#I'm so stoked actually
cicadidae-tm9899 · 8 months
I'M DOING IT GUYS. I just spent like 45 minutes coming up with names for my own disco elysium-esque skills so i can write my self-indulgent little fic-ish thing. I just want to write something in the style of the game, and i keep getting single-sentence snippets of dialogue pop into my head that i think work well with the style, but don't quite fit harry or kim enough to put into an actual fic, so I'm writing something from my perspective :D
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kedreeva · 9 months
Okay if you haven't yet, and you have Netflix/Paramount+, consider giving "School Spirits" a chance.
It looks like a silly little cheesy teenage ghosts show, I put it on for background noise, and then got totally engrossed in the mystery. It's VERY well written, very well filmed, the mystery was GREAT and the payoff at the end is also great.
One of the things majorly lacking in shows I've recently tried to watch is that they try to do a twist/reveal at the end that comes out of nowhere. They don't want you to guess what they're doing. This show doesn't do that. This show wants you to guess. They give you seven different mysteries and enough clues to guess (most of) what is going on, so that when you get the final puzzle piece to any given mystery, it feels GREAT.
The story premise is this: a teenager in hs wakes up as a ghost in the hs, and doesn't remember how she died, and with the help of the other ghosts, tries to solve the mystery of her own death.
Simple premise. BEAUTIFULLY executed. Not all of the questions that arise get answered, but the main one (what she doesn't remember) gets solved by the end of the season, leaving the "why/how and what comes next" to be carried to the next season. It does a cliffhanger RIGHT. But now I desperately want to see the second season (which I believe has been approved, so it's a matter of waiting).
So pretty please, if you're looking for something to do and a great, engaging lil mystery to watch, consider! School Spirits!!
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nichelleladonna · 4 months
i love total drama (obviously) but "hey what's up i'm here to slay" is the worst ick any TV theme song has ever given me
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deeper-x-deeper · 4 months
at my new job, the screen that I look at for most of the day has this little icon in the lower right corner that constantly has a notification dot that pulses very pleasantly at regular intervals.
I have to be careful not to stare at it too long during my training, since I feel myself sinking into a nice focused trance with every pulse of the red dot.
all bets are off when they leave me alone at the desk, though. I can hear people approach easily enough. it'll just look like I'm very deeply focused on my work!
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shoccolat · 4 days
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sepdet · 2 months
"Incoming" - original oil painting based on several photos I took at Corona Del Mar some years ago.
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lady-harrowhark · 4 months
Hey, so I was browsing your tlt meta tag (because I remembered your post about Ianthe being waxen, still love that btw) and I saw a post about you writing a thing called The Megatheorem. Is that still a thing in the works? Was it already posted somewhere? Am I causing you physical pain by asking about it and should not do that?
(I've also got ADHD and fully respect if it's Option Three there and you'd rather I never asked about it again. Sorry if that's the case.)
Ahahahaha yes, it's still in the works and no, you are not causing physical pain by asking about it, although I did actually laugh out loud when I saw this 😂 Anyone is free to continue prompting my about it as encouragement to work on it! (Also I'm still surprised at how that Ianthe post took off - I very genuinely almost didn't post it because it was just sort of a passing thought at first lol)
The Mega-Theorem hasn't been posted anywhere because it's not finished yet lol. I also have ADHD and I was massively hyperfixated on working on it for several months and The Hyperfixation Shine has worn off BUT it's definitely not abandoned by any means. I did post the current table of contents a while back as a sneak peek, which I can share again here!
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Several sections are pulled pretty directly from posts that I've previously made, which are all in my tlt meta tag. As an aside, I'm glad someone else is finding my tagging system useful lmao. I love being able to go back and browse specific tags for art or meta or whatever and I get a kick out of knowing other people do too lol.
I do plan to post it once I feel like I've tied up the loose ends! It's definitely going to have to be split into multiple posts/sections, though, given that it currently sits at 12,849 words and 25 pages 💀 When will said loose ends be tied up? Excellent question! I would also love to know the answer to that one!
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transhitman · 11 days
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THIRST TRAP POSE JUMPSCARE. Sorry I need to show this thing off and this was the only way to show the laces. Found it while antiquing with a friend and it fit PERFECTLY so I obviously had to get it. It's in great condition, just needed to be cleaned. The laces are really ratty though and I want to replace them with a fun color (thinking dark blue) but I'll need to actually procure some leather paint. The tag at the store said "60s" and idk if that's true but the company changed its name from what's on the tag in '86 so it's at least 40 years old. I keep getting so lucky with vintage leather jackets I got another (way less sturdy) one at good will of all places a while back and apparently that one's from the 80s...
Anyway if anyone has suggestions for the laces I'm all ears.
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giddygumdrop · 28 days
We're so back, guys.
as I briefly posted about before, it was my 22nd birthday last friday! And my boyfriend got me something very special.
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My very first fumos!
Ever since I first got into Touhou all those years ago, I've wanted one of these things, and I'm so happy to finally have my hands on them, and my favorite characters no less.
They weren't cheap, because of course they weren't, so you should all thank @immortal-dreamer for being so generous. He did say he'd get them on one condition, that I at the very least take Yukari around with me for day trips around my town. So expect to see more fumoposting from me in the future!
