nebuegg · 4 months
I really like how one of the solutions to a technological issue you’re faced with during obduction is to essentially press every single button that you can. go full Elf the movie on that funky interface
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persephoneprice · 22 days
as a self-indulgent little treat i am thinking about persephone price meeting finnick odair (inspired by chats with @diiwata)
→ by some stroke of luck, festus creed hasn’t mysteriously died like many of their former classmates. he continues to work closely with coriolanus and as a result, persephone is expected at capitol social events.
→ this includes events related to the hunger games even though the thought makes her slightly ill. especially when there’s a victor for district 4. this year is worse than usual because the victor is a 14 year old boy.
→ persephone watches finnick charm the capitol citizens of his victor party. he’s nothing like mizzen- in looks or personality- but it’s still all she can think about.
→ by another stroke of (bad) luck, he comes to sit in the tucked away area she’s in to get away for a moment.
→ she makes polite conversation and asks him about district 4. it sounds different from the way mizzen described it, too much capitol propaganda. she wonders how mizzen would feel about district 4 now. she wonders if finnick ever collected sea shells like mizzen did.
→ she almost brings mizzen up- but fears someone important overhearing. president snow gets deeply upset at the mention of the 10th hunger games. livia cardew-snow has the bruises to prove it.
→ finnick is the one who brings him up in the end. mentioning that his mentor, mags, had a younger brother that didn’t survive the games and how he was glad he won because his death would have hurt her. he doesn’t know not to bring up things like that. he doesn’t know persephone is the reason mizzen is dead.
→ persephone shifts uncomfortably, she typically avoids mags at all costs. mags has never been hostile towards her, but there’s always a hint of accusation in her eyes when she looks at persephone. persephone knows she deserves it.
→ persephone is glad that mags could save finnick in the way that she couldn’t save mizzen. she finds herself wanting to do more, wanting to actually do something to stop the hunger games. she did nothing when mizzen died or when any other tributes died throughout the years. it just keeps going and she just keeps watching.
→ finnick is eventually stolen away by a woman persephone vaguely recognizes as a stylist. she doesn’t directly speak with him again until right after the 74th hunger games.
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llitchilitchi · 1 month
a dsmp fake visual novel it's such a amazing concept
i had soooo many ideas for this - different plotpoints as separate novels, each of them with a title screen that changes over time depending on how far you get into the story
L'Manberg changing from a small wooded area with several houses into the expansive country that was Manberg, until it eventually turns to New L'Manberg - all the shots from the same perspective, just of different periods of time
the disc wars, or Dream's story, being presented through the changes in the Community House - first an empty lake when you first boot up the game, then the Community House of the early chapters with Dream sitting on the roof, until he suddenly isn't there anymore, and then the Community House falls apart and has water streaming down the broken bricks, and then, eventually, a new one takes its place, but it's empty and artifician
the Egg Arc told through images of the server as the blood vines slowly crawl closer and closer, enveloping the paths and houses
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kkairoxx · 1 month
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Came across this vid again of Ian doing a No Look shot and actually hitting the target and I still can't get over his face here of how he couldn't believe he actually hit it and was so happy how well he did
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peachcott · 1 year
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gather your things, traveler. 💀🌿
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princess-moira · 10 months
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sluckythewizard · 4 months
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hello helloo! i just read through your modern au and I'm in love (shocker), i wanted to ask if you'd give some more info on poppy? apologies if there's already a dedicated post to her, looking is not my specialty
there is not! i will gladly ramble!
