#I'm so sorry if my writing is kinda wonky
wheredidalltheusersgo · 6 months
The Stranded and The Scaly
Chapter 14: A day to recover
Day 8
Chapter warnings: Vomit, blood
Geoff's heart pounded in his chest loud enough for Ezekiel to hear it from a few feet away. At least it was beating a little slower than before.
Geoff was currently laying on his back with the baby gopher clutched to his chest. The weight on his chest provided by the gopher was strangely comforting, and it was helping to keep him grounded. He briefly recalled a breathing exercise Bridgette had taught him last year, maybe it could help him calm down.
He took a deep breath and held it in, counting in his head.
On the fourth second, he exhaled slowly.
Huh, that made him feel a bit better. After four seconds of holding his breath, he repeated the exercise.
Over at the small stream in the cave, Ezekiel was wringing water out of a small piece of cloth. Geoff focused his eyes on him as he walked over. Zeke gently brushed a lock of hair out of Geoff's face and began to wipe away the blood smeared around his mouth with the damp cloth. The gesture was strangely soothing, Geoff thought as he sighed quietly. While he cleaned Geoff's face off, Ezekiel began to stroke his thick, blonde hair. Geoff couldn't help but let out a weak purr as his eyelids grew heavier. In the next minute, he was fast asleep.
When he noticed Geoff was out like a light, Ezekiel took this as his cue to continue with the cleanup job he was doing. After washing the cloth out, he began to scrub the blood off Geoff's claws. It was a tricky task because of how much blood was caked under them, but there was nothing a little elbow grease couldn't fix. Geoff had really gotten roughed up, hadn't he? Ezekiel took a moment to rest his head on Geoff's chest and feel the slow rise and fall of it as he breathed. For a cold-blooded mutant, he was surprisingly warm...
Ezekiel just couldn't help himself from falling asleep as well.
When Geoff woke up, he was aware of three things. The grime that had been scrubbed from his claws, Ezekiel using his chest as a pillow, and the overwhelming nausea he felt.
Moving Zeke and the gopher off his chest, Geoff bolted to the stream in the cave and hunched over in front of it. He retched. Bloody chunks and bile erupted from his throat and spewed into the water. Oh, how it all burned. This was worse than the time his friends had triple-dog-dared him to eat that muffin out of the cafeteria trash. He regretted going berserk on those wolves, because they were messing him up from beyond the grave. As he laid on his side and clutched his stomach, he was distantly aware of a small, calloused hand rubbing his back.
"Zeke?... is that you?.."
He recieved a grunt of affirmation in response.
"Man, I'm so sorry for causing trouble.. I didn't mean to go crazy out there, I couldn't help it! I-" Geoff's words were silenced by a loud sob coming from his own throat. Big, salty, alligator tears rolled down his scaly cheeks as he looked at Zeke. The smaller boy immediately cupped Geoff's cheeks and tried to wipe his tears away with his thumbs. After all he'd done, Zeke was still trying to comfort him. Geoff really didn't deserve his little buddy. He gently nuzzled into the smaller boy and whimpered quietly.
"Still need rest, come."
Ezekiel wiped Geoff's mouth with the damp cloth from before and guided him back to the spot he was originally resting in. Geoff laid on his back and held both Ezekiel and the gopher close, sighing contentedly. At least he got all those wolf guts out of his system. He felt a bit better now.
Geoff stared down at Ezekiel, who had snuggled into his chest and shut his eyes. He couldn't help but smile a bit, the little fella was like a kitten! He gently stroked Ezekiel's hair with his now-clean claws and recieved a small smile from the little mutant in return.
After a few minutes, Geoff let himself fall asleep once more.
Unbeknownst to the two mutants, however, they were being quietly watched. The cameras hidden all around the island had captured Geoff's massacre in high definition.
"Well, well, well! So Scott WASN'T lying after all!" A small cackle could be heard from within the dark studio.
"Chef, it looks like we've got ourselves a gator to trap!"
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konoa-t · 1 year
As anticipated, here's some random tidbits about Ackley and Oron, the two silliest and goodest boys in my fan OC arsenal :D The info here isn't in any particular order (°▽°)/
There's gonna be a bit of text, so I'm putting it behind a cut. Enjoy! And thank you again to everyone who showed interest in these two!
Ackley is the cool-headed mercenary of the colony, hired to fight alongside them or run recon and gather intel. He joined their ranks not because of pay, but because both he and the other knights he works with share the same goal: to get rid of those annoying little dark essence creatures.
A while back, Ackley had a bit of a violent run-in with a man named Metus. He was travelling through a planet when he got captured by Metus' subordinates and brought to his lair. Metus had known of Ackley's exploits and how much of an effective warrior he was, especially with the help of those interesting wings of his... He gave Ackley an ultimatum: either join him (which would most likely require him to kill off his own kind), or suffer the consequences. Ackley wasn't interested. And so, off goes the ends of his wings (sawn off roughly at the wrist joint). The whole ordeal made his wings go mostly numb from nerve damage, as well as giving him occasional phantom pains. Injured and on the verge of passing out, Ackley manages to escape and bumps into the colony. They patch him up and help him recover from his injuries, giving him medicine for the pain. Though he was too exhausted to speak, Ackley thanked them from the bottom of his heart, and vowed to crush Metus for what he had done to him. When he was offered a job with the colony, he accepted it almost immediately. Not only would this help him pay back his debt to them (/m), but it would also help offer him a straight line to Metus.
Whether its to cope with the trauma of his past or for some other reason, Ackley will occasionally light a cigarette to take the edge off. (I did make him smoke cuz I thought that it would be funny, but now I'm trying to fit it in with the plot). He doesn't like the taste of plain tobacco though, so he usually buys flavored ones.
He will often (jokingly) flirt with people he knows well (the vibes of it are kinda sorta like the whole "kiss the homies goodnight" thing).
Ackley has a habit of not taking things very seriously. He often treats battle as some sort of game and make jokes of things, even if its serious. (Though, if its serious enough [like murder], he wont be as likely to make light of it).
He had once looked at a portrait of Oron. He thought that he looked handsome. (the portrait had somehow come up in a conversation he was having with one of the colony's members. The colony member took him to Oron's memorial where the portrait was being kept.)
A pastime of his is stargazing!
Oron is the chivalrous and kind-hearted elite knight who served directly under Empress Vita alongside Yumi (they were, in some aspects, like retainers). Many knights often looked up to him, sometimes referring to him as a "fairytale knight*" due to his strict following to the guidelines of chivalry and exemplary behavior both on and off of the battlefield. Civilian women within the colony also took quite a liking to Oron due to this fact, often sending him gifts or flowers (mostly as platonic tokens of appreciation, though some women would send him gifts to try and woo him).
He had died during the events of The Great Raid, and now his soul roams the Azure Plane**.
To elaborate on the previous point, he had perished while he was defending the Empress from the corrupt invaders storming the palace. One of the creatures had gotten a pretty good hit on him, leaving a large gash in his side. He ultimately died of blood loss. (Fortunately his death wasn't in vain! The Empress was saved and unhurt thanks to his efforts!)
A small statue of Oron (that serves as a monument) lies on Draconis, the planet the colony currently lives on.
Oron has golden retriever energy! He is a very happy and pleasant person in general. He also gets easily excited about things. Many people have noted him as having some kind of "sunshiny aura."
When Oron talks or writes, he almost never uses contractions. There isn't any real known reason for this; it just seems to be a little quirk of his.
He often roams around the Azure Plane aimlessly, looking for opportunities to keep his sword skills sharp (he often practices on trees) or for other things to do to pass the time. Occasionally, an entity known as Mors will appear and speak with him for a while; he always enjoys her company!
One time, Oron was allowed to peek into the living world. He was surprised to see that the landscape had changed drastically. When he asked Mors about it, she stated that his home planet had been destroyed, and that the planet he was now looking at was Draconis. After that, Oron went silent for several days, almost as if he were in a state of mourning.
*Historically, knights did not always follow all the tenets of chivalry, often assaulting peasant women and rich widows as well as abusing their status and power as a knight. That being said, Oron is referred to by this name due to his almost unrealistically ideal nature as a warrior. In other words, he acts just like how a "proper" knight would act, or how knights in fairy tales or other fictional stories/legends would behave.
**The Azure Plane is a place that I can only describe as limbo. It is a hazy, plains-like environment that is devoid of any (intact) structures. Souls who still have unfinished business or unfulfilled wishes are normally transported here. Until their problems are dealt with, they remain in this desolate area, sometimes being driven mad by the isolation.
Many people in the colony have mixed feelings on Ackley's smoking habit. They're glad that he doesn't do it very often (it takes him like a week to finish a pack; dontcha wish all smokers could be like that? /hj), but they are still very much concerned for his health. Ackley insists that he is fine, but they have their doubts...
Although beings sent to the Azure Plane are often isolated, this isn't to say there isn't ANYONE else around. The Plane is vast; spirits sent here are normally scattered about. It may take a while, but you could potentially run into other souls there.
Time does not pass in the Azure Plane. It is always midday.
Oron has no idea who Ackley is, but I think he would like him :D
Both Ackley and Oron have recurring nightmares about their respective traumatic incidents. :((
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gooses-trenchcoat · 2 years
rumination on the things that are wrong with the way that i interact with people, and with how i feel about those interactions, etc,
the wonky poem
it's nice to have friends
but i don't think mine need me
it's nice to have parents
but i don't think i love mine
weddings and funerals bore me
over the course of five years
i had five different friend groups
my friends all have friends who they like more than me
or at least that's the way that it feels in my head
i make stupid mistakes
that make people stop liking me
and the worst part about them is
they always felt right
i often consider my parents' deaths
my life feels like an approximation of one
i'm too specific with food
and with sounds and with movement
i drive people away just by being myself
and i don't even know who that is
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 5 months
Hello, so I just read Plus One and I was wondering if you could write a pervy best friend Jisung with a female reader. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything but I would really like that.
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Pervy Best friend!Jisung x Fem!Reader Headcannons
NSFW (jealous jisung >.>, pervy activity, emotional kinda >.>)
A/N: of course i can write it, you aren't making me uncomfortable. second >.> merman hyunjin pt 2??? >.> soon... I'm trying to burn through my requests asap, so whatever gets posted... IM SO SORRY IF YOU ASKED A LONG TIME AGO MY SCHEDULE IS WONKY RN and also O_O three requests in a day??? I might write a full fic on this depending on how it does >.>
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Pervy Best friend Jisung who called you to listen to jerk off to your voice..
Pervy Best friend Jisung who got so angry when you went on dates.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who would get hard at the sight of you in his clothes.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who would admire your pantie through your too tight tights.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who would complain to his friends about how much he wanted you.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who would refrain from kissing a dark mark onto your neck when your shirt exposed too much skin.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who humped his pillow to the thought of you.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who writhed at the thought of you in someone else's bed.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who imagined tying you to his bed and fucking you senselss.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who slowly got over the burn of shame he felt when he exploded to the thought of you.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who convinced you with "Just this once... Only the tip."
Pervy Best friend Jisung who fucked you full of his cum anyway.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who smiled when he took your pantie and left you walking with his cum trickling down your thigh.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who kissed you gently and asked you what you were.
Pervy Best friend Jisung who didn't want to be just your fuck buddy anymore..
