#I've posted and reblogged some panels too so check those out was well
bacchusbasil · 5 months
Handplates: Last-Minute Notes, Foreword, and Key!
I'm currently going over the first 10 pages in preparation for uploading. Making small fixes, doing some last proofreading. I'm hoping to be done today, but I've had some distractions. In the meantime, this is the preluding post to Handplates. Keep reading for the foreword!
Foreword: I’ll try and not be too much a fanboy and keep this short!
It’s a great honor to be able to work with zarla on this! I’m doing most of the legwork while zarla just double-checks to make sure everything looks fine. Whether she realises it or not, the Handplates AU was a massive game-changer in terms of fanfiction and fanon within the Undertale community. It helped spawn several dub channels, inspired many to begin writing their own AUs, and ignited multiple curious lore-hunters into inventing science behind Souls in Undertale! It was also one of the first long-term AU projects, and one of the longest that ended up being completed. In my opinion, Handplates is definitely one of the main reasons Undertale found its home on Tumblr. Handplates will always hold a special place in my heart, and I hope this transcription will do it justice and serve as my love letter to this eight-year project. Here’s hoping it won’t take me as long to undertake this transcription!
P.S. I am absolutely writing every word of this with the Gaster Ukagaka (Link here: zarla-s gaster ghost post) hanging out on my desktop. 
[Italicised brackets will include environments first when applicable, then the actions taking place.]
Character: Spoken lines will have the character’s name then the line after a colon.
Character: (Internal Monologue) Internal monologues will be like spoken lines, except written in italics and will have “Internal Monologue” in parenthes for the first of that page, and “IM” every instance after.
Gaster: (signing) Gaster gets a special set of rules! If he is speaking in cipher around those who understand it (Subject 1 and Subject 2) it will be a spoken line. However, if it is around or to those who need sign language, the indicator “signing” will appear. Imply that he is always speaking when signing.
Gaster 2: (in cipher) Sometimes Dr. Gaster won’t sign when speaking to those who need it. In these cases, his lines will be preceded with “in cipher” in parentheses. Again, while we the reader know what he’s saying, those he’s speaking to can’t understand him.
Other notes: For the time being, I intend on writing events of panels in the order that makes most sense. For instance, sometimes in a panel, a character will be reacting to something said in the panel, so I may write the line first, then the character’s appearance.
Last thoughts:
I am NOT a professional! I’m doing this completely voluntarily and on my own time! I’m keeping things easy on myself with relatively lax uploading schedules, as well as having a bit of wiggle room with more pages prepared.
That being said, I would love to accept your criticism! If you use a screenreader or often require text descriptions, PLEASE tell me what I’m doing wrong or right!
If you like and support what I’m doing, hit that like! Hit that reblog! Let me know, share the love!
Master Post link incoming
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deadlydoofus · 2 years
I posted 266 times in 2022
That's 266 more posts than 2021!
[lol, tumblr year in review thing but im bored so here's a bit of my thoughts and extra info on some of these posts in DOOFUS NOTES...... its all below the readmore so that people's feeds aren't clogged, i think that's how it works?]
My Top Posts in 2022:
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i just realized i hadn't posted this here ever so i am fixing that NOW, lightning struck my brain a while back causing me to create this in a blaze of madness, a hypothetical halloween boss battle, but it was still so fun to do
(bg not mine, but i did edit it kinda to make it look like the battle bgs) [DOOFUS NOTE: Fun fact, this GIF was made for a concept of an Omori Halloween Mod! I made it in 3 days flat. I don't know how to feel about that! Heromari is truly powerful]
873 notes - Posted September 13, 2022
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Hey OMORI? Those friends of yours are looking a little off.. [DOOFUS NOTE: Eugh, I've noticed alot of mistakes and off-looking details in this drawing since posting it, it was ffih related but I dunno if I'll ever make use of this! Oh, well, it's something ^^; ]
1,116 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
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omori au where everything is the exact same except kel is extremely low resolution [DOOFUS NOTE: I still think this is hilarious LOL. It originated from a spelling mistake of "kel :)" to "kel )", which turned into compressing a cursed image of ffih kel to hell and back, to turning it into a server emote, and finally, to this! (at least thats how i remember it?) There's an Omori mod of the AU made by @monngofree go check it out if you haven't!] [https://mods.one/mod/badkelmod]
1,162 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
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sunny!!! get us out of the ourple zone !!!!!!!!
