#and Deniss oh my god
thisthisthisandthis · 2 years
I’m in shock actually I’m speechless
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macaroni-rascal · 6 months
Montreal Worlds 2024 Day 2&3
HOLY WOW! What a couple days that was. This is going to be a wild ramble and bullet point list of things that I can remember and stick out in the onslaught of skating that I've seen in the past 48 hours. It's also 11:30pm, so bear with me.
Roman clean program? In front of me and God and all of Montreal? Utterly wild, so exciting in the building.
Aleksandr Selevko is such a force, I enjoyed his skate SO much, what a magnetic skater.
JASON BROWN. What a serve, he is so beloved, you could just tell the whole crowd was so behind him and love him so much, it was such a stunning piece of skating.
The announcer's saying Lukas Britschgi instead of Deniss was so hilarious, and he had a lovely skate to boot.
Speaking of Lukas, LOVED him, he's so fun.
YUMAAAAAAAA. That is all.
Shoma Uno made me cry and he needs to pay for emotional damages, he had such a good warm up I was buzzing and kept excitedly hitting my friend's knee whenever he landed another clean jump. QUAD TOE TRIPLE TOE!
Ilia was there.
DEANNA STELLATO THE WOMAN THAT YOU ARE. The fact that she normally has such an intense reaction post good skate, but instead this time she just leaned forward, half crying, going 'oh my god' made me cry too. The roof blew off the fucking place. It was a singular moment in my life. I am just so unbelievably happy for her and all that she has achieved. Max was so good, so steady, so fucking wonderful. I am in awe of this team.
Glad M/K went back to that free program, a shame about her doubling, and wow did she ever take it hard. It's definitely their best program, for the love of God Bruno Marcotte STOP LETTING YOUR FUCKING SISTER CHOREOGRAPH EVERY SINGLE PROGRAM. DON'T ME COME TO OAKVILLE! I'LL DO IT!
So so happy for Hase and Volodin, they had such a lovely skate, a very well deserved medal, they've had such momentum all season.
Moment of silence of Conti and Macii, that was rough.
Pairs in person made me age about 15 years, so if I have grey hair in the coming months, I know who to blame. Holy shit, it's exhilarating but also tense as hell. I loved it!
Hannah Lim, you're a fucking star.
Mrazkes are deeply underwhelming, like wow, they skate very small.
Lopareva and Brissaud also skate very very small. I kept looking up at the time thinking the program would be over and it wasn't. Not a fan at all.
Cpom CRUSHED IT and it was so awesome to see.
LAJOIE AND LAGHA MY LOVES! Easily the performance of the night, and not even close. So glad they got here after battling injury, so proud of them.
Gilles and Poirier are slooooooooooow. Very slow. Maybe the slowest of the last two groups. It's glaring. How have they not worked on this? They also skate small.
Guignard and Fabbri had a good lift, and a cringe everything else.
I just watched Evan during their performance and wow does he do not a lot. It's the Madi show and he's barely a supporting actor.
Fear and Gibson were there.
Besides her heinous jumps, Isabeau created a moment, and it was lovely to experience.
Big ups to Chaeyon Kim for a solid, if boring and slightly cold, free skate. On this night, a well deserved bronze.
Leona, oh Leona. The whole crowd deflated when she fell. Such a shame.
OKAY SO CUTE MOMENT! So Kimmy Repond's dad was sitting ldown and across from me two rows, he was about 4 feet from me. I didn't know he was her dad at the start, but I knew by the end, because he was SO dad about the whole skate. Then when she skated clean, he jumped up, a man below me went and shook his hand and went "Are you her dad?" and he got tears in his eyes, put his hand on his chest, and went 'She is my daughter." I just about sobbed my brains out. So beautiful. He then didn't clap once for the next Swiss skater, which I do not fault him for, major dad behaviour.
Moment of silence for Amber Glenn.
Josefin Taljegard, I love you.
The people around me and I all started chatting about 30 minutes into the women's free skate, by the end of it, I would go to war for all of them. Camaraderie between skating fans is very fun.
Still a giant fuck you to the woman who asked me if NikS. raped me when I pointed out to my friend he shouldn't be competing, special place in hell for you, you hot garbage person.
I got very cold during the women's free, got a hot chocolate, it wasn't good, but it saved my life, and for that I thank it.
Accidentally got up late (9:36am for a rendez vous at 10am) for breakfast with my brother, still arrived at 10:01am, I am a superhero.
Still fuck the seats in the venue, they need about 4 inches on all sides to be even remotely comfortable, including 4 more inches of leg room. We are humans, not dead sardines, for the love of GOD.
Kaori's speed and power made me gasp a few times.
I can't remember anything else but I know other things happened, ah well, it's almost midnight, I ordered late night pizza take out like a boss, I'm gonna eat that, unwind, and hopefully sleep more than four hours.
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yuzu-all-the-way · 2 years
This sounds like the Yuzu ACI Origin when the judges didn't clearly know which was the ChSq😃
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Annie Johnson (OFC)
Summary: It’s time to choose the dress.
Warnings: NONE.
A/N:  You have no ideas how many “say yes to the dress” videos I watched to write this! Also Melissa Benedict is not a real person. The final dress is at the end of this piece of writing.
Word count: 1339
Disclaimer: I do not give permission for any of my works to be copied, used, translated nor reposted anywhere else but here on this blog. Do not steal what you didn’t work for. Minors and ageless blank blogs don’t interact with me or my works. Reblogs and likes are always welcome. Thank you for reading this work of fiction.
GIF'S not mine, you can find the credits in each gif :)
 Melissa Benedict, was one of the most famous wedding dress designers of Boston. And to get an appointment with her was almost impossible, it was known that some people made appointments with a 2 year gap before the wedding. But Annie and Andy only had a year, and right now it was only 6 months till the wedding. Annie had seen other options of dresses in different magazines, but no matter what, she always like best one of her designs.
“I can believe we are going to Melissa Benedict’s shop!” Sharon said looking to the rare mirror to see Annie.
