#I'm still takin these requests by the way
imaginesmai · 1 year
Right around the corner - Azriel
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5)
Plot: four times someone notices something weird about Azriel, and that time someone figured it out.
Remember, I'm taking requests! This Azriel fic is an Azriel x reader, but she doesn't appear yet. Let me know if you want a second part with a formal introduction to the family!
Through the years, Cassian had learned a few things about Azriel. He could proudly say that, even if he wasn’t a spy master himself, he was quite observant. Picked things here and there about people, noticed small habits and routines. For example, he knew that Rhysand liked his coffee boiling hot, that Mor always brought something red from wherever she traveled, and that Feyre ordered the colors she painted with in certain way.
From all of them, he spent most time with Azriel, so it made sense that Cassian knew him. Or thought so.
Cassian knew Azriel sometimes talked to his shadows, even argued with them. The male liked his boots clean and couldn’t stand blood on his clothes. He preferred tea over coffee and liked bad jokes, even if he always scoffed at them.
Cassian thought Azriel was a picky eater. That he hated berries, because he had never seen his friend eat any.
So, when after a tough monthly shopping session for the house, he found a berries box, he opened it without a second thought. It was what he always did – eat from the box before he put it away, infatuating Rhysand, who liked everything in its place.
He only had time to open the box and touch the first berry before Azriel snatched it from his grip, tucking it away.
“Don’t touch it” he grumbled, still focused on putting the eggs away.
“Why not? Rhy’s not here. He won’t mind” he would mind, thought. Not that Cassian had cared about it. “It’s just one berry. I barely ate lunch”
“That sounds like your problem” Azriel gave him a wary look when he tried to get closer. “Don’t”
“They’re berries. Give them to me” Cassian replied, putting his palm up and waiting for his snack.
“You’ll have to wait until dinner”
Cassian frowned, because it might had been one berry, but berries were brought because he liked them and usually ended up in a bag in his room, either way. The only problem he had faced so far was Rhysand disappointed face when he found the empty box laying on the counter.
He rounded the kitchen island until he was next to Azriel. Once more, he reached for the box of berries. That time, he was met with a cold, aggressive grip on his wrist by one of his shadows.
“Dude. What’s with the berries?” he asked, staring at his unmoving wrist with morbid fascination.
“I bought them for me, they’re not for the house”
“You don’t… like berries”
Azriel seemed surprised at the statement, and finally looked at him. And for the first time in a long time, Cassian realized he had surprised him. That he had caught Azriel in a lie, or maybe in an omission of the truth. A truth he didn’t want or feel like sharing.
Maybe, any other day, Cassian would have let it go by. If it had happened with any other food, or with any other person, it wouldn’t have made him suspicious. But Azriel actually looked surprised, and Cassian had tried enough to know it was impossible to catch him in a lie.
“Well, I do now” he shrugged finally. “So keep your nasty hands out of the box”
Before Cassian could reply, the shadow holding his hand curled back into its master and Azriel winnowed away, berries in hand and a soft smile on his face.
Even though Mor didn’t like Azriel the way he liked her, couldn’t love him like he wanted to, she appreciated him as a friend. As a good friend, who was there for her always and through everything. And it was selfish of her, she knew, but she had grown used to the details of being loved. Appreciated, cared for. Wanted.
When she caught his gaze across the room, she was used to watching him blush and look away. When they went out to have fun, she was used to his eyes fixed on her back, not subtle at all. And worst of all, she had been kind of taking advantage of the presents he gave her every now and then.
They weren’t short of money, and Azriel had bought her many things through the years. Something she stared at, something that made him think of her. Multiple things that warmed her heart, not in the way he wanted to.
It was only logical that when she found Azriel at her door with a velvet box, looking nervous and shy, it was just that.
“Az. What a surprise” she tried to smile. Tried not to think about his dejected face once she told him she appreciated the gift but wanted to be alone. “Isn’t it too late for you to be up?”
“Yeah, I… it’s been a rough day” he shrugged.
The first indication that something was different was that he didn’t shy from her stare, nor hid the box behind his back. The second was that he didn’t leave it at her hands like a timing bomb.
Mor raised an eyebrow and waited for him to continue. She had been about to go to sleep, after a long day for herself, and supposed half of Velaris was already deep into it.
“Maybe you want to come in?”
She couldn’t physically let him down, drop his expectations and hurt him. More than once, she had given him false hopes in fear of losing the friendship. And when she opened a little bit farther the room of her apartment, she intended to do that.
To accept whatever he had brought her, to hug him tight and thank him, and to let him know that she was really tired and would see him tomorrow, maybe. Then, she would go to bed feeling like a horrible person.
Mor didn’t expect Azriel to open the box himself, and show her something she knew wasn’t for her.
Inside the box, was a beautiful blue sapphire necklace, encased in a silver tear that shone under the moonlight. Everything Azriel had got her, everything anyone got her, was always red. Because that was her color, that was her soul. Not blue and delicate, like the piece of jewelry he held in his hands. 
Azriel didn’t have to say anything else before she noticed the problem.
“It broke and I don’t know how to fix it. It’s… really important for me. And I need it for tonight. For right now” he rambled, like she had never seen him do. “I stayed working late and now the shop is closed”
“It’s beautiful” she whispered, having seen nothing so soft, so beautiful lately. “How did it break?”
“Doesn’t matter. Can you fix it? Like, right now?”
Azriel could have asked her to go through her own jewels and pick the most beautiful to give it to him, and she would have said yes, because she owned it to him. So she nodded and ushered him inside, with her eyes fixed on the necklace.
She didn’t mention that it was too delicate for him, that it was obviously for a woman. Mor ignored her conflicted thoughts about it as she touched the broken chain.
It only took her thirty minutes to find a chain similar to the original one, and another ten to convince Azriel to take it and don’t worry about it. Any trace of sleep erased from her body as she stared at him. At Azriel looking at the fixed necklace with a crooked smile.
“Who is it for?” she asked finally, as she opened the door for him once more. “Anyone special worth mentioning”
“No one. It’s a family relic, from my mother I think” he explained, looking between her and the open air. As if he couldn’t stand staying in the ground a second longer. “Thank you for fixing it. See you tomorrow, Mor”
Two thoughts were on her mind as she closed the door. The first one, was that she knew for a fact that blue was his color, not his mother’s color. She wore green, purple, black. Dark colors, if the portraits were correct.
The second thought, that was confirmed when she looked at her stunned face in the mirror, was that Azriel hadn’t acknowledge her outfit. A thin, black nightgown that barely covered her thighs, and that other nights had sent the shadow singer stuttering apologies right and left before leaving in a rush. 
Amren stared with half-closed eyes at her friends, noticing the change right away.
She usually wouldn’t entertain that type of activities, thinking ‘family game nights’ were a waste of time. But since Feyre appeared in their lives, she had to admit she liked her family better. She liked the way Rhysand softened around her, how at ease he was and how relaxed she made everyone.
True to her habits, Amren had chosen the farthest chair and the most expensive wine, and was watching the night unfold in front of her.
At the begging, she had thought it was weird that Azriel, almost as closed off as her, had walked in with a bright smile on his face. His hair had been ruffled in a windless, summer night, his shoulders wider.
It took him almost an hour to identify the new smell in the room, and find the source around his wrist. Almost unnoticeable between all of the scents combined – yet clear enough for her.
She stared at the black rubber band around his wrist, similar to the ones Cassian wore but not quite the same. Amren made it her mission to unfold the different smells and identify the new ones.
Rhysand’s was dark and fresh, like the night. His was intertwined with a sweeter one, Feyre’s, that smelt like vanilla and power. Raw, beautiful power that Amren admired.
Cassian’s was wild and abundant. He smelt like war camps and sweat, but somehow, like home too. Nesta’s scent was there too, even if the female wasn’t around. Amren could identify her just fine – and the new scent wasn’t hers.
After filtering the rest of presences, she finally focused on the band. Azriel was still unmated, that much she could tell. His was like ashes and candles. And behind all of that, she finally found it – baked bread, fresh food, vegetables.
“What are you looking at?”
Her line of sight was interrupted when Azriel pushed his sleeve farther down his arm, covering the rubber band. He knew where Amren was looking, and Amren knew that the question wasn’t rude. Still, Azriel’s voice held an edge she had only heard in Cassian or Rhysand’s voice before.
She smiled lazily at him before answering, making sure everyone was busy trying to guess what Rhysand was gesturing.
“Nothing, boy”
“You were staring quite hard for being nothing” Azriel replied. He fixed his hazel eyes on her, a hard edge on his features.
“I thought I smelt something on you” she purred, enjoying way too much the way the spymaster tensed. “Have you grown a sweet tooth lately?”
Amren usually didn’t stick her nose where it didn’t belong. She liked her life quiet, and minding other people business wasn’t her thing. Every now and then, she did like riling up Cassian or messing with Mor, but she had yet to play with the shadowsinger.
She respected him just as much, if not more, as the rest of the family. Understood the difficulty of his job, the people’s souls he carried behind. Most of their interactions were friendly and cordial, nothing more.
However, that night she felt like she had found something wort digging in.
“Do they know yet?” she asked him when Azriel didn’t answer.
“That I stopped in my way here to buy food?” even if the irritation and protectiveness fell from his face, a muscle of his jaw twitched. “Yeah. Cassian already ate half of the banana bread”
“He did, now?”
They silently stared at each other for a long minute. She dared him to deny it once more, to tell her that the smell under his sleeve was just from a quick stop to the bakery. He dared her to ask about the rubber band and give him an excuse to leave the game night.
Finally, Amren looked away and answered correctly to what Rhysand was trying to represent with gestures. Cassian got up and quickly started an argument about how to gesture correctly, while Feyre just laughed her ass off and Mor scurried off to bring more wine.
The next time Amren looked at Azriel’s wrist, the rubber band was gone.
The clock chimed five times in a row when the door finally opened, and Rhysand looked up from the papers on his desk. Apparently, he had to write a formal apology to the summer court in Cassian’s account, and certainly, he wasn’t any close to writing it than what he was in the afternoon.
Now, at five o`clock in the morning, his worry had gotten the best out of him. Rhysand had promised himself that, if by the time the sun came up Azriel wasn’t back, he would start destroying Illyrian camps until he found him.
“Before you say anything” Azriel rose a bloodied hand towards the high lord, and no matter how old Rhysand was, he felt his heart plummeting to the ground in worry. “Not my blood. Not even a scratch”
“Hard to believe. You’re leaving a puddle of it in my carpet” his voice was stained, his anger and worry mixing together.
For the first time, Rhysand watched Azriel lost at words. The male looked down at his clothes, that were indeed soaked in blood and gore. He was still carrying all his swords and knives. And from where Rhysand stood behind his deck, he could see none of them had been left unused.
He had received a note from Azriel a day ago saying he was going to check on some Illyrian camps for illegal wing clipping, and that he would be gone for a few hours. Since then, Rhysand had had to deal with the worry and panic of not knowing if he was alive, since he closed his mind to Rhys.
Azriel looked back at him, and any type of sermon would have to wait until the morning. Rhysand got up and circled the desk, until he was in front of his friend. Who looked at him with sorrow and pain.
Rhysand didn’t let the surprise of seeing the shadowsinger, the spy master, so vulnerable. He only gripped his shoulder tight.
“What happened?”
“They didn’t even deny it” Azriel admitted, his voice tight. “One of the girls in the village was brave enough to show me where they keep them”
“Keep what?” even if he asked, Rhysand had a feeling he knew.
“The wings. They kept all the wings pinned to a tavern’s wall, like fucking hunting prices. Rhys, they were so… so many. So many”
He knew his brother’s history with the camps. Had seen what they do to women for himself, had fought for years against it. Still, Azriel had always been the calmer one. Cassian often went into carnages when he found an illegal clipping, but Azriel was the one to ask first and kill later. To organize trips into the mountains with reinforcements and not take decisions by himself.
The Azriel covered in blood in front of him, with tears shinning on his eyes, was new.
Rhysand was at loss as words, torn between beating him for his stupidity of leaving alone and going back himself to look for survivors and kill them slower.
“What you did… Az, anything could have happened to you” he tried to reason. “You know better than to do this on your own. What happened?”
“I got a strong hold. Knew where to find them.”
Azriel didn’t answer, and Rhysand didn’t need to pry into his mind to know he would find it closed. Sighing, he pulled Azriel close. It didn’t matter that he was staining his clothes too, that Feyre was still waiting for him in bed and that he was ready to drop dead from worry.
Rhysand hugged Azriel and let him grip his vest until it wrinkled, until he was ready to talk. He trusted him with his life, and he had a feeling whatever was what had brought Azriel to that camp wasn’t ready to be shared yet.
He didn’t count the minutes that passed by until his body relaxed between his arms, didn’t acknowledge the wetness on his neck.
“I need to do something”
“What? Unless it’s a fucking bath and – “
“No, I won’t – it’s not what you think” Azriel took a deep breath and locked his eyes with Rhysand. The high lord nodded. “I’ll talk about it tomorrow, I promise. But just tonight, I need you not to ask question. I won’t be sleeping in my dorms”
“You need to take a bath and rest”
“I will take a bath and rest”
Rhysand knew Azriel had an apartment, somewhere. He knew where Mor lived, where Amren had bought a house, but his brother had lived as long as he could remember in the wind house, with him. He didn’t have many personal details, but in the room at the end of the corridor he kept his weapons and clothes.
He even kept the horrible scarf Nesta knitted him last year that everyone else had thrown away.
Before he said anything else, something in his soul told him to shut up. To accept his request, the only one he had done in a long time, and leave the details for the next morning.
“I guess it’s time for me to go home too” he smiled softly. “Just – clean off that blood. And don’t forget to report in the morning. We need to talk”
“We will”
Without further explanation, Azriel disappeared between his shadows. And Rhysand was left with the sudden smell of burnt bread under his nose.
What Feyre missed the most about her human life, and from the spring court, were the quiet walks in nature. The smell of leaves and grass, the sounds of the animals and the absence of other voices. Velaris was a busy place, and even if the people were more than nice, she missed quiet.
Nyx had made sure that his mom never knew quiet again.
He was a happy baby, loud and cheerful, and slept less than any person Feyre had known. Always wide awake, smiling and babbling. Before he even turned one, she had grown used to taking midnight strolls down the Wind House like another routine.
That night, Nyx was playing with her tattooed fingers and munching on his pacifier, still managing to babble some words. Rhysand had gone to bed late and was sleeping in their room, unaware of the night walk. And Feyre, who held Nyx tightly against her chest, felt like falling asleep on her feet.
She was considering turning around and letting Nyx lay awake staring at the ceiling when the baby stopped moving.
“Time for a diaper change?” she guessed, used to that type of silence. “I’ve never met a stricter person when it comes to schedule. Most people use the bathroom at day, you know?”
“Yeah, most people sleep at night, I guess” she sighed.
Still, when she felt his diaper, she found it empty, and after a quick inspection of smell, she discovered it was clean. Through her sleepy haze, she frowned and looked at Nyx. He was pointing to the open door to the kitchen, to the table next to the entrance.
As the rest of the house, the kitchen was empty. Not even Azriel’s shadows, who usually snuck around and entertained Nyx for a while, were there.
Feyre walked inside the kitchen as Nyx became more restless, until the baby was close to the object he pointed at. Then, almost dropping from her embrace, he put his chubby hands on the surface and tried to crawl to his destiny.
“Nyx, baby, it’s late. You already had dinner” she sighed, trying to pull Nyx back.
But as soon as she separated his hands from the table, Nyx let the pacifier drop and whined pitifully. He smacked one rebel hand against Feyre’s cheek, showing her his utter disapproval of the action.
All Feyre needed was another slap to the face before she gave in and let Nyx have his way. She let the baby sitting on the counter, and holding his back, she bent down for the pacifier. When she rose again, Nyx had found his prize – something that certainly didn’t belong to their kitchen, since the most complex food she could make was soup.
Large and thin like a fork, Nyx was holding a kitchen tool made of plastic. It ended in soft peaks, similar to a brush. Similar to the baby brush Feyre used with him.
“Did you winnow that here?” she asked Nyx, not expecting an answer. “Please tell you didn’t steal anything”
Lately, Nyx had picked up his father’s power and was starting to conjure things he wanted or needed. It was cute, whenever it was a toy or a plushie. Last month, it was a very distressed Cassian that fell on Feyre, and it was not cute.
But before she could think about Nyx winnowing the tool, she recognized the already familiar smell of bread and cinnamon. Feyre smiled as Nyx brushed its end against his face, and the baby giggled.
During the next ten minutes, she brushed the tool herself against her baby’s hair, tummy and neck. It might had been a little unhygienic and certainly not very mom-like, but it was getting Nyx to drop his eyes and lean against her.
She ended up carrying the baby asleep on her arms, still gripping the new acquisition tight on his fist.
As Feyre let him rest on the crib and tucked him in, Rhysand finally woke up. He apologized softly for not getting up and urged his mate to get in bed with him. Just before he could fall back into a blissful sleep with his family safe besides him, Feyre spoke.
“Remind me tomorrow to wash that thing and give it back to Azriel’s mate. She’ll be happy to know it also works as a baby wand to sleep”
Feyre drifted off with his back to Rhysand as the male got up from the bed, processing the new information.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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inkedells · 1 year
ok but a drabble involving dbf!joel worshipping shy!reader's pussy after he fucked it full of his cum, just admiring it and playing with it... I NEEDDD
A/N: jesussss this is like the filthiest thing i've ever written i'm sorry in advance
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m!dni | requests open.
tags/warnings: cumplay, begging, slight degradation (but joel is still affectionate), pet names, cum eating, grinding, lap-sitting
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“Joel, please, just five minutes. Just—Just put it in, I’ll be quick.”
You sat on your knees between Joel’s spread legs, running your hands along his inner thighs. He didn’t even spare you a glance, feigning interest in whatever he was reading in favor of watching you get increasingly desperate.
So you slipped a hand down to your panties, rocking your pussy against your fingers.
“Please,” you breathed, “Joel, I-I need it.”
Book in hand, he pulled you up by the arm harshly until you stumbled into place on his lap.
“Go ahead,” He instructed in an unbothered voice, his eyes never leaving his book, “Take what you want.”
You bit your lip, putting your arms around his neck and leaning forward until your face nestled comfortably against it.
“No,” You mumbled shyly, grinding in his lap, “I want you to do it. I like the way you fuck me.” You felt his hardness between your legs as you messily rutted down on his clothed cock.
