#I've been watching pokemon for comfort lately
fluffs-n-stuffs · 10 months
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Pokémon said bisexual rights 🫵✨✨✨
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jewish-vents · 3 months
I'm so tired of antisemitism in every fandom space I am genuinely starting to feel detached from reality. My entire job is working with victims of violent crime (I identify bones and causes of death/bodily harm). I should be able to talk about Stardew Valley or Pokemon without seeing people talk about how much they hate us and want us dead or make edits of Pikachu on Palestine's flag - which, frankly, feels insulting to Palestine since human lives are a smidge more important than your fictional electric rodent. I should be able to see someone post a meme without people going, "ew Bernie Sanders meme" and "death to zionists" and "all eyes on Rafah!" in the comments. No one in Rafah is helped by this bullshit and no one here is either bc after a long 10 hour shift at work identifying the remains of a human trafficking victim buried in a shallow grave, I don't get moved or inspired by "zionists kys". I just sit there and go, "really? I can't even post about liking Dedenne more than Pikachu without seeing antisemitism?"
My therapist keeps saying not to focus on things outside of my control and to do grounding breathing exercises. Lately I've been dissociating when I do those exercises and even though I can feel my mental health getting work, I can't take time off. We need all hands on deck for this human trafficking murder case. I can't just walk away from work. But I can't unwind after work. Video games that used to bring me joy just remind me of all the people who have made it clear I'm not welcome in any of those games' fandoms. It feels like the walls are closing in all around me.
Yesterday a police officer I (unfortunately) had to interview made some snide remarks about my nose and last name and I told him, in detail, the probable causes of death for the child whose skeleton I've been studying, and ended it with, "and I don't think being antisemitic is going to bring her back, so you might want to focus on the murderers and traffickers operating in your town under your watch instead." I was reprimanded for taking things too personally. And I laughed in a kind of breaking-down-audibly kind of way. Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was taking things personally to want to focus on the dead child we're investigating and not my nose. How frivolous and emotional of me. Aren't I silly? /s
Every day on the drive to and from work I look at spots on the bridge I draw over where I could easily climb up and jump off. I am falling apart and I can feel it and no one cares. Just do breathing meditation and don't think about what you can't control. Don't think about how you can't exist without it being a problem even online. Don't think about how above 250 feet, the survival rate drops to less than 1% and you could easily jump that. Mindfulness of the breath. Don't think. That's all I get for comfort.
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hoseokslefteyebrow · 2 months
The Anomaly || JJK
Chapter 4: Homesick
summary : In which you're isekai'd from your (own) parallel Jujutsu Kaisen universe to the canon universe.
wordcount : 2k
Pairing: Jujutsu Kaisen X Reader, eventually Character x Reader (idk who yet tho)
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You find yourself seated in a familiar spot. The scenery is the same as back at home, the sun setting on the sight of Tokyo Jujutsu Tech. There have been a lot of days where you and your best friends have lost track of time talking to one another late at night in this very spot. 
You're worried,mind running with scenarios of how home would be doing. How is your own world? Are you having this human body - cursed spirit issue too? The one you had been fighting was quite tough- were your classmates alright? Was your best friend alright? Or had everyone written you off as dead? Considering you disappeared right after a battle, it wouldn't surprise you. You're not sure. Your eyes sadden, losing yourself in your thoughts. You refuse to believe that everyone believes you're dead, that they've given up on you just like that.
You glance down at your bracelet. It's ordinary, crafted from simple wood. It matches your best friend's bracelet back at home. You wonder if his works. It's filled with water, imbued with your cursed energy. That way, he could always find you when he needed you, and you could always find him when you needed him. You doubt it works. You can't feel your connection to it currently, your cursed energy with you and you alone. 
" Are you okay? That last mission seemed to be quite rough on you. "
You glance up, only noticing Yuuji standing there now. Had he been standing there for long? 
" Ah, sorry, I didn't notice you. I'm alright. I've just got homesickness at the moment. "
He hums, noticing your sad eyes as he sits down beside you. 
" The way you stood up for Nobara was badass. It was cute too though. Are you two close in your universe? " 
He's calm, watching the scenery with you. Your presence is somewhat comforting. New, yet so oddly familiar. 
You hum. 
" Yeah, we are. I was so happy to learn that another girl would be joining our class. We hit it off right after meeting in the city for the first time, when we went to pick her up. I think that got Sukuna a little jealous. "
You're smiling fondly at the memory, meanwhile Yuuji has to remind himself that you're talking about a different Sukuna, not the one he's harboring. 
" Ah, he's your best friend right? "
You hum. 
" My one and only. "
" What about us? "
You turn to him, blinking. 
" What about us? "
" Are we close? You've mentioned that we used to be close when we were younger. "
" Ah, yeah. We were inseparable as kids. Until you grew more athletic and developed a love for horror. I'm a whimp- I don't like horror at all. It makes me downright unable to sleep. Sukuna would laugh at me when I came over to sleep over one random night, because of my fears. I wanted to prove him wrong, so I watched a horror movie with the three of you. It backfired, and I was unable to sleep. Sukuna ended up feeling guilty enough to watch Pokemon movies with me all night. We grew closer after that. I realized that I too was one of the people he has a weak spot for. In my universe, you're one of those people too. "
Yuuji blinks, not having expected that at all. 
" Sukuna as my twin.. The idea of that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. "
You laugh softly. 
" I think it's weird you share a body with him in this universe- and that he had 20 fingers. And that you swallow them for breakfast, basically. "
Yuuji laughs, agreeing with you. A comfortable silence settles over the two of you. You lean your head on his shoulder for a moment. Back home, you were touchy with your friends, often linking arms with Nobara, or straight up pulling Sukuna along to where ever you pleased. He always pretended to hate it, but you know him better than that. 
Yuuji doesn't seem to mind, instead relishing the comforting gesture. 
Yet, you can't help yourself from asking him the next question. You need answers. 
" You've mention that you've... Killed, instead of exorcised before.... "
You're careful in your words, allowing him to stop you if he wants to. When he doesn't, you continue to carefully speak. 
" I just wondered... Do you maybe know why? - As in why they were in a human's body? "
Yuuji shakes his head, eyes on the floor. 
" I don't. There's a curse who's strong enough to transfigure people though. I know you're afraid too, but if we don't figure out how to send you home soon, you might have to fight more human-cursed spirits. "
You nod at his words, your eyes downcast on the floor. 
" I don't like it either. I hope we manage to kill patchface and these cursed spirit people before anything too rash happens though. "
You hum, about to reply when-
" It's because of you! You took me in, and now the severed parts of my soul have awakened. "
Your eyes widen, head raising to stare at the mouth and eye that has sprouted on Yuuji's cheek. What the fuck was this?-
" To help lots of people, was it? Brat! People are gonna die because you live! "
" Hey, don't tell that to Fushiguro. Don't you dare. "
Yuuji's stoic, different. It's obvious he doesn't like Sukuna. 
You don't like this Sukuna either. You can tell he's nothing like your Sukuna. 
" And what are you looking at?! "
" You're an eye and a mouth on my friend's cheek. "
You deadpan the obvious as you blankly stare at him. 
He cackles, Yuuji slaps his hand over him, trying to shut him up. 
" That's enough out of you. "
It doesn't stop him, Sukuna's mouth appearing on the back of Yuuji's hand. 
" You don't belong here! You should die! "
" That's rich, coming from someone who's a mouth on a hand now. I'd say you should die. "
While you're busy mocking him, Sukuna has an unsettling realization. He's met you before. You're not from here, and you're definitely not supposed to be here. You were a sorcerer he was forced to face back in the Heian era. Your reverse curse technique was strong, strong enough to be used as a weapon. Your domain too, was one he hated. He absolutely hates you. He needs you dead before he can carry out his plans of regaining powers. Facing both Gojo Satoru and you would set him at a huge disadvantage. One that not even his current plans could face. 
However, there's no need to rush in killing you though. It appears that you don't even know your potential just yet, your body protected with regular cursed energy. 
Yuuji scoffs, slapping a hand on his own to stop Sukuna from spouting nonsense. Thankfully, he disappears. 
" Soo, that's your Sukuna. "
" Yeah, sorry about that. "
" It's fine. I don't take things randomly appearing mouths say to heart. "
Your smile eases Yuuji's worries, his previous guilt gone, replaced by a warm feeling. The two of you sit in silence a little longer, enjoying each other's company and watching the sun set on Jujutsu Tech. 
A few days pass, and you find yourself and your classmates in Tokyo's shopping district. 
" Aren't you buying way too much? " 
Yuuji releases a puff of stress, holding the many bags Nobara has shoved in his arms.
You're walking a few paces up front with her, your arms linked together. You have bought some stuff too, considering that was why you were here in the first place. There was no answer on when you could return to your own universe, no one has any idea how just yet. Your financials are finally properly supported by Jujutsu Tech, and you've entered the shopping district. You're only really buying stuff you need, though that is still quite a bit, leaving you with three bags. 
