at his cup of coffee.
" It's strange...not having him here. I knew one day he was gonna move on and live a life of his own...but... I wasn't ready for him to leave yet."
"Me neither."
Wayne looked over to you. " I think you most of all were hurt most by him leaving...you two finally got your heads out of your asses, and finally got together. But just as fast as it started he left."
" it hurt a lot at first. And I miss him like crazy. But as much as we miss him, we still have to be happy for him."
"That's true. But that doesn't mean we put our happiness on hold for him."
" What do you mean?'
Wayne took a sip of his coffee and leaned back.
" Darlin' I see a difference in you... You're sad. And the relationship is weighing too much on you. You even lost a little weight. I can see it in your face."
You looked away ashamed that you were being so damn obvious with your depression.
" It's not that bad is it?" You asked.
" Others might not notice it. But I do."
You sighed wiping away a tear.
" It's not that this relationship is weighing on me. I miss him. And I know he can't always come when I want him to. I just get upset at all the things we should be doing this year."
" And what're those?"
You shook your head. " I know it sounds childish. But I looked forward to doing the senior ditch day or going on the senior trip. Decorating our lockers together. Or even go to the senior carnival with him. I...I know Eddie would say that one school dance is more than enough for him. But I would have loved for him to take me to prom. It's silly. I know-"
" It's not."
You looked back at Wayne.
" It's not silly darlin'. Young ladies like yourself want to experience that. Most of those things you can still do without him. Just because he's away doesn't mean you have to put your life on hold for him."
" I know. It's not that I don't know if I can do them. It's that I don't want to. To be completely honest. I really do love Eddie. But we've been dating for only a few months. And I feel like we're missing out on a few things that help build a good foundation. I know it's just childish things and they shouldn't mean so much to me. But they do. I only get to do this once. And I wanted to do it with Eddie."
Wayne nodded. " I can understand that. Doing all those things would create a stronger bond between you two."
" It would. But now that it's not an option. I don't know what's going to happen when I go to MIT. I know we want to be together. But he's already too busy for me. What happens when I finally leave? When I'm too busy? What are we gonna do?"
Wayne understood now why you were changing. It wasn't because you were being too dependent on Eddie for your happiness. It was the future you were worried about. It was learning how to cope with being your own person but still being the girlfriend of a rockstar.
" Darlin' that's a conversation you need to have with my nephew. You have to voice your concerns. Because if you don't, things will get too hard to deal with. And it might get to the point where a relationship isn't what's meant for you anymore. People say love concerns all. And it should. But sometimes a relationship calls for work. Sometimes it's very hard work. And right now for you and Eddie, it's hard. And I can't promise you things will get easier. But you guys have to talk and learn that it's not you two against each other. That it's you two versus the problem. That problem is communication. You can't hold back how my nephew makes you feel when he breaks promises. You have to talk to him about that. And about your concerns for the relationship in the future. Because if you do. I know you guys will make it. I want to see you guys make it."
"You do?"
Wayne chuckled. " Yeah. You're good for him. Since you've been around I have never seen my boy so happy. And before he took off he was doing really well in school...I know that was because of you."
You smiled.
" And I know if he would have stayed, he would have graduated with you."
You looked away pulling up the blanket again. " I wish we could watch each other get our diplomas."
" Me too."
You guys sat there for a minute just thinking about Eddie.
" I uhhh I should probably call him."
" Maybe after breakfast."
You smiled again. "Okay. Breakfast sounds great."
" Good. Why don't you get ready and I'll treat you to breakfast at Benny's."
You nodded and got up. But before you went to get your shoes. You turned around and gave Wayne a big hug.
" Thank you Mr Munson...I wish my father was like you."
Wayne smiled and hugged you back. He always wanted kids. He had Eddie and now he had you too.
After a lengthy conversation with you. Eddie felt better about the relationship. He was happy that you told him how you felt. And though he couldn't be there for all those things. He was going to try and see you.
A few months had passed and you were getting ready for prom.. And since Eddie couldn't take you, you asked Dustin to be your plus one.
The plan was to pick him up and go together. You told him not to worry about getting a tux or a corsage. You didn't even get a new dress. Though your brother offered to get you one again.
You never understood the whole concept of wearing a dress only once. So you were gonna wear your winter formal one.
Since Dustin was totally unprepared for the night. You said he could borrow Eddie's shirt that had a graphic tux on it. It was actually kinda perfect. It would be something Eddie would wear to be "formal".
You were finishing putting up your hair when your brother shouted down the hall.
" Hey. Umm when did you rent a limo?"
" What?" You hollered back. " I didn't."
" Did Eddie know you were going to prom?"
You walked out to the living room and looked out the window. Sure enough, there was a black limousine in the front of the trailer.
You rolled your eyes. " Yeah he knew. He must have thought I would want this."
You moved away from the window and went for the phone.
" Man aren't you special?" Your brother teased still looking out the window.
You were so annoyed. Eddie kept sending you stuff. And though you were grateful for all the clothes, all the jewelry, albums, flowers, and chocolates. The only thing you really wanted was a damn visit. You hadn't seen Eddie in five months. So yes. You were annoyed.
" If I was so special he would be here."
" Oh common kiddo. Don't be that way. I'm sure if he could he would be."
You rolled your eyes again and started dialing Eddie's number.
" Send it away. I want to go in his van."
" Are you sure?"
" Yes!"
The phone rang four times before Gareth answered.
"Hey sis?"
" Quiet I'm on the phone....Hey bud. Is he there?"
"Uhh-" Gareth mumbled.
" Hang up the phone and get your ass out here. The guy said he won't leave without you." Matthew ordered.
" Ugh! Sorry man. Tell Eddie to call me in two minutes."
" I uhhh... oh-kay."
You hung up the phone and went outside. The second your eyes met your stomach fell to your ass. You stopped mid stride seeing that beautiful face you almost forgot.
He was in an all black suit holding a corsage and a large white box. He looked amazing. His hair was in a glorious bun with treadles of hair framing his face. His eyes had a twinkle in them that you missed. All his gorgeous wrinkles showed as his smile got bigger.
" Hey Angel."
Your first thought was to run to him. But then you thought you would give him a little bit of shit.
You crossed your arms. " So it takes a school dance to get you to come home and see me?"
Eddie's smile didn't waver. " Well normally I wouldn't be caught dead at one again. But I'd do anything to see you happy. And if that means going to another school dance for you. I will."
You watched as he went to put the stuff on top of the car and then turned back around. He tilted his head and put his hands in his pockets. Not taking his eyes off of you.
" You look beautiful baby."
You looked down and Eddie chuckled seeing you blush.
" Uhh so what does a guy have to do to get a hug around here?"
You looked back at him and he was wearing his perfect smirk.
You smiled too and started for him. All of a sudden you heard.
" Out of the way nerd."
Matthew decided he wanted to hug Eddie first. He quickly pushed past you and ran to him. Giving him a big bear hug.
You glared at them both laughing and embracing each other. Slapping each other's backs.
When they finally let up. They both smiled at you.
You shook your head.
" Hey man that was great. But uhh can I have a minute with my girl?"
Matthew nodded and went inside. Pushing you towards Eddie before he did.
Butterflies erupted in your stomach and you felt so anxious.
" Eddie." You whimpered.
Eddie jogged the short distance to you. Just before he hugged you. You threw yourself into his arms.
" I know baby... I know."
You were about to cry but Eddie leaned back and kissed you. Using one hand to cup your face.
The kiss made your knees weak and took your breath away. Eddie held you tighter once he felt you slump a little.
You finally needed to breathe so you broke the kiss and stared at his bow tie.
" Dustin."
Eddie loosened his grip on you. " I'll kill him!"
" No Eds." You giggled. " I asked him to prom."
Eddie furrowed his brow. " I thought you were going stag."
" I was but I just asked him at lunch today. I have to call him and tell him that the love of my life just showed up."
You gazed into his chocolate button eyes.
He was grinning like a mad man.
" Haha yup. I guess you can say I like to make an entrance."
You both laughed and kissed again.
" God Eddie.... I missed you...so much." You said between kisses.
" Me...too... baby...so...so...much."
After a minute or so you pulled away.
" Eds I have to call him. He's gonna worry."
" Y-yeah." He swallowed. " let's go call him."
Eddie turned to get the stuff he put down and followed you inside.
You went straight for the phone and called Dustin. While Eddie came and held you from behind.
" Hey bud."
" Hey! Are you on your way?"
" Umm...so here's the thing....Eddie's here."
"EDDIEEE!" Dustin squealed.
You pulled the phone away and winced.
" Henderson man. Calm down. You're gonna make my girl deaf." Eddie chuckled into the receiver.
" Shit! Sorry."
You laughed. " It's okay. Don't worry about it...so I called to say-'
" Eddie's going to take you to prom?"
" Yeah."
Eddie kissed your cheek down to your jaw. Then down your neck.
Oh god!
You cleared your throat. " I'm sorry Dustin."
" It's cool. Eddie's home."
You let out a soft sigh as Eddie's lips made their way to the other side of your neck.
" y-yeah. He - he is."
" Are you okay y/n?"
You cleared your throat again when Eddie pressed his length against your bottom.
" You're terrible." You whispered."
Eddie let out a nose laugh while moving his lips towards your ear and whispered as well.
" Can you blame me when you look so cute in this dress?"
He tugged your earlobe gently between his teeth before placing a soft kiss to soothe it.
"Stop it Eds. Matthew is within earshot."
Eddie smirked but continued on his mission.
" Uhh sorry umm Eddie's being a butt right now. Umm tell you what. Since I kinda screwed you over tonight. Eddie would like to make it up to you."
Eddie removed his lips from your neck to listen.
" He's gonna send a limo to pick you, Mike and Lucas up. You guys can mess around and get driven wherever you want."
" What?!" Eddie half whispered and half yelled.
Dustin was shocked. "Really?! I've never been in a limo before."
Eddie whispered again " Baby?!"
" Yeah no. You can totally have it for the night. Eddie and I are gonna take his van. He needs a reminder to be humble."
Eddie smiled shaking his head. You were right. He had been getting a big head lately.
" Awesome! Thanks y/n!"
You laughed. " No problem bud. I'll have Eddie send it over right now."
" Okay cool. I'll see you later. Tell Eddie I said hi."
" Will do. Bye."
You hung up the phone and turned around in his arms. Draping yours around his shoulders.
" So speaking about prom. I don't want to go anymore."
Eddie looked down at you with a brow raise.
He pressed against you and brought his face closer to yours.
" Sorry baby. We have to go."
He gave your cheek a quick peck before backing away.
" No Eds. we can just stay and cuddle."
