#I've full on MET HIM
saveugoodmadam · 6 months
It's been 6 months since I first saw newsies omg????
6 months since I sat in my seat in the interval and flicked through my programme to find the guy playing Crutchie since I'd already decided he was my favourite and found the profile that said "Matthew Ducket" and immediately had the deep gut feeling my brain was about to drop whatever it was holding like a hot rock and latch onto the show and his acting for dear life.
6 months since I was incredibly right about that fact 😀
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pastafossa · 1 year
Charlie Cox experience at Philly Fan Expo 2023
So LET”S TALK ABOUT ME MEETING CHARLIE. I’m actually going to make two posts - this one just about my experiences with Charlie, because they were incredibly meaningful and deserve their own post, and then another one about the rest of the con!
I’m going to talk about Charlie first, because of how amazing the experience was, one of the best I’ve had, especially at the autograph table. I’ve done photos, gotten autographs and such before from other celebs - from niche voice actors I loved to people like David Tennant - but this felt Really Really Big. Obviously, I was nervous as all hell because holy shit Charlie Cox, my favorite actor whose work altered the course of my life. I won’t lie - I’d been practicing what to say to him in case I freaked out, but I’m happy to say that everyone who reassured me it would go great, because he was so, so genuine and kind, were right.
The photo op happened first (and thank you to everyone on tumblr guiding me where to go, cause I was LOST about where that was happening), and that went fast. By that point in the con hall, I’d already ditched my Jessica Jones jacket and gloves cause holy shit it’s hot and I am a creature of snow and ice, and my hair was a mess, but honestly I didn’t care, cause there he is. You don’t get long, but he made the most of it and he was SO sweet. Ya’ll, he asked my name, said my name as he shook my hand, and called me ‘my dear’ in that beautiful voice.
I was literally on the moon, but it was time for the big question:
Will he hold the red thread from TRT?
So in a quiet, nervous, soft author voice, I asked, ‘would you be ok with holding this end of the thread?’
I’m fairly certain he doesn’t know about the fic at this point - he wasn’t sure where to hold it until I told him, but he loved that it lit up! AND THEN HE PUT HIS ARM AROUND ME AND I GOT TO PUT MY ARM AROUND HIM BACK.
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I’m fairly certain I’m dead in the photo. My soul had left my body. I had ascended. I saw Jesus and he looked like Charlie. I had achieved fic author heights never imagined. My brain filled with enough serotonin and dopamine to sink a ship. I didn’t care that I was hot and sweaty or that my hair was messy or that my cosplay didn’t work out like I’d planned. I had been blessed.
also look at that forearm holy shit
I floated outta that gd room ya’ll. I’m pretty sure @wonderlandmind4​ did the same. WE FROLICKED OUT OF THAT HALL LIKE
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But things got even better at the autograph table, and I had one of the most touching experiences ever.
not me tearing up thinking about it.
That line was long, but I kept getting glimpses of him and I could already tell he was enjoying interacting with people, and he was making sure everyone got their bit of time with him instead of letting anyone rush people through. He was so happy looking, laughing and grinning, high fives and fist bumps for kids, chatting with fans. Which made me feel a little more confident.
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I know some people wondered if I’d tell him about TRT, and I’d already decided I wasn’t going to. Instead, I really, really wanted just a second to tell him what his work as Daredevil had meant for me, as someone who became disabled around the same time Matt did as a kid, and who related to... a lot of what Matt went through in the show. I’d practiced it over and over again, and there was only a fifty percent chance I wouldn’t start crying while telling him, and I wasn’t even sure I’d have time to tell him depending on how much time we had.
He made time.
I got up to him with my art print holy shit he’s even more beautiful in person and his eyes are STUNNING. He said hi, and asked my name so he could personalize the autograph if I wanted (DUH, YES PLEASE), and he apologized about the line after we shook hands. I jokingly told him it was fine since I’d driven hours to get here. A little time in line wasn’t a bother. He even loved one of the buttons on my lanyard - the button of Matt wearing a heart crown specifically! And as he was writing, I knew this was my chance to tell him. He was still signing, so I just decided to go for it in case I ran out of time.
