#I'm so glad they all got to reunite before the battle
fallensnowfan · 1 year
I’m rereading Zou and it’s still a favorite for how well it sets up everything for the next 250+ chapters.
When Kanjuro draws Ryuunosuke, it’s a small panel though Kin’emon seems a bit taken aback. I’m guessing over the fact that he drew a weak pink dragon to be essentially a servant. In retrospect, that says a lot about how much Orochi had warped Kanjuro’s views by that point. With Orochi’s views own already having been warped by Higurashi.
Also remembered that Pedro says Dog and Cat must not die. Also have Izo’s and Usopp’s message that living after defeat has meaning. Similarly to a lot of people saying Big Mom would tell Luffy that she had killed Jinbei, a lot of people were saying that all of the Akazaya would die. Shame on them >:(
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riskyraiker · 4 months
Hii, I saw you were taking requests, so how about this: A Vox x Reader who were old friends in life, now reunited in hell, but not in a way he would expect. Reader was fighting for the Hotel against exterminators and got hurt.
Sort of an angsty/hurt-comfort kinda thing, with Vox stepping out of his cruelty and demon persona. Please, take care and thank you 💕😋
Oh my i absolutely love this😍😍and here have a rose for being my first request🌹You didn't specify genders so i wrote Y/N as they/them, also i apologize if the pov changes from 3rd pov to anything else.
Glad that we're in hell | Vox x reader
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Vox loved how much control he had in Hell. He didn't miss anything from the time when he was alive, or so he thought. He didn't want to break his persona in anyway, but he couldn't help but miss Y/N after Valentino had another tantrum over Angel Dust. He covered it by stalking and complaining about a certain radio demon who came back in town. Vox was so focused that he didn't even notice his good old friend next to Alastor.
All of the three V's sat on the couch watching how an army of angels flew closer to the Hazbin Hotel. Vox was enthralled that Alastor would lose, but all his focus on Alastor vanished when he noticed someone familiar being attacked by an exorcist. "No fucking way.." Vox mumbled under his breath which got the attention of Velvette for max. 2 seconds. His panic didn't last long when the exorcist head was shot full of holes by Angel. Soon enough Adam broke the barrier and started to fight with Alastor himself. Vox was celebrating as Alastor got his ass beat by Adam, now he was complaining about alastor leaving. "Agghh Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!"
Alastor was down, Angel, Husk and Cherry were struggling, Charlie was choked by Adam and Vaggie was struggling with Lute. Y/N had no other choice but try and sneak up on Adam. Attacking the first man, but almost no damage was done expect a scar on his shoulder. Adam threw Y/N to a wall, which made Vox absolutely enraged. "Y/N!!" Oh shit, that confirms it, it's you. As lucifer arrived to the fight, Vox dissapeared from the couch through cameras to the battlefield, he ran to Y/N. "I..what are you doing here?" It seems like they didn't recognize him well for being a TV screen. "I'm here to save you, darling. I-it's me Vox you knew me when we were alive." Y/N eyes widened as she coughs his name before losing consiousness. "Aw shit, let's go back" Vox held Y/N close as he went back into his place. He did the best he could to bandage you up and give you every pain reliever he had after you woke up. "uhh..what happened. The hotel! Where am i? I need to help Charlie and the others!" Vox was at his own desk watching the cameras, until he heard you yelling about the hotel and your friends. He had no time to get up and run when he straight up teleported through electricity next to you. "Oh god, I was so worried about you! I didn't even know you were in hell. Why in the fuck are you even here?!" Vox didn't care if Val or Velvet would walk through those huge doors as he held you close and rambled about you and your well being to you. "Vox, is it Really you? I thought i had lost you completely." Those words cut his heart in half and made him glitch. You held him tight as you could without being in pain.
You couldn't help but let tears fall down your face, you missed him so much. "I thought i didn't miss you at all, but I was so wrong. How could I've been so selfish not to realize I loved you all this time" Was it true what he just said or were you still in shock from the battle. "Vox. Did you just confess?" Vox only glitched and even shed a few tears which made him ashamed. "Oh darling don't cry, I love you aswell" You caressed his screen styled face softly as you leaned your forehead onto the top of his screen. "Y-You do?" His eyes flickered and moved up and down, looking into your eyes then glancing at your lips. "Of course I do. I loved you since we were alive. You make me glad to be in hell" It took you long enough to kiss, but you did it anyway. Angels say Hell is only suffering and pain, but they didn't know that it's not only that. "You make hell seem like Heaven to me, Y/N"
AN: I hope you liked it. I wrote this quick as possible to not keep you waiting. It might short aswell, I'm not good at going to detail :,)
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random-chaotic-bitch · 2 months
Maddi's Reaction to TBB S3 Finale
The episode title killed me a little bit, ngl
I mean, "The Cavalry Has Arrived". Talk about a callback lmao
Ofc Omega found a way to release the Zillo Beast. And Echo's reaction was amazing. "How do you know?" "Because it's exactly what I'd do!"
Same with Hunter, Wrecker, and Crosshair: "Echo or Omega?" "Omega." "Omega."
I was so fucking convinced that the og operative - the one with the sniper rifle - was gonna be Winter Soldier-ified Tech. Like, I was banking on it, and it turns out he was just a random clone. (I might make a rewrite changing that outcome lol)
Emerie finally became a good guy! After Episode 10, I was rooting for her to wake the fuck up haha. Glad she came to her senses, and very proud that Echo had the sense to trust her.
Oh, speaking of the not-actually-Tech operative, HE CUT CROSSHAIR'S HAND OFF?! CROSSHAIR BBY NOOOO
Ahem. I'm not mad. It's a TV show, it's not real, I'm not mad.
Sorry, where was I?
Hunter and Crosshair finally acting like brothers again makes my heart so happy. "You should stay here. I'll go after Omega." "Not a chance."
Ooh, when Echo found Omega and the other kids, the way he greeted her made me wanna cry a little bit. And the way the kids hugged her before Emerie flew them to safety - guys, my heart can't take this cuteness.
Echo's speech to the prisoners gave me Fives' battle for Kamino speech. "You've all been through enough, and you all deserve your freedom, but Omega and I can't do this alone. Will any of you help us?" compared to "We're one of the same. Same heart, same blood. And my blood's boiling for a fight." "But what about our training?" "Your training is in your blood."
Hunter, Crosshair, and Omega working together almost non-verbally to kill Hemlock was amazing. Our baby Omega has grown up so much since Season 1, and I'm so proud of her. Also, yay, Hemlock is dead!
Nala Se's "sacrifice" to destroy her work kinda made me tear up, ngl. (I say "sacrifice" because it wasn't a big thing like Tech's death, she just got shot by Rampart and dropped the detonator at his feet. It still made me tear up tho.)
Everyone recovering on Pabu made me so happy, but we didn't see Phee and Omega reunite, which was kind of a let-down. But, everyone's safe and happy, so I'll take it.