“I know! I can’t believe Andy found a spot for me.”
“Thank god he felt awful for not paying attention to you,” Mark said who had his eyes focus on the road. “I hope next time he gives you a new car.”
“Remember we have to pick up Martha. She would kill me if I don’t take her to see the dresses.”
------------- (     )---------------
“What you mean I can’t go?” Tom said.
“I don’t want you to see the dress.”
“I’m your brother, not the groom! I have every right to be there and give you my input in what you should wear to the wedding.”
“No, besides, who will take care of Denisse?
--------------(     )---------------
Annie, Sharon, Mark, Martha, Tom and little Denisse arrived to the boutique at 11:00. They walked into the shop and it was packed! They could see there were at least 15 brides inside, along with their families. The shop looked expensive, white, silver and gold on the walls, twinkle lights in some corners, a big chandelier hanging from the reception roof.
“Welcome to Melissa Benedict!” A young blonde woman greet them, “Do you have an appointment?”
“Yes, my name is Annie Johnson.”
“Annie Jonhson? Let me check.” The girl quickly type the name on her computer, “I’m sorry, there is no Johnson. We have a Barber.”
“That’s me! My fiancé’s name is Barber.”
“Marking territory already,” the girl giggled. “Melissa will see you now, let me just call her.”
“Wait, what????”
A couple of minutes later, Melissa Benedict herself walked towards them.
“Hi! Welcome to my shop!” She shook Annie’s hand, “Annie, right?”
“Your fiancé called me, saying he messed up and wanted to make it up to you; and who am I to say no to a man who wants to make her woman happy?” Annie laughed, “He sounded very sorry. Are you ready?” Annie just nodded, she was in awe, “Perfect! Follow me.” They walked further into the shop, “So, who are all these people?”
“OH! These are my friends, that is my sister in law, and that’s my brother and my niece.” Annie finished as they sat in a small living area.
“And, what exactly are you looking for?”
“Well, I was looking for a simple dress, mermaid cut, you know like form fitting. I’m not very into stones, I could do lace, but I don’t want sparkles.”
“Do you have a budget?”
“Yes, two thousand.”
“Awesome! So, I will steal the bride from you guys. I’ll meet you at the dressing rooms.”
While Annie went to the dressing room, Melissa walked around the shop choosing different dresses for her client. She was taking a dress out of the rack when Tom approached her.
“Hi, miss?”
“Oh, Hi! Annie’s brother?” she said trying to remember his name.
“Yes, Tom, hi. Look I saw a dress when we walked into the shop and it is definitely not what my sister has in mind and I was thinking you can put the dress into her options.”
“I can do that. Just remember we can force her to buy it if she doesn’t like it.”
“I understand, I just want to see her in that dress.”
“Sure! Show me which one?”
Tom walked almost to the entrance and pointed to a dress in a mannequin.
“Oh my god! Beautiful choice! I’ll get one for her.” She when back to the back and disappeared.
Annie was sitting on a chair inside the dressing room with a satin white robe waiting for her dresses. The door opened and Melissa walked in along with another girl, carrying 4 dresses each.
“Ok! So I have some choices from what you told me you want, we have white, nude, off white, champagne.”
“Those are a lot of options.”
Annie walked out of the dressing room, a white dress with a heart shape cleavage, it has stones in the bodice, and a short trail at the bottom. She stood in front of the mirror right in front of her family.
“So, what’d you think?” Melissa asked.
“It’s pretty.”
“You don’t seem too convince.” Sharon said.
“It’s just the stones, I don’t like them. The dress it’s beautiful,” She turned to see Melissa, “I don’t want to be disrespectful.”
“No problem, darling. I’m not offended.” She smiled.
“I don’t think that’s the dress for you.” Tom said frankly.
“Yeah, me neither.” She thought for a moment, “I want Andy to die when he sees me!” Everyone laughed, “Too much?”
“Of course not! It’s your wedding day. Although I don’t think you want to be a widow so soon. Let’s get you another dress.”
Four dresses later and Annie was still in the dressing room. She was starting to get anxious and stress.
“Tell me what’s wrong?” Melissa said.
“What if I don’t find a dress?”
“We will find you a dress. I need you to breath.” Annie took a deep breath, “We are here to have a good time. I don’t want you to stress out. If I need to take out 30 more dresses, I will.” Annie nodded, “On the meantime, I have a dress your brother chose.”
“I’m sorry?”
“He just want to see you in it.” Melissa opened the bag where the dress was in, “It’s not the style you are looking for but it is a gorgeous dress. How about if you amuse him? You can relaxed for a bit.”
“Ok.” Melissa took out the dress, “That’s… a bit puffy.”
Annie walked out of the dressing room for the fifth time of the day. When she walked pass her family, all of them gasped.
“Oh my god!” Sharon said.
“You look so pretty!!!” Mark said.
The dress was a soft nude ruched tulle ball gown. It had a detailed beaded bodice and a low back.
“Oh God.” Annie said softly as she saw herself in the mirror. “This is gorgeous!” She turned to see her family and Tom was crying. “Are you ok?”
“You look beautiful.” He sniffed and cleaned his eyes. “Mom and dad would’ve been so proud.”
“Stop! I don’t wanna cry!” But you know she was already teary. “How much is this dress?”
“Well…” Melissa began, “It’s five thousand.”
Annie’s face immediately fell, “That’s three thousand more.”
“Do you like this dress?” Tom asked.
“I love it! Who would’ve thought you had good taste!”
“If you want it, you can have it, I can pay it for you.”
“Are you serious???”
“Yes, of course.”
Annie ran the short distance between her and her brother almost tackling him. “Thank you!!!!!”
“Ok, let’s get you a veil.” Melissa left them alone for a moment to return with a thin tiara and a long veil that match perfectly the color of the dress. She helped Annie put them on. “So this is pretty much how you can look in your wedding.” Annie turned to see herself in the mirror one more time, “We can always change the tiara and the veil; remember it’s just for you to have an idea of the complete look.”
“I love it!”
