#I'm not even a shoma stan
ravenonice · 5 months
Having some Viktor Nikiforov ass feelings seeing this suit tie combo
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Do you think you'll ever feel the way you felt about yuzu or shoma about another skater? I've been a fan since the last olympic season (which isn't that long tbh) and while I like a whole bunch of skaters and always found myself finding a new skater to root for with every competition I watched, nobody comes close to how I feel about shoma, how much I wanted him to do well, how my heart would race when he was on the ice, how happy and sad I felt for him. I'm worried I'll never feel that way about another skater even though I really fell in love with the sport...
I thought about this question a lot actually and answering it feels like a closure to being a fan of these two - and they are retired not gone - , so I didn't answer when I first read your ask...so pardon me for answering late...and this isn't the end of being emotionally super invested into my "super favorites" even if it feels like the end of an era as a fan for me...
Yuzu and Shoma will always have a special place in my heart and both have contributed to my love for figure skating greatly. Yuzu is the reason I started to follow men figure skating and who made me interested in rules and fs technique. Shoma is the skater that made me go to figure skating competitions (where I met so many wonderful ppl who became real friends) and Shoma is also one of the reasons for a happy interaction with fans (bc truth be told I always felt much more welcomed by the Unoverse than by Fanyus). Then ofc there are all their skating programs and competition moments I loved to witness. In a way I don't think that I will ever find other skaters I will love as much and who make me as active in the fs fandom as Yuzu and Shoma did. I mean they are essentially the reason this blog exists and I even get to answer your question at all. I will probably most definetly not put as much work and thought into a blog for another skater (also partly bc I have grown up and I am now at a different point in my life than when this blog started. And tbh I value the fandom experience much less than years ago. This fandom was too much at times and also toxic occasionally and bc I am who I am I found myself thinking way too much about fan discourses and a detox from this way of interaction in fandom is what I strive for in the long run. Which doesn't mean I will disappear just that sharing will be less.)
I also do have experiences with my favorite skaters retiring (and even disappearing completely) I went through this with a lot of gymnasts that I stanned years ago since 2007 and also in figure skating with Yuna Kim and Mao Asada. Yuna Kim was and still is my alltime favorite female skater. And no other female skater that came afterwards I loved as much. She is the reason I fell in love with skating in the first place and imo the rivalry with Mao Asada is unparalleled up until today. This was such a great time in women skating era. But Yuna Kim quitting and later Mao too, made me not like the sport any less and this way I discovered new skaters - Yuzu first, later Shoma.
What I am trying to tell is that it's possible to find new "super favorites" AND I think as long as you like watching a sport you will watch the sport regardless if you have a personal "super favorite" or not. Just don't worry if you will ever feel the same about someone else. Because watching fs should bring you joy not worry. I don't think you can tell atm if you will EVER find someone else. Maybe you won't, maybe the feeling will be different but not less intense. It's always hard to tell what you will like and do at an "end" of something. Just never say never. I never imagined myself to go to competitions without Shoma or Yuzu in and for the last years I did that on a regular basis and intend to keep it that way (GPF 2024 in France anyone???). And maybe it's also nice for a change to not be so stressed about competitions with no "super fave" in them though maybe that's a lie to myself as I do still have favorite skaters I root for 😅.
I am not really sure where I am heading with any of this or if anyone can take anything away from my answer. Just "you do you"!
I just want to tell you that there is no right and wrong way of being a fan of this sport or a skater whether it's a skater you feel intensely about or you just like a skater enough to root for them, whether you actively take part in the fandom or not. In all these years I learned that feelings are feelings and you should live in that moment. The feelings may change over time, you may lose interest in a sport or a person, but just always do everything that suits the way you live your real life. And tbh the way I lived this fandom was too extreme at times, so maybe a little less emotional investment in a sport/skater is maybe not for the worst.
If there is one good thing to take away from Shoma's retirement it's that I will definitely not go to Boston Worlds and my bank account says "thank you Shoma" for that. Lol
Giving everyone who feels a bit sad or lost or at a crossroad with figure skating because of Shoma's retirement a virtual hug! 🫶
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komori--shoma · 2 years
【30 Questions of CP, OC & Fandom】
Credits to @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat
1. How long have you been in this fandom?
I've known Diabolik Lovers since June from 2015, and boy was that an extremely interesting time—
2. Who's your fictional boyfriend/husband?
Reiji "The Arsonist" Sakamaki has been my favourite Diaboys since day one and at this point I have no intention on apologizing about it. Followed by Ruki and Ritcher but we're only touching Reiji here—
3. Why do you like them?
Ok the first reason are the daddy issues—
I'M KIDDING I'M KIDDING. Honestly, I loved his design first, and fell for the rest second.
I knew since I was a kiddo that I was a SUCKER for evil dudes in purple/"Disney villain" colours, a simp for deep voices, AND a SUCKER for people in glasses. So when I heard Reiji's voice and saw him my world turned into whatever tf I am now and I have not known peace since then.