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vampzxi · 1 year
𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯
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preview: she hums as she pulls away, leaving a spit trail connected to her lips and your nipple. her mouth travels to your neck, and she nips at it, adding to the collection of purple marks that already stain your brown skin. her hands cup your tits as she kisses behind your ear, “fuck, you’re so perfect, y/n,” her breath tickles your ear, and you shiver, smiling at the sound of your name. “i need you to go in the room and lay down, pretty girl. can you do that for me?”
a/n: THANK FUCK this fic is finally finished it was kicking my ass so bad. very sorry for the wait, i had a bunch of shit going on at home and with my mental in general( a nigga was struggling☠️). i'm a little better now, but i'll probably be extending my break until a little after the 15th (a nigga is graduating!! :P). also this fic did not turn out the way i thought it was going to...who wrote this ? like hello ? also this is kinda unedited. if you see anything wonky, shh. i love u guyth. saur much. ok sorry for the long ass author's note, nobody reading allat.
word count: 7k+ (fics getting longer and longer..)
tags: LOTS of teasing, like i was pissing myself off writing this…riri plays too much, fingering, (semi) public sex, masturbation, voyeurism, phone sex?, dom!riri, sub!reader, slightly bratty!reader, avenger!riri, (slightly) cocky!riri, overstimulation, pussy eating, (slight) ropebunny!riri, crying, dacryphilia (listen…), face sitting (riri receiving), strap slanger!riri, degradation, humiliation, praise, video taping, there’s a plot if you squint, riri’s chain makes me hard, hair pulling, (slight) slapping, riri being a big softie at the end, umm probably more that i forgot. whoopsi!
dts!: @heejayy , @abenomeiiii , @playhousedistee , @cafehyunji , @amplifiedmoan @zayswriting , @vixentheplanet , @inmyheadimobsessed , @quintessencewrites , @marsolgy , @verachii , @saintwrld , @motheroffae , @dejaonline , @dominiquesheart , @izrinmabel1 , @mocha-aya , @shuriszn @yamsthoughts : i love you guys and every single interaction i have with you. u guys make me kick my feet so bad like...pls take care of yourselves. special dt to eden for giving me the idea to put raveena in here..love u fr.
taglist!: @because-were-pointless-ghosts , @yourfavdummy , @ihearttish , @biltongbite , @vspletitia3 , @sookiesookie , @letitiaslabyrinth , @iotusroses , @ppawmpkin , @prettymrswright , @somethingcleaverandwhitty , @icespiceluva , @sapphicvqmpires , @puppykitt , @pinkwright divider by: @firefly-graphics (lmk if i forgot anyone! taglist request form is here!)
ok ENUFF w that... here you guys go! enjoy ;P
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“no goodbye kiss?” riri pretends to pout at you.
“you can kiss my ass on the way out,” you grumble, slamming the door, “get the fuck out my car.”
you walk over to the trunk and grab her luggage as she steps out of your car. “baby, what i do?” she yells over the airplane taking off.
you scoff, rolling your eyes, “you kept teasing me on the way here. you know ion like that shit,” you say, handing over her luggage.
she smiles and reaches out, "aw baby, don’t be like that. it’s so easy to get you worked up, it’s cute. come here.”
you roll your eyes again and embrace her tight, letting her firm arms squeeze your torso, “i’m tired of your ass.”
she presses a quick kiss on your forehead, “i love you too,” she rests her head on yours, “it’s only for a weekend.”
you groan, “i’m sure the Avengers will be fine without ironheart.”
“and i’m sure you’ll be aight without riri,” she pulls away and looks at you smirking, “you miss me already, huh?” you gasp as riri pushes you against the car, her playful eyes lingering on your lips.
“ri, don’t start-” she presses her mouth against yours, and a quick moan slips from you. you feel riri grin against you as she hears you, deepening the kiss. as her tongue slithers into your mouth, chills travel down your spine despite the humid air. the knot in your stomach tightens.
she lightly bites your bottom lip as she slowly breaks the kiss, her eyes never leaving yours, “riri…” you sigh, her lips traveling to your neck.
“‘sup, ma?” she nips at your neck, sucking the dark skin hard enough to leave a mark. the pet name makes your knees buckle as you lean against the car. riri’s calloused hands slide up your shirt and rub your sides as you gasp lightly.
“there’s people…,” you tuck a moan into your lip as she bites at your collarbone, “you’re gonna miss your flight-fuck,” she slips her hand down your waistband, grabbing a handful of your ass.
“i embarrass you, ma?” she inquires, her voice muffled by the skin in her mouth as she presses her teeth into it. your entire body heats up as she looks at you, expectant.
“no..i just-riri!” your words die in your throat with a whimper as she pushes her fingers against your damp panties, laughing at how you squirm under her.
“she’s so wet for me, haven’t even touched her yet,” she runs her finger up your slit as you hold back a moan, “she’s begging me to taste her, yeah? what you think, mama?”
you nod quickly as she continues to rub you through your underwear, whining every time her finger passes over your clit. “really? i can’t tell, she aint loud enough for me.”
“riri please…” you make eye contact with a man struggling with his luggage, and you quickly divert your attention, your face turning hot.
“i should eat her right in front of the airport,” riri uses her free hand to caress your cheek, and you lean into it as she applies more pressure to your clit, “let everyone know who she belongs to. let everyone know how needy she is. she’d like that, huh?”
“fuck, riri,” you moan. you’re grateful for the sound of airplanes passing overhead, because if not for them, surely the entire parking lot would have known riri’s name. “i don’t care, baby, please. i’ll make a big mess for you right here and let you do whatever you want. just..please, riri. i need you.” the band in your stomach tightens as you listen to her giggle.
“louder, baby.”
“FUCK, RIRI, PLEASE,” you grind on her fingers as they move along your underwear, ignoring the curious glances of passerbys.
she kisses you tenderly, making you melt under her lips. “hmm..what i tell you?” she murmurs into your mouth, “too damn easy.” she slides her hand out of your pants and pops her fingers into her mouth, swirling them around. “make sure you pick me up at 6 on monday, aight, ma?” the sight makes your pussy throb, but you just scoff as you watch, frustration overtaking your arousal.
“nah,” you push yourself off the car, fuming, “you got legs, nigga. you can walk.” she opens her mouth but you cut her off, pushing your finger into her chest, “matter of fact, use that fucking suit you always messing with. figure it out.”
your jabs do nothing but amuse her as she watches you climb back into the car. “so…no goodbye kiss?”
you shut the door and roll the window down, glaring at riri. truth was, you really did want to kiss her. but your frustration barred you from even thinking about it. “text me when your plane lands.”
“yes ma’am,” she sighs. she kisses her two fingers and places them against your temple. you watch her walk away with her luggage and so desperately want her to turn around. to turn around and yell “fuck the Avengers!!” and hop back into the passenger seat and kiss you until the windows fog. but she doesn’t. you sigh and shove the keys into the ignition and turn your music to 100, pulling out of the parking lot.
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you open the door to your shared apartment, cringing at the silence. normally, ri would have her tunes playing, usually switching between Tyler, the Creator, Kehlani, Chief Keef, or Lauryn Hill. her inconsistent music taste always made your head spin, but now you yearn for it. if it wasn’t music, then she was sprawled on the bed, begging you to play just “one match” against her in Mortal Kombat or Smash Bros., knowing she would whoop your ass. you always gave in anyways, just to see the satisfaction on her face.
you drag yourself into your room and plop into bed, opening your phone. you haven’t checked it since you left the airport, too frustrated to even peek. you scroll through riri’s texts, your guilt building with every missed message you read.
you shoot her a quick “made it home, love you too,” and throw your phone into your pillows, groaning. she’s been edging you all day, building you up just to stop you from finishing. when you asked her why, she simply giggled and said, “to give you something to look forward to when i come back.” oh she pisses you off.
your mind wanders back to the airport. riri’s voice bounces around in your head, “it’s so easy to get you worked up,” and irritation builds in your gut. you think about the way her hands fit perfectly around your ass as she gripped it, her dull nails digging into your soft skin. you think about the way her fingers curled in you as you surrendered to her touch. you replay the moment in your mind, biting your lip. you embrace the familiar tug in your stomach, recalling the way riri’s fingers grazed you. your face turns hot as you clench your thighs together, breathing heavily.
you peel your jeans off and toss them in the corner. your hand slithers down to your wet front and you sigh as your clit finally gets the pressure it’s been waiting so patiently for. your fingers trace your slit through your wet underwear, your pussy begging for the release riri’s been denying you. her laugh echoes in the back of your mind as you push your panties aside, your arousal sticking to the fabric. you smirk, recalling how her breathing faltered when you would whine in her ear, the sound of your voice spurring her on.
you grab your phone and go back to riri’s messages, your fingers pressing the voice memo option before you can even think about it. as your phone starts recording, you slip your middle and ring fingers inside of you, moaning at how easily they slide in. you close your eyes and think back to riri, the thought of her listening to your moans sending shivers down your spine. you feel yourself getting wetter as you imagine riri's rough hands and tongue exploring every inch of you, imagining her whispers trailing up your spine, her mouth leaving marks on your neck. you drag your fingers in and out, the messy noises of your cunt filling the room. “fuck,” you groan into your mic as you curl your fingers into your g-spot. your hips buck under your hand as you pump them inside of you, dropping the phone on your chest. your other hand travels to your clit, pressing your fingers against the swollen bud. your back arches from the pressure, and another quick moan is stolen from your lips. you feel your body getting warmer as you get louder, giving in to the pleasure that's building up inside of you.
“riri…i’m so close,” you slip another finger in, whining as you speed up. you trace circles into your clit as groans tumble out of your mouth, rising in octaves. tears blur your vision as you near your edge, forcing yourself to go further. your gasps become shorter and quicker as you push yourself to your orgasm, “fuck, baby, i’m gonna cum! i’m cumming,” your head swims as your walls clench around your fingers, whining.
your eyes roll to the back of your head as you release onto your fingers, the white liquid gushing onto your sheets. you slide your fingers out as your chest heaves. you bite your lip as you press send on the audio message, smirking. you don’t know when she’ll listen to it, but you know the thought of you touching yourself when she isn’t here will send her into hysterics. and you giggle at the thought.
you pick up your phone again and open the camera, flipping it so your face fills the frame. you look crazed, with your curls sticking to your forehead and your brown eyes dilated. you smile and press record, dragging your fingers into your dripping cunt again. you moan at the sensation, your jaw hanging open as you push your digits into your overstimulated pussy. you stare into the camera and bring your wet fingers to your mouth, wrapping your tongue around them. you lick your cum off of your fingers, grinning into your phone, “was that loud enough for you, mama?” you suck your fingers and swallow the last of it, winking into the camera. you stop the video and press send, watching until it says delivered.
you toss your phone onto the bed and step into the bathroom to clean yourself up. after a quick shower, you throw on one of riri’s shirts and step out and pick up your phone again, checking your messages. your stomach twists as you see 3 dots in the corner of your screen, indicating that riri was typing. you hop onto the bed again, grinning hard enough to make your face ache. your head spins as you anticipate her response. you can’t contain the giggles spilling out of you as you imagine her reaction to the attachments, but that smile quickly drops when the dots fade away. you blink at your screen, waiting for them to reappear. after 5 minutes of nothing, you groan and shut your phone off, burying your face into your hands.
irritation creeps up your spine as you stare at your phone. was she really icing you out? whatever. you didn’t care. or she was probably busy at work, actively saving people, instead of listening to her girlfriend fuck herself. duty calls or whatever. your mind races through explanations so fast that your head starts to hurt.
you sigh and stretch across your bed, sleep creeping its way behind your eyelids. your finger hovers over the call button, contemplating. her contact image smiles back at you, squeezing your heart a bit as you remember her in her first ironheart suit, where she was too excited to even sit still. you took the picture before she successfully completed her first test flight, her eagerness evident on her face.
you sigh and decide against calling her, figuring she was busy. thinking it’ll be better to wait til the morning. surely she was too preoccupied to even pick up. you roll over, burying your face into riri’s pillow, letting her scent trace the inside of your nose. you inhale the cocoa butter smell, letting it lull you to sleep.
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you shoot up, sleep clouding your mind as you rub your eyes. you fumble for your phone and wince when the light hits your eyes. 3:17am. “hello?” you call out into the darkness, fidgeting with your hair. silence answers you, making you bite your lip. you slide out of bed and tiptoe to your closet, grabbing the vibranium gauntlet that riri somehow managed to swipe from shuri. you laughed at her when she told you to keep it, but now you’re silently thanking her as you creep into the living room. you slip the gauntlet onto your wrist, holding it out in front of you as you feel the faint hum of the vibranium travel up your arm.
you notice the door hanging ajar, and you stiffen, gripping the glove tighter. “i…i have a weapon!” you squeak out, heart racing, “wakandan, too! you don’t wanna fuck with me!”
a soft chuckle emanates from the couch, and you whip your head around, using the soft blue glow of the gauntlet to guide you. you point it to the figure shrouded in darkness that was sitting comfortably on your couch. “last warning,” you keep your distance from the figure, but you know the power of the gauntlet will reach them in seconds.
“babygirl, put that shit down before you hurt yourself,” her voice makes your blood run cold, but you also basked in the relief she bought, “you know you clumsy.”
“shit, riri what the fuck?” you turn off the gauntlet and throw your hands into the air, “i thought i was bout to end up on a fucking true crime podcast. what the hell are you doing here?”