“And which way is that?” Joel asked, still refusing to even look at you, “How do I fuck you?”
You breathed a shuddering exhale. “Rough. You… use… it.”
Joel swallowed at that, which was your sign that your efforts were beginning to take effect on him. You knew just what to say. “And you don’t have to pull out.”
Now that got his attention. He settled his book down on the small table next to him before finally making eye contact with you. “Bed. Clothes off. I’ll be up in a few minutes.”
You smirked.
And of course, Joel fucked you exactly how you described you wanted it—he always did. He made sure you felt used by the time he got you on all fours, completely naked while he remained fully clothed. He drove into you over and over and over, the headboard slamming against the wall as he told you things like, "My girl's takin' it so well, ain't she? Made for getting fucked," and, "God you're so fuckin' tight, squeezing me so good, baby," and, "Soak my dick, sweetheart, get it wet. Mhm, just like that."
You were reduced to a whimpering mess by the time he filled you up with his cum. Now, his thumb prodded over your entrance, dipping into it a few times, but that was before he decided to push his cum back inside of you with the tip of his cock.
“You look beautiful like this. Fucked full of my cum. Go ahead, push it out again, wanna watch it leak.”
“N-No,” You whined, “Please, I don’t wanna—I don’t wanna lose any more of it.”
“Oh, little girl, I’m not planning on it.”
You blushed. “Okay, but... I’m not little.”
“You are. Y’know why? Because big girls don’t go begging for it. They take what they want, they don’t need a man to take charge. It’s little girls who don’t wanna do a damn thing, who just wanna lie there and take it however it's given to them.”
You made a sound in your throat at his words, thoroughly enjoying both the figurative and the literal dressing-down he was giving you tonight.
You bit your lip as you finally pushed, Joel whispering a “Jesus fuck,” at the sight of your winking entrance and the spend leaking out of it. You moaned at the ticklish feeling, subtly shaking your hips side to side to encourage Joel to go further. And Joel was never one to deny you, so he swiped up a bead of his cum as his other hand took hold of your hair and pulled. With your head craned backward, he extended his arm out just enough for his finger to reach your mouth. You knew what came next.
Without hesitancy, you complied, moaning as you made sure there were no traces of his cum left.
Joel chuckled. “You're gonna go home and kiss your daddy with that mouth, aren't you?"
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A/N: HI HELLO if ur reading this, TYSM FOR THE LOVE ON MY RECENT FIC LOOK AT ME A LITTLE MORE!!! i didn't think u guys would enjoy it as much as u did and it srsly made me so happy to see. while i work on part 2, i will be putting out little drabbles like this one. also, like the divider says, pls pls pls remember to reblog, especially if you're a consistent reader of my work and enjoy what i put out!! it considerably helps the tumblr algorithm!
taglist (strikethrough means i can't tag you):
@basicoccult @myhusband2cool @fleuraimer @chunguk @xkyxkyxxlylcylulucufifluclu @pintsizedsunshine @s1eepy-bear @daddysuperduperlonglegs @worhols @evyiione @criesside @saph-cyare
@gswizzsstuff @baloobalee @gessmiller05 @trynasurvivelol @yazsos @marchai @pompii @alyssa1216 @daddy-din @msmagix4 @blooming-bubs @huffle-punk @whorrorain @iliketoeatstrawberrypocky @onlineplant @totallynotastanacc @hiddenbabynyc @thedoctorofpoop @kamcrazy123 @afterglowsb-tch13
@redplaidedandcladed @simping-soldat @martyluvsu @mingiast @teddybonkers1960 @brittmb15 @ellswilliams
[remaining tags will be in a reblog]
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joostsblog · 3 months
HEYYAAAAA, idrk if ur takin requests right now, if u want u can discard this BUT HERES THE THING!!!!! recently my tiktok fyp has been showing a lot of hand holding like in bed (iykwim, like holding hands while fucking) and such. even in outdoors too. AND I'VE BEEN DYINGGGGGGG to imagine how it would be with aggu && reader, like oh my god🤭🤭🤭🤭 the main request here: reader just really likes to hold aggu's hands whether they're fucking or hanging out for a date, practically just loves clinging to his body!!@!1!11!! THANK YOU!
your wish is my comand :) this is part two of picnic day which I've renamed to caught in the middle and there will be more parts! read part one here
caught in the middle part two: fingers intertwined ~ a Ski Aggu / Joost Klein x reader series
My masterlist here ✨💌 caught in the middle series masterlist here
Pairing: Ski Aggu x female!reader (+ Joost Klein x female!reader)
Description: When you and Aggu are finally alone, you continue exactly where you left off.
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: So this makes "picnic day" (now called "caught in the middle") officially a series! there will be more joost x reader in the future parts btw
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, SMUT, nsfw, oral (m receiving), protected sex, piv, swearing, not proofread
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Aggu's hand lay in yours as you walked along the road to your place. Your friends were still at the park but the both of you couldn't get to a place alone any sooner. It took two hours of subtle touches to each other's arms and thighs and stolen grins before Aggu conjured up an excuse for why he had to leave earlier. "Actually, I'm also gonna bounce, I've got a bit of a headache," you had jumped at the opportunity.
"Alright, we know what's going on," Bianca had said with a knowing smile and your other friends laughed along. Except for Joost who seemed to be a little off the whole day. You had tried talking to him about your plans for your visit to Amsterdam but he just didn't seem very interested.
But you couldn't pay him much mind right now anyway. Not with Aggu's strong hand in yours and your heart beating in anticipation of what those hands could do to you once you were alone at your place. You didn't have to wait long when you unlocked the door to your flat and you rushed inside, your bag dropping to the floor, his hands found your waist and your arms wrapped around his neck. You grinned up at him.
"Alright," Aggu bit his lip. "Where have we left off again?"
You took his chin into your hand and brought his face down to yours so that your lips would meet his again. He softly smiled into the kiss before his lips started moving against yours. He tightened his grip on you to bring your body closer to his. It was very sweet, you thought to yourself. It was almost as if you had been loving each other for years already. Your heart started beating faster at the thought of being with Aggu in that way. Being the one he would kiss in public, the one he would bring on tour with him, the one he would hold hands with while being out with your friends, the one he would take home every night and show just how much he loved you.
You ran your hands through his hair, almost desperately as you wished that thought would become reality somehow. As you grabbed a handful of his hair you had to stop yourself from losing yourself to this fantasy. You had to remind yourself that you had no idea whether Aggu even wanted you in this way, after all, you could also be a quick hookup to him. And just a few weeks ago you would have those thoughts about Joost anytime he would hug you or rub your shoulder gently. Aggu moaned into the kiss as you pulled at his hair and you could feel the arousal pooling in your lower stomach.
"I need you," you mumbled against Aggu's lips and he grinned. His hand grabbed the side of your neck as his lips kissed down your jaw and neck.
"You're in luck then," he said against your skin.
You took his hand into yours and quickly led him to your bedroom. As he closed the door behind him you sat down on the edge of the bed. You looked up at Aggu with big eyes as he stood before you.
"So pretty," he mused and softly touched the side of your face, his thumb grazing your lip carefully. You grinned before you opened your lips, making Aggu's thumb slip into your mouth. You quickly wrapped your lips around Aggu's thumb and softly sucked at it. "Fuck," Aggu whispered under his breath. "I can give you something else to suck on if you want," he said and you replied with a daring grin.
Your hands flew to Aggu's belt to undo it quickly. Aggu's hands softly stroked through your hair, caressing it and tucking it behind your ears. Soon Aggu's pants were down by his ankles and you dipped your fingers into the waistband of his briefs before pulling them down as well. Your mouth watered at the sight of Aggu's thick cock, flush against his stomach. You wasted no time and placed your hands on Aggu's hips before licking up a long strip up Aggu's cock to his tip.
Aggu's head fell back with pleasure, his hands still holding your head to guide you. You wrapped your hand around the base of Aggu's cock and angled it downwards to your mouth. Your lips wrapped around Aggu's tip, your tongue playfully licking at it.
"Fuck," Aggu muttered under his breath and your lips turned into a grin around his cock.
You slowly started bobbing your head up and down his cock, your tongue quickly lapping around his tip every time you pulled back. With your other hand, you cupped his balls and started to massage them softly. Aggu's moans tumbled out of his mouth and they sounded like lullabies to your ears. The salvia on Aggu's cock mixed with his precum, his dick fully slick which made your movements even quicker and messier. You removed your hands from his cock and placed them on Aggu's upper thighs instead, your mouth now fully working on its own. As you continued sucking on his cock you could slowly feel his thighs starting to tremble under your touch, his moans growing louder and more frustrated. Suddenly you went slower, painfully slow so, and forced Aggu's dick as deep down as you could take him.
"Fuck, (Y/N)," Aggu moaned and you hummed around his dick at the sound of your name coming out of Aggu's mouth in this way. You wanted to hear him say it a thousand more times and you were ready to do whatever it took to hear it happen.
You stayed there, your mouth flush around Aggu's wide cock, his tip nudging the back of your throat. You looked up at him with big eyes. Aggu bit his lip and you could feel your panties being completely drenched in your juices. As you started to bop your head again Aggu's hand stopped you.
"Wait," he said and you were pleased to hear a tremble in his voice. "I don't wanna cum yet," he said and your heart started beating faster.
You released his cock from your mouth and propped yourself on your elbows on the bed. Looking up at Aggu with a seductive grin, you watched him devour you with his eyes. It wasn't long before he climbed on top of you and his lips kissed down your neck while his hands quickly found the hem of your top and pulled it over your head. Your bra was also promptly moved to the side and you let your head fall back in pleasure as his tongue licked over your hard nipples.
Aggu's fingers danced over the exposed skin of your stomach until he found the hem of your skirt and pushed his fingers under the soft fabric. Your chest heaved in quick breaths with anticipation of his touch. Aggu's fingers touched over your core, only the drenched fabric of your panties separating his touch from your most sensual area. Aggu moaned approvingly as he felt you through your panties. When his teeth grazed your nipple your hand quickly flew to grab Aggu's hand which he used to prop himself up on the bed, your moans also growing more high-pitched.
Aggu's fingers intertwined with yours as you laid back on the bed more and he followed your lead. His lips found yours again, your chests pressed to one another as his hips fit in between your legs, your panties the only thing barring him from entry.
"Do you have condoms here?" Aggu asked after just pulling back enough to whisper against your lips.
You nodded eagerly before leaning to the side and opening the top drawer of your nightstand. Your nervous fingers couldn't find the packet fast enough as Aggu's lips mouthed down your neck. His fingers trailed up your thighs and under your skirt. He hooked his fingers in your underwear and finally pulled them down, leaving you only in your short skirt. You quickly passed Aggu the wrapper of the condom before going to remove your skirt as well. Aggu's hands quickly stopped you.
"Can you keep it on?" he asked almost timidly. "You look so pretty like this."
Who were you to deny this man any wishes?
You watched as Aggu opened the wrapper of the condom and put it on, your chest heaving quickly as just the thought of what was about to happen almost overwhelmed you. You bit your lip as Aggu positioned himself between your legs and looked down at you with a mischievous grin.
"Please, please," you begged Aggu impatiently. You couldn't wait any longer. Aggu smiled down at you, his hand gently touching your cheek before he nudged his tip against your entrance. "Fuck," you whispered under your breath and wrapped your arms around Aggu's neck to bring his body closer to yours again. "Please fuck me already," you managed to press out.
Aggu finally slowly slid into you and your fingers dug into the skin on his back. The sensation of him filling you up completely was so heavenly you had to press your eyes shut. The touch of Aggu's hand against yours brought you back as he noticed you getting tensed up. His fingers intertwined with yours as he positioned them above your head and he propped himself up by his elbows.
As Aggu bottomed out you both let the moans fall from your mouths freely. You wrapped your legs around Aggu's hips to keep him close. His hands in yours, your eyes locked and your bodies so intimately intertwined felt way too romantic for just being two friends. But that was a problem for another day. Aggu's hips pulled back slightly before he started thrusting in and out of you, grunts leaving his mouth with each thrust. Aggu's forehead rested against yours as his cock hit all the right spots inside of you. Hearing the grunts and moans of Aggu's voice and watching his face closely as it scrunched up in pleasure only pushed you further to the edge of your orgasm which you could feel fast approaching already.
Suddenly Aggu stopped his thrusts and you started moaning frustrated. Aggu pulled out of you and his hands found your waist before he motioned you to turn around. You positioned yourself on your knees and elbows and looked over your shoulder at Aggu in anticipation. His hands roamed over the skin of your hips and ass as he pushed the fabric of your skirt up.
"Fuck," he muttered under his breath and you bit down on your lip. With his hands grabbing your waist he finally pushed into you again. This position allowed him to penetrate you even deeper and as he started to thrust into you again, the tip of Aggu's cock brushed against that sweet spot towards your belly button inside of you that drove you crazy.
"Fuck, Aggu," you moaned loudly, not caring if anyone could hear you around. "feel - so good," you pushed out and Aggu thrust harder into you in response.
With his hands, he found your arms and pulled them to be crossed behind your back. Your face was pressed against the bedsheets which didn't do much to stifle your moans. The grip of Aggu's hands on your hands behind your back was forceful yet romantic and gentle at the same time. As Aggu's thrusts grew harder and faster you could feel your orgasm fast approaching until you couldn't stop it anymore. Your breath hitched and your body tensed up before the wave of pleasure rolled over you. The moans slipped from your mouth uncontrollably as Aggu continued thrusting into you until you could feel his hips falter. With a grunt and the grip on your hands tightening Aggu came into the condom before collapsing on the bed beside you.
You lay on your front trying to catch your breath. Aggu beside you, laying on his back. At just the right moment you both turned your heads to look at each other and you laughed.
"I'm gonna go shower," you stated weakly.
"Care if I join?" Aggu asked with a grin already knowing the answer.
A/N: Again, there will be more parts to this series, so keep your eyes peeled 🫶
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mrm0rgansw0man · 4 months
Hellooooooo!!!! Can I please request a scene with Arthur and female reader who is sick and is lying in her tent with Arthur caring for her and checking up on her. Just fluff and Arthur being really sweet. Arthur massaging her hips and shoulders.💓💓💓💓
you got it! Xx
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let me take care of you (arthur morgan x reader)
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"Darlin'? What 're ya' doin' out here?"
You woke with a jolt, you looked up at the man who was speaking to you, and smiled when you recognized Arthur. He's knelt down next to you with a hand on your shoulder, his concern clear.
You cleared your throat, which hurt like hell but needed to be done.
"I wanted t-to get some sun." You rasped out, you coughed into the crook of your elbow. "I was s-so cold and I'm in so m-much pain Arthur..."
"And yer' shivering now, sweetheart." Arthur said softly. His placed the back of his hand against your forehead, and frowned when he felt you still had a bit of a fever. "C'mon, let's getcha to bed."
Arthur scooped you up into his arms bridal style, holding you close. Your throbbing head fell against his chest, and you found tears welling in your eyes. God, you hated being sick. Your body ached , and your head throbbed. You felt like such a burden not being able to do anything for yourself.
"Y'know, ya' scared me outta my wits when you weren't in yer' tent." Arthur said with a small chuckle. "I was runnin' around like a headless chicken til' i saw you over there. Lookin' so pretty in the sun."
Your eyes were closed, but you still smiled up at Arthur. He planted a gentle kiss on your forehead as he stepped back into your tent. Arthur set you down gently on your cot before going and securing the flaps of your tent shut again. He sighed when he looked back at you to find you shivering again. Arthur slipped off the black leather jacket he was wearing and sat you up and wrapped you up in it. It was all you could do to open your eyes and wearily smile at him again. Arthur laid you down in your cot and covered you in your quilt, and he practically felt you relaxing. You turned and laid down flat on your stomach, reasting your head on your arms and sighed. The jacket smelled like Arthur, it was nice.
You felt that Arthur sat down on the cot next to you, he ran his hands through your hair. He gently began to massage your head.
"Thank you s'much for taking care of me Arthur.." You mumbled sleepily.
"Of course, darlin'." Arthur said softly, using that tone of voice he knew made you feel safe and sound. He moved his hand from your hair down to your shoulders. Arthur used both hands to massage all the stress from your shoulders, your lower back, and your hips. He paid special attention to your shoulder and hips, he knew that's where your pain gathered the most.
"I love you.." You whispered to Arthur. He barley even heard it through the layers of his jacket and your hair.
Arthur stood up and adjusted the quilt back over you, he bent down and kissed your head softly.
"I love you too, m' sweet girl." Arthur whispered back, he kissed your cheek and quietly made his way to leave your tent. Arthur took comfort in the fact that you were fast asleep, all cozy and warm. For now he'd let you rest, he could never last too long without checking on you though.
"You still takin' care of your patient Doctor Morgan?" Karen teased, Arthur had passed her on the way back to his tent.
"Course I am." Arthur said simply. "I gotta take care of my woman, Miss Jones."
Arthur could get teased all he wanted, he didn't care. Not one bit. He'd do whatever you needed him to do. He'd take care of his best girl.
hope you enjoy the fic!! also i hope you didn't mind the bit i added in the beginning lol i love being in the sun when i'm sick i couldn't help myself! xx :)
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milliesfishes · 4 months
Hope you are having a GREAT DAY. Re read your fics multiple times omg. My ideas for requests would be either your take on a verbal fight happening with Billy and then the groveling and making up that comes after
Or reader witnessing Billy getting having to be violent and him worried that they’ll be scared of him now 😭😭😭😭
thank you so much bb love u 𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝓯𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽𝜗𝜚 ࣪˖ ִ𐙚 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓭
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Your breathing was heavy, your hair tangled and skin sweaty as the waves of euphoria crashed over you. Tilting your head back, your arm fell over your head, breasts heaving. Billy, who'd been holding himself above you with his forearms, let himself collapse into you, his head resting on your chest.
He was sweaty too, and when he lifted his head, you saw some of his curls were stuck to his forehead. Billy smiled tiredly, taking your free hand and kissing the fingers. Then he rolled off of you, still lying on his side and facing you. Your eyes were fixed on the ceiling, but you could feel his on you.
Billy's arm found its way over you, thumb running up and down a little patch of skin. It was soothing, and you closed your eyes briefly, your heart still pounding.
His eyebrow quirked. Usually, you were so cuddly after sex. But today you were quiet, pulling the sheet up to cover your chest, one arm still flung above your head.
Settling in beside you, he kissed your shoulder, nudging his chin there. "You okay baby?"
Nodding, your eyes didn't leave the ceiling.