Eddie shook his head. " Nope. We're going. Oh and speaking of dresses. I have something for you."
He went to retrieve the large white box.
" You look really pretty in that dress. But, this is a prom. And you need a prom dress."
" Eddie no. This dress is-"
" No. This is the dress you're wearing tonight."
You raised a brow and gave him a look.
" Sorry Angel." Eddie cleared his throat before doing that again. " Baby...girl of my dreams...this is the only prom we're gonna have...will you please do me the honor of not only attending it with me, but would you be so inclined to wear this special garment I specifically chose for the love of my life?"
You pressed your lips together to hold back your laughter. " You're too much Munson...I love it!"
" Well I love you so..."
Your cheeks got hot again and you couldn't bear to look at him. He could never know how pathetic you were for him. He most definitely would take advantage of that if he got the chance.
" Love you too. " You went to him taking the box and giving him a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Before he could grab you and give you a proper kiss you took off down the hall. Leaving Eddie in disbelief how just one look from you could bring him to his knees.
He definitely waited too long to come and see you.
He went outside to grab his luggage and sent the limo to Dustin's. After he went to say hi to Wayne.
Wayne followed him back to your trailer with a disposable camera in hand.
When you went to your room you put the box on the bed. Before opening it you looked over the Munson trailer. You stared for a minute. Then your heart leaped. You saw Eddie light on.
You smiled to yourself and opened the box. Your mouth dropped open. The dress was stunning.
Powder blue dress with silver embroidery around the waist. Beautiful white lace covered the chest and very open back. For a second there you thought maybe it showed too much. But since Eddie must have spent a lot on it, you were gonna wear it.
When you lifted the dress there was a pair of matching ballet flats and a sheer shawl underneath You laid the dress down and took off what you were wearing.
Not having a bra that wouldn't show you decide not to wear one.
Once the dress was on it fit perfectly.
" How did you get my size?" You said to yourself.
You went to the full body mirror and looked at yourself. You pulled out the barrette that pinned your hair up and shook it. You didn't like how your hair sat so you put it half up and half down. Adding a silver butterfly barrette.
You took a deep breath in and went out into the living room.
Eddie was standing by the front door holding your corsage. He was the first to see you.
For Eddie you were walking in slow motion. The way you moved so gracefully. You looked like an Angel. And when you looked at him with red in your cheeks. He nearly had a heartache.
" Close your mouth boy. You'll catch flies." Wayne teased.
He didn't even notice his mouth was open. Or how his palms got all sweaty. Or even when you stopped right in front of him and asked if you looked okay.
" Ed's?"
He blinked a few times and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Erm sorry Angel...you just... I uhhh...you look-"
" Beautiful." Wayne and Matthew said together.
" Y-yeah. So-so beautiful." Eddie stuttered
A little laugh left you.
You pointed at the flower " umm is that for me?"
" Shit! Y-yeah."
Eddie opened the plastic container cursing himself for being nervous.
He slid the blue orchid on your wrist. After he kissed the back of your hand.
" Alright kids. Let's get some pictures." Matthew said.
Finally after what felt like forever you guys went to the van. Eddie opened your door and held out his hand to help you in.
" M'lady."
You smiled. " Good sir."
You got in and he helped you put on your seatbelt saying.
" Hauling precious cargo."
He looked at you and grinned. "You really look amazing."
You peered back and forth between his big brown hues. " So do you Eds."
You watched him close the door and jog to his side.
Once he got in he looked around.
" Did you clean in here?"
You nervously laughed. " umm I hope you're not mad."
" Not at all. Smells good in here."
" Thanks. I showered." You joked.
Eddie chuckled." Okay so we're gonna need some music."
He pulled out a cassette from his breast pocket.
You smiled at the cover.
" You got it back?"
He popped the tape in. " Sure did."
You guys drove listening to the tape you made of them.
A couple of songs played before you turned down the volume.
" Eds? As much as I looked forward to prom. Do we really have to go now?"
" You don't want to go?"
" I umm I really don't want to spend whatever time we have with anyone else but you."
Eddie stole a glance at you and saw you fidgeting with your fingers.
" Tell you what Angel. How about we go and take our picture and stay for one dance. Then we can go wherever you want."
" Really" you asked looking at the side of his face.
" Yeah baby. I want it to be just us too."
You looked back down and smiled. " okay."
And that was exactly what you guys tried to do. When you guys got to the gym you went straight to the photo booth. You guys took a total of two pictures. One completely normal, and one silly one. For the last one you and Eddie held up your fingers to your head mimicking horns and stuck out your tongues.
After Eddie went to talk to the photographer to make sure you guys got the whole package he offered instead of just the photos.
When Eddie came back to you he led you to an empty spot on the bleachers. You had noticed you guys were getting awkward looks. Feeling completely out of place you hoped the band would play a slow song soon.
All of a sudden Chrissy approached you guys.
" Oh My God. You guys look so great! Y/n you didn't tell me Eddie was coming?"
Eddie stood up to give Chrissy a hug.
" I didn't know he was."
" I wanted to surprise her." Eddie said sitting back down with you. Putting his hand on your back.
He started rubbing circles on your exposed skin. Giving you goosebumps.
He smirked to himself. He was definitely going to worship you tonight.
" So Eddie. Behalf of myself and the prom committee we would like to ask if the upcoming rockstar is willing to play us a little something?" Chrissy asked with a smile.
Eddie got nervous again. He moved his hand from your back and put both on his knees.
" Oh... I uhh. I kinda just came to be with y/n."
You half turned to him" No. No. Go Eds. I know you can't pull off a full blown show. But you should."
He looked at you kinda worried.
You grabbed his hands and looked at them. " It's okay. I want to hear you play. I've ummm. I've missed hearing you."
Eddie brought one hand up to his chest and the other to his lips. " okay. Anything special you want to hear?"
" hmm...Caught up in you."
He smiled. " Perfect."
He gave you a kiss and stood up pulling you up with him.
" Alright Cunningham. One song."
Chrissy practically jumped up and down. " Great! Let's go."
You and Eddie followed her hand in hand.
Chrissy got up on the stage with Eddie jumping up. He held out his hand to help you up. But you held up your hand.
" I'll watch you from here."
" Are you sure?"
"Yes my love. I want to enjoy this from here."
Eddie absolutely adored that. Your love.
" Okay Angel. Don't go anywhere."
" Wouldn't dream of it."
Eddie gave you a quick smooch and went to find a guitar.
You looked in your purse for lotion for after. Then Chrissy got up to the mic.
" Hey guys! I hope you're having a good time tonight."
Your classmates cheered.
" Great! So I have a surprise for you. You all know that one of Hawkins finest has left us to pursue bigger and better things."
Eddie gave you a smirk.
" Well I want you guys to give a big round of applause for Corroded Coffin's front man and lead guitarist. EDDIE MUNSON!"
You looked around the gym when you heard your peers going nuts for Eddie. And by the look Eddie had on his face, he was just as surprised as you were.
Eddie gave you a look and shrugged. You smiled and nudged your head to the mic.
You watch him in utter amazement.
" Uhh hey. So um this is a special song. For a very special lady."
He gave you a wink. You instantly blushed. Eddie silently laughed. So damn pleased with himself that he could still do that to you.
He strummed when the drummer started to play. Once he sang the first couple of lyrics you started to nod your head and sway back and forth.
Eddie saw that look in your eyes again. The one he missed so much. It was the look that told him he was your world. He had worried a little from being gone for so long. That maybe what you used to feel for him might have lessened. But from that look and that look alone he knew it didn't. You were still very much in love with him. Like he was with you.
The whole five months the guys have been so busy promoting their music. Playing at small venues, and recording. That they barely had any time to relax. But no matter what Eddie was doing. He made that time for you. He didn't care that he would be completely exhausted or not at their new apartment. He would always check wherever they went if there was a phone nearby and that it worked.
He wanted to make sure that you knew you were still a very important part of his life.
That's why he came today. He had to move a few things around to be there. And though he was told that he shouldn't, he did. He had to make things clear to Mel that you were more important to him than the music was. And that it was only for a few days. So he was successful and made it to take you to prom.
The whole time he was playing and singing he didn't take his eyes from you. He liked seeing you dance. It was one of the few times he saw you truly happy. It filled his heart knowing he was the one that could do that for you.
Once the song was over he handed the guitar back and jumped off the stage. He was immediately swarmed by kids who pushed you away from him.
They were asking for autographs and saying stuff he really couldn't understand. He tried to be pleasant but the way they were grabbing at him had him flustered.
Out of nowhere he felt a small soft hand in his. Pulling him kinda hard. Suddenly he was being led away from everyone. His anxiousness went away once he saw who had him.
The second you saw his face when he was overwhelmed you reacted. You pushed through the crowd and grabbed his hand.
You were out in the parking lot before you knew it. Eddie stopped and pulled you into his arms. Holding you firmly.
"Thank you baby." He said just above a whisper.
" No thank you."
Eddie leaned back a bit to look at you. " For?"
You moved his bangs away and smiled.
" For coming. For playing that song...For showing up like you always do."
Eddie shook his head. " You don't have to thank me. I will always show up for you. And I wasn't late this time."
" No...you weren't."
"C'mon Angel. Let's get out of here."
When you guys left, Eddie wanted to take you to a fancy hotel in the next town over. But you weren't having it. Since Wayne was home and Bethany moved in. You guys couldn't be alone. So instead of actually going back to the trailer park Eddie drove to Lovers Lake.
Eddie opened the back doors and you both sat there watching the moon's reflection off the water. You pulled out your lotion and started massaging his hands.
" I missed this."
You smiled. " Me too."
Once you were done Eddie held you as you rested your head on his shoulder.
" How long do I get you for?" You asked with a small hint of sadness in your tone.
Eddie hung his head a little. " Four days."
You smiled and looked up to him. " Four days Munson?!"
He chuckled. "Yeah baby. I'll be here for your birthday."
You could have died from happiness. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek. " Oh Eddie."
He hugged you tighter. " Couldn't miss your nineteenth birthday."
You sat quietly in his embrace. This was too good to be true. It felt like a dream. Sitting by the lake in a beautiful dress, next to Eddie Munson. Never in your wildest dreams did you think this would happen. But here you were. In his strong arms.
You felt Eddie's hand move to the spot just about the zipper of the dress.
He started to kiss you.
"God baby. "Do you know how badly I need you?"
" Tell me." You said softly.
He kissed you all over your face. " It feels like I can't breathe without you. It's harder to concentrate on anything when all I can think about is you."
"Mmm." You moaned as he kissed your jaw to your neck.
