#I'm still at lesson 60 normal
devildomcrybaby · 1 year
I have conflicting feelings about Barbatos. He’s one of the most charming characters not only because of his manners and him being impecable in everything, but because I feel like the game puts some distance between him and the MC. He’s not easily impressed or charmed by the MC as the others are, his compliments are rare and there’s often a creepy aura around him. You know that he’s being kind to the MC, but it’s usually not out of selflessness or love/infatuation, but because it’s somehow useful to or wished by Lord Diavolo and his plans. While with the other characters you feel more at ease because they’re teased by other characters often or because they’re head over heels for the MC, Barbatos stays on the colder side (not in his birthday events or in some devilgrams though). You gain a familiarity with the seven brothers pretty quickly and later on the same happens with Solomon, Diavolo and Simeon, while Barbatos keeps his distance. And I think that makes him even more endearing to the players. You have ten characters falling for you, yes, but what’s harder to get is often more desired (e.g. Lucifer in the beginning...Mammon doesn’t count because he fell first, but I also fell first for him lol). The same works for those sporadic times when Barbatos is genuinely appreciative of the MC or even more when we get romantic moments, since they’re pretty unexpected. 
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unholyverse · 9 months
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waterparks // marvin magazine issue #10
(full transcript under the cut)
Waterparks are places you go for fun; both pools and slides and the gloriously buzzy, pop punk band featuring members Geoff Wigington (lead guitar), Otto Wood (drums), and singer/guitarist Awsten Knight, whose neon energy matches his hair. Their music leads you down sonic chutes and up rainbow ladders with four albums, countless tours, millions of listeners and a recent signing with Fueled By Ramen, the label under which they are about to drop their highly anticipated 5th studio album. MARVIN had the good fortune of catching up with Knight—who is busy prepping for a European tour, a US tour and the release of the band's new album—to talk about all that goes into creating the bubbly world of Waterparks.
The new album titled Intellectual Property features eleven legit bangers filled with anthemic choruses. psychedelic experimentation and hooky melodies all polished to a sheen. There are hints of megalithic rock bands like Muse, inspiration from The Beach Boys and the pop punk sounds we have come to expect. But as for the "pop" part, this record goes in hard with collaborations with the likes of blackbear and songwriter/producer Julian Bunetta.
I love pop music and we got an offer to write with this dude, Julian, who has credits on 95% of One Direction's discography. I fucking love One Direction. I don't want to be dramatic but let's say I've got a top 60 favorite songs, I think four or five are One Direction songs. And Julian's written on all of them. I was just like, 'I want to do what I do but with him too.' And then I made "FUNERAL GREY", "BRAINWASHED", and "FUCK ABOUT IT", with him.
For this album, the band brought in more outside alliances than on previous albums, with Knight saying. "I think I was more open to [collaborations] on this album. Other people's opinions and thoughts and stuff like that. Normally, I don't really love writing with people that I don't know very well because it can feel very sterile. You walk in and they're like, 'what do you want to write about? You're like, 'oh fuck'—because it's a personal thing." And when it comes to getting personal, Knight is also realizing that to his surprise, the more personal he gets-the more vulnerable lyrically—the more universal the message.
I feel like I used to be kind of freaked out by [vulnerability], especially earlier, on album one. I was really nervous about it and it sounds so lame in retrospect but I didn't even want to do any acoustic songs. I liked burying myself a lit- tle bit behind a big instrumental. [The song] "21 Questions" for example. I sent that along with all the other demos to Benji because I wanted his opinion and he was like, 'this is one of the best ones.' Those wind up being the favorites, which seems counterproductive because songs are supposed to be relatable. And I never feel like I'm being relatable but I try to be less selfish with the writing. I want this to be for someone else.
When Knight refers to "Benji" he is talking about Benji Madden, one half of legendary pop punk duo Good Charlotte. Benji, along with his brother and bandmate Joel, manage Waterparks after discovering them on YouTube and DM'ing them on Twitter back in 2015. Knight received the news of the Maddens' invitation to fly to LA for a meeting while working as a babysitter who gave guitar lessons.
I called the guys and we're like, 'holy shit.' So we all went and bought swimsuits because…California. And yeah, that was it. After we met them, we went back to our hotel and were just like, 'what is happening? A week ago we were still passing out flyers outside of other people's shows. And we're right here, right now. This is the weirdest shit.'
A literal dream-come-true for Knight and the band, who eventually would make the move to LA from Houston while missing its Tex-Mex and Thai food, and of course, his family. But when it comes to the weather, he's all about California. He doesn't even mind the earthquakes. He was in a rooftop hot tub during one and actually found it rather exciting. For a man who has toured the world, there's a bright-eyed innocence and almost childlike wonder to him. His seeming lack of cynicism is as refreshing as freshly fallen snow which he admits he only saw for the first time not that long ago. But now, Knight talks about having stress dreams as he and the band get ready to embark on a European leg, followed by an extensive US tour.
Here's the thing, I like to play shows and I like to meet people. The other 22 hours of the day, I like having my space. I'm pretty particular, you know what I mean? I like my zone where I can sit and just do stuff. You go from peace and quiet and doing what you want all the time to sharing a small living space and a bus with twelve people. It's basically having twelve people in your living room for two months. And you're just like, 'ah, but the shows are great' as long as the shows are fun and everyone is having a great time, that makes it worth it to me.
He's also superstitious. Around his apartment there are crystals, there are obsidian and selenite wands in front of all the mirrors. He has a healer-type person come in and energetically clear his space, insisting he throw away objects that may have "dark entities" attached. "I'm luckier than people I know. They're like, 'why is the light always turning green when you go to it? Why do you always get the front spot at the store?' I'm like, it's because I don't split the pole, you know? Can't split a pole when you're walking. There's a bunch of superstitions. But I follow them and I'm crazy lucky."
In addition to music, he recently penned a well-received book of personal essays called, You'd Be Paranoid Too (If Everyone Was Out to Get You). He plans to write a novel next and has also started a clothing line called HiiDef. that fabricates small collections that sell out fast. His enthusiasm for the line is on par with music. "If everybody made the songs that I wanted to hear, I wouldn't have to do this. The same thing applies with clothing." Passion abound, he is all smiles when discussing plans for the future of Waterparks.
How do I get to the fucking moon? I think anyone who hears this album is going to love it. Cause I think it's incredible. I'm looking at the songs right now. I'm just like, 'man, straight slappers.' Even the last song, which I know wouldn't be a single or anything-that's probably one of the best accomplishments of a song that we've ever been able to pull off. I see this album in plaques on the wall. All right, we're manifesting now.
He names his goals out loud, as one is meant to do when calling them in, mentioning things like how much he'd like to play the Redding and Leeds Festivals at sunset. Then he pulls up the Waterparks US tour schedule online while musing, "I want one of those big "Sold Out" things across all the dates. It's getting there dude. Yeah, actually, it's going crazy right now." In real time, he seems to discover that the banners that cross nearly all of the show dates do indeed read, "Sold Out". And then it's clear. Awsten Knight is lucky. But luck is really about preparation meeting opportunities and he has definitely shown up to the game prolific and prepared. Five albums in, it's clear that Knight and Waterparks have only just begun.
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meara-eldestofthemall · 3 months
I hope this isn't too personal of an ask to send to a stranger on the internet, if it is I apologize. I'm only 22 but I've been struggling with feeling pressure to grow up and become 'normal' for years.
I have a lot of 'childish' stuff in my apartment, like plushies, my collection of videogames, posters all over my walls, things like that. Often I look at my apartment and think about taking it all down because it doesn't look mature enough.
I don't think I'll ever become like the norm, I've always been far too stubborn for that. The insecurities are still there, though. Seeing the bit about being old, odd and never changing in your tags gave me a lot of comfort.
Thanks for being loud and proud!
My Ask box is open to all and your question is most welcome, my dear. The best lesson any can learn early is to be comfortable with yourself. Trying to twist, turn and morph into a shape that pleases others but not yourself will only leave you miserable.
If it makes you feel any better, this is a corner of my home office...
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I am a grandmother in her late 60s and proudly display about 1/3 of my collection at any given time. The big Godzilla on the left is an 11.5 inch plush deluxe 50th anniversary Gojira. When you squeeze his chest his eyes light and he makes the classic roar. It was a Mother's Day present from my husband. We've been happily married for 45 years.
The key to happiness is to find people who will accept you for who you are. Remember that you are wonderful and worthy of all the good things in life just as you are.
As for "growing up," you mentioned your apartment. If you are making rent, paying your bills and generally supporting yourself then congratulations. You are adulting successfully. Please don't mistake growing up for growing older. The last time I checked there is no age limit on having fun. Unless what you like hurts someone else, then you are under no obligation to change for anyone else's comfort.
Learn to love yourself because if you don't then you can't reasonably expect anyone else to.
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alexxncl · 11 months
for the hard level and bonus parts of the normal level specifically
masterlist | more theories
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did he say this to reassure luke or because he let his guard slip? because this is obviously michael talking and he's not hiding it
he quite literally said "say hi to simeon for me" like they didn't already talk in an earlier lesson
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we know michael loves luke, and luke loves michael. but this is a different type of controlling. is this guidance or an order masked by guidance?
luke looked up to lucifer and his brothers, he looks up to simeon, he looks up to raphael, and he especially looks up to michael with whatever little knowledge on the celestial war he has
hearing "raphael" say this to him off the cuff and possibly hearing michael say it sometime in the future could sway him to do something he doesn't really want to do
is michael deliberately trying to push luke away from being a seraph to avoid peace between all three realms or is it something else entirely? because i don't think he's doing this out if pure guidance for luke, there has to be something in it for him
that "just think about it" felt like more of a demand that a suggestion. regardless of what luke wants, he's probably not gonna become a seraph if michael is still the most powerful angel by the time he grows up
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so in the og game, is michael still masquerading as raphael? or like is it actually raphael
i admittedly don't remember much about him from the og game, but i don't think this raphael is all that different from the one we saw in lessons 60-80 (pls correct me if i'm wrong, i finished the lessons when they dropped)
raphael doesn't look interested in attending rad at all...not even to see the brothers. i get that time can change people, and that he'd probably have more freedom once he was a more experienced seraph, but who's to say michael didn't do this in the original timeline too? like maybe this is some kinda backwards foreshadowing
or maybe i'm thinking too hard
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this contradicts what i said before about him not wanting to see the brothers bc it's obvious that he misses them (mainly lucifer), and that they're still brothers despite the 6 of them being demons now
this is probably why simeon sticks up for him so much, too. raphael is just too prideful to voice how much the fall affected him, how much he actually misses the brothers, and he probably has just as much regret - if not more - that simeon does about the fall
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michael is absolutely nightbringer
i can't explain why but that conniving ass bitch is up to something and i don't like it
he pulled the "brother" card on lucifer, deliberately came down in person disguised as someone else just to threaten to bring war to the devildom if everyone but satan came back to the celestial realm
(idk if this is canon or not but i firmly believe that satan was always a part of lucifer and gets glimpses of his memories from the celestial realm)
the "brother" shit was calculated, too. lucifer asked raphael in person if he'd side with him, and he chose michael without hesitation. regardless of how much he regrets it, lucifer doesn't know that
mammon probably knows about this, too, at least to some extent. that's why he was so against raphael visiting in the first place. he knew lucifer was still beyond fucked up about what happened, regardless of possibly not knowing any of the details
what are michael's motives? because i know he isnt just doing this because he misses the brothers
does he want more power? to be praised for bringing 7 of the most powerful angels back into the light? he's already one of the most powerful angels as is, what else does he want?