Now, let's go more in deep.
I saw Reiji, and I knew he was a gentleman. I knew he was the type that would kiss your knuckles as a "I love you" gesture. I saw him thanks to lots of translations in YouTube and Tumblr just how devoted and in love he is in the MC/Yui. I just loved how he eventually showed himself out of his shell (even if back then I also recognised some damn red flags and I felt conflicted), how bastard he can be, how smart and... Well, all that he is. It's hard for me to put into words how I feel about him as a whole, but I think this will do.
Also HE'S PETTY WHEN HE WANTS TO. I never wanted a man to be that petty until I met him. Love that he uses pans to wake everyone up.
4. Have you make acquaintance with anyone that ships themselves with the same character?
I don't think these people are truly shipping themselves with him but, again, they're interested so it counts. And there's only three that I'm aware they're Reiji stans so-
@the-mostdiabolik-of-lovers Ava I summon you from the darkest pit of the hell we have entered—
@ihatereiji the name itself it's a lie and you know it-
5. How do you feel about it?
“Finally a fellow simp I was about to go insane—” was my first thought when I met them so all good on that ❤️.
6. Do you feel any negativity towards them?
Nope! Not at all!
7. Do you like seeing their oc(s) interact with your man/woman?
Still I love seeing other Oc's interact with different Reiji blogs and every portrayal I see is great!
8. Do you feel competitive against them?
No?? Just self-conscious tho-
9. Confident, or pessimistic?
A bit of both ngl— It depends honestly.
10. Would you like more to get to know about your ship, or would you rather it being lowkey?
If this comes for Shoma/The Kurosawa Family x Other Oc's, I'd love for more people to know about that once more of their stories comes to light! I'm thinking of doing routes for them but I'm not quite sure yet.
11. Do you follow any of those people (them whom ship themselves with your fictional lover)
Yes yes I do and with pride 👀
12. Are you friends with them?
Hell I sure hope I am- Love yall lots 🥺🥺
13. What do you think about the 'stans' ?
You go tigers.
14. Are you worried about plagiarism or copying of your oc(s) by others?
I live in fear everyday of what I'm doing everyday bc sometimes I'm really out of touch with other blogs that I'm afraid of doing something they did before-
15. How do you handle such a situation if it happens?
I honestly don't know.
16. Is your cp public or only between a particular circle of friends?
Well, both Shoma and the others yall already know are pretty public! I still have some others that are private, like a WIP, but I'm still willing to talk about them if yall ask.
17. Do you like a specific cp ship, whats the reason? (I dare you to tag them~!)
There ain't an specific ship in the Shoma blog, but... [ Cracks knuckles ]
For my Shoma blog.
@fruit-of-infidelity. When this first started it was just me seeing how Ryuuto is. Now I truly think I would give Ava my left arm JUST to see them together because my dumb ass... Cries of happiness every single time they interact I'm not even kidding.
For my Kurosawa Family blog.
@bird--trappedinacage For legal and moral reasons I can't send a real August on your way Ava but every ask I get from you to August makes me really happy 🥺
18. What kind of behaviors do you suppose is pretentious to you?
I don’t know, honestly. Just like @mino-diabolik said, I suppose it's trying to embellish my writing to make descriptions somewhat prettier and more complex (???) because I don’t like repeating words.
19. What kind of comments do you dislike the most when it comes cp feedbacks of your oc(s)?
I’ve never had any.
20. Have you receive hates about your oc(s) before?
Just one and for the Kurosawa blog when I first made it public. It was about me having too much OC's and trying to show off. But since I'm a bit coo-coo, my reaction was... The complete opposite of what I expected.
21. Do you have a complete love story of your cp?
Aimic is the only one "complete" and dare I say it's one of my first experiences that I genuinely have fun with since I got here. I would be lying if I say I am not grateful for meeting the Admin and their wonderful OC.
22. Do you allow joint of alternate universe with the canon version of your cp story?
I do!, even if there isn't really a "Canon" ship in here other than casual relationships with the DL boys and other people from other universes (always wanted to see how much would they fit in Twisted Wonderland tho 👀), I usually do enjoy these ships, because these clowns I have to call my children are mine to torture—. Both blogs exists to enjoy both "canon" ships and AU ships!
23. Are you okay with people shipping their oc(s) with yours?
There’s nothing that brought me more to an excitement rush with me jumping up and down than to people thinking my characters are worthy of being paired up with theirs, but still, I expect someone to ask me if it's ok beforehand bc my dumb ass might get confused in the way unless you're absolutely obvious in the way.
Please if any of yall ever did this on Anon it's ok I really like it when it happens 👀🥺.
24. Ever gone through a bad experience in the fandom?
Thank god I didn't. Just one single anon hate (the one from question 20) and it literally made me so happy bc it meant I'm doing a good job—
25. The ocs that you admire in this fandom are? (Tag them~)
... Oh boy here we go.
