crossdressingdeath · 1 year
One thing that I find both fascinating and deeply sad in TSatS is that when Will asks if they're going to Percy's house to ask him to come with them to Tartarus Nico says no on the grounds that he doesn't want to involve Percy in it... but when asked why Bob wouldn't ask Percy for help, Nico's immediate thought is that Bob didn't think Percy and Annabeth would help him. Like, that's his one and only theory. I suspect that there's a part of that where... Nico thinks to himself that Bob doesn't think Percy and Annabeth would help so that he doesn't have to think that he doesn't think Percy and Annabeth would help. In other words he's thinking it's Bob who didn't call for Percy and Annabeth because he didn't believe they'd help him, because the alternative is for Nico to say "I'm not asking them for help because I know they would say no and I don't want to face that refusal". And it's not that he wants them to come! If Nico had had his way he would've gone alone, he doesn't want to put anyone in danger, it's just that he managed to find the only demigod as stubborn as he is and made the mistake of telling Will what his plans were. But it's one thing to not want to involve people in something incredibly dangerous; it's quite another to know that if you asked for their help, and in this case their help saving the person they owe their lives to, they would say no. I'm sure they would be properly apologetic about refusing, they do seem to feel genuinely terrible about forgetting Bob (which... good) and "I'm not going to superhell again" is a perfectly understandable boundary to have, but I think Nico just... doesn't want to admit to himself that he was willing to go to Tartarus for Percy but Percy would never do the same for him. Hence him leaving it at "I don't want to make him do this" when asked if he'll ask Percy to help for his sake, but thinking quite openly to himself that Bob probably didn't think Percy and Annabeth would help, because Bob helped them out of loyalty to Nico so it isn't devastatingly sad to admit they'd never do the same for him the way it would be for Nico to admit that Percy would never go to Tartarus for him despite him going to Tartarus largely to help Percy.
Also, it's deeply disappointing that it doesn't come up again later in the book because please for the love of god Rick can we please have a discussion around Nico's fatal flaw being his "will literally go to hell and back for people who he knows would never do the same for him" level of loyalty and not holding grudges, and also how literally the only evidence even his own sister could offer for holding grudges being his fatal flaw was that he's the son of Hades and also was still upset about his sister dying six months after it happened. Now that he's got someone as loyal to him as he is to everyone else (Will refusing to not follow Nico to hell is so good after so long of Nico constantly being prepared to give up everything for others and getting next to nothing in return) it's a great time to get into how despite basically every other POV character going on about Nico being creepy and morally dubious actually his most consistent character trait is being the most loyal character in the whole series (and possibly the whole Riordanverse, honestly) no matter how many times that loyalty burns him.
#tsats#tsats spoilers#nico di angelo#percy is the absolute WORST friend to nico and i WILL be dying on this hill#people are always like 'well that one time nico listened to his father instead of putting percy above everything else'#bitch have you seen the sort of shit nico goes through for percy constantly despite clearly knowing percy will NEVER reciprocate#and without ever even ASKING him to reciprocate#like he very clearly knows that percy was telling disturbing stories about him en route to rome#and he knows percy would never go to tartarus for him#and he is still so willing to throw himself on the sword for percy's sake even when he HATES HIMSELF FOR IT#BECAUSE HE KNOWS PERCY WOULD NEVER DO THE SAME#but people act like he's the problem because one time when he was TWELVE (or thirteen depending on whether you go pjo or hoo for his age)#he made one selfish decision out of both a desperate need to know about his past and his misplaced trust in his father#ONE mistake that percy would absolutely have ALSO made in his position#(look me in the eye and tell me percy wouldn't have brought nico STRAIGHT to poseidon#if poseidon said it was the only way to learn something important about sally)#and people act like percy has every reason to treat nico like a useful tool at BEST for FOUR YEARS#INCLUDING BEFORE THE HADES INCIDENT#NICO ABSOLUTELY WENT TO A HUGE AMOUNT OF EFFORT TO FIND THE CURSE OF ACHILLES TO SAVE PERCY'S LIFE#AND PERCY BASICALLY LEAVES HIM HANGING WITHOUT AN ANSWER FOR A YEAR#DID HE EVEN THANK NICO FOR DOING THAT? I DON'T THINK HE DID!#but no this twelve year old trusting the only adult support he has is the REAL problem#anyway i continue to be mad about people giving percy the protective older sibling role in nico's life#when that is in no way their canon dynamic and belongs more to jason and reyna#why do you ask
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mylifesjustacarousel · 2 months
the sorcerer and the apprentice - foes to friends
pairing: james hook x gn!reader (requested)
summary: you hated no one more than james hook, but after an incident, you start to see him differently
type: angst, the tiniest hint of fluff at the end
CW: bullying
WC: 1.2k
prequel | part 2 | part 3 (requests are open!)
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For as long as you could remember, you hated James Hook. From the second he showed his face on the Merlin Academy campus, being as snarky and bratty as ever, you despised him. Being the child of Merlin himself didn’t make it any easier either. The torment and teasing was nonstop, from him and the rest of the VKs.
But ever since you pulled that prank on Uliana a few weeks ago, you had seen very little of the VKs, Hook included. You weren’t too worried though. If you could take them once, you could take them again.
You were in the woods right outside of campus, your sword in hand. It was peaceful there at night, a great time and place to practice your technique. You were stood in front of a tree, swinging at it left and right, pretending to dodge attacks. It wasn’t as good as practicing with a partner, but practicing alone helped to clear your mind.
“Aren’t you missing something, darling? Like another person?” A voice called out. You froze in your place, turning your head to follow the direction of the voice.
