#I'm so curious though can't wait to find out what my strengths and weaknesses are
beanghostprincess · 11 months
Wait do you also spam posts on the Zolu and Lusan tags as well? I haven't been on those so idk haha. And I know you said don't ask buuut why do you ship Lusan? 😅 I ship every other character together easily but I can't see the appeal between those two. Except for like post time skip. I'm trying to understand it.
mmm i wouldn't say i spam posts on those tags, but i do post a lot about them?? i think i just post more sanuso and zolu. more sanuso, probably. or maybe it's just that there are fewer people posting there and it makes my posts stand out more. we need more sanuso shippers, besties!!!
and you're asking me why i ship lusan but the true question here is why wouldn't i.
they're so romeo and juliet!!! so poetic!!! so love story by taylor swift!!!
it's not only because of whole cake island (that does help a lot, though) but their relationship dynamic and story as a whole. sanji grew up with a family that made him believe he was worthless and undeserving of love, and suddenly this silly guy appears out of nowhere saying that he wants him to come with him on an adventure because he believes he's the best cook ever (complimenting something his family constantly told him it was a weakness). he tells luffy about the all blue, opening up his heart and dreams to him in such a beautiful way that luffy can't help but say "yeah. this is the one. this is my cook now". they both share the same hopes and dreams!!!! reaching for the stars!!! fighting for their beliefs that everybody told them they wouldn't be able to follow!!! it's so so beautiful.
also, for luffy, food is something really important. not only referring to the comedic relief side of it, but also on a character level. food is what gives him strength, and it's also his love language (he's selfish when it comes to eating, but offers food to the ones he loves and cares about). and for sanji... well, food is his whole world. he won't let anyone starve, no matter who it is. it's the perfect dynamic. for luffy, food is important, not only bc he loves it, but because it's what makes him keep going (he literally needs to eat more than twice a normal person would because his power requires it). and for sanji that's!!! his perfect person!!!
whole cake island showing luffy refusing to eat until sanji comes back is so,,, i can't put it into words. but it's majestic. poetry. such a devotion to his cook it hurts. and sanji can't let him starve!!! it's so kzsdbjkasdbjkab i'm weak. crying. sobbing. luffy literally can't become the king of the pirates without him. he said it himself.
and also: luffy sees through sanji. we know luffy is like, the most empathetic character ever because he has this perception of people that's always so so accurate. he sees them as an open book. crystal clear. i mean, not really that crystal clear all the time but he knows when somebody is lying to themselves or him. and he knows that sanji is lying to himself in whole cake island the same way he's been aware of his insecurities ever since they met. and it's SO good.
the passion and devotion a cook and his constantly hungry captain have for each other is so intimate... luffy is curious by nature and wants to know more and more about the world and sanji. and sanji could just settle for cooking for him and finding the all blue, but luffy brings out that dreamy nature in him. luffy helps him ask for help and be himself.
sanji is selfless. luffy wants him to be selfish.
and it's!! so good!! so so romantic!!!
also don't get me started on luffy's speech to him because that's literally pride and prejudice mixed with romeo and juliet and a hint of corpse bride.
and yeah, you were talking about not getting the appeal pre time skip? well, let me tell you:
it might not be as romantic as post time skip, but it still is beautiful. sanji follows luffy to this adventure because he wants to find the all blue, but also because luffy has a dream even crazier than his. after being told countless times that his dream is a lie and impossible to achieve, seeing somebody as reckless and impulsive as luffy wanting something like being the king of the pirates does something to sanji. once again, as i was saying, luffy makes him want to be selfish. sanji doesn't want to leave the baratie because he feels like he owes zeff his life. that's his home, but also where his father and savior is. he wants to leave. he just doesn't know how to without feeling guilty. both luffy and zeff help him realize that he needs to go after his dream.
also, sanji's obsession with women goes beyond, you know, anything. but his devotion to luffy is stronger!! when you leave the comedic gags aside, of course.
besides, their dynamic is extremely funny. sanji is calm and mature and luffy is a menace to society. but... are they, really? because their dynamic is always funny like that, but also... it's kind of the other way around. luffy might seem immature and impulsive (he is) but when it comes to other people's feelings he's always the first one to understand. sanji, on the other hand, seems to have everything under control but once stuff like wci happens, we see that he's actually pretending to be like that. he's just a kid. he's scared and insecure and trauma suddenly hit him like a fucking truck without him expecting it and luffy is the one that needs to save him.