Now for the big thing: THE END SCENE
Oh my god baby Omega grew up so much. Her long hair in the really loose and messy ponytail made me so happy haha. Also, was that Hunter's bandana? TBB team, can we confirm?
Speaking of Hunter, his older look makes me so happy. No armor, just soft, comfortable clothes. (I do miss the old bandana though)
Hunter's concern about Omega becoming a Rebellion pilot is so fatherly omfg. Also, our baby is a Rebellion pilot!!
Omega's little salute to Hunter and Batcher made my heart melt a little. Seeing Tech's goggles on the dashboard also didn't help. And Hunter's final line - "She'll be fine."
Guys, I'm in awe. This episode was amazing. Laughed, cried, and melted the whole way through. Perfect ending for our favorite squad.
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The One (Part 10)
The one were he left
Sihtric x Reader
It took them at least a day to reunite and prepare to leave towards Aethelflaed's state.
Sihtric had somehow found a cart where Osferth could travel and rest at the same time, since he was in no position to ride a horse or even walk. Y/N rode silently right beside her friend all the way to their destination.
Once in Saltwic, Aethelflaed greeted her warmly. She arranged a bath for everyone and got her some new clothes while the one's covered in blood were being washed. If Y/N was being honest she didn't care if they burned them, but also she wasn't sure how picky she could be with their supplies
"I'm glad to see you again, Y/N" Her friend said once Y/N was bathed and changed in a new dress. Aethelflaed enter the room and sat next to her in her new bed "But I can see you are hurting. You can talk to me, you know?" So she did. And as tears fell down through her cheeks she told her friend what had happened. How she had run but the man had insisted, how she tried to push him aside but he just didn't let her go so she... "You did what you had to" Aethelflaed stated "I know it doesn't make it better, but it was him or you. And you survived" Her friend continue as she pulled her between her arms "You are safe now" And Y/N cried once more for the man she had killed, for being lost and missing her home. She cried accepting that maybe she would never go back.
After she pulled herself together, she and Aethelflaed went to find their friends. They found them in a hall, drinking and eating. Celebrating. Uhtred was the only one with a sad look on his face and Y/N assumed the news about his dead brother were finally sinking in. Aethelflaed followed him outside, leaving her to find Finan and Sihtric next to a fire, drinking
"There she is!" Finan said and handed her a cup of ale "How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay" She said, as she always did
"You don't have to lie to us, Lady"  Finan said, catching her lie
"Okay, uhmm" She took a sip of her drink "I feel like shit. And I'm on the verge of an emotional and mental collapsing. But hey, at least there is alcohol around" She half joked raising her glass to the two men.
"Welcome to the life of the warrior" Finan hugged her from her shoulders, cheering as he finished his drink in one sip "We are going to need more ale" And with that he left, leaving her alone with Sihtric
He looked more relaxed than she has ever seen him since they met. Maybe as relaxed as the day at the nunnery before Haesten came along. "I still have your knife" She really did have the intention to give it back
"You can keep it" He said shrugging but with a smile on his face
"You sure?"
"It saved you once, better to keep it around" He nodded at her and she looked away at the memory. He cursed himself a little, he did not want her to think about that "New dress?" He asked changing the subject
"Oh, Aethelflaed gave me more dresses that I could ever ask for" She explained "Thought I could have some change. Something that does not make me think of... you know" She couldn't even put in words, but he understood
"Well, you definitely do not look like a Dane" He said referring to the first time he saw her in a dress "If that is the change you are looking for, Lady" He said with a small smirk and she laughed a little. Still he could see how something in her eyes had died since the battle
"You two laughing together?" Finan appeared with a new jug of ale "What did I miss?"
They both laughed and Y/N rolled her eyes as she took the jug from Finan's hand "I'm going to check on Osferth" She announced as she started to walk away
"She took the ale" Finan said to Sihtric who only laughed at the expression of his friend
She found Osferth in one of the rooms, sleeping. She let him sleep as she sat on a chair next to him, thanking for the peace and quite. He looked to be getting better, still his wound remind her of the battle, of the man that tried to... She took a sip of the ale. And then another and another until the jug was empty and she cried in silence til she felt empty, too.
The sun had started to set when she decided it was time to go back to the others. She found Finan and Sihtric eating at a table on the same hall as before and she walked to them "Where can I find more?" She asked as she stood next to Finan
"I can share mine with you, Lady" Said Dagfinn from a table across the hall, taking Y/N by surprise as she did not notice the prisioners there with them
"You will shut your mouth" Sihtric snapped at him making Dagfinn shrugged as he kept eating
"Why are they here?"
"Uhtred's orders" Finan simply said "How did Osferth finish an entire jug of ale in his state?"
"He didn't. He is sleeping I didn't woke him up" Y/N explained and both men shared a concern look realizing she had drank the whole jug by herself "Now, where can I find more?"
"I think maybe you had enough?" Sihtric suggested softly
"You don't get to decide when I had enough, Dane boy" She said, the anger clear in her voice, but their conversation was abruptly interrupted by Uhtred enteering the hall
"How's Osferth?"
"Sleeping" Y/N said as she sat down grabbing Finan's cup who, to her surprise, said nothing. Sihtric only stared at her from across his seat, while she ignored him
"As we all should be" Finan added "Just as soon as he is recovered, we should attempt to recover Skade" 
"Once again" Sihtric said softly
"So long as she is free, Lord, you are cursed"
"Skade is with the Danes, we cannot reach her" Uhtred replied "We will not reach her to our deaths"
"Death will find us regardless" Sihtric said looking at Uhtred in the eye
"Do you have something to say, Sihtric?"
"He does not" Finan intervined
"Except that enough of us had died already" Y/N could see somthing in Sihtric's eyes. He was looking for a fight, maybe tired of everything that was going on. She couldn't really blame him
"You are a warrior. Death is a hazard" 
"I've decided to go to Ragnar. I must help him find peace" Uhtred shared with his friends, sadnedd clear on his face
"All you'll find a Ragnar's graveside is ghosts" Sihtric kept his gaze on Uhtred as Finan and Y/N shared a confused look
"You will keep watch on Aethelflaed and Y/N, and you will rest" Uhtred orderd and Finan nodded
"No man who serves Uhtred can rest, not until Skade is reclaimed"
"Sihtric, you are drunk and you are tired" Finan tried to keep his friend quite but failed
"Yes, I am tired" Sihtric continued raising his voice "Of marching north and then south, being called a traitor. For what?" 
"Then leave, boy" Uhtred simply said and even Y/N knew it had gone too far "If you are unhappy in my service, leave"
"I have fought for you!" Sihtric yelled at Uhtred as he pushed him
"Sihtric!" Y/N called him in an attempt to stop the situation as Finan stood between his friends
"You fight because you enjoy it" Uhtred laughed at him
"You would dismissed me this easily?" 
