#I'm sorry I just wanted to rant. Sorry I don't have like a big incident to incite anger over or a good ''gatcha'' moment
tin-can-iron-man · 1 year
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romana-after-dark · 2 months
Room's on Fire: So Afraid
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader
Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader
Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader
Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Madonna learns her power.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence. Covert incest, massive mommy issues, sexual abuse all around, past grooming by parental figure. no CSA but the victim isn't much older. some Bates Motel type shit. I cannot properly warn you for everything, without just telling the story but consider this a major warning that there are dark dark themes. No one involved here is morally clean, and who you perceive as the good guy cannot be relied on. Don't come to my story and say im romanticizing these things until at least the story ends.
Extra warnings for chapter: I dont wanna spoint things so just proceed with caution. DM me if you'd like specifics before reading. I dont think its as bad as other things but.... you'll see
3.1k words (so sorry)
Support artists, like and reblog!
BTW if you dont read the lyrics usually i feel it really hits hard this time
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I been alone All the years So many ways to count the tears I never change I never will I'm so afraid the way I feel Days when the rain and the sun are gone Black as night Agony's torn at my heart too long So afraid Slip and I fall and I die. ~ Go Insane, Fleetwood Mac
“He’s fucking unraveling.”
Ben is pacing inside the sanctuary, Will leaned against the wall listening to him rant. They were waiting for the others and Madonna, having to perform a healing ritual. As far as Will could tell, she was going to be okay outside the lasting scars and the mental terror, and she was past the point of miscarrying from the incident, but the people needed assurance. They needed to feel a part of something. The doors were opened other guard had seen what had happened, and from what he and Ben had heard from the rumblings of the people, they were nervous. Unsettled.
Will had to set the course straight, concocting a story of possession and torment by demons to explain Santi’s behaviors… which of course cleared Santi of responsibility but still left Delta scarred. He continued to listen to Ben’s rants.
“He’s gonna fuck it all up. Doesn’t he know more than anyone what we’re doing here? He could have killed the savior.”
“And Madonna.” Will reminds him, but Ben turns to glare at him.
“I’m aware of that. I’m aware of how important Madonna is, you don’t think I love her too? You don’t think I’ve spend every night in her bed-”
“Next to Frankie.”
Ben stopped, stepping forward and looking like he might start a fight. He was drunk, and when Ben was drunk he was either madly horny or ripe for anger fits. Will’d seen him kill a man with his bare hands at a orgy for kissing Frankie. Orgies were orgies, but Santi kept rules around Frankie, rules that had been enforced by Ben’s rage he pushed down below his crown of sunshine on his hair.
But then Frankie opened the door.
“Hey guys.” He walked in his formal wear, and Will had to admit he understood why everyone wanted a piece of him. His eyes were bright in the yellow light.
“Where’s Madonna?” Will asks.
“She’s finishing eating, Rey’s with her. I wanted to talk to you guys alone.”
Will nods.
Ben seems frustrated, crossing his arms in that pout he likes to do. ”I don’t like her alone with him.”
“He’s her personal guard, Benjamin. We have to trust him.”
He shakes his head. “We should rotate her guard so no one gets attached. You know how she breaks down everyones walls better than anyone, Frank.” There was a bit more bite than Frankie expected after the close nights they’d been spending in each other's arms next to Madonna, but when Ben was drinking it was always a bit of a guess.
“He’s her only friend. The first friend she’s had since we decided to set her dad on fire. I think we can allow her-”
“UUUUGGGHHHHHHHHH” Ben rolls his eyes and his whole head in annoyance. “Can’t she just be friends with Iris?”
Will spoke up now. “I think you ensured that won’t happen.”
“And you ensured she can’t trust Jonah” Frankie snapped, not sure why he was defending Ben. He didn’t know he did anything half the time.
Sighing, Will scrubbed his face and then held out his hands. “Both of you relax. I’ve got it taken care of. I doubt Rey has any interest in Madonna, but considering I don’t this Iris is putting out with him, we can’t be too sure. And considering what Pope did to her, we can’t have her falling into his arms. I’ve got it.”
Frankie nodded. “Rey doesn’t have eyes for anyone but Iris.”
Ben’s drunk anger shifted to his horny drunk. “To bad Madonna doesn’t have eyes for Iris.” He looked far away, smiling, no doubt thinking of their wife fucking the pretty cook. Will couldn’t deny she was beautiful… it was a wonder she was unclaimed by the time her punishment began.
A smack from Frabkie broke Ben out of his thoughts. “Ow!”
“You’re sick, you know that?”
“I can dream!”
Will was about to shout at them all to shut up when Pope opened the door. He wore a red tunic, reminding Will of pictures he’d seen of pentecost robes from the before. Not as tight as Frankie, but Frankie gained more weight in recent years. 
“Gentlemen.” He greeted, eyes raking over Frankie’s form. “Are we ready?”
Everyone nodded, Frankie doing his best to hide the anger, the furry, the disgust he felt at Santi. He could hurt him, but how dare he hurt Madonna?
Will nodded over to the entry to the church. “Frank, Ben, start the prayers. We’ll come out in a bit when Madonna arrives.”
Pope narrowed his eyes, but told Ben and Frankie to go, watching Frankie’s ass as he walked through the curtains to the congregation. 
“You couldn’t be more obvious, you know.”
He breaks Santi out of his lustful view.
“Everyone knows you want Frankie more than anything. Can’t keep your eyes off him.”
Santi attempts to brush his concerns away with a whisk of his hand. “I love all my spouses.”
“You love Frankie.”
“I love him, Ben, you, Madonna.”
“You just want the savior-”
Rushing close to Will, Santi presses his chest against his lover and whispers in a harsh tone. “The savior is a part of her!”
Will grips his tunic, keeping them pulled close as he whispers in his ear. “You need. To calm. Down. Breaking her breaks the savior. Breaking her breaks the whole community. You are losing touch with reality and if you do not get. Your shit. Together. Everything will come crumbling down.” He pulls back just far rough to meet his eye and walks forward, backing Santi up until his ass hits the slab of marble they all deflowered their wife on. A faint trace of her blood remained.
Santi was panting, chest heaving and his cock rose in his robes. “Everything I do is for our community. Who do you think got her pregnant? We’re going to save this doomed earth, we’re bring The One Mighty and Strong to earth and Divine Mother will finally let us all be happy.”
“Santi…” Will caressed Santi’s face, enjoying how easily Santi submitted. Frankie was easy. Frankie melts at the simplest touch of anyone who shows him affection. Santi only submits to him. “You need to relax. She’s pregnant, and she’ll be okay. The savior is coming. You just need to-”
“Don’t tell me what to-” He begins to snap at Will, but before he can finish he’s turned around and bent over the altar. His tunic is being pulled up, and when his hands move to stop him, they are pinned down to the cold stone. “WHat are you doing?”
Spitting on his hole, Will lines his cock up at Santi’s ass and leans in. “You hurt Madonna. You need to learn a lesson.”
You enter at your cue, giving Rey’s hand a squeeze before he lets go to open the door. You hated this, you hated being out in public knowing everyone knew what was done to you. Will said Pope was possessed, that he was fighting a battle with the devil, spiritual warfare and he needed prayers, he needed your strength. You had to be strong for him. You forgave your husband and felt sympathy he was in so much pain… But why do you still want to recoil when he touches you? You were sleeping in your bed again, but one always accompanied you to help if the nightmares returned…. You never slept when it was Santi’s arms around you
Francisco and Ben were leading the congregation in prayers, praying for Pope’s strength in his battle and you prayed along, Francisco getting up to walk you down to the raised area. You remember, as you always did, walking down the aisle on your wedding day, unable to bare looking at them for too long, finding solace in Jonah’s eyes… Now he was talking nonsense, and you were worried about him.
The other day, early morning, you’d slipped out of Ben’s arms to find something to eat. Baby was kicking, apparently wanting sugar and you hoped Iris wasn’t up. Things were tense between you, and you could make your own pancakes. You had, of course, thanked her profusely for caring for you when… when it happened, genuinely grateful for the care she showed you… You wanted to be her friend again, god you really did, you wanted to go back to singing with Rey and her and Jonah in the kitchen… but something in the air had shifted.
Wish granted, Iris wasn’t there. Jonah was. He was drinking coffee, PJ pants slung low on his hips… No shirt. He had a lean body even at his age, hip bones prominent below the weak elastic and a trail of hair going down-
When the floor under you squeaks, Jonah stands up fully, shuffling to move behind the kitchen table. “What are you doing here? You shouldn’t be alone…”
“Baby wants pancakes.” You rub your stomach. He’s not looking at you. You make a move to the cabinets, But Jonah cuts off your path.
“I got it, you should rest.”
Your shoulders slump. “I’m not a baby, I’m just carrying one. Let me do it.”
Jonah shakes his head. “Please, just… let me.” He gives you a small smile. “I know you’re not a kid. They should all be afraid of you, Madonna.”
He made good pancakes.
Will and Pope returned from their prayers in the sanctuary, Pope looking… Off. He looked ruffled, confused, his eyes a little glassy… maybe Will exercised the demon out?
Pope began his prayers. “Our beloved Madonna, Holy and Beautiful, our maternal bride, has suffered pain and scarring from the demonic attacks of the devil, we must pray for heeling over her body.”