“So is this your wedding dress?”
“This is my wedding dress!!!!”
“Perfect! Let’s take it off, so you can take it home.”
Four dresses later, Annie found the perfect dress. The one she knew Andy would die when she sees her walking down the aisle.
One less thing to worry about.
Six months until the wedding.
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Wedding dress: Lazaro style 3700
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bluespring864 · 2 years
Okay, still in slight disbelief, but I actually met Jason Brown last night. Yes, really, you read that right. Let me scream about that for a minute, please.
So… I decided a few weeks back to undertake the 12h train journey from where I live to Art on Ice Davos to watch Jason (and Satoko, and Deniss, and Ilia, and Loena and Gabi and Guillaume etc.). A nice sunny day in a Swiss mountain ressort was a nice bonus of course :-)
I also decided that, on the off-chance that I would get in hollering distance of one Jason Brown, I'd have to thank him for helping me get through the pandemic with his beautiful skating. Well, off I went, had a great day travelling and skating on the outdoor rink in Davos and eating cheese fondue, and then I watched the (really cool, for the most part, except for the moderator) show. Afterwards, I walked around the arena before leaving and of course just simply had to check my phone for a minute or two right in front of the VIP entrance ;-) And, as luck would have it, who should walk out while I was standing there?
So I said "Um, hi" and said my piece and I would have been happy with that, but of course, Jason being Jason, he stopped dead in his tracks, said "Oh my god, thank you, that means so much!" and proceeded to talk to me and HUG ME and then, as if that hadn't been enough, HE asked ME if I wanted a picture (I cannot stress this enough, he really asked me, not the other way round, what an absolute sweetheart) and I said "well, if you don't mind" and he went "let's do this!" in typical exuberant Jason fashion and when the lighting turned out to be rather bad he immediately asked if I wanted to redo the picture and I went "no, no it's fine and he fucking asked "ARE YOU SURE?" and continued the conversation and left it to me to say "You must be tired" at some point (what I didn't say, but thought, was 'um, Queen Satoko is waiting for you over there and starting to glare daggers at me, I think she wants to go back to the hotel for her beauty sleep' :D) Anyway, I wished him luck for Worlds, he offered another hug and that was that <3
In conclusion: they say never meet your heros, but I would like to add 'but absolutely do meet them if they happen to be Jason Brown'. End of story :-)
P.S. He also said he hopes he'll be able to perform in Europe again next year, fingers crossed for that!
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comehomet0myheart · 2 years
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alittlebitmaybe · 2 years
do you have any recs for good skates to watch from this season so far?
elsa i am so sorry you asked. here we go
(bolded skaters are going to the gpf)
(all links require a vpn bc isu youtube hates usa; rec using opera browser's built in free vpn)
i mainly follow singles, so i'll mostly stick with those, but for pairs stellato-dudek/deschamps are absolute breakouts featuring queen deanna who is the oldest gp medalist and oldest gp gold medalist !!! stan deanna. i rec watching their skate america skates, particularly their short. i wept
ALSO for dance by far my favorite thing i've seen is demougeot/le mercier's weird ass sad mime ex which hits EVERY time.
ANYWAY. to the shit i actually care about deeply
rika kihira's titanic free from sci: the nhk one was probably better technically but i saw this one in person in the front row and wept the entire time. outstanding vibes. beautiful skating.
kaori sakamoto's sia free from skam: speaking of things i saw live from the second row and wept through. that's MY world champion
mai mihara's espoo short and also her sheffield free: 30 point grand prix queen enough said
yelim kim's short and free from nhk: won nhk against an absolutely stacked lineup of women. has one of the most beautiful ina bauers in existence
honorable mentions that i'm not going to find the links for: every single thing gracie gold did at skam. listen to the audience reactions for her!!! absolutely not a dry eye in the house. also amber glenn did incredible at skam, if you're into her. also faves rinka watanabe at sci and loena hendrickx at angers to round out the gpf lineup. (uhhhh. minus isabeau who is talented but i don't care for as a skater atm)
oh god
shoma uno's nhk free and exhibition: this tiny man owns my entire ass. i also saw both of these skates live and my brain turned to mush and i made noises no human should ever make but i think the nhk ones are better. his short also fucks but he keeps screwing it up lmao. these are some of my favorite programs of all time tbh
roman sadovsky's nebelhorn trophy short: romsky is my goated flop worstie parasocial boyfriend and this program fucks. what if he could ever pull off a free skate.
adam siao him fa's short program from angers: i mean. my god. he did that
kao miura's short program from skam: had no expectations from this kid and then he comes out and drops a 94 point sp in front of us. TWO WEEKS IN A ROW. IN FRONT OF MY EYES. this program is fucking incredible except for the slowest cannonball spin of all time. his beauty and the beast free is also sooo fun but it WILL get stuck in your head and he keeps having bad falls on the first jump
kazuki tomono's miyavi ex: king of gala skates strikes again. pleaaaase learn how to jump for the actual competitions
deniss vasiljevs's sheffield free and sci ex: does the free hit as well without knowing how hard he flopped it during sci? idk and idc. his englishman in new york sp is also worth a watch. we love u deniss. anyway the sci ex happened in front of me and stopped my brain function for like half an hour
junhwan cha's nhk free and skam short: the second we saw jun skate in person we dedicated our lives to seeing him skate again. please know that a good portion of that intensely high pitched screaming from skam is me and kim and lee anne. it was his BIRTHDAY
keegan messing's free at sci: now, this one is simply for the vibes. it was his last ever skate canada and the vibes during this event were terrible. everyone was flopping. energy was low. then keegs saved us and we all stomped and yelled and cried
kevin aymoz's short in espoo: he is sooooooo good and soooooo fun. his free is also good and hilarious bc it's a song of achilles program set to gladiator. i'm not kidding
ilia malinin's free at skam: so, listen. i am not an ilia girlie but he DID land a 4a 15 feet from us and it WAS impressive and i did scream about it, and since he is shoma's main competition at the gpf this year i feel that i should link this
unfortunately i only really care about 2 of the men in the gpf this year and the rest of my faves flopped bad enough at least once to keep them out of the running.
anyway yeah if anyone else wants to watch some figure skating. watch these ones
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golgijev-aparat · 6 years
This was a good competition.
