#I'm so tired of her treating me worse than a dog
todderwodders · 6 months
Today has been something else
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weemsfreak · 1 year
Can I please request a fic where Larissa is in an abusive relationship with a man and one night they're leaving a bar and he gets mad at her over something silly and starts beating her. Reader sees it happen and jumps in to protect Larissa?
Of course! I didn't know if we wanted to bring powers into this but I did.
Warnings: physical and emotional abuse
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You walk out of the bar to a bench around the corner, wanting to have a smoke and get some fresh air. It was stuffy in there, and people were being obnoxiously loud. You sat and pulled out a smoke, lighting it and taking in the nice breeze. Sometimes, telekinesis can mess with your head, it's a lot to handle.
The door to the bar opened and you heard the sound from inside get loud again, before it got quiet. You saw a man dressed in a nice dark dress shirt, with his hair slicked back and sunglasses on, even though it was dark out. He walked away from the bar as he crossed his arms, and you saw a tall woman following behind him. The woman was dressed in a green dress and matching coat, she looked sophisticated and professional in contrast to him. The man looked upset, he was talking and gesturing with his hands, but you didn't know what he was saying. You stood up and moved closer to them, careful to not let him see you. "It's not a big deal darling, let's just calm down" the woman said calmly, bringing her hand to his arm. "I don't get why this upsets you so much, it's just a party" she spoke with a light chuckle. The man answered in a low annoyed tone, "Look Larissa, I don't appreciate what you did tonight. You should've stayed home." The man crossed his arms again as his expression grew darker. The woman looked at the man, her hands clasped in front of her. "I was bored at home darling, so I decided to head out. What's the big deal?" she asked raising an eyebrow. She didn't understand why he was angry. The man looked at her with disgust on his face, his gaze is cold. "We talked about this before. Why can't you just do what I say? There is no reason for you to be out this late at night!" The man spoke to the woman like he was reprimanding a child, almost like she would her students, but worse.
Your jaw dropped open at his words, he was so being so controlling towards her, and she seemed so sweet. You got a good look at her and you recognized her style and fair hair, done up so intricately. She looked familiar, then it clicked. You had seen her a few times out in Jericho and at the Weathervane, she was the principal of Nevermore Academy. You watched the woman smile sadly, and it reminded you of someone scolding their dog. "I was just trying to be friendly and socialize, why do you make such a big deal over that?" she asked, sounding like she was growing tired of him. The man looked at her like he was ashamed of her, annoyed by her presence, even.  "Stop making excuses, Larissa" he belted louder than before. "Now go home" he added, pointing to the parking lot. She looked down at the ground, "Okay darling" she replied quietly. She looked back up at her boyfriend as she adjusted her purse onto her shoulder. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you, please forgive me." She sounded sweet and loving, and you didn't understand how she could be kind to him considering how he was treating her. You also didn't understand why he was treating her this way, she was beautiful. The man visibly became more angry as the woman tried to make amends. "You are LUCKY that I'm giving you a chance, Larissa. I would've preferred if you weren't around tonight at all, but, fine." He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "Now go home" he said sternly. You brought your hand to your mouth to cover up any words you muttered under your breath. Your eyebrows furrowed as you realized what the situation was. He didn’t want her here, but he told her he didn't want her out at night for her safety. Really, he didn't give a shit about her or her safety, he was definitely cheating. "Darling, can’t I stay with you tonight? I know I did wrong, but it's such a nice night, I don't want to go home alone" the woman pleaded. You couldn't believe your eyes or your ears at how kind she was to him, how much she seemed like she really liked him. The man stared the woman down. "Larissa, I need you to understand that I want to be left alone! I do not want you to be around me tonight, go home" he hollered at her. The woman looked at the man with sad eyes, and you thought that she might be fighting back tears. She looked devastated, like she had done everything for the man, and yet he didn't want anything to do with her. "Please sweetheart, don't do this to me" she pleaded, sounding like she was going to break down. Suddenly, the man grabbed the woman by her arm, "Do I need to take you home myself?" he screamed. "You do as I say, you have no choice in the matter!" The woman looked at the man and winced, trying to stay composed. "Please baby, what did I do wrong? Why are you so angry with me?" The woman spoke in a soft tone, looking at the man concerned and confused. The man grabbed her by the elbow and drug her towards the car as she tried to resist his grip. He pulled her to a car and stopped when they reached it.
You moved around the corner, closer to where they were, but they were still a distance away. The man looked at her, increasingly frustrated. "Why can't you ever listen to me? You can't do anything by yourself without making a mess of things!" "I'm tired of your stupid excuses Larissa, you can't control yourself and you can't keep your promises." You watched as the woman looked at the ground, not saying a word. "I said I did not want you around tonight, and I expected you to listen to me!" The man gripped the woman's arm tighter, and she let out a gasp. The woman looked back up at the man, upset with his comments about her. "Please darling, I can protect myself. I want to go back inside, okay?" The woman sounded scared of the mans reaction, but she didn't back down, and you admired that. You watched the man grab her by her shoulders and push her against the car, looking at her with fury. You flinched when he did so, and you froze, your heat beating out of your chest. "It's not safe for you at night Larissa, why can’t you accept that!" he screamed in her face. The woman struggled against the mans grip, looking increasingly worried. She looked around the parking lot, probably hoping someone would see them. You wanted to help, but you were frozen in your spot. She started to tear up and you could tell that she was really terrified of him. "Baby, please, I'm sorry. I'll listen to you" she whimpered. Her lip quivered, "Please don't hurt me." The man looked at her as his lips twitched into a smile. He pointed a finger at her, "I warned you, now learn your goddamn lesson!" he hollered. He brought his hand up slowly as he looked into her eyes, "It’s for your own good" he said rather calmly. You saw him bring his hand down to make contact with her face. He hit her, hard, the sound echoing in the night. You closed your eyes as you brought your hand to your mouth, muffling your scream. You still heard a scream though, it was hers. You opened your eyes and looked at her through tears, she fell to the ground and held her cheek with her hand. She cried, she looked dizzy, she looked hurt.
You watched him kneel down beside her and raise his hand up again. Suddenly your fists balled up in anger. Why were you just watching this? What the fuck is wrong with you?! You felt your powers trying to take over in your anger, god you'd LOVE to slam him up against a tree. As you watched the woman try to cover her face from the next blow, you ran towards them and caught the mans hand before he could strike her again. He was confused, his hand was stuck in the air, a force was holding him back, but nobody was there. "What the fuck?" he said loudly. The woman looked up at him, tears streaming down her face, she didn't know what was happening either. You walked up to them, emerging from the shadows, and forcing him away from her with your telekinesis. "How DARE you hit a woman" you growled. You used your powers to send him flying against the building, and he looked scared for the first time that night. You walked up to him and got up in his face, he couldn't move, but he could still run his mouth. "Tell me, MAN, don't you find it a bit ironic how you said you wanted to protect her, yet here you are, abusing her?" you spat. His eyes widened, "She doesn't listen! She can't protect herself. She just proved that point!" he replied angrily. "She can't take care of herself, look at her!" You spun around, looking at the woman on the ground. She was still holding her cheek, staring up at you with wide bloodshot ocean blue eyes. You walked towards her and knelt beside her. You looked back at the man, who you still had pinned up against the building. You looked at her and spoke sarcastically, loud enough so he could hear you. "Darling, your boyfriend here says that you can't take care of yourself. He says that you need him to protect you, do you think he's right?" The woman's mouth opened as she contemplated her words, then she spoke quietly. "He's right, I need him to keep me in check. I'm incapable" she whimpered. You looked her in the eyes, a sincere look on your face. "Wrong" you replied. You leaned into her and whispered in her ear, "You are perfectly capable, my love. Let's show him how you can protect yourself by slamming him against a tree." A sly smile made it's way onto your face as you looked at her, and she gulped. She stared at you with panicked eyes before she nodded slightly. That was a good enough reply for you.