Billy sat up on his side, leaning on one arm and looking down at you, frowning. "Are ya sure?"
"I'm fine," you insisted, your hand fisting the sheet over your chest.
He reluctantly relented, despite knowing you weren't being truthful. Billy laid back down beside you, sliding his arm under your body and pulling you closer. Your position remained, keeping your arm where it was and your hand holding the sheet. He propped his chin up on your shoulder, exhaling softly, seeming to decide on telling you something.
"I've gotta leave again in the mornin'," he mumbled, looking over your face to gage a reaction. Your expression was unchanging, but you closed your eyes for a second, nodding.
Then, unexpectedly, you sat up fully, his arm remaining on the bed behind you. The sheet was abandoned, and you drew your knees to your chest, aware that your body was still bare. Your chin rested there, your hair falling over your shoulders and brushing your calves.
Billy watched you do all this before he sat up next to you. He'd known this would upset you. His hand came to your back, rubbing it in slow circles. "I know, I know I just got back, but I...I can't stay 'round for too long. These jobs Murphy's got us doin', they're takin' us all over the county."
You were numb to his explanation, and you turned to him, your legs falling flat on the bed, hands in your lap. "How long this time?"
He hummed, thinking about it, using his fingers to brush your hair behind your shoulder absentmindedly. "A week. Maybe two."
Looking down again, your fingers flexed. "And then what, you'll be back for another day and gone the next morning?" You'd known he was going to leave again soon. It had been on your mind all night. "You weren't even back for half of one this time."
He was surprised at you. Leaving as often and for as long as he did bothered you, he knew, but he hadn't known it bothered you this much. "Sweetheart...y'know this is what I hafta do. I gotta work, so we can really be together someday-"
"And what happens when we are together?" you asked, turning to look at him. "We'll always need money. Are you gonna keep leaving then too?"
Billy's hand fell from your back. "Where's this comin' from baby? You never had a problem with my work before."
"I'm tired of it!" the desperate words fell from your lips before you could think about it. "You leave for weeks then come into town for a few hours. It's the same every time. You ride in, send me a message, sleep with me, and then you're gone again."
Astonished at your outburst, he ran a hand over his face tiredly. "Dunno what ya want me to do baby, I can't control when Murphy wants me to go out."
Your knees bent again, and your elbows were propped up on them, your fingers curled into your palms and resting on your forehead. Eyes falling to the tangled bedsheets, your whisper was pathetic. "What am I doing?"
"Baby-" he shook his head, putting one hand on the side of your knee. One of his legs was bent, his other arm resting on it. "I'm trying, you gotta believe me. This is the best I can do. Murphy's payin' the best money I can get for my work-"
"That's not true," your hands fell from your face. "You told me about Tunstall."
"We've been over this." Billy sounded exasperated. "Can't leave the gang."
"You could though," you insisted, sitting on your knees now and facing him. "You could, and you'd be doing honest work for more, and you wouldn't be away so much-"
"Stop." His voice was firm, final, and you were taken aback. He'd never used a tone with you before. "You know the boys've done a lot for me. I ain't leavin' 'em."
"But you'll leave me?" your words were small.
Billy sucked in a breath frustratedly, shaking his head once, keeping it turned to the side. He closed his eyes and raised a hand to his forehead, rubbing it as he tried to compose himself. "Baby...I ain't expectin' you to understand. You're too innocent, you don't know the things I've seen-"
"Innocent?" The usage of the term was a barb. You looked up at him, your doll eyes worried. "But I'm not...I'm not innocent."
He turned his head back to face you, a confused frown gracing his features. "What're you on about... 'course you're innocent."
"But we've..." you gestured down to the scene, to your bare bodies and messy sheets. His eyes followed your hand, and his face clouded with understanding, moving closer to you as he realized.
"Baby," he started, putting his hand on your thigh. The weight of it was warm. "Makin' love don't take your innocence away. You're mixin' up innocence 'n virginity."
"But..." you shook your head, crossing your arms over your breasts, feeling shy suddenly. "It isn't...it's not..."
"It ain't a sinful thing if you do it for the right reasons," he said gently, rubbing your thigh soothingly. "It's a natural act honey...not a bad thing when it's with someone you love. Like when we do it."
You felt stupid, looking down as it washed over you. It couldn't...it was so confusing. Everyone had always acted like it was some dangerous thing that would make you horrible if you did it. What kind of cruel secret was this? Making you feel foolish, making you feel like you should've somehow already known.
Billy could see your internal battle, and he tilted your head up with his palm on your cheek, his eyes reassuring. "Baby...the kinda innocence I'm talkin' about is in your soul. You're a good girl. Ain't ever done anythin' bad to no one. That's what makes you innocent. And I love that about you, okay? There's nothin' to be ashamed of. Not with me."
How he was saying it made sense, but you still felt embarrassed for not knowing. Your eyes fell from his face. He exhaled softly, seeming to know you were beating yourself up. "It ain't your fault you didn't know. Don't do that."
"I'm innocent," you repeated. "I'm too innocent to understand you?"
Billy winced as you recalled his words from earlier. "That was a poor choice 'f words. You just...you're...you're..."
"What?" you searched his eyes, worried over what he was going to say next.
Billy opened his mouth, then closed it, sighing. His shoulders slumped. He raised both his hands to your face, thumbs stroking the sides of your face, a half-smile turning his lips up slightly. "Beautiful. And kind. And good. You're my angel."
Your eyes pleaded with him. "Billy."
"You really felt like this the whole time?" he asked, concernedly tracing a finger down your cheek. "Musta been eatin' ya up inside..."
"It's fine," you shook your head, wanting to rid yourself of embarrassment. "It's...I..."
Billy sighed, clicking his tongue. The backs of his fingers pressed against your fingers, and he pushed your hair from your face. "All this time...you coulda..."
Could have told him. You couldn't have. Not with him slipping in and out of your life like a needle running out of thread, dipping over and under fabric. He stopped himself before he could say the rest, realizing his mistake.
"I don't wanna leave you baby," he promised in a whisper, looking down into your eyes. "I hate it, you know. Always feel like I'm usin' you, sleepin' with you and then hittin' the road again."
Tears pricked your eyes at his words. Because that was how you felt sometimes too, though you felt guilty for it. It obviously wasn't true. But that didn't erase the feeling.
Billy could see all this on your face, and his expression saddened. He leaned in, kissing your forehead. "'M sorry." He kissed your cheek. "'M so sorry baby." Then your other cheek. "'M sorry." Your nose. Then your lips, capturing them and leaning against you. "Don't deserve ya...I know that."
You sniffled, feeling overwhelmed. Billy noticed, pressing his mouth to yours again, his kiss gentle. He pulled you into his arms, his big hand pressing your head into his chest. It was then that your tears fell, everything swirling inside you like a never-ending storm. His lips dropped to the top of your head. "Kinda man am I, huh? M' sweet baby's cryin' causa' me."
A little sob escaped you, and he tensed slightly, rubbing your side. Now that your tears were falling, it seemed they wouldn't stop. Billy arm remained around you protectively as your body shook. "I know...I know pretty, I know."
"It's been so hard Billy," you choked in a broken whisper. "All those nights in between...some of them we didn't even talk, just..."
Crashing through the door. Kissing, touching. Waking up alone.
He nodded, squeezing you tighter and kissing your head again. "'M sorry sweetheart. 'M so sorry." Billy pulled you away slightly so he could look into your eyes, holding the sides of your face. "'M gonna do better for you. This ain't worth it if it's hurtin' you." He thought for a moment, resting his chin on your forehead as he did. "Maybe I can sit this next job out. Figure out what to do next."
Billy didn't make promises he didn't keep, and this whispered one against your hair lit a candle in your heart. "You will?"
"Yeah," he whispered comfortingly. "Maybe I can..." he exhaled, then nodded. "I'm gonna go talk to Tunstall."
You searched his eyes in disbelief. "Really?"
He smiled fondly, rubbing your cheeks with his thumbs. "Yeah baby. I shoulda done that awhile ago. The boys'll do just fine without me."
"It's a big change Billy," you murmured. Even though this was what you wanted him to do, you were worried about the repercussions. "Murphy-"
He shook his head. "Doesn't matter. He's gotta understand. I got my girl to think of." Billy nudged his nose against your forehead, then kissed it. "I needa keep the girl I got to think of. 'N doin' the long jobs he gives the gang ain't gonna help with that."
You smiled softly, throwing your arms around his neck, holding him close. "You'd do all that for me?"
"Yeah," he breathed, rubbing your back. "I was supposedly doin' these jobs for ya to begin with. But we're gonna change things up. Make it all better."
Billy kissed your forehead as the last of your tears dried. "It's all gonna be better."
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come talk about billy here!
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testingthewatersss · 9 months
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One day I'll get a request and keep it short, but uh, not today because this could've easily been a series. Under 4k is good for me though, so that's a win.This is my first time consciously shooting for a G/N reader in a long time so, bare with me.
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Floodgates Usual Winter Solider context warnings but this is pretty tame tbh Bucky Barnes x G/N Reader Imagine 3830 words Fluff, mild angst. 18+ MDNI Requests open for a while via messages check masterpost for updated availability.
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Everybody knows that Bucky is touch-starved. It's the unspoken truth that's used by everyone to excuse his irritable demeanour. It's the reason why nobody minds leaving the common rooms empty when he passes out on the couch in the middle of the day and Steve doesn't let Sam jab at him too much for how sweet he is on you. 
The hope that had flourished when you'd made your relationship a little more public was quickly dying out though. When all the inhabitants noticed that Barnes was still a grouch. If anything, he was more jumpy when people got too close. 
It was Bruce who suggested that the reason might be that the only person who didn't understand this blatant link between being kept isolated for the better part of a century and not tolerating mundane forms of contact might be Bucky.
After a lot of hushed discussion, Natasha was the one who decided to address it. Not being able to stand the undercurrent of gossip, but also not wanting to provoke any kind of intense reaction, she bided her time and cornered you. 
"Does Barnes know he needs some skin on skin, or is he still takin' the long way round figuring it out?"
Coffee catches in your throat. You're in a Starbucks, you've just run a stupid 5k route that you hadn't wanted to and she's asking you this, now?
"Of course, he knows" You reply after a beat, "I mean, we all know, but he really knows."
She looks unsurprised, offers you a brown sugar packet and sits back on her stool. 
"You know, couples-"
"Are you about to give me a sex talk?" you cut her off, humour making your lip quirk, "Please do not give me a sex talk"
"I wasn't talking about sex, we all know you're havin' plenty of that-"
You scoff at her, not bothering to ask how or why that's a topic of discussion at all. 
"-I know exactly what you're talking about..." you decide to say, tone a little more serious now, "...It's delicate, Nat"
"That's why I'm talking to you" she replies, "I want to stop hearin' about it, and the only way I can get Rodgers to stop talkin' is to stop him from worryin' and the only way to do that is give him something."
You consider her words for a moment before nodding. 
"He knows, I know- We all know, but it's difficult for him and I am not going to rush him into anything" You tell her, "but that doesn't mean I'm not keepin' an eye, and for what it's worth, he's gettin' better with the whole thing."
"His attitude didn't seem better this mornin'-" she counters from behind her paper cup, "He nearly Wilson put through a wall-"
"-for trying to get him to go to a couples therapist with Steve." You remind her smugly, "He told me all about it."
It's her turn to scoff then. 
"Any other personal things you want to ask me?" you press, half a challenge. She grins before making her expression intensely serious-
"So, about the sex-"
You don't linger in the cafe for long, and you definitely don't run back. You call a cab, much to Romanoff's dismay. The break from the serious atmosphere of the tower has done wonders for her mood though, and by the time you make it home your arms are ladened with bags. Fast food for everyone and clothes and some new kind of tablet thing that Tony had insisted he can turn into a portable holo-deck.
Bucky is waiting in your suite. 
The second you see him the conversation you'd had about his attitude seems ridiculous. 
He beams up at you so wide that he gets creases by his eyes, and all he can do is chatter about everything that's happened since you left.
Steve annoyed him by out-lapping him on their run. 
Wilson annoyed him, by well, breathing apparently. 
He's finally figured out how to fix the dishwasher, so he doesn't have to call maintenance anymore, and he's finished packing his bag for the mission he's leaving on in the morning, and, he tells you proudly- he's made dinner. 
It's some kind of soup, at least, you think it's meant to be a soup. But, whatever it is, it's good. And he's still smiling as you wash the dishes, bumping his hip against yours when you make a snarky comment about him still not using the dishwasher he's so proud of fixing.
And then he gets quiet. 
You're sitting together on the couch, the same way you have been for hours, with your legs barely touching but with his warm, flesh fingers wound tightly through yours. You think about asking why he's suddenly turned mute, but then you notice the time. 
"When do you leave?" You ask, stroking the back of his palm with your thumb.
"Four" he mumbles unhappily, giving your palm the lightest squeeze, "You're stayin' here, right doll? You're gonna wait for me?"
You laugh silently, pulling your legs up beside you to curl into his side. 
"Don't I always?" you tease, grinning as he reaches over with his metal hand, guiding your lips to his. 
"I'll be back before ten" He promises, "Steve promises"
"Oh, does he?" you murmur, lips still ghosting his, "You know he's driving Natasha crazy"
He quirks a brow, even so, close to his face you can see curiosity shining behind his eyes. 
"Aparently you're a jerk because I don't give you enough skin on skin"
He rolls his eyes, laughing as your fingers find his cheek.
The second you actually touch him, though- the laughter dies. He has to focus all of his energy on not moaning at the contact. 
You feel him tense and lessen the pressure, letting him move instead, pressing another kiss against your lips as he goes back to looking at you, this time, though, there's nothing but adoration behind the blue. 
"you do plenty" he whispers, before moving quickly, standing and pulling you up with him, carrying you effortlessly, "I'm fine."
"I know" You hear yourself agree, although you think he'll hear the doubt in your tone, "But- if you do ever want something, you know I'm here, right?"
What Bucky wants he thinks, is totally irrelevant. 
He wants to lay in your lap for hours, he wants to fall asleep and stay that way for hours because your fingers are in his hair. He wants to cry and not have to hide in a shower to do it. But you deserve better.
You deserve normal.
As normal as he can give you anyway. 
Not that that's much, but he can't control that he reminds himself sternly, what he can control, however, is this.
He can keep the floodgates closed. He can do what he does best and keep it down. 
He can make do with fleeting points of contact. With your hand in his, and your body in the same bed. The warmth of you is more than enough. You being there, smiling safe and lovely is more than enough. 
And when he places you on the soft mattress and watches you start to tangle yourself with the covers, he's once again certain that that is all he needs. 
What would I say, anyway? he thinks sadly, taking his place on the side of the bed that always seems too cold, How could I even bring that up without openin' a whole can of worms? 
His cheeks burn hot with embarrassment, and as he thinks tragically about how much he wants to just reach out and feel you, his eyes start to sting.
"You doin' alright, sweetheart?" you ask, already knowing that he's not. He nods though and forces a smile you recognise. 
"Tired" he mumbles unconvincingly. 
Before his cheeks can get any more pink, you decide to smile back. It works to settle him. So does the way you reach out to take his hand again. 
"I'll try not to wake you up" he promises quietly, "I'll see you tomorrow night"
"Tonight" You correct, looking over at the clock on his nightstand, "It's 1, you're leavin' in 3 hours, you better try and get some rest."
You don't know whether he does or not. He's gone when you wake up, reaching out for the fingers you normally fall asleep holding. He's left a note, telling you he loves you, and that he'll see you soon. And you tell FRIDAY to send him a message wishing him luck. When you don't get a reply, you decide to keep yourself busy. You order a delivery of food, which Bucky needs more than he realises, the state of his small built-in kitchen is shameful it's at best and depressing at its worst. 
In all fairness, a punnet of pulmbs, some milk, 2 carrots and half a loaf of bread is far from that- but still. A stock-up isn't going to hurt anything.
And then you still haven't heard, and the tower is creepy when it's empty. 
Like a school at night, you muse, walking through the walls, chattering to FRIDAY just to have some background noise.
Aside from assuring you that everyone's vital signs are fine, she can't actually do much to distract you, so in the end, you abandon her too and settle for sitting in your suite, on the bed, exactly where Bucky had left you. 
You fall asleep reading and only wake up when you hear the door click open. You beam, rubbing tiredness from your eyes as you wait expectantly for him to come in and greet you. 
He doesn't though. You can hear movement but it's not coming towards you, so you decide to just go to it instead.
"Hi, sweetheart-"
Your happy greeting dies as soon as you see him. Flushed with adrenaline, and tugging at his belt, which is still laden with grenades. When he finally rips it free, tossing it to the floor with such reckless abandon that you can't help but cringe, you walk towards him. 
He's pulling at his vest now. Metal fingers pulling desperately at the straps that hold it in place, growing more and more frustrated as he can't quite get them loose-
"Here" you whisper, hating the look of anguish he's wearing, "Let me help"
His arm snarls as you reach out to replace his fingers with your own. But to his great surprise, you don't even flinch. You just hush out a soft breath and guide the metal palm away. 
"You're fine" you promise, seeing the way he's relenting. 
His brow meets the window as he leans against it, both arms falling lamely to his sides as he focuses on breathing. 
On staying still and not just taking off running until his legs give way beneath him. 
"You're back late" you muse, flicking a glance at the wall, where the time is being projected by what you're assuming is Tony's version of a wall clock.
11: 33
"Not too late though, huh?" you continue, knowing he likes the background noise, "Is anyone hurt?"
Bucky gives a short shake of his head. 
It hurts. The movement sends daggers through his eyes. But still, he bites his tongue and tries to keep still.
He needs the vest off. He needs the layers of heavy, bulletproof padding, gone. He needs to not feel like he's dressed for battle, and he needs the ringing in his head to stop.
"Just you then" you murmur, more to yourself than to him.
"'m fine" he mutters, knowing you won't argue- especially since it's exactly what you've just told him.
You hum in quiet disagreement instead. Tugging the last of the straps free before letting the rough weighted vest fall to the ground with a dull thud that makes you wonder if you should've checked it for explosives first. 
Your voice cuts through the pulsing in his ears, making him hyper-aware of the way he's still resting his head against the cool glass of a window of all things. 
Is it better? he thinks, rolling his shoulders unhappily. 
"Yeah" he murmurs, "Yeah, thank you, sugar"
And then he turns to you, wearing the fakest smile you've ever seen, and you can't help but reach out and stroke his cheek. 
He flinches. He physically recoils back into the glass with a look so sad that you miss the false grin. 