“I just wanted to tell you,” I said quietly, “as someone who became disabled as a kid around the same age as Matt did—”
And then he did something I didn’t expect, something I’d rarely seen anyone do, famous or not, and something I’d never had an actor or artist do for me.
He immediately set down the pen, leaned in close over the table, and made direct eye contact, while giving me the most genuine, gentle, encouraging smile I’d ever seen.
In that moment, I knew everything in him was listening, that he cared about what I was about to say and recognized that this was important to me, and that he’d closed the distance to make this conversation just... us. It felt personal in a way I’ve never experienced at a con or signing.  
Just like that, I wasn’t afraid to tell him what I’d wanted to.
“And as someone who related to... a lot of what Matt went through, his struggles in the show, and especially the dark parts of season 3,” I said, more confidently now, “I wanted you to know that all the work you put in, the way you played it, the way you played Matt and treated it seriously, seeing that helped me process and heal from a lot of my own trauma and pain over what I’ve gone through with my illnesses. What you did was important and it really helped me. So I wanted you to know that, how much that meant to me, and to say thank you.”
The whole time I spoke to him, he kept direct eye contact, and didn’t look away once. He didn’t get antsy, or look like he wanted me to hurry up (which I’d have understood, cause damn, these are long days for him). He listened, fully engaged and leaning in, his eyes warm and soft and kind but incredibly serious. I’m not sure how often he’s been told something like this—a lot, I expect; his portrayal was just that good, and I know it was important to a lot of fans—but what I was trying to tell him clearly meant something to him. I felt heard, seen, and understood.
Charlie really does care about his fans. It isn’t an act. I’m sure of it now.
“Thank you, truly,” he said, just as quietly but with that honest smile, eye crinkles and all, and seeing it in person, that close up, I swear the room felt ten times brighter. “Thank you for coming to tell me that. It means a lot, the idea that something I did meant so much and that it could help you. I’m so grateful that you were able to come visit and tell me.”
We shook hands after that. He wished me a good day and I told him thank you again, and that was that. The interaction only lasted maybe a minute, but it meant the absolute world to me, as did what he’s done as Daredevil. And now he knows that.
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#Philly Fan Expo#Charlie Cox#Daredevil#he HELD THE THREAD ya'll#my fanfic author life is now complete#and honestly as a fan i don't know if any other experience will ever top those moments I got with Charlie#he is so so kind and warm and wonderful#the way he immediately stopped and gave me his full attention when i started to tell him what it meant#i just had to stop for a second and collect myself because just...#he was *listening* and despite all the noise and chaos i suddenly had his full attention#the way he leaned in so the conversation felt like it was just us  and the way he cocked his head and focused on me like#i can't think of  a single celeb or interaction like that where i've felt that much like what i was saying to him mattered#(that's not dissing the other actors and celebs i've met. they've all been wonderful! but charlie definitely has a special kindness i think)#and i can now say having been that close to him and having spoken with him over something fairly serious#he is literally one of the kindest celebs i've met and the most genuine#you can literally see the warmth in his eyes when he looks at you. he's *legitimately* happy you're there to talk to him or see him#maybe one day he'll find out about TRT. i'm honestly not sure#but even if he doesn't at least I got a chance to tell him how much what he's done has helped me heal#from a lot of really... really hard things in my life#and according to a friend (who I didn't even know was there but spotted me talking to Charlie from another line!)#Charlie did indeed stay until WAY late signing everyone's stuff so that no one missed an autograph#he said his estimation of Charlie just shot way up because even hours later he was still taking his time with each fan that came up#Charlie has absolutely solidified as my favorite actor and one of the nicest people I've had the pleasure of meeting
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simstoyourdismay · 1 month
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ezra during the met gala ❤️‍🔥🌹