Will’s hands reach for the back of your dress, lowering the zipper when you gasp, jolting away and turning back to him. “What are you doing?!” You whisper, eyes watering with panic. Francisco mutters Will’s name, but he ignores him, opting to pull you close. He cups your face, whispering in your ear.
“They need to see the wounds, Madonna. They need to see you’re healing, they're worried.”
“But… I don’t wanna be naked, Will.” You turn to glance at the crowd, catching Pope glare. You shiver. “There’s people here who made fun of me…”
His fingers lay your hair down. “It’s just your dress, Madonna. Don’t worry, we’re right here. Trust me.” 
Echoes of the past flitter in your head.
I’m going to touch you, just stand there and take it. Trust me.
Will unzipped your dress, the fabric pooling down around your ankles. Murmurs wave over your body, whispers from the people who loved you. Were they mocking you? Were they laughing?
Just down to her underwear, Francisco.
Your bandages were off, but the skin was marred horrifically. It was bad enough those in the back could see it spreading over your pregnant stomach. Were there jealous women in the crown? Your dorm mates that didn’t understand why you were chosen?
Will’s hands find the clasp of your bra, and you tense again. “Will?”
“Just relax, Madonna. Relax for me. Don’t worry.”
It’s just me, it’s just external, don’t worry.
When his hands went for your underwear, you didn’t protest. 
You stood naked, your scared body on display for the whole congregation.
Your husbands stood at your side, each laying a hand on your stomach as the crowd began to pray. You felt like you were being punished, humiliated. What did you do wrong? Your lip quivers, panic rising in your chest again. No, no you would not melt down here. You see a woman who was particularly nasty to you… she tried to make you eat a worm because you didn’t say hi to her when you were 10 and she was 12… You were in one of your “no talking episodes” as your dad called them, the playground was too loud, your new bra you had to wear adding a sensation to your skin you hated… she took it personal, and tormented you for the next 12 years. She was smirking. 
You feel Ben’s hand on your ass, coping a feel.
You think of Will’s lies.
You look at Santi, his eyes only on your stomach. 
You look at Francisco, not saying the prayers and looking at Be’s hand on your ass.. Did you and the baby even matter to him? Why was he so disconnected?
You didn’t feel sad anymore.
You were angry.
Your voice, while quiet, makes the four of them turn to you, surprised by you. But no one moves.
“Kneel. If you’re praying for my healing, kneel.” You don’t look at them.
Santi speaks. “We don’t kneel to you, Madonna. You kneel to us.”
Your body wants to shake, you want to fold like you do every time a boundary is crossed but you don’t. 
“I am carrying the savior. I am more important than your ego.” You say, firm in your stance and keeping your voice steady. “Pray to the divine mother to protect me, if you really want this child,” you turn to Pope. “And to forgive your sins.” You turn to Francisco now, his eyes wide with fear. “Get on your knees. I know you know how.”
There was a beat of silence, everyone waiting for Pope’s movement, you knew. Then, Francisco kneels to you. Then Will. Then Pope. Then Ben, only ever following in what the others do.
When they do, a hush falls over the crowd.
You raise your arms, shouting. “We pray for a hedge of protection around me and my child.”
A voice from the crowd shouts, “hail to the mother and the savior!”
All throughout the room, the congregation echos the sentiments, shouting your praises as the smile grew on your face. They adored you. They loved you. Standing naked wasn’t humiliating, it was power. You feel Francisco’s thumb caress over your bare skin. He smiles as he mouths ‘Hail to the mother.’
You were running high on the endorphins, even excited enough to ride Will’s dick despite your protruding stomach. It was an amazing high, knowing the power you held, the power to make Santiago- Pope, you mean- to make Pope kneel at your command… he owed you. He owed you this. When Will fell asleep, you were still wide awake, unable to get the giddiness out of your system… So you slip a nightie over your body, pulling panties on and sneak out of the room. Jonah had said he’d make you more pancakes tonight if you were hungry and boy, baby was hungry. Rey, as predicted, was snoring in his chair and you have to stifle a giggle as you creepy past him, bare feet light on the wood flooring. 
The kitchen was dark, no Jonah… maybe you should go get him. Turning on the kitchen lights you go to exit out the other door, the servants entrance leading to the rooms of Jonah, Iris, and the other guards, but when you did, Jonah was there.
Right away, you knew something was wrong. He wreaked of alcohol, looked like he hadn't slept in days and was piss drunk, stumbling into the kitchen so hard he crashed into you. 
“Jonah-oh- I… was gonna take you up on the pancakes…” You mutter, backing away. “But maybe I can make some for you, you seem-”
He catches your wrist.
“I don’t want pancakes.” His voice is gruffer than you ever have known it. Pressing you against the counter, he crowds you in. 
Your heart beat picks up, instincts telling you to run, run, run…. But you can’t.
“What… what are you…”
His lips brush your neck before you can blink, his movements clunky and strange. “I want you.”
You try to push him away, but he’s much stronger. “Jonah stop! You’re talking crazy, you haven't been well, please, just-” Again, you try to wiggle away but his hand grabs your waist. “Just go to bed.”
Jonah scoffs, laughing sardonically. “Just like that? I tell you I want to fuck you and you say to sleep it off? Jesus christ, do you have no survival instincts? At all?”
“Please… please stop touching me Jonah…” You want to stop feeling his breath on your skin. “I won’t tell anyone. Just stop!” The tears come, crying and scared and trying to smack his hands away desperately and still trying to push out of his grasp.
“You should be screaming, honey, what is wrong with you?” His hand grips your hip, and you need him away from your baby, now.
With a closed mouth scream, you kick his shin and the shock is enough for him to let go so you take off, but he gives chase. Once again, you are pinned to the door. You knew you could scream. You start screaming, and Rey, or Will, or any of the others will be on their way in seconds and you’d be safe… ‘’
“Why are you doing this?” You sob in his arms, his fingers entangling in your hair. He pulls on it, and you close your mouth intime to not yell.
His hand caresses down your arm, making you shiver and feel so, so sick to your stomach. “God dammit, have the broken every fucking piece of you? Is that it?” Why was he so angry at you? What did you do wrong? Did you tempt him? He hand on your waste again, he keeps almost moving it up towards your breasts or down to your ass but never going far. Jonah rests his forehead on yours. “Why won’t you SCREAM!” He shouts his last word so loud in your face, the strong smell of alcohol bursting on your skin and you shout out loud.
“BECAUSE THEY’LL KILL YOU!” Your whole body heaves, panicing and you feel you might throw up. “ThEY’LL KILL YOU AND I’LL LOSE MY DAD AGAIN!”
His face turns into something pained, and while his hand reminds gripped in your hair to keep you there, he pulls back just enough for you to see him run a hand over his wet face. Right before he slammed it through the wall. You couldn’t help it, your body forced you to scream before your mouth stopped the voice, Jonah’s fist curling tightening and pulling your hair against your scalp as you continued to shout. He continued to punch the wall next to your head.
When Will burst through the door, everything went blank. As soon as Jonah was pulled off you, your body slid down the wall where you watched Will pummel Jonah. At some point, arms were wrapped around you, but you couldn’t tell if it was Rey or Frankie. Only the smell of weed narrowed it down.
You didn’t hear much, your ears ringing as you watched blood fly out of Jonah's mouth. Muffles words weren't as loud as the beats to Jonah's body. You were sure other people were in the room... there was shouting... but you couldn't see anything except Jonah going limp, only jolting weakly at each slam of Will's fists.
You aren’t even sure how you made it back to bed.
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Shout out to @hornystan for editing, our beloved Frankie in his formal wear
Okay. So that happened.
JONAH what are you DOING BESTIE??????
PLEASE leave your THOOOTTSS and THOUGHTS!!! Frankie kneelings? Madonna chaneling hr anger??? Jonah doing... ALL THAT!!!!!!!
What are we thinking?
love you all so much! I know theres a lot of bullshit happening in the fandom but just know, dont trust everything you hear. I know at the very least one person the stupid confessions page is attacking is genuinely a kind, amazing person who was in the right <3 If there is a writer you dont think is nice or friendly enough... just keep it to yourself or talk to a few friends. You dont need to air it out publically.
Lets keep it chill, I say to me and my uuhhhh 30 readers B)
Im like 60 followers away from 1000 followers on this account and i have a fun event planned!!!
I did this poll befoe, but its been like 10 chapters soooooooo
Save the children (which has absolutely nothing to do with QAnon who hijacked their hashtag) our currently supporting relief efforts in the Congo above our listed some quick facts that I hope you’ll take a moment to read, and if you can afford it, please consider making a donation. I have made a small one, but if we band together small donations make a difference
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shigarakisslutbag · 11 months
This isnt directly a request but if you do end up getting inspiration out of this then im glad! (wouldn't complain lol) Imagine how Shiggy would act if some villain with a big loving heart came in and just- somewhat adopted him. Shiggy gets injured? They're there soothing and scolding him. Ranting about video games or heroes? They're patiently listening. Makes my heart so happy negl.
Omg anon I actually really like this idea lol. I have no idea how I would write it as a fic or even organized headcanons BUT I will most certainly give you my disorganized thoughts on this because I have no self control.