I'll put here both OC blogs and Canon blogs because I can.
And a lot more!
26. What is the moment that caused you to feel most disappointed or excited?
When I get notifications in both aspect. Because that's how deep into yall I'm in.
Notifs from popular OC blogs, non OC blogs, new OC blogs, (definitely the porn bots-), I always get so happy! To just know people like my content enough to like, or to go as far as to reblog said content? I ascend.
27. The scariest era that you have come across in the fandom?
The hate storms that were literally coming from nowhere (four since I got here), that account that if you reblogged the fanart of any Diaboy told you that they did something awful to Yui and that they hoped the same happened to us (usually r*pe), that one time the Simone blog got hacked/they tried to pass off as them, literally just anons telling other blog Admins to unalive themselves.
At this point I'm not surprised, just disappointed. Also I'm sure most of the time, these people are just hitting puberty, or just "woke" people from twitter.
Hell it's not even scary, just tiring.
28. The most wonderful thing you have come across in this fandom?
Literally all the people I came across with. People here were nothing but all so nice, sweet, and creative; I'm literally so glad I got to know you guys and to have an opportunity to have met some of you, even if we have only talked a little. <3
29. Say something towards those that support and admire your cp~
I'm always surprised by how many people actually care about both of my OC blogs and the little things I post of them. I really hope that one of these days I can give you proper content, like you deserve. Who knows? Maybe, when my art gets better, I might give yall something important 👀...
30. You've worked hard, keep up the good work! ★★★
Thank you yall— 🥺
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macaroni-rascal · 1 year
Isn’t shoma’s free skate just a breath of fresh air???
It’s the perfect example of not letting quads get in the way of artistry and performance. He’s just out there creating art now. I don’t even care if I sound like a pretentious stan. But his skating skills are up there with Patrick Chan and John curry for me. His performances would have the same wow factor even if you turned his quads into triples
It is so stunning, it's quickly become one of my favourite program's of his, and I have loved all of his programs, truly that boy just doesn't miss. I love the little transition out of the quad sal at the beginning, just a simple one foot turn and an arm movement, but it makes my soul happy. That choreo sequence is everything to me, the steps are stunning, the time he takes is so refreshing. You are 100% correct in that it feels like a breath of fresh air, except I'm holding my breath while he skates because it's too beautiful to disturb even with breathing! I'm a pretentious stan too, you are among friends, nonny!
At this point, I enjoy his skating more than I ever enjoyed Patrick's, Patrick had stunning edges and his control over the blade was amazing, but Shoma skates like the ice is a part of him. I'm so glad he didn't retire last year, he has so much more to give.
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【30 Questions of CP, OC & Fandom★】  
| Credits to @mukami-kuron-mrsadisticcat !! Hopping in to be cool as everyone else- |
1. How long have you been in this fandom?
Around three years I guess? Taking in mind that I abandoned this blog for like two years- HAHA
2. Who's your fictional boyfriend/husband?
Sanji Vinsmoke-- AHEM, if we're talking about DL then it's Kanato xD
3. Why do you like them?
I liked him because he's cute and I believe he's one of the brothers that gets the more tender when he loves his S/O but there are other brothers who also do that so...
I think I never really liked Kanato, I remember that I focused on him because he was assigned to me on a roleplay group around 7 or 8 years ago xd
4. Have you make acquaintance with anyone that ships themselves with the same character?
5. How do you feel about it?
No comments jdbskfbs
6. Do you feel any negativity towards them?
7. Do you like seeing their oc(s) interact with your man/woman?
8. Do you feel competitive against them?
9. Confident, or pessimistic?
I'm confident all the time but as everyone it varies ksksksk
10. Would you like more to get to know about your ship, or would you rather it being lowkey?
I honestly don't care anymore for the ship, I just wanna roleplay with people because it's fun 🤸
11. Do you follow any of those people (them whom ship themselves with your fictional lover)
Yes! I used to follow @barashikki-dialoversoc when they posted more often, but it's not as active than before. Even though I always liked Bara and her headcanons and writings ksjsjs
12. Are you friends with them?
I think so 👉👈
13. What do you think about the 'stans' ?
It's alright ig, I don't care djsbdksb
14. Are you worried about plagiarism or copying of your oc(s) by others?
Nah, there's always bad people around but I'm not worried about it xd
15. How do you handle such a situation if it happens?
I would try to talk it and if that doesn't work or they block me I'll try more drastic ways (?