"Stay or go, I do not care"
"Uhtred you do not mean that" Y/N's drunk state didn't let her process things clearly. Everything was happening too fast
"He does care" Finan said as calmly as he could "Now let us all sit"
"Stay or go, Sihtric Kjartanson, It is your choice" Uhtred calmly said staring at his friend "Make it!"
Sihtric hesitated for a second before he replied "If you wish to make the square, Uhtred of Bebbbanburg, let us do it"
"Are you both out of your mind?"
"There will be no squares made, no fighting, just sleep!"
"I will leave first light, but I will return" Uhtred ignored both Y/N and Finan "And if you are here still then I will kill you" And then walked out of the hall
"Why?" Finan asked his friend
"He has cursed us all!" Sihtric said as he throw some cups from the table in anger. Y/N stumbled back in surprise as she gasped a little Sihtric looked at her with pain in his eyes
"She has cursed you all. Uhtred allows it" Dagfinn intervined as he kept eating and Sihtric turned to look at him "Abandon him, boy. It is your only chance. You are a Dane first and last "He continued as Finan made a signal to one of the soldiers to shup Dagfinn up
Y/N run out of the hall, her emotions getting the best of her. He tried to find Uhtred to make him see some sense in all of this, they were all tired, but failed. She was alone in her room trying to process what had happened. How Uhtred had promised to kill one of his closest friends just like that and how Sihtric was not the quite man she thought he was. She saw the knife he had give her sitting on one of the tables and anger took over her. She grabbed it and walked back towards the hall
Sihtric and Finan were in the same place she had left them minutes ago. She threw the knife in the table in front of Sihtric as both men looked at her confused "If you choose to betray your friend this easily, then I want nothing to do with you" And with that she left before he could say something to her. She walked back to her room and closed the door. She threw herslef on the bed and stared at the ceiling fighting the tears in her eyes. She had cried too much for on day already. 
At some point in the night she fell asleep. No nightmares this time. She woke up to the sun entering throw the window and rubbed her eyes. Someone had put a blanket over her, since she didn't remember doing it herself. She sat up on the bed and as she looked around she saw Sihtric's knife on her beside table and run to the hall to see what had happened
She found Finan already up and eating his breakfast but no sign of Sihtric. She walked over to the table and sat in front of her friend as she still looked around in case she had missed him
"He is gone" Finan told her and her heart sunk a little. She didn't even tried to hide how this hurt her and Finan sighed at the look of his now hurt friend "I'm sorry, Y/N"
"It is not your fault" She genuinely said to him. She grabbed some food and put it on a plate with and with the excuse to check on Osferth she left the hall 
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mustlovesteve · 7 months
I would love to know what the major differences are between the LATBG that was intended to be published in its entirety in one month and the LATBG of today
So, it turns out I had horribly misremembered everything regarding my timeline for this fic. Whoops!
I found an old version of the document from 09/26/2022, 5 days before I uploaded the Prologue. In that draft, I had apparently written up until when Steve and Eddie meet up at Dustin's house, which is Chapter 20 in the published version. (For reference, until I skimmed that document, I was convinced that I'd conjured up Lucy sometime in early 2023 and that I had only written up until Chapter 13 by that point.)
Each chapter got a major overhaul before I uploaded it, so that Halloween deadline was always a pipe dream, but the events of those chapters remained largely the same.
However, that draft included an outline for the rest of the story. Those events are pretty different from what happened in the final version.
Some major differences between that outline and the final version include:
Vickie was going to be brought into the fold much earlier, for the sake of having a double-date before Steve and Eddie even got together. They were all going to watch the 1970's Carmilla movie, during which Steve was going to make some Interesting and Sad Observations about why that movie was "allowed" to be made. Unfortunately, I could not figure out how to do this without Steve and/or Robin coming across as careless about Eddie's safety.
Steve was going to go back to work sooner, which would have provided many convenient timeskips once Steve was Cursed. Thus, events like dinner with Wayne, Steve and Robin getting matching friendship bracelets, Eddie and Lucy tracking down Steve near the train tracks, etc. weren't going to happen.
Lucy's back-alley vet adventure was going to be an entire chapter. This would have explored Eddie's feelings about not being able to talk to his other friends for the indefinite future.
Eddie was possibly going to continue living at Steve's house in the guest room after he reunited with his uncle. Theoretically, Eddie would have asked Steve if his "offer was still good" about letting Eddie stay there. This would be shortly after Steve had a panic attack about his parents potentially discovering Lucy. I was pretty conflicted about this.
Steve was going to wonder whether Eddie had accidentally "Charmed" him with vampire magic and discuss it with Robin at work. As hilarious as that could have been, I'm glad I decided to ditch the idea. I didn't want to deal with the implications of a gay man (in my headcanon for this fic anyway) being suspected of doing something like that, even if Steve was sure that it was just an accident.
The hand-licking was still going to happen, but it would have been in Steve's kitchen instead.
Steve wasn't going to realize that he was Cursed until he saw the clock, because the hallucinations were going to be more subtle.
Whether Eddie ended up living in Steve's guest room or not, he was going to be there the morning that Steve saw the clock. When Steve stopped answering him, Eddie was going to break his goddamn door down.
Eddie was going to be present for the "Steve is Cursed" meeting and it was going to be ugly. Steve was going to essentially throw Eddie under the bus when Eddie alluded to the whole "Steve thinks that Dustin wishes he'd died instead" thing because he really didn't want Dustin to know that.
The Final Battle was going to be totally different...
EDIT: Original Ending (SPOILERS for the finale):
Vecna, who had been saving up his energy all week, was going to actually (albeit very briefly) control Eddie and break him out of the lab. Before Vecna gained full control, Eddie was going to ask Lucy to chew his foot to slow him down. This would have allowed Lucy to beat Eddie to the Upside Down, and luckily save Dustin from a demodog.
Once puppet!Eddie got closer, Lucy was going to start convulsing as she tried to resist puppet!Eddie's commands to attack everyone. Puppet!Eddie would close in on Steve, slam him into a wall and dislocate his shoulder, and taunt him. Steve, in a stroke of brilliance, would decide that was the best time to kiss Eddie for the first time. (There is a specific piece of fanart that inspired this scene lol.) Vecna, seizing the opportunity to be especially cruel, would have chosen that moment to draw Steve into the Mindscape (basically mocking him like "oh u really thought that would work huh?").
El would kill Vecna quickly, but as a parting gift, Vecna would trap Steve in a warped version of the Mindscape. This Mindscape would rapidly erode Steve's sanity, until he would start to beg for someone to just kill him already. El would start to worry that Steve might end up like her mom if he was left there for much longer. Eddie, upon hearing that, would get the idea to bite Steve to buy them some time for El to find Steve and draw him back out.
I scrapped this around 02/12/2023 when I talked with someone on Discord and realized that this made no sense based on what we knew about how Vecna's powers worked. If Vecna died, there was no logical reason for the Mindscape to persist. I was willing to take a lot of liberties (ignoring the spiders and shit), but not to that extent. I came up with the published finale shortly after this!
