#and Nathan fucking brought it today like wow wow wow
sarahhillips · 1 year
This Just In, We’re Back to Libertys Kids While Higher Than Ben Franklins Kite
New York New York
Gotta be one of my favorites because of how smooth that guy was
Why isn’t this the national anthem? I want someone singing this before every football game
American history but make it so sugarcoated that everyone gets diabetes
Mom I like your friends house
Black Dick, your telescope sir
James that collar looks great, stop whining and be the queen you are
James is like fuck she’s conservative af too
Omg that cute yankee soldiers looking at me ☺️
I’m just gonna get out if this march to try an get some
James should have started cackling after her ‘I’m English’ comment. It would make Udneys comeback way smoother.
“I give you my strong arm for your protection” “BRO WTF GET BACK IN LINE”
Almost got it Udney.
“Can I come?” “NO”
Strategy is important
“This is a PAID internship” “Ok hell ya”
“What do they know about running a country?” Mrs. Radcliffe spitting facts.
Whot are you doin in ma swamp?
They really let Henri get snatched like that 
“Because they can’t fly” Damn
“General Howe is welcome to him” DAMN
Henri wtf
Henri blew up the Sept, not Cersei
“I found Ugly and he told me what happened.”
Welp, the British have New York
Black Dick took Manhatten.
One Life To Lose
Ah yes, this was when they saw a nice man get hanged for creepin’
I feel like the sound of his neck snapping and the sight of his limp body would make Sarah faint if they were ballsy enough to include that
Wow these dudes were fat
And the proof is in the pudding
Oy the drunkin sailor be back
Sarah is so bored
The Brits are stealing American men
The old man was like “Get tf out of here”
Nathan cuts in so randomly it does not feel natural.
She did the full curtsy for him
Mr. Hale so hot he’s got all the girls curtsying.
Nathan, why are you telling them all this?
Sarah is totally flirting with him.
So wait, Admiral Howe and General Howe are different people
God damn it how did I not know this
They’re spying on a spy. The irony
Nathan WTF
Don’t tell me this is actually how he got caught is it
There come these three stooges
I think James has been kidnapped way more than Sarah could ever be despite her damsel in distress demeanor
Nathan is ballsy af
James said I’m staying
Sarah said I’m gonna hitchhike.
Here it comes ya’ll
“He’s actually quite gracious and cultured when you get to know him.” Ok Jane Austin.
And now they’re Hillips shippers
“So, when is the big day?” And then it transitions to them years later at the alter, Sarah wearing a nice green dress with gold butterflies and a veil and James in a nice blue suit with a hat, and you hear the priest say ‘I pronounce thee Man and Wife.’
“Anyways, Nathan’s hangin out with the redcoats today.”
These men are so burning in hell for how they treated these people
They wouldn’t even draw in a noose
The sight of Nathan at the gallows causing Sarah to cling to James’ arm tho
Alright James time to write this article
Captain Molly
Ok but an episode where Henri accidentally joins a mafia
Ben be going on another cruise
Sarah’s insulted Washington won’t let her come
And here comes Molly
Henri giving off autistic vibes here
Rosemary, that is French silk you crotch goblin
Damn Molly
“Sarah, she’s English!”
“I don’t ask permission to do nothin’!” Sarah, let those words inspire your character.
Dad Moses mode activated
James got passionate there
You can forget about those eight to ten kids Molly
Well Sarah now you’re seeing a lil bit about why King George is evil
They brought in tHe bagpipes for their funerals.
I’m surprised the redcoats didn’t hold all those women and children hostage.
James is so happy Sarah’s alive
Molly was another woman school didn’t teach me about.
American Crisis
Henri has a soldiers spirit
Moses you’re too calm about Henri running away
Traveling by ship must have been mentally trying for everyone.
These dudes are not ok
Henri 😭
When a little French boy smelling of onions sneaks into your camp in a barrel.
Thomas Paine is back 🩷
Writers block is a bitch
Do you think Paine would like the movie Soul
“We’re walking to Philadelphia.”
Omg Moses no
A printing press is large enough to bone on. Just saying.
Tom said “I will beat yo ass in with this log.”
Imagine putting all those letters together by hand
“Hold your breeches”
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golgijev-aparat · 6 years
This was a good competition.
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gayhargreeves-blog · 5 years
Flirt (Nathan Young x reader)
description: Nathan and reader flirt constantly, without actually acting on it,much to the annoyance of everyone else.
Warning: gender neutral reader, my first time ever writing for nathan
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“You look good today. Do something new to your hair?” Nathan flirted.
“Fuck off, Nathan”
“Hey Nathan, Nice shirt. Is it made of boyfriend material?”
“Shut it, (Y/N)”
These were just a few examples of how everyday was thanks to Nathan Young and (Y/N) (L/N) and how they couldn’t admit that they liked each other. So they settled for what many viewed as a love-hate relationship. This only caused a lot of frustration between the two. It also sparked a lot of interest for the relationship between the two. Some accused them of secretly dating. Others said they were fuck buddies. But truth was, the two couldn’t convey their emotions to each other. And it annoyed both of them. As well as most those around them
Now (Y/N),Simon and Kelly walked into the community centre when the topic of a certain boy was brought up, “look, yes Nathan is kind of attractive, but he’s an asshole. We’ll never be a thing, plus it’s just fun to be a pain in his ass. He’s kind of adorable when he’s angry and zealous.”
“You think I’m adorable, (Y/N)?" Well if it wasn’t the devil himself.
“Morning, Young, did you sleep alright?”
“I slept fine but would’ve slept better if you were next to me,”he smirked
“As if” (Y/N) stated with a slight roll of their eyes and a smile tugging at their lips.
The two had an encounter again when literally crashing into each other in the changing room. (Y/N) was making their way across the room to get to their locker when they tripped over a book bag ‘accidentally’ left there (they suspected Kelly placed it in their way when she saw them enter the room). As they came toppling down, and waited for an impact that never came. Instead, Nathan caught her.
“Wow, you’re literally falling for me now love.” Nathan was quick to say. They quickly stood up and pushed the curly haired boy away.
“Whatever, Nathan.” They stated, their cheeks tinted to a slight shade of pink, that Nathan noticed and smiled. (Y/N) pushed their way past him and went to change at their locker.
“Come on, (Y/N), just hook up with him already,” Alisha advised. “With Nathan? No thanks, I have standards.”
Now, it was time to finally go home for the day. (Y/N) walked down the halls alone for once. They told Kelly, Alisha and Curtis to go ahead, they’d catch up. As they walked, they somewhat analyzed the people who walked near them. They saw Nathan and Simon huddled next to a vending machine speaking in hushed voices.
“Hey, love!” He called, but (Y/N) kept walking, just to tease him. Except they stopped right in their tracks when they clearly heard Nathan cat call them. Oh, this would be fun!
“I know I have a nice ass, but you don’t need to stare” They quipped. Nathan’s entire face immediately flushed red; Almost as red as an apple. Simon looked between the two before hurriedly rushing down the hall. (Y/N) smirked in victory at the speechless boy,” I win, Nathan.” They called.
Then they began to walk away, a smile evident on their features when his fingers laced around their wrist, “Nat-” In one swift movement, Nathan had twirled them around and planted his soft lips against theirs, lightly kissing them. And if they said they didn’t enjoy it, they would be the biggest liar on the face of the earth.
“I win,sweetheart.” Nathan mumbled against their lips then walked off like nothing happened. But now, the game was on between the two of them.
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stephhannes · 5 years
fireworks that went off too soon
i guess i haven’t really written anything since i was in new york back in may, and i promise i have a great excuse: i was sad. 
when i got back from new york, i spent basically the entire month in bed. i really don’t remember anything i did, other than hope i’d get hit by a car. 
i finally hit my breaking point of living in abilene. it was good for awhile, but there’s nothing for me here. the only thing that made living here for a year tolerable was being able to travel out of state every few weeks. i absolutely needed the time i spent in abilene to recuperate. i spent 10 months feeling like i had all the breath knocked out of me, but finally i started to feel like myself again. once i started to feel like myself again, i felt stagnant in abilene, almost claustrophobic- that’s when i knew it was time for me to start moving on. when nathan died, i was so afraid that when i came back to abilene i’d just be stuck here forever. i’ve never once felt like i belonged here, and when i got drawn back after i had been gone for five years i felt like a failure and like i’d never get an opportunity to escape. and then i got the opportunity:
at the end of june i did two things: drove to colorado to gone girl myself and just be off the grid for a few days, and got hired as a house manager at the paramount in austin. 
my first day at work was on july 4th, i was super nervous- but for once in my life, i just walked into the room and confidently pretended like i knew what i was doing, like i was actually qualified to do something. after my first day, i realized that i’m definitely qualified to do something. 
my favorite thing about house managing is that there’s a hot 45 minutes of action before the show starts, but as soon as the show goes up, everything is calm. there’s something comforting in knowing that no matter how terrible and hectic pre-show is, there’s going to be a break eventually. 
after my first day, i kept texting everyone saying “i feel so powerful, someone needs to collect me, i think someone made a mistake giving me this much power.” i think most of my power comes from the shoes i bought for work that clack really loudly when i walk on tile, the other 10% comes from how confident i am in decision-making and being a leader now. which is weird, because i’ve never made a decision in my entire life. 
my least favorite thing about house managing is the poverty that comes along with it. that being said, i’m out here looking for a second job so if anyone has any leads, hit me up. i’ve been so stressed for the last two weeks over buying furniture for my new apartment. look, i’m a taurus, so my home space is very important to me. every place i’ve lived in, i’ve had a clear way i want it to look and i can’t rest until it’s exactly representative of my vision. i’m moving back into the same apartment that i lived in during undergrad, literally the exact same bedroom, with my exact same roommate. some of my old furniture is still there, and i realize that i could just re-use all of it and have the same bedroom i had when i previously lived there. but i honestly don’t think my heart can handle it. i lived in austin for 12 years without nathan in my life, but no matter where i go here, i just see him. it’s hard enough driving down the street in between work and home and remembering the time we went to the taco bell cantina and then walked around campus, or the thai place that i took him the first time he ever visited me, or the apartment complex i lived in the first time he visited me. the other day, i was in a kerbey lane location that i don’t normally go to, but i had gone with nathan once, and andrew mcmahon started playing over the speakers and i almost lost my shit. sometimes even being back in the apartment itself is hard for me to handle, the first time i visited my old roommate after nathan died, i spent the night on the couch, and all i could think about was the time we’d both fallen asleep on the couch watching star wars back when he tried to make me watch all the movies. 
the point of all of this being: i’m back on my bullshit and i have a new vision for how i want my bedroom to look- a complete 180 from what it used to be, but i can’t afford it and i’m about to be so anxious until i can get it to what i want. 
it feels really good to be back in society, but it’s been weird meeting new people. for the first time since nathan died, i’m interacting with people who have no idea of who i am, no clue of where i’ve been or what i’ve done, and i’ve been having a hard time figuring out how much to tell people, and when to tell them, and how i want to present myself to people. there are some people that know my fiancé died, but there are some people that have asked me if i was married and i responded with “nah, but i was previously engaged” and left it at that. i hate when people ask me “what brought you to texas from new york?” i’ve completely omitted my time in philly. i don’t mention it on my resume, or in conversation because i hate that time in my life so incredibly much. i usually deflect, and say, “oh, well i was born in austin so i came back!” which doesn’t really answer the question, but it answers a question. sometimes i feel like i seem shady when i have to do these weird conversational navigations but like…. i don’t know what i’m doing. i’ve never had to do this before! 