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deniss vasiljevs!! my fucking beloved!!!
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Papás por encargo conclusion post
This part is spoiler free! The spoiler parts under the cut!
I need to make like a "the dads being chaotic of x minutes" video but tbh it would just be the full show
My favorite episode was probably episode 7 and i'll explain in spoilers.
THE SONGS IN THE END WAS SO FUNNY LIKE every ep ended with the dudes performing a song and it was so chaotic.
Aaaaaaaaaauuuuuuughh!!! This show. I want a season 2.
I hate Paulina so much <3
Morgan is fucking comedy gold
(Not so) unpopular opinion I think, but they were better parents than California's mom
They were talking about getting California a quinceñera when she turns 15 and now I am wondering if any of the dcla girls had that
I need this show to be 80 eps. I need this to be a full telenovela. I can't survive with only 10 eps I crave MORE
I wanna write fics I wanna make art I wanna !!!!!!!!
Just <33 This show was everything
Ok episode 7... aka the period episode. California gets her first period and the dads are trying to solve it. It's both very realistically portrayed - like the moment Cali realizes she got her period. You could see that exact moment of panic in her eyes. From smiling, to frowning and then the "oh, shit" face. Like I swear to god, when I got my first period I was in school and I remember just feeling "what the fuck did just get shot out of me"
And the dads trying to solve it. Awkwardly standing outside the bathroom and mimicking to each other what to do. Buying pads and chocolate because Morgan is like "CHOCOLATE IS IMPORTANT"
But there's also a moment in that epiosde of Cali actually realizing her mother really did like... abandon her. Even if her mom had reasons, she abandoned her even if it wasn't the intention. And I almost started crying when she really just broke down and just... realized everything. Poor baby...
I SO wish California stayed with her dads. Like, it ended with her coming over asking if they could watch her for 2 hours, but you know it's like... actually only 2 hours now :( . And I get it, she wanted to live with her mom, but god, I feel like they must have so much troubles to get along.
If there is a s2, I feel like California will argue a lot with her mom, because like... they lost 9 years. She isn't a little 4 year old anymore. There is a lot they probably will never get back.
I am SO happy Paulina left <3 I got SO annoyed by her
I wasn't so excited by the villains stalking them tbh. I get why they were there but they didn't bring a lot for me
The villain escaped in the end!! So... S2? :D
I am so glad the dads ended up single <3 Cause you know. They def date each other /hj
I will probably come up with so much more later and I will mention that then, but hjxhcfkdudezsjdxrhfu <333333 This show, man. This show.
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beautifulstorms · 3 years
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Hey, Hey!
Masked anon here, so I decide to give All HPHM relates accounts Some HCs for their shipps
Tulip when feeling Comfortable enough with Someone has The impulse of mess with their hair, That's Why Merula's hair Is messy, but Merula doesn't want to actually brush her hair because it reminds her Of The Old days when Tulip and her just put in pranks ok everyone
“Have a duet with Dennis, Merula Snyde” “No, I don't Like your frog Karasu get off” but surpresingly Merula ended up Talking Denisse with her in The frog choir
Merula Knows about Tulip parents being Ministers, “Merula Snyde, If you want me to talk to Them I could do it.” “Tulip, They don't even listen to Your true nature, You want Them to free criminals?” “If it makes You Happy I might do, who knows”
- 🎭
Greetings my friend! You are doing the work of...well, I was about to reference the appropriate translation of God, but then I realized that the Potterverse doesn’t actually have a god...either way, you are doing a great thing for HPHM blogs all around and you should pat yourself on the back! (Side note: I really love that you signed this with a theatre mask emoji. That’s so freaking cool and I’m totally stealing it. Just kidding, I’m not the Identity Theft Anon.) 
...Okay, I was about to say that Merula’s hair is perfect for messing with, her scruffy mess, but do you even understand how much this idea has melted my heart? Tulip being the reason that Merula’s hair is messy? Oh, and she’s exactly the sort of person to do that with people she fancies. I could see it happening with Tonks or Luca as well, depending on the timeline. And Merula keeping her hair messy is something she could pass off as a demonstration of power and totally not giving a fuck, but the fact that she wants to feel closer to Tulip? You’re destroying me, you know that? It’s almost like an inversion of how James would ruffle his own hair to try and get Lily’s attention. 
Of course, of course Merula ended up working with Dennis for the Frog Choir. I mean, setting aside that toads are supposed to be way out of fashion and I doubt Merula had one of her own in the first place...like MC, in fairness, might have - that’s open to interpretation, but Merula? No way. Still, setting that aside, Dennis and Merula were canonically close! Tulip even said it! That Dennis doesn’t normally like people but he likes Merula! Between that and the the way Tulip watches Dennis like a “proud mum” I like to envision the Frog Choir incident being the start of a custody agreement between the two of them. At least, in Luca’s timeline. I simply don’t see Gail stepping aside for Merula, alas...
You know it’s so curious to hear dialogue where Tulip addresses Merula by her full name. I mean, it’s absolutely in character. It’s something that she does. To MC and everyone else. She even says in flavor text that she finds it more fun. Could also be a cultural thing for all we know. But, I realized why it was so odd to hear her talk to Merula that way...and that’s because in game, she doesn’t. Like, Merula is the one character for whom she doesn’t use their surname. She just calls her Merula. I’m sorry, but that one-hundred percent means something! It means Merula is special to her, and you cannot convince me otherwise. And I can also see Tulip throwing everything else away and approaching her parents, whom she never, ever wants to talk to...to try and convince them. To try and persuade them to use their influence to free the Snydes. Even if it has a negative zero chance of working, she would try. For Merula, she would. And that makes me weak. 