“uh, i live here?” you roll your eyes as you reach for the light switch, flipping it on. the sight of her manspreading on your couch made your knees weaker. her red hoodie and matching sweatpants did nothing to help. “i figured i’d swing by ‘cause you missed me so much.”
you laugh, taking the glove off and setting it on the kitchen counter, “sure. what happened to being an Avenger? don’t you have babies to save, or whatever they do?”
she sighs and stands up, taking two swift steps to you. her R-chain glints in your eye as she stares down at you, smirking, “i’m sure the Avengers will be fine without ironheart,” you smile as she shoots your words back at you, “you’re so damn needy, couldn’t leave you alone for long.”
she reaches out and wraps her arms around your waist, pulling you towards her. your cheek rests against her shoulder as you murmur, “i’m not needy.”
“you ain’t?” she reaches into her pocket, pulling her phone out, “you sure?”
you scoff and nod, “yo ass just wanted an excuse to come see me,” you pull away, “hold on, how’d you even get here?”
riri opens her phone, scrolling, “flew in that fucking suit you were talking about earlier…here it is,” she looks at you, her face unreadable, “ain’t this yo needy ass?”
you stare at her, puzzled, until the sounds reach your ears. amidst the panic of thinking there was an intruder in your home, you completely forgot what you had sent to riri. it all comes crashing back to you as your sultry moans emit from her phone, making your face hot. the noises of you playing with your wet cunt filled the room, your heavy breathing getting louder with each push of your fingers. “riri…i’m so close..” you hang your head, but riri grips your neck, forcing you to look at her.
“you was so vocal earlier…what happened, ma?” she turns up the volume, letting your voice echo through the living room. the splashing noises of you fucking yourself grow louder, along with your whines, as your gasps come through the mic. you press your thighs together, attempting to hide the arousal sliding down them.
the sounds end as you finish, and she shoves her phone back into her pocket, never breaking eye contact with you. her eyes boring into yours made you shiver, a smile playing on her plump lips. her hand tightens around your throat, and a moan slips from your mouth, “there it is.” her hand travels down to your underwear, prodding your clothed slit, “she’s so wet and i aint even touch her.”
your legs buckle as riri pushes against your clit, amusing herself with the way you lean into her. “fuck, ri,” you widen the gap in your legs, giving more access to your leaking cunt.
“hm?” she pulls her hand away, “what you want, ma?”
you’re too pent-up to put up a fight. you sigh into her shoulder, mumbling, “i want you, ri.”
riri’s hand returns to your underwear as she prods at your bud once more, making you whine into her ear. her jaw clenches as your whimpers fill her head, wanting nothing more than to see you crying under her as she sluts you out. but you had to earn it.
“use your words, mama,” riri moves your panties aside, sliding a singular digit into you with ease. your grip on her arm tightens as she slowly pumps her finger in and out of you, her brown eyes staring into yours.
“shit,” you tremble under her, “riri no more teasing, please. i need you to make me feel good. put me in my place. make me your bitch-i’ll take anything you give me, baby,” you throw your head back as she slips another finger in, her slow pace making your mind foggy, “fuck me, riri.”
“you gon’ be a good girl and make a mess for me, baby?” she quickens her pace, making it hard for you to keep your balance, “you gon’ let me tear this pussy up?”
you frantically nod, listening to riri play with your arousal. her eyes light up at the sight of her fingers disappearing into you, entranced by the sounds of your squelching pussy. “i’m your good girl, ri. i’ll do anything you tell me.” your walls clench around her fingers, eliciting a low groan from the back of her throat. the sound makes you quiver, hungry for more.
riri’s boxers are beyond damp as she listens to you. “so messy for me,” she kisses your head as she pulls her fingers out and you gasp at the absence of her digits inside you, “do me a favor, baby, and i promise i’ll give you what you want.”
you whine as she steps away from you and you stumble slightly, “you promise?”
“yeah, baby, i promise,” you smile as she cups your face and kisses you gently, her breath tickling your upper lip. your tongue runs across her bottom lip and she grins against you. riri speaks in between kisses,“i need these,” she tugs at your underwear, “gone. and this?” she pulls at the shirt hanging from your body, “never wanna see it again.”
you giggle, rocking on your heels, “but this is your shirt.”
“i’ll be ight. it looks better on the floor anyways,” she watches as you slowly pull the shirt over your head, her eyes fixed on your erect nipples. she resists the urge to step forward and squeeze and lick at the brown buds, but she reminds herself to wait.
you toss the shirt onto the floor, and your panties are next. the fabric is borderline glued to your wet cunt as you peel them off and toss them in the same corner as your shirt. you look back at riri, curling into yourself as she stares at you. it’s been around a year since y’all got together, but her gaze still makes you nervous. you cross your arms over your chest, suddenly self-conscious.
“nah, baby, let me see you,” riri steps forward and moves your arms to your sides. her eyes fall to your chest again, and your breath falters as she reaches forward and envelops your nipple in her warm mouth. she groans under you as her other hand reaches up to fondle your other boob. you bite back a moan as you grip her braids, watching the way she kisses your chest.
“oooh! shit, ri,” she smirks as she bites on your nipple, making you wince. her wet tongue rubs over it, chasing away the sting she left.
she hums as she pulls away, leaving a spit trail connected to her lips and your nipple. her mouth travels to your neck, and she nips at it, adding to the collection of purple marks that already stain your brown skin. her hands cup your tits as she kisses behind your ear, “fuck, you’re so perfect, y/n,” her breath tickles your ear, and you shiver, smiling at the sound of your name. “i need you to go in the room and lay down, pretty girl. can you do that for me?”
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“fuck you, ri” you gasp as you throw your head back and clench your thighs, the incessant buzzing between your legs driving you to tears.
as soon as ri stepped into the room, wearing nothing but her boxers, her R-chain, and a shit-eating grin, you knew she wasn’t done teasing you. “i’m making you work for this shit, you think i flew all the way down here just to give in to yo needy ass?” she chuckled, “you got me fucked up. hands above your head.”
“say that shit again, ma. i might just consider letting you go,” she uses her vibrator to apply more pressure to your clit, making your back arch off the bed. your hands squirm against your restraints as you cry out.
riri’s eyes are glued to your bloodshot ones, grinning so hard, you’re wondering how her damn face doesn’t hurt. “ri..fuck,” you pant, your sweat-slicked chest heaving, “i can’t. i’m gonna cum-ah!”
riri uses her free hand to slip 3 fingers into your puffy pussy, pumping at a rapid pace, “you can. and you won’t,” your overstimulated cunt clenches around her as she circles your sensitive clit with the vibrator, “not until you apologize.” a whimper tumbles out of your mouth as you buck your sore hips.
your eyes roll as another jolt of pleasure courses through you, making your stomach tighten. you grit your teeth in frustration as she bites at your trembling thighs, the stinging bringing you closer to your edge, “i..fuck!” you crane your head down, making eye contact with the grinning girl as her fingers continue to pound into you, “haah..kiss my ass.”
you smile weakly to yourself as you watch irritation cross riri’s face, “aight, bet,” she laughs, slowing her pace. you smirk as she pulls her fingers out, praying she’ll finally end the assault on your clit. but your prayers go unanswered as she increases the speed of the vibrator, making you flinch.
your voice cracks as she slips her fingers back into you, this time adding an extra one. she moans at the sound of you, relishing the way you crumble under her, “yeah, you was so big and bad earlier. what happened?” she curls her fingers into your sweet spot, and you can feel your orgasm starting to leak onto riri’s fingers.
“i’m sorry!” you wail, spit forming in the corners of your mouth, “ri, baby, i’m sorry! please, please, let me cum. i can’t hold it anymore.” hot tears cloud your vision.
“huh?” riri’s digits twist inside you, making your back arch once more. you wish your hands were free so you could smush that stupid ass grin off her face, “ian hear you, baby.”
“i’m sorry! i’m so sorry,” you start to babble, rutting your hips against riri, “i won’t do it again. i’ll be good. i was being needy because i missed you!”
riri’s fingers slow as she looks at you, “who’s my bratty girl?”
“i am,” you huff, the buzzing of the toy slowly creeping through your entire body.
“who’s pussy is this?”
“it’s yours, ri!”
riri hums and removes her fingers and the vibrator, making you sigh in relief. her lips gravitate to your swollen bud like a magnet, kissing it softly. “good shit, baby. let it out for me,” her tongue dances between your folds, “flood my shit.”
“fuck, i’m cumming, ri!” you squirm against your restraints and moan as riri’s fingers dig into your thighs, stopping them from closing as she licks you up.
her tongue grazes your clit and you squirt on her without warning, fat tears rolling down your face as your orgasm splashes onto riri. she opens her mouth, not letting a single drop go to waste. your arms burn from the strain of them hanging pathetically over your head as you struggle against them, watching riri continue to suck on your overstimulated cunt. “ri, baby-shit. i came, i came!”
“yeah.” riri mumbles into you as she sticks her tongue into your entrance, slurping you up. she eats you like your pussy is a drug, never stopping to come up for air. your legs twitch uncontrollably as she moans into you, the vibrations going straight to your core. she reaches up and tweaks one of your nipples, making your eyes cross.
your safeword is resting just behind your lips, ready to tumble out of your mouth, when riri presses one final kiss against your entrance and pulls away. “such a pretty pussy,” she coos, eyes locked on the wet spot on the bed, “could eat her all day.” your chest heaves as you struggle to catch your breath, and your cunt throbs as you watch her suck the rest of your release from her fingers, her chain winking at you in the dim lighting as she sits up.
“let me go?” you mumble, head swimming. she finally looks back at you, taking in your blissed-out state. she smiles and kisses you deeply as you moan into her mouth.
“where you at, mama?” she looks down at you, concern swimming in her eyes, “just say the word, and i’ll run you a bath.”
while you would appreciate the warm water soothing the welts riri left behind, you also can’t get enough. you shake your head, “i..want more,” you look at her, a lazy smile playing on your lips, “wanna taste you,” you watch her bite her lip as she listens to you, “please, riri.”
riri rubs circles on your stomach, pecking your temple and humming, “you think you deserve it? have you been good?”
you nod quickly, “did so good for you…” she leans over you and reaches for the rope around your wrists, her low-hanging necklace brushing against your face.
as your arms are released, she gently takes your wrists and kisses them, alleviating the burn of your restraints. you sigh as you relax into riri, wrapping your arms around her. “thank you for being such a good girl baby,” she kisses you again, “you gonna let me sit on your pretty face?”
her words send shivers down your spine, and you whimper as you nod. “tell me how bad you want it,” she rubs her hands over your thighs, coaxing the plea out of you.
“please…riri. i wanna taste you so bad, i want you to smother me, i want your pretty pussy on my face. make a mess in my mouth and ruin me,” you babble desperately.
riri swallows a moan as she listens to you, trying to keep herself from becoming undone with just your words. “shit, ma. you got me so wet,” she admits, “you wanna see?”
she grins as you rapidly nod, giggling at your eagerness. her finger traces your belly button as she leans closer to your ear, her breath making your body quiver, “lay on your back for me, baby.”
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“just sit down, ri,” you coo, her thighs straddling your face as her glistening pussy hovers above you, “please, mama.”
“say ahh for me,” riri’s voice barely registers to you, as you’re too focused on the line of arousal slowly trailing from her cunt, your breath catching in your chest as you suppress yet another needy whine. your attention snaps back to riri as she pops your thigh, the sting making you suck your teeth, “open your fucking mouth. you ain’t have a problem keeping it wide open earlier.”
“shut the hell up and sit down,” you mutter impatiently.
“i don’t know who the hell you think you talk-shit“ riri’s cut short by you as you push down on her waist, letting her drenched pussy fall into your mouth. an abrupt moan escapes her as your nose brushes her clit.
“shit, baby, right there,” riri throws her head back as you suck on her folds, savoring the way your tongue fits perfectly in her. she tastes better than anything you’ve ever eaten, like nectar to a bee. ambrosia to a goddess. she writhes above you as you lap her up, eyes rolling to the back of your head. your grip on her thighs tighten as her hips rock, letting her cunt slide across your face as she hums, “you like this, don’t you? needy slut.”
you dig your fingernails into riri’s thighs, leaving small, crescent-shaped marks as her insult sends a shudder down your spine. you look up at her, watching how her face contorts as your lips wrap around her swollen bud. her jaw hangs open as she continues to ride your face, her chain swinging with each rut of her hips.
“fuck, i’m bout to..” riri tries to bite back a whimper, but your ears catch it. you slide your tongue into her, drawing out a long moan from the prodigy on top of you. her thighs tremble as she grabs fistfuls of your curls, grinding her hot cunt further into your mouth.