the other day at work, the coworker that’s been training me introduced me to someone as, “this is stephanie. she used to work at the daryl roth in new york city, and she’s really fucking good! i barely have to tell her how to do anything, she just knows how to be a house manager.”
and it’s true, i’m really fucking good at my job. 
and i’m having a hard time accepting that i’m doing well. 
when i got hired, i was so sad. i was so sad because it feels like accomplishments mean nothing without nathan by my side to celebrate with me. i remember how proud he was of me last year when i had managed to get a bunch of theatre job interviews lined up in philly, and i remember how supportive he was of me back in new york when i struggled to find a job- and i miss it so much. i feel guilty for doing well without nathan in my life. i feel guilty that in the last week, i’ve been so stressed with starting a new job and trying to pack and move i haven’t really thought about him much.
but i think that what upsets me now, is that i get it. i get the guilt that he felt so strongly back when he graduated from acu and managed to move out of abilene. at the time, i was so confused as to why he wasn’t proud of himself, as to why he felt unable to celebrate his accomplishments- but i understand now. and it’s hard for me to be able to understand exactly how he felt with all of the guilt he had after high school. i’ve started to notice lately that a lot of my reactions and thought processes have been reflecting the same ones i saw in nathan, and i’ve felt so heavy knowing that he felt like this too. 
a year ago, i remember being so excited to start my new life with nathan. today, i still feel excitement to start again and to really start rebuilding my life- i’ll just always wish it was with nathan. 
returning to myself has felt so weird lately. i’ve started to notice characteristics of mine pop back up, every time it happens, i ask myself “wow where is this behavior coming from?” and then i remember, oh right, this is who i am. for example, lately after work i’ve found myself with a ton of energy- i want to come home and socialize with people, which is not something i’ve felt in a long time, and i was confused as to where all of this energy was coming from. and then i remembered how one of my favorite parts of the day was when i’d get home from work and then, incredibly enthusiastically, tell nathan about everything that had happened at work. i’d come home and get so worked up while recanting my night that i couldn’t fall asleep, but i was cool with it because that was when i got to spend quality time with nathan. 
long story short: i’m doing well, and i’m feeling bad about it. 
the next time i write anything will probably be next month, and i’m dreading it already. i’ve got a lot of feelings now that we’re approaching the one year anniversary. it’s going to be a hard day. 
for almost eight months, every single day, i would spend like an hour just running through that night’s events, reliving it. i don’t do that as often now, i haven’t thought about it in awhile, but i know that i’m going to be a total disaster on the anniversary. i’ve got a terrible memory, but i’m really good at remembering incredibly specific details of some days: i remember the shirt i was wearing, and that lady gaga’s “just dance,” was playing the day that nathan and i first kissed in 2011. i remember the way nathan’s hair smelled on that one day in english class sophomore year that our teacher let us sit and read wherever we wanted in the classroom, and nathan laid his head on my shoulder to read when we sat against the back wall together. (speaking of, the other day at work, a patron came in that smelled like nathan did in high school and i a) cried at work but b) kept scanning tickets because i’m not a little bitch). and unfortunately, i still remember, in incredible detail the night that he died.
we’ll cross that bridge when we get there. 
ps: there was nowhere to naturally fit this into the blog post, but while we’re on the subject of the fourth of july- i was reminded of one of my favorite memories with nathan. the first time he met my family, (grandma, cousins, etc) was two months after we’d started dating. the best part about having a boyfriend is having a plus one to all the things you don’t want to be at by yourself and the first time i played that card was to get him to come with me to the family fourth of july function. at one point, my cousin asked me to hold her baby and i was like “yeah ok, i’ll do it, but if i break your kid don’t get mad at me” because i have no idea how to interact with children. so i was holding this baby, and jokingly i asked nathan how he felt about it and he was like “i literally don’t think i’ve ever been less attracted to you,” and i was like “oh hell yeah we both hate kids thank god, this is gonna work out.”
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shhh-no-ones-home · 6 years
summers bloodline 3/3 nathan summers x reader
Y/n has powers like wolverine and has lived a long life (daughter of sabertooth) and has had a field day with the long line of summers boys
(Alex/havoc, Scott/cyclops, Nathan/cable) also sorry if some are ooc I guess I don't have the exact cable retrospect down yet
Song: all these things that I've done by the killers
Prompt idea: "what would she want to do with an older guy like me?" *Laughs hysterically because she's hundreds of years old*
The mansion was quiet today. It felt like I hadn't been back in forever but id heard through the grapevine that piotr was helping Wade again. And true I hadn't been back since the Phoenix situation in the late 80's but I thought it'd be nice to see the mutants I once called family again. I talked to piotr about the Wade situation to which he informed me of a stranger time traveling here. And call me old fashioned but I didn't actually believe it until he brought them home like a bunch of stray pets. Not only was he from the future he had this sort of rustic look to him that caught my eye. And of course Wade caught me eyeing him up and had to say something.
"Finally see something you like just as aged as you?"
I could see the smirk through the mask and just rolled my eyes.
"Maybe I see something I like that's younger than me and that's younger than you."
He raised an eyebrow before looking over at both domino and cable awkwardly stand next to each other as well as Colossus.
"Hey, no fair, I called dibs on the giant metal man!"
I looked at him and rolled my eyes again as he laughed.
"You idiot I mean the two new recruits. Would it be weird though? Like the insane age Gap?"
He waved a hand.
"Of course not, at least he looks as old as you actually are."
"He does not look 306 Wade."
I shot him a look and he seemed dumfounded, pulling up his mask and mouthing 306. I just crossed my arms and shook my head before walking towards them. When I reached them I  welcomed them and shook their hands.
"Right cause those are real names."
They both just exchanged looks and I tried my hardest to smile at them.
"I'm kidding, of course. Anyway I'm y/n, my super quirky super name though is..."
"Ice age!"
I turned around.
"Wade I swear to God."
He just shrugged. I turned back to them.
"My super name is y/h/n."
I walked down the mansion stairs only to hear Wade's voice echoing through the halls. Good dint he have a home to get back to. But as I got closer I grew more intrigued at what he was saying, and more importantly what cable was saying.
"If it were me I'd definitely say something to her. I mean I know the whole family in the future thing is yeesh buy still. Your here man."
"Really? You don't think our age Gap is a little wide? I mean would she really go for an older guy like me?"
I snorted but quickly covered my mouth, realizing I'd be discovered. It got quiet so I stepped out into the open and waved shyly. I looked at Wade grinning from ear to ear and then looked at cable who had the most serious 'oh fuck' face. I rubbed my arm.
"I'm not saying I was listening or anything but I caught that last little bit and I must say you may be an older guy but youre definitely not older than I am."
Cable and Wade exchanged glances but they still had the same expressions.
"What do you mean?"
I walked towards them and stood.in the opposite side of the coffee table.
"Well because of my mutation I don't age like typical humans, I'm 306 years old."
He looked taken aback.
"Well you look great for three hundred I have to hand it to ya y/n."
I blushed and glanced quickly at Wade who looked like an excited school girl.
"Thank you..."
"Nathan. Please. Nathan summers."
My face slowly lost it's smile and turned into confusion.
"You're from the future right."
He looked confused and looked to Wade who had the same expression I did.
"Yeah why?"
He laughed nervously.
"Would you happen to know a Scott summers?"
He furrowed his brow.
"Yeah he's my father."
My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped. Wade shot up and fist pumped the air.
He looked between the two of us.
"Y/n... You... Would tap the whole blood line!"
Wade said through large breathy laughs. I could tell my face was growing red and I just shook my head with my hand rested on my forehead.
"Wade this isn't really the time."
"You're right, I need popcorn for this."
I looked to Nathan as Wade skipped away.
"Wow this is awkward, but I may or may not have dated your dad sometime in the late 80's early 90's. I dated his brother Alex in the late 60's too."
I gave side smile and watched him try to piece things together.
"Well then, I guess I feel like I already know you because of all the stories dad shared while I was growing up. It's nice to at least put a name to the face right?"
I laughed and sat next to him on the couch.
"You don't think it's weird?"
He just shurgged.
"Guess it's only weird if you make it weird right?"
I tilted my head.
"That's true, I mean I'd still be down to date you or something if you'd want to."
"Despite your history, yeah I think, after some lengthy conversation I'd be okay with that."
I smiled at him.
"Alright, sounds great."
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ivesundlillies · 7 years
Night Of The Hunted: Twenty-Nine
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Due to the encouragement I have received in the last few posts, I have decided to start writing for Jared and Dresden again! The links to the previous chapters are on my main page in the top right hand corner under NOTH. (Also, please note that this particular chapter was written many months ago and not my best work. Please continue to read and review and I will only get better from here! Enjoy and a myriad of thank yous to all of you!!!!)
(after much internal debate, i have deliberately chosen not to write an explicit sex scene between Dresden and Nathan at this time. there are multiple reasons for this, the main one being that this story is about D+J and not about the side pieces that may or may not be involved. two, the scene i had in mind was quite violent (though still consensual) and i didn't want to make any new readers uncomfortable. and lastly, i have a scene in mind for them later on the story)
2 hours later
Dresden had a smirk on her face as she opened the door, stepping out into the hallway and allowing Nathan to follow before she closed the door.
"Wow" he gasped "No wonder you're so popular here, that was amazing! I mean, really incredible! I've never gone so deep with anybody else before... thank you"
"You're very welcome, Nathan" she purred, kissing him on the cheek "I enjoyed myself as well, much more than I thought I would"
He blushed. "So then, do you suppose you might- uh, maybe... want to play again? Nothing committed! Just a few play dates here and there? I'd really like to have this experience again"
"Certainly! Just let me check my calendar and see when I'm available... Now onto more important matters, would you like some ice or cream for the wounds on your back?"
The submissive shook his head, his curly hair swinging. "No thank you, I quite like feeling used after a scene- reminds me of my place"
The blonde grinned and winked at him. "In that case, I must return to the party- I'm sure Naivea is going to jump down my throat when she realizes what I've just done"
"Oh, are you spoken for?" he asked, confused "I'm sorry I didn't realize..."
"No, no nothing like that. I just got out of a very messy partnership with someone in the scene and I haven't been doing very well since, so she wanted to get my feet wet and come back to the lifestyle. I just don't think she expected me to dive in so soon and with such intensity"
"You know what they say: to get over someone it's best to get under someone else. Or in your case, on top" he quipped
She playfully raised an eyebrow. "Don't make me spank you"
"I'd love a spanking but I don't think my ass can take much more" he admitted, gingerly caressing his sore bum.
Dresden laughed. "In that case, I suggest you run along and gather your strength for our next session... I look forward to playing with you again, Nathan"
"You as well, Madame" he replied, bowing his head in respect.
For the first time in weeks, the blonde felt a lightness she hadn't experienced in a long time; the weight on her shoulders was gone and the hole in her chest was steadily filling. It wasn't love- she'd never feel that again. This was contentment, a fulfillment of some kind of duty to look after another human being and doing it well.
Dresden walked back out to the common area and was, unsurprisingly, dragged to the corner by a frantic Naivea.
"Where in the bloody hell have you been?!?" the Brit asked, frantically "It's been two hours and I haven't heard a word from you! No call, no text, no aftercare requests, no check in!"
The dominatrix yanked her arm back. "For your information, I was playing with that fellow you introduced me to. It took awhile for us to become acquainted and settle on rules before we could begin, and then we enjoyed each other's company. You know how these things work, Nai- especially for first time play."
The milk chocolate color drained from the younger woman's face. "But wha- what did he ask you to do? I mean, what happened with you guys?"