You stood, slowly taking large steps towards the man. "My, my, my. Your girlfriend over there has a treat in store for you" you smiled. "Wha-what?" the man asked nervously. You got up in his face, "We both know what you're doing. You don't deserve a lovely woman like her, you abusive, misogynistic, CHEATER!" you scowled. You looked back at the woman who was now standing. She made her way beside you and you took her hand, squeezing reassuringly. You looked up at her and noticed how red her cheek was, some blood was beading from little scratches. You turned back to the man and tightened your grip on him out of anger. "You know what we do to cheaters?" you asked. The man closed his eyes as he felt his throat become tighter, "What?" he whimpered. "We show them who's in charge around here" Larissa stated with new found confidence, and you wasted no time in slamming him against the nearest tree. As he whimpered out in pain, you turned to Larissa and cupped her unharmed cheek. "You don't need him to protect you, darling. You don't need him to keep you in check, you don't need to listen to him, and most importantly, you don't need him for anything. You are strong, you are independent, and you are beautiful, Larissa." A blush crept up on her face at your words and she hugged you. "Thank you" she whispered. "Anytime, love" you smiled. You pulled back to look at her. "You run a whole school, for fuck sakes" you chuckled. Larissa smiled and grabbed your hand again, "You're damn right" she said. You looked back at the man who was still up against the tree and then turned back to Larissa. "Let's get your cheek cleaned up, shall we?" you offered. She nodded at you and turned towards the man. You allowed her to look at him for a moment before you let him fall to the ground, and he laid there, trying to catch his breath. Larissa giggled when he fell and it brought joy to your heart. You both turned and started to walk away. "He'll be fine, or maybe not, I don't know" you said in a joking manner. You turned to her, your expression serious now, "But you will be, I'm sure of it" you winked.
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trashland-llamas · 1 year
That Girl is Poison
x fem reader
Y/n was tired of Leon treating her like a sidekick. She wanted to be the one running the show, calling the shots despite how inexperienced she was. But that was fine, Leon should consider himself lucky to be her first target. It'd be a simple death by poison, enough people had both access and motive. Leon had recently been instructed by the higher ups to change his look, too recognizable they claimed. Y/n didn't like it, not that it stole away his vanity. She just thought it aged him, made him too rough around the edges but she supposed that was the point.
'Long time, no see. Thought you were avoiding me,' he quipped. 'Would never,' placing the coffees on his desk, sliding his towards him, 'Swamped in paperwork, you know how it is.' Glancing as his Adam's apple bobbed. 'Thanks for this.'
'I didn't know how you take it but Jill takes her with two sugars so I assumed it'd be fine. Apologies if not.' Leon waved her off, an eyebrow raised as he smacked his lips. 'Huh, does this taste funny to you?' Offering it to her to take a sip. 'Shouldn't be anything wrong with it. Saw them make it.' Taking another sip, he couldn't shake the feeling something was off with the drink and at this point in his career, he knew not to brush off intuition. Leon found the culprit when he sniffed it, a faint trace of cinnamon and from the information y/n gave him, it couldn't be anything pumpkin spice.
'Are you trying to kill me?'
'What?' Failing to feign confusion. Her expression came across combative instead. 'Coffee isn't the best at disguising taste. It's even worse at disguising texture. Dissolved pills leave such a chalky residue.' Holding eye contact as he relayed all this to her. 'I'm also assuming this is your first time at poisoning someone?'
'Why bother letting this all play out then if you knew everything already?'
'I don't, but I do understand feeling undervalued in the workplace. I don't know if you forgot but I was a rookie myself once, in the same shoes as yourself. But poisoning your boss isn't the way to go about it.'
'Are you going to report me?' Now acting like a dog with its tail caught between its legs. 'No.' Leon finally broke away, getting up to dump the rest of his coffee down the drain. 'Why?'
'Because someone needs to teach you and who better than me?' That was all she would get in terms of an answer.
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hearth-and-veil · 10 months
I lost my temper and started a massive fight on FB but I fucking stand by it.
My dog died on Saturday. It's been three days. I'm mourning my loyal friend of 10 years. Somebody who was always there for me, who loved me, and who I loved. So tell me why some dick head acquaintance of mine (ok, technically a relative but I don't even know her) decided now was a good time to tell me, "It's just a dog. You have no reason to be this upset over a dog. You're taking it too far and you love it too much."
And so me, queen of running my mouth like I'm facing off against Usain Bolt, replied, "I love my dog a normal amount. It's not my fault you don't love your kid as much as I love my dog. If you cared half as much about your son as I do about my dog, you wouldn't be spending Christmas alone. Again." (Her son lives with her ex's parents because she keeps failing get rich quick schemes.)
I am so fucking tired of parents getting mad at pet owners over their own inadequacies. I'm not some crazy, obsessive dog lady. I'm not out here buying my girl designer clothes or taking her for couples massages. I just also don't treat her like a piece of furniture. If a parent looks at a pet owner and gets upset that we treat our pets well, it's nothing more than a reflection of the fact that they're mad at themselves for treating their precious kids worse than we treat dogs. The problem isn't with us.
Don't tell me I'm too much just because you're not enough.
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Sneak Peek of Chapter 2|| The Isekai’d Oracle
Well, chapter 2 is done, just going to look over it and post it tomorrow. Sorry for taking so long and not being active here. Just been feeling, bleh. The meds I'm taking worked well until it stopped so I have been feeling tired. After updating the story I'm gonna post more here. I just stopped so I can focus on chapter 2 and finish it.
Also thank the season 4 special giving me some motivation and the last push I need to make me finish this. Wukong’s dad bod tho-
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“Now this is more like it, Almond!” You said in eagerness, giving a small bowl of shredded meat to your dog. Today was a pain in the ass but at least you’re celebrating with a good meal tonight. A few meat and custard-filled steamed buns with actual soda and alcohol. Lately you have been drinking pure water or sometimes juice. Since they were cheaper. However, after a long week of work and this stressful day, you decided, you’re going to treat yourself. So you turned on the TV to some cable channel that had a Chinese Drama. Unfortunately, it was only in Cantonese, but hey better than nothing. You ain’t complaining. Spider Queen was extremely generous when she gave you an increase of pay. Maybe it was her plan all along to get you to be at…her little ritual.
Maybe you should try and ask around next time. You are going to work for Jin and Yin for a while. They might know something, maybe…
You sat in bed and stare at the TV. Almond’s fur brushed against your leg as she slept next to you. Full from her large meal. The show was entertaining enough, which was saying a lot since you don’t know what’s happening. Only get hints and clues from their expression and atmosphere. It was either this, the news, or educational channels.
From what you gathered, this drama looks old. The resolution was low and blurry. The show follows this priestess around and her weird encounters with demons or trying to be the best priestess she can be. It’s quite cute and funny. Then again, you’re half asleep and drinking alcohol.
“What?! But I thought you need some priestess stuff, why are you running off with that dragon?!” You shout at the screen. “Ugh, come on, you need to be more responsible.” Your words slurred slightly as you mumbled off. Dozing off, staring blankly at the show.
“Be…more responsible…”You mutter quietly. The words echo in your head. Tomorrow, you’re definitely going to organize your thoughts and make a plan on what to do next. You are in the show you been obsessed with for a while now.