" I worry about you...I constantly wonder what you're doing. And if you miss me too."
You moved away a bit to look at him " Eds of course I do. I feel the same way. All I want is to be in your arms."
"Baby please. Touch me...kiss me."
You pulled out your stolen scrunchie and gave it to him to put on his wrist. You hiked up your dress to straddle him and wrapped your fingers in his curls.
You kissed him with all that you had. Five months of built up angst, lust, love, and longing was put in that kiss. Making Eddie lose himself in it.
His hands were everywhere. His lips touched every inch of skin that was exposed.
"Can I take this off?" He said with his fingers teasing at your zipper again.
" Yes." You said into his mouth.
You kissed him once more then got off of him and moved more into the van.
Eddie climbed in after you. You sat with your back towards him, moving your hair to the side.
He kissed your shoulder as his hand went for your zipper. He slowly brought it down sliding the straps over your shoulders and down your arms. Kissing along the way. You turned once your breasts were exposed and laid down.
You watched Eddie lick his lips and take off his tie and jacket. He took off your shoes and went for your waist. While you raised your hips he took the dress completely off leaving you in just panties.
He took off his shirt and unbuckled his belt. You sat up a little taking out the barrette. Running your fingers through your hair.
Eddie hovered over you kissing you again.
You went for his slacks tugging them down.
"T-touch it. P-p-please." Eddie begged.
Your warm hand wrapped around him making his eyes roll back. You knew exactly how firm he liked it, how to stroke him. How to tease him.
He groaned into your neck trying so hard not to cum already. Five long ass months since you touched him. Since he got to kiss you and feel your warmth next to him.
" Condom Eddie." You whispered in his ear.
He looked at you and stroked your hair before getting up and taking his bottoms off. He looked for his wallet and pulled out a foil square. You bent your knees and brought them together.
Once the condom was on, his hands caressed your thick thighs and went for your panties. Pulling them off so carefully and slowly.
You laid down and watched him kiss your knees. Spreading them apart. He crawled up your body leaving a trail of kisses and love bites up to your chest. He swirled his tongue around your hardened buds before meeting your lips with his.
You pulled him closer to deepen the kiss. But moaned when you felt him moving his length up and down through your folds. Catching the tip on your entrance every little bit.
" Please Eds. I want you... please make love to me."
" Fuck! Okay."
He put his tip in causing a small moan from you. His thrust was slow at first. Giving you time to adjust to his stretch.
Your body trembled with anticipation. Waiting patiently for the final push that would send shooting pains of pleasure through you.
But Eddie didn't go for the sweet spot just yet. He wanted to savor this. The warmth radiating off of you. The small moans you produced. The way you pussy convulsed around his throbbing cock.
Ever since the first time you guys did this. It was all he wanted to do. He missed your tight wet pussy. He missed the taste of you and your beautiful sweet smell.
There have been times where your underwear wasn't enough for him. And his hand wasn't good enough. He even went to a sex shop to find something there that could help, but even the fake pussy couldn't give him what he truly wanted. You.
You with the pretty smile, you with the sweetest voice and moans he ever heard. You with your soft skin and warm hugs. You with those big eyes that he loved so damn much.
And now. After five months, he had you again. So he was going to make sure to savor every second, every kiss, every touch, every wonderful moan.
He buried himself in you. Making you whimper and sigh. He honestly never felt this good being in someone.
His thrusts were shallow at first. Pleasing you with just a portion of himself. But when he felt closer to his release he bottomed out in you.
At that moment both of you saw stars. A growl came from Eddie as a loud gasp came from you.
Your body ached and trembled. God you missed him. Over the five months your hands couldn't compare to Eddie. The way his solid frame was pushing against your plush self. The way his lips lingered on the slope of your neck. The way his curls tickled your face. Nothing and no one could make you feel the way he did.
He had you there in just a few thrusts.
But after your first climax you wanted him to go harder
Eddie slowed his hips. Kissing and nipping at your neck. He wanted to come so bad that it was incredibly difficult to not to. But he wanted to keep going. To make up for the lost time. Then you did something he wasn't expecting. You lifted both of your legs, holding them behind your knees.
" Harder Eds."
Eddie moved so that he could help you. He hooked one of your legs in the crook of his elbow and began snapping his hips to your ass.
"Sh-shit...Oh! Fu..." He grunted.
He went so deep that all you could do was whine and breathe hard.
" B-b-baby....god-god fuck!"
Your body jolted upward and your hands grabbed ahold of the center console.
Eddie kept pounding in you watching your tits bounce. He wanted them in his mouth but this position felt too good to move from.
He felt your walls suddenly clench around him. It was so tight it had him hissing from immense pleasure.
" Cum with me baby."
All you could give him was a small nod. That was because you were already coming.
Eddie could feel your wetness spread all over his balls and some on his thighs as he pumped his load into the condom. He let go of your leg and went to kiss you as you both were about to finish.
He slumped over and put his complete weight on you after. You started caressing his spine and tried to catch your breath. Then Eddie started kissing all over your chest and neck. Making you laugh at the tickles.
" Damn Angel. I missed this."
You sighed and agreed.
Eddie lifted his head a bit and started stroking your hair. " Where have you been all my life?"
In the background.
" Waiting for you to find me?"
Eddie noticed a slight sadness in your eyes. That tried to hide behind your smile.
" What's the matter y/n?"
You started playing with his curls. " Do...do I have to wait another five months to see you again?"
He looked down at the necklace he gave you for Christmas. He didn't want to ruin your birthday present so soon. So he improvised.
"I know it took me forever to get back to you. But I promise that we will see more of each other. Because I need you around. I feel like I'm not at my best when you're not around. So I promise you. We will be together more often."
You gently swallowed. " Don't make me a promise you can't keep. I know things are happening much faster for you guys now. I just don't want-"
Eddie held up his pinky. " I never break my pinky promises."
You studied his finger for a second before hooking it with yours.
He smiled and kissed you. After he pulled out and rolled off of you. He took off the condom tossing it somewhere in the van and pulled you into his arms.
You started playing with his tattoos when you noticed a new one just a few inches under his armpit.
You sat up and looked at him
Eddie smirked " What?"
You lifted his arm and ghosted your fingers over it." You got a new one."
"Yeah. Do you like it?"
" umm they're Roman numerals."
Eddie sat up and reached for your chin. " Do you know what day it says?"
You looked at it again, tugging at your lip. " It's the first day of school. When I fell."
He smiled. " Yup."
" W-why did you get that?"
He kissed your forehead and cupped your face. " It's the day my life changed for the better. I got to talk to you for the first time."
You looked at it again with tears in your eyes. You didn't know what to say. This was very romantic. But also very Eddie. Sometimes he did stuff without really thinking about it. And you felt like maybe it was a mistake.
You were a little too quiet for Eddie's liking. He knew exactly what you were thinking. He moved his hands and held yours.
"Y/n. I know how I get when I'm excited. And I just want you to know. That all the tatties I have is because I was bored. None of them have any real meaning behind them."
You met his gaze as he continued.
" Well except for this one." He pointed at the puppet master. " This of course is a homage to a sweet album."
You smile.
" But even with that one. It doesn't mean anything serious...this one." He said moving your hand to his new tattoo. " this one means everything to me. It's a reminder of where we started. I could have picked any day I spent with you. The day I fell for you, or the day we kissed for the first time, or even our first time. Because all those days are important to me. But none of those days can compare to that day."
" Talking to me was that special to you?"
Eddie brought both hands up to his lips pressing a soft kiss on each.
" Yes... You told me that you didn't want to switch partners. That you didn't think I was a freak. You listened to all my nonsense that night. You even lose sleep for me."
" I never minded it. I could listen to you talk forever."
" See that's why that day is important to me. Not only did I start to like you. But you became my friend. Somehow I knew that from that day on. I wanted you in my life... always."
Eddie reached up and wiped your tears away. You closed your eyes to try and calm yourself down.
" How do you do this?" You sniffled.
" Do what baby?"
You opened your eyes and saw his filled with tears too.
" Make me love you more than I already do."
He chuckled and blinked away his tears. " I don't know. I'm just saying how I feel about you. Normally it's hard for me to talk about what's going on in my head. But with you it's easy. Every time I look at you I see my best friend, my happiness, my future...my home."
You sighed and shook your head. " There you go again.
He shrugged and grinned "I'm sorry. I guess I just really love you."
You looked down at your lap. Eddie Munson just made you fall for him all over again.
After a second you actually took a look at yourself and started to softly laugh.
" What's so funny?"
You looked at him with a smirk. " We're having a full blown conversation all naked and sticky."
Eddie looked down too. " Oh yeah. We totally just had sex."
You laughed a little louder and looked out to the lake.
Eddie must have thought the same thing you were thinking. Because he jumped out of the van and b-lined it to the lake. He looked so funny. His mane bouncing behind him. His pale ass even paler in the moonlight.
You looked around for your underwear when Eddie called for you.
" Baaaabbbby." He sang out. " The water's perfect."
You looked back at him and he was standing in the shallow end motioning you to go to him.
" My underwear Eds."
" Nope! We're skinny dipping."
" Eddieee."
" Angel, if you don't get your fine ass out here-"
Eddie suddenly looked like he was pulled down.
" Eddie?"
You waited a few seconds before calling out again.
When he didn't respond, you ran out there jumping in looking for him.
You splashed around.
" EDDIE!?"
" Yeah?"
You look towards the shore and he was standing there with his arms crossed.
" Edward Eugene Munson!"
Eddie flinched hearing that.
" How dare you scare me like that?!"
" Got you in the water didn't it?"
" Yes but...I..."
You covered your chest and started to tear up. " You really scared me Eddie."
Now he felt bad. He got back in the water and went to you.
" I'm sorry Angel. I was just playing around."
You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and dunked him. Backing away so he couldn't get you.
When he came up he wiped his face and went for you. " Now you're gonna get it." He said, splashing at you along the way.
You yelped when his strong arms grabbed you.
He quickly dipped you in the water and pulled you back up.
You guys played around for a little while until Eddie felt that you were getting tired. He pulled you into his arms and held you close to his chest.
" Eddie?"
" Yeah Angel?"
" This is the best day ever...I'm really happy you came."
He smiled hugging you a little tighter.
" Me too."
@chloe-6123 @irishhappiness @idkidknemore @hiscrimsonangel @hellv1ra @browneyes528 @b-irock @erinsingalong @salenorona23 @eddie-is-a-god @screaming-blue-bagel
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two-red-lungs · 2 years
Ayooo. It sounds kinda cringe but eddie munson x vampire reader???? Or something like that. Or just x GN reader. That would be rlly swag of you :D
NO BC THIS IS PERFECT I was like "man I really wanna write a little about the Lost Boys/Stranger Things fic I'm working on, but IDK if the asker knows the Lost Boys" but you DO so sorry I am taking creative liberties w/ this imagine.