"You know damn well that I can't talk about that with you" she replied, raising and eyebrow.
"And YOU know damn well that I am just looking out for you!" her friend snapped "I know about Nathan: he is an extremist and in the worst possible sense! First, it starts out as simple play and then things get more intense; he stops using his safeword, he wants more pain, he looks to faint during scenes, he wants to bleed out during rough play, and soon that isn't even enough! He is a level 10 masochist that refuses to acknowledge boundaries! Why do you think he doesn't have an anchored dominant?"
Dresden rolled her eyes. "If he is SO bad, then why is he still a member of the club? You know damn well that O'Brien will kick out anybody that poses a threat to themselves or others. Secondly, not all submissives want an anchor- some people enjoy being floaters and not having to answer to any one person. And lastly, Ms. Nosy, what we did was perfectly in line with our set limits and rules, NOTHING compared to what Sybil and I did during the annual demo last year. You're worrying for nothing"
"So he let you do aftercare, then?" her friend challenged, crossing her arms.
The blonde rolled her eyes. "Not everyone is as needy as you, Naivea- some subs like to take care of it themselves. Now fuck off and let me enjoy this: you're killing my buzz"
Not wanting to see whatever look of hurt there may be on her younger friend's face, the businesswoman walked away in search of another drink. Rather than heading back to the bar, the blonde wandered around until she found Jasper; hoping to get a hold of him and inform him of the new developments before his baby sister could twist the truth.
"Hello, Jaz!" she exclaimed, swiping his gin and tonic and downing it before he could protest.
The taller man's eyebrows reached his hairline. "You're in a suspiciously good mood..."
"Two orgasms and a rush of endorphins will do that to you!" she replied with a smile "Your overbearing sister introduced me to a guy and we played a bit. It was almost pathetic, really, how desperate he was... But we had some fun and I'm feeling lighter than I have in weeks! In fact, I think I might just come back from 'vacation' and get back to work again."
Jasper's eyebrows somehow rose higher. "Really? How many weeks of turmoil, depression, sadness, anger, aggression and horniness magically vanish after only an hour of light play?"
"Two hours" she corrected with a grin "And it was anything but light; pretty hardcore stuff, I admit. But you know what? I figured, if I can handle that then I'm alright to head back to my usual kinky fuckery. After all, the best way to get over someone is to get on top of someone else!"
"Huh," the Brit said, gobsmacked "I'll have to meet this fellow, thank him for getting my best friend's head out of her ass"
Dresden giggled and tapped her nose, teasingly. "All in good time, my dear... Now if you'll excuse me, I need to send out a mass email to my clients informing them of my return and then I think I'll dance around a bit more. I've been cooped up for far too long!"
She gave her best friend a kiss on the cheek and then floated towards the entryway of the club, no doubt to make a few calls like she'd said. Jasper couldn't believe it; never before had his baby sister's plan worked out so well. When Naivea had explained her idea for pushing Dresden over the edge, he'd worried that it would send her into an even deeper downward spiral, he didn't think he'd get her back from that. Apparently the shock treatment was exactly what she'd needed... The dark skinned man smiled and set down his empty glass to go find and thank his sister.
Dresden was once again on the dance floor, this time enjoying herself; the blonde was waving her arms this way and that while snaking her hips to the music. She hadn't had a drink in over and hour but she still felt lit, her body still riding the high of her earlier session while the alcohol worked its way out of her system. She felt heady and she didn't want it to end: she'd missed this.
A sharp slap to her ass brought her out of her stupor and the dominatrix was ready to castrate whomever had done it until she turned around.
The redhead embraced her in a tight hug. "Hey babe! Shan and I got your invitation and we thought we'd stop by for a bit; this place is amazing!"
"Isn't it?!?' the dominatrix squealed "You should see it when it's entirely open for play; there are fucking machines, public demos, play areas, everything a kinky bitch like yourself could ever dream..."
Carla gave her devious grin. "No kidding! I think between my love and I, I've become the wild one; you should have seen the look on his face when I mentioned a strap on!"
"You did not!" Dresden gasped "What did he say?"
Her friend stood up straight, creating an air of propriety. "You know a lady never shares her secrets, especially about her and her partner... but let's just say that we are using sized butt plugs to help him 'adjust' to larger things"
Both women giggled until they heard a familiar gruff voice behind them. "What's so funny?"
"Nothing" they said in unison.
Shannon raised an eyebrow in disbelief. "Sure... How you doing Dresden? Last time LaLa saw you she said you weren't well"
"I wasn't" she admitted "But I must admit, today has been a wonderfully eye opening experience! I feel like I've 'gotten my groove back', as it were. How are you? And how is Black Fuel?"
The drummer smiled, happy to find a comfortable subject. "It's doing great! You know we are adding chocolate to our line now? It could be a huge boon to the business, we're just trying to continue processing and are looking for distributors"
"You know you could sell it here" the dominatrix remarked "I mean chocolate is a staple in the BDSM community; after a scene certain chemicals in the brain drop dramatically which can result in both top and subdrop, so to combat this we give subs and tops chocolate to help level out what we are no longer getting when a scene is over. I know the owner of this place buys at least a couple of cases every month- it might be a good test subject before you decide to sell it to the public. And since it's controlled distribution, you could pull different flavors easily while also getting feedback from the people trying it. Come to think of it, you could even add coffee to the menu; we get Starbucks brought in daily but if you could get someone to brew here it might help to bring in business"
Shannon's eyes were lighting up with excitement as the new business possibilities churned in his head.
"No wonder Jared fell in love with you" he mused "You're so fucking brilliant..."
Carla elbowed him in the ribs. "Shan!"
The musician covered his mouth in embarrassment, worried he'd struck a nerve. A few hours ago he might have; Dresden would probably have cried out and ran to the ladies room to bawl her eyes out or on reflex she might have slapped him. Neither of those things happened, the dominatrix shrugged and brushed off the thoughtless comment.
"Anyway, if you're interested I can give you O'Brien's contact info" she offered "Oh, and tell him it was my idea- trust me, he'll listen to you then. I may or may not have whooped his son's ass into responsible shape before he left for college- trust me, he owes me one"
Shannon laughed and gave her polite kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Dresden"
"No problem. Now off with both of you! It's time you experienced the spicy side of vanilla and I am in need of another drink as well as a dance partner. I'll catch up with both of you later!"
Jared lied back on his bed and took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing mind as he thought back to earlier in the day. Strangely enough, he'd liked Dr. Price- he enjoyed how she listened without being judgmental and somehow knew how to ask the appropriate questions at the right times without setting off the land mines of trauma still buried in his psyche. He'd made another appointment for later in the week, hoping that it might help him overcome the guilt he still felt about Dresden. Maybe if he could confront his demons, he'd be able to see her again and apologize without running away like a coward.
Out of sheer curiosity and residual masochism, the singer grabbed his phone and dared to look at her FaceBook. There hadn't been an update in weeks, not since he'd left her, the musician realized with a gulp. Was she still stuck in the same rut he was in? Apparently not as a new image popped up on her news feed; a black and white image of her long legs encased in lace up boots while a faceless submissive bowed at her feet. There were a multitude of tags that he didn't bother reading, too focused on the dormant yet obvious strength in her calves as she stood balances on the pencil thin heels. Who was he kidding? Dresden was doing just fine without him.
Taglist: @verenabmj, @30stmmaniac, @nothingbutsarcasm, @vibrainium , @nikkitia7, @jaredleto-1971, @crazypsychoosis, @prettymisc,  @bini90, @patiletoproblems, @kezznog, @ginie62, @mars2803
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A Brief History of Black Integration into "White" America
Whites: "Alright so you're free now. Enjoy Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness, yadda yadda yadda."
Blacks: "Thanks! We'll start getting jobs, serving in the military, all that other stuff that helps you guys have Freedom and things."
Whites: "Wait, uuhhh, no, we'd literally rather move out of our cities than live next to you."
Blacks: "Well, okay! But we've got all this great urban living now, so... bye?"
Whites: "Actually we took all the tax revenue, too; y'know, the stuff that made those cities possible?"
Blacks: "We don't have the resources to maintain these cities. How exactly do you expect us to keep this up?"
Whites: "Lol not our problem. We feel no tie to cities founded by our hard-as-shit homesteader ancestors for some reason but hey in a few generations we're going to pretend we've always lived in the country."
Blacks: "This city is a mess, our infrastructure is crumbling, crime is rampant, and mobility is stagnant."
Whites: "HOW THE HELL COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN!? You've destroyed some of America's greatest cities!"
Blacks: "Hey, you're the ones who left. Don't complain about how we've kept the place up."
Whites: "God you Blacks are so uncivilized. You're never going to integrate, are you? What a drain! At least in the fields you were useful."
Blacks: "Wow. Erm, well, higher education! Talented Tenth and so-on. We'll get the knack of this, no problem!"
Whites: "WOW NO. We don't want you in our universities, too. You'll cause trouble with your loud parties and monkey music! Why can't you play REAL music, like 20s big band?"
Blacks: "I'll let you figure out the irony there on your own. Anyway, we built our own schools and we've made some pretty smart cookies. But the Fed still says you can't keep us out because we're black."
Whites: "FEDERAL TYRANNY! HOW DARE THEY! Harrumph; well, alright. But you have your own schools! Why do you want ours?"
Blacks: "Apply here if you want to go so badly. These colleges are places of historical pride for African Americans, of academic success in spite of adversity."
Whites: "Yeah, yeah, yeah; but that's in the past! It doesn't matter anymore, because we're not saying you can't go here now."
Blacks: "Okay. Well, if you think that's the case, since we're the majority in lots of Southern cities can we get these Confederate monuments off the streets? It's sort of uncomfortable having to live in the shadow of people like Nathan Bedford Forrest who fought for our enslavement watching us every time we wanna go to the park, y'know?"
Whites: "NEVER! That's a piece of our heritage!"
Blacks: "Nobody's attacking your heritage - why not acknowledge the Union, and Whites who fought to free slaves, if you're so keen on being patriotic? You're not all descended from or even related to Confederates. Isn't that guy over there from Ohio?"
Whites: "Oh, look who's talking. YOU guys won't even stand for the Pledge of Allegiance! Do you have any idea how many people have died for your freedoms here?"
Blacks: "A lot of Black people - at home and abroad. But there's no law against that."
Whites: "Well, their should be! By the way, your 'safe spaces' thing is dumb."
Blacks: "First you don't want us around you, then we can't have our own civic organizations? We're not bothering you."
Blacks: "Look I don't care if you don't want us in your clubs. But if you're going to be like this can we AT LEAST have our own?"
Whites: "What do you expect? That we should all just... drop our ethnic ties and just get along as Americans? Who ever had such a ridiculous idea."
Blacks: "Like a large portion of the people who founded this country."
Whites: "Well, whatever! There's no more legal segregation, everything's fine. Why are you still upset?"
Blacks: "Because you won't acknowledge what we do for this country or how Blacks have suffered at the same time Whites have benefited from it."
Whites: "God, you complain all the time. If you hate it so much then go back to Africa."
Blacks: "To where? We were brought here against our will and even the people who brought us here didn't know anything about our cultures. We're American; we've had 200 years of being over here, about as much as the majority of Whites alive today. Why should we go back to Africa when we built America?"
Whites: "You, alone, didn't BUILD it."
Blacks: "We didn't say that but it's an economic fact that without slavery this country would've not survived its early days."
Whites: "We want you guys to be equal, most of us aren't even racist. What do you want?"