in this au, Poppy is slightly less fearful than canon. this is for several reasons! 1) years of therapy. 2) anxiety meds. 3) teenage years of her friends dragging her out for Shenanigans & hyping her tf up! but she's still a worrywart! she's very cautious! she can and Will see the bad/dengerous side to every situation. but! now she has the tools to not only cope with but combat her intrusive thoughts & fears <3
i think i mentioned it before but she Did Not Realize she was trans until highschool! specifically, when she met Sally! Poppy had to stop by the theater department after school for some reason or another, and Sally noticed her looking longingly at the costume dresses (Poppy thought she was alone lol)
and while Poppy was mortified at being caught, Sally was delighted. they only knew each other in passing and from reputation but Sally started holding up dresses to Poppy and complimenting how well they suited her. (i could joke about how Sally could sniff out the lesbian in her before Poppy even knew she was a girl!) Poppy, flustered by the sudden attention and apparent acceptance, didn't know how to handle it and fled. then started avoiding Sally in the halls. but! eventually she had to go back for Insert Reason Here, and ofc Sally was there. this time around Sally is a little gentler and less assertive, but manages to coax Poppy into checking out the more ~feminine~ costumes again. thus begins their little meetings where Poppy tries on costumes and Sally is her biggest hypeman
it takes a while for things to Click in Poppy's mind! it isn't until she tries on a dress that Sally custom-made for her, wearing some makeup and a wig, that Poppy has her oh moment. unfortunately, some of their ~mutual friends~ (Wally, Barnaby, Howdy) walk in on them. there's a short, terrifying moment where Wally is all "who's your friend, Sally?" and Barnaby has to lean over to let him know "that's Poppy, bud". before Poppy can fully freak out, Wally immediately goes OH! and starts complimenting how pretty she looks. Barnaby chimes in next to ask if the dress is home-made bc it fits Poppy beautifully, Howdy nabs a necklace from the nearby gathered accessories and put it on her to "tie the outfit together". in short! Poppy finds nothing but support from her buddies & they're more than happy to help her figure out this new internal crisis / revelation
then of course eventually she's found out by her family, which goes very well (im using sarcasm! it goes terribly!). Poppy isn't outright disowned or kicked out or in immediate danger, but her relationship with her family is ruined by their transphobic bigotry. her friends have her back throughout this, and the guest room at the Beagle farm is always open to her! Sally continues to make custom clothes for Poppy (something that becomes a love language for the two of them <3).
honestly, this period in Poppy's life is part of what like... idk... strengthens her, in a way? her continuing to be herself and actively rebelling against her family, i mean. Poppy becomes a pretty stellar liar lol (lying to her parents about where she's going, who she's hanging out with, what she does after school, etc). she's very cautious about all of it, but she does it! she's determined to pursue and discover and Realize the woman inside her! i have this sweet scene in my mind of the Group at the Beagle farm chilling on the floor with notebooks, brainstorming on possible names. (Sally enthusiastically says a variation of 'exquisite' to each one, and then when Poppy says 'im not sure about that one' Sally - still enthusiastically - says a variation of 'horrible terrible how could you suggest such an ill-fitting name'). despite everyone's efforts, i like to think that Poppy finds her name entirely on accident! maybe during the Gap Year Road Trip! maybe they stop by a SoCal poppy reserve in superbloom and the flowers Resonate with her! who's to say!
but Poppy begins her (medical) transition in college! she, of course, gets shit for it, but she also begins to find community and enjoyment in the local queer community. and of course, she has her buddies <3
but anyway! i like to think that Poppy participates in local farmer's markets with her crochet work & baked goods, the latter of which is a complete hit! that, plus her first experience with going to a tearoom inspires her to strive towards owning her own! tearooms are right up her alley, i'd say - calm, quiet, and Poppy can make peoples' days a little brighter with a tranquil atmosphere & delicious treats! i swear i have a reason between 'Poppy british = she goes into tea business'. honestly! tearooms are more about the tiny sammies & tasty cones w/ cream! and feeling Fancy while chatting!
i think it takes a while for her to actually be able to start up a tearoom. I'd imagine she starts by holding a small, single-table reservation-based one in her own place once the Group decides on what town to move to. it's successful, slowly (but steadily) grows, until she can get an actual House and transform the ground floor into a full tearoom. lil shop by the checkout counter, several different rooms, a sizeable kitchen. staff! the tearoom is a humble one, but it's a killer holiday & tourist destination! the high ratings even bring in people from out of town!
and when it comes to Poppy & Sally, bc yall know i'm a sucker for Popstar - i like to think that they start dating after (mostly) all of them move into their new town. & after they both have been in prior relationships! and then they never stop dating. well, they do, but that's so that they can upgrade to Wife Status. and then they never stop being wives so there <3
but Poppy is successful and happy! she had a rough go of it but she Makes It! and she continues to make it!
