#I'm still not fully awake and words hard but I really love this book
feuer-bluete · 2 years
Finally all cought up with Dracula daily and lemme tell you, whatever I thought this book would be, I never thought it would be so full of good people?
They all are connected through Lucy and Lucy's death is what brought them together but reading how they talk to each other and treat each other, it really warms my heart.
And I never excepted the original Van Hellsing to be such a kind and friendly man as well. I'm sure if someone took count, he talks more about how great everyone around him is than about vampires.
For a while this was a real horror stories and now it's a story about hope.
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Reader has trouble sleeping.
Abby Anderson x Reader
Word count: 1058
Warnings: Sfw. Established relationship. A very slight and tiny hint toward sex. Not proofread. Pet names used instead of y/n. Babe, bun, love. Reader referred to as girl.
Your eyes watched the night sky. A faint breeze came through your open window. Every so often Abby would cuddle closer to the pillow she was holding when a cold gust of wind would fly through the room. You smiled to yourself seeing as the pillow was practically being crushed by Abby's strong arms. You were once in the pillow's place. After laying in bed for what seemed like hours you quickly replaced yourself with the pillow in hopes of not waking Abby. Usually, she would wake up when you removed yourself from her embrace but today she was extremely tired so you got lucky in not interrupting her slumber.
Now, you were sitting below the window ledge, you were positioned on your knees which were currently cushioned by your favorite pillow, blocking you from the hard floor. Your back was stretched as far as it could go and your forearms were against the ledge while your cheek was smashed into the back of your hands. You loved looking at the stars. It was always so peaceful at night. You looked at the clouds. You could only tell that they were there if you focused your eyes on them. As your eyes danced from star to star you began to hear the sound of your puffy comforter moving around. Your quickly turned toward your girlfriend.
The tired blonde had a confused expression on her face as she began to realize you weren't laying next to her. She searched around the bed, her sleepy state making her mind take a few seconds longer to fully register that you weren't in bed. "Babe?" Her raspy voice asks although it could have easily been mistaken for a random groan. "I'm right here." You call out. She looks up to you and her shoulders instantly relax seeing as you're okay and still in the room with her. "What are you still doing up, bun?" Abby asks. "I can't sleep." You respond simply and look back up at the moon. "Looking at the sky again?" She asks. "Mhm," You hum with a slight nod. "The stars seem brighter tonight for some reason."
Abby lays back down and stares at the ceiling. You both know that she won't be able to fall back asleep unless she is able to feel you. The silence that filled the room was interrupted by a sigh from Abby. "Do you want to come up here or am I gonna have to go down there with you?" Abby asked as she propped herself up on her forearms. She knew all too well about your insomnia and she was sure you had tried to fall asleep many times before you decided to get up and sit on the floor. "I dunno." You responded. You looked at the clock. 4:38 am. "I can't sleep. I've tried everything." You mumbled referring to a book Abby had gifted you not too long ago. While she was out she found a book full of methods to help insomniacs sleep. However, none seemed to help your case.
"I'm sorry, bun," Abby said. You moved from your perched position and laid down on the bed next to Abby. "Can we stay awake together?" You ask as you look into her eyes. "Yeah, we can. I'll stay awake while you're still up." Abby yawned. "What do ya' wanna talk about?" Abby asks knowing that conversation always manages to get a yawn out of you. "I dunno." You say making Abby chuckle slightly. "Well, what's on your mind?" Your girlfriend asks you. You take a second to respond, trying to think of an answer. "I was just looking at the stars. My thoughts were kind of, I don't know, frozen? I guess. Like I wasn't really thinking? I don't know how to explain it..." You sigh. "... Do you think it's too late for me to go to bed? Should I just wait for the morning?" You ask.
Abby turned her head to look at the clock even though no matter what time was shown Abby would have given you the same answer. "You need your rest, love. You know how you get when you're low on sleep." You sighed knowing Abby was right. You scoot closer to Abby, resting your head on her chest. Your arm wrapped around her torso and you threw your leg over hers. Her strong arm wrapped around your body securing your position. She placed a soft kiss on your forehead. The two of you lay there with each other. Neither of you said anything. A few minutes passed by and you were almost sure she had fallen asleep but to your surprise, she spoke up.
"Is there anything I can do for you?" The blonde asks. You shook your head 'no.' Her hand trailed down to the waistband of your shorts. Her fingertips toyed with the elastic. You giggled at her silent suggestions. "No." You grinned. "No?" Abby asked. With the tone of her voice, you could tell she was smiling. "I think that's a first." She joked and removes her fingers that were tucked under your waistband and moved them to your waist.
"Shut up." You yawn and push your head further into Abby's chest. With her free hand, she moved a strand of hair that was covering your face. "That's my girl." She praised as you yawned into her chest. You blush at the girl's words. She kissed your forehead again and began rubbing your back. You close your eyes and focus all of your attention on Abby. The way her hand was slowly but surely hiking up your thin t-shirt with the way her hand was going up and down your back. Her chest rose and fell with every breath she took. Your breathing was in sync with hers. You focused your hearing on the sound of her breath and her soothing heartbeat which was right below your ear.
Soon enough you let sleep take over you. Abby wasn't sure when exactly it happened but it was now 5:12 am. She fought sleep for as long as she could. Every time she felt her eyes closing she lifted her eyebrows in an attempt to lift her heavy eyelids. She kissed your forehead once more then finally let herself fall asleep with the morning sunrise peeking through the window.
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storyofmychoices · 1 year
Since Bryce loves watching Olivia wake up... 4 and 8 please! 🥰
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An Early Morning
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist]
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart Word Count: ~500 Rating/Warning: General (all the fluff), hints of teen at the end Prompt: @aprilchallenge love, @choicesflashfics Prompt 1 (in bold) Prompts #4 & 8 from this list
Synopsis: Bryce attempts to get up early to start his day.
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Bryce stirred awake as the first strands of dawn's warm light peaked through the window. His lips curled into a smile as he gazed upon her, her mouth slightly open as she continued sleeping soundly. He pressed a kiss onto the crown of her head, his fingers caressing softly over her copper hair. He never tired of watching her sleep. She always looked so peaceful. He couldn't have asked for a better sight to behold first thing in the morning.
He enjoyed the tender moment, holding her in his arms as she slept, unaware he was already up. The thin line of sunlight grew wider, welcoming the promise of the new day. The world was beginning, but his world was still quiet. The only sound filling the room was her steady breathing. 
"I'll be back soon," he whispered. Carefully, he slipped away, trying to sneak out of bed without waking her. Olivia had made it very clear that going to the gym was not her favorite way to start the day. 
He was brushing his teeth, mentally running through his plans for the day, when a faint shuffling noise from behind pulled his attention. He turned quickly, finding Olivia standing in the doorway, her hair touseled and eyes still heavy with sleep. 
"What are you doing up?"
Olivia ran her hands up and down her bare upper arms as she hugged herself. "My personal heater went away. I couldn't sleep without you next to me."
"I think you're just trying to get me back to bed for other reasons." His brow rose as he turned back to the sink. 
"I would never," she scoffed, feigning indignation. 
"Sure, sure." He winked at her in the mirror before rinsing his mouth out.
She bounced on the balls of her bare feet, trying to get warm. She pouted fully as she continued making her plea. 
"Alright—" Bryce walked over to Olivia and wrapped his arms around her. "Let's go back to bed and get you warmed up."  
The pair slipped back under their still-warm covers, snuggling close. Bryce held her in his arms, his hands moving soothingly down her spine.
"I'm glad."
"Mmm, I love this." She hummed happily. Her palms ran along his chest, savoring his warmth as she curled into him. “I love your chest. I think it’s one of the best things about you.”
"I'm glad you think so." He smirked. "But if you continue keeping me from the gym, you might not like it as much."
Olivia rested her chin on his chest, looking up. "I'll always love it, no matter what. It's part of you, and the best thing about you is you. I love all of you... Besides, I can think of better ways to get exercise," she teased, nestling into him. "But, later. It's still too early for any form of exercise, no matter how enjoyable it may be."
As they settled back into bed, Bryce held her tightly, their bodies intertwined as they drifted off to sleep once again, enjoying the warmth of each other's embrace.
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Thank you so so much for reading. I truly appreciate you taking your time to give this a chance. Please forgive any typos or errors. I'm trying really hard to focus more on writing and less on editing (because that's where I start self-doubting and spiraling downward). I hope it's still a soft fluffy piece and you enjoy it regardless! Thank you again. 💛💛💛
Thank you so much for the ask @txemrn  ❤️❤️❤️❤️
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avocate-assia-dazai · 8 months
Day 2: I'm trying my hardest
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Author's note: Damn guys it was so hard, i had a lot of works, and i was trying to do something "differents". Truly this time i struggle a lot. I truly thought i was going to be late. Sorry if the work is not as good as past time.
Synopsis : This time the writober theme was "Someone who keep trying to make someone they love proud, but keep failling again and again". Enjoy!
Number of words: Around 1k (half the past time, sniff the difference between work days and week-end is so high)
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A slight, barely visible burgundy drop tints the pages, which were so well maintained. The young woman didn't even notice it, it took a second drop for her to pause her pen and tilt her head back, stretching out her arm to find a tissue.
Exhaustion making everything more confusing and complicated. Once the flow is stopped, use a crumpled and balled up tissue to block her nose. She decided to look at the time. “Should I go to bed? Are these few hours really worth it?" Isn't it sad to come to such questions? But the five exercises she had just done were all wrong. So much time and energy spent to realize such mediocrity.
The ticking of the clock driving her crazy, suddenly the young brunette took off her elastic, throwing it away in the corner of her room and slumping on her bed surrounded by empty cups of coffee and empty energy drinks. Despite a desire to reread her lesson one last time, at the exact moment when her body touched the cold and yet so comfortable sheets of her bed, she fell into a sleep so heavy that a hurricane could not have affected it. to go out.
Much worse than a hurricane. The burning light forcing Gabriel to jump and look around as if she had just been stabbed. Her mind fogged by sleep and the light bulb blinding her vision, a complicated torture to bear when you are not used to it. Her mother was there, entering the room effortlessly, the sound of heels clicking on the floor making her daughter's ordeal even more excruciating. “What are you still doing lying down? You think it's a good time to sleep in? Besides, what’s all that on the floor? Hurry up." She left as violently as she had entered. Without an ounce of pity, rather a touch of contempt for her daughter who keep herself to sleep. She would love to walk into this room and find her working. But every time she went Gabriel was slumped like the lazy girl she was.
The girl, not yet fully awake, got up and headed immediately towards the bathroom. It didn't take her more than ten minutes to be perfectly ready, half-running everywhere to reassemble all her things. As she finally sat down, her mother's words hit her, and a new race to fix her room began. It was important to Gabriel.
Sitting on the sofa, an energy bar in my mouth waiting to be eaten, a book on my lap rereading her lesson once again. When her mother arrived, her heels alerting everyone in the house to her presence, Gabriel raised her head ready to leave. A slight smile on her lips, this same smile meaning “look, I’m ready and I’m working, my room is ready too”. And his mother stretched out her hand towards her daughter, with an almost gentle gesture, Gabriel almost thought she was going to be congratulated. But the hand roughly grabbed the young woman's jaw, bringing her face closer, all illusion gone to reveal the expression of disdain "What is that? Are you bleeding from your nose? Did you bump into something again? And where are your glasses?" She abruptly dropped her face, motioning for her to hurry up and follow her into the car.
A most ordinary day followed. Simply a most classic life. Gabriel was the perfect example of a background character. Uninteresting. Concentrated in court, present for her friends who are not really friends, invisible, a banal life. The perfect everyone.
10:21 p.m.
Do you know what it feels like to come home late at night after intensive revision? A harsh rain, when you can't worry about your skin freezing but only about your notebook can't be opened in this rain? Coming home exhausted, soaked, having spent a day as empty and painful as the previous ones? Gabriel knows it, she opened the door of her house “finally at home”. She put her schoolbag in a corner and before she could go to the shower she noticed her mother sitting at the edge of the table with a paper in her hands. “Your mock exam has arrived”. Words spoken so harshly. But Gabriel had worked for it. Hard, she had succeeded, she was sure of it, she had put so much energy into it, morning, noon, and evening. Not an hour of sleep or happiness wasted.
A slap. Stinging pain, her head forced back as she placed her hand on her cheek. All illusions ruined “What is this rag?! Barely average?! Even a monkey would do better! But don't worry if you think I'm going to let you drown! Go to your room to work!”
How? How months of work, hours of sleep and food skip. As she returned to her room, this feeling of having failed miserably,. Suddenly all the unhappiness of the world fell on her. Her body suffered almost as much as her shattered mind as she cried in front of her desk, trying to revise ineffectively. Isn't that unfair? Work so hard for so little. Is it so complicated to even have an hour of rest, a hug, even a look without hatred?
But nothing was lost, there was only one thing to do. Work even harder, even longer. Gabriel thought hard that if she were revising hard. Then she would succeed. She posted her goal “to see my mother smile” on her wall. Because for her, she was the only reason why her mother couldn't be happy. Always more, always longer. Less sleep, less food, more energy drinks, more of everything, less of everything. Again, again, again, again.
As soon as she got tired, this note, she would look at it and go further and further. This same note which was found in the hands of her mother on June 17 at 12:32 p.m.
Crumpling against his chest, hands trembling, eyes full of tears. Gabriel was dead, she had fainted while crossing the street from overexertion. Hit by a car. END
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juminly · 2 years
hello! may i please have number 3 with fenrir, marius, or diluc - sfw or nsfw - for the kiss event? thank you ❣️
A breathy demand: “Kiss me” - and what the other person does to respond.
Marius Von Hagen - Tears of Themis Your fever wasn't going down and you sounded 'beautifully awful', according to Marius. So, expected from your adoring boyfriend, he dropped everything he had, cancelled all meetings just to be by your side. There was nothing more important to him than you and he would never pass up the chance to show you that.
It's only been what? A few months since you've started dating but Marius treated you like a queen, as if you were truly the center of his universe, but not in an overly obssessive yandere way, but in that simpy 'You're my Goddess' way of his. So being his Goddess meant that you could ask him for absolutely anything and he would buy it for you, get it for you or do it for you. It's all completely and entirely yours the moment a request or a wish left your lips.
Sitting at your bedside, Marius couldn't stop staring at you. Your nose so red from blowing your nose way too much and too hard, your sniffles nonstop and your cheeks flushed red from the fever that still wouldn't break. Despite all of that, you looked absolutely beautiful to him.
"You wanna say something, baby. I can tell." When Marius lifted an inquisitve eyebrow at you, you raised one of your own. "You've been staring at me for the past hour ever since I started playing this show. My fever doesn't dull my sight."
Marius let a little chortle escape him, knowing how sometimes the depth of how infatuated he was with you could be awfully obvious. "I never thought I was that easy to read." He punctuated his words with a flirtatious smile. "But maybe I'm such an open book when it comes to you, Y/N."
"Just spit it out, Marius." You giggled, squeezing the hand he had in yours. "I'm only gonna be awake for so long till I suddenly collapse. Now's your chance."
"Okay then." He leaned closer, bright amethyst locked your gaze in his, so beautiful you could get lost in them, before they drifted slowly to yours lips as he breathed demandingly. "Kiss me, Y/N."
You pressed your index over his lips, narrowing your gaze at him with silent scrutiny, not having to use your words for him to understand what you were thinking.
"But I really want to kiss you, baby." He spoke against your finger, giving it a soft kiss while he was at it.
"No means no, pretty boy. I don't want you getting sick." Scolding was never really a tactic that was effective with your boyfriend because somehow, it only spurred him on further.
“Calling me pretty boy won’t make me wanna kiss you any less. If anything, it makes me wanna kiss you more.” Marius grinned, fully knowing that he was going to get his way no matter what you said.
“And you’re just gonna leave out the part where I said I’m sick?”
”I have chosen to selectively listen to what I want and right now, I’m gonna do exactly what I want too.”
"You're really not going to let this go, are you?" Why did you even bother asking him a question that you already knew the answer to? It was a fight you had already lost. There was no stopping him the moment he set his mind to something.
"Come here, you." You clicked your tongue, the smile on your lips showing the opposite of what should be reticence when Marius smirked triumphantly, inching closer to you to press his lips against yours.
Pretty boy gets what he wants. Not almost all the time, but always. Every damn time.
Fenrir Godspeed- Ikemen Revolution
Erupting with laughter with a loud splash, Fenrir pulled you into the water fountain, you squealing as you fell in right by his side, both of you completely drenched and drunk in the middle of Cradle at midnight. Empty streets were filled with your rambunctious and contagious giggles and snorts, if anyone saw you, they would immediately think...
Fools in love. Simply, absolute idiots.
When your laughter finally subsided, your backs on the statue spurting water around you, both of you sighed happily, a series of fortunate events bringing you to where you were in that moment. Having lost the other Black Army soliders in your drunken haze, Fenrir was glad that you ended up alone with him and not anyone else. It's nothing that he's thought about for very long but he experienced something he hasn't with anyone else before you.
His mind has been lagging on the thought of you. Impulsive or not, he decided he was going to act on it, not wasting a second sitting back when he could simply just seize the moment. Turning his head to look, you found yourselves staring into each other's eyes with so much more fondness that what friends would share yet neither of you had spoken a word of it before.
"Y/N?" Breaking through the silence between you, he shifted in the water so his body could face you, gulping as he swallowed the sudden nervousness he felt, despite feeling his entire body filled with so much boldness.
"I haven't thought this through and man, I might just be really drunk but I know now that I really like you and I've... - He took a long breath as he rambled on, his carmine pink eyes fleeting from your eyes to your lips over and over, his body instinctively drawing closer to yours as he spoke. "I've been thinking about you all the time and I couldn't figure out why. I just thought it was because you were just new here but I just really wanna kiss you right now.