!!!!! lusan is GREAT. not only bc their "love cook x insatiable eater" dynamic, but because of their understanding and love for each other.
look, sanji is a damsel in distress and luffy is his knight in shining armor. except that they're actually a cook with an abusive family and an intense captain with a lot of love for food and his cook.
also they're very cutie patootie and they act very silly goofy together. i love when they're calm and laughing and nobody has to go through intense trauma for them to be happy in the end.
just look at them and tell me they aren't in love (although i see them more like in a queer platonic relationship but that's for another day):
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that's sanji's ray of sunshine right there!!!!! and luffy's damaged wet cat!!!!! they're so!!!!! luffy can't be the king of the pirates without his cook and sanji can't find the all blue without his captain!!!
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joyridingmp3 · 3 years
getting a free iq test tomorrow!!
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tedturneriscrazy · 2 years
Uh, I'm running out of ideas for how to introduce these things...
Anyways, Any Sport in a Storm!
May my Huntlow dreams come true
From denial to acceptance in record time, impressive!
Also, tape? My dude, I know nothing about sewing, and even I can tell that's some clown shit
"Consider this a test" consider my foot in your ass, Phil
The way Raine looked back at Hunter...now I'm curious about their previous relationship
Also, not liking the way Terra is leading Raine around...
Good to see Darius again, if only because of Keston John's voice😍
Ooh, Golden Guard lore! Seems like it's a legacy position, which makes sense
Hunter desperately seeking approval and validation while Darius is clearly sick of his shit
"You're very good at doing exactly what you're told" That's gonna come back later
Shortened title again? Not sure if they're making more time for longer episodes or putting off having to change the title sequence again...
Hell yeah, more Willow working out!
You got this, Willow!
Oh, shit! That's her dads! I bet that's how they met!
Where did her new glasses come from, though?
Also, lol at "Eye of the Liger"
Ah, so it was an errant locker
I also love how they both knew that Willow could save them
Important information, Gus
Oh, the way Luz fluffs Willow's hair❤❤❤ (Yes, I multiship, what of it?)
Azura Book Club real?!...Wait, I knew that already, I saw the promos lol
"I am so excited to hear the next words coming out of your mouth" Bruh, stop giving me Willuz fuel /hj
Hyping up badass Willow so far, so I'm definitely loving it
I wonder if Gus carries around confetti now, as well, thanks to Luz
I think I saw a comment about it elsewhere, but the whole club fair premise is so anime, and it's great
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This show really likes to say "Ages 6-11," doesn't it?
Uh oh, here comes Boscha
Luz is nerding out so much here, I love her
Hermosa ❤❤❤
Hey, I'm allowed some Lumity marking
The author of Azura? Luz seems confused
Human or demon? Interesting...
Also, lol at Boscha wanting attention
Love the way they just excitedly run off
"You guys aren't cute! I still have more friends than you!" Quality, not quantity, Boscha. You're just jealous you don't have an awesome girlfriend
Oh, this is gonna go swimmingly for golden boy /s
Great job selling your cult, buddy
Oh, hey, it's Barcus!
"Banish card" lmfao the disrespect
Oh no, critical thought that runs counter to his indoctrination! His one weakness!
(Also, good on you, Jerbo)
Bruh just get off her tail wtf
So we finally have a name for abomination professor: Professor Hermonculous!
This guy's kind of a dick, huh
Well, Willow, you're about to find one, at least
Scary, then sweet. Classic Willow
Very enthusiastic handshake
Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams...First rule of lies: keep it simple
"Fly doobie" not in a TV-Y7 show
That all sounds...intense
"I don't feel sick" has the same energy as "I'm not putting anything down," change my mind
Aw, Gus is looking out for Willow❤
I'm also glad to see that, yes, Amity is just as dorky as Luz
Canceled? Oh, no!