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forestgreenlesbian · 3 months
#feel like my relationship with my younger brother is changed completely forever not to be dramatic lol but i am sad#we used to b very close but he has kind of. found his faith again and gone full missionary christian which like. i knew meant the dynamic#was doomed lmao but actually acknowledging it makes me sad i feel like i'm grieving for the friendship we used to have even though#it is literally a me problem i think from his perspective he doesn't think anything has changed. but i feel weird about everything#also his new gf is nineteen and he is. almost 25 and i am the only one who feels weird about it like i know she's over 18 but! idk i can't#tell if i'm being overly cautious or if my gut instinct is right. my sister & her husband have a similar age gap but they met when they wer#both over 30 so like. it didn't feel weird. and i didn't feel comfortable actually seriously talking to him about it apart from the first#time he mentioned her over facetime (he went to another country to do mission stuff & met her there) so like an idiot i've just been#making jokes about the age gap becausee like. thats always been our thing lightly bullying each other lol but he blew up at me and said#i've had nothing positive to say about her since he's been back home and that he thinks i hate her and i'm out of line for constantly#implying he's creepy for dating someone younger. idk i felt like such a freak idiot horrible person about it. it completely blindsided me#bc yes the jokes were coming from a place of idk how i feel about this situation so i'm going to rely on the humour-based communication#we have always fallen back on as a safety thing but i guess i was wrong or the dynamic shifted or something anyway it's all fucked#& everyone is just telling me i feel weird out of some?? misplaced kind of jealousy thing?? because i'm 'losing' my brother to his gf lol#which does not feel right at all he has dated so many other girls and i have never had a problem it is literally the age gap like i haven't#even met this girl i'm sure she's very nice! i just worry about her being nineteen!! jesus. and yes maybe i do feel some resentment around#a brother younger than me who seems to be able to live his life with zero difficulty whilst i'm stuck being this unemployed loser who ruins#literally ever friendship & relationship ive ever had but i think thats ok right like i can't help feeling that. i don't fucking knowwww#am i just projecting all these sad feelings about our friendship dying onto his new relationship or like. am i right to be genuinely#concerned she's six years younger than him and still a fucking teenager!!!!!! i don't know
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fisheito · 3 months
really enjoy seeing the comments whenever i post sopping yakumo the reactions are immediate like all the yakumo enjoyers wriggle out of the dirt and experience Emotion together , loudly the chorus of AUUWWGHHHGHGHHH we are one
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antihibikase-archive · 10 months
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Pokemon Blight / Blur - Nuvema Gang Character Sheets
Aspertia Trio here.
A group of friends who, two years ago, journeyed the Unova region together; however, an undisclosed incident at the Pokemon League has changed their lives forever. In the absence of their Hero of Truth, they have decided to seek their own paths.
Hilbert Blackburn - An earnest youth from Nuvema Town, and Unova's Hero of Truth. His current whereabouts are unknown, as he's fled the region with Reshiram. Not many people, besides his secretive friends, seem to know the real him- outside of the fact he was very honest about his feelings.
Cheren Slater - Aspertia City's new gym leader, and the trainer school's teacher. He holds the truth to Hilbert's disappearance and what happened at the league that day, but refuses to share. The traveling companion and mentor of the Aspertia Trio.
Bianca Alabaster - Assistant to Professor Juniper and Fennel, and a protege of Lenora and Shauntal. She has a lot on her plate, particularly with investigating the legends of the dragons and exploration of the dreamworld. She has a keen eye for seeing the truth beneath the surface.
Hilda Weiss - A battle prodigy of Nimbasa City and the Battle Subway's most beloved regular, who had started her journey four years prior to the other three; as a result, she's the most experienced, and is considered an Ace Trainer. Somewhat cynical and grounded, but holds all her friends close to her heart.