Other noteworthy changes that I made along the way:
In the very early planning stages, many major plot changes were made because I stopped to consider the ethical implications of certain character choices. For example, the Basement Arc was originally going to be a lot longer, until I realized that Steve couldn't justify hiding Eddie away for much longer while Dustin and Wayne were so agonized over his death.
Lucy was originally going to be more attuned to Eddie's moods, but I decided it was funnier for them to essentially compete for Steve's attention.
Eddie wasn't going to confess his feelings until a bit later.
The night before they planned to fight Vecna, Steve was going to call his parents, only for that to turn into a horrible hallucination. After ending that call, Steve was going to call Hopper and propose the Contingency Plan.
Dustin and Robin's reconciliation-with-Steve chapters were going to happen after they beat Vecna. I wanted to focus more on Steve and Eddie at the very end, so I reworked that.
The final few hallucination concepts were pretty last-minute, so I'm surprised that I liked how they turned out.
This is...likely a much longer response than you were expecting...but uh...I hope it was interesting!
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whipplewhippler · 4 months
How do you think Sceptile would react if Trip's Serperior suddenly got attracted to Ash's Serperior?
I can see trip's serperior being an issue long before ash's serperior is even a Servine. after Snivy beats him in "A Rival Battle for Club Champ" (I think that's the episode? I'm not too sure?), Trip's Servine is taken with her.
now, trip's servine doesn't really love love her-when he makes passes at her, it's like a "ditch those losers and hang with me and my trainer. you can do s0000o much better" type situation, where he doesn't really care about what's best for Snivy- he mostly just thinks they'll look good together.
Snivy is just glad to be rid of him when ash drops her off at the lab.
if trip should stop by oak's lab (maybe he finds the abundance of Pokémon there to be a really great photo op, you know how he can be). Snivy will immediately be wary of him being there. she'll hang around Sceptile a lot more than usual, which is saying a lot since they're already together frequently throughout the day. Sceptile doesn't understand why at first (not that he's complaining, really.) but then Snivy gestures towards Trip and he's like "oh."
snivy had told Sceptile all about trip's serperior when she had first started getting close with him.
Sceptile definitely detests him from the start and he's sympathetic towards Snivy regarding him. mostly, he's just glad she doesn't have to deal with him anymore.. until she does.
once Snivy undergoes the displeasure of reuniting with trip's serperior, though, he looks her over all lascivious-like and makes lots of backhanded comments to the tune of "wow, even after all this time you're still so small and fragile." (alternatively, if she's a serperior by the time they see each other again, he’d either be all “my goodness, how you’ve changed. and here I thought you’d stay small and pathetic forever.” OR he’d probably be a little more respectful, but not abundantly so.)
Sceptile of course is immediately not a fan. he had heard a lot of not-so-good things about trip's serperior regarding his behavior towards Snivy and he's always quick to keep Snivy far from him to avoid conflict. trip admittedly isn’t fully conscious of why ash’s Sceptile and his serperior have so much tension, but it makes great photo fodder.
trip’s serperior is haughty and incorrigible but that doesn’t really stop Sceptile from giving him a piece of his mind— and he uses a lot of choice words when doing it. serperior is appalled, mostly because few Pokémon have ever taken that tone with him, but he simply shrugs it off and he’s all “I could have any Pokémon I wanted anyway. Snivy should feel lucky I ever took an interest in her. Hmph. Women.” After that exchange with Sceptile, though, he surprisingly chooses to buzz off.
on a lighter not, if ash had been present for this he might have just misinterpreted it as Sceptile and trip’s serperior recognizing each other’s strength and then immediately challenging trip to a battle for old time’s sake!!!
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bluebudgie · 2 months
So after messing this up in the last playthrough, I got to recruit Gilbert in Drakenhold this time.
The Drakenhold storyline comes with some interesting sibling dynamics (Travis+Berengaria, Hilda+Primm, Gilbert+Aramis) and I especially love the juxtaposition of the first and last pairs' reunions right after one another.
Travis and Berengaria do not start off on the best terms, they clearly have some past matters to chew on, but when they finally make up it's such a sweet and heartfelt scene.
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That little hug after them talking things through. Way to make me feel things about characters I didn't really care for up to that point.
Coincidentally, one of the other siblings shows up in the scene and boy. The vibes are rancid, may I say.
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Go off, passive agressive king. On that note, I felt like this one sounded even more bitter in the German localization.
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"It's bitter to be abandoned. Especially by a loved person."
Anyway, he does have a good reason to feel this way. Six years ago the kingdom got invaded, his father died in battle and in the same breath his brother, the crown prince, "went missing" without a word (aka, decided to go "yea no screw those royal duties I'm out of here bye").
How old is Gilbert exactly? With his height and some characters calling him "kid" (which I believe isn't literal, but still), is he even 18? Like, how old was he six years ago when he was left alone in the middle of the kingdom's invasion?
Anyway the two long-lost siblings get to reunite after Soldraga is liberated, and it's.... stiff. Expectedly so.
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Yup, sure is. On that note, it makes absolutely no difference in meaning but I still find it interesting the German version opts for the wording "I thought you were dead".
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"Where have you been all these years?"
Anyway Aramis gives him the brief overview; how the army fell in battle, their father died, and out of shame of facing the kingdom's people after his failure he decided to take on a new name and go undercover. Gilbert does try to tell him their father's death isn't his fault, but that discussion goes kinda nowhere.
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I don't know if it's just a language thing but despite meaning the exact same thing I always feel like the German translation comes off as ever so slightly more snarky. Maybe that's a me thing though.
Aramis pins his return on being coerced by Alain (and Virginia might I add), so... very clearly not out of his own good will to clear things up with his little brother.
I also can't help but notice that for a lot of their conversation Aramis either keeps his eyes averted from Gilbert, or his back turned to him.
It's not all entirely unloving though. They do try.
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I'm fairly certain it's implied in the German translation as well, but still I find it interesting there is no "I'm proud of you" in there. "You're doing well. Father surely is proud of you."
Anyway, one exchange about who of the two is worthy of ruling the kingdom later Aramis decides it's time to leave again. Gilbert then announces he will join the liberation army to fight at his side. Despite his big brother's objections.
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Finally a little bit of lighthearted bickering at the end of their conversation.
Still it's all very... well, Lou and I called it "constipated". The entire conversation feels very impersonal. It's all very much about the kingdom, about rulership. After six years apart there is no "I'm glad to see you", no "I missed you". It makes sense given the situation. It makes sense for their characters. I like that it was written this way. And I like it as a contrast to the very sweet sibling reunion that happens right before.
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batgirlsay · 11 months
Falling Through Time
A Legend of Zelda AU Playlist for Obiyuki Bingo 2023 by @snowwhite-andtheknight
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I was so excited to see Zelda on my bingo board! I’ve been playing Tears of the Kingdom almost every day since release date and I have so many Zelink feels… glad they also overlap with my Obiyuki feels! (This one is a more general Zelda playlist and has specific Obiyuki feels, but I am also posting a playlist for the first day of Zelink week too!)