The fruits of the recruitment drive
...not the best first impression
Oh, no, are we in for a crisis of confidence for Willow?
"Half a witch" Hmmmmmmmm
Oh, never mind, Willow is persistent
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Loving that face
Ooh, Skara's smart, too! That one post of mine still holds up!
"Now I'm only scarred emotionally!"
I actually really like how Gus and Hunter bounce off of each other, surprisingly
And Willow is an effective leader and good at recognizing where everyone's strengths lie
Now we have context for that one screenshot
The chase is on!
The bird phone just flying into the window lmfao
Looks like Darius' Me Time is being interrupted once again
Game on!
Okay, yeah, Gus and Hunter camaraderie is good, actually
Even got the Gatorade dunk
I'd knock "Emerald Entrails," but it seems rather fitting for the Boiling Isles
Luz and Amity are gonna see that group selfie and have...a reaction
Damn, Viney, that's cold
Oh, here's actual betrayal
Dammit, blondie, you had a good thing going and you fucked it up
Also, way to show your hand so abruptly
So Darius sent the scouts, huh?
Prime usage of Steve
Man, Hunter is really just describing all kinds of awful shit with zero self awareness or introspection. Apparently critical thought is just not a thing in the Emperor's Coven
Ah, there's the crisis of confidence
"Can you?"
(Let me just take another opportunity to praise Keston John's voice acting. So good)
Oh I don't like that about the palismen
"Steve is beginning to regret his choices" Why is this such a mood?
The way they're still bringing up theories while chasing that author, holy shit they're such nerds ❤
Tiny Nose?! Tinella Nosa?!?!
And Mattholomule? Who else is in on this?!
Bro Amity is the only person on the Isles buying the Azura books I fucking
Yeah, punch 'im! And may this be his last appearance
Mmm, yes, casually rest your head on Amity's shoulder. I mean, sorry about that whole thing, but at least y'all can be cute together
Those Penstagram posts are 💯💯💯
Well, valiant attempts, but Darius is a coven head, after all
I was gonna say something else, but we're still on that previous point
Starting to get Horde Prime flashbacks
Better late than never on doing the right thing, I guess
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A small blush, I'm sure this won't be totally overanalyzed and possibly blown out of proportion /j
(That said, my Huntlow brainrot will take what it can get)
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Huh, well then, Darius, I guess you get this:
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I did not have "Darius as a good mentor figure" on my nonexistent Bingo card, I am pleasantly surprised
They gon write fanfiction together this just keeps getting better
"I am really digging those outfits" Damn, Luz, be more bisexual, why don't you
Their reactions to Hunter remind me of the end of Hooty's Moving Hassle (God, that seems like a different show entirely at this point)
Well, that was a nice, light episode! Drama! Flair! Facepaint! But nothing too plot heavy or angsty.
I think the Flyer Derby plotline stood on its own quite solidly, and it was definitely apparent that it was the main attraction here. Some more development and confidence building for Willow, and Hunter got a brief taste of actually being a kid for once.
Also, I feel the Lumity part managed to avoid overshadowing the episode, unlike in Through the Looking Glass Ruins. Their interactions were cute and sweet, yet casual and understated. Clearly girlfriends, but not too in-your-face about it, and the storyline was cute enough, even if it did have Tibbles.
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its-mellohi · 3 years
Sleeping At Last as the Dream SMP Playlist
because i like combining my sources of comfort. Link Here
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[the connections of each song and my interpretations under the cut]
PS. these are purely my interpretations of the songs and of the events-- feel free to disagree!!!
Mars: The First L'manburg War
We were full of life We could barely hold it in We were amateurs at war Strangers to suffering
Let the brokenness be felt 'Til you reach the other side There is goodness in the heart Of every broken man Who comes right up to the edge Of losing everything he has
Woodwork: The Rebuilding of L'manberg
All our love came out of the woodwork. All our strength came out of the woodwork. We only notice light When darkness crashes against it. We only notice light Deep in the woodwork.
