#I'm trying to make them look as dynamic as possible so it's taking awhile
theblehthatbloos · 2 years
Bleh, what happens to all of your ta-
Don't worry about that, the earth caste and Votann contacts we established have experienced difficulty with several unexpected tyranid threats but are currently rebuilding while exterminating the Chimeric beings.
That beings said, while trying to find alternatives to continue to do what good we can, I stumbled upon the potential use of Eldar bone singers. One thing led to another, an unusually friendly xeno, the ramblings of a prophetic psyker and a meeting with something with the appearance of a daemon said to be a shard of something new yet ancient and so on.
While my intention to assist human and xeno alike to find what peace we can durring these dark times has not faltered, my approach has changed for now. For so long I over looked the mysterious yet decaying relms of the Eldar, seeing them as a stubborn will only holding on to what they can and not seeing the irony of our parallel paths. But through their apparent interventions (I will have to look at the possible involvement of their hands in the awakening of that frozen monstrosity) I now find myself at their side.
Something that was never ment to be is unfolding. I am ment to play some part, that of which I do not know and yet, a part that will save as many lives as possible.
So now I find myself with a new task, to find a way to somewhere mortals do not tread. And although I walk with death, I yearn for life to flourish.
For the greater good, for Ynnead.
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seth-shitposts · 9 months
Somethings that I'm looking forward to exploring in SoFS&V AU (+another link)
-the dynamics. For Tua and Kallus I want to build them to have a bit of a sibling dynamic. For the three of them Tua takes the other two by surprise by often being the strongest/most stable voice. Though it can and does switch between the three of them. They support each other through the story. I also look forward to building a romance between Tua and Him. Something that ends up surprising the both of them. I promise it'll make sense the more I tell you about it-
-the entire thing of Him making and paving stone by stone his path back to the lightside. The dedication he slowly adds to it. Possible relapse to old habits that he has to work on as well. Trying to relearn faith. Trying to trust it and lean into it. And how his return to the light may differ or be similar to Reva's
-REVA. Her having spent time working on her return to the light and having had to teach herself a lot of things she's never had the chance to. What her dynamics could be with Tua and Him, her severe distrust and dislike for Him that she's Trying To Work On while on her own path to become a Jedi. And how maybe she only agrees to work with him at first because of Tua, as Tua is the one she's there to work alongside.
-intentional. Intentionally *choosing* kindness. Intentionally having to *choose* to do the right thing. Intentionally *being* gentle. Intentionally putting *effort* into being brave and bold. Choosing to stand their ground on the right thing.
-a very specific difference between Kallus and Him. Kallus having such deep guilt about the things he's done, meanwhile He doesn't. That's something I've wanted to explore for awhile. Building a moral compass that isn't dependent on the sense of what someone *should* feel, but without it. Having to scrap that together themselves. But for this story, for Him, I want him to be given support to do so- from Kallus and Tua. Unconditionally. (Which plays into the theme of doing things with *intention* and on *purpose*. *Choosing* to show compassion.)
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idolsgf · 15 hours
wip wednesday whenever
I was tagged by @greypetrel, thanks so much dear. please ignore that it's now Thursday <33
I'm going to share note one, but two - two! - writing things I'm working on. The first will be a short extension from the story I had shared a bit of last week. Wouldn't be a Mo story if I didn't make it epistolary! The second: I participated in this tag game awhile ago, and I had expanded on it but never shared anything else after that. Since I'm having Bohean feelings lately, it's only fitting to share something with him in it c:
I don't know who wants to be tagged these days, so if you want to share take this as me tagging you, or drop a 🥕 and I'll tag you in the future :3
Everything, as always, will be under cut.
This letter will probably be completely gutted and rewritten at some point in the future but still wanted to share. Just a simple correspondence between Mori'na and Leliana. They're relationship is a bit rocky, which I was trying to get across. But, again, this will probably be reworked because I'm not too happy with it.
I am sending this ahead of Harding's report ─ I must ask a favor of you, something I know you are all to gracious to give. I must ask for you discretion, as I'm sure you're capable.
I will not be returning to Skyhold with the rest of the party and will be staying behind for a few more days. I know there are urgent matters to attend to in the Arbor Wilds, I have received the missives. However, there are some...other matters I must turn my attention to for the time being. It won't be long.
I need you to send two birch saplings to camp in the Frostback Basin. I'm sure with your crows' eyes and infinite knowledge you will learn what they are for. Please, don't press it this time. I do not need another endless interrogation. I don't want pitiful and questioning stares upon my return. Just ─ do as I ask. Please.
-- Mori'na
A hastily written note is written in the bottom corner, a late addition evidenced by the different slightly different shade of black ink only the most discerning of eyes would notice.
( Solas will be accompanying me, do not let the rumors and hallway whispers get out of hand this time. )
After the events of Trespasser, Mori'na finally returning home to the clan. An idea that's been spinning in my head for awhile, although I go back and forth between her actually being exiled from the clan or leaving of her own volition. This would fit in the former. Mori'na and Bohean's dynamic has been stretched thin and fraught with tension for awhile now. Something had to make it break.
"Can you stop speaking as First and speak as my brother for one minute?"
Frustration tinged Mori'na's now raised voice. Ever since her brother had been granted his position, a change had set in. Bohean had always been the more serious of the two, but they had their own coded banter that only siblings could share. Now? Now it was as if speaking to a stranger ─ a connection severed to satiate her brother's ever growing sense of responsibility.
“It is my duty as the First to protect this clan from the hunting wolf,” he spat at equal level as his eyes darkened as he finally looked towards her, his brow furrowed. “How could I possibly see you as my sister when you’ve gone and lain with it?”
A resounding crack pierced the air, a red mark now forming on the taller elf's cheek. Mori'na's hand ─ also tinged red ─ the culprit. Tears pricked the edges of her eyes, the threat to spill all too familiar. Bohean's hand shot up, cradling the welt that was quickly forming. There was no shock in his eyes, the motion was out of instinct. He knew the damage those words would inflict, the venom he had laced them with. He didn't care, he was ready to face the consequences.
"Bohean, please" ─ her voice now pleading, barely a whisper, wishing only to speak to her brother again. It has been years since she's been able to see her kin ─ her mother's smiling face, the crease in Bohean's forehead that had grown more apparent in the years. So many years apart and she's already being pushed out.
She lowered her hand, choosing to rest it over her chest as she could no longer meet this stranger's eyes.
"Keeper has allowed you to convene with mother and will call for counsel, but afterwards you are to leave." Bohean grabbed his staff; one hand knuckled white as it wrapped around the birch wood, the other clenched at his side.
A pause at the aravel's entrance.
"Don't return," he said, stoic as he had grown to be. He left without looking back.
The strength she had summoned to face her brother soon dissipated ─ her knees buckled from under her and a wretched sob was finally allowed escaped.
Mori'na was now alone, left only to her haunted thoughts.
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somerandomcryptid · 2 months
Take a sketch page of cryptid in their deer form
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I wasn't going to color it but it looked weird without color, it's not like fully colored but it fineeee it still looks good
Dream and Punz also have updated scars ;)
And Punz still has a broken nose, good for him. He is having the best time I promise
The sketch where Cryptid has the flower covered pointier horns and the sketch of the hand are both sort of showing what happens when they use XD's powers
And Dream and Cryptid have the most relaxed dynamic after the confrontation /s
Yeah no, they're both very... it's complicated.. also Wren doesn't let them be alone together for the time being so that damper their ability to talk things out even more, but more than that Cryptid's just very stubborn about this whole thing and refuses to process their trauma in a healthy manner
They are going to bottle up all the shit till they have a mental breakdown
basically everyone is trying to make them just actually process it all, but that just makes their resolve to be as difficult as possible grow, so it takes them awhile
I think that's about it, I'm going to try an do a little animatic next :) then maybe a bigger animatic 👀
I do also need to draw a proper Sam&Cryptid piece though, because their dynamic after Cryptid runs away (and starts living with him) is actually quite sweet!
(Dreaming of death is an au of the fic Penpal by @calamari-minecraft-corner)
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waterfallofspace · 1 year
27 and 61 for E/rasermic with Mic being the sick one?
Thank you again for the requests!! (I've said this on previous ones, I'll say it again, as I'm thankful for them all!!) Writing M/ic as the sick one was new for me, so I hope I did a satisfactory job! I adore E/rasermic, so it was quite fun to explore their dynamic some more! Hope you enjoy!! <3 1.9k words, prompts 27 and 61, story under the cut! 27. “How long have you felt like this?” 61. “I can tell you’re sicker than you’re saying.”
By the time Aizawa gets home, it’s well into the evening. Class had ended on time, but several students had questions about assignments. Because of that, grading papers was pushed till later, leaving him exhausted, and running several hours behind. As soon as he sprawls on the couch, Mic walks into the room, giving a gentle, albeit slightly strained, smile.
“Welcome home!”
“Thank you. I’m just gonna rest my eyes for a minute.”
This week the long days had quickly turned into long nights, with Aizawa spending all of his daylight at the school, and pulling all-nighters to catch up on hero work. Mic’s been supportive, but they both feel the strain of not seeing each other as much.
Aizawa manages to pry open his eyes to look at his husband as he approaches the couch. Mic’s signature smile is on, but his sunglasses are off, and his hair isn’t gelled up, just messy. ‘Probably laying down before I got home. 8pm is a touch early for him to be going to bed though, maybe just a nap, or watching a show?’ 
“I’m okay, had something while I was at school.”
“Was it enough?”
“For now. I don’t have patrol tonight, so I’ll eat breakfast with you in the morning, I promise.” 
“Alright, love.”
