#I'm really tired of getting these bot followers lmao
superalexkatlanddd · 1 year
I'm now getting like, 5+ bot followers a day.
Am I tumblr famous now? :o
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otomiyaa · 11 months
(literally how I named the image, couldn't think of something else)
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Hi guys :') To my followers and tumblr friends, I'm really sorry if my sudden disappearance scared or upset you. It wasn't quite... planned. And today was a busy day and I needed some time to consider what I wanted to do.
Short version of the story:
My tumblr account got terminated for copyright infringement. A certain Mr. Green got me in unlucky trouble (ref 1, 2).
I won't get it back, or try to get it back. It's gone.
Needed a moment to consider 2 options: ask Mia to extend my dramatic farewell letter and stay gone, or make a new blog.
Not planning to post new writing here. I won't be using words like 'never' or 'forever' because I'm a known clown with things like this, but the intention is to no longer post fics. I will finish Tickletober on AO3 and then take a break from writing. So yes, I cancel the swiftscribbles event too, sorry!
When I opened my laptop, I could see my old blog in its final hour lmao (I found out about the loss on my phone). So that's what the snap is from on a fitting grave. It was fun while it lasted!
Long version of the story:
Losing my blog(s): My Tumblr account with main blog + sideblogs got terminated overnight, it was quite the surprise! I've either been reported or tracked by bots. The posts are a bunch of numbered URLs I can't open, but the message is clear: for including anime content, genshin impact or media from other sources (whether it's videos, screenshots, official art, gifs or even fanwork) you technically can get a strike. Upon googling the claimer I quickly found this first, and knew it was a lost cause. Although it feels shitty and unlucky, I am in no place to appeal. It's like when I used to make AMVs in the past, you never knew whether a song or even anime footage was going to give your YT account a copyright strike or even a ban, it was a gamble. I have lost YT accounts before, and now I lost the Tumblr one. With 7+ years of tickle trash content and a bunch of sideblogs. But oh well, moving on!
Starting a new blog: It was a serious consideration whether this was my ultimate chance to do what I've always said I wanted to do eventually - quit my blog. My first thought was to ask Mia to share my explanation and literal goodbye with you guys, and stick to my chaos of a Twitter account to indulge in fandom stuff. But then I thought of how happy Tumblr made me, even without the fic writing, but just.. reblogging things, getting random asks, shouting about life and of course, about tickles. I decided to make a new blog after all, but also decided the following:
The 7K+ milestone swiftscribbles event is cancelled, for which I apologize! The follower milestone, together with the motivation to write the fics, and even the asks with the requests I got, all died with my former blog.
I will see how long I can survive without posting a new fic or drabble. A loose headcanon or two might fly around sometime. And if necessary, a link to a new fic on AO3.
Tickletober? Hell yes I'll finish it, I would cringe in bed for 49 days at least if I would stop. I just won't post the fics here, but on AO3.
Reposting/reblogging my old works? Undecided at the moment but I'm tired and lazy. I don't feel too upset since most of my fics are still on AO3 at least and not completely gone.
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Anyways, I'll see what happens and how long I can enjoy this nerfed version of blogging.
Surprisingly I'm not upset about losing my other blog, there were a lot of memories but it was also very cringe. I'm gonna be just as cringe here, but at least I feel cleansed.
For those who choose to follow me again, thank you, but please know that there won't be much original content coming from me, for now!:)
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I want you to know that your Blitzbee fic inspired me to write my own - I just gotta say…. HOW?? How did you get Blitzwing down so well? This man is confusing as all hell to write… Are you a wizard of some sort?
here's the thing about blitzy boo-- his canon characterization is fuckin weird and entirely made for comic relief, so most of how i write him is a completely fanon interpretation LMAO
but my main thing was to make sure that he really just feels like one dude-- i saw way too many fics before ROE that made him this weird DID caricature, and it was not only kinda uncomfy, but it was never how i pictured him. he's got SOMETHIN going on, obviously, but i genuinely dont think there's a human equivalent to it, which is why i made up the whole t-cog-processor-code discrepancy thing in kwz to sort of explain why he's That Way. fun fact: ROE was written for 10% passion, 90% spite bc i love blitzy so much and i was tired of him being written in a way that didnt feel right to me LMFAO
he's just a bot like any other, just with three different faces that swap around. nothing really all that special or vastly different from any other transformer. i gave him trauma bc im a bully (and he does have canon trauma from blackarachnia that unfortunately never made it to screen) and i just tried to make him feel... real, i guess? give him motivation and feelings. different speaking patterns depending on the face, as most of us have when we're in different moods-- when i'm mad, i stammer a lot, and when blitzy's mad, he yells and insults a lot. same vibe.