more faraway folks in headspace haha, im thinking of making a series of some sort for this, probably a small pseudo-comic, or an ask blog if im feeling it lol
maybe not right away but im putting that out there too [DOOFUS NOTE: haha i did : ) i did do it! I almost decided against it since rw friends appearing in headspace was an idea that's been done already, but i decided it might be fun to try at least a little]
2,065 notes - Posted August 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post [DOOFUS NOTE: um first of all WHAT. WHY DOES IT HAVE OVER 6K NOTES BWHAWHAHJHJFW, second of all, DANG this artstyle is old-ish, and rather messy, and some stuff is inconsistent with the next panel, but overall it's not THAT bad i think? but like it's not that good either so I have no idea how this happened LOL. The post still fits them so well though ^^ Third of all, thank you random people and also followers that kept on liking and reblogging that post ?????? O_O]
6,215 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review → [DOOFUS NOTE: and well thats it, thank you for readin, as for the ffih in headspace au, it should start back up soon i hope! finals ending is just around the corner, sigh]
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lisa-russell · 10 months
Welcome Inknauts, to my blog!
Link to a Grandfest Album for those who missed it or simply wish to see it again.
"Learn the rules like a Pro, so you can break them like an Artist"-Pablo Picasso
"There is no line between an Author and an Artist" - ???
If your like me and love reading, listening and seeing fanart,music and stories all based around Splatoon...well look no futher!
IF ya wanna see a bunch of amusing and comedic, like memes or mini comics collected from all just #sploonies. (I also have links too some of my own stuff lol)
Do me a favor and reblog this! or...atleast share it! More inkfolk who see thia the better!
# splatsville sploonies if yah wanna see all dah memes ive reblogged from tumblr!
I reaaaad alllooot. So these are what I get when the game ain't enough. I made this lil list from myself and others. Authors who have taken their time to let us dive into their inky tales or love, danger,action,fluff and... the risqué.
Yah your reading right. Over 377 songs. Remixes, Fanmade, Originals and so much more!
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Ya, 9 links up but they lead too some really good fan comics. I consider small panels one and full series. Feel free teh let me know or suggest some!
This a rather interesting Reddit Post about how music effects Inklings and Octolings!
An A.I Assistant thoughts(?) On Octo Expansion sanitizing and dah memverse cure...
A lil blog on how agents cannon lore wise have such neat lil details about em!
Marina made a love letter by making a Shojo Manga Oneshot.
Some Dedf1sh, Acht stuff!
Some notes on the state of Splatoons Earth and WorldMap.
My lil Headcannon on Splatoon Music and its effect on Inkfish.
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kyluxtrashpit · 3 years
Hi, I'm wondering if you'd mind briefly telling what's happened in plague doctor from issue 8 onwards? I have no access to the comics nor can I read Russian but I'm obsessed 😭
Hello! And sure, I absolutely can give you some brief summary! I feel you though, I've been translating the issues myself out of desperation skdsldlss. They're just SO GOOD!