"They-uh" he coughs, embarrassment burning through his chest, "They shouted my words out through a speaker" he confesses, "I- I probbaly shouldn't even be here- Steve, Tony, they all, all say I'm okay, but I- I might... I, I just wanted to see you"
Your phone is already in your hand. Typing frantic questions to Natasha, to Tony and Steve and feeling your whole chest relax as replies start flooding in. 
The words are deactivated, as deactived as they can be, anyway. He's not a danger, not that a different answer to that question would've changed anything, and everyone knows where he is. When he'd bolted from the Quinn-jet in irritable silence, the entire team had let him go because they knew exactly where he was going, and considering the fact that he's physically uninjured, fighting to get him to go to Med-bay would've been a waste of everyone's energy. 
They still might've tried, in fact, Steve definitely would've tried, if they hadn't all been exhausted already. 
When you look back up at him, your heart cracks straight down the middle.
He's just, waiting. 
Eyes closed, brow on the glass,with his breath making it fog up by his face. 
His back is heaving too, shining in the dim lights of the room. His back is shaking like he's crying, but his jaw is locked tight. 
"What do you need, huh?" you wonder softly, not moving to touch him again, "Sweet, sweet boy- you got off that plane, and you ran- you ran all the way here, and then you stopped in here, why?"
His eyes flicker open, red and sore. 
"I" he swallows, "I had to get it off"
You quirk your head, not understanding, and then you see the vest by his boots and nod. 
"It hurts" he mutters to himself, "It's always hurt. I needed it off"
You know he's not talking to you, but you nod all the same, hoping that it might at the very least encourage him to keep his eyes open.
And then you realise what he's saying, and you can't keep quiet anymore.
"What hurts?" you ask softly.
His cheeks are hot again. He knows that he's embarrassed. That he should be, that it's right that he's burning with shame, but with the way his head is splintering he really doesn't care.
"The vest," he tells you quietly, "My skin, it- uh...it's always... the scars they uh... I- I needed to get it off..."
He looks at you, expecting to see a hint of something. Disgust, maybe? Or pity. What he doesn't expect, is the way you just nod again, expression understanding as you inch closer towards him. 
He bites back a whimper, using all the strength he has left to not just collapse in your arms. 
Keep the floodgates closed.
"Its off..." you remind him mildly, "Your home, it's off... so, what else do you need?"
Bucky blinks, sniffing to try and stop tears from forming as he stares at you.
And then, he hears you sigh, and his chest tightens so much that he can't catch a breath. 
A sigh is never good. He thinks. He's done it. He's finally done it. He's done something that has made you realise he's a lost cause. 
He's the lost cause. 
But, when he forces himself to look back at you, wanting to memorise your face before you leave his world forever, no matter how painful it is, he sees you smiling. Leaning against the window, only inches away from him. 
"I want to help" you promise softly.
A disbelieving scoff bubbles up through the tightness of his throat, and for a second, you think he looks like himself again. Even if he's a little rough around the edges.
"You did..." Bucky reminds you quietly, "I couldn't get it off, and you helped me"
The urge to roll your eyes at his gratitude is quickly tempered by the genuine affection in his tone. You settle for nodding instead. 
"So what else do you need?"
This time, when your hand meets his face he shivers. Feeling something deep in his chest snap as he starts to lean back into the contact. 
"C-could you..." he gulps, desperately shy now, "God, doll- could you just, touch my hair?"
"Your hair" you murmur, love drenching every word as you slowly trail your fingers up past his temple, stroking through the tangled length so gently he wants to scream. 
"Please" he shudders, "don't pull-"
His frantic request chokes off incomplete, the heat in his cheeks making his jaw lock petulently.
"You don't like havin' your hair pulled?" you muse, tone light in contrast to his, "Noted."
"Does anyone?" he wonders bravely, adjusting to the slow, trailing warmth across his head.
You laugh at that, further coaxing him out of his embarrassment.
"Sure they do, Buck," you tell him conversationally, "people like all kinds of things..."
He's melting. He's sure he's physically melting into your fingers. Into the gentle tug and pull, into the wonderful, brilliant sting of human contact.
All you hear is the softest hum. It's content though, so you take it as a win. 
"So since this definitely a winner..." you drawl, bringing your free hand down to his, letting him grasp your fingers in reflex, "What else do you like?"
The part of his brain that isn't purring like a cat, stuttering to a halt at your question. His eyes focus, as he blinks at you, face full of such total adoration that you feel like you should probably look away, but he's so beautiful that you can't quite manage it. 
That makes you laugh, small and flattered as you shake your head.
"You've got me, Barnes." You remind him lightly, "If we could be doin' anything, anythin' in the world, right now what would we be doin?"
The smile he gives you then is the most precious one he's ever worn. Your whole body flushes with affection as he chuckles silently reaching up and pressing a kiss against the back of your hand, as you scratch your free knuckles against the back of his head.
"I have no idea" he mumbles honestly.
Your brow quirks, before you move, pivoting and opening your arms to coax him in.
He freezes, staring at you with longing as he offers a sad shake of his head-
"I can't- darlin'-" he stammers nervously, "I want to- I- I really- I-"
"You" he hears you whisper, "can do whatever you like."
He shakes his head again, stubborn this time.
"Not that" he mumbles, "Not to you"
"To me" you repeat, curious.
His lips tighten and then part, breath shallow as your thumb finds his cheek.
"I won't be able to stop" he explains, voice quiet like he's sharing a secret, "If I start, I won't ever be able to stop and you- you're-you're everythin' to me and I- I can't put that on you- because I really- I mean it- I don't-"
Your head is already shaking, your arms are moving, pulling him into your chest. 
"I don't think I'll ever be able to stop" Bucky feels his words melting into your shoulder, he feels the heat of your body against his. His bare chest burning against the thin fabric of your vest. The feeling of your skin against his threatening to make his knees buckle. "I- I won't be able to stop"
You shake your head, hushing him as his resistance fades away to nothing. As he goes pliant in your arms, head falling to the crook of your neck. 
"I'm sorry" he whispers, "I'm so sorry"
"You're never listen" You mumble in reply, letting his hand go so that you can hold him tight against your front, "I just told you, sweetheart..."
Bucky pulls away just enough to look at you, and when you see tears brimming in his eyes, you can't help but hush him again, noting the way his hands are wound tight into the fabric you're wearing. 
His lower lip pouts, he tries to avert his gaze but it doesn't work. He just can't manage to tear his eyes away from you. From the way you're looking at him, full of affection. Full of patience and kindness and-
"Didn't I just tell you, huh?" you murmur, smiling a little again, "You've got me"
He blinks, still not understanding. 
So you do the only thing you can. 
You kiss him. You kiss him until he pulls back, until he dips back down into your arms, tired and aching and pressing his own kisses against the skin of your throat.
"I'm not goin' anywhere" You remind him gently, "We don't ever have to stop"
We don't ever have to stop.
Your sweet words rattle through his mind all the way to the bedroom. 
If it weren't for the aching in his knees and the awful cold of the room now that he's not hidden in your front, he might not've even noticed the journey. 
He's too tired, now. His head aches, and his adrenaline is well and truly shot. But the hope of you, of more of the wonderful warmth of you, is more than enough to keep him moving through it. 
I've done worse for less, he reminds himself with every wounded step. 
We don't ever have to stop.
And then there's the bed. The edge of the bed against his calves, and he knows his hands are free and that he should be doing something but he can't think of what, no matter how hard he tries.
You remind him, your hands on his belt, your feet nudging his boots so he remembers to kick them free before finally lowering himself onto the covers.
For a minute the familiar coolness jars him. His head spins and throbs and pulses and then, 
and then your fingers are back in his hair. Your arms are wrapped around him, and all he can feel is warmth. 
Warmth and pressure building behind his eyes. Incredible pressure that finally spills free as his eyes overflow. As he surrenders and clings onto your back with all the strength he has left, and cries.
He sobs, silently at first, tears melting into your chest as you stroke his back. Whispering soothing words that you know he can't hear. Letting him finally just be. 
And then, he's asleep. And so are you, a tangle of limbs and covers and heat. The kind of heat that makes you drowsy, that makes Bucky drowsy. 
Drowsy enough to sleep through whatever nightmares were bound to have been triggered by the missions, drowsy enough to keep him that way for hours in a row. And when he does wake up, for the first time in... well, a long time- he's smiling.
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strawb3rrystar · 11 months
And In Love.
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Pairing: Bayverse! Raph x Fem! Reader
Warnings: Semi-public/fucking in the dojo, Marking, Blow-job, Fingering, Foreplay/Prepping, Size difference {Duh}, Implied first time, Lots of praise, Creampie
Word count: 700+
Based on this request | Part 1 / Part 2
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"Raph, you've been training for three hours. Don't you think it's enough?" You tilt your head, your fingers playing with the hem of his towel. He grunts, laying another punch to the punching bag. You sigh, leaning against the wall after being ignored by your boyfriend of six months. You were feeling attention-starved, Raph was training more and hanging out with you less. You set down his towel, turning to leave the dojo before a large green hand slams against the wall.
"Where are you going, princess?" He asks, sweat clear on his skin. His voice, his tone, the way his muscles flexed in front of your face. All of it made your heart flutter, even more than it already did when you were near him.
"I was going to see if Donnie needed any help." You explain, your face feeling suddenly hot. He narrows his eyes, looking you up and down. "Why?" His voice is gruff, clearly commanding you to 'sit your ass down before I make you' without saying it.
"Well clearly you're busy, and I don't want to interrupt." You reply, feeling his stare burn into your skull. He easily picks you up, slinging you over his shoulder. He turns around, setting you back down on the ground.
"We're going to spar." Your eyes widen in surprise a small 'what' escaping your lips. He gestures to you to come at him, not getting into a fighting stance. You lightly hit him, even though you knew you could never actually physically hurt him. You still didn't want to try.
"Interrupt me whenever you want." He says, making you realize why you were doing this. You watch him sit on the dojo floor "And that's final, I'm not arguing with you." He grabs you by the waist, pulling you into his lap. He kisses your cheek, your chest pressed up against his plastron. "Aren't I a distraction?" You ask, he squeezes your hips, kissing up your neck. "The best damm one," He mumbles into your neck.
"Didn't Leo say to limit yourself of all distractions?" You question, making him bite your shoulder. Not hard enough to break skin, but it definitely left a mark. "Leo can go fuck himself," Raph grumbles, squeezing your hips again.
Raph watched your delicate hands work themselves around his cock, your pretty tongue swirling around his cock head. He pushed your head down on his cock, his tip just barely being able to reach the back of your throat because of how thick he was. Fat globs of tears rolled down your cheeks from the pain in your jaw.
His thumb gently caressed your cheek, wiping away the tears. Pulling your head away from his cock, Raph grabs the hem of your waistband. He pulls down your shorts, then cups your ass.
"I'm gonna fill that pretty pussy of yours." He practically rips off your underwear, running his finger through your folds. Your slick coat his finger, making it easy to slide right into your entrance. You bury your face in his neck as his large finger reaches knuckle deep in your cunt. He could easily reach your G-spot, your walls practically throbbing from pleasure. You feel his finger leave your warmth, being replaced with the head of his cock.
"You ready, princess?" He kisses your shoulder. You nod your head, breath shaky as your heart beats quickly. A whimper escapes your lips as your pussy stretches to accommodate his size. It doesn't take more than five minutes for him to bottom out. His cock reaching well past your cervix.
"You're takin' me so well, sunshine." Raph holds onto your hips tightly, moving you up and down his length. Your soft mewls and whines fill the dojo as you claw at his shoulders. He holds onto you as if you would disappear if he didn't. Hushing you to stay quiet. He whispers sweet things to you, picking up the pace. Your eyes roll back as the knot in your stomach quickly starts to come undone. Tears of pleasure roll down your cheeks as you moan his name.
"You want me to cum your pretty cunt, princess?" He asks, his breath heavy from arousal. You nod your head rapidly, your thoughts clouded with lust. Your legs shake as you come undone on his length, feeling him twitch inside of you. Raph pushes you down on his cock fully, filling your womb with his cum. "I love you, sunshine," He hugs you tightly, kissing away your tears.
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Star's notes -> Had my doubts about this one, so I hope you guys like it. Also, this is my first time writing a two-part story.
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Taglist -> @raphaelsqueen @mamaemoemu @sleebykei @thejudiciousneurotic | Join the taglist
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sunflowersinthedirt · 4 months
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You love sunflowers and George miss you.
Angst (i’m a sad person), mentions of grief, angry issues. May have some sensitive topics to some readers.
English is not my first language and gifs are not mine.
1995: Summer.
Ringo and Paul were playing their ukuleles and conversing in the company of their respective wives. They were almost oblivious to George's presence in that vast garden. Today was a delicate day; they were finalizing the recordings for the Anthology documentary, and talking so much about John left Geo with a bittersweet (or rather, sour) taste in his mouth.
George was one of the few who didn't get to make amends with John before he passed away, and today, despite the sunny atmosphere, George was gloomy and quieter than usual. He was feeling nostalgic. He had remembered things that made him happy but at the same time, saddened him.
It was when he thought of you, looking at the sunflower garden he had planted, that the memories came flooding back. George walked over there, struggling against the feeling of sadness that seemed to take over and fill his chest. He had no idea he was being watched by Olivia and Dhani, who knew about his devotion to those flowers more than anyone. What they didn't know was the reason Geo loved sunflowers so much.
— Look, me nails and clothes are full of dirt! — Said the girl, laughing and showing her hands. — Only you'd be able to see me all dirty like this.
George laughed.
— I'm worse than you. — He said, getting up from the flowerbed and helping her up. He clapped his legs to get the excess dirt off his hands and clothes, making himself even dirtier. — And you're the prettiest girl covered in dirt I've ever seen. — He confessed, with a cheeky smile.
The girl shook her head.
— Please, love... — She laughed. — You're bein' too nice to me.
He took her in his arms. Neither of them caring that they were dirty with soil in the middle of that garden.
— You know you're gorgeous no matter what. — he said, kissin' her lips. — Thank you for helpin' me take care of this garden. And thank you for lookin' after it when I'm not around.
She smiled and felt her face warm with all the adoration and courtship from the dark-haired man.
— You know I love this garden. Takin' care of it is a way for me to ease the missin' I feel for you when you're gone. — She confessed, George's eyes staring into yours like he wanted to capture every detail of you at all once. You were, without a shadow of a doubt, the most beautiful woman George had ever seen.
You were beautiful because you were you. In your simplicity, in your little mannerisms, in the way you walked... George loved everything about you and wished he could keep you like a porcelain doll so nothin' would ever harm you.
— And I took the liberty of plantin' some sunflowers here. Don't get me wrong, I love orchids, but sunflowers will always be my favorites. — She commented. The warm wind blowing through her long hair made George pull a few strands away from her face.
— They're lovely, darling. I loved them. They made the garden more colorful. — He said. The girl smiled.
— Sunflowers are happy flowers to me. I love them. — She confessed, looking at the flowerbed. She was proud of her work. — And if I ever die, I want you to bring me sunflowers every year. Wherever I am, I'll be happy...
George's smile faded at his beloved's request. It was sudden, a happy moment turned into a melancholy mess in an instant. She was like that: very honest. Not that George wasn't aware that people could die, after all, he had already lost someone that year: his manager, Brian. He and the rest of the band were still stunned by the untimely death of someone as passionate about life as Brian.
— Y/N... — He took a deep breath, stepping away from her touch. He was tough enough not to want to cry in front of her. He didn't like thinking about the possibility of losing her one day. He'd rather go first than see the woman he loved leave forever. — I-I... I think that's a rather morbid wish, don't you think?
The girl shook her head.
— I think it's the sentence we all carry — She concluded. — I'm sorry if I touched on a sensitive subject for you.
— It's alright. — It wasn't. — We need to take a bath and get all this dirt off us.
He changed the subject and took her by the hands so quickly into the house that she didn't have time to breathe and tell him what had been bothering her. Not that she wanted to tell him, knowing that George would do everything he could to take that away from her and that would cost him a lot.
Four months later:
She was sick and no one knew except John, her best friend. When George received that phone call at the studio, something inside him knew it wasn't good news. Although the news hit him like a speeding car, he couldn't feel anything about the fact that you had told John and not him that you were in the terminal phase. The electric guitar fell from his hands, making a loud noise that pierced the acoustic walls of the studio. He wanted it all to be just a nightmare.
He blamed himself a lot. It was obvious that her thinness wasn't normal, but he was so busy with the recordings of the White album that he was living on autopilot. He fought with John. He wanted to punch John.
He wanted to hold back his tears, he didn't want to yell at one of his best friends... But John knew George had been holding back his tears since Brian's death. It was George who held down the fort with the media when Brian died because John couldn't speak.
And losing you was unbearable... And when he remembered that you had asked him to bring you sunflowers, he wanted to tear out every single flower from that garden and set it on fire.
For the first time, gardening had become a distaste for him. Geo was immensely devastated. He swallowed his pride, made peace with John, and asked his friend to accompany him on your wake. George wanted to fulfill your last request despite all the anger and sadness bottled up in his chest about those "damned flowers."
And so, every year... He brought you sunflowers. He would plant a flowerbed on your grave if it would bring you back.
Present: 1995, Summer.
George sighed. His chest seemed full of that anguish from the past, and to remember you and John now with a bitter taste in his mouth was devastating. He put on a brave face. Mentally, he made a small prayer that your spirits could find the peace you so sought in life. George had married someone he liked, had a beautiful family, but you never left Geo's heart and Friar Park. There was a part of you there, and it was those vibrant yellow flowers.
— Sunflowers are happy flowers to me. I love them.— He remembered what you had said. He no longer hated them because they were a sweet reminder of you. It was the color that was missing from his life, and in a way, it was there, almost spiritually cheering him up.
George wiped away the tears with the sleeve of his jacket, which by this point had already flooded his eyes, making his vision blurry.
— I will always love you. — He said to himself, hoping that you, Brian, and John could hear him wherever you were.
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anothermansjeans · 4 months
Okay so singer reader idea and if you’re not feelin it then that’s okay! But maybe Bye by Ariana Grande. And I imagined it like her and Spencer were together but have been broken up for a couple months and reader comes out w this song and changing the lyrics in the song to “so I grab my stuff, Penny just pulled up in the driveway.” And then they eventually get back together.