#Pokemon#Pokemon Black and White#Pokemon Black and White 2#Trainer Hilbert#Gym Leader Cheren#Trainer Hilda#Trainer Bianca#My Art#BW/BW2 Rewrite - Blur / Blight#((Anyway I've been talking about my rewrite for months and making stuff for it little by little but I've also wanted to try. Uh.))#((Making character sheets for everyone.))#((So it's easier for people to find/see.))#((Anyway. I've already explained Hilbert and Hilda's teams as well as Bianca's.))#((Cheren always has a lot of Pokemon on him since. He's the guy I give the most attention to.))#((But I never really gave him a full BW2 party besides the first three normal types he has on him.))#((Cinccino used to be Hilbert's- he left her with him when he went off somewhere.))#((That Stoutland he has is a Lillipup from Floccesy- he met it during his 'healing' arc post-BW pre-BW2.))#((Before he started training to become a gym leader. It's also the same Herdier-))#((-that Nate and Hugh look for in Floccesy that nearly gets caught by Team Plasma.))#((The Watchog is Lenora's! She loaned him to Cheren to keep an eye on his progress- and healing.))#((Cheren is going through a lot of things. Mainly from what happened in N's Castle two years ago and Hilbert's disappearance.))#((The Kuroshipping Divorce arc is essential to the antihibikase Gen 5 experience after all.))#((Oh and the other three Pokemon.))#((Cheren has his Liepard from his BW party- he got it as a Purrloin from his brother Grimsley.))#((He intended to leave his party at Hilbert's mom's place. And he did when he went to Floccesy and Castelia.))#((But Grimsley insisted he take Liepard to Aspertia with him.))#((And the Gorebyss.. is also from Grimsley! It's a 16th birthday present.))#((He even asked if Cheren wanted a scale or tooth with it.))#((Also mainly because I wanted to tie in his water motif more- and Cheren in one of my AUs has a Gorebyss.))
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ervona · 3 months
wonder why Ulder Ravengard gets like a regular stream of posts on how he's the worst everr and barely any fanart compared to other npcs with a similar amount of screentime. what could it be...
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fictionadventurer · 8 months
#so my brother found a box full of documents#from when some semi-distant relative was researching family geneaology#and all my time reading old letters on the loc website came in handy#because it meant i could decipher the handwritten document#of my great-great-grandfather's life story#and read it for everyone as we hung out before family sunday dinner#and the pressure is now on for all the unmarried family members#we've got a legacy to live up to with courtship stories#it seems my great-great-grandfather came to america after a failed engagement#a few years later he met a girl and her parents outside of church#the father hired him to work on his farm#three days later the girl rode with him in a wagon somewhere on some farm business#and she was like 'i've been thinking about you day and night since i first saw you and this is our first chance to speak alone'#and she was like 'we should get married' and he agreed and they shook hands#though they did wait until the next sunday to formalize the engagement#they waited three months to ask for her father's blessing#which they got#they got married two months later#and were married for 35 years#until the morning of the day they were scheduled to take their first out-of-state trip#(he was excited to give her a chance to travel after a life of knowing only home and work)#and he woke up to find her dead beside him#he was writing this not long after and you can tell he was heartbroken#so the marriage was clearly successful#so anyway my one brother was like 'now i feel unsuccessful. i've never found a woman who wanted to marry me after three days'#and my married brother told all us unmarried ones that he expects us to be engaged by next week#clearly it can be done#and anyway it's so interesting to know the details#after only vaguely knowing this guy's name
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licorishh · 2 months
Replayed Modern Warfare 3 2011 on Veteran tonight and goooooooood night. Blood Brothers never gets any easier to watch no matter how many times you've done it and the ending really never misses huh
I apologize for the amount of yapping in the tags I reread it all on mobile and started giggling because it went on for so long but eh. Blessed are those who won't shut the freak up and all that