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namboobieslover · 1 year
Kintsugi: the beauty of broken things || MYG
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Summary: Yoongi and Minnie have been friends for quite some time now, almost... 15 years? 15 years since they ran into each other in that music classroom by an unlucky (or not) mistake. They've grown close, but both of them have strong characters and insecurities that will have to be put aside when Minnie falls into her own lie, risking her job in the process. They have 3 days to feel comfortable and make everyone believe their role as the young engaged couple or she is fucked :[
Pairing: musical producer! Yoongi x lab tech/science nerdy! f reader au; non-idol! BTS members make a brief appearance
Genre: fluff, angst, kinda slow burn (?), best friends to fake couple au, constant unresolved sexual tension, two idiots too proud to openly speak but pinning each other
Word count: so far, almost 25k but still unfinished
Warnings: use of bad language, mentions of insecurities/low self-esteem, anxiety, trauma; light use of weed, little smut if you scrutinize, SFW
Masterlist: 1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // ...
A/N: hi there! this one it's my first story to be uploaded, a way for me to de-stress from uni exams. I'm not a native English speaker, so please forgive any grammatical mistakes :/
As Yoongi said, you have to put your work out there to learn about it, so... feel free to give some feedback (as positive as you can, please). The story is halfway done, but as I have to proofread most of it and apply the holy Grammarly, uploading will have a normal pace
I'm not fully confident of my writing abilities or English use, but it is what it is, I guess
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CHAPTER 1: Surprises and planning
Word count: 7'1K
-Sup, loser.
I roll my eyes while I flop into the sofa.
-I mean... I'm not asking for big parties but, you know, a little more enthusiasm when seeing your bestie wouldn’t hurt. Don’t you think?
The only answer I get is a loud exhale of air.
-Someone is susceptible today…
Min Yoongi.
We’ve been friends for maybe… 15 years? And what a ride.
We first met in high school, at the sweet age of 12/13. With all the hormonal stuff and changes going around… such a happy stage of life to remember, yikes.
We didn't have anything in common; he was an artistic soul while I considered, or I would like to consider myself, as a science girl. But little me saw too many talent shows with great singers and decided to give it a shot.
-Hi! It’s here where the choir practices?
-Yeah, here is where all the magic happens -I would’ve never expected such an ironic answer from such a cute-looking girl- Are you new or lost on your way to another place?
-New or that’s what I intend to be. I signed the paper in the hall and someone emailed me the instructions. Told me to come to Mrs Lars's classroom.
-Oh, then you are in the right place. She is in the storage room looking for the materials we’ll be needing today.
-Okay class -a sweet voice fills the room interrupting our conversation- please take a seat.
I signal the seat next to the girl asking nonverbally if it’s taken, and she answers that it's not occupied.
-So… today we have lots of new faces. Instead of having personal interviews with each of you, I thought that maybe it would be better and easier to have you join us for today’s lesson. That way you’ll see how we work, a light version of course. After I dismiss the class, as I told you in the email, please stay a little longer and perform a song of your liking. Any questions?
A boy asks if they have to stay at the auditions if they aren't new.
-If you want to, you can stay but if you prefer to leave, that's okay too. That reminds me: for the ones that aren’t new, welcome back; I'm happy to see you again. To y'all my pupils, I wish for a good and healthy year. Any other doubts?
Silence is the answer.
-Then, we’ll start.
The 60 minutes pass fast. The teacher is really fun and makes all the music technicalities more approachable to everyone in the room. We play some games to get to know each other's names while learning a little bit about music structure. 
-Well done. That’s all for today. See you next day.
A lot of students start picking up their books and bags, and I bid goodbye to Nelly, the one with a loving face and a smart mouth. She is… interesting to say the least, but also nicer than expected. 
And friendly enough to ask my dubitative ass to exchange numbers…
Now, the moment of truth: the audition. Not gonna lie, nobody here will be the next Céline Dion but they are okay. That makes me even more nervous, and it shows when my turn comes. Luckily (ironically) I'm the last one. My voice is shaky and even if I am doing terribly, they all keep a smile on their face, which I thank deeply.
Like everyone else, I don't receive any type of feedback from Mrs Lars. She just tells us the following.
-Thanks to any single one of you for showing interest in my subject. Everyone will be accepted in this class; the “audition” was just a formality to classify you in the range that fits you the best. Music is a language that unifies all humans, and even if most of them haven’t been gifted with an incredible voice or the ability to play an instrument, I won't deny the chance to learn it anyways. There’s always a role that fits you the best and I’m sure that while communication runs in both directions, we’ll have a good year. Today you saw how my class works; if you still want to join me and your classmates, the only thing needed is to send me an email by the end of the weekday to confirm it. I will reply with indications, information and advice to improve your natural talent and I want you to practise for a couple of weeks to get used to that routine and the work method. Then, you’ll be divided into groups with people who share your characteristics to work together with the things in common and have healthy feedback. Also, you can ask me when needed or use the music studios to train. I’m sure your parents will thank me -she laughs- Does that sound good?
-Yes Mrs Lars -we answer in unison.
-Ah, and also, if you don't think this is your thing and want to choose another activity, that’s okay. Not receiving the mail of confirmation I previously had talked about, will be understood as the desire to not continue. Feel free to do it if you want to; no hard feelings. This will take a lot of energy and free time, so… make sure that all the effort goes to something you like or you’ll end up despising me and music itself. Any questions or doubts?
As nobody speaks, she dismisses the class.
It took me a couple of days to decide whether I should join music or look for another option, but animated by my parents and the possibility of this helping me with my scenic fear, I choose to keep going with the idea.
Apparently, my vocal range is mezzo-soprano-contralto, which is why I have a difficult time in a higher register. Once I knew that, everything changed for me. Singing was easier and less damaging; just better. I wasn’t that good but for once I felt like my efforts were taking me somewhere.
I still needed a lot of practice, so I would usually spend some time during lunchtime (with the teacher’s permission) doing so in the rehearsal room. Unluckily, one day when I went to my usual spot, the class was already occupied by another person, so I met with my teacher to know what had happened. 
-I’m sorry sweetheart, it’s my fault. I have such a big cold that the headache is making my head pound and I can’t even think straight. Would it be inopportune if I reserve the room after class so you don’t have to skip today’s practice?
-That sounds good too.
-Okay, then I will write your name in the folder -she says reaching for it hung on the wall. She seems a little confused when looking at today’s schedule 
-Isn’t it possible? -I ask her.
-Oh no, everything is fine. Seems like I’ve already written the reservation in your name earlier. Must’ve forgotten to tell you when I did that, I guess that just in case, to offer you a resolution to this problem.
-Then, I’m noted to the main classroom after class?
-Yeah, you are good to go.
-Thank you.
As told, I went to the said place and started my warming exercises. After some scales, I tried “Million Reasons” by Lady Gaga, struggling with the highness of the bridge. I was stuck with that part for some days by then, and my frustration was almost visible in the form of smoke outing my ears.
I was on my…¿20th try? When an unknown voice scared me when the song finished.
-Well… that was…interesting.
-Fucking hell, you scared me.
-Not more than you did to me with your vocals.
-Excuse me?
-Apologies accepted.
Is a boy around my age and size. He wears rectangular glasses and a mostly black outfit, which contrasts with his pale skin perfectly. His eyes are quite small but ooze tons of coldness. He impassively walks to the piano in the corner and starts to get things out of his backpack.
-Mmm… What are you doing?
His dark orbs peer at me with a pensive aura, but he dismisses those thoughts and gives me rolling eyes.
-Yeah, I could have guessed that.
-I am not the one asking the stupid questions here.
-What I meant -he interrupts me by playing some notes- As I was saying -he does it again.
I approach the instrument he is in and put down the keyboard cover, giving him enough time to retract his hands. Ups his sight and boy, is a furious one.
-Are you crazy? -he shouts- You could have harmed me!
-Chst, nobody with two functional cells doing synapsis would have that bad reflexes so please, stop crying, you little baby.
-Excuse me?
-Apologies accepted -I deliver the sentence the same way he did to me, with a pompous smile on my face while I sit proudly in a nearby chair- Also, you deserve it. That’s what you get when trying to mess with me.
-Oh, was I disturbing you? Sorry, I didn't want to. I’m so distracted -what he says in a pitying tone doesn’t match the challenging look in his eyes and the smirk he isn’t even trying to hide.
-I can tell -I bark back the same way- Anyway, as I was saying before you decided to be a cretin, what are you doing here?
-Judging based on your singing skills maybe…you aren't aware that this is a music classroom? You know, where musicians do their thing -speaks ironically
-Of course I know where I am. My doubt is what are YOU doing here at this time. I made a reservation with Mrs Lars.
-Me too.
-That’s impossible.
-No, it’s not. Since I did. You must be wrong.
-No, you are -I fight a little offended.
He rolls his eyes.
-Okay. Let’s search the classroom schedule Mrs Lars keeps in her office and you’ll see your mistake -decides while clapping his hands together and getting up.
-You must mean YOUR mistake -I clarify while imitating his gestures.
I follow him to said office, where he signals to a folder hanging on the wall. He goes through it while searching for today’s schedule and once he finds it, aggressively puts his finger in the initials “M.Y”
-As I was saying, you are the one wrong -he says proudly.
-What? Those are my initials!
-No, they are not. They are M.Y. as in Min Yoongi.
-No, they are M.Y as Min Young Mi.
We look at each other kinda confused.
-I guess Mrs Lars must have committed a mistake while writing our names because of the similarities -he thinks out loud.
-You think so? -I reply as ironically as I can. He rolls his eyes.
That evening was the beginning of what we like to call “The Valerian War”. As stubborn as we were, any of us was willing to give in to the other. None offered to leave or neither changed the reservation for the evenings that followed, so we played mental resistance war, and it got so bad that we needed some valerian infusion to support the evils that we did to each other so that the other would surrender.
Some favourites were him cutting my microphone wires or playing a recording of my voice on the school’s radio for everyone to listen to. I gave back by making good use of a 2x3 glue thrift offer. I was almost sent to the other world when he had to walk back home with the piano’s bench cushion glued to his butt or with music sheets united to his hand.
Eventually, with little acts of kindness by both sides, we started to open up and help each other (he assisted me in musical stuff while I improved his anger management) and we reached the point where we were looking all day to that moment of the evening. It took almost a year and a lot of Nelly’s talks to finally admit that we enjoyed spending time together. Slowly but surely, we started meeting out of school till becoming besties. We had a lot more in common than we thought.
-Call me stupid but-
-Stupid -he interrupts me without hesitance.
-Min Yoongi, be careful with your words, I have your mom on quick dial.
-So childish that is almost sad.
-Would she think as childish that you signed a big contract with an important company and didn’t say a word to your family? I guess I can just ask her -my tone is a mockery one.
The keyboard typing stops followed by a dry laugh.
-You dirty bitch. Must be desperate to threaten me with that.
-It’s just that… I’m frustrated.
-No. Well… That too. But no.
He quietly laughs.
-Maybe I can lend you a hand.
-Yeah, in my neck to cut the flow of air? -I ask acidly but then my black humour needs to make an appearance- Actually, that’s not that much of a bad idea. One lifetime occasion where I would let you commit the desire of killing me without getting angry about it; I promise.