THANKS FOR REQUESTING!! ALSO some quick headcanons for this au so it makes more sense: the other 4 songs i mention reader wrote are down bad, the archer, hits different, and stranger and then after this blurb i picture reader wrote feels like !!
cw: hurt/comfort warning :((( spencer self sabotages !!!!! but happy ending :)
wc: 1k
singer!reader masterlist
Heartbreak has always been a real motivator for you when it comes to songwriting. You just hoped this motivator died the moment Spencer came into your life… unfortunately, it didn't.
Something serious happened at the BAU three weeks ago, so serious that Spencer went to your place in a panic and told you it was best if you two stopped your relationship now before anything bad happens. The media still weren't a hundred percent sure who he was, the disguises and staying on the down low really helped with that, and he claimed that's a good thing– it’s good that no one (other than close friends and family) really knew about him and his job. He told you he didn't want you in danger.
And some very small rational part of you knew he was doing the best thing his brain told him to, you were just angry and sad about it all. You love Spencer; that’s a no brainer, but you wish he would have given you the chance to make the decision if it's going to impact you. So, because of the heartbreak of him leaving that night and making absolutely no contact with you afterwards, you kind of went on a rampage with your writing.
The first song was written not even three days after it happened. Penelope pulled up to your place to give you a hug and to let you know that just because Spencer doesn't allow himself to be happy, doesn't mean she will stop being there for you. You love Penelope so much. After the visit though (and a few too many glasses of wine) you kind of threw anything you saw that was Spencer’s into a bag and handed it off to her. You wanted to keep only what was yours, and you didn't want to have to deal with it later; you didn't want to deal with the heartbreak later.
Still a bit buzzed, you decided to start working on some music. Phone recording, and fingers playing the piano, you sang whatever popped in your head.
“So I grab my stuff
Penny just pulled up in the driveway
It's time
Boy, bye
It's over, it's over, oh yeah
I'm takin' what's mine, yeah
It's over, it's over, oh yeah”
And it was out to stream within the week. You went through a lot of loopholes, long talks with your management, and producers to get it out as soon as possible. When you wrote it, it felt like it was on the tip of your tongue, and that anxious feeling made you loath everything around you. For your own mental health, it was released way before any other song or even mention of a new album. That week that was spent tying up loose ends on your management’s side was a week also full of songwriting, and you were sure you'd have an album by the end of the month.
When the surprise drop happened, people were confused. Supportive, but confused. You normally did a lot of interactions with fans online before or after a release, so your silence was concerning. You proclaimed it was your hermit season, and with that, people (that being friends and family) knew not to bother you. So you could say that when a knock on your door was heard throughout your place, you were hesitant.
You got up and looked through the peephole, sighing when you saw the genius you were still very in love with. It took you a minute to collect yourself– you didn't want to speak to him but all parts of your heart were aching for a moment with Spencer– and you slowly opened the door, seeing the sadness pool in his eyes.
“Uh– h-hi.”
“What are you doing here?” You didn't mean for your words to come out so harsh, and neither did he by the flinch he gave you.
“I wanted to talk to you…” You scoffed and shook your head. This wasn't a good idea. You began to close the door, only to abruptly stop at his voice. “I heard your song.” You stayed still, waiting for him to continue. “And I spoke to Penelope, and everyone on the team and I hate myself for letting you go the way I did and–”
“And what?” You cut him off, practically begging him to give you something to hold on to.
“And I want to try and talk to you about this and do anything I can to try and make this up.”
You softened a bit, and gave a nod, opening your door wider for him to enter. When he did, you motioned at him, “keep going.”
He took a deep breath and gave direct eye contact as he spoke, “I self sabotage, but in addition to that, I’m terrified of anything happening to you.” He waited a moment, clearly collecting his thoughts, “I see what happens to the loved ones of those on my team. I never want that to happen to you.”
“I understand that, but that doesn't give you the right to make the decision to end things without consulting me.”
“And I completely agree and understand.” His words were quick. “I know I’m allowed to be cautious but I should have spoken to you and tried to figure out how you felt on the subject.”
“Exactly.” You stared at each other, and your eyes began to fill with tears. “You are never allowed to do that to me again. Leaving me… safely stranded… I hated it, Spencer, and I love you so much, so you are never allowed to do that again.”
He took that as his in, and tentatively took a step towards you, bringing his hands up to your arms and gently squeezing them. “Never. I love you too, I am so sorry, Y/N.”
You gave a nod and moved closer to him, loosely wrapping your arms around his waist and feeling his arms engulf you. You waited a moment before speaking, “I wrote four other songs about you.” He hummed in agreement, “and they're all going on the next album.”
He gave a soft chuckle, “I completely understand,” and he left a soft kiss on the top of your head. A huge weight was lifted off of you, and you never felt more at home.
singer!reader taglist: @itsleilabxtch @wietske27 @taylorswiftilovecowboylikeme @marshatesthisreality @ladylincoln @delightfulmakerpiegiant @chericherrypie @punksnotdeadbutiam @stillhere197 @laddywitch @httpstoyosi @obi-wansgirl @amandareids
let me know if you would like to be added or removed!
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strang3lov3 · 4 months
I'M SO PROUD OF YOU, 5K??? THAT'S SO MANY PEOPLE I'd be scared being in a room with 5k people
anyway I wanna send you some 🍆 horny old man head cannons and it's gonna give you a throwback to how we met HAH.
We've had this conversation some time ago, but: JIM FUCKING HOPPER
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horny thoughts I have about him:
I don‘t know if you remember that one Jopper fan art where Joyce's on top and Hop just looks SMITTEN
definitely loves having his girl riding him (maybe not all the time though?)
and definitely grabs your hips with his huge hands to guide you
or your boobs, but mostly your hips
lots of eye contact
maybe sometimes gets your focus back on him with a little "eyes on me"
loves when you support yourself on his pecs, loves feeling your nails dig into his skin when he hits that sweet spot
isn't very vocal, he's just focusing on the feeling and watching you
you do hear him pant every now and then or like suppressing a moan/growl
calls you a dirty girl, but in an encouraging way, just letting you take what you need
lets out a single husky moan/growl when he's finishing, and it gets you every. time.
other thoughts/random things that get him riled up:
watching you take a drag from his cigarette while you keep eye contact
you standing up for yourself (or even him) when someone gives you/him shit
I can't think of more rn I'll know where to find you if I have more thoughts
Ohhhh man. Yup, just last year I was all bright eyed and bushy tailed, ready to grab fic writing by the balls and write my first dilf love, Jim Hopper. And I tried it. And I fucking sucked at it. And then you said hey are you ever gonna write my request? And I was like lol nope. Remember when you sent me a request that I completely changed and made it for Joel instead 😭 or how you’d read all my fics before I posted them and leave the most horny and loving comments on the doc 😭😭🩷🩷🩷 I love you so much. You’re the very first friend I made on tumblr and I will cherish you forever.
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You know what I think about Hopper? I think he loves eating pussy, sure. But there is nothing in this world this man loves more than a blowjob. I’m sure of it.
Think about it. You’re driving along the backroads, going way too fucking fast and Hop pulls you over. He’s warned you before, so this time you get a ticket. And you really can’t afford that right now.
You drop to your knees, fumbling with his belt buckle and he asks if you’re trying to bribe a cop. Of course not, you tell him.
Hopper unbuckles his belt the rest of the way before pulling his semi-hard cock out, grinning down at you because it’s his lucky day. You’re gonna suck his dick and he doesn’t have to do any paperwork from giving you a ticket. Score!
You wrap your hand around the base of his cock, Hopper sighs and leans his head back against your car. He keeps a steady hand on your head as the head of his cock parts your lips and you swirl your tongue around that perfect part of him. He tastes sweaty and masculine, just like you’ve imagined. And oh, have you imagined it.
His cock fills your mouth perfectly, you trace your tongue along his thick, protruding veins. “Takin’ it so good, sweetheart,” he tells you, jutting his hips forward and inching himself down your throat. Your nose buried in that patch of thick curls, he loves the way you look at him from below, the same look every woman gives him when he fucks her mouth. All wide eyed and teary with the ache, so eager to please him. “Such a good girl.” He comes with a deep groan, painting your tongue with his hot spend. You take it all, just like you’re meant to.
Hopper’s a gentleman and helps you to your feet, rips up the ticket he wrote and sends you on your way. You never do quite learn your lesson and slow down, not when speeding in your car can be rewarded with his cock in your mouth.
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your-nanas-house · 11 months
maybe you could write something where 70s elvis gets an assistant who is the reader. the reader is like socially oblivious and kinda shy which is so different from other people around him. elvis like playfully flirts and stuff?
Thank you for the request, darling! I'm still insecure about my writing on Elvis, I hope you'll enjoy. ❤️🍓
Driving around
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◇ Pairing: 70s!Elvis Presley X assistant!Reader
◇ Warnings: flirt, implied smut (kind of), shyness, innocence, Elvis being a tease, mention of age gap (both adults)
◇ Summary: You go out on a drive with your boss Mr Presley
◇ Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English.
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You had started working for Mr Presley since a few months now and you didn't mind, you were doing your best even though your personality was decidedly different from all the people who surrounded you every day.
You knew that you only got that job because your mom knew Elvis and he, being the sweet and carrying person that he was, had found a way for you to work and earn something, just like your momma wanted.
The only problem was that your shyness held you back a bit, there were certain moments when you were a bit of a mess– making mistakes and messes up.
Not that your boss really minded that, you were just a bit clumsy sometimes.
In fact, Mr Presley found this characteristic of yours pretty funny and adorable, which is why he started "playing" with you, flirting and making you blush on purpose just to see that moment of panic appear on your completely flushed face.
That evening you were at Graceland, you were finishing organizing the things Elvis would have to do in the next few days when his voice interrupted your task on which you were very focused.
"Mama— Feel like takin' a drive? Need to get some air" he announced, leaning against the table, his eyes on you
"Just me and you" he clarifies quickly.
Your eyes quickly focused on his, your eyebrows were raised in an almost funny way and your face was showing pure curiosity and worry.
Why did he want to go out? Was he okay? He needed to rest too.
"Whatcha say... you and I step out, little lady? Drive around and just take in the night? Nothing else. Just us." He repeats when he saw that you weren't replying to his proposal of the night.
You blushed softly and tried to hide it as you replied quickly, giving a fast check at the schedule of the week
"Dunno, Mr Presley. You should rest, you have an impegnative and busy day tomorrow—" you tried to reason with him, glancing at his piercing blue eyes and the little smirk on his face.
Elvis chuckled softly, grinning as he put on his sunglasses and his coat
"Ain't nothin' but night out, mama" He reached out and tucked a hair behind your ear in a soft and smooth motion, making your heart beat faster and your face become a darker red.
Your body squirmed slightly on the chair where you were sitting as you replied, gulping softly while trying to not stammer in an embarrassing way
"O-Ok, Mr Presley. But where are we going?" You asked, grabbing your coat quickly, jogging after him till the front door.
Elvis smiled in a softer way, wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you a bit closer to him
"Just for a ride, honey. That's all I promise."
He gently pushed your chin, to get a better look at your blushing face, making you feel even more shy and helpless under his amused and teasing gaze— thing that apparently amused him very much.
"My my, missy. It's adorable to see you blush, ya know?"
He leaned forward and run his nose against yours softly, chuckling lowly when you rush quickly to the car to hide your flashed face.
"Let's go then, we have to go to bed early to be fresh and rested, Mr Presley!"
Elvis chuckled, following you with his hand on the small of your back
"Well, little lady" he paused, putting his other hand on your cheek, just to make you squirm and react at his intimate touch
"I think you're adorable no matter how fresh and rested you are. Now—" He opened the passenger door for you with a playful grin
"Hop on in, mama"
You hopped quickly in, letting him close the door before turning to look at him getting in from the opposite side and sit at the driver seat.
You were quite nervous, being so close an all alone with your boss was quite scaring for you, expecially because he made you feel so many emotions that made you act like a complete fool.
The ride was silent at first but Elvis opened his mouth as soon as the car pulled out of the gates of Graceland— he leaned his elbow on the open window and kept holding the wheel with his free hand, turning to you as he pulled out into the street
"How's work treatin' you, baby?" he asked, glancing in your direction before focusing his gaze back to the front.
"G-Good" you replied stammering softly in embarrassment, a soft smile on your now less flushed face "I really like working for you, Mr Presley" you assured him quickly as you looked in his direction.
Elvis smiled at you, it was nice hearing you say that, especially because he cared about you
"I'm glad you do, hon... I'm glad" he murmured as he rested his hand over yours, looking down at your small hand in his for a moment.
It felt nice but you luckily got distracted when he turned on the radio and the music began to play, filling the car, creating a soft and kind of intimate atmosphere.
As soon as Mr Presley stopped the car at a stoplight, he turned his head towards you, seeing you watch at his hand, which was still holding yours
"You know..." he began, catching your attention but also catching you off guard by leaning over and kiss your cheek before turning his head back to the road when the light became green
"I hope ya don't mind" he chuckles softly, teasing "You're a little different than most girls I know." He added with a gentle squeeze at your hand.
You didn't really know if it was a bad or a good thing but it made your tummy feel a weird sensation and your face flushed again, maming Elvis look back over at you with his iconic smirk
"Is my missy blushing?" He asked with a teasing tone, chuckling harder when he saw with the corner of his eye your poor attempt to hide your face with your hands.
He parked the car and he leaned over again and, this time, lightly put his mouth against your ear
"If this is you just blushing, I can't imagine how pink you'd be if I did somethin' a little more..." he teased softly letting you continue the sentence in your head, interpreting it as you saw fit.
You gasped loudly, your pretty eyes going wide at his boldness
"Mr Presley!" you scolded softly, blushing harder than before while getting all nervous; he just grinned and turned the radio back up, shifting his arm around you once more
"Missy, I was joking around. Ain't no reason for you to be thinkin' I want you for more than a little company this evening" he reassured you, gifting you a cute smirk of his.
That made you calm down a bit, your heart was still beating fast but your cheeks were less warm than before, your hand busy playing with your dress to distract you from the dominant presence of your momma's friend.
Elvis noticed it almost immediately and moved his big hand in your hair, scratching softly your scalf before moving it away
"Hey, hey missy" He placed his hand over yours, not allowing you to play with your dress further
"Ain't no reason to be worried, honey. I'm just bein' a tease."
You knew it, you really did, but he made you so nervous and shy that you couldn't really control it in anyway around him and the bad thing was that he knew it— he knew it and loved it so much. He really had such a strong power over your mind and body.
Elvis chuckled slightly, his eyes catching on your pretty face as he started his car again
"My my, the way you look at me... Little lady..."
He murmured, almost purring, turning the music down a little
"You got some kinda crush on me?" he asked with a teasing smile, enjoying your shy and awkward reaction that stopped as soon as he leaned down and placed his soft plump lips against yours in a tender but needed kiss.
Elvis chuckled, gently rubbing your thigh and smiling softly against your lips— his eyes still close, you could feel his long eyelashes flatter against your skin.
He really didn't mind you, he loved it— your blush, your stuttering.
It was precious to him.
He loved it and he was more sure about it every day since you started to work for him.
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@gabile18 , @mrsfullbuster500 , @rex-ray , @elizamalfoyy, @eovjjj , @wife-of-magic-monkeys , @jeremiah-va1eska , @gothamchic16, @rabbiteggz , @dieg0brandos-wife , @rottenecstasy , @lazyexcuse , @teh-vampire-bunny , @lobotomy-lover , @slasher-smasher , @sleepycreativewriter
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dreamingofep · 1 year
At Ease
(Elvis/Austin!Elvis × reader)
Character/Fandom: Elvis - Elvis (2022)
Request: kinda🤭
Prompt: Today is the day Elvis comes home from the army and you’re waiting for him with open arms. He wants to show you how much he missed you. [Fem!Reader]
TW: Cussing, teasing/ tension, SMUTTT, oral sex, fingering, the usual really dirty stuff.
Rating: Explicit/Mature (NSFW, 18+, so minors Do NOT Interact)
Word Count: 5K
A/N: Hello everyone!
I love some army Elvis and he looks way too damn good to not write about him! Like who gave him the fucking right I hate it. This idea came with the help of @loving-elvis when we noticed how beautiful he looked in this interview and what fun could be had on that desk🤭 I purposefully put that bottom left picture on here for good reasons 🫣 Thank you @cryingabtab for the title name🩷
Again this man has me weak, I’ll never get over him so I hope you enjoy this little one shot and let me know what you think!
I also mentioned earlier that I'm also posting my fics on Ao3 so you can read my stuff there too if you want! The link is on my masterlist. Thank you again❤️
Sorry for any spelling mistakes or goofs.
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March 7th, 1960
Excited nerves rattled your body as you waited for the white gates to open to Graceland. These last two years have felt like a lifetime since the last time you saw Elvis. He left your life in such an abrupt fashion and you couldn’t believe they shipped him off to Germany so quickly. 
You had only been seeing each other for a few months before he was shipped off so it wasn’t a serious relationship by any means. You both did have a really nice connection though. One that was so easy you didn’t need to think about being a certain way with him or do anything that you didn’t feel was right. He just had this presence that calmed you, but also left you on edge with a tingly sensation running down your spine. 
He was just as heartbroken about the news of the draft as you were. His career was taking off and he was doing what he loved. Couldn’t help but feel he was cheated of the opportunity to do more, but he’s coming back home today and you know he’s going to make a big impact with whatever he does next. 
On his last day here in Memphis, you clung to his shoulders, not wanting him to go so soon. You had hope that things could go further with him but the draft might spoil those chances. 
“When I come back, if you don’t already have a man takin’ care of ya, will you be here waiting for me?” His voice cracking with emotion. 
You gazed into his beautiful blue eyes, trying to memorize how they look into yours. 
“Yes honey, I’ll be here,” you whisper. 
He cracks that crooked smile you love so much and kisses you passionately, flames building inside you. His hands squeeze your hips, pulling you in closer to his warm body. You feel your heart gallop in your chest, your body wanting him like never before. But it’s all too late, and the wonder of what could have been will haunt your dreams for the next two years. He pulls away and looks at you breathlessly. 
“If you want, will you be good for me? Stay untouched and everything,” he asks innocently with a glint of mischief in his eyes. 
You nod your head, squeezing his hand assuredly. 
Within these last two years, no guy has caught your eye, not the way Elvis Presley does. Your friends would set you up on dates with some guys but they always fell short compared to Elvis.
His daddy let you know a few days before that Elvis was coming home and he wanted you there if you weren’t busy. You were thrilled Elvis told him about you, giving you a glint of hope that he still has feelings for you. You knew you were playing a dangerous game though. Elvis could have found a new love in Germany and forgot all about you or he might want you again. 