There are time/memory related lyrics throughout the playlist, with a shift after the Louie Zong song to after they get reunited at the end of each game (if only I was able to get there…)
Falling Through Time
Ocarina of Time- Zelda’s Theme- Good Knight Productions You Fall When You Hesitate- Mae Playing With Fire- Brandon Flowers The Great War- Taylor Swift This River is Wild- The Killers My Valuable Hunting Knife- Guided By Voices Gerudo Valley Social Club- Louie Zong I Can Make You Feel Young Again- Copeland
Summary lyrics are cited after the cut:
You Fall When You Hesitate- Mae
Time machine, I'm adding up And I'm killing time all the while it’s time that's killing
Time machine, I want to go back To live in my past is exactly right where I want to be It's nostalgia haunting me
She says to me that You fall when you hesitate You crawl after tripping on your regrets You fall in and out of love again
Found the reason I could back down to dust See the daylight and the moon lit in the night above That's the treason but I do it for your love If I felt you But what if I failed you?
Playing With Fire- Brandon Flowers
That road outside that you've been taking home forever That'll be the same road that I take when I depart Those charcoal veins that hold this chosen land together May twist and turn but somewhere deep there is a heart
However dangerous the road, however distant These things won't compromise the will of the design
Ten thousand demons hammer down with every footstep Ten thousand angels rush the wind against my back
Rolling River of Truth, can you spare me a sip? The Holy Fountain of Youth has been reduced to a drip I've got this burning belief in salvation and love This notion may be naïve, but when push comes to shove I will till this ground
The Great War- Taylor Swift
Spineless in my tomb of silence Tore your banners down, took the battle underground
Flashes of the battle come back to me in a blur
All that bloodshed, crimson clover Sweet dream was over My hand was the one you reached for All throughout the Great War Always remember Tears on the lеtter I vowed not to cry anymore If wе survived the Great War
Soldier down on that icy ground Looked up at me with honor and truth
We can plant a memory garden Say a solemn prayer, place a poppy in my hair There's no morning glory, it was war, it wasn't fair And we will never go back
This River is Wild- The Killers
But you always hold your head up high Cause it's a long, long, long way down
You better run for the hills before they burn Listen to the sound of the world, don't watch it turn I just want to show you what I know And catch you when the current lets you go
I've been trying hard to do what's right But you know I could stay here all night And watch the clouds fall from the sky
My Valuable Hunting Knife- Guided By Voices
I want to start a new life With my valuable hunting knife She will shine like a new girl And I want to shout out our love to the world
Days, they will turn into nights But my valuable hunting knife It will not rust through the tears And it will not lose its appeal over years
I Can Make You Feel Young Again- Copeland
Take me now, take me anywhere you're going Cause I can't stay here; I won't make it long And this piece of my soul you're controlling In this time and this space where we belong, it's worsening
It's breaking down, as a reel of thread unwinding You're surfacing just to take me down When I feel like I'm dead, you're reviving me
A billion stars and here we are The same bit of dirt holding our weight And before it drags us under I can make you feel young again
I can make you feel nothing at all for the years that led you here Now all your tears that are falling will never show I can make you feel young again
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
WOO okokok SO-
Maybe just some tooth-rotting fluff with Baal? (post-Narinder freedom ending) So Yn is one of Narinder's highest ranking followers, but is really chill and energetic. What if, before they go the sleep every night, they go to visit Baal and bring like a little gift? Like a flower crown, or a snack? And maybe one time(the fic) Yn has been up for way too long and working way too hard, and just kinda... falls asleep mid-conversation?
(randomly falling asleep as a sign of trust, gotta be one of my favourite troupes ngl)
thank you so much for feeding my cotl addiction, have a wonderful day/night :]
You're welcome! Likewise I'm feeding my own addiction by writing haha
It was no surprise that Narinder's most loyal servants were also welcomed into the cult. Even though their master is no longer of godhood status, they would still remain by his side. Forever and always.
Or at least..that was the case for Aym and Baal for a short time. The Lamb mentioned Forenus' story to Narinder and, perhaps out of guilt, he decided to relieve them of their duties, letting the brothers reunite with their mother at last. Of course, they would still come by the cult if called upon.
The only one who made a home within this land was you, a much higher-ranking official bestowed with great powers. You still had those even now.
Yet you weren't all that intimidating compared to the other two. Heck, you didn't even want to fight Lamb when they refused to surrender the crown. But you stayed only to heal Aym and Baal after the battle. They were mortally wounded, though it was nothing you couldn’t fix.
As you’re arranging a flower crown made from camilia in the dead of night, you think back to that day and how Baal flashed you a slight smile of gratitude. He hadn’t smiled in centuries--yet it charmed you and made your heart skip beats.
Within Narinder’s realm, you were the one who always kept their spirits up with gifts and games of knucklebones. Even now you never stopped.
This gift in particular was for someone who adored these flowers. A guardian of death who found comfort in life.
So once you were finished, you looked around and didn’t see Lamb; Narinder was sound asleep in his shelter, so you decided to warp to Forenus’ home and visit the brothers. It took a lot of energy in the mortal realm, but it was worth it.
Upon arrival you immediately saw Baal cooking meat by the fireplace by himself and beamed. “Greetings, Baal!”
Despite your peppiness, tiredness was also creeping into you. Though you were eager to spend this moment alone with him. He was a bit of a night owl--or cat, rather--himself.
He looked to you with a light smile, seeing you sit beside him on the grassy ground. “Hello, [y/n]. What brings you here tonight? It's awful late."
“I come with yet another gift.” You presented the flower crown to him. “A crown of camilia. I know you always loved these flowers.”
“Indeed, I do.” Bowing his head slightly, he gave you permission to set it on top. You made sure his ears wouldn’t be flattened. And once it was on, he reached a paw up to touch it. “My thanks. Mother has vases of these everywhere. I don’t know how she got them, but..I’m glad she’s still safe.”
“I am, too.” You nodded. “You know, Lea--the Lamb could always fetch some for her. Did you know they picked some for Narinder when he first arrived in the cult? He was talking about Leshy and...I think he misses him a little bit.”
“That disgusting worm?” Baal lightly scoffed at the idea of his master mourning the people who betrayed him. Though he sighed and focused his attention to the ground, drawing circles in the dirt with his claw. “Hmph, Master has told us many stories of him..the worm was chaotic, his realm unruly and overgrown. But in it he created beauty...”
You listened to his rambles of Darkwood. It wasn’t long before the exhaustion of working many days and nights finally caught up to you. The fire in front of you two was like a comforting blanket, wrapping you up in its warmth.
Not to mention Baal’s voice was quite calming. You've known him for ages...yet you never got bored of listening to him.