Blacks: "For you to start acting like we're a part of the family. We fought and died for this Republic even when we didn't have the same rights as you. What other proof could you possibly want we don't have any animosity towards you!"
Whites: "Stop asking for reparations, for one!"
Blacks: "You literally took all the resources out of our communities and left. Why don't you want to help cities you guys built flourish? Why can't we just get along?"
Whites: "Because it's your problem, not ours."
Blacks: "See there you go with that shit again. You talk about how we should be proud to be American but you keep excluding us from it."
Whites: "Blacks owned slaves too, y'know."
Blacks: "Oh my God - whatever! Fine! Fuck your Republic, we're done talking here."
Whites: "Ugh. These savages - can't integrate, no matter what we do for them!"
TL;DR: Whites in power keep unreasonably moving the goal posts for no reason shouldn't be surprised when at some point Blacks don't feel like the game is rigged and trying to join the Melting Pot is impossible for them.
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fnnhuds · 8 years
After The Storm
Tagging: Finn, Rachel & Nathan Location: The Apartment Notes: As Finn and Rachel are winding down after a long day, the two of them get an unexpected visitor at their door.
Finn smiled as he looked around the nursery that was more or less finally complete. After Rachel's baby shower the day before, the two of them had so many things to sort through and put away that he had been nervous they wouldn't get it done in time. However, they had spent his day off going through everything and making it perfect and he knew that they were ready for this baby. Sure, they still had time but the fact that they were ready for everything took a lot of pressure off both of their shoulders. "Babe, how long until the food gets here? I'm starving," Finn called out to Rachel as he headed into the living room, a small smile on his face as he saw her seated on the couch. "How're you feeling?" he asked her as he knelt down in front of her, moving his hands to her baby bump before he kissed it softly. God, he loved his little family. "Is he being good in there? I know you said he was kicking like crazy the other day." Finn rubbed her stomach soothingly and only moved when there was a soft knock at the door, his own stomach rumbling in anticipation. However, when he opened the door and saw Nathan on the other side, his eyes widened slightly in shock. "Nate?" he said softly, looking at his friend in surprise. The last time he had talked to Nathan was when he had been moving the last of his and Rachel's things out of the old place. His friend had gotten fired and Finn had agreed to pay his rent until he got a job and got clean. From the looks of it, Nathan was sober and Finn hoped desperately that he was staying that way. ​"Can I come in?"​ Nathan asked, causing Finn to nod before he stepped aside. ​"Wow, this place is really nice. I - um... I brought you guys some mail from the old apartment. Kurt told me where you guys were,"​ he said softly as he handed Finn a small pile of mail before he looked over at Rachel. ​"Wow - your stomach got huge. I - I mean that in a good way not a bad way."​ Nathan's babbling caused Finn to laugh slightly especially because he knew Nathan was nervous about talking to Rachel. The two of them still weren't on good terms as far as he knew.
Rachel couldn't believe how close they were. It felt like just yesterday, she wasn't showing, and here she was, having Finn help her get off of couches and the bed half of the time. It was adorable, really. And she loved being able to walk around with Finn and actually look incredibly pregnant. People actually noticed and congratulated her and it was weird to actually be so close to the end and be worrying about a hospital bag. She actually had everything she needed to be ready for the baby, and it was just scary and thrilling all at the same time. "The food should be here soon," Rachel said, smiling slightly at him. "I'm okay. Just a little tired. My back hurts, but I mean, your kid is like five million pounds, so I expect it." Rachel spoke teasingly, smiling at Finn. "But he's not too crazy today. Still kicking a lot, though. It's just getting a little cramped in there for him, I think." When Rachel heard Finn open the door, she rubbed her hand over her bump, sighing gently. "Is that the food?" She quickly realized it wasn't when she saw Nathan walk into the apartment, her furrowing her brows for a moment before she looked to Finn. "Yeah, I really popped." Rachel said as she looked to Nathan before looking away and moving her hand to the edge of the couch, supporting herself as she moved to stand up. "I did gain weight, but it's for the baby. So I guess that's all that matters." Rachel rubbed her bump for a moment as she took a deep breath. "I don't want to seem rude, but uhm... why are you here? Did you just come here to hand us some mail?" Rachel brought her hand to the small of her back as she walked over to him, her gaze anything but friendly as she looked at him. "You could have called too, you know. That's usually what people do when they show up at people's houses."
Finn hurried over to Rachel when he saw her getting up from the couch, quickly attempting to help her so she didn't put too much strain on herself. While he knew that she was fine, he couldn't help but just want to do as much for her as he could the closer she got to having their baby. As she spoke to Nathan, Finn looked at her worriedly, not wanting her to get too upset. After the fight that had all had, her and Nathan had not worked anything out and while he had made some kind of peace with his friend, he knew that him and Rachel had to talk it out themselves. ​"No, I - I didn't just come because of the mail,"​ Nathan said nervously as he looked at Rachel. ​"I came here to talk to you. To both of you, really. But mostly you, Rachel. I just - I wanted to apologize for everything I said to you. I was such a dick and I... I really fucked up my life and I just - I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."​ Nathan's eyes filled with tears as he looked at Rachel and Finn sighed softly before he placed a hand on his wife's back. "Rach, why don't we sit down?" Finn suggested as he rubbed her back gently. While he wanted Nathan and Rachel to work things out, he also wanted to make sure that his wife was okay. He wanted to make sure that she didn't get too stressed out because of this situation. ​"I haven't seen Ellie in a couple months. I... I lost my job a-and if it wasn't for Finn, I wouldn't even be in the apartment anymore. I just - I want to fix my life and I've been clean for the last month and a half. I just need to fix things with you, Rachel. You're like my little sister and I want you back in my life. I want the three of us to be the way we were again."​ Finn's eyes widened slightly as Nathan spoke about him helping him out. He hadn't talked to Rachel about Nathan at all for fear of stressing her out and he really didn't want it brought up like this. "Come on, let's all sit down and talk, okay?" Finn said as he tried to guide Rachel back towards the couch.
Rachel kept her eyes on Nathan as he spoke, not wanting to immediately be nice because she had spent so much time apart from him. She just didn't want to give him the satisfaction. He had tore her apart and he was so incredibly rude and while he had hurt her, he also hurt Finn and said horrible stuff. Rachel didn't speak as he spoke, watching as she saw his eyes started to fill with tears. "I don't need to sit." Rachel said as she shook her head, just continuing to look at Nathan. She was proud of him for at least trying to make an effort to see her and apologize, especially after how long it had been. He had been through a lot -- she understood that -- but she couldn't believe that it had taken this long. "Wait, what?" She said as Finn started to try and lead her back to the couch, her pushing his hands off of her before she turned back to Nathan, her hand on her bump. "I'm proud of you for being clean and for getting your life back in order. I am. Even if things still aren't amazing, I'm proud of you. But I'm sorry, what was this about Finn helping you? What did you do?" She asked, looking over at Finn for a moment. Rachel was under the impression that Finn wanted nothing to do with Nathan in the slightest and that he wasn't talking to Nathan so he didn't upset her. Of course, he could do what he wanted, but the way it seemed, he did a lot more than just a little bit of talking. "I don't remember talking about you helping him. And you know, my pregnancy brain really helps me remember a lot more." Rachel obviously was hormonal -- she had been pretty bad the entire pregnancy with her mood swings, but she was at least trying to control herself and not start snapping at both him and Nathan. Especially because she was already tired and she didn't want to make herself even more upset than she already was. "And stop trying to make me sit, I'm fine. We don't need to sit down. I'm a big girl. I can stand up for a little bit. I've been sitting all day. I need to stretch my legs."
Finn sighed when Rachel pushed him away from her, wishing that she wouldn't be so stubborn and just sit down so she could relax a bit. ​"You didn't tell her?"​ Nathan asked as he looked at him in surprise. All Finn managed to do was shrug as he looked from his friend to Rachel, not really knowing what to say. "I - it really wasn't a big deal. I went back to the apartment to get a few things that we had left there and Nathan was home. So we talked and I helped him get back on his feet, that's all." The last thing Finn wanted to do was upset Rachel, especially when he knew that getting her overwhelmed in any way at this stage of the pregnancy wasn't good for her or the baby. ​"I thought you told Rachel everything,"​ Nathan said, clearly annoyed that Finn hadn't shared this news with her. He had been planning on talking to her about the whole Nathan situation, he had. It was just that he knew it upset her and his whole job in the whole pregnancy had been to help her de-stress and relax, not bring up things that he knew would make her angry. "I do tell Rachel everything. I just didn't tell her this because you piss her off and I'm sorry that I don't want to piss off my pregnant wife," Finn said as he narrowed his eyes at Nathan who immediately held his hands up, not wanting to fight with him. As he turned his gaze back to Rachel, he sighed softly. "When I ran into Nathan at the apartment he told me that he was going to lose the place because he had gotten fired from his job. So I... I offered to pick up the rent for a little while until he got clean and got a job." Finn knew that his offer was crazy, especially since paying for one apartment in New York City was a lot and yet he was paying for two. "But it's not a big deal, like I said. I just picked up more hours at work, you know that. And everything's fine. Nathan will get a job soon and then once he has enough money he can go back to paying rent and pay me back eventually too." After he finished speaking, he could see Nathan looking at Rachel nervously, clearly not wanting to upset her even more because of his situation.
Rachel raised her eyebrow as Finn spoke, clearly leaving out a lot of details about everything. "I thought you told me everything, too." He had obviously left a lot out and nothing about Nathan had even been a discussion recently. He hadn't spoken about helping him at all. And that was the part that was most frustrating. Rachel watched as Nathan held his hands up before looking back to Finn, furrowing her eyebrows. "So you don't want to piss off your pregnant wife but you thought it would be a better idea to not tell me anything? I thought we said that we told each other everything. I mean, picking up rent is something that I'd like to know about. You were so worried about spending too much money on our apartment and on clothes for the baby or little gadgets, but you were willing to pick up the rent for the entire place? We're in a good place but we're not rich, Finn." Rachel sighed for a moment, bringing her hand to her forehead as she went to take in a deep breath. "You know what? I- It's fine. It's fine. Whatever. I'm sick and tired of fighting with you, Nathan. I appreciate you coming here to apologize. I do. But I will never forget what you said to me. Or to him. And I'll never forget seeing you acting like you did in the apartment while you were too incoherent to stop yourself. I just- I'm not going to forget, alright? What you said really hurt. I know you were trying to hurt me and I- you did. But I don't want you thinking that just because you apologized that I'm going to magically be your best friend again, okay? I don't want the drama anymore with the baby almost here and I just don't need the stress right now. If I even raise my voice I'm pretty sure Finn would force me to sit down so I don't start going into labor." Rachel paused for a moment before sighing. "I forgive you, Nathan. But like I said, I'm not going to magically start acting like nothing ever happened. After everything Finn and I had went through, you knew how much that would have hurt me. And you said all of it anyway. You were practically asking for me to act the way I was towards you."