i also took some inspiration from his g1 characterization-- did you know blitzy actively betrayed galvatron in g1 and almost switched to the autobot's side? he fought alongside them and rodimus literally offered to let him join. then galvatron booted him from the decepticons bc blitzwing threatened him when galvatron tried to attack roddy. king shit. which contributed a lot to my interpretation of him as very Chaotic Neutral-- he has his own moral code, and though he is a follower by nature, he's only willing to follow those who align with his own morals.
(also, thank u very much-- i adore blitzy and writing him is so fun. it makes me so happy that people are inspired to write him like i do instead of as a hehehe mental illness joke)
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glittergummy · 10 months
Question, for your oc Rocket Pop Prime, I know -as I type this- that Sunrise, Vacuum, Short Circuit, and (technically) Snowplow are all part of his team on earth. Question is, who else is in the team and is he looking for more members?
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Okay so!
I have yet to finalize how big I want his team to be, but I did want to at least have at least one bot cover something or other needed for a full spread of abilities-
Rocket is always looking for new members within reason, he is very welcoming and kind, just make sure you can pull your own weight and be able to work alongside others well, stuff like that is helpful for him
his team is as follows-
Vacuum + Sunrise: a pair of close friends who i usually associate with each other, Sunrise is the usual go-getter solider but can be a bit of slacker since who wouldn't want to hang out with their friends?
she's young, much like Vaccuum whom on his own time is usually the base janitor, not that he's not helpful on the team but he has his own specialties on downtime :)
Short Circuit: or just 'Circuit' as he prefers is a more old hardened autobot, he's been around longer and has a 'short' temper but is well known as the weapons expert of their group- his weapon is a warhammer that is literally his size, complimenting his size i suppose lmao
Snowplow: literal wet sopping beast that Sunrise brought home and Rocket welcomed into their ranks, which seemed to work out better than whatever happened to those humans in Antarctica-
other noteworthy guys-
Shinestrike: a double agent scouting for the decepticons, hence he belongs to a seeker trine among the 'con ranks- however he tends to be not so component at his job but has a prideful attitude to cover up his self serving ways; whether or not anyone suspects him is anyone's guess but he isn't really a threat in the long run
Tire Tracks: the residental medic of the team, very maternal and kind as one would and should be to in such a position, quite explanatory
Livewire + Sucker Punch: two more oddballs that are more just soliders that can do a handful of things, Livewire is music obsessed and buddy-buddy with a certain DJ on decepticon ranks despite not telling anyone and Sucker Punch is a nervous wreck with no alt mode but eager to please
Echo: a literal scout, he was formerly a cartographer and is skilled at checking out spots before they are investigated to check for trouble or danger; oh yeah also he's an energon vampire- not sure if anyone is aware but Rocket is the one who usually feeds him to help keep him healthy and non-ravenous around others
that's a lot to chew on lmao, and you can check out my transformers oc folder on toyhou.se for more info like picture references
i'm trying to add more information to their pages, but since i literally have 68 transformers ocs it's slowly trickling down on who gets more development and who doesn't
if you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!
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uzuluna · 2 years
ah yes the two genders on tumblr: human and porn bot
(also i'm sorry to hear about your health! i've been sick most of my life, and i'm currently in the middle of changing like five different meds, and it sucks, but it can get better, and it will, and despite how hard you might have to work, or think you should be working, your body and your mind are the most important things, and you should take care of yourself when you can <3)
Waah thanks for the message! I didnt expect anyone to go this far for that, I appreciate soo much..cuz this is really depressing and unexpected cheer up is something i didnt know i needed..
( LMAO yah...tumblr porn bots are infesting my follow tht i dont even bother blocking anymore lol! Im so sorry to that you are also experiencing medical problems, 😥really hurts the wallet doesnt it..I really hope it atleast improves soon..its been months and im soo tired..I'll do my best not to over exert <3 )
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kenmolly · 3 years
Hello! :D I would like to make an order!
