#I've been so busy hhhhhh
godbirdart · 4 months
Hi there!
I wanted to thank you for all the great art you make. Your skill is just so impressive! Some of your art is my comfort art I come back to ease my mind. Even if single pieces might feel too busy for me, l I'm always stunned by your designs, line work, colours, details, overall execution. Some of them are relaxing, some of them inspiring.
So yeah, I just wanted to thank you for the art and work you make. May the new year treat you well. ^^ (Yeah, a few weeks in, but still counts, right?)
i've been trying to come up with gratitude words that properly express how much i appreciate this but i struggle to find them hhhhhh ;; this whole ask means a TON to me, truly i cannot be more grateful ;; thank you so so much for enjoying my work goodness me aaAA
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wimsiecal · 2 years
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I've been having all the soft Brinky feelings hhhgghhhh 😭😭😭😭
I tried so hard it's so difficult to draw them on my phone especially when I'm at work and it's busy hhhhhh
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nightwonder7 · 24 days
In honor of his character day: opinions on Percy?
Hhhhhh I'm late! I've been so busy this weekend ;<;
But respond i shall. Percy isn't really my favourite character among the bunch. I must say I like the whole resurrectionist becoming the resurrected lore, but other than that, I'm not really vibing with him, for some reason. Though I can't really tell why.
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Hey Eri! I don't know if you know this but I consider you the fandom Wayne Munson expert. Your head-canons are my canon at this point. I'm currently writing that missing story I was talking about for my OC series and I'm just wondering what your opinion is on Wayne's go to term of endearment for Eddie's partner? I had Sweetheart, then I changed it to Darling. Now I'm questioning that. Do you have any thoughts? Would it change depending on how long he's know them or if he likes them or not?
I know you're always super busy so feel free to leave this until you really do have time to answer or ignore it, that's fine too. 💖
Heeeeeey Kel!!!😍🫂
How're you??? I feel like it's been forever since we spoke😭💔
ME??? THE WAYNE MUNSON EXPERT???? NOOOOO OMG PLEASE THAT'S SUCH HIGH PRAISE HASDFGHJKL THE MAN IS AN ENIGMA!!!! (Said with love & admiration!!!)😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I could talk about him for hours hhhhhh I've been obsessing over this ask since you sent it in and I hope there's some good nuggets in here for you!!!💗
Hmmm, I see Wayne's nicknames as being always sweet, but they get progressively more and more affectionate as your relationship with Eddie deepens & therefore he knows you a lot longer, you know?
So, to start with, it's the classic darlin', slips off the tongue easy. Doesn't really think about what he's calling you. It's either that or your name, but that always makes Eddie wince because being full named in the Munson Household = Trouble™️, & not the fun kind.
Then, as weeks turn to months & you and Eddie are casual in your affections with each other now, it's sweetpea or sweetheart - sweetpea is casual usage, sweetheart is when he's being soft with you or you need some comforting. Once you & Eddie are serious with each other (as in been together a year or more; that's when Uncle Wayne fully accepts that you & his boy are forever, and he couldn't be happier about it), he won't use your name unless it really IS Trouble™️; you'll only ever be a sweetpea, a sweetheart, a sweetie if it's late and he's tired as all hell and can't be bothered to talk but still wants to greet you as he shuffles in through the door of the trailer at sparrow's fart o'clock.
His tone changes, too - darlin' is his normal tone of voice, then as he knows you more, it's a bit soft, like when he's talking about his boy, his Eddie, and then when you and Eddie are at your forever stage, Uncle Wayne is looking at you like he looks at those posters of Eddie; with familial fondness and a touch of longing, too, because Uncle Wayne can never ever ever get close enough to his loved ones. They're a rarity so he cherishes each one for all that they are.
Being loved by a Munson is a gift, but being loved by both of them???? That must be a heavenly experience... *wistful sigh*.