With that, Mic presses a kiss to Aizawa’s cheek, before walking into the kitchen. Aizawa hears the familiar sound of the coffee pot being filled, ‘Mic’s making coffee in the evening…? Maybe he wants to stay up talking, it has been awhile since we’ve gotten a free moment together.’ before a not so familiar sound starts up.
“ihhngt’shii-! ehhgnt’iee-!” 
“Mic, everything okay over there?”
The answer is short, and Aizawa feels his mind slipping into teacher mode, trying to calculate every possible reason. ‘Those were likely sneezes, but for some reason he’s stifling. Trying to hide them, probably. His voice sounds normal, but he’s keeping his responses short, that’s not like him… making coffee in the evening… looking like he was sleeping before eight…’ Realization dawns across Aizawa’s face, a game plan starting to form in his mind. 
“Hey, you brewing some coffee?”
“Yep, want some?”
There’s a layer of congestion to Mic’s words that wasn’t there a minute ago, Aizawa pretending not to notice as he strolls to the kitchen, cuddling up against his husband and taking the pot from his hands.
“Let me do it instead. Your coffee is okay, but we both know mine is better.”
Mic just hums in approval, letting himself lean against Aizawa for a second, before quickly straightening up. Aizawa gives him a questioning glance, before letting a smirk replace it. ‘His nose is twitching. He’s trying not to sneeze again. I’ll give him an out, just for now, only to get him out of the kitchen so I can switch this coffee for some tea.’ 
“Why don’t you wait for me on the couch? Pick something for us to watch before we head off to sleep, I could use a little time to destress.”
“Of course, Sho. Rough day?”
“Not particularly, just a lot of questions to answer. Those students may be great heroes one day, but they’re still teenagers for now, and some of them are struggling with the most recent course material.” 
“eh’kNG’shhii-! hH’INktt’shiew-!”
Despite hearing the double quite clearly from the kitchen, Aizawa lets Mic continue believing they passed unnoticed. Finishing up with the kettle, he walks back into the living room, heart fluttering at the sight waiting for him. Mic has one hand pinched against his nose, the other fanning his face, eyes closed, head tipped back.
“Need to sneeze, Mic?” 
Eyes snap open, Mic’s hands dropping into his lap, a red flush starting to lick at his cheeks. His nose, revelling at its newfound freedom, starts twitching. ‘He looks a bit like a bunny in this state.’ Aizawa lightly chuckles to himself, a grin starting to pour over his face.
“N- no… heHhh-!”
“Really? Sure looks like you do. Your nose is trembling, dear. Almost like there’s a tickle building, spreading deeper-”
“ShhAhH-! Shota d- don’t…” 
“Like a feather, brushing every ticklish nerve, sending the itch across your face, buzzing through your sinuses… until all you can do is-” 
“Bless you, Zashi.”
“eschh’ieww-! aiSHH’iee-! hEh’ESHH’iee-!”
Aizawa slips onto the couch beside his husband, kissing a blessing into his soft hair. Stroking his hand down Mic’s back, he lets out a sigh at the tension. Letting his voice soften, he tilts Mic’s chin up till their eyes meet, not missing the guilt waiting for him.
“How long have you felt like this?”
“N- not long… It’s not that bad, just a few sneezes, and a touch of a headache. Really it’s n- nothi… s- sorry gottasneez- ZZISHHIEW-! aH’AISHhh’iiee-!”
“Blessings. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
“You were ju-” 
Mic breaks off into a cough, deep and chesty, knocking the wind right out of Aizawa’s lungs. His hand resumes its earlier motion, rubbing tight circles as tears spring to Mic’s eyes with the effort breathing now requires.
“Easy, shallow breaths, just let it out, it’ll be over soon.”
The words are surprisingly calm considering the panic dancing through Aizawa’s chest. Mic’s hand reaches up, finding Aizawa’s and giving a tight squeeze. Managing to open his eyes in between spasms, Mic lets out a hoarse whisper.
“I’m.. okay..” 
“It would be more reassuring if you could breathe as you said it, Mic.” 
A strained laugh breaks free from the coughs, Mic letting his fist playfully brush Aizawa’s arm, prompting a light sigh from the tired man. ‘He doesn’t seem worried about the cough, which means it’s probably happened before… how sick has he been- more importantly, how did I not notice…’ Aizawa thinks, letting the guilt he’s all too familiar with seep back into his brain. 
The word breaks him free, his focus lowering back to Mic’s level, noticing as his hand stills that the coughing has ended. Mic’s eyes look worried, though Aizawa can’t figure out why he’s the one receiving that glance. At least, until he realizes the hand holding Mic’s is shaking, in fact, his whole body is trembling.
“I’m okay, Sho. heH’inGHSHH’iie-! Bless me, sorry.”
“You’re not okay. I can tell you’re sicker than you’re saying. That cough was… how long have you been this way, Hizashi?”
“aieschhhh’iew-! heH’IESHH’iee-!”
“Bless you, but you’re not getting out of the question so easily.”
Mic gives a guilt soaked shrug, eyes starting to water as he meets Aizawa’s calm gaze. Aizawa gives his arm a light squeeze, reassurance dripping from his smile. He lets his other hand cup Mic’s chin, lightly bringing him in for another kiss, before letting him respond.
“I was telling the truth earlier, it has been not long, just a few days… but maybe I was exaggerating how slight the symptoms have been…”
“Love, it’s just me here. You can tell the truth, I just want to help. Your voice is starting to sound as rough as mine, so I know you’ve got a cold. I just need to know if it’s more than that?”
“Don’t think so. Just… hhaHh-! hAH’EISHH’iee-! eeaschhh’iew-! nngeSHh’iee-!”
“Thank you. It’s just the cough that’s bad, but you know colds tend to settle in my chest and throat. There was no fever last time I checked, and I don’t feel warm, just sore… and I keep- keep… eH’GNSshh’ieee-! which doesn’t help my throat.”
“I’m sorry, I should have noticed sooner.”
“It’s not your fault, Shota. We’ve barely seen each other, plus, it’s not like I wa- was… heHh-! eH’GNshhiee-! aischhh’iew-! Bless me! Not like I was broadcasting it. I didn’t want to worry you, you looked so exhausted when you got home from your jobs...” 
“Hizashi, my most important job is taking care of you. Let me do that, okay~?”
A whistling cuts through the apartment, Aizawa rising to answer it. Pouring himself and his husband each a glass of tea, he spoons an extra dash of honey into Mic’s, along with a few squeezes of lemon juice. Handing the warm mug to Mic, Aizawa plants another gentle kiss on his forehead, relaxing as there’s just the usual warmth that comes from the energetic man.
“Drink this, love. It’ll help your throat.” 
Mic takes a few sips before setting the mug on the table, gesturing for Aizawa to join him once more. Doing as he’s told, Aizawa settles onto the couch, Mic sliding in next to him, head resting against his chest.
“You’re quite the trickster you know. Switching the coffee out for tea behind my back?” 
At the remark, Aizawa chuckles, the sound vibrating through his body, straight against Mic’s face. The sensation triggers another sneeze, Mic having nowhere except Aizawa’s shoulder to aim it, a pink hue spreading like wildfire against his face.
“hEH’AIESHH’IEE-! Oh- I’m so sorry, it surprised me I jus-”
“It’s alright, Zashi. Just lay down again, I don’t mind. Try to rest, I’m sure some sleep would help, we don’t want this getting any worse.”
“Thank you, Sho…” 
“Let’s just both be glad there’s no fever yet, I don’t know if I’d be able to keep my eyes open for that long after a week like this.”
Mic giggles lightly, letting out a faint groan at the memories, burying his face into Aizawa’s chest. ‘It’s lucky Mic’s quirk isn’t activated by the volume of the noise he’s making. It’s a conscious choice he has to make to start using it. However… that also means when his mind is too fuzzy, or sometimes if the tickle is too intense, it’ll break free.’ 
A memory flashes across his vision. They had been on a hero mission together when an unknown allergen had decided to make Mic its target. The first few sneezes had been fine, he was still able to stay in control, but the allergen had seemed unsatisfied with that result. Eventually they had managed to capture the villain, who had seemed deeply distressed by the sonic beam screeches Mic was letting out with every sneeze.
‘I had to keep his quirk erased for almost an hour after that. We never did figure out what brought it on, but it was certainly hilarious to watch the villain squirm as Zashi let loose towards an open field. I doubt he was planning on his heist going down like that.’ 
Aizawa casts a fond glance down at the man snuggled in his lap, recalling the flush in his cheeks was not too different from the slight tint living there now. ‘I should remember to check him for fever in the morning, and set out some meds. I assume he’s taken some already, so I’ll have to ask-’ 
“I… love you…”
The sleepy voice drags him out of his own head, Aizawa laughing softly at the tired fighting it’s way into the congested tone. ‘Just sleep now, Hizashi. I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.’
“I love you too.”
With that, Aizawa lets his hand run through Mic’s loose hair, starting to hum lightly. He doesn’t sing often, but with Mic being such a music focused person, it’s become a little routine. Same as how Mic will often stand watch for him as he falls asleep, giving him the security to do so, Aizawa softly hums songs from the playlist Mic made for them. It gives him something to focus on, other than the discomfort, and is guaranteed to get him to fall asleep.
“Blessings, my dear.”
Aizawa slowly feels his own eyes start to get heavy, hands slowing in Mic’s hair as he slips into a deep sleep too, curled in his lover's arms.
Not a safer place in the world.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
How would poly Yandere romantic HCs Lance and pidge work with Altean reader who still grieving her past love ( got killed by galra) would their be patience with them or be mean and tell them to move on and look at us instead ? ( sorry if I got anything it’s been awhile since I watched the show XD )
Sure! I'm not too far into Voltron but I think I understand Lance and Pidge enough to say how they'd feel about this. Correct me if something us too OOC ^^; when it comes to new fandoms I'm still learning. I love the show so far.