Finn looked down sadly as Rachel spoke, knowing that him picking up Nathan's rent was probably a bad idea. But he couldn't just let Nathan's life fall apart, he couldn't do that to someone who he still felt was practically his brother despite everything that had happened. Nathan had said horrible things to him and Rachel and Finn didn't think he would ever be able to forget that. But Nathan was the only person he had that had been through the experiences in the army that he had been through and that made it difficult for him to just drop him out of his life completely. "I - I'm sorry, Rachel. I told you I picked up more hours at work. I just didn't know how to tell you. I didn't know how to talk about it and I didn't want you to be upset," he said as he looked at his wife. Him and Rachel hadn't fought or had any issues between them since she had been sick and he didn't want to bring that back now, he couldn't have things get difficult now. As she spoke to Nathan, Finn could tell that he wasn't getting the reaction that he had wanted for apologizing and he could see that it was beginning to upset him. ​"So I just - I lose my best friends because of that fight? I - I was the best man at your wedding and I - I bought your wedding dress. I was there for you that whole time Finn was away and it all just disappears because of stupid things I said when I was high?"​ Nathan looked between them with sadness in his eyes, clearly not knowing what to do. ​"You guys are all I have. My family wants nothing to do with me. Molly wants nothing to do with me a-and she won't let me see Ellie. I - I can't do this without you guys too. I can't do it anymore,"​ Nathan said before tears began falling down his face. Finn looked at Nathan in surprise as he broke down. He had never seen Nathan cry other than Kyle's funeral and he truly didn't know what to do to help him. "Nate, we're still here," he said softly. "And Ellie, she's still here. You'll get to see her again, you will. We can - we can talk to Molly and figure things out," Finn said, determined to help Nathan even if he knew he had way too much in his own life going on that he had to focus on as well.
Rachel shook her head as Nathan spoke, sighing gently. She didn't want him to feel like that way -- not at all. She still loved him and cared about him and she didn't want him to feel as if they were both against him. "Please don't feel like that." Rachel breathed out, feeling a knot of emotion build in her throat as she saw him start to cry. She hated seeing anyone cry and seeing Nathan cry after all of this really just made her feel even worse. "Please don't cry." Rachel whispered, her feeling her own tears rise in her eyes. "You can't cry in front of a pregnant woman. They're gonna just cry too," She said with a weak voice before she moved over to him. Rachel wrapped her arms around him for a moment, trying to pull him in for a hug even though her bump was post definitely in the way. "You were there for me in some of the darkest points in my life and in Finn's life and I can't thank you enough for that, do you hear me?" She murmured softly, hugging him tightly before pulling away and looking into his eyes as she took a step away to rub her hand along her bump. "I appreciate everything that you've ever done for me. All those days Finn was away and all of those days where you helped me when I was sick. I'll never forget. And I- I'm not happy about what was said. At all. But I don't want to hold a grudge for the rest of my life. And I..." She paused, offering him a small smile. "I want my baby to have one of the best guy's I've known as his Uncle." Rachel looked to Finn for a moment before looking down for a long moment before looking back to Nathan. "Like I said before, Nathan. I'm not going to magically want you to move in and I'm not going to act like you're my best friend again in a matter of minutes. Obviously, I mean, this little one proved everything you said wrong. But you hurt me and you hurt Finn and I just- I'm not going to forget it. But I don't want to lose you, okay? You're Finn's best friend and you were one of mine. And I don't want one fight ruining that for everyone. But it's just going to take me a little. I'm just tired of the drama."
Finn didn't know how to help Nathan but he knew that he couldn't just give up on him. As tears formed in Rachel's eyes, he smiled sadly at his wife as she moved to hug Nathan to the best of her ability. ​"I'm sorry,"​ Nathan breathed out, a soft laugh escaping his lips from Rachel's words as he hugged her back tightly. While Finn and Nathan had fixed things for the most part, he knew that the two of them had to fix things as well. The second that Rachel said the word Uncle, Finn smiled softly and he could tell that it meant the world to Nathan too. ​"I want to be his Uncle. I - I want to be in his life. I want to be in your lives,"​ Nathan said softly as he moved his hand up to wipe away at the tears that were still silently falling down his cheeks. ​"I'm so sorry, Rachel. I'm sorry what I said to both of you. I - I didn't mean it. I said the worst things I could possibly say and I hate myself for it. I - I'll never forgive myself for it. I just... I wanted to push you two away because you two were already better parents than me and you didn't even have a baby yet. And I promise I'm going to get a job a-and you won't have to worry about paying for me or me needing a place to stay. I don't want to burden you guys when I know I did that enough."​ Finn sighed softly as Nathan finished speaking before he offered his friend a small smile. "Nate, the things you said were really horrible but that doesn't mean we want anything bad to happen to you. You're like my brother and... even though you said some really horrible things it didn't make me not worry about you. I want you to be in our son's life but I also want you to be in your daughters life. Ellie should get the chance to know her little cousin, right?" Finn offered Nathan a small smile and before he knew it, Nathan was pulling both him and Rachel into a tight hug. ​"Okay, this doesn't really work when Rachel's stomach is in the way,"​ Nathan said with a small laugh before he pulled away from the both of them. ​"I... I am really sorry, Rachel. I hope you know that. And I know it will take you time but I hope you know that I'll do whatever it takes to prove to you - to prove to both of you that I'm me again. At least, on the road to being me again."
Rachel looked over at Nathan with a sad smile, shaking her head. "I don't want to leave you struggling for months and months and I don't want you getting kicked out of your apartment. Because as much as I love you, I don't want you moving in here. This is our place. And we had our shot at all being roommates for a really long time. And while it was fine, I really don't want to do it again," She added with a soft laugh, looking over to Finn. "I think I should be away from the Molly situation for a little bit if you guys start talking to her. Because uhm, if I talk to her, I'm definitely going to go into labor." Rachel added with a soft smile, rubbing her bump. "One minute of talking to her and I'm pretty sure I'll freak out. Sorry, Nathan. As much as I know that you had a kid with her and you were with her, I still don't like her. I've tried for a long time to warm up to her, but I can't. But I mean, I'll help you out with the situation. But once I have the baby. That way I don't need to worry about needing to be rushed to the hospital because I started screaming at her and put myself into labor. I've felt braxton hicks every once in a while, and believe me, she'd put me into labor." Rachel paused for a moment, offering him a small smile. "We'll be here for you, I promise. I know you're trying and I can see that you are. I believe that you are. I know you're sorry and I accept your apology. I just want us to start fresh, alright?" Rachel knew that the whole situation was way too entirely stressful, and she didn't want to get too worked up over it because she knew that Finn would freak out over her. "Now that I proved to Finn that I can have a conversation with you without yelling or needing to sit down to be calm, can we actually sit down? As you can see, Finn doesn't make small kids. I'm seven and a half months pregnant and I look like I'm almost forty weeks. It also helps that I'm the size of a teenager." Rachel managed out a soft laugh before heading towards the couch. "Sit down, Nathan. Make yourself at home. Let's just relax. We ordered food. You can share some because we definitely ordered too much, if you want. If not, we have stuff here, too."
Finn smiled softly at Rachel as she spoke. "Yeah, we're kind of enjoying the whole having the place t ourselves thing," he said with a small laugh as he moved his hand to rest gently on the small of her back. "Rach, even once you have the baby I don't think it's a good idea for you to talk to Molly. That girl just says the worst shit she can possibly think of all the time and then acts like what she said wasn't wrong." Nathan laughed softly at that before he shook his head. ​"I know she does. I hate that I didn't listen to you guys and leave her before I got her pregnant. Not that I regret Ellie but... I regret who she's with."​ Finn knew that all of them starting fresh was what they needed and while he hadn't expected Nathan to talk to Rachel until after the baby was born, he was glad that it had happened. He was glad that his best friend was back because he had missed Nathan. ​"Hey, you're the one who decided to have a kid with a guy that's twice the size of you. I don't even know the whole sex thing works with you two being such different heights."​ Finn couldn't help but laugh at Nathan's words as he helped Rachel sit down before moving to sit beside her. "Oh, it works. That's all you need to know." Finn laughed as Nathan grimaced and he couldn't help but feel that things were finally where they needed to be. Sure, things obviously weren't one hundred percent but he knew that they were on their way back to that. ​"I can't believe you two are really having a baby. It's crazy, isn't it? It feels like just yesterday that you two were hooking up behind James's back and now we're all parents."​ "It is crazy. God, I can't believe that we're old enough to have kids and people actually congratulate us, you know? I remember being seventeen and being terrified of Rachel ever getting pregnant," he said with a laugh. Finn smiled at his wife before he ran his hand over her baby bump lovingly. When there was a knock at the door, he immediately got up, eager to finally get their dinner. ​"How crazy obsessive and protective has he been over you?"​ Nathan asked Rachel with a teasing smile on his face. ​"I bet you haven't even opened a door yourself since you started showing."​ As Finn came back with the food and set it down on the table, he was oblivious to the conversation as he licked his lips and took out everything that they had ordered.
Rachel knew that it definitely was crazy that her and Finn were having a baby, especially after how long it had been. "Yeah. It definitely works, Nathan. It's worked since we were in high school." She laughed before sitting down fully on the couch and getting comfortable. "It is crazy. And ew, let's not ever bring up James again. I don't need to get flashbacks to hooking up with Finn in a bathroom again. But yeah, it's definitely a huge change from high school. I'm pretty sure if Finn got me pregnant in high school, our lives would have been way different. I don't even want to imagine what Finn would act like. He probably would have had a panic attack," She laughed, looking over at him as he moved to get up from the couch to answer the door. "Oh, he's been horrible, Nathan." She said softly, making sure Finn couldn't hear her. "I mean, I appreciate it, but I mean, it's been crazy. He barely even let me help him put stuff in the apartment, and then, I was only a little over halfway. Now it's even worse. I love him for it, though. He's adorable." Rachel watched as Finn sat back down, Rachel scooting forward slightly on her seat to sit up straighter. "Have whatever you want, Nathan. I mean, I'm eating for two so I actually eat a lot now, but there's plenty of food here. Feel free to get whatever you want. And to grab anything you want to drink." Rachel grabbed her food and went to start eating, her sighing contently. "Wow. I was starving. So was the baby. Feel him." Rachel laughed after taking another bite, putting Finn's hand to her bump to feel a few kicks. "Keep kicking and you're going to end up kicking your way out of there, baby boy." Rachel said, before starting to eat again.
Finn was immediately focused solely on the food that had finally arrived. He was starving and while he was excited to catch up with Rachel and Nathan, he wanted to do so on a full stomach. Nathan immediately grabbed some food for himself and Finn offered his friend a small smile. When they had all lived together, this had been the usual routine and it felt good to experience that again. While things weren't perfect, he knew that they were getting better. Finn knew that Nathan wasn't ever going to be completely out of their lives, it just wasn't possible after everything the three of them had been through together. As Rachel moved his hand to her stomach, Finn smiled when he felt the baby kick against his palm. "Wow, he's really moving around in there. If he makes you this hungry all the time and gets this excited for food, he's definitely going to have my appetite," he said with a laugh. ​"I don't know why you're laughing, Finn. That just means you'll never see Rachel's boobs again,"​ Nathan said between bites of his food before a laugh escaped his lips. "Hey, don't talk about my wife's boobs." Finn smiled over at Rachel before he continued eating his food, quickly finishing it all. It never took him long to eat but since the food had gotten there late he found himself eating even faster than normal. ​"Are you ready for him to get here? I mean, I know you guys are obviously excited for him to be born but, are you two ready for the whole process?"​ Nathan asked curiously as he looked between them. "I think we're ready. I mean, we have the hospital bag packed and I know I just want to meet him already," Finn said happily. ​"Twenty bucks you pass out when Rachel goes into labor,"​ Nathan said with a laugh. "Hey! I'm not going to pass out! Why would you even say that? I'll be excited!" ​"I didn't say that you wouldn't be excited. I just know you, Finn. You're totally going to freak out when Rachel goes into labor. All you do is worry, this is going to make you go into a massive anxiety attack."​ Finn glared at Nathan as he continued to laugh, not knowing what was so funny. "I don't always worry." When his words only made Nathan laugh harder, Finn sighed before he turned to Rachel. "I don't, right, baby?"