16. Is your cp public or only between a particular circle of friends?
It's public but ppl may not notice it at first becoz I don't talk about Tomoky x Kanato as often xd
17. Do you lock a specific cp ship, whats the reason? (I dare you to tag them~!)
Oh fuck yeah
I REALLY love TomokyxShoma (@komori--shoma ), it wasn't planned at first but it was like they had a click- HAHA, they're just so cute together and they're like one for each other KSBSKDJS 💕
I would like to mention that I highly like Mystic x Tommy too (@mino-diabolik ) but we're working on a it uwu however they will always be best friends jdjsdj 💖
18. What kind of behaviors do you suppose is pretentious to you?
Mmmmm anything unpleasant, hateful or possesive maybe, be nice.
19. What kind of comments do you dislike the most when it comes cp feedbacks of your oc(s)?
Ummm I donno! I've never gotten any but I would be very sad if someone said that their story is bad or boring when I've been doing my best to bring an interesting lore.
20. Have you receive hates about your oc(s) before?
Thankfully no uwu
21. Do you have a complete love story of your cp?
For Kanato x Tomoky: Hmmmmmmmmm not really and I'm not planning on doing one either ksbdksbf
For Shoma x Tomoky: Nothing's set yet haha, I guess that at the moment they used to be good friends and caught feelings, but I'm willing to doing or planning their whole story 💖
22.  Do you allow joint of alternate universe with the canon version of your cp story?
Yeah! Actually Mystic (@mino-diabolik ) is Tomoky's best friend and I was planning to make it part of the 'canon' version of her story dkbsdksj
23. Are you okay with people shipping their oc(s) with yours?
Yeah! As long as we build the relationship with love and smoochies then it's fine kdbskdbs
24. Ever gone through a bad experience in the fandom?
Thankfully no.
25. The ocs that you admire in this fandom are? (Tag them~)
Are you challenging me-
*Deep inhale*
@lured-into-wonderland @mino-diabolik @daughter-of-royalty @komori--shoma @strawberry--bride @bluebird-dolly-bride @smonie @sunny-flower-spot @kurosawa-family @fruit-of-infidelity
Even if we haven't talked or so I admire each of you 🤲💖
and if you're not here it's because there are lots of OCs, but i love everyone!! And i'll support everyone as long as I can, kisses ❤️
26. What is the moment that caused you to feel most disappointed or excited?
Dissapointed: Coming back to Tumblr and realizing I abandoned and missed my friends and their content for almost 2 years 💀
Excited: Bro I get excited every time I get a response to roleplay or so ksbsidjs so many things make me excited
27. The scariest era that you have come across in the fandom?
This one- Right now- I'm trying my best to deliver quality content to the people that follow me and look after me so I always check my writings and posts more than twice
28. The most wonderful thing you have come across in this fandom?
29. Say something towards those that sup port and admire your cp~
I love you all so much and I appreciate you and ya'll can count on me on everything and I'm really thankful ❤️❤️❤️
30. You've worked hard, keep up the goid work! ★★★
Yay! Thank you!
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I've read your entire post of being a Shoma stan and damn seeing Shoma happy and in his element can feel like a shot in the heart (in a good way). How'd you feel when you were (tentatively) falling for this boy and then finding out about *that* "controversy" that made the world (FS twt lmao) detest him? Were you able to remain partial even then?
As someone who has major self-loathing issues and deals with depression, and knowing the context of what was going on at the time with him, you know with the previous season and how the later 2019 GP would go and culminate in IdF 2019 (a competition I refuse to watch), I'm willing to give him a pass cause it always sounded to me like someone who was spiraling into self-loathing and depression and said some stupid things he didn't mean cause he was angry and hating everything at the time. That's just how it expresses itself sometimes.
(Please do not take this as Undeniable Proof of his emotional state at the time nor Actual Advice or anything, these are my medically uninformed observations)
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golgijev-aparat · 5 years
This was a good competition.
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harocat · 2 years
with the Olympics coming up, obviously I'll be posting about FS more than usual so here are my faves of the skaters competing:
Wakaba Higuchi
Karen Chen
Alysa Liu
First and foremost it will be these three. I'm hanging on a tiny thread of hope for a miraculous Wakabronze, and I desperately want Karen in the team event (but I know it won't happen). I just want Alysa to have skates she's proud of (and also I want to fight her dad). Most likely to be discussing Wakaba, Wakaba being robbed, and how I miss Satoko. Also I will hate on Eteri, as is right.
Other skaters I like a lot: Ekaterina Kurakova, You Young, Yelim Kim, and more!
Nathan Chen
Yuzuru Hanyu
Yes, my two favorite male skaters are Nathan and Yuzu. We do exist. I will admit Nathan has become my number one, and I am rooting for him, because it's the one title he doesn't have, and because I will cry, maybe a lot. He has become the skater who I am most invested in, somewhere along the line. For Yuzu, I want him to walk away from the Olympics happy with what he did (which I'm sure will be a podium finish). He has already done everything and owes absolutely nothing to anyone. I just want him to enjoy himself, free of injury this time (I hope).