He momentarily stopped speaking, blinking as he watched you lay down in the grass, curling up. ‘Did they..doze off in the middle of our talk?’ He pondered, though he could see that you indeed fell asleep.
One wouldn’t dare shut their eyes in Darkwood, especially with Narinder-knows-what lurking in the surrounding trees and the cultists going ballistic after the fall of their savior.
And to slumber next to him? This was most odd.
It was like...you trusted him to keep you safe.
All this time, Baal thought that pushing you away when you begged them not to hurt the Lamb was going to ruin your bond with him. He thought you only healed him and Aym as a favor from Narinder. He thought all the days you spent in your shelther were just you ignoring them both.
But as it turns out, it’s quite the opposite. 
You’re still happy. You’re still thriving. Your toils birthed beautiful creations such as the flower crown atop his head.
And as Baal stroked the blood-red petals with such tenderness, his smile grew once more.
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nancys4gf · 2 years
more jonathan bf fluff!!! jon my beloved!!! well ya know in season three when the group is reunited in the mall? like nancy, jon and the kids with steve, robin and dustin and erica? maybe reader is with steve and robin and they reunite with jonathan after being obviously worried sick fighting monsters and russians and not being able to contact one another? just good ol cute reunion stuff
this love came back to me | jonathan byers
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summary: after fighting your own battles separately, you and jonathan reunite.
pairing: jonathan byers x gender neutral reader
warnings: mentions of injuries
note: i loved loved this request, anon!!! i'm so sorry it took so long for me to post it. my blog got shadowbanned :/ it still hasn't been fixed, but i hope this finds you and that it is of your liking!! :D thank you for requesting! also, pushing my jonathan forehead kisses agenda.
̟ ̇.˚︵‿୨♡୧‿︵˚.✩
everything suddenly went silent. robin, steve, dustin, erica and you glanced at one another. holding erica’s hand, you gathered enough courage to stand up and peek from the counter you had been hiding behind. 
the men who had been chasing you were lying unconscious on the ground, and a car was rolled over in the middle of the mall. steve’s breath caught in his throat, and dustin’s face lit up. you followed his gaze, until a smile crept across your face.
you didn’t even realize you were running. your legs were still shaking, but that didn’t stop you. he was running towards you as well, eyes wide with an odd mixture of worry and relief. 
“jonathan.” you breathed out, almost crashing against him, wrapping your arms around his waist.
“god, i was so worried.” he whispered, his hands finding the back of your head. you held him tighter, not wanting to spend another second not touching him. 
“me too.” 
he was actually there. he was alright. you were together again. and that was all that mattered.
you looked at him. the eyes that always brought you so much comfort were tired now, with dark bags under them. some bruises gave his skin a purple and green tint, and you noticed he was bleeding as well. very carefully, you traced your fingers along his skin.
“you’re hurt.” you whispered. 
“i’m okay. everything’s okay. i’m just glad you're safe.”
“i thought…” you paused, a lump forming in your throat. “i was scared i wasn’t going to see you again.”
jonathan cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs caressing your cheeks. “i’m here. i’m always here.”
you nodded, placing your own hands on top of his. they were cold and dry, yet he held you more tenderly than you had ever been held before.
jonathan looked you up and down, searching for any sign that you had been hurt. his gaze finally set on your face, and just like you had done, he traced his fingers along the bruise on your forehead, making you wince.
“it’s nothing,” you smiled, wanting to ease his panicked expression. “i fell on my face when we were running away from the russians.”
“russians?” he blinked. “what russians?”
“i’ll tell you all about it.” you chuckled at his bewilderment. “but for now, i just want to kiss you. if that’s okay.”
a smile grew on his face as he pulled you closer to him. jonathan didn’t usually prefer being affectionate around other people, but now, he didn’t care about anything that wasn’t you. and he didn't waste a second joining your lips together.
throughout all the time you had spent apart, you had been breathing underwater, barely surviving. but as soon as he kissed you, you knew you could finally breathe again.
his mouth was warm against yours, moving with an urgency that corresponded with your own. you knew he had been just as worried as you, and even though neither of you had any desire to pull away, you clung to each other as if scared the other would disappear.
when you pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours. your eyes were still closed, and you could feel his agitated breath against your face as he whispered,
“i really needed you.”
“it looks like you were in good hands.” you teased, glancing at el and the destroyed car.
“i’ll always need you.” he planted a kiss on your forehead. “we’re a team.”
you smiled, pulling his hand towards your mouth, leaving a kiss on his injured knuckles.
“i needed you, too.” 
“don’t you dare leave my side again.” he warned, leaning in and lingering his lips over yours.
“i wouldn’t dream of it.”
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the-white-soul · 3 months
that’s it I’m tired o this! I’m gonna put a stop to em once and for all! but first I’m gonna gear you guys up! *dess recived the thorny ice ring* *kara recived the worn dagger and the heart locket* *flowey recived 3 human souls found in asgores basement* lets go!
(Kara) "Hey, nothing beats avoiding lesser problems by getting bigger ones. All right, let's see if we can harm this bastard."
(Dess) "Jesus, this hurts. I had no idea that there was venom in this."
(Kara) "Wait, there is? Do you…"
(Dess) "No, I'm fine. Hey Toriel!!!"
(Toriel) "Yes, Dess?"
(Dess) "I'm going to save the world, so can I skip dinner tonight? I'll buy one with these guys."
(Toriel) "Sure, I'm so glad to see you reunite with your old friend and make two new friends."
Dess starts to walk away
(Toriel) "Where's my hug?"
(Dess) "Now? We are seconds before Clover might harm someone else, so…"
Toriel looked at Dess with eyes that no one could refuse, and then Dess went over and hugged her.
(Toriel) "Don't die. I haven't finished making my pie. She laughs to herself."
Everyone walks out and enters the Omega dimension. They see Clover standing there like they wanted to die. Clover was smiling. Why? What were they planning?
(Clover) "Ah, my friends, my enemies, the people I love as much as I hate. How are you?"
I took a stab just in case they would die, but of course, they didn't.
(Clover) "You think, after killing Zenith Martlet, any normal attacks can hurt me? You need to get creative. Anyway, you're probably wondering about my plan. What if I told you I wasn't evil?"
(Dess) "Spare us your sympathy speech because we don't want to hear it."
(Clover) "You're right, but do you want to know something you would like to hear? I know the reason why Dess came out of your world. Toby told me it was a demo idea, but it still applies to you. Dess started sweating. I'm not going to tell you until it's strategic, but you've got that to look forward to."
(Kara) "Why can't you just die? You are one of the only ones who get lots of power, yet you abuse it."
(Clover) "I'm going to stay low for a while if I lose, but if I win this battle, the world is my oyster. Ah, what a beautiful world without these vermin monsters. You all know you should've stayed underground, but no. You are a bunch of selfish brats. You don't know how good you have it. Well, I'm going to make monsters tortured and killed so bad they'll go back to the only good lives they've had in the Underground."