Yandere! Lance + Pidge with Altean! Darling who lost their past love
Short Concept/Reaction
Pairing: Romantic - Poly/Sharing
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Grief, Lance is insensitive for a moment, Mature language, Obsession at first sight, Manipulation, Dubious relationship, Yanderes sharing a darling, Slight jealousy, Deception.
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I feel the two would have different reactions.
First of all, Pidge is more understanding.
After all, she's experienced loss before.
She may have trouble connecting and bonding at times, but she can tell that goes for you too.
Lance can be a bit more impatient with your grief.
Sometimes he can't read the room or is so fixated on his crush over you that he ignores your feelings.
Pidge makes him reflect on his behavior, however.
After all, you three are the last of the Altean race.
The two met you through Allura and Conran.
Lance immediately develops an attraction towards you, similar to how he felt with Allura in the show.
With Pidge it takes more time due to her dealing with her own emotions.
They won't know of your loss until you become closer.
Maybe Lance makes you have a breakdown by flirting or something and Pidge gets pissed.
Pidge's obsession sparks more when she hears your story.
Galran forces killed your past love?
That's horrible.
Lance finds this as an... opening.
You and your poor broken heart... don't worry!
He'll put your heart back together!
Their obsessions over you start separately.
Although they soon realize they may care for you the same way... and decide to compromise and share you.
Out of everyone Lance was going to share a darling with, let's be honest, it was either Pidge or Hunk.
The two fight... but in this case it's not over sharing you.
It's usually Pidge trying to make Lance more understanding of your plight.
Lance isn't cold so he focuses more on comforting you rather than flirting under Pidge's direction.
It has been decades yet the idea of love and your long dead lover still stirs tears in your Altean heart.
Allura comforts you as a fellow Altean, she even encourages Pidge and Lance to become close companions with you.
The two care about you and your grief over time.
Pidge relates your issues to hers and offers you heartfelt comfort.
Lance tries to be understanding yet, unlike Pidge, is more interested in making you quickly forget your last love rather than slowly overcoming your issue.
Essentially, the two are opposites in how they help you.
They both have the same goal though.
They want to care for you.
Pidge is the softer yandere while Lance is more intense and impatient.
The dynamic is definitely Pidge keeping things under control.
Over time the two try to heal your broken heart.
They've agreed they want to share you and make things work between the three of you.
Even if you turn down their offers of making you feel better, they don't give up easily.
You tell them you wish to focus on avenging your fallen lover and race, which Pidge understands... but...
"...Then we'll do it together!" Lance pipes up.
"Exactly. The Galra have affected us all deeply, please, we just want to make you feel better again!"
The pair isn't too bad, actually.
Pidge's love is soft and teasing/playful while Lance is over the top yet passionate.
Together they'll find a way to worm their way into your heart.
A lot of it's manipulation....
They're still yanderes with selfish desires, even if they do truly care about your loss.
They disguise their isolation and manipulation to keep you to themselves as comforting you.
You don't need to cry or worry anymore... they'll take care of it.
In fact... they'll take care of everything for you from now on as your paladins.
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theloverscardtarot · 11 days
Jonathan Bailey September 5th, 2024
General Energy
World, Queen of Pents, Page of Pents, Fool
Jonathan could be very well traveled and worldly. Maybe he is thinking of traveling soon or is currently. He could feel very accomplished and fulfilled. Possibly he feels whole and harmonious at the moment. He has a calming and nurturing presence. He keeps a beautiful home and is welcoming. I feel like he kind of "mothers" people. Maybe he is the one always taking care of people among his friends and family. He likes to learn and is a very curious person. He takes his craft seriously and is always looking for ways to improve on his skills. I feel like he may have a very carefree and naive outlook on life. I feel like nothing really bothers him much. He just kinda glides through life.
5 of Cups, Devil, Emperor
I feel like there have been a few disappointments regarding his career. Perhaps there was a project or role he was supposed to take on and it was cancelled or postponed. Is he still on Bridgerton? This card could indicate job loss and that he may be grieving it. The devil can indicate there have been tentions or possible toxic behaviors in the workplace. I know I'm doing a reading on the Bridgerton cast dynamics because it's possible some castmates may not have gotten along. Has he gotten blame put on him for certain things? Emperor suggests he may have an older mentor that he has learned from or would benefit from seeking that out. This also goes back to him being the "mother" QoP of the group. It could indicate him trying to bring structure to a group or set and trying to meditate and calm the chaos.
10 of Wands, Knight of Pents, Sun Rev, Strength, 6of Swords
I saw that he said he was "dating a lovely man" but wanted to keep his love life private. I don't know how long ago that was. 10 of wands suggests that love could be a burden for him. I know he didn't come out to the public for a long time, so maybe he felt like relationships were more of a burden for awhile and it could have been exhausting. I feel like now he has someone to help him carry it. He may feel like his current partner is generous with his time and money. I feel like they have an emotionally stable relationship. They are serious about each other. The Sun Rev isn't entirely a bad card, but it could mean that the relationship has become a bit stagnant. It's possible that Jonathan is filming and they don't see as much of each other as they wish to. It's possibly making them sad to be apart which is so sad but cute. Strength is a great card. They bring out each other strength and they have a strong foundation. Empathy, compassion and support. Knowing how to fulfill each other's needs. 6 of swords makes me think they are in it for the long haul. It also suggests leaving the past behind you. This could be a tense part of their relationship they have worked through or moving on from pain caused by past relationships and helping each other do so. Moving forward to a brighter future.
Next Project
I can't remember why I looked into this. Maybe I had a last minute request so I added it.
Hermit, Queen of Cups, 7 of Cups, Lovers Rev.
This could possibly mean a solo project. I wonder if he has been working on something himself that he's trying to bring to fruition. This could also mean he's currently waiting for his next project to come along. Searching, contemplating. It may be an emotionally charged project either for him personally or the premise. I feel like it could be something centered around compassion and caring for others. Maybe he's playing a doctor or something? Maybe a husband and father role? There may be a lot of choices coming in. Maybe he is involved in casting and producing/directing with this project? I feel like he has some personal say in it regardless. The lovers reversed could mean it's not a role/movie/show/ genre for the faint of heart. It won't be lighthearted. It could also mean it will lead to tensions or people not getting along well during the process.
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docholligay · 3 years
Holligay Loves Food: what’s your current favorite and least favorite food trends?
Unfortunately the pandemic has really fucked a lot of the things I love about food and dining, and I am frustrated that even as we have decided collectively that we're tired of Covid* a lot of the things that arose in response to Covid that ended up having very little effect on an airborne virus are here to stay, and they happen to be some of my LEAST favorite trends. For example:
QR code menus. Fucking hate this shit for three reasons: 1) it's incredibly difficult for those of us with poor eyesight to have to read something that small on our phones, and it takes a VERY long time to get through the whole menu. It's also not easy to flip between things. 2) In normal times, I don't use my phone on Shabbat. I sometimes don't even have it with me. I WILL ask you for a paper menu in a voice that very much implies there ought to fucking be one, and I WILL be annoyed if I have to use my friend's phone. I don't think asking people to stick their heads in their phones is a pleasant dining experience. 3) and THIS IS THE BIGGIE, so read it carefully: They can change the menu extremely easily, at any time. This is great! you say. Hmmmm...is it though? You see, in airports they're starting to see a handful of restaurants do a thing called Dynamic Pricing, guess what that is? Prices change in relation to time of day, business, food costs, etc, from hour to hour day to day. Do you want to pay more for a dish on Saturday night? Because if this flies (lol) in airports, they WILL introduce it at street level, and accepting the total digitization of menus will make it possible.
Greater use of single use plastics: This wasn't even that helpful with the pandemic and I would like to see it go away. I'm hoping we'll start to see some signs of resistance against all the packaging shit. I FINALLY have gotten back to using my reusuable produce bags cause for awhile...my grocery store wouldn't even LET ME.
Okay now shit I can't blame on Covid:
The revival of 80s cocktails: Woof, all points on the horizon seem to be leaning toward a revival of the super sweet hypercolor cocktails that defined the 80s: Think Tequila Sunrise, Long Island Iced Tea, etc. They'll be made with fresh juices or whatever now, and that's nice I suppose, but I am not this girl: Mad Men did me way more favors than dreaming of the 80s will.
Air Fryers: It's a fucking convection oven. It's a one trick pony and it doesn't fry SHIT. This has literally always been possible with a convection toaster oven, which I do own, and use, in fairness, but it also does OTHER THINGS. I saw a recipe for an air fryer cheesecake as people desperately try to prove it's a worthwhile device but its the fucking Salad Shooter or Fondue Pot of the late teens-early 20s.
The Board Trend: I think this is finally going away, but I hated everything being made into a board. A pancake board is the fucking stupidest thing I have ever heard of. Cold pancakes, but at least they look nice laid out next to the toppings! I loathe food that is more about instagram than in your mouth, and this is a prime example of that.
Things I love/am excited about:
Takeout liquor: Okay so Covid did me EXACTLY TWO favors, and this was one of them. Montana totally broke down, as did most of the country, about takeout liquor, and now I can get a drink to go. I can't really go out much anymore! So a nicely mixed cocktail isn't something I get much, but sometimes I can talk my mom into listening to the baby monitor while I run down to Buffalo Block and get two of their beautifully packaged, delicious cocktails that I can drink at home. I hope this stays FOREVER.
Smaller menus: Okay this is actually another Covid thing, but I love it! Smaller menus allow for greater mastery of the things on them, and better turnover of inventory. I AM a little sad this means most menus are now less adventurous, though.