You're only holding one. For some reason ( an unspoken one, everyone was surprised when he offered), Megumi was carrying your other two bags. You've promised you'll buy him a crepe as a thank you, but he's brushed you off, telling you it was fine and that you should save the money. 
" Half of that is yours, you know? "
You blink at her, that's not true. 
" This bag is all that's mine! "
Just as Yuuji raises his bag to show her, one threatens to fall out of his arms. He manages to catch it. 
" Drop one and you're dead. " 
" Ah, Yuuji, do you maybe want me to carry some bags? "
" No Y/N, Itadori is a strong guy. He's fine. "
" I don't think being strong is part of the issue Nobara-"
And then.... One of the clothes she bought slips out of the open bag, on the floor. 
Everyone's eyes widen. 
You raise your hands, attempting to stop Nobara, but as expected, she's already punching him. Megumi tugs on the back of your uniform, holding his own high in embarrassment as Nobara scolds Yuuji. 
" Come. Let's pretend we don't know them. " 
He's already walking a few steps away with you, arm around your shoulders, When his phone rings. 
He takes his arm off you, taking out his phone. 
" It's Gojo sensei. " 
You're not sure why he's informing you. Maybe because you know him as well. 
Their conversation ends soon enough, and he turns around, facing Yuuji and Nobara again. 
" What? "
Finally, Nobara releases Yuuji. 
" Gojo sensei is calling us. "
" Huh, why? "
Nobara's pouting, you guess that she wanted to spend the whole day lingering around Tokyo's shopping district. 
" It's a mission, 'a top secret one'. "
You snort, the words familiar. 
" Ah, so this Gojo sensei is the same as the one back in my universe. "
" Does your Gojo sensei say that often as well? "
You grin at Nobara, nodding. 
" Last time he called us for a 'top secret mission' was because he wanted to get crepes and didn't want to go alone. "
You smile fondly at the memory. Eventually, it had only been Yuuji, Nobara, Megumi and you. Sukuna wasn't around, because he was simply god knows where. You hadn't felt bothered enough to find out back then. Your best friend had been offended that you had gone without him. You only found him hours after the place closed. As a peace offering, you spent your money on expensive fruits (strawberries) and chocolate, dipping strawberries in chocolate late at night. 
Nobara laughs at your words. Some people are apparently the same no matter the universe. 
" Why not go? Gojo sensei still said it is top secret after all. It must be big. "
You smile at Yuuji softly. He was so cute sometimes. 
" Yeah well, Y/N is right. He does say it all the time. "
Yuuji hums at Megumi's words. 
" Yeah, so what? "
All four of you exchange smiles, and make your way back to the busstop. This time, you link arms with Megumi, simply because he's the closest. He shoots you a surprised glance, but his expression softens, features softening into a smile. 
This Megumi was so different of your own. This one is nice to you. 
The Anomaly Taglist:
@luxylucylou @kalulakunundrum @strxbxrrylover @aethersslave
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misericordel · 17 days
(comes to the toa anniversary munday late with starbucks)
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: leon
Pronouns: he/him or they/them. idrc
Birthday (no year): august 30th!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? i was born in virginia but spent like 90% of my life in the midwest ✌️ i'm central time
How long is your roleplay experience?
i've been roleplaying since i was a kid! i probably have around 10 to 12 years of "roleplay" experience
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole?
i started roleplaying on gaia online before the inflation really hit in the late 2000s (iykyk), and then i moved to deviantart took a break from that and now i'm here!
How were you introduced to TOA?
found it on twitter through a moot i think. the details are foggy at this point LOL
Do you have any pets?
yesss my two beloved chichis beethoven (bae for short) and skippy. yall may have seen em in the server but they're my babies and i spoil them so much. i've had them for around 7 — 8 years and my family adopted them from owners who neglected them a lot.
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period)
late spring early summer you will always be my it girl
What is your IRL occupation?
i have a fancy title for it but for simplicity sakes i'm a university receptionist
Some interests and things you like/enjoy?
hmmm main interests are probably fire emblem, j-pop and vsynths/vocaloid/pjsekai (spongebob holding his hands out meme) I WAS A VOCALOID FAN STARTING IN THE LATE/MID 2000S
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?
other than fire emblem i play a lot of jrpgs. i've been really into balatro and fields of mistria lately! (ooo you want to buy fields of mistria so bad) also project sekai as mentioned above. gacha is a curse though
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon:
i've always liked most psychic and dark types. my favorite pokemon is blaziken bc of nostalgia haha
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself!
much of my time spent writing here in toa is on company time bc i just happen to have access to a computer my entire work shift and it's generally quiet enough to do so
How did you get into Fire Emblem?
like a lot of people i first saw fire emblem in smash bros, then later on i think a year or two after awakening released i saw it on the shelves at my local gamestop and bought it because i recognized the namesake. of course i fell in love with fire emblem from that point haha (i have 100+ hours in awakening. lol )
What Fire Emblem games have you played?
i've watched playthroughs of a lot of em. for properly played though genealogy, blazing blade, sacred stones(never finished), awakening, fates conquest (never finished), three houses (golden deer + never finished blue lions), and engage!
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games:
first: awakening
favorite: genuinely a tie between engage and genealogy
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series!
veyle, sigurd, edain, caeda, tie between timerra and eldigan (yeah sigurd was actually beaten out by veyle. crazy times we live in.)
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason!
the very first one was cherche from awakening! very much was attracted to her weirdo onee-san vibes when i first played, and every playthrough after i would always put in extra effort to make her really good in my army haha
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳
y'all already know i go fucking rabid for sigurd von chalphy
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: chrom (BY CHOICE) - Fates: xander - Three Houses: claude - Engage: alfred bc hes a sweetie pie, though i almost s supported diamant instead
Favorite Fire Emblem class?
mage knight beloved
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable?
villager that needs a lot of extra planning to get anywhere good, or like a merlinus merchant type haha
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran)
golden deer hehe
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent?
all banes. all of them. every single one. if you manage to reclass me they all go to neutral instead
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon)
firene bc i'm just a little guy. i'd die at port florra though.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?)
toe-uh. always have and always will
Current TOA muses:
veyle. feels weird to be a single muser.
Past TOA muses?
lesse iin order from my very best knowledge : sigurd -> cherche -> edain -> arthur (fe4) -> caeda -> askr -> timerra -> here i am now. that's probably a little worbled of a timeline though
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again?
my first toa muse was sigurd! i certainly have been weighing in my hand if i want to pick him up again recently
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?)
i gravitate to any character who suffers from the empathy disease i think if i were to give an answer that were all encompassing LOL i do like muses that are a little stupid though
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could?
i cant handle the stoic type or the intelligent type. it's a running gag for me at this point that i'd be interested in writing laurent or miriel if i were smart enough to do so
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?)
i love writing anything with/in relation to romance. it's like my bread and butter haha. i think i do conversations between characters best and have always struggled with writing things like fight scenes (though i have improved since i started)
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”?
i'm pretty satisfied with what i've been able to write for veyle here. i do like when i get to write veyle getting angry/fighting back though!
Favorite TOA-related memories?
0 days since our last food discourse
Present or past tense?
present tense! started writing in it and it just kinda stuck with me.
Normal size text, small text, no preference?
small text girlie for lifeee
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 
wouldn't you like to know weather boy
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pryings · 18 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
thank you neffi for this template!!!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: ruaidhrí (said pretty much like the english name rory and if you want to spell it that way that's fine too, ik irish names throw people off)
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday (no year): 25th of october!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? i live in colorado and my timezone is MST
How long is your roleplay experience? i don't know exactly how many years since i sometimes have years where h don't rp but i've been rping on and off since i was 11-12.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? oh gosh, so ff.net used to have (maybe still has, i literally have not been on that site in ages) these like... forums? and i joined one for elder scrolls rp a little after oblivion came out. i was far and away the youngest one there but everyone was so nice in helping me turn my character into a proper oc with like... backstory, a real personality, etc. after that, i spent a lot of time using it to try and grow my creative writing skills.
How were you introduced to TOA? honestly i just stumbled across it randomly! i had just replayed a few fe games and was looking through some tags and thought it might be fun to try fire emblem rp (i'd done some on indie tumblr back in the day, as well as in an mfrp a little bit, but never fire emblem exclusive rp) so i sent arden to check it out and, well, here we still are.
Do you have any pets? simon (mini poodle), john hancock (tabby cat), and tim & geeb (fluffy black cats)
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) early spring! i also like late fall for its temperature, but i dislike snow/sleet/wet socks so spring is preferable because it's not very snowy here!
What is your IRL occupation? blessedly unemployed (health issues have prevented me from working aha)... i used to work IT though!
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? i like birdwatching, reading academic articles about ancient civilizations, and making espresso drinks
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? currently enjoying bg3 + doing a dragon age replay (in preparation for veilguard). outside current, i really like most single-player rpg type games (esp. with customizable character), stealth games (dishonored favorite), and Identity V is the first asymmetrical horror mobile game developed by NetEase for
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: my favorite pokemon ever is alakazam (and its whole line) i've loved alakazam foreverrrrr! favorite type is steel, though! apart from my psychic baby most of my other favs tend to be steel types
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! oh gosh i'm so bad at fun facts...