"Big Storm Coming" (Eddie Munson + LostBoys!Reader)
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Your brothers were rabble-rousers. Nare-do-wells. It made settling anywhere... difficult, when the police kept getting on their tails. They set fires, caused public chaos, spray-painted walls. Hell, you spray-painted walls when you were bored enough. Eternal life was excruciatingly boring.
Like clockwork Max would chew them out, probably throwing one of them across the room in anger, and then move all of you to a new town.
Probably for the best. David brought death with him everywhere, he was messy and angry like that, and Dwayne, Marko, and Paul followed his example. Usually leaving you and Star to clean up the disaster.
So, really, moving to Hawkins felt like any other clan migration. Low population, sleepy police force, lots of bored teens "prone to going missing", as David had put it with a tight, toothy smile.
Marko had cackled when Max said he was enrolling everyone in highschool to "keep you outta trouble". He thought it was a joke.
It was not a joke. When you tried to protest Max told you to shut it or he'd lock you out on the porch come sunrise.
You all went straight from Max's van doors to the school entryway. A half-second in the sun, shielded under jacket lapels and long hair.
It was, admittedly, pretty fun, blowing open those doors on your first day. As much as you had a love-hate relationship with your blood brothers, you had to admit they turned heads. You all did. Wild rocker hair, manic self-assured grins, spike-studded boots. Rock-and-roll, baby. The sea of hallway students parted for the five of you.
Paul and Dwayne, as usual, were flirting with any girl that came within five feet of them, taking bets on who'd get a number by the end of the day. But with Star home with Laddie and David glowering at everyone like he wanted to massacre everything and then hang himself, you were pretty much on your own.
Great. School, again. A year of faking interest in American history and just waiting for a drained corpse to be found in the woods.
And then. AND THEN. Hawkins High, shithole in the middle of Indiana, gave you the gift you'd be desperately hoping for.
"Principal's office, NOW, Munson!" A teacher screamed nearby, flinging open a classroom door and shoving out a tall, wild-maned, leather-jacket clad man. The man flipped a double bird to the closed door, shoved his hands in his pockets, and turned around to start trudging down the hall.
Freezing in place when he saw you. Two individuals, nearly identical in style. Outcasts. Lost, maybe.
An incredulous grin spread across his face, dark eyebrows disappearing up into messy fringe. "...Holy shit." He said with a disbelieving laugh. "Look at you. Rock on, man."
He introduced himself as Eddie Munson, blood thumping under his ivory-pale skin and smelling like American Spirit cigarettes, and all at once you were hooked. He was clearly excited to see someone else with a patch jacket sporting bands he knew. He asked you if you wanted to smoke sometime. You blindly agreed, distracted by that warm smile.
And as he walked away down the wide hall, saying "Boo!" to a passing group of freshmen girls and making them literally jump, two things were made utterly apparent to you.
One: Eddie Munson was going to save your high school experience from being the most boring thing ever.
Two: he needed to be protected from your brothers at all costs. None of you were allowed to be happy. To make friends. They destroyed those sort of things out of envy, of jealousy. And you would not let Eddie be a tally mark in David's kill ledger.
Thank you for the prompt: if you guys like this concept, please let me know! I'm considering a longer, multi-chapter crossover fic with Eddie/reader and the Hawkins gang VS Max's boys.
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eddiemunson-fanfic · 2 years
Shopping with you
Eddie x Plus Size!F reader
Warnings: dom!Eddie, spanking, slapping, public sex/fingering, dark!Eddie.
Summary: You dragged your boyfriend out to the mall with you to shop for some new clothes, he hated it, but you loved seeing how distressed he seemed when you dragged him into a new store every five minutes. You suddenly dragged him into a lingerie store, and you could see him getting riled up with the stuff you picked out. But why would you care, you loved teasing him.
Part 2
I'm kinda nervous for this one, hope you guys like it 🥺
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“Are you serious?” he asked you as you dragged him into another store with clothes. You just giggled at his distress. “Stop whining, you big baby” you laughed at him, and he just glared at you. “I’m almost done, ok? Just this store, and we can go pick up something to eat” you said, smiling at him, making him roll your eyes. 
“If you’re fucking with me, you know what’s to come” he said, warning you. You knew exactly what he would do. He would bend you over his knee when you got into his van, and spank you for fucking with him. 
Your thighs involuntarily clenched together, and he smirked at you, walking closer to you, leaning into your ear. You could feel his breath on your neck, and it made you shiver. He chuckled, kissing your neck, before he nibbled on your earlobe, slowly pulling away to talk into your ear. 
“Princess would like that, huh” he said, while his hand slowly brushed against your clothed pussy, and you could feel yourself getting wetter by the second. Fuck, the control he had over you. You whimpered in his embrace, almost falling over. If it wasn’t for his body hovering over you, you would probably faceplant right onto the floor. 
He chuckled once more, and pulled away from you. “Behave” he warned you, walking away from you. You watched him walking around the table you were standing near, and his eyes widened. You followed his gace, and you understood why he got riled up. He was standing where all the spicy lingerie was laying. You looked up at him, and he licked his lips. 
His eyes darkened, and you wondered what he was thinking. He swiftly readjusted his pants, and you giggled at him, making him glare at you. 
“Shut up” he barked, and you just smiled at him, lifting your arms up at him like you’re surrendering. “I didn’t do anything” you shrugged, and he continued to glare at you, while you walked around the table, looking down at the lingerie, picking up a few things, holding them to your body. 
“What do you think about this one?” you asked him, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. “Holy fuck” he breathed, and you giggled again. You walked over to him, leaning in to peck his lips. Before he could return the kiss, you pulled away, leaning up to his ear. 
“I can fix that, you know” you whispered, grabbing his clothed erection, winking at him, before you pulled away again and walked to the wall where alot of lingerie hung. You looked at some of the lingerie when Eddie came up behind you, his erection pressing against your lower back. You smiled for yourself, acting as if nothing happened, still looking at the lingerie hanging on the wall. 
He snaked his arm around your waist, leaning into your neck, kissing lightly, making goosebumps appear on your entire body. “Eddie” you warned him, while you clenched your thighs together. 
“Baby” he talked back, grabbing your tit and squeezing hard, making you moan. “Be quiet” he ordered you, and you bucked your ass back towards him, grinding on him. “We can’t do that here” you said, and he chuckled in your ear, dragging you with him to the changing rooms. 
“Go inside” he ordered, handing you some lingerie, pushing you slightly to walk inside a stable. You turned to look at him, and he winked at you. 
You walked inside and pulled the curtain, and he suddenly walked away. What the fuck. He was really playing with you right now.  You could hear his chain rattling while he walked around the shop. 
You turned to the mirror, and looked at yourself in it. If any of these lingerie actually fit you, you would be so happy. You picked up some that were a bit bigger than normal, started to undress yourself. 
It was a see-through dress, black, with a cute little ribbon between where your tits would be. You pulled it over your body, and admired yourself in the mirror. Damn, it was actually pretty hot. 
You jumped when someone suddenly walked inside your stable. Trying to cover yourself up with your own hands, but relaxed once you saw his curly hair. He closed the curtain and turned around, his eyes went dark with lust when he saw you. 
“God damn baby” he said, checking you out. You twirled for him, and he bit his lip. “You look amazing” he said, pulling you into his embrace, looking at you in the mirror. “The way your tits look like in this? Damn” he said, touching your tits, squeezing them together.
He looked at you in the mirror again, your head falling back in pleasure onto his shoulder. You were watching him touch you in the mirror, and you could barely breathe looking at how hungry he looked for you. You felt beautiful. He made you feel sexy.
"Damn baby" he purred, letting his hands creep down your body, cupping your sex, making you moan. "Fuck" you breathed, and he chuckled.
"You look so sexy mama" he said, biting your earlobe, making you squirm.
You leaned into his touch, moaning softly. He squeezed your tits, playing with your nipples.
"Look how your body molds into my touch baby" he said, making you raise your head enough to have a clear view of you under his touch in the mirror.
Watching him tease your body, touch your body, making you feel good was intoxicating, you absolutely loved it.
"Oh Eds" you moaned, and he chuckled.
"Lean your hands against the wall, baby" he purred into your ear, making your entire body shiver.
You did as he told you, and your eyes held his gaze on you. He looked like a kid getting free range of the candy aisle while he explored your ass. He acted like it was the first time seeing your ass, but you didn't complain.
He took his time, touching you, teasing you, looking at you squirm and whimper under his touch.
You gasped when his hand attached to your ass with a stinging pain.
"Quiet baby, or I'll stop" he warned you.
Holy fuck, you were really about to burst.
His hand snaked around your stomach, down your belly, and cupped your pussy, while his other spanked your ass slightly.
You bit your lip to not make much sound, and your eyes locked with his in the mirror.
"You look so hot with me touching you like this" he purred in your ear, and goosebumps appeared all over your body.
"Eddie, please" you whimpered, while he circled slow soft strokes over your clothed clit.
He smirked at you in the mirror.
"Please, what, baby?" he said, leaning into your neck, kissing and sucking lightly.
"Touch me" you whimpered
"I am touching you"
This made you almost stump your feet at him like a small child.
"You know what I mean" you whimpered at him, and he looked up at you between his lashes as he was marking your neck with his mouth as he stroked up and down your pussy.
He hummed against your skin, and chuckled slightly, tugging at your panties, almost giving you a wedgie, your pussy lips eating up your string as he tugged at it, creating a small friction where you needed it the most. You whimpered under his touch, and he bit your neck, making you squirm.
"So soft for me, huh" he hummed, and you nodded slightly, almost diving over the edge by all the teasing he'd been doing.
Tears were starting to form in your eyes, and he smirked at you, licking up a tear from your cheek that had rolled down.
"Mm, so sweet but salty"
"You remember your safeword, princess?" he hummed against your chin, and you nodded.
"Say it" he almost growled at you, making your legs clench together again. You gulped, searching your cloudy mind to find the right word.
"Orange" you whispered.
His hand landed on your ass again, making you whimper in frustration.
"What?" he asked, soothing the pain that just landed on your ass.
"Orange" you said a bit more sternly, and he hummed.
"Good girl"
"Now I'm gonna make you feel so good and so needy, but if it ever gets too much for you baby, you know what to do" he hummed against your skin, and you nodded.
His hand attaching to your ass again, and this time you could swear that people could hear it.
And to your frustration, someone did.