Yeah, that’s what you’re going to do, tomorrow. Organize your thoughts, get info, and make a plan on what to do. You’re also going to have fun while doing it. Depending on when you enter this world, you can technically avoid all of the ‘bad events’ that are to come. What is the worse that’s going to happen?
You already worked yourself to death in your old life. There’s no way you’re going to do that in this life. You are going to have fun and enjoy this one.
A chill went down your spine, swearing the room temperature dropping out of nowhere. You put the plate and bowl on your nightstand with your drinks. Turning off the TV, you decided it was the best time to call it a day and rest. Glancing down, you see Almond stir and look at the window tiredly. Her ears were down and was shaking. Due to the dropping temperature or for a completely different reason.
“What’s wrong?” You gently pet her head. She immediately leans into your touch. You glance at the window and try to see what she’s looking at. The blind covers the window but there was no shadow or any indication of anyone outside.
Sighing, you got up and head to the window. Moving the blinds slightly, there was nothing, no one outside. Your hand grazes the freezing glass, making you pull away from the sudden coldness. Your skin tingling and burns from the sensation. As a cold and heavy feeling settling deep within you. Making your head spin.
“What the…”
Almond whines trying to catch your attention but you kept it at the window. You noticed a slight frost at the edges of the window. Again you reach out to touch it, almost as if it was calling for you, but Almond barks. Finally, you turn around to face her.
“What is it?”
“I hope you do know, I can’t really understand you.”
“Woof, woof!”
“Do you want me to leave the frost alone?”
Almond nods and jumps off the bed. Trying to push you away from the window. Her paws nudges your knee and you took a few steps away from the window. A confused expression is written across your face. Maybe it’s best if you save this for a different day and maybe when you’re not tired.
“Alright, then I'll leave it alone for now. I won't go touching it, calm down.” You pick Almond up and went back to the bed.
“Let’s go to bed, alright? Now stop worrying about me so much, okay?”
You stroke her head and lay the small dog in bed. She was oddly anxious. You had never seen her this worried before.
“It’s fine Almond, just go to bed.”
It didn’t take much for her to go back to sleep. You quietly lay there for a few more minutes. You’re eyes glancing at the window and back to Almond.
A sigh escapes and cover yourself up with the blanket. Almond told you to leave it alone and it’s for the best. Who knows what will happen if you touch it? It looks like Almond does and that’s a good enough reason for you.
“I really hope this doesn’t lead to anything crazy.” You mumbled finally drifting off the sleep. Just wanting this night to end.
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beevean · 1 year
me constantly going in the CV tag despite knowing that it's 10% nice game fanart, 40% gifs of the show, and 50% some absolute braindamaging takes, is taking a toll on me
because after blocking the nth post admiring Lenore for playing Hector like a fiddle/saying Hector deserved to be enslaved for his original plan of culling mankind (nvm that babyboy Isaac was far more evil about it and he never got punished for wanting to "purify" the world)...
... I really want to think about Lenore and how I'd make her work with the crumbs that the show gave me lol
Lenore is obviously meant to be a parallel to Hector. Both of them are the animal lovers of their group, and mocked for it. Both of them are the "nice" ones in a group where cruelty reigns. Both of them are the least respected of their group - Dracula and Isaac shitting on Hector vs. Striga and Morana not even thinking about Lenore when they peace out. Both of them got used then discarded - yes, even Lenore, who became useless after enslaving Hector. Both of them are actually more of a threat than they look (allegedly, in Hector's case, but I can tell the intention was there).
Then there's the way they contrast. Lenore is a vampire who still clings on vestiges of humanity: she likes to eat food ("why live forever, if you're not going to live well?"), she rejects brute violence (again, allegedly) in favor of the more human art of diplomacy, she's compassionate about lesser creatures (humans included), and she's horrified at the realization that she is, deep down, nothing more than a greedy beast destined to crave more and more. Hector is a human alienated by humanity, who thinks culling is the kindest option, relates more to animals than his own species, and seems fascinated by the nature of vampires.
Imagine if the two actually bonded over this, and betrayed their "factions" because finally they found someone who respects them. And I mean organically bonded. On screen. With dialogue. Without the gross BDSM petplay. That part 100% has to go, it adds nothing, it's humiliation for humiliation's sake, it ruins Lenore's character, and it's just masturbation fuel.
I'd also change the scene where Lenore beats Hector. In my idea, Lenore flees from Hector's clutches, and then doesn't visit him again... for a week... and leaves him without food and water. By the time she comes back, Hector is desperate and is not above begging for some water, but she doesn't want to come close. "Are you going to hurt me again? :< you hurt me the last time :< you're so scary :< I did nothing to you and you tried to kill me :< I'm afraid that you'll do it again :<"
Basically, treating Hector like a rabid dog until he genuinely apologizes, and not only he learns the lesson that he shouldn't attack the only vampire who visits him, but he feels actually guilty and a terrible person about it. Made worse by how sensitive Hector probably is about all of this, as a love-starved abused child.
You know, manipulation, not just a brute display of strength to admire how stronk the girlboss is.
I don't know how their relationship would go from here, though. I only know that I'm more than happy with Lenore sunning herself: it is thematically coherent for her, her refusal to become like Carmilla, her guilt for hurting Hector, and if the two actually cared for each other, her choice to look at the only man who treated her with respect rather than the sun would be lovely.
Needless to say, we can only get here if she organically grows fond of him and doesn't rape him :^) but if she does, if she's really so cruel to hurt a man at his most vulnerable just to do what her sisters asked of her, then the story should treat her as such - and I'd also love to see Hector just snap, because by this point he's sick and tired of being seen as an object. Give him his big moment of taking down both vampires who hurt him. (in my vision not only he smashes Lenore's skull with his hammer, but he also takes a swing at Isaac - not killing him, just hurting him a little. please)
But I'd rather avoid that. I would like both characters to have agency - not even falling in love with each other, I don't care about that (they'd never be a cute couple anyway, not when she starts out as his jailer), just have a more interesting relationship built on two kindred spirits finding each other, but driven apart by their roles and nature. The vampire chooses death, the human grows and thrives.
There is sadly not going around the fact that Hector fell for two vampires (three if you count Dracula, but I can forgive that one) who employed the same strategy. I don't like the way Carmilla uses Hector either, but I can't be bothered to fix her rn.
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randum-famdoms · 4 months
Hello! I'm reading one of your fic's on ao3 and was wondering when it's gonna be updated? I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the fic and wanna know how long until we get a new chapter! Love your writing! And I was so happy to see that you gave Mishima such a cool persona! I love the fic so much! I've been ranting to my friends about it nonstop (even though neither of them have ever played the game) but they both sit there and listen nonetheless! (I may even try and convince them to read it! It's a pretty interesting take on the whole game! And the part where Akira is worried that Mishima will have a problem with him being gay and Mishima just like "If I had a problem with it I would've said something back in kamoshida's palace" was amazing! I love everything about it and I can't explain in words just why I love it so much! It's just amazing! If I was better at art I would LOVE to make some fanart of it!!! Again I can't explain just how much I love it! I hope you're doing well and aren't sick!
(How was the dog sitting by the way? Hope it went well!)
Ahshdjdkjfndbdkjdl thank you??????
I just. *scream*
The idea that people can love a silly little thing I write for fun this much is kinda unreal to me. Idk how to respond???? Thanks????
I mean, I’ve reacted like this to fics I have read before but having it turned into myself is trippy. Like this is some weirdly dream or some shit. Idk man. Shit’s wild.
Every time someone tells me how happy they are about the way I’m treating mishima in my fic I am further convinced that everyone who says he’s a bad character is a fucking coward and if more people would just make Mishima positive content then the fandom would be better off. He does not get enough love and appreciation and I will gladly take on the mantle of Mishima Ambassador. He is my blorbo, my boi, and I love him dearly. He deserves better, both in game and in the fandom, so I just did it myself.