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mayordea · 3 months
The Kandy Post (OC Introduction😬)
ughgghgh i teased this a few days ago and sorta forgot sorta chickened out but NOW!!!!! i will finally bite the bullet and just make a proper introduction to one of my ocs. this is pasted from my post on sheezy, which i used as a very small testing ground for hosting this sorta thing. now we're moving up in the world,,,, hhhhhh
(I'm gonna make proper full-body 'official' art soon!~ References of her will be further down below) Name: Kandy Clayton Birthday: December 5, 2006 Age: 11 but also not (I will address this in her convoluted backstory 🩷) Height: 4'9 / 144.78 cm Pronouns: She/her
The rest of the bullshit resides beneath the cut. not responsible for damages yada yada
A perpetually childish and smiley girl. She's charismatic and quick to draw people into a potential friendship, though loneliness follows her like a shadow. Though she seems bright and innocent and never seeming dour, speaking to her usually feels off. It's as if she's lived longer than her physical appearance lets on. She can have a loud personality which easily overwhelms people, including friends. She's nosy and likes to be involved with everything her friends may be doing.
Creation Process
I'm gonna get this out as it's a setup for her backstory. I originally made this character when I was 10 years old or so. She was my first OC! I made her for my Smash fanfiction since I wanted an original protagonist, and she was a rather boring and uninspired character. Maybe not Mary Sue, but I can't think of another way to describe her. She was technically a Pokémon OC (with no Pokémon of her own) who fought in Smash as the only sole human fighter from the Pokémon Universe woah. Her powers (yes she had psychic powers) were gained from shady experiments she was involved with as a child, and included the power of having her shapeshift into other characters I like so I can shove them into a fight rather than come up with ways Kandy could fight herself. She was an orphan too living with a stepfamily that hated her. Oooooh~ Yeah it's all here, and I eventually got bored of her and dropped her a couple years later. HOWEVER! In recent years I've picked her up off the streets again and breathing a new life into her. I'm sorta embracing that Mary Sue-like quality of "Special, universally adored character plopped into a world she does not hail from". It's been fun turning her into a goofy trickster and actually writing a personality worth a damn. With that context out of the way, I can finally explain as abridged of a version of her backstory as much as I can.
Kandy was an extremely average girl living in the modern era. She was unremarkable in just about every way, from academics to sports. She struggled to make friends due to her fixation on niche interests, often pertaining to video games, and longed to escape to a fantasy world far away from her current life. Her parents were often disappointed in her and focused their attention on her more gifted older sister Danielle. Though she and her sister were close, Dani was starting to spend less time with her little sister as she got more busy with life. One day, Kandy finds a broken pocket watch at an antique store, and when attempting to move its hands at home, she warps to a completely different world. Here, she gets invited to Smash to fight with her newly acquired psychic powers! During her experience, she befriended many fellow Smashers, and finally found the companionship she craved in her former life. However, she'd come to learn that this new life had a price. Due to essentially being dumped in a world she does not hail from, and therefore not meant to exist in, the universe essentially self-corrects itself to its original state without her. By that, after a certain time has passed, the memory of her begins to fade, and she slowly regresses back to being a stranger to people she once knew as friends. It was disappointing (read: soul-crushing) to see those bonds dissipate despite her efforts to prevent it, so she turns to her watch and tries again. Her reattempt leads her to Crossover Island, essentially the island from Tomodachi Life. This leads into my two-in-one giant crossover story based on an apocalyptic scenario in Tomodachi Life’s setting as well as a Miitopia AU where Kandy is the Great Sage and the only original character in a sea of characters from other media. She’s also evil from the start ;) This crossover Mii game stuff is still messy, but the ultimate point is: after losing her friends to the memory curse, she longs to be remembered in some way, which is how she ends up resorting to causing destruction and acting as a villain to attract some kind of attention on her. Though she eventually fails and is defeated, and she tries once again and warps to a new world. She lands in Everfield, the home town of my other OCs Xane and Alice (plus others). Here, almost as punishment for the crimes she committed in the Mii stories, she is but a lowly, nobody girl. An orphan with no connections to anyone. By this point, she had grown jaded at the thought of forging bonds with others due to the inevitability that her supernatural curse will interfere and make it null. But perhaps, could she find true companionship in this tiny nowhere town? Or will she attempt to rise in power again so she could once again be in a position where she can be remembered, adored, and/or feared by others? Ooooh
Apologies for the text wall, it’s probably incoherent and some bits are messy. But this is to explain the many designs and outfits she has! Before I get to that, I’ll note one last thing: Though she maintains the appearance she had when she first began her world-hopping adventure, in her original world, she has been reported missing for four years (though to her it did not feel like she had been gone from her home world for that long). As such, she’s technically 15, and in the scenario where she eventually returns to her home world, she would probably catch up in age (and deal with the whiplash that comes with being a 15 year old girl).