"You okay in there?" a woman asked you, tapping lightly on the door.
"Answer her" he whispered in your ear.
"Yeah, I'm all good!" you spoke back, and Eddie's finger suddenly dipped inside your pussy, making you whimper.
"Are you sure?" she asked, and you rolled your eyes in annoyance.
Eddie started pumping faster, and you tried to stop him by clenching your legs together, but it didn't help, it just created more friction.
"Yeah, it's all good!" you spoke back to her, and tried to keep your moans down to the point where she couldn't hear unless she was really eavesdropping.
You were relieved when her footsteps sounded as she walked away.
Eddie just smirked at you, and gave you an evil grin, before he suddenly pushed his fingers hard inside you, making you gasp out an "O" before he chuckled.
He pumped in slow but hard, making your mind all cloudy from the action. Your legs started to shake, and you could barely stand up.
Eddie noticed, and grabbed your waist, pulling you off the wall, holding you tight as he pumped his strong fingers hard and slow inside you, making you squirm under his touch.
The enjoyable feeling started to rise in your lower stomach, and your eyes went back into your head, as your head leaned against his shoulder.
"So pretty for me" he hummed into your ear, as your hand snaked up into his hair and pulled lightly. He growled in your ear from the action, and pumped harder. You could feel his erection pressing against your ass, and you got wetter just by the thought of his fingers being replaced with his dick.
"Eddie" you moaned, and he grinned.
"Not yet baby" he said, as he pulled his fingers out of you, and you just stood there in shock.
"But, but" you whined, and he chuckled.
"I know, but you're not allowed to cum unless I say so" he warned, and you nodded eagerly, eager to get his fingers or whatever inside you again.
His hands came up to your mouth, and he inserted the fingers that were just inside you.
"Clean your mess" he hummed, and you sucked on his fingers eagerly. You loved the taste of yourself on his fingers. It was intoxicating, and you couldn't get enough.
You whined slightly when his fingers popped out of your mouth, but it wasn't long until they were pulled into your wet pussy again. The squelching from your wetness was very loud, and you were afraid that someone might hear you again.
"Oh, so wet for me baby" he hummed, pumping in and out of you with slow, hard strokes, his fingers pressing on the sweet spot inside you. You wanted to explode on his fingers so bad, but you knew you weren't allowed just yet.
He kissed down your neck again, sucking lightly, marking you up even more as he went on.
You hummed, enjoying the pleasure he was giving you.
He stopped again, and chuckled against your skin. This was torture.
Your eyes started to water again and he locked eyes with you in the mirror again. The hand he just used inside you, came up to your mouth again, and you opened your mouth for him to put them inside. He chuckled when he saw how eager you were and popped them into your mouth for you to clean off.
"What a good girl"
He let you suck on his fingers a bit, before you suddenly tried being cheeky and grind on his erection that were pressed against your ass. He pulled away from you, and tsk'd at you.
"Wanna be a brat, huh?" he said, pulling your hair slightly so you were turned to face him. He slapped your face, and you got shocked by the stinging pain against your cheek.
"What have I said about being a brat?" he whispered, almost growling at you. You could see his eyes darken.
He slapped you again, and you instinctively reached up to your chin to soothe the pain. He tsk'd at you again. Another slap.
"I'm sorry!" you exclaimed sharply, tears starting to roll down your cheek. But you were so turned on, that you didn't even think that you were a crying mess in front of him right now.
He smirked at you, and leaned in to kiss you, cupping your cheeks. It stung a bit when he squeezed your hot chin in his hands, but you didn't care.
You moaned into his mouth, and he chuckled in between your kiss.
"Be a good girl for me now, and you might get to cum" he hummed against your cheek, kissing it as he went down to your jaw, tracing kisses along it, before he started kiss down your ear, tugging at your earlobe, kissing down your neck before his mouth attached to it again.
His hand went down between your thighs, pulling your panties to the side, as he unzipped his pants, pulling out his dick, and just rubbed himself on top of your pussy, spreading your lips slightly as he fucked himself on your lips.
Your brain couldn't form a single sentence at the sensation, and he growled in your ear.
"You feel so good"
You swear you could explode right there and then, but you held it together for him.
He continued fucking himself between your legs, moaning your name into your neck, stiffling his moans as he went on.
He grabbed your hair, pulling at it, and you gasped.
"Eds, I'm gonna cum" you said and felt ashamed. He had barely touched you, and you already felt the need to cum.
"Not yet baby" he warned, and pumped himself between your thighs, grabbing your hips as he pumped harder.
He slapped your face one more time, and your hand reached up to soothe the pain.
"Fuck, you feel so good" he growled, pumping himself.
His hips started to get sloppier, and his voice got raspier, and you knew he was close to cumming.
"Fuck baby!" he moaned, as you could feel his hot seed pump between your legs, slowly starting to run down them. You swear you could see stars at a moment, and his head leaned down your neck in pleasure, as his hips stilled completely.
He pulled away from you way too fast for your liking, so you whimpered again. He looked at you, and smirked.
"I'll take care of you later baby" he hummed against your lips as he pecked them. "Get dressed, and buy that dress, I wanna use it later" he winked at you, pulling his dick inside his pants again, and walked out of the dressing room.
You stood there watching yourself for a moment, before you shook your head, pulled the dress off you, and got dressed in your regular top and skirt.
You could still feel the cum from Eddie between your legs, and you were sure when you walked out that anyone could see it rolling down your leg.
You went to the cashier, and paid for the dress. As you walked out of the store, Eddie came up behind you, his arms snaking around your waist, as he walked like a penguin behind you, following your steps.
He leaned into your neck and kissed it again.
"Can't wait to get home" he said, as you laughed, leaning against his shoulder as you walked.
"Me either" you smiled, knowing what was about to come when you guys got home.
Taglist: @eddiemunsonfuxks, @grimmbunniee, @jadeylovesmarvelxo, @charleetheefictionalfucker, @anaisweird, @marsmunson86
This is normally not my cup of tea, I hope I did it justice 😅🥴
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bitchyglitterfox · 1 year
With You Til The End Of The Line - Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
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Warnings: lil angst, fluff, cannon violence,
I never thought a time like this would come. A time where I would have to fight my very own team, my friends, my family. Me, Sam, Steve and Bucky were pulling up next to a windowless van in an airport parking garage. When we all got out of the car, I saw Wanda and Clint. I ran and hugged Wanda, after your exchange you stayed by her side.
“How about our other recruit?” Cap says to clint.
“He's raring to go, i put a little coffee in him, he should be good” Clint says while opening up the van's door. We all look and see some random dude get up and step out.
“Uh what time is it?” a random dude says.
“It's about time to get off your ass o’clock” i say sarcastically
“Go on,” Clint says while pushing him towards cap.
“Captain America,” a random dude says while shaking Cap's hand. It's kinda funny how excited he got seeing cap.
“Mr. Lang” cap says while shaking his hand back.
“Wait Lang as in Scott Lang? The dude who can shrink tiny and the one who also kicked Sam's ass a while back?” I say giggling, Wanda tries to not not laugh. Cap glares at me. “What?”
“It’s an honor, I'm shaking your hand too long, wow this is awesome” Scott says and then turns towards me and wanda and says
“Captain America, I know you guys too you're both great” he turns back to cap and grabs his arms “jeez, ah look i want to say, i know you know a lot of super people, thanks for thinking of me,” he then looks at sam “hey man”
“Whats up tic tac” Sam says, with his arms crossed.
“Good to see you, look what happened last time-” Scott gets cut off by sam.
“It was a great audition, but it'll never happen again”
“They tell you what we're up against” Cap asks getting serious once again
“Some psycho assassins?” scott asks
“Were outside of the law on this one, so if you come with us you're a wanted man”
“Yeah well what else is new?” Scott replied, shrugging.
“We should get moving” I say walking to the beat up blue bug. 
“Got a copper lined up,” Clint says. 
*sirens in german*
“They're evacuating the airport”
“Suit up”
I went over to buck. “Hey, are you ready for this?” I ask.
 while putting a hand on his shoulder.
“Why’d you come? I told you not to” he said, looking at me with concern.
“I volunteered because I'm not letting Stark give control of us over to the government, and it's also because I love you buck” I say, placing a hand on his cheek. He looks at me and gently leans in. I kiss him back with so much passion and emotions.
“I love you too (y/n)” he says, smiling an award winning smile.
“*cough* uh guys we cap wants us to get to our positions” wanda says trying to look serious”
Sam, Buck and I were running through the airport terminal when bucky said “what the hell is that?”
Sam and i look over and see a kid in a blue and red suit “everyones got a gimmick now”
I snort “kinda like you falcon?” Sam just glares at me, just then a red and blue kid breaks through the window and knocks me and Sam into a wall. Holy shit this kid is strong. “Holy shit this kid is really strong! He caught Bucky's arm!” I said in astonishment.
“You have a metal arm! That is awesome dude” says the kid just as he is grabbed by Sam and flown further down. Bucky helps me off the ground.
“Thanks buck, want a lift” I say as I pick him up and take him closer to Sam and the other guy.
Bucky got a chunk out of the wall and threw it at the spider kid. Him and I hid behind the pillar.
“Hey buddy i think you lost this!” spider kid said and threw it back at us. I peeked out and used my sonic scream but he was too fast and shot me with his web thingy, causing my wings to stick together causing me to fall. 
Sam kicked him down and the spider kid shot his web at his wings and stuck him to a railing. Just as he was about to kick sam buck jumps in front and they both fell, luckily sam used red wing to get the kid out of there.
I was able to pull the webbing off of my own wings and I flew down and unwrapped them. “Where would you both be without me?” I ask, smiling.
“Still stuck here,” Sam says.
“No time for chit chat guys Cap needs us, time to go out there and fight” I say while running towards the exit.  Bucky grabs me by the shoulder and tells Sam we'll catch up in a minute.
“Look i know this is probably not going to end well and i just wanted you to know that i love you and i’ve loved you since the first day we met” He says to me gently and kisses me once more.
“Buck, we’re in this together. If anything happens, Steve will be there as well as me. I promise, I love you so much. We are going to get through this together.” I say holding his face in my hands.
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thespiceyoops · 2 years
Better Than Boarding School
Chapter 8
Series Pairing: Eddie Munson x Female Harrington Reader
Series Summary: When a particularly destructive year of partying leaves your parents threatening to ship you off to a fancy boarding school your Aunt and Uncle save the day by offering to take you in and let you spend your final year of high school at Hawkins High with your cousin Steve. Much to the poor boys dismay you immediately gravitate towards Eddie Munson and his band of misfits. What could possibly go wrong!