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groovycatcollector · 4 years
The Wonderfully Right, And The Horribly Wrong (Daryl Dixon Love story)
Summery: After losing her brother and his wife, one young woman is left on her own, caring for a new born and trying to survive. After being taken in to a community after years of mistrust, how will she adapt, and what effect will a certain archer have on her. Starts the last episode of season 5
Warnings: slow-burn, angst, eventual fluff, violence, strong language. ptsd, age gap
Pairings: Daryl Dixon x OFC
Chapter 11
I wake again with the usual start, but this time immediately regretting sitting up straight, the banging in my head making my lie back down. The second thing I felt was my foul dryness in my mouth, then I heard a soft whimper of the baby. I reached an arm out to rub his stomach, feeling it fall down, I peeped an eye open to see I was on the couch not my bed. Hhm, odd.
I slowly sat up, wondering where Cain was and seeing a light on in the kitchen I crept over trying to keep my feet soft so I wouldn’t make any noise.
Still slightly hungover I squinted at the light, and saw a peculiar sight, a sweet sight really. Daryl was rocking my nephew, feeding him a bottle. He looked comfortable holding a baby.
I leaned agents the archway, feeling something bubble in my chest. “What are you doing with my baby Dixon?” I asked, rubbing one eye that still refused to let go of sleep my body so rudely awaken me from. I smiled lazily looking at Daryl shushing Cain to be quiet. He looked up, still looking a bit tipsy with rosy cheeks and a half smile. We kept drinking long after we strolled back.
People had brought over small gifts, some pickled food, and some small jars of wine which were now empty. I was shocked to see people be exited for a baptism, I knew I small talked with most people. I had helped stich up a few people and momentarily watched a few kids here and there but I didn’t think people even knew I was here.
Daryl’s lips curled into a crooked smile “Ahh, Natasha” He wrinkled his nose, slurring the last syllable of my name. I barley grumbled a ‘Piss off’ before grabbing a glass and gulping down three of water. The water felt sweep and stopped my tongue sticking to my pallet. I filled it again and held it up for Daryl, which made up do an awkward ‘swap you a baby for a glass of water’ dance.
I bounced Cain, wanting him to keep the heavy sleepiness so he could pass out soon enough, pretending not to watch him drinking down the water. Obviously he noticed and smiling he asked “What?” I smiled back “You got a bit of ugly on your face” Daryl raised an eyebrow before walking past me towards the couch. I followed.
I watched as he took a seat, stretching out his arms over the top of the sofa. I sat next to him, being careful to not wake Cain “I have a question” He announced, like he was proud of himself. “If you’re real names Natasha, why did you say your name was Nina?” He looked like he just found my deepest secret, that he had deeply outsmarted me.
I rolled my eyes, I used to get this all the time when I was younger. “My baba called me Natasha out of this old book, but my older sister Mary-Grace couldn’t say it because she was only two or three, so she called me Nina and it stuck” I had rehearsed that line so many time before, when it was still important. He nodded, implying that it was satisfactory. I suddenly felt a chill over my arms, and pulled Cain closer to me.
I pointed behind at the woollen blanket next to Daryl “Could you grab that? Im freezing” For a second he looked bewildered, before reaching behind and lied it on my legs. I pulled Cain up so his head was by my shoulder and adjusted the blanket. I mumbled a thank you before closing my eye, but Daryl had other ideas.
I felt half the blanked come away with a tug, leaving my left side completely uncovered. “I’m fucking cold too kid, don’t be an asshole” He was still slurring his words a bit, but now I couldn’t tell if it was the drink or his accent. We sleepily wrestled about the partition of the blanket, before decided to just sit closer together. Apparently using the argument of “I have a young baby that will freeze to death and then eat you” worked on a drunk archer.
 I barley remember falling back asleep but this time I woke up slowly, my eyes unopened, and listened to Carols muffled footsteps upstairs. I slept well, slept well for the first time in a while. My eyes still closed I shifted, on hand still on Cain’s back, and I snuggled myself into the warmth.
Oh shit.
Fuck now I felt it, the side of my face smushed into a chest and the arm curled around my waist. I must have leaned into him in my sleep. Shit what do I do? If I move I’ll wake him up, not that I want to, I’m pretty comfy -Oh sweet jesus I can’t be thinking like this he’s my friend. This will probably be very awkward when he wakes up, should I move ? Can I move ?
I reluctantly peeked an eye open and glanced around the room. It was already light out, light enough to be at the infirmary, defiantly missed helping Maggie then. I allowed myself to shift my head up a little, to see Daryl sound asleep. He looked a lot younger actually, and his hair all ruffled up like that was sweet- Nina whats wrong with you leave him alone.
He smelt good, like oak and something distinctly man Fuck sakes Nina not the time. Oh god I’m proper snuggled up to him, he was warm. I felt my cheeks flare up, and his steady heartbeat was drowned out by the blood pumping in my ears. Stop thinking about how warm he is and how sweet he looks and how he smells just so good and think danmmit !
Okay, actually how about he deals with the awkwardness of waking the other one first. I’ll just close my eyes, pretend I’m asleep, and let him deal with it.
Yeah … Good idea.
 I drifted off again, leaning into the comfort of a loose hug. This time I woke up alone, to Cain whimpering on my chest, then feeling his weight lift from me I sat up completely alert. Carol stood over me looking a bit shocked before relaxing with a smile, easing a bottle into Cain’s mouth.  
I thanked her, before grabbing some breakfast, well lunch now. Carol still held onto Cain after I’d splashed my face in an attempt to wake myself up .“Daryl’s on a run with Rick” She chimed in from behind me. Oh god, She must have seen us on the couch, Or after we came back from my little walk. Oh fuck she must think I’m a right perv… or maybe she didn’t? Maybe that’s what friends do in an apocalypse?