- i can put both my feet behind my head but i can't touch my toes - my favorite non-ancient empire to read about is austria-hungary - my cat tim was rescued from Outside
How did you get into Fire Emblem? friend's cool older brother was playing a bunch of the games in a seemingly random order. when i'd hang out at that friend's house sometimes we'd sit and watch. i asked him to lend me some and he did!
What Fire Emblem games have you played? i have now played all of them! (last year when i answered this i hadn't technically played them all, but i'd seen playthroughs and watched let's plays of all of them at the very least)
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: a bad translation of fe4 was first, por is still my favorite—but tbh there's not really one i dislike
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! - KNOLL (promoted to number one he's my special guy) - reyson - canas - ashnard - pandreo
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! QUAN—i have such a distinct memory of seeing him come in but i don't remember my initial thought, only that he would have my heart forever
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 vander. duessel. hardin.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: first was sumia! i don't have a set nowadays because i've done a different one on each playthrough - Fates: first was xander, would probably still do xander if i were to replay - Three Houses: first was seteth, if i replay i'll go for hanneman - Engage: first was pandreo! next time i plan to do ivy though
Favorite Fire Emblem class? i like shapeshifter classes! beasts, dragons, laguz, etc. i just think they're fun to play with
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? oh gosh, i'd be an infantry axe unit probably. middling starting stats but high growths if you really work at making me good (there would be heated debates over whether the necessary time investment would be worth it)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? black eagles!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? axe boon, heavy armor bane, budding talent in faith magic (could be classed into an fe:a style war cleric and it would be my suggested goal)
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? i want to say brodia!
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 toh-ah
Current TOA muses: just knoll <3
Past TOA muses? robin, niles, almedha, reyson, hardin, iago, perceval, lachesis (i think that's all?)
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? my first muse was m!robin and thankfully i am spared any temptation on picking him up as he is currently being written.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) i'm kind of all over the place, aren't i? i like characters where i can poke at hidden depths but ones who aren't too closely guarded. i like characters who are shy, withdrawn, standoffish, guarded, etc. in some way but who open up when spoken to. i don't think this has changed since last year, i've been writing for a long time and kind of know my comfort zone.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? boisterous/loud and over the top characters always challenge me, but i've never really managed to make them work, which is a shame because i tend to enjoy lively characters!
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) -i love writing threads where setting/scenery is a focus, where i get to sort of use the landscape as a bit more than set-dressing - i enjoy throwing my muse at characters who mistrust him for whatever reason, and like to explore the kind of slow, mutual understanding that comes from two people getting to know one another - i really just like putting him in situations in general, forcing him to socialize—he's a very withdrawn character so any excuse to have him meet new people is very enjoyable
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? nothing specific! i have kind of an arc for him but it's loosely-defined right now
Favorite TOA-related memories? HAPPYLAND WAS SO MUCH FUN. sincerely i loved the interactions he had there <3
Present or past tense? i default to present, but adapt to what my partner prefers on this!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? small text, bolded dialogue. just easier for my eyes to take it in that way.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 oh gosh. i recently had to go down to just one muse because my health is not so good, but i will admit i already have a few delusions. if i can get myself back to a spot where i feel like i can write a second, someone may return.
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nanjokei · 1 year
i think the spread of character ai usage (and ai art generation usage also) is definitely an issue with people wanting instant gratification which actual rp usually is just not sustainably built for unless you're doing chat rp, even then your friends aren't awake 24/7 waiting at beck and call to entertain you. it's not literally entitlement, but it 100% stems from entitlement to be entertained constantly and passively instead of actually going out and finding something to do.
god this sounds like such boomer shit but the creation of endless scrolling like on tiktok with specifically tailored algorithms has made people so PASSIVE. ai can never come close to human creators but if people, especially the younger generation, are getting too cozy with choosing it over seeking out other human beings (whether it be indirectly via consuming fanmade work or directly via actual collaborative stuff like online roleplay), then how different is it from the ai "winning"? i don't think any of the excuses are valid. it's a subpar product in every way. it's almost never im character, it breaks if you propose anything too left field, and it's ultimately empty wish fulfilment and i have no idea how anyone past the age of 16 AT BEST gets any gratification from it. is it just the spread of a lack of reading comprehension? OPEN THE SCHOOLS!!
i do think it's an issue of people not being comfortable with boredom, always needing instant gratification, not wanting to sit down and hone a craft, or give the people who hone a craft themselves the time of day because they can't crank out """content""" for you 24/7. in a way, i'm thinking right now, when i'm bored i just channel surf on tv even if i don't do it as much anymore. but most people don't have tv anymore (personally we pirate iptv so LOL). i don't blame it on that necessarily, but i think with the rise of streaming, you just sit there on a media library staring at a bunch of thumbnails and posters, having to make a decision on how to invest your time. in this case, i get why people are so passive. tiktok is easier, character ai is easier. because i never ended up watching anything whenever i opened netflix (when we had it years ago). one could argue that watching tv is passive, but there's still a choice. you check the tv guide or google it and you know a certain show is on tv a certain channel at a certain time so you keep that in mind. what do you do in the meanwhile? i remember when that was an actual routine for me. i'd be slacking and not doing my homework, so maybe i'd draw a bit, maybe i play on my ds for a while, maybe i go make myself a snack or bake some pastries if i have all day, maybe i continue a book or even surf the web a bit.
the instinct of "aight, im gonna do something else on my own while i wait" is kind of dying. yes i'm on my phone! the difference is my use case. these days i'm not on social media aside from here so i don't use it as much aside from talking to friends on messaging clients and playing games (rarely tho). i say this as someone who stares at the ceiling not doing anything for a good bit each day, but at least i feel like i still have retained some ability to sometimes go, ok time to learn about a new hobby! i don't have to even pick it up. just entertaining it is gratifying on its own. i'm not a writer, but sometimes i'll write a little bit for fun then go "yeah i get why i don't jive with this". lately, i've been interested in competitive pokemon (with not much interest before) because i've been replaying platinum. i research a bit, watch videos, i even got a little brave and tested some sample teams on showdown. it was a fun time killer! i might keep doing it. i might even do it later today. i started reading pokespe too to scratch the pokemon itch too. and it's not like i don't suffer from crazy hard executive dysfunction but hey, this is a product of my effort. lately i've been thinking i wanna pick a character in guilty gear and learn at least one combo! trying new things is fun!!!
i'm sure this post sounds self important, self impressed, self absorbed (c-c-c-combo breaker) and boomer ish as fuck but honestly i don't care anymore. if someone who struggles with simple tasks on the daily like me can find shit to do that isn't just instantly caving to endless scrolling and resorting to chatting up an AI then i'm sure most people can too. it is so much more gratifying actively seeking out fun than to be passive about it.
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f1-disaster-bi · 1 day
Are you a gamer?
I do loving gaming!
I don't get a chance to do much of it lately, but now I'm home with my switch and my xbox's (both are second hand cause I could afford new ones), I'm looking forward to getting back into some games!
Most of my cousins when I was small were guys and my female cousin close in age loved gaming so all of us would game together. I remeber having a Playstation One as a kid and playing all the Spyro games and games like Looney Toons and Scooby Doo (on xbox and computer when we got those).
I love the Resident Evil series. I have most if not all of the games on Xbox, and replay them constantly. I just love the storylines and characters, and I've been playing them for so long that they're a comfort!
I also grew up playing Final Fantasy, Pokemon and occasionally Zelda!
Other games I love are like The Evil Within, Devil May Cry, Kingdom Hearts, Little Nightmares (so excited for the third game), Assassians Creed (casually played it and haven't in ages), Sims, Lego versions of movie games (Avengers, Lord of the Rings, Jurrasic Park, Harry Potter), Star Wars Battlefront (Battlefront II is just chefs kiss).
I've played bits of some other games like The Witcher, GTA, Halo, Minecraft, Fortnite (mainly with my sister), Need for Speed, and I've watched play throughs for The Last of Us which I would love to play some day.
I have played some F1 games but @princelancey can attest to the fact that I absolutely SUCK at racing if it isn't Mario Kart (tbf, the last time me and her played it, it was after a late race and we were drunk which made it ten times funnier when we kept crashing out.....I think we only managed one lap each 😂)
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madd-nix · 2 years
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The Warden's Daughter
This is part of the au where Ingo adopts Rosie in Hisui. Her parents were killed by an alpha, and Ingo managed to save Rosie, then adopted her. Anyway, I've been having thoughts about this au, so like any normal person, I wrote a 2800 word fic and drew this! Enjoy!
Fic below the cut!
Ingo looked down at the small freckled girl lying in the cot. She was asleep in the medical tent in the Pearl Clan settlement. Thanks to him, she was no longer at the receiving end of an alpha Garchomp's attacks. Unfortunately, he had been too late to save her parents.