-Mmm, kinky. If that’s what you want… -he spouts with a teasing tone and a smirk.
I’m no stranger to letting my intrusive thoughts win over me and make it aaaall the way to my mouth without realising it, so when he answers I have to replay the last section of our conversation to understand what he means.
-Ugh, you are disgusting.
-Yeah. I think how disgusting it is that I know you so well, that I am genuinely not surprised about you having a choking kink.
-I… I don’t have a choking kink -I defend myself by putting a brave face on when I actually kind of like that stuff.
-Yeah, right -he answers in a disinterested way, turning back to his computer- Just so you know…next time you try to lie as much as you are doing, tell your red cheeks to not make an appearance. It gives it away.
I take advantage of him not looking at me to raise my hands and check if they are matter-of-factly red, which are. I clear my throat in the need of changing the subject.
-Till now all you said has been really helpful, you know? -I say rolling my eyes
-Till now you still haven’t said a word about your problem, apart from your need to get laid, of course.
-The thing is that I messed badly with my boss -I purposely ignore the last sentence and he lets out a little laugh because of it.
-What makes you think that?
-It’s not something she said or did. Actually… It's my fault.
-I doubt it… but would you mind explaining? -he still has his back facing me while clicking the unwired mouse, something that will make the next thing I have to say a lot easier.
-Do you remember when you got appendicitis and had to stay at the hospital? And then when you needed help when sent home?
-How would I not remember?
-Well… The thing is that to convince my boss, which I already told you, is a hard one… I had to lie. A lot.
That seems to catch his attention because finally turns to face me.
-When you mean a lot, how much are we talking about? You said everything was okay with you taking those days off.
-I think we have already established the point that I am a ‘liar, liar, pants on fire’.
-So… What did you tell her?
-Mmmm… I knew some of my coworkers asked her for some days off because of a friend or a relative being sick, and she always rejected them except when they talked about fiancés, husbands or sons; that kind of stuff. So to make her accept my petition, I made her believe it was about my fiancé.
-You said what?
-I basically said all the truth but omitted that you are only my friend. I completely made up a story about my hardworking fiancé, who fell sick, and has no other family around than me to take care of him… It was a little white lie, but when I was back to work everyone was nice to me, even my boss.
-Why don’t you tell them that you broke up? 
-That was my plan, I swear. Buuuut, I started to talk a little bit here and there about him being an asshole, like getting ready to break the news, you know? Buuuuut that made them even nicer to me! Never knew criticising a partner would unite us that much.
-My surgery was last year…have you been lying to them for that long?
-And didn’t they suspect anything when a year passed and still no wedding was in sight?
-Yes, but I explained how as we were both busy with our respective jobs, trying to save money for it, and having some trouble in our relationship… had decided to take it easy.
He seems lost in thought, with the elbows resting on the armrests of his chair and fingers brushing his chin. Then laughs, crossing his arms over his chest.
-Well, well, well. When I think that you cannot surprise me anymore, here you come.
-Yeah, really funny how this will end with me getting fired.
-Don’t be silly. They’ll never know.
-That’s what I thought till my company decided to celebrate a ball to raise funds for their project about breast cancer. And everyone expects me to bring my said fiancé to meet them.
-OMG you are such a loser.
-I don’t know why I came here expecting some support. Seems like today is not the day you want to deal with my stuff -I get a little angry because he doesn't understand how bad this is and how much I’ve been stressing the last few weeks trying to find a solution.
-Minnie, you know that’s not it -he quickly answers.
-Don’t worry. It’s my fault. By now I must have put in my mind that while you are working don’t wanna be bothered by others' banal stuff -I recollect my bag and start my way to the door.
I feel his hand wrapping around my wrist, trying to stop me.
-Stop it. I don’t wanna bother you.
He sighs and uses that hitch as a way to put me closer to him and after that, sit me again on the couch.
-Yeah, you are a pain in the ass, but even like that… you’ll never bother me when it’s about struggling with something, so… don’t say that.
-That’s how you made me feel.
-And I’m sorry about it. When it comes to words, we both know that I’m not the best to be sensitive.
-Except with your lyrics -I half-joke to reassure him. 
I feel bad to react this way because he has a life too and here I am burdening him with my problems; all because I am so weak that I drown in a cup of water.
-Yeah, except for my lyrics -says way softer.
-Ugh, I’m so messed up -I groan while hiding my face between my hands and laying back.
-Yeah, a little bit but, what are you going to do?
-What do you mean?
-I know you, so I expect you to have something in mind already -he says palming one of my knees while still sitting in his chair.
I drop my arms to my sides, tired.
-No. Well, technically yes, but not anymore.
-I had a plan but not anymore because things didn’t go the way I expected.
-How is that?
-Don’t wanna hear you say anything about “I warned you”.
-This is going to be good -he whispers loud enough for me to hear it, but after giving him a death stare, motions his mouth getting zipped and throws the key away.
-The obvious solution is to have someone pretending to be my fianceé. After wondering who would be the best option I asked Jim to fill that role because, you know, we were kinda hooking up.
-What did he say?
-Like cartoons. I was almost able to see smoke in his dashing foot.
-Told you so -whispers again with a smirk.
I want to save energy, so my only answer is to roll my eyes. It's not like I could deny it because he, in effect, told me that. 
When I started to meet Jim, equally scared of commitment as me, Yoongi warned me about how he would never be the one for me. How under the sweet gestures and amazing chemistry, we were only two people wasting time. How he could, maybe, let me down when I truly needed him. He wasn’t wrong. While explaining this whole issue to Jim, he was losing all the colour on his face because I told him that he would have to pretend to be in love. Pretend. I didn’t love him either but I was expecting the both of us to put on a little show of it.
But Yoongi knows that behind the façade I put saying that I don't want serious business, the reality is that I'm just searching for the right person to let my defences down. But to find it and as a scientist, I must do trial and error. Right?
-Then I contacted everyone in our group but all of them are occupied with close notice, and since my family is away, I can’t ask a cousin or something. Not to mention how weird it would have been -I shake my shoulders trying to shake the disgusting image of my mind.
-What about a random person or a gigolo? 
-I don’t have enough time to teach somebody the full ass history of how we fell in love or the money to pay for it. Also, I'm trying to avoid paying for another human till I'm 70 and alone, with the only company of my 5 cats. Thanks.
-That’s all?
-I started to pretend that I’m falling sick to have an excuse, but everyone seems suspicious of me. If that doesn’t work, I’m fucked up. For real. That’s my last chance.
-As I see it, that’s not your last chance. You forgot about something.
-I did?
To say that I am confused is an understatement.
-Yeah you fool -he smiles widely and reclines in his chair with crossed arms.
-I…don’t…follow you.
-You what? -My confusion is at the ceiling level.
-Me -He repeats with open arms- You forgot me.
Is this what I think it is?
-Stop frowning -and I do at his call- I can't believe you didn’t try to ask me.
-You are joking, aren’t you?
-No -he turns to the computer shrugging.
-Wait, wait, wait -I turn him to face me by the armrest- You, Min Yoongi, THE Min Yoongi, are offering to be my ‘date’ for an event at my workplace?
-God, don’t put it like that. But yeah, the answer is yes. I don’t know why it seems so unbelievable to you.
-I didn't ask you because: 1) I was ashamed, 2) you and I aren't precisely the most comfortable with touching or sweet words, and 3) and the main: aren’t you visiting your hometown this weekend? I know how much you’ve been looking forward to it.
-Yes, I was. But you are crazy if you think that I would let you lose your job for it.
-But you’ve worked so hard… you deserve that break.
-Listen and stop being stubborn. I know that your job is as important to you as mine is to me, not to mention that if you are in this position it is because of me. So… the fair thing is to be the one helping you out of this situation.
-You realise that we will have to pretend that we are in love, right? -I say carefully.
-I pretend that I like you every day so, I don’t think it will be that hard. 
I know he says it to make me laugh and take the iron off the matter, but I can’t help smacking his thigh while giggling. 
-What preoccupies me is you; would you be able not to fall in love with me?
We both laugh, knowing that it’s impossible.
I’m completing my look with sparkling earrings and I look at myself in the mirror. Not bad.
I’m wearing what I consider my slutiest outfit: a baggy long-sleeve dress with a deep v-neck and which long is mid-thigh. The cloth resembles black silk but falls beautifully around my curved body, adjusting in the places it should to remark my features. I added all the sparkly accessories because they contrast greatly with my tanned skin and the dress itself, but I guess all seems blurred compared to my boobs. Those girls are looking great tonight. 
My hairstyle and makeup are a little basic, but enough to make me feel pretty.
While applying perfume someone rings the doorbell. I’m ready on time, so taking all my stuff and a false pink fur coat, I open the door.
I have to admit it, he looks stunning. Yoongi is wearing black skinny jeans with a white t-shirt tucked in, black combat boots and a green bomber jacket. All prettily completed with silver accessories and his long ginger hair slightly gelled back on the sides. My favourite look on him.
-Why aren’t you wearing high heels?
That comment is enough to get me out of my trance, but I understand it; that’s the only part of my outfit on display.
-Is bad enough to be wearing ones for the ball, so yes, thank you, I won’t be torturing myself tonight -I explain as I close my house with the key.
-You were the one who had the idea of dressing in the clothes the other likes most.
-I’m wearing everything you asked for except for the heels. Relax.
-Let me see.
-Hell no, it is freezing here. You’ll see once we get to the discotheque. C’mon.
-I don’t trust you. At all -he whispers but follows me to the taxi stop.
This is part of the amazing plan we made together on Tuesday night. Not the best idea but…it will have to do the work.
The ball is on Friday so we have a couple of days to make us believable as a couple. Tonight, Wednesday, part one is in development. We’ll go to drink (a lot) and dance in a public place and act as partners in love. Is like practice for the real situation and luckily, as I suggested, dressing in a way the other likes will make it easier to dissociate the image of best friend that we find disgusting to act in love with.
We have two days to be comfortable with holding hands, him holding me for the small of my back, me hanging into his arm, hugging and… kissing. Not fully making out, like little pecks. Or at least that’s the order both of us come together to decide as necessary to give the ‘’living in the honeymoon stage of relationship’’ vibes.
Tomorrow we will work on our love story, pet names and all that stuff. Maybe we’ll have to buy some alcohol for it too.
-Should we…maybe…start? -he asks, looking the other way.
-I think I need a couple of quick shots before.
-Thank God, me too -laughs.
I signal to a bar near us that won’t make us change our direction fully, and he agrees.
-Please, four shots of tequila -Yoongi orders to the bartender, and I am grateful for that amount.
Since I am the one using his help, I want to invite him. He gives me bored eyes and tries to take my money away from the counter, but I push him a little bit and open my coat to let my neckline on the view of the young bartender.
-Please, accept my money. You can keep the change as a tip -my voice is as sweet as I physically can and I bat my eyelashes. It works because he takes my money a little bit flustered and his only answer is a nod. I laugh to myself and close the coat again, turning to my friend, who is downing his first little vase.
I take one making cheers in the air before ingesting the hot liquor.
-You know… what you did is not fair.
-What do you mean? -I play dumb.
-You know what I mean -he says before drinking his other drink- That poor boy… I would be surprised if he doesn't end up hard as wood.