I rolled my sleeves up before taking Cain back. “Thanks again for last night, it was nice to let off some steam” I smiled, hoping and praying that she hadn’t seen. Her eyes narrowed for a spilt second before her face softened into a smile “It wasn’t any trouble, gives us an excuse for a few drinks”
I looked down at my boots, trying to distract myself from the embarrassment that had washed over the back of my neck “Yeah, ehh sorry about going a bit crazy”. She laughed at that  
 “How’s the head Ms Natasha?” Denis sang with a half-smile, looking far too amused with herself. I put Cain down in the corner “Jesus how does everyone know that’s my first name?” I huffed. Denis laughs before clearing her throat and putting on a god awful Russian accent.
“You’re not cutting me off, Natasha Ilyinichna Irena Lebedev Price can handle her drink, she is true Russian”
I stared at her in shock, thank god I wasn’t holding the baby because I would have dropped him right there. “I did not” I barely got out a whisper. She handed me a cup of coffee, giving me a look of no sympathy. “You did”
I slowly sat down on the bed, it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve done drunk. One time I flashed my tits to a police officer, who didn’t press charges thank god.
I sipped the coffee, wincing a little at its bitterness but drinking it knowing I’ll need the energy today.
The day was actually pretty normal considering how unusual it started. Did the routine, gossiped a little about the people last night, about Carol and Tobin, when rick and Michonne would get together, how red Glenn’s face got when he drank ect.
I was boiling the equipment to sterilize them when Denis gave me a look, a look that I give to Carl whenever I figure he’s been screwing around with Enid. She fumbled with her hands for a second, leaning agents the counter next to me. “What?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She hummed, looking around the room. “Remember how I said that I thought you and Daryl had a thing?” Oh shit. I nodded slowly “Yeah, what about it?” I was careful with my words, not wanting to give away how intrested I actually was on the matter.
Okay, maybe I have a tiny crush.
Denise simply cocked her head at me, like I was supposed to know where this conversation was going. I looked back, waiting for her to finish her sentence.
The doctor cleared her throat before straightening up “You guys were just pretty friendly that’s all”
My eyes followed her “I don’t kno-“my undoubtedly-would-have-been witty response was cut short by something moving in my peripheral vision, instinctively making my hand go to the knife in my pocket.
“Why ar-“I put my hand up to silence her, keeping my eye on the back room.
Could be someone just looking for help, but could be a rotter. Denisse eyes follow mine as I crept into the back room only to see Cain.
I let out a sigh of relief before glancing back, he was in a different spot to where I put him.
Thankfully Denise was there to fill in the blanks “Holy shit he’s crawling”
I froze, my eyes fixated on the clumsy movements while he moved closer toward us before stumbling a little and flopping onto his stomach.
I let out a hearty laugh before stooping down to pick him look from his armpits. Holy shit, my baby’s crawling. “Hey look what you did” I cooed, looking into his his (literal) baby blues.
 I burst through the door into the house dizzy with excitement and placed Cain onto the wooden floor.  I wanted to see it again.
“What are you doing?” I quickly shushed Carol, who stamped passed me to close the door into the night. Carol let out a little squeak seeing Cain flop forward again and begin to drag himself toward Daryl, who sat on a stool near the kitchen.
I gasped, still shocked at his new skill. “Aren’t you just the cleverest little thing !” Carol exclaimed, picking him up once he fell again, nearly mirroring my reaction. I chuckled bringing my figure up to rub under his chin.  “He’s gonna be the next Usain Bolt I betcha”
It was just me and Daryl playing a game of poker on the couch that evening. I had put Cain down after his feed about twenty minutes ago and Carol had gone to see Tobin when she thought none of us would notice.
Honestly we were both a bit awkward once it was only us, so Daryl offered a game. It helped, we were back to our usual snarky remarks and sideways glances after the first round. Neither one of us had mentioned this morning, which was fine.
Totally fine.
Maybe I wanted to talk about it, maybe I wanted to know how he felt about it.
Maybe Denis was right and I had a major crush.
His laugh brought me out of over thinking. His eyes lit up as placed a full house down in front of my eyes. “Awh fuck you Dixon” I snarled, trying to force down a laugh at his exited face. Daryl’s green eyes scrunched up with joy “You’re just Jealous Dolly that you’re crap at this game” My chest fluttered with the new nickname.
He was right. I was crap.
“Dolly?” I grumbled, giving him an eye while I reshuffled the cards. “Like Dolly Parton?” He smiled again, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile so much. I liked it.
Daryl didn’t even get an answer out before I joked “Just because of the blonde hair and big tits?” My turn to smile. Daryl’s ears turned a bright red before shaking his head. “Nah” His eyes were not fixated on his cards, his long fingers fumbling trying to put them in order. “You’re just always singing her that’s all”
I hummed, accepting that excuse. But it was definitely because of my blonde hair and tits.
We were quiet for a time, focusing on the game, and once it became clear that I was once again going to lose I tried to distract him “How was the run today?” I asked, looking up from my cards to see his brow furrowed in concentration.
He took a moment to respond. “Shit, found a big truck full of supplies that ended up in a lake”
That took me back and I let my cards go limp. Daryl’s shoulders slumped a little, obviously not something he wanted to talk about.
We played for another round before my nattering was interrupted with a  sudden question.
“Do you want to stay?” Daryl didn’t look at me, kept his eyes fixated on his cards I scanned his face, wondering why he was asking. I dropped my cards, suddenly feeling the room become serious. “Well I want Cain to grow up safe, and Denise needs me in the infirmary and-“ He cut me off “I know a roamer when I see one Nina” His chest rose and fell
“You’re saying you have to stay, but do you want to?” He looked at me, his eyes filled with something, something close to desperation.
The same desperation that was reflected mine the past few days. I let out a shaky breath, feeling myself my heart thumping in my chest “I’m starting to” his eyes darted down to my lips for a fraction, and I bit my own. We just sat there looking at each other for what felt like a lifetime, my mind racing and stopping at the same time.
I don’t know who leaned in first or whose hands reached out first but in an instant our lips met, and his hand was on my cheek. It was slow, like neither one of us was sure it was a good idea, but perusing anyways. 
Part one Part two Part three Part four Part five Part six Part seven Part eight Part nine Part ten 
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summer-starry-dawn · 7 years
Deniss : Supernanny. Stéphane : I’m Supernanny.