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runabout-river · 2 years
Watched all of The Umbrella Academy season 3 yesterday and before I throw myself at all the gifs, headcanons, meta posts and fics I wanted to post my personal critique of this season first:
- the fight scenes didn't impress me much this time and the big fights at the end should have run way longer but the episode was too short for that apparently. I think the best fight this season was the hallucinated dance battle which was hilarious
- the start of the season was... muddled? I don't know how to describe it accurately but in a narrative sense it was not quite focused, maybe? The latter half of the season was better structured
- I still don't like how Luther and Diego were dumbed down from the first season but props to Tom Hopper for actually selling it after given the script
- they wanted to imitate season 1's fractured communication of the Umbrella's but it didn't quite fit at first and felt forced in a few places. In season one the siblings not talking to each other and making their own plans was a natural consequence of them being estranged and physically! distant from each other. Now they were all in the same place and had rekindled their familial relationship with each other (somewhat) and still no-one knew what the other was doing? It just took a few episodes for it to feel normal.
- their powers got downgraded and the power exchange between Harlan and Viktor and Viktor and Allison didn't have any weight behind it. Viktor didn't have negative side effects from giving Harlan his powers nor any positive effects from getting it back and the upgrade from Allison's powers went nowhere really fast. Their powers themselves didn't have much of a role this season except in some small parts which is a shame. (Except for Harlan killing the mothers)
- the scene where Diego puts Lila in a closet. I'm not saying it's out of character but I have so many issues with it that it deserves its own post.
- I think it would have made more sense to have a different explanation for the Kugelblitz than the grandfather paradox and their mothers dying before their other selves were born (many thoughts). Allison reuniting with Claire was already near impossible to happen after landing in the past and changing things around but those thoughts are so long and also belong on a different post.
- also, their other selves dying before they were born >_> I (and Klaus) got robbed of some selfcest shenanigans
- it's a missed opportunity to not have the Umbrella's interact with the public more. Yes, we got one tragic scene of Allison finding someone else's child in her former home but we could have had more people going out to the places they knew and finding old friends and acquaintances and having to interact with them.
- the scene where Allison rumors Luther was executed... strangely, and they should've put more weight behind it. Maybe I'll make a post about that one, too.
But that's it for the most part. The season was enjoyable to watch and I'm glad to obsess about it for the next few weeks. (And hopefully finally finish that fic I have sitting on my laptop for nearly two years.)
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penflicks · 2 years
It's me again. Could you write a story with Beatrix helps Saul after the burned attack because she knows his relationship with Andreas and she brings him to Andreas, please :)
Setting a burned one loose was probably overkill, Beatrix realised later as she stood on the edge of the road and watched it tear into an entire battalion leaving only Saul Silva alive but wounded. Oh her dad was going to kill her. She pulled out her phone and called him.
"What happened to radio silence, Little Storm?" Andreas answered after the first ring which ruined his chastening since it meant he'd been keeping his new phone with him constantly since she'd got it for him.
"I've done something terrible." Beatrix could feel her lower lip quiver. He was going to be so upset with her. Her mission had been so simple, break out Rosalind, leave Saul out of it.
"Are you hurt?" Andreas asked, his voice awash with concern.
"Saul Silva has got hit by a burned one. It's all my fault," Beatrix whispered.
"Fuck." Andreas sounded wrecked. "Did it at least kill him quickly?"
"No, he's the only survivor." Beatrix looked around for a sign of back up. "I don't know how long he'll have to wait for someone to notice they're missing."
"Alright, well. I'm coming to say goodbye then. I didn't get a chance last time." Andreas sounded old. Tired. Broken. A soldier who had lost too many comrades this way.
The guilt ate at Beatrix as he hung up. Saul was supposed to be his reward for getting Rosalind out. They'd rescue her and in turn she would fix things between him and Saul and they'd be reunited.
Andreas must have been closer nearby that Beatrix had realised because he arrived in ten minutes and exited the car dressed for battle.
"Watch my back and let me know if anyone comes or the burned one returns." Andreas touched Beatrix' side softly in that way that meant she was forgiven.
Beatrix nodded and cast an amplifying spell over the area. Nothing could move without her hearing it, although to everyone else the wood was the same. It had the downside of meaning she could hear everything Andreas and Saul said to each other, but she'd take her dad's secrets to the grave.
"Hey, Pretty Thing. Looking a little bashed up there." Andreas crouched down by the tree that Saul had hauled himself up against.
"I'm dead huh?" Saul offered a weak smile in the direction of Andreas's voice. Even from this distance Beatrix could tell the infection was setting in and Saul's vision was failing.
"Not yet, but you're heading that way." Andreas stroked Saul's cheek with the back of his fingers.
"Wasn't expecting you to be the one to meet me. I'm glad you are though. I've missed you. I still love you. I promised I raised Sky in a way you'd be proud of." Saul sniffled.
Beatrix heard the snap of a twig and the distant murmur of voices. People were coming, it wouldn't be long before Saul Silva was discovered and they needed to be out of there long before he was.
"We need to go," Beatrix projected her voice through the air to a spot just beside Andreas's ear.
"Hang in there for me, Pretty Thing. You're not done yet." Andreas stood up reluctantly.
"No, don't leave me yet. Please. I need you. Please." Saul clawed at the air trying to catch hold of Andreas but his eyesight had failed and he could only hear now.
"You'll see me again, I promise." Andreas stepped back and wrenched himself way from the love of his life to return to Beatrix. "Let's get you back to school, Little Storm. No point wasting this division."
Beatrix followed Andreas to the car and climbed into the passenger seat without a word.
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You know, I really am glad that for so many years now that whenever I see people's really bad fandom opinions I just leave them alone, because... it's just not worth it to start fandom drama. And, I mean, pick your battles, people. And I was never much of a debater even before I really decided to just Not Care.
But that being said... sometimes when you see some REALLY bad takes, it's so hard not to say anything.
I guess another reason I don't debate anymore, is that the debates are sort of never ending and senseless. What I mean by that is, take the Kingdom Hearts fandom for instance: that I've been in since day one for twenty-one years now. There's always been discourse about how Sora reacted to seeing Riku in KHII vs. how he reacts to seeing Kairi in that same game, with people from a certain side often trying to use this scene to make it seem like Sora cares about Kairi less or something.
And yes, if you ignore every other scene--and other things going on in the moment--I could see why people could make that argument. But first of all, Sora already saw Kairi before this instance (he hadn't seen Riku). And secondly, more than anything, in Sora's reunion with Kairi, he feels GUILTY: guilty that she got kidnapped because of him and that he was unable to keep his promise to her, and that because of all of that they're reuniting at their enemies' base (and he doesn't think she should be forgiving him so easily for something he blames himself for). And at the moment, all of those feelings are somewhat overriding his joy at seeing her (though he's definitely happy to see her, OC). When they reunite again at the end of the game, safe on the Islands, we get the sort of reaction we probably would have moreso expected from him before, if his feelings of guilt hadn't been on the forefront of his mind before. (And like I said, Sora saw Kairi before the hug moment: the balcony scene where he definitely seemed very happy to see her). Also, Sora pretty much thought Riku was dead, which is the reason he reacts as strongly to him as he does.