“you gon let me flood your pretty face, baby?” riri smiles as you hum your confirmation, the vibration of your voice making her head spin, “let me cum in that dirty mouth, yeah?”
you look up at riri as you press sloppy kisses onto her pussy, relishing the way she bounces on your face. “fuck, baby. feels so good..shit!” her back arches as you gather her clit in your mouth once more, sucking on it, “im cumming! im-“
riri’s hands fly to her tits as she gropes them, riding her orgasm out on your face. you moan as you watch, maintaining eye contact with her as she creams in your mouth, the thick liquid coating your throat. her legs twitch as you continue to lick her clean, your tongue traveling over her folds. “aight, baby, i’m done, i’m done, fuck!” she cries out as you release your grip on her thighs.
riri lifts off of you and plops onto the bed, chest heaving, “how i taste, ma?”
you roll over and press a long kiss onto riri’s lips, hands trailing down her body. she moans into your mouth, wrapping her arms around you to pull you closer. her tongue slips into your past your lips, swirling around your mouth. you push your hips into her, your throbbing clit brushing against her leg.
riri grins against your mouth before rolling on top of you and bringing her knee up to your cunt, “you want me to keep going?” she laughs as you nod vigorously, “needy ass.”
she slides off the bed and walks into the shared closet, disappearing for a bit. you sit up as you watch her walk back to the bed with her most prized possession.
“where’d you get that one from, ri?” you watch as she steps into the harness of her strap, staring curiously at the purple-veined appendage.
“don’t worry bout it,” riri fastens the strap to her and looks up at you, mischief dancing in her eyes, “hand me my phone.”
you knit your brows in confusion as you reach for her long forgotten hoodie and fish out her phone from the pocket. you toss it to her, “for what?”
“you’ll see,” she smirks at you, “you already know what position i like you in. bend over.”
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your eyes screw shut as riri aligns the strap with your hole, the tip brushing against your overstimulated clit.
“ri…please,” you mumble, squirming against the rope tied across your wrists once more. she uses one hand to dig her nails into your hip while she uses the other to stroke the tip between your folds.
“please what, baby?” riri coos, her voice dripping with disdain, “ask the camera. you had no problem doing it earlier.”
you shut your eyes tighter, mortification burning through your cheeks. riri had propped her phone up on the pillows in front of you after tying your hands behind you, letting them sit snugly on your lower back.
your eyes shoot open as riri’s hand slams down on your ass and you wince from the impact. “i know you heard me,” she grabs a handful of your curls and tugs at them, forcing you to stare straight at yourself in her phone camera, taking in your pathetic state. eyes puffy, tears staining your cheeks, your messy hair sticking up in various directions. riri takes pride in knowing she’s the cause of your current state.
her cold chain drags against your burning back as she leans over to whisper in your ear, “don’t act brand new. tell them how bad you want me to fuck your pretty brains out.”
panic seizes your chest as you crane your head away from the camera to look at riri, “‘them’? you’re gonna show this to people? what the fuck, ri?” you splutter.
“nah, i bet you would like that though, huh?” she chuckles, “wanna show everyone how much of a needy whore you are? want them to see how pretty you look when i fill you up?”
she turns your head back to her phone as you whine, feeling the familiar knot in your stomach. “ri…”
your whimper makes her laugh, “speak up, babygirl.”
the way your nickname rolls off her tongue pushes you to the edge, “SHIT, ri. just fuck me, please. i want you inside me, fuck me stupid. i wanna feel y-“
your words die at your lips as riri rams into you, the tip of the strap brushing against your cervix. “you talk too much,” riri mutters as you cry out. you can’t form a coherent response as she continues to thrust into you at rapid speeds, her groans making you clench around the faux dick buried in you. “she’s so fucking tight for me..god.”
“you..you can feel me?” you struggle against your restraints and wince as the rope digs into your skin.
“yeah…was working on it before…fuck, mama keep squeezing my shit just like that!” riri gasps as she digs into your g-spot.
“YES, riri, right there,” you watch your body in the camera, shaking from the impact of her thrusts, “i can’t…hold it” tears swim in your vision, and you fight against them, “please let me cum..oh fuck!” you choke out a sob as her hand slithers to your neck and her fingers tighten around your throat.
“hold that shit,” ri’s says through gritted teeth as her pace becomes sloppy. your pulsating cunt continues to constrict around her, causing her to emit a low groan, “you look so pretty when you’re full of dick.” the corner of her mouth quirks up into a smirk as she listens to your whimpers, “now tell the camera how good i feel.”
“please, ri,” you whine. she tightens her grip around your throat as a warning, and you involuntarily moan. “shit, riri fucks me so good. she makes my pussy feel so good!”
“yeah, good shit, baby.” riri’s hips kiss yours as she continues to slam into you, her dick burying into your core. you feel your orgasm approaching, the familiar tug in your stomach becoming stronger with each push into your puffy pussy. riri bites her bottom lip as your walls tighten around her, making her eyes roll to the ceiling, “can i fill this you up, mama? you gon let me cum in this pretty pussy?”
riri knocks into your g-spot and you finally let your tears fall as you moan, “YES, riri. please fill me up. flood my shit, baby!” your voice cracks as you yell, desperately wanting to break free of the rope binding your wrists.
“oh my god..are you fucking crying?” riri looks at your wet cheeks and scrunched face as she pumps into you. she removes her hand from your neck and grips your curls, turning your tear-soaked face around to look at her. she leans forward and presses her tongue flat against your cheek, letting the salty fluid settle on her tastebuds as she moans. “you see how lame you look? you’re so goddamn needy,” she smirks, dragging her tongue across your cheek, “i knew i couldn’t leave you alone for long.”
“ri…i’m so close-please,” you blubber, “been so good..for you.”
riri resumes her rapid pace and you chomp down on your bottom lip. “yeah? who’s the only one that makes you feel this good?”
“you, riri, only you!” your eyes cross as her palm smacks your ass, with riri fascinated by the way it jiggles.
“who’s pussy is this?” riri’s chest heaves, her pounding becoming erratic. her orgasm is quickly approaching, but she wants to watch you become undone first.
you scream in response, your back arching as you squirt onto riri. your release splashes on her as you moan, throwing your head into the sheets. “shit, baby, im..fuck, i’m about to cum!” riri groans, digging her fingernails into your hips, “ke-keep squeezing me like that. wanna feel your pretty pussy.”
“fill me up, ma,” you plead, throwing your ass back on the Avenger, “please, baby! wanna feel yo-”
“shut up!” riri says with a snarl as she shoves her fingers in your mouth, making you clench as she gags you. riri moans, throwing her head back as she drills her strap deeper into you, “fuck, baby. just like that! i’m…i’m bout to..”
your eyes roll to the back of your head as her seed shoots into your cunt, relishing the warmth that fills you. you bite down on her fingers and moan in sync with her, relaxing your body.
as she pulls out of you, her creamy release pours out of you, dripping onto the sheets. you collapse onto the bed, breathing heavily as your eyes flutter closed. riri chuckles and steps peels the strap off, tossing it into a forgotten corner of the room. she rubs small circles into your back and places her lips on yours, kissing you deeply. “you did so good for me, my beautiful girl,” you smile at the compliment, feeling her scatter sweet kisses across your face.
“can you walk, baby?” she asks softly, starting to untie the rope at your hands. you don’t even have the energy to talk, much less stand. riri understands your silence and let’s out a soft laugh, rubbing your wrists and easing the ache that your restraints left behind.
“i’m gonna run you a bath, then i’ll be right back,” you nod drowsily as she presses another kiss to your temple and walks to the bathroom, humming. you envy her endurance, the way she’s able to bounce back after leaving you strewn out across the bed. you turn your head, watching the muscles in riri’s back shift with each step. riri disappears into the bathroom and you let the sound of running water lull you to sleep.
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“you never answered my question,” you say as riri plays in your wet curls as your back lays against her chest. you’re positioned between her legs in the tub, letting the smell of the floral bubble bath and the sound of Raveena’s Still Dreaming surround you as you lean into her touch.
“you ask a lot of questions, baby,” riri chuckles and slides her hands to your thighs and starts to rub them. you relax into her, relishing the sensation of her fingers kneading into your soft skin.
you roll your eyes as she massages your legs, “okay, yeah, but you never told me where you got that strap from,” you huff, “like what was that?”
riri’s hands falter slightly at your question, but she catches herself and resumes rubbing your thighs. you pretend not to notice. “it, uh..” she sighs, “don’t laugh.”
“why would i laugh?” you scoff, turning your head to look at her.
“cause yo ass always giggling about something,” ri swats at you, and you smile, “don’t try and hold it back now. look at you, always ready to laugh at someone.”
“just answer the question, ri,” you say impatiently. riri sighs and moves her hands to your shoulders, gripping them firmly.
you sigh and melt into her touch as she rubs circles into your shoulders, “it’s just a project i’ve been working on for a minute,” riri’s hands glide down your back as she rubs your sides, “it started as a joke, but when i met you...i guess i actually had a reason to finish it.”
you bite back a giddy giggle as you turn around in riri’s lap, looking at her. she stares back at you, her eyes gleaming. your chest grows warm as you watch her smile, her perfect set of teeth on full display. “i told you not to laugh,” she pushes a curl from your head.
“i know, i’m sorry, baby,” you plant a kiss onto her forehead, “you’re just so fucking smart, like damn. how’d you even come up with that?”
riri’s eyes widen at the compliment as her grin grows wider. you know how self-critical she is towards herself, so watching her become undone with a simple compliment makes you melt. “thank you, mama,” she reaches up and grips your chin, her wet palm pulling you towards her lips. she kisses you fondly, relishing the way your arms wrap around her waist. the music and the smells fade around you as you get lost in riri’s touch, committing the way she tastes to your memory.
you shiver under her and riri breaks the kiss, leaving your lips cold. you pout at her and lean in for another one, missing her warmth. but she softly pushes you away, “the water’s getting cold, baby,” she smiles, “come on,” she motions for you to get out of her lap.
you climb out of the tub as she lets the water out, watching the bubbles disappear down the drain. you turn around, and riri startles you by wrapping you in a towel and throwing you over her shoulder. you shriek, swinging your feet and laughing, “ri!!”
laughing, she flips you onto the bed and kisses you, intertwining her fingers with yours. you giggle into her mouth and throw the blanket over your naked bodies.
riri groans as her phone starts to ring, breaking the kiss. “hold on, baby, i think that’s work.” you roll your eyes and huff as she reaches over to grab her phone, putting it on speaker. “yeah?”
“riri, where the hell have you been?” smooth xhosa comes from the other side of the line, “you left without saying anything…again.”
“hey, shuri,” riri runs her hands through her braids, “i uh…” she looks at you smirk, “family emergency?”
“i didn’t get this primitive device just for you to lie in my face,” shuri sighs, “hi, y/n.”
your eyes widen as riri rolls hers, “she ain’t even here, you trippin.”
“hi,” you say, giggling when riri scowls at you.
“right. anyways,” you can practically hear shuri’s eye-roll through the screen, “fury’s pissed and he has kamala and me out looking for you. i’ve been trying to cover for your ass but we need you. kamala’s getting annoying.”
“yeah. i’ll be there tomorrow,” riri ignores you when you swat at her arm, frowning, “tell fury i’m busy. ion even need to be there, for real, but aight.”
“yeah, okay,” shuri sighs, “he’s gonna chew you out for missing patrols again.”
“man, ion give a fuck,” riri laughs, “but i’ll hit you back later?”
“yeah. bye, riri. bye, y/n. don’t keep her up too late.” before you can object, shuri hangs up the phone.
“‘be back tomorrow?’” you cross your arms and pout, your frown growing deeper as riri laughs.
“baby, i’ll be back the night after,” riri scoots closer to you and spoons you, letting your hair tickle her nose, “and then no more trips for the rest of the year, unless it’s with you.”
“good.” you smile, relaxing into her arms.
“so fucking needy,” she whispers, laughing and kissing your cheek.
you both drift off to sleep together, with riri snoring softly. riri ended up oversleeping, causing her phone to constantly go off with calls from nick fury, shuri, and even kamala. both of you were oblivious, too busy snoozing in each other’s arms.
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halliescomut · 3 months
Love Sea Ep 2 Watch Along
I am a couple days late because migraines suck, but I'm finally sitting down to watch ep 2. I'm gonna try to gives some first inpressions here, but we'll see how we go.