#i hope this Suffices!#ofc the ~lore~ in my mind is a lil more complex#but its Too Much to fully write out yk yk#giving her a tearoom was uhhhhh a bit of Personal Indulgence i will admit!#i used to have a tradition with my mother/grandma/sister where we'd all go to a tearoom once a year#but then grammie bit the dust (or rather - got turned into it) and that tradition uh. kinda stopped#i have very fond memories! i'd like to go to one again someday! perhaps with friends!#so when i was thinking 'what modern day profession would suit poppy' i do think owning a high english tearoom would fit#theres also just a level of personal influence to that ahaha#also if i went to a nice tearoom and the owner was a gorgeous 6'8 woman. ough. thats all im gonna say about it. ough <3#rambles from the bog#wh modern human au#sally likes to waltz into the tearoom while poppy is working to buy One (one) little box of tea and also flirt over the counter for an hour#and there's an upstairs room reserved for Poppy & her friends!!#it's free for them to use at any time!#though they still always pay. they have a lil game with poppy where she tries her best to refuse#but they manage to sneak the payment past her anyway#or they so happen to 'leave a tip that just so happens to be the exact payment' on their chair#on top of the tearoom she also supplies some baked goods for Howdy's shop#it was something they started when she was first getting her lil business off the ground#it evolves into just 'poppy bakes a batch of muffins as her morning ritual and sends them to howdys'#she supplies more when she can! or when she stress bakes! or when she and frank stress bake together! the entire group gets fresh tasties!
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hybbat · 2 days
Not fond of how dependant on wikis a lot of indie games are these days. Maybe this is a hot take but I think your game should be playable without looking up external resources, and I don't like having a wiki for whatever game I'm playing up all the times just to casually play it because the game couldn't be bothered.
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rowanisawriter · 5 months
anyway…… here’s anara…………
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fat-rolls-frictions · 6 months
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document added to your inventory. transcript below.
CW: referenced self-harm, implied teeth horror, torture, unreality. @fiddles-ifs
(The document is marked as CONFIDENTIAL with various administration stamps and handwritten notes on the top margin. Much of the dates and serial numbers are illegible.
A ring stain from a cup is clearly visible on the bottom right corner.)
Trainee's Name: Nguyen, Kim
Subject: Mission no.06 - Simulated Interrogation
Handlers: A. Itamura, V. Wallace
(Scattered throughout are fragmented phrases. They read: "who were?" "do you even care? do you" "you did not" "remember" "do you ever? di")
Addendum-120320A: Agents reported "unexpected" degree of resistance. Preliminary injuries logged. Mission proceeded without further complications.
("They have pliers.")
Overview: Trainee's previously recorded paranoia exacerbated after preparation period. Roommates reported heightened stress unrelated to anticipation of mission; effect attributed directly to trainee. Arrangements for extraction made with regards to trainee's evals and Dr. (redacted)'s suggestions.
Trainee exhibited remarkable contentiousness despite several injuries, including a fractured collarbone and mild concussion. Agents instructed to secure with force given trainee's well documented volatility. Mission hook revealed. Dr. (redacted) correctly predicted that trainee would fail to respond to accusations of collaborating, or otherwise spearheading, the information leaks. Agents instructed to proceed with physical methodologies.
Stalemate achieved approx. 0500 hours after agent Itamura di ("his hands on your this pulp is not yours"). Trainee made multiple attempts to ("retaliate / retribute / requiter / illegible text"). Evidently unsuccessful (See A-120320B below). Trainee continued to redirect attention away from mission hook, oftentimes inciting, and appearing to relish retribution from agents. Previous psychological evals point to this being a product of mere belligerence. [break] ("It's the only thing you're capable of.") Nevertheless, agents pursued this lead to its completion, as is protocol.
Agent Wallace discovered healing injuries unrelated to mission at the 0619 hour mark. Injuries appear to be self-inflicted in nature, located in both inner arms. It was surmised that [break] teeth [break] match ("you didn't mean to but it happened what kind of person do this it just happened" "you" "tear into" "fuck off") unexpected emotional and psychological reactions. Agents authorized to remove part of trainee's sleeve in order to continue the interrogation.