Full disclosure that although Yuzu is a fave, and in fact, he's the reason I got back into watching men's skating in the first place (I'd kind of dropped out of it before 2014ish), being a Nathan fan means that I have like a billion blogs and twitters that post about him blocked, so I do see less content of him thus might not share as much.
Other skaters I like a lot: Jason Brown, Yuma Kagiyama, Shoma Uno, Jin Boyang, Junwhan Cha, Donovan Carrillo, Adam Siao Him Fa, Mark Kondratiuk (yes I also stan the camp Jesus program), and more!
The pleasant thing about men's is that I really enjoy watching all of the medal contenders (except Bincent).
Wenjing Sui/Han Cong
Let me be clear; I would fight a dragon for them to win gold. If I have to see them lose to a less skilled pair of white people at the Olympics again, I will not be held responsible for my capslock posts on tumblr dot com and twitter dot com.
Other Pairs I like: Peng Cheng / Jin Yang, Riku Miura / Ryuichi Kihara, and Ashley Cain-Gribble / Timothy LeDuc.
I also wish Radford and James a very flop, because abuse apologists should absolutely be publicly humiliated at the Olympics.
Ice Dance:
Teams I like: Piper Gilles / Paul Poirier, Wang Shiyue / Liu Xinyu, Gabriella Papadakis / Guillaume Cizeron, Lilah Fear / Lewis Gibson, Kaitlin Hawayek / Jean-Luc Baker.
I just don't want Nikita to win because he is a trash abuser, and abusers should never prosper. I will even take Zach 'all lives matter' as silver medalist if it means VicNik lower on the podium or not on the podium at all. I will probably talk even more than I have already about how the JSF is clueless and loves self-sabotaging because they sent KoKo instead of KanaDai. Soran Bushi DESERVES an Olympic moment. I will talk about how I miss the Shibs.
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sugar-petals · 3 years
Caro what is it with you and ice skating lol I am a new follower of yours and I'm curious did you ice skate or are you ice skating?
neither, i simply appreciate the artistry and found a quarantine hobby. when formula 1 is off-season in winter, the skating fandom comes to life, and vice versa. fully covered all year 😂 
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it’s a whole new bi-friendly world with impossible athleticism. lot of skaters are kpop stans. and since this is called pretty boy central, it couldn’t be any more fitting so i share my interest, what good-looking people.
ms rika kihira (ladies legend, huge tumblr fanbase)
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mr nathan ‘nate’ chen (reigning world champ, aces every jump in the book)
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ms alina zagitova (olympic slayage)
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mr deniss vasiljevs (latvian himbo, currently long-haired)
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mr & mrs sui and han (pair legends, currently injured)
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ms evgenia ‘zhenya’ medvedeva (big sns deal, always making the news)
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mr shoma uno (puppy everyone worries about)
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ms elizaveta tuktamysheva (underdog queen, now gloriously returned)
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mr junhwan cha (more model than skater it feels sometimes)
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ms yuna kim (retired goddess, several pictures because she’s amazing)
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javier fernandez (retired matador, but seeks to popularize skating in spain!)
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his royal outstanding godliness mr yuzuru hanyu (the ultimate GOAT since forever, but he’s a bit introverted, come on don’t be shy)
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there he is! pretty and cute as always 💜💜💜
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...and i’m not even getting started 😂 but i think you can see why it’s worth keeping up with. figure skating is a spectacle for the eye. this sport is unique unique. all the skaters are working toward new programmes, the olympics in the far future, bringing their craft to every place in the world, and of course breaking limits with jumps. 
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the axel is the only jump that’s not been landed quadruple yet, and a lot of ladies are doing other quad jumps in their routines now rather than triples, while the guys are working hard on perfecting clean quads. so, figure skating is at the frontier of dance, gravity, and skill, they really got it all.
... once you’re down the youtube rabbit hole, there’s no going back. watch yuzu collect his first olympic gold, break a point record, and the crowd explode:
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anewbeginningagain · 2 years
yeah i like yuzu and am really excited to see his new SP but i don't understand why he doesn't attend practices either. especially if he says he's going for the 4A, i don't understand why he doesn't take advantage of the opportunity to actually practice on competition ice?
He also didn't submit his SP music (his FS is of course a repeated program because 99% of the time it is a repeated program) because apparently, he needs his stans to hyperventilate from the anticipation? I legit don't get it and I'm over it, only fanyus fall for it at this point, I doubt Shoma/Yuma/Nathan care, they all want to do their own thing and aspire to be the best they can. The only people who still fall for these cheap tricks are fanyus.
Also going for the 4A in the FS is insane and not in a good way. He says he never landed it so he's either lying and he did land it in practice and he wants it to be like "he landed his first 4A ever in competition and not even in practice what a legend" or that he is completely irresponsible and is willing to risk his health for this goal of his.
I don't say it often (rarely at all) but for me this is a case of someone who might have been better to have retired because right now it feels like the 4A will be some kind of excuse to end up missing another games.