-Opening shot and I accidentally caught crew in the back of the boat. Hehe...whoops. Can't always catch that.
-When he says "what this man's sex taste like" does he mean literally or figuratively??? Like...I'm just not sure if it's wonky translation, or ???
-Okay, but the way Mut put's their legs together, but keeps their torso's apart....like touching, but not invading Rak's space....that's kinda hot.
-I do come from a seafood family, literally my maternal grandparents ran a seafood restaurant for over a decade, but I'm not a seafood person, so I kinda feel like the food stuff is going over my head.
-Like...I knew it was gonna happen, but I'm still blushing so hard. That eye contact is DANGEROUS.
-Peat's muscles!!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!
-Literally Rak is so cranky that he hurt himself and cut off sexy time. His grumpy face.
I love Mook so much. I would die for her, she's so precious.
Are those generic baby shark bandaids??
I love how quickly Rak takes advantage of the loophole Mut presents him with. He immediately is like "you are correct, this is not my bed, let's bang!" (Also I fucking loved this line in the trailer. It's quippy, it's clever, Fort delivers it so well. Perfection.)
I mean...if your gonna engage in sexy time on the beach...oral would be your best option, so....
Jesus with the leg over the shoulder....goddamn.
Those hips are moving quite a lot Rak, be careful with Mut, you don't want to break him.
The mouth wipe.....I'm dying. I will say the timing was a bit fast there at the end, but like...legit portrayal of oral, and not just vaguely refering to it is new in Thai BL, so props for that. (Also it was one of my bingo squares. Yay me.)
I was predicting the whole "I'm inspired, we gotta go back to my room right now", but that did not stop it from being funny as hell.
Is Tongrak basically Mame's self-insert?? I just thought about this, bc they used the MMY logo for the fake website, probably just so they didn't have to bother with getting a non-copywritten one, or pay to use a real one, but like I just thought about this, since he's a writer who writes Y-Series, and part of what P'Vie does (I'm pretty sure) is make them into shows.... fascinating to consider.
We do see the cover for The Boy Next World, both the BN one and the orignal manga-style one...interesting.... As well as the cover for Love Director, which is one of the novels directly related to the LITA side of the Mame-verse....also interesting.
Rak's fake insta is hot. I tell you what, Mame shows got their issues, but costuming is pretty much always on point.
Okay so P'Vie is an actress...still involved with Rak's shows, but not the director I guess.
I really do get distract by how pretty Peat's eyes are.
Okay, Though he was just showering, but then I saw the motion... the blushing begins again. (Look I know I've written smut, and I watch BL, but I'm still Ace, so a lot of times my reaction is very Edwardian noble lady. I'm sorry!)
No, but I paused it to write that last sentence and the look on Rak's face!!!!
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Rak is very bite-y. It suits his character, really. I Like it.
That was....very athletic.
I have thoughts about the sex scene. I'll save those for the 'Thoughts' post though.
I do think it's funny that Rak is so disturbed because the sex was good. That's funny.
Side note, I know this is an adult show, it includes a lot of adult themes, but somehow the Hallmark Movie-ness of Mame's shows makes it feel very weird when people cuss. Like, it feels odd for Rak to say Fuck there. It somehow just gives the vibe of 'see how grown-up we are with the cussing'. IDK if that makes sense, or if anyone else feels that way.
Mook's reaction to the forehead kiss is so cute, but P'Vie's got two episodes to get her act together, or I'm gonna start to dislike her.
I still don't remember the name of Mut's friend (I'm sorry) but I do think he's very funny. The actor is doing a very good job.
I know IRL, I would hate the entitledness/possessive-ness of Rak, but that was kind hot.
I love how amused Mut is by Rak. It's one of the things that feels like Fort peeking through tbh.
Oops...none of us did consider that a considerably long motorbike ride the day after some pretty vigorous back door sex may not be the best idea. But also, I feel like this is part of why prep/aftercare is important, and they (meaning BLs) should focus on it more. Like it's wouldn't fix everything, but it would help.
Oh, I really do like Mut's friend...who's name is Palm....I will try to remember.
I doubt this was Mame's intention, but I do appreciate the discussion of how franchised tourism can be harmful to local residents.
Sweet Mut so shy about taking genuine compliments. That's so cute.
Oh I'm familiar with that kind of manufactured flippancy when it comes to speaking about family ties that have been broken.... there be trauma there mateys.
God I have a lot of incomplete thoughts about this scene. I'm gonna have to rewatch and break it down later.
Oh, Rak is 100% a self-insert.
I do wonder when we're gonna get more info regarding that first thought about escaping though. It feels like Rak is trying to keep things surface level, but is accidentally revealing more than he intends.
I respect the attempt to get info out of Kom. I also respect Connor for not giving any.
I'm excited for the diving and underwater shots, but Rak--why the fuck are you wearing a small fortune in high-end designer jewelery for that?? like, leave that shit in your room dude.
Also, I've officially decided I love Palm and his doofus-energy. I will now protect him with my life.
God Bless Wetsuits! Amen!!
Sir what the fuck are you doing???? If this were a different couple I'd say Rak is well on his way to a spanking.
But also, this is so pretty,
Flashback!!! Yes, another bingo box, but also...why do drama parents always break up directly in front of their kids?
There's a metaphor happening about not diving alone and the flashbacks and reconciling his traumas in relation to love/trusting men (in a romantic way)....my brain is too stupid to make a cohesive explanation, but it's there.
I love the way Mut just looks at Rak... like it's fascinating how much Fort is able to portray with his gaze. I thought that during LITA, but it's confirmed here. Because, yes the longing/loving gaze is alive and well, but you can see the concern, the confusion, even the questioning that's happening. It's wild.
Well that's all for the episode. I'll probably rewatch tomorrow and thry to organize my thoughts into something vaguely cohesive, but no promises. Despite the very swift jump into the sex, we got a lot of insight today, into to both of them really.
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lausterdomyamong · 3 months
Can we learn a bit more about your hsr sona? What is her relationship with Ratio like? What does she think of Aventurine? (Considering how him and Ratio spend much of the Penacony quest bickering). What is her general view of Ratios trip to Penacony?
This is going to be long, I haven't checked my inbox this past month — sorry for such late answer in advance !
Moving on, I'm glad you asked this question about my sona! There are many things to explore between her character and her relationship with canon characters which I'm not really daring to talk about that much. I have her info in Thai, but since I haven't write anything in english for a while now, this might came out a bit wonky with the wording and all, feel free to ask more after you finished reading it!
I'll call her Lauster while we're talking, so it's easy to read than call her my sona repeatedly– let's go.
My HSR sona + relationship with canon characters.
With Veritas Ratio, the very first time they met — they were classmates at Intelligentsia Guild. She wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, thus meeting THE Veritas Ratio, making her feel admire as much as she despise to be on the same team with him, or opposite team, in any project. He was just that outstanding, so confident, so bright that she must close her eyes shut. Lauster hates how sharp-witted he is, hates how much he was so right about everything, hates how he never conceal or sugarcoating his words, hates that he constructively helping others. Slowly, that changes, after some times she spent with him, she feels genuinely attracted by said trait she sworn to hate so much.
She liked him first. She fell hard, she never knew how her heart would yearn for his voice, his stern look, his mind which never stuck to the past. She hated him before, but that changes. He was never selfish in her eyes, the egotistical, rude, and overly confident facade was just how people tend to literally perceived him just as that, it's not what he truly is. She didn't learn the hard way, because that was how Veritas always is. Not many people have such a tender and kind goal as his. To cure and help people to be free from their own idiocy, to be able to stand up on their own legs, even without any helping hand.
It was pure admiration that lead her up to this point, you can say that she is a Ratio defender, she literally is lmao. She is the epitome of hsr fandom if media literacy isn't dead — someone who doesn't judge Ratio by his cover and shallowly decided that was his whole character. Lauster has her own ego, one of them is to be someone who knows Ratio oh-so-well. But that kinda killing her too.
It wasn't completely one-sided. They dated at some point. Ratio does like her company, but he does think that she doesn't fit the life of a scholar, she is destructive to herself, too much of a perfectionist to the point that she suffered from her own idealization. He liked how she was a romanticism, it was interesting to explore her psyche as a person — surely noticed that she wouldn't survive a day in harsh reality, she will break, she feels too much, she would crumble from the inside out. You can say it is a opposite attraction, he is grounded to reality, where she is drowned in emotion and her own dream.
There were a lot of good time between tge two. But it was a sad relationship, honestly. She never once feel jealous of her love one's success. She truly is happy for how Ratio is thriving on his path, she was elated to be in his arms, to be lived by him, to see him persue his dream (that isn't to join Genius Society). But what killing their relationship is how her being a self-destructive perfectionist. She tried hard to be good on her works too, but there were too many external factors that keep her from being well, she tried not to a burden to him.
They loved each other, but they weren't meant to be. That realization hits Lauster first, it destroyed her. But Ratio view it differently, which is why he tried to help her, to grow, to be able to stand on her own feet again.
Then, stuff happened– she disappeared one day from Intelligentsia Guild. With thing left unsaid to each other, Ratio is striving to find her across the galaxy again.
With Aventurine, to be honest, there wasn't so much depth I've been thinking about, they were civil and nice with one another. But one thing that is interesting to be reckon is Lauster actually hates the IPC. Her life on her planet was rough because of them, she hates their reputation, as she grew, she learned enough to acknowledge that IPC as a whole is awful.
But she does know the fact that Aventurine was a slave before, he doesn't have the choice to be engage in their system. He too — was a victim of IPC, she was well aware. So at least, on the first encounter where she met him, she was acting indifferent and being civil. She wasn't harsh or mean, but also not overly nice nor sending pitied eyes. It was a normal amount of kindness as one human shall receive. This is where Aven start to like her as a friend.
The two came around each other and form a beautiful friendship eventually. You can say that she is the only one who doesn't care (and I mean, her gaf is on vacation when she is with Aven) about his antics, even enable him to a lot of length. She doesn't really want him to buy her stuffs as a friendship reward. I can say they were really close friends where they can trauma bonding to a degree lmao.
The last question is— to be honest, if she's still with Ratio at the time, she may wish him a safe trip only. Despite being someone who lives in the fantasy, she doesn't want to visit Penacony at all. While she was intrigued in the concept of it long time ago, she already mentally living in a dream every day, so she wasn't interested to physically be in one (not really but you get what I mean). Living in a dream was sweet, but she has been like that her whole life, she knew how tiresome it would be sometimes. (Yeah, she is neurodivergent.)
Anyway, thank you for reading such a long post! If you have question, feel free to slide into my ask box !
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don't you forget about me
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๑ Summary : will you be true to your word that you won't forget about Eddie when both of you stood on your ground with your hopes and dreams succeeded?
๑ Word Count : idk if y'all like longer fics, but I'm just eyeballing it on the right amount, I'm so excited for this one hehe
๑ Warnings : 18+ Songwriter!Eddie Munson x Popstar!FEM!reader, cursing, use of y/n, highschool classmates, set in modern era (but with 80's aesthetics) Eddie is (21), reader is (20), Eddie is also very shy doesn't know how to express he feels but he cares, reader is jittery and rambles when she's nervous! VERY CUTE! I promise :))
๑ What to Expect : friends to lovers, unrequited feelings, FLUFF! this can be slightly awkward but I am a woman of my word it would be absolutely adorable!
๑ Note To Reader : I just had this idea that Eddie and reader while reunite after so many years later and they both can't handle that their friendship has never changed! it's still pretty rock solid! 😭🫶🏻✨
๑ Author Note : I worship John Hughes films, so, you know the drill! 😉 and um- sorry if I'm bringing myself some of my fics in this but the beginning happened to me in real life, so, yes, I miss that specific person (yeah the same guy that had a crush on for 10 fucking years 😃👍🏻) I haven't seen him since 2018 👀
"Stop- what are you doing?!" you said to him while having a breathy laugh
He smirks as he looks at you within his eyelashes as he tries to hold you still while writing something down on the back of your hand
"Eddie, this is ridiculous" you say to him as you shook your head sideways but a fond smile is sitting on your lips as you glanced at your back a bunch of students are hollering in excitement for the school year end because knowing damn well that whatever he is written down on your hand it will not stay, it would be easily removed once you took a bath when you get home
But, you don't mind it anyways, you smile at him as you watch him curiously as you can see his lips muttering different words under his breath as he writes
"You're the one who is being ridiculous" he says to you not looking at your eyes yet
You chuckle at his reply as you playfully roll your eyes at him
"There" he says as he brings back the cap of his blue ballpen, you heard it with a click
You bring your hand close to your face as you read what it says
"Don't let anyone else stop you for following your dream"
you lightly giggle when some of the words are not aligned as it goes wonky down on the back of your hand but still it's nice and you liked it
"Don't forget about me when you get famous with your singing career" he leans forward to get close to you, so, you could hear him clearly
The hallways are filled with whooping and screaming in excitement of students that are cheering for the school year end, Eddie chortled at the sight of it
You missed the way he looks at you
You raised your head as you flash him a sweet adoring smile as you nod
You shyly taken a back from his words of encouragement that really meant true as you judge by his tone
You snort "Okay, Eddie"
A smile tugs to his lips as he leans his back on the railing as he spoke again "I mean it, Y/N"
You look back at him and you directly look into his eyes
"Just don't ever forget about me, okay?"