“Go away,” you spat, “Even if I did want another person here, or anywhere else, it certainly wouldn’t be you.” He snorted, “I told you, you can’t get rid of me that easily. You can’t just say a spell and make me go away.”
Before you even knew it, your feet were moving before your mind, your arms drawing up and swinging your sword at Hook. While your technique was a little off, he seemed to quickly get the message. His eyes widened, his body barely dodging the blade. “If you needed the practice, you could’ve just said so,” he winked, drawing his sword from his belt.
You grimaced, swinging at him again, “You make me sick, Hook.” He advanced forward, unknowingly backing you up against a tree. You panicked, trying to quickly think of something to get you out of this situation. He had you cornered. He held the blade of his sword to your chin, “You don’t even know me, darling.” you could feel every breath that he took with how close his chest was to yours. “So you can hate me, but remember who saved you when Uliana wanted to destroy you.”
He pulled his sword away, putting it back in its sheath before walking away from you. You stood there in disbelief as you watched him.
What just happened? you thought.
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You walked towards the water, trying to calm yourself down. Leaning against a nearby tree, you took a deep breath. Peace at last…
Whipping your head around, you were met with a sight that you did not want to see. The VKs were standing there, minus Hook. Uliana charged towards you, “You think you can humiliate me and get away with it? I’ll show you what happens to people who mess with me!”
Without missing a beat, you turned to try to run, only to run into the chests of Hades and Morgie. They had you cornered. One of Uliana’s tentacles shot out, wrapping around your ankle and lifting you up into the air. You panicked, yelling for help. But the woods were too far away for anyone on campus to actually be able to hear you. She laughed maniacally, dangling you over the water as you struggled.
“The little goody two shoes thought that they were going to get spared? Just because Hook let you go, doesn’t mean that I’m going to.”
You looked to the other three for help, hoping that any of them would show any signs of remorse. But they were all laughing, enjoying the fear on your face. “It’s a shame I had to get rid of Hook. He thought I should leave you alone, but I knew that nothing would fill me with more joy than doing this.”
Within seconds, you could feel nothing but coldness surrounding you. She had dropped you into the water below you. “I hope you can swim!” she called out, the VKs laughing and cheering her on as they left.
You panicked, flapping your arms as you tried to make your way back to land. The water stirred, a figure appearing in the water beside you. It could only be described as a giant eel. It’s snake like eyes locked on you, ready to pounce the moment it saw you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you tried to remember a spell to get you out of this. But your mind drew a blank. There was nothing you could do to save yourself.
You heard the eel pounce, but you didn’t expect what came after. The sound of a sword being drawn, a loud scream, and the sound of the water becoming still. You slowly opened your eyes, looking for your hero.
Hook. Hook was standing there.
He threw his sword onto the ground, reaching his hand to help you out. You didn’t think twice before grabbing his hand, pulling yourself out of the water. Shivering, you pulled your soaking wet jacket tighter around your frame, trying to generate any sort of warm.
“Easy, easy,” Hook pulled his jacket off, draping it over your shoulders, “You’re lucky I was still around, you were almost fish food, darling.”
You glared at him, but you accepted his jacket. “Why’d you do that? Help me?” you mumbled, your eyes meeting his. For the first time ever, you saw sincereness in his eyes. It was strange and different. It’s like something in your brain just clicked.
“Like I said, you don’t know me,” he shrugged, “But, there’s something about you. You’re… different. A good different. You weren’t actually a goody two shoes, you’re actually pretty cool.” Hook rambled on, a light blush on his cheeks.
“Well… thank you,” you nodded. He gave you a nod back, standing up, “Just, uh, return the jacket whenever.”
“Aren’t you going to walk me back?” you asked, standing with him. His eyes widened, the blush on his face becoming a cherry red.
“I guess that would be the appropriate thing to do, yes.”
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Hook walked you all the way back to your dorm room, his eyes on you the entire walk. You were silent the entire time, still trying to process what had happened. Hook helped you. You didn’t think it could ever happen, but you saw a change in him, and you were interested in taking a deeper dive… you couldn’t even believe that you were thinking these things. After all, you hated James Hook. Or at least you did.
“Well, this is me,” you slipped his jacket off, trying to hand it back to him. He refused, draping it over your shoulders again, “You still look cold, darling. I’ll get it back eventually. But, um, have a good night.” He patted your shoulder before turning to walk away.
He took a few steps before you called out to him. “Hey, James? You can come pick up your jacket tomorrow… and stay for a little bit, if you’d like?”
Hook couldn’t help but smile a bit. He turned to you, “Sounds like a plan, y/n. Don’t get into any more trouble between now and then, alright? I can only save you so many times.”
You rolled your eyes, a grin making way onto your face, “Goodnight, James.”
“Goodnight, darling.”
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a/n: i truly didn’t think i would get so many requests for this series, or enough for this to even turn into a series. also, if there’s any confusion timeline wise, this takes place a few months before the original the sorcerer and the apprentice. if you have any requests at all, my ask box is open!