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the-real-xmonster · 7 years
I'm sorry you have to deal with all of the flak you're getting from people about Zhenya and Shoma. I don't understand why people have to hate on others who provide fair criticism about their favourite skaters... But anyway, I hope that it isn't getting to you too much, and that you're doing OK. As for my question, How would you rate Yuzu's jumps in order of favourite to least favourite, or most consistent to least consistent? And, other than Hanyu, who is your favourite skater in the mens field?
Oh, an ask to which I can wholeheartedly shamelessly stan Yuzu and gif-spam people, I love it, thank you!
Quick answer first: on the current circuit, my 2nd favorite after His Majesty is Patrick Chan aka PChiddy of Chanada.
Now for the long part: among His Majesty’s majestic jumps, his most consistent and my most favorite, by a mile, is the triple Axel. According to skateDB, his success rate on the 3A in competition up until end of last season is 92.3% and that is an insane number, utterly out of this world when you consider all the crazy entries and exits he’s been doing with it. I mean, in order to find a triple Axel he entered on a long-ish edge hold, you’d have to go all the way back to his early Junior days.
Incidentally, it was this one jump at this one event (Cup of China 2011) that got me hooked on the Yuzuru Hanyu, and the rest, as they say, is history :)
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By the way, @ciindyho: I got your ask on Yuzu’s 3A entries and I swear I’m not ignoring you. I’m, err, collecting materials for that post. It’s a rather lengthy process because I keep running into intense argument with people regarding which entry is harder than which…
In his official quad repertoire, the quad toe loop is by far the most consistent, at 70.4% historical success rate, and I think the entire last season he only missed it once (SCAC). Over the years Yuzu has become so comfortable with the 4T that it has become his go-to emergency quad when he needed a BV boost, and for 2017-2018, he’s incorporating two variations of the 4T combos into his layout: the 4T+Rippon 3T for the SP and 4T+1Lo+3S for the FS. A characteristic which I’ve always appreciated about his quad toe (and all of his toe jumps, really) is how light and quick his toe tap is, to the point that his toe loop can easily be mistaken for a Salchow if you don’t pay enough attention to how he uses his left foot:
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The quad loop, officially debuted in competition just last season, is turning out to be a fine weapon as well, at 66.7% success rate. On a personal level, that jump is my most favorite quad of his, especially when he does it out of this very distinctive cross roll:
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I’ve remarked on this a couple of times before: Yuzu has quite an unusual approach to the loop, in that he’d take off for that jump on a left back outside edge instead of inside as is common. In theory, that’d increase the level of difficulty, since that quirk makes his loop a counter-rotated jump, similar to the Lutz. The fact that Yuzu finds it more comfortable to jump the loop that way is to me a pretty nice indicator of his love for all things extra, complex, and contradictory.
Then there’s the troubled child, the quad Salchow. That jump has been problematic ever since he first attempted it in competition and last season was clearly the cause of much anxiety. My personal theory is that he loves it because it’s an edge jump but hates it because it takes off from an inside edge, and so we ended up with that dramatic roller-coaster of the Yuzu x Quad Sal love affair. When he does land it though, it’s a thing of absolute beauty: breathtaking speed on both entry and exit, lightning quick snap into a perfect air position and an ideal axis, and of course there’s the striking height and distance he achieves in all his quads:
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Among his non-Axel triples, my favorite is the triple Lutz. It’s also the triple that Yuzu is most confident in, as proven by the fact that it has been his last jumping pass in the free skate for the past 5 seasons. Yuzu’s Lutz technique is simply immaculate: short entry, deep outside edge, clean toe tap. Plus, because it’s the final jump, he almost never fails to top it up with some dramatic exit, built to impress. 
Now you might’ve heard here or there that the Lutz is not Yuzu’s strong jump, but that is just objectively untrue. He might appear to have some trouble landing the 3Lz, but it has nothing to do with imperfect technique. The perpetrator is and has always been the quad Lutz. Practicing that quad has more or less messed up his timing on its triple version, as in he would time and again take off for his 3Lz as if it’s a quad: greater height, faster snap. If he manages to maintain his focus, he would counter this effect by either delaying his rotation a tiny bit or unfold his air position sooner for the landing, or both, which essentially would result in his triple Lutz having this incredible aesthetically pleasing visual effect which I dub the self-made slow motion:
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(If he doesn’t have his full focus, most often for lack of stamina, the timing mess would make him either pop the jump or fall on his butt, in which case he’d usually follow it up with a cheeky little smile as he picks himself up, and that’s adorable, but beside the point)
Then we have the triple flip, which also used to be a troubled child but has, for a long time now, outgrown its troublemaker phase and matured into this stunning beauty:
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The issue with the triple flip used to be his tendency to switch to an outside edge before takeoff (he loves that takeoff edge a bit too much for his own good, really). Since the 2014-2015 season though, his team has figured out the trick to help him stay on the inside edge, namely, to have him entered it using that tricky three-turn sequence as shown above, which basically serves to distract him from the takeoff: turn + edge - turn + edge - turn + edge - jump - oops 3F is already over, let’s move on. His flips now are done on a proper inside edge, and, thanks to that entry, always seem to materialize out of thin air. It probably won’t ever be his favorite though, so on balance of probability, expecting a quad Axel from him is way more realistic than a quad flip.