It's a cruel, cruel trick How we find ourselves When we lose everything else. Like a train wreck, The sound of your breathing hits my ears. Our world reappears And it breaks us new.
Eight: Wilbur, Pogtopia (this one's a given obviously)
When I see fragile things, helpless things, broken things I see the familiar I was little, I was weak, I was perfect, too Now I'm a broken mirror
But I can't let you see all that I have to lose All I've lost in the fight to protect it I can't let you in, I swore never again I can't afford to let myself be blindsided
Heirloom: Fundy, from Wilbur
You are so much more than your father's son. You are so much more than what I've become. Long before you were born there was light Hidden deep in these young, unfamiliar eyes. A million choices, though little on their own, Become the heirloom of the heaviness you've known.
When the scale tipped, When you inherited A fight that you were born to lose. It's not your fault, No, it's not your fault, I put this heavy heart in you.
Neptune: Fundy in the aftermath
You let me set sail With cheap wood So I patched up Every leak that I could ’til the blame grew too heavy
Stitch by stitch, I tear apart If brokenness is a form of art I must be a poster child prodigy Thread by thread, I come apart If brokenness is a work of art Surely this must be my masterpiece
Pluto: Tommy, Pogtopia, Exile, Etc..
I've been worried all my life A nervous wreck most of the time I've always been afraid of heights Of falling backwards, falling backwards
One day I had enough Of this exercise of trust I leaned in and let it hurt Let my body feel the dirt When I break pattern, I break ground I rebuild when I break down I wake up more awake than I've ever been before
West: Clingyduo, Exile
Maps stretched out Too many miles to count Let's just say we're inches apart And even closer at heart And we'll be just fine
Another pin pushed in To remind us where we've been And every mile adds up And leaves a mark on us And sometimes our compass breaks And our steady true north fades We'll be just fine
We'll be just fine It's a matter of time 'Til our compass stands still
Earth : Technoblade & The Syndicate
Fault lines tremble underneath my glass house But I put it out of my mind Long enough to call it courage To live without a lifeline I bend the definition Of faith to exonerate my blind eye Till the sirens sound, I'm safe
Meanwhile, my family's taking shelter The sparks send the fire down the wire A countdown begins Until the dynamite gives in
The echo, as wide as the equator Travels through a world of built up anger Too late to pull itself together now
Five: Karl, time travel, the in-between, his memories
It feels like an out of body experience But something gets lost from a safe distance Now I can't put my mind to rest And I can't help but second guess Living behind this one-way mirror
Sorrow: Niki's character arc
It feels like falling It feels like rain Like losing my balance Again and again It once was so easy Breathe in, breathe out But at the foot of this mountain I only see clouds
Slowly, then all at once The dark clouds depart And the damage is done So pardon the dust While this all settles in With a broken heart Transformation begins
Mercury: Tubbo's character arc
No one can unring this bell Unsound this alarm, unbreak my heart new God knows, I am dissonance Waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune
Yet I know, if I stepped aside Released the controls, you would open my eyes That somehow, all of this mess is just my attempt to know the worth of my life
Jupiter: Ranboo.
I wrote it down in the winter of 1610 Just a secret under lock and key until then While collecting the stars, I connected the dots
I don't know who I am, but now I know who I'm not I'm just a curious speck that got caught up in orbit Like a magnet it beckoned my metals toward it, toward it
North: Snowchester, the _ Live family
We will call this place our home The dirt in which our roots may grow Though the storms will push and pull We will call this place our home
We'll tell our stories on these walls Every year, measure how tall And just like a work of art We'll tell our stories on these walls
A little broken, a little new We are the impact and the glue Capable more than we know To call this fixer upper home
South: Sam's Character arc
If truth is north Then I am true south I can't figure it out God knows Always looking up 'Til my eyes give up That's how I lost touch Of who I am and who I was
Some truths are loyal As the shadows we lead Some truths are stubborn as gravity No matter what category you fit into Truth's got its sight set on you
Body: Closing.