-Why is that bad? Dozens of men look at my ass or boobs without any intention on my side or dressing to “provoke” them. It’s not my fault that in this patriarchal society, women are so fucking sexualized that men think it’s okay to do it. He would have looked at them anyway if I weren’t wearing the coat so excuse me for using that in my favour instead of against me - I drink my last shot.
He looks at me kind of speechless, but after clearing his throat he says “When you are right, you are right”.
The cold air receives us in the street, but the burning sensation in our stomachs is a great contrast. We decide to go walking to the discotheque since it isn’t that far and after ten minutes of comfortable silence, I start to feel the alcohol quicking in in the form of an unexpected laugh.
-What happens? -Yoongi seems confused but laughs too.
-This situation… is ridiculous.
-I know.
-But again, thank you. You are saving me from a good one. I owe you.
-Don’t be stupid, we are best friends. You take care of me and I take care of you. That is how we have always worked and how it will always work.
-Wow, alcohol is getting into you too? You are speaking mindlessly.
-A bit. A long time has passed since I last drank something; work has been… crazy.
-Same for me. Maybe it is a good moment for…you know.
-First step?
-Yeah, first step. Are you okay with that?
-Of course.
We look at each other's hands and making a brave move, I'm the one initiating the motion. His are colder and slightly bigger but feels surprisingly comfortable to intertwine fingers and sense his even colder rings brushing with mine. That heat difference sends a shiver through my body.
It’s not like we have never held hands in other contexts. We do, for example, while walking in a street full of people or in a comforting situation and stuff like that, but it is our first time to do it without a physical or emotional need.
-How do you feel? -I ask cautiously.
-Weird, not gonna lie.
-Me too.
-But it’s not the first time we held hands and I have to say that luckily you feel warm.
-Yeah, you are freezing man -the tension weakens and we start to walk again, still hand in hand.
-I forgot my coat and when I realised I was already too far. I expected to be in a taxi and drunk so I didn’t take it so seriously. Now I’m regretting my choices.
I can’t stop a laugh and he does the same, showing a gummy smile.
-I can work with that. Grieving for my frozen-to-death fiancé is a good excuse to go to the bloody fundraiser alone.
-Then, who would listen to your nonsense anxious babbling?
-You aren’t my only friend, you know that right?
-They simply can’t compare. Even Nelly. 
-Yeah, they can’t compare because nobody reaches your level of pettiness.
-That’s what we have in common you and I, my friend.
Our bickering continues till we reach our destination, where it is time to start the practice. Reading my mind he offers his arm for me to cling to it while still holding hands; a typical pose of couples who’ve been together for some years.
-IDs? -the bouncer asks us.
Once he checks that we are above 23 (a way to only let in adults) the heat receives us when we cross the door. The decoration is beautiful and serious, way different from what we are used to.
-Everyone here seems a little off, don’t you think? -Yoongi asks me.
-Yeah, I guess the age requirement takes away the younger spirit. You know this place is for people who want to have a good night but not that “wild”.
-If this is what awaits me once I establish a serious relationship, I’m definitely staying single.
-Bold of you to assume that you’ll find someone who can keep up with your antics. It’s not like you are turning love proposals all day.
His elbow pinches at my ribs for making fun of him and I laugh.
-You are one to talk… Also, I have some game so… your words don’t offend me miss “Please help me because my ashole of a hookup can’t even pretend to be in love with me”.
-Yeah, that was because he knew that once he started pretending, it wouldn’t be pretending anymore and I’m too much of a woman for him.
-Sure -his eyes are mocking me.
-Let’s grab some drinks, stupid.
He straightly asks for a whiskey, his favourite drink, but I order a rum with coke. He offers me to taste it and I’m dumb enough to do it, gagging at the flavour.
-You have an easy gag reflex, maybe now I understand why Jim dumped your ass so easily.
-Don’t worry hun, it’s only related to alcoholic drinks and he surely dumped me but my ass felt a great loss to him -I cheer my drink with his.
He gives me an unreadable stare while swallowing the odd savoury liquor.
I hate to admit it, but he looks smoking hot tonight. I can’t put my finger exactly on what it is, but something of him making dark humour about Jim while staring at me in that mockery way and gulping whiskey like water… is entrancing. Am I that sex deprived or what?
He frowns one eyebrow trying to guess what's on my mind and just the possibility of him being able to decipher my thoughts has me blushing.
-Is hot here. I’m going to the wardrobe to leave my coat - I excuse myself while getting up from the stool.
-Want me to accompany you?
-Oh, no. Don’t worry. I don’t think it will take me that long.
I join the wardrobe queue a little anxious. Just thinking of what awaits me these days stresses me; it’s really out of my comfort zone. I take the coat for the smiley girl behind the counter to take it.
-Wow girl, you are stunning.
-Thank you, I hope my… boyfriend thinks the same -the b-word gets a little stuck in my throat.
-If he doesn’t… take him to the doctor. That would mean he has his sight damaged. Or better, come back and I’ll make sure you have a good time -she says winking and giving me a little key with a number.
-I’ll keep that in mind -I answer a little flustered and return to where Yoongi is waiting.
He is turned to face me, elbow resting on the bar and cup playing in his hand in circular motions. He eyes me up and down and licks his lips, and I have to put all the effort in me to keep walking like nothing and not choke on my air.
He must have noticed my nervous state because this time, decides to directly ask.
-Oh, I was a little shocked -I answered because… well, that is true- The girl in the wardrobe made a move on me suggesting that if my partner doesn’t like me or something, she will take matters herself to give me a good time -that is also true.
-She did?
-Yeah, why is it so hard to believe? -I am a little offended and I chug down the rest of my drink.
-Not that is hard to believe, but… Do you like girls or something now? -he seems genuinely curious, trying to assure me that anything I say next, will be well received from him.
-No, this isn’t me coming out; sadly I’m still into men. Just… is nice to have someone complimenting me even if I’m not into girls -a change in his gaze is noticeable, and that’s what makes me realise that maybe he feels like I’m implying something else that I’m not- Anyways, I thought that she was nice and a funny anecdote. Do you want anything else to drink?
I can almost see him shaking his head to get rid of whatever was going on there and nods, chugging the remains of whiskey, which makes his Adam's apple move up and down. He has a nice side profile, I’ll admit that too. 
Once we have refilled our vases, we start a little conversation about our works and how excited he is that his first mixtape is in the final steps to be published. Only the photos and the design of the cover are missing, which will be arranged on Friday morning, previous to the gala.
-I can’t believe that you didn’t let me listen to it.
-I want you to see the final product, to see the full concept like the rest.
-Still… I can’t believe that you are doing this to your very first fan. I guess from now I will have to fight with all your new fans for a little attention.
-Like you ever had it… -he smirks and I hit him in the arm.
-Maybe I should start stanning other rappers, Namjoon is doing great with his mixtape. At least he appreciates me a little bit.
-Yeah, he would appreciate having you under his sheets. Well, he and the rest of the boys of the studio.
-Don’t be silly, we are just friends.
-Yeah, because no friends in history have ever hooked up, right?
-Not me at least.
-Because you are good at friend-zoning without even noticing. It’s really fun to watch them all try to have a date with you. I will tell you more, we have a bet going on.
-What? Stop joking.
His gaze is devilish, but his face remains serious; that’s how I know that he is being honest. He funnily grins while drinking and I just blush.
-Seriously? I don’t know Yoongi, that seems fake.
-Kinda is, kinda not. At the start, when they first meet you, they, believe it or not, wanted you as something more than a friend. After some time trying and failing, they accepted that it was impossible. However, it is still a joke to make moves on you to see if you notice but I know that if you give them any signal, they would be moving their tails like the dogs they are.
-That's what the bet is about? For how long has it been going on?
.Around… I don’t know. Two years maybe?
To say that I'm speechless is an understatement.
-Who’s in that bet?
-All the group?
-Even… you?
-I guess… but I like to think of myself as a judge in all this. It wouldn’t be fair to them if I played at their level since I’m your best friend.
-Oh my god, you are so full of yourself.
-You think you can win against the others with that dumpling-like skin and that skinny body of yours? You wouldn’t be able to handle me. Jungkook or Namjoon? Definitely.
-I would prove it to you, but once you get a taste… you can’t go anywhere else.
Scarlet cheeks are my only answer to that.
-And what’s the prize of that bet?
-Free pass with you if you want it too.
-Ugh, and you are part of that?
-Now you are the one full of herself. If I win maybe I’ll be able to trade that for some equipment my studio is missing.
-I’m not an object you can use to “trade”.
-Of course you aren’t. Of course.
He pats my head messily and I can see a glint of fun in his eyes, which in Yoongi’s language means that he feels a little tipsy. He’s not the touchy type at least he has some alcohol flowing through him.
Honestly, I know that I should be a little angry with this whole bet thing but I am not. Yes, is a little weird that all of them are in this but at the same time… I know they would never hurt me or take advantage of me in that way. Also, I have to admit that sometimes I do second checks of them because… holy cow, they seem like some greek marble-carved figurines that came to life. So.. am I the one to blame?
Not to mention how lovely and protective of me they all are; I can’t remember a time when I didn’t have had their support for whatever stupid thing I was trying or a warm hug if I needed it. I guess this thing is a friendly joke I wasn’t aware of but thanks to alcohol-induced honesty in Yoongi…I’m going to have MY fun with it.
-Now that you have told me this, who has won? You are destroying it.
-I suppose the first you flirt back to and I told you because… two years?? At this point, we all know that the bet was never going to end. Why? Now that you know, is your interest in any of those assholes?
-Who? -I know this caught him by surprise.
-You will have to give me more drinks and a couple of dances to know that. Decide your strategy while my trip to the bathroom -I laugh at him and make my way to the service room.
I’m not interested in any of them, but as I said, it’s my turn to have some fun with it and poor Yoongi, he’s my first victim. We have some bond to do to look like a couple, right? Well, I will take this as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
->Chapter 2
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golden-fairylights · 8 hours
Thank you so much @gaslybottoms for tagging me to answer these🩷
1. Do you make your bed? I normally only fold my blanket at the bottom of my bed but my pillows have to stay the same. I need them in a very specific way and I normally hate changing my sheets because that means that they will be all fluffy and not lying there perfectly for the next night.
2. Favourite number? I hoenstly don't know. I think I'm very basic and say it's 1 or 2... I've played football with the number 1 for almost my whole life so I guess that one a little more...
3. What’s your job? I don't currently have a job really. I help out at my fathers company but I'm still at university.
4. If you could go back to school, would you? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. I loved seeing my freinds every day and we had lots of fun and I got along great with most of my teachers. I don't really miss the lessons that didn't interest me.
5. Can you parallel park? mostly yes, it depends on the car i'm driving and which side of the road I have to park on.
6. Do you think aliens are real? I do believe that there is something out there. The universe is just too huge for us to be the only planet that has life. But i don't think they look simialr to how media is picturing them. I also think we might have to rethink our definition of life if we ever find some...
7. Can you drive a manual car? I can but i've not done it in a very long time.
8. Guilty pleasure? I think the fact that I just had to goodle examples for guilty pleasures tells you enough... (It told me a glass of wine in the evening or crisps during a diet... I do both of those things but I wouldn't call them guilty pleasures. So, no I don't have any)
9. Tattoos? I don't have any
10. Favourite colour? yellow (fun fact: I din't like yellow but then I felt bad because everyone I knew hated on it so I decided to make it my favourite colour...)