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bones4thecats · 4 days
➸ Fear Deity! S/O; Record of Ragnarok
Character: Hermes, Aphrodite, Odin, and Buddha A/N: This was fun to write. By the way, I might allow requests to be open tomorrow. No promises though! Disclaimer(s): Nothing wrong, just fluffy shit
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╚═════ Hermes ═══════════════════════════════╝
📨 As the Greek Deity of Fear, you were hailed for many centuries for your ability to torture someone with visions and dreams of their worst nightmares happening. Because of how bad some of them got, many began calling you Deitas Interni Nocendi, or Deity of the Internal Harm
📨 Hermes gained interest in you after the whole Adamas incident. He had asked if you sided with his uncle, to which you smiled and asked if he thought you feared such a pathetic man so much. He just smiled back and chuckled before evolving into a deeper conversation with you
📨 Years later, you guys stood by one another's side as you were married and began to make your own branch of the Greek Pantheon grow larger and larger. This was especially true when your children of fear from your previous bond with a human warrior, the Terrors, began to see Hermes like a father
📨 During Ragnarok, you stood alongside your husband and now adult-children. While he admired the fights with his father, you merely sat with your head on your hand in boredom. It wasn't until Poseidon lost and Jack the Ripper came on stage that you could feel the fear that flowed through everyone's frames, feeding you amazingly
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╚═════ Aphrodite ═════════════════════════════╝
💐 Aphrodite has always been an alluring woman, and she knows that. She looks at herself so much that she can perfectly draw her body without any issue. But, with breasts that big, how hard would it be to remember your figure?
💐 When you arrived at a meeting with the other Gods, she was shocked to see just how dark you were. Even the God of the Dead, Hades, dressed in more color than you did! You walked in with your children following you, all in cute little color-coded cloaks, while you had a large thorn-made crown on top of your head with some thorns poking out of your skin amazingly
💐 She was entranced with how you held yourself. Many feared you, and the small few who didn't ended up succumbing to your ability to instill fear in all you wish too. Aphrodite was surprised that you seemed to have little animosity with her, and when she asked, she was happy to hear you actually enjoyed her more 'peppy-look'
💐 It was after you guys married and began ruling your realm together that everyone began to notice just how much more joyful you were to be around. You started dressing with more color and plants on you, she even got your little Terrors to dress more colorfully and child-like, despite how they aged to be more mature. It honestly made even the toughest Gods smile on the inside
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╚═════ Odin ═════════════════════════════════╝
🪶 Odin respected you from afar. He knew of your abilities and always decided to stray away from asking you for any insights on the issues inside of your Pantheon
🪶 But, when a couple incidents with Loki grew into including your youngest Terror, Kenaz, he had no choice but to have you come to a meeting. Everyone was internally weary that you would pull something and end up forcing their Pantheon to go into war against you and your seven little fear-monster children. Thankfully, that did not happen and you ended up surprising them by being quite nice to be around
🪶 Ever since that day, you spoke more and more to the Head God of the Norse Pantheon. As he spoke to you more and more, Odin had started to mentally record every tiny event you guys had where you made his heart start beating faster. This led to you guys becoming close allies, then courting, before settling on marrying one another years later
🪶 When your only biological son, Thor, was born, everyone feared you more. Not only could you instill fear and make someone scared so much that they had a heart attack and just drop dead like nothing, you were also married to the Odin, and had the Thor as your son. You were quite the surprise to all
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╚═════ Buddha ═══════════════════════════════╝
🍭 Buddha had always heard of a Deity that lived in Heaven that could control the fear that someone, even an immortal, had inside of them. He never encountered you for quite some time, but when he did, he wasn't that surprised with how you behaved
🍭 He guessed you'd be a quiet and threatening type, which you were. But, you only shocked him when you seemed to be more sunshine and rainbows with your Terror-children. You would kneel to their height, pat them on their shadow-like head, and kiss them goodbye as they went to speak to another mortal on the path to be a better person
🍭 When you guys actually started bonding, everyone who knew you just wanted to know why you were around the 'Human-God knockoff' all the time. You would just smiled and laugh before looking at them with a dead expression and telling them he made you laugh more than anyone else had ever
🍭 Buddha does love being around you, especially after you guys got together. He also loves being around your children. Your oldest Terror, Shui, was more of a shy-type, but when Buddha came around? That just fell faster than a loose rock on the mountain that Sun Wukong was stuck underneath years ago! He was the perfect choice for you and the perfect choice for your children. And you wouldn't have it any other way
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-Hades Ember by Milo Thatch-
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Hades Ember; is a small blue gem that glows like fire or a lost soul, its origins are unknown to those who are not within the personal circle of lord Hades; god of the underworld and souls.
Origins; its beginnings are unknown to Auradon and its people-including its now ex-king; Adam/Beast. But it’s rumored by those of the isle that the ember was created by Hades as a last-ditch effort to keep his powers, only to fail and the ember remained dormant until magic began to leak through the magical barrier around the isle of the lost. If one asked Hades-he would say he always had it.
It is unknown if the kingdom of Auradon and its royalty know of its existence. However-there is no files or recordings of the Ember before the August 2019 “scepter” incident, so it is theorized that the ember was only known to the isle and its people.
According to Hades and Lady Mal; the ember can only be used by those who share blood with hades, are claimed by Hades, or are born with the mark of hades. After acquiring the Ember, Lady Mal was able to use some of her father's powers while holding the Ember-but reported she lost those powers when not in possession of the Ember. Some side effects she reported were her outfit colors and hair color shifting to hold more blue instead of her mother's purple.
Its power is unknown but suggested to be immense since it apparently can overpower the dragon's eye scepter-Maleficents scepter, which until the emergence of the Ember, was only to be defeated by Fairy Godmothers' wand. One would think this ember would be sought after and hoarded by those who seek power-but since the ember cannot be used by those who do not share Hades blood or blessing-it is deemed useless by those who wish to horde such powers.
Its apparent powers are beams of light that feel like fire(according to lady mal) that can drain one of energy or magic to power the ember further. It can give one the powers of Hades, such as super strength, immunity to death, clairvoyance, soul manipulation, seeing the strings of fate and life, Pyrokinesis, super speed, enhanced reflexes, and the ability to summon the hound of the underworld.
According to Lady Mal, only Hades can access the full powers of the Ember, since she-in Hades words-is only half Hades, the Ember cannot do everything for her that it does for him. So it is unknown of the full power of the Ember since Lord Hades does not seem to be willing to do tests for us researchers, but Lady Mal is perfectly willing to show off what she can do with the Ember, thankfully.