Main dish: (Custom dish! Cyberpunk AU)
Beverage: (Cappuccino) (HP Lovecraft)
Personality: I really love reading books! I'm also very introverted but once I get to know to someone, I can be very nice and friendly :D When it comes to a love interest, I can be very shy (like a Tsundere type but not those BAKA **punches them** thing lmao), just mostly gentle :")
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HAHAHAHAHDFBWIUF NOT THOSE- i hope you enjoy your meal by the way! i really hope I did this correctly- I'm not too familiar with the requested main dish (|lI.‸.)
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H0W Y0U M3T ?!!?1
⠀⠀⠀ "are you sure this would work? i've tried, but.."
"that's just because you're a starter. you were too overwhelmed and nervous, am I right? it's okay, you still did your best" you smiled gently at your subordinate, giving her a light pat on the shoulder.
"th-thanks, y/n.. I'm so sorry. I'll do better next time, promise!" she had a pause, "oh a-and, be sure to be careful out there too..!"
you smiled. your group had been planning out different routes to reach this 'boss' you call for months. this 'boss' had been ruining numerous lives, and even killing them; it's time for them to stop. it's hard to sleep knowing there are people out there suffering while you have the ability to stop it.
"alright, off I go! make sure everyone is in position and remind our leader to send out some bots" you waved her goodbye, quickly jogging off. there's no time to waste, you have to stop this as soon as possible.
30 minutes passed and you've finally reached the place; the boss' hideout. as expected, there are lots and lots of people guarding outside. 'alright.. i have to do it.' you rushed out to take those guards down, getting a few injuries while doing so.
then there's this one guy who shot your leg while your attention was on someone else. you yelled in pain, running off to somewhere a little safer to have a short rest. what are you supposed to do now? it might be hard to run around with this injury. you start to panic, trying to think of ways to continue this mission.
"hey.. you alright? you must be y/n; I'm lovecraft, someone who's apart of the backup. let me help you here, we'll go in together."
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from that day on, lovecraft requested to start working with you so he could look after you at all times
he would always read books with you, and even share some books he read if he finds them interesting!
lovecraft adores you the most when you get all shy
you're so cute, he's lucky that you're unable to hear how fast his heart is beating
if you love spray painting, he wouldn't hesitate you do it with you!
unless he's super tired
but anyhow, he'd always end up following you to the place to do spray painting
I mean, how could he say no to you? he just can't get himself to do so
lovecraft's very sweet, he'd always look after you quietly no matter where you are or what you're doing
he would always be behind you (or beside if you request for it,) and make sure you don't get hurt or protect you from any trouble
he loves how kind and caring you are to your subordinates!
you were never like some other subleaders, always being mean and rude to their subordinates just because they have the authority
you're different, you'd always care about other's feelings and always helping them out
he swears he falls more in love with you every time he sees you taking care of others <3
I hc lovecraft makes the best noodles! so he'd definitely make them for you whenever you crave for them
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[ make another order/make an order. ]
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qupshalfempty · 5 years
Bulkhead X Human! Reader | Miko's Plan
I've been working on this for a long while and I kinda like it? It's mostly so I can get some writing done and play around with changing perspectives. It has my humor in it, that may have made it worse though lmao.
Word Count: 2,007
“Woohoo! I win!”
Jack rolls his eyes, handing the controller over to Raf who sat patiently watching the other two’s round. Miko fist pumps the air, bragging rights having been awarded. Shamelessly jumping off the couch and playing air guitar, making sounds to match her frivolous strumming. Jack huffs in annoyance.
“Okay okay, you're up against Raf next-”
The sound of the ground bridge being activated reverberates throughout the base, two bots emerging from the blue and green vortex. Bulkhead and Bee were back from a scouting mission in record time. Miko wasted no time with her new bragging rights,racing to the railing and leaning dangerously over it.
“Bulk! I beat Jack!”
“Ugh..” Jack rolled his eyes in response.
“Be there in a second Miko, I gotta go pick up Y/N.”
And he quickly shifted into his alt mode and left skid marks from how fast he left, causing Ratchet to groan in the background. The three humans and ‘Bee all stood in confusion as the green car raced out of base. 
“Wow.. He seemed like he was in a hurry..”
Jack commented offhandedly, watching Raf load the next round. Miko shared a glance towards Jack, both thinking the same thing.
Miko roughly grabbed the two boy's arms, pulling them towards her. All three of them hunched over. “You thinking what I'm thinking?”