Outfit References
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Her initial design (the one I made as a child). Minus the buggy eyes, this also reflects her appearance in the real world before she started world jumping. This is when she joins Smash before fading into obscurity. She’s the most genuine and optimistic in this era.
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Her Crossover Island Representative look. This is based on the Import Wear item my own Tomodachi Life island has. I don’t exactly have a role figured out for her just yet, i just liked the idea of her wearing this dress… though I imagine she uses songs to get an idol-like fanbase of admirers. She’s perky and bright and cheerful, but a bit of venom hides under that child-like demeanor. With forging genuine bonds failing badly previously, she begins contemplating different methods of being remembers, and her ideas lead her to Destruction.
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Later on she may or may not have launched the apocalypse on the Tomodachi Life island (this leads to the rough idea of my Tomodachi AU where my faves have guns and shoot zombies and shit). She takes up a leader role, though she probably seeks to create even more calamity (for the funny)
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For my Miitopia AU/retelling, she plays the Great Sage (it's a crossover story and she's the only OC, ooh~). She's also here to play the role of a villain once again.
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After being defeated in the crossover Mii stories, she turns her watch and comes to my main OC world where she's a little orphan girl with absolutely nothing to her name. After the trials and tribulations that came before, actual bitterness starts to be apparent in the way she carries herself. Out of all the designs, this one is the most appropriate to show that bitterness.
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In a last-ditch effort to become remembered and idolized, she may or may not have accrued a cult following to be hailed as a god-like figure capable of solving people's problems. This is the LEAST developed of the adventures I have planned for her, but I thought this was design I came up with was cool so I'm writing a reason for it to exist in real time.
Art I've Made of Her + Tagging System
Here's some art I've made of her Great Sage, Ink drawing, Darkest Lord (eyestrain warning), Entropy
^(links might be janky, apologies if that's the case i will fix at a later date)
Like all my OCs, she's categorized in the #mayorsocs tag. Her different appearances don't get specialized tags because I don't think it's necessary (also I don't draw her nearly enough to justify that). She's mainly just tagged as "#kandy" here since I started using that before I came up with a last name for her. Previous arts will probably be updated with an extra tag just for more specificity
Fanart Policy
Fanart of any of her looks is appreciated! Please do not make any art of any sexual nature involving her - remember she is a minor so just Be Normal :) I'd prefer to also keep her out of any kind of shipping content... but she can still be friends with your OCs. They can have a playdate.
This will see some edits in the future. But I hope this is an adequate look into my Tweested Mind
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the-oc-lass · 2 months
What do you think about the new season of the bad batch ovies
I've been enjoying it! I haven't watched the most recent two episodes (I've been busy all day and now it's 1 AM and I have class in the morning, UGH) but I'm going to as soon as humanly possible. It's been really shaking around my creative juices and it makes me want to write about my Star Wars OCs (I have several, the ones for a Bad Batch story would be Jedi OCs). I've debated writing a Bad Batch central fic for a while now but I know that TBB can kind of divide people, so I've been very hesitant (I was kind of hesitant to answer this ask, actually). Honestly if people would want to see that, I might do it. I have a Crosshair and a baby oneshot rattling around in my brain (not his baby, just A baby), so I could start with that if people wanted.