No, I don't have a script for this But I know the right words exist Somewhere And I just need more time I know, I know, I'm asking for the moon But I must listen to intuition Believe me, I only want what's right
There's magic in our bones A north star in our soul That remembers our way home God, it's easy to forget There's magic in all of this
Enjoy :D
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inviberu · 3 years
not so fast.
Once, he was left alone by someone who he thought would stay with him forever. 'Humans are so... fickle,' he thinks. And there was no way—absolutely no way—he was going through that a second time. Not when it's you, of all people.
Note: Written for my friend, @bobaryn ! Happy Birthday again, I hope I did Mithryn justice 🥺❤️
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i. mimi-chan's problems
Mithra, the second strongest wizard in the world, only second to Oz. A Northerner at the very core, egoistic and relies on brute strength to solve all of his problems without thinking twice about the alternatives. Mithra… the man who now stood in front of Ryn's door, waiting patiently for her to come out. Or maybe that wasn't the case at all—he wasn't a very patient man, after all.
Birthdays, birthdays… How curious. Mithra never striked anyone as the type to celebrate anyone's birthday no matter how close they were; troublesome as they are. One year meant nothing to a wizard, a year can pass by in a blink of an eye but perhaps what makes it different this time is that the one he holds closest to his heart is not a wizard but, in fact, a human.
Humans barely reached a hundred years. And even then, they would be too old to the point that Mithra thinks that they're just walking corpses. It didn't matter much to him before, there was no reason for him to think about the lives of humans when he was too busy trying to kill Oz. But to think that something as trivial as this would scare him—Owen and Bradley would laugh at him to no end.
Humans barely reached a hundred. Humans. Ryn. Ryn, his love, was a human. Was she to turn into a walking corpse one day as well? Humans were much more fragile. One small push and there was the tiniest bit of chance that they would fall to their doom and die.
'Fickle… How so very fickle,' Mithra thought. As much as he didn't like to admit it, the thought scared him. If it was possible, he didn't want to celebrate her birthday at all because all it did was remind him that she was aging and her lifespan is reduced by a year yet again. She can't leave him, he wouldn't let her even if she wanted to.
Although it's very difficult, there was a way for wizards to make a concoction to prolong a human's life. Mithra would travel to every nook and cranny of the world just to find the ingredients, it was a small price to pay for her unchanging affection that would preferably last a thousand years. Even though these were his current thoughts, he quickly got reminded that Ryn did not like it whenever he talked about this kind of thing during her birthday.
It felt too depressing for a supposedly happy occasion like a birthday. Mithra could only let out a sigh and threw his head back, crossing his arms as he tried to think of various ways to bring the topic up without accidentally dampening the mood.
… Wait. Why is he thinking so much? Sometimes even Mithra himself gets baffled whenever he realizes just how much he cares about the Sage. It felt unbelievable to some degree and at times, he wanted to get rid of her and his feelings but thankfully the more sane side of him won that internal debate. Love. What a despicable thing. Mithra wanted to throw it outside the window.
Feelings were a hindrance. They do nothing but make him feel vulnerable and weak. They become weaknesses—
"Mimi-chan, I'm sorry for making you wait!"
—and give him something to protect.
And there was his precious gem right in front of him, standing tall and proud. Beautiful as ever as it shined brightly with that smile of hers. Mithra stared at her blankly.
"Is that a new outfit?"
"Yeah! I thought that I should change my outfit a bit since it's my birthday after all." Ryn replied enthusiastically. Mithra smiled gently.
"It suits you."
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ii. mimi-chan's hometown
"Was there a particular reason why you chose to come here of all places during your birthday?" Ryn would've froze to death had it not been for the fact that she was sticking to Mithra like glue with magic to keep her warm. No sounds could be heard as white stretches as far as the eye can reach; the North always felt so frightening.