Okay I'm gonna assume you've read to the end of volume 7 and just go from there, and I'll put it all behind a cut for those who don't want spoilers (also this is long cause I'm rambly RIP lmao)
Okay so we leave off 7 with Oleg captured and Sergey finding out. In 8 Sergey essentially has a near mental breakdown, asks if he's still alive, and then is instructed to go to a certain address - alone, no PD suit (cause they still think it's him in the suit). Sergey agrees. He picks up Lera, has her drive because he's so nervous he almost crashed the car twice and got it scraped up, and then he basically infodumps the whole Rag/Bird situation at her. He confirms Bird is gone but that Rag is still there, and it's Rag he fears - he hates being helpless
He drops Lera off in the suit early so she can find a good place to hide and Sergey goes in alone. His only weapons are a powerbank and Oleg's wolf necklace, both of which Vad lets him keep. Altan pulls out a sword to cut Sergey's head off without a word but Sergey pleads for him to at least explain how he figured out Sergey was still alive. Apparently Altan has connections to Holt Manufacturing and thus heard about someone getting a PD suit - who else could it be? Altan raises the sword again but, before he can do any damage, Lera interferes, dropping a hanging platform as a distraction. She strikes at Altan, but it's revealed he's also wearing a combat suit from Holt
Then we go right to 9 where it's mostly fighting. Sergey takes out a few guys before Oleg appears out of the dust clouds, commenting that he wont survive a 6th bullet and telling Sergey not to miss "this time" as he holds the handcuffs above his head. Sergey shoots the chain and they stand back to back. Vad, meanwhile, is not participating in the fight, just sits on a fold-out stool and keeps score basically lmao (I'm not kidding)
Meanwhile, Lera and Altan fight, Lera taking one of his swords, and Altan lectures her about serving someone else's agenda, how she's not the moral one here for following Sergey, stuff like that. Lera basically says she knows Sergey sucks but Altan isn't better here, so she's going to stop him. There's a glorious montage of Sergey just going ham with a knife and we also learn that Oleg's wolf pendant came from his father. Anyway, Sergey and Oleg succeed and take out all the mercenaries but Vad is gone. Oleg is tired and hurt. Cut back to Lera: she disarms Altan and puts the sword to Altan's neck. He comments that she's not kilingl him and she says he needs to go to jail, but he basically scoffs and says he'll be out in a day, he's rich and powerful like Sergey, death is the only option. But before that can go anywhere, Vad appears from behind Lera and throws her off the platform, hitting the stairs a few floors below hard. Vad carries Altan off, Sergey helps Oleg to the car, and then goes back for Lera, who's unconscious and bleeding from her nose
Now we get to volume 10, where we have 3 stories. Sergey's and Oleg's revolve around them talking about their emotions and relationship (no, I'm not exaggerating lmao). We also find out Lera had to go to the hospital and is resting at home now, but more on her later. Sergey cleans Oleg's wounds and redoes his bandages. Oleg confesses he was angry with Sergey about not listening to him, and that Sergey can't decide if Oleg is his 'friend, partner, or subordinate'. Yes, PARTNER. Anyway, they resolve that spat, and talk about the 5 bullets too, and Oleg says that out of all he's done, that's the thing Sergey had the least responsibility in and thus he shouldn't feel guilty. Sergey goes to get more supplies and dinner and thinks to himself that Oleg is wrong, Sergey lost control so it is his fault, and he still loves to kill people. He worries about keeping control of that else it'll destroy their relationship.
At the restaurant, he runs into Vad, but both of them are unarmed, so they just talk. Vad doesn't take Altan seriously as a boss it seems, and Sergey asks why Vad didn't participate. Vad just says he was curious to see how it'd go. Sergey notes Altan could've died but Vad just says he didn't. They part with Vad warning Sergey about that Altan isn't the scariest thing in the city and that Sergey has now attracted the attention of far worse people. Sergey scoffs, ignoring the warning
Then Altan's story opens with his father being assassinated by a mysterious order that is present in Igor Grom, followed by a flashback to Altan first arriving in St Petersburg to enact his plans. The rest is about him in Hong Kong, angry, training with Vad. Yuma, his sister, calls him in to talk. Yuma runs the whole gang and she is absolutely not impressed with how Altan fumbled the Plague Doctor situation. She says that a man who hates his enemy can't think straight. Altan protests, says he never wanted this life, wasn't trained from birth to take over the clan like she was. But he'll get Sergey next time, he swears. She threatens him, points a knife at him, and says that if he can't, she will deal with it, the way she usually does