There are many things we do not know about Hades Ember, such as its origin(like how it possibly wasn’t created until Hades was arrested and sent to the isle in 1995) and why not even Zeus knew of the ember until recently.
It is a greatly mysterious item that could be akin to the trident of Poseidon or the lightning bolt of Zeus, though it is a wonder that it overwhelms the dragon's eye and the Fairy Godmother's wand.
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lhazaar · 2 months
Hey I was in that server but I didn't see the post before it was deleted, just the aftermath, what happened? The explanation of the screenshots is so vague and the reaction by mods has been uncomfortable, then I noticed a lot of the main people I'd see active in server have left so I'm very concerned
ty for your patience while i wrote this up, anon
short explanation: there was interpersonal stuff going on behind the scenes at the same time and everything exploded at once. liza has been a shitty friend and i'm angry about it because it's hurt people i care about. she has also been going around to everyone she can trying to drum up sympathy because she doesn't know how to handle her own emotions without getting external validation and, when the people that she farms for that validation have their own lives, it's a huge personal betrayal. this spilled over into the server because she was talking a ton of shit behind everyone's backs about how she thought calling out racism was annoying and she didn't realize that people can be friends independently of her, so of course we talk to each other. people started comparing notes on what she was telling them and how she was acting and they realized it didn't match up.
so here's the post in the server that was deleted:
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i wasn't involved with its writing, to be clear; i like micah but we're independent people. i also wasn't in the server at this point because liza preemptively banned both me and one of my partners, who had not spoken to her at all and was uninvolved in this.
what micah's talking about in this post is that liza has been mean about both him and jupiter behind their backs for ages because, during a hades 2 stream, they started talking about the game's whitewashing problems/racism/fatphobia. liza turned around and went to one of my loved ones in a voice call immediately afterwards to complain about how it "wasn't the time or place" and how they were being, yknow, sooo negative when she was just trying to enjoy something. in multiple other conversations, she would complain about people talking about racism in the server and then turn around and be super nice and friendly to the faces of the people she was shittalking for... honestly i don't know what reason there could be. social clout? to feel like she was everyone's friend? she was catty about everyone constantly. sometimes people she didn't like would post in that server and then she'd turn around and get in our dms—including me this time!—and just bitch about them existing. maybe their opinions about dnd were cringe or she just didn't like how they interacted in group conversations. it was constant. it felt like i couldn't push back on any of it because then it would become about her hurt feelings; i regret not challenging her more.
this was accompanied by a pattern where she would see posts on tumblr talking about, for example, how white neurodivergent people's food aversions are not formed in a cultural vacuum. this is specific because this is a real incident that happened. she went to someone i care about, to complain about how the post was making her feel bad, and then when that person pushed back (because, among other reasons, they're mixed and have direct experience with racism around food), liza first shut down and disappeared and then came back the next morning angry and expecting an apology because she was "hurt". this pattern repeated in their interactions over months. there were several fights about it. i know this because we live together and i witnessed the fallout. every single time it happened, there was no room for anyone's emotions but liza's, and no room for anything but reassuring her guilt or her anxiety while she refused to take her rescue medication or talk to her therapist. my loved one brought this up repeatedly. liza knew this was a problem. i think, genuinely, that she believes because she got the verbal confirmation of "i don't hate you + we're still friends" somehow those incidents didn't stack up over time.
like, i want to emphasize immensely that this isn't a callout post. it's not that she's done shit i want smeared all over tumblr. it's a case of "wow, you've been a really shitty friend, and been leaning on your nonwhite friends especially hard while shittalking them behind their backs, and people found out about it because we're also friends with each other and didn't think it was fair or kind". i have very intentionally not sought people out to talk about this because we were friends for so long, so i still want her to get better, and i didn't want her to spin it like a conspiracy where we're trying to drive a wedge between her and her friend group. i actively don't want her to isolate—i want her to get help. a lot of what she's doing and how she's been acting reminds me of how i have acted before when my ocd has been brutally unmedicated. i get the fear of social rejection.
that said: i'm aware of the fallout and i am also very uncomfortable with her reaction and the mod reaction. i especially don't think it was appropriate to fight with kirby over this and to wholesale shut down discussion in the name of "handling it privately". we tried to handle it privately. that's why it went on for so long and why it wound up here. we all gave her the benefit of the doubt. if you come at poc who are telling you hey, this looks and feels really bad and you go well you have to address it privately!! no callout posts!!, all that does is make people less inclined to actually talk to you. you won't meet people where you are, right. liza's a goddamn adult, she shouldn't need people to hold her hand and explain that not every post about racism is personally attacking her.
i understand that liza also feels hurt that i kicked her from our dnd servers. i also understand that she is telling people i did so "without a word" and without discussing it with her first. i'll take some responsibility here: i wasn't aware that discord doesn't show the "ban message" reason to the actual user who gets banned, only to the audit log. here's what i said:
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so, yknow, mea culpa. i've never had to ban someone from a server before. i still have not blocked her anywhere, and she is welcome to reach out if she needs someone else to reiterate for the hundredth time why exactly it's not okay to make your friends of colour hold your hand whenever you feel personally targeted by criticism. maybe she'll finally listen if it comes from a white person. i chose to kick her from these games because i am defensive over the people that i care for and i don't want to expose them to someone who will turn around and be mean to them behind their back. that sucks. (she is also a very frustrating player and dm, which is unrelated to this conflict, but which made it easier.) (yknow when you have little frustrations for a while and then something Happens and you see that it's part of a bigger pattern? it's like that.)
the private conflicts i am largely eliding at the request of the people involved. i do feel it's important context that this entire fight started in private because liza got upset that a mutual friend of ours did not notify her before dating someone, despite that friend having turned her down explicitly and kindly four years ago. she proceeded to, again, get in our dms and say cruel shit about how that person wasn't "emotionally mature enough" for a relationship. i guess it would've been different if they'd been dating her? who knows. that's why i called it strahdlike behaviour—i was specifically talking about carrying that torch for someone who doesn't want to date you, getting upset at them when they dare to have their own life, and burning the friendship down over it.