"She should wake up shortly," Calaba said as she was busy cleaning up her tools and packing away her med kit. "Luckily, she only sustained a few scratches and just one nasty gash on her forehead. Her wounds should heal eventually."
Ingo nodded, but he knew that even if her physical wounds healed, her life would never be the same. Silently, he promised himself he would help find someone who could take care of this young girl.
Ingo woke up about a week later to the sounds of sniffling and stifled crying. He groggily opened his eyes and blinked a few times as his vision adjusted to the darkness. (Luckily for him, that wasn't much of a difficulty due to his natural ability to see well in the dark.) As he looked for the source of the noise, his eyes landed on Rosie, the little girl he had saved.
After lots of discussions with Irida and the other wardens, as well as a few of the clan elders, it was decided that Ingo would take care of her. She had grown to be the most comfortable with him over anyone else, she had no other known family available, and Ingo himself agreed that he could take care of her. And now, here she was, sitting up in her bed across the tent from him, crying.
"Rosie?" Ingo's voice was rough from disuse during the night as well as general tiredness, but he at least managed to keep his volume low. Rosie still jumped a little as she watched him sit up.
"M-Mr. Ingo! I'm sorry!" she whimpered in between sniffles. "Did I wake you?"
"It's alright," Ingo said as he was already making his way over to her. He sat on the edge of her bed. "What's wrong?"
"I... I just had a bad dream," Rosie replied. Being reminded of her dream, a few new tears slipped down her cheeks. She started to hiccup in between sobs and sniffles.
"Do you want a hug?" Ingo held out his arms. Rosie nodded and quickly flung herself at him, burying her face in his chest as she cried. Ingo held her and rubbed her back, wrapping himself around her protectively as he did so.
"It's alright. Everything is okay now. You're safe with me, I promise," he assured her quietly.
It took a little while, but eventually, Rosie's sobs died down and she was able to relax a bit. She leaned against Ingo, now visibly tired out.
"Do you want to try sleeping again?" he asked. She hesitated a moment, then nodded.
"...Can you stay here with me in my bed?" she pleaded, looking up at him. Ingo nodded and wiped at a few of the tear streaks still on her face.
"Of course, if that would help you feel more comfortable."
With that, Ingo helped tuck Rosie in again like he had done earlier that evening, but this time, she scooted over to make room as he got in bed with her. She cuddled up against him and Ingo wrapped his arms and the blanket around her.
"Good night, Rosie."
"Night night, Mr. Ingo..."
Rosie was afraid of pokemon. Ingo realized it a few days later while they were still staying in the settlement. Calaba had insisted she wanted to monitor the four-year-old's injuries to make sure they were healing properly before they left. Ingo normally didn't like to be away from his noble for too long, but he completely agreed with his fellow warden in this situation.
Now, not many pokemon were in the settlement apart from a few curious Bergmite or the partner pokemon of the leader and the wardens who were staying there. But Ingo noticed that Rosie never got too close to the Bergmite around the edges of the settlement and she always hid behind Ingo whenever Irida passed by with her Eevee, or Gaeric with his Glalie, or Calaba with her Bibarel. She even hid inside Ingo's tent whenever he let his Gligar, Tangela, and Machop out for their meals or to let them have some play time outside.
It made sense though, as Ingo thought about it. Her parents had no pokeballs on them and they didn't seem to have any partner pokemon with them, so she didn't grow up around the creatures. And she was recently attacked by an alpha, which would scare anyone. But there was a problem with this situation. Ingo had three pokemon, and he was the warden to Lady Sneasler. Rosie would have to be around pokemon if he was going to be her caretaker.
It was just after they had dinner in their tent that Ingo decided to bring this up to her.
"Rosie, can I ask you something?" he asked as he piled their wooden dishes in a bin so he could take them out to wash later. He could vaguely remember being able to wash things easily indoors before at some point, but the memory was hazy and just a vague fact at best.
"Uh-huh!" She was now wandering over to the dresser, standing on her tiptoes to reach the notepad and pencils Ingo got for her to draw with recently. Ingo walked over and grabbed the desired art tools and handed them to her.
"Rosie, are you afraid of pokemon?" His question made her freeze for a moment. She then looked down as she lifted the notepad up to hide the lower half of her face.
"...Maybe," she mumbled.
"It's okay if you are," Ingo told her. "You're not in any trouble here. I just wanted to know."
Finally, Rosie nodded.
"They're just scary! They're so strong and-and they have powers to hurt people!" Rosie exclaimed. A few tears formed at the corners of her eyes as she hugged her notepad to her chest. Ingo knelt down to be closer to her height.
"I know they can be scary," he said calmly as he used his sleeve to wipe at her tears. "But they can also be great friends and partners. Wild pokemon can be dangerous, yes, but once you catch them and they can agree to be your partner, then you can make a bond for life. A wonderful two-car train. I love my pokemon dearly, and while they are all very strong, they are also very friendly and happy to get to know others that I'm close to because they trust me. And they'd never hurt anyone outside of a regular pokemon battle."
Rosie nodded along, still looking scared and a little doubtful.
"But I also understand if this is a fear you can't get over right now," he added. "But I work really closely with pokemon. I have my own team, and as a warden, I have the noble Lady Sneasler to take care of. I wouldn't want you to be in an uncomfortable living situation though. So... if you would feel better not living around pokemon, I could always help you find another caretaker."
"What?" Rosie's eyes grew wide with horror. "No! Don't leave me! I like you, Mr. Ingo! Please!"
"No, no, I'm not leaving you, I promise!" Ingo assured her quickly. "I was simply suggesting something. I'm sorry if I upset you. I'm very happy being your caretaker and I promise I won't leave you." Rosie nodded and dropped her art supplies so she could hug Ingo as tightly as her little arms would allow. Ingo hugged her back, giving her a gentle squeeze.
"I promise I'll be here for you, Rosie," he said, while trying to keep his voice down since she was so close. "But since I work with so many pokemon, would it be okay if I helped you get over your fear a little? I could introduce you to a few smaller pokemon that might not seem as scary."
There was hesitation, but Rosie nodded.
"Okay. If it means I get to stay with you," she mumbled into his shoulder.
The next week was spent introducing Rosie to various pokemon. First, Irida introduced her Eevee. The small fluffy pokemon was a perfect candidate for this situation since it was rather cute with its big eyes and soft fur. Rosie still hid behind Ingo for a majority of the time spent with the little normal type, but Irida and Ingo did finally manage to convince Rosie to hold out her hand to Eevee. Rosie held tightly on to Ingo as she watched Eevee sniff her hand, then she squeaked a little when it licked her hand. But then Rosie did giggle a bit at the sensation and Eevee's happy cries, so they considered that a success.
Next came Calaba's Bibarel. It was an older, more calm pokemon. For most of the time, Rosie hid close to Ingo again, while Bibarel sat next to Calaba, not really seemingly caring about the small girl. Luckily, Ingo managed to coax Rosie into approaching Bibarel. She stood next to the pokemon and Bibarel sniffed her, but luckily there was no freak out. After a few moments, Rosie returned to the safety of being nestled within Ingo's black coat. But she did wave at Bibarel when Calaba said it was time for them to go have dinner. So, another success.
After that came Ingo's own pokemon. He sent out his Tangela first. His Gligar was plenty friendly, but maybe a little too friendly. And Machop liked to give hugs, especially to children since they were closer to its same size. So, he chose to go with his calmest pokemon first.
Again, Rosie hid behind Ingo. He kept one arm around her as he fed his pokemon some springy mushrooms. Its blue vines happily wrapped around the treat before bringing them close to wherever its mouth was hidden.
"Would you like to try feeding Tangela?" Ingo asked Rosie as he offered her a springy mushroom. She hesitated, then shakily nodded.
Ingo kept an arm around Rosie to offer her more comfort as she slowly approached Tangela. The little vine pokemon watched patiently as she held out the springy mushroom in shaking hands. Tangela was very careful in its movements as it took the mushroom from her, then happily ate it.
"Bravo, Rosie! You did it! And look how happy Tangela is!" Ingo exclaimed proudly. Rosie giggled and hopped a little in excitement.
"I fed a pokemon! I did it!" She then looked at Tangela, then back to Ingo. "Can I pet it?"
"Of course. Just be gentle with its vines, and if it starts to back away or push your hand away, then that means it wants to stop. We all have to respect each other's boundaries."
Rosie nodded, then slowly reached out towards Tangela. The little pokemon knew what she was going to do, so it met her halfway there and gently bumped its head against the palm of her hand. Carefully, she then started to pet it.
"I'm doing it! I'm petting a pokemon!" she gushed. She was smiling widely, which made Ingo smile too.
"Bravo! I'm so proud of you! You've come so far already these past few days!" Ingo exclaimed. Rosie then turned to him and hugged him tightly.
"Thanks for your help, Mr. Ingo!"
He hugged her back and gently pat Tangela as well to thank it for the assistance.
"You're welcome, Rosie."