APOLOGIES because I'm writing this at 1:33pm and I am very tired (but will likely not sleep until 3am.), THEREFORE, I probably have many typos because I didn't proof read an I am so sorry lol. Anyways, hope you enjoy my thoughts on this, feel free to add anything, I don't mind going back and forth on this topic (this goes for anyone btw! Not just anon. I love hearing everyone's thoughts on concepts I write for)
I feel like in this scenario of reader being a villain, reader's motives are either out of spite towards their hatred for capitalism or they're just kind of... goofy...and unhinged... in a bad way .. thatcopsandheroesdontlike YOU GET THE PICTURE OK? (Use your imagination bestie)
But regaRDLESS, you have a huge soft spot (and maybe some hard spots;) ) for shigaraki.
Which actually just ends up with you having a lot of compassion and care towards him. You can tell he's been through a lot. anyone can. and seeing him having clear struggles in his physical life and internal conflicts, you can't help but want to, well, help him.
I won't go into a huge back story because I simply... am tired LOL. But somewhere along the way shigaraki let you grace him with your presence.
So now you're here with your adopted introverted son and guiding him through his life full of terrorism, tyrants, and genocide 🫶 (you don't quite understand how he's both introverted and a menace to society at the same time. Shigaraki is what happens when an introvert just gets really fed up with capitalism ig)
Shigaraki actually really appreciates you're presence. Will he admit it? FUCK NO LMAO. he'd rather twist his eyelids off and eat them before telling your annoying ass he appreciates you. But he does. Just trust me, he does.
Besides spinner, no one really listens to his rants about video games, players, the fall of society. Dabi refers to him as "a cartoon villain on heroin who monologues " shigaraki didn't like that very much
But you listen. You really listen. You ask him questions, you validate his feelings and concerns, you make sure he knows that he's making progress, ect. You don't just hear what he says, you listen. You engage. Which is something he's needed for a very long time.
Especially when he gets injured, is when he gets the most attention from you. Honestly sometimes he wants to hurt himself just hear you cry over him LOL. He's low-key obsessed with you but don't ever bring it up if you notice.
Like the one time he came back to the bar after the U.S.J incident, all bloody with bullets wounds, you were... not handling it well to say the least. Lol. Shigaraki was fine, just chilling on the floor cursing the hero bastards, as he calls them. But you were "dramatic" as shigaraki says. "I'll be fine I'll just stick some bread in bullet holes and cover them with plastic wrap"
You, much to his dismay, disinfected the wound with alcohol and with kurogiris help stitched up the wounds and wrapped them with a compression bandage and made him rest while checking in every so often to change out his gauze and bandages and cleaning the wounds again.
You also checked in quite a bit to make sure he was hydrated (with water because all the idiot drinks are energy drinks and alcohol)
Going back to listening to his interests, you both share some of the same interests so it helps a lot with your bond with the leader of the league. Even political views.
He listens to you too, even if he doesn't understand some of your interests or is very knowledgeable on certain topics you enjoy, he loves listening to you. He actually thinks your way of speaking and the way your voice sounds is very, very cute. But again, he'll never tell you. He's too embarrassed to and doesn't want to ruin,,,, whatever reputation he thinks he has.
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daylander1000 · 1 year
I'm currently rereading swhhw and I must say that the scene where Jace was peeling the apple while Rhaena was trying to talk to him about Aemond and her intention to apologise makes me want to smack the shit out of him lmao. "He called us bastards". So what, that's the truth, isn't it? Idk, the Strong boys get too much (undeserved) love from the fandom imho, which is really annoying. They are far from being innocent little angels and I still don't understand how anyone can genuinely believe that they were blameless during the Driftmark/eye incident or how can anyone fail to see that there is something seriously problematic in Luke's snickering at the dinner (in the face of the person he mutilated no less) and Jace's "their opinions don't matter". Not to mention that they are prone to violent outbursts and, despite being aware of their bastardy, they have no problem in taking something that doesn't belong to them, even after witnessing something horrible and unjust like Vaemond's murder. However, while reading your fic I got an impression (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, ofc) that you feel similar about them, so it's nice to know that there are people who understand what I'm talking about. Most of the fans I've tried to discuss this with were like "but they are nice, sweet, cute, poor baby Luke"... And that's the opinion of the big part of the fandom, unfortunately. As I said, the Strongs definitely don't deserve all the love they get, at least not based on what we have seen so far.
Thanks for reading my rant. I'm looking forward to your Casterly Rock chapters :)
Sorry for the delay.
I'm with you.
I don't get how they're all sweet and innocent and harmless babies when the writers went out of their way to introduce them as bullies.
There are lots of ways to introduce a character. Case in point. Adult! Aegon got stuck with the rapist tag from the get-go. They introduced him via Dyana in tears. Daemon gets introduced in Jaime Lannister fashion, sitting on the throne, to help the audience get that this is supposed to be their new too-cool-for-rules badass fan favorite. Rhaenyra is introduced on dragonback as the brave bold heir apparent/heroine/narrator we're supposed to side with. Alicent is the timid "handmaiden" friend who stays at the door because she's the outsider... Corlys and Otto get introduced at the small council while counseling. And Luke and Jace are introduced in the Crab and Goyle fashion, and even after a time skip, they don't change.
You can't really discuss things with people in this fandom. People in this fandom think Daemon is a "malewife" when he's canonically a domestic abuser and wife killer.
I'm not judging people for liking villains or morally grey characters. Hell, I'm a Homelander fan. I like Villanelle. Kilgrave. Negan with a baseball bat... I just don't get why the HOTD fandom likes to go so delulu over things. idk 🤷🏾‍♀️
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which-qsmp-egg-would · 7 months
What is the "tong incident" that your bio refers to? I've looked it up, but Tumblr's search is awful haha
Sorry it took me a bit to get to this! (although if you've ever sent me a poll ask, you're probably used to it)
I don't have a link, but the "Tong Incident" refers to a poll that got a LOT of notes for a very specific reason a few months ago, entirely centered around this
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Yup. A pair of tongs. The problem is, they had EVERY name for this, EXCEPT tongs! And people LOST IT over that! I think it has somewhere between 150k and 200k notes by now?
Now I'm not sure if everyone else refers to things like this, but to me "Tong Incident" type polls means when people make polls that intentionally make people feel negative emotions just to get notes!
I have a personal rule, when it comes to having an online presence (I may not be a big blog, but it makes a difference!). I want to make something that people can be happy browsing, no matter what. Everything I post, I do everything I can to avoid making things more unfriendly. Not every opinion has to be put on the internet! Not every take must be talked about! Not every upsetting thing is a 'problem'!
I'm ranting.
The point is, the Tong poll made me realise that a lot of polls are made to upset people into giving them more notes. I love to get notes; reblogs feel amazing. But I refuse to get those at the expense of upsetting people! I would rather get my following the right way, rather than exploiting the system of tumblr.
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p-receh · 8 months
Let's continue the missing part from anon's questions.
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Anyway anon. I'm in deeply sorry for late reply. Please don't be mad at me T_T
For me back to my previous rants over that vid of episodes 6. Oboi let himself quite and take a rest a little while to comprehend what he's done while splitting.
Since I thought elementals didn't have an official leader under Oboi, Oboi himself in my headcanon were in sleep paralysis during split. Letting his elementals do the job. So whenever they recombine, I always see Oboi as he just woke up and try to recollect all the dreams he saw.
There's a random hypothesis I came up with while watching movie 2 for the first time: That is Oboi's individual elementals exist and only exist as long as they live in Oboi's.
So when Retak'ka and Tok Kasa pulled them out, the elementals instantly went ... uuuh how you pronounce it? Torpidity? Becoming apparent death as a silent tool to its original owner. Same case when Ki'rana took Halilintar from Oboi via Satriantar's sword(?).
This is proven with how l did mention this before, Oboi is the first one who uses split technique. And the way he handled the elementals is like he treating the elementals like some sort of how people control emotions. This comment I stumbled upon beautifully encapsulates it.
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Also I find it quite interesting and almost in a bit shock after Beliung incident and during battle in Gur'latan. The former one is showing how Oboi resigned in lending the Wind power to Lady Kuputeri. Beliung case reminded him a lot of Retak'ka, but I think it reminds him from the first time Angin got his 2nd Tier, Taufan.
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(back to my other analysis here. With how huge the wind element that Boboiboy absorbed in Planet Windara, his overwhelming joy unconsciously took over Boboiboy)
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Whereas the later is portraying Oboi's actually petrified that Halilintar will got the similar unexpected treatment for the third time!
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(The way after he shout then comes a pleading voice right after that. I have a headcanon that the pleading voice was Halilintar's last second slipped in.)
If anything, I see both of them not as Oboi, but the real character of the elementals! | know the spoiler about Halilintar's. But I didn't expect to be this worse. (Now I can see why people went frantic about Halilintar at that issue :3).
It goes back to the picture | found on Pinterest. Please tell me the original link. I can't find it (the font whoever use it was hardly readable for me, I'm sorry ^^`)
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This is also goes back to what I've mentioned with Boboiboy movie 1 & 2 review. Everytime he let off his hat. His also let his hidden "weakness" opens up.