Meatless days/Flexitarian/Whatever: We all know meat is bad for the environment, especially at the rates Americans eat it. We all know animals are badly abused in factory farms and by eating it, we're supporting it. I'm really pleased to see more and more people leaning toward meat as a condiment or skipping meat some days, without having to think of it as a huge ~lifestyle change~. We do this! We eat at least one meatless meal a week, and often have multiple meals where the meat is not the central point. I hope more and more people will start expanding their palates and minds and eating in a less boomery way
India!: People are getting excited about the breadth of Indian cuisine, and allowing that Indian can be upscale--it reminds me of the 90sish revival of Mexican food. As a huge lover of Indian food, this delights me. Even my grandmothers are open to eating Indian food now, because my grandma saw so much of it on Food Network. Indian cookbooks are buzzy, and I see more and more non-Indian Americans trying their hand at making Indian food. I can't wait to see particularly the crossover stuff that will be birthed from this consideration of Indian flavors in the mainstream. (Though my heart may always ultimately lie with Rogan Josh)
Alcohol free cocktails, wine, and beer: This may surprise some of you as we all know I love to drink, but truthfully I am so jazzed for the way that we're starting to move beyond sprite with a mint leaf for virgin cocktails. I think some of this is people that are stopping or reducing drinking actually LIKE alcohol, now, so the flavors are being requested without the buzz. Previously most people I knew who were teetotalers basically would have only drank a soda anyway while glaring at all of us with cocktails and pouting about how "no one can have a good time without drinking" But now you're seeing people who actually LIKE beer looking to have something for nights they don't want that, or cocktail lovers looking for something to space between, and a lot of people like me--who drink, but don't want to drink every night, but love the taste. I cannot WAIT to see where this goes, prayer circle for a great virgin whiskey to be invented.
*Btw, this is like...not unprecedented. We're actually more on top of it than they ended up being about Spanish flu in 1920, when the world also collectively said, "shut the fuck up I'm done with this shit." and it killed a bunch more people. They didn't even count it as a 'new wave' because the public did not care anymore. Also in the late 50s with a flu outbreak that didn't QUITE hit these levels but killed a lot of fucking people. This is just how we are as a species, we get tired of being afraid and so we stop. It's a survival mechanism, kinda. Anyhow, I know I'm gonna catch hell for this but I'm not saying it in a way that approves or disapproves of it, it's just...what it is! We accept the reality with which we're presented.
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years
i want your midnights; 
full masterlist
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word count: 1,749
Warning: fluff!! pure feelings 
Summary: this one’s written for the @mypoisonedvine​‘s festive writing challenge with the prompt “kissing at the new year’s eve count down.” there was only one person that you wanted to celebrate new years with and it was bucky barnes, the love of your life. 
a/n: not my best work but eh, i needed some holiday fluff with bucky. comment and reblog if you like! 
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You straightened the skirt of your dress, trying to make yourself look presentable as you took a deep breath. To say you were nervous would be an outrageous understatement. You haven't played for a big crowd, let alone a crowd in awhile. The last time you were standing with identical emotions swirling through your stomach was when you were in your adolescent years. It wasn't because you grew bored of it, it was simply because you grew up and life had its funny way of surprising you. This occupation wasn't merely a job, it was a lifestyle. And this lifestyle didn't allow you to think that you'd ever have the chance to revisit this forgotten passion.
But here you were. About to perform one of your favourite songs on the grand instrument placed in the centre of the room and you feel like your stomach was sinking. You were good and you were adored. Suck it up and don't be a coward!
The ticking clock shows that it was three hours away from midnight. And the party was in full swing because it's New Year's Eve and Tony Stark was a man of flamboyant parties. And may God help you if he discovered your hidden talent.
"You should sing on New Year's Eve! Entertain the guests before midnight. What's better than live music at a party?"
"I don't know, Tony... I haven't sung in so long."
"You literally just did two minutes ago!"
"Okay first, that was in my room where no one was watching and second, you weren't supposed to see that!"
Tony walked up to the mini stage with a microphone in one hand and a glass of Champagne in the other.  "Ladies and gentlemen, can I have your attention? I shouldn't be asking, after all, you were invited to my party." The elicited a few chuckles from the guests. "Let me start by thanking all of you for coming here tonight..."
Tony's speech was muffled by the grasp around your waist by a familiar pair of arms. "Nervous?"
"Extremely."  You smiled despite the averment.
"Baby, don't worry. I've heard you sing and you have one of the loveliest voices in the world."
"You're just saying that cause you're my boyfriend, Bucky..."
"That's true, but the latter is also true."
You turned around in his arms and threw yours around his neck. "Thank you for the encouraging words. I feel a bit lighter knowing that you'll be in the crowd."
"My pleasure, darling." He kissed you with his hands still on your waist, holding you close but Tony's words disrupted your moment.
"We have a special and exclusive performance tonight. Please welcome, my friend, ____ ____!“
The soft claps welcomed you and it was your turn to take the stage.
"Good evening, everybody. I'm y/n and I hope you enjoy my performance tonight."
A sprightly "whew!" was heard and you instantly recognized Clint's voice.
Your fingers pushed the first few notes of the intro and the sound immediately changed the atmosphere in the room.
"There's glitter on the floor after the party, girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby..." You sang to the microphone. "Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor, you and me from the night before but..."
"Don't read the last page but I stay when you're lost and I'm scared and you're turning away, I want your midnights but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on new year's day." You still hadn't dared to gaze at the audience so you focused on looking down on the black and white keys.
"You squeezed my hand three times in the back of the taxi, I can tell that it's gonna be a long road. I'll be there if you're the toast of the town babe," you didn't know why but your heart drove your gaze to the crowd and you instantly found the person you were singing for. "...Or if you strike out and you're crawling home..."
"Don't read the last page but I stay when it's hard or it's wrong or we're making mistakes..." You didn't look away. You couldn't. Not when the love of your life was staring right back at you with those warm steel blue eyes. "I want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day." You meant every word.
"Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you, hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you, hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you." This time your eyes wandered to the crowd, familiar and strange faces staring back at you with contented looks and you hoped these words would cling to them.
"...And I will hold on to you." Because they did to you and you did to the man standing a few feet away from you but your hearts and your minds remained connected.
"Please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere, please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere..." A brief flashback played in your mind; the lovers turned strangers, the friends turned enemies, the loved ones turned ghosts. You barely heard from them anymore these days, but you could still remember their laughters, an epitome of the good memories. You hoped that this dynamic ragtag group of vigilantes would never turn into one of those tragedies. Another buried name that goes up to the monument.  
"There's glitter on the floor after the party, girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby, candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor," your heartbeat hummed the euphonious melody, "...You and me forevermore." There he was. Smiling at you. Always smiling because you were the light of his life and his simpers were genuine and frequent now.
"Don't read the last page, but I stay when it's hard or it's wrong or we're making mistakes, I want your midnights, but I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day, hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you, and I will hold on to you." You chanted the closing lyrics and when the last note resonated, the guests' claps were louder this time, invigorating your confidence.
Everyone returned to their own things; catching up with their friends, laughing on the couch and drinking by the bar and Natasha was even standing behind it like a professional part-time bartender. Some were slow dancing and the others are already a little too drunk.
"That was beautiful, doll."
"You think so?"
"I know so. You got a gift, you shouldn't hide it from the world."
"I'm not trying to hide it, Bucky. I just... I didn't have the time with the world-saving and all. And music makes people happy, but it doesn't save lives."
"Well, if I don't know when I'll see you play again, then I'm glad at least we got tonight. And you're wrong, doll. You certainly saved me."
"Your words will be the death of me, Barnes."
Everyone gathered around, watching the big screen displaying the countdown to midnight. As the numbers go down, the more energized people become. Your arms were tangled with Bucky's, not wanting to be far away from the person you loved the most seconds before the year finalizes its chapter.
For a moment there, you felt happy. You looked around to see your teammates with smiles on their faces, stress-free and humans. This job hadn't allowed you to be just a human living a normal life. But tonight was one of the rare moments where all of you could just be normal people celebrating holidays.
And then there was Bucky, the man who had lived for a century, whose entire life was stolen away from him, and the man that your heart chose to fall in love with, and you were lucky enough that he chose you too. You had spent two Christmases together, and now you were entering another new chapter together, and there was no one else you'd rather wake up with an awful hangover with. There was no one else who would be there to give you Advil in the morning and deal with your mess.
"Happy New Year!"
You and Bucky kiss, as all the cheers and noises, faded into the background. Bucky grabbed you close by the waist, and you had your arms around his neck trying to hold onto his lips as long as possible. You ran your fingers through his hair, feeling all the overwhelming affection you had for him. Bucky felt it too deep in his bones, who would've thought that despite all the atrocities his hands had to commit, someone as beautiful and wonderful as you would love him despite it all? Would kiss him on New Year's Eve and would stick with him through another year?
"Happy new year, darling."
"Happy new year." You couldn't fake the smile forming on your face. “I can’t believe it’s our second New Year’s together.”
“There’s no one else I’d rather spend the rest of my New Years with.”
“Are you saying you’re willing to spend the rest of your New Years dealing with my cranky hangover moods and pulling my hair back when I throw up?”
“As long as it’s you, I’m ready for pretty much anything. You’ve had my back and picked up my mess when I was at my worst, doll and I didn’t deserve it, but you did so without asking for anything, and I’m willing to do the same for you.”
You nearly teared up at his words, the past two years hadn’t always been the smoothest road with rainbows and butterflies for you two. You stuck with Bucky through his nightmares, panic attacks and his therapy sessions and you loved him despite all his open wounds and permanent scars, and Bucky had never felt luckier to have fallen in love with you too along the way. It began with a friendship and bloomed into something deeper, and the last two New Years that you had spent together reminded you that you could walk through every hurricane that life threw at you as long as you were together.