The last is Lera's where she has a nightmare about a horrible bird creature using her as a puppet and a monstrous Altan killing her family and then her. She wakes up to her worried mother. We see that Lera's ribs were broken and she is just COVERED in bruises. Her family is worried, but Lera insists she fell from an icy railroad crossing. None of them believe her. Kirill asks if Sergey is her boyfriend and is beating her but she scoffs and dismisses that and explains how exhausted she is and how she doesn't have the energy to keep arguing about this. Meanwhile, her mother meets with some friends (also characters from Igor Grom) and confesses her worries. They say they have police connections who can help - the connection turns out to be Dima. He talks to Lera but she sticks with her story, though she does ask if anything really does happen, can she call him, and he says yes and gives her his card. He goes back to her family and tells them to trust her, she'll tell the truth in time. There's another nightmare and this time Lera frees herself. She vows that she doesn't want to be Sergey's puppet anymore. She's the Plague Doctor now and he'll have to admit it
There's then a final scene of someone buying a lot of meat at a corner store and beating the shit out of some assholes there. Like as in with supernatural strength. It's revealed at the end this person is Chrysalis, another Igor Grom character, who is a serious threat. Vad's words about a more serious threat are written again
OKAY and 11 lmao. 11 is a crossover with Major Igor Grom. We get a flashback of Rubenstein talking about how special and weird Sergey is, and how he must treat this entirely new form of mental illness that is Bird. Of course, we know he loses Sergey when he escapes, so he talks about his next 3 patients (Poet, Chrysalis, and the third I can't remember the name of - these are also Igor Grom characters). They had potential but they don't have what he's looking for and they're uncontrollable, killing patients, so he has to "hide them somewhere no one will find them". He also talks about Igor and how he's promising but resisting treatment. Rubenstein is insistent on finding a cure, no matter the cost
Next scene is Sergey having a nightmare about Igor and a mirror, and then we get into some new characters, some cultists taking about a "cleansing" they need to do. We're next introduced to Max and Banu, police officers who've been looking into the Dagbaev case, and they're looking for clues on the 15 bodies serovolk left at the warehouse. It's all very odd for the Dagbaevs to leave bodies behind. Charon, the medical examiner, is also introduced. Max is the prosecuter's son and so he gets the baby treatment by being partnered with Banu, as she's a lot older and more cautious. Max is sick of it, wants to do more exciting things, like the famous Igor does. But, due to the higher ups wanting it to happen, Banu, despite her protests to them, informs Max they've been given the Plague Doctor case and he's thrilled
They investigate for a bit and ultimately decide to call Igor for info. Igor reluctantly agrees to chat. His analysis is that the person on the roof wasn't Sergey and that Igor would've known if it was, but that this whole scheme could either be him or a very convincing copycat - it's his style. Igor confesses that it worries him that this could be Sergey and Igor says he never wants to see him again. He doesn't want to lose anyone else he cares about. He hopes Sergey agrees. Banu and Max leave him alone after that, not involving him in the investigation
Then we get to see Sergey! He's at a museum, looking at a famous Botticelli piece and enjoying it greatly. There's a flashback to him and Oleg talking. Oleg is in bed, still healing, and tells Sergey can't you wait, you need to be careful. Sergey says he just won't be able to wait and he'll be careful, it's a museum, it'll be fine. Oleg reluctantly agrees so Sergey tells him he'll be back by 8 to help change his bandages. Back at the museum, Sergey is approached by a stranger who starts talking about all the people in the museum. Sergey is annoyed, tells him repeatedly to go away. Then some people with guns come in and the stranger explains that they are cultists, who believe everyone there is lost and needs to be "saved" (by being killed) and that the art is a symbol of paganism, which is corrupting them. The stranger is then revealed to be Poet, saying 'so, should we talk now, Sergey?'. Which means he knows who Sergey is
And that's the end! I tried to include the important details but this still only a summary lmao. I highly recommend finding a way to read them when you have the chance, they're SO good omg
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It's Delicate: Part II
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Summary: Spencer Reid finds himself at a gas station at 2:00 am, thinking he’s only leaving with a cup of crappy coffee. But something taped to the door catches his eye. Spencer leaves the gas station with more than he intended: the chance at a friend, and maybe something more along the way.
Word Count: 3.6 k
Author’s Note: Here's the second part in It's Delicate, my first chapter fic. I've planned out kind of where I see this eventually going! Thank you to anyone who reads, likes, comments, and reblogs. It really means the world to me.
Content Warnings: Expletive language (3 uses), mentions of drug use, sexual innuendo
It's Delicate Masterlist
It's Delicate
Sitting on the plane, Spencer looks out from the little window. For hours, there’s been nothing but corn fields and clouds. It’s eerily peaceful, being there high above the clouds. His whole life Spencer has felt this distance between him and everyone else, but nothing makes that feeling more prominent than being strapped in a glorified metal box 35,000 feet off the Earth’s surface. But the thing is, Spencer does need to be flying above the trees to feel lonely. He can do that with two feet on the ground.