The white gates slowly open and the black Cadillac makes its way up the winding driveway. Everyone that gathered on the steps of Graceland buzzed with excitement to get a glimpse of Elvis after all this time. 
The back door opens and out comes that tall, blue-eyed boy you’ve missed so much. He was wearing all black, his tan chest peeking out from his dress shirt that was unbuttoned to the middle of his chest. A gold medallion hung from his neck and he flashed that million-dollar smile you had seen so many times in newspapers and magazines. His hair perfectly styled and drooping down onto his forehead when he moved. You couldn’t imagine a better looking man.
He gets rushed with hugs and kisses from his family members and you can’t help but feel the excitement grow inside you to get a hug from him next. His eyes dart up to meet yours standing there on the stoop of the entryway and he looks at you in awe. He politely parts from everyone and makes a beeline to you standing there. He looks you up and down, his eyes lingering places on your body longer than he normally would and it makes you blush. Elvis bites his lower lip as he smiles and shakes his head at you, “well goddamn. Aren’t you the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he gushes. He wraps his arms around your torso and picks you up, giving you a big hug. You can’t help but squeal as he squeezes the air out of you. You giggle as you breathe again and instinctively wrap your arms around his neck. He places a soft kiss on your cheek and sets you back on the ground, taking another look at you. 
“Is it possible you got more handsome?” You ask coyly. He grins down at you, not letting go of your waist. There’s an intense heat radiating through him, his eyes boring holes into your entire body.
“No honey I’m still just me. You on the other hand… my God you look so gorgeous. I really missed you,” he smiles. 
You can’t help but reach for his face, caressing it with your thumb, and look into those mesmerizing eyes. 
“I missed you too Elvis,” you say shyly. 
He reaches for your hand and intertwines his fingers in yours. He looks back to the crowd forming and pulls you into the house, closing the door hoping no one will notice his absence. 
“Where are we going?” you say in a hushed whisper as he’s pulling you swiftly to the back of the house. 
“Away from everyone. I just want a second with ya before I get bombarded with people,” he says as he opens the back door and rushes into the back office outside. He closes the door and the stillness of the office brings a chill to you. Not only that, but the way Elvis feels around you is something you hadn’t experienced before. He feels so comforting and at the same time, dangerous? You can’t really put a finger on what it is but something has changed about him. And it’s not necessarily a bad thing either, it’s just overwhelming and makes you want to sink to your knees. The confidence that he carried now shined through him like never before. When he left, he was still trying to figure himself out, the fame blinded him and he was still a little shy kid from Tupelo. But now, the confidence he carries is so… attractive. You don’t want to get away from him.
Elvis’ hands find your waist once more and pulls you in to hug you, leaning down his face into the crook of your neck. A chill forms all over his body as his skin touches yours. 
More… your body screams. 
Your brain races a million miles per second and you try to calm yourself down. 
He sighs softly and looks back at you, almost unsure of what to say. 
“I’m so glad you’re here. I wouldn’t want anyone else waiting for me,” he coos, tucking your hair behind your ear, showing your face to him. 
“I wouldn’t have missed it, honey. It’s been too long,” you say, your hand snaking up to his soft hair. 
A new tension forms in the room and your heart pounds because of it. There’s a dangerous glint in his eye the more he looks at you. A look of want? Need? No, lust. Raging, burning, lust when he stares at you. He parts his lips and subtly licks them, his eyes looking like they’re intoxicated. 
“Baby?” He murmurs. 
“Hmm,” you say dreamily. 
“I need to kiss you,” he says as his breathing starts to hitch. 
Your hands grab onto the front of his shirt and pull him in closer. 
“Well what are you waiting for,” you whisper, pulling him into you and reaching up to kiss him. 
His soft lush lips press into yours and you could swear this is what heaven feels like. He breathes in deeply as he goes for another kiss, heat coming off of him in abundance. Your hand wanders over his chest, feeling the soft little hairs that lay there. His lips continue to devour yours, putting his hand on the back of your neck, making a soft airy moan slip from your lips as he deepens the kiss. 
Elvis likes this response from you, letting a moan of his own come out and he pushes his hips into your body. Your heart dances wildly, relishing in this new sensation he’s giving you, feeling his member grow hard with need. You gasp when you feel his bulge and your core begins to throb. 
You look up at him breathless, needing more of him but not too sure what to do next. 
“Oh honey,” he mutters, his hands grappling at your dress, scrunching up the pretty tulle fabric. 
“Elvis… I-I-I want you… you feel good,” you stutter out. 
A cute coy smile appears across his face. 
“You feel even better baby.” He says cutely. 
He walks you back toward the desk, lifting you up and sitting you down on the cold surface. He steps in between your legs, causing you to spread them apart more than you normally would. 
“Baby uh,” he stammers. 
“What honey?” 
“Have you been good? Staying a good little girl for me?” He asks. Heat rushes to your core as you realize what he’s asking of you. 
“Mhmm, yes honey. Been on my best behavior,” you assure. 
A little smirk forms on his face and he grabs a hand full of your dress up, moving it above your knee and stopping there. 
“Can I see? Can I feel how good you’ve been?” He says low, his voice dripping with temptation. 
Wetness pools in your panties and there’s nothing more enticing than having Elvis touch you. You want it so bad it feels like you can’t breathe properly without his skin on yours. 
“Yes, you can touch me,” you squeak out. 
He lifts your dress up higher, exposing your white cotton panties that now had a wet stain on them. He sees the stain and his eyebrows shoot up and he hums to himself in contentment. 
He loops his fingers into the waistband of your panties and you lift up your hips to help him get them off of you. 
You’re left exposed there on the table not sure what the state of your pussy might be looking like but based on the way it feels, it has to look a mess. He crouched down to get a better look at you, spreading open your folds with two of his fingers and seeing the wetness spilling out of you. 
“Fuck,” he murmurs. “Someone’s been a very bad girl,” he tsks. 
Your whole body feels on edge and a bit embarrassed, but you know Elvis wouldn’t make you feel bad about this sort of thing. 
“I’ve only been bad since you drove through those gates,” you stammer. “Just the sight of you has me dying…”
“Oh I see honey… can I feel how bad… how bad this pussy needs attention” 
Your heart thumps wildly and you are so magnetized to him and his gaze. You never want him to stop looking at you like this. 
“Yes, please touch me,” you whimper. 
He leans into kiss you, his tongue entering your mouth and tangling against yours. You pull him in again by his collar and moan. He slowly pulls away, his eyes looking at you ravenously. 
Elvis places his index finger on your lips, rubbing it along your bottom lip. 
“Open your mouth and lick,” he instructs. 
Your breathing hitches and you nod your head, opening your lips apart and letting him push his finger in your mouth. You lick his long finger, swirling it like a lollipop, getting most of it wet with your saliva. You grab onto his wrist and continue the motions as he watches you intensely. A deep guttural growl comes out of him as you look up at him with pleading eyes, watching him come undone with this one small act. 
He slowly pulls his finger out, traveling down to your wet heat. His finger gets in between your slick, wet, folds and he cusses when he feels how soaked you are. He rubs it back and forth a few times, giving you a new shocking feeling and increasing the throbbing sensation that has formed there. His fingertip finds your entrance and he carefully plunges it into your core. You gasp, never having been penetrated before and unaccustomed to anything being inside you. His finger feels so long inside you and your walls hug it taught. Your mind races with the thought of what his dick could feel like inside you. If his fingers were long… surely he had something to hide in his pants. 
Elvis moans when he gets knuckle deep inside you, grabbing onto your thigh and squeezing it with his other hand. 
“Fuck honey, this pussy feels perfect. I want to be inside you so bad,” he moans, his finger curling up and pushing up against this spot inside you that could make you scream. 
“Mmm, oh god yes,” you moan, bucking your hips into his hand. He gives a pleased chuckle as he watches you grind more, figuring out what feels best. 
Suddenly, a group of voices start to get closer to the office and their footsteps become louder. You freeze, your heart sinking to your stomach as you don’t know what to do.
“Shit,” he mutters to himself.
He carefully pulls his finger out and licks all the slick that’s gathered on his finger. He moans when it hits his tongue and his eyes roll back slightly. 
“Mmm, taste so sweet honey. We’re gonna have to wait though, the reporters are coming, I need you to hide,” He says controlled. 
“What? Right now? Crap, where should I go?” You say in a bit of a panic. 
He pulls your dress down as the voices become louder, “get underneath the desk baby. Don’t make a sound,” he says as he leads you to the back of the desk and covers the back of your head so it doesn’t get hit. You crouch down and get in the corner of the desk, bending your knees up to your chest and try to control your breathing. 
The door bursts open and a bunch of men’s voices fill the small office. You hear camera bulbs flash and everyone trying to get Elvis' attention. 
“Elvis right here!”
“Elvis how’s it feel to be home?!” 
“Elvis turn to the left please!”
You hear his father’s voice telling them to calm down and ask questions one at a time. 
Elvis is quiet as they snap a few pictures and then he goes to sit down behind the desk. You see his legs move the chair aside and sits down, spreading his legs open and pulling his slacks up. 
You stare at how he’s sitting like he’s just teasing you in your helpless state. He leans forward on the desk, waiting for the reporters to get organized before they ask their first question. There’s little light coming through but your eyes get drawn to his crotch. There you see the outline of his hard member, pressing against his leg. You have to place your hand over your mouth from the gasp you wanted to make. He was so much longer than you could have ever anticipated and that growing need of having him inside you grew immensely. 
The throbbing grew inside you and you squeeze your legs together, needing some relief. You pray that this interview isn’t an hour long or something because you’re going to be in agony by then. Elvis starts answering questions very nonchalantly, his smooth deep voice bringing a zing to your core. His southern inflection on certain words makes your heart leap out of your chest. How can he be so sexy just doing the bare minimum?
His foot rubs against your leg, rubbing it up and down as he sits back and swivels his chair side to side answering the questions. 
Your hand snakes up his pant leg and you squeeze his calf. His leg tenses when he first feels you but then relaxes. Your fingers rub slow soft circles on his toned leg and he starts to move it. You’re not sure if he’s moving it out of nervousness or out of distraction but you can’t keep your hands off of him. 
The next question has you at attention and you stop rubbing his leg. 
“Elvis, did you find anyone special over there?”
He chuckles amused by the question, “No no I didn’t. I did meet this one girl… but it was no big love affair or anything. They just took some pictures when I was getting on the plane that’s all.”
You let out a sigh of relief, thankful he wasn’t madly in love with someone else overseas. But right now it honestly didn’t really matter, he wanted you and was wanting to make love to you and your body craves him. He scoots the chair in some more, leaning on the desk waiting for more questions. Your hand travels further up and finds his still hard length. The heat radiates off of him and it makes your mouth water. You rub it gently, up and down, feeling his body stiffen when you put more pressure. He clears his throat as he answers the next question and pushes the chair in even further under the table, giving you better access. 
His hips subtly rut into your hand and your need for him grows when he does this. You never thought you could make him feel like this but you have him all in your hand and based on how he’s moving, he’s loving it. 
You feel your wetness seep out of you and run down your leg. You were turned on like never before and needed him to pour all of his attention on you.
More…. Your body continues to scream. 
Your hands move up further until you find the button of his pants and slowly slide down the zipper. 
He puts one of his hands on his thigh and scrunches the material of his slacks in a frustrated manner. 
You make sure not to move too quickly to not give any attention to what’s happening behind the desk. Your hand reaches into his pants and pulls out his hard length. You press your lips together to hold make the moan you want to make as you stare at his cock. 
He was much longer than you thought and part of you is nervous to have all of that inside you, but on the other hand, you are so unbelievably horny for him, wanting him to stuff you to the hilt with it. You feel the tip of him leaking with a clear fluid. Your thumb swirls it, spreading it along his head and his hips jolt forward, making it seem like he was just adjusting in his seat. 
Your hand starts to slowly jerk him, feeling the heat of him in your palm like a hot rod. You feel so dirty for doing this but love that it’s with Elvis and it seems he’s enjoying it. Another really bad idea comes into your mind. One that you’ve only ever heard of from other girlfriends and right now, it seems like a really good idea. You want him in your mouth. 
Your heart continues to gallop, almost sure that everyone can hear it in this room. You decide to go for it, and pull back his foreskin and swirl your tongue on it. The clear fluid tastes salty but your mouth waters for more. You wrap your lips around him and put more of him in your mouth. You hear him take a deep breath in as he answers the last question and try to maintain his calm stature. 
Your wetness continues to pool more and the throbbing becomes almost insatiable. You try to not make any noise with your mouth but it is difficult. You have to take it slow and based on Elvis’ hip motions, he’s liking it. 
The reporters thank Elvis for his time and people start to file out. A few of them hang back trying to get another question in but his daddy escorts them out and informs them the interview is done. 
“Daddy, please let me be alone in here. Don’t let anyone in. I need a moment to myself,” He says calmly as your mouth takes more of him. You hear his audible gasp and clear his throat again. 
“Sure son, no problem,” He assures. 
The click of the door closes and Elvis stays still, making sure no one is going to come in. He moves his hips away from you and you release his length from your mouth. He stands up and swiftly goes to the door, turning the top bolt. You hear his footsteps come around the desk and he pushes the chair away from it. He reaches his hand underneath the desk and finds your arm and pulls you out from underneath. 
He has fire in his eyes and looks so unbelievably intense. Taking the back of his forearm, he wipes the desk off clean. Papers fluttered into the ground and paperweights made a loud thud when they hit the carpet. 
He picks you up underneath your arms and sits you down firmly on the desk. Your eyes wander down to his open slacks and see his length in a better light. You softly moan when you see it, veins protruding from his shaft and the head of it peeking from his foreskin, red and glistening with your spit. 
He places his hand on your chin, making you look up into his eyes. 
“Jesus Christ woman, look what you’ve done to me,” his head shoots down to look at his length. He doesn’t let your head move and you just have to wait for what he wants to do next. 
“That stuff you were doing was very bad… I liked it a bit too much,” he says devilishly. 
“Oh yeah? I wasn’t sure but… I’m glad you did. I really liked it too,” you say timidly. 
His hands squeeze your thighs, spreading your legs open and pulling up your dress to rest his cock on your folds. You gasp at the sensation and he moans deeply. He takes his cock in his hand to rub the tip of it on your sensitive bundle of nerves. You gasp and claw at his arm, cussing underneath your breath. 
“God you’re so wet honey,” he groans as his length gathers more of your arousal on him. He watches you intently, seeing how your eyes cannot be taken away from his length. He chuckles inwardly and continues to tease you. 
“You see something you like?” He asks deviously. 
Your breathing quickens as you continue to watch him rub his length through your folds. 
“Y-y-yes Elvis I umm… oh God,” you pant, letting these euphoric feelings wash over your body. 
“What baby, what is it? Tell me what you’re thinkin’,” he tantalizes. 
You bite the inside of your cheek, feeling your cheeks turn scarlet with what you’re about to say. “I just… umm… I didn’t expect you to be so… so big,” you mutter, looking back up into his eyes. 
A soft smirk forms on his face, “it’s gonna feel even better inside you,” he coos. “Are you ready for me? You want me to take care of you?” 
Your head feels like you’re on a cloud and drunk on him at the same time. 
“Yes please,” you mewl. 
He pulls your dress up off your body and pushes you back on the desk to have you lie down. The cold surface hits your back and sends chills through you as Elvis looms over you. His hands squeeze your breasts and another bolt of lightning travels through your body to your core. 
He lines himself up and pushes the tip in, making you cry out. He grunts when he tries to put more inside of you. 
“Fuck honey you’re so tight. You need some help taking me.” He says pulling out of you and placing two fingers on your clit and rubbing there. You let out another needy moan as he works you. He coats his two fingers in your wetness and carefully pushed them inside you. 
“Ohmygod,” you cry out and your head pops up off of the desk to watch him finger you. He curls them and feels out your fluttering walls. 
“Yes baby that’s it, keep nice and relaxed for me,” He beckons. His fingers reach places you haven’t even known about, making the slick between your legs grow even more. You begin to rut into his hand, letting your instincts take over and get the most pleasure out of it. 
He groans when he watches you, almost looking envious of his fingers with how good they’re making you feel. 
He quickly pulls them out of you and you moan with feeling so empty. 
He lines himself up again against your weeping hole and looks at you, he sees your pleading eyes wild and lust-filled. 
He pushes himself in and groans heavily, your wet heat wrapping tightly around him. You cry out for him, feeling the searing pain and pleasure filling your body. He keeps a slow pace, pushing in more of his length with each thrust. You watch as he pulls out his cock and see your wetness cover it, then get buried back inside you. It’s all too much, the sensations that he brings to you are like nothing you’ve ever experienced or thought you could experience. 
Elvis hisses as he moves faster, “goddamn honey, feeling so good. Squeezing my cock so tight already,” he slurs. He grabs onto your hips and starts to drive into you like this. You moan louder, feeling the pain sear through you. 
“Elvis please,” you cry. He rubs one of his thumbs on your clit and moves it in fast circles.  
“You’re doing so good honey. Almost there,” he says as he pushes the rest of his length inside you making both of you groan. 
“Oh god Elvis yes,” you moan. Pleasure slowly starts to seep through your veins and tightens the coil in your belly. He moves his hips faster, hitting all the right places and making you feel so good. 
His face looks gorgeous like this, so concentrated on you but so lustful. He makes the most delicious noises when he takes you, grunting and panting for air as he stuffs you completely. His eyes are glued to his length going in and out of you and how each snap of his hips makes you moan even louder. 
The pain subsides and all you can feel is mind-blowing satisfaction. You sit up on your forearms to look at him fuck you, your coil tightening by the second. His hips pound into you harder, rubbing your clit with the perfect amount of pressure, bringing you closer to orgasm. 
His eyes drink you in and suddenly stop when he looks at your belly. He cusses and places his hands on your lower belly, putting a new pressure there making you feel so full. Every snap of his hips drives you wild and you’re so close to screaming his name. 
“Look baby, look how deep I am inside ya,” he grunts breathlessly. He lifts his hand and you can see the poking of his head pushing up on your lower abdomen. You moan deeply, unable to take much more. The squelching coming from between your legs makes Elvis take you faster, wanting to take you to the edge. 
“Fuck Elvis, that’s so good,” you gasp, placing your own hand on your belly to feel him inside you. 
He growls, too far gone with lust raging through him, “Oh honey, takin’ me so good. You’re gonna make me cum,” he groans. 