"What are you waiting for then?" Your interest in Fenrir had always been there yet you didn't think much of it, when you thought he was too taken by combat and training and not you. But now you knew, you were mistaken and you wanted to give in to the feeling that had been tingling inside you. Mirroring his body, you placed your hands over his thighs, leaning towards him so you could meet halfway. You smiled playfully, drunk on the anticipation of what was to come, breathing lightly against his lips. "Kiss me."
Wild, his kiss was, his lips ravaging yours while his tongue explored your mouth ravenously, making you moan lightly into the kiss while his hands gripped your waist tightly, urging you forward as you linked your arms around his shoulders, fingers entangled in his tousled hair. Neither of you caring that you were sitting in the pool of a water fountain, completely doused but too captivated by one another to let anything else but this moment, this kiss matter.
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ravenclaw-daydreams · 3 years
𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐦 | 𝐣𝐨𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐞
Warnings: smut, adult content, vaginal sex, creampie, oral (f and m receiving)
Summary: You ask Joe what he's been doing while he's been out for the past few nights, and you don't say it, but he knows what you're insinuating. You end up having him sleep on the couch, but in the morning, you wake up to a lovely surprise.
A/n: Needed something to satiate my joe cole yearning so here's some smut or whateva
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It had been the third night in a row. The third night in a row where you sat in the exact same chair, trying to finish the exact same book, waiting for your fiancé to get home.
He had been busy the past few nights, that you could understand. But a triple offence of staying out past 3 in the morning didn't sit right with you. You even talked about it with your sister, and you already knew what she was insinuating.
But you continued to give him the benefit of the doubt. You trusted him with everything in you. You had to. You loved him so much, and you trusted that he would always feel the same, regardless of how long he decided to stay out.
But the thought still lingered. It ate at you like a termite to wood. The sudden opening of the front door snapped you out of your intrusive thoughts, your eyes flicking up off the words on the page you weren't even reading.
Joe came around the corner and muttered a small 'fuck' when he saw you sitting in your chair, the lamp next to you illuminating the worry on your face. You gently closed the book after marking the page and set it on the table next to you.
"I think you already know what I'm going to ask you, Joe," you were the first to break the ice, Joe taking his coat off and setting it on the arm of the couch, exposing his maroon cable-knit sweater.
"I just got caught up with my mates, darlin'," he tried to explain, his arms now crossed in defense.
"People don't come back from the pub at three in the morning looking almost completely sober," you were now crossing your own arms, not wanting to jump to conclusions this quickly.
"You know how they can get, I just want to make sure they get home alright."
"And I get that, Joe, I do. But this is the third night in a row you've been out so late," you pointed out, making the man across from you sigh.
"I know. And I'm sorry. I just get carried away sometimes."
You then approached him, letting out a sigh in defeat, now wrapping your arms around him and pressing your face into his shirt. That's when you tensed.
Before he could properly hug you back, you were pulling away, your brows furrowed, a look of betrayal flashing across your face.
"What is that?" you asked, tears welling up in your eyes in spite of yourself, "That perfume isn't mine, Joe, and I know it isn't your cologne, Joe, what is that?"
"What?" he asked, genuinely confused, "Darlin, I have no idea what you're talking about," a look of realization plastered itself on his features, "What are you getting at?" his eyes narrowed.
"Well think about it, Joe! You spend 3 nights taking your sweet time getting home and when you do get home, you smell like someone else!"
"You really don't think I would do that to you...?" he looked hurt, but you looked worse.
"I don't want to. I really, really don't want to, Joe, trust me, but... god I just," you took a second to wipe your tears, "I think it would be best if you slept on the couch tonight, yeah?"
Joe stayed silent as he nodded his head. And with that, he left your line of sight, off to fetch blankets and pillows. That's when you slipped away up the stairs and into the bedroom.
That's when the dam broke and you began to sob, tears you tried so hard to keep in finally being released, your form hunched over as you sat on the edge of the bed, still messy and unmade from your... activities earlier the past morning.
You ended up just changing into panties and one of Joe's band t-shirts, curling up under the covers, dreading the talk that you and your fiance were most likely going to be having when you woke up.
.。*゚+.*.。   ゚+..。*゚+
The first thing you felt was warmth. A heat stirring in your core as you tried to brush it off as nothing more than a little morning arousal. But it wasn't until you felt the hand that wrapped around your thigh that your eyes started to force themselves open.
Once you opened your eyes, the sunlight that streamed through the curtains was the first thing that you saw. But then, you felt it fully, and you turned your head, met with the sight of Joe with his head buried between your legs, devouring you know that he knew that you were awake.
Your noises that were once gasps and heavy breaths were now multiplied into moans and whimpers as your fingers went down, gripping his locks as he continued to lick and suck everything he could reach with his mouth, his nose bumping up against your clit.
"Fuck, Joe," you whimpered out, your eyes rolling back as your body felt as if it were going to explode. The coil in your stomach was tightening without letting up, and Joe knew you were close.
To push you over the edge, you felt two of his fingers find their way inside your tight cunt, already wet from his current licking, and you moaned out loudly at the sensation of his fingers opening you up.
"Cum for me," his words were muffled, but the vibrations from his baritone voice sealed your fate, tipping you over the edge as your body tensed up and you whined out, your eyes clenched shut as you felt waves of pleasure crash violently over you.
He helped you ride out your high as your sleepy brain tried to focus itself. You finally were down to earth enough to look down at him, a lazy smile crossing your lips.
"Good morning, love," he started, before making his way up your body and kissing your lips gently, the taste of yourself on his tongue.
"Morning," you lazily smiled.
"You know, about last night,"
"I'm stopping you right there," you started, "Let's just... have our morning, then talk about this later."
Joe smirked and nodded, watching as you shifted yourself downwards, you and him finally realizing how hard he really was after eating you out.
His tip was bright pink and flushed, throbbing as precum leaked from it. You gently wrapped your hand around it. He let out a shuddered breath as he felt you grasp it, swallowing when one of your hands cupped his balls.
Suddenly, he gasped, your lips going around the tip, some tension released as he felt your soft skin against him. Your lips started to slip up and down his shaft, his lips parting as his eyebrows furrowed. His hands found their way to your scalp as you continued your movements.
Abruptly, you pushed yourself all the way down, taking him all the way in, relaxing your throat the best you could as you felt him stretch it out.
"Fuck, love, your mouth is so- fuck" he gasped when you pulled yourself back up, tears welled up in your eyes from trying to suppress your gag reflex.
Your hand continued to stroke him as you did your best to catch your breath, but Joe suddenly stopped you.
"Stop, stop," he panted, "Don't want to cum yet. Want to cum inside you, is that alright?" he asked politely.
Seeing as you were on the pill and he knew that as well, you smiled and nodded, moving swiftly up his frame as you were now face to face.
"Beautiful," he muttered as he raised his hand to caress your cheek as you began to hover yourself over his shaft.
You positioned yourself then slowly descended down, both of you gasping at the sensation of his cock seemingly splitting you open. You couldn't contain your moans as your eyes closed in ecstasy, trying your hardest to adjust yourself.
You struggled with your composure as you continued to bottom yourself out, hushed gasps and whimpers leaving your lips as you felt your tight heat completely cover his hard shaft.
At last, your body finally got used to the familiar feeling of him inside you, causing you to begin smooth and slow movements across his pelvis, making him groan out at the sensation of your heat dragging across his cock.
Up and down you went, doing your best to keep with a rhythm, Joe's groans of bliss driving you to go faster, harder.
Soon enough, you were disregarding the man underneath you, now using him to pleasure yourself as you lost yourself in your own ecstasy. You bounced on him with no motive other than to make yourself cum.
"Come on, love, use that cock," he gasped, "Use that cock to make yourself cum, come on."
His words of encouragement went straight to your core as you felt yourself get closer and closer to the precipice of pleasure. You couldn't help but keen for more, looking like an angel on top of him, sweat sparkling on your chest, your breathless expression enough to make Joe cum right then and there.
Finally, you felt the coil inside you crack like a whip, waves of heat and euphoria crashing over your body, making you tense and shake as you let go, your cunt clenching around your partner's cock like a vice, starting a chain reaction, the feeling of him cumming inside you while you orgasmed almost enough to make you build up again.
You panted as you dismounted him, slipping away to his side on your back, your chest rising and falling with each breath. He helped ground you, wrapping his arms around your blissed-out form, whispering sweet nothings of praise into your ear, telling how amazing you did and how lucky he was to call you his.
"Fuck," you managed to get out through labored breaths, your body still buzzing from your orgasm.
"Fuck is right, love," he smirked, letting his hand mindlessly drift up and down the bare skin of your arms.
After a prolonged silence, you finally spoke, "I trust you."
He looked down at you, grateful that you truly did trust him, trusting that he wouldn't ever do anything like what you thought.
"I love you," he muttered, now holding your face in his hands.
"I love you too."
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fruitoftheweek · 3 years
Little Cherry Book:
Chapter 5: Matching Memories
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here / Chapter 4
Hey guys! Again sorry for the wait! Both my computer and my work schedule have been ass and every time I thought I was going to have free time, I absolutely did not. I was really looking forward to writing this chapter after all the appreciation I got from the last chapter and I am so excited to enduldge you with this 7,356 word chapter. I am also working on a fluffier oneshot that should come out in the next couple days which I am so excited to write! I hope you guys really like this chapter! Love you guys and thank you for 120 Followers!
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Pairing: Spencer Reid X reader
Chapter Plot: After the previous nights' escapades, you and Spencer decide to talk about boundaries as your team questions your budding relationship
Series TW: 18+, smut, degradation, piercing, choking, knife play, mommy/daddy kinks, spanking, exhibitionism, Will update as time goes on
Chapter TW: smut, mommy kink, having body piercings, choking, slapping, Oral Sex (male and female receiving), Handjob, fingering, pleading, spanking, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, aftercare, language, non-intentional self-harm (hard to explain), PDA, degradation, smut smut smut.
Word Count: 7,356
Spencer loved to match everything but his socks. You found that out the morning after your late-night escapades. You weren't sure if your alarm hadn't gone off or if you two had just slept through it but you two were running late and the plane was leaving in 40 minutes with a 30-minute drive to the airport. The actual thing that had woken you up was Morgan banging on the door, notifying you that he had dropped off Spencers go-bag.
"Ow! Son of a bitch!" he shouted as he bumped his elbow on the table, hurriedly trying to get his socks on. You peeked around the door frame of the bathroom, checking on him to make sure he was ok as you shoved your toiletries into your bag. You watched, curiously as he stopped what he was doing and purposefully banged his other elbow on the same table. You made a mental note to ask him about it later, but right now, you had to go.
Along the way, you had noticed small habits that Spencer had to keep himself "matching." Once you saw it once, you couldn't help noticing it. How he brushed his teeth the same number of times on each side of his mouth. How he had to eat at least two peanuts at a time so that he could match the chewing on either side of his mouth. These were all harmless, but you worried when he bumped his right temple on the window of the cab as it went over a pothole, and you watched as he proceeded to turn his head and bump the other side. Most of the morning had been held in comfortable silence as you reveled in the afterglow of the previous night. So when you silently reached up to his head and brought it down to your shoulder, Spencer didn't mind. You made sure to gently rub his temple to apply even pressure to make sure his sides matched, a caring gesture that did not go unnoticed.
Luckily you two had made it to the jet on time, only catching a couple of questioning glances from Morgan and Elle as you rushed on, red-faced. You hurriedly sat next to each other as the plane took off, Spencer shoving both of your go-bags in the upper compartment as you held his book. He had brought Graziella, and had already read it 4 times; you, unfortunately, had brought nothing as it was your first trial case. He sat down, and you handed him his book, his fingers tentatively brushed yours in a silent question. Neither of you had fully discussed your relationship this morning in the rush and you could tell he was nervous to talk to you about it. As he pulled away, you captured his wrist before he could go too far, gently drawing a small heart into the inside of his wrist with your finger as you looked up into his eyes. He smiled slightly, understanding that you would talk about it when you had reached home.
This small gesture hadn't gone unnoticed as Morgan watched you from the other side of the jet. He stocked his way up to you with a shark grin on his lips as he smelled blood in the water. "So, You two woke up late huh? How come you never made it back to our room last night, pretty boy?" He mused, enjoying the light pink tinge resting on Spencer's cheeks. "You were the one who took both of our room keys and wouldn't let me in! And- and she was nice enough to let me sleep in her room even though it was a one-person room." He retorted, knowing Morgan's implications. "Woah, chill, Reid. I was just asking some questions." Morgan replied, feigning innocence. "Yeah, I took Reid's virginity last night. How could you tell?" You stated matter of factly, earning a shocked squeak from Reid, and spluttered out laughter from Morgan. "That's what you want to hear right? C'mon Spencer, he’s just giving us a hard time because he wasn't invited to our movie marathon last night." You lied, shooting a joking wink to Spencer, hoping he would get the drift and go along with the story. "Hey, we didn't- yEAh he wouldn't get the nuance of 'Une Femme est Une Femme' and the directorial skills of Jean-Luc Godard." He said, catching on when you pinched the soft spot under his ribs. Morgan just rolled his eyes, frustrated at not getting what he wanted before sulking back to his seat.
You smiled up at Spencer before saying, "Good boy," just loud enough for only the two of you to hear. It was the first time you had alluded to your escapades that yestereve and you both felt a breath of fresh air as the slight tension was lifted off of your backs. Spencer was flustered in multiple ways; he loved the way you praised him, and he now believed you felt regrets about your exchange.
He felt electricity crackling in every gentle secret touch of yours that he had the luxury of experiencing that day; all he could think about was how you had touched him and how your skin felt on his. You had him wrapped all-around your finger, and he couldn't be happier. All he wanted to do was service you and please you, even in non-sexual ways, which he was happy to indulge in as he watched you staring out the window. Your fingers were discreetly tracing small drawings on his knee cap as you watched the clouds pass by. The motion caused him a great distraction from his book, and all he could do was watch your finger. Even though you weren't paying any attention to the motion of your fingers, Spencer could still envision the lines you created carving into his skin. Sometimes a little face, sometimes an abstract geometric rhombus, and his favorite, a heart with puffy humps and a pointy end. Every time you drew it, he became hyper-aware of the gentle flush coloring your cheeks as you looked out the window, sending him a secret message.
He quietly cleared his throat, as to not disturb the others; most of which had chosen to indulge in a little extra sleep to make up for their early morning. It had broken you from your entranced gaze out the window and you looked over at him smiling. "D-Did you bring anything to do on the plane?" Spencer asked as you continued your drawings on his leg. "Surprisingly, that was the one thing I forgot. I was so worried about making sure I was well briefed on the case that I forgot all about the flight." You said, smiling sleepily. He couldn't help but think about how beautiful you were at that moment. The gentle sunrise behind you in the window illuminated the apples of your cheeks and the highlights in your hair, which was still messy from sleeping so soon after your shower. Your eyes were puffy except for the sockets, which were slightly sunken in from lack of sleep, and you were fresh-faced, small blemishes now in the open, but all Spencer could think was that you reminded him of the fresh air of spring in the morning after a storm. He shook himself from his trance as you began to turn back towards the window. "You know, if you would like, I can read to you." He said shyly. "I know you read faster in your head, don't feel like you have to read to me because I was silly and forgot to bring a book." You said, smiling at his gesture. "N-No, I want to read to you. My mom always used to read out loud to me when I was little when she would wake up early." He said, adding waveringly, "And... and I would like to read to you, not because you didn't bring anything, but because I think you would like this book." You smiled up at him, lifting the fingers you had been swirling on his leg to your lips before gently kissing them, pressing them to his cheekbone, and returning them to their reserved spot on his leg. He took that as a green light to read aloud.
You watched as he closed the page he had been reading to flip to the beginning. You knew he remembered what page he was on but his choice to start you from the beginning melted your heart. He really wanted you to appreciate this story so you were going to give 110% of your attention to the words flowing out of his mouth.
"Ok, this book is Graziella by Alphonse de Lamartine. I arrived at Naples on the first of April. A few days later, I was joined by a young man of about my own age, to whom I had attached myself at college with the friendship of a brother." He began as you listened intently, enjoying the gentle atmosphere created by the soft hum of the jet and snores of your colleagues. Spencer continued reading aloud to you on autopilot as he focused on the drawings of your fingers, now all turned to hearts.
The problem with taking a morning jet home was that you would have to go straight to the office to finish your paperwork before finally being able to rest in your own bed. You all trudged out of the car and into the office in varying states of awakeness, dreading the hours of work to come.
"Welcome back, you guys!" Garcia said, miscalculating the tone in the room, earning her a couple nods and grunts in response.
"Hey, I'm going to my friend's apartment tonight, and she lives by you. Since you take the train home and I'm going that way, do you want a ride?" You said to Spencer, trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible. For a Genius and a Profiler, he sure was bad at picking up clues and hints. You weren't really going to see your friend, you just wanted some alone time with him to straighten things out, but he obviously didn't understand. "I mean if it's on the way, that would be nice. Thank you Y/L- Agent Y/L/N." He said, nearly forgetting to call you Agent in front of the others. You smiled and headed back to your seat begrudgingly, seeing the mountains of paperwork.
It was kind of sweet how oblivious he was. You were trying to be discreet at work, and you could tell he was trying too. Keyword: trying, as he was failing miserably. You could tell he was trying to be sneaky, but there was nothing sneaky about him following you to the coffee machine every time you needed a refill. He told you it was because he wanted to match and you couldn't help but indulge him. He wanted to match coffee, unfortunately finding out that you did not, in fact, like as much sugar in your coffee as him. You settled for a little bit too sweet and him not enough for the sake of matching. He came to your desk, trying to trick you by asking to borrow a pen, even though you could see his usual green pen in his shirtfront pocket. He was just so cute and just so obvious so you caved, but it was only because you wanted to see the beam on his face knowing there was yet another way you two could match. His boldest move yet was to match sweaters. If you had yours on, he had his on; when you took yours off, he would follow suit. Even though it was very cute, he was being far too bold so after a while, you decided to just keep it on.