But even frightening things have their own charms no matter how they look to people. The deathly white felt ethereal to some extent, like an untouchable beauty that can kill you within seconds. Seeing the world through rose-tinted glasses has its perks.
"Because it's where you grew up. Last time we went here, we couldn't go to the land of the dead, right? I thought that maybe I can use this opportunity to go there with you today. Do you not want to?"
"... No, I'd be happy to." Mithra's eyes widened. "But are you sure this is how you want to spend your birthday…?"
"I want to know more about you, what better way than to go to where you grew up? Plus, you seemed really happy when I told you I wanted to visit last time…"
Mithra smiles. Why is it that she focuses on him during her birthday of all days? It wasn't as if he minded it though, he was glad to have the opportunity to show her around. He let out a satisfied sigh as he grabbed her hand and started to walk across the surface of the lake.
"Alright. I'll have you know everything about me."
"W-Wait, Mimi-chan!" She couldn't slow him down. Not when he was absolutely ecstatic to show her the land of the dead. Her embarrassed face was left unnoticed by him.
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iii. mimi-chan's promise
Perhaps the real challenge for Mithra was the fact that he still couldn't find the perfect time to tell her about that concoction even as they continued to wander around the North Country. There wasn't much to fear when the second strongest wizard is by your side but maybe he was the one with fears this time around. His hand wrapped around hers… it felt so small and fragile as if she could break any moment.
The scenery of her smiling happily amidst the snow, it was something he hoped he would never forget knowing that poor memory of his. If she were to leave this world one day, would he forget her name as well? It disturbed him. Why was he so disturbed? Love? Was love supposed to instill this much fear in him?
"Mimi-chan, I think it's time to leave—" Before she could finish her statement, Mithra grabbed her wrist.
"Don't leave." Ryn stared at him, baffled. Without another word, she wrapped her arms around his torso and buried her face into his chest.
"I'm not going anywhere." She reassured him.
"... Can you promise me that?"
"As long as you promise me something too. Promise me that you'll stay with me for a thousand years to come."
Mithra paused. A gentle smile taking over his lips.
"I promise."
He had another weakness yet again. Though, this time, it didn't feel bad. It was a small price to pay for an eternity with her, after all.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Alright, this is my first time actually sending anything anonymous (or any ask to someone who isn’t a mutual) on Tumblr but guess ya gotta start somewhere, heh
I’m serious and cold to anyone who I don’t know well and I have a habit of being sarcastic whether when I’m annoyed or trying to joke around with people I’m unfamiliar with though with people I know well, I’m supportive and a lot more open to laughing and joking around. I have a blank resting face, really the only time I smile is when I have something to smile about.
I’m actually really protective of my friends. I have a difficulty discerning what’s rude and not, I’m blunt but I’m also very careful not to say anything that could hurt someone’s feelings (of course I don’t have the best judgement with that).
I don’t always express my emotions properly, I’ll storm out when I’m nervous which can make it look like I’m angry when I’m more scared than anything.
I have really bad anxiety, especially when it comes to anger, it doesn’t have to be directed at me. I panic relatively easily, it doesn’t matter if I’ve lost something or it’s a rude comment, it can be someone who’s close or whom I’ve never met. Unfortunately I tend to be a bit of a pushover when it comes to defending myself, I’ve gotten better, I have certain times where I will stand up for myself but for the most part I just panic.
This also transitions when talking to people I don’t know well, sometimes I’m either ‘eh’ or really awkward if I have to actually talk to them.
I like to draw, write, video games (more turn based and relaxing ones rather than shooting games) and collect animal figurines (they just make me smile, I remember when my mom first got me one and I was immediately grinning). I absolutely love animals, I have my own smol doggo and kitty cat :) I myself am a cat person
Dislikes or pet peeves:
People who are loud (like all the time, I can handle someone who laughs loudly) or nosy. I’m also not a fan of being touched, especially when it just kinda… happens. Not a fan of sports overall
Deal breakers:
Somebody who gets mad quickly or one who can’t calm down and talk about it rather than yell. Also somebody who can’t respect that I don’t like being touched without being asked or even then I might say no. I’d like someone who’s level headed or relaxed, though will take situations seriously. Or somebody who forces me to go out
Some specific traits I’d prefer is someone who is patient yet stubborn and won’t take my ‘I don’t care’ as an answer cause that’s my answer to many things because of my anxiety and my fear of upsetting people. I’d also like someone who can read body language as well. They also need to be able to wait for like a minute for me to answer a question properly since I uh decide things rather slowly.