But at the same time...
The moments his hat wears off is also to show his proofs as a hero for everyone and his family. Especially for his dad who Oboi's dearly missed. That's why he looked very mature whenever he fight without his hat.
His hat for me is resembles of Monsta's clingingness and guardedness 24/7 to make this series still be kids friendly.
If the season 2 ended with 3rd tier design like that. And movie 3 concept art of him being alone... I don't want any Monsta excuses to not upgrade their age ratings.
You started it. So you face the consequences, Monsta >:(
And the elementals unknowingly helps him to achieve that. If I can make some wild headcanon: No, anon. I don't think the elementals wants to leave Oboi.
Not directly proven but their bondings with Oboi are too strong to divide. If anything, the elementals are unofficially being loyal to him. Movie 2 and galaxy season 2 for is already evident enough. (Also it's how Hang Kasa dreamed of with all elementals being unite to protect the galaxy. He couldn't be more proud when there's a boy did that indirectly. Just like how Gempa purposely being the leader of the elementals :'))
Linking to what I said about the amnesia problem on previous post. Oddly enough, for comic ver, Monsta didn't dwell further on this problem until Baraju arc. But then again in the same arc, Oboi's mental health hasn't detected any worrisome effects! And he CAN STILL FIGHT normally by using a new fusion not long after recombining??
Monsta didn't let Oboi fucking rest for the sake of introducing the last fusion, Sopan(Not to make any rudeness for Sopan, mind you. I honestly loves his design and attacks. The most unique design of all fusion if I say so myself). Holy shit both Blaze and lce just did a smash brawl shit and almost unleashed their final smash! If not because of Fang, both the temper duo and Oboi should be dead by now. Period.
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vro0m · 1 year
While i'm a big lewis fan and also someone who likes george most of the time i also find their dynamic quite interesting although i hate seeing lewis make so many mistakes this season which honestly isn't even that much but compared to the last years it is and then having george as a team mate who's young and hungry added to this spicy . I think it's great to see how that all ends ! the only thing i really hate about this whole situation/ crash today is that it seems like lewis doesn't even have a choice anymore in the public eye. It doesn't matter if he's at fault or not he's got no choice but to apologize publically or he's being bullied even more (strong words i know but social media is brutal especially towards him). I listened to the beyond the grid Podcast with george and there he said about some incident with valtteri that they never talked about it, there never was an apology from george it's just how racers are. And that made me think how most drivers just don't have to say a thing and it will be forgotten most likely in a day or two and it's fine. But when it comes to lewis there's no mercy
Obviously it's nice to see the maturity of lewis to apologize publically but why does it feel like he's the only one having to do it? It should be courtesy for everyone but when he does it it's always made into such a big Deal and that doesn't help at all
That's my only concern mainly because i don't want to see all the hate towards him and if George and Lewis keep on crashing into each other i can't help but fear that people will solely blame lewis especially with his teammate track record. I mean i don't know how he's as a team mate personally but i refuse to believe it's all one sided
Awful situation i just hope they keep it clean the next years a girl can dream
Sorry for the long rant hahaha just yeah:(
Yeah so, I don't think Lewis has made a lot of mistakes this year or last year first of all.
As for the rest, I'd rather the drivers apologise to each other than say "nah we don't talk about it we're Drivers™" because it think it contributes to difficult relationships in the paddock. It's also easier not to talk about it when it's not your teammate, so when George says they didn't discuss it with Valtteri it's not comparable to when it's George and Lewis, or any other teammate pairing.
I don't think Lewis is the only one who has to apologise. Other drivers have apologised when they've made mistakes. It's also true that if he didn't apologise he'd get hate for it. But he's gonna get hate anyway, whether he does or doesn't. Because most of the hate any of them is getting, and particularly Lewis, has very little to do with what they actually do or don't do or what actually happens or hasn't happened and way more to do with how people feel about them personally. People will find a reason to hate. They will twist reality to fit their perception and make up a reason to hate. They often don't even need a reason to hate.
Lewis apologised because he made a mistake and the standard he holds himself to means that he takes responsibility when he has to. He's also probably learnt over the years that it's better for his work environment and relationships to do so. He knows best. It's really not that big a deal imo.
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wait how have you been hated on for liking Native American history??? That's so weird 😭😭
oh boyyyy do I have stories for this.
I've never received any online hate, for which I am extremely grateful, but people have been exceedingly weird about it in real life, ranging from bizarre to just plain racist. I can't remember all of it, so I'll just take you through the highlights.
My grandmother never quite knows how to introduce me to her friends (because she has a lot of friends and is quite the social butterfly) so she often introduces me as 'her grandchild, who knows a lot about Native American history'. Which isn't really true. I know a little (well, maybe more than a little) about a very specific area of Native American history. So most of the following things have come from my grandmother's friends.
Native Americans aren't actually American *smug face* they actually come from Nepal. *smug face again*. She seemed so pleased with herself to know something I didn't. And honestly I didn't know how to react. I think that one was more funny than anything. Why are you trying to out-knowledge someone sixty years younger than you. why.
*Accusingly* I suppose you hate Columbus, then. Yes. Yes I do
You're only interested just because you like the aesthetic the what now?
It's just because you're woke why do conservative people have to use the word woke so many times. hey, sorry folks, researching cultures different to your own is WOKE. Proper right-wing fellows are INSULAR. they don't CARE about the rest of the world.
You're disrespecting and abandoning your white heritage ok. Tbh if you consider yourself peak white heritage, I'm glad to be out of it. Seriously tho, how do you think race and nationality works? I can be white and interested in Native American history. The two don't cancel each other out.
Similar to that one, is my personal favourite:
You're committing cultural appropriation by being interested in Native American history. What. This was also said to me by some rando in a bookshop when I was buying a book on, well, guess what topic. I thought they were one of the staff at first, but looking back at it I think they were really Just Some Rando. Why would you say that to someone who is just trying to buy a book. You don't even know me. I don't want your opinion.
That one really worried me for a while, I'm gonna be honest. I had to send a particularly grovelling anon to some Native American I found on Tumblr. And they said it wasn't cultural appropriation. AND they gave me book recommendations. So yeah.
(PS I can't remember who you are, but if you see this, then you metaphorically saved my life and literally saved my dignity)
That's all the specific incidents I can remember, but there have been a lot of other things. Jokes, mostly. Quoting westerns. Speaking like the Native Americans from Peter Pan or some shit whenever I enter the room. I once had someone make those western style war cries at me for five hours.
Making fun of their names is a big one. (Guys, there are only so many times you can make fun of anyone's name, and that amount is zero. even if they're called some shit like techno mechanicus -looking at you, Elon Musk. I literally don't see what's so funny about the name Black Kettle anyway. Either I've been reading about him too much, but it's not a weird name?? Also. He got fucking murdered. I'm researching how he got murdered and you're taking the piss out of him. Get some respect and dignity).
Also. If I have to hear one more joke along the lines of 'did you ever have any reservations about studying this topic' I am going to wring your neck.
So uh I'm sorry I turned your question into a bit of a rant but if I've learned one thing it's this: researching non-white history really shows you people's hidden racism. The amount of shit people have said to me about the Native Americans. My guys your opinions belong in a Victorian dime novel about the frontier. And that's not a compliment.
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pumpkzsafeplace · 1 year
Pumpkin.. I'm really sorry for ventin.. You don't have to answer if you feel uncomfy. I understand. And if your uncomfy with some words said, you can blur it. It's fine.
I'm afraid of my mom— I'm an African American so my mom, thanks to how she was raised, she used to hit us ( just small bonks in the head. Not hard. ) and because of it, I'm really scared of her.. Like once, I almost got kicked out because of something. ( yelling at my sister to get off my bed cuz she wanted a hug.. I was gonna give her one after tho! )
And after that incident, I've been more scared of her then ever.. Especially now that I'm thinking of telling her about my depression and anxiety so I can finally get therapy... I've tried to do something really bad cuz of her and depression too..
Just now, our kitchen sink flooded cuz our washing machine is messed up, there were only 3 dishes in the sink. ( 2 cups and my water bottle) and she called us both 'lazy' cuz she thought it was cuz of the dishes..
She always calls ME lazy and makes comments about my weight. Like " oh your loosing weight! " or " look at that. Your clothes are getting bigger! " once even calling me ugly.. ( I called her pretty and she mumbled " you can be too you just choose not to. " )
It's to a point where, I only talk to her if I wanna tell her something really quick or I have too. The most thing I say to her in a day is ' I love you ' ' thank you ' and ' your welcome '
And a few.. Weeks ago? She told us to do something so we had to put A LOT of stuff in the closet. and now cuz were gonna be moving, she keeps saying EVERY. DAY.
" you girls need to clean out that closet"
" I told you girls to clean out that closet. You STILL didn't. "
It's really annoying.. And also, today my little sisters toys were a mess. And she wasn't in the room at the moment so my mom came to bring back the hamper and she yelled at ME because of it.
Okay, I'm really really sorry for venting pumpkin. I pinky promise it's okay if you don't reply! I swear. You can blur whatever makes you uncomfy. Or don't speak of that part at all.