Finally, after hours of handwriting reports and witness statements, your cramped hand said a thank you as you signed off your last sheet. You stretched languidly, looking over to Spencer's desk. He had been done for a while but was pretending to be busy so he could wait for you without subliminally pressuring you to hurry. You pulled your go bag and satchel together, getting ready to leave as you watched Spencer hold his bag, waiting for you to make the first move. You clicked your tongue at him as if you were calling a cat, "Let's get going, I don't want to be late to see my friend!" You called over to him as he shot up, padding quickly to catch up to you. "Goodnight guys! Sleep well!" You called to Morgan, Elle, and Garcia, the only ones left in the bullpen. "Ok, now something definitely has to be going on," Elle said as they watched you two leave, Spencer tripping over himself as he got in the elevator behind you.
You two shoved your bags in the back seat and got in the car. As you turned the car, your music started blaring out of the speakers. "Woah! Sorry! I like to drive with the windows down so my music is usually pretty loud." You said as you slammed on the pause button. Spencer was startled but he didn’t mind as he'd just learned new things about you. 1. You like loud music 2. You like the windows down when you drive. 3. You have great taste in music. "That's ok. Just make sure you turn down the volume sometimes, 17% of adults aged 20–69 years have suffered permanent damage to their hearing from noise-induced hearing loss. And that was... certainly loud enough to cause some noise-induced loss. Make sure to take care of yourself." He said and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. His naive sweetness and caring nature had been gnawing at you all day. All you had wanted to do while you were trying to focus on work was kiss him.
You leaned up and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. Even though you came in slow, you surprised him. Here you were in the Quantico parking lot, boldly kissing him when any of your coworkers could have seen. "Why-why did you do that?" he asked as you pulled away. "I can't?" you asked, pouting slightly, teasing him. "N-No, You can you can, we're just so out in the open, and we haven't talked about anything, so I didn't know how you felt, and you were ignoring me all day." He rushed out as you let out a little laugh at him. "Let's drive, cutie." You said, turning your music back on, this time to a lower volume, as you pulled out of the parking lot and down the street. "First of all sweetness, I wasn't ignoring you all day, I didn't want Morgan to tease you again. You were busy with paperwork and I knew you didn't need him being an asshole to you to make it worse. Second, did you see all the paperwork they had left? There was no way any of them would have been out in the parking lot yet." You said as you smoothly merged onto the highway towards your house.
You were wondering when he was going to notice that he was going in the opposite direction of his house but he was too wrapped up in his thoughts. You glanced over at him before returning your eyes to the road. You cursed yourself for not having an eidetic memory because you would have kept a snapshot of him like that in your mind forever. His hair, once slicked back, now slightly disheveled from running his hands through it as he did his paperwork and the wind from your open windows. The cool summer wind that rosied his cheeks and the tip of his nose as he gazed out the streetlights overhead. Blue, red, green, purple yellow, white; the blinking lights of the city married the sunset hues that danced across his face. Illuminating his beautifully arched nose and his prominent cheekbones, it felt as if the sun was setting just for him and the city was awakening his beauty.
You smiled to yourself as you switched the cd in the cd player for one of your classics. "Hey! You listen to these guys?! You know I was going to see them last year but then we had this case out of town and I had to miss it. That was when they were still playing at that bar by the Speedway that burnt down." Spencer said excitedly. "Really!? You like them too? I haven't seen them yet but I've been listening to them since college. I never had that much money to be spending on tickets for shows beyond small house shows. I can't believe you like them, I always thought you were more of a Debussy or Chopin person." You replied, excited to have something to share. "Yeah I mean I like pretty much every genre but I've been really into their old stuff lately and, surprisingly, also french 70s music." He said matter-of-factly.
Contrarily, he was fibbing. He knew exactly why he had been listening to it. The previous night he had dreamed of the two of you off the shore, in the south of France in spring, reading books across from each other, legs tangled together, on a chez lounge. Jacqueline Taieb played on the radio as you pulled him up to dance. He removed the thoughts from his mind as he realized his predicament. He didn't know if he was allowed to think about you like that. You had been so sweet and caring towards him last night, and you kissed him so sweetly, but he was still unsure of where you stood. He was still lost in thought as you pulled up to your apartment and parked.
"Hey, this isn't my apartment. Is this your friend's place?" He asked, surprised. "No, Sweetheart. I didn't want Morgan to bother us as we were leaving so I made up some excuse. And this is my apartment. If you want to talk about what happened last night, you can come in. Well, I guess you can come in if you don't want to either, but that's beside the point. If you don't want to talk about it or if you just want me to take you home, I can do that right now. It's up to you baby." You said, gently taking his hand in yours. "I-I want to talk about it." He said shyly. "Alright then, my partner in crime. I will welcome you into my abode. We can order some dinner and talk about it. I'm thinking curry, what about you?" you said.
You could sense his nervousness and tried to lighten the mood even though deep down you were pissing yourself. You had never really done this either. You had a couple of one-night stands and short-term relationships, but nothing that lasted that long, and something in you wanted this time to be different. The young doctor was so endearing, and he was the first person who seemed to be interested in making you happy in the relationship, unlike most of your past suitors. You were terrified that you would push him too far or something would change, and that's why it was so important you had a talk and had trust and communication. You held his hand all the way up the stairs and to your apartment, not letting go when you went to open your door. You told yourself it was to make him feel better but you knew it was because you needed to do something with your hands to get them to stop shaking.
"Sorry, it's not the cleanest space ever. I wasn't expecting guests" you said as you began to tidy up random things around the room, mostly mason jars full of water or a stray empty mug. Spencer took note of his surroundings, drinking everything in. He couldn’t remember what he assumed your apartment would look like because as soon as he entered, he couldn't imagine you living anywhere else. It was all the parts of you that he knew and all of the parts he had yet to learn. He knew that you loved reading, so the bookshelves made sense. He knew that you loved music, so the cd player with piles of CDs next to it made sense. He knew you loved movies, so the VHS player and tv with a built-in DVD player and even more stacks of media made sense. But his favorite part was the giant easel positioned by the window with a large canvas on it. "Wow, Y/N! You paint?" he asked as you continued to clean up. "Oh, don't mind that! Sorry I didn't have time to put it away before we left! I'll get it out of your way!" You said, already carrying a basket full of god knows what in your arms. "No, No! Please leave it out. It's beautiful." He said, looking at your brush strokes. "Suit yourself. Let me know if it gets in your way," you said, finishing your cleaning by fluffing the pillows on your couch.
You finished bustling around your apartment and sat down on your couch across from the TV. He slowly made his way over to you, sitting at the opposite end from you, still unsure of your boundaries. You could spot his nerves from a mile away, so you swung your legs up onto the couch and poked him in his side with your feet. "Why are you sitting so far away, Sweety," you said as he looked over at you. You looked just as you did in his dream, soft and comfy in slouchy clothes. He hadn't noticed that you had changed into some comfy pajama pants and a loose pajama top, and now he couldn't stop thinking about the fact that you changed at some point when he was in the room. He knew it was silly. He had already seen you naked, but it all felt like a dream." I'll call and order, and you think about what you want to eat and what you want from me for a bit, ok? I know this great place a couple blocks from here." You said as you pulled out your landline, and dialed the number that you had scrawled on a notepad on your coffee table.
Then, Spencer saw the notepads, notebooks, sticky notes, and other odds and ends that you had all over the house. One on the fridge, one by the easel, one on the tv stand, two on the coffee table. They were all decorated differently for each task, of which he could see two, one titled 'Yummy restaurants' and the other titled 'movies to watch.' He tried to stop his distracting thoughts of how comfortably he fit in your space and how every item embodied you perfectly, all in different ways. When he was finally able to focus, he felt you start absentmindedly kneading your feet on his thigh that was closest to you. He could barely look over at you, finding you unbelievably erotic. He sucked in a breath as your pajama shirt was only buttoned up so much, enticingly drawing his eyes to the swell of your breast that he could see above the collar of your shirt.
You hooked your foot up under his thighs and brought his legs up onto the couch as you continued to order. You tangled your legs together, lifting your right foot to his chest, gently tapping out a rhythm absentmindedly as you talked. You broke through Spencer's entrancement, asking "What do you want to eat?" "Um... Whatever you're getting." He responded, as he still hadn't even begun to look at the menu. "Yeah! Then for the second order, can I get the same thing but make it mild." You said, poking your tongue out at him teasingly before finishing your order.
You two walked to pick up your food, talking about nothing in particular. You didn't want to talk about the elephant in the room until you got back, so you filled the space with meaningless conversation that instantly stopped as you entered the house. It was silent as you got forks ready, spying Spencer sitting rigidly straight on the couch, waiting for you.
"You know, you were so bold in the office today that I didn't expect you to be this shy when we got here. We don't have to talk about anything if you don't want to, sweet-" "I do, I really do." He said, cutting you off. "Ok! That's great. Well, I'm going to start off by saying that any relationship like this, whatever you want that to be, depends on strong trust and communication. That goes beyond the bedroom. Being on the team I trust you with my life. I know I'm new so I understand if you don't trust me yet but I just wanted to set that baseline with you. I'm going to be 1000% truthful with you and I'm going to start by saying this. I don't regret anything that we did last night. I loved what we did last night and I really like doing this with you. I want to explore with you if you would be so gracious as to let me. I find you very interesting, and I would like to be friends or more depending on what you want as we continue our rendezvous." You said as you grasped his hands, willing him to look into your eyes. He let out a sigh of relief. "I really liked what we did yesterday too. I was kind of worried that you regretted it or something. I'm really really new to everything, but I feel comfortable exploring if it's you. You made me feel really safe last night and I appreciate that a lot. I find you really beautiful and sexy and intriguing and I would like to be friends and maybe more with you now. I don't know if I'm allowed to say this... but I want to." He said, gaining some confidence. "You are allowed to say whatever you want, baby. That's why we have open communication. Everything is to make sure you are feeling as good and safe as possible," you said, rubbing his hand. " You should feel safe and good too. I know you are more experienced than me, but you deserve to be safe too." He said gently before continuing. "I was wondering if... if I could request that this be monogamous. I get really upset thinking about you with someone else." He said, and you could feel the shaking in his hands as he anticipated your reply. "Of course, sweetheart. I was hoping you would ask. Maybe I'm a little selfish, but I don't like to share my things. They're mine for a reason." You said before planting a gentle kiss on his cheek, earning a smile from him. "But I think, for now, I would like to be friends and see how it goes from there while we... explore," Spencer said. You nod and smile in agreement.
"Alright, so Spencer, tell me what you're interested in, sexually. What do you think about when you jerk off? What did you think about when you read my book?" You asked nonchalantly, as you picked up your curry and rice, taking a bite as if you'd just asked him about the weather. "w-well, I think about a lot of things." He sputtered out. "Just give me a little list I can work off." You said in between bites. "Um, I like seeing you naked. I like it when we match because it feels like we have a deep connection. I like h-how you touched me yesterday. I want you to touch me more." He said shyly, hiding his face behind his cup of water. "And the other two questions?" You prodded, watching as the bulge grew in his pants. "Um, what do I think of when I jerk off? Oh my god, I can't believe I'm saying this," He blushed before continuing. "I think about how it would feel to have your mouth wrapped around my cock. I think about you calling me a naughty boy. I think about you praising me. I think about your book and how there's so much more that I have to read. I think about you not wearing panties at work. And I think even more about pulling you into the storage closet, lifting up your skirt, and fucking you while everyone is working. I think about your piercings, and I think about your piercing chapter."
"What did you think of that chapter by the way? You ran off to the bathroom pretty quick. What were you thinking of doing to me, naughty boy?" you said, setting your food down on the table, leaning towards him, hands planted on his thighs. "Tell the truth, I can sniff out a liar from a mile away," You said, squeezing into his thighs. He bucked up towards you, searching for friction in any way he could." f-fuck. I read the chapter when I was touching myself. I thought about how you had pointed at my boner, and I thought about how I wanted you to make fun of me, and smack me, and punish me for being naughty." he said hurriedly, hoping his answer would satiate you. "Nuh-uh! Come on, tell me the whole truth," you said and smacked his thigh. He yelped as your hand came down, leaving him with a dull sting. "Ok! But it's embarrassing so don't laugh... I thought about you cockwarming me while I pierced your tongue, and how you would drool, and how you would squeeze around me. I thought about how I wanted to mark you and make you mine." He said, covering his eyes, hiding from his shame and how it made his cock stir in his pants. "You naughty, naughty boy, Spencer Reid. I thought you were innocent but here you are with your hand on your cock, at work, thinking about my pussy and my tongue and my spit, and it made you cum. What a rascal!" you said, watching for a reaction in his pants.
You pried his arm from his eyes, so he was forced to look at your smirk. His face and neck were a deep pink, and his lips were as pillowy and soft as a rose petal from biting his them. You couldn't help yourself as you pounced on him. You knew this was supposed to be just a talk about boundaries, but there was an undeniable electricity in the air that had been lingering from the moment you had woken up. He looked so fucked out, even though you hadn’t touched him yet and part of you wanted to absolutely ruin him that night. "Remember your colors, baby. What are you feeling?" You said, now perched in his lap. "Green, green. P-Please touch me." As he said it, you ground down on him. While you were in your comfortable clothes, he was still in his tight corduroys and button-down, sweater long gone somewhere else in the apartment. "Have you ever heard of something called edging?" You asked, and he nodded excitedly. "What about overstimulation?" You said, and he nodded quickly again. "What do you think about them?" He nodded, and you smacked him, not as hard as you would usually go, but enough to leave a sting. "Use your words, naughty boy." You said, capturing his jaw and tilting his face up to meet yours. "Yes, please. I'm so green. I have been wanting you to do this, please." He shot out through squished cheeks, looking at you with the most hungry eyes you have ever seen. His warm hazel eyes, now shiny and black with desire.
You got up off of him, and he whined, missing the warmth of your body on his. You grabbed him by the back of his neck like he was a naughty kitten, and pulled him down the hall and into your bedroom. Before he could take in your room, you pushed him back on the bed. "Strip." You commanded, and your scent overwhelmed him. Your daily aroma that intoxicated him was ten times weaker than the pure pheromones that blanketed your room. Spencer mused that your room must have been built to have sex in. Your bedside tables were adorned with candles, incense, your daily jewelry, and a pair of your panties. You had a red canopy on your four-poster bed that draped your room in a soft red glow.
Your figure was obscured by the canopy as you moved some items around your room. Spencer was lost in your scent, the idea of finally being in your room, and possibly a little lost staring at the panties on your table, making him move too slow for your liking. You parted the fabric and crawled up the bed to him. "Spencer Walter Reid, if you don't strip now, you're going to get a spanking. You have been such a naughty boy today. I thought you were going to be a good boy for mommy but I guess you want to get punished." You said as you slinked back off the bed. "I'm going to count down from 10 and if you aren't naked by the time I reach 0, you are getting spanked. Understood?" You said, and he squeaked out and "Understood!" "10... " Who knew it took so long to unbutton a dress shirt? "9... " Now, his hands were stuck in his sleeves. "8..." Shirt off. "7..." Is his belt broken, or is he shaking too much? "6..." Belt undone but not off. "5..." Pants, ok. "4..." Fuck, his shoes are stuck on. "3... 2... 1... 0. STOP NOW"
You parted the curtain, smirking down at him. "I think I said naked, not underwear on." You said, looking down at him. "You didn't give me enough time!" He whined but you were already flipping him onto your lap with his ass perched in the air. "Color?" You asked, earning his eager response of "Green, so green." You pulled his underwear off and hung it on the corner of your side table, right next to your own panties. The sight was oddly domestic, making him even harder as he tried to rut into your leg. Your hand came down hard on his ass and he bucked into you moaning in shock. "You naughty boy, pathetically rubbing on me. Does my thigh feel good baby?" you asked, and he nodded. Your hand came down hard on his other cheek "How many times do I have to tell you? Use. Your. Words." Punctuating your last three words with three more smacks to his ass, gently rubbing the red skin as he cried out. "Yes, mommy! Your thigh feels so good! Thank you so much!" he said as he ground himself down on you pitifully. "Why is mommy punishing you, sweetheart?" you said, sweetening your tone. " Because I didn't get dressed?" He asked. "Hm, if you were really sorry, you would know what you were sorry for. What are you being punished for? One more chance." You said, smoothing over the plains of his ass. "For being a naughty boy who doesn't listen and rubs his cock on mommy too much." He said. "So close, baby!" You said as you brought down one last smack to his ass as his cock leaked precum all over your legs. "You were getting punished because you don't listen and because you were being really naughty at work, sweetheart. But you took punishment so well, so you deserve a treat." You said as you flipped him over, making sure he was laying in a comfortable place on the bed.
"C-can we match?" He said, pulling on your sweater. You smiled down at him sweetly as you stripped, taking your time to let him gaze over the planes of your body. When you returned, you sat high up on his stomach, making sure he couldn't get any friction against you as you kissed him softly. He was still a little clunky when it came to kissing but when you took it slow, it helped him warm up to your motions until you two were completely in sync.
"Alright, so I'm going to do some new things. Let me know at any time if you aren't comfortable or you want me to stop." You said, and you turned so you were sitting on his chest, looking down at his cock, as he got a wonderful view of your ass and the dimples in your back as your muscles flexed. You collected some spit in your mouth and let it drip down slowly onto the head of his already overly excited cock. He hissed as your finger swirled in the spit that pooled at the base of his cock as you wet your hand before grasping his length. Even though he had felt this exact same thing yesterday, he could never get over the sensation of your hand squeezing around him, circling his cock, and playing with the tip with your thumb. You spit into your other hand and wrapped both hands around his length, working them up and down his shaft, gently twisting and squeezing. The best part was that he couldn’t see anything you were doing. It was like he was blindfolded, stomach muscles tensing in anticipation of your touch.