Reut Golinsky’s interview for Absolute Skating.
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moonstarphoenix · 5 years
Skate Canada Men’s SP Pt. 2
This is the group you’ve all been waiting for! One of the biggest names in skating is in this group and a lot of really talented men compete tonight. Here we go.
Keiji Tanaka starts us off. I vaguely remember liking him last season. I really should read over my recaps last season. He’s got a lot speed into the triple axel. This is a program I can see him really getting into later in the season. He doing well with the choreography and performance aspect. Not quite up to the standards of quads yet but he’s got a lot of potential to follow in Hanyu’s footsteps. And he’s in 1st. For now.
I remember being not that impressed by Nam Nguyen last year. I believe it was his programs. I hope their better this year. Interesting music. Already much better than last year. He lands his quad and in a combo. There’s not a lot of choreography. There could have been a better transition into the axel or something leading into the axel. God, I hate that ugly A spin. This could have better choreographed. It’s interesting music but the steps and expressions he is doing just doesn’t match the music. He’s hamming it up too much. Not bad, but it could be better.
Camden Pulkinen is the sole American men this competition. It’s also his Grand Prix debut. Damn, he had a lot of speed into that toe loop, then right up to a triple axel. He’s on tonight. His spins look great, but he needs to quit wiping his nose in the middle of the performance. He has great musicality. He’s really into this step sequence, performing the drama of it. An excellent debut! Really lovely. He’ll be fun to watch at Nationals with Jason, Nathan, Vincent, and the other up and coming men. Oh he had a nose bleed. That’s why he was wiping his nose. I’m impressed he didn’t stop and still performed that well. Wow! That’s a great score for his debut short program on the Grand Prix. Good for him.
Yuzuru Hanyu is one of the best skaters in history. I’ve never been head over heels in love with him the way most of the skating community is, but he has always performed when he absolutely needs to and I absolutely respect that. Last year, he struggled with injuries and I have no idea if he even makes it to the next Olympics. Barring tragedy, he should walk away with this competition like Nathan last week. He’s so fast in the air. Even if I’ve never got the magic with him like others, I can honestly say that he was born for this and it will be a sad day when he retires from competition. I would like to see more personality from him, like his long last season, but that was still a lovely program. It’s raining Pooh Bears! I know Jason donates all his stuffed animals. I wonder what Yuzuru does. Yeah, that’s not a surprise at all. He wants to take the crown back from Nathan.
Honestly, this is why I like Nathan. He can compete with Yuzuru instead of it being a run away competition with him winning by so many points. It makes it more exciting when you don’t know who will win.
Matteo Rizzo is wearing one of the ugliest shirts I’ve ever seen. Like that is puke ugly. Two footed that quad. If it wasn’t for his boots, I would have thought he twisted his angel. I like Matteo, he always performs his programs and usually has a smile. Oh, that’s too back on the fall. I rather like his skating. Lots of speed, personality, interesting choreography. This is a fun short. Not the start he wanted but it’s hard to follow Yuzuru. He’ll do better later in the season.
I remember Deniss Vasiljevs because his style is a lot like his coach’s. Stefan Lambiel’s students always have interesting choreography. Now, that’s a spin! Wow! That was incredible. Not quite clean on the jumps, but he’s remaining upright. His spins are what’s impressing me. They’re fast and unique positions. He’s another, if he can get the quad, he’ll be a good challenger. His style reminds me of Kevin Aymoz’s and I love Kevin, so that’s good. Lovely smile at the end. He’s adorable. He’ll slide into fourth with a really good chance at the podium.
And Camden ends up in 2nd. That’s a great debut in the Grand Prix for him. I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow.
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bites-kms · 5 years
Off the Beaten Path: Paros
I was looking for ferries to Ios but then I realized that given the start of low season, this wouldn’t happen any time soon. Hence, I booked one to Paros. Although this ferry never happened either for the same reason, which I happily found out while in Santorini, it all worked out perfectly. This wonderful and noble guy created a connection for me on the system and I sailed towards what, according to him, was the best (and only) option.  I managed to have lunch in Naxos, another island in between Mykonos and Paros, enjoyed some sun to later and finally make it to Paros. On my way, I met Linda and Dawn, two wonderful and strong ladies from the US who with I ended up sharing a beach lunch during my last day. 
I didn’t know what to expect from Paros. Booking this trip meant to actually hearing this island’s name for the first time. It actually happens to be one of the biggest Cyclades islands. Paros at first sight is wonderful. It’s friendly, it’s organized.  Although it counts with all the services and its daily life changed abruptly since tourism became a thing, once again, going offseason was not only worth it but also the best choice. 
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Paros feels like being stuck in time. Probably due to the off season days, this beautiful  island is perfect for chillax after your island hopping, full of non-stop adventure, in Greece. Empty narrow streets, delicious seafood, exquisite sunsets, infinite crystal clear shores and friendly locals are there to make your stayed in Paros, an unforgettable one. 
If the previous cities were ruled by cats, in Paros they are the freaking mayor. But they have a major competitor for the throne: ducks. Ducks and cats stroll freely by Paros’ shores and it’s hilarious seeing them interact. I’m not talking about cute little ducks, those too. I’m talking about enormous, swan-like birds, cuaking their way through people and aground ships.
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Time doesn’t pass as in the rest of the planet. It runs on a smoother, more relaxed way. People, probably tourists on an Airbnb Experience, were sketching different houses, fishermen (and women!) were preparing the fresh octopus they just  caught in between chairs, letting it dry to the fresh, sea breeze. An old men, probably a sailor, with tons of life lived on his tanned, wrinkled face, was wearing a yellow t-shirt, chilling with a cat, sat down by his house entrance, without realizing he was in color-coding matching uniform with his yellow and white House. It was gorgeous.