Rachel grinned as Finn and Nathan started talking, knowing that Finn was more than protective of her. She appreciated it, she did, but there was a point where it got to be a little bit too much. They were ready to have a baby, but he was constantly going to be worried about her. And when she had the baby? He was going to be worried about how she was feeling and constantly be trying to help her with the baby to keep her as well rested as possible. "We have everything ready, yeah. It'll be really amazing when it all happens." She laughed at Nathan's words, shaking her head before looking at Finn and watching as he looked to her. "Babe, you kind of do. You're completely trained to freak out and worry over me, though. I know that you'll be excited, but the second my water breaks, you're going to be freaking out. It's just who you are, really. Ever since I was sick you've always been constantly worried about me. Which has only translated to the baby, and since the baby and I are kind of one person right now, it's like double worrying over me." Rachel laughed before patting his cheek. "I appreciate it, though. I do. Some days it's just a little much. You barely even let me carry groceries in anymore. It's cute -- you worrying about me. But I'm definitely managing just fine. I've been through way worse and been fine. Nathan's right. I'm not surprised if you go into some mild anxiety attack when I start going into labor. But I will be too, I guess. It's fine," Rachel grinned as she shrugged gently. "The baby is going to have a dad who just worries a lot. And a mom who never wants to let him go. I'm not surprised if he goes out of the house in bubble wrap because we're scared he's going to hurt himself."
Finn sighed when Rachel told him that he did indeed worry too much. A part of him knew that she was right and that he could probably relax but he couldn't really help it. It was true that ever since she had gotten sick he worried about her a lot but that was only because he was terrified of losing her. He never wanted anything or anyone to hurt her and if him worrying about her a little too much prevented that then he was okay with that. "It's just because I love you," he said softly, a small smile on his face when she patted his cheek. "I just don't want you to strain yourself too much. And I don't want you to feel stressed because that's not good for you and that's not good for the baby. I just always want you to feel happy," he said before he rubbed her stomach gently, his heart swelling with love when he felt a soft kick against his palm. God, he couldn't wait to meet their perfect baby. "Bubble wrap, not a bad idea, babe," he said with a playful smirk on his face. "I'm sorry that I worry a lot, Rach. I know that it might be annoying sometimes but I'm only like that because I almost lost you and I love you. I never want anything bad to happen to you again. Or our baby." Finn smiled softly at Rachel before he kissed her softly, only pulling away when Nathan sighed loudly. ​"I swear, Finn. You need to start a class or something on how to talk to girls and how to spin negatives into positives because even I'm a little in love with you after that,"​ Nathan said before a laugh escaped his lips, causing Finn to laugh as well. "I grew up with a single mom and then met my soulmate when I was sixteen. My whole life has pretty much been talking to girls. The only thing you have to do is be honest." ​"Ugh, okay, nevermind. I don't want to hear anymore,"​ Nathan said as Finn shook his head. "One day you're going to meet a girl you really like and then you'll come to me and learn all there is to know." Finn smiled softly before he brought his gaze to Rachel, draping his arm over her shoulders and pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Do you need anything, baby?"
Rachel shook her head immediately as Finn started to apologize for worrying so much. "Babe, don't apologize. It's not like that. I know that you worry and I really love that you do. I know you care and I know that you almost lost me. And I don't want to ever have to worry about anything with the baby, so I understand why you're worrying. I do. And I really appreciate it. Please know that I do." Rachel said after laughing at Nathan's words. "Believe me, Finn has always been really good at talking to girls. He's always been really polite. In high school he always used to make sure that I was happy and he'd always pretend to listen to me even if he wasn't actually listening. It's all a girl needs," Rachel laughed, a small grin on her lips. "But really though, he's always been amazing. It's so amazing to have him. Plus, I never worry about anything happening to our relationship. I wasn't worried when I was in my last year of high school with him, and I'm really not worried now. At all. If you left me, I'd probably kill you," Rachel laughed before Finn draped his arm over her shoulders. "No, I'm okay. I'm enjoying just sitting around here with the two of you. I feel like we haven't done this in years. It's crazy." Rachel smiled over at him gently before looking over at Nathan. "We can just sit around for a while. Just talk. I feel like the three of us have missed out on a lot in each other's lives. I've been avoiding you like the plague, Nathan. I mean, not to be mean. I think I was just frustrated and my hormones didn't help anything," She added with a soft chuckle at the end, shrugging a bit before shaking her head. "If I move, Finn is going to worry so we can just sit around."
Finn laughed softly at Rachel's words. "Leave you? Never. I do love that we never have to worry about that kind of stuff, you know? I mean, after everything we've been through being jealous and fighting over stupid stuff just seems like a waste of time. I just want to enjoy every moment we have for the rest of our lives." Finn knew that once upon a time they hadn't always been perfect. They used to get jealous and fight. However, after she had been sick, he knew everything had changed. It had truly altered both of their lives in every single way and they just didn't to take anything for granted anymore. ​"I um, I really missed you guys. It feels good to just sit around and talk again. Even if I'm kind of a third wheel I never really minded with you guys,"​ Nathan said with a soft laugh. ​"How have you two been doing anyway? I mean, I know you two are good. And I know you've both probably been preparing for the baby like crazy. But, how's everything else? When did you end up leaving your show?" And how's your music stuff been doing, Finn?"​ It felt good to know that Nathan cared again because when he was high all the time he had been a shell of the best friend he once had. Finn was so happy that he was back again. "I mean, I think we've been really good. I know Rach is probably going stir crazy though. You went from being at your show every day to being home all the time," he said softly. "And um, with the whole music thing, I mean, I'm still writing. The baby has given me a lot of inspiration. But, I'm not doing anything with it yet. With the baby on the way and Rachel not working, I think it's best to wait. I know that there will be a time when it feels right." If Finn was being honest, he didn't know when it would feel right to focus his attention fully on music but he knew that he would do it one day. At least, he hoped he would. However, his attention now was on his family and providing for them and that was the most important thing there was.
Rachel still found it crazy that she wasn't doing the show sometimes. It felt like so long ago, really. She felt like it had been years since she had set food on stage. "I left my show about halfway through the pregnancy. I started to show too much, so I had to stop. I mean, no one wants a pregnant Fanny Brice on stage. Plus, I mean, Finn was freaking out about me having such long hours, anyway. I was exhausted. And when I had bad morning sickness, doing the show was definitely really hard. It sucks to see my understudy doing the show, but my director told me to let him know when I'm ready to go back on stage. I know I want to go back, but I want to spend as much time with the baby as I can. I don't want to have some babysitter here all the time and I don't want our son sitting at some day care. You know? I don't want to sound bitchy when I say that, but you know what I mean. I'm sure you do. I just want to be with him as much as possible. I'll go back when he goes to school. Because then at least if Finn starts his music, our schedules would be way different. We'd actually have time to be together." Rachel shrugged. "I want him to do the music, but he wants to wait. And I get it. If neither of us are working, we have money saved up, but I mean, that can only work for so long before it gets hard. And kids are expensive. I don't want to have to worry and you know Finn -- he'd start freaking out way before I would. If I never got to go back to Broadway, I'd be fine with it because I accomplished my dream, but I would like to eventually. Even if it's far in the future. I'm pretty sure I left my mark on Broadway. And I still get to go to the Tony's and get my name out there again so we'll... I mean, we'll see how it all goes. I'm not rushing anything. I'm just thankful for what we have."
Finn smiled softly as Rachel spoke, knowing that their son truly was going to have an amazing childhood. They were going to make sure of that. He knew that they both wanted to be home as much as possible so that their son could be raised by them, not some random person. ​"Your kid shouldn't be at a day care or have a nanny, not when he's going to have parents as awesome as you guys. I know you two are going to raise an awesome kid. I bet he's going to be super respectful and a big momma's boy just like Finn,"​ Nathan said with a laugh as Finn rolled his eyes. "Hey, I was raised to respect and protect women, that's just who I am. And I know that's how our son will be too." He couldn't wait to raise a child and while it was nerve-wracking, knowing that he was doing it with Rachel definitely took a lot of those nerves away. "You'll definitely go back to Broadway, baby. I know you will. You were born to be on that stage," he said with a small smile on his face as he ran his hand down along her arm affectionately. "Plus, they announce who's nominated for the Tony's next week. I bet you're one of them, Rach," he told her as he looked at her happily. Finn knew that Rachel was going to get a Tony. She was amazing and no one was better for the role of Fanny than she was. Sure, he was a little biased but he believed in Rachel and he knew that she was going to be amazing. ​"Oh, I can already see it now. Rachel is going to win the Tony and waddle up to the stage,"​ Nathan said with a laugh. ​"How does the sex work when you're pregnant anyway? Molly wouldn't let me touch her when she was pregnant,"​ Nathan said, causing Finn to laugh as he shook his head. "Nate, shut the fuck up." ​"What!? I'm just curious. Is the super horny thing true? Are you all over each other even more than you always have been? Because that would be impressive."​ Finn laughed before he flipped off Nathan and brought his glance down to Rachel. "Are you sure letting him in here was a good idea?"
Rachel was so happy that things were finally working out between the three of them. She felt like it had been so long since they had been able to just hang out like this. "I hope I'll be one of them. I think the show will get nominated for sure, but I don't know about individuals. I mean, I think I did a good job and I got a lot of good ratings, but we'll see how it all works out, I think. I don't want to worry too much. It was my first big show, it's not the end of the world if it doesn't happen the first time." Of course, she was lying to herself -- she really did want this, but she was trying to just stay positive. "I will be waddling up to the stage. I'll be so pregnant. I'll be in some nice dress, super pregnant and hoping that I don't fall up the stairs and make a fool out of myself. And oh, believe me, the sex works." Rachel laughed, her grinning over at Finn before looking back to Nathan. "Any girl who isn't super horny when they're pregnant is definitely lying. It's not as bad right now, but believe me, when I wasn't so huge, I definitely wanted sex way more than now. But I mean, I still want it now. That sucked that Molly wouldn't let you touch her. Because let me tell you from personal experience, the sex is definitely good," Rachel laughed before bringing her hands to rub over her bump. "We had to take full advantage of the pregnancy sex, because you know, it might never happen again." Rachel smirked, looking over at Finn before looking to Nathan and taking a deep breath. "Can we talk about something else before I make you leave so Finn and I can have sex? Because now you're making me think about it and that's really not a good idea." A laugh left her lips before she let herself lean against Finn, her head resting against his shoulder.
Finn couldn't help but smile at the image of Rachel walking up to the stage super pregnant to accept her Tony. God, he wanted her to win so badly. He wanted her to have everything that she had ever dreamed about and he knew it would absolutely transform her world. As Rachel spoke, he laughed softly, unable to keep a small smile from his face. She was definitely telling the truth about her being super horny. While him and Rachel were typically all over each other anyway, he was loving her initiating sex way more frequently than usual. "Oh, we definitely took full advantage," he said with a soft laugh as he met his wife's gaze. God, he loved her so much. "No, no, it's a really good idea. I think you should keep thinking about it, baby," he said with a playful smile on his face before he pressed a kiss to the top of her head when she leaned against his shoulder. ​"Forget I brought it up,"​ Nathan said, laughing softly as he shook his head at them. ​"You guys are going to be the best parents,"​ he told them as he looked between them. Finn smiled softly at his friend before he looked down at Rachel, bringing his hand to her bump and rubbing it gently. God, he couldn't wait to be a dad. He couldn't wait for their perfect baby. ​"I mean, just seeing how you two were with Ellie - it was... you guys were amazing. A part of the reason that I was so upset with you two was because I was jealous, honestly. You both made it look so easy and there I was struggling to change a diaper or struggling to calm her down. I was really stupid. And I - I miss Ellie so much. I'd change a million diapers if it meant Molly would let me see her again."​ "Hey, you're going to see her again, okay? Our son is going to need a little best friend growing up," he told Nathan with a small smile on his face. "We'll figure this all out, you know? Everything will work itself out, I know it."