Over time, Rosie slowly started to get over her fear of pokemon. She met each of the other wardens' pokemon, as well as the rest of Ingo's pokemon. She had even been excited to pet Irida's new Glaceon once it evolved. But after over a month in the settlement, Ingo had insisted they head back to the highlands so he could take care of his noble. Irida had agreed with him and was glad that she had advocated for such a kindhearted and responsible man to be Sneasler's warden.
But she was also a little sad to see Rosie go. Everyone was. She was such a sweet little girl, and even though Irida knew she'd see her on visits to the highlands or when the wardens came north to the settlement every three months or so for their usual meetings, she knew she'd miss getting to see the little girl as often. She was at least glad that Rosie was in good hands with Ingo as her caretaker.
The next time Irida saw Rosie, it was three months later. They had had their last warden meeting during Rosie's initial stay with the clan, so after another three months, Ingo and Rosie came traveling back up north along with the other wardens.
Irida had heard from Palina that Ingo and Rosie had finally arrived. She was eager to see them both and hear about how Rosie had acclimated to living with the highlands warden. As she and Palina walked out of Irida's tent, she saw Rosie run off to play with some other children. Ingo, not far away from them, called out to her.
"Rosie, remember not to leave the settlement! And keep your pokeball with you! Don't lose your Hippopotas!"
"I'll be careful, Daddy!"
Irida and Palina both practically snapped their necks towards Ingo before they approached him.
"Did I hear Rosie correctly?" Irida asked.
Ingo turned to them, a little confused for a moment, before the realization hit him.
"Oh, right! A little while ago Rosie decided that she wanted me to be her father, not just her caretaker," he explained. "She said I treated her like a daughter already, and I was happy to call her as such." His normal frown was still there, but the corners of his mouth curled up a little and his eyes squinted in that way they do when people smile. He wasn't as facially expressive as most people, but once Irida got to know Ingo, it became easier for her to tell when he was happy.
"Oh, congratulations!" Palina exclaimed with a little clap. "You're a father!"
"This is great news! We'll have to make part of the meeting into a celebration!" Irida added.
"I don't think a celebration is totally necessary," Ingo argued as his cheeks turned a slight pink.
"No, no, this is something to celebrate!" Irida insisted. "We celebrate whenever someone in our clan has a baby, and we're going to celebrate you becoming a father."
"I appreciate it, both of you," Ingo said as he smiled a little more.
"Of course! Now, let's go get some things prepared for tonight!" Irida then grabbed Palina's hand and rushed off towards her tent to make some plans.
That night, they went over their usual updates rather quickly. Each warden discussed any changes with their nobles or any issues with their Diamond Clan counterparts, Irida went over her updates, then finally, Irida asked Ingo to announce his biggest update.
"As all of you know, I've been watching over Rosie these past few months. But I am no longer doing so as just her caretaker. Rosie asked me to be her father, and I have been happy to take on such an honor."
He was met with applause from everyone. Calaba smiled and nodded approvingly, while Gaeric gave him a hearty pat on the back. Irida and Palina both chuckled a bit as they clapped, while Lian turned to Rosie and declared that he was the first one to officially welcome her as the daughter of a warden to the Pearl Clan. Rosie herself just took this all in with a smile and shy giggles, while Ingo was blushing quite a bit from all the attention.
Then Irida and Palina brought out some small cakes they had hidden away in a storage trunk, and they all just celebrated as Ingo and Rosie shared more stories from the past few months they had been living together in the highlands. Rosie even let her Hippopotas out of its ball so she could introduce her partner to everyone. Ingo had caught it for her so she could learn more about pokemon and have a partner to protect her. The little Hippopotas was extremely friendly, and it was nice to see Rosie so comfortable around pokemon.
By the end of the night, Rosie was cuddled up in Ingo's arms, fast asleep. He recalled her Hippopotas to its pokeball, then carried her back to his tent. Irida waved to Ingo as she watched him leave. He waved back, then turned to Rosie and affectionately planted a kiss on her head. Irida couldn't help but chuckle. Little Rosie truly was Warden Ingo's daughter.
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rising-volteccers · 1 year
12, carrying to bed, from one of the asks games you reblogged with any Volteccers you like !
Thank you very much for sending this prompt! I've been thinking on how I wanted to go about it before this idea came to mind! This is based on HZ008, a sort of what-if scene hehe.
Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Friede, Captain Pikachu, Roy
While it's a shame that Murdock's latest batch of doughnuts hasn't borne fruit in enticing their resident tech-wiz to eat, Friede and Cap are all too happy to munch on the 'failures'. Reason 45 (he's continuously updating his mental list) on why Murdock's such an awesome cook; he just has a way with sweets that beats even some specialty shops. Mollie keeps a watchful eye on their budget so he doesn't get much opportunity to satisfy his sweet tooth when they head out to restock.
Thus when Murdock requests for his help in tweaking his doughnut recipe, Friede eagerly rises to the challenge.
So far they're into their second week of tests. Murdock goes at it pretty thoroughly, trying out different dough recipes, cooking methods and the glazes he puts on top. Every time the trio sneak into the kitchen to find an untouched plate, they'll munch on the leftovers so there's no evidence left behind about their nightly snacking. Friede then bounce around ideas with his friend until Murdock has an idea on what to change for tomorrow's batch.
Friede knows that Murdock worries deep down. Sure, Mollie's assured him that at the very least, Dot's getting her daily vitamin needs but as someone who's joy come from feeding others, it must be tearing him up on the inside. That's why he tries to lift his spirits by praising every single doughnut he and Cap munch on because they're genuinely that good. Friede hopes that Dot too will be tempted to try it out herself.
Until then, he'd be a liar if he claims not to enjoy the late night snacking. The sugar helps keep him awake when it's his turn to navigate the ship through the night, which just so happens to be today.
After giving his honest feedback, Friede bids Murdock goodnight before exiting the kitchen, Cap situated comfortably on his shoulder. He quietly walks down the small corridor (mindful of the spots that creak when stepped on) until he's back out on the deck.
Friede takes a moment to breathe in the cool air. It's a peaceful night with barely any clouds and the moon shining bright, perfect for navigation. Cap too mimics his action so Friede rubs his chin with a finger, grinning from the content sound his partner makes.
"Time to get to work, eh Cap?" he says, earning him a soft Pika! in return. Friede starts to make his way towards the captain's deck but pauses about halfway through. He stares for a moment, even briefly rubbing his eyes to make sure he's not seeing things. Nope. That's definitely Roy and Fuecoco fast asleep by the stairs leading up to his destination.
"Honestly, what on earth...?" Friede mutters, rubbing the back of his head before making his way over. Cap hops off his shoulder to reach the boy first.
Somehow, Roy's curled up with Fuecoco snugly in his arms, his back against the wooden wall. He looks like he's on slip away from tipping over and hitting his head against the edge of the stairs yet they're both snoring away, dead asleep.
Friede has many questions. After he gently steer Roy away from the kitchen, he thought that the he'll return back to bed. The captain's deck isn't near to his room so why he's here is a mystery, on top of how he appears to be deeply asleep in that uncomfortable position. Sometimes Friede sleeps in the captain's chair and it's awful for his back so he can't imagine how Roy manages it.
Nevertheless, Friede can't let him stay asleep here. If anything, being out in this cold air all night might get him sick (which sucks in his personal opinion cause then Mollie will insist on bedrest, something that he picture Roy and his boundless energy won't like).
Cap's trying to rouse the kid by gently poking his shoulder but aside from an initial twitch, it doesn't seem to cut it. Before his partner decides on a more electrifying awakening, Friede crouches down in front of Roy and gives his shoulder a gentle shake.
"Hey Roy, you're not supposed to sleep here," he says. Instead of waking up, Friede suddenly finds himself with Roy slump in his arms, still fast asleep. He stares down at the kid then sighs deeply. Really, is he this hard to wake up usually?
Friede thinks briefly before coming to a decision. Carefully, he slips an arm around Roy's shoulders and another slides underneath his knees. In one swift moment, Friede rises to his feet, taking a moment to adjust so the kid is secured in his arms. Roy's not too heavy even with Fuecoco still snoring away on his chest.
Quietly, Friede makes the short trip to Roy's room. Cap helps him open the door before he carefully enters, taking care not to bump the edges. Friede then gently sets Roy down on his bed while Cap pulls up the blanket to cover them up.
Roy simply nuzzles deeper into his pillow, tugging the blanket closer around himself and Fuecoco. If not for the way he smacks his lips prior to more snoring, Friede might have thought Roy's been awake all this time and is just pretending to be asleep so he can get a free carry back to his room.
Friede snorts at the thought, lightly shaking his head. Yeah right, Roy's not that kind of person. Kid doesn't have a mean bone in his body to pull off something like this. It does make him wonder if he's just accustom in sleeping at odd, uncomfortable places. Food for thought.
Cap scampers up his back to settle on his shoulder again. Well, he suppose that's that. Time to make his way towards the captain's deck again.
"Goodnight Roy," he utters, sporting a small, fond smile before closing the door behind him.