Also, I ain’t about to beg you for fanart because you reading my fic is more than enough already and then you sent me this ask and Ann bear gave me a heart attack from joy, but trust me if you think you’re a bad artist I’ve seen worse. Much, much worse. I took an art class in a very sports heavy highschool and 90% of the kids in there were teenage boys who thought it would be an easy A. The first assignment was to draw a realistic hand. You’d think that they were AI with how bad some of them looked. So yeah, any hypothetical art you make is beautiful to me, especially because I’m fairly sure that if anyone made fanart of my fic I’d cry tears of joy <3
I tried really hard to update every week and I failed miserably, so I’ve made the decision to cut back to every other week. I’m like 85% sure that I’ll get the next chapter up this Sunday. I started my summer classes today and one of them (my English class) is cramming a 14 week course into 4 weeks, but I’ve always been pretty good at English/reading/writing so I’m hoping that that won’t ruin my update schedule AGAIN. I swear I can’t go two weeks without something fucking up my writing/editing time. We’ll see how it goes. I am not sick don’t worry, Just like, super fuckin tired cause my sleep schedule is fucked. I’m pretty good otherwise tho!
Dogsitting went well! I actually finished up with that yesterday. The little demon I was taking care of had absolutely no braincells, and was very annoying, and she kept pooping in my bathroom no matter how often I tried to take her outside to shit, but at least she’s small so it was easy to clean up and she was a good size to cuddle. Overall it was a 5/10 experience that was turned into a 9/10 because of the couple hundred dollar paycheck I got for it. The family I was doing it for is uncomfortably rich lol. Pretty sure some of it is blood money because the dad is an ex-cop turned middle school teacher (neither of which make good money) and the mom is a Russian immigrant stay-at-home mom and they somehow own a huge house in a really nice neighborhood and can afford a two week trip to the Caribbean on that income. I ain’t gonna complain tho.
I’m excited to get chapter 11 written and posted, I think it’s gonna be really fun! Lots of good plot and character development is gonna be happening :) the fic is really picking up now that we’ve finally gotten over all the exposition hurdles. Only took 60k words lol (I swear I thought that it would take half as long as it did to get to this point in the fic, at this rate the things gonna end up 800k words long and I’ll be dead before it’s finished)
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
Ray, I am honestly having a rly rough time rn and have no one else to talk to so here I am. My relationship with my mom has always been shaky and lately it’s been getting so much worse. For as long as I can remember she’s done stuff that makes me uncomfortable. I don’t think it’s anything big but it happens all the time and has built up. No matter what I do she just doesn’t stop. She tries to force me wear to wear makeup, insists on picking out my clothes on the rare occasion I can leave, yells at me for not wanting to get my hair dyed because it means I’m childish, makes me wear contacts, and basically micromanages every aspect of how I look. She makes me do the most inane stuff for her to “prove I love her” and keeps ordering me around like a dog when my dad is over so he sees how well I listen to her. I am just so tired of her and how she constantly treats me like more of a dress up doll and therapist than a daughter. And we’re having money issues, can’t afford bills and wracking up debt, but she keeps spending money on the stupidest crap and won’t stop yelling at me for not acting like a living person. I don’t go out because I know we can’t afford it, I don’t dye my hair because maintenance would be an additional expense, I hate contacts and my clothes because they don’t feel like they’re mine, and I don’t act like I’m alive because I’ve been depressed for fucking years and haven’t been allowed to take medication because it would “give me autism.” I’m just so tired of it Ray. I really am and I don’t know what to do because all my other options are so much worse. In the morning I’ll probably be embarrassed about actually writing this but I just had like three panic attacks within an hour so ill ignore that for now. Sorry for unloading all this on you at 3:23 am but I rly have no one else rn and I’ve seen some similar asks so it’s probably ok? If it’s not feel free to ignore.
First of all, it's perfectly okay, I'm glad you reached out because it sounds like you really need someone to just hear you. So don't feel embarrassed.
Second of all, what you're describing is a big thing. The kind of micromanaging she's doing to you, the financial issues, the control, all of it is an insidious kind of abuse. It, like many other forms of abuse, also has a tendency to get into your head and make you feel like you're the one in the wrong.
I don't know how old you are and you said that your other options are worse so I'm guessing there's not much in the way of a support system you can reach out to? No one in the family who might be able to step in in some way? Or friends who could provide you a safe place?
The situation is obviously complicated but I want you to know that you're justified to be upset. It's not in your head and it's not your fault. She's wrong to do those kinds of things to you.
You deserve better, you deserve safety and choice over your own body, you deserve comfort.
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theverminqueen · 4 months
Hey. I gave the Institute my statement a while ago, but I thought posting it publicly might help a few other people who're on the road towards their Becoming or whatever it's called. So. Here goes.
Statement of Vermin Burton, regarding the circumstances of their infection and the measures they took to treat it. 
Statement begins.
Did you know that rats didn’t actually cause the Black Plague? It’s a very common myth, but the rats themselves were just carriers. It was the fleas, hiding in their fur, nestling in carpeting or woodwork or flesh. The fleas took the infection from rats to cats to dogs to people. A third of Europe died, but not a single flea ever did. 
My mom’s house used to have a flea problem, and I do mean a bad flea problem. I could barely walk to my bed without getting bitten by dozens of the little fuckers, and even then, I wasn’t safe. They’d crawl under the covers with me, burrow under my skin, drink and drink until there was nothing left. A cruel comfort, but more than I ever got from that bitch who called herself my mother.
Yes, yes, my mother, I’m getting there, just give me a minute. My mother was a horrible parent. She was a hoarder, neglectful, and often emotionally unstable. She put me on regimens of pills that did nothing but make me sick while continuing to ignore all the actual mental and physical problems I was struggling with. I dropped out of university for her, and she never gave a damn. I hated her. It took me a long time to realize just how much.
I’m not sorry she’s dead. It was going to happen sooner rather than later, with the way that she lived. So then, why do I feel so bad about it?
It started with the tick. Just an ordinary little tick that latched onto my ankle for a moment. I was walking across our lawn – unmowed, of course, she never bothered to take care of it, so I was always the one who had to mow it – and caught a tick digging under the hem of my jeans. I didn’t think much of it at the time. I plucked it off and went on with my day, but the bite didn’t go away.
 I picked and scratched at that thing for weeks, and it just kept spreading, up my legs, over my arms, around my neck. Ticks kept popping up everywhere I went, clinging to my hands, my feet, my face. I was so tired all the time. I could barely move. I couldn’t keep up with the house, and since I was the only one that ever cleaned the house, things started to get unlivably bad. I’m talking open pill bottles, used needles, things like that. I think I saw a dead cat covered in fleas once. 
But that’s not important to your story, is it? 
I shaved off every bit of hair on my body, thinking that would make it better, or at least make it easier to spot the bugs. For whatever reason, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back for my mother. I'm still not sure why a shaved head mattered to her so much, but she came up to me and she just started screaming. I’m not even sure what she said, I just remember all that shouting. I couldn’t get away, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t even think with all that damn noise.
I don’t know how it happened. One minute, she was there, she was my mother, and the next minute, she was screaming, covered in those awful bites, looking so small and sick. My mother was never small. Low metabolism runs in our family, and we gain weight fast. But by the time she finally died, she was as skinny as I am now, with all her blood drained out of her.
It was the tick. It was that fucking tick.
I ran, of course. I had to leave that house, or I’d die there. But the bug problem just got worse and worse. I washed myself obsessively, but I could never seem to get clean. I took drugs. I saw doctors. They all told me I was crazy, a hypochondriac and a maniac. But I knew, I just knew it was the bugs. 