Luke sits across Spencer, the table between them and a deck of playing cards are spread out across its surface. He has to nudge Spencer’s leg from under the table, trying to bring him back to reality as he stares out the window.
“Whatcha thinking,” Luke asks, Spencer has been noticing more and more that Luke is one of the few people that actually listens to him.
Spencer, whose mind is racing too fast to even formulate an articulate thought, attempts to dodge Luke’s question with a noncommittal shrug.
“Reid, these cases are hard for all of us, you gotta know that man,” Luke says, laying down a four of a kind.
Spencer narrows his eyes, shocked that it hasn’t clicked yet for the rest of the team. He cracks his neck, preparing to answer Luke.
“We almost locked up an innocent man, Alvez. I almost sent another man to the same fate as myself. What kind of fucked up message is that?” Spencer says, throwing down the cards on the table. He doesn’t wait for Luke to respond.
“I fold,”
Spencer walks off into the small kitchenette to make a cup of coffee. He doesn’t want to think about his increased reliance on coffee, because he knows it’s a hot cup of coffee or a cold needle of Dilaudid in his veins. Spencer checks his watch, it’s 10:17 pm, maybe too late to find a meeting at a church or rec center somewhere.
He sneaks a peak at his phone, which was still unfortunately on Airplane Mode, he hasn’t even gotten a chance to see if Y/N has responded. He doesn’t know much about her, just as much as she knows about him.
It’s a brave new world for Spencer and he’s knee deep into the unknown.
Spencer can feel Luke’s eyes on him. He just knows that the minute he gets home, a certain tech expert will be ringing him. He knows that it’s Luke’s way of caring, but for someone who’s been alone for so long, having people that actually care is almost drowning.
Walking back to his seat, Spencer hands Luke a coffee. He smiles slightly; it’s the awkward smile that he used to make when intimating police chiefs and idiot cops would look him up and down like he’s a TA. It’s a peace offering for Luke, who despite his tough looking exterior, is one of the kindest people Spencer knows.
“Look, Reid. I’m sorry that we didn’t put it together. It’s just that man that we caught, he’s not like you. He’s not innocent of crimes, he’s just innocent of this crime,” Luke says in an attempt to make Spencer feel a little bit better.
“The thing is Luke, I’m exactly like that man,”
Spencer returns to staring out the window. The cards and the coffee on the table are long ignored for the silence that is found when you’re high above the clouds.
Spencer hears Tara and Emily murmur quietly about going out for a round of drinks. Luke accepts, while JJ and Matt decline, eager to get home to their families. Emily looks over at Spencer, her eyes silently scanning him, his body language. Spencer knows that there’s nothing he can hide from Emily, so there’s no use in trying to pretend he’s alright when she can take one look at him and know that nothing is right.
“You guys have fun, I’m going to head home and get some sleep. I plan on visiting my mom tomorrow and mornings are usually better for her,” Spencer says, slinging his go bag around his shoulders and making the trek back to the security to check out.
He walks slowly, enjoying the sound of the crickets chirping as he trudges along. Spencer tries not to think about the man, Richard, who was almost locked up for a crime that he didn’t commit. Spencer is pretty sure that being the person to throw an innocent man in jail is worse than being the innocent man in jail.
Spencer’s phone buzzes loudly, disturbing the silence of his walk. He looks at the phone to see a couple of messages from Y/N. Spencer slides open the lock to his phone and hits the button to read her messages.
Y/N: Spencer...that has a nice ring to it. So tell me a little bit about yourself. Your big three, but as books. Go! 🌞🌙⬆️
Furrowing his brow, Spencer reads the message over again. He does not have a clue what “big three” means, but it seems like some sort of pop culture thing that he’s not skilled in. He wants to text Garcia for a translation, but he’s also not too keen on telling her how he came across Y/N’s number.
Y/N: I assume you’re working, but I'm kind of impatient so I’ll give you mine 🙃 I’m a Little Women sun, an Emma moon, and an In Cold Blood rising.
Y/N: Oh no….I hope my astrology didn’t turn you off
Y/N: Not that I was trying to turn you on
Y/N: omg Y/N please shut the fuck up
Astrology? Spencer isn’t one to judge, but he’s a scientist first and foremost. The idea that there is something written about him in the stars seems like ludicrous. He decided to ignore the other messages, particularly the ones with a little more than slight innuendo.