"Fuck baby I'm close." And that was when you stopped. right as he was about to cum, you squeezed down hard at the base of his cock. "You don't cum until I do." You said, scooting your core back so that it was a couple tantalizing inches away from his face. "Really? You'll let me eat you out? For real?" He asked, mind blown at the idea of eating you out. "I was hoping you would." You replied, waiting for him to make a decision. He hooked your arms around your thighs and pulled you into him so hard, you were worried he broke his nose at first. 'I need a man who eats pussy like it's the only way to quench his thirst' rung out in his head. That's what you had written in your journal titled "Male needs" and he wanted to be a Male that you needed, so that's what he did. He flattened his tongue as he licked a long stripe up your folds, and back down to your clit, latching on hungrily, alternating between sucking hard and twirling his tongue on it. "H-Holy shit Spencer." You moaned, and you knew you wouldn't last long. Even though you wouldn’t admit it, you were soaking wet just from teasing and punishing him. That, coupled with how sweet his tongue was on your core, and you were done for. You certainly had never had a man eat you out like this, much less a virgin. "Shit baby, you're so good? How did you get so good?" You asked incredulously, as he reached his hand back around and inserted a finger between your folds, giving his mouth a short break. "I read the literature and from what I saw, the g spot should be about here." He said before curling his fingers inside of you, brushing against the sensitive bundle of nerves, causing you to moan deeply. His smirking mouth found its way back to your clit as he added another finger, working your g spot with feverish strokes.
"Fuck, baby! I'm cumming!" You shouted and right as you were reaching your peak, he stopped everything. "What the fuck are you doing!?" You yelped at him, your mounting peak now decrescendoing before ever hitting the climax. "I thought we were matching. You're edging me, I'm edging you." He said innocently, but you could hear his smirk tinging his words. "You just want to be punished huh?" You said and squeezed down on his base as you kissed the tip of his cock. "Naughty boys don't get proper head. When you make me cum, then I'll actually suck your cock. Got it?" You asked as he bucked his hips"Yes." He replied fervently.
This was his first-ever experience getting head, so of course, you were going to give him a good time. He would just have to wait. You held down at the base of his aching cock as you lazily sucked and licked the head. Not even close to the usual effort you would put in, but it was enough to make his legs shake and finger you faster. His mouth was too busy panting and whining to eat you out but you were fine with that because the way he was curling his fingers was creating a knot in your stomach and you could feel your impending release. "Fuck baby I'm cumming. Let me cum this time." You said and he reattached his mouth to your clit, sucking hard as he used all of his willpower to keep himself from cumming. And just like that, you're cumming all down his face and fingers as you shake but he keeps going, this time with more enthusiasm, riding you through your orgasm and overstimulating you. You eagerly take him into your mouth all the way, sucking hard, lathering his length with your spit, and in two seconds he is cumming hard down your throat. "Mommy I'm cumming" He said a little too late as you had already swallowed around him.
You were both so caught in the afterglow that you just kept going. Aftershock spurts of cum kept shooting down your throat but you kept sucking. You wanted him needy and wrecked under you. "Oh my god! ah! AH!" He said, shaking as you keep sucking him down. He keeps finger fucking you as if he is possessed. You are both riding your highs and are so overstimulated that in no more than a minute you are both cumming all over again as sobs wrack your bodies.
You flop down next to Spencer and kiss his cheek tentatively, knowing most men don't kiss after head. Spencer leans up, kissing you passionately, tangling his tongue in yours, tasting your release on each other's tongues. "Flip over baby," You said as he rolled over. You pulled out your lotion from your bedside table, gently warming up a small amount in your hands before spreading it on his butt. "I don't know about you, but I'm way too tired to take a shower tonight. I'm just going to put our leftovers in the fridge and brush my teeth. I have some spare toothbrushes if you would like to borrow one, and some pajamas." You said to a very sleepy Spencer. He didn’t even say anything, he just grumbled and got up, leaning on you.
He helped you clean up, both still naked, enjoying the domesticity of just walking around completely vulnerable together. You needed to brush his teeth for him as he sat on the toilet lid and you couldn’t help but think he looked like a little baby, barely clinging to the little energy it had before a nap. You got him up and back in bed, looking down at his naked form, now noticing the gentle matching bruises on either side of his body. “I know you like to match but take care of yourself. Don’t bang yourself up so much. I don’t want you to hurt yourself.” You said as you picked his clothes off of the floor. You reached down for your pajamas but before you could get them back on or pull him into his, he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you down on top of him."I’ll try to stop. Only for you, and only because you asked so nicely. Right now, I’m too sleepy, let's sleep naked. Night night." He mumbled into the crook of your neck. Warmth enveloped your body at his words, “only for you.” Somehow that was all it took to finally give in to sleep's welcoming grasp, reveling in the warmth shared between your skin.
Chapter 1 Here / Chapter 2 Here / Chapter 3 Here / Chapter 4
And there we go, that's chapter five! Make sure to give me any comments, criticisms, or ways to better the plot. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I tried to balance out the sweet and spicy aspects of this one. I hope you guys have a great night!
Tag List: @spencer-reids-slut @ya-triedit @reidstoychest @flipperpenguins @thatsonezesty13 @jbbarnes-loki @big-galaxy-chaos @ickleronniekinsemotionalrange @spencersmagic @uhuhuh @living-for-romance @aharvey979 @xoxo-jnh-xoxo @marrymespencerrei @crypticcorvidinacottage , @ladydragoneye , @stjoaninthewildwest
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monst · 4 years
I'm thirsting. Shinsou slipping birth control pills in y/n's food so when he uses his quirk to fuck her without her knowing, so he can have the pleasure of cumming inside her. Hnn, and he can take pictures of his cum spilling out of her for himself.
On the nose 
Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader
All characters 18+
Warnings: Do I even have to write sexy time? But yeah sexy time actions, Somno, Noncon, Does this count as drugging??? Quirkplay, In summary he’s gonna fill you like a cream donut… :’) 
Shinsou read the label for the millionth time that day, the words seemed to glare back at him berating him for what he was about to do. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous, this wasn’t his first time using his quirk on you when you slept. He had stretched you out more times than he cared to keep track of. However, it would be his first time experiencing the heat of your walls directly. 
The thought of going in raw had him on edge, he couldn’t wait but he also didn’t want to mess up. Taking out the popper dosage he decided that the best way to get you to ingest the pills would be by grinding them into your drink. He hoped it would work. If not then well... ironically he had a plan b… He prepared your drink, a fragrant hot chocolate topped with whipped cream. 
He grinned deviously at the creamy consistency, well aware of the subtle hint. He made sure to stir it well before heading into the living room. There you sat, your gorgeous frame covered in a cute nightgown he’d gifted you. The modestly long dress was covered in hundreds of tiny cats and you looked adorable in it. Your eyes were glued to a book he had lent you. Bram Stoker’s Dracula. 
“Hey, I got you a cup.” He broke you out of your reading, holding the mug up to you. 
“Ugh Hitoshi, You're an angel~” You gushed, grabbing the ceramic from him thankfully. Shinsou feigned a meek smile, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. 
“Am not.” He protested weakly. 
You took a mouthwatering sip and moaned, missing the glint in the asymthest man’s eyes at the sound. “Are too.” You hummed. “Need I remind you of why I’m here?” You smiled gratefully. 
“Anyone would have done the same kitten.” He shrugged, the cushion next to you slumping underneath his weight. Your face warmed at the nickname, your fingers tapping on the mug to control your fidgeting. ‘He’s just being friendly (Name).’ you told yourself. Shinsou had been an incredible friend to you and you didn’t want to ruin your relationship with your attraction towards him. In effort to cool the heat in your cheeks you changed the conversation. 
“So about the book?” You began, taking another sip of the hot beverage. 
“Hm?” His plum eyes were focused on the flecks of white at the corner of your lips. Yet another thing you didn’t notice. 
“Right so I’m up to the part where Van Helsing hypnotized Mina to get to the Count. And I was thinking about how crazy that must be.” You paused. “I mean first the Count was visiting her at night drinking from her while she slept. And now her mind is basically being taken over, I feel kinda bad for her...It’s freaky.”
Shinsou held in a laugh, bringing his cup to his lips in an effort to conceal his smile. He was riding high on a power trip, knowing that you weren’t privy to his quirk. He agreed with you, watching as your throat bobbed; the last of the chocolaty liquid sliding down. He stayed with you on the couch chatting about nothing in particular. Until.
“When do you think I’ll be able to move back into my apartment?” You asked. 
“Hard to say, We still haven’t caught the guy who snuck into your home.” He frowned, worry filled his eyes, brows drooping as his hand reached out to gasp yours. “Don’t worry we’ll find him, but until then the guest room is all yours.” 
“Thanks Hitoshi.” You wrapped your arms around his strong frame. “I don’t know what I would have done if I had ran into that stalker.” Shinsou nodded patting your head gently, his nose buried into your neck. You smelled absolutely intoxicating… 
It was late, and you had gone off to bed hours ago. Your slumbering form didn’t register the creak of the door being pushed open. Shinsou felt the bed dip as he crawled on top of you, he trembled in anticipation and gently pinched your side. Once you let out a sound your mind was his. Now in control he invaded your dreams, making sure that he consumed every nook and cranny of it. He had been dropping nitpicked dreams into your head since you had begun to stay with him.  
Insurance, he called it. 
Pale knuckles brushed against your cheek as he stared down at you lovingly. His soft lips pressed against you, gently at first. It wasn’t long before he was leaving open mouthed kisses on your lips, his tongue tracing their shape, hands squeezing your sides. He seared his lips on the sensitive flesh of your neck, careful to not leave any marks. He palmed your breasts from atop your clothes. His other hand sliding down to the hem of the nightgown. 
“Your so soft kitty.” He breathed, sitting up in between your thighs. His hands kneaded the flesh of your plush thighs as he spread your legs, pale fingers pushing the gown up to your neck. Moisture left his mouth as he took in your nude form. He’d seen you bare so many times but it never failed to leave him breathless. His hands traced every edge and curve; a moan slipping past his lips. 
“God you're so beautiful~” If you had been awake the intensity of his gaze would have set you ablaze. He took his time exploring your body, his lips caressing your nipples, suckling on the stiff peaks, drawing soft moans from your slumbering self. Unconsciously your fingers found themselves in between soft purple strands. Your body pressed into his as his fingers disappeared underneath your panties. 
Pale digits traced down the length of your slit allowing your slick to coat them. A grin touched his face. “Only I get to make you this wet babydoll.” He sighed against your chest, teeth nipping at your nipples once more. He leaned back and hooked his fingers underneath the elastic easily sliding your panties down your legs. He slipped them inside his sweatpants pocket so as to not forget them later. Once more he took your legs and parted them further.
“Fuck.” He groaned. “Look at this pussy.” He felt himself throb at the sight. Your lips were glistening with a light sheen of your arousal and Shinsou wanted a taste. But that could wait.. Afterall he did have all night. 
“You look so delicious Kitten.” He moaned allowing his thumb to rub slow circles on your clit. “You're pretty pussy quivering under my touch.” He sneered watching as your chest rose and fell for him. For him. All of it was for him, All of you. 
“That’s right, you love it when I play with your slutty cunt don’t you?” He panted, heat consuming his face as you moved against his fingers, your legs spreading wider for him in invitation. He was going to allow you to feel the stretch of his fingers when:
“Hitoshi~” You slurred sleepily. 
“Ha~” Just the sound of his name on your lips was euphoria. He couldn’t wait anymore. He slid down his sweats, just enough to let his cock spring free. His breathing was heavier, lust clouding his every thought and his thighs trembled when he brushed the head of his cock against the soft flesh of your folds. He played around sliding the tip up to your clit then down; to circle your entrance. He wanted to savor this moment. 
“Hnng” You whined in your sleep, your hips lifting off the bed. 
“Would you look at that?” He whistled. “My babycat wants me to stretch out her tight little cunt. Well you asked for it~” 
With that he sunk into you, he leaned over at the feeling his fists gripping the sheets as your hot velvety walls caressed his throbbing length. “Holy fuck Kitty.” He gasped. He wasn’t even fully sheathed and the warm wet hug he was getting had his eyes rolling back in pleasure. He drew out and pushed back in slowly, basking in the way your walls rippled around him, loving the way your moans enhanced the feeling.  
He set a slow deep pace. “T-This feels amazing.” He groaned, his hands coming under your ass to better angle his thrusts. 
“.H...Shi~” You whimpered. 
“Yeah, that’s right, say my name kitty.” He grunted increasing his pace, the sound of your pussy gushing for him encouraging him to go faster. The paps of his balls hitting your ass drove him to lift your legs, his cock sliding in deeper. 
“Ah!” You wriggled in pleasure, your brows scrunching up as he fucked up your insides. 
Shinsou shifted and he felt your slick walls clamp down on him. “I found it didn’t I?” He grinned. He continued to abuse the area he discovered watching as you cried out his name, drool slipping down your chin. He leaned down to allow you to grasp onto him. 
“Tell me.” He commanded. “Tell me who fucking owns this pussy?”
“Y-Yuah!” Your slumbering form was subjected to whatever he desired and he moaned at the answer. 
“Fuck yes you belong to me kitty.” He gasped. He felt your body tremble; your silky walls squeezing down on him tightly. But he was far from done. His name tore itself from your throat as he rutted into you. He fucked you through two more orgasms before the telltale signs of his end were near. He fumbled with his hand to grab his phone from his pocket. 
He hit the camera button and began to record. Your face was clear in the shot and he slid the frame down your body making sure to zoom in where your bodies met. He groaned at the sight of his cock sliding in and out of your cunt. He wanted to get this one thing on video before he came inside of you. 
“Kitten I-I’m gonna cum.” He grunted, his hips stuttering. “Where...Where do you want it.” He gasped. 
“..In..Side.” He really loved his quirk… Shinsou came with a low growl of your name, spilling ropes of his seed deep inside your pulsing heat. He emptied his milk inside of you, staying in until his sensitive cock trembled and then he pulled out. The girth member was covered in a combination of his and your cum but he disregarded his mess and lifted your leg recording how his cum slid out of your pussy. It dribbled down slowly like molasses sliding down to your puckered hole and staining the bed. 
He took a couple more pictures and slipped his phone back into his pocket. All that was left was to clean you up… And his tongue did a really good job at that. 
You sat at the table a plate of half eaten food staring back at you. You had paused your consumption when you heard the Shinsou’s door open. Purple tufts of hair flying every which way. He grumbled out a groggy ‘morning and headed to the bathroom, a sly smirk on his lips when he was no longer facing you. 
Your face warmed at the sight of him. You had such a vividly erotic dream of him last night… 
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booksweet · 3 years
Starring: Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
Synopsis: what If your favorite character became real the moment you needed the most?
Contents: fluffy, probably shibuya incident arc spoilers (not too much), grammar mistakes
word count: 1.368
A/N: helloo, guys! It's Friday and the time has come for me to post again! This story came up because I'm reading (suffering) shibuya incident arc since Monday and it's been HARD, so it may be the aftereffects of 20 chapters read and a lot of crying and sobbing. Hope you like it!
part 1 | part 2 | part 3
main navi | masterlist
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She was laying on her bed, not really in a peacefully way once she was reading one of her favorite stories and all the plot was driving her to hell and back. She knew it would be bad, it would be terrible, but no one warned her it was THAT BAD. She couldn't help but just cry after all that happened, she felt his pain and hurt through the pages, even though he was the strongest, he was still human. He was still capable of feeling sadness, pain, and grief.
She knew he was just a fictional character, but to her he was more. She loved him in a way she wished he was real, he was a fictional character tho, and hardly he would become real.
Still, she loved Gojo Satoru with all her heart, evertyhing in him enchanted her, from how he cared about his students to his cocky personality. She knew that her friends couldn't understand how much she cared about him, he didn't even exist, how could he affect her in so many ways?
Yet, there she was, wrapped in the sheets of her bed and in her pajamas while reading that manga, thank God it was late night and she was alone at home, otherwise someone would have come by to check her out - and the person would have a little surprise, seeing her with watery eyes and her red stuffy nose. How come just an arc like this one destroy her like that? How come?
"I can't read it anymore" She mumbled, leaving out a soft sneeze. "I'll finish it tomorrow. This arc is going to be my end."
And after pressing slightly the tip of her nose, she fell asleep slowly, head laying on her pillows, driving her to unknown dream places related to what happened to Gojo and the odd future of shibuya incident arc.
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"Who are you?" she heard the voice before open her eyes, she felt a sweet air cherishing her face telling that there was someone closer to her. The first thing she thought was that seh was still sleeping and she was dreaming vividly.
How come I can feel anyone like this? She thought in panic. A man trespassed my house and he is in my room, I'm alone...
"Won't you open your eyes? I know you're awake" He said softly seeming to feel her fear. "I really need some answers, and you're the only one I have."
She almost yelled once she opened her eyes. Almost. Screaming requires air in her lungs, air that ran out of her when she looked at him. A man who was pretty much similar to her favorite character... Gojo? Satoru?
"This must be a dream, I am dreaming" She closed her eyes again, sheets upon her face. "This must be a dream, he's a fictional character-"
"Uh... I'm not?" He said and she could hear confusion in his tone. "Last time I checked, I'm a man in bone and flesh."
"Oh, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming, I'm dreaming..." She pinched her arms, her cheeks, but she wouldn't wake. "Why am I not wakening?"
"Is this... because... you are already awake?" he said, and she looked at him again. Still not believing her eyes. It's not been a long time since she was crying over his sealing at the prison realm and now this?
"How?" She was out of words, the one she... loves? Her comfort character was right beside her as confused as ever, and handsome as hell. "You're more beautiful in person..." She mumbled.
"First: Yes, I am." He said with a smirk growing on his face, eyes still covered by his blindfold. "Second: I don't really know what happened, I thought this was the prison realm, but..." He pinched the tip of his nose with frustation and then looked at her, she felt her body warming as he was fully concentrated on her. "Prison realm only accepts one prisoner by turn, so once I saw you sleeping there, I realized I wasn't really trapped in there. Then where am I? Who are you?"