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sweetlittleangelbunny · 4 months
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I've been watching the old Pokemon movies lately (while replaying some of the games) as a comfort thing. It's been very fun and nice and comfy 😊
So I drew some comfort art with some baby Pokemon :3
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
Do you have any headcanons about how Arven would react to the main character getting hurt? Like maybe by a Titan pokemon or something
The variety of Arven asks I've gotten lately has been incredibly refreshing! I've gotcha covered, anon! :D
Quick setup before I get into the headcanons based off my own in game chaos: Arven runs up to find the large Klawf frantically climbing down the cliff. Before he can react- MC has quite literally LEAPED after it, knocking themselves and it into the hard ground below. No one died and the titan has been defeated, but injuries have occured.
Onto the headcanons!
Arven is absolutely distraught. What in the name of Arceus made MC think jumping after and a massive Titan Pokemon was a good idea? They were able to fight, sure- but their ankle is bruised and possibly broken. He gathers them up and brings them into the cave for safety.
When he's not distraught, he's absolutely pissed. Furious really. They could have died! They could have hit their head on the way down or got killed by the massive Klawf's pincers. He already had to witness Mabostiff get hurt in a battle. Seeing MC get hurt in battle too brings bad memories that he's not ready to deal with.
It's not until MC is wiping his cheeks that he realizes he's been crying. They were originally waving off his concerns because "That's just the nature of Pokemon" but seeing him so upset really broke cut them deep. Arven isn't angry at them for taking on the titan with him- he was just so freaking scared.
He's not the best with medicine, but he's been in enough situations similar to MC that he knows what to look for. If the injury isn't severe he'll break out the medical kit, cleaning any wounds and wrapping up the injured limb- all while lecturing MC on why what they did was absolutely moronic.
If it's too bad to take care of on their own, he'll call for a flying Taxi to take them to the nearest hospital. The entire time he'll hold their hand and reassure them it'll be okay if they're scared, even when his own voice is shaking and he feels faint. He hasn't exactly recovered from watching them fall.
Whichever ending it comes down to, Arven will do his best to make them comfortable. He'll still make a sandwich for them; adding extra herbs and fixings that help alleviate pain. Even mad, he'll be there to comfort them if they're not okay, rubbing their back and wiping tears if any are shed. He's not gonna leave them to deal with it on their own. Mabostiff and the legendary they're traveling with will keep them safe until either help arrives or they're ready to get going once more.
MC won't be so reckless next time, but Arven still preps for it. Titans can be pretty nasty even if you're careful. He's grateful to have them helping, even if they happen to shave off a few years of his lifespan with their outrageous antics.
Thanks for reading!
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viridescent-lance · 1 year
TOA Anniversary Munday!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
tagging whoever wants to do this!
Name: Pat Gem! Patrick is the full name but Pat is what I go by most often in this group.
Pronouns: he/they
Birthday (no year): September 15! Same as my beloved kitty Cassie.
Where are you from? What is your time zone?: I'm from California, PST! I was born in the Bay Area, moved to Alabama where I spent ten years as a kid, and moved back to California. That's the truncated version.
Roleplay experience: I started roleplaying on the Warrior Cats Forums in like...2010, I think? I also did private Skype rps with my best friend at the time. This lasted for 3-4 years until both fizzled out around the same time. I have some experience doing group nuzlocke rp on the nuzforums, but that also didn't last as long as I'd like. Other than some ttrpgs, I had a dry spell, and in 2019 I joined a Friends at the Table tumblr RP that would change my life. There I met Maddie and some other friends, and while the rp wasn't super active after I joined it, Maddie and I started doing rp ourselves! Finally, in late 2021, Lucius invited Maddie to TOA and I also got the invite and tagged along.
Got any pets?: Yep! Cassie and Oreo, my beloveds! Both cats, Cassie is the one with a hairdo and she's almost 4, Oreo's a year and a half and a tuxy baby.
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Favorite time of year: I love when it is nice and cool but not too cold. Fall is my favorite season, personally, but really I especially enjoy not sweating to death.
Some interests and things you like: I'm a huge Pokemon fan, which I'll elaborate on later. Here though I'll say that I have a huge interest in competitive Pokemon, both singles and the official VGC circuit. I'm a big TTRPG guy! I have a lot of systems and games I like but I'll single out Fall of Magic, Jenna Moran games, the Forged in the Dark system, the Belonging Outside Belonging system, and It's Been A Long Long Time! I have an interest in speedrunning, I watch a lot of videos about it and it's fun. I love Discworld, the Terry Pratchett series. Tales of Vesperia is a game of all time. Yuri Lowell your problems disorders. Ace Attorney helped mold me as a person. Warrior cats will forever live in my heart. Bionicle also helped make me the guy I am today. 999 is a visual novel of all time. Play it and do not look it up. I actually have a huge interest in media analysis, it's something I really really enjoy talking about and researching. Splatoon my beloved. Octopath Traveler 1 and 2! I love birds and bats and lots of animals! Okay I'm running out of steam and also this is very long so I'll just stop here but there's definitely things I am forgetting.
Some funfacts & trivia about you: - I'm a library and women's and gender studies student, and hope to some day work as a librarian! For now, I'm an afterschool program associate, and I love working with the kids. - I have met Nancy Pelosi while wearing a Pokemon button up. - I've survived a tornado that started above my house. - I have finished 34 nuzlockes. - Marth was one of my first smash mains but I didn't get into Fire Emblem for years. - I have the cilantro soap gene but I like the taste of soap. - I'm physically disabled and use a cane irl! - My girlfriend used to have me blocked on Twitter. - I've made it to playoffs every single Pokemon draft league I've been in but never made it past semifinals - I was very isolated as a kid and rarely left the house. As a result, I learned my vocabulary mostly from books, as well as how I talk and emote from books and shows. I've been told I talk and act like a cartoon character, which I suppose is fair!
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play?: I play a bunch of Splatoon, probably one of the main games I play! It's very fun, and I'm a Sploosh/Custom Jr/Tentatek triple threat main who constantly hovers around S. Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 have me grabbed so hard. I am hopelessly a Pokemon guy. I play nuzlockes, casually, and competitively, and I have almost every single Pokemon and its learnset and viable competitive learnsets memorized. I am very normal about it. I also really love the Zero Escape series. I've been playing the warrior cats procgen sim ClanGen recently. I used to play a bunch of No Man's Sky, want to get back into that soon. Honestly I struggle to consistently play and finish games, and I've been trying to work on that.
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: Bug; Flygon. Yes, you can combine these two to get the logical conclusion: Flygon should have been a Bug/Dragon type! It's based off the life cycle of a lacewing!!
How did you get into Fire Emblem?: I've got two stories here, one of how I almost got into Fire Emblem and how it got on my radar, and the other being how I finally got into it for real. So, in 9th grade, I had a crush on a boy who played Awakening at lunch every day. I'd talk with him and he actually offered to buy me Awakening, but I, one of the only poor kids in a rich school, was flabbergasted he would spent 40 dollars on me and felt guilty and was like are you sure? And he was like well okay if you don't want me to. I kind of wish I'd taken him up on the offer because he sucked as a person and his family was super rich but oh well. I then played the hell out of the demo. Flash forward to 2019. I'm scrolling twitter and see a friend of mine is streaming Fire Emblem Three Houses. I've seen it before, and it seems pretty fun. A lot of my friends like Fire Emblem. I watch the stream and fall in love with the characters and style of the game, and I impulse buy Three Houses. I then tell Maddie and sell them on Three Houses. Thus, it begun...
What Fire Emblem games have you played?: This is a fun and complicated question for me to answer because if you count me backseating Maddie, it's some of fe4, most of fe7, fe8, fe9, fe10, over half of fe13, some fe14, fe15, and fe16. If it's just me, that shrinks down to some fe7 and fe8, some fe9, over half of fe13, some fe15, and some fe16. I was an active participant in watching the games so it feels like a smidgen of playing them but not quite?
First Fire Emblem game: Either the Awakening demo or Three Houses.
Favorite Fire Emblem game: Shadows of Valentia, Sacred Stones, and the Tellius duology. Hard to specify a single favorite, especially depending on what we are defining favorite as.
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 : Where do I begin. I mean Lukas is like, perhaps one of my strongest ones. Though I'm also smitten with Forsyth and attracted to Python despite him being terrible boyfriend material. Recently I have been making eyes at Legault in Blazing Blade, and also playing Fates for the first time had me really surprised at how much Setsuna charmed me. Uhhh lemme think also. Christ Kent your problems disorders bewitch me. Claude you are my everything I will do anything for you. Shamir also if we are talking 3h, what a gal. Ranulf my beloved, he's got things together and he's playful and teasing and just has a great personality. Also Titania...pretty and strong and cool and just a fantastic character who I would not object to kissing on the mouth. I think i might stop here because if I keep going I am going to just take you on a tour of my numerous Fire Emblem crush tastes.