“You always knew how to calm down my fears and lift up my spirit and I’m eternally grateful for that.”
“Guess we’re just perfectly imperfect for each other, huh?”
“Guess we are.” He kissed you again with a huge smile on his face and zest for writing the first page of 365 pages with you.
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kimberlyannharts · 3 years
I really do not this implication that Tommy's reason for being annoyed with Matt aren't valid. Like is this REALLY about his showboating or is it deeper (aka about Kim/his coin possibly). There's a possible chaos putty in the area & civilians are packed in the dog park and he took his helmet off just to have an exchange with Tommy? It comes off very look at me I'm the green ranger in case you guys didn't know. Keep in mind that it took the team awhile to adjust to the SCT and vice versa. Throwing Matt into the dynamic could be challenging when you don't know he'll do he just shows up unannounced. He's more of a distraction especially for the SCT for whatever reason this issue.
honestly i chose those panels in particular because it felt a lot like he was talking to the readers there lollll like "I SAVED THE RANGERS' LIVES! I'M PART OF THE TEAM NOW! ACCEPT IT!" (spoilers: i will never accept it)
the thing is, the most frustrating thing about this mess is i DO think Ryan is trying for a "both sides have a point" theme. you can see it with Zordon vs the Omegas; and you can kind of see it with Tommy vs Matt. i don't think he's deliberately trying to sabotage beloved established characters in favor of the ones he likes better - in fact, he's said that he doesn't understand people who hate Tommy.
HOWEVER, the problem is, he's....really bad at writing this "both sides have a point" theme. The sides of conflict are not portrayed equally. one is written as angrier and antagonistic without taking time into deeper dive into their headspace and reasoning, while the other side is written more like they're defending themself against the other's anger - plus getting more page space to show and explain their reasoning. this automatically paints one party as irrational and aggressive while the other is more sympathetic and reasonable.
For instance, Zordon puts a bounty on the Omegas' heads and is considering a replacement for Billy. The Omegas and Billy stress that they're doing these things because they want to help people. Tommy tells Matt he's not a real ranger, he's just doing this for attention, and they don't want his help. Matt stresses he's just doing these things because he wants to help people. you see the connection here? Zordon and Tommy have made good points about what the Omegas and Matt are doing, but it's drowned out by their extreme actions and words. Zordon feels outright authoritarian at times. we don't know why exactly Tommy has a problem with Matt other than shallow jealousy. meanwhile it's hammered in that the Omegas and Matt are trying to look out for the greater good, and yes, have actually saved people. so that skews the audience's sympathy in their favor (and it doesn't help that in this fandom, most people will automatically villainize Tommy for everything he does anyway). it's unequal and honestly unfair to Tommy and Zordon's characters to have them act like this without really going into WHAT'S MAKING THEM act like this
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bigskydreaming · 5 years
I'm having a worse than usual day, so my go to moodlift method is making up headcanons for Dick that don't involve superheroing. You know, the romantic hero, the 'most eligible bachelor' aspect.. gets the focus. Because hey plenty of us had a crush on him growing up. Just for fun, I wanna ask you, do you think he's a slow burn romance kinda guy or intense fiery passionate romance from the get go kinda guy? One more, the age old question, is HE an ass guy or a tiddy guy? Imo he's a thigh guy..
Sorry you’re having a crap day, and uh, hope this didn’t end up not fun, I got lost in the headcanoning and character analysis and zigged and zagged per usual, so……I do not trust my ability to tell, overall. LMAO. But good question, made me think!
I think it depends on the person. I feel like Dick is capable of both, that sometimes feelings just creep up on him for someone over time, but other times he’s just drawn to someone instantly. For me, Babs and Kory is the proof - the instant crush on Babs from day one is more of a Reboot introduction to their dynamic…..in various older continuities, she was more a rival at first. Even as he advocated for Bruce to help train her and not stop her from being Batgirl at sometimes, he still very much was competitive with her, that sort of thing. You could argue it was the schoolboy kinda crush, that idea of a boy pulling the pigtails of a girl he likes because he doesn’t know how to admit he likes her or even realizes himself that he does. But personally, I find that explanation doesn’t really fit Dick, as its more fitting to someone who lacked his early maturity.
The thing is, a lot of people tend to focus on some of Dick’s more immature behaviors and actions, as a grown man and back when he was Robin with the puns and seeming innocence, and just see it as innocence and immaturity…..but I’ve always seen it as a coping mechanism. Dick grew up fast at a very early age, as much as Bruce himself did - they just coped with it in very different ways. People emphasize that Bruce took him in partly to keep Dick from turning out like he did, but they often forget at the same time that Bruce also took Dick in because he empathized with him, saw himself and his own tragedy reflected in Dick’s. Life-altering events had already happened to Dick before he ever set foot in Wayne Manor…..and Dick was altered. He was painfully aware of how cruel life could be, how serious things were, before Bruce ever actually had any ability to halt that realization from ever touching Dick.
The difference between Bruce and Dick and how they turned out, is that with Bruce’s support in those early years, Dick willfully clung to as much of his childhood as was left to him, even if at times it was the ‘fake it until you make it’ mentality. Many of his more immature behaviors are IMO a spiteful defiance of life’s attempt to make him grow up before he should have had to….and Bruce encouraged these things, IMO. He gave Dick the support and shelter, the buffer that allowed Dick to act immature even in the face of gravely serious and dark issues, because quite frankly, Dick cracking puns even while they were face to face with a life-threatening danger is probably a healthier coping mechanism than any Bruce had at the same age, at least in Bruce’s eyes if nothing else. 
But my point is, Dick’s youthful optimism and cheeriness even in the darkest parts of growing up Robin in Gotham City….none of that existed because Dick was truly childish and immature as befitted his actual age, thanks to Bruce taking him in and guiding him to turn out better than he did or whatever that line of thought might look like…..rather, it existed because Dick made the willful and deliberate choice to act as much the child as he could for as long as he could…..and I think that in the early years when things were really good between them and they were largely on the same page, Bruce recognized this choice for what it was, this defiance to the cards life had dealt Dick, and he encouraged and defended Dick’s ability to make this choice and act this way.
But you can’t see the kind of things all the Robins saw and actually be as immature and goofy as Dick acted as Robin, untouched by all of that. Dick was right there in the thick of it all along. How can you avoid being touched by Gotham’s darkness, seeing Gotham’s darkness, when you’re punching it right in the face, you know? You can’t. But what you can do, if you choose to, and which is what Dick chose to do….is not give it the satisfaction of knowing it touched you. The real testament of how mature Dick was or not as a young crime-fighting Robin, how aware he was or not of the grim realities of life, was not in how he acted when face to face with villains and criminals, but rather, how he acted when face to face with their victims. THAT’S where the reality of Dick’s maturity shined through, even LONG before he met Barbara in any canon.
Which is how this tangent brings us back to topic, lol….a schoolboy crush being the explanation for some of Dick’s earlier pettiness with Barbara and their rivalry at times, like, just doesn’t track with Dick’s actual maturity, IMO. The actual more likely explanation as I see it is that Dick did genuinely clash with her at times, in the very early years, that his initial attitudes were a confused mish-mash of feeling threatened by her and her possibly getting between him and Bruce, the partnership that was in all but name his unique form of father-son bonding time….but also at the same time still being Dick Grayson and feeling compelled to do the right thing and respect and thus defend her being given the same chance and training he’d been given, to do what they both felt needed doing, that they were driven to do.
So I don’t think he and Babs were instant friends, and I don’t think she was his instant crush….I think it was slowburn with her, he gradually grew to develop feelings for her over time, as his respect for her mind and capabilities grew to outweigh whatever conflicting emotions he felt about her being around, and then eventually blossomed into actual love.
Then in contrast, you have Kory. And I think Dick was instantly attracted to her from the get-go, and their relationship was the very epitome of intense passionate romance and all the ups and downs that go along with it, as befits too of the most primal and passionate people in the DC universe. Dick was drawn to her pretty much from day one, and Kory was as well, and it wasn’t an opposites attract thing so much as two beings resonating on the same wavelength, even if at times from different parts of the same spectrum. 
Because here’s the thing about Dick that I think links the two kinds of relationships and makes them both fitting for him…..he is very much a creature of instincts. He goes with his gut, he responds to things on an automatic and visceral level. But at the same time, the other truth about Dick is that his mind is no less exceptional than anyone else’s in the Batfamily, and his instincts are guided by a hell of a lot more intellect and processing power than most peoples’ are. He’s been trained from the time he could walk, even long before he met Bruce, to have exceptional situational awareness, to adapt to changes in his environment and predicaments with a moment’s notice, to take in every possible relevant detail at a glance when the stakes are literally those of leaping off a high trapeze. Dick trusts his instincts, because Dick’s instincts are exceptional, and with reason.
And this applies to every part of his life, not just the superhero parts. So when Dick feels drawn to someone like Kory, I think he trusts his gut and goes with it….he might not necessarily even know yet on a conscious level why he’s attracted to them and they’re someone he could really fall for and have a relationship with, he just knows that he does feel that way, and trusts that its for a reason. And then at the same time, with someone like Barbara, he likely had those same instincts about her, leading to the times he defends her to Bruce even though he might have clashed with her just minutes before, but he knows there’s a reason for him to do that, act that way, even if it takes much longer for that to transition from a mere possibility of actual compatibility to conscious feelings of actual attraction and love. 
Its all instinct to him either way….but the person he’s instinctively reacting to has the definitive role in whether or not its slowburn or instant passionate attraction….because the other deep truth about him that I feel is relevant here is that Dick feeds off other people, their energy, what they show him and give him to work with….and his instinct is usually to meet them in kind, give the same energy back, unless say, he makes the conscious decision to override his instincts and power through an antagonistic reception and try and forge a positive bond, like with building his sibling dynamic and mentorship of Damian.