"O-oh I'm-" She tried to say, but the words wouldn't come out, stuttering as she was right now. She shook her head, If this is real, I have to recompose myself. "I'm Y/N and... I don't know how to explain either, but you came into my word from that little book over there" His head turned out to the manga she put on her desk before sleeping. He kept staring it for a while in silence. And an unease feeling was rising down her throat. "Say something, please."
"To be honest, this is the first time I actually have nothing to say," the sound of his voice was a muffled noise. "Last thing I remember before appearing here I was in Shibuya, fighting and..." His body became stiff as a rock, the memories were hiting him like waves, waves of sadness and hurt.
"Yeah, I know..." And she really knew, in some ways, she felt his pain, and cried because of his broken eyes and she saw him realizing Getou's body was stolen, his best friend's body.
Here they were again in this obnoxious silence, she felt sadness arising from him. She coudn't take it. If this was real, she would do something to him try to forget the pain. Even if it is just for a moment.
"Hey," she called him, taking him out of his reveries. "Wanna go downstairs to have breakfast? You seem hungry." A smile started to grow wild upon his face, and she never felt such joy.
"I was thinking you'd never ask!" He stood up in a wink of an eye, and Oh God he is tall. "I'm going first, I see you need to change your clothes." Her face became red like a tomato, remembering she was still on her pajamas all this time, the shock made her forget about it. "Unless you want me to stay..." She tried to threw her pillow on him, but he was faster and a loud sound came from the closed door. Why was her heart beating so fast?
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"So, how are you?" She tried to catch his attention once more. After she showered, reality came punching her in her face. It wasn't a dream, Gojo Satoru was real and he was at her home, drinking coffee with her. She tightened her hand's grip on her mug while waiting for his aswer. It was hard to resist trying pass her thingers through his white hair, touch his clothes, his arms just to prove once more his was real indeed.
"I don't know exactly" he said with a strange voice, Is he tired? She thought. "I'm not trapped at the prison realm, but at here. I still can't help the ones I care so... Yeah, I-"
A sudden hug made him stop with his words, she mindlessly held her arms around his torso, hugging him tight with tear in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." She coudn't stop apologizing, he probably wouldn't understand but Who cares? He mattered to her, she didn't mind anything else.
"Y/N..."He held her back, arms around her shoulders and waist. It's so warm. "You don't need to..."
"But I feel to." She stopped again what he was saying. "I can feel your sadness from here, I can feel your pain. I don't know what's happening for you to come here, but still I care about you. I cared about even without known this would happen. And now, I'm caring more and more because I know you are real."
After a moment of silence that seemed like hours, he left out a soft smile "Okay, let me hug you then". With his right hand, he took off his blindfold and she was blessed by his stunning blue eyes. Eyes that can see everything. I could easily get lost...
"Then I will be here to find you again" He said hugging her tighter than ever, the smell of black coffee surrounding them. "I still don't know what I am doing here and why, but I know that if I'm with you, we'll discover it sooner than you think."
Comments, reblogs and likes are always welcome 💛 Thanks for reading
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saintobio · 3 years
Yay, your asks are open! I have been wanting to send you praises for wastelands! It ripped my heart out and utterly destroyed me. I cried so hard for chapter 9 and 10 and the epilogue. I don't mind angst - I love it actually - but I prefer angst with a happy ending. All I wanted was for Suna to survive so he and reader could get the marriage, the kids, the lifetime. And I hated Sophia so much for keeping them apart. Suna and reader deserved the lifetime they dreamed of having. Wastelands completely destroyed me but it was such an amazing series and I loved every second of it, even when I was so hurt and it broke me and when I was wishing for a happier ending and different fate for Suna. I felt so many things - happiness, anger, pain, sadness, amusement - and you brought those out so well and portrayed the various and complex feelings with reader, suna, the twins so well. I really loved the dynamic of the group pre and post Sophia. Even during despite that they ignored reader when she came back but I'm so happy that kita, Samu, and tsumu recognized and still tried to include her and be considerate of her because she became their friend, not just someone suna brought along for the ride. The unofficial proposal scene was so sweet but their parting was so heartbreaking and bittersweet. I haven't cried that hard since avengers endgame. Me attempting to fix my heart after the epilogue
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My heart after reading the spin off
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You have an amazing way with words and imagery and showing how everyone was feeling. Wastelands may have destroyed me but I don't regret reading it, even knowing that my heart will never fully heal. If I could, I would get it bound so I can read it forever and have it be an actual book in my collection. And so I could put it in the freezer when it hurts me. Amazing job. Well done!
When my heart heals a Iittle more, I am very excited to read your underground fight club iwa series.
i’m such a piece of shit for replying late but this just kept getting buried in my ask box every time i updated sn 😭 firstly, i’m very sorry for the late response !! i remember when i first read this ask while i was half-awake and i swear i fell asleep smiling sdjsjs i always saw ur tags and i just can’t express how much i appreciate u for loving wastelands the way u do !! that series is the work i’m most proud of, so ur feedback and overall reaction to the fic means the world to me. thank you, love <33 sorry for breaking ur heart w the angst (but i love a good tragedy 😫)
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Not A Fairytale
Summary - Your life after you had met Dean was going great until he showed up in the middle of the night and everything around you came crashing down.
Pairing - Dean Winchester x Reader
Warning - Fluff-ish, Angst, Not so happy ending.
Square filled - Angst ( @anyfandomgoesbingo )
Word Count - 1539
A/N - This is written for @zombitch-inthemegacoven's Bingo (second submission).
This is also a submission for @jay-and-dean's To Be Continued challenge. Prompt is in bold. Hope you like it! (Sorry for breaking your heart in advance)
Unbeta'd. All mistakes are mine.
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“They lived happily ever after.” Closing the hardcover edition of Grimm’s Fairy Tale, you sneaked a glance at the little girl and sighed out loud.
“No more stories, Callie. You need to go to sleep now, sweetie.” You smiled, leaning in to kiss the top of your daughter’s head.
“Mommy. Sweep with me,” Callie looked up at you with her beautiful brown eyes. “Pwease.”
“How can I say no to this adorable face?” Tilting your head, you said. Your daughter let out an adorable giggle. You put the book away and snuggled closer to your baby girl, pulling the covers upto your chest. You gently ran your fingers through her soft hair and you slowly felt her breathing getting even as the motion of your fingers lulled her to sleep.
“She looks adorable.” The deep rumble from behind you made you jump.
“Dean.” You sucked in a deep breath, turning your head to see the green-eyed man. Callie stirred in your grasp as the sudden commotion disturbed her sleep.
“Hey it's okay. Go back to sleep. It's just Dean.” You whispered but Dean’s name jolted her awake.
“Dean?” Callie called out, her eyes wide open now.
“Hey baby girl.” Dean cooed as he moved towards her side of the bed.
“Great! Now she is fully awake and all my efforts to put her to sleep went to waste,” you faked annoyance. Dean mouthed a ‘sorry’ as he sat on the bed. Your daughter kicked the covers away as she crawled into Dean’s lap. Your heart swelled with happiness at the sight in front of you. This was all you ever wanted. A family. You stared at the flannel clad hunter as he nodded his head enthusiastically when Callie told her about the cookie incident that happened in the morning.
“So a cookie monster, huh?” Dean amused.
“Yes!” Callie nodded. “He will steal all my cookies so Mommy keeps them hidden. Dea, will you pwease fight him?”
“Fight the cookie monster?”
“But he is a really bad monster. Maybe it's better to keep the cookies hidden.” Dean smiled.
“No Dea! Mommy says you fight bad people. You can fight him too!” She looked up at the man.
“Callie,” you called, “sweetie, you need to go to sleep. It's way past your bedtime.”
“But Mommy, Dea is here.” Your daughter tightened her hold on Dean's jacket, while nuzzling her face into his chest. He gave you a half shrug as he let the little girl rest in his hold.
“Cal.” You sighed. “Come on, baby. Dean had a long journey. He needs rest and so do you.” You reached for her despite knowing she wouldn't let go of the hunter very easily. When Dean had waltzed his way into your lives, he not only became an important part of you but of Callie’s too. That little girl absolutely adored him and he cared for her like his own child.
“No!” She huffed.
“Callie.” Dean nudged the girl in his arms. “How about I lie down with you and tell you about the wish monster I had to send out for a time out? Hmm? Sounds good?” She nodded.
You moved out of the bed but instead of leaving the room, you stood there at the doorway. Your lips curled up into a small smile when you saw Dean lying down with your baby girl, telling her a story of how he defeated a wish monster. Callie’s eyes widened when she heard about how Dean came face to face with him, and ordered him a timeout. His calloused hands ran up and down the girl’s back, soothing her as she slowly slipped into a deep slumber.
“That works on me too.” You smiled. He gently untangled himself for the iron holding of the girl and made his way towards you.
“Like mother, like daughter. That little devil is fully sedated,” he chuckled but something wasn't right because his laugh felt forceful. Taking his hand, you guided him towards the couch.
“Talk to me.” You whispered. He sat down on the couch, pulling you down with him. You looked him in the eye, and saw them glistening with unshed tears. Swallowing hard, he clenched his jaw tightly. “De.” You cupped his face as he looked away from you.
“I'm okay.”
“No you're not. I can see it, something’s bothering you. You are not a guy to show up here in the middle of the night. What is it?”
“Mom’s dead.” He croaked.
“Mom. She died. I couldn't stop it.” Your heart clenched in your chest when his shoulder slumped with defeat. Your hand brushed through his unkempt hair as he leaned into your touch. “I keep on trying but I can't win. Ever.”
“I'm sorry, Dean.” Your voice wavered as your own emotions overtook you.
“All my life, I-” His voice caught in his throat. Letting out a shaky breath, he cleared his throat.
“It's okay. It's going to be okay,” you said, pulling him closer to you.
“Don't. Don't say that.” Dean gave you a small shove as he moved away from your hold. “All my life, I have been telling myself that someday it's going to be okay but it never gets better.”
“I know. I'm so sorry.” You reached out for him but he jerked his head away from your touch.
“I'm sorry, Y/N/N but I can't do this anymore.” He whispered in broken sentences.
“Do what?”
“This thing….between us. I can't live thinkin’ every second of my life that maybe a demon or-or something has got to you” You felt the air getting knocked out of you as the world around you came crashing down. You stared at the man in front of you, dumbfounded.
“A-are you breaking u-up with me? Why?” You breathed out.
“Yes.” His curt reply infuriated you. He was throwing away two years of relationship. You needed more than just a simple yes.
“Why did you come here tonight? Please don't say you came all the way to here in the middle of the night just to end things with me?” He kept quiet which only confirmed your worst thought.
“Why?” You begged.
“I needed to see you and Cal one last time.”
“Don't leave. We are happy. Is there something I did? I'll make it up to you. We can get through this.”
“Don't you see? I am a danger to your life. Staying with me is like signing your own death warrant and Callie’s. I need to get away as far as possible to keep you safe. You have done nothing wrong. It's all me. I still love you so much.”
“No. This is not true. I am safe with you. After Callie’s dad left us, I felt like I was drowning but meeting you was like coming up for fresh air. Don't you see? You saved me.” You reasoned.
“I want to be your protector, sweetheart, not your executioner and I can't protect you if the people around me keep dropping like flies.” Dean stole a glance and saw the tears roll down your cheek. It broke his heart to see you like that but he knew what had to be done. He needed to let you go.
“I am still here. Callie's still here. We will be fine.” You said.
“What if something actually happens? That's a risk I'm not willing to take.” He whispered, locking his eyes with yours.
“When does the great Dean Winchester ever back down from a challenge?” You scoffed. His eyes hardened at the question.
“There is no challenge here. I'm trying to keep you and Callie safe because if I lose you, I'll be gone.” He replied, averting his gaze.
“What about Callie?”
“She is just a child. She won't remember me.” He said and stood up. Tears were flowing freely down your cheek. He turned towards, leaning down to press his lips against yours. “I love you but this is for the best. You deserve a good man not some running-from-the-law, monster killing machine. You need someone who will stay with you forever, not a man whose life is always on stake. You deserve so much better.”
“You are the man I want. I don't want anyone else,” You cried out. “You are my happily ever after. Please stay. I love you.”
“It's going to be painful but you will eventually get over me.” He said firmly. He had made up his mind. There was no turning back now. He looked at you carefully, as if he was trying to memorise your face. You tried to touch his face. He took your hand into his. Giving you a chaste kiss for one last time, he walked away from you towards the door.
“If you walk out of that door now, it's over for us.” You told him.
“I know. I'm sorry.” Dean Winchester said as he walked out of that door leaving you behind with the pieces of your broken heart lying at your feet. A sob tore through your throat as you wondered how you would tell your baby girl that Dean wasn't ever coming back.
Maybe happily ever after didn't really exist in the real world afterall.
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White Lies (Pt. 05 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.4 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
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Next part (06)->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
Everything She Needs
Many tears cloud your sight when you see it. The cold gel doesn't even bother you anymore. With a bright smile on your lips, you squeeze Keanu's hand. The baby is just a tiny little thing, and you would never find it if it wasn't for the doctor.
“It's our baby.” You whisper, looking at Keanu. He has a small smile too, eyes on the screen.
“Well, we're done here.” The woman says, turning the equipment off and wiping the gel off you.
You're in the middle of week seven, and doctor Amanda Williams suggests a magazine so you can keep up with the development of the baby.
Keanu quickly signs up for the digital version and buys an e-book that explains week by week what happens with both the baby and your body. You're reading it on your new phone since the old one was destroyed in the accident, as Keanu drives you back home.
“On week seven, the baby is the size of a grape.” You read out loud, the tone of your voice raising a little on the last word. “So tiny.” Glancing at Keanu, you furrow your eyebrows. “We found about the pregnancy very early. The doctor said people usually find out around week six. We knew it back on week two.”
He takes a deep breath, eyes focused on the road. “We were planning it so when your period was just a little late, you decided to buy a test and it was positive.” Keanu sounds a little odd, and it makes you look away, reading the e-book to yourself.
Keanu has been weird since last week, but you've been in and out of the hospital, so you didn't have time to talk. Once you get home, you excuse yourself to take a shower, lingering in your bedroom for a while, lying down with a hand on your stomach. It has become a habit, and you've been starting to talk more with the baby too.
A few moments later you head downstairs, finding Keanu on the couch, watching TV. Shyly, you walk over to him, standing beside the couch. It doesn't take much until he notices you.
“What are you watching?”
“The news.” He answers, gesturing for you to sit down, and so you do.
But the silence is uncomfortable, and you don't understand why. You want to ask, but it feels like there's a huge wall separating both of you. It hits you suddenly that it maybe be some kind of crisis. Is it how your marriage ends? Because of you and a stupid accident? Taking one of the pillows, you hug it, breathing deeply and running a hand through your hair.
“Do you want to watch something?” Keanu suddenly asks, breaking the ice. Giving him a look, you nod. “Tell me what.”
“Uhm...” Sitting up straight, you can't help but feel a little better that he's talking to you. “What about that assassin movie you told me about?”
“Alright.” Keanu searches through his phone, and a few moments later he plays the movie on the TV.
Focusing on the film, you can't help but cry a little when some assholes kill the puppy. You try not to let him notice as you wipe some tears away. It's uncertain if the crying is just about the dog or if it's mixed up with everything else. The accident, the situation itself, and Keanu's weird behavior. The hormones are probably adding up too, so you fully crying in no time, watching as John Wick buries the dog in his garden.
“Are you alright?” Keanu asks, and you silently shake your head, eyes still on the screen. “If you're feeling bad we can–”
“I-I'm alright.” Clearing your throat, you try not to be bitter about it. He probably has a lot in his head, that's all. “It's just the dog.”
He nods, and you move away from him just a little. If he needs space, you will give it to him. But the movie takes you over bit by bit, and you're at the edge of your seat by the end, only relaxing when the credits start rolling. You were planning on letting him be, but the movie got you a little excited.
“That was amazing.” You exclaim, turning your body towards him. “You're absolutely awesome and I'm so glad he got Iosef.”
“I'm happy you enjoyed it.”
“Yeah... And you still keep the look.” With a small smile, you gesture at his hair and beard, pretty much the same he had on when playing John Wick. “I really like it.” You decide to say, hoping the low light, since the night is falling, will hide your blushing cheeks.
“That's why I keep it,” Keanu answers, the credits still rolling on the screen.
You lock eyes with him for a while, and you wait for him to look away, but he doesn't. Biting your lip, you pull both your legs up. “What now?” You ask in a low voice.
“There are two other movies.”
“Let's watch them.”
As much as the second movie is great, you're tired, and the fact that you decided to lie down doesn't help. You stay in a half curled position so your feet won't touch Keanu. Sleep starts taking over, and your eyelids get heavy. As you usually do whenever you're almost falling asleep, you place a hand on your stomach, eyes already closed as you try to at least listen to what's going on in the movie. Taking a deep breath, you move almost involuntary, searching for Keanu's hand, pulling it to your belly. The warmth makes you sink a little more into sleep, but when he removes the hand, you're fully awake.
Pushing yourself back to a sitting position, you just decided you can't take it anymore. You need to know what's going on. So you ignore the movie for a while, grabbing his forearm to get his attention. When his dark eyes find you, you sigh. “What's going on?” Your voice is weak, a whisper, and you wonder if he even heard you.
But when he pauses the movie, you know he did. “What do you mean?”
Running a hand through your hair, you feel a lump in your throat. “You've been... Distant. I...” Biting your lip, you look down. “I know everything is screwed up and maybe I'm a stranger to you too since everything... Everything inside me vanished and the girl you fell in love with is gone in a way but I... I'm trying. I'm trying to make things right somehow. I'm trying to remember and–” A sob escapes your lips, followed by some tears. You're feeling lost again, and as much as you're struggling to get used to Keanu, to the fact that you're married to the man, you feel like he's not. He's keeping a distance as if you were nothing to each other. “–and sometimes I fall asleep with my head just about to explode because I'm just trying so hard.” That's something you didn't want him to know, but the words are just coming out. “And it's alright if you want a divorce or something, I already told you that, just... Just don't do that.”