A/N: Smut's here! Took a bit but I'm surprisingly proud of myself and really enjoyed writing this chapter, hope you enjoy!
CW: Smut! Oral (f-receiving) - We starting slow
Series Status: In Progress
Word Count: 4.8K
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The little clock in the dash blinks 9:03 as he finally pulls into a parking lot in a small town about an hour outside of Hawkins, there is a small crowd milling around outside a grungy looking bar and you can hear a thumping beat already from where the van is parked. You cock an eyebrow at Eddie curiously as he jumps out, pulling your door open with a flourish and a bow. 
“Uh sorry to have to tell you this Munson but my fake ID was confiscated when my parents shipped me out here.” You cock an eyebrow at him, slightly worried he may actually have been banking on you being able to get in with it. 
“Don’t worry, I know a guy” He grins, slipping an arm around your waist and leading you to the entrance. You don’t exactly feel out of place here, you’d snuck into plenty of bars before but it had been a long several months since your last real outing and the memory of waking up surrounded by paramedics and your screaming parents sent a small shiver up your neck. Eddie's hand squeezes your hip and you look up to see him looking down at you, concern lining his face. “We don't have to go if you're uncomfortable” He says softly, stopping you both a few feet away from the crowd to face you. 
“No no, it’s not that.” You reassure him, shaking your head with a laugh “I just haven’t been to an actual bar in a while. The last time was kinda what got me sent out here. Little too much booze and too little supervision” 
“Well luckily we aren’t here for the booze and I am more than happy to supervise” You giggle at that and lean into him, pressing a quick peck to his lips and let him lead you towards the door. 
The bouncer looks down dubiously as you both approach, clearly not in the mood to bicker with a pair of clearly underage kids but his lips pull into a wide grin when he recognizes the shaggy haired Eddie, pulling him into a bear hug and pushing the both of you through with a loving promise to kick his ass if you go anywhere near the bar. Once inside Eddie is greeted by several more individuals, all of whom share his style and eagerly drag the both of you towards a booth to the side of the stage.  
“May I introduce you to Mik, Lance and Alexa, of Eroded Casket.” Eddie announces once you’ve settled into your seats
“Wait…” You frown, your brows knitting in a confusion as the group break into laughter
“Yep” Eddie grins, slapping the back of the taller man folded into the seat beside him. “Nearly beat the crap out of each other over the names at Battle of the Bands a couple years back. Luckily neither of us were any good and failed out immediately, we’ve been great friends ever since” 
“He just says that's ‘cause we sneak him into bars” The girl across from you grins, reaching out to shake your hand, her ring adorned fingers rattling against yours. “Though we’ve never had the pleasure of sneaking such a cute girl in with him before” 
“Not sure if I should be flattered or worried about his lack of game” You grin with a taunting side eye at Eddie, Alexa erupts into giggles as the boy rolls his eyes and gives your hip a playful pinch. The shorter man beside Alexa checks a beaten up pocket watch and jabs a finger at the stage area. 
“Looks like we’re on '' Alexa yelps and scoots out of the booth to scamper backstage. 
“So we’re here to watch your band's evil twin perform?” You smirk 
“Pretty much!” His grin falters a little “Is that ok? I figured ‘cause I ruined the last party for you I should bring you to an even better one.” 
“Hmm presumptuous of you to assume YOU ruined that party and even bolder to assume this beats a Hawkins-famous Harrington houseparty” You hold his gaze with a glare for just long enough to see a spark of anxiety alight in his eyes before letting a grin over take your cheeks “you would however be correct…. On the second one at least” 
He laughs in relief as the band takes their place on the stage, you don’t have anything to compare them to but you can only assume they are a very different type of band than their name-cousin when Alexa reveals a beautiful violin, absolutely stealing the spotlight with her bobbing auburn locks and swinging hips, her violin perfectly mixing with the taller mans guitar and vocals, occasionally she takes a verse, her singing voice surprisingly gruff for her angelic appearance. To say you’re hooked is an understatement and you realise you had completely tuned out your date when he waves a hand in your face with a laugh. 
“Come back Spacegirl” He grins as you turn back to him, sputtering apologies “Maybe this wasn’t the best idea for a date, though it wouldn’t be the first time I lost to them.”
“Can you blame me? Damn girl’s a siren when she’s up there.” You flop back in your seat throwing a dramatic arm over your face in defeat, peeking out under your elbow to see Eddie gazing at you with eyes full of laughter. “What about you? She ever catch Eddie Munson under her spell?” You ask, hoping it didn’t sound jealous or accusatory, he just lets out a puff of a laugh glancing over at the woman on stage. 
“Can’t lie I did have a bit of a school boy crush on her when they demolished us in the semi-finals last year.” Your heart tilts a little, you obviously couldn’t blame him, she was everything you found attractive in a girl but something about the way his eyes lingered on her prancing form stirred an uncomfortable possessiveness deep in your chest causing you to wrinkle your nose slightly. You quickly drop your face back into a neutral smile when he turns back to face you, his eyes dark and uncharacteristically serious “but that doesn’t hold a candle to the siren’s song you’ve caught me in” 
Your breath catches in your throat under the weight of his gaze, there’s a raw admission burning in the depths of those black pits that swallows the witty quip you had prepared to shoot back and drowns your senses until you’re aware of nothing but him. 
A sudden burst of feedback from the stage drags you back to the surface with a gasping breath you didn’t realise you were holding, Eddie smirks, placing a cheeky kiss to the tip of your nose before turning back to the band, hooting a friendly taunt at the guitarist who’d managed to step on his own cord. You reel your focus back in, desperately trying to slow your thundering heart rate with a chuckle, leaning into the man beside you just as a waitress sets two drinks in front of the two of you.
“Oh, we didn’t order these.” You pipe up confused 
“Courtesy of the band, Sugar” The young lady chirps sweetly, you look up in time to see Alexa sending you a wink. You take a quick sip of the drink feeling the smokey bite of liquor and grin over at Eddie who is shaking his head in mock-exasperation. 
“She really is out to get me” He groans “First she kicks my bands ass now she’s trying to snake my date” 
“You were the one who brought me here” You jab with a teasing grin as he sips his drink “How do the consequences of your decisions taste there?” 
“Altogether too sober” He grimaces, glaring at his drink. You frown and sniff the glass in his hand, the distinctly boozeless scent of cola hits your senses and you’re overcome with giggles as he shakes his head at the woman grinning at him now from the stage. “Damn harpy knows I’ve gotta drive you home tonight.” 
“Well at least she knows you are the one taking me home” You grin, downing the rest of your drink 
“Damn right I am” He growls, suddenly snatching you out of the booth, pulling a yelp from your throat and half carrying you onto the dance floor. You plant your feet unsteadily, the liquor tickling your senses and making the room dance around you for a moment. You feel Eddie's strong hand pressed supportively to your lower back and let him lead in a not quite-slow dance, the music a touch too fast and intense for a romantic sway he has you in. You catch Alexa’s eye over his shoulder and she shoots you another grin and a wink, having apparently gotten what she actually wanted, clearly taking great joy in Eddie’s jealousy. You can’t help the giddy laugh that escapes you and grip tight to Eddie's shirt, twisting the black fabric in your fingers and pulling him into a deep kiss, feeling his fingers clench tightly around your waist and his breath stutter into a needy groan. You smirk and break away as the music picks up, swaying into the beat and throwing your hands up, grinning in a mockery of innocence at the boy now shaking his head in playful exasperation. He takes a dramatically deep breath and joins you as you dance, meeting your body with his own and allowing himself to be lost in the music beside you. You hadn’t expected the strict metal head to have much interest in anything other than head banging but looking at the way he moves against you is captivating, he’d discarded his heavy jacket on the bench and the flannel is now tied around his slender waist, the chain swinging around his neck gleaming in the stage lights. Your breath catches as your gaze travels up his body, watching the muscles strain in his pale neck as he tilts his head back, spilling his long, curly hair back across his shoulders, eye’s fluttering under heavy lids as he lets himself relax into the music. Your mouth is dry as the desert and you have to actively remind yourself that there are other people in the direct vicinity to stop yourself from jumping the man in front of you with the absolutely primal desire that is blazing through your veins. You swallow heavily, caging your need and distracting yourself by focusing on your own movements, letting the music soak into your skin and dissipate your thoughts. Somewhere between seconds and hours the band finally concludes their performance, shouting a breathless goodbye and exiting the stage, you can see Eddie glancing nervously at his watch and make your parting words to the band quick and sweet before the two of you head for the door. 
Your head is buzzing with a combination of adrenaline and a touch of booze as you dance towards Eddie’s van beside him, his arm around your waist in a loose tether in case your heeled boots betray your balance. Humming what you remember of the last song that was played, you bring your date's arm above you to spin yourself in a very awkward circle, Eddie's laugh only spurring your chaotic movements until your toe catches a crack and you’re sent pitching forward. You are grateful for how predictable the misfortune was as his arm slips around you to stop your descent but let out a yelp as he doesn’t stop at simply righting you but throws you into a princess-carry with a loud laugh. 
“Oh come on I’m not THAT drunk” You grumble in a false pout 
“Could have fooled me with that near-nose dive” 
“Just testing your reflexes, just had to make sure there really wasn’t any booze in that cola of yours before you get behind the wheel” you giggle, throwing your arms around his shoulders and nuzzling into his neck. You brush your lips over lips over his collarbone and grin as you feel him straighten slightly, you can feel his heartbeat picking up where you’re pressed against his chest and can almost hear the mental fight going on between his fear of Steve’s wrath and the inevitable pull in his pants.
“Careful there” he warns with the hint of a smirk, his cheeks turning a delightful shade of pink as he shifts you slightly to pop open the passenger seat door and gently place you on the seat. You hum innocently, trailing your fingertips along the back of his neck as you kick your shoes off, pulling your feet under you on the seat before catching his eye with a playful grin. 
“Wait, what’s that on your key?” You exclaim suddenly, startling him and causing him to hold up his keys in confusion. In one quick movement you swipe the keys from his fingers and launch yourself into the back of the van, kneeling on the mattress with a wicked grin. Eddie sputters for half a second before clambering into the front of the vehicle, swiping at where you hold out the keys tauntingly. 
“Come on, what are you doing? We need to go home.” He laughs, trying to sound serious while also trying to tuck his long limbs into the vehicle, clearly not used to entering from that particular angle. 
“Nope. Don’t wanna go yet” you giggle, twirling the keys on your index with an innocent tilt of your head.
“I have to get you back before midnight or Steve’ll turn ME in a pumpkin” he huffs
“Then you’re going to have to hurry and get these keys back” You narrow your eyes at him mischievously, dangling the keys precariously on the tip of your finger over your cleavage. 