- 🪷
hihi lil bug’ 🌼
i'm so so sorry you're going through that love, and i'm glad i'm a safe person you can feel that you can rant too <3.
gosh, these comments are so similiar to how i grew up, and i don't think parents realise how harsh and how much they sting when they said it. although mine did- but they wanted to upset me whenever they insulted me.
i don't want to lie and say it'll get better soon, the reality is it'll probably get worse before it does.
but, what i do want to say, is that you're not alone this time.
you have this entire community to back you up and stay with you every step of the way. we'll listen to every rant, comfort every break down and celebrate evry victory. that's how family works, right?
please remmeber that both you and your emotions are valid, okay <3. we believe you. you're going to be okay too! i promise, i know how fustrating and alone you feel when you fight with family, but that's what we're her for <3
big hugs, try to keep your chin up love <3 we believe in and care about you so so much <3
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eddie-brii · 1 year
Okay, after playing through it a few times, is it weird I'm finding there's a lot I'd like to change or rewrite in fics as far as character interactions in HoA? Like I really like Salim and Jason's relationship and how it evolved. But..... Rachel, Eric and Nick just don't have that much charm to me???
I like Rachel to some degree as I know what it feels like to be a woman in a field where you have to have balls bigger than the guys but I feel like she got reduced down for the whole love triangle thing, I honestly really only enjoyed the interaction she had with Clarice, Joey and Merwin. I feel like even Jason got a little more interesting dialogue with her than the main two that her interactions are focused with, but that's only if you bring Clarice with her from the Blood bit and towards the end when they find out she is infected too. I mean they're supposed to have worked together for at least a few months before the whole incident occurs and you do see a portion of mutual respect that I really wish they expanded upon.
I understand why Eric wouldn't be as open about things with anyone other than Rachel but it feels like he's only there to be the reason they're there to begin with and pine for Rachel. He gets a bit of hate from the fandom but I feel like it's a little unfair as I don't think we get to fully see Eric. Like, I hate how his dialogue was written as I feel like the only reason he has any meaningful interactions is because of something to do with Rachel, the conversation with him and Salim for instance, you could have still had that relationship building without her being the reason for it.
I'm not even sure if I want to get fully started on Nick as I really feel like he got dealt dirty, he's almost always the antagonizer in the relationships he's in when some of those moments could have been spread around to other members of the five. The checkpoint talk, the constantly wanting to leave people behind, the over attachment to Rachael that can be a sign of obsession due to him going through a traumatic event making him latch on hard to anyone even remotely emotionally available to him (it's honestly probably a good thing Jason was better at compartmentalizing as Nicky could have latched onto him instead, though I feel that would have been more interesting) I get it, he's not in a good head space but it gets ridiculous at some points, ie wanting to leave Salim behind after having the relationship building with him. You could probably argue the same for Jason wanting to shoot Clarice and Rachel but in he's defense the idea that the UV light could work to save them is on the far fetched side.
I have literally found through my playthroughs I couldn't care less if Nick, Eric or Rachel died but heaven help me if I fuck up and get Salim or Jason killed, then I'm just going throw the whole game system away at that point. Not really but you get the sentiment. There's so much I'd like to change, not even counting the development of other characters that I feel literally got hit for no reason other than plot (I'm looking at you Joey, Clarice and Merwin) that could have made the story more interesting.
Plus, does anyone else feel like the eclipse part was a little ridiculous or redundant? I get it's supposed to be the big finale but..... not going to lie it felt unnecessary from a story point of view for me.....
Sorry for the random rant but I'm actually trying to write something while expanding on certain things and the more I delve into the characters, the more I want to develop them more than what SMG did to begin with.
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northwest-cryptid · 10 months
So this is a personal little rant/vent about something that happened recently. One thing about general etiquette that I think has been lost, and I wish wasn't; is the concept of consent outside of sexual acts.
A friend of mine at work thought my jacket was cool and sort of lightly grabbed my shoulder to get a better look at it and then immediately removed himself to remark "oh shit my bad, sorry to touch you without permission." It didn't bother me or anything but I was sort of taken aback by it because it was so weird to me to see/hear someone actually care about something like that after living a life of being such a people pleaser that my feelings on such things don't seem to matter.
See it's not a huge secret that I'm a casual streamer, and as such I have friends and acquaintances who stream as well. It really bothered me that at one point I was TOLD, not asked; but TOLD that a friend of mine and I were to participate in a collab the following day when.
A. My friend did not have the time off from work, and did not play the game in question to begin with.
and B. I didn't have the time nor interest in playing such game at the moment, as I didn't really get along well with some of the people in the collab.
So I sort of brought that up and I was told basically "oh we wanted 4 people." Which made my friend and I realize we were literally just last second filler. We weren't valued as individuals, we were "assigned" to the collab because they thought we had the game and thought we were free and thought we wouldn't care about being thrown into a collab last minute.
For the record the person in charge of the collab actually took that information rather well, and we've collabed since with them properly asking me "would you like to collab for [game] on [day] around [time]?" Which I have so much respect for, because yes it's okay to make mistakes as long as you actually try to grow from them. It also helps that the host and I were proper friends before this incident; and continue to actually be friends (of some years now) after the incident.
People don't know how to, or just won't ask for consent on things they think don't require it. Despite the fact that asking anyone to do anything honestly requires some level of consent.
Now don't get me wrong I'm not trying to sound like some extremist. I'm not going to ask the barista if they mind making me a drink; by working the job they're consenting to do the duties of that job, they are ultimately in control of their actions and could quit at any time without any level of personal backlash from me as a consumer of the product they prepare. However in a social situation consent is really important and often boils down to just changing your words a little.
At work I'm often ASKED "would you mind handling this?" or "Can I get you to run and do that for me?" Which makes a big difference when our regional manager always words things as "Do this, do that. You need to get this done."
So what spurred all of this? Well recently my friend who was in charge of that collab was having a collab with the other individual from that original collab; which is great, and I thought maybe this would be a cool time to sort of be friendly and maybe sort of fix that burnt bridge a little. So I tried talking in chat before, not my friend; but the other individual literally said "Get in here, Cryptid." To which my good friend, and host; had to tell them "Cryptid's got people visiting right now" and their response was simply "oh that's homophobic"
The whole reason this sort of "sent me" so to speak is because it felt like someone who hardly knows me, and didn't seem to enjoy my company last time we spent time together; and who doesn't value my time was demanding my time over me getting to finally spend time with friends who I've known for YEARS and hardly ever get to see in person. While my friend was very understanding and even told me "hey say hi to [mutual friend] for me!" This individual who hardly knows me demanded I join the collab, and was audibly upset when those demands could not be met due to my own self interest.
Don't act like that, it's not funny; it's not a good look. It makes you look extremely self entitled and VERY arrogant. It's rough because I know they are a friend of my friend and I am desperately trying to get along with them, but their social etiquette is so lacking that every time I try to spend time with them I come away from it feeling annoyed and bothered by a general lack of being respected as a human being.
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pineappleciders · 2 years
hii could I request a omori matchup? I'm pan so any gender is fine
personality - intp, I'm very introverted in public, i don't like starting conversations (unless i really have to) and i struggle with anxiety so often i overthink my interactions. Get to know me and I'm extroverted, airheaded and clumsy, eccentric, and pretty corny. I enjoy making jokes (dad jokes r my fav) or oddly sexual ones bc i can be a big flirt. I'm a therapist friend, always listening and giving advice. I'm a very blunt person, like if you need the truth, it's coming to you. I'm childish- but also a motherlike/responsible person when I need to be! i'm forgetful though, so don't ever ask me to remember something for ya. I'm not organized nor do I ever do my work on time, I wait until the last minute to do anything! I have moodswings and some unhealthy mental thoughts, so sometimes i can't control my emotions and isolate myself from others. I just need alone time for awhile and then I'm okay, but I try not to completely let it bother me (ah yes, I'm the type to bottle up emotions.).
physical des - I'm around 5'3, I have black/brownish hair? it's a mix shoulder length hair(Reaches alittle past my shoulder) it's always straightened even though it's naturally curly! I have a mole under my left eye, if you look hard enough lol and I have a septum piercing! I'm kind of curvy too so theres that :P
fun facts!
ironic but my nickname is mari ( my friends call me that) and I actually play the piano , i'm able to play final duet <3
I love dressing in alternative/gothic fashion. I love any emo/goth style such as scene emo or mall goth the most
I love kel and aubrey- out of the group. Spaceboyfriend or Pluto were my favorites from the game
I have a low social battery, specially when I'm in school or public places ( I love talking so much I rant for hours on end about anime) so it's weird to others how quick my talktiveness changes
tysm take ur time and make sure to take care!!
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first few meetings, it's kind of difficult for you two to talk to each other
neither of you like starting a conversation or speaking much, so when you talk it's really only in response to someone or one of you blurts something out and it starts convo
SUNNY has an attraction to you. i mean like he just feels drawn to you, and feels safe like he can kind of be himself around you
as you open up to each other, he acts unimpressed sometimes but he really enjoys your silly personality
SUNNY doesn't emote much but he has a great sense of humor. honestly he laughs at your dad jokes (not because they're funny but because they suck)
if you pull any flirty stuff on him, he'd be really lost. he's still kind of stuck in the OMORI mindset, so in his head he thinks he's completely unaffected and deadpanning.
but irl he's sweating and red, and gets super shy
SUNNY is someone who likes to live outside of reality. he doesn't want to face truth, but as he recovers from his past post-good ending, your bluntness could actually help him come back to reality instead of hiding in his mind
you remind him of KEL, to an extent. kinda goofy, clumsy, sometimes air-headed. but he likes that about you. your personalities clash in some way, but they also are very similar.