11. Favourite type of music? that's a hard one. I listen to basically everything I guess. With my team I listen to german drinking songs a lot. 2000s and 2010s are up there too. Rock from the 60s-90s. Whenever I do sports I like to listen to techno or remixes of songs. And on some days I just feel classical music the most and go wild to that.
12. Do you like puzzles? Yes, i'd say so. I don't do them that often though.
13. Favourite childhood sport? Football.
14. Do you talk to yourself? Oh for sure. Mostly to entertain myself but also when I have to work through something.
15. Tea or coffee? Tea if I have to choose but I barely drink both of them.
16. First thing you wanted to be when growing up? marine biologist I think, I jsut wanted to work with animals.
17. What movies do you adore? Mary Poppins is one of my all time favourites. I love romcoms, sometimes it's everything I need to make myself feel better.
I'm no-pressure-tagging @hrhgeorgerussell @albonoooo @duquesademiel @yukierres @your-littlesecret @chaesonghwas 🩷❤️
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crownedinmarigolds · 8 months
lgbtmi asked:
"42-48 for noa, 60-66 for parvati? :> or if you'd rather answer them for another oc then feel free to! have fun with it!"
((It wouldn't let me properly answer your ask, so I'm making it a post, thank you!)) Wow so many!! Thank you gorgeous! I'm definitely going to answer these beneath a break because I'm long-winded!
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42. can they dance? 43. how much do they know about the world they live in? 44. what lies do they tell others? 45. what lies do they tell themselves? 46. have they taught themselves any skills just for fun? 47. what could they talk about for hours on end? 48. do they relate to anyone in their group? conversely, which person do they relate to the least?
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60. what do they have faith in? what keeps them believing? 61. is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh? 62. do they believe in good and evil? 63. what’s a meme or tiktok or vine (or whatever) that you associate with them? 64. how would a party member describe them? 65. what would their go-to karaoke song be? 66. which fruit do they like most?
NOA: 42. can they dance? Noa was raised with all sorts of private manners and etiquette lessons! She can dance most classic, proper dances - the Slow Waltz, the Tango, the Quickstep. In a ballroom, she'd probably be a pretty decent dance partner! Otherwise, she can kind of get her groove going to the fun music of the era she's in, but she's so gunshy it would probably come off too awkward. If she had Nyth with her, she'd probably be a lot more loose and fun because she'd be able to focus on him being a MUCH better dancer. If they're giggling together, then how can they look truly stupid? 43. how much do they know about the world they live in? Noa knows a LOT about vampirism, basically taught the moment she was ghouled at eighteen about the inner workings of the Giovanni clan and their practices. She can tell you about their histories, their traditions, their differences, the works. However! The world outside of her family compound is a different story. She gets glimpses when she gets a chaperoned outing or two, but ultimately Noa is normally behind on current events. When she and Nyth escape the Sabbat attack on her family home and they're forced to see the world outside... it's a rude awakening. After this shakeup, Noa definitely tries to read a paper or watch the news, but she definitely is so lost in her own sauce that even then she's still incredibly insular and inattentive to the greater world. 44. what lies do they tell others? Noa isn't really a liar, but she will definitely hold herself back a LOT. So if someone with power over her is rude, is doing something she doesn't like, etc, she will bite her tongue. Being okay with certain actions even if it's hurting her or insulting her would be the biggest lie she could tell. 45. what lies do they tell themselves? She often tells herself that whatever her family is doing is okay. It serves a greater purpose. They're just testing her. Another lie would be that her older brother Quino truly has her best interests at heart. He DOES, but he's also overly self-serving. 46. have they taught themselves any skills just for fun? Noa has had lots of various skill training, but something she took on herself was learning Elvish from Nythanel because it was fun to have a secret code to share. Also his alchemy journal had Elvish in it, so if she were to ever read it, she would need to know it! She also gets her official mortician's license in later nights, may as well, right? 47. what could they talk about for hours on end? Noa could go on and on about Vampirism and Necromancy and the Afterlife for hours if you let her! You probably shouldn't, it's pretty disheartening. Especially when she sounds like a sweet and excited teenager who should instead be talking about whatever the latest pop boy group is. 48. do they relate to anyone in their group? conversely, which person do they relate to the least? Noa has a very small group, but of course Nythanel is the one she resonates with the most. He is her BEST friend, and probably her only real-real friend. He knows her heart deeply. She probably relates the least to their ghoul Julian, who is a big lummox she can barely stand. It's not the poor guy's fault, Noa is just incredibly high maintenance with standards he could never hope to achieve in the position he's in.
PARVATI: 60. what do they have faith in? what keeps them believing? Parvati is a Ravnos that is a Follower of Set, so she does believe and give praise to Set. She's even met him in person! But what keeps her going the most is her husband Harri's staunch belief. She can peer into the man's mind, and she knows that even though he outwardly is a liar, too talkative, too charismatic, a schemer... he BELIEVES. And if someone like Harrakhty Hamdi can truly have faith, then that in itself is inspirational enough for her. 61. is there an in-game moment of theirs you think about and just laugh? HA. Okay. So. Parvati at this point was an NPC on a New York VTM server I was a Storyteller on. A problematic player built a backstory where his Tzimisce character (this is his second one, first one he retired after messing up pretty badly) knew her and loved her, and also it allowed him access to the Setite cult when his character was entered into the game. The other Storytellers allowed this, but us (me and my husband also an ST) had the caveat that the Setites owned this player's heart so he can't get too uppity with this power access and try to diablerize these low-gen Elders, etc etc. Everyone was fine with this, BUT then suddenly when the character was in play, the player got mad that he didn't have a heart and immediately tried to argue with the leaders of the Setites (Parvati and Harri) to get his heart back - even though this was the trade off for having access to very low-gen Elders. He later in-game threatened Parvati - Harri wasn't in the room - by putting his hands on her neck and telling her he would destroy her haven entirely if she did not give up the heart. By the way, to set the scene real quick - Parvati had an illusion over her room to look like a beautiful forest with a lovely babbling brook nearby. Now, I'm pretty sure this guy had intended this to be horny and sexy threatening... but this was so dumb right? He was a very angry and horny player, which I can normally let slide, but he was actively threatening the Hierophant's wife and putting his hands on her. Well Parvati in this game was a Sixth Generation Ravnos with high Chimerstry, so she just made him think he had set himself on fire. The player asks me what he can do, he failed his rolls and is experiencing Rotschrek, then I said "welp there's a nice river right there." So he in a huff has his character dive head first into the river, which of course isn't real, and he cracks his head open on her hard-wood floor and also thanks to thinking he's on fire, he goes into torpor. Funniest shit ever. He wasn't a good sport about the situation but he at least knew what to do when it was presented to him. Hahaha 62. do they believe in good and evil? Parvati firmly believes that Nature is Neutral... though she's witnessed and performed some pretty cruel acts. But she's not a nice lady. 63. what’s a meme or tiktok or vine (or whatever) that you associate with them? "In all ways except physical, I am a wolf tiger." 64. how would a party member describe them? They'd probably comment on her beauty first, then on how unnervingly quiet and ruthless she is. Would no doubt fall back on the "like a tiger" thing. 65. what would their go-to karaoke song be? Ignoring the fact Parvati would probably not be singing at all (Queen No Fun!) I could definitely see her being your mom who brings up an old song from the golden era of movies to sing. 66. which fruit do they like most? Parvati doesn't eat anything other than blood these days, but she in life loved a good melon. Definitely despises figs.
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stangeranfanficion · 1 year
You know what, fuck it, TC2 headcanons-Offense
Note: these headcanons will try and organize to each class, then misc for all 3.
Around 18 ish
Probably named Apollo or Jackson
Very much a Gen Z kiddo
Shares stupid memes to his co-workers all the time.
He not very socially aware of others and likes to be in the center of the world
He's not really great at recognizing others' emotions.
Flanker is still in high school
Yes, he does sleep with 4 plushies on his bed
Yes, he does watch Mr. Beast
You can not understand his messages on discord.
He uses words shorthands like 4ever and text lingo.
He has a sonic oc
His name is Theroux the Hedgehog
Has a very bad relationship with his mother so he lives with his dad.
His dad thinks his mercenary job is a fast food job
I feel he definitely needs some life lessons, but due to his dad being protective of him, which pushed him to go to his mercenary job. He just wanted freedom in his own life.
He's kinda worried about life later one due to failing in school and worrying to help his dad.
In his late 60s and early 70s
Jackie is his nickname, but Jackson Smith is his full name.
Hes very grumpy, all the time he has a resting bitch face.
Hes also autistic but never got diagnosed so he just like "I'm the most normal person here"
He has grandkids but they never come and see him
Lives in a nursing home due to this
Anni was a helper for the home and they became good friends
Anni is kinda a mentor for him
If he and soldier met, they would be father and son
Trooper has a lovely singing voice, just hates singing in front of others
Pro bingo player and has won 5 weeks in a row once
Loves dogs expically Hounds
Sees the tc2 mercs as "troublesome kids"
He has a lot of toxic masculinity and perfectionism. He needs others to fully follow his commands and has trouble working with others even though he was in war.
Though he's a very good ally to his friends/team, thinks of them as a second family
Very close to Annihilator, always by his side
Not autistic- because robot
Was originally a fire fighting bot that was decommissioned for causing more fires than stopping them
Mechanic bought them for like a cent as scarp but learned they were alive
Lives in the base with Mechanic who lives in a cleaning closet
They have a database on their teammates with heath and personal data mainly being saved
Basically knows everyone secrets because everyone thinks they don't save memories like those
Also the main person who gets vented too
Even tho they don't understand, they try to help get the tc2 mercs through anything they need
This includes autistic help with over simulation.
Can warm up body to create a small heated blanket affect
Their also a divorce lawyer on the side and helped Doc and Brute get a divorce
They don't have alot of goals programed into them but they do have one
"Protect the Mercs at any cost"
They seem to consider them their family
Tho seemed the the persumed idea because they don't make it clear
Their we go! Idk when im gonna be able to do defense or support but i hand!
@seahdalune for tags
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squeakygeeky · 11 months
100 hours of Thai listening comprehension
I did just talk bout my one month milestone which was 60 hours so it's not like I feel much different, but supposedly I should know around ~300 words now. Do I? I have no idea because this isn't a method that lends it self to tracking and testing. I am pretty good at colors, numbers, animals, family and food so I guess that's about right. I can feel my listening comprehension improving week by week when I watched subtitled BL. I believe this would be A1 CEFR, but only for listening. No speaking, reading, or writing.
I'm probably more advanced than 100hrs would normally would be since I would estimate I've watched 350+ hours of Thai BL (yikes!). But I don't count that since I wasn't paying attention to the language, and even now if I watch something with subtitles I'm mostly learning subtitles. I can definitely understand the words I know when I hear them in BL and not just in the context of the lessons. There are some words that I recognize as distinct words, but I'm still trying to figure out what the heck they mean.
I'm avoiding watching Thai BL for the most part, since I'm kind of saving it all for later when I understand even more. Right not it's only Laws of Attraction. Knowing family words helped with the very poor subtitles though, so my time is paying off.
I am very bored of watching videos like Guess The Fruit and look forward to being able to watch more advanced ones about Thai culture and stuff, but that's a ways off. Watching BL without subtitles (not in the sense of understanding all the words, but being able to follow the plot) would I think take almost a year, even at my current pace, which is absolutely going to be unsustainable when we hit fall. But I keep thinking of that meme 'the time will pass anyway.'
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I heard this song way back in 1999.