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #10: “He wanted to have this ginormous dick energy" - Brian
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Well losing Keaton wasn't in the plan. He was one of my closest allies. I may have screwed things up with Brian. Maybe if I can come up with a lie good enough, we could believe me. Sharky knows that I liked Keaton so maybe theres still trust there. Hopefully. Im still working with Nathan but hopefully he still wants to work with me even though Keaton is gone. I know for sure that I have Bryce. At least that's one ally but who knows.
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OKAY OKAY OKAY. Thank fucking GOD. Everything worked out. All the other votes were for Matt so there is no question who is a liar. Because everyone is a liar. But it doesn't matter because our plan worked. Matt is still here. I'm still here. AND KEATON IS NOT!!! Now of course everybody is scrambling to apologize to me. Nick is like oh it was so last minute. Maynor is like "i liked you both so it would keep you both". Nathan is spewing some nonsense. Bryce honestly kind of owned up and laughed it off which tbh i respect. And of course my girl Anna checked in and I told her we are golden. Because we are. Anna was 100% up front with me about this plan so I trust her A LOT now. I told her Brian and I didn't tell Matt about the plan, which is a lie, but it's the smart thing to tell her because it keeps her from being put in another tough position. And I never told Matt Anna was the leak. So Anna should be safe from any fallout after this vote. Nothing to do now but move forward and hopefully Matt or I win immunity and the FB Bois can carry on.
Update: I'm sure as hell not winning immunity because I only got 3 out of 25. Embarrassing. Physical threat who?
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Bryce is my final 2.  There, I've said it.  I'm 100% solid on this man as my fellow finalist!  I really hope that we are able to navigate our way to finals together... like, we have our plans, we spilled all the tea... basically Nick and Maynor just continuously lied to me, and like... idk... I feel like Bryce could be lying, but I just feel too good about this connection that I think it's a real final deal.
So fuck me with a spoon and call me Sally because I finally feel amazing about an ally to the end.
Also, we have our "potential vote order."
8. Nick - A goat that could just be brought to the end.  He's not too bad, but he's also someone who could easily replace me in the Sharky-Matt-me trio. 7. Annabelle - Break her duo with Nathan up while also breaking her trust circle with Sharky.  I think it would be ideal for me to take her out now. 6. Sharky - He's the biggest threat and you can't keep the biggest threat around for too long, no matter how much you trust them.
Top 5: Me, Bryce, Nathan, Matt, and Maynor.  This isn't the cutest final 5 ever, but I feel like this sets me and Bryce up for the best final 2.
5. Biggest challenge threat, whoever that may be. 4. Biggest challenge threat now (if it's final 2).  If it's final 3, then biggest jury threat. 3. Final loser (if it's final 2).
1+2. Me and Bryce.  Kings.
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omg so brian is my f2 now and thats so iconic... so we think the boot order is gonna be like nick anna sharky and then reevaluate for comp threats.... like so i didnt want to vote matt bc i didnt want to lie to brian bc i really wanted to work with him but nathan convinced me to anyway esp bc we knew anna voted matt already and then GHOSTED. but then matt played idol so someone (maybe nick) prob told him/sharky about the plan... sketchy anyway it worked out bc i hate keaton and am happy hes gone. so when tribal ended i noticed sharky brian matt werent leaving call and they were all the minority voters... well majority bc of the idol... so i went into damage control. it was so iconic bc i didnt even pm sharky or matt just brian bc i really only felt bad about lying to him bc i wanted to work with him so much and matt doesnt respond that much and well sharky maybe i was a lil bad feeling about lying but w/e. i just joked around with them didnt hide anything and was my usual charming self... so i was honest with them about what happened bc i realized like i dont want to work with ppl who lie to me. i forgot if i mentioned this but like keaton and nick refused to tell me they were voting matt even tho we were all supposed to be in on it. and while everyone else was lying about why they voted or when the plan was formed i decided to be forth right. idk if thatll come back to haunt me but hope not NNNN. i was on that call for 7 hours. thats dedication NFJAJDFSHKAJS although they were all iconic and fun to talk to anyway so wasnt that hard but i sleep at midnight the latest usually and it was 2am. but w/e i pushed through bc tiredness is passing but positioning myself properly is NECESSARY. once it was just brian and i we shared everything or at least i did KJFASDKJFA he kept being a lil shady but i think it was fair bc i did just lie to him. i told him about nathans vote spy and the og absolem (minus nick) alliance and all the stuff ppl were saying and he told me about how he knew of matts idol bc he himself had a vote steal and they traded info. so loved that tbh!!! like if we have to use it this round itll set us up good it think, plan is to take out nick bc he can be goated to the end and flipped to and we dont want that. then anna bc shes good at comps and wanna split nathan/anna up. then hopefully work with maynor/nathan/(maybe matt) to vote out sharky bc if he gets to the end he'd win we feel like. after that we gotta see who we can beat in comps so we can beast our way to the f2. we think its f2 bc how days line up but like im bad at math so KFJASDHFJSD. anyways me and brian are like the michele and cydney that make it to the end so get ready for that. sorry nathan, thank you next!
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I dont know if i said it last confessional but losing Keaton at the moment was really bad. He trusted me and was working with me. But now it looks like Matt want to start a little alliance. Sharky wasnt bad, was just happy it wasnt him, and Brian not mad but upset. I think i literally may be working with everyone left. Scream team with Sharky. OG Dinah with Brian. Shatter but still together me nathan annabelle and bryce. My rams alliance with bryce. And nick talks to me but is only one who hasnt said we should work together.
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So we out here still! I am really happy that the idol play worked and it seems to have shaken the 5 who voted against myself, brian and sharky a lot. they are all seemingly panicking and its quite amusing to watch ngl. However, I am pretty sure I can capitalise on this to my own advantage, to swing the numbers my way or at least to take myself to like 5th (which for me is always a good placing). I am sure as hell not done playing yet so woo lets go bitches!
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worried brian is closer to matt than me... annabelle once again ignoring. i dont know how to have a convo with matt like on call sure easy love it on discord? not happening. nick... maynor seems off today but we still chatted for a while... maybe im over? whomst knows! love ain
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These questions were all out of left field like wow. I didn't even get to read all the questions. I randomly looked at a question and picked a number. I actually knew more of them than the ones I picked. I only got one right and that was Mickey Mouse and I don't even like him that much. Lets hope people are thrown off by these questions and panic like I did.
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So Nathan has come and apologized. I really do believe his plan, although it was super selfish, was to get our group of 4 further. So I'm not mad. But the thing is that more so than Nathan lying it showed that he has real POWER in this game. He was able to get a 6 person majority to do what he wanted and convinced them all to lie to me and Brian. So he won't be my next target because he has my back but I don't have his anymore so he better watch out. Nathan is the biggest threat left in this game.
Okay so it's seems all is at peace. Anna had been worried that Nathan would come after me but it seems that passed. And The Jock Destroyers Alliance actually seems to be on the same page for once. Nick is just seeming like an unknown to all of us and we want to cut down on unknowns this late in the game. None of us can guarantee Nick is with us and that is worrisome. So as much as I've tried to work with Nick these past few weeks it might be time to cut my goat loose and move on with a new flock. I guess we'll find out.
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I WON IMMUNITY!!! My wig is flown... now I can be more ballsy over the next 24 hours.  I want Nick gone.  For Nathan and Sharky to think that they're the ones doing this, though, is so annoying because I was literally the one to open this can of worms.  In addition, the reason I want Nick gone is because I want him out of Sharky's ass.  I don't need the two of them to be besties anymore!  I know Sharky is OK with voting him out, but I know Nick thinks him and Sharky are like besties so...
I think that 5 that voted Matt last round were thrown into a tizzy when Keaton went, and so I'm just out here like... lemme revel in the chaos!  Maynor and Nathan both were so anxious for my reaction... Nick went explaining to me right away what happened... ugh!!  My mind is so big... Sending Nick home this round will be one step closer to fulfilling my top 2 fantasy with Bryce.  I love it so much.  I really hope all goes to plan, but I am immune so I can't really be too worried since I'll still be here after 24 hours lmfao!!
I would love to be the hero by the end of this season, but I already see my villain arc coming up, and I'm left sitting here like... well, it was bound to happen.  The second I turn on Sharky is the second I hit that arc, and it's a plan that's coming sooner rather than later!!
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i feel like... im going home its so quiet like brian won immunity and pushed on nick so like he should go but its just so quiet hm.
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Well. It looks like it might be me. 🤷‍♂️ No one hs been talking to me so I guess its may be my last day!?
So the vote is either between Me or Nick tonight. And i dont like that. Going to see if I can get Nick and atleast 2 other votes to atleast make it a tie. The only other option right now is to take out Sharky. Im looking to try and get Bryce, Nick, and hopefully Nathan. Brian is safe. That leaves Matt, Annabelle, and Sharky. So like 🤷‍♂️ Imma go out fighting if its me.
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So like, this tribal is really quite quiet, but seems to have a clear target in  Nick. SOmething of which i will HAPPILY take for myself, as I am just fed up of getting voted atm lmao. Like yes please just give me 1 round of respite then you may come for me again cause I will be ready. I feel close to Maynor and Nathan, mainly cause I have worked on them over the past few days so i feel good about myself and where i stand. will I win? probably not. Am i ok with that? no but if I have to settle I will
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Okay for once it seems like there isn't much scrambling. I could be completely wrong and I'll get sent packing but who knows. It should be a quick and easy vote for Nick.
I jinxed it. The moment I said it should be easy NICK GOES OFF IN THE TRIBE CHAT. Trying to basically threaten all of us with the idea that he may have another idol. THEN BRIAN CALLS HIM OUT. And he puts Nick on blast for leaking the Matt plan to us. Which he did do. BUT Anna is actually the one who told us. So Nick either actually has an advantage and will save himself (in which case I don't think I'm his target) or his whole game just BLEW UP. It's messy messy messy.
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Well Nick just ruined all the possibilities ih trying to save him. Nathan doesnt seem like we could get the votes so that also gets rid of Annabelle because they are very tight. So my vote is gunna be Nick but just watch its actually me. 🤷‍♂️  I would die but nothing i can really do know.
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maybe im boo boo the fool??? theres been iconic fights and stuff and now nick is gonna vote me which is rude but he says hes voting maynor but i doubt that bc maynor tried to save him earlier this round so idk whats happening ppl are saying like dont worry he doesnt have the votes but what if he idols or what if ppl flip or like i dont want any vote against me in the first place. all these ppl so stable bc they arent the ones getting voted. the AUDACITY nick has when ive put up with his bland unanswering self for all these weeks to vote me on his way out??? no ty!!! maynor is like the most NNN idk he just has the worst pokerface i went with his annoying save keaton plan last week and im pretty sure he is going to vote me now too like... maybe dont do that what happen to the stupid :rams: :rams: aries thing we had going... make it add up!
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Looks like I’m going home... the only chance I have at staying is if bryce gets out but I’m worried that’s not going to happen... I guess we will see wha happens in a few hours…
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AHH!!  So I got into a fight with Nick earlier.  He wanted to have this ginormous dick energy in the main chat about powers he has and how he KNOWS who mentioned his name... girl, you know NOTHING!  He still thinks I've voted for him twice, and highkey if I had read my PMs about the idol before 7:45pm, then I would've voted for him exactly Z E R O times.  So fucking ugly...