“Oh my god, you’re killing me” He groans, hanging his head and shaking his long hair in exasperation as you send him the most innocent look you can muster, biting your lip to keep from breaking out into a grin. Suddenly his head snaps up and you suck in a breath as the dark hunger radiating from his eyes goes straight to the burning heat between your legs, a sly smirk tugging at his lips as he leans back and shuts the door behind him. In a quick movement he’s launched himself over the seats and is crouching over you, the sudden motion causing you to drop the keys like you’d taunted, the cold metal making you gasp as it hits your sensitive skin. 
“Guess I’ll have to get those keys back” he growls, one hand encircling your waist, the other drags his index finger gently down your throat, your breath catching at the feeling of his calloused finger trailing down your chest. 
“Guess you w-will” Your tease comes out as a breathless whine, earning a grin from the boy as he kneels around you, your hands coming to rest on his thighs as he confines yours between them. You almost whine again when his fingers lift off the warm skin of your chest but lean into him as it comes up under your jaw, his thumb caressing your cheek as he pulls you into a hungry kiss. You deepen it almost immediately, parting your mouth and running your tongue over his bottom lip, wordlessly requesting entry which he eagerly gives with a breathy moan. Your hands work their way up his thighs, finding their way under his shirt and along the band of his boxers peeking up out of his jeans, you feel him shudder against you which only encourages you, tugging at his belt eagerly. His hand quickly snatches yours away, chuckling against your lips and clucking his tongue at you. 
“We’ll save that for later Doll, not nearly enough time for that and tonight is about you.” You gasp as he wraps one hand around both your wrists, pulling them above your head and laying you down gently on the mattress, his other hand slipping under the bunched fabric of your shirt and over the exposed flesh of your sides while he sucks and nips along your chin as you moan and squirm below him. He leans over you, one knee slotted between your legs, just barely out of reach of your aching centre, you buck your hips involuntarily pulling a chuckle from him. 
“E-Eddie” you gasp, breathing heavily, lust dripping from the way you moan his name.
“Yeah baby?” He murmurs between kisses across your chest “what do you want?”
“Please touch me, I need you to touch me” You gasp as his fingers dip dangerously along the bottom of your bra, your shirt riding up and exposing your midriff to the chilled air. 
“Since you ask so nicely” He growls, his long fingers sliding up over the lace of your bra and his knee pressing deliciously against your now-soaked panties, the delicious friction pulling a lewd moan from your lips as he works your breast gently. You arch into his touch, a breathy moan escaping your lips as your head falls back giving him unobstructed access to the soft skin of your neck. He eagerly takes advantage and presses his lips to the bare skin, dragging his teeth and tongue along the taught muscle, a string of breathless praises and curses falling from his lips.
“Fuck, the sounds you make are perfect, I’ll make you feel so fucking good baby” 
His lips begin to trail agonisingly slow down your chest as you ride his thigh, the friction taking off some of the edge as your arousal builds dangerously fast, the coil of hot tension twisting in your belly. Your hands strain in his grasp, still held tight above your head as he pins you beneath him, his free hand massaging your breast over your bra as he sucks a deep purple mark just below the neck of your shirt. Finally he releases your hands, bringing his to the hem of your shirt and looking up through his lashes with a wordless request, you nod eagerly, desperate to feel him everywhere. He makes quick work of your shirt and bra, slipping them over your head and leaning back, admiring your form, naked from the waist up in the back of his van, moonlight streaming in through the front window and painting you like the marble sculptures he could barely remember from his history textbooks. This time however there were no pen marks or scratched paper obscuring the view, just soft, perfect skin. You begin to grow warm under his gaze, his eyes taking in the curves of your chest with a deep hunger, you shiver slightly but whether it’s from the nerves or the chill the absence of his body on yours has left you don’t have long to question as he leans back down, reverently tracing his fingers over your collar bone, down between the valley of your breasts, across the soft plane of your stomach, stopping just shy of the lip of your skirt and teasing a desperate whine from your throat, his touch trailing fire across your sensitive skin. He leans down slowly, both hands cradling your breasts, his soft curls cascade over your chest as he kisses the plush skin and hums deep in his throat before flicking out his tongue across your nipple, a gasp escaping your parted lips as your hands grip the loose blankets below you. 
“You can touch me now” he chuckles, his words sending electricity through your veins as your hands fly up to his shoulders, caressing and kneading the muscles of his upper back. You paw desperately at the fabric of his shirt, pulling it up as he brings his arms up to allow you to rid him of the obstructing fabric. As soon as you fling it away he brings his body down on top of you, the feeling of skin on skin driving you absolutely wild. Clearly it has the same effect on Eddie as he moans on top, his hands roaming across every inch of skin he can find, his lips sloppy and desperate against yours as he presses his thigh between your legs. The pressure in your belly is increasing with every second, your breathing growing uneven and Eddie can tell you’re getting close. Suddenly the feeling of denim against your pussy disappears and you whine in desperate frustration, your eyes flying open to try to figure out what is wrong only to meet his blown out pupils and heavy panting. 
“Can I-can I taste you?” He asks, the question nearly sending you over the edge on its own. 
“God yes, please” you gasp, a wave of need causing you to arch into him, trying to chase your release. He grins wide before moving down your body at an agonisingly slow pace, placing kisses down your chest, capturing each of your nipples briefly in his warm mouth, swirling his tongue around each bud before moving lower, delicate pecks scattering your stomach and hips. His hands which had been keeping up with his mouth suddenly skip over your skirt and you almost protest until you feel them begin sliding up your thighs, his long fingers caressing the soft meat under the leather skirt, teasing it higher until it is bunched around your waist. His fingers slide slowly up the sides of your hips, dipping playfully under the band of your underwear, moans and gasps falling from your lips. Suddenly you feel them being pulled down your legs as the cold air hits the wetness between your thighs, you shiver and look down as Eddie meets your eyes, stuffing the panties in his back pocket with a wink. 
“I’m taking these” he winks as you blush and roll your eyes, trying your best to look nonchalant. Whatever witty response you were ready to reply with is stolen the moment his breath hits your aching cunt, in an instant he is on his stomach, your legs draped over his shoulders with fingers pressed firmly into the meat of your thighs as he dives in like a man starved. Teasing forgotten he swipes a strip up your slit, gathering your slick on his tongue with a desperate moan, his fingers gripping your thighs so tight you hope they’ll leave a bruise, you’ll be thinking about this moment in the dark of your room for a long time. The feeling of his tongue dancing around your aching opening sends waves of pleasure through your body, his nose brushing infuriatingly delicately over your clit. 
“M-more Eddie, please” You whine, writhing and bucking your hips up into him, you feel him grin against your skin, groaning at the sound of his name on your lips. You bite back a yelp as you feel his fingers press into your aching folds, swirling around the entrance as his tongue continues its assault on your clit. As he presses his long digit into your opening your hands fly into his hair, tugging harshly in your overwhelming need, the sensation undone something in the boy between your legs, a growl ripping from his throat as he presses his fingers in all the way, the cool metal of his rings halting against you sending shock waves of pleasure into your core, the coil in your belly tightening almost unbearably. His fingers fuck into you relentlessly, his mouth working the sensitive area around your opening deliciously and somewhere at the edge of your pleasure-addled consciousness you can feel him grinding hard into the mattress, his own pleasure at going down on you bringing him just as close to edge as you.
“Oh my god Eddie!” You moan, writhing under his strong hands, one hand laced into his thick curls, the other kneading your breast. You catch his eye as he glances up at you and your breath hitches, his eyes dark with desire, pupils blown out black in the dim moonlight, an expression of absolute worship on his face as he sucks on your clit. “O-oh Eddie!” You gasp, the sight pushing you to the very edge, you can feel your release building as you buck against him, fucking yourself on his fingers, chanting his name like a prayer. His grip on your thigh suddenly tightens and you feel him convulse, a gasping moan escaping him and you realise he’s cumming, cumming from just going down on you? Oh god, the thought is enough to send you screaming over the edge after him, shock waves of pleasure coursing through your body as your vision nearly goes white with ecstasy. 
As you slowly regain your senses, coming down from that incredible high you feel Eddie shuffle up the mattress to lay beside you, arms snaking around you to pull you into his chest, the both of you shaking and breathing heavily, soaking in the presence of each other in the warm after glow. 
“That was…” He starts, pressing his face into your messy hair 
“Fucking incredible” You finish for him, heaving your exhausted limbs over him, feeling his sweat soaked skin against your own and relishing in it. 
“Sorry I uh… well yeah” He chuckles, shifting his hips to avoid you leaning on the now damp denim. A blush creeping over his cheeks, only slightly embarrassed. 
“Don’t be, It was actually pretty hot. Does a lot for a girl's ego you know.” You smirk, hooking your leg over his hip and pulling him flush against you, sucking in a breath as the cooling wet spot hits your sensitive pussy. He barks a laugh, bucking his hips into you a little playfully. A moan escapes you, somehow already ready to go again, god what was this boy doing to you. His breathing deepens and you angle your head up, his hot breath fanning across your lips as you roll your hips over his again. 
*Beep, Beep Beep* 
You both freeze, confused for a second before you can see horror flash over Eddie's face, his already pale skin going whiter as he looks at the flashing screen on his watch, realising the, now very late, time. 
In a wild commotion of laughter and whirling limbs as you both scramble to get decent, trying to help each other get into your respective clothes, desperately trying to keep yourselves from throwing caution to the wind and tearing them back off. A small panic ensues when Eddie realises he can’t find the keys but the faint imprint of them on your ass as you lean over to search behind the car seat sends you both into a fit of laughter and he is able to locate them quickly in the ruffled blankets of the mattress when you had been laying. Finally you’re both clicking the seat belts into place and are flying down the highway, giggling and stealing glances at each other as you pull your hands through your hair, trying to tame the wild sex-hair, helping pull a couple knots out of Eddie’s long locks and making yourselves look somewhat presentable. The whole way home Eddies hand never leaves your thigh, his thumb tracing small designs into the soft flesh, etching the moment into his memory; you’re pressed up against him, smelling of sex and him, humming along with the music, your fingers delicately carding through his hair, soft apologies when a strand pulls. God he never wants the moment to end.  
The clock flashes 11:59 as the pair scramble up to the front door of the Harrington's, all breathless giggles and ruffled clothes. Steve greets you with a stern look that would impress his own father and a tight “Cutting it close there Munson” 
“He wasn’t the one that kept us late” You grin, wiggling your eyebrows at your already scowling cousin as Eddie puts you protectively in front of him with a nervous grin, the enjoyment of messing with King Steve tempered by the fact that he knows his approval actually means something if he’s going to keep seeing you. You expect a much more volatile reaction but Steve just shakes his head with a roll of his eyes and cocks his head to usher you inside. 