(since you were also in that server, you may be able to figure out some of the people i haven't named but am talking about; i'd appreciate keeping their names out of it, because they really just want to not engage with this anymore at this point. it's been like, days of intense anxiety at the fear of reprisal. i'm also sticking to one pronoun throughout for clarity, but liza uses all pronouns to the best of my current knowledge.)
also i fully understand if it's hard to take me at my word for this because it's effectively hearsay. i'm trying to walk a line here between protecting the mental health of people involved and being clear about what happened and what i wish she would take from this. if there's anything that i can clear up please let me know. if folks from that server want to talk my dms are also open. i didn't want to burn the bridge initially! i only got this angry when she wouldn't stop and then turned around and tried to make this my loved ones' fault. it's genuinely really sad seeing her spiral out like this. i want her to get help and to sit with the uncomfortable emotions, look them in the eye, and learn from them. i want her to go to therapy for ocd. she is uniquely poised to do so with the resources she has. i've talked to her about it before and been responsible for fielding conflicts between her and other people. we cannot save her from her own privilege. that's hers to interrogate. i wish her well, we just can't be responsible for telling her that everything she does is justified and okay anymore.
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littlesparklight · 3 months
Why do Patrochilles fans always seem to forget about the Trojan women and children do they not matter?
To be fair, there are probably several reasons, and, I'd guess, no matter which other reasons there might be, being uncomfortable with the violence and the cruelty is probably a big reason.
Which is neither strange nor wrong!
But - well. This is about war. War in a society where slavery is a thing and where, specifically, the captives taken are enslaved. If (general) you like an Achaean character in the Trojan war narrative, then your blorbo absolutely has traumatized an unknown number of women personally by killing members of their natal and/or potentially marital family, long before Troy falls. And are, at the very least, using them as slave labour.
And a smaller number of said captive women are serving as personal status objects, including serving in their captor's beds. (And, you clearly don't need to be one of these ~special~ slaves for this to happen either, if circumstances change, as Diomede (the woman Achilles sleeps with/next to the night of the embassy) shows.)
(The discomfort is, presumably, also part of why some people are working overtime in trying to soften and cutiefy the Odysseus-Astyanax situation with ~he saves him~ AUs or just general angst and regret in the moment and milking it afterwards. I had to see "father son duo" in connection with fucking Odysseus and Astyanax a couple days ago, and, ugh. Like, sorry, but even when Odysseus isn't the killer he seems to always come up with/champion the idea! Make your peace with it instead of having Odysseus cry as if he fucking CARES about this one child that he's advocating for murdering. (I would not really think it odd if Odysseus potentially has PTSD from this, but man, the way I've seen it used just makes me pissed off, sorry not sorry. Astyanax is basically just a prop.)
Anyway, ok.
I have no idea if TSoA is actually the most usual way for shippers to get into Patrochilles any more, but it still seems like that? And TSoA works very, very hard to soften and smooth out all and any uncomfortable bits. The Troilus incident doesn't exist, and the Achilles and Patroklos are basically running a ~women's shelter~ and not doing anything questionable with the women with their power or whatever.
If this is where you come into Patrochilles specifically and the Trojan war in general, no wonder you'd like to keep ignoring all the unpleasant bits. Which like. Fine. If they would keep to TSoA, but usually they don't.
The Hades game, too, did its work of presenting a more palatable Achilles. It is post-war, so basically nothing comes up, and the Achilles we get is unexplainedly regret- and shameful over his earlier behaviour and actions. I say unexplainedly not because I couldn't necessarily see this change, but it's not actually shown to us. We're just shown a personality that isn't actually very/at all connected to what those of us who knows the Iliad and the Odyssey have seen.
Even the Odyssey doesn't show us an Achilles who regrets anything of what he did (and he's proud of his son's achievements, even if Odysseus doesn't enumerate them in detail). What Achilles in the Odyssey regrets is being dead, specifically, and he seems rather depressed over being so.
So, again, if you come in to Patrochilles and the Hades game, it's once again easy to just... ignore stuff you don't want to touch on (even more so, since it's (long) post-war, which is undoubtedly a plus, genuinely).
The thing is, though - when you start dipping into the actual Trojan war, even just by reading, say, Achilles' wiki page, especially Troilus is right there. And making jokes (I have seen several) about "what would Achilles need Lesbian women for, Agamemnon, you idiot!!", is just... unpleasant. What are enslaved women used for, huh? Sexuality jokes have no place in this instance, just because someone might be uncomfortable and/or clinging to "Achilles is totally and only gay and doesn't fuck women".
But, tl; dr; no I don't think that, in general, most Patrochilles shippers think the Trojan (and every other woman who was enslaved during these ten years) women and the children matter. They're here for the ship.
And there is not really anything wrong with that, but the way the war (and the women, children etc) are usually dealt with (or not) in the course of that is extremely lacking because it's basically all whitewashed. (And Hektor gets used as some sort of handy ship-obstacle in any way they like to. Leave Hektor alone, damn it.)
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isleofdarkness · 5 months
how does pirates of the caribbean fit into your au? what movies are included, who’s on the isle, any descendants, or anything else you’d want to share?