I was already curious about this band (back then) because a school friend told me about 'they have a song called Natural Sciences' and a guitarist friend also told me about Tom Sawyer.
So, I bought a 'Thomsun Original' cassette (can't find an image to show what those fat plastic cassettes used to look like).
And while listening (to Twilight Zone), I found it odd how the drummer played the drums a bit 'off' time. I thought he played 'earlier than normal/needed'. I didn't quite think much about it then.
Fast Forward to 2004, while searching for 'Rush lyrics' I stumbled on to a site 'egodeath.com', in which the site owner (Michael Hoffman, a big time supporter of LSD), explained that 'all Rush lyrics allude to a mystical state induced by LSD'.
In retrospect, I was fascinated by the explanations/interpretations of the lyrics.
I can say (now), that I was under the influence of his thinking/interpretation (without any actual substance use).
In hindsight, no matter how fascinating philosophies may be, they don't always serve positive purposes. Nor do all of them make you better/more sorted.
And it is not possible to easily extricate yourself (on your own) from many such things, once they get into your mind. Even if they are respectful/intelligent/whatever. Some of them warp your mind.
That's all the lessons for now. :-)
So now (decades later), as I reflect on parts of this song's lyrics 'he's got three eyes' (which was probably Mr Hoffman's interpretation - eyes of perception getting opened by LSD), seems weaker now. (I'm quoting from memory, he may have had a more specific interpretation.)
Another factor for this conclusion is, I had seen The Twilight Zone's episode 'Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up?' (the 60's Rod Serling black and white version). This song seems fairly inspired by this TV series. And the video seems to support the conclusion.
However, it is still possible, both these interpretations are correct - and not only one (that of the TV series alone). I'm leaving it at that.
It is good enough that I enjoy the thoughts/philosophies and music of Rush.
Maybe one day (like, sooner) I will get a job in Canada and relocate to 'the land of Rush' :-)
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ciarashoggoth · 2 months
A Report! From Inside The Walls of Mallmart
"I was never going to get internet famous, was I?" I stare into the dark, shadowy corner of my room. It's 5am, and storm clouds are brewing over Okaloosa County. The seas are churning but still keep that odd emerald glow that we're known for. "This was just about me, selling my mortality, my soul, or whatever else was up for bargaining when I made that blood pact." Still, no answer. It's just an empty corner of my bedroom. "Well, I'm going to anyway so whatever is happening here can seem worth it. I choose to win. I choose to fight." Dead silence. It was near maddening. And then, "Honey, have you left for work yet? It's 6 o'clock."
I have never been popular. In grade school, I remember sitting around in morning meeting and just thinking about what I could say to grab people's attention. Darkwood middle school was much the same, with me trying to desperately get in with the cool crowd. Every time I opened my mouth and said something stupid, I could feel their judging gazes burrowing into my skin so I would talk more, trying to fix it. And more, 
And more
And then I'd talk even more until I thought I was going to choke on it. I always made the situation worse without fail. I was a pariah. I was the goofy kid who no one wanted to hang out with. I began trading my lunch, gum, whatever I could bring into school in exchange for companionship. It never lasted, it was always short lived. As an adolescent, I was never invited to the college group chats, or parties. When I went to work, I was never invited to grab beers after the shift ended with the guys. 
"I reckon it's going to rain all day," a man says, in the break rooms of Mallmart to his friend. Indeed, the clouds were darkening over the store, and I sat alone at a table, feeling painfully aware that I may have gambled away the last thing of value I had in hopes of, what?
'Maybe it's all in my head. Maybe the other day was a string of odd coincidences. I'm fine. I'm not coming unglued. I can get back to my boring Mallmart employee life, and forget this ever happened.' so that's what I did. I stocked shelves in hba, and let my brain go blessedly blank. 'I am a good associate employee. That's all there is. There is nothing supernatural happening to me. I am normal, and that is okay.'
'If things keep going like this, I'm going to-
No , no… things are fine. Don't start with that train of thought now.' But it's like a mantra in my head. Things will not get better. I don't deserve to have anything go well for me. All these anti acid pills I'm stocking, this is my life now. The heavy cloud over Mallmart is all there is to my life now. Things are always going to feel like this. 
By the time the cart is empty, my head is spinning and I feel useless. I feel dead inside. I feel sick. And management is just waiting for me to screw up. I know it. I'm a screw up.  The thought leaves me sweating as I head over to the palette set up.
A Lesson in Mallmart Stock handling, with Madame Macabre!
In Mallmart, there are several types of stock you may handle. All of them have guidelines on how to properly handle them so you and Mallmart's customers can be as safe as possible! One is standard stock. Standard stock is items such as groceries, toys, or pharmacy vitamin bottles. These items don't have unique guidelines, but should always be securely put on your cart before reaching its destination. You should not leave any stock out on the main sales floor as this could create a liability. 
Then, we have hazardous materials. This stock may have flammable liquids or other chemicals that may pose a suitable threat when damaged. Be sure to handle with care, and to take the necessary precautions available on the Mallmart hazardous materials guide. The last, are team lift stocks. This stock reaches a weight or size that requires multiple people to handle the stock, in order to lift it to its destination. These items typically exceed 60 pounds. 
I could feel my team lead's eyes on me. I could feel Mikki's eyes, the lovely older lady who was always so nice to me, on me. I could feel Taylor from Mallmart's eyes on me. They were waiting for me to mess up. I needed to hurry and go. So I stacked the camping canopy sets one on top of the other and carried them over to my cart. 
"Holy CRAP-!" In near unison, I could hear my several onlookers say. I dropped the sets down onto the cart, looking over as my team lead made his way over. "Ciara, next time we should really do a team lift for each of those. Are you okay-?" He glanced me up and down before continuing. "Can you get those down from there alright? Okay, well finish up that cart and then head onto purging bins." And off he went, as the others stared on in shock. I didn't waste anymore time and got the hell out of there, honestly.
I really should've checked the boxes, they say team lift right on them, plain as day. The thrumming in my head persisted well into lunch break. 
Taylor and Aiden sat at a table in the back of the break room, laughing. "That's not what I said-" Taylor insisted, as I took a seat with them. The young man with long dark hair was not wearing his usual sunglasses and hat. Instead they sat in the center of the table. His eyes were blue, and the roots of his hair shockingly blonde. And he was making Taylor laugh, and blush. "Dude, I am so disappointed I missed the power outage. The one day I have work off, and you guys go into nightmare mode? For real!" He says 'For real!' a lot, actually. I understand why it's for real half the time he says it. 
"Yes, you missed the power outage, Aiden Gossman. There were lights out, and screaming, and strange liquid dripping from the skylight in the Health and Beauty Department…and you missed it, because you stayed home and played video games. How does it suck to suck, Aiden Gossman?" I asked, gazing over the shorter male. "Dude, you are so hard on me today. If you took that stick out of your behind," He puts exclamation on behind as he says it, grating on my nerves further. "And actually slacked off a little with us, you'd be so much happier!" He grinned. "You should seriously get rest though. You might start hallucinating or something." Taylor pointed out. "Maybe he's hallucinating this conversation right now-"
"Ciara, no," Aiden glanced around for a second. "I heard you got reeducated." 
"Well, that's naturally the first step after a reported incident."
"Oh yeah, what'd you do, anyways?"
Now, both were staring at me, expectantly. "There were some teens making fun of me…. I may have called a child a 'big bitch'," I explained, hesitantly. A laugh barked out of Aiden. "Wow, you're like my hero. I'm going to have to remember that line-" Taylor said.
"But really, that's not fair to you. People shouldn't call you that stuff, Ciara." I could tell by the look in her mint colored eyes, she meant it. It gave me a fluttery feeling, being noticed. 
"Really dude? She's not going to date you. Pretty sure of it, in fact." As soon as Taylor left the table, it was on. 
'Oh dear Aiden,' I thought to myself at that moment. 'You don't know who you're messing with.' I was going to respond back with a sharp remark that'd leave his head spinning, and suck the oxygen right from the room. Instead, my eyes started to sting. "That's not true! You'll see-!" And with that, I was out the door, off to continue my job, as an average Mallmart associate.
I was never popular.
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hlmowrer · 3 months
Weeks 59, 60, & 61: Sometimes life is messy, I guess
Y'all thought you could get rid of me that easily.  Hah.  
It's been a very unique time, friends.  Unfortunately too much time has passed for me to be able to get out many of the little stories and details that I'd like to tell.  The better part of a transfer has gone by since I wrote a letter, and as much as I regret that it was necessary.  My time in Charlotte has been some of the most meaningful and some of the most brutal time I've had in the mission field.  I've experienced bouts of illness, had long held frustrations boil over, regressed in some habits I used to do well, and have spent some days relearning life lessons I thought I already learned.  I've also been given some beautiful beams of pure revelation and peace from the Holy Spirit, and have seen miracles come to pass right in front of me.  It has truly been a time where I know I have come to the place (both literally and spiritually) where the Lord intended me to come, and am now on a path that will be good for me, even if I am sometimes incapable of seeing the why of some of these things.  The repetition of some of these troubles really gets to me sometimes.  I don't know why I'm like this but I trust that this is simply part of the learning process that was always intended for my mortality.
One of the most precious spiritual experiences of my life to date came just a few days after I wrote my last letter.  Because of a few particularly bitter struggles I had been having I went to a zone conference in Jackson, MI with the intention to speak to my mission president afterwards. (He usually has office hours after these sort of events.)  I approached him, and he informed me that this time he had to return to Lansing immediately after the conference.  Of course.  I ended up staying longer after the event than I normally do, and the Spirit put it into my mind that I should speak with a particular member of the mission presidency, who happened to still be around.  I did, and my conversation with him quickly turned into a priesthood blessing.  For those unfamiliar, a priesthood blessing is something that authorized holders of the Melchizedek Priesthood in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can provide.  In this blessing, the priesthood holder places their hands on your head and, by listening to the Holy Spirit, can provide counsel, comfort, and/or healing.  It's a beautiful and powerful thing for those who have faith in its meaning.  This one was especially powerful...as this man talked, he addressed each and every concern that came to my mind, right as I thought it.  I did not say a word, and he spoke as though he was speaking the words of my Savior, straight to me.  I recorded the counsel I was given when I got home that night, and I believe it to be as much the words of Jesus Christ as my patriarchal blessing is.  Most of the things said are too personal to present in a letter like this, but one of the things was simply a reminder that discipleship is messy, and I would do well to trust that the Lord is seeing me through it.  
So alright then.  My life may feel very much like a mess right now, but maybe it's a necessary mess.  The Lord has shown His hand in my life plenty this month, so I know I'm not completely lost.  I trust in the promises my sweet, wise Creator made to me.  In good time I will inherit all that He has to give me.  When I'm ready for it.
Don't go getting all jelly though.  He has the same thing for you!  Go get it!