#call of duty#modern warfare 3 2011#i just. wow. wow wow wow wow wow#i've played these three games so many times over the last several years and i just.#they literally. never get old.#loose ends and blood brothers will never not make me cry and endgame and dust to dust will never not make me smile so hard#ending it with price smoking the cigar like he did in the first mission in the first game wHEN HE FIRST MET SOAP JUST UGHHHHHH.#i know y'all don't care but i don't care that y'all don't care i could literally yap about this until i shrivel up and die#i have never ever ever in my LIFE seen poetic justice played out so beautifully like it is at the very end#JUST. WOW. WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW. WOW WOW. WOW#they do not frickin make games like that anymore DADGUM#i also forgot how frickin sad down the rabbit hole is?? like jeez louise they didn't have much screen time but gosh#i also have never in my life heard such gut-wrenching anguish from a grown man in my life like price in that one scene#I KNOW Y'ALL KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT THAT MAN MAKES ME FULL ON S O B IN THAT PART HE HAD NO BUSINESS#anyway i'll keep cutely living in denial and pretending literally any of the main characters besides price and nikolai are fine <3#foley and dunn and their team seemed just fine at the end of modern warfare 2 so i will accept that small mercy#at this point these games have taken everything else i love away from me so#y'all probably think i'm wild for how insane i get over these games but the nostalgia bit is a big part of it as well#like they're honestly in my opinion genuinely the greatest video games of all time#but the fact that i have that connection with my dad makes it so special#crazy cause he said he also cried in blood brothers and my dad is 54 and i have seen him cry one (1) other time in my entire life#heck infinity ward but also bless them i hope the devs live long beautiful wonderful prosperous delightful exciting fulfilling lives#Lord bless them and their entire bloodline for the contributions they have made to humanity not even joking#AND DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE FREAKING SOUNDTRACKS DO NOT GO THERE OAUSYDJAKAKDN#MW2 AND MW3 CREDITS. EXTRACTION POINT. COUP DE GRACE. RETREAT AND REVEILLE. CONTINGENCY. PARIS SIEGE. PRAGUE HOSTILITIES. RUSSIAN WARFARE.#UGHHHHHHHGHHHH everything about these games is so unbelievably perfect and immaculate#i have got to get over my art block NOWWWWWWWWWW#makarov is also the best villain i've ever seen idc bro he's frickin awesome#i mean obviously he's horrible and a disgustingly evil human being but as a character he's stupidly well-written
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youmakemestrong · 2 years
i’ve been so angry about it for hours now and i just need to rant about it for a second because jesus christ could they have picked a WORSE person to “dissolve” the position of?
matt bragg was literally responsible for so many built maps in the golden age of AH and for many years after. he built minecraft maps and golf maps and curated GTA maps to make quality videos out of
the man provided so much content for this fucking company AS A FAN and continued to expend so much energy building things for content/even in this past year being like The main old school AH member guiding the newer members in games for them to just THROW HIM IN THE GARBAGE for fucking budget cuts or whatever
i hope warner brothers burns to the fucking ground for what they’ve done in various other parts of their company and especially for what they’ve done to rooster teeth, and completely for what they’ve done to matt bragg
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kulvefaggoth · 3 months
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reanimatestar · 9 months
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guess what i've been playing lately <3
[image description: three pencil drawings featuring characters from baldur's gate 3. the first is of the artist's original character, carxes. he is a tiefling with black sclera, long curly hair, and ram horns. he also has a scar over his right eye. the second is in a simpler style, featuring astarion grinning widely. the third is of astarion and carxes, looking at each other, with astarion being slightly shorter than carxes. astarion grins, baring his fangs, while carxes frowns at him. /end description]