SUNNY relates to isolation and bottling up emotions until they pop. i think you two would do therapeutic things together, as you both have some things that you want to work out, so why not together? :)
if you do want to be alone though, he understands. he does the same thing too, and you guys respect each others boundaries while still helping the other take a step outside their comfort zone
years into the future, i think it would help SUNNY if you two were to play the final duet together
after all, he does see some of MARI in you, and (assuming you met after the incident) he knows that she would've loved you dearly. it would probably take a lot of healing, but you'll get there together
SUNNY also really likes alternative fashion, but he never really had the money, thought, or time to get into it
so it'll be super cool for him if you lend him some of your clothes or if you two went shopping!! he thinks you both look sick as fuck
he's quick to notice if you're burning out socially, and will get you two out of there asap (he also has a low social battery, but not when it comes to his friends)
he likes hearing you talk about stuff you like. he's a great listener, and he's sure to let you know you aren't annoying him or anything like that. he also has a lot of stuff he wants to rant about, but it'll probably take time for him to open up
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deadqueerboys · 2 years
Steve Harrington x Male! Basketball Player! Reader? STEVE HARRINGTON X MALE BASKETBALL PLAYER READER!!!!
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Oh my dear, did you two meet in the middle of a game, new student? Hey, how about meeting this motherfucker-faced hottie (?!).
Even before he knew he liked you, he already knew he wanted you. A new toy for our King Steve? Maybe from his perspective, this asshole just needs sex.
In the Phys Ed., some days, he would take the opportunity to stop playing look at you, sweat dripping and clothes tight on you, because seeing is better than touching, right? He wanted to make the most of it.
The first time, he noticed, THIS really caught his attention, to the point where his gaze was quite marked in his gym shorts. What did you finally realize…
"Happy to see me, Harrington?" you had to get out of the game for a bit to find him in the stands, all to give him a sly grin and that sadistic rant.
The poor thing was stunned and then ran to the locker room, taking a cold shower to try to forget what had happened.
When you went there after the incident, you noticed someone leaning against your locker;
"Dirty play, brat. Why were you looking at my dick anyway?" He asked, with a courage he hadn't shown before, just looking into your eyes and then your lips, it wasn't intimidation, he was too excited just to be around you.
"Because you got so excited in front of everyone, would you rather I told everyone that King Steve likes boys?"
He rolled his eyes, you approaching him, cupping his chin with one hand, insulting the way he submitted so easily.
Seeing how his gaze changed, you reached out with your other hand and tugged at his hair, causing him to moan and finally look into his eyes, which were constantly averted to his lips.
"What? You don't like boys?" You bit your lip "do you like… me?"
Steve just blushed and asked you to end his agony, now going down to relieve him, he had already touched himself, but the lazy man couldn't wait to have you. You stopped at his knees, looking down at him, he got 30% harder than he already was, if that was possible.
"First time with a guy, Harrington?"
"Y-yes… just hurry up, they can come back"
Let's face it, Steve always had everything he wanted, and he felt so pampered and anxious in his hands that this moment couldn't end so quickly.
Taking advantage of his little desperation, you stripped him of his shorts, leaving him only in his underwear - quite a sight, to be honest.
When you touched him, still in the fabric, he was already crying and asking for more, he needs attention, and now, he needs yours.
And, fuck! He doesn't shut up.
Tired of having just a little bit of what you were having, you took off his panties and put them in your mouth. And, gods, he's big. But at the same time, it felt like a key fitting into a lock in a satisfying, peaceful way.
As soon as you did, you let out a strangled groan and grabbed his hair, trying to push it further, you tugged at his hand, giving him a dissatisfied look.
"Ok, sorry…sorry" and then Steve was silent for a while, until he felt close, which was soon after, he started mumbling things again.
"Good…good…God, I'm almost there!" His eyes rolling back with every thrust into your mouth, within seconds he was in your mouth, with so many warnings, you just ignored him and spit your cum into your hand.
"Swear?" you asked, frowning.
"Sorry but I warned you. Besides, it can't be too bad, you seemed to be enjoying it…" He couldn't finish his sentence before you took the cum that was in your hand and wiped it on Steve's hair. like a gel, putting it back in and pulling it out before leaving it alone. "… remind me never to piss you off again"
"It's my little revenge" you blinked as you stripped off your clothes to step into the shower "are you coming Harrington?"
He ran as soon as he heard your last name, following you around like a puppy.
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thepigeonsopinion · 3 years
Guess who's back baby!
Surprise, Surprise! I'm not dead! Sorry for not being as active as I used to be recently I have been very busy with school, extracurricular's, and other stuff. But I'm back now and I'm here to talk about the newest MLB episode "Kuro Neko".
So "Kuro Neko" was recently released and I have many, MANY things to say about this episode. And as we all know from the many posts about MLB this will lead to a. . .
A RANT! So let's just dive in!
(And yes I skipped doing the usual overly detailed summary ((again)) because I am really sleep deprived right now and I just want to get my thoughts out now, and it's totally not because I forgot what happened in the episode heheheheheh :))
Warning: Spoilers from the episode "Kuro Neko"
(Also, as always I am re-watching the episode as I type this so I might have some unnecessary details. Anyway! Let's get into it!)
Also another warning this rant is going to contain a lot of Adrien salt, so be prepared.
First things first, why is AdRieN so butt hurt about being called a "parntner like any other"? He should be grateful that she even said anything about him, and being called a "partner like any other", in my opinion, is a compliment, in his case, because of how he hasn't been involved in many battles, and she basically is saying he's as good as the other temporary heroes (who are actually doing something to save paris). Not to mention, the fact that he's not even helping in the fight while the other heroes are, when this is live on the news and all he's doing is moping in his room, while all this is happening outside. Like, at this point you don't have the right to complain about you not being on a higher label then the other heroes, when your not doing anything.
And I know that some people will say "but since he's a young model his schedule is occupied with photo-shoots and he's so busy all the time" well Ladybug/Marinette has a pretty occupied schedule with her having to keep up with school, be guardian, and still have the time to hang out with friends so they don't have another "Gang of Secrets" incident (not to mention, her stress levels being so high, but she still finds a way to keep her composure.). Not to mention, Adrien's schedule didn't seem to stop him from helping out in battles in the last three seasons. And he's not even doing anything in this scene, let alone this episode, he's just sitting on the couch, watching TV, doing absolutely nothing, while Ladybug has to figure out how to save Paris and defeat Shadowmoth and his army of akumas.
Then, when there's a perfect chance to prove that he's not just a "partner like any other" he doesn't even do anything because he's so butt hurt about what Ladybug said, saying it's "useless", just because she didn't give him a higher label then the other temp. heroes. Also, not to mention Plagg trying so hard to lift Adrien's spirit's up, while he doesn't even care (I'm also kinda mad at Plagg, but we'll get to that later.).
Okay, so Chat Noir get's to the scene right after the battle and all the temp. heroes disperse. Then, he tries to help out Ladybug by trying to offer to help with collecting the miraculous, so at least he's trying to do the bare minimum. Though, because of Chat's attempts to help she get's mad at him for distracting her and wasting her time. Now, many people may see this as a seen, in which Ladybug got out of line and shouldn't have yelled at Chat and I totally agree with that. I believe that she shouldn't had yelled at Chat in the first place, and should've dealt with him in a more calm, and more civilized manner. BUT (and this is a big one) I think that her getting mad at Chat is justifiable because look at this situation in Ladybug's perspective. Here's a guy, who's supposed to be your partner, but hasn't been helping you like he should, while you have all these responsibilities as guardian of the miracle box (not to mention, while he is in battle he just either flirts or sacrifices without so much as a warning, or even both). And sure maybe she shouldn't have called on so many temporary heroes, but what other choice does she have when she's the only person in battle, she can't just wait for him forever, she's going to have to call for back up. And sure, maybe she should've called him to make sure that he's okay or he's aware of an akuma, but at a certain point, when a person just stops arriving at times of battle and is not answering your calls you just eventually give up and take manners into your own hands.
Then, Adrien just gives up without so much explaining his problems to Ladybug. And sure maybe Ladybug saying for him to give up his miraculous (which was actually Chat's idea in the first place) was a bit insensitive, but this was during the heat of the moment, in which she was already stressed with her responsibilities as guardian. And I get it Adrien feels like he should give up everything because of how Ladybug is pushing him aside, but can you blame her at this point, he has not been helping out like he should be, he doesn't even really pay attention in battle, he sacrifices himself in the worst moments without even consoling her, and so much more. Not to mention, instead of just giving up because someone that you put to a high standard doesn't acknowledge you (because they have better things to do), you should think about what you're doing first and of the reason why you're a hero in the first place, to save Paris from the acts of your father I mean Shadowmoth. So, sure maybe he has the right to be upset but that does NOT give him the right to just give up because he is not acknowledged for doing nothing.