So yea, I fought him.  And I'd say I won.  I just hope everyone sends his ass home.  Bryce and Nathan are updating me on, like, everything, and we have Maynor who just is beyond sketchy with his PMs.... I really just... WHEW.... I hope Nick's straight ass goes home and it isn't Bryce.
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This tribal is going to be one big fat mess... but like i’m ready for it
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I dont really want to do Nick tonight but its the best thing for now not to rock the boat. Im just hoping that everyone isnt lying and its some how me tonight. 🤷‍♂️ Just need to trust people who are saying they are doing Nick. But having a weird feeling and hopefully its a false alarm.
Tbh Brian not voting makes me feel sketch about tonight. It may be nothing and just me being worried that my name was thrown out. He said he was going to sleep early but he could have voted early for Nick so like. 🤷‍♂️ Paranoid and im going to die.
Nick is voted out 5-1-1.
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thefloorisbalaclava · 4 years
Ohhh ok something that partially happened while I was working at a garage. Mechanic frankie catching you after you trip when coming to look at your car. He apologises for getting your clothes dirty but of course he is forgiven as how could you not when he offers you dinner to make up for it
[mechanic!frankie masterlist]
Warnings: I mentioned that mechanic!frankie is a widower and he talks about his wife briefly here.
A/N: I’m writing this as a continuation to this.
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“What seems to be the problem today, ma’am?” Frankie asked playfully as you got out of your car. You thought for a moment then smiled at him.
“Oil change?” You shrugged.
“Are you asking or telling me?” he teased, chuckling when you made a face. “You know, I think this is the third time you’ve brought your car in for an oil change,” he joked.
“I know, I know.” He smiled and watched as you walked toward him. Suddenly his smile fell when you took a wrong step and went falling. He caught you just in time--his arms wrapped around you and his hands pressed to your back.
“Thank you,” you breathed. “Some meet-cute, huh?” You hoped he never let go, but he had to. He made a face as you stood up straight again. “What?”
“Shit...I’m sorry.” He gestured to your shirt which was now smudged with the motor oil and whatever else from the front of his coveralls. “I’ll, uh, I’ll pay for the dry cleaning.”
“Frankie, don’t be ridiculous. It’s just a shirt. I didn’t exactly dress for tripping and falling into your arms today,” you said with a smile.
“Well, if you won’t let me do that for you at least let me make you dinner.” As he expected, you looked at him, shocked. “Yes, I can cook. And don’t worry, I make sure my hands are clean first.” He held up his greasy hands and you laughed.
“Tonight?” you asked and he nodded. “So...does this count as that date we’re supposed to go on?”
“If you want it to.”
“More than anything,” you said in a breathy tone that you quickly covered up by clearing your throat. 
“Okay great,” he said happily and you stared at him. “Uh...”
“I need your address.”
“Oh! Right. You can follow me over here.” He looked back, “Just watch your step.”
You rolled your eyes. “Very funny.”
He wrote down his address and passed you the piece of paper. “That’s me. What time is good for you?” he asked.
“Whatever time is good for you. I know you need time to get home and cook and stuff so you tell me.”
“7:30 good?” he suggested.
“That’s fine. I’ll see you then.” You turned and started to walk away.
“I promise your shirt will stay clean unless you’re a messy eater or something,” he called behind you.
You stopped and turned to him again. “You’re full of jokes today, aren’t you? Should I bring anything?”
“Just yourself.” He nodded as you waved goodbye and got into your car. One of his workers cleared his throat and when Frankie turned to him, he was grinning. “All right. Get back to work.” He threw a rag at him and went into his office.
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You sat in the car in front of his house for a few minutes before getting out and walking to his door. When he opened it, his smile grew and so did his dimple--something you found completely endearing.
“You’re here,” he said, welcoming you inside.
“Did you think I wouldn’t show?” you asked as you looked around.
“I don’t know but I’m happy you’re here.” He stood there for a moment. “I would offer to take your coat, but you don’t have one.” You sensed what was wrong right away.
“When’s the last time you had someone come over for dinner?” you asked.
“Uh...long time. Obvious, huh?” He laughed awkwardly.
You put your hands on his arms. “It’s okay, Frankie.”
“Yeah...yeah, you’re right. Can I get you anything? I have whiskey, wine, and beer...unless you just want some water or soda.”
“I’m fine for now.” You took a deep breath. “Whatever you’re making smells delicious.”
“Thanks. Still got about ten minutes. Is that okay? You don’t mind waiting?”
“Not at all.” You finally took your hands from his arms.
“Make yourself comfortable. Shout if you need anything.” He walked to the kitchen and you began walking around the living room. It was very simple and neat and he obviously had a dog judging by the box of toys in the corner. You walked over to the small fireplace and looked at the pictures on the mantle. You giggled at the one of him when he was young, smiling brightly, with the same dimple present.
“You were in the military?” you asked loudly enough for him to hear as you picked up the photo of him in his BDU.
“Yup, army,” he responded.
You replaced a photo and looked at the next one--it was of a beautiful woman with a lovely smile.
“She died,” Frankie said and you turned to face him. “My wife. Three years ago now.”
“I’m sorry, Frankie.” You turned to put the photo back then touched it gently. “She was beautiful.”
“Yeah...dinner’s served,” he said with a small smile. You walked over and touched his arm. He led you into the kitchen and pulled a chair out for you.
“Thank you.”
“Drink?” He waited for your answer.
“I’ll take a beer,” you said and he nodded. Little by little, you were making your way into his heart--a heart he had guarded for three years. He placed the bottle in front of you and you thanked him. “Now, are you gonna tell me what we’re having?”
“It’s Chilean Ajiaco,” he said as he sat down. “Tell me what you think.”
“Okay...” You picked up your spoon then looked back up only to see Frankie watching you. “You’re really gonna watch me do this, huh?”
“Fine.” You ate a spoonful, closing your eyes at the taste. “Okay...wow!” The serious look on Frankie’s face changed to a smile.
“Good?” he asked and you nodded. “Ha!”
“Excuse my language but this is fucking delicious, Frankie.” You took another spoonful and he chuckled.
“I’m glad you think so.”
Over dinner, you two talked about everything from your childhood to his time in the military. You found out he was a helicopter pilot and was an only child. When he began cleaning up, you found yourself looking at him and enjoying the way he looked without his coveralls...again. He nearly caught you looking a few times.
“Need some help?” you asked.
“I’ll wash ‘em later. Want another beer? We can continue our conversation in the living room...if you want.”
He grabbed two more beers and walked into the living room with you, sitting on the large sofa. You joined him there as he opened your beer for you.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve done something like this,” you confessed.
“Yeah. You wanna know something else?” you asked and he lifted his eyebrows. “This is probably the best first date I’ve ever had.”
He scoffed. “You’re just saying that.”
“No, I mean it. The food was delicious, the company was...great. Thank you for this.” You lifted your beer and he carefully tapped his bottle against yours.
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When it came time for you to leave, you both lingered at the door. You stood outside while he casually leaned against the doorframe.
“You good to drive?” he asked.
“I only had two beers, Frankie,” you reminded him.
“I’m still allowed to worry,” he said.
“Thanks again. I had so much fun.” You hesitated for a minute. “Maybe next time I can cook for you.”
“Next time? You...wanna do this again?” He pointed between the two of you.
“I do.” You stood there for a moment before moving closer and hugging him. “I really do.”
“Oh...” When he hugged back, you had never felt safer in your life. You pulled back a little and looked at him before moving in slowly and kissing the corner of his lips.
“Goodnight Frankie.”
“Goodnight,” he said quietly. He waited until you drove away to go inside, touching the corner of his mouth gently and smiling excitedly. 
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frankie taglist: @fakenoods @oldstuffnewstuff @the-bird-suit @lestrange2703 @findhimfives @windfallss @rach7 @surfsup666 @theghostwiththemost-babe @marshmallow--3 @mrschiltoncat @aplaceofpeace @josepedropascal @mitchi-c @jeeperky @allthingsnarcos @laymegentlytorest @stanfordscrush @fangirlingss @nathan-bateman @darthdumbasss @helga1031 @master-obi-wan-kenboneme @heythere80sbaby @deserttastesbitter @dindjstarin @mandodjarinn @frankie-stein18 @funkylittlebisexuall @16boyfriends-and-me @marvelousmermaid @slugbuggie @ladyblogger-margie @queenbbarnes @dodgerandevans @terrormonster55 @queridopascal @hells-bells-x @allmahfeels @elizabeth-von-winken-universe @blackberries45 @darnitdraco @nemo-my-name-forevermore @dindjarinneedsahug @pascalpanic
permanent taglist: @magicsuperheroes @feelmyroarrrr @the-dazzling-urbanite @phoenixhalliwell @liveloudwriteloud @tumblogbykarapaloma @jaime1110 @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @pascal-isaac @dazedrhapsody @pascalisthepunkest @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @tiffdawg @freak-of-nature2002 @kingpascals @saltywintersoldat @theocatkov @mandilflorian @cyaredindjarin @themarcusmoreno @the-feckless-wonder @loki-098 @arabellathorne @dindisneydjarin @punkpascal @opheliaelysia @takens-world @huliabitch @stardelic @kandomeresbitch @havenforafrazzledmind @thisis-theway @stardust-galaxies @mrsparknuts @jedi-mando @frankiemorales @edencherries @lilkermit14 @virtualxjournality @thirstworldproblemss @emesispo @heresathreebee @tangledlove27 @marvgrrl @hayley-the-comet @insoucianttt @witchyavenger @coaaster @starless-eyes-remain @wanderlustmags @wonderfulfluffer @lv7867 @pedropasscals @pedroepascal @wigwitch @seasonschange-butpeopledont @theoria850 @roxypeanut @autumnleaves1991-blog @kenedyybrooklin @artsymaddie @dindjareen @silverfish-kingdom @heyitmelexie @gredandfeorgesgirl @mandaloriandindjarin @moonlight-prose @rosiefridayrogersunday @ssppoorrkk @amalie-buch @lucifer- @mstgsmy @randomness501 @darthadeline @youarenewformetoo @thehippiequilter @whovian-gurl @neverlandlibrarian @chibi-liz05 @dragons-of-the-usa @over300books @borderlinedindjarin @mudhornchronicles @cosmoschick @linkpk88 @lovingramsey @djvrins @escapedthesarlacc @coni-martina @pedrospunk @burrshottfirstt @jitterbugs927 @xserenax-13 @anatanotegami @doin-stuff @djarinsruni @aerolanya @icanbeyourjedi @bison-writes @strangelittlenobody @dinsbeskar @sarahjkl82-blog @neontiiger @houseofthirst @intu-witch-tion @ennuiandthebourgeoisie @littlebopper96 @boxdyeblonde @empressamidala @myheart-pedro @mtjoi @purplepascal042 @goalkeepernerd @rebelliouscat @leaiorganas @eternallyvenus @mandocrest @kellyozz @the-wishmonger @maythxthirstbxwithyou @andiebell2023 @moonlightburned @videogamesandpoorlifechoices @leonieb @freeshavocadoooo @auroraariza @kalimont83 @notabotiswear @martellthemandalor @beesting77 @medeasmiles @diaryofkali @mando-amando @venusdjarin @mystical-934 @blackmarketmummy @hauntedmama @mamacitapascal @insomniamamma
i hope everyone is where they want to be! let me know if you want to be changed around! join a taglist here!
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