So, you know the Neverland island and the England attached to it? The POTC thing happened in that England, just a while before the events of Peter Pan. A few pirates, such as Hook and Will Turner, managed to get to Neverland before the end of the pirate era. Most of the other pirates (Jack, Barbossa, etc,) died in battle as the Golden Age of Piracy centuries before Peter Pan. The only one who was still alive (other than Will because he's immortal regardless) was Elizabeth Turner, because she'd joined Will in Neverland, where people don't age (the exact... thing Neverland has going on is its own post. I'll leave it at people don't age in Neverland for now.)
Then the Great Awakening happened.
Davy Jones's Locker is part of the afterlife, so it got hit, too. In fact, it got hit harder, because it didn't have anywhere near as many protections as Hades's realm does. Dozens of ships and crews were bought back. Most died in the war because Auradon had advanced weapons, but a few were crafty enough to survive. Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa, Will Turner, Elizabeth Swan, and a few other captains took shelter in Shipwreck cove (which, by the way, is kind of a halfway point between Neverland and the regular world. Pirates who know how, such as captain of the Flying Dutchman Will Turner, can use the Cove to get into Neverland.) Shipwreck Cove is a fortress and Auradon lost a lot of ships trying to destroy it. The only reason Auradon won that particular incident was because they just put a blockade around it until they eventually just sent the whole thing and everyone inside into the waters of the Isle.
Captain Hook took over the Cove once Elizabeth Turner found out she was pregnant and decided she would like her child to not live in a torchlit twilight for their entire lives. Over the years, the pirates have kind of moved from the Cove to the island because you can only live in the Cove for so long before the lack of sunlight really gets to you. Will and Elizabeth are the only ones who have really settled down. Old habits die hard for a lot of these pirates, and they tend to follow the chaos just to have something to do- for example, Jack Sparrow and Barbosa are both helping Mordred Mim because they were bored.
The pirates don't have many kids, at least not that many officially but gods only know how many Isle street kids are theirs. Jack has a daughter, 17, who he named after Elizabeth (she goes by Eel.) Barbossa has one, 18, named Josephine after eir mother, but ey go by Jax or Black Jack. And then Will and Elizabeth have two boys, Jackson and Zale, 19 and 12 respectively. They're all with Harriet because they live in her territory. I have picrews if you guys want to see them
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canichangemyblogname · 9 months
In the book Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief, Percy is attacked by a hellhound after his face-off with Clarisse. Just before the attack, Annabeth had asked Percy to come forth from the creek where she watched his wounds heal from the water, having already put two and two together regarding Percy’s godly parent. And, immediately after Percy survives the hellhound attack, Poseidon claims him.
The new Disney+ show, however, got rid of this scene, and I do not mind that at all.
In the book, the hellhound scene served several purposes. It reinforces that Percy is special and that powerful forces want him dead. It also establishes— very early on— that there is someone within Camp HalfBlood who wants him dead. And, it makes the audience suspicious of Hades as the bad guy. But, there are several other plot devices throughout the book that also establish these things, including Luke’s shoes, the scorpion at the end, the fact that Percy is a “forbidden child” of the Big 3, the Minotaur, the Furies, the fact Hades was suspect in the theft of the lightning bolt, and the prophecy that tells Percy a friend will betray him.
I think that cutting out the hellhound scene makes the fact Percy will be betrayed all that more a mystery. In the book, Percy had already been betrayed before he had ever heard the prophecy and before he had ever set off on his quest.
Cutting that scene also gave the episode the opportunity to show the audience what Luke had already told us: Annabeth is always 6 steps ahead of everyone else. She had worked out who Percy’s godly parent is. My guess is that she figured it out or began theorizing the night before, after the toilet incident. To test her theory the next day, she sets Percy up as “bait” on path to the lake (rather than creek). After he had defeated Clarisse and the two other Ares’ kids, she had Percy in the most opportune spot to test her conclusions. This prompted her to push him into the water, which would visibly heal him and solidify her theory that Percy has a special connection to the water. It would be at this moment that Poseidon claims Percy.
I think this was a good way to show the audience that Annabeth put two and two together before everyone else. She’s smart, strategic, and analytical, and it’s great we get to SEE that. And, quite truthfully, I think the fact someone figured it out could have forced Poseidon’s hand. Imagine the embarrassment of *everyone* knowing this kid is your kid because the Pride of Athena, a 12 y/o kid, was astute enough to put it together, rather than you just claiming him. She would have told Chiron and Mr. D. She might even tell her mother. And, as she’s not bound by the same rules as the gods, she could have told Percy, too.
Personally, I think the Hell Hound scene came too early. For it to work would mean that Luke knew who Percy’s father was before he was claimed, so someone would have had to tip him off. Which meant a non zero number of free actors in camp knew definitively who Percy’s godly parent was before capture the flag (as opposed to “I have a hunch, but I need to test it out”). I always guessed Kronos told Luke, but that also confused me because I knew that the deities operated by different rules. Zeus, for example, couldn’t come down from the sky, point at Percy and say, “This is Poseidon’s bastard. Great. Now that’s established, can I kill him now” even though he already knew Poseidon is Percy’s father.
The original hellhound scene also left several questions about how Luke was able to call a creature from Hades’ realm, under Hades’ domain. It also seemed to conflict with future in-universe means of calling a hellhound. When I was younger, the scene and subsequent lore surrounding hellhounds led me to assume Nyx, Cerberus, or Hades had allied with Kronos and was allowing Kronos’ forces to call hellhounds at their discretion. But that was not the case.
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graha-stan-account · 2 years
FFXIV Write Day 14: Attrition
Attrition: n. the action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure.