The rats were the only thing that saved me. One of them came up to me in an alleyway someday and started nibbling on my hand. I freaked out, of course, getting bitten by a rat fucking hurts, but when I looked down and saw its mouth, when I heard that crunch between its teeth, I knew it had been trying to save me. It bit down and dug those ticks out of my skin, made a meal of me to save itself. I’d found the only treatment I could count on.
It wasn’t just the rats, of course. Possums also seem to like me. The one in my hoodie pocket right now, Morty, would protect me with his life. I met one named Martin that I thought was just really fat. Turns out he was pregnant, and a couple weeks later, he had six joeys. I love them all more than I’ve ever loved a person.
I ran into a bat a couple weeks ago, and she’s been useful. My little eye in the sky, if you will. Keeps her ears peeled for dogs and cops and other things that might try to hurt me.
I really don’t know how to cure this disease. I don’t know how to make those bugs go away. The most I can do is try to gain back the ground I’ve lost.
I’ve been eating better, though I suppose that’s not relevant to you. And the vermin are all looking much healthier than they did back when I found them. That’s what I call them all collectively, the vermin. They’re vermin like me, and they’re a part of me. I don’t think I’d still be alive today without them. 
Thank you for taking this. If you ever get in contact with anyone who has resources, medication that might help treat this condition, please let me know. I really need an out.
Statement ends.
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prismatoxic · 6 months
tox. tox. tox. i cant even. THE LATEST CHAPTER???? HELLO???? i was gonna comment but i felt like i wouldnt be able to get my energy across- OUFUGGHPGIHGHO???? OUHOGIDHAJAIGOHA????;!??!!?? THE CALL!!?!??!!! "wow, you really ARE different..." "whats that supposed to mean?" AREUGGGOGFURHHHGFRGHTH
CHIL REPEATING THE WORD "DOG" IN HIS NATIVE LANGUAGE. I CAN HEAR IT. well i mean i actually hear it in Filipino because thats my native language but still. i can imagine it so well. i love them your honor... they are silly...
"what are you even doing???"
"dont worry about it. anyways let me send you thousands of dollars-"
anyways great chapter thank you thank you thank you 🫶🫶🫶🫶
~ phio phoefickle ✌️
(p.s. meijack you are in SO much unserious trouble....)
both direct comments and tumblr asks are good for me, it's serotonin right to my veins either way :3 there's a thread in my chilaios server where people also just liveblog their thoughts at me and i'm very hinged about the praise (<- lying)
honestly i love when people think of chilchuck in their own culture... i've seen some friends talk about latino chilchuck, it's so fun. and it's not like we have a tolkien-esque dictionary of half-foot so imagining it in your own language makes sense to me!!
AND YEAH... HONESTLY... you have picked up on something there that i did intentionally, LMAO. so while it's not the vibe chilchuck intended, it's the one that's going to get him in trouble later <3 puckpatti may be willing to gloss over all of this in the name of her dad being happy, but there are others who may take it as something to be concerned about... :3c
i've started chapter 7, and your ask made me very happy so how about i share the beginning with you:
The night before the trip, Laios invites Chilchuck out to Senshi’s, and he finds himself agreeing far more readily than he did the first time. What’s more, everyone can make it; it’s nice to see Falin again, but he also gets to see Marcille when she’s not tired and overworked.
He’s not actually sure if that’s a good thing, in the end.
She hugs Laios when he and Chilchuck arrive (not as tightly as Falin does, but still with a certain degree of overt fondness), then sits herself down and immediately launches into the friendliest interrogation Chilchuck has ever found himself subject to. He can barely half-answer her before she’s launched into another question; about where he’s from, about what he does, about how Laios has been treating him… She asks about his family, too, but it’s Laios who gently deflects her when Chilchuck stalls out about it.
“He’s kind of a private person,” Laios laughs, raising a glass of soda to his lips. “Let him actually get to know you first, Marcille. Then he’ll tell you himself.”
Chilchuck doesn’t want to tell anyone anything about his life without prompting, but he thinks Laios knows that; the easy escape from the line of questioning is appreciated, either way.
“I hope you stick around long enough for that to happen!” Marcille enthuses. “You seem like a really interesting person, Chilchuck. And clearly you’ve got Laios under control.”
Chilchuck laughs at that, and he’s not the only one; Falin and Namari laugh too (and even Shuro smiles a little). A glance Laios's way reveals he’s flustered, but similarly amused. “He’s not hard to direct,” Chilchuck muses over the rim of his water glass. “He just needs to be told exactly what to do.”
He pretends he doesn’t notice the look Falin gives her brother.
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contreparry · 1 year
Happy Friday! How about "are you… jealous?" from the romantic yearning prompts?
I saw the prompt and immediately thought of the last time I filled it, and how maybe it should have an accompanying piece. So here’s some Zevran and Isabela for @dadrunkwriting!
Zevran didn’t have many friends.
He didn’t know if he should count his work colleagues as friends. Once upon a time he would have in a heartbeat- Taliesin and Rinna weren’t just his friends. They were like his own limbs, his heart, his everything- until one day they weren’t.
You didn’t burn yourself and come out unscathed.
Zevran had been limping along ever since. Taliesin covered where he could, because that was how he was. Stubborn to a fault and loyal to the Crows no matter what, but Taliesin was falling apart under the strain of his conflicting loyalties to the organization and to Zevran. Without Rinna to think things through and see into the heart of matters with her icy practicality, Taliesin pushed forward blindly and Zevran…
Well. You didn’t burn yourself and come out unscathed.
“Quiet tonight, aren’t we, handsome?” His companion this evening practically purred.
“Ah, Isabela,” Zevran murmured. “My pirate queen.”
He was in Kirkwall for work reasons, but he made sure to make time to stop by Isabela’s bar to catch up with one of the few true friends he had. He was lucky to catch Isabela while she was in, and even luckier to have caught her when the crowd was thin. It meant he could have an evening of drink and sympathy, though Zevran couldn’t figure out what exactly left him so unsettled today. Normally he would be the first to drag Isabela out for a wild night on the town, or he'd have one by his lonesome. But tonight he felt... tired. He was far more tired than a flight across the Waking Sea should have left him, and all Zevran wanted was...
He didn't know what he wanted. That was the trouble. So he found himself at Isabela's place, hoping for a return to normalcy, a return to... something. Anything was better than the restlessness that now plagued him.
“Don’t butter me up, you sly dog. I’m a kept woman now,” Isabela said primly before kissing him firmly on the cheek and squeezing his bicep. She dropped back behind the bar and reached for a bottle of something- rum, perhaps? Zevran was too tired from his flight (from everything) to analyze the label or remember how Isabela organized her drinks.
“So what will it be, Zevran? Feeling adventurous today, or do you want your usual poison?” she was practically bouncing, glowing with a satisfied light that only the truly content could manage. It only made Zevran feel worse. Why was he here? Tea and sympathy? Pathetic.
“Water tonight, dear Isabela,” Zevran murmured, and Isabela almost dropped the cocktail shaker she was holding.
“Zevran, darling, you’re not sick, are you?” Isabela tutted and pressed the back of her hand against his forehead.
"No. Merely tired," Zevran insisted, but he gratefully took the glass of water Isabela pressed into his hand. "The trip to Kirkwall was long."
"How is Amaranthine treating you? It's rather... provincial. For your tastes, that is," Isabela remarked, her tone light and teasing even as she stared him down with her amber brown eyes. It was as if she could divine his very thoughts with a look. Perhaps she could. Isabela had an uncanny knack for sniffing out drama- and her eyes widened. She leaned over the bar, bracing herself on her elbows until their noses nearly touched.