If you’ve played the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: Panne; I'd also S support Libra or Say'ri. I need to mention that my first awakening playthrough was in 2020 though so if I'd gotten it in 2013 like I almost did I'd probably have gotten married to like...Libra if I waited that long, Chrom if I messed up and got automarried, or like. Stahl or something bc he's really nice and a knight. - Fates: I have not S supported anyone in Fates yet but Setsuna and Silas I am Looking. - Three Houses: I actually never have S supported anyone in Three Houses, as I never actually finished my personal playthrough! However, my big choices are Shamir and Claude, though w the latter I just pretend that's me bc I don't do teacher/student. - Engage: Not enough experience to say who I might S support. Will get back to you.
Favorite Fire Emblem class: Do laguz/taguel/manakete count. I'm also weak for archers I shan't lie.
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class?: Oh I know I'd be one of those frail little mages who has explosive firepower and waning physical ability. Honestly being that but on a wyvern would be fun. My good friend my mobility wyvern.
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation?: Golden Deer 4ever baybee not even close.
If you were an Engage character, which Emblem would you Engage with?: I'll get back to this, I'm not sure if I have the info I need to make an informed choice. My first thought is that I would love to have Ike chilling with me though, Ike my good friend Ike.
How did you find TOA?: Lucius invited Maddie, and Maddie invited me! I was roleplaying Forsyth with Maddie's Python 1on1 at the time and the idea of a group RP was very appealing to me, despite me being swamped with work and school and health issues at the time. I'm so glad I made the leap!
Current TOA muses: Forsyth and Leanne!
Who was your first TOA muse? If you don’t have them anymore, could you see yourself picking them up again?: Forsyth! I don't see myself dropping him unless his narrative here is done, really.
Have you had any other TOA muses?: Oh Ranulf...I had a very fun time with him, but I just was not in the state to handle three muses and having two muses has been much more manageable, so he's probably not coming back for a while.
Do you think you have a type of character you gravitate towards?: I tend to write very earnest characters, especially in a group RP setting. I've pushed my comfort zone before, but characters who express themselves very openly and intensely are my bread and butter. Characters who wear their hearts on their sleeves, for better or worse.
What do you believe you enjoy writing the most?: Hard to say, but honestly I really enjoy writing relationships, and the ways in which they shift and change over time. I really like character-focused writing the most, emotions and thoughts and such, and exploring the connections between characters! This feels like a silly answer, but it's what I'm feeling!
Favorite TOA-related memory: Oh man this is a hard one. Hard to choose so I'll just pick one that came to mind which is Leanne and Vaida's bizarre adventure in Queen's Compass. What a good event that was, blows a kiss to the sky for Zyra. I'm also a huge fan of everything involving Forsyth's Jugdral meddling and the narrative impact of his deaths in KKE. There are so many funny little experiences and memories that stick with me forever, really.
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔: Tee-oh-ay! Pronouncing it as a word is the same as Toa from Bionicle and to keep them distinct in my mind I sound it out.
Got any delusions that didn’t see the light of day that you’d like to share? 😉: The world if I could handle three muses...Legault scratching at my door. Ranulf also scratching at my door. Blows a kiss to the guys I would enjoy playing but don't have the time and energy for.
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warcats-cat · 1 year
human interaction!!
what's your favorite thing to write? what's your favorite part of the writing process? your least favorite?
what other fandoms, besides the ones you've written, would you want to write for in the future? If you were forced to write something about a fandom you knew very little about (let's say you get a summary of the plot and characters, plus whatever you might've absorbed via fandom posts from your mutuals), what fandom do you think you'd have the most luck with and why?
if you create OCs, what's your favorite OC that you've created? have you created any villain OCs? do you prefer Gen fics or romantic fics (both to read and to write)? who's your favorite comfort character? who's a character that probably shouldn't be comforting, but is anyway? who's a character that other people seem to love, but you just don't get the hype?
I hope this helps a little!! I'm always down to chat and trade asks!
20 questions 🤣🤣🤣 ok:
1) my favorite thing to write is also my favorite thing to read! Hurt/Comfort!!!!!
2) Most favorite part - Daydreaming about the characters/storyline while pretending to be mentally present at work!
3) Least favorite part - Making the words go 😢
4) I usually write what I know best at any moment - I've been eyeing some of the art/fic in the FNAF fandom lately but just kinda dipping my hands in, not really ready to dive in. I just love my Sanders Boys, ya know?
5) I think I could BS something from one of the classic animes, like Death Note or Naruto. I did watch Ouran Highschool Host Club and a few other sillier animes but my fandom experiences with those ended at looking at fanart. ((Wait, can Pokemon count? Can I do Pokemon? I know some Pokemon 👀👀👀))
6) my OC's are my DND characters and by far my favorite is Ink of Dreams, my cat-person thief 😍😍. Also Thistle, who isn't really an OC so much as my OC's pet 😅😅😅 If anything I guess HE would be my "favorite" because I talk about him all the time and he's in three dnd campaigns and I had a plushie made and I'm trying to have a movable puppet made...
7) RN I have a villain OC for a WIP I'm working on (read: poking with a stick like a dead animal) and I do enjoy writing her very much. She is an agent of chaos and I hate her so much, it's great 💜 I don't have a lot of experience doing the just straight up ridiculously depraved, but writing her is also giving me practice for writing future LRH adjacent fics involving Gabriel 👀👀👀
8) uuuuhhhhhh I like cuddles 😅😅😅😅 I'm fine with both, just not big on smut. I think I'm a little bit romantically starved tbh because sometimes I pull up a comfort fic that I know is gonna make me cry because I just kinda *need* to cry if that makes sense? I'm asexual and finding a romantic partner is hard 🥲 But anyway yeah I'm fine with both! RN I'm on a baby fic kick so send me babies 💜💜
9) My current comfort character is Patton from Sanders Sides, and no one is surprised. 😅 I just vibe with him a lot because in also a very emotionally-open and emotionally-invested person, I tend to be a caretaker and I like to be prepared in case someone around me needs help. And RN with fandom drama especially, I just feel connected with Patton. I also experienced a period of my life where I tried to help but made some mistakes and then was demonized and called an abuser, manipulative, gaslighter, horrible person and then I found out I was autistic so the things I was doing (like leaving a party to sit outside and decompress when I was overwhelmed and crying) weren't as common-sense and understood as I thought (aka said behavior was called me going off and crying to isolate people and make them come take care of me) ANYWAY. It's kinda funny because I've always bounced between Patton and Virgil for TS; it was mostly Virgil at first and then I had a gap where Good Omens took over, and then it was back to TS but now more vibing with Patton
10) I can't really think of a comfort character that would be considered "not good" besides like. The characters I call my "Anime Boyfriends", Jake English and Dirk Strider from Homestuck, but that's more because like,,, the creator of Homestuck kinda uses a *lot* of slurs,,,, but also I only read like 1/4 of the whole comic,,,, and I go off of fanon interpretations,,,, from ask blogs c2012,,, so.........
11) I do not understand the obsession with Janus and Remus. I'm gonna admit - I don't like them in canon. At all. I am ok with most fanon interpretations, but I just don't like them. I like the "Core Four" (Logan, Virgil, Patton, Roman) and that's it. And I do NOT look forward to the "orange side". And to be 100%, I get frustrated because I want to read poly fic of just the core four and so many people are tossing Janus and Remus in the mix and I just want to find the ones that don't and it takes *forever* to filter out all of the different variants of ships. 🥲 obv I'm not going to tell anyone else to stop enjoying their ships and characters, but I'm not gonna go searching for the stuff that I don't enjoy, either.
Thank you for the ask friend!! 💜💜 it's very much appreciated lol, and a lot of your questions really made me think 😅😅
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lunalucykat · 11 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
Thanks for tagging me @menkhu !!! :) :D
coke or pepsi: my soda of choice is Dr Pepper, but if i HAD to choose between these two then Coke
disney or dreamworks: i really don't know. I don't keep up with these studios anymore. Maybe Disney???
coffee or tea: coffee
books or movies: movies
windows or mac: sorry, born and raised with Macs....
dc or marvel: neither lol. I really don't do superhero stuff, but I GUESS DC if i had to choose
x-box or playstation: nintendo lol
dragon age or mass effect: i've never played either of these so i dont have an opinion
night owl or early riser: born to be a night owl, forced by job to be an early riser... catch me waking up at 4am to go to work...