But that's the long way of saying I've liked it so far and it's been inspiring me creatively (I'm preparing myself to cry over the next two episodes because HHHHHH)
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galaxxiwrites · 2 years
Finally posted something in a while lol...I'm so sorry for the almost whole year of inactivity. For a while I was busy adjusting myself between work and school, I've had a few burn outs here and there, and most of the time I just feel exhausted to even use my brain for anything hhhhhh
Warnings: not proofread, this is pretty much just a warm up for me
ft. The Ishgard Husband Trio
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Notorious for giving you any and every gifts that reminds him of you, a habit which he started when he heard of your out-of-dimension adventures.
Wether it's his own coping mechanism because he misses you dearly, or if he just wants to give you things to remember him by as you both travel your owns paths, you'll never know as he refuses to tell you anything.
Little gizmos and gadgets and different thingamabobs, like hair ties costing up to four digits.
"My brother in Hydaelyn, HOW MUCH did you pay for this?"
He tries to diffuse the situation by saying he got it on a good deal, and you swear you could feel your heart sink as he said those words.
Pray never tell Tataru of Estinien's financial misadventures, or she will turn all hells over its head just from her fury.
Luckily his time in Thavnair made him street smarter, and he just doesn't impulsively buy things anymore without bargaining.
But every once in a while he gives you something expensive that is actually worth its price.
Like beautiful jewelry, some fine food, or a full-body Elphant suit in your favourite color.
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Aymeric is a man who prefers to give simple gifts to you whenever you make your way to Ishgard. Boquets of roses, golden accessories, stuffed toys to keep around as you little companion. All best of what Ishgard has to offer, fit for the person he loved as much as his homeland.
Thanks to the opening of its borders, Aymeric's gifts had been growing in variety lately. Fine wares from Thavnair to decorate your nonexistent home, fashionable Ul'dahn fashion which has slowly warmed the hearts of the once proud Elezens, beautiful flowers enchanted to wilt a little slower from Gridania...
Although as of lately, you've started to notice a somber look on his face whenever he received gifts for you—despite his efforts to quickly hide it with a resignated smile.
"Do I not appreciate your gifts? My love, I apologize. I have never once been burdened by your gifts." He holds his tongue for a moment, causing you to drip down cold sweat in anticipation.
"I adore them, each and every single one of them. Why, I've dedicated an entire room to fill it with all the presents you've bestowed upon me. In fact, I was wondering my same—as a seasoned adventurer, do my gifts not bore you?"
You couldn't stop yourself from busrting out laughing— Despite his appearance, the House of Lords can be quite the cutie.
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Haurchefant loved all yours gifts. So many things you would bring home back to the Fortemps manor were all so different from the same things he has grown accustomed to.
Like tea from Gridania, fine jewelries from Ul'dah, or perhaps a few hefty bottles of Limsa's finest spirits, the likes of which was enough to leave himself amd his family heavily intoxicated after a few shots.
For every gift that you've given to Haurchefant, he has one in return. The freshest of gyashl greens from the Sea of Clouds for your trusted black chocobo (which was itself a present from him as well), luxurious Ishgardian attire of the finest cloths for your overflowing glamour dresser...
Though the ones you cherish the most were the love-filled kisses and tight embraces the two of your shared, wether it be within the privacy of his own quarters or amongst the crowd of disapproving Ishgardians.
...Or so, that was how things were until that fateful day you've lost him.
For so long you've clung on to those memories of fleeting blissfulness, holding them so close to your chest in fear that they may flutter away as well.
But that was a past that has come and gone, and throughout the years you've healed. You've forgiven yourself, and you even allowed yourself another chance to be intimate with another.
If there was one thing that the journey to the ends of the universe has taught you, it is that life is beatiful, even through the pain and anguish. That the memories will ways be a part of you through every step of the journey—that he will be there with you always, and that alone is enough comfort for you to keep going on.
"That was all he could ever ask for. Your happiness." Francel tells you as he makes his way to his old's friends grave.
"Apologies, I didn't mean to interrupt your time together." The young Elezen's voice quivered from the cold.