(Overlay in the break, nearly illegible: "they pour water down your throat and it comes spilling out then he (illegible) hands teach you again the shape of your jaws you know intimately someone stupider would say-")
Incident C133-120320 took place at 0922 hours when agent Itamura prepared to [break] after several threats to [break] if trainee did not ("repent"). Neither agents anticipated the outburst. Agent Wallace remarked that [break] ("pliers")
("-bunny". The word "bunny" repeats several times after this instance in the margins.)
("sometimes you see people they do not stop even when they should even when" "metal on molars on gum on tongue" "you are horror under a pin with not dead cells taken off piece by piece a stream of un-consciousness good for nothing but self-cannibalizing desperate for something to fill your detritus a hate for something you can't name" "a you that do not" "are not")
("sometimes you see people they forget that they are people. sometimes that is for the best.")
Addendum-120320B: Itamura submitted for performance review after mission. Agent demonstrated certain lack of discipline in carrying out the mission and was influenced easily by trainee's provocations. Additional psychological eval recommended along side with physical therapy.
Incident log C133-120320: You cannot forget how bone feels between teeth.
("something hungers in the woods somewhere and it always finds you among the trees." This sentence repeats in the background, going off the margin.)
Department of Training. 21/02/(redacted)
("you had bunny teeth. you remember
calling you
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waitineedaname · 12 days
what is hlvrai and please tell me more about this svsss crossover?
hlvrai is Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware and it is a series that made me absolutely bonkers for a solid two years, which is not something most hyperfixations of mine can claim
basically the premise is that a streamer got a special copy of Half-Life VR where the NPCs are self-aware! in reality, it was a streamer and his friend role-playing in gmod and it spiralled rapidly out of control, but oh my god I cannot emphasize enough how funny this series is. there are lines in this series that I still quote because they have wormed their way into my permanent speech pattern. the characters that they managed to come up with basically on the fly are so good, and the ending is absolutely insane
I'm still deciding which direction the crossover should go. I think maybe I should put svsss characters into hlvrai because I do not think hlvrai!gordon would not do well if put in shen qingqiu's shoes. he's so highstrung, I do not think he could pull off the wise master role sqq finds himself in. he would get killed so quickly
shen yuan, however, would be perfect as a streamer slowly being driven insane by his NPC companions. the other characters are trickier to figure out, but I think if I just change which ones of them are aware they're in a video game, it would work. binghe being benrey is too good to pass up, but I think shang qinghua could be tommy, if tommy figured out they were in a game but just chose not to tell anyone. I kinda wanna make mobei-jun into forzen simply because that's funny to me. coomer and bubby.... uh...... get back to me on that. liu qingge could be bubby maybe, and yue qingyuan could be coomer. idk. instead of talking to the system, shen yuan is bitching at his chat, and binghe is like Who Are You Talking To 👁👁 and shen yuan has a heart attack
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moeblob · 10 days
hiii i dunno if you'll remember me but im the anon who bought pioneers of olive town instead of bg3 bc i was enjoying your fanart of it sooooo muuuuch. and omigosh ITS SO GOOD ive had such fun playing it. i ended up juggling multiple save files because it was so difficult to decide who to marry, the cast is so charming. out of the bachelors, damon and jack i think are my favourites (should i be worried abt my type that theyre both blond...?) but laura and reina are so cute amongst the girls!
YEAH YEAH I REMEMBER YOU YEAH ! I got so scared bc BG3 is such a big game and I was the reason you bought something instead of it and then never heard from you again and I thought my love of silly farming games might have ruined someone's day in the end! I'm so glad you're enjoying it!!! It's so fun and I love the characters and oh man
Jack my beloved. Him and his little puns. Him and his "oh cool a ring" vs "oh my god A GIANT BEAR CARVING!" reactions. I love him so much. Funny lil blonde boy my beloved, truly. (Also Damon is wonderful, let the little guy like cats and have cats like him back challenge failed... but he still looks happy mentioning cats. Truly a mood.)
I am so happy you enjoy the game and Jack (and Reina! SHE IS SO CUTE! all the girls and boys are cute but I really liked Reina's vibes even if she's the opposite of me irl and would wear me out). THANK YOU ANON! For telling me! the follow up!
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hydrodragons · 4 months
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he is. everything to me
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minamotoz · 4 months
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