cards or chess: cards
chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
vans or converse: i own a singular pair of vans, so i guess vans lol
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: sorry, i don't know what this is in reference to
fluff or angst: why not both? :3c
beach or forest: beach. It's been so long since I've see the ocean, I wanna go back
dogs or cats: dogs
clear skies or rain: Clear skies! I used to be one of those emo teens that would always say rain on this question, but now that i'm in my extreme late 20s I understand the importance of sunshine
cooking or eating out: tough question. SOMETIMES I like cooking, but also most of the times I'm lazy as fuck so I do get carryout a fair amount
spicy food or mild food: mild, my stomach can't handle a lot of spice unfortunately
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: Boy do i LOVE the aesthetics of Halloween, but Christmas is really the best. I love the lights and warmth and music and food and family during the WORST season (winter. I hate winter so GD much)
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: either invisibility (because i'm a nosy binch that loves dropping eaves) or shapeshifting
animation or live action: i generally prefer animation
paragon or renegade: idk what this is, sorry
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: could not care less
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
do you have three or four favorite quotes, if so what are they: oof! I don't really have favorite quotes. But at the current moment I can almost perfectly recite the whole of Live Action One Piece (not joking lol) There's a lot of talk about believing in yourself and following your dreams which is really nice though. I do also have legit quotes from Octopath Traveler that I like: "Even grown-ups need a good cry from time to time." -Alfyn Greengrass. And then as a more funny quote that I love from Octopath: "O, woe is me, doomed to never realize the full depth of my good looks and charisma!" -Cyrus Albright. Because I am very humble lmao
youtube or netflix: very rare for me to NOT be watching YouTube
harry potter or percy jackson: Percy Jackson
when do you feel accomplished: i guess when i make a joke and people laugh :)
star wars or star trek: I don't have a strong feeling on either of these really
paperback books or hardcover books: hardcover
to live in a world without literature or without music?: i love writing, but i am almost always listening to music. I don't think i could live without it
who was the last person to make you laugh? almost positive it was TJ
city or countryside? small city/town?
favorite chips? i like just plain but salty tortilla chips that i can dip into hummus or queso or what have you
pants or dresses? my favorite thing is to wear shorts over leggings. Pokemon protagonist lookin' ass!
libraries or museums? museums
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks
Dream job? lol...lmao..... YouTube/ Twitch streamer lol.
What gives you comfort? unwinding in my room. late night chats with TJ. my dog. watching whichever show i'm really into at the moment (rn it's One Piece)
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? Oof... Like in general? Because I know there are songs I like to sing just because they're fun to sing... But I don't really know if i have any songs where the lyrics really jump out at me in a meaningful way. Well, okay. All of the Simple Plan songs I have meant something to me for sure as a little emo teenager, but, hmm.... For current me? Dreams by the Cranberries has been one of those songs where I really just soak in the vibes and listen to it, so I'll give you a nice lyric from that. "Oh my life/ is changing every day/ in every possible way. And oh my dreams/ it's never quite as it seems/ never quite as it seems"
Do you believe in ghosts?
Tagging: Literally anyone who wants to do this!!! Seriously! It's pretty fun! But in order to try and keep it going (cause I know almost no one will just do it if I don't tag them specifically, and i Get It) But I'll tag @bitter-like-coffee, @pawelcyril, and @electric016
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themoonshoes · 1 year
since todays my bday i thought i would share some of my favorite things atm w you guys
food: i got really into cod this year (the fish) so i've been making fish tacos with just pureed jalapeños garlic and cilantro on cod (the fish) and baking that and it is delicioso
drinks: im entering my drip coffee era, unfortunately. when im at work. at home i made brown sugar oat milk lattes and they smack of course. also for a little drinky ive been doing gin and those lemon elderflower sparkling water things from trader joes and theyre pretty good. or a plain negroni
books: shotgunned dune messiah on my flight back from charleston so all ive been thinking about is when i can start reading the next one lmao.
movies: ive watched bullet train a lot recently??? couldnt tell you why. i think the bright colors and soundtrack just activate my brain the way cocomelon does. also i like looking at aaron taylor johnsons cleavage.
clothes: i finally got like a rly nice pair of adidas running leggings and yknow i get why people spend big money on those. also unfortunately i did get the call of duty mexican flag hoodie and it's the most comfortable thing i own im wearing it as we speak.
music: FULLY back into my 1975 era but as for some new stuff: agar agar (specifically the song grass), mallrat, and mangy bones have been on rotation lately. i also anticipate getting back into greta van fleet when the weather here warms up a bit
tv: kitchen nightmares
games: i was getting into pokemon scarlet for a while there but i ran out of time to play it casually. i'll get back around to it eventually. the last two days i had some free time so i just got lost in the red dead online sauce
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flaringfoxsoul03 · 1 year
Hello hello!! I was wondering if I could request a romantic matchup for Obey Me, if you're ok with that of course.
I'm a trans man (he/him), demisexual and bisexual, I'm an INFP-T and a Cancer sun + Virgo moon. I see most people describe me as kind and gentle, and I do my best to be a good support, sort of the "mom friend". Though I also tend to be overly critical of myself and others, though I try to keep my thoughts to myself. I'm also a bit of a perfectionist, I get burnt out of things if I'm not immediately good at them, and I like having a daily schedule I keep to.
I love drawing, sewing, crocheting, baking and sometimes reading. I like repetitive tasks with a high reward, so I really enjoy hand stitching and shiny hunting in pokemon. I also enjoy journaling out my thoughts, and in past relationships I've often written out my own short poetry and sent them to my partner when I've been thinking about them.
I get nervous around loud people and big crowds. I like staying home most of the time, as that's where I'm most comfortable. Though I do like quieter places like cafe's, libraries and walking in the woods. I struggle with anxiety and ptsd, so in a relationship I need to feel safe and seen/heard, I wouldn't do well with someone untrustworthy or emotionally cold.
I think my biggest love language is words of affirmation, though I also highly value quality time and physical touch. I'm not very big on gift giving, as I don't really see the need for it since my partner would be all I need, really. I'm not the best conversationalist, but I do my best to make sure my partner knows I'm there for them, and I want to be reassured that they're there for me as well.
Appearance wise, I'm about 5'3" in height. I have a tannish skin tone close to Mammon's, I have short curly hair which is colored dark brown, and I have medium brown eyes. I often dress in dark academia fashion.
Some things I like: animals, high fantasy (like d&d), collecting gemstones and stationary, the colors green and yellow, pokemon but especially the pokemon that often get overlooked like maractus, dark chocolate, vanilla cake, tea of any kind, iced mochas
I don't think there's many things I outright hate, but I don't like playing scary games or watching horror movies, and I'm allergic to long haired cats but still love them anyways.
I apologize for getting to this so late! Just so much has been going on for me, nonetheless I wish to grant you a matchup of an Obey Me creature! Is demon, angel, or man? Let’s go check it out!
I match you with…
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Hear me out, humans aren’t all that bad. Just the majority of us suck. Imagine living with humans like that for thousands upon thousands of years. Solomon is problematic at best and disastrously devilish at worst, not someone you’d initially want to date after hearing and first meeting said sorcerer. But I promise, it’s a beautiful slow burn romance~. All the trials and tribulations you’ll go through together and become more united than the jumbling mess he first left you in
He may not immediately show it off, but he’s definitely is heartfelt and emotionally connected to himself, but not very well with others before you arrived in the Devildom. I’m pretty sure, hun, first talking to you required nabbing your phone and talking to you to get on Lucifer’s nerves (spoiler: it worked very well). I bet, since your mom friend instincts kicked in, you knew he was instantly bad news. It took the second year of the exchange through texting after the first year ended to finally end up with this guy. He’s far too complicated for his own good to be matched up with him immediately, but eventually (with a little help from Asmo mostly because he was done watching you two squabble with all that potential love in the air without being recognized also everyone else was begging him to finally get his Masters together) you come together and form a new relationship that you navigate not so seamlessly, but it’s with him
You both are into a lot of the same things, especially after you introduced him to some of your favorites like Dungeons and Dragons (spoiler: explain it’s a board game to Lord Diavolo next time you try to bring it up after the last disaster and how Lucifer still isn’t over it) and general high fantasy related things, it allows Solomon to incorporate its odd methodical challenges into his experiments. He loves gifting you gemstones, but he likes to turn them into little hide and seek games with the gemstones every time he does get you one, makes it much more interesting and fun for the two of you
It’s canon: never let this man make you anything, and I mean ANYTHING. Your shady sorcery man can make purple soup without the food coloring purple. Just tell him you favorite restaurant to get said food, trust me, you will not get far in teaching this man to even use a coffee maker. Rumors have it that he once made the coffee maker at school to float up and away from him, the Little Ds had to go retrieve it because it was stuck on a chandelier
The immortal being we call Solomon is not all that wise. Emotionally speaking, he’s still trying to reconnect to something he’s detached himself for anyone else other than a select few for thousands of years. So of course, he’s slow to know your emotional needs right away, but he’s not stupid to not see your obvious tells. He just didn’t know what they mean at first, so his first reaction is to poke and prod. He’s just that curious, not actively trying to make it worse, but that is unfortunately where it’ll head to first. Don’t worry though, he’ll develop and method that works for the best for many scenarios after he causes this whole fiasco. I mean, every location scenario when you’re coming down hard in the feels? He’s got at least three default plans to try so you’re not feeling so terrible anymore
Solomon tries very hard to keep your love and good side, though he’s not very good at it at first. But he believes you’re his piece he has been missing for thousands of years. His teasing yet mischievous loving nature has you falling head over heels for the shady wizard. He feels grateful for withstanding trials and tribulations for your relationship to flourish into the beautiful magic he couldn’t recreate even if he tried
And follow ups are:
Surprise update! I’m so bad with consistency! With bunches of love, that’s all folks!
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