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findingtarshish · 2 days
Gifts are done. New Gift totals are 21 Native Gifts 18 Gifts per Auspice (for a total of 90 Auspice Gifts) 13 Unique Tribal Gifts (for a total of 208 unique Tribal Gifts) 1 Legendary Gift per tribe, known by one specific legendary Garou (For a total of 16 Legendary Gifts)
That means we're up to a grand total of 336 Gifts
Each tribe also has access to one gift from each auspice, which they may purchase as a tribal Gift The big goal here was to balance renown amounts, since they were uh. not well designed. Now, while each tribe certainly has a renown type associated with they through the patron leading the tribe's totemic brood, they have an equal number of gifts for each renown type at all levels. The same is true for auspices. Now, your character's balance shouldn't be affected by giving them the 'wrong' personality.
For example, a Red Talon Ahroun that focuses on Wisdom will be just as potent, and have just as many options as a Red Talon Ahroun who focuses on Glory- provided they act in accordance with their Renown.
Finally, I can start digging into writing lore passages.
As I did last time, a treat for those who read this far:
WEAVER’S REFUSAL Spider aims to strangle the Wyrm’s schemes in his webs, and serve genesis through stasis. In that goal, he found a zealous follower in the Ragabash Syntax, whose ire against Pentex manifested in cold, calculating intellect. Though perhaps not the most powerful of the Glass Walker Tribe, Spider granted her this Gift and named her his Champion, so that she could refuse the Black Spiral Dancers their power. This Gift is taught by an incarna of Spider. It is currently known by Susanna Syntax Willingham, a Glass Walker Ragabash.
Renown: Honor
Cost: 1 Rage Check, 1 Aggravated Willpower
Action: Free
Dice Pools: Intelligence + Honor
System: The Garou rolls their Intelligence + Honor vs. a Difficulty determined by the action they intend to counter: either the total Renown prerequisite for a Gift, or Difficulty 4 for shapeshifting. On a success, the Gift or shapeshift fails, and has no effect.
Duration: Instantaneous
These Gifts have no Renown requirement, and can only be learned through gameplay, specifically by becoming Champions of their patrons.
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randomthunk · 11 months
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"Try to protect my innocence if you can."
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theheadlessgroom · 1 month
At this moment of reminiscense, Dorian and Elizabeth's eyes met, and their smiles mirrored one another as Elizabeth commented off-handedly:
"I think I'm beginning to understand that feeling."
Walking behind the two younger couples, unable to resist cooing over her sleeping granddaughter just as her mother was, June caught little snatches of the conversation, with certain remarks just happening to make her ears prick up a little more, though she never let her face show what she was thinking and feeling, to say nothing of refusing to give voice to these thoughts. As she had told Lon earlier in the month, she had her theories, but at the end of the day, whatever was on Dorian and Elizabeth Gracey's mind was theirs to announce, and she certainly wasn't going to impede upon that.
At the very least, when the party had made it back to the attic, and Randall and Emily quietly took the twins to their room for a nap, she took Elizabeth aside for a moment, venturing to say, choosing her words carefully, "Well, if you do ever feel sick again, if any nausea or soreness pops up again...please, don't hesitate to come to me. I'd like to help in any way I can."
Elizabeth studied June's face for a moment, remaining calm upon this suggestion being put to her-the matriarch's face was just as calm as her own, and there was a gentle sincerity in the way she smiled at her, to say nothing of something of a mischievous twinkle to her eye, a sort of subtle, knowing look that reminded Elizabeth of her own mother, and the looks she would give her one and only daughter when she knew something was afoot.
But even with that look, the mistress of Gracey Manor knew Mrs. June Pace was a woman she could trust, and so she flashed her an appreciative smile, saying, "If anything comes up, I'll be sure to look to you first. Thank you, June."
"Think nothing of it, Elizabeth."
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ratspider · 5 months
i am VIBRATING in my seat about dracula daily this year. i own the book. i only signed up for the email so i know what days to listen to the re:dracula adaptation. i've got a 200 page empty notebook just for notes. i'm so jazzed. i'm so pumped. i'm stoked. if you will pardon the pun.
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bereft-of-frogs · 4 months
banishing the chill
Stellan nods, looking down at them. His wide, frightened eyes betray that he’s holding onto composure with a fraying grip. “I’ll return,” he says a little louder. “To check on you soon. If you need anything…” Indeera nods and Stellan leaves to do his duty. She turns her full attention to Bell, who still shows no sign he even knows she’s there. He doesn’t react to Ember either, even when she nudges his back with her nose, whining. That worries Indeera. Bell’s never ignored Ember before, and if the charhound can’t get through to him, Indeera doesn’t know how she has any chance. All she can do is sit beside him, one hand on the curve of his bowed back. In the wake of Loden Greatstorm’s loss — again — Indeera does what little she can to comfort Bell. Later, on Starlight Beacon, he tries the same. ( Spoilers for The Rising Storm and The Fallen Star )
[ link to ao3 ]
IS it even an unhinged marathon if I don't throw out at least 1 sad fic about it???
Still midway through Convergence, so truly no spoilers for past Fallen Star. I'm getting there! Getting even more sad ideas from phase II, it's great.
I truly have no idea how many people are reading fic for this, but if you do, please leave a comment or reply! I'm happy to send this fic out into the void, but also it's always nice to have people to yell about stuff with <3 Enjoy!
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Christmas Haul, 2023 Edition!
I am forever and always asking for books for Christmas, and this is what I was gifted this year! (If you think you see me stacking my TBR based on my own writing projects.....yeah okay you do lmao.)
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emlovessid · 1 year
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edge of the forbidden forest, 1978
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