But in regards to his romances, as I said, I think the same instincts might be in play with both Barbara and Kory, but it played out very differently because Babs wasn’t initially drawn to him, not in that way at least. She wasn’t putting forth a romantic energy, and so it took awhile for Dick’s own romantic feelings to emerge and for them to finally be reciprocated in time. In contrast, it was hot and fiery from day one with Kory, because Kory was drawn to him from day one as much as Dick was to her, so there was nothing to slow down or stop those instincts from transforming into attraction and romantic feelings from the second he felt them.
As to the rest of your ask, lololol, sorry to be a cop out, but I don’t think there is a specific physical draw for Dick. I’ve always headcanoned him as bi, which is a bit of projection on my part, sure, but also I just genuinely don’t think gender or even physicality at all has anything to do with what draws to a person, or makes him attracted to them. Yeah, sure, I think he absolutely has physical attributes he loves and might put forth as their best attribute for any partner he’s with, but I think its different with each person because Dick is all about individuality….not just with himself and his own independence, but just….people aren’t interchangeable for him. At any level, I think. 
Every person who’s important to him is uniquely distinct in his mind, and I think with his romantic partners, this results in him liking something distinct about them physically, that separates them in his mind from any other partners he’s had. Because I don’t think its physical appearance that’s Dick’s primary source of attraction with his partners….he’s attracted to them first, and then he settles on something physical that’s uniquely attractive to him as well, that’s different in his mind from anyone else.
Because I think the thing that draws Dick to people in all forms of his relationships, but is particularly true and evident in his romantic partners…..is Dick is both drawn and attracted to competence, skill, power, intellect….all the things that make someone hardy. Durable. A survivor in the context of the world of superheroics that he lives in, specifically.
He’s drawn to people he feels he’s less likely to lose. And he’s attracted to people that this is equally true of, and even moreso, to the degree where he doesn’t feel any need to protect them….not because he doesn’t want to, but because it isn’t relevant. He feels and trusts that they’re more than capable of protecting themselves just as well if not better than he ever could.
And he knows better than anyone that nothing’s a guarantee, and even as he surrounds himself with family and friends and romantic partners that all have in common the fact that they’re incredibly skilled, capable and powerful…enduring…..he still knows that doesn’t mean he can’t lose them, that he won’t lose them. And thus IMO they all wind up in distinct categories in his mind.
His family, he’d kill for. His friends, he’d die for. And his romantic partners, the thing that makes him attracted to them, rather than just drawn to them, are those that he has no doubt would kick his ass for ever presuming to do either of those things for them, because they’re more than capable of taking care of themselves, thanks ever so much. He’s attracted to people he feels safe around, in the sense that he’s not always on guard, always worried about losing them, because he trusts in their ability to endure, survive, and thrive. And that he also can relax around, in the sense that he’s not always feeling like its on him to protect them, defend them, that he has to be always to be on guard or watching out for…because its not his job to protect them and it doesn’t have to be, because there’s nothing he can do for them that they can’t do for themselves and wouldn’t prefer to be left to them. And thus with them he can just…be.
Dick Grayson IMO is attracted to one type of person and one type only: his equals in body, mind and spirit. The ones he can stand beside and not feel dwarfed by or lost in their shadow, and at the same time never have to look back to make sure they’re following him because he knows they’re right there next to him keeping up. He’s attracted to those who challenge him, intellectually, emotionally, that he respects on every level, but who respect him on every level too…..with this part being especially key, and the problem he’s had in his canon relationships - they ONLY fall apart on his end of things, make him lose faith in the relationship, when he feels disrespected, that they’re not valuing him or his capabilities or contributions. 
Dick KNOWS his own worth, which is why he’s such a unique blend of confidence and insecurity….he can weather a whole society of people looking down on him because he knows their opinion doesn’t mean shit to him, but still be stricken with insecurity when he feels someone whose opinion he DOES value, like a romantic partner, family or friend, seems to question his worth or what he’s capable of. 
Dick and Kory are my preferred canon relationship because when they’re ALLOWED to work without editorial mandate to break them up or keep them apart, they embody this most fully for me. Because Kory is massively more powerful than Dick, but never regarded Dick as anything other than her equal in the field in spite of that. There was no question that they both regarded each other as fellow warrior spirits that they trusted to have their back in battle above all others. Kory and Dick work so well for me, because with everything else I said kept in mind, they SHOULDN’T work, not as total equals, and yet they DO. There SHOULD be a power imbalance there, and yet there never was. Not one that was felt, anyway, and not one that was ever in any way responsible for any of their romantic problems. Their issues were disagreements born of competing ideologies….but that both felt equally strongly about. Or issues of trust but only that were externally imposed by brainwashing and shapeshifting and bad shitty writing and editorial mandate that I’ll be ranting about on my deathbed. 
Anyway, enough rhapsodizing about Dick and Kory, lol, like that’s anything new. I mean, I could insert rhapsodizing about the potential for Dick and Kyle based on all of the above and other reasons, but that’s nothing new either. And also, whoops, this got super fucking long.
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enfpmyzterygirl · 4 years
Getting out of a toxic relationship
"Is she mad?" "I can't understand" "What the hell?" "Why would she do this to herself?" "I thought she is strong" .....
I'm sure these depict some of the thoughts of my friends regarding me a couple of years back.
What was I doing? I was in a toxic relationship. Everybody around me could see it. But not me.
Looking back now.....
There was no actual communication regarding problems that arose between us. He would stop talking when something happens and come back after a period ranging from 2 weeks to 2 months and demand to continue the relationship from where we stopped, without any explanations, and I let it happen, over and over again. - the push and pull dynamic.
Then there was verbal abuse. He used to hurt me a lot by his words. They were subtle snarky remarks - about everything and anything that would lower my self esteem further. I was too naive to recognize it as abuse. There was also comparative remarks that were purposely made to induce my jealousy.
There was no apology from him whatever happens and I always ended up apologizing no matter what.
My life was in cycles. I would weep my head off to my friends during periods of no contact and promise them I would not talk to him anymore. And then boom! I would run around with a wide smile, back again to my friends telling that we patched up and everything was fine. Things went round and round. Things were good for awhile. But then I was left with confusion and pain for awhile. I was recieving so called - love in bits and pieces.
My friends tried hard to prevent me from falling deeper into that black hole. But it did not work.
Why? Because, I wanted the relationship to last. After all, love os forever, isn't it? And I badly wanted it to work out. I wasn't a person to give up easily. "It would be fine soon", "things will change", "everything will be alright", I thought. I kept hoping and hoping, trying harder and harder, neglecting my pain and my needs. I also kept wondering why things were different for me than other people. "What is wrong with me?", "Maybe I should change..", I wondered. We were taught to prioritize the other person over our needs and always find fault with ourselves, weren't we? This drained every once of self confidence I had, but my confidence was not so high when I walked into the relationship in the first place.
One day, suddenly, when my brain unfogged, I realized that I could not take this anymore and I choose to walk away. "Walking away" is not as easy as those words.
My whole world came tumbling down. I had nothing to look forward to. Everything looked dark for a while. I wanted to get hold of something to go on. It was an abyss around me. I was so worried of the judgements of the society. "Oh! What will they think? What will happen to my future?"
And then there was the post breakup push and pull dynamic. Although I made the decision it was not that easy to follow it. There were periods of relapse. I would give in, run back to him begging him to take me back. He would chase me off and then come back to me again and I would push him off. This went on until the period between relapses extended and then one day, I forgave him peacefully.
Walking away from a toxic relationship is possibly the hardest thing you will ever do in your life. But if any of you are in a similar situation make this decision sooner than later. If we were able to do it, you too can!
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emotionaldepravity · 5 years
Hello! Would you do HCs of armada Blurr, Jetfire, and Sideswipe having a human companion of their own? Maybe someone older and more mature than the kids? I like to imagine one of them maybe has a cousin who is a detective that ended up sticking around out of concern for the kids in what is basically a war/recon setting. Thank you very much! I'm glad you're feeling up to doing HCs and I very much approve the new content
Ahhh I’m so glad to be back and feeling good about writing again! Also thank you so much for the support! I’m really loving getting to write some stuff for all of these cuties~ Also, these are kinda long… ha ha ha… 
- Alexis didn’t bother keeping the Autobots a secret when you happened to see your cousin jump out of a speeding sports car one day to make it to dinner on time. What was the point? You’d just follow her and learn the truth yourself, after all. She might as well as let you help them.
- Due to Blurr being the one that you happened to see first, Optimus suggested that you should get to know him first since you plan on sticking around.
-At first Blurr isn’t sure how to feel about having a human companion so he acts as disinterested as possible. 
- “Isn’t babysitting humans the minicons’ job?” 
-He just doesn’t know what to do with you.
-When you ask him to let you go on a recon mission with him for a new minicon, he is hesitant as he doesn’t want to be slowed down by having to protect you. However, Hot Shot and Red Alert convince him to give you a chance to prove yourself. 
-You manage to be extremely helpful to finding the minicon with how observant and focused you are. Its a nice change of pace for him than dealing with the children.
-For jut a moment, he opens up to praise your efforts, but in the next, he is all closed off one again. For awhile, this is how all your missions go. 
-It isn’t always easy to get along with him. He can be extremely headstrong, and even if you are simply trying to help him, he can shut you down.  
- It takes many silent drives and missions alone together before he truly warms up to you.
-After enough time has passed, he will just drive you around the city just to speak with you privately. Its his way of saying that he trusts you.
-When the minicon sightings slow down, he often likes to take you to see different parts of the world sometimes even back to past battle sites. Though he isn’t one to be sentimental, he would like to experience Earth and its nature when he isn’t try to fight for his life. Since this frivolousness isn’t exactly what he is used to, he makes sure you come along to teach him how to enjoy it.