You brush it off, saying that he knows better than anyone that Haurchefant loved the company of many.
You placed the boquet down on his grave, a colorful batch picked from Thavnair, thinking he would have loved to see these, and how you'll come back with even more grand stories.
You decided it was best to head back to the city proper, realizing that you've been out for too long and that you're probably fatigued. Though you swore you cold have heard a clear whisper among the wind—a quiet but clear Thank you.
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skeez-queen13 · 4 months
Life Update~! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
[Read More]
Well, first things first- I GOT A JOB~!!!! ♥♥♥
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NGL, It's minimum wage and I have to wear a hair net (*blegh*)
BUT It's money~!!! And I've been looking for a job since I first moved to the city, so Hooray~! ♥♥♥
However, it has been keeping me super busy. I had to put everything else on my plate off to the side. I also have a lot of obligations outside of work that I need to take care of AND /HHHhhh///
I have been itching to get back into posting art. And just, getting back into art in general.
It's kind of hard to find a balance, especially after not posting art for a few years and what not. Plus! I'm also at this weird point in my life, where I'm finally learning how to be on my own and while it can be stressful I'm also really excited about it.
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There's the issue of going back to school, figuring out my career path, and ///HHHHhhhh/// - Housing.
TBH, I'm so flummoxed when it comes to the issue of schooling. I really don't see myself working in a government or corporate position and at the end of the day I just want enough money to have my own place and my own neko.
With enough left over for savings and treats.
Is that too much to ask!?
Anyway- I still have a few things that I need to take care of today, including meal prep before bed.
I hope that 2024 has been treating you all well so far and aaahhhhh-
Wish me luck~!!!!
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dalishthunder · 6 months
I'M BACK I'M NOT DEAD. Life's been hella busy and it will be again by the end of the week but I'm taking this little break and typing this while I can lol
As usual, amazing characterization, I'm deeply enjoying ramattra's inner monologue. He's still got these conflicting moments of not particularly caring for human habits/nature (like sleep. ignore that he seriously needs some more metaphorical rest himself) and at the same time appreciating reader's trust to share these moments with him. Also he was laser focused to have counted how many minutes until they stopped snoring lmao I loooove when 'noticing the small details' is taken to this extreme, there's something very endearing about it
“Ramattra?” Your voice was hoarse as you sat up, sucking in air through your teeth and wincing.
“By your side.” He let his orb fall into his hand.
aAAAAAAAAAAAA (read: if i could word things a bit more smartly I'd say besides being heart-achingly sweet this perfectly captures his voice and the DOUBLE MEANING)
They let him go first? Okay. They placed the tile right next to his? Okayyy. They kept the board just for him?? Okay Okay. ACTUALLY WINNING?? BEATING HIS ASS AT GO THEN TELLING HIM YOU'RE STICKING TO HIS SIDE NO MATTER WHAT?? *insert that soyjack pointing meme* SYMBOLISM!!! TITLE REFERENCE!!!
This was a great cascade of events and also my favorite part about their dynamic (and how the fic is written), there's always two conversations happening at the same time with them; one with words and one without. And they both seem to see the two happening and it's so delicious
Three last things to note...
1. Ramattra holding back on his fantasies bc that's just silly it's never happening then the second reader goes "I'm staying btw" he immediately stops resisting LMAO
2. Zenyatta keeps getting referenced so I wonder if that's leading up to anything...
3. “… Please don’t ask me to shoot anyone though.” “We shall see.” THAT'S. THAT'S NOT A NO. RAMATTRA THAT'S NOT A NO.
I am so so excited to see what happens next bc reader will be probs directly involved w the decision making now, or at least come in as another factor and Ramattra's not gonna be happy with all of it...
- smile anon but you've probably already guessed hehe
Smile Anon I need you to know how much joy you bring me, sorry your life has been so busy, I definitely understand though (my job sent me on a business trip this week the week before Christmas! My bro has come to visit for the holidays and I miss out on a little bit of that)
I've read this at least 10 times like ... Hhhhhh you're so sweet thank you!