Spencer: Y/N- I’m sorry I just got out of work. As for my big three, I’m not sure about astrology. I don’t particularly believe in pseudoscience. But those are good choices. In Cold Blood is an excellent choice. Capote spent years researching the case. In fact his prose and technique inspired the entire “Nonfiction novel” genre. The world of journalism and true crime would not be where it is without Capote’s work.
Y/N: Oh my god. You are a total nerd. 🙀
That stops Spencer right in his tracks. He’s only a couple of yards away from the Volvo at this point, but somehow it feels a million miles away. You are a total nerd. The words replay in his mind as the small gray bubbles pop up again. Spencer can feel his heart constrict at Y/N’s words. It’s ridiculous, he’s nearly 34 and is getting upset that a stranger called him a nerd. Spencer unlocks his car and tosses his go bag, phone included onto the passenger seat.
After a couple of minutes his phone buzzes again. He’s half tempted to answer it, but the way his heart seems to beat faster tells him to ignore it.
Y/N: I fucking love it and I think you’ll love this too
Spencer’s entire demeanor changes as he reads the message. He’s always had difficulties reading emotion in writing, especially when he can’t analyze the handwriting. Sometimes, it’s even harder to judge inflection during conversations. Maybe that is why Spencer has spent all this time studying people, studying the way that their minds work. Before he can get too lost in his thoughts, another message pops up.
Y/N: Meet Capote and Second Cat
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Y/N: They are the loves of my life
Spencer: They are very...distinguished looking. Capote is an excellent name choice then. Second Cat is also quite catchy.
Spencer hesitates before sending the message, he notices that Y/N uses what Garcia calls “emojis” quite frequently. He assumes that it’s some sort of “texting lingo” that expresses emotion in small graphics. Great, he thinks. He already has a difficult time deciphering Y/N’s cryptic wording and now he’s got to analyze these emojis.
Maybe he should profile her. He re-reads the message and settles on a “😄” because he figures that he can’t go wrong with offering Y/N a smile.
Spencer: I don’t have a cat, but when I was a kid I always wanted one, they’re quite good companions for those that live several different kinds of lifestyles. From active to sedentary, they are adaptable and independent. Honestly they are the perfect pet.
Y/N: Is this your way of telling you’re a crazy cat man? 😜 🙀
Spencer, still sitting in his car that’s parked in the parking lot, chuckles at Y/N’s response to his message. Maybe it’s just easier to ignore his rambling when it’s done through 1s and 0s and there isn’t a face to the words.
Spencer: I’m actually more of a fish guy
Y/N: Like a “I-like-to-go-fishing-and-post-picture-of-myself-kissing-my-catch-on-Tinder” kind of fish guy or...I can’t think of any other kind of fish men
Spencer, not totally understanding the obvious joke that Y/N is trying to make, settles on something that he hasn’t really ever tried: being himself.
Spencer: Not quite sure what a Tinder is, but I think fishing is terrifying and kissing a fish is something out of nightmares. But his name is Leo
Y/N: DiCaprio?
Spencer: Uhh, Tolstoy
Y/N: Good😉 ⚔️🕊️ 🇷🇺
Spencer glances at his clock on the control panel, it tells him that he’s been messaging with Y/N back and forth for nearly 22 minutes. He nearly forgot how tired he was.
Spencer: Y/N- I’m so sorry but, I just got to my car to drive home from work. I’ll text you tomorrow morning about the book club, maybe we can figure out some things.
Y/N: OMG Spencer!! you should have told me. I’ve been talking ur ear off. sleep well and yes please tomorrow we can talk about the book club
Y/N: Good night, Book Buddy 😴
Spencer wants to respond to Y/N, but he doesn’t know what to say. She seems to text so easily, and judging by that, she must be around Spencer’s age or a little bit younger. Besides JJ and Penelope, Spencer has never had a friend close to his age. It’s a strange new territory for him and he’s walking in head first into No Man’s Land.