He leans down to suck on your breast, licking and biting at your nipples. Your walls flutter and you know you’re going to cum. He sees the panic and pounds into you harder, almost knocking the wind out of you.
“Come on baby, let yourself go,” he pleads.
You throw your head back and scream for him as your walls squeeze around his girth. Your entire body radiates with pleasure and you can’t catch your breath with how he’s taking you. 
He moans your name too, barely able to contain himself while he’s inside you.
“Goddamn baby, I need to cum…” he grunts through his teeth, his hips becoming sporadic and his strides uneven.
He abruptly pulls out of you and jerks his cock in his hand. You watch as white-hot spurts come shooting out of him and into your belly. You watch in awe as he comes undone in front of you, probably one of the single most hottest things you had ever seen in your life. The way his eyebrows furrow together and opens his mouth before letting out the most satisfying-sounding moan you’ve ever heard.
Elvis pants over you, wiping the sweat from his brow and leaning onto the desk with one hand. You look up at him in a daze, unable to comprehend what has happened within this last hour. Your body feels weak yet floating on a cloud. You have no idea sex could be that good let alone it being your first time. Those famous hips put in the work and left you breathless. You look down at the pool of his arousal sitting on your belly, and back up to him.
“Was that okay for you honey? Did I do a good job?” He asks innocently. You nod your head yes quickly, almost laughing that he even had to ask you that. 
“Oh yeah honey, you were… God I have no idea what to say, It was so damn good,” you gush.
A smile forms on his face as he looks at your body again, “Good baby, I loved it too. I couldn’t get enough,” he teases, wiping your belly off with a tissue.
“Well umm… I’m free for the rest of the day…. If you decided you wanted some more of me,” you tease.
He lets out a little chuckle and his eyes light up, “I might just have to take you up on that,” he coos.
Tagging 🖤: @powerofelvis @plasticfantasticlOver @burninlovebutler @neptuneismysister @velvetelvis @ccab @presleyenterprise @elvispresleyxoxo
@prompted-wordsmith @sillybookmarks @dkayfixates @rosepresley @ellie-24 @rktismylife-blog @myradiaz @lookingforrainbows @elvispresleygf @tacozebra051 @thatbanditqueen
@18Ikpeters @flwrs4aust @emma181873 @austinswhitewolf @eliseinmemphis @everythingelvispresley @chasingwildflowers @idontwanttoputanything @ohjustpeachy @elvisalltheway101 @austinsmutler @kingdomforapony @generoustreemystic @kendralavon7
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
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2.5k Event Request - Arkham!Black Mask x GN!Reader word count: 750 a/n: usually i'm all no pregnant only breeding kink, but something about being chosen to carry on the sionis line? sign me the fuck UP cw: reader is afab and plus size, doll is used as a pet name, heavy on the breeding kink, cockwarming, unprotected sex, daddy kink 🔞minors dni🔞 • masterlist • kofi link • tag: finnie2.5k (to follow or to block)
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As you straddled Roman’s lap you had to remind yourself to take it slow, since that’s what he had requested. A difficult task, given how desperate you were for him, but you enjoyed a challenge.
“How much more d’you think you can take, doll?”
Roman’s hands smoothed over the sides of your body, fingers pressing into the rolls created by the miniscule amount of clothing you wore as he traced over them. It wasn’t entirely unusual for him to be this gentle, but even so, this was like experiencing him in a completely different light. He was romantic, affectionate, but right now he was adoring.
“I don’t want this to be a bad memory… it’s gotta be good, y’know?”
Nodding, understanding his desire to make sure this was as pleasant as possible, you eased your body down, lowering yourself onto his cock, taking more of him inside of you. He watched carefully, eyes wide, pupils blown, as another inch disappeared within you, stretching you, caressed by your clenching walls.
“Fuck… fuck fuck fuck… takin’ it well, as always.”
He winked, his smile wide, a familiar cruelty behind it, the way he looked when he got his way, which was always. But you watched it open wide into a gasp as you took him in completely, letting him fill you with his thick, stiff cock as he groaned in relief.
As you began to roll your hips forward, desperate to feel him throbbing against your insides, he grabbed your waist. There was a stern look on his face, not quite the aggressive glare that his enemies were on the receiving end of, but one that told you he was serious in the gesture.
“Sit still, doll. I want to remember this… how it feels to have you wrapped around me, tight and warm… I just wanna be inside you, ‘kay?”
You did as you were asked, but you could feel yourself clenching, body twitching as it tried to find some pleasure in the motions, to experience Roman’s impressive girth battering against you like usual. There was satisfaction in this though, in ways you hadn’t expected from him. His eyes looking at only you, taking you in completely, no distractions, no closing his eyes in feral lust. They were wide, appreciative, as he memorised how you looked on top of him. How your body felt, so warm and sot and plush.
“Only you could have me losin’ my god damn fuckin’ mind just by letting me wet my dick, ‘know that?”
With your hands on his chest, the smooth texture of his silk, white shirt on your palms, you giggled, skin prickling as you felt his appreciative growl rumble through his body.
“Just knowing what I’m about to do to you… it’s got me close to the edge.”
“Tell me… tell me what you’re going to do to me, daddy.”
The emphasis you put on the word had him tensing up under you, his cock twitching unmistakably inside your dripping cunt. You were riling him up, giving him exactly what he wanted.
“I’m gonna fill you up, baby. Paint your fuckin’ walls with my seed, let it get in there deep…”
One hand moved to your cheek, caressing it softly as he continued.
“I’m gonna make you mine… breed you, mark my territory, make sure everyone knows who your daddy is.”
Your muscles tightened, stomach clenching as you felt your body flushing, heart pounding at the notion of being Roman’s so publicly and undeniably.
“You wanna be a part of something bigger, don’t you doll? Wanna continue the Sionis line with me?”
All you could manage was a nod, biting your lip to stifle any begging and pleading and whining, worried you might put him off if you were anything but perfect for him in that moment.
“Let me cum in you then, let me stamp my fuckin name all over that beautiful body. You ready?”
You weren’t sure what words finally came out, but they were loud, keening, and completely unnoticed by Roman who yelled over them himself, a slurred ambush of expletives and compliments intertwined as he came hard and fast and long, body trembling beneath you as the final waves of his orgasm shuddered over him.
And then his hands were back around your waist, holding you there in position as he offered you another wink.
“Not so fast, doll. You’re not getting off of me until I’m sure it’s deep enough inside you. Can’t leave until there’s a part of me going with you.”
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lazyneonrabbitt · 8 months
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Daryl Dixon & adopted daughter
Request: Heyya, so Ive been reading some of your fixs and idk if your inbox is open rn, but if you can can ypu make one with were daryl? Like where he finds a lost child (who didnt know shes a werewolf too) and kinda raises her? If not that is fineee :)
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With winter approaching fast the group had set out to a large store lot further off, knowing there was a bed store somewhere on that lot and they needed to stock up on anything they came across.
Except when listing 'anything', none of them had 'a child' in mind.
When the group raided the supply area, Daryl had set out to the front and rummage around only to find empty cans.
At least one empy can that wasn't even a day old, seeing the remains hadn't dried out yet. He quickly hid and took in his surroundings better.
There was only one bed clearly in use. Others had stuff thrown on them or were still too neat and all dusty, but still he was wary.
Rustling further down the store caught his attention so he stalked towards it, quickly catching the source of the noise which turned out to be.. a child?
"The hell?" He kept the young girl at arm's length and gave her a once over. All her clothes were torn and hanging loosely over her worn out, hollow frame. "Where's yer group?" He got only a sad scoff in return. "Nowhere."
He gave her another good look, sneaking in some sniffs to see if she was sick and left behind because of it, but he found none of that.
Just a faint whiff of wolf. It was barely there so he didn't think it came from her, maybe she stole the clothes from someone who happened to be a werewolf.
"C'mon. If yer alone I'm takin' ya home, we got a big place ta live in." He watched the kid calm down at the end of his outstretched arms, already out of his grip and nodding. "Please, being alone is scary.."
"Name's Daryl. You?" He held out his hand to shake, taking his time with her.
Daryl had asked her all kinds of questions as he was given a tour of the store. "How long habe ya been here?" He wondered with how difficult it was for a single child to survive longer periods in this world. "Just a few days. Wait!" She stopped before turning to face her new friend. "Do you have electricity? Batteries?" Daryl nodded in return. "Yeah we got solar panels, why?" But he didn't get an answer, instead she swayed and disappeared around a corner. Daryl stalked after her, cursing her out for disappearing without a warning until he saw where she headed. In a far corner she had grabbed an abandoned cart and was stacking boxes in it. "Whatcha got, kid?"
She didn't reply, just waved him over as she kept piling the cart full of..
Electric blankets. Between the two corner shelves there was a stack of them, extras for easy access when restocking. "Ya just earned yer place at home. I'm fightin' anyone who disagrees." His comment earned him a laugh and a soft thanks. She didn't know why she felt so comfortable around the old man, he was a stranger which should have her wary but instead there was a strange familiar feeling that had her stay close.
After grabbing any and all usefull items from the front of the store they made their way back to the back, both with a cart piled high.
Daryl went first to announce his findings. Which included a new party member that made herself known by slowly appearing from behind the two carts of items.
She hid behind Daryl and peeked at the people, introducing herself after some light persuasion but the attention on her quickly faded with all the items they brought back.
On the way home she shared thebcar with Aaron. They sort of chatted about all kinds of light subjects, but she'd constantly be focussed on Daryl who rode his bike up front all the way to the gates of Alexandria.
Once home Daryl was dismissed to go take his new friend to the infirmary to get a quick checkup and get settled. Denise let her go with the instructions to eat well and she would be good, so Daryl took her to his place to raid Carol's meal prep and let her stuff her face with as much as she wanted.
After finding Carol and doing some intruductions Daryl took her back home to clean up while Carol went to pick up some new clothes and toiletries for her.
"Oh man!" Daryl caught her voice from the other end of the hallway. "I missed hot water! I love this place!" He laughed as he continued clearing the spare room that was now more of a storage of random possibly useful items.
Meanwhile Carol had dropped by and left a fresh set of clothes at the bathroom door and brought the rest over and put it all in the cabinet and helped finish making the bed.
Aa they were finishing up the bathroom door opened and a waft of moist, warm air flowed onto the rest of the floor.
"I wanted to stay in there forever." She quickly went quiet again when she saw Carol, new people were still a bit scary.
"Saw you enjoyed the food I cooked." Carol tried some small talk, and small it stayed while Daryl let her explore the house some more.
That night after Sarah went to bed Daryl went to find his best friend and have a talk.
"I think I brought home a wolf cub." The sentence was an easy one, no misinterpetations possible but still Carol looked at him like he had three heads. "Sarah, I'on think she knows but it explains why she's stickin' to me like tha'."
"I think it's best to wait for her to mention it. If you can sense her, then she should sense you too, or something."
Daryl huffed a laugh at her attempt at logic, but she was right. He would wait it out and hear from her when she was ready to share.
Except weeks passed and she never did. Sarah's wolf scent did get way less subtle over time but still hadn't mentioned it.
Until Daryl had enough one evening when they both sat in the living room, her with a book and him carving new bolts.
"What's up witcha? Ain't feelin' well?" He didn't even look up from his work when he asked, sensing full well what was wrong with her. Daryl kept the curtains drawn, but with them not being fitted there was always a little peek of moonlight coming through. Right where Carol usually sat with a book, using the light to read just like Sarah was right now.
"Come on outta that chair, girl. Sit here." If any other man would have told her that she would have ran, but she listened to Daryl.
But with the first movement of her leg she winced in pain, book dropping to the ground and her doubling over in pain. Daryl was up in a second, his work discarted on the couch as he moved the curtains so there was a larger illuminated spot on the floor. He couldn't take her outside where people would watch, and the bedrooms all had windows on the other side of the house so this was his best option.
"Alright kid I know this is gon' sound insane, but ya gotta stop fightin' the pain." And oh he hated him for those next words. "Ya also need ta lose the jeans. Tight shirt too." He finally got a look of disgust at his crazy words, but something in her mind told her to listen. Daryl somehow knew what her pain meant and he'd help. He'd be there.
"Y..heah. Blanket?" Oh. Right. Daryl moved to grab her a blanket to crawl underneath and worm out of her clothes.
"Daryl.." she spoke through winces of pain. "Why's there a voice?" She got a soft smile in response, not knowing exactly how to explain it in words and thus deciding to show her.
"M'gonna show ya wha's happenin' to ya. Jus' keep yer eyes on mine, yeah. M'gonna have ta get outta these tho." He pulled at the hem of his hoodie and tied it loosely around his hips before sliding his sweats down and off. His shirt went last before he kneeled and let the change he had been fighting ever since he stepped into the moonlight finally take over.
Sarah stared at his eyes like daryl instructed and watched them shine bright blue. And then he opened his mouth as she watched fangs appear. His ears pointed and his face changed.
His entire body looked like it-- no, it was bulking out. And fur sprouted over his skin and.. That's a tail.
"Holy shit.." Enthralled by the other's form changing into that of a beast she had barely felt her own starting to change. When she looked back at her hands there were claws where her fingernails were, and her tongue grazed past sharp teeth.
Daryl stared at her as she took deep breaths, trying to ignore the sudden spike of pain as her bones started to shift.
He reached a paw to rest on her shouder, softly squeezing the muscles as he spoke.
"Ya got this. It hurts like a bitch the first few times. M'sorry." He prayed she understood him and didn't just hear grumbles. With a saddened look she carefully crawled from underneath her blanket to curl up against Daryl's fur. He held her close as she cried, feeling her bones crack and heal, her muscles snap underneath steadily furring over skin. Her face was pressed in the bend of his arm where he felt her snout portrude against his skin, now wet with drool and tears.
Only when she stilled did Daryl pull away to look over her, checking if she properly shifted and softly kneaded at some muscles in hopes she'd respond well.
"Hurts.." She whined as her paw came up to swat away his, but failing as it stopped right in her view.
Daryl let her go entirely and stepped back, looking at her wobbly frame. "Ya look like a baby deer with yer shaky skinny legs."
Daryl laughed at her grumbles as she stood on all fours, padding around in place to get to know her limbs. "So weird.." she spoke as she stared at her hind legs and wiggled her toes. "So, werewolf?" She knew about monsters, what kid didn't at her age? She watched Daryl nod and stand up on his hind legs, motioning for her to try the same.
He watched her think as she slowly rose to her full height, which wasn't that much more than before. "How'r ya feelin?"
He didn't know anything about first time shifting for younger wolves. He never had someone teach him but his instincts luckily helped him take care of the pup he took under his wing. He saw her skinny frame and his only thought was to go hunt a deer and let her chow down. But he knew he couldn't take her out tonight. Their best option was to rest and let her get used to her new body.
"Feeling okay I guess. My legs are weird." She hobbled around, almost losing balance with every step and laughing at her wacky movement. At least she seemed to be having fun instead of cowering away and adapted really quick. He could only guess she was a lateblooming born wolf. His early shifting never went as smooth as hers and he surely wasn't up and bouncing on his feet fhe first moon.
"Ya look good, fer a scrawny lil' pup." She felt proud when he comlimented her in his own, dismissive way and couldn't help but grin, baring her teeth at him in glee.
"My head's no longer weird to me. Like we're friends now." Her paw went up to tap at her head, stopping as she poked her ear instead and took a moment to feel around at their new place on top of her head. Feeling her ears she seemed to think of her tail too, furning to look at it and making at least three full circles before realizing she was chasing her own tail and stopping instantly, looking up with an embarrassed look. "Don't tell anyone I just did that." Daryl sputtered as he tried not to laugh but failed as he rolled over in laughter. "Yer too cute, pup."
She faked hurt and plopped down onto the floor next to him, stretching her muscles with a long yawn and slumping against the hardwood floor.
"M'tired." She mumbled against her arm. "Can I sleep here on the floor?"
"Nah." She rolled and leaned on her elbow to look at her mentor. "Yer sleepin' in a bed. Can't have ya nude on the floor when ya shifted back." She sighed in defeat, not wanting to get up anymore, but Daryl made a good point so reluctantly she sat up and tried to get back on her feet as swiftly as possible without stumbling.
"Well, goodnight then." She turned to head upstairs but didn't make it two steps before being grabbed by the tail. "Yer not sleepin' alone either. Downstairs with me." He had sat up as well by now and easily stood up. Sarah stidied all of his movements and compared his hunched over stance with her more straight posture. "Ya know ya can think out loud, yeah? Ask away."
It was cute how he could feel the buzzing energy coming off her and wasn't surprised in the slightest she got tired so quickly. First time shifts are tiring, and all these new senses and strange proportions took quite something to get used to but she was adapting really well.
"Does it hurt when you turn? You look so.. heavy."
Heavy huh. He did bulk out way more than her, who still looked like a stick on legs.
"Only on full moons. Cuz it makes me turn. When I decide to I's all good." He went down the stairs first so when she'd trip over her own feet he'd be able to catch her, but she made it without falling.
She was doing so much better than him at that age.
His couch was big enough for her to snuggle up in the empty spot between Daryl and the back rest. It was so nice and warm against his form she fell asleep quickly, Daryl only allowing himself to sleep once he knew she had drifted off completely.
He carefully draped a blanket over her form so she'd be covered once she'd be turned back by morning while he kept his shifted form.
Next morning came fast with both of them sleeping so deep it barely felt like an hour had passed when they woke up.
Daryl had moved off the couch already, grabbing some clothes and heading out of her vision to change back and get dressed before going to her room to grab her clean clothes while she got some time to properly wake up.
Once dressed they shared breakfast and went over Sarah's experience from last night. From the feel of shifting to the intensity of her new senses, they discussed it all.
They also planned to stay outside overnight.
After spending their day as normal as possible they went out to the edge of the woods where Daryl knew he could protect her and maybe could catch food as well.
"Yer feelin' good about bein' out here?" They walked past the treeline far enough so the guards wouldn'f see them anymore.
"Yeah. It feels nice here. Makes my head howl. Does that make sense?" She felt like she asked way too much, no matter how often Daryl had told her over the day it was good of her to ask that much.
"Yeah, s'good yer head howls. Says ya got a good bond with yer wolf side."
The sun would set soon, so they killed some time with another fun outdoor activity.
Strength training.
Daryl decided to have her see how much stronger she was now that she had fully developed her lucantrophy. And also, he was curious and wanted Sarah to amaze herself some more with her new abilities.
"Try 'n lift tha' one." Daryl pointed at the broken off, fallen tree trunk to which Sarah just shook her head. "You're insane. No way I can lift that."