“(Y/N), I–”
“No, please, let me talk.” Clearing your throat and getting up to your feet, you pace around a little, just to catch your breath and maybe the blood flowing will help you think. “I want you to enjoy the pregnancy as well. I know I was put into this crazy situation, married with a child on the way, but we planned this. And I do want you to be part of it, Keanu. So just tell me what you want to do. If you want to break apart, that's alright. I'll still let you be part of everything, b-but if you still love me somehow, let's just... Let's try, you and I. Because I want to, I...” Covering your face with both your hands, you break down again, face already soaked in tears, sobs shaking your body.
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His heart broke. Seeing (Y/N) like that, because of him, destroyed Keanu on a whole other level. He was just trying to give her space, not to make things worse, not to touch her, the woman he had nothing with, not to invade her space. He had no idea what he was causing, and if he did, he'd have a totally different approach. Part of him was hoping her memories would come back. Dr. Wright said the longer it takes, smaller are the chances. In the past two weeks, it was critical. If she was to remember, she's doing that on the following days. But she didn't. And Keanu was once again lost in guilt, confused, caught in between the truth and (Y/N)'s truth. Two different things entirely.
And he messed up. He was hurting her, instead of taking care of her.
“I'm sorry.” He mumbles, taking her hand. She pulls away, but he doesn't let go. Her teary eyes meet his, tears still flowing out. “I'm trying not to make you uncomfortable. I can only imagine what it might be to have a man around, wanting to be intimate with you. I am your husband, but I'm just afraid that in your mind I'll be just a stranger trying to take advantage of you.” He speaks slow, thumb caressing her soft skin.
“But I want to try, Keanu.” She whimpers, eyes on the floor. “Or maybe we're just like this? We're a distant couple and I–”
“We're not.” Keanu stands up, hands cupping her face, trying to wipe off some of the tears that don't stop rolling down. He can't let her feel like this. He promised to be with her, and she feels alone. Left aside. This might be a lie to him, the dirtiest lie Keanu had ever told, but to (Y/N), is her life. “We're in love. I'm in love with you. And I'm sorry it came out the wrong way.”
“I... I was reading that book to you and the baby is the size of a grape, it's so tiny and you didn't even...” She makes a pause, taking a deep breath. “It was so interesting and I really wanted to share it with you but you didn't seem like you cared so I just read it all by myself and I know I sound like an idiot, but I want this. I want to try. I don't want to break up a marriage that made both of us happy just because of my stupid brain is a freaking void.” The words come out fast, and (Y/N) covers up her face again.
God, he doesn't even know what hurts more. (Y/N) being so desperate because of him, or him knowing everything she believes in is a forgery. Gently, he pulls her hands down once again. “I'm sorry if I led you to believe that I'm not interested in our child.” How much he wishes it was true. Keanu knows he has to be careful not to fall into his only deceit. “I am. And I have no intention of divorcing you, we're in this together, beautiful, and we'll face it together.” He keeps his voice soft, looking into her sad eyes, shining from the light coming from the paused movie. “Now stop crying, alright?”
She nods, putting a strand of hair behind her ears. “So we're good? I mean... I want to try, i-if you wait a little bit, I'll–”
“I'd wait forever,” Keanu assures her, pulling the girl into his arms, strongly embracing her smaller figure. “Why don't you read the e-book for me?” Sliding his hand in between their bodies, he caresses her belly with the back of his hand.
He'll do it. He'll be her husband, he'll be everything she needs as long as she's happy. As long as she keeps showing him that wonderful smile.
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Feeling a little better, you make your way back to the couch after going upstairs to get your phone. Running a hand through your hair, you settle down next to Keanu, closer to him this time, your folded legs only an inch from touching his. You're still a little unsure if he really wants to do this, but you start anyways, clearing your throat. “On week seven the baby is the size of a grape... But I already said that...” Eyes scannig through the words, you try to find the parts you found more interesting.
“It is tiny.” He says, and when you look up, his eyes are already set on you.
“Yeah.” Blushing a little, you focus on the cellphone screen again. “A delicate network of nerves starts spreading through the baby's body, and they will start to make constant little motions. Soon they'll be able to feel sensations like temperature and taste.”
“So they'll start moving.” He says, his giant hand laying on your stomach. “When will they start to kick?”
“Around twenty weeks. So it'll be a while until that.” Going through the pages, you sigh. “It says that I'll feel thirsty more often and that I should do some exercise.”
“We could walk around the condo every morning,” Keanu suggests and you put the phone away, throwing it behind your back.
“I'd like that.” You agree, shyly nodding.
“I–” He's interrupted by his phone beeping, signaling a text arrived. Or plenty, because it keeps beeping non-stop. He furrows his eyes and picks it from the coffee table, eyes moving through the screen.
“Something happened?”
“Lucia Davis.” He says, typing something down before looking back at you. Keanu seems worried suddenly, a little restless. “She... She was friends with your mother and she's coming to visit you next week.”
“That's good.”
“It is.”
“Then why do you look so... Troubled?” Moving a little closer, you touch his shoulder.
“I'm just worried it'll be too much for you. You just told me you're going to sleep with terrible headaches and I don't want anyone else who'll push you too hard.”
With a small smile on your lips, you decide to be a little brave, moving to place a quick kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for worrying about me. But I'm fine, and if I'm not I'll let you know, I promise.”
He smiles too, caressing your chin with his index finger. “Alright. Now keep reading, there's still a lot we need to learn about our baby.”
@multific @inumorph @aestheticallywinchester @bvbwestfall @liviiii98 @allie1804-fan @gian-giannina @playboygeniusphilanthropist @partypoison00 @mariafetamina @fortheloveoffanfic @trin303
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kuinliekkienroihu · 3 years
I (crysuzumushi, haha) am working on answering your ask game prompts, you picked two of my very favorites, thank you! I'm gonna ask you to do Kaname too! And Byakuya.
Okay, thanks for the ask!! Sorry it took so long to answer, i wrote a novel. Also sorry for all the spelling and grammar mistakes, English isn’t my first language
1. Favorite thing about them
How he always seeks to act according to his sense of justice. Also he's one of the best written characters in the entire series. He's very complex, which makes him feel kinda like an actual person with understandable actions caused by his past. There are a lot more things, but i'm not good at putting things to words so yeah.
2. Least favorite thing about them
How underutilized he was as a character. I'm really glad there's more of him in cfyow, even though i've only read the first part
3. Favorite line
" I follow the path least soaked in blood. The path I walk is justice."
4. BrOTP
I have many, mostly Shuhei, Aizen, Gin and Sajin
5. OTP
hmm, i don't like him and Aizen romantically at all, same goes for Sajin
7. Random headcanon
He has a plant garden in Las Noches in which he grows, among many other things, the ingredients for Aizen's tea, which is Kaname's secret special mix of herbs. Aizen really misses the tea Kaname made for him.
8. Unpopular opinion
He did nothing wrong, or rather, all he did was (more or less) justified
9. Song i associate with them
10. Favorite picture of them
This is my favorite too
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1. Favorite thing about them
Yes. I love every single thing about him. Even the things others would consider as flaws are perfect. I really like how calm and collected he is regardless of the situation, he's intelligent and calculating.
A very well written character with, in my opinion, the best character development. Especially his relationship with Rukia from ignoring her out of pain (since she looks almost identical to Hisana), protecting her to keep a promise, letting her be executed to keep another promise to genuinely caring about her and saving her life in many occasions, clearly regretting what he did to her and trying to compensate for his actions.
Kubo wrote his development extremely well, in the end of the series he's objectively a better person than in the beginning, but his personality didn't change much. He's still the same overly serious, stuck up asshole we know and I love him for it.
Another thing I love the most about him is the fact that he's another walking contradiction. But somehow, these contradictions make a paradox or a perfect harmony without cancelling each other. Kubo did an amazing job making him have many layers in his character. There's this line from a book (had to look it up, the book is called "the chrysanthemum and the sword") that the author used to describe Japanese people, I think I read that in someone's ig story and it got stuck in my head since it reminded me of Byakuya so much, and in my honest opinion, describes him rather thoroughly, especially second, third and fourth ones. His zanpakuto, which is one of the infinite reasons I love him, being fully portrayed by the second one "both militaristic and aesthetic" being combined into the beautiful but deadly weapon Senbonzakura is.
"both aggressive and unaggressive, both militaristic and aesthetic, both insolent and polite, rigid and adaptable, submissive and resentful of being pushed around, loyal and treacherous, brave and timid, conservative and hospitable to new ways"
When you think about it, he has the most fitting zanpakuto for his personality compared to the other shinigami and the way he uses it is one of the tiny details which make him, him.
His spot as a captain and the head of the Kuchiki clan is in my opinion fully earned (rest of the nobles (except Yoruichi) can go fuck themselves) (sorry Tara, ignore this please lol). He is hardworking and precise, almost workaholic, has trained hard from a very young age and puts duty above everything. But he still has a hidden "work mode: off" -side which we see occasionally as cracking a dry joke or the wakame taishi fuckery in general. Latter being, in my honest thoughts, hilarious and adorable.
There is a lot more but i literally can't list everything. This is already a hell of an essay.
2. Least favorite thing about them.
My answer is probably as you can expect: none.
There is one thing i don't really like, but it's about the writing.
In the beginning of the arc i think that immediately releasing bankai, especially when he knew it was gonna be sealed, was out of character and i would have been very upset if he stayed dead, since the action which resulted in that was not something he would do.
3. Favorite line
“If it’s for the sake of my pride there’s nothing I won’t destroy.”
I know it’s from a filler but this line just sums his whole character, personality and motivations up so well.
4. BrOTP
I have so many, i want him to have friends lol. But to point out the most significant ones i'd say Rukia, Renji, Kenpachi, Toshiro and Ichigo
5. OTP
The only one i really ship him with is Nanao. Hisana is kind of “it’s canon and i’m fine with it.” I haven’t seen enough of her to form an opinion about the ship, but it’s obvious how much Bya loved her and it’s so sweet.
Okay, i have never mentioned this before since i know many of my followers/mutuals ship them. Renji. The only ship I. Can't. Stand.
Like, platonically? Yes, they're bros. But romantically or especially sexually? No. Fuck no.
I don't care if you ship them, good for you, but please tag the stuff so it gets filtered.
7. Random headcanon
He sleeptalks a lot. And it's not mumbling, he talks the same way as when he's awake but it's absolute nonsense.
Byakuya, asleep: Do not eat the drawer.
Hisana, awake: *watches him in utter confusion*
Byakuya, still asleep: Give him a pink tricycle.
Hisana: To whom?
Byakuya: Head captain Yamamoto
Hisana: *trying not to laugh*
Another hc that i have is that he is a closet metalhead and likes especially power- and symphonic metal (this might sound very weird if you know nothing about this kind of music lol)
8. Unpopular opinion
His actions in the soul society arc were understandable. He was put between the bark and the tree (i hope you get what i mean) and had to choose from just letting things happen and going against central 46 and all of soul society (or at least that’s what he thought). Also the line he said to Ukitake, which is still easily in top5 most asshole things he has said/done, in my opinion shows what he thought of Rukia’s execution and why he didn’t do anything to prevent it. “Once you’ve let one of your people die.. ...two or three more make no difference.” Both of his parents are dead, Hisana is dead, Ginrei is most likely dead and he thought for 100 years that Yoruichi was dead too. I think Byakuya thought losing one more person he cares about couldn’t hurt more than it already has and therefore didn’t think it was worth breaking the promise he made in his parents’ grave and trying to save her. And that fucking breaks my heart.
9. Song I associate with them
I have a 6h long playlist which I’m not gonna post. Can’t choose just one lol.
10. Favorite picture of them
*digs through nearly infinite pinterest board, tumblr and phone’s gallery*
This is (one of) my favorite manga panel(s) of him. I love how calm but powerful he looks. The lines representing the heavy spiritual pressure. Like an inescapable doom approaching (which indeed was the case). And for some reason i love it. 
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My favorite fanart, which i obviously can’t post since you can’t post others art so here’s the link: https://www.deviantart.com/keelerleah/art/Bleach-Byakuya-Looking-Back-127254804
and then one which I think is official art or at least an edit of it, if I’m wrong please lmk
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
'Lines of our work' : New chapter for "Redemption in a Spirit in a Cold War" is out !
"Lines of our work"
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"I'm just very happy to know how much my love is unbreakable with you, Park !"
Chapter Summary : As her days in Laos are finally done, Yirina and the others are flying to the city where Adler is in Stitch hands : Verdansk.....
To read it on AO3, click here !
Words : +3200
Our days in Laos was finally over, we were able to know where was Adler now and everyone didn't really lose time to prepare their bags as Hudson ordered. This place...it was like if I was living those fake memories for real but I hope I will not put my feets down on these jungles for an long time, it's bringing back bad thoughts after everything that happened in an few days in this country : we lost an friend, we were almost killed because of an trap made by Stitch and the Nova-6 threat was non-existant. We were almost out of options until Naga talked : Adler is in Verdansk, the capital of the Kastovian SSR...in the USSR.
After the briefing, everyone moved back to their former workplaces to prepare their bags as Hudson was making calls to the agents that was positioned in Verdansk to announce our arrival in Russia for the next day thanks to the flight we will have to do, surely arriving at the early morning of the 31th of May at the hideout we are going to use in an safe place located around the city because of Perseus high presence in it. We just all want to not be another trap from Stitch.
As the flight was going to take almost half of an day and that we took our plane at the beginning of the evening, an sleep was obliged for me & everyone as we know for sure that the moment we will put our feets on the Kastovian ground, we will have to be focused on our work, feeling obligated by Hudson. I tried to find anything that could make me relive an memory during my sleep but the plane engines and the noises of people sleeping around me wasn't really helping at all.
When I woke up, everyone were fully awake...except Woods for the moment : Sims & Wolf were chatting silently at their side as Hudson was standing up & watching everyone like an dad making sure that his kids doesn't fool around in the plane while the others were mostly in their thoughts. As I wasn't willing to open my mouth for the moment, I decided to write the last memories I did have for the past few days in my diary.
"Didn't know that you were an writer, Grigoriev." I heard Wolf's voice adressing to me while I was writing down the last memory I had with Freya.
"Uhm...yeah." I muttered, peaking my eyes for one seconds before looking back at what I was writing, not wanting to screw up.
"How long have you been writing ?" He demanded from me as I was just finished to write, causing me to close my book but keeping it in my hands.
"It's been 2 months now actually." I replied, looking at him fully, knowing that he wasn't going to stop his questions towards me.
"It is like an diary ?" Sims was instead the one to ask the question and I nodded to him.
"It help me to remember myself of what I did." I responded but it look like my words was meaning something else for Wolf.
"Wait, you're losing your memories ?" He questioned me.
"No." I breathed, before looking at Hudson, whose eys was on me. "I'm regaining them." I stated, giving him an serious look and he did look away in an kind of shame.
"It's hard to tell, Wolf." Sims expressed, knowing that this book was something for my memories like I told him days ago.
"And I'm sure that you don't want to know." I was surprised when I heard Woods talk next to me, awakening from his sleep.
"Why not ? It could be interesting !" Wolf protested, raising his shoulders to look at Woods. "Right ?" He added, turning to Sims.
"I don't know, I'm like following Woods in his statement." Sims told him, joining Woods as the two know about me but not Wolf. They should think that in this book, I'm talking about an lot of things including what happened to me.
"What do you think about it, Grigoriev ?" Wolf asked me.
"I'm like them, there's things that is troubling in it." I exclaimed, sure of my words.
"Nothing is troubling for us." Rivas claimed, stepping inside the conversation to talk to me directly, she was just sit next to Wolf. "Isn't it our line of work after all ?" She said rhetorically.
"Come on, show it." Wolf suggested as Sims rolled his eyes, understanding that his friend won't back down on me.
"Wolf..." I heard Woods muttering in an annoyed voice.
"Why are you so tempting to read her diary ?" Park broke out of her thoughts to defend me, sending an feeling of relief in me. "An diary is supposed to be personal, not to be shared." She continued, sounding very serious.
"Yeah but...I heard that you read it too." Wolf chuckled to her before slowly getting up from his seat to face me. "Please...as an friend." He handed his hands towards me, making some weird puppy eyes, he really want to read my personal diary and he will not be going away from me until I comply and took an deep breath.
"Fine...but at one condition." I resigned myself, slowly giving the book in his hands. It was that or he will stay in front of me forever. "You only read one page and you leave me alone for the rest of the flight." I proposed, still holding the book as he start to took it in his hands.
"Okay, I will." He whispered, having the book in his hands as everyone was curious to see what he was going to read, fear taking over me on which page he is going to fall, same for Park, Woods, Sims & Hudson, looking by their faces.
"Hope it's an good page." I thought to myself in an very low voice, even crossing my fingers to hope better.
"Well, that's...incredible !" He exclaimed as he looked at me...& Park, meaning that he has maybe fall on an page with her. "You two are an thing ?" He demanded, very surprised.
"Oh my god." I moaned, putting my head in my hands as I was blushing, he did say it loudly and everyone except those who already know were astonished. "Yes." I decided, like that, to answer his question and when I removed my hands from my face, eyes all around were going wide.
"Wow, that's an revelation." Rivas expressed, slowly nodding towards me & Park
"I'm surprised, it was under my very eyes during the beginning of when I meet you two." Wolf scoffed, sounding like he was the only one to know that.
"Wolf...you're not the only one to know." Woods put him down, with an little smile on his face.
"Oh." Wolf simply said before looking back at me. "Can I just read another one ?" He demanded but I shook my head.
"An deal is an deal, remember ?" I make him recall our little deal we did just moment earlier, going up from my seat to grab my book back in his hands. "Give me that." I added as I put my hands back on the book and took it away before going back to my seat.