He starts his Volvo, the check engine still lights but, reminding him once again to go get it fixed. Driving away from the parking lot, Spencer hands over his ID to Gina, the security guard. She checks his ID and gives him a tired smile. Spencer, as he drives home to his apartment, thinking about what books he and Y/N will read together. He wonders what kind of books are her favorite, if they have any authors that they can obsess over together, or if what she thinks a poet’s prose is.
The summer air rushing in through the window is nowhere as warm and as comforting as thought of Spencer finally having a friend that isn’t able to read the scars of his past in the text bubbles that pop up on her screen.
When Spencer opens his eyes for the first time that morning, he isn’t sure where he is. Sometimes, before he can stop his thoughts from travelling there, Spencer thinks he’s still in jail. He hates the feeling of terror that rushes over him but he hates the idea of being vulnerable a little bit more. But the softness of his pillows and the coolness of his cotton sheets remind him that he’s not sleeping on a hard cot with only a layer of fabric over his body. The light streams in through the half closed blinds, and Spencer judges by how brightly the sun shines in, it must be around 9:45 am.
He supposes that he prefers the way the sun’s rays paint horizontal bars across his face more than the vertical bars that cast gray shadows over his cell at Milburn Penitentiary.
It’s a day off from work, so Spencer didn’t set an alarm, instead allowing his mind and his body to catch up on some much needed rest. The nightmares have been getting better, but his dreams are still haunted by the way that he hardly recognizes himself anymore. Deciding that it will be a day spent in pajamas, Spencer goes to his bookshelf in his bedroom to pick out a couple of novels to read while he drinks his morning coffee and defrosts some of Luke’s strawberry pastries.
Before heading out of his room, Spencer stops himself in the doorway. He replays the events of last night. He declined to go out with the rest of the team, while he walked to his car he thought about the crickets telling the temperature, and he read over Y/N’s messages.
He promised he’d text her back in the morning about their book club. Last night, she didn’t seem to mind Spencer’s long messages and awkward phrasing. He still doesn’t really know how this Book Buddy thing would work, but since he found Y/N’s number on the flyer, he can only assume that she knows what to do. He leaps on his bed, landing with thud on his belly, to grab his phone that charges on his nightstand.
Spencer settles at his kitchen table, a cup of steaming hot Dark Roast coffee in a Captain Spock mug in one hand and, surprisingly, his phone in the other. He scrolls through the messages from last night, Y/N’s cat and emojis tempt a smile to Spencer’s face.
Not entirely sure how to start the conversation again, Spencer looks around for inspiration until his eyes land on a certain fish tank in the corner of his apartment. He snaps a quick picture of Leo and attaches it to the message.
Spencer: Good Morning from Leo & Spencer
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Spencer sets down his phone after a moment when he realizes that Y/N is probably not going to answer him back in a couple of seconds. He takes out a strawberry pastry from his freezer and puts it into the toaster oven on a non-stick baking sheet. His thumbs run across the texture of the book he started on the plane ride after his and Luke’s ill fated poker game. It's a thin book of collected essays on the meaning of life. Camus, to Spencer, is a little pessimistic with his droning on about the meaninglessness of life. Though Spence has seen the absolute worst that humanity has to offer, he still has to believe that there’s a deeper meaning behind it all.
His toaster oven rings, altering him so that his toasted strawberry pastry is cooked. He plates his breakfast and pours himself another cup of coffee- he’ll need it to get through Camus’s section on Absurdism this early in the morning. But the flash of Spencer’s phone screen sends him reaching for his phone. Y/N replied to his message.
Y/N: hi leo!!!
Y/N: and you too Spencer :) Did you get a good night’s sleep. You got back late it seems.
Spencer, taking a bite of the strawberry pastry, ignores the burning sensation in his mouth. He types out a response to Y/N as he washes down the bite with a swing of coffee.
Spencer: I did, thank you. Can you tell me a little bit more about this book buddy thing. From what I gathered from the flyer it’s like a little book club of our own and we meet at the bookstore?
It doesn’t take long for Y/N to respond. The little gray dots pop up almost immediately after Spencer’s message is delivered.
Y/N: That’s about right! Is it okay if I call you? Kinda easier to talk that way 🤷‍♀️
Spencer reads over the message a couple of times. He doesn’t really like to talk on the phone and only does it out of necessity. He’s pretty sure that his voice is grating and his vocal fry is quite irritating. Yet, he finds himself replying “yes” to Y/N. Soon enough, his phone buzzes in his hand and Spencer has to remind himself how to pick up a call.