“You wanna do it now? Now now?”
“Yes! You see the way Bulk acts, and the way Y/N acts!?”
Raf then spoke up, “Uh but why do.. This? Why not just talk to her?”
Miko huffed. “Because he won't do it on his own! We just gotta give him that push! That and I'm tired of Bulk sighing when we hang out! I wanna crush dunes but Bulk's too busy crushing on Y/N!” Miko whispered exasperatedly. “
“Okay okay,” Jack runs a hand over his face and sighs. “What are we gonna do?”
Miko chuckles. 
“More like what am I gonna do!”
Bulk and I have been chatting for half an hour now, making our way towards the base... While I liked talking to him, I couldn't wait to get out of his alt mode. It's not that I hate him, It's that I like him. Really like him. To the point that I can't stand being around him without blushing or stuttering and making a complete fool of myself. I've been able to have short conversations with him, but after a while I start thinking of my crush and I get blushy. Last time I told him I was sick and ended up with him worried over me... I didn't want to avoid him, but I'm not good at lying either. So I came up with the best solution.
Avoid him.
“What'chya thinking about? You’re quiet..”
Or at least trying to.
“N-nothing really, just thinking about what the other's a-are doing right now.”
Nice save dipstick.
“I'm sure Miko's causing a riot.” He said with a deep chuckle that I love so much...
“As usual.” I commented, both of us laughing. I loved being able to make him laugh, it makes my heart swell with pride and leaves me glowing for the rest of the day when I hear his gravelly laughed... Oh no, I can feel my face and ears getting red. Look for a distraction-
“Oh look we're here.” I interrupted abruptly, opening the door myself before he could even get stopped. 
“Woah...” I heard Bulk say before the familiar sounds of him transforming followed. Bee's voice beeped out towards Bulk, but I didn't stay behind to find out what he said. I hurried up the stairs to the platform the other humans stayed at most of the time. I had to distract myself from my beating heart, it feels like it's coming out of my throat. The kids were all sitting on the couch muttering to themselves. Miko noticed me first, poking her head up from the small huddle with the other's.
“Hey Y/N! Just the person I was looking for!” Miko jumped up.
“R-really?” I'm going to blame my stutter on a dry mouth and not my heart being caught in my throat. 
“Yep! Ya wanna go dune crushing with me and Bulk?” She exclaimed, louder than usual. That got Bulk's attention from across the room, and although I was internally cringing, he had already noticed and made his way over. I swallowed thickly and averted my gaze from my approaching crush. 
“Y/N's coming?” Me and Bulk met eyes. It was too late now, saying no would make it awkward. I smiled to cover the fact that my face has been heated since I got here.
“Uh yeah, I'm ready!” 
“Great!” Miko jumped with joy. I could feel my face get heated at the thought, it's fun getting to ride around with them. I could hardly contain my excitement, but the nerves soon followed. Hopefully it won't be awkward with Miko there, right?
“Well? Let's go!” Miko grasped my wrist, practically pulling me down the stairs. I nearly tripped from the force of her, and nearly landed at Bulk's pedes.
“You okay?” Bulk’s servos came down enough for me to reach. My face reddened from the contact, I hurriedly yanked my hand away.
“Yeah, I'm good...” 
“Heh sorry 'bout that, I'm pumped!” Miko fist pumps, she's always excited to ride the dunes even though she's done it a bazillion times. Although she wore a peculiar smirk.. Before I could question any further Bulk had transformed into his alt mode, his passenger door opening as well as the back door. Miko made a move for the back, hoping in with the door closing behind her.. She usually takes shotgun.. There's something odd-
“Ya getting in slowpoke?!”
“Uh, y-yep!”
I sat in the front, rubbing the sweat off my palms onto my jeans. The door closes, and we make our way through the ground bridge, blue and green swirls shining inside Bulk's alt mode. On the other side is sand, sand, and more sand. As well as some hills, made of sand.. Have I mentioned there's sand? Finally, Miko speaks up.
“We're here-... oh looks like I forgot something. I'll just go find it and be right back!”
“Want us to come with you?” Bulk questioned through the speakers, but Miko was already out and closing the back door.
“Nah that's alright, you two go ahead without me. I'll be right back!”
“.. Okay.” Miko ran back through the ground bridge, throwing a wave over her shoulder before she disappeared. The portal closed behind her. Leaving me and Bulk alone... together… I reluctantly spoke up to try and help the situation. 