"She's right, you said that you will only read one page." Park defended me, making me smile as she joined her right hand on my left one.
"You did say that !" Hudson spoke up, still at the same position from before and his eyes focused on Wolf. "Now, it's better that you go back to your seat and enjoy the free moment until we land in Verdansk." He ordered, causing Wolf to go back to his seat.
After that little embarrassing moment for me, hoping at every moment that he will not fall on an page where I'm writing about my brainwashing, no one else was bothering me about trying to peak their eyes to look at my book as I put it back well in my bag, deeply in it and the rest of the flight went well, still not opening my mouth to talk to the others as they were having their own discussions, Park was also in the same mood as me.
2 hours after that moment, we were finally landing at the supposed CIA clandestine runway in the region of Verdansk that was supposely located at 10 km from the city. When I stepped outside the plane, carrying my bag with me, I was wondering if I did actually came to this place before all of this because I never had any memory about that place and Verdansk wasn't something familiar to me, having heard the name only two days ago for the first time.
Our hideout was like I thought, an old warehouse like the one we used to live in Moscow...CIA safehouses are never going to change. By the look of it in the inside, the place was already setting up for us, an dashboard near the desk that Hudson was going to use and it was already filled of intels...all for us. Me & Park...we took the desks where the equipment about intercepting upcoming transmissions from Perseus was.
"So, this is the place we're going to be until we got Adler ?" Woods exclaimed after he checked out every part of the warehouse.
"If you're not happy, you sleep outside, Woods." Hudson replied, sounding an bit joking to him.
"At least, I will not be able to punch you in case." Woods retorted, this time, laughing as Hudson rolled his eyes behind his glasses, already looking annoyed to be here. "If you're not tempting me..." Woods added in an low voice, meaning it.
"Anyway."  Hudson spoke up to broke the laugh of Woods as I got near the dashboard with the others. "Here's the intels our agents prepared for us." He pointed at the dashboard, showing us the multiples things on it : maps, pictures, everything.
"They managed to find who was Knight ?" I demanded, making Hudson look at the file with 'Knight' written on it.
"Yes." He answered, taking the file in his hands to hand it to Park herself. "I suppose that you maybe know him." He suggested to her as Park was looking in the file with me next to it.
"Roman Gray ?" I whispered, my eyes focused on discovering who was 'Knight'.
"He was an ex-MI6 assassin that enlisted in 1965." Park replied, apparently knowing the man but her voice wasn't so deep unlike when she was talking about Stone. "He was dismissed by us in 1980 due to 'conduct unbecoming' in Afghanistan." She continued, giving us details about the man that wasn't in that file.
"It said that he joined Perseus because he was promised the chaos he like ?" I questioned, looking at the writings about him, an little troubled about that.
"Seems like an serious threat to say." Wolf expressed but he wasn't sure of the veracity of that statement about Knight by hearing his voice.
"And what this dashboard told us, he's been working with Wraith." Sims moved in front of me, his finger pointing to an picture where we could see Freya & Knight discussing, dressed in miltary outift. "We will have to watch out for the two." He added as in me, I couldn't know how to feel that Freya was in Verdansk too.
"For now, we have only that." Hudson told us, scratching the back of his head before looking around. "Get yourself to work, we need to find Adler very fast."
"Understood." We all said in unison, my voice more lower than the other before we split up.
Before actually getting myself to start working, I decided to take an big shower to destress myself and to also clean myself up after that long flight we did since we left Laos...shit, Freya is also in Verdansk, I will have to be ready at any occasions in case we see each other...Bell will have to step in each time to faint to not know her. It's been an week and some days that I didn't speak to her by phone and since I'm working to get Adler back, I couldn't take anymore risk to do that....
After taking that good shower and took something to eat as I didn't eat something since we left, I was finally ready to work and been the only cryptographer in the entire team, I was almost the only one that could bring in some news informations about Perseus moves in Verdansk. Hudson was also there to do that but it was mainly calls from the CIA agents in the city. Of course I wasn't alone thanks to me teaching Park how to decrypt like me.
I was an bit surprised when the first messages we were able to intercept with Park were using my own code, meaning that someone inside the Perseus Collective was either been teached my code thanks to Portnova or they were still using it despite learning that the creator of it was still alive. These messages were minor like things to keep an eye on only but enough to send people investigate with me & Park staying in here to continue decrypt all the transmissions all day.
"I hope this one is interesting." I muttered as I was almost at my fifteenth message decrypted in an day, the evening closing by as it was only me, Park, Woods & Hudson in the warehouse, the others having left to check up with the agents in town.
"It's been fifteenth time that you want an message to be interesting." Park scoffed silently to me, working on her own intercepted transmissions, making me laugh an little.
"It give me hope." I defended myself before she nudged me at my shoulder in an lovely way, knowing that it would destress me. "What about you ?" I demanded back to her.
"Nothing interesting at my side." She responded in an low voice with me looking at her paperworks, her messages weren't important and it was mostly talks between Perseus agents ordering to 'stay put' but nothing to track them down. "I think that they will soon stop their transmissions." She said.
"Maybe but...." I started to say before stopping myself, hearing an transmission coming by through my headset. "Wait, let me check that." I told her, listening to the message before writing down in an piece of paper while Park was looking at me. "Now to the decryption part." I whispered, putting myself ready to decrypt the things I just wrote down....it took me 5 minutes to do so.... "That's interesting !" I exclaimed, holding the paper in my hands.
"What do this say ?" Park asked me as I got up from my chair.
"Follow me, had to say it to Hudson like he ordered." I ordered to her, making her getting up from her seat to follow me to join Hudson at his desk. "Excuse me ?" I chuckled as Hudson was in an talk with Woods himself.
"Yes ?" Hudson breathed at my sight as Woods removed himself to look at me.
"You found something important ?" Woods demanded and I nodded.
"Yes, something useful...and it's about Wraith & Knight." I answered, pointing my hand towards the picture of the two on the dashboard. "Apparently, they're planning an move in the following days."
"Where ?" Hudson asked, curious.
"As I have decrypted, it's at the Mount Yamantau in an hidden soviet base." I replied and when the two heard me saying that place, their eyes went wide.
"Wait, did you said 'Yamantau' ?" Woods moved to grab the paper in my hands to look at it. "I thought it was done with this place." He added before showing the paper to Hudson himself.
"Wraith & Knight...In road to Mount Yamantau...collect the necessary data...hidden soviet base....Stitch." Hudson repeated the message he was holding in his hands. "Like you said, I thought this place was brought to the ground years ago."
"Wasn't the place you & Mason did go 3 years ago ?" I said, remembering that mission that they did at that time.
"Yeah but Hudson did also get in that place too." Woods told us, looking back at Hudson.
"It was in 1968, we needed to find intels about the Nova-6 program leaded by Dragovich, the base was destroyed in an avalanche in the mission." Hudson expressed, looking at me & Park. "Woods & Mason did go back to get the super computer of the base but that base was abandoned for good after that mission."
"Meaning that they're talking about another hidden base in here, right ?" Park suggested and he nodded to her.
"If it's hidden, that means what the soviets got inside is interesting Perseus by an lot." Woods spoke up, thinking about it in my head. "Do you have an idea of what this 'necessary data' could be ?" He demanded to Hudson.
"No, it could anything that could help them." He sniffed, looking at the dashboard.
"Maybe but if we send an team at that place to see what Perseus and maybe if we can steal that data for us to check it, it could help us insteand." Woods proposed but Hudson wasn't so okay with that idea.
"I don't know, we need everyone in here to get Adler." Hudson told him before he looked back at Woods. "In fact, you are maybe right, Woods." Then, back at me & Park. "I think that you two will be going to Yamantau." He suggested.
"Wait, what ?" I proclaimed, sounding shocked to hear that.
"Only the two of us ?" Park stepped in, also offusqued by him.
"Yes, only the two of you." Hudson affirmed in an clear voice.
"Hudson, they're going to need help, let me go with them." Woods protested, even sounding ready to take our places instead and going alone.
"I can't, Woods." Hudson countered him harshly. "Grigoriev & Park are going to the Yamantau while you are leading the others to save Adler." He continued, sounding very sure of his words as I was frozed in place. "Even with all the words in the world, I'm not changing my mind, these two are going." He reaffirmed.
"Just...the two of us ?" Park pointed at me & herself and Hudson nodded in approval.
"It's better that we don't send too many persons in that place." He breathed before looking away from us. "You will be leaving tomorrow, I'll make some calls to arrange your travel to the Yamantau." He added before he got up from his chair, grabbing an cigarette before going outside, leaving us alone in front of his desk.
"Is he serious ?" I demanded to Woods.
"Hudson been Hudson, Yirina." He scoffed, removing himself from leaning on Hudson's desk. "I can't counter him right now, I'm sorry." He admitted, sounding defeated before he left too, going instead into the dorm of the safehouse.
"So, it's all going to be the two of us." Park whispered, leaning herself on Hudson's desk. "I don't know what's on Hudson's mind but I don't like it." She confessed and I nodded.
"Guess we can't do nothing about it and like Woods said, Hudson is always weird." I joked at the end, thinking about Woods's words on Hudson...I wonder if he actually punched him after when I was the one to call him at the beginning of the month. I then refocused myself on the situation, getting next to Park, thinking about what we will have to do next day....
"Seems that we're going to hike in the Yamantau."
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etlunainmorte · 4 years
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~ 1st May, 1884 ~
Sous le dome epais ou le blanc jasmin,
A la rose s'assemble,
Sur la rive en fleurs riant au matin,
Doucement glissons De son flot charmant,
Suivons le courant fuyant,
Dans l'onde fremissante,
D'une main nonchalante,
Viens, gagnons le bord,
Ou la source dort et,
L'oiseau, l'oiseau chante.
So, this was the song that everyone was talking about. The Flower Duet from Lakme. It does sound enchanting. It calmed your mind and filled your head with happy thoughts. And everyone seemed to think so, as well. You could clearly see the elated expressions on their faces from one of the upper boxes you and your companions were watching the play from. Act One in and you're fully taken in! The grandeur, the bright lights, and the flowers! Yes, the flowers! Everything was so enchantingly beautiful,...
Apparently, focusing hard on Lakme was the only thing you could do that one evening in May. Why?
You carefully peeled your (E/C) eyes off the flowery stage without putting down your Galilean binoculars and gave a sideways glance to the man sitting right next to you on your left. And, surely, for the third time that evening, you caught the man gazing at you, his cold eyes seemingly giving your senses the opposite effect and making your head spin.
You suppressed your little cough, shrugged your shoulders a bit, and pretended to sit up straight as you focused your sight back to the stage. And still, you could feel the man's gaze boring into you.
There was,... something truly different about the Duke and you noticed it the moment he arrived from London to visit you here in Paris. It's as if an intimidating kind of aura surrounded him with the way he carried himself. You swore you even felt smaller than ever before when you stood next to him to greet him. Or maybe it was just your imagination playing tricks on you? After all, you haven't seen the man in ten years. You remembered him telling you that he had some urgent matters to attend to with regards to the land ( far too massive ) and the titles ( far too great ) that his father has left him ( his younger brother inherited the lesser title of Earl from their late uncle, as customary ) and that he needed to go to London for them. 
Of course, your friendship thrived despite the long distance. The two of you continued to exchange letters, lengthy, in fact, about your daily lives, your etiquette lessons, his thriving businesses, your passion in the arts, the expansion of his father's land, your fondness of your family's little garden, and his hobby in music. And in these letters, he promised to bring you to London one day, to see his humble home, to attend both the Season and the Little Season with him, to bask in the rustic countryside, and to wander about the garden he claimed he has built just for you.
Oh, how your heart fluttered when you read those words from the man! And from that point onward, you waited for the day of his return. Everyday, you hoped to see him in your doorstep, smiling at you and sweetly calling your name,...
And after ten long years of waiting, he has finally arrived! But, there was something truly different about him. It seemed that London has morphed him into a different kind of person.
Gone was the boy who always skipped his Latin lessons just to play pirates with you. Gone was the little trouble maker who often has to dress up like his younger twin to escape his duties as the eldest son. Gone was the little man who always read William Blake's poems for you.
For, standing before you that one sunny morning, was none other than the man, himself. The intimidating, the tall one,...
... The Duke of Red Grave, himself.
Vergil Sparda.
As your sight jumped back and forth from Lakme to Millika, your mind went over everything that occurred the moment Vergil returned. During the last fortnight of his stay, he has graciously sent you gifts, taken you to Balls, has sent you flowers every morning, and has sent you poetry every evening.
However, despite all this attention you were receiving from him, you could not help but wonder why he still felt somehow absent. Yes, he has given you gifts. Yes, he has sent you letters. Yes, he has engaged with you but, somehow, it felt as if the Vergil you have known has disappeared. It's as if, suddenly, there was this man who barely actually spent time with you. To actually talk with you, to laugh with you, to exchange stories like how you used to. Simply put, he was always very busy. And now he seemed,... cold. Distant.
The Vergil you came to know,... was gone. That even though he was around, you felt empty.
You were still thinking deeply about it when you came out of the Grecian house of the theatre arts that you barely noticed it when the man took your hand and led you towards his own lacquered carriage bearing his symbol. And when you finally came to your senses, you found yourself sitting comfortably across the long - legged Duke, feeling your bottom sink deliciously amidst the deep blue velvet cushions of his luxurious vehicle.
"Y - your Grace?" You mumbled in confusion as you looked into his unfathomable eyes. "Where are the others?"
The Duke didn't even smile. Instead, he gave you a curt nod and gestured at the window to his left. "Dante and his lady are on their way to Morrison's. It's,... getting quite late. I must keep my word to your father that I would bring you home as early as I could."
Vergil didn't say anything else. Instead, he looked away from you and gazed at the streets of Paris outside the window as the carriage started to move.
As if those same, stoic eyes didn't stare at you for the whole duration of the play.
The thirty - minute ride back home was spent as unimaginably quiet as possible. Not that either of you don't want to speak to the other, no. It just felt like starting a conversation somehow felt awkward between the two of you. The silence even went so far that you could already feel your neck aching with the way you're forcefully focusing on the window to your left.
And, just then, when the carriage finally entered your family's estate, you heard the man clear his throat, making you turn towards him.
"Did you enjoy the play, my lady?" He asked all of a sudden.
Surprised at the question, you answered, "Why, yes! Yes, of course, Your Grace."
Vergil cleared his throat once more as he looked back outside. "Good."
When the Duke's vehicle came to a halt just in front of your house, the man swiftly opened the door, went outside, and opened the door for you. He took your hand and gently helped you step out of the carriage. By this time, the household has already settled down for the evening, with only the Head Butler left awake to open the door for you.
Then, as you were expecting him to lead you straight to the door, he turned to the right, forcing you to quicken your pace due to his wide strides.
Your dainty hand still on the crook of his left arm and the other lifting your long, (F/C) chiffon skirt to prevent yourself from tripping, you looked up at the man and saw,... something strange in his eyes.
Strange, and yet,...
... it felt really familiar, somehow. And exciting.
"Your Grace? I - is there something wrong?"
The man's eyes widened. He looked down at you and gave you a slightly awkward smile.
"Nothing! Nothing, dearest."
"Where are we - ?"
"Do you still remember? I used to escape my Latin tutor to spend time with you on your little garden."
Wha - ? "Y - your Grace?"
"Then we pretended we were pirates. I let you be the Captain for one day and we played and played, until the sun went down and my mother came looking for me."
"I,... ah,... well, yes! Of course. How could I forget?"
"Then, father gave me an earful. And Dante was so jealous when he found out I spent the whole day with you! I remember he sulked all day and didn't talk to me for a week. Did you know he has such a huge crush on you back then?"
You gave out a little laugh at the reminder. "Yes, I remember that huge crush but, I didn't know he ignored you like that for a week!"
Vergil chuckled. What's,... going on? "Then, when I heard you were sick, I borrowed Dante's clothes and knocked on your window."
"Yes, and nobody noticed it was you and not your brother. But, I did."
"My lady, how did you recognize me again?"
"You were carrying around your book of poems. Dante would never do that."
"Why, yes. Indeed, you are right." The man nodded.
"And I let you in because I was scared that someone would see you outside my window." You added. "It was,... such a huge breach of etiquette. Inviting a boy inside a girl’s room."
"It was such an experience."
"Yes. And it was,... actually quite nice. Being read poetry to you when you're sick."
"And I did that a couple of times. Even when you're not sick. The Garden Of Love was your most absolute favorite.”
“Why, yes, it still is.”
"You were such a naughty boy, Your Grace."
Vergil's eyes lit up, and when he looked at you, despite his facial features staying a little bit stoic and awkward, you felt something really warm within them.
Could it be,... ?
But, no. You decided to not let your hopes up.
Then again, the way he talked to you just now. It's as if the old Vergil you knew slipped through the very small kink of his intimidating armor and said hello to you once more.
It's as if somehow, deep within the shell of this cold man, lie still the soul of an old friend that you spent most of your childhood with.
And the way he looked at you,...
... it felt as if this old Vergil really wanted to be set free.
Huh? "Your Grace?"
"I'm just Vergil." The man quietly said when you two finally arrived at the garden. "Please, call me Vergil." He spoke, not taking his eyes off you as he led you towards that old stone bench.
"Isn't it wrong to call you just by your name?" You asked him, the sweet scent of the white roses before you drifting to your nostrils.
The man raised an eyebrow. "Is it?"
"Yes,..." You answered uncertainly, helplessly watching as the man settled next to you and took both of your hands.
"Not in my book, my dearest." He said, raising both of your hands and giving each one a chaste peck.
Just now,...
Did you feel your heart skip a beat just now?
The way he's gazing at you, his eyes not leaving yours. The way he held your hands, his own, big ones gently rubbing them. The way he sat next to you, his closeness giving you more warmth than you could handle on a summer evening,...
What,... is going on?!
"Your Grace - "
"Vergil." You repeated. "Is there something wrong? Something you wanted to say?"