Yes! I have been doing my best to stay true to his voice and character, though I caught a few mistakes in earlier chapters that I went back and corrected bc I'm neurotic lol
I love this omnic so much it's insane, I'm so glad you enjoyed the game of go!!!!
And I love writing conversations where the words aren't the only focus because communication is more than just language
And yeah, it definitely was not a no 😏
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sinni-ok-sessi · 1 year
hhhhhh god, so many things achieved today that I've been putting off for weeks because they involved asking someone to do things during business hours
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lichfucker · 2 years
I'm so fucking wiped and my keyboard has been acting up again in a way that makes typing fucking impossible so I don't think I'm gonna get any dwarves prep done tonight and which means I'm gonna do the entirety of it on saturday for sunday's session. hhhhhh I really thought I was gonna make such good use of this week but I've been Busy every single day. g-d.
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mochinon-yah · 3 months
kicks door
HI HELLO MOCHI IDK IF U REMEMBER ME BUT ITS LY :D (formerly lycoris anon ehe) but i go by vi/violet any variation of that now hehehe but yea anyway i just wanted to stop and say hellooo cuz it's been a long time since i've been on tumblr life got busy and im a tired art major now hhhhhh
but yeah! i finally had the motivation to make an acc since im in a better state of mind ehe
Waaaaa lycoris, ofc i'd remember you 😭 it's been so long since i've seen you in tumblr!! I was actually a tad bit worried since i didn't see you anywhere, but thank god, you're actually okay! I hope life wasn't that harsh on you 😔
But anyway, it's good hearing from you again, and yea, welcome back viviii!! (∩˃о˂∩)♡
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darlingpwease · 2 years
because you definitely won't be able to escape from me and from your sweet sleep <3 /pos /hj
Oh? Care to elaborate?? Dear Dove I'm very curious <33 /hj /pos
It depends on how my day goes, if it was a long day I usually sleep very well lol, but I usually sleep pretty late. It's a little all over the place-- what about you??
I'm happy to hear it was good!!
Is napoleon cake good?? I don't eat sweet things often /neu
Haha, do you make pies a lot??
(Pokémon is something I didn't think would pop up in conversation lol /pos Do you have any favorite Pokémon(s)?)
oh— I'm not very original;;;
Oh hush, it's lovely. Are they similar to pigs in a blanket?? They sound good :))
And Broccoli is a yes!
-panna cotta
sorry, panettone, I literally lost you and was already thinking of reporting it in the post, but you unexpectedly returned to the drafts. surprisingly;;;
imagine, dear: you, me, a little external sound like netflix, some snacks, dim lights and blankets thick enough to make sure you can't escape by wrap you in them. I'm the oldest not only among my siblings; I've nursed enough people to know how to make you fall asleep while I'm cradling you, honeybun — you may even like it at some point, but that's not the goal
by the time I'm done, you'll be having your tenth dream <3 you were a good child, and good children get sleep, sweetest thing <333
/t /pos
I used to have more trouble sleeping until I came up with... mmmm... an original way to solve this issue. now I sleep on any surface if I have my toy with me or on almost any if there are no insects there.
so you don't have any mandatory conditions at all? how interesting...
hmm! you don't like sweets? /pos
I had one person with an allergy to chocolate. since then, I have been calm about people's dislike of chocolate — for example, I don't really like ice cream. different tastes <3
it sometimes turns out to be too sweet, especially when there is too much condensed milk, but I still eat it — if these are not my cakes, then I rarely complain about poor quality.
yes, I have a very sweet tooth </333
from time to time; most often I cook chicken pies when I have a lot of time, but this is not such a frequent occurrence.
I mean, pies are too energy-intensive, sometimes I don't even have time to buy dough in the store hhhhhh </3333 a very busy person, huh /j /neu
what about you? do you cook every day?
uuuu you answer first!!! </3 /t
I know; being unexpected is my principle <3
it's the same thing, honey, just different names. I'm used to the usual "sausages in dough", as it conveys the very essence of the dish, but "pigs in a blanket" is also good.
very, I adore them,,,, I love dough and meat and when they are together,,,,,,, I look with loving eyes.