-I don’t talk about my feelings, not even to people who I trust and am really close to
-I panic a lot
-I’m easily irritated, though I don’t often act on my anger unless it’s pent up, doesn’t mean I don’t show it y’know… via body language
-I’m more of a pessimist than anything else
-I’m a perfectionist, I have to do something right
-I’m prone to burnout
-I don’t have a lot of patience when it comes to people, specifically to people who nag, are idiots, or just rude
-I can and will stand up for my friends
-I care deeply for my friends and family
-I’m not a very judgy person, like let people do what they want man
-I’d like to think I’m somewhat good at giving advice
-I actually have a lot more patience when it comes to animals, they can poop in the house or tear something up and I’d be more frustrated than I am mad at them
-I have 0 stamina or strength
-Legit someone can gently punch me and it’d hurt for a solid 30 seconds
-Tickling makes me want to cry(?)
-A long conversation can leave me exhausted, I need time to recharge and that time can either be a couple of hours or up to two weeks
-I pace a lot which is mostly to zone out and go into my own fantasy world, I’ll either pace in silence or while listening to music
-I can't focus on a single task if I'm working, gotta be doin something at the same time like listening to music
I have freckles, I’m a sandy blonde which is almost light brown, and blue eyes. I’m really short lol, I’m 4’10
Alright, after a lot of consideration, I think the best fit for you would be…………ACE (mafiaswap sans)!
First of all, ace is literally a mafia boss. He been dealing with temperamental and jumpy people his whole life. Your personality when he first meets you won’t phase him at all. And ace is just the right amount of patience and persistence to befriend anyone!
Ace is also very observant and witty. His whole job is to charm the pants off of people and make them relax. He’s great at picking up those signals for when you’re feeling uncomfortable. And it doesn’t take him long to figure out which buttons to push to help you loosen up. He’s not an enabler though. Ace does care about his loved ones and will insist on them stepping out of their comfort zones once in a while. He knows their limits though and is good about not pushing them. This is the main reason I picked him over second choice.
Ace is no stranger to video games. They aren’t necessarily his favorite thing, but he can be convinced to play with you. He does it plenty for his little brothers slim and bruiser.
He tends to show his affection more in acts of service and verbally rather than touch. And words mean a lot to him. He doesn’t except you to bear your soul to him all the time, but he would want to hear an “I love you” sometimes
Ace with a SO can be pretty playful. He likes leaving silly notes in his SOs pockets to find later, or sneaking mini treats or gifts into their room. It keeps them on their toes and gives him a chance to be stealthy.
If you’re curious, second choice would’ve been wine
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jonvoll · 7 years
Therapy session
Friend (A): "I think we should go for a walk"
Me: "sounds good we should talk"
*We go out into the night
Walk strait then take a right
And find ourselves in the park
Many hours after dark
But you can't see a single star
Because there is smoke coming from the only car
A: I used to choke on smoke
Me: when did it all start
A: sometime before my art...
A: before I broke my heart
Me: I just wish you would have known
Me: you had me and were not alone...
Me: but I want to know your story
no matter how gory
There's a promise I've kept
With you I'll always accept
A: you have my trust its just I want the world to know to show that even if it's strange I really have made a change
A: "it all started back in seventh grade
Long before I made that masquerade
When exactly it started I forget
But I know it started with a cigaret"
*we wander to his old school guided by the wanderers unspoken rule "you'll be drawn to where you can't move on"
A: oh wait I can't be sure, everything is still a blur
But I fear it started right around here
Me: do you remember who it was with
A: someone who had already fallen off the cliff
I'm sure they are somewhere in my memory
But I doubt they remember me...