"Is it wrong to stay like this for a while?"
God! This is getting really uncomfortable,... "W - what I mean is - "
"Come with me to London, (Y/N)."
All of a sudden, your tongue decided not to cooperate with you. Yes, you were excited when the man promised you in those long letters that he would bring you to London one day.
But, now that he's asking you, why did it feel so,... different?
"I'm sorry but - "
"So, you will not go with me?"
"I will! I mean,..."
"Yes, (Y/N)?" The Duke asked, not a hint of amusement in his tone. "I told you in my letters. I promised to take you there with me. You said, yes. And, here I' am, fulfilling that promise to you. So, I will ask once more: will you go to London with me?"
You felt your heart doing flips, and you even had an urge to pry your trembling hands from him but, his grasp was just too tight.
"Is it just - ?" You nervously asked, fearing you might be wrong in your assumption. "Just the two of us?"
Oh, my God,... "T - then, I should tell my parents that - "
"Let me make this clear for the both of us." The man interrupted you. "Marry me, (Y/N)."
Were your ears deceiving you,... ? Just now, did he just ask you,... ? "Y - yes? I mean - !"
"What is it? What's the matter, my dearest?" Vergil asked, closing the gap between the two of you and leaving you no choice but to face him head on. "I couldn't help it. I have loved you ever since I've known you. And my feelings for you only became deeper when I went to London. When I was separated from you. You don’t have a single idea how much I’ve dreamed of this very moment. I want to be with you. Always.”
"Your Grace, I - "
Were your senses deceiving you? Or did he just press his incredibly soft lips against yours? Did your eyeballs just roll up your eyelids at the incredible sensation of his mouth moving gently and yet firmly against yours, urging you to reciprocate? Did that same mouth, which rarely blessed anyone with a smile, render you totally useless right before him? Did those same hands, that held yours a moment ago, and which started to move up and down your back in a soothing rhythm, hypnotize you? Did that deep voice of his, which softly moaned your name, just make you forget everything else as you finally held onto him for dear life? Did the way he uttered those three words finally move you to the point of surrender?
You never knew, and you never wished to find out. For there was only one thing in your mind at that moment,...
You awfully missed this man. This fiercely loving, unbelievably caring, and absolutely adoring man, who was mysteriously hiding behind his cold, cynic, and intimidating shell for some reason you wish to find out. You missed him too much for your own good.
And now that he's holding you, and loving you, and caressing you this way, you wished this sweet moment would last longer. You fervently wished for this contact to not end. Your heart longed for this man to stay with you forevermore.
However, as the popular belief went, all good things must come to an end, for just when the rhythm of his caresses started to change, he decided to stop. And this earned him a little, almost unnoticeable whine from you.
The corner of the man's lips went up in an unmistakable smirk, and just when you felt the heat creep up to your ears, he tipped your chin up to make you look straight into his darkened eyes and said, "I'll take that as a yes."
Once again, your own words failed you as you tried to let out a comprehensible argument. After what happened, how could anyone just say no to this handsome devil, anyway?!
"And now, I must make my preparations." The man said as he gave you a chaste peck on the forehead. "I will go back to London this instant."
"Wait! I thought you said - ?"
"I know." The man interrupted as he cupped your cheeks. "And I will be back before you even know it. As a matter of fact, you will never notice me coming towards you."
You helplessly shook your head as laid your hands on his, feeling the joy and mirth go back to your system after such a long time of this man's absence. "That's so Vergil of you, I guess. You creeping up on me and surprising me like that."
"For your information, my dearest, I don't creep." The man answered, clearly frowning at what you just labeled him as, but still not letting you go. "You should leave the creeping up to Dante, for I would only sweep you off your feet. Ouch! That hurt!"
And how could you not pinch him?! How could any stoic man such as him stay calm and serious and collected as he tell jokes?! It was so,... Vergil of him!
Oh, God! How you missed this side of him!
"You're so unfair, Vergil." You told him as you shamelessly wrapped your arms around his neck. "Leaving me for ten years, then going back just to propose to me out of the blue like that? You know you could've done that before going to London in the first place, and I would say yes. I would always say yes to you, Vergil."
"Forgive this fool for not doing it earlier, then." He answered as he held you, wrapping you in his embrace and pressing your body closer to his.
You hummed in satisfaction as you basked in his embrace. Burying your face in his fragrant shirt, you said, "You're so unfair. And mesmerizing."
"Well! We'll see about that."
"About what?" You asked as you looked up at him. "About you being unfair, or you being mesmerizing?"
Vergil smirked and inched closer to your ear. And with a voice that sent your senses to oblivion, he whispered, "Both. But I'm afraid we'll both have to wait until our wedding night to find out."
Even before his meaning sank, the man swiftly stood up and offered you his hand. "It is really getting late. You must go to bed now, my dearest. I insist."
"And you, My Lord?" You asked in a playful voice, matching the same degree of mischief that he has a while ago.
Vergil gave out a theatrical sigh. A very rare sight, indeed. "I'm your Lord now?" He asked, his eyebrow raised skeptically once more. "Anyway, to answer your question, as I've said, I would immediately go back to London. Probably to wake up the whole household with the good news. And make my preparations."
The little walk back to your house was enjoyable but, the parting proved to be really difficult. The man bid you good night and sweet dreams, and you bade him farewell for now with a forlorn wave of the hand. You don't know how long you'd wait for him this time around, however, he has assured you that he would be back before you even know it. And you trusted him, for he never broke his promises.
Until then, you would eagerly wait for his return. But, right now, you must go to sleep,...
... and dream of this one evening in May,...
... when the man of your dreams, your childhood love, the man you adored and waited for for ten years,...
... has finally declared his love for you.
🌸 I hope you still remember this little prize of mine for you, @harlot-of-oblivion . Thank you so much for supporting my work! 🌸
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luffysmeat · 5 years
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More artist [Name]-san to clean our souls! 💕 I hope you enjoy this! I'm sorry for the long wait! And I'm also sorry because I'm gonna make headcanons instead of scenarios! I hope you don't mind too much! (This one got a bit longer than expected! Sorry for the spam!)
It's hard to be an artist.
You always have the need to draw certain people or certain objects because they are appealing to your eyes.
One of those certain people is none other than your captain: Eustass Kidd.
Kidd is fierce. You know that. Even as a lover he's rather the violent, possessive and dominant type.
People usually try to stay away from him, always scowling and looking as he's about to murder the neext person that looks at him.
But, even when you know that, to you... He's a masterpiece.
Your fingers always itch to make a painting or even just a quick drawing of him, from the very first moment you ever land an eye on him.
You can easily ask him, really, but knowing him, he'd say no and that would upset you quite a lot... So you don't risk it, even though...
"You're staring again." ... You always find yourself doing exactly that, staring at him and being exposed by Killer.
You can't really blame yourself. The mere existence of Kidd is enough to have you wanting make a painting of him, so now that he's working out right in front of you... It's really hard not to stare.
His muscles tensing and stretching with each of his movements as he beares his teeth a bit, growling softly, reaching his limit already. He's covered in a thin layer of sweat and, really, who the heck allowed him to work out shirtless?
"For God's sake, you are staring again."
You can't help but laugh, your cheeks burning bright red. "I'm sorry. I really, really want to draw him."
"Don't you have thousands of drawings?"
"I do, but they're just quick sketches, I want to make a painting... Do you think he'd be happy to know that?"
Killer hums, looking at his captain who's suddenly screaming to a poor guy that stepped too close to him while he was doing push-ups.
"No," he simply says and you bark out a laugh, flushing when Kidd looks up at you with narrowed eyes.
Maybe he's right...
However, later that day, when everyone settled down to their respective quarters and you sneaked into the captain's chambers claiming that you were cold, (not after he growled and scolded you while be opened the door for you and threw like three covers to the bed), you thought that it was the time to actually ask him!
So, as you watched him sitting in front of his desk, ("warm yourself up! I gotta finish this first!"), checking on some reports... You know that you really love your lover...
From his protective and fierce side to his always-angry-face, however, you loved him in this state even more: his features relaxed as he reads down on some documents, his hair down and his head free of those goggles of his. He's even wearing a simple long sleeved shirt that wraps around his muscles, his reading glasses sitting gracefully on the bridge of his nose.
He looks ethereal and you immediately reach down for your drawing materials, (which you keep in the last drawer of his bedside table), and place yourself in bed.
"Hmm?" His hum sounds more like a growl and you laugh.
"Captain, can I make a painting of you?"
He looks up at you, his eyes squinting, "what?"
"I'm sure you heard me."
"I heard you," he snaps back. "But I'm asking why are you such an idiot." You laugh at his words.
"Don't be scared, captain. You'll look even better in my painting."
"Scared?! Who is scared? And even better, is that even possible?" You roll your eyes. "Do whatever you want. I don't care and stop talking, I'm busy right now."
"Is that a yes?"
"Thank you captain!" You giggle, quickly pulling out everything, from pencils to brushes and acrylics; placing everything on the bed as carefully as you can. "I know," you say, hearing him open his mouth to speak. "You'll snap my neck if I mess up with your precious bed."
He growls again, but he refrains from saying anything else, coming back to his report.
You don't say anything else, either, as you place the sketchbook into your lap and as soon as you find a clean sheet, you start to trace his form with a light pencil, sketching him easily, thanks to all the practice. Your eyes do not linger on his body, you know by memory each curve, dip and sharp bone on his body.
So it doesn't take long before you start with the actual painting, brushing on your canvas quickly and not noticing that Kidd was looking at you with the softest of looks he can even master.
He makes sure to quickly look down at his paperwork when you look up at him, frowning and pursing his lips a bit.
After a few minutes, he's too engrossed in his work and you are aswell, so when the clock marks 2 am and his back already feels stiff and his eyeslids heavy, he's ready to call it a day and wrap up his work to finally lay down in bed... But he sees you there...
"Oi, I want to sleep already, how much time is gonna-
"I'm done!" You say excitedly, there are actual tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. You really did it! You really made a painting of Eustass Kidd! What a nice moment to be al-
"Let me see it."
He raises an eyebrow. "Let me see it, you said I'd look better in your painting that in real life, so let me see how good I look."
Now maybe you have a big mouth, it's true that the painting was good... But Kidd couldn't get any more good-looking... Is not natural... You show him, regardless and he's speechless.
"It's..." He says, getting up from his chair and walking towards you, snatching the painting out of your hands. He studies it carefully, his eyes are wide and his mouth slightly open. "It's..." He looks at you and bites down his tongue, you are looking at him with such a gleam in your eyes! Stop! "It's... Not bad."
"Aah! Really? Do you like it? You can't keep it!"
"Like it? I've seen better! I'm sure you can improve! Unbelievable! You were bragging all around and..." He slowly shuts his mouth as he actually looks for a place to put the drawing. It end ups in a drawer on his desk... A drawer that he very much use it all the time.
That's more than you can ask from Kidd. "I'm glad you liked it, captain."
"... Move, let's sleep now. I'll kill you if you still the blankets."
He loves looking at you while you are drawing.
He has told you plenty of times that he loves how lovely you look and how adorable are certain things that you unconsciously do when you are too focused.
He has also asked you plenty of times if he can see your art and you answer is always the same:
"O-oh, it's not that great!"
With that little stuttering and all, but he knows you are is great because you do sometimes share a drawing of painting to him.
But you really don't want to show him the rest of your art because... He's in most of it!
He's there eating, training, fighting, even just breathing! You are just too embarrassed to actually show him that!
What if he thinks you are stalking him? ... Even though he's your lover is still very embarrassing.
The less he knows, the better... However, one night when you got quite a few drinks on you and he was taking you back to your room, you just couldn't keep your mouth shut.
"I love you," you say over and over again as he walked you to the room and placed you in bed.
"I love you too."
"And you are very hot." That caught him a bit off guard as he tried to pull your hair in a bun. "That's why I can't stop drawing you."
"... What?"
You giggle like a maniac. "That's the reason I don't let you look at my drawings! They're all you! Every single one."
He's blushing juuust a bit as he puts his mask off. "Every single one?"
"Mhmm," you nod. "Every single one... I actually want to make a painting of you!"
"... Do it."
"Really?" He nods and you smile widely. "Then I will... But right now I'm sleepy, so goodnight, I love you see you..."
You fell asleep in seconds, losing a small smile on Killer's lips and a kiss on your forehead.
But that's okay because you are way too embarrassed the next morning.
You actually just exposed yourself while drunk, huh? Great! Just great, now he will think that You-
And then you remember, he actually said you could make a painting of him!
You look at your side, Killer is still asleep, so you silently gather all your art stuff and get to work immediately.
You don't feel time passing until Killer started to wake up, groaning softly like he always does and making you giggle.
He looks at you right away, surprised to see you up, sitting on the bed. "Morning. Why are you awake? How are you feeling?"
You smile at him. "Good morning. I'm good, thank you for taking care of me. And I was... Just finishing your painting."
He wakes up fully right away and sits up, looking at you with slightly wide eyes. You giggle, placing a hand on his cheek. "You are so beautiful. Thank you for letting me do this."
He leans in your touch and nods as you lend him the still fresh painting. He widens his eyes slightly.
"This is..."
"You looked so paceful, I couldn't resist painting you like this. I... Wanted a painting of you without your mask, though, I'm sorry."
He looks at the painting for minutes before he finally puts it down and and holds you between his arms.
"Thank you. I love it. I'll keep it forever."
You smile widely, embracing him back. "I love you."
"I love you too."
"Oh, let me clean this up, I'm gonna ruin the sheets aga- oh, nevermind."
He laughs and you feel in heaven.
Baby 5
"Are you drawing again, [Name]?"
You jump out of your skin, quickly closing the sketch book in front of you.
"B-Baby 5-san, you scared me."
Baby 5 squeaks and apologizes like crazy, nearly crying in the spot.
"A-ah! It's fine! It's fine! It's not your fault!" You chuckle, holding her hands between yours. "I am not angry," you say smiling at her.
She lets out a long sigh, holding your hands back. "W-what are you drawing so focused?" She asks shyly, widening her eyes when your cheeks turn bright red. "Oh?"
"It's- it's nothing bad! It's just... It's just..." You let go of her hands to cover your face. "I really want to draw Baby 5-san... But I'm not sure if-
"You- y-y-y-y-you want to draw me?" She grabs your shoulders, shaking you a bit.
"Y-Yeah, Baby 5-san is really beautiful and I want to make a painting... For you..."
Baby 5 looks at you for like one second before she actually starts crying, hugging you tightly. "B-Baby 5-san, don't cry please! Did I upset you?" You hug her back, but she grabs you by the shoulder again, shaking you until you feel dizzy.
"Y-You didn't upset me! I'm happy! Stop being so stupid! But you are not stupid! I'm sorry for saying that!" You hold her back, trying to stop her shaking you as you giggle.
"Then, is that a yes? Can I make a painting of you?"
"Yes, you can! Dammit!"
You really don't ask her to make any pose for you, you only need to see her around and about to catch all of figure.
She gets a bit nervous, though, because you are following her around and also get a bit worried because she sees you holding all of your stuff everywhere you go.
She cries a bit when you accidentally let one of your acrylics fall, messing up the floor.
"I've finished," you say that night when both of you are back into your quarters. "It's still a bit fresh, so please be careful with your fingers- Oh," you whisper, hiding the painting behind your back. "D-Do you want to look at it?"
"What? Yes, of course I want to!"
You smile shyly at her, and slowly show your painting.
She cries and you laugh a bit.
"Now now, you've been crying a lot today. Is it that bad, Baby 5-san?"
She hits your arm, making you laugh. "Don't be silly! I love it! It's... It's so pretty! No one has... Has ever made something like this for me. I- I-
You hug her tightly, kissing her cheek. "You are my beautiful girlfriend, of course I would make something just as beautiful as you. I love you."
She sobs and leans in to kiss you. You hum, holding her face between your hands as you kiss her back.
"Lo-Lola-san!" You giggle, trapped between her arms as she covers your face with kisses. "S-stop!" Your cheeks are bright red, Lola only squeezing you tighter in her embrace.
"What do you mean stop?" She asks, actually stopping to look at you. "You expect me to just sit there and say 'okay' when you ask me to make a painting of me?! Impossible!"
"I-If you are kissing me like this, I will not be able to actually do the painting!" She hums, kissing you one more time before she lets go of you.
"After you are finished with the painting, please marry me, [Name]," she says seriously, holding your hand between hers.
You giggle shyly. "I already said that I will marry you, now let me get my stuff ready, okay?"
Lola is usually very composed, but, as soon as you asked her if you could make a painting of her, she nearly cried, screaming and throwing hearts and flowers everywhere and even using that funny voice of hers when she feels too "enamored".
"How should I pose for you, [Name]?"
"I heard you saying that you have to take care of some paperwork, you can do that while I work on your painting!"
You laugh nearly all your painting session.
Everytime you look up at Lola, she's in a different pose, each pose more dramatic than the last.
She even asks you to stop laughing because "you're gonna ruin my painting, [Name]!"
"I will not ruin it if you stop doing such poses!"
She eventually stopped, not because she wanted to, but because she got a bit occupied with her paperwork.
Now that your laughter died on, you worked faster and in a couple of hours, you were sighing and stretching your arms up.
"Lola-san, I've finished!"
She literally jumps out of her seat and runs to you in a blink of an eye.
She gasps as she looks at the painting. She's not sitting just sitting formally in front of her desk, she is actually in one of her silly poses, showing her big smile and the warm eyes he looks at you with, her cheeks flushed slightly and it's just-
"[Name], it's beautiful!"
"That's because you are beautiful, Lola-san!" She looks at you with teary eyes. "You are the one in the painting, so of course it is beautiful, just like you!"
She lets out a cry and wraps you in another tight hug, even lifting you a bit.
"Thank you, [Name]! I love you so much!" She cries as she gives you another round of endless kisses.
"I love you too, Lola-san!" You answer giggling and hugging her just as tight.
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