Hythlodaeus really, really wants to grow his family. If only he can bring Emet-Selch along...
"You may do as you please, Hythlodaeus. I will not impede you, nor will I suffer another one of Azem's tiresome friends."
"Oh but Hades, you who have seen these lands with your own eyes, how can you help but be fascinated? Don't you have questions? She's nothing like our usual company. Isn't that exciting?"
"I had enough excitement nearly getting my eyebrows singed off by that Ifrita," Emet-Selch said, referring to the volcano incident some time ago. "I've had my fill of both Azem and that one for a great while."
Hythlodaeus knitted his eyebrows and wrinkled his mouth. This was his way. But just as Emet-Selch complained the entire time leading up to his departure to stop the eruption, the fact remained he still obliged. Emet-Selch loved these "tiresome" games more than he let on, it seemed. So it was too soon to tell his true impressions of this exotic newcomer. Hythlodaeus grinned, his penchant for mischief finding a footing once more.
"What say you attend a luncheon at the Bureau? A closed audience with the chief himself." Nevermind Hythlodaeus was himself the chief of said bureau and the closed audience would include Astrea besides--
"For what reason are you so fixed upon she and I getting on well?"
"Well, I was..." Hythlodaeus stopped short. He began again, a bit hushed, more deliberate, daresay earnest: "I would like for her to become our companion, should all parties be amenable to it."
Emet-Selch sat in silence for a long moment. Hythlodaeus would not be moved. He reflected a blithe smile, a sort of vacantly pleasant look reserved for polite silence as someone sorts paperwork, pens a response or attempts to wrap their mind around the proposition of a second romantic partner.
"I quite like her for you, if I'm being honest." Hythlodaeus crossed his legs and wrapped his hands around his knee.
"Are you trying to rid yourself of me, dear?"
"On the contrary. I should like you to fall in love with a great many things in this world, so I shall never be rid of you."
"Stop flattering me. The answer is no."
He frowned with childlike disappointment. "You haven't even given it a fair shake."
"I do not need Azem's little finch chirping in my ear, least of all before sunrise."
"Oh, Hades, you scarce know the woman!"
"I know well enough what she and Azem together are capable of. I want no part of it. Do as you please, but leave me out of it." He crossed his arms and scoffed. "Oh! Don't look at me so. She is not of Amaurot. Even at the request of Azem, one cannot expect a person so unaccustomed to decorum to suddenly upend her life and remain within. You wring your hands over naught." Emet-Selch paused, taking stock of Hythlodaeus' demeanor. "Love, have you even broached the subject with her?"
"Well, no." Neither had he heard beyond rumor the mysterious guest was to become Azem's successor, but he had a hunch. And that hunch also told him to leave that in his pocket when it came to discussing Astrea with Emet-Selch, lest the mention undo any progress. "B-But that's only because this proposal hinges on a good first impression! Well, a second ... A good impression!" Hythlodaeus stopped himself from counting his false starts further.
"What if I just promise to not be cross while you court her on the side, for as long as you wish to chase this fancy?
"No, love. It's all or nothing."
"'All or nothing'  is it..." Emet-Selch massaged his own temples. It seemed his beloved was of the mind to wear him down.
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
Demigod MC Series: Nyx
Nyx is a primordial goddess and the Greek personification of Night - the mother of Hypnos, Thanatos, Nemesis, and many more. She's a mysterious figure in their mythos as there's little surviving info about her cult. What is known, however, is that she was portrayed as beautiful, powerful, and feared by Zeus himself.
Demigod MC Series: Intro, Aphrodite, Hermes, Hades, Dionysus, Demeter, Athena, Hades Pt. 2, Poseidon, Ares, Hestia, Nyx
What happens when you take a being born from the darkness and place them in a realm of eternal night…?
The answer came when the MC first stepped out of the portal. Everyone in the room was wholly expecting a normal-looking, confused human they could get up to speed, however…
The MC's skin suddenly darkened until it was as black as a shadow, their clothes levitated around them as if they were defying gravity, and glimmering speckles dotted their skin like twinkling stars.
Even their eyes turned a pure, glowing white without irises or pupils… Like two crowning stars locked into a body made from the shimmering night sky...
They weren't human. At the time, Lucifer wasn't even sure he could say what they were... Breathtaking, certainly, but there was something else about them that he couldn't place… something… foreboding...
Diavolo must have had the same unease because Barbatos was put in charge of monitoring them. The butler would send reports to them both and the results would range from benign to nerve-racking...
They kept their distance from his brothers and most people, but their power seemed immense... Barbs would report seeing them making small items float or summoning a meteor shower from their fingertips!
Lucifer ended up actually tasting their powers only once. When they stepped in to protect Beel and Luke and he went to attack them…
The whole House began to shake and the candles of the tomb started going out one by one as the air grew intolerably heavy... He could have sworn he saw a vortex of… something... swirling at their feet...
He backed off immediately and Beel and Luke got off with a warning, mostly because he was trying not to look utterly petrified...
He's never met a more beautiful and dangerous creature in his life… Pact mark or no, this is probably the only person the firstborn will admit he never wants to have to fight because he'd lose, big time.
He was expecting to find a human when he walked into the Student Council room, not an alien!!
Mammon was seriously scared of the MC when they first met because he legitimately believed they were an extraterrestrial sent to probe him!!... Or whatever else those scary movies say aliens do, lay eggs in his stomach?
He straight up avoided them like the plague until the Goldie incident more or less bound them together. But even then there was a distance between them he just couldn't place…
Naturally, it bothers a demon a bit if their master doesn't seem to like them, so he eventually cornered them one day to force them to tell him why they'd been running off!