#baldur's gate 3#bg3#astarion#astarion ancunin#astarion ancunín#<= i've been told that that's his full name <3#carxes#<= that's him i prommy he looks different because of the character creation in baldur's gate 3 <3 i'm playing as him because. why not <3#might bring it closer to his actual design actually. should i do another tag for bg3 carxes.#Hm. No. i Shan't. look at my boy boy <3#tav#<= i suppose. on that hashtag grindset <3#art tag#image description#second one was done real quick to get his design down <3#first attempts looked like white ru'en with short hair. orz#goes without saying that this isn't canon. carxes would have probably let that meeting play out and then left. no time for that <3#however as my character he is subject to my whims. and i've got. Brain Rot <3#but i'm trying to romance astarion as carxes if that makes sense. no walkthroughs to optimise astarion's approval.#carxes is going to do good things for goodness' sake and astarion will disapprove which will be fine <3 it's enrichment for them <3#i'm still pretty early in though. like literally just met astarion. i'm setting up my account on my brother's gaming computer#so i can actually. see the things on the screen. since i've been killing my laptop trying to play this game. orz#i Will finish it within the decade. i swear to god. no spoilders please thank youuu <3 i'm trying to go in blind#which is rare since usually i don't give a shit. i'm going to try to discover things for myself though so <3#also one thing i like about bg3 is how similar it is to d:os2. virtually identical gameplay i love it when things are the same <3
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lightpickles · 5 months
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flowered-mp3 · 10 months
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#hi guys... i know that i havent been the most active lately... mostly because work is hectic right now and all my free time is spent with#family friends and my bf#to be honest i don't know if i'll return to writing... I've slowly been losing motivation but it really is a shame#i've loved my time here and i don't know where my journey will go next#but i will keep my blog up for now and reblog stuff occasionally.#honestly it seems that since full time work and bf got combined I've had less and less time! its just a part of life#and i'm incredibly grateful for those who gave me advice durinf my online dating era... it all led up to my life right now and i couldn’t#be happier. sure our relationship isn't perfect and he isn’t but i truly feel that he's perfect for me. i'm the happiest that i've even been#and i'm thankful for u all that commented on my shitposts and talked me through it all. it got me through and even my bf thanks u all for#getting me through it as well :)#idk why i feel so sappy right now but i'm just feeling grateful.#and happy hehe. my bf met one of my oldest friends from my hometown and he just. idk. after we drove back he told me that he realized that#he's v protective of me when he's walking dt with me lol (it's filled with very strange people that yell) and i could tell lowkey because#his hand would squeeze mine and he would pull me toward him or beside or infront when we talked past sus people#and idk he was looking at me a certain way and i was like stop looking at me (he was gonna make me blush lol) but he just said 'why am i not#allowed to look at my future wife' !#and u guys i wanted to SCREAM like... wow my bf lowkey has rizz tf lol#idk i'm happy 😊 thats the life update see u guys sometimes :)#e.txt
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diapause · 8 months
I went to a Mabon gathering on Sunday and it just really made me think about how I was in a group of people whose identities are discoursed about online constantly and how it... did not matter because we were having a good time. like I am not wording this well at all but I don't get why so many people care about these things? other than the fact that they obviously spend no time with queer people in real life aside from maybe a few they deem acceptable.
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artemisiatridentata · 9 months
roommate has covid (again) (I hopefully dodged it bc I've been out on a work trip all week but still). I apparently got assigned awhile ago to lead next week's work trip but today is the first I heard about it so I'm scrambling to prepare everything on time. a covid conscious person I connected w/ online is coming to visit tomorrow and I'm stressed bc I have to get a bunch of work done before then and also I hope the vibe is cool in-person and that we can be friends! also none of my coworkers have said they can cover my shift tomorrow even though I put the request in the group chat weeks ago and I cover their shifts whenever I can. i am on day 32 of a 41 day stretch of working every single day with only two days off including 9/5 and tomorrow (IF one of my coworkers steps up...) . and then my next day off, in October, isn't even really a day off because I have to drive 4 hours round trip to the nearest city to get an MRI to see whether or not my recently diagnosed genetic disorder has given me internal cysts or tumors. I am hanging on by a thread haha
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