“Spencer? Um, this is Spencer Reid, right?” the voice says. It’s a woman’s voice and he can only assume that it’s Y/N, considering it is her phone number calling him.
“Y/N, uh hi. This is Dr. Spencer- I mean this is Spencer,” he says, nearly forgetting that Y/N doesn’t know him as Dr. Reid, but as just Spencer. It’s been a long time since someone has known him as Spencer.
“Oh great! It’s wonderful to finally have a voice to your name. So about these buddy reads. You seem to have a good grasp of what they are,” Y/N’s voice trails off a little bit at the end and Spencer finds it natural to fill in the silence.
“Yes, the flyer was quite informative. But I was wondering, do we read the same books or do we read different books?” Spencer asks, trying to restrain himself from scaring Y/N off. But something about her made him think that she didn’t scare easily.
Y/N chuckles lightly in the speaker of her phone, “that’s a good question, uh, I was actually going to ask you what you would rather. We can read the same books, or if it’s okay with you we can choose what the other would read for that week,”
“Oh really?” Spencer says, very much aware how his voice rises a couple of octaves. He can’t trust himself to hold back on rambling over the phone Y/N, so he resorts to using his strained, brittle voice that’s full of hesitation and restraint.
“That’s the plan, so whatcha thinking, Spencer,” Y/N says playfully, like she can sense that phone conversations maybe not make him feel at ease. There’s something so natural and silvery about her voice; it reminds Spencer of an audiobook reader. While he’s not too keen on audiobooks, he’s sure that he’d listen to anything she reads or has to say.
“Um, I think it sounds interesting to pick out books for each other. I tend to gravitate towards more technical books or even books that aren’t in English so, uh, I think it would be interesting to get out of my comfort zone,” Spencer says, cringing internally at using the word “interesting” twice in a couple of sentences.
“Well, as long as you don’t pick out something in physics or anything by Ayn Rand then I’d say we’re good,” Y/N says. Spencer thinks it’s a joke, but he’s not too sure how to respond.
“Will you still be my Book Buddy if I read 1 out of 2 of those?” Spencer asks, hoping she’d get that he is trying to continue the joke.
“Oh no Spencer please don’t tell me you’re an Ayn Rand fanboy,” she says, and by the airy way she laughs, Spencer ventures to guess his joke landed successfully.
“So,” Spencer starts, he never has made plans with people outside of his team, and on top of that, there’s something about Y/N’s quickness that makes him a little nervous to meet her.
“I’m talking your ear off, aren’t I? Please Spencer, if you’re going to be my Book Buddy, you’re going to have to get used to me talking a lot, especially you pick out good books, which, I already have a feeling you’re going to be favorite Book Buddy,”
For once in his life, Spencer doesn’t really know how to respond. He lets out something in between a strangled laughter and a noncommittal chuckle.
“So,” Y/N says, mirroring Spencer’s earlier words, “so are you free tonight, I can meet you at the bookstore..”
Y/N’s voice trails off and Spencer leaps to finish her sentences. It doesn’t feel like his interjecting or interrupting, but like he’s snapping a puzzle piece together.
“Does 7 work?” “7 is great, Spencer. It’s a date,”
Those three little words send Spencer’s eyes flying wide open. He scrambles to come up with answer to louden the silence that falls, but he swears he can hear a string of quiet curses before Y/N manages to squeak out a small “goodbye,”
Y/N’s last words play back in Spencer’s ears. He scolds himself for being so weird and awkward that the very idea of going on a date with him would send Y/N in a tizzy. It’s not a date, because Spencer can’t think about it being a date. It’s not a date because of the looming photo above his mantle that freezes his future in the past. It’s not a date because of the nightmare of vertical bars that haunt his dreams
It’s not a date. It’s so not a date because Spencer would call Luke to come over to help him if it was.
“Hey Luke,” Spencer says, trying to control the nervous waves in his voice, “no man, I’m fine, it’s uh, easier if you just come over. I’m fine, really,”
Y/N: I really hope you're not an Ayn Rand fanboy 😉
It’s so not a date.
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