Not to mention, the actual fact that he's giving up the one friend that truly believe he was a great hero, Plagg. And even after Ladybug says her comment, she immediately realizes that she's in the wrong, so in reality she really cares about him. And has to abandon her task as guardian to try and talk to him. Not to mention, all the heroes calling her are just an example of how much stress she's under.
Now, let's talk about Plagg's talk with Ladybug. I get it he's upset that his owner and friend gave him up, but that does not mean he can blame Ladybug for everything. If anything he should understand Ladybug and how much pressures she's under, being guardian and all. And Plagg has seen first hand what Adrien does instead of helping out (via the first scene) sure her pushing Chat's feelings away were insensitive and they should've talked it out. But if Chat had been willing to talk to Ladybug about his role then she totally would have tried to make time and talk to him. Not to mention, it's not even her job to make sure Chat's feelings are at bay and that he's happy. If anything she should work on herself more knowing how much she put's other before herself. Then, Plagg brings up the fact he's in love with her (which is starting to feel more like infatuation as the series goes on). And I said before about the temp. heroes what is she supposed to do when he's not there and things get out of hand, she's going to have to call for back up.
You know at this point, the more the series goes on, the more and more I'm willing to just let Shadowmoth get the miraculouses and let the show be over. The amount of stress that Ladybug is under just because she's worried of breaking Chat's heart is just so stupid because she shouldn't even care anymore. Instead, she should be worrying about the safety of Paris instead of worrying about a broken heart, that can probably healed easily. But I digress.
You know, I get why Plagg want's to have Adrien as Chat Noir again because their friends. But his previous actions in other episodes have proven that he's not as competent as people say he is. Also, was the montage of Adrien throwing everything related to superheroes really necessary? We get it he's sad, what's new. (I'm sorry if I'm salting too hard on Adrien, but this episode really pissed me off).
Marinette, honey, relax and go to sleep and stop worrying about Chat Noir, you look like you've done like 10 different drugs in one sitting. I swear one day she's going to go insane.
I swear, if I hear one more thing about how the LS is in love with each other but Ladybug/Marinette is in denial and can't see it, I will freaking cry myself to sleep (oh what I already do hehehehehe...).
Also, NATALIE IS BACK AND SHE'S ALIVE AND WALKING! We stan a this queen (even if she helps out Shadowmoth) but we still stan. Ahhh, to be rich and not to worry about having to go to school because of a minor inconvenience of a broken heart. I freaking want to dieeeee.
Now, what's with Gabriel's change of attitude because in "Glaciator 2" when Adrien was acting the same way as he is now he was all over that, but now he's like, "He'll be fine by the next photo shoot, in three days". Like, damn that was a fast change in character.
Wow, I guess Thomas Astruc ran out of characters to push the LS even more together, so the last resort are the kwami's yayyyyyy *sarcasm*. You know I just like to say that Plagg legit tricked Marinette by saying every quality of a good and respectful partner to prove that Chat Noir is what she needs in the end. The Chat Noir that has proven multiple times that he is reckless and does not respect Ladybug's wishes to stop doing stuff by saying the alibi "I just can't because I love you to much!", this is just ironic at this point.
Okay, how many times have they used that same screenshot of Shadowmoth taking over the world? I mean, I know it's for humor, and comedic effect, but come on, this show is already so repetitive.
Now we get to see SadAdrien, woohoo, this totally not something we keep seeing over and over again throughout season four. Not to mention, that the main factor of why Adrien is sad in the first place is because of Ladybug. . . AGAIN. I swear one day this show is going to kill me.
You know, I just realized that Adrien was able to not go to school because he had a broken heart. . . A BROKEN HEART. WHAT IS THIS PRIVILEGE.
Kudos to Plagg for sticking up Adrien even if he doesn't acknowledge how much sh*t Plagg is doing just to get back with his "best friend". I mean, at first, I was a bot mad at Plagg, but when Plagg first introduced his idea to Adrien he legit was to "depressed" about even if he became Chat Noir Ladybug would still reject him. I mean, I get it when you get rejected multiple times your going to feel pretty dejected after a while, but that doesn't mean you abandon all your other duties in your life because of it, you get back up and move on with your life. And I feel for Plagg in the episode because Plagg has proven multiple times that he cares for Adrien so much and wants to do what's best for him and to make him happy. But what does Adrien do in return, absolutely nothing. I mean, sure there's the cheese supply, but that's just food. Plagg has actively tried to bring his spirits back up multiple times, and he in the episode he has tricked Ladybug into giving him another chance. But I digress. . .I guess.
Okay, I know that Adrien is trying to learn how to be the "perfect" partner for Ladybug, but was the montage really necessary? Also did they really spend HOURS to just pick a super hero name. . . just WHYYY.
And thus begins the montage of Ladybug saying that Cat walker is "perfect". I swear if I have hear that bs one more time I am going to freak out. Not to mention, in the end of the fight she's all like "I'm sorry Cat Walker, I just can't work with you because you're to perfect and I miss Chat Noir." . . . I'm just going to lay here and wait for something new to happen. Also, Ladybug legit developed a lowkey small crush on this dude, even to the point to when they were parachuting together she legit had a face of like pure pleasure (that just sounds weird, I'll change it later) and was like almost feeling him up. Beach, please. I know this is probably a "tactic" to try and make Ladybug realize she might actually have some type of feelings for Chat Noir but COME ON, as I said before, this show is too repetitive for it's own good.
Now onto my favorite segment, in which we talk about the main akuma or sentimonster! So the main thing I have to say about this sentimonster is that it looks like a Egyptian muscle cat. I mean, look at the biceps of that thing, that dude is ripped, but it looks like it skipped abs day.
I know this might sound weird but I kinda find it funny that the only reason that Ladybug thinks that Kuro Neko is Chat Noir is because of the bell, like that isn't a common thing to have, cat wise. You know every time that Ladybug says that she knows everything about Chat Noir I just want to hit my head on a wall because that line keeps reminding of Chloe, Lila, and Chat Noir. Those characters have said that line so many times throughout the course of the show that at this point every time someone says they no someone so well in an episode its kinda contradicting.
Wait a second. Did this dude really find a way to catch the attention of this huge ass cat by saying, "Meow meow"? And did Ladybug really find it endearing and was also mesmerized by this?. . . I'm so done with this show.
The scene in which Cat walker is like holding out his hand to Ladybug, I can legit hear the screams of the fandom. Both screaming because of the LS and because how Ladybug "fell" for this guy already. I'm legit in the group in the corner that doesn't really care because we probably already know how this going to end *cough* Chat Noir just comes back *cough* cough*.
Meanwhile Ladybug is "starstruck", the cat is just playing with the ferris wheel that could probably destroy many buildings and endanger many peoples lives, but you know what let's just have this unnecessary pause for a minute.
Did this f***king huge cat just spit out a f**cking child? Again I feel like I'm losing brain cells as I watch this. Also, did Ladybug just refer to Chat Noir as "her kitten"?
Me: *hears LS fans screaming*. . . Mamma Mia here we go again. . .
Ok, so its officially canon that Adrien's Chat Noir persona is his actual personality or at least part of it, its not like we already know this but ok. And of course before we end this episode we have to have a LS scene in which each parties apologize, yay not repetitive at all *sarcasm*.
And that's the end of the episode! (finally)
Okay, so throughput my rant you can probably tell this is not my favorite episode, probably on e of my least favorites actually. Sure, this episode some depth into the relationship of the LS, but that's it. Not to mention they mainly focused on SadAdrien, which, in my opinion, we've seen to much of. And all the excuses they point out around on why Chat Noir is important is something that we DON'T need to have shoved in our face again. *In a high pitched voice* "Well at least it didn't have a lot of LS scenes". Ohohoho, Sorry high pitch voice that is totally not me, but we have multiple scenes in which Ladybug is complimenting Cat Walker and even seen crushing on him hehehe not to mention the repetitive ending scene! Man was this episode long (even though it was only 21 minutes.)
All in all, though I really don't care for this episode cause this development might not really have a big impact on episodes and seasons to come because you know character development in this show is a dream.
Anyway, those are all my thoughts on the episode and I have a feeling that I'm going to be writing another rant because a new episode is coming out soon, so I have to be mentally prepared.
I hope everyone has a great rest of their evening/morning/day/whatever and always remember. . .