-Elder Beren Mowrer
***My Current Location***
Charlotte, Michigan
***My Previous Locations***
Fremont, Michigan
North Muskegon, Michigan
Kalkaska, Michigan
Midland, Michigan
Provo, Utah
Saint George, Utah
***My Mission***
Michigan Lansing Mission
***My Mailing Address***
216 Legacy Park Drive #1
Charlotte, MI 48813
United States of America
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1-deadgirlwalking-1 · 3 months
i woke up and then went back to sleep again a few times, i actually woke up at around 3pm. my head hurts and i feel very sluggish. i was productive yesterday, i did the dishes two times, put my laundry in the wash, took a shower, and started my late schoolwork. but today i am not. today i am a blob.
i don't feel like doing anything but i think it's only because my head hurts. i'm getting better though. sometimes i feel bad because i'm like "the other day i was doing so good but today i suck" but my bad days used to be my good days, and my absolute worst days used to be my normal. i'm getting better. i can see the progress as it's happening. and that's good. i still don't brush my teeth hardly ever though, even on my good days. today my teeth are hurting because of that.
anyway i've been learning kana. the only ones i have memorized are あ い う え お き く ア イ ウ エ and オ. which isn't a lot but it's a start. i get very happy whenever i click on a japanese video and am able to recognize characters in the title or subtitles.
i also got signed up for my classes next year. right now i have all A's, my highest grade is 100% my lowest is 90%, so my counselor was encouraging me to take all the honors and AP classes i'm eligible for, but i couldn't say that the only reason my grades are stellar right now is because of me cheating on everything. i don't know hardly any of the material we've learned this year. i finally got a notebook for math class and i'm planning on going through all of my old math lessons and writing everything down so i can actually remember it all. spring break is coming up so that will give me extra time.
for next year i'm signed up for algebra 2, honors english, honors biology, AP history, and japanese. i'm eligible for honors algebra but i'm hesitant on taking it because i'm afraid of getting bad grades, i still have some time to decide. i'm also going to sign up for dual enrollment and if i'm eligible, the two classes i take will replace whichever high school ones i'm signed up for now.
my mom thinks i should take german because i am part german (ethnically) and no one in our family can speak a lick of german, it's been completely forgotten in our family now. and my dad thinks i should take spanish because we're american and that's the most logical to learn. but i don't want to do either of those. i was already planning on learning japanese and my school has a japanese class. why would i not take that?? the only downside is both my family and guidance counselor now think i want to learn japanese because i like anime and that feels extremely slanderous. T^T
i have 7 late assignments to do today. which is a lot for me. but last year i had 60+ late assignments at one point, so it's not that bad.
im typing this last bit out later !!! today started out bad but ended good. i watched mlp and drew myself as a pegasus pony, the anatomy and proportions wasnt correct on some parts but i didnt want to redraw a whole bunch.
my uncle, aunt, and family friend came over today and while everyone was in the kitchen me and my uncle watched television together. it was fun. my uncle has been watching rottmnt with me every time he visits for the past few months, and while we were watching he kept pointing out things he likes about the show and it made me very happy.
he said he loves how the animation goes all out for the fight scenes, and he likes the little easter eggs and references. i told him about my rottmnt AU/OC thing and he was like "do you have a little fanfiction thing going on here?" and i was like "yes" but i haven't actually written it all out as a story, i have the whole timeline and some episode plots written down in a document, but that's it. he told me if i felt comfortable showing him any of my writing he'd love to read it and i told him i write sometimes but i haven't finished anything yet. he said not to worry about finishing anything, which i agree with it, but it would be nice to have at least one finished product to show. then we talked about writing and how we both like it.
my family friend spent most of the time in the kitchen with the rest of the family but sometimes he walked over and would watch some of the show with us for a few minutes. the first time i put it on while he was visiting he didn't like it because it was so different from the version he watched as a kid (87'), but today when we were watching it i told him he has to not think about the other version at all and just watch the show, because if he's only thinking about the ways it's different from the thing he likes, he wont be able to enjoy it as it is.
my uncle also said to think of it like a multiverse where this is a different timeline and all the characters are completely different people from their last version. like obviously that's donatello but it's not YOUR donatello, so it's okay that he's different. which is true but the thing is, i thought that's how everyone thought about remakes and different iterations? i didn't think anyone would watch a NEW iteration in a franchise being like "oh gee oh boy i hope this is a 1 to 1 replica of the specific version i like of these characters and there are no changes whatsoever, otherwise they've ruined it and it sucks." (not that the family friend thinks that way, he doesn't) but it all makes sense now why people act the way they do on the internet when a new version of something comes out.
anyway "they changed this and it's different from the thing i enjoy, therefore it's bad" is not the same as "they changed this and it caused a genuine detriment to the story (and lifeless remakes of existing media for a quick cash grab is bad)" and i wish people understood that. i wish people understood the difference between personal taste and quality.
that's the end of my rant, byebyeeee.
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ultraphobic · 6 months
Hi Lane! ☃️
Wow Taime Downe's style is incredibly cool! He's style truly sleaze glam and I think your look will be just as great!
Oh you dressed like Paul Stanley at the concert? this is great! what songs did you like the most?
Ohh thank you sm! You're very nice! I'm sure your glam shirts will be incredible.
I think your collection is incredible because all the Warrant albums with Jani on CD are my dream haha.This year I bought two albums with Jani on vinyl and it was quite expensive (about 50€ per record) since it is a limited edition.
I hope you can find something suitable in this store! Wow the Joan Jett song is a really interesting choice! It has some interesting slides and I did a cover with ghost notes that sounds pretty cool. And I’m sure your performance is even more beautiful.
Oh, that's normal! If you have a band in the future, you can work on material together and come up with some great songs.
OMG! YOUR COLLECTION IS THE COOLEST IN THE WORLD. I'd love to see pictures of some things after Christmas if you don't mind.
I envy all the people who were on any of the tours because THEY LITERALLY MADE HISTORY.And unfortunately I didn't find a single video from this tour on YouTube. nothing but an advertisement for the Poison tour with Cinderella lmao
Oh I'm so sorry you have to work until Christmas Eve. I hope you have a good rest afterwards. And the festive mood will definitely come after the party!
🎄in answer to one of the questions you mentioned Bon Jovi and Skid Row. Do you have any favorite songs from these groups? Trying to create a festive mood, I can recommend you the song performed by Jon "Please come home for Christmas"
🎄if you had more free time what would you like to do?
🎄Do you have any comfort foods or foods that you like to make yourself the most?
Your Santa ☃️🎄
hey santa!!!
i did dress like paul it was so fun & i loved when they played war machine & shandi! it was such a good show
oh yea those limited records will get ya. i got the limited coloured pressings of each of the warrant albums that they made (drfsr, cherry pie, dog eat dog, greatest and latest) and they each cost me about $60-80 so it was a lot! except cherry pie which was about $200 before shipping bc that was the signed one. it was worth it though bc i think they only press 2500 of each record!
the joan jett song was pretty fun! i think my school changed the arrangement because they made the bass have the solo instead of the guitars which was good for me but then i listened to the original song and i was like hey... this sounds different...
and yea! i can definitely show you some of the stuff in my collection! the patches are all sewn onto my vest so i can show you the whole vest, but all the picks n stuff i keep safe and stored away so i'll grab pics of those as well
i knowww if i had a time machine i'd set it to 1986 sunset strip start with poison and their first album and just go from there following tours and meeting bands, collecting original merch y'know?
the good thing is i only have to work until 3:30 on christmas eve so i can get a good afternoon's rest before christmas day! i'm working boxing day as well but at least i get public holiday pay for that
i actually started out my glam listening with bon jovi last year! my favourite songs are i'll be there for you, have a nice day, i wanna be loved, wanted dead or alive, bad medicine, it's my life, and also jon's solo song billy get your guns
i still need to listen to some more skid row stuff but rn my favourites are in a darkened room (i'm a sucker for a good power ballad), here i am, get the fuck out, 18 and life, and rattlesnake shake
if i had more free time (which i will hopefully be getting in the new year) i'd restart guitar lessons! hopefully i'll be able to do this in the new year once we (crossed fingers) get a new team member for our store so we all don't have to overwork ourselves as much
i don't really cook just because i'm not rly a foodie or anything but kfc chicken nuggets are a comfort food for me :)
hope to hear from you soon santa :)
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You are such a sweetheart you know 😊💗💞💖💞💗
Yep, thank you, I think you explanations about "servant" thing make it more comfortable for me, or at least I have an option to re-read it if I feel uncomfortable next time. And it's so kind of you to write all that to help, thank you so very much for your care!!! 😍💓🌺🌹And thank you for your words about "normal", it means very much to me 😭
I know Mammon is not perfect and he is rough, and it's really nice that he keeps this part of him through the whole story. I like it, and I liked in kids2 event when Levi called him "bully" for being too rough, because it's part of his personality and it's.. kind of.. nice that he isn't a "marshmallow"? 😅 His words and roughness don't usually bother me, it's perfectly "him". Idk why that particular "servant" thing irked me so much I was ready to drop the game after the third time, but your explanations make things much clearer. Also I like the idea of "servant" meaning a side of the pact. It gives completely different vibes (for me).
About teasing - I have a feeling that if MC doesn't choose teasing options, Mammon's replies are much softer, and the whole communication with him (not in particular chat, but through the whole game) feels very different. Like, I don't remember him telling my MC about fighting or pounding. I think devs have done a really good job here, if people can make the story to match their MCs (mm, not sure if I explained it well 😔)
(Spoilers S3)
Usually MC has an option to not tease him - in "pet chat" they can choose "cat" or "dog", in S3 in lesson 60 they can say they're "still green" instead of "you're a demon, can't you do something", in lesson 41 they may ask where is a baby instead of callin Mammon "baby". Although I agree, sometimes MC doesn't have such options, but not too often, I think?
Ugh it's a pity they don't let Mammon swear in the game, I'd love it 😅
I don't really know how to respond to this!!? I - um thank you???🥺💕
I'm really happy it helped!! Specially if it made you reconsider dropping the game!
I loved that he was a little shit as a kid! It fits so well! And as one of those shitty ass kids who bit people I can proudly say Mammon gives off heavy vibes of "you bit people as a kid didn't you"
It's honestly completely normal if certain words upset people, even if other similar words or actions to it, don't have the same effect🤷🏻
Disclaimer/warning: I accidentally went on a tangent about my MC and the logistics of how I play the game/perceive my MC, near the end of this reply. It's not really related to this ask, so it's 100% okay if you ignore that part cause it really is just me voicing out my thoughts/trying to untangle how I play for my own reference🤓
Right! I don't think I worded it well in the previous post? Cause I wasn't trying to say that MC didn't have an option not to tease. This is what I said in the previous post;
"Another personality trait is that, with Mammon they tend to tease him. And yes the "with Mammon" is important because there's notably less teasing with the other brothers - which honestly makes it feel like MC's more comfortable with teasing Mammon and knowing/trusting him to know that none of it is meant. Sometimes MC teasing Mammon is inevitable, eg: both choices the player is given to choose from are them teasing him OR it's the only option they are given. So examples for this:"
I did say that there were certain times when MC didn't have an option and had to tease Mammon. But most of the times the player can choose whether MC teases him (and have him say something similar back) or not (and have him just normally respond to them). What I meant is that the player has a dialogue option to tease him and he replies back to that teasing playfully whereas, more times than not they don't have this option with the others (I mean they do have it but it doesn't pop up as regularly as it does for Mammon) and I think that's significant I guess?🤔 and by "so examples for this:" I meant examples of where they can tease him (whether it's because the player is given the choice or because it's the only option) not - 'these are all examples of where MC has no choice but to tease him'. I think I structured that whole paragraph wrong and that's why it came off as that🤦🏻
Honestly I love that MC usually has two clear options in the way they talk to Mammon and I always immediately replay the chapter and choose the second set of options to see how he responds to that as well.