It's very heartwarming to you that he is so kind "Of course, I will never forget about you, Eddie"
How would you ever forget Eddie Munson?
When he's the only one guy in your school campus who is so respectful towards you?
That was 2016, nine years ago
You've been classmates since 7th grade and even though you don't both have the same section from 8th grade and 9th grade
You still see each other and interacted a little
You kinda wish that he was still your classmates all those years
Sometimes, though, you winced at the memories when you're with him, you cringe at it at how you make things weird and awkward
You hate it when you get all so jumpy and nervous around him, I mean- it's just Eddie but the problem is that he doesn't know that you just realized it back in 8th grade that you finally figured it out that you developed feelings for him
You both weren't exactly close
Yeah, both of you tease each other and make fun and silly jokes sometimes
Yes, you both have a few conversations and slightly deeper talks about both of your families when your teacher on P.E class partnered the both of you together for the dance project
That's the only time that you ever both talked real to each other
That little moment, until now is still vivid to you
But still, you're not that close to him
He was just a good friend or maybe just a good classmate that you had
You encountered him again back in 2018 when both of your paths crossed while being on the escalators
You noticed him first but before you call out to him, you made sure that it was him because you moved on to another school after 9th grade, so, pretty much something's have changed but him?
He never did, he is still stylish as ever and so are you
But of course, both of you grew up
You're now already looking at him and you expect him to notice you, so, you didn't do anything at first and when you both finally met in the middle of the escalator and he is still doesn't saw you on the other side and he is mere inches close to you and you're too fucking shy to call his name out, you tried to tap on the handles to make a sound but no to avail, as you had no choice but to say his name
He whipped his head around the second you call him
He smiles and leans back forward as the both of you stare at each other
You shyly wave at him as you duck your head down to look at where you're going
From the corner of your eye, you saw him reached at the end of the escalator, his eyes still locked on you
But goddamn, it's 2024, you're 20 and he's 21
Both of you are college students now
Your feelings for him remained the same way and all of the crushes that you had from elementary to highschool
He's the only one ever to take over your heart this long
So long that sometimes, you wonder, if you try to confess it, so, it will be all over
But isn't that embarrassing? since well....
You haven't seen him since what?!? 2018???
2018 was the last time you ever saw him
You also haven't talked to him for years
Besides, seeing him on his Instagram profile but that doesn't count
But you did some risky stuff and you made such a big deal out of it because you're too overreacting with your giddy feelings for him
Like for instance
You complimented him on his Instagram stories in 2021 and he only heart reacted on it
You greeted him on his birthday for the first time ever in 2022 (you're wishing that he won't find it weird that you know his birthday and you hoped that he still remembers that he also wrote on your slambook back in 7th grade, that's why you knew) you also send your pictures with him from the field trip that you both had in 8th grade
And that right there, you received a message
A message that is so short but so endearing and it really means a lot to you
He says that he is sorry for not reaching out to you after all of those years passed and he is glad that you hadn't changed ever since then and he appreciates and he is so grateful for the highschool memories that you both had together
Even it's just a short amount of period at that time
2023, you greeted him again on his birthday but he only said thank you
You kinda hoped that he'll message you
But, girl- thank god that you aware of the term called "reality check" because why would he message you all of the sudden since that you both didn't knew very well
You sigh in hopelessly romantic manner wishing that he'll talk to you someday
Yeah, a smile grows on your lips all the time when you always receive a notification that he likes your posts
Damn, only a notification from him already lightens up your day
How fucking great, that's how pathetic it is
"5 minutes then you're good to go!"
Okay, fast forward from your train of thoughts, right- you got a show to run
You're a popstar now and you made it like you always wanted to be
Despite, everyone from your school bullies tries to pull you down
Eddie is the only one who believed in you and supported you all the way even both of your lives are different now than before
While in the autograph signing table
"You're such an inspiration!" A young girl said as she beams up as she watches you sign up of your portraits photograph
"Thank you so much, sweetie! I'm very happy to hear that, did you had fun?"
She aggressively nods as she starts bopping up and down on her heels in excitement, you chuckled at that and you gave back the signed picture of yours to her as she gives you huge smile as she takes her leave
You didn't noticed the next person as you start signing
"As you walk on by, will you call my name?"
The sound of the person's voice is too unreal for you to hear and to register of what you just heard as you paused on what you're doing as you slowly raise your head up at the person who is standing in front of the table across from you as you gasp that you thought you're not going to see him again after 2018
But, now, here, he is finally once again
You've always dreamed about this
You've always wanted this to happen
It's unbelievable
You know that face and voice and that iconic smirk on him as you take him in
"Eddie?" You're still gasping in shock as you cupped your mouth in surprise as you look around you and your eyes are twinkling as he looks down on you in adoration and now the other fans that are waiting in line are getting curious and they flash you a smile as they relished and witness the reunion of the both of you
He grins as he nods as he shoved his hands onto his pockets "Ah- she remembers me!" You giggled to his classic antics
He hasn't changed
You could hear everyone who is asking, the buzzing "who is he?" "omg- they knew each other?!?" "wait- maybe he is the guy from her songs!"
You're too overwhelmed from all of this that you almost forget that you have to sign all of the pictures
You motion for him to lean down as you say "Can you wait for me backstage?"
He smiles "Yeah, sweetheart- I'll meet you there"
You sheepishly smile at him again as you gave him access that made everyone eyes goes wild, the crowd seems to go nuts over it
And by that the following question had been like this
"Who is the lucky guy?"
"Why is he getting the special treatment?"
"Is he your boyfriend?"
You don't give them all the personal information from your life and all the details but you confirmed that he is the guy from your songs and you love how your fans squealed and get thrilled from this
After an hour, the show is over and you bid goodbye to your fans and thank them for attending, you stretch your arms out and massage your neck as you exhale as you headed into the backstage
"Y/N's a star now" he leans his back on the wall as he smiles at you
He says the moment you moved the curtains on the side as you snort at his comment
You went into the small comfort room as you change your clothes into much more relaxing attire
"Hey, Eddie, I hope you didn't get bored for waiting"
"Nah, I don't mind it- sweets"
Once you get dressed, you open the door, so, you can talk to each other as you start to remove your makeup with a cotton pad as you double cleanse with rinsing it thoroughly
He watches you put a tinted lip balm on your lips, he swallows as he hangs his head low for a while
You groan at the hairstyle that you had earlier but you absolutely loved it getting all glammed up but you're just so tired and wanting to get this everything off so you can get to rest
Both of you kept talking but you didn't notice how he looks at you and watches your every move from removing the pins and hair ties from your hair from brushing it and you let your hair down as you grab your shoulder bag
He is so entranced by you like as you do too
Only if he knew
And only if you knew
His daze has cut off the time when you're literally now in front of him, he snapped out of it when he tries to recall of what you just asked him
"Do you want to walk outside?"
"Y-Yeah sure, come on, let's go"
You told your crew that you'll be back and you look out for them and always saying thank you for getting the job done
The walk was.....pleasing....but too quiet for you
It seems like Eddie can read your thoughts as he finally spoke up
"How many years had passed?"
A knowing smile is showing onto your features as you glanced at him
"9 years"
He raises both of his eyebrows "Damn" as he chuckles in disbelief
"Yeah" the smile still lingers on your lips
"Did you get to do it?"
"Do what?"
"Your band? Corroded Coffin?"
There's a glint on his eyes as he stops to his tracks as he stares at you for a moment
"What?" You ask him in confusion
"Nothing, it's just- you still remember that?" He tilts his head at you as he squints his eyes
"Well, of course! you told me not to forget about you, right?"
"You're always true to your word, sweetheart, I like that for you"
You both sat down on the bench in front of the fountain as you watch random kids playing
He sighs but he notices that you're awaiting for his answer as you quirk an eyebrow at him as he snorts
"Uh, no- Jeff, Gareth and Me, played for 4 to 5 years, I think? We had a blast but I realized that being a rockstar, it's not for me permanently"
"But, I thought you always wanted to be rockstar"
"Yeah, well, we got a record deal for a while-"
"What?!? Really?!?"
He chuckles to your excitement as you turn your whole body facing to him
"Yup, and we- uh- did a little tour here and there but, it just felt like that's not what I was looking for" he shrugs as he looks down as he starts to fidget his rings
You notice that, you always do, it's his nervous habit, you smile at him sadly
"How about Jeff and Gareth?"
"They got all their own ambitions and all of us took the same thing and we agree to not totally disband but, maybe, someday I don't know in the future, we'll get back to where we started"
You nod at him in understanding "I still feel superior to be one of the very first audience" you smirk
He whips his around at you at that and he blinks slowly like he just had a flashback
Yeah, if he's supportive to you and so do you
"the most loud cheerier ever, I gotta say" he laughs as you facepalmed as you can remember all of it
"So, what do you do now?"
"Uh, I'm a songwriter"
You react in delightful way and he chuckles at your face that you make
Both of you reminiscence your highschool memories as both of you look back at it
"Y/N, you-"
He hesitates for a few seconds as he chuckles as he dismissive his hand at you
"It's getting late" he says as he clears his throat
Your smile slightly falls as you glanced on your watch
It's been 2 in half hours
"I guess, we better get going then"
You both stand up as he walk you through the parking lot
You dig your nails through your palms as you think twice if you should tell him right away how you really feel about him
You can't chicken out now
You're not a kid anymore, you can take the rejection and well....
At least you tried, so, it will bring you peace
You've been fighting for your whole life not to ask him before, it's plaguing every year passed
Only a few more steps, you can sight your van
You took a deep breath, you know you'll make a rambling mess out of a speech but you don't care
"Eddie" you say as you turn around to look at him
He raises his head the moment you call his name
You walked closer to him as he looks at you as he waits for you to speak
"I know this is going to sound so out of place but uh- I have feelings for you since we we're 7th grade, I didn't know that I had it since I just suddenly realized it when we we're in 8th grade and ever since then and now I still have it for almost 10 years and it's okay, you don't have to-"
"I know"
You're stunned, you can't function to speak anymore
"I-I'm sorry?"
"I know and I'm aware of it"
He can't just say that to you like it was nothing
You're definitely screaming inside to this mind-blowing revelation
Your cheeks starts to glowing red as you feel all bashful to his gaze
Your eyes suddenly can't manage the hold to look in his anymore
"Even before?" You whisper as you wrap your arms to yourself
He's now the one who moves towards you
You're appalled and you didn't even noticed that your mouth is hanging agape as you shut it and swallow
"How did you find out?" You ask without looking at his eyes
He runs his tongue over his lips "from Gareth, and you know him he's got a big mouth and all that"
You close your eyes in humiliation as you bite down your lip
You shouldn't have been talking to him or giving a clue
But, sometimes though, you give hints when you're having a conversation with him
Gareth, somehow, finds the missing puzzles and figures it all out
You couldn't stand here and you feel ashamed of what you just did, my god, what are you thinking?
"Listen, uh- it's good to see you, I gotta go" you say as your drag your heels to walk away from him as fast as your feet can take you
But, he reaches out and holds your wrist making you stop
"Y/N, don't go"
"Because-" he sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair
"I'm no expert in showcasing my feelings, okay? I-I'm shy"
Your entire discomfort of being flustered has completely washed away
You find it amusing, well, Eddie has always been shy but really???
There's nothing to be mousy about when he's with you
"You're shy?" You echoed what he just said as you pursed your lips together
He scratches the back of his neck as he clicks his tongue as he nods his head slowly
You exhale "Well, fuck- Eddie, I'm shy too! I can't even blurt it out loud of what I've been carrying for what?!? 10 years?!?"