But that's just my opinion (・ε・) ((so please don't come at me :))
((I'm so sleep deprived rn and I have school in the morning so wish me luck :,))(((Also sorry for the grammatical errors :)))
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Do you think G&S had any serious fights/arguments after they got together? And who is more likely to say sorry first?
hi, anon!
i honestly don't see them having serious fights or arguments.
that's not to say they never occasionally disagree—because of course sometimes they do—but rather just that when they do, at most, i think they bicker, a la what we see in reboot episode 01x02 "honeymoon in vegas," rather than out-and-out "fight."
the thing is, for as much as they have a reputation for "poor communication," once they're finally a couple, on the few occasions in canon when we see them disagreeing (both in the original series and in the reboot), they actually demonstrate some fairly decent discussion skills in order to resolve their problems.
see, for example, the events of episode 07x06 "burn out" in the original series: between grissom having a migraine and being upset by the nature of the case, he's got a short fuse. he ends up taking his frustrations out on greg, chewing him out for playing loud music and for suggesting a nontraditional experiment as part of the investigation (which grissom feels will be a waste of time dead end). sara watches this exchange go down and clearly isn't pleased with it, particularly as she is aware that greg's nerves have been a little fried lately from dealing with the fallout from the demetrius james incident. while she could confront grissom straight-up about being a jerk to their son, she waits until they're alone together and instead very quietly and calmly reminds him of greg's situation and gives him a chance to express his feelings before offering him up a new lead in the case in order to assuage his anxiety. grissom, despite his fatigue at the time, then accepts sara's admonition without complaint and from that point forward (throughout the rest of the season) shows special care for greg, treating him with kindness and consideration.
smart man listens to his wife.
see also the first several episodes of s1 of the reboot, when grissom and sara disagree both about the possibility of hodges's innocence AND about whether or not they should remain in vegas or return to their boat. while they discuss these issues several times, they never escalate to real “fighting” even though they have a clear difference of opinion. instead, they both straightforwardly communicate their feelings (i.e., "you can just say it," "i'm mad at you and doubt right now," "out to sea, where we should be") and attempt to make their cases to each other using measured claims supported by evidence. though there is obvious frustration on both of their parts at various points, they keep things civil and communicative between themselves.
so why don't they fight?
as stated above, it's certainly not because they always 100% see everything eye to eye.
rather, i think it's a conscious choice on their parts.
sara grew up in a house where her parents screamed at each other and fought (both physically and verbally) all the time (see episode 05x13 "nesting dolls"), and she never wants her own marriage to be like theirs was. that so, no matter how upset she might get with grissom, she's not going to yell at him or get in his face. she's going to make the choice to talk.
along those same lines, grissom knows what sara's childhood was like—he knows about her father—and he would rather die than do anything that would ever make sara feel scared of him. he is mindful of the fact that big, loud male aggression is triggering for her, so he won't raise his voice at her* or stomp around or slam doors or do anything to make her feel small.
* while he will sometimes rant to her about other things that upset him (see, for example, their interaction by the mailboxes in episode 02x05 "scuba doobie-doo"), he never will actually yell at her if something she's said or done is what's upsetting him because he knows she wouldn't be able to feel safe around him afterward if he did.
to my mind, part of the reason why sara is attracted to grissom is because he's generally very soft-spoken; is a committed pacifist; he's not domineering; and even when he's mad at her, he doesn't yell at her.
in general, i think they both strongly believe that there's never any reason for adults who are capable of civil communication and who are committed to having a positive relationship with each other to resort to that kind of behavior anyway.
again, that's not to say they never disagree or get on each other's nerves; it's just to say that when they do, they talk about it rather than scream about it.
their conflict style is to be a bit sarcastic with each other or passive-aggressive or even to give each other the silent treatment until they’ve cooled down but never to be outright aggressive.
sara will move the gloves to where she likes them just to show grissom she's annoyed (see reboot episode 01x02 "honeymoon in vegas"), but she's not going to yell or call names or storm out. grissom will reprimand sara for being reckless (see reboot episode 01x08 "pipe cleaner"), but he won't raise his voice at her or get in her face.
that's just not how they operate.
—and especially because i don't think the stakes of their disagreements (when they do end up having them) are typically very high.
the thing is, they pretty much align in their views on all of the big stuff: their ethics and values are incredibly similar; their moral compasses point in the same direction.
again, that's not to say that there are never any issues they see differently from each other but rather that whatever issues they do disagree on probably tend to be "small potatoes" as opposed to big picture kinda stuff.
it's not like they're going to come to loggerheads over politics or religion or social issues or their ideas on what constitutes basic human decency, because down those lines, they're mostly in accord already*. rather, it's going to be more on the level of "excuse me, dear, but when you walk out of the room mid-sentence, it's irksome. could you maybe not do that to me anymore?"
* and even if they were to see things differently on the particulars, i think they share enough of a common foundation that they'd be able to have a rational discussion about these issues, where they could build based on a lot of shared assumptions. it's not like they'd be completely at odds.
probably the most fraught discussions they tend to have take place when they're both still working at the lab and they clash over cases—but by the time they're actually a couple (between s5-s7), even those kinds of disputes between them are genuinely rare, given that they've developed such a good working rapport together by that point.
to be fair, i also believe that particularly during the run of the original series, in order to avoid conflict, they sometimes let issues fall by the wayside without having any sort of real discussion about them at all even though said issues really should be discussed (see, for example, sara's frustration with grissom's behavior during episode 07x23 "the good, the bad, and the dominatrix")—so, again, it's not that they necessarily have perfect conflict management skills so much as it is that "fighting" just isn't their style.
i think that, overall, conflict is rare between them, and what little conflict there is tends to be mild by nature. they love and respect each other and care about each other’s feelings too much to ever truly want to be nasty.
i mean, just listen how they talk to each other in the reboot: they are so habitually polite with each other (more so than one might even expect two people who have been married for a very long time to be), and they are constantly affirming each other and saying sweet things. 
grissom, in particular, can’t go two sentences in a row without calling sara by an endearment.
all of the above so, even during the most fraught days of the divorce during s13, i just literally cannot picture them having any kind of blowouts with each other.
sad discussions, sure. somber discussions, sure. maybe even snide ones (particularly coming from sara’s side). 
but not the kind of knock-down drag-outs where they’re raising their voices or saying horrible, “i’m trying to hurt you”-type things. 
even on the worst of worst days between them, when they’re breaking each other’s hearts, they still both love each other, after everything.
as for who apologizes first in the instances when they do bicker, i think they’re both pretty quick to apologize; seldom do their disagreements reach the point of standoff.
anyway, while ymmv, that’s my take:
ultimately, they’re lovers, not fighters, and their communication patterns with each other reflect as much.
thanks for the question! please feel welcome to send another any time.
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laf-outloud · 2 years
"Just a note to all the people sending in asks defending Jensen and saying you'd do the same for Jared; ask yourself, would you even be on our blogs if we were speaking critically of Jared? And before you send in an ask telling me you would, I'm going to want receipts of you actually doing it, because there have certainly been enough people over the years criticizing Jared that you'll have had multiple opportunities to defend him."___ Don't know if it makes any sense, but is it too hard to believe that people can have different perspectives over certain people and certain incidents and even if they don't match with you that might not mean they are wrong? They might be biased in your eyes, your opinion might look biased in certain peoples eyes that you can't understand, so what is the problem in a proper healthy discussion? What is the problem if some people find it is worth to defend Jensen over certain aspect? Why someone have to be a jared hater if they defend Jensen? Why it will be so hard to believe they would do the same for Jared if the table was turned?
I consider myself as a fairly unbiased viewer. I have called out multiple times on Jensen very recently where I found his actions questionable, but at the same time I defend him whenever I think he is wrongly being judged or being scrutinized over silliest things just to make him look like a douche. Maybe I am not right always with my logics, but that doesn't mean I am an AA. And yes I would do the same for Jared. Or for anyone. It's about being logical, it's not about whose fave is better than whose fave for me.
You would ask for receipt for me defending Jared on hellers or AAs blogs I know... But ask yourself, do you think they are equal to you guys? I know Jared gets the worst hates, most of them based on imaginations and nonsense, no truth in them. It's waste of energy to have healthy discussion with the people who writes those thing because they don't know how to interact, it's better to ignore them because their motive is clear to everyone. I don't follow them, don't take them seriously and think that nobody should. But you people are sane, like-minded people whom we follow, whose blog we read and reblog, we are happy to agree with you.. Aren't we allowed to express our disagreements with you guys without being tagged as secret Jared haters?
I don't go to anti blogs to find posts against my fave and defend them to increase my toxicity level- I scroll through the posts from the people followed by me, and I defend or agree wherever I think I need to. I am sure a lot of people do the same thing. So if anyone says they would defend Jared the same way they did for Jensen that can be a like-minded Jared fan who just finds your post not agreeing with them.
I don't know if I would be called an disguised AA after this long rant, but I needed to let it out. Sorry for wasting your time anyways.
I read it, so you didn't waste my time, and I am perfectly fine with people wanting to defend Jensen, but they do it telling me my opinions are wrong. If you want to defend him, share what you love about him (without turning him into a god). I recently had wonderful conversations with people who don't like Gen, but they outlined why they didn't like her and gave their reasons. They didn't try to dictate what I should or shouldn't feel, they didn't try to denigrate me or anyone else in their asks. There's a big difference between defending and simply being rude. AA's, as a whole, tend to fall on the rude side. Just take a look at these recent asks that have come in to me and others "defending" Jensen (which is why I wrote that post in the first place):
Insulting because that's not what I said.
Just plain insulting.
Calling my opinions (not facts, opinions) imaginary, bad-faith, ludicrous, baseless, etc.
Again, calling my opinion not real. It's an opinion, I never said it was fact.
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These are not reasonable discourse. These are not defending Jensen, they're rude.
You ask: "what is the problem in a proper healthy discussion?" Do any of these look like a proper healthy discussion to you? If so, maybe you ought to take a look at my recent #anti gen hate posts to see what healthy discussion and respectful asks look like.
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