She got a look of disappointment before she huffed and padded over to the tree. With both her feet planted onto the forest floor she chaneled all of her strength into lifting the giant log. While lifting it wasn't entirely happening, she did manage to dislodge it from the ground it had gotten stuck into and moved off to the side a foot or two. It mostly rolled, but it was impressive she even got it to move at all. They did some more breaking of branches and practiced some basic fighting in case she'd be alone against people and she proved quickly that no human could easily capture her.
She was a natural out here. Daryl was almost jealous of how quickly she channeled her feral side.
"Are you feeling all jittery too?" Sarah hopped around Daryl, shivering despite the evening warmth.
"S'yer wolf sayin' s'time ta change." Daryl nodded up at the sky. "Find the moon, say sonethin' nice to 'er and let it wash over ya."
He got a confused look, what did he mean with 'saying something nice'?
Weird old man talk.. But she did it anyways and this time her shift hurt less. Something about being nice to people if you want them to be nice to you or something.
Daryl shifted along with her and once they were both fully turned they ran.
Daryl took easy paths and avoided higher shrubbery she could get her legs stuck in and they ran.
All the way down to the river, where Daryl showed her how to fish and then back, stalking a bird on the ground and took a squirrel out of a tree.
Sarah admired his hunting skills and quickly begged for lessons that he agreed to without a second thought.
People already were convinced Daryl had adopted her, but he felt like he now truly did.
He never felt like he'd have a pack of his own, he wasn't enough of a wolf for it.
But then Sarah showed up.
And now that he thought of it, Carol.
Michonne, Jude, Aaron.
His family was his pack, and Sarah helped him finally realise that.
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A/N: I hope this is what you had in mind! I disn't want to write it as a reader insert as I pictured the girl as being in her teens.
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PSA: These Brackets contain multiple Ch!WilburSoot ships, We DO NOT stand with CC!WilburSoot actions, and send all of our support toward shubble, if you are uncomfortable with these ships, please don't interact and/or block the wilbur soot tag. if those ships are too problematic, they can be replaced. anyway his ass got destroyed
Welcome to the MCYT Crackships Bracket!
Here, we will be seing which crackship is the best, and because that statement is vague, you get to make your opinion!
Each crackships was randomly agenced from Characters You chose! (This also sadly means we can't take more submissions, at least yet (mcyt crackships brackets V.2. Confirmed ???))
This is all meant to be in good fun, so please be respectfull with others and use propaganda the least wisely you can! (propaganda isn't endorsed, it's encouraged!)
We as a community can get inspired by these, make art! fanfics! (and if you do, please tag me) of your favorite Crackship!
Maybe we could even find a name for them, after all, maybe the next "big ship" will be in this, who knows?
The brackets will not be revealed yet, but when all of the polls will be published! this way, we can still get you surprised!
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*Orionsound - Rat SMP version
*LDshadowlady - Empire SMP season 1 version
*Zombiecleo - Pirate SMP version
*Katherine Elizabeth - Empire SMP season 2 version
*Fundy - L'Manberg version
*Fwhip - Empire SMP season 1 version
*Pearlescentmoon - Double life version
*Slimecicle - QSMP version
Our thoughts and observations under the cut!
Round 1:
I clearly thought Ninjaslap would be the biggest sweep, but pixltoile suprisingly fought well, And fish yuri left no shot to Zaypixel and Geminitay
Round 1.1.3 was extremly close, but Shubble x Hypno won by O.8%! (≈4 peoples!)
We already got two piece of "propagandart" (propaganda art) in round 1, and both were for Fish yuri! (by @t4tpolypd and @staringamassivemistakeintheface)
Round 2:
Mogbeans/Swamp boys tried hard but T4T yuri was stronger (My boys 😭 - Admin 1)
Littlesoot got its ass kicked by hotguy/fundy and was crying in a corner when suddendly, out of nowhere, it took itlwblr by storm, broke containment, the poll broke 1k votes, became the most noted of the brackets (yet) and won with a large margin!
FWhilza fought well but Bighills was stronger
Fish Yuri still prevail with the biggest sweep yet (87.3%!!!)
Jojosolos/Jack Manifold vs Tommyinnit/Scott Smajor was the closest yet! (50.1 to 49.9!!!!)
So many art!!!!!!! look at the tag (#propagandart) it's worth it!!!!!
Round 3 and PURGATORY 1 :
Scegg vs Stresstherine was so close it switched side at least 5 times!
i'm genuenely impressed by clownscar comeback they've constantly been close but didn't get ahead during the whole poll and somehow managed to win in the last stretch!
Fish Yuri is unstopable and has killed many great ships now (rip Bighills we loved you so much)
Bdubs Smol Bdubs is tall!
Content SMP fans are sad today, the last two ships they had just sank! (bye bye Evillnox and Skizzlerat)
So much art! and even more as been promised! (you need to check out #propagandart if you haven't already)
Round 4 and PURGATORY 2 :
Fish Wives felt resistence to the first time facing Clownscar, but still they were too powerful
Clownscar you will forever live in our hearts
Wilbur you're a pig, Yuri beat his ass! (and so they did)
Zombiecello/Ivorycleo popped off! >90% sweepage!
3/8 ships still in line are yuri, but none of them are part of the PURGATORY Brackets!
Goodbye Zaypixel, our only Yuri Loss this round :(
You guys seem to love shipping Ethoslab a lot (bunch of ethogirls) as he is in 35% of the remaining ships
even more art, and art trades! (go ceck out #propagandart and #takin' request)
Round 5 and Purgatory 3:
Yuri lost so much, and is now only represented by Fish Wives :(
Half of the ships still in have a wild etho in them (ethogirls rise up!)
The now no-longer-crackship mogbeans is still thriving and bested the fan-favorite fwhilza!
Seapeekarl fought well, but lost to the ethogirls again
this is the first round where they weren't a >40% sweep! but the choice are only getting harder from here!
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dalilacherie · 1 month
hiiiiii idk if ur still taking requests but if u are could u pls write a dally x male reader where the readers a curtis and dally and reader have been together for like a while but then somehow darry catches them together and so now they are dealing with the fallout of all that (i am so so sorry if that made no sense 😭)
𝐈𝐭'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭
[𝐃𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞!𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬!𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]
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𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞: So uh... I'm alive!! 🥳 I have nothing to say for myself except that I'm lazy💀 anyways enjoy this story.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: idk- more than 1,000
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I’m sittin’ on the old couch in the Curtis livin’ room, feet up on the coffee table, cigarette danglin’ between my lips. It’s quiet. The kind of quiet you don’t get too often around here. The boys are all out. Two-Bit, Johnny, and Pony are at the movies, and Darry, Steve, and Soda are at work. That just leaves me and Y/N.
"Don’t ya get bored when it’s this quiet?" Y/N asked, lookin' at me with those eyes of his that I never could resist. He always had a way of seein' right through me, even when I was tryin' to act tough.
I shrugged. "Nah, quiet’s good sometimes. Can think better without all that noise. Don’t you like it?"
He smiled, that small, easy smile he had that could make me feel like maybe not everything in this world was as screwed up as it seemed. "Yeah, I like it. It’s nice just bein' with you."
I didn’t say nothin' to that. I wasn’t good at the mushy stuff, never was. I’d rather just show him what I felt, not say it. So I reached over and ruffled his hair, messin' it up like I knew he hated, just to see him annoyed. He swatted my hand away, but he was grinnin'.
"Quit it, Dal. I just fixed it."
"Too bad," I said, leanin' back into the couch, stretchin' my legs out. "You look better with it all messed up, anyway.”
I glance over at him, sittin’ close by, almost leanin’ into me. He’s been my guy for a while now, not that we make a big show of it or nothin’. He’s just always been there, and I guess I’ve always been here too, though I ain’t one to stick around for much.
“Whatcha thinkin’ ‘bout?” I ask, flickin’ some ash into the ashtray. It’s one of those moments where I ain’t thinkin’ too much about what’s out there—what kinda trouble I could be gettin’ into. ‘Cause right now, I got what I need right here.
He shrugs a bit, like he does when he ain’t sure what to say. “Nothin’ much. Just… you.”
I smirk at that, pullin’ the cigarette from my mouth and blowin’ the smoke up toward the ceilin’. “Yeah? What ‘bout me?”
He turns his head, lookin’ me dead in the eyes. He’s always had this way of lookin’ at me, like he’s seein’ somethin’ more than just a no-good hood. Maybe he is, I dunno.
“I dunno,” he says, leanin’ back a little. “Just… how you’re always here, even when you say you’re not gonna be.”
“Guess I ain’t as bad as I like to think I am,” I mutter, leanin’ back against the cushions. I’m still gettin’ used to this whole thing, bein’ with someone who actually gives a damn. Most folks don’t. And hell, I’m used to it. Grew up that way, always lookin’ out for myself, ‘cause who else was gonna do it? But Y/N, he’s different. He makes me feel like maybe there’s somethin’ more out there than just fights and booze and dodgin’ the fuzz.
He shifts a bit closer, till his shoulder’s brushin’ against mine. He’s warm, real warm, and it’s kinda nice just sittin’ here with him, not havin’ to say nothin’ or do nothin’ to prove myself.
“Ya know,” I say, my voice a little quieter, “I ain’t used to this. Just sittin’ around, not doin’ nothin’. It’s kinda nice, though.”
He smiles, that soft, easy smile he’s always got, and it makes me feel somethin’ weird, like maybe I’m worth somethin’ more than just a cheap thrill or a quick fight. “Yeah, it is,” he agrees, settlin’ in closer, his head restin’ on my shoulder. “We don’t get much time like this.”
“Nah, we don’t,” I say, takin’ another drag off my cigarette before snuffin’ it out in the ashtray. I’m quiet for a minute, just listenin’ to him breathin’, the way his chest rises and falls against mine.
“I like bein’ with you, Y/N,” I say, the words comin’ out rougher than I meant ‘em to. I ain’t good at sayin’ stuff like this, but he deserves to hear it.
He looks up at me, those eyes of his all soft and understandin’. “I like bein’ with you too, Dal,” he says, reachin’ up to brush a hand through my hair, somethin’ he does when he thinks I’m not payin’ attention. But I always notice, even if I don’t say nothin’. “Payback” as he calls it.
“Yeah?” I say, leanin’ into his touch, feelin’ more relaxed than I have in a long time. “Glad to hear it, ‘cause I don’t plan on goin’ nowhere.”
He chuckles a bit, the sound low and warm, and it makes me feel somethin’ in my chest, somethin’ I don’t feel too often. “I didn’t think you would,” he says, settlin’ against me.
We sit there like that for a while, just enjoyin’ the quiet, enjoyin’ each other. And for once, I ain’t thinkin’ about what’s comin’ next, or what kinda trouble’s waitin’ for me out there. All I care about is right here, right now, with Y/N.
After a while, I reach over and grab the remote, flickin’ on the TV. There ain’t nothin’ good on, but I don’t care. It’s just background noise, somethin’ to fill the space while we sit here together. He shifts a bit, gettin’ more comfortable, and I pull him in closer, holdin’ him tight against me.
“Dal?” he mumbles after a while, his voice real soft, almost like he’s afraid to say what’s on his mind.
“Hm?” I reply, lookin’ down at him.
“I’m glad you’re here,” he says, his eyes meetin’ mine. “I know you got other places you could be, but… I’m glad you’re here with me.”
"You think they’ll be back soon?" Y/N asked.
I shrugged again, not really carin'. "Probably not for a while. They’re prob'ly goofin' off somewhere."
He nodded, lookin' thoughtful. Then he looked to me, somethin' serious in his eyes. "You know, Dal, you don’t always have to act so tough."
I stiffened. "What’re you talkin' about? I ain’t actin'. I am tough."
He gave me that look again, the one that said he wasn’t buyin' my bull. "I know you are. But you don’t have to be all the time, not with me."
I didn’t know what to say to that. He was right, and I hated that he was right, but I didn’t know how to be any other way. The streets didn’t teach you how to be soft, didn’t teach you how to let your guard down. But here I was, doin' just that with him, and it might've scared me more than any fight ever did.
Instead of sayin' anything, I just pulled him closer, wrappin' my arm around his shoulders. He rested his head on my chest, and I could feel his breath against my neck. It was real nice, feelin' like we didn’t have to say nothin' to understand each other. We just fit, like two pieces of a puzzle that made sense when they were together.
"Dally?" he murmured after a while.
"Yeah?" I asked, my voice a little rougher than I meant it to be.
"You ever think about what it’d be like if we didn’t have to hide this? If everyone knew and didn’t care?"
I tensed up at that, the thought of it makin' me uneasy. "Don’t see much point in thinkin' 'bout it. Ain’t never gonna happen, Y/N. People don’t get us, don’t get me. They wouldn’t understand."
He was quiet for a bit, then he sighed. "I know. I just wish…"
I tightened my grip on him, hating how small his voice sounded. "Don’t worry 'bout it, alright? We’re good, just like this. Don’t need anyone else to get it long as we do."
He nodded against my chest, and I could feel him relaxin' again. We stayed like that for a long time, neither of us sayin' much, just enjoyin' bein' together without havin' to worry 'bout what anyone else thought.
I was startin’ to think we might actually get a whole night to ourselves. That was somethin’ that didn’t happen often, so I was gonna soak it up while I could. Y/N was leanin’ against me, his head on my chest, his breathin’ nice and steady. I had my arm wrapped around him, holdin’ him close, and I felt like maybe, just maybe, things were alright.
Then, the door creaked open.
I heard it before I saw him. The heavy footsteps, the way the air seemed to shift when he was around. I didn’t even have to look up to know who it was.
Darry Curtis.
He walked in like he owned the place, which I guess he did in a way, since it was his house and all. But right now, I wasn’t in the mood for him.
I glanced up, seein’ that look on his face. That one that said he wasn’t too pleased with what he was seein’. His brows were drawn together, his mouth set in a hard line, and his eyes? They were locked right on me.
“What the hell’s goin’ on here?” Darry asked, his voice low and controlled, but I could hear the edge to it. The kind that meant he was tryin’ real hard not to blow up.
“Nothin’,” I said, keepin’ my voice as casual as I could. I wasn’t gonna let him know he was gettin’ to me. “Just hangin’ out.”
“Doesn’t look like nothin’ to me,” he said, his eyes shiftin’ to Y/N, who was still leanin’ against me. I could feel Y/N tense up, probably knowin’ this was about to get ugly.
Darry crossed his arms over his chest, starin’ us down. “Y/N, mind explainin’ why you’re all over him like that?”
Y/N sat up a little, his face goin’ red. “We were just—”
“I know what you were doin’,” Darry cut him off, his voice sharper now. “And I don’t like it.”
I could feel my temper startin’ to rise. I wasn’t about to let Darry talk to him like that, not when he wasn’t doin’ nothin’ wrong. “Back off, Darry,” I said, my voice low. “Ain’t your business.”
Darry’s eyes snapped to mine, and for a second, I thought he might actually take a swing at me. He looked like he wanted to, at least. “It is my business,” he shot back, takin’ a step closer. “Y/N’s my kid brother. I ain’t lettin’ you screw him up like you screw up everything else.”
That stung more than I wanted to admit. I knew what folks thought of me. Hell, I didn’t care most of the time. But hearin’ it from Darry, with Y/N right there? That was a different story.
Y/N jumped to my defense before I could even say anythin’. “Darry, stop! You don’t know what you’re talkin’ about.”
“The hell I don’t!” Darry snapped, his eyes still locked on me. “I know exactly what I’m talkin’ about. Dallas Winston ain’t no good, Y/N. He’s a player, and he don’t give a damn ‘bout nothin’ but himself.”
“That ain’t true,” Y/N said, his voice firm, standin’ his ground. “Dally cares about me.”
Darry looked at him like he couldn’t believe what he was hearin’. “He might say he does now, but what happens when he gets bored? When he moves on to the next thing that catches his eye? You’re gonna be the one left pickin’ up the pieces.”
That was it. I couldn’t just sit there and let Darry tear me down like that, not in front of Y/N. “I ain’t goin’ nowhere,” I said, my voice steady, but there was a hard edge to it now. “I’m with him ‘cause I wanna be. Ain’t nobody gonna change that.”
Darry didn’t look convinced. “Yeah? We’ll see how long that lasts.”
Before I could say anythin’ else, Darry walked right over and plopped himself down between us on the couch, forcin’ me to scoot over. I could feel the heat risin’ in my face, my hands clenchin’ into fists. He knew what he was doin’. He was tryin’ to push me out, make it clear that Y/N was off-limits.
Y/N looked like he didn’t know what to do, caught in the middle of all this. He glanced over at me, his eyes filled with worry, but I gave him a small nod, tryin’ to let him know it was alright. But it wasn’t alright. Not by a long shot.
I didn’t like not bein’ able to touch him, not after we’d just been sittin’ so close, all comfortable and quiet. And now Darry was actin’ like he had to play the damn protector, like Y/N was some kid who couldn’t make his own choices.
“So, what’re we watchin’?” Darry asked, like nothin’ had just gone down. He reached for the remote, flickin’ through the channels.
Y/N was quiet, too quiet, and I could see how much this was botherin’ him. But what was I supposed to do? Darry wasn’t gonna listen to me, no matter what I said. And I didn’t wanna make things worse for Y/N, not when he was already caught in the middle of this mess.
But I wasn’t about to back down, either. I wasn’t gonna let Darry think he could just walk all over me, or over what Y/N and I had. So, I leaned back, crossin’ my arms over my chest, and glared at the TV. I wasn’t gonna give Darry the satisfaction of seein’ me lose my cool. But I wasn’t happy, and I knew Y/N could feel it too.
For a while, we just sat there in awkward silence, the TV flashin’ random shows that none of us were really watchin’. Every now and then, Darry would glance over at me, like he was checkin’ to see if I was gonna do somethin’. But I just sat there, my jaw clenched, tryin’ to keep it together.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I stood up, shovin’ my hands in my pockets, and looked down at Darry. “I’m gonna head out,” I said, my voice tight. “Don’t worry, I’ll be back.”
Darry just looked at me, not sayin’ anythin’. But there was a challenge in his eyes, like he was waitin’ to see what I’d do next. But I wasn’t gonna give him the satisfaction of seein’ me snap. I wasn’t gonna let him win.
I glanced over at Y/N, who looked up at me with those eyes that always seemed to know what I was thinkin’. I gave him a small nod, lettin’ him know it was alright, even if it didn’t feel that way.
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