“I do not want details.” He groans, going to shut the door behind you but before he can you sneak by him and grab Eddie by the jacket lapels, pressing a sloppy, giggly kiss to his lips, his brain going fuzzy as he has to fight himself to keeps his hands from grabbing you in wildly indecent ways. You finally break away with a gasp and turn on your heels, darting past Steve. 
“See you for our next date” 
Eddie stands in a daze, watching your form retreat into the warm interior with a goofy grin and a mumbled “Yeah” before realising Steve is still staring at him, a teasing grin replacing the scowl as he chuckles. 
“God you’ve got it bad” Before closing the door, leaving Eddie alone on the dark porch. His step is light and giddy as he makes his way back to his van, stopping more than once to throw a glance over his shoulder at the dim light emanating from the guest room window, fighting the urge to climb the lattice and continue the date where they had left off. No, he tells himself every time he feels his self control slipping, there will be plenty of time for that later.
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Best friend!Argyle x male!reader x Eddie
Warning(s): weed use, threesome, makeout, hickeys, hinting of Argyle fucking you (wink wonk),
Summary: A magical encounter where your best friend fucks you in front of your crush w/o realizing that you're in love with that guy. And suddenly HE joined the two of you. (Not gonna write full smut, tho bc I'm too tired for this)
Feel free to request:
You raised your eyebrow at Argyle before crossing your arms lightly. "So... he's buying from you to test yours and you're buying from him to test his? That... sounds stupid but also smart."
Your statement made Argyle laugh his usual, goofy laugh as he nodded softly. "Yeah, well, it's not exactly buying since he rolled one for me, I rolled one for him, and we're basically just exchanging them."
You scoffed as you sat back in the van seat. "And I have to be there without getting anything? Rude."
That, theoretically, was a wrong statement in several ways.
One, you were quite happy to come along. Argyle was basically your safe place and you'd never complain about being with him.
Two, he'd share with you either way. He cherishes you more than himself, and that surely has to mean something. If it put a smile on your dlface, he'd give you wvery bit of weed he has for free.
Three, you got a chance to see your crush and even speak to him. There was no way you'd ever miss out on a chance like that... even if you were really fucking shy and would probably only stand in the back whole they talk.
Argyle leaned over to pat your shoulder lightly. "Don't worry, my dude. You know, I'll always share with you if you really want somd."
You chuckled and nodded softly. "I know, and I appreciate that."
Your eyes glanced over st Argyle for a small moment. You weren't in love with him, no way. Your full heart belonged to Eddie, but considering that you felt you had no chance either him anyway, you would totally have sex with Argyle, just to see what happens.
Though, thinking about it now, you weren't even sure if you could take him. You were half his size and a virgin. Chances were low that you could handle him. You'd never seen him naked before, but you were damn sure he was packing and not just a little.
You sighed as your eyes closed and a picture flicked into your mind. A picture that had your face growing a deep shade of red and had you closing your legs in fear of an unwanted boner appearing. Though, to your luck, it didn't.
Once you were at the trailer park, you were the first to jump out of the van, pacing around nervously while Argyle got his stuff out, in case Eddie would want more later on.
Once both of you were ready, you grabbed your denim jacket from the van so Argyle could close it before walking after him, towards Eddies trailer.
You asked Argyle to wait for a moment, so you could mentally prepare, but once you were ready, you allowed him to finally knock on the door.
A few sounds of someone falling and a soft "shit" were audible from within the trailer before the door opened. Saying your mouth went dry was what you saw was a mega understatement.
Before you stood Eddie, shirtless. S H I R T L E S S. His pale, bare chest being in direct sight for you.
You swallowed hard as Eddie chuckled and apologized before letting the two of you in. The first thing you noticed was a bunch of CDs spread all over the floor.
"Ignore those.", Eddie mumbled nervously. "I kinda ran into the counter and knocked them all over."
Argyle listened to the request, but seeing them step over the CDs made you feel all weird, so you just crouched down to pick them up.
You placed them back on the counter just to see Eddie staring at you when you looked up again. He gave you a small smile before he disappeared into the next part of the trailer.
Argyle followed close behind Eddie, and you didn't let them wait long either. Your eyes scanned the room slowly.
It wasn't really dirty, but neither was it very clean. It was just... like a teenagers room was. Messy in a organized way.
Your eyes fell onto a stack of magazines on the floor. The top one had a woman on it, who only wore very short clothing. You looked away quickly since seeing it somehow made your heart ache.
You took in a deep breath to relax but stopped mid-inhale as you took in the scent of Eddies room. Of Eddie.
Argyle lightly nudged your arm, which made you looked up at him before you looked at Eddie, who now had a shirt on. "Huh? Did you talk to me?"
Eddie laughed wholeheartedly before nodding lightly. "Yes, indeed." He sat down on his bed. "I asked if you'll be smoking too and if you prefer Argyles or mine."
You gulped softly, unsure of what to say. On one hand, you didn't want to sound rude, but on the other hand, sharing a joint with Eddie sounded great.
Argyle put an arm around your shoulder gently and pointed his finger at your arm. "He's used to my weed so, to ensure he doesn't die, I'd say he smokes with you. Yknow, in case yours is stronger."
Your face turned a deep shade of red. You were actually about to share a joint with Eddie Munson, your crush for the past few months.
Eddie nodded and picked up the joint he'd made for Argyle, holding it to him. "Here ya go."
Your best friend grinned and took the joint just to replace it with the one he'd rolled himself. "Thanks, dude."
Argyle sat on the bed as well, both him and Eddie now leaning against the wall. The only problem was, he'd barely left enough space for you, which meant you wither had to squeeze up against Eddie or Argyle, and you knew damn well Argyle wanted you to squeeze up to Eddie.
Eddie pat the spot between them with a grin. "Sit, boy. Or you won't get any weed."
Your stomach twisted as you got onto the bed and sat between them, pulling your legs up against your chest with trembling hands.
You watched as Eddies lips settled around the filter of the joint and lit it, just to take the first few drags from it. Your throat dried out as your eyes focussed on his lips.
You were so focussed on the males lips that you didn't notice him grabbing your foot and straightening your legs. "Get comfortable, dude. No time to be tense here."
Your second leg followed suit as you received the joint in your trembling hands, taking a few drags. Finally, after a few minutes of passing it back and forth had passed, you felt yourself relaxing against the wall.
Eddies hand still hadn't left your leg, but you doubted that he had even noticed that, and you definitely weren't going to complain about him touching you.
You closed your eyes for a moment until you felt Eddies hand leave your leg as he stood up. "I'll be right back."
He handed the joint to you so you could finish it, which you did before squeezing it out in the ashtray, Argyle not taking much longer.
Said male soon leaned on you and put his arms around you. You found it funny how clingy he got when he was high. It wasn't always like this, but when it was, you loved it.
Your body reacted immediately when you felt Argyles lips on your cheek and jaw. You reached up to put your hand behind his head as you leaned against him.
"Your lips are so damn soft.", you said quietly and smiled when he attached himself to your neck, sucking soft kisses onto it and leaving small marks on it.
You slipped onto your back, and he crawled on top of you, leaving small kisses all over your neck. His hand slipped under your shirt and caressed your chest gently before placing his thumb on your nipple and circling it gently.
You gasped and ached your back gently as your legs tried to close, couldn't, though, because his legs were in the way.
Eventually, your shirt was off fully, and he was sucking softly on your sensitive skin. "Shit~ oh my god~", you moaned softly as your hands moved to his hair.
You flinched lightly when Eddie came back into the room, making Argyle pause for a moment.
You hid your face because, as high as you were, you couldn't help being shy and nervous about it. Argyle didn't really seem to care, though.
Your voice went high-pitched as you whined thanks to Argyle asking Eddie if he'd like to join. It happened again when Eddie agreed to join and got onto the bed.
You looked away from your best friend and your long-term crush as you were pulled up so Eddie could get behind you with ease.
His hands wrapped around your waist and rested on your lower belly while Argyle settled you into his arms before going right back to placing hickeys all over you.
Not even two minutes later, your shirt was off, and your pants had joined it on the floor. You started to feel something, but nothing good for that matter.
Your stomach twisted, reminding you how horribly insecure you were. You tried to cover yourself as you closed your eyes lightly, not allowing the two to go further.
Both stopped immediately, and the first to speak up was Eddie, pulling you into a soft embrace as he tried to get a look at your face. "What's wrong?"
You kept your eyes closed tightly as you replied to him. "D-Don't look at me."
Eddie paused for a moment before giving your head a small kiss. "But you're so pretty."
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked up at the brunette, eyes wide with surprise. "W-What?"
Your behavior made Eddie smiled and he placed a kiss on your forehead this time. "You, (Y/n) (L/n), are fucking gorgeous. You always have been and always will be."
Your cheeks took on a deep shade of red as you stared up at him quietly. You looked down and slowly uncovered yourself, placing your arms beside you.
The twinge returned, but this time, it wasn't as bad. It got less and less when Eddie praised you again and again, calling you "Good boy" and "Handsome" without stopping.
A soft yelp escaped you when you felt a hand on your leg. It was Argyles slowly moving further and further up before his fingers hooked into your boxers and slowly pulled them down.
A few kisses were placed on your hips before his hand wrapped around your eager shaft. He then started stroking it softly which made your back arch with pleasure. "Fuck~"
Meanwhile, Eddie had started to kiss your neck while playing with your nipples. You weren't a virgin, but being touched in three spots at the same time was new to you too.
Your chest started to feel heavy in a good way while your neck burned from the constant kissing, biting, and sucking. Your legs were trembling from the quick pace of Argyles' hand, and the knot that was building in your belly felt like it would rip at any moment.
You squirmed as one hand of yours moved to take hold of Argyles arm, while the other one reached up to hold onto Eddie lightly.
Your moans were soft but lewd while the sounds of the two men kissing you and sucking on every part of your body were clearly audible to anyone who was in the room.
It didn't take you long for your body to cave in to the pleasure, so while you didn't want to cum, you couldn't hold back anymore and bucked your hand up into Argyles hand, a loud moan coming from you as your cum spread not only om Argyles hand but also your belly.
You gasped softly to calm your racing heart down as the two held you lightly, giving you comforting kisses all over.
"I think I should show ya what other pretty sounds (Y/n) can make." Argyle mumbled to which you let out an embarrassed whine.
Masterlist 1:
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