'oh hush' </33333 it's sounds kinda sweet, dear </333 adorable panna cotta,,,,
then what about the raisins?
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ahhhhh PANETTONE <333333
sweetest sweetest panna cotta, sweetest cherry pudding,,,,,,, mwah for cheery pudding mwah <33333
Look at Toge, he's so, so, uhhhhhh writeable,,,,, want him to be an eavesdropping neighbor who doesn't know how to react to the fact that first his potential lover turns out to have his own real lover and then to the fact that he falls for you,,,,,,, just as a treat <3333
honestly wanted to come up with a smooth line, but the star. only the star. can't even think of anything; I read and understand that this is the end.
suggest you join us sometimes, sweetest panna cotta, because, yes. don't tell him, but yes. absolutely random thoughts that he collects into something and I get what I get.
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wonda-cat · 2 years
i love your character analysis posts, and how you always manage to understand motivations and overall personalities so well—and i’ve been wondering what your view-point on tubbo is?
Aw thanks, anon! That's really flattering.
Tubbo is such an incredible character, I cannot overstate it enough. Not only is he top-tier in regards to his subtlety with development and performance, but he's also one of the most misunderstood characters in the entire cast (on a similar level to c!Tommy, c!Quackity, and c!Wilbur.) People are oddly quick to reduce him down to a singular digestible role, one which fixes him into a permanent "other half to a duo" situation, rather than as an independent character.
First he's the 'innocent bee boy,' and when he breaks that mold he's 'Tommy's goofy side-kick' and when he breaks that he's 'unhinged nuke boy.' Then he's the 'resident chaos incarnate'—the list goes on and it'll probably go on forever. These character generalizations are all accurate to some extent but they aren't c!Tubbo in single servings.
The reality is all of these are c!Tubbo. He has a soft side, he has a chaotic side, he's a goofy best friend, and he can be unhinged; it's just that these parts of him become more pronounced as his development progresses. It's a subtle kind of character development, similar to c!Tommy's, where their shifts are so natural and gradual you won't notice them until you watch a clip of them from the very beginning of the story for comparison.
They manifest as small, telling things—a good example would be Tubbo's consistency at defaulting to an overly polite attitude around authority figures in order to ease tension. The way he responds to c!Schlatt during Manburg is like night and day to how he responded to c!Quackity during the Outpost discussion. While he is still polite, the way he carries himself is more confident.
He's not afraid to upset Quackity because he's learned since Doomsday that he cannot afford to play passively with people who potentially would otherwise want him dead or his home destroyed. No politeness can calm a man like c!Dream forever—if someone wants something bad enough, c!Tubbo would only be a temporary roadblock to be trampled over at a later date.
Another thing I'd like to mention is cc!Tubbo's method of acting because it's actually great and I'm so devastated cc!Tubbo thinks his acting isn't up to snuff. Genuinely, I believe he has some of the most naturally delivered lines, ever. Most often, it's better to have the words you speak sound genuine and real, rather than well-worded and poetic.
Even the tamest, most lukewarm dialogue can be made great with great delivery alone. He absolutely nails this during the Season Two finale as well as the scene with c!Wilbur at the L'Manburg crater. The sincerity with which he says how he's been hurt—he's incredible at sounding in tears or on the verge of tears.
This isn't even mentioning just how genius of a plot development it was to have c!Tubbo become L'Manburg's third president and be forced to exile his own best friend and watch his own country fall—someone who started off so innocent and hopeful, one who never thought himself worthy. Being a kid forced into a position of such stress and responsibility and trying to keep everything together desperately, only to watch it slip through his hands and come out the other side blaming himself.
Tubbo is hard to beat out in terms of pure tragedy. I hope c!Tubbo gets more chances to shine in the future. He deserves a climactic conclusion to his current arc.
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millenniummmbop · 3 years
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rival pics I DEE KAAAAAY
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heartbeetz · 2 years
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