"Zevran. My sweet bird. What have you gotten yourself tangled up in?" Isabela asked, and the sympathy in her eyes, in her voice, hurt as much as any blade.
"Made- made a mistake. Several," Zevran confessed. "I... I think I'm emotionally compromised."
What a clumsy way to express what he thought, what he felt. And all these complex feelings were centered on his job. His target. Zevran sighed and pulled his phone out of his coat pocket. He swiped through his photo gallery, searching for the cause of his current troubles. He turned his screen towards Isabela.
"Him," Zevran said simply. Isabela stared at the phone, eyes tracing the picture that Zevran had long since burned into his eyes: Bran Surana, wearing his blue and silver striped canvas apron as he pulled the half-off book cart out onto the sidewalk in front of the shop. His dark hair was pulled out of his face into a stubby tail at the back of his head. He had a silver ear cuff in the shape of a gryphon clinging to his ear. He was messy and unpolished and glum in the picture, and it was Zevran's favorite candid portrait of his favorite book seller.
Unfortunately, his favorite book seller was also his target.
"Oh. Zevran," Isabela murmured, and Zevran dropped his head to the bar top.
"He's impossible," Zevran explained. "How am I supposed to work when he's like that?"
"... Scruffy? A punk?" Isabela suggested.
"Naive," Zevran retorted. That was what Bran was, utterly naive. Unused to the world beyond a research lab or mage academia. The thought of stealing from prickly, stubborn Bran made Zevran feel like a monster. Well, more of a monster than he already was.
"He's entirely too trusting. His friends have a better sense for danger than he does, but even they can't convince him to drive me away. Would be better for him if they did," Zevran muttered that last remark, but Isabela's ears were sharp. She turned her attention towards him, and the understanding in her gaze was too much for him to bear.
"He has a bodyguard," Zevran muttered. "One of his coworkers. Ferelden through and through. Stands by like a mabari whenever I'm in that shop. Think he growled at me once." That could have also been the actual mabari napping on the dog bed behind the counter, but Zevran couldn't confirm it.
"Zevran. Are you... jealous?" Isabela asked, and Zevran's blood turned to ice.
"No," he said hastily as panic rose in his throat and threatened to choke him. "No. I have- there is nothing to be jealous about. Nothing!"
Isabela's mouth curled into a sly smile. "You are. You are jealous." She pulled his phone out of his limp grasp and pressed her thumb against the screen before leaning over to press her cheek to his. Zevran smiled instictively even as his heart stuttered in his chest. Jealous. He wasn't jealous. He couldn't be jealous. You had to have a heart, had to feel, to be jealous, and he didn't-
"Now let's see if the feeling is mutual," Isabela declared, and she raised the phone up and pressed her thumb to the screen.
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peacerisendove · 1 year
Big Ethel Energy Season 2 Episode 13-15
Quick and dirty comments edition because I don't have enough energy to string together sentences.
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Okay that's a lie. I got worked up about how they talk about Jughead.
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:/ I swear to God get over it. He rejected you so long ago.
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Don't like the gutter space use of chibi-ethel's doing commentary. It feels like it's leading the audience to a conclusion. I mean I figured out that they were going to make Betty Veronica's assistant because that was clearly the direction they were going, but don't speak for me, chibi-Ethel. (Yes, I am jaded and I'm tired.)
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"I saw her attraction for this guy coming a mile away and I need to know why I should care." Is what I originally said regarding this panel, but good for Veronica considering her last boyfriend was a pretentious asshole.
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I swear I am coming at this comic for how it has written and treated Jughead Pendleton Forsythe III. He DOESN'T DESERVE THIS TREATMENT OR CHARACTERIZATION. LEAVE THE ASEXUAL/AROMANTIC MAN ALONE. They treat him like he killed her dog. He had consensual sex with Ethel when they. I wouldn't even consider that using her! You can have a sexual relation with someone and not have it be deep! Feelings are allowed to change. Yes, Ethel can be hurt by the fact he had sex with her to find out how he feels, but it's not as if he strung her along and made her believe that he liked her. There are worse things that can happen than not communicating with her and avoiding her!
ALSO SHE HAD FORGIVEN HIM AND HE EXPLAINED WHAT HAPPENED. So at least tell your boyfriend to be civil. If Ethel has forgiven someone and let bygone be bygone then her partner, Moose, should follow suit. I feel like he's not respecting her decisions with that situation.
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Remember when I said, I was going to essentially be professional with this? Well, I take it back.
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YOU ARE NOT MOOSE MASON IN THE SLIGHTEST. You're not a himbo. You're just a jealous little man masquerading as Moose Mason with none of his spirit.
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lolliboi · 1 year
weird as it is, I'm still here.
rainy dawn and also raindrops rolling from my eyes. life could be a little better if I had some money. I couldn't talk to alan again, but I guess there's no harm cause he found peace. I hope I'm strong enough to fight those people tomorrow. I hope I put a smile on her face. things will get even harder for me if she gives up. and also it's not fair to her not to feel okay. she's not the only feeling bad, tho. it will get everyone eventually. but it's harder for us. at least there's a holiday coming soon. actually I don't know if that's so good for me since it's my personal life that needs a break. but will be good for her. I stopped writing my tale mostly because I don't want to think about knives. but he crossed my mind yesterday and then I wanted to start writing about it again. there was a time when I could only rest when imagining him suffering. life's hard. I guess I can trust it to give him his share of miseries. I honestly hope he will never succeed. that he will never be happy. I'm damaged but his even worse than me. I hope no one will take him. ever. and I hope no one gets hurt trying to take him. believing like I did. about two weeks ago someone I love got into the same sort of situation. they trusted an ally and got hurt. violated. and I thought a lot of bad things I would never say out loud, that made me realize all the bad things I think about myself and also the kind of bad person I am. not that bad I guess. but a bad person indeed. still, they're a lot worse. all those people that can't hear a no, they think they know better. they could take a little violence from me. I used to think I'm above it but I'm not. and I'm embracing it. I'm angry and it's fine. I don't care about being soft anymore. I can be soft. I won't be all the time. she inspires me, I guess. the way she never hides when she's mad. the way she expresses it, and walks away whenever she needs to. it bugs me so much, I feel so uncomfortable. cause I know how people are gonna see and treat her. cause I know it hurts. and also cause I know I would never be that brave. but I hope I'll be someday. I guess I'm being brave in so many other ways. I still speak my truth, even tho I speak their language. makes me feel false, but I guess it's more effective. we're together in our own way, me and her, and I guess that's some kind of affection. some partnership. it still far away from what it should be, could be so many of us, but 2 is better than 1 anyway.
my skin is also a mess and I can't stop poking it. need to see a doctor about my back. gotta start taking cbd and see how it goes. can't remember the last time I had sex. gotta start exercising again. I wish I could afford a trained caregiver to help me get out of bed and do my activities properly. can't decide if this year is worse than the last one, maybe they're equally terrible for different reasons. I'm turning 27 the next month and I wish people could respect my wish of being completely alone this time. I have 3 hours until the construction's noise starts but I can't fall asleep. I wish grizz was real. sometimes I wish I wasn't. I miss when my dog was a little puppy and went to bed with me. I miss my stepdoggy so much. I dreamed about him 2 times last week. I've been bumping into their ex every week and can't help to think she hates me. I've never done anything to her. don't even know if they're still apart. not gonna ask, anyway. at least I won't see her again this week because of the holiday. I wish she liked me, tho. I think she's ok. even the skin on my back is bad now. I guess there's too much stress and not enough water. I'm so tired of thinking, typing hurts but handwriting is hurting even more these days. I hope I fall asleep.