You start pacing back and forth in front of him as he breathes through his nose
"See, Eddie, I've always liked you, okay? or maybe I took your kindness way out of line" you throw hands up
He gave you that doe eye look and you avoid looking at it as you continue rambling at him
"I can't even comprehend why? Why am I still clinging onto you for all these years? I hate that you still made me swoon over you and make me feel things!"
His mouth starts to slowly hanging open to your subtle confession
"You know what's unbelievable to me? Is that you don't know me and I don't know anything about you but still it feels like I knew you even though we don't talk a lot back then and it hurts, it hurts that you're so big-hearted and it pains me that you're just so mellow person" your voice cracks and that's where the time the water works starts to fill up in your eyes
You sniffle as you quickly wipe your tears from your cheeks "You're the only guy that has ever been so nice to me, the only who cared, the only one who hasn't changed towards me since highschool, I don't even know what's the reason why"
He is still remains silent, probably still processing every information that you just told him
His eyes softens and his heart is begging to leap forward outside of his chest
"Y/N" he holds your forearm softly as he runs his thumbs over it, you shivered from his touch
"Have you ever wondered why I still don't have a girl beside me?"
He is still single?!? What?!?
You gulped as you look at him with hopeful eyes and tear-stained cheeks
He smiles down at you as you scrunch up your face in a shameful way that you don't like him to see you crying like this
That's right
You haven't seen anyone with him since elementary or highschool
He had a couple of silly crushes that you heard from your classmates before but still
You don't saw anyone else with him
And that alone made you think a lot since Eddie is not an asshole, it's mind-boggling
You're still in denial that you might think he has the same feelings for you
As if
"Eddie- I think you're a great human being, anyone is lucky to have you"
He chuckles slightly as you dodged his point
"I didn't date because why?"
You take all the courage that's left inside of you as you look at him
"You already have my heart, darling"
Your eyes flutters to his admission, your heartbeats faster that it might burst any second
He likes you?!?
"A-Are you sure? I don't u-understand- why didn't you m-make a move before?" You stuttered, your voice sounds so small and it makes his heartache
"I was a coward" he pulls you closer to him your eyes widen but you melt to his touch
"W-What about the messages that I sent you? Does that mean anything to you?" A sprinkle of insecurity is showing through your tone and he catches it, he reassures you that it means a lot to him
He grins at the birthday wishes that you make before
"I appreciate them all, I-I just didn't know how to express it in there, so, when I found out that you're have a show in here, maybe it's time to take it to the next level, it feels it's the right thing to do in person"
He embraces you for the first time and the only time that you ever became this much closer to him, you feel his warmth enveloping you his arms surrounding you in the most cozy way possible, you sigh in content as you squeeze him
"Feel better?" He asks as he still holds you tightly
"Yes" you whisper softly as you smile against his chest inhaling on his scent, it's intoxicating
The moment you pushed yourself away from him, you slipped on the thin ice as his reflexes are fast enough to catch you before you can hit the icy cold ground
You gasp as your eyes goes everywhere to his face as you held on him to stabilize you to get back up on your feet
He's so mere inches close, his eyes sparkle as he stares at you
He slowly lifts you back on, both of you didn't break eye contact
He can't help himself as his hand crawls at your waist to flush your body against his, you fight for your breath for the idea that he's about to do
His eyes flits through your eyes and to your lips, he goes for it as you close your eyes as you kissed him back
"Is it too late?" The smugness is radiating off of him when you chase his lips to peck on it
"I think we both waited on the right time" you say as you kissed his cheek
His cheeks blooms red as he dramatically freaked out as you let out a fit of giggles
"I'm relieved that you're patient to finally let me get out of my shell"
"Oh, be thankful that I have a wide patience or else I'll fucking lose it"
He laughs as he rest his forehead against yours
"You're the most perfect girl ever"
You smile brightly "And you're the most perfect boy ever"
Your crew call out to you saying that you have interview tomorrow morning
"Be with me?"
You snort as you elbowed him as he catches you off guard pressing another kiss to your lips
"I love you, Y/N- you have absolutely no idea"
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misc-obeyme · 11 days
what’s in your wip/request list of you don’t mind sharing? 😊
I don't mind sharing, anon!
Right now I have about 16 requests, back from when I last had them open. I'm sorry to all who have sent one, I promise I'm still working on them! And I say about because my ask box is wonky and does this thing where it disappears my second to last ask until I answer enough other asks and then it reappears again. So there might be 17 lol.
There are a lot in there, but there are a couple that I'm especially intrigued to do. One is a Barb x MC x Mammon request, which has been brewing in my brain for a bit. I also got a request for Arrie x Barbatos which I was not expecting, but am happy to write lol. I (not so) secretly ship them so. Oh and someone asked for a drabble about Asmo and bartender male MC based on that one ask! I won't list all of them, but yeah those are some of the requests I've got!
As for just wip stuff, I have a half written admiral!Levi story that I want to finish one day. I got the urge to write Levi being a dom and I thought it'd be cool if he kinda flipped the switch when he was in admiral mode.
I also have a sololuci thing I've been working on for a while. Because those two intrigue me.
I haven't started these, but there are a couple of things I've been thinking a lot about. One is another Barbatos x Mammon fic because I'm obsessed with them. I wanna write about them going on a little date and then getting smutty lol. But I've also been thinking a lot about a long Solomon fic. I'm just really interested in the idea of him meeting MC before the exchange program. I like the idea that MC was a sorcerer before ever showing up in the Devildom and that they'd been training under Solomon all along. I just think that would create a really interesting dynamic. I don't know if I'm actually gonna write it, but I've been thinking about it.
I've also kinda been kicking around an idea for a sequel to The Threads That Bind... but no guarantees there either lol.
Anyway I didn't mean to ramble so much, but these are just some of the things I've been thinking about! I admit I haven't done much writing in general lately, but I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things soon enough!
Thanks for asking!
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lov3m3darling · 1 year
Waffle Fries (Wally Darling x Reader)
Sorry if this looks wonky, I'm writing on my phone right now bc I'm in bed and I'm too lazy to go sit at my desk and type this on my computer.
Anyways this is inspired by the "I want waffle fries!" tiktoks I keep seeing about Wally. iykyk.
No warnings for this one and reader is gn as usual. Enjoy!
(Also I have not slept. That will probably be obvious in a moment.)
You woke up at the sudden feeling of being watched, and sat up in bed, hastily rubbing your eyes and turning on the lamp next to you. Blinking away sleep, you first noticed your bedroom door wide open. You wondered briefly if you'd forgotten to shut it before your attention was drawn to the eyes peering over the edge of your bed.
You screamed.
"W-Wally?! W-What are you doing in my house?! It's the middle of the night!"
"I want waffle fries!"
You blinked. Right, you had to be dreaming.
"...you what?"
Wally held up a bag of frozen waffle fries, his pupils growing a little more in an almost pleading way.
"You're joking..."
He pondered this for a moment.
"Well, that wouldn't be a very funny joke (y/n)"
"No. No, it sure wouldn't..."
You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed, looking over at your alarm clock.
"Wally, it's three in the morning"
"And you broke into my house with a bag of fries just so you could- hey, did you get those from MY freezer?!"
"You're so silly, (y/n)! Of course I did. Home doesn't have a freezer"
You were about to tell him to put the fries back and go Home, when suddenly your stomach growled loudly. For a beat of silence, you just looked at each other.
"...do you want ketchup"
"What is a ketchup?"
That was short but I just felt like writing a funny one cause I had no inspiration for a few days and kinda disappeared. Whoopsie daisy.
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mgarmagedon · 5 months
And how do yours transformers friend liked the trailer?
She is not very optimistic about it unfortunately... which I can understand, but I will write about positives first :DD
But first of all we will starts with all the good parts she said about it! She said that she is amazed of the backgrounds and she thinks that it's actually really good looking city and nature! She said that it's giving her vibes of guardians of the galaxy which I totally agree with!!!
And that is all what she said nice about it... but after hype kinda go away (I mean I'm still hyped, but not fresh after seeing trailer, so I can finally see a bigger picture kinda XD) I can understand some of her arguments!
Basically she said Orion, D-16, etc. are looking uncanny to her, to the point she is feeling weird to look at them and I... I can understand that I mean in some frames they are looking so wonky and just straight up weird.
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I mean look, he Megan here looks like fucking frog, and the second frame is- is something different in bad way 👀👀👀 and kinda agree that they optics are kinda ugly, ngl these motherfuckes have better optics
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She also said this movie feels like something like nickelodeon would make and it's a prequel to Earth Spark (she hates nick as I do, so yeah)
And she said that comedy (at least in trailer) write like in C class polish rom-com, which is shown in TVP 50 times a years, in every holiday (something like Kogiel Mogiel, idk what could be equivalent of this for you my not-polish followers, so sorry)
I can't kinda agree with that, because it was just a trailer and I know that in trailer should be the best parts of the movie to encourage ppl to watch it! But that was just a tiny little part of the movie, so it can't represent the wole thing :V I would say the thing we should worry about it's the number of characters in this movie, because do you remember the flop of Rise of The beast, and how many unused character there was??? XDD I still can't forgive them not using more Stratosphere >:CC
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She also said that Bee probably will as irritating as he was in animated...
I mean I can see that's coming and I hope he won't like this, but yeah... But still imo this scene was funny
And kinda like the fact he looks like Goldbug in G2 :DD
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So she said it didn't buy her and she won't see it (maybe on some SITES which are not fully legal...), BUT i hope next trailers will change her opinion about this movie :DD
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thepurpleroom-if · 1 year
Hiii!! I hope you're doing well today(or tonight depending on where you're located lol)
I hope this doesn't come off rude but I wanted to point out something that's kinda throwing me off a tad bit. MCs personality.
So we have the option of being friendly, charming and whatnot right? Well i'm not, i'm doing the total opposite; going for a more serious deposition. My highest stats are Intimidating, Stoic, indifferent with some sarcasm. Something mostly similar to our Captain.
But the problem is that MC seems to carry this Friendly, playful and kind of genuine demeanor no matter what.
It gives the feeling that MC has a set personality, a little bit. Is that the case?
It's not really a ruining aspect for me, i promise I still love this IF regardless so far. Like I said, it just throws me off, when i'm tryna be a bit more closed off but as soon as the next scene comes around MC just isn't going for it and goes right back to smiles and charms lol.
Oh yea, also the pronouns are all wonky for our partner and MC.
Hi Anon! I'm sorry about the problems that you've been having. I will fix the way MCs react to the situation. Do you prefer I add the choices or let it happen automatically?
For the pronouns, before I publish every update, I try to read and fix the pronouns or errors that I've encountered, but I can't notice all of them. So, I want to ask you guys to help me by pointing out the errors and informing me about them. You can inform me on tumblr or the COG forum.
Again, I'm so sorry. This is my first project, and I'm still figuring out how to write an if.
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lowkeyrobin · 7 months
my rules!
disclaimer! my blog is best read on the tumblr dark mode, so if you're in any other theme, sorry if some text looks like shit or if dividers look kinda wonky
^also dont use my banners without permission, if you aren't gonna ask at least give me credit idk it makes me a little eh yk?
dream team stans + wilbur soot/lovejoy stans dni. same w anyone who idolizes/defends abusers/creeps in general.
if you're a bigot (racist, homo/transphobe, abelist, antisemite, zionist, etc) please leave
same with proshippers/proship defenders/anyone who sexualizes actors/characters/ppl especially when they state that's not okay/they're minors. ( lots of actors probably don't even know what fanfiction or fandomculture is, just respect them as actual ppl and don't be weird about them)
^ I don't condone parasocial people/activity. if you are parasocial, creepy or invasive, please block me. do NOT interact with my content nor read it. you're not welcome here
if you use ai to write/draw/anything BLOCK ME. youre not an artist or a writer, go touch grass, you must have a 1st grade reading/drawing level if you're seriously that desperate. ; that goes for template editors too... I'm an editor myself, it's not hard to learn. get out bruh that's cringe 💀
any adults who say minors dni and then interact with minors dni yall annoying
if you request a person/character who isn't on my list then there's a big chance I'll ignore it lol I'm sorry, those are just ppl ik the most and I can make not very ooc and I'm comfy writing ab them!
don't request any smut. it makes me and most of the ppl I write about uncomfortable lmao
I only write they/them / gn readers, sorry. I will write transmasc/transfem readers but only if requested, and bare with me on that cause I'm just a little nonbinary guy, idk much about being trans masc/fem
respect me as a person, I'm not a robot, I'm a real human lmao
please please tell me if using cc's real names or writing about them is against their boundaries so I can fix my mistakes!!