Anyway, eventually (most) of the fandom came to a place where they recognized all of this: that there was subtle nuance with Sora's reaction to Kairi that they hadn't seen at first glance. And when you take everything into account, Sora's reactions to Riku and Kairi are different but truly equal.
But whenever you get new fans, they don't get it. And it's the old battle over again. And I'm just... tired of saying the same things over and over again. So at this point I just let it go. Pfft.
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melanincholysworld · 1 year
(Not a big mha fan, I love the Todoroki family. So here we go.)
The battle had ended, and the Todoroki family was in shambles despite being reunited. The eldest son, Touya, who had become Dabi, was finally incarcerated for his crimes. The family couldn't feel any sense of true happiness. Touya had come back into their lives, but he wasn't the same, and now, once again, they had lost him forever.
"I hate you, Dad! And our family!" Those words were burnt into endeavor's mind. Everything was his fault. His ambition had destroyed his wife's sanity. It permanently scarred all 4 of his children. But he didn't want forgiveness. He just wanted to atone for his crimes.
But there was one thing the family had anticipated at all. Touya had become a father. A female villain with a quirk involving a scorpion stinger. Capable of shooting talks of projectiles at enemies. She hadn't been involved in the last fight as she was too heavily pregnant. She tried to resist but she was ultimately arrested and thrown into incarceration. She gave birth there to a beautiful baby girl. The woman was an orphan. She had no family. So there is only one place for the baby to go. Her only request was that Touya got to see his daughter one time before she was taken away forever.
Her request was granted and the baby was brought to see her father. He was held in and a cell that could disable his powers looking through the glass at his daughter. His eyes were blank, lifeless almost. All he had to say was one sentence. "Jiyu. That's her name. Freedom."
He had nothing to say to his parents or his siblings. So they just left what could they say to him after all? Now, the Todorokis sat in their home. Sitting in a circle around the baby. Enji stood in the garden. He couldn't bring himself to be in the room with the rest of his family. Before all he could think about was looking at his family sitting happily at a table eating. He wasn't there, and that was the way it needed to be for them to be happy. "She's so cute!" Fuyumi exclaimed. Poking her niece's chubby cheeks. Shoto looked at Jiyu, and a small smile broke on his face. Rei looked so happy to hold her granddaughter. She had a little piece of Touya here with her. She lifted her up into the air. A small tail came from around the baby's back. It resembled her mother's. "Uh oh, looks like she has her mom's quirk." Natsuo pointed out. Shoto reached up towards the tail, and it wrapped around his finger instinctively. "Weird, it's like prehensile." He said. "Oh boy, the terrible twos are not gonna be fun." Fuyumi said, hands on her sides. "I don't think we have to worry about that. She's a pretty calm baby." Natsuo replied. "Yeah, she won't be a big cry baby like you were." Fuyumi remarked. "Hey, come on, I wasn't that bad!" He shot back. "But anyway, I'm glad to have you back home, mom. It's been way too long." Natsuo said to his mother. "It's good to be back." She looked down at Jiyu. "I've missed so much. I feel like now I can fill this home with happy memories."
"Where's your father?" She asked. "He's out in the garden," Shoto said. In that moment, everything that had happened over the past 20 or so years came flooding back to Rei. When she first met Enji, the birth of Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo. Touya's burns. Shoto's birth. The first slap. The day she snapped.
But she couldn't live in the past forever. She had confronted her demons, and now all she could do was move forward. Though she would never forget, and she would do everything in her power to make everything right. She handed Jiyu to Shoto.
"Dad." Shoto said approaching Enji from behind. "Huh? What is it, Shoto?" He asked. Mom wants you to hold her." Shoto said, having his little niece in his arms. Enji was nervous, he wasn't sure if he was ready. He had failed as a father he had failed as a husband, how could he be a good grandfather? " I know what you're thinking. But it's not too late, you can still do right by someone in your life." Enji nervous outstretched his hands and Shoto handed him Jiyu. She cooed and wriggled in his arms. Enji looked at her soft face. She reminded him so much of Touya. He thought back to those moments when Touya tried to show off his quirk to him. The smile on his face. Begging for approval. But things were going to be different now, Jiyu would never have to beg for his attention, his love. Rei and the rest of her children watched from the patio. Tears swelled in her eyes. "I'm going to be there for her. I'm going to support however I can. Whether she wants to be a hero or a doctor or a lawyer, whatever she wants to be. I'll help make it possible." Just then, Jiyu shot him a look. A fierce firey stare. "I guess we know the answer to that." Shoto remarked.
Just then, Rei burst into tears. "She's just like Touya was when he was a baby!" He practically tore Jiyu out of Enji's arms and snuggled up with her grandbaby. Rubbing her cheek against hers. "....mom?" Shoto said nervously.
The face Jiyu made:
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lildoodlecat · 1 year
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Okay so!!!! Overall I loved Phantasia ✨
I love the time travel stuff in old jrpgs and the overall style of the game is very much my cup of tea sjxk
I don't remember all of the story perfectly since it took me over a year to finish but uwahh it's pretty good! I did get a little emotional at the end of course. I wish I'd been better abt trying to catch skits tho bc I definitely think I missed a lot and I would've liked to get more attached to the characters (than I already was ajdksk) but in the end Chester is my favorite followed by Klarth ✨
I did uh. Sort of accidentally skip Suzu's village so I never got to know her but maybe on a replay or just reloading my save outside the final boss room I'll go check it out.
Anyway anyway I really loved that we got to know Dhaos' motivation in the end, and that all he was really trying to do was save his people on his own. Obviously his methods were pretty callous and force-driven but I liked that he was really still just a person, fighting for his beliefs like the rest of us. I always like that in Tales games tbh, even for the antagonists I'm less sympathetic for, bc it gives the story some really nice depths and realness to it.
Only thing that killed me playing this game was the plethora of random encounters and adapting to the battle system, which made it a bit tiring at times and is why I dropped it for so long, but I'm still really glad to have finished it.
And we did it! We saved the world and even if we can't undo what's been done and parting is bittersweet there's still a future to look forward to together :D
That did make me really sad tho.. that Klarth would return to his own time and since he's only human, would die before ever meeting us again. Even Arche has to wait a century before reuniting with Cress, Mint, and Chester. Ough.. having feelings.
Oh yeah the Eternal Sword was cool! Was it the same one as in Symphonia?? Or similar??? It's been a bit since my Symphonia playthrough so the details are muddled but it was the same idea of combining two swords and some stuff with Origin's power I think.
There's a lot of little interactions and things in this game I really like sjxk but we all know my favorite is Cress and Chester best friends and more forever <3 expect a qpr fic abt them from me eventually I love them
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