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wanderingrain · 2 years
Blogging through Till the World Ends Ep 6
Aww not domestic gangster boyfriend.
Oh ok we're just gonna loudly make out on the couch behind little sister's back.
I cannot take P'Joke's eyepatch seriously I'm sorry
If she says this meat is the dog🐕 I swear
She's totally going to vgyrdchjoyrdd
oh no we're hinting it's human
Oh ok we're not hinting.
They're grossed out but not as much as you would expect them to be. Your little sister makes you eat human and you're only a little bit grossed out? Not even enough to be disgusted? What even is this gang? Lol
I've said it before, There is literally no way to explain away Golf hitting Art with the guitar. "I just got so angry" Major red flag my dude. "I thought you were trying to steal my girlfriend. " Major red flag my dude. I feel like this whole premise only really works because they're going to die (maybe) in 4 days. Like there is no way this relationship can survive long term unless they both get a lot of therapy. But short term? We're all gonna die anyway my dudes. ┐(゚~゚)┌
"I didn't mean it. " Dude it was clearly premeditated. I think you mean "if I knew you then like I do now I wouldn't have done it" which is still a Major red flag my dude.
well if these aren't the consequences of my own actions
Brother cuddllllleeees
I sense some BS advice coming from Jae
"it depends on the relationship." Jae he literally assaulted me.
"How many people have you hurt?" Jae there is a huge glaring difference here in that I (Art) never assaulted anyone.
Ugh where's the crack. Give me the crack back.
What is this all of a sudden???
This is so much worse advice than I thought it would be!!
"Golf didn't have bad intentions" HE BASHED SOMEONE OVER THE HEAD WITH A GUITAR!!
I knew they would pull out some stupid excuse to get Golf and Art back together but I thought it would Art least be funny!!?? Not this "sometimes you just have to let the person you love hurt you" crap.
This is so toxic please. This is Love Mechanics levels of toxic. Except this show doesn't have romanticized SA. (Crossing my fingers)
You know how when you talk to older women and they're like "oh yeah I waited on my husband hand and foot. He's just so tired after work you know? But boy was it difficult to cook with 7 children under foot but you learn to manage it!" And they treat men like they're basically one of the children they have to take care of and expect the younger generations to do the same? Yeah that's the feeling I'm getting from this conversation.
Before this conversation happened I was prepared to say "aww adopted mother cuddllleees" but now I'm too upset with Jae 😕
wow I just got an ad for a movie called "women talking" that looks like it's about what I was literally just talking about. 😨
I'm so glad they cast actors who can cry. It's always so awkward when they're clearly trying but can't.
Dude stop calling his name and just spit it out!! He's clearly here to listen!! This is Lovely Writer all over again where he was given ample time to explain and just stood there in silence!
Is he showing Art the video he took where he tried to unalive himself?? That's like emotional blackmail? What the heck
Your excuse is "if I'd wanted to kill you I wouldn't have helped you" ?? See this is the good crack! Take everything else away and just say the most absurd thing possible!
I see you looking at his lips Art. I see you
Lol not P'Gus and Jae falling into the room! Not them just continuing to lay there instead of jumping apart. Finally the crack is back!
Is this wedding foreshadowing?
He is not about to propose. They just got back together. Have they even kissed yet? I don't think they have.
No he is oh jeez. I have no words.
I don't know how I feel about this but the world is ending in 4 days so sure why not if it's that important to you.
Can't believe this is their first- oh ok nevermind.
Lol trying to use a Pomeranian to follow a scent.
The way the dog just FLOPS onto the ground!! This is the good stuff.
Oh no what is this awkwardness?
More Christmas🎄 music!!
It's not complete because you didn't kiss, Art. Duh
They're not even lining up correctly this kiss ain't gonna happen.
Yup there it is
crying on the floor what was that sneeze ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That wasn't supposed to happen was it. That was a real sneeze and they all just acted past it. I love these moments in amateur shows so much.
Is this the first time we've seen Jae with her hair down? Besides the wedding?
They're acting like she's so old lol. She's not even hobbling on her feet and they're acting like she's on death's door.
Aww is sweet that they're all crying
uh oh not the gang approaching.
I'm not really sure why I exchanged "babes" for "my dude" in this one but I did so... ┐(゚~゚)┌ I can't believe our boys got married and they still haven't even kissed yet.
So I thought before that one of the gang members was going to be Art's little brother, but that was before I realized that P'Long wasn't actually a new recruit and that both of the guys were older than bubblegum. (Have they ever even said her name btw? Cause I haven't noticed.) I'm sure his brother will come up somehow though. They wouldn't have brought him up if he wasn't going to appear at some point.
Are we working off the assumption that anyone inside a bunker when the moon hits the earth will survive? Because I've been thinking this whole time that it's a kind of false comfort situation. Like there's nothing anyone can do to stop the mass extinction of humanity but we need to at least seem like we're doing something.
I've kinda just been assuming everyone's going to die at the end which definitely contributes to me not taking things as seriously. Nothing really matters if all our characters are just going to die, no need to get too attached to them. ┐(゚~゚)┌ I'm really just here to have fun.
On to episode 7 and maybe the start of a new adventure outside the dorm?
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beevean · 7 months
Let's do this: top 10 most hated NFCV characters counting both shows
As a bonus, if you're willing to: top 10 worst episodes
I think I did a top 5 worst characters for both shows but I can do it again :P
11) Drolta. She doesn't do anything egregious, in fact she's kind of tolerable, but she stole Isaac's drip. And for that, I will forever be salty :) (also yeah I couldn't decide for #10 so I added one, whatcha gonna do about it)
10) Sumi and Taka. Ah yes, these two Japanese people who look identical are most assuredly not related, they are just Japanese! Aside from that, they are the emblem of S3's utter failure: they add nothing of importance except for a gratuituous (and OOC) rape scene that is supposed to send the message "humans suck, trusting is for fools"... that in on itself doesn't change a thing, because Alucard is fine afterwards. But hey, you got your bi rep! Aren't you happy with this show's representation? :)
9) Emmanuel. This guy is just stupid. Just because you lampshade how absurd it is to ally yourself with vampires because you think the Revolution is "godless", it doesn't make it any less absurd. We're still at this level of shallow, childish CHURCH BAD.
8) Sypha. You're not cute when you insult Trevor. Stop it. I remembered her being nicer than she actually was :( during the rewatch she was painful, constantly complaining, defending Alucard from Trevor rather than the other way around (but still ditching him when he needed company because yay adventures!!!), and acting bossily with her bf because that's the only kind of character they can write here. Also she's OP af and that's not fun.
7) Maria. Does she even have a personality beyond stereotypical Twitter communist teen? Good god girl shut up you are nothing more than useless backdrop!
6) Carmilla. In theory, she could be an interesting unapologetic female villain who reacted to her trauma with rage rather than sorrow, a female Dracula but even pettier. In practice, she is the parody of a radfem written by a man with zero respect for women, so you can imagine that she isn't exactly nuanced. I hate that Dracula and his boytoys were made to be absolute dumbasses for her to win, only for her to conclude effectively nothing. villain.exe
5) Alucard. You absolute cunt. Am I supposed to like, or worse being attracted to, this piece of shit who spends his time insulting Trevor and treating him like dog shit under his shoe? He has zero of the effortless charm of the real Alucard, but I'm supposed to root for him because he's hot when he cries all boobily. Fuck off with your disingenous fanservice. (also his design is atrocious and the artstyle doesn't flatter him at all)
4) Erzsébet. Literally an OC made by a 5 yo. Look at her! She's so cool and special! She's older than Dracula, stronger than Dracula, more evil than Dracula, more dangerous than Dracula, and she turns into an invincible Sun Thundercat! Yeah good job, but you forgot to give her a personality.