I don't write anything w pregnancy tropes, kids (other than qsmp eggs) and character versions of cc's (mostly bc I can't remember a lot of c! lore and whatnot), aus (other than soulmate & apocalypse aus and maybe some others, shoot your shot) incest, rape, stepcest, age regression (personal discomfort) age play, etc
if a person/character has (platonic) next to them, that's me warning you I might only do platonic stuff with them because I don't feel romantic attraction to 12yos (I'm not weird, you don't have to worry about me lol)
^with that just note that anything I write about those can be viewed as mostly platonic and I in no way find the child I'm writing about romantically attractive, thank you
I'm okay writing poly relationships! just don't be weird w it
don't sexualize anyone I write about!
it doesn't matter if they're adults or just fictional characters, I find it wrong to sexualize people who prob don't even know what fandom culture is / sexualize their every move. find another blog if you're that mad about it. (I mean as in its your whole personality, just keep it away from me lol)
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qpr-culture-is · 9 months
I know it's not really a confessions blog or something like that but I'm just so confused and lost and I just want to describe my feelings to someone. English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes
So first of all I'm trans, I think it's pretty important to the story, kinda had a transphobic phase because my country it's not only very lgbtqphobic but our queer community is also very hostile towards trans people, like more than I have seen in other communities, so it's common. Pretty closed about this, tried to come out to some of my friends and classmates almost 2 years ago now, went wrong, don't talk to them and become very paranoid. Not even planning to tell someone about me being trans before a lot of people transferred to our class, they all were added in our group chat and I immediately pin pointed this dude with gerard way as their pfp who then asked to refer to him with he/him only and use other name. Holy shit. I literally never in my life seen an openly trans person, not even a closed one, never interacted with someone also trans irl so it was HUGE for me. Skipped first week of school, was kinda worried that I'm going to be an outcast, but that I finally meet him, and like the first thing he said to me was "wait are you that person with *fandom* as your pfp?" so we immediately connected. I was on cloud nine because he is SO COOL and only a few girls in our class are deadnaming him and it's so nice no one is being mean to him and I think it kinda changed my way of viewing how people will react if I come out to them. Because most people just don't care. Then I gave him my other socials and he saw me using any pronouns and he was like hey! How do i refer to you! Cool! And i told him that I'm actually also trans and he never ever questioned or doubted it even though I'm pretty fem presenting.
So yeah I rambled sorry it was just a really cool experience really cool dude. So the reason why I'm writing to qpr blog it's because I lately started catching feelings for him?? But I'm not in love?? I don't really know how to explain this but for a really long time I was just thinking that I just have a friend crush then that I want to date him and like I knew about qpr and I knew that qpr is way more complex and it's not just the secret third thing after dating and being friends. But like, I want to kiss him and give him gifts in a way that I view as romantic but when he's mentioning dating or his exes I don't feel a thing. Today was weird, I slept for only 3 hours and felt a little bit wonky, so I said a lot of things that were like straight up flirting. And I felt embarrassed and blushed and shit but not in "hehe I flirted with my crush!!" way but more in "holy shit it was embarrassing why did I say it" way. And he also talked about a guy that he has a very weird relationships with for the past 2 years, he said that like yeah we're friends but not really we had some periods of dating but not really and he also constantly flirts with other people including me. And I was just yeah kill him and didn't thought much of it, not jealous or sad that he have something going on with other people, but I still want to date him, but in friends way. So after I pondered about it for a while I think that I just want to have that Secret Third Thing with him. Still feel lost because I never felt like that before and because I think that I'm alloromantic and I was in romantic relationships before so I know how I act when I'm in love with people. With him it's so close what I feel when I'm in love with someone but at the same time it's so different and such weird foreign felling. Woud like to hear some advice for how people realised or what people feel and want in qpr relationships, I know it's different for a lot of people, but I want to hear something from heros who read this wall of text
Giving you a little breakdown of things I have noted;
-You can absolutely be alloromantic and want a qpr/have a squish
-To me it does sound like it may be a squish
-All in all you'll have to make that decision for yourself, and it could very well just be the fact that you've never connected with a person like you have with him before so it's all a bit different for you
And here's a bit of my past experiences
It's really a bit hard to remember since it's been forever, and given I'm aroace squishes have always seemed like legitimate crushes (in a weird way) so keep that in mind.
The last squish I remember having was a little over a year ago. I really connected with the person and they made me laugh a lot. I felt pulled to them in some kind of way. I wanted to spend time with them and I wanted to be called their partner. It was just,,, different than my previous feelings towards friends. Now, if it weren't for events that happened later on, I could have very well been convinced it was a romantic crush (we ended up in a romantic relationship for a bit but my aro ness got in the way and I began to feel very uncomfortable with the whole thing), and am honestly not sure how to differentiate those feelings from that of a romantic crush.
The only other time I can think of having a squish would be quite a while back, and at the time I was completely convinced it was romantic (I had not even really been aware of the aro and ace labels at the time). Once again, the feelings were towards a close friend. They were my best friend in fact, and at the time I really thought we understood each other like nobody else did, and it was almost as if we were very drawn to each other. Contrary to what you noted, there was a bit of jealousy here and there when they were with someone else later on (tho I know believe to be more in a platonic context anyways). And... thats basically all I've got
So those are my main experiences with having squishes, if that gives you an idea of what to expect from one. I'd also like to say that I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply to this! I've been a bit busy the last few weeks and am currently on holiday break now and haven't felt up to doing a whole lot (and keep forgetting to post as well)
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the-haunted-office · 2 months
For the portrayal meme! I was tired last night so sorry this is kinda later lol. It's hard for me to proper words to things sometimes. But I think the way you write is very fun! I know we haven't written long, but I think your muses are very lively and you do a good job of balancing the comedy and horror enough it can still be serious at times and silly in others without feeling too discordant or out of place.
I also think you manage to make your characters feel like people, who are imperfect and have flaws, from what I've read of them in our threads and on my dash. They are fun, and you give us ways to see the kind of people they are. You don't just say 'my character is verbose' you show it-- and i think it's very fun getting to understand the kind of person your character is just from seeing them in action and picking up the details!
If there was one thing I could think of, it's just that some minor tweaking to pacing could make your already good writing a tiny bit stronger! As an example, in our first thread with Thursday, I think the way she talked was great! It really showed Artair that who he was talking to was friendly and enthusiastic, without you having to say 'she's friendly and enthusiastic and chatty' or anything like that necessarily. It helped me understand a character i barely knew a bit better and endeared her to me. Honestly in my brain i was like 'oh sometimes i do that xD' seeing her response!
But i think having it be her talking a bunch, and then immediately transitioning to them moving on made it a bit wonky for me, because my muse wasn't given the chance to respond without it being back-tracking to reply. And that's not necessarily a bad thing! But my trouble with back-tracking is that if you have too much, then it almost.... morphs into characters having multiple conversations at the same time, but one is set further back in time, but they're overlapping each other? It just kinda gets messy in the timeline lol, which i used to be horrible about and the number of conversations would get huge and it'd be --- a real mess lol
So for me, I think it can be better to either leave the replies with the space to interact first before transitioning (maybe save the paragraphs of the transition to use, but next reply once there's been a chance for a reaction), or even hit up the other mun to see if it's a good place for a transition if I'm worried-- OR to lean into it as a character trait! Like having her talking but barreling ahead on purpose! I kind of adapted my response to be more like Thursday had said all she did and then kind of continued on in a vein similar to that, despite you mentioning her waiting, so it'd be more like Artair had to hurry after to keep up and didn't get time to respond, to keep it more in the present with the dialogue but still following the transition. I don't think there's anything wrong with a muse forcing a transition, it's just better if we play it like it's purposeful, or give the other muse a moment to react if we want it to be more of a mutual proceeding ahead. xD
Now I do want to say we only JUST started rping so it's not like it's even something I could call a trend at this point! It's just something that I worked around because-- -that's part of rp! keeping on your toes and working with stuff! it definitely wasn't anything bad, and certainly not enough trouble i had to reach out about anything, but in the spirit of trying to offer something constructive, i think that's the only thing I can think of! So far I'm really enjoying our rps and think they are very fun and your writing has a good energy that keeps me engaged and immersed. I'm excited to see more of Thursday and Doomsday and the kind of people they are and what they do, and learn about the world they're from in the meanwhile! ^^
Thank you for coming to my TED talk /j
Yooo, thank you for sending this! This is super detailed and helpful!
We have just started rping together and I'm already having lots of fun with our character dynamics and I'm enjoying your muses and writing and everything. So I really appreciate you sending this in to me!
Don't worry, you are absolutely not the first person who has pointed out this critique to me. Pacing in my threads is definitely something that's something I'm aiming to work on. I think it's become a difficulty for me because a lot of times I feel compelled to take the lead on threads. If I may be candid, and hopefully this doesn't come across the wrong way or offensive to anybody (certainly not to you because we just started rping together!), but a lot of people I've rped since I've started roleplaying on tumblr have a tendency to... I guess take the back seat when it comes to threads. That is to say, threads stagnate because their muses aren't doing anything, they are simply reacting to what my muse has said/done. So I always feel compelled to have my muse say/do something at the end of the thread to move things forward, and that causes that disjointedness and "moving things too quickly" that's happening. Does that make sense?
I will work on this for sure, especially since you are the second person who has brought up this same critique today alone. I sincerely appreciate that even though we're new at writing together, you have taken the time and courage to share your views with me. It is extremely helpful to me!
Regarding the compliments, thank you so much! Showing not telling is something I always wonder about in roleplay because I'm sitting here thinking, is my rp partner picking up on this or do I need to explain my muse's actions in text? I love writing, so sometimes I can send a whole book at you, but I have to try not to do that because I don't want to overwhelm my writing partners either. I'm really glad that my muse's actions and characterizations are shining through!
Also, I have to say, being candid again, and this might be a bit critical - but I hate "perfect" characters. It really bothers me when there's a character who can never do any wrong, or when people tailor their characters to be completely perfect and never make any mistakes in any situation ever, they always get along with everyone, they always have the "right" answer, they're stronger than everyone else, they're just perfect in every way. It just bugs me. And not just when it's roleplay muses, I'm talking about characters in any kind of media. Give me flaws! I need people to feel more real and for there to be ugliness and conflict! Not everything in roleplay has to go 100% smoothly, at least not for me. So yes, my muses WILL be stupid and erratic and make mistakes sometimes, and I will never be sorry for it. I'm always glad when people point out that they're flawed. :)
Again, thank you so much for sending this in. I sincerely appreciate it! 💞
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pooce-art · 1 year
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Today's 123 rhodes island translation! (no. 56)This time it's Lancet-2 totally the best operator in the best archetype! (healing support main talking)
A simple one today translation-wise, the first sentence lancet-2 says is kinda wonky but it's probably more due to my lack of writing experience than anything.
On the more interesting choices, the big ones are the small inserts on panel 2 on both comics where it says troublesome og is 麻烦了 which is correct, it's just I think "how troublesome" is more accurate but I kinda didn't want a big white block in the middle of the panel Sorry barely typesetting these
Other than that the biggest change is when she announces Lancet alter water cannon type, as the original is more "Okay! Lancet-2 water cannon type prototype!" but there's no way she wouldn't hype it up, it's just my CS major intuition.
also, the SFX that goes "CLANK" doesn't really have a clear TL I just found out by looking at bili bili videos that had it in its name
since today is a little simple, I'm actually gonna talk about Chinese customs. so if you read it in Chinese Lancet calls closure "姐姐" which means older sister, however, it's just a polite custom to put family labels on people, so in ENG it'll be more akin to Mrs. Like I'm AMAB(assigned male at birth) (I now identify as enby) so I was called 哥哥 which means older brother.
but that's why in alot of Chinese media you hear kids call older women 阿姨 which means aunt but more like "woman who is not related to you but around the same age as your mom". There are a lot of family titles in Chinese, mostly on the dad's side
As always, feel free to comment if you have any issues or just wanna say something, this is just practice so it might not be the best. Feel free to post this or use my translations elsewhere as long as you credit me
Original comic : https://terra-historicus.hypergryph.com/comic/6253/episode/5774
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