- Once he finally realizes that his life has changed so much with you around, he almost wants to push you away, but he doesn’t. Instead, he allows himself to embrace his feelings for you.
-However, he has a bit of trouble deciding when or even how to confess. When he does decide to tell you how he feels, its done with little fanfare and as far away from the kids as possible. 
-Alexis occasionally teases the two of you about your relationship. She thinks its adorable. Its because of her that PDA is at a minimum. 
-When he goes on a mission without you, he tips your chin up so he can look into your eyes before he leaves. Its his nonverbal promise to you that he will come back no matter what.
-The first time you saw Jetfire you knew that something was up.
-A huge space shuttle flying around the mountains where you knew your cousin, Rad, and his friends liked to play was suspicious, and you had to investigate. 
-You managed to figure out about when the space shuttle would circle the mountain and where the shuttle landed. 
- Of course, when the kids jumped out and the mystery shuttle transformed to a huge robot, you had to confront your cousin. He was happy to explain all about the Transformers despite your concern for him in the current situation.
- Seeing that you weren’t exactly pleased with him now in the middle of an alien war, Rad suggested that you support Jetfire when looking for minicons that way you would feel better that him and the kids weren’t out in the field as much.
- Jetfire isn’t keen on the extra work, but he understands that the kids are an important part of the dynamic at the base. He isn’t particularly interested in seeing how low morale could get without them. 
-As you work together to locate minicons, he gets a good chance to figure you out and see your investigation skills. 
- “Never thought I’d see a human be so observant; you must be a P.I.”
- He likes to ask you about yourself. At first it was just to get you to like him, but now, he genuinely is interested in you. Though not all of your stories are as eventful as his own war stories, he thinks highly of them and loves that you’re willing to be so open with him. At some point, he finally realizes his own feelings for you and decides to put his plan into motion to get you to like him in return.
-In typical Jetfire fashion, he does his best to charm you. For a playful flirt like him, teasing and complimenting you are some of his favorite mission activities.
-He can’t help but show off for you its just in his code. 
-Don’t be surprised if he takes you up into space to see the stars whenever things are a bit uneventful. 
-The moment he learns that humans also use nicknames, he starts calling you “sweetspark.” 
- One night during a sleepover at the Autobot base, he showcases his ability to mass displace by pulling you into his lap to “relax.” 
- When he finally confesses, its after a moonlit flight to an open filed where the stars were incredibly bright. 
-For the most part, Rad is just happy that the two of you get along. However, he has been known to make faces when he sees you acting like a couple. 
-He always says the same thing before he heads out for a mission: “Don’t miss me too much sweetspark, I’ll be back soon~”
- Your aunt and uncle had always asked you to look after Carlos when you had the chance, and with his grades being even lower than usual, you figured a proper “investigation” needed to happen. You had your suspicions that he was skipping, but you had to go and see for yourself.
-One early morning, you follow Carlos only to find that he was definitely not headed to the old middle school you remembered going to so long ago.
-When you get to the Autobot base, not too far behind your cousin, Sideswipe was the first bot you happened to see. When you stare at him in awe, he returns the look because he didn’t really know how to react. Eventually, you 
-After scolding Carlos, and the other kids for missing class, you decide to stay long enough to speak to Optimus Prime.  
-Though part of him wants to act a tough guy like Blurr, he is extremely excited to have a human companion.
- Humans are so interesting to him, and he is always asking you questions about what its like being a human. 
-He thinks that you being a detective is very cool! You are saving the world in your own way, and he respects that a lot. You are like a human hero!
-In his clumsy way, his admiration for you turned into infatuation. He really wasn’t sure how it had ended up like this, but after spending so much time getting to know you, it was hard not to be charmed. 
-He likes to hold you in his hand so he can feel close to you since you are just so small compared to him. 
-Sometimes he wishes he was minicon sized so he could hug you properly. He practically begs Red Alert to find away to make it possible, and one day Sideswipe gets a mass displacement mod.
-Now he mass displaces all the time to hug you. Sometimes the others have to remind him that he has work to do because he cuddles with you for so long. Typically, its Carlos, and his reminder follows a “you two are so gross.”
-Whenever he goes out on a mission without you, he makes sure to give you a kiss for good luck. He gets a bit distraught if he doesn’t get to. 
- Sideswipe is always talking about you to his bro, Hot Shot. You are just so fascinating to him and well he likes to brag about how incredible his human is. In turn, he talks about how much he looks up to Hot Shot to you. After all, he wants the two beings he cares about the most to get along. 
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jinxofthedesert · 4 years
Hi there!!! It is the same anon that requested some fic recs ☺ Thank you so much! I may give them a read! They look very interesting! But tbh I'm looking for fics that deal with some more in-depth approach to the twins' psychology and character (I don't mind the romance. In fact, I think it's a really interesting plus to the story when handled well).
(Below this is the rest of the messages, put together. Farther down, below the line, are my responses)  
 I’ve usually seen that the twins are portrayed as soft, loving and caring guys with their partners without real motives for such drastic change of dynamics in their twisted personalities. I mean, the usual Valeska centered fic goes like this: they meet the OC in Arkham or during their childhood in the circus and for some reason they reunite in the present, and then it is just the twins somehow falling for them, changing their whole way of being and only wanting to bang the OC the whole time (without taking into account the lack of the OC's inner conflict about loving such twisted men, because these OCs usually are "sane" and good people that somehow are dragged into the twins' world and for some reason they just fall in love with them without questioning it). But for me the least realistic thing about these fics is that the twins become super nice guys all of a sudden. I mean of course there can be character develoment and growth (up to a certain point), but I haven't really found a story that contains such deep explanation. Let's face it, they're still psychos no matter what, even if they have a partner.  In the last season we get a glimpse of how Jeremiah treats Ecco, someone that he used to appreciate and care for deeply, and she still meant little to him. So it doesn't add up to me when the twins are magically turned into these super sweet caring guys while their twisted, evil and manipulative side is completely ignored. I am not saying they can't love, I am just saying that they surely have their own twisted perception of what love is 🤔 Sorry for my rambling, damn, it took soooooo many comments hahaha!!! OMG, Sorry!😂😂 I had a LOT to say 😂😂😂 But I just find these characters very interesting and I would love to read a story with a more realistic approach to the construction of their personalities (and their twisted way of loving too!). Let me know, please, if you happen to know about some fics/authors 😘 thanks again! 
- - - - - - - - -  Hi again, anon! I’m sorry my list of content in the previous ask wasn’t exactly what you were looking/hoping for. As of right now, besides the ones I sent you that may delve a little bit below the surface, I can’t think of a true ‘character study’ type story that I have read so far. But, again, I usually stay in the area of romance so I wouldn’t be surprised if there are such fics out there under a different genre.
I’ll be quite honest, it’s been a very long time since I’ve read any oc/(input character here), including ones with the twins. Normally, I forget they exist until someone brings it up or I stumble across one on Tumblr accidentally. I do agree, the twins suddenly changing for an OC (or anyone) can be a bit unrealistic but from my years of reading and writing, creating stories with such things is a bit of ‘wish fulfillment’ which, to be honest, isn’t a bad thing. Sometimes a reader just needs content that is kind of good-feeling type fic (though not in a sense of how murderous the twins can be but in them getting some kind of positivity in their lives, whether it be through an OC or another character in the universe). When I wrote Oc’s at the beginning, it was either wish fulfillment for me or simply just wanting these characters I adored to finally have some kind of happy ending which they probably did not deserve, at all. 
A reason you might not find such content is also because, character studies are hard. Especially if you don’t have a complete picture of the character. With the twins, a lot is just coming up with stuff, imaging their past and how it still affects them, even if, on the upper layer we’re shown, doesn’t portray those scars left behind. 
With Oc’s, they can usually be pretty hit or miss. It’s not like you’re taking an already known character with known flaws and putting them in your story. Those characters have a foundation already built. For an Oc, the writer has to literally make someone from the ground up, which is equally as hard without making them seem too whiny, too mary-sue like, or just too problematic. This can leave a lot to be desired which can create something unrealistic as well. That’s why I usually only look for content centered around characters from the show, instead of Oc’s; like with Bruce and the twins because canon-wise there is already something there (depending on how you look at it and write it). 
In regard to Ecco: firstly, I think it’s arguable what type of relationship she even has with Jeremiah when we first are introduced to them. We’re shown some concern on his end when she’s clearly been hypnotized but this can be seen as a boss concerned for an employee, an employee who he’s probably had for awhile now and is one of the very rare few who he trusts to an extent. However, we just don’t know much of anything about their relationship or past together. She might have hardly seen him, only contacting him through phone calls and text messages; she may have only brought him supplies through the maze and never was in his inner personal areas. This treatment is all possible given how Jeremiah is quite literally a paranoid mess before the spray, no matter how well put-together he appears. And, if we’re to compare this to his eventual obsession with Bruce Wayne, we can take a guess that Jeremiah and Ecco probably didn’t get very deep with this connection they had. Mainly because with just a few compliments, Jeremiah is invested in Bruce, something we don’t see with Ecco before or after the spray. So we have Bruce enter the picture (someone who has run into his twin on multiple occasions, a fact Jeremiah must know to some extent with his paranoia probably leading him to constantly check newspapers and the news for info on Jerome) and, if you look at things from Jeremiah’s perspective, besides complimenting him, Bruce looks at him and only sees Jeremiah. And this would be baffling to Jeremiah if he knows the affect Jerome has had on Bruce, for him to look at Jeremiah and not see his twin after everything would be just as big a compliment as anything because it’s differentiating him from his twin. Someone who has probably feared being compared to his brother, for people to look at him and only see Jerome (such as what occurs with Jim and Harvey only hours prior). Because of this, when compared to Ecco, we can deduce that either their conversations never went in such a direction, or she hardly had the extended physical contact to ever bring up Jerome or compare or compliment. If so, it’s possible with how Jeremiah is that something similar could have happened with Ecco. And this eventually leads into the spray where his only true attachment is not Ecco but with Bruce, especially, after his initial spray, Jeremiah’s hatred for Jerome is far worse than it had been before, making Bruce’s assessment of Jeremiah simply being himself and not his brother, far more endearing as well. So, in comparison to Bruce, Ecco means absolutely nothing to him, a means to an end. 