I think the way I consider my MC is also different because I try to make them as close to general MC as possible? To understand what I mean by that, pls hear me out through this unnecessarily long explanation:
So yknow the different ways Mammon (or any of the characters) replies to what MC says depending on the dialogue options the player chooses?
[1.] Player chooses X -> MC says X and Mammon replies with Y
[2.] Player chooses Z -> MC says Z and Mammon replies with A
Despite the player being able to choose only one of these two options and so only one of these two options actually happens in 'canon' both of Mammon's responses (Y & A) are in-character, they're canonical even if he doesn't say it in 'reality' during a particular playthrough.
That's how I consider my MC too.
For my MC, usually* both X & Z are canonical to their character (cause despite being kind they're also a shithead so it makes sense that they could say something possibly nice or a little mean). And I usually reason why they say one dialogue option over the other:
a.) By thinking they had a pinch of self-restraint and bit their tongue and only thought of the second option
b.) They did say it. They really did say all the dialogue options and get replies for them - even if I had to replay the chapter to choose the second dialogue I consider it as MC saying them back to back after receiving a reply for the first option. Eg: in S3 when they are in the library with Mammon & Luke. The player has to choose whether they search for books with Luke or Mammon, and from there which particular questions they ask the person they pick. Depending on their choices they find out different little tidbits of information about Michael. The way I see it my MC went with one of them, asked all the questions possible and then went to help the other one and asked all the questions possible.
* I said usually here cause I don't follow this rule 100% of the time.
Examples for when I don't follow this method:
1.) My MC calling Luke "Chihuahua" or being mean to him, or calling Mammon an "idiot" or being cruel to him, or agreeing with Levi when he's being self-deprecating, etc. Those would all be out of character for them. (Aka they're lowkey an asshole but they're not cruel)
2.) During a romantic section/conversation, they only mean and say whatever option I pick (the only characteristic I share with my MC is Mammon Brainrot™)
Mammon swears so much in my fics cause I'm trying to make up for all the times the game censored him😌
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aha i'm that anon who asked a few qs in a really long ask before. i think ive caused a misunderstanding in that i dont need persuasion help but rather a good idea of my time frame for persuasion. i'm ever so grateful for your help tho, i got twst today! i do have a couple more questions tho,,
1, theres an ssr dorm riddle banner rn, is there some kinda rotating ssr dorm banner thing going on, or is it just bc of launch or smth?
2, approx. how long do u need to save for 100 pulls if ur religiously logging in and doing weeklies and is there any other ways to get gems/keys bc i want to pull for bday azul if ever,,
3, does the amount of friends you can have increase at all?
im sorry if i ever came off ungrateful or rude with those questions im simply curious and have poor phrasing skills..
thank you once again!
UWAH I’M SORRY THIS WAS SO LATE. 😭😭😭 I’ve been a bit busy lately.
I’m sure you have some of your questions answered already, but just in case, I’ll still answer them.
Is there a rotating dorm SSR banner thing going on or is it because of launch?
To answer your question, there will be dorm rate-up banners when new dorm cards drop in. Rate-up banners are the gacha banners where certain cards have additional boosts in the chances of getting them, meaning that you’re more likely going to get them when you gacha.
When Octavinelle’s story comes out in the near future, their dorm SSRs will be released. Most of us think it will come out on February since in the original JP schedule, Octavinelle’s chapter/book came out 13 days after the release (March 18 was the release date. March 31 was when Octavinelle’s first part of their chapter/book first came out).
If they’re going to follow JP schedule when it comes to this, Octavinelle’s story will release in 3 parts, and in each part, there is one dorm SSR that gets released with a rate-up period:
Part 1: Dorm Floyd
Part 2: Dorm Jade
Part 3: Dorm Azul
Scarabia and Pomefiore will be similar. When one part of their story comes out, they’ll most likely be accompanied with a new dorm SSR release and rate-up banner.
In the future, the other Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw dorm SSRs will have their own rate-up banners. Expect also other rate-ups to repeat.
Approximately, how long do you need to save for 100 pulls if you’re religiously logging in and doing weeklies. Is there any other way to get gems/keys?
Alright, the short answer is, at least in my experience, it takes a month at the very least, two months if you lack places to farm for gems.
For the long answer, I’ll give you a break down of how much rolls you can get from login, weeklies, rhythmics, lessons, general missions, shop, and stories starting from EN launch. I’ll also include the amount of gems that you get from the launch celebration campaign.
Firstly, let me break down how many gems you can within a week of doing weeklies and login. Take note, the login gem count I’ll be using are for a normal week. As of now, we’re still in the launch celebration, so they’re giving us more gems.
Under the cut because long aa hell.
So weeklies give you 60 gems.
10 from doing 5 rhythmics
10 from winning 5 tests
10 from doing 50 lessons
30 from completing all your weeklies
Logging in on a normal week also gives you 60 gems.
15 gems on the second day
20 gems on the fourth day
25 gems on the seventh day
Thus in one week, you will get 120 gems from simply logging in and doing weeklies. That is equivalent to four rolls. Expect the coming months to be like this.
Now, taking note of launch celebration, the very first week of launch gave us 200 gems (50, 50, 100). This week, they’re giving us 110 gems (30, 30, 50). The days they give gems are the same days as the normal week. Already, from logging in within these first two weeks, they give us 310 gems, which is 10 rolls with 10 gems leftover.
Launch celebration also gives us a daily amount of gems. Five days of the week give 10 gems, but two days give 30 gems. I can’t remember the first day that gives 30 (I think it’s the fourth, though, but I don’t know), but the seventh day gives 30. This means that within a week of logging in the first week of Twst, you get 110 gems. Expect the second week to give the same amount of gems, which will equate to 220 gems. That’s equivalent to 7 rolls with 10 gems leftover.
Currently, there are 15 rhythmics released. One rhythmic will give 30 gems.
5 gems for doing a full combo on easy mode
5 gems for hitting SS on normal mode
5 gems for reaching a certain score on hard mode
5 gems for doing that rhythmic 5 times
10 gems for doing that rhythmic 10 times
Since there are 15 rhythmics out, that means you get 450 gems in total from grinding on rhythmics. That is equivalent to 15 rolls exactly.
This also has the additional benefit of enabling you to complete the general mission of doing x number of rhythmics, but before we get to general missions, let’s proceed to the lesson missions.
When you go to the history and flying lessons of each character and click on “(character name)’s Tasks”, you’ll see that there are some missions to be accomplished if you do lessons with them. As you do more lessons, you will achieve these missions and unlock more of them. When you complete 100 lessons with a character, you will get 30 gems from doing so. This goes for all 22 characters, therefore if you do 100 lessons with all of them, you will get 660 gems in total, which is equivalent to 22 rolls.
The lessons you do will also clear out general missions. General missions are the ones in the tab below the weekly missions tab. If you clear most of these missions, you will be rewarded with certain items. Most of them give 10 gems, however. Clearing the general rhythmic mission, for example, will get you 10 gems. Winning tests will also get you 10 gems so make sure to do those as well. Look at your general missions and see what you still need to do to clear them out. Take note that most of these are also cumulative missions, meaning that when you clear them, most of them won’t go away and will make you do more of them (like for example, you win 30 rhythmics. You’ll have another mission making you do 40). So you won’t ever run out of places to farm.
Main story gives you gems, specifically in the chapters where you do battles and rhythmics. You’ll get 10 gems per battle/rhythmic chapter.
Prologue has 5 rhythmic chapters and 4 battle chapters. You get 90 gems in total from here, which is equivalent to 3 rolls.
Heartslabyul Book has 6 rhythmic chapters and 6 battle chapters. You get 120 gems in total from here, which is equivalent to 4 rolls.
Savanaclaw Book has 4 rhythmic chapters and 8 battle chapters. You get 120 gems in total from here, which is equivalent to 4 rolls.
Octavinelle Book may or may not come out on February, but if it does come out then, I won’t specify the number of battles or rhythmics for the sake of EN players, but you will get 110 gems, which is equivalent to 3 rolls with 10 gems remaining.
Personal stories are also a goldmine for getting gems. Each personal story chapter gives 5 gems.
R card stories give 5 gems in total since they have only one chapter.
SR card stories give 10 gems in total since they have two chapters.
SSR card stories give 15 gems in total since they have three chapters.
Upon obtaining every single R school uniform card, automatically their vignette stories are unlocked, so especially if you plan to hoard your rolls (like me), do buy all of the R school uniform cards that you don’t have. From reading all 22 R school uniform card stories, you’ll be able attain 110 gems. That amount alone equates to 3 rolls with 20 gems leftover.
Maxing out vignette levels will also go to your general missions (and these will reward you gems), so by all means, max out your vignette levels.
Lastly, the shop. In the gem shop, there are two key packs: the 250 gem pack that has one ten-roll key and the 50 gem pack that has three solo keys. Yes, you’ll have to fork over 300 gems in total, but it’s very worth it. For 300 gems, which is equivalent to 10 rolls, you get one ten-roll key and three keys, which are equivalent to 13 rolls. So you still profit.
The exam token shop is bare apart from the honey and thaumarks. But at some point (hopefully by the time February begins), there will be 3 solo keys up for sale. One key will cost 50 tokens, and there will be two keys that you can buy at once that will cost 150 tokens each, making it 300 tokens in total. All in all, you’ll spend 350 tokens to get 3 rolls.
OP, I know you want to pull for Azul’s bday card. As of now, we’re not sure if they’ll even put up the bdays in February or if they’ll start in September like in JP. But from launch until February 24, here’s how many rolls you will get:
Counting Rolls
These are going to use values at the lowest possible. This will not include general missions, as it depends on the player’s pace.
Login and Weeklies
Week of Jan 20 (260 gems) -> week of Jan 27 (170 gems) -> week of February 3 (120 gems) -> week of February 10 (120 gems) -> week of February 17 (120 gems) -> 790 gems
Launch Celebration
220 gems
450 gems
660 gems
Main Story
Prologue (90 gems) -> Heartslabyul (120 gems) -> Savanaclaw (120 gems) -> Octavinelle (110 gems) -> 440 gems
Personal Stories
One R card gives 5 gems from its personal story, therefore 22 of the R school uniforms gives 110 gems.
Your tutorial SSR gives 15 gems. Your three SRs (the SR you chose in the beginning and the two SRs you pull along with your SSR) give 10 gems each, giving you 30 gems in total.
Therefore, not counting any other cards that you may have attained either from tutorial roll or from other rolls that you threw, personal stories give 155 gems. This value may be higher depending on how many other cards that you may possess.
All in all, 790 + 220 + 450 + 660 + 440 + 155 = 2705 gems, which is equivalent to 90 rolls with 5 gems remaining.
If we’re making purchases in the shop, then:
Gem Shop
2705 – 300 = 2405 gems but you will receive one ten-roll key and three solo keys, bringing us to 93 rolls with 5 gems remaining.
Exam Token Shop
Obtain 3 solo keys with 350 exam tokens will give you an additional 3 rolls, bringing your total to 96 rolls.
And this is not counting general missions and other personal stories that you might have but weren’t included. Definitely, if you do those other things, you’ll be able to get to a whole pity. If ever birthday Azul won’t come in, I highly suggest going for Dorm Azul as he’s one of the best cards in the game. Beans Azul may also come pretty soon if they follow the JP schedule.
Will friend slots increase?
Yes they will, through ranking up! The higher your rank, the more friend slots you will have. Being at rank 60 will give you 50 friend slots.
I hope this post helps you~!
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