3) Annette. She is not a character. She is nothing more than accurately engineered discourse bait. I refuse to acknowledge this shallow attempt at "badass representation" that I am supposed to like on the sole basis of her race and gender. I am so tired of Stronk Women that are actually giant assholes, all flash and no substance.
2) Isaac. I will concede that he has the most coherent character arc of all characters, but aside from that, he pisses me off something fierce for how overrated he is. Forgettable design, pretentious as fuck, spouting faux-philosophical quotes to hide how petty he is, basically a jihadist in S3, wakes up one day in S4 and suddenly he's Muslim Jesus, disgustingly OP because the narrative finds every way to suck his shiny dick... and his amazing arc that everyone praises him for, the thing that makes him "better than that stupid gay joker from CoD"? It's just a worse version of Hector's from the mangas, which left him Hector here with no arc to speak of. Get him out of my sight.
1) Lenore. Her concept is great. She is an intriguing foil to both Carmilla and Hector, and incarnates an unique type of villainy: she is amoral, kind for her own selfish purposes, with understandable goals but willing to do anything to achieve them. I want to like her. Too bad she is a disgusting, repulsive, inconsistent, bratty rapist that I am supposed to feel sorry for because oh, she's not so bad after all :) she did everything for Hector's own good :) she's not actually evil :) she deserved to smooch the man she raped into slavery, don't you feel bad that she sunned herself like a selfish coward :) Lenore begs to be rewritten by someone who doesn't jerk off to abusive dommy mommies, but in her canon state, she makes me ill.
Now for the episodes :P
10) The Great Work (S4E7): I never watched it because it's boring as shit, which speaks of the terrible pacing of this show and especially S4. I know it has the infamous "vampires dislike crosses because their vision is fucked up" scene lmao
9) The River (S2E6): It's the episode where the zombie bishop resurrected by a dark necromancer who is now working for a vampire with plans of enslaving mankind is apparently favored by God to the point of being able to bless water. Do I need to say more? Well, it's also the episode where the heroes suddenly remember they are supposed to do shit and hack into Dracula's castle, and the episode that fully cements Dracula as an ineffectual pathetic antagonist easily manipulable by the real villain, no I don't care that he's kinda cool in For Love. (at least the scene with Carmilla avoiding the river and the castle is fun to watch)
8) Bless Your Dead Little Hearts (S3E1): The beginning of Alucard's and Trepha's plotlines, two utter mindnumbing wastes of time, and Hector's plotline, which is the show beating me over the head with a nail bat while screeching "LOOK HOW PATHETIC HECTOR IS! LOOK AT THIS PITIFUL WET CAT! LOOK AT HIM COWERING NAKED IN A CELL EATING MOLDY BREAD! FEEL SORRY FOR HIM!". Just unpleasant for all sorts of reasons.
7) It's Been A Strange Ride (S4E10): Trevor miraculously survives Death! Alucard is happy to live with his new bossy gf as if nothing ever happened! Lenore suns herself just for a final kick in the balls to Hector, whose character will forever be remembered as "useless simp"! And most importantly, Dracula and Lisa get to live again as if the dude didn't just try to exterminate mankind, and they will have endless kinky sex until she dies while Alucard will forever mourn his parents but no one gives a shit about that because we love to piss on the games! :D
6) Old Homes (S2E2): It has the double combo "Alucard being the biggest moistest cunt to Trevor while we're supposed to laugh at this hilarious banter" and "Carmilla girlbossily girlbosses all over Dracula who can't even punish this vampire who insults his wife in front of everyone, establishing herself as the cooler villain"! Joy!
5) The Good Dream (S3E6): "Walkies! :D"
4) Back In The World (S4E5): It's the one with the infamous "Oh, shush, you were having fun" :) and all the Lenore apologism that follows :)
3) You Don't Deserve My Blood (S4E6): I get it. Isaac is Jesus and I should drop to my knees to suck his entire dick. Good thing this is his last appearance. Other than that, this episode is the last nail in the coffin for what was left of Hector's character, who is revealed to have been working to resurrect Dracula (a complete spit in the face to everything he stood for in S2) and also chooses to stay with his rapist instead of seeking true freedom.
2/1) The Harvest (S3E9)/Abandon All Hope (S3E10): It's hard to separate the two, and I wouldn't know which one is worse. The Harvest is infamous for being half boring fight scenes, and half "hot" sex scenes that are actually rape by deception: the entire episode is simply uncomfortable to sit through, not helped by the shoddy editing. Abandon All Hope is the season finally dropping its final message: "the world sucks, and you will be betrayed". Everyone except babyboy Isaac is left traumatized and cynical because we are so fucking edgy, we are just like Berserk fr fr. And, of course, in retrospect, Alucard and Hector's endings piss me off even more as all of their pain was for fucking nothing :)
(Nocturne is completely forgettable and doesn't reach the peaks of NFCV so it deserves its own ranking)
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snakewiththegrass · 2 years
Your court date was two days ago. I anxiously watched my phone for you to call me as soon as you were out like you said you would, but hours passed by and I got nothing. They booked you at 5:23 p.m. with one of the most devastating pictures I'd ever seen of you. I cried to one of my bestfriends about you and she put money on my phone for your funds... I can't ever thank her enough. You're in for seven days because you forgot your ankle monitor charger at work one night and it died, and for missing a drug counselor appointment... Small careless things.
I miss touching your wirey curly hair... I miss looking into your deep but bright brown eyes. I miss falling asleep with your arms around me. I wish I could know actual peace and freedom with you. I'm constantly worried you'll get ripped away from me for so long. We were supposed to move in together last Wednesday... When I get my paycheck from my new promotion I'll probably start looking for a spot in my home town... I love you dearly, but if I can't move in with you I need to get out of your parents hotel somehow. I can't stay here. It's not good for me, or my animals. I'm not meant to be here. I'm meant to be with you, but the universe is telling me not right now. I have to go with its flow or else I'll just make a hell for myself like I have before.
Your dad slipped and fell yesterday because their half of the hotel flooded... He had to go to the ER... Your nephew Rishi's birthday is today. You and I were supposed to go shopping for him... Your mother goes back to India for a bit tomorrow... Hopefully you'll be out by the time she gets back. I'm assuming your father is going with her unless his fall made them cancel the whole thing. I don't know. I haven't spoken to your mom since yesterday. I'll never forget the day you disappeared. She called me for the first time ever crying. We both cried and just ranted about it. How unfair it is. How much it hurts. I wonder when you'll finally call me again... I'm sorry you're in this situation, but you put it upon yourself and you need to handle it errorlessly. No slip ups. When we first got together you told me you'd be done next month. Then it extended to January... Now nine more months... You sobbed to me about how you wished you'd just done the jail time because you would've been done with it all by now... Three years in jail, two years in drug court. You've been sober the entire time with only 3 minor slip ups but those slip ups cost you so much and not to make it out like this but the town you got in trouble in don't care much for your skin color and I can see that it does effect a lot. It angers me to extremes I've never felt before. It frustrates me to no end. I know you're doing better than others but they get away with so much worse. It's fucked up.
Anyways... I'm soaking in the tub. My dog won't stop whining despite me cuddling him for hours, running around with him outside til he got tired, feeding him, giving him treats... I can't tell if he knows im sad and that's making him sad or if he's whining over you not being here... Everything is so off with you gone... My whole day was based off of your schedule and now you're not here and I don't know what to do with myself... Nothing seems very appealing with you not here.
I miss you, my Light.
I hope to hear from you soon.
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