I’ll admit, reading content where the twins are somehow in a relationship (with an oc or canon character) while still being rather insane, are quite interesting. However, for stuff like that to work in a compelling and ‘actual’ way, characters like that have to be bent because these characters logistically working in that kind of environment may never be realistic anyways. This can be worked around of course, but it takes so much time and effort; even now, as I write my stories for Gotham, I’m still trying to work around how to make these ships work for the twins because they’re stubborn and although they have obsessions they, at their cores are not good people and while they may try, seriously try to better themselves, there will always be slip-ups.
I do agree, they can love but it would always be twisted in some way or another (look no further than Jeremiah with Bruce). They’re also a lot of fun to take apart and analyze or try and come up with a type of background that works with all the hints we’ve been given. Background-wise, the twins are really something a writer can make their own which is an interesting concept.
This turned more so into a long ramble of writing and Ocs and lots of Gotham lol but anyways, I wish I could give you a story to fit your needs. I quite hate when I have an itch for certain fics and I either can’t find them or the number of fics is so daunting that I don’t dare even try. I would recommend just going through them, possibly looking for complete content first, or ones with high hits or kudos (depending on the site you’re searching on) because I don’t have any at the moment I can suggest. 
(Honestly the ideas for the twins never stop coming lol, perks of their backgrounds and everything else being so hazy.)
I hope some of this message was at least interesting lol and I do wish you luck in finding good twin content that delves into their character or, maybe you’ll get lucky and someone will publish something like that soon! Either way, I hope you find something 😘
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battlestar-royco · 6 years
I'm the original Grisha anon. Thanks for the replies! I might check the books out. I appreciate when authors are willing to improve and don't assume that they know everything (like Cassie). Speaking of her: what she mentioned in her posts about characters is technically true but QOAAD book is so long and the emphasis is on romance, sex (not SJM level tho) and romance angst. Everything else takes a back seat. If you give 300 pages to a romance plot and 3 pages to something else (1/2)
you are sending a clear message what you find the most important in your book. You can’t act all condescending to your fans when they notice. It’s not just about this book; all of her books go back to romance and romance angst. Incest plot for Clace = romance angst. Will’s curse in TID= romance angst. Parabatai curse in TDA = romance angst. You get the idea. Also, horrible context of Shadowhunters vs Downworlders as a metaphor for real-life racism (and SH presented as heroes).(2/2)
Hi, I’m glad I could help! Yeah, that’s one of the key reasons why I have a lot more respect for authors like Dennard and Bardugo over Clare and Mess. They are always open about their mistakes and listen to their readers when they get something wrong and try to do better next time. CC and SJ/M on the other hand… CC writes pages of excuses that paint her as the good guy instead of trying to learn why people are calling her out, and Mess doesn’t even respond to the criticisms except vaguely saying every once in awhile that she uses sensitivity readers to cover her ass. Both of these reactions to criticism are pretty bad and they should be embarrassed IMO. I don’t know the full Q0AAD context, but I’ve read a lot of valid criticism of the book and CC’s treatment of the characters in question, and I know CC’s tendencies well enough to know that she always writes the same romance tropes and she is in denial about every problematic thing she’s ever done. It’s rather disingenuous of her to give the WOC a token Empowering Moment and then throw that in the readers’ face when they dare question her about the way she wrote her story to almost entirely focus on angst. She’s very deliberately framing certain facts about the book’s contents in order to make the anon seem at fault instead of actually accepting the possibility that she may have messed up when writing a WOC. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s okay Eclair. Please own up to it and try better next time instead of misleading your current and future readers to make yourself look like the hero. I feel like she needs to go back to writing school and relearn how to silently listen to constructive critics and then make edits. Her responses are ridiculous and bordering on unprofessional. I understand getting defensive about your writing, but if more than one person calls you out on something you have to be able to acknowledge the problem and self-evaluate. Otherwise how will you improve?
And definitely, the Shadow/hunters as a people are very problematic. It’s established from CoB that of all the non-mundanes, they are the ones in power. There is a clear dichotomy between SH and Down/worlders (fae, werewolves, vampires, and warlocks, IIRC). They have the weapons, the resources, the organization, the political/magical power, everything. They disempower DW verbally, physically, personally, and politically. To place characters in that position is to make them privileged. She showed that pretty early on in the series by having the SH interact with DW such as Rafael, Magnus, and Luke, and ESPECIALLY when Clary and Simon both changed from mundanes. Clary went from being a mundane to being a SH while Simon became a vampire. That difference was part of the books to exemplify the power imbalance between them (and also because CC is obsessed with love triangles). All this to say that the SH/DW dynamic can be and has been compared to real-life oppression. As the author, it is CC’s job to understand and recognize that her SH, the heroes of each book in her saga, are also oppressors and exercise their privilege over others. Seeing as I only read three of the TSC books, I don’t know the details of how she has or has not worked with this dynamic, but all signs point to her not understanding their privilege and continuing to center them and their discriminatory tendencies in her saga. Yikes.
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emeraldspiral · 6 years
I'm struggling not to get demotivated after seeing those leaks. I'm worried that, if we were wrong about a small thing like costumes, maybe that's a sign of being wrong about bigger things like the ship dynamic or Kylo/Reylo's ending.
Dude, it’s just costumes. What even were the predictions about costumes before? Like, did you read any meta anywhere that said “They will definitely be wearing X because that’s the only thing they could possibly wear if they’re following this one specific story trajectory that is the only possible way for a happy Reylo ending?” Did you read a meta somewhere that said “If they dress like this, Ben will absolutely die unredeemed?”
Like, there were a lot of pre-TLJ predictions that turned out to be wrong. Even when we got legit leaks a lot of the time they came colored with some off-base assumptions and speculation pulled straight out the ass riffing off costumes, art, or vague scene descriptions. In particular, I remember a lot of claims that Kylo was going to be angry at Rey and looking for a rematch after following her to Ahch-To and Reylos trying to reassure each other that it was to be expected that Rey and Kylo would be at each other’s throats for awhile until something like cliffgate happened to change their perceptions and give them a moment to talk. Then what did we get in the final product? Kylo never sets foot on Ahch-To, the KoR aren’t even in the movie, Kylo has no hostility toward Rey what-so-ever, and Rey was ready to bare her soul to him after 4 brief conversations.
As more and more promotional material came out speculation got more accurate and people were able to piece together that Kylo was going to save Rey from Snoke and that the scene would happen before the battle of Crait, based on a bump on Rey’s head. But when people who got to see the movie early started spoiling the Renperor ending, a lot of people called bullshit because they were so sure VIII was going to be Rey and Kylo as enemies until the end and IX was where the barely-started romance would blossom until they teamed up to kill Snoke together for the grand finale.
A lot of post-TFA Reylos had different ideas about where the story was headed. Some didn’t think Reylo would happen at all, some thought it would be extremely understated, and some were certain it’s what the entire sequel trilogy would be based around. Some expected Dark Fuck Prince Kylo in TLJ while others were unsurprised by Soft Boy Virgin Hand-Touch Ben. Some thought Kylo would fall for Rey just because she’s a (physically) Strong Independent Woman who won’t give him the time of day until he improves himself, while others rightly saw that their mutual compassion for one another was what would bring them together.
The big hangup I think we’re all concerned about is whether Redemption Equals Death for Ben or if Redemption Earns Life. Not every Reylo agrees about what Ben deserves or what Disney will allow. Some people think Disney wouldn’t have the balls to give the villain a happy ending with their Role Model For Little Girls while others think it’d be a much worse message to send to audiences if the ending implied that it really is too late to go back after a certain point and your only choices are to keep being evil, suffer forever as penance, or give up your life as penance because you’ll never be able to make up for what you’ve done or earn the right to be happy and loved.
There’s also debate over whether Ben should come back to the Light or if he and Rey should try and meet in the middle. There’s speculation about whether he’ll be ousted as Supreme Leader or if he’ll defect to the Resistance, or just sign a peace treaty. Everyone’s got their own ideas and most of them contradict one another because there’s a million different ways the story could play out while still arriving at a Reylo ending.
Every time we get a new piece of information it’s going to contradict some people’s expectations and right now, we’ve got so little to work with regarding IX the sky’s really the limit anyway. We’re so thirsty for anything we’ve got people speculating on what tone the marketing is going to take and whether it’s going to be honest or deceptive. Maybe they’ll try and promote a big Good vs Evil showdown between two bitter rivals who totally hate each other now after getting burned and the movie will turn out to be exactly that. Or maybe it’ll start out looking that way but gradually reveal itself to be a facade hiding the conflicted feelings still churning inside Rey and Kylo. Maybe they’ll play up the star-crossed lovers angle. Like, just straight up in the trailers putting in lines about how Rey and Kylo still care about each other and how she’s making it her mission to save his ass or die trying and putting out posters of themstaring longingly an inch away from each other’s lips.
We’ve already got people readjusting their expectations after the costume leak. Yeah, a lot of us didn’t think we’d be seeing Kylo put the mask on again (mostly because it doesn’t seem like it should even be possible) or Rey with the three-bun hairstyle because it would be a regression. Now we’re writing metas about how regression actually fits into the journey.
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