That about covers the essence of his jump portfolio, since he’s obviously no longer able to do a solo 3T or 3S and likely even 3Lo.
As a bonus, among his combos, I’d like to make a special shout-out to these jumps which I have a borderline unhealthy obsession with: his +2T with Rippon variation. The varied air position in these is always done with such elegance and grace, don’t you think?
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
hi, i'm a new fs fan who came in liking shoma, but aside from the "misogyny" many people are currently bashing him based on the dating rumors about him and marin because of him allegedly offering to be her bf when she was 12/13 and he 16/17... on one hand there are a lot of red flags with that but 1) i don't think everything in the article is real, since the sources are very unreliable 2) this dropping the moment 2022 starts + with only a month to go to beijing? sus 3) if the intention was to out/accuse shoma as some kind of creep this kind of article would have been released years ago and not when both are now adults 4) the streaming incident may not have been as bad as haters make it out to be but i really don't see shoma having had a gf then. 5) if it WAS real the parents may have been involved + we don't know if it's a cultural thing. atp it's really hard to say what i feel about shoma but it's kind of disheartening to see fanyus obsessively dragging him when yuzuru and shoma are very good friends. (as a mainly fanyu myself)
They accused Shoma of many things in the past before they had any as they would call it "valid" concerns - for example 2018 they claimed he was not complying to the Olympic oath of fairness because he has the wrong jumping technique - they sadly will continue to spread hate. He could cure cancer at this point and they would have found something problematic in this.
And you're absolutely right that Yuzu likes Shoma. But sadly haters care more about their hate than Yuzu's friendship with other skaters. (It's also very funny when they try to ignore Yuzu and Shoma interactions when Yuzu is so affectionate towards Shoma and speaks so highly of him)
The obsession and vitriol is what is truly concerning. Yes point out that things he said could be seen offensive, that the age gap if the rumor is true can be seen as problematic, but 1. Don't make it your job to tell others what they should find offensive and what not 2. Don't make others feeling differently about it invalid of any opinion or hate on them (because this is what happened when ppl defended Shoma with the stream incident) 3. Don't obsess about ppl you don't like and don't know 4. Don't like a skater fine, no need to read about them 5. It's fandom it should be fun. So what does it matter to them if I like Shoma or not, if he has fans? His fans problem and his problem not theirs. Stick to the skating!!!
Ppl are more about policing what skaters you can like than actually talking about skating. I stan skaters for their skating. Shoma could be the most awful person in the world and I would still like his skating. He is a figure skater, but atm I have the feeling he is the candidate in a Bachelor show.
Anyway I don't see the point in ranting about it further. At this point it's gotten ridiculous.
Some points towards what you mentioned:
1) I haven't read a full translation about that article with Marin and Shoma. As far as I know some unknown JSF official shared that story from 2014, so what that was 8 years ago? All Shoma allegdly did was pointing to himself when Marin was talking about boyfriends as far as I know. So to say he offered anything is wildly blown up. Can you imagine that shy insecure boy he was at this time would come up to a girl he thinks is pretty and tells her to be his girlfriend? Really? I can't. And 2nd what an official is this that shares such a story? If it was even an official after all. I don't think anyone would have shared that if it would have been seen as problematic in Japan as you said if they would have found fault in it, they would have published this much earlier. Still to me it sounds more like a story that has been shared from person to person and details have been added in the get go. It's a tabloid paper with gossip. A thing Fanyus like to point out when there is something misleading about Yuzu in it. So actually they should know better.
I myself don't see any problem in the age issue that she was 17 (close to 18) and he 21. We don't know anything of the nature of this dating if it's even true...they were both young, Shoma is also said to not really behave like his age at that point (he was 18 years old when he still said on Keiji's lap in an official competition). She was in highschool and he was in college - is that so rare?...I am not sure about anyone else but I know girls at age 16/17 who dated boys who were in college, some boys even much older than 21. I think it's a problem when both are on different parts of their lifes but that wasn't the case. They both spend the most time in skating, not school or college, spend all their time in training, competitions or shows and both lived with their parents. So actually their situations were similar. So it's not like they lived the normal teenager/young adult life some may know. I think it would have been inappropriate if the age gap would be 17 and 25+ or if the perspective of life is different and if you have power as an elder over the other. But when both are in education at 21 and 17 the perspective of life usually isn't that different.