A: Anyway one day I can't remember if it was September or December all I remember is it was cold I met my friends
one of them told me "I've already sold most of the pack but I'll cut you some slack" and gave one to me
In truth I felt kinda down but they had a grin and I had a frown
My curiosity got the best of me
And I asked for a light
Suddenly life seemed bright
I was free
Free from the tyranny
Of my family
*there is a moment of silence as we both struggle to remain composed for the sake of the other
Me: so what happened then
A: it was around this time I started to flirt and care about what type of shirt I wore I swore I would be somebody. It was also around this time I met my friend (C) who I'll never forget
Me: wasn't he a bad presence
A: only in adolescence and I know how this might sound but it was the other way around
Cause at first he was a goody two shoes who would never use and always choose to do what was right
But honestly he was very much like me
Me: you mean genuinely good but deeply misunderstood
A: not exactly he was more like me in that he suffered from curiosity
I remember it was eighth grade I'd made my masquerade
It was then when I first thought to try pot
And it made me suffer from apathy which honestly wasn't that bad I'd become numb to the beating of every drum because truthfully my life's melody was that of pain.
One day C looked at me and said
C: I need to get these things out of my head
And honestly my jealousy of your apathy leaves me in agony
A: hey, I got some pot back at my place
After school we will take that and it will erase
Everything you fear
And your only tear will be that of laughter after
We smoke
A: so he came with me and we took a toke
After that everything was a joke
He was free of agony
And what's more he was with me
Everyone in my social group was simply a troop in my empire an entire system of stoned kids making desperate bids at stealing without revealing who they were but in truth it's all a blur
After many fuzzy nights of laughter
Middle school came to a close
And my ego rose
And around this time I lost my virginity
Somewhere out there there is lost divinity
But I remember it was just an ember in a wildfire of desire because I was number that summer than I ever thought I would get on pot
* his eyes start to glisten as I empathetically listen
A: but at the start of high school I found a stronger tool
Cause even though all I'd know was the drug would hug my mind and keep it confined. my heart... My heart belonged to art
Way back then the artists pen almost saved me
I'll admit I'm a little bit of a hypocrite because it started with graffiti
Me: was there a particular day it took your breath away
A: yes we were all stoned to the bone together but alone there's a lot I'm going to miss but the conversation looked something like this
C: hey let's take a tour of the sewer
I swear it's safer there
Another friend: you mean we can smoke pot and not worry about getting caught
C: yeah, in fact I know the exact place
* then looking A in the face
You got any spray paint
* it was said with an eager taint
A: yeah, but why would we put it in the bag
C: you ever wanted to tag
A: I've thought about it a little bit but never had a good rhyme at the right time
C: well today we are going to find a way
* they went on the proposed tour of the sewer and got beyond high to where nobody wanted to try
A: okay let's design our flag and tag it all over the walls and these tunnels will be our halls
* he did, but as the night dragged on his friends one by one were gone, but he didn't take note because he had crossed the drugs moat. The night started to turn light but burned bright as he would write every symbol of his soul wresting control from the drug that did hug his mind but now did find the will to fight to write and seize control of his soul the drugs like thugs were pissed and tried to grab his wrist but the spray paint made them faint he would say like pepper spray would clobber a would be robber. He would work every hour gaining power but losing strength as the length of the night gave even C fright. Saying I need to let you know I'd love to stay but I have to go. Then it was just Him in the dim flame but it was when the true him came, cause even as the high grew weak he felt no need to seek to smoke or break a heart because he had his art. It's said when he left the funnel of that tunnel it was already midday, it took his breath away
A: I remember that part as clear as day, it saved me in a way
Me: I'm kinda curious lets go see it
A: funny thing is I don't remember where it was but I still hear about the few who managed to find it its a massive battle between art and the drug, my heart and my skull slug. With reapers and Angels
Me: but what made you go back
A: my parents drama and flak
I begged them to let me be
In therapy
Because even though I now had a weapon
The drugs had more than ever before
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