“So.. what's up with Miko?”
“I.. don't know.. She's been acting like this for a while now, heh.”
I was in shock. Miko, Bulk's number 1 fan and best friend, being distant? That is odd and highly unlikely.
“Really? You think so?” Bulk snapped me out of my thoughts.
“What you just said?” Oh, I-... I said it out loud. I mentally facepalmed, hopefully I don't do that out loud too. I nodded and stammered out a reply.
“Well, yeah. She looks up to you a lot. I don’t see why she'd want to be distant from y-you. You're amazing... uh to her.”
The car was silent afterward. Keeping my head down turned away from the mirrors. Of course I made it awkward, this is why I don't stay around him. I accidentally speak my mind, and I can't be around him if my mind starts to drift... My head drooped, I've got no chances being with him if I stay this awkward. He'd like someone more outgoing and able to keep up with him. And especially not human.
I glanced up, Bulk had a soft expression on his helm. His audial seems to be stuck in the back of his throat when he opens his mouth to speak just to close it seconds later. I gave his mirrors a quizzical look.
“You.. Okay?” When he didn't answer, I took it as a sign to continue. “I'm sure if you just talk to her you'll both sort this out. Nothing could break the Wrecker duo up.”
His chuckles sounded through his speakers at that, but went silent again. He seemed to be lost in thought before he spoke up.
“Yeah, you're right... Can.. I ask you something?”
“Uh yeah, sure.”
“... Why.. have you been avoiding me?”
He questioned bluntly, my face flushed from embarrassment from him realizing. What if I came off rude?
"I'm.. sorry.." I was clueless as to why I was apologizing, or what I should say to him. I really didn’t mean to hurt his feelings but at the same time I’m afraid of confessing mine.
"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have sprung it up on you and..”
Bulk being so bashful and remorseful made a pang of guilt rush through me. He’d ranted and apologized multiple times without stopping. I had to say something.
“No no, you deserve an explanation. Uh…” I felt myself drawing a blank, admitting to why I was avoiding him also meant admitting to my feelings… Judging by the way I made him feel, I had to. If just to make him feel better. My voice wavered.
“I.. like you Bulk. A lot…. I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you, I just… have the biggest crush on you that I couldn’t be around you.” I chuckled dryly. “It’s not the most sound logic, but I didn’t know what else to do. I didn’t want to ruin our friendship…” I sighed, knowing it was already ruined now. Everything would be awkward from here on out and I would never live it down just to live a miserable life infinitely embarrassed-
“Oh..” His response making my nerves worse. I could kill Miko for leaving me. 
“I like you too..” 
I visibly flinched back as if getting stabbed, feeling flutters within my chest. “W-wha- Really?” 
Instead of answering his passenger side door opened, beckoning me out. I stepped out and backed up to give him room to transform, my head down turned in embarrassment all the while. I heard his metal plates shift and move before a shadow was cast over me, I fixed my gaze at his pedes. Bulk’s deep voice hummed out.
“Y/N, I like you too…” Before I could react his servos curled beneath my legs and carefully brought me up to his helm. I found the courage to meet his optics, searching for any hint of a joke. But there was nothing but affection and an adorable heat on his helm. He awkwardly coughed into his other servos, breaking eye contact to hide his heated helm. I was close enough to reach for his helm, embracing what my arms could reach. His other servos covered my back, shielding me from the harsh rays sun of the desert sun. 
We stayed like that until I let go, leaning back enough to see his face. His helm matched mine, completely heated and blushing. I couldn’t help but giggle, my chest feeling lighter ever since finding out my feelings were returned. I had to sit, else my wobbling legs buckle beneath me. I watched my legs dangle from my position, steering clear of meeting his optics. 
“This will.. Be… different…” He spoke up, already knowing what he referred to. 
“Yeah,” I whispered, leaning back into his servos and sighing out loud with my hands resting on my stomach. He sighed as well, neither of us knowing what to do or say. Instead, we both sat contently. After so long of holding it all in, and being without my best friend, I couldn’t hold my thoughts in anymore.
“I don’t mind, I really care for you ‘Bulky.” I didn’t care to raise up, already knowing his helm would be stained blue permanently. After a while, he chuckled and ran a digit over my head as gentle as my giant could be.
“I care for you too.” 
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