2) the whole timing is dubious. Why share such a rumor now? And still what's the fuss about it if it's not even confirmed by any of the involved parties? Fanyus claim it's PR created by Shoma's mom. Sure she would make up dating rumors because of some Englisch speaking fans calling Shoma names. Beg your pardon you don't have that much influence in his life! It's delusional to even think this. And when this is all PR, why not chose someone that is close to age for Shoma to mitigate the rumors? Why Marin? The media shipped Marin and Shoma for years. Who knows what was in the media's minds to pull this out now? Is it true? I don't know. I don't actually care. For all we know that is true is that Shoma and Marin are close friends.
3) You can see the stream in many ways. The problem is we don't know anything for real. I can't picture that he was dating at that time but maybe he was dating and didn't like the way he was still approached by girls? I dunno. On what was said in the stream I have explained my stance on this often enough now that I won't repeat myself here.
4) All I know if Shoma and Marin are truly dating for 3 years then they seem to be good for each other when they already spend 3 years together. I can only say if it's true, I am happy if they are happy. But it's not my business.
All feelings about Shoma are valid. No one has to like him or forgive him for what he allegdly said and did. All I ask is actually to not spread hate about him. Not constantly trashtalk every piece of even uncredited info. And pls don't hate on Shoma fans for liking him. Just why cannot all fans stay in their circles and let others live unbothered fan life.
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 3 years
it just saddens me how "hating-uno-shoma" has become a gateway to fs stan twt,,,, like you can't be accepted to fs stan twt if you don't actively trashtalk shooms every single living minute,,, i've been wanting to make an account now that i'm actively watching fs again but tbh i gotta preserve my sanity first
I know this may be the feeling when you just look into fs twt and some big popular accounts with many followers - hence many likes - hence the tweets who get presented as popular. But don't be sad this is not representative for the whole FS fandom on twt or any other SNS.
I can't tell you FS Twitter is a good place, it's not, but don't believe there are no Shoma fans there. There is a big part of FS Twitter who still loves and supports Shoma very much. I can name you accounts to block and to follow to live a peaceful Shoma fan life if you wish. I do it myself and have fun on FS Twitter, you just have to do self care and not look into the hater accounts.
I didn't see much negative stuff because I know which accounts to block and I also got blocked in return.
And tbh most of those haters, hated him long time ago when he was close to beating Yuzu at 2017 Worlds. Some of them hold a grudge for very long. There are also those ppl - fired up originally by Ambesi - who trashtalk his technique - that admittedly is far from ideal - and started to call him cheater. But this was all on the judging site, so they couldn't lull other ppl into believing he is a bad guy. In 2019 things changed with the one thing he said - I have talked about it many times already and am not going to repeat it time and time again, imo it was blown a lot out of proportion and also not looked at with context - sadly some ppl don't want to have the full story - so they canceled him so here we are.
Imo there are a few big accounts who remind ppl time and time again of the evil Shoma Uno everytime he competes or gets any kind of positive attention like ppl cooing over his dogs etc. Imo these must be miserable and masochistic ppl to watch and follow someone they hate so much. I mean in the end even if I believe someone is a bad person, it doesn’t make him/her a bad skater undeserving of medaling. Wild concept I know.
I think this one sentence speaks volumes about the state of FS Twitter "we need to uncancel Shoma" this was said by supposedly haters at SkAm. They don't hate him, they are just afraid they get blocked and lose some of their "precious" hater friends, because they know some of them make their twt experience a hell of a living. I am very sure many of the FS fans in general don't have a problem with Shoma at all, but if you wanna get "popular" on FS twt and get followers you need to "cancel" ppl (not only Shoma, but Vincent, Nathan, Mariah Bell etc.) or just not talk about them at all.
I also even know accounts who said "I wouldn't say a word about Shoma because I don't want to get in trouble, but I love him and his skating." So much for "everyone hates him". Well...NO we don't.
I also saw that turn of "trying to be popular" on twt with a Tumblr acc here, who talked positively to me in messages about Shoma and on Twt she is one of the ppl who gets involved into trash talks about Shoma. I dunno if she is serious or just trying to fit in, just that this is very different from the way she talked to me before and she knew the Shoma issue since 2019, but only in 2021 decided to be a "hater".
One thing I see with Shoma haters is that these are mostly young women or teenagers who don't have much life experience and feel personally insulted or try to fit in just like in real life or believe everything they are told. So maybe one day they realize that the world isn't black and white and skaters are ppl with faults and backgrounds and that cancel culture is not allowing growth for anyone - the hated and the hater.
I believe if you're grown up and have work and a life and FS is only your hobby - a precious one but a hobby - , there is no time or need to fit into a virtual world full of toxic remarks on who to hate and who to like. And we all know being grown-up isn't always about age.
I probably could have answered this shortly, but anyway I mean what I write...😅 (this is my biggest problem on twt, the size limit of tweets)
These are my personal observations in the FS fandom, so others experience might differ. But one thing is sure in social media you have to find your safe heaven.
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