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Walking around its narrow streets, it was wonderful to see all the stuck-in-time constructions, its colorful houses and shy sun rays coming through the pink bougainvillea flowers, that highly and beautifully contrasted with the clear, sky-blue sky. One man approached me, probably a little bit tipsy on Mastika or Racomelo, wearing this olives branches on his head, greeting me with a cheerful Kalimera, which of course I replied back. He started to engage in what could barely be defined as a conversation, with his very scarce and broken English vocabulary, but he managed to ask me where I was from, complemented Uruguayan football and told me something else in Greek which will be a mystery.  
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There are two main town in Paros: Naoussa and Parikia. Parikia is where the main port is, and Naoussa the most developed fishing village up north. I stayed in Naoussa’s main street, right by the water and next to some of the most renown Paros’ restaurants. 
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Staying in Naoussa was a great choice. I managed to walk to some of the great beaches around, yet being on a beautiful little town. Everything was walking distance from my place. I was staying at the Ragoussis Bakery and Hotel, or as they call themselves, “Ragoussis Sweet Rooms”. It’s a wonderful bakery that smartly enough decided to expand its business and adding some rooms on top of the bakery for the morning pleasure of their guest, who would delight themselves with the warmly, fresh baked scent as a wake up call. Complementary cookies and a very homy and family oriented service is provided. Delicious pastries and breakfast is served, and the kitchen is open until late so it’s great for night owl travelers (definitely not my case).
I didn’t realize how much I was craving for a comfy, mushy mushy bed with a baby-butt soft cover. Man, I slept good! With a sea and port theme, it’s minimal decor was wonderful and blends right in with the vibe and feeling of Naoussa. 
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Checking out Naoussa’s port, its church and downtown will take you less than a day and it’s a must. Paros is also commonly known by its strong winds, which they have a proper name and everything for it: the Meltemi. According to locals, heavy winds haven’t arrived yet, but I almost got flown away several times. The first one, I managed to hide myself from it, seeking for shelter in a cosy restaurant by the port, and had a deconstructed eggplant lasagna which was very good. That dinner was all I needed: I was ready to hit the sack and prepare next day’s adventure. 
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There are ferry services to the main island beaches, but after waiting for a few minutes, I thought that maybe being offseason the ferries won’t part. So, I took my morning quite slowly, enjoyed my breakfast, rested in bed and read my book, before embarking on an hour and fifteen minute walk towards Kolympetheres Beach. The walk was worth every step: beautiful hidden houses, breathtaking views, outstanding cliffs. I was enjoying the sun, the breeze and my music, laughing out-loud thinking about the amazing experience I was living right there, right now.
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I had some delicious lamb on what it was one of the most secluded yet beautiful restaurants I’ve found in all Greece: Kolympetheres Taverna. Family owned, they offered me the BEST grapes I’ve had in a while: seriously, they were juicy, tender, no pit, not too sweet, an absolute delicacy. I know, they were just grapes, but oh my god those grapes. 
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I went back and explored Piperi Beach, Anargyroi Beach, Xifara Beach until Stephano plage, 4 kms towards the opposite side of Kolympetheres. It was a unique beach strip that connected a little island with Paros, having sea on both sides. It was a beautiful place to watch the sunset and call my mom. It’s always important to call you mom. Love your parents, and tell them so often. While we are busy traveling, we tend to forget they are growing old. Before mobile phones, data plans and emails, I had the chance to travel with my parents a couple of times (yes, I’m that old) and clearly remember making long distance calls, dialing millions of numbers featured on a lame, bendy paper card on public phones just to talk less than 2 minutes with my grandparents. It was technology at its best! So now, it’s crazy the possibility to randomly call family and friends just to share a live sunset or sent multiple videos and photos at the same time, feeling as if they were sharing the same experience, right next to you, beating all time zones and distances. I keep it classy and vintage though, sending postcards of every single country I go. You should try it, there’s a unique feeling of receiving one handwritten memory of someone who thought about you across the world. 
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For my last dinner in Naoussa, I decided to go for king crab orzo pasta by the bay. There was an empty restaurant with extremely friendly waiters, that opened the rooftop part, firstly just for me, later for an Asian family to join, and we all were witness of an incredible sunset. It was a yummy dish and later on, the waiter insisted on having a shot with me ( I tend to be perceived as extremely friendly so waiters and service people from all over the place like me a lot) so we had what I thought it was initially Mastika, but ended up being this delicious honey grappa drink: Racomelo. 
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The following morning, I made sure to taste a delicious cappuccino and some sweet treats downstairs before heading to the bus stop where I randomly met Dawn again. We both wanted to check out Parikia, so there we went. We first explored solo the wonders of the port city, as one of the oldest Byzantine  churches in Europe, from the IV century,  its beautiful narrow streets, the iconic and touristy Market St. and the Dionysus hill with a current Windmill on top of it.  
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We met for a lovely lunch. Everyone recommended us Koralli Restaurant, but since it was closed due to the low season, we ended up on what it was the greatest way to say good to a strong and delightful island hopping vacation: Livadia Restaurant and Hotel. Double dose of house wine, red and white, homemade moussaka, grilled and panfried fetta with honey and sesame seeds as well as spinach fritters (which were da bomb!) was the selected menu for this occasion, that matched to perfection our conversation about lost and found love stories, women’s choices in today’s world and exciting and promising plans for our near future. Cheers, Dawn! May your knee heal promptly and keep taking you places where to nurture your soul. I’ll see you around, no doubts about it. 
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Once back in downtown Parikia, there were two beautiful cafes which I wanted to visit, but were already closed in the afternoon:  Cafe Symposium Paros and Martin Denisse Cafe & Snack Bar. Both beautifully located, one in the middle of a square, the other one under a tree on a hidden alley intersection, they seem to have delicious house wine waiting for the thirsty throats and warm coffees for the cold visitor who needs an energy boost. 
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I ended up at Kakao Cafe & Bar, a very nice, delicate and cosy cafe rooftop that faced the sea and it was the perfect spot to have one last frapuccinno, those sugar rush of exquisite Greek delight before departing for Athens. Paros, you were wonderful. Ευχαριστώ! 
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