As it turned out, the MC actually knew as little about their new form everybody else! They had been perfectly normal in the human world, but for some reason the Devildom supercharged them! They could tell that they were powerful, but had no idea how to control themselves yet and it scared them...
So Mammon became their first unofficial "coach." Not that he knew how to train them or anything, but he was the first person supportive enough to even try to help them learn their new powers.
It led to some… interesting misadventures. Like when the MC unexpectedly burst every water pipe in the House or when they got a little too frustrated and ripped the kitchen apart with an accidental twister, but hey, Mammon was always there for them at least.
Of course, because he's who he is, he's not above asking the MC to help him with his schemes for "training purposes…" Infiltration is more fun if you're weightless, after all!
Speaking of weightless… His favorite way to float is when the MC gets excited and hugs him. They can't help but levitate them both off the ground when they're that happy and it makes the whole hug that much sweeter.
It's… it's like he's in his very own Magical Girl anime!!! Uh, "I'm a Demon and this is My New Life with a Magic Starchild!!"-or something like that. 🤷‍♀️
He didn't even think their transformation was real when he first saw it! He really thought it was an elaborate body art cosplay but then their "freckles" rearranged themselves when he frightened them, so it had to be real!!
He'll declare that they're probably (literally) the coolest thing on the planet. They have the looks of an epic fantasy character plus insane powers to boot! 
…though uh… they may need a training arc or two to learn how to control them… 😅
Since their powers are apparently tied to their emotions, Levi's seen them do a whole bunch of stuff that's not entirely on purpose... Like, they can make things float when they're happy and push everything down when they're sad. 
So once he showed them one of those "tragic ending" animes for fun, but they cried so hard that they increased gravity and accidentally sent his bathtub crashing into the basement…
The worst of it is when they're mad, though. He made the mistake of making them play a rage game once and they ended up shattering all the glass in his room! His aquarium wall and Henry's fishtank included!!
They were able to make a zero G sphere of water in order to save Henry's life, but the cleanup was brutal… They were super sorry, but Levi took most of the blame himself anyway.
Honestly, he'd have been more mad but their body is clearly not something they can control just yet. Plus, it's so cool that he can put up with a little destruction anyway, you know?
Well, isn't that an interesting phenomenon?
Meeting a demigod is exciting enough, but one who reacted to the Devildom like that? It was pretty much unheard of!
Though he'd hate to admit it, Satan stalked the MC just as closely as Barbatos for a little while... But only because he was a little unsure of how to approach them…
They kept to themselves and their powers seemed "a little" unpredictable (see Levi's orphaned bathtub). Thankfully, Mammon ended up recommending the MC to him since Satan's one of the smartest guys around.
Satan made a better coach than Mammon, anyway. He was far more knowledgeable and actually able to hypothesize the strength their powers, which came in handy because uh… well…
Look. The whole realm 'ooohs' and 'ahhhs' over their appearance but they're all fools - no morons - for not noticing what potential the MC actually has. Satan was positive that the MC is the most powerful being in the Devildom, without question.
They had a complete control over gravity, atmospheric pressure, and even astronomical bodies… If they wanted to, they could literally pluck a planet out of orbit and send it careening into who knows what!
Want more terrifying? They could create near-matterless vacuums at the palms of their hands with the potential to suffocate, crush, or rip apart basically anything they wanted with implosive force….
Does he even need to spell out why that's utterly horrifying??
At least the MC seemed to be a genuinely nice person who wanted to control their powers better… Their emotions often got in the way but they tried their best.
He likes the MC a lot, but he'd be lying if he said that they didn’t also terrify him… They may have been pretty normal in the human world, but give them endless night and they may as well be a god...
Oh… My… Father!!! They're GORGEOUS!!!!
From the moment their transformation completed, Asmo had never seen anything like them! He said that they were like a living droplet of the night sky!
They were magnificent!! They were radiant!!! He was posting pictures of them before they had even said their first sentence!!
So Asmo was pretty much patient zero for any and all rumors and hype about the MC after that... Apparently someone like them only visits the Devildom every one, maybe two, centuries so everybody was bound to get talking.
Thankfully, the MC's habit of ducking out of the House kept them from becoming a full on sideshow. Unfortunately, however, Asmodeus was relentless!
He'd beg them to try modeling or make videos with him because of their unique look! He'd lay on the praises, but it was a little... much. It wasn't until Mammon finally stepped that he backed off a bit.
Asmo sometimes forgets that not everyone puts as much emphasis on looks as he does... Though he meant well, he hadn't realized that the MC maybe wouldn't appreciate him making such a big deal out of their appearance change. Pretty as it was, it was still involuntary to them...
Of course, after they told him this he cooled off and stopped putting them out there so publicly but even still he could hardly keep his eyes off of them... unless he was looking in a mirror, of course. 😘
A fun fact about the MC: when they blush, their skin makes a pink nebula. And thanks to his antics, Asmo has seen their lively pink cheeks many, many times… 🤭
Belphie would like them, wouldn't he...?
Beel's first reaction upon seeing the MC was genuine sadness, as seeing the stars with his twin brother still gone often brought him… 
The sadness didn't last too long at least because Beel tried his best to see the MC more like a person than a work of art or an oddity. Sure, they looked different - like really different - but they still laughed, cried, and ate like everybody else so they couldn't be that different.
Though then again, most people don't end up floating in midair when they laugh… Eh, oh well. It's not like those little details bother him. 🤷‍♀️
He always remained certain that Belphie would like the MC so he told them a lot about him. Since his twin loved stargazing, it'd only be natural that he'd like someone who looked like the stars, right?
Aside from the occasional tangent about his brother, Beel would also help the MC with their training by letting them help him with his training!
Controlling gravity can be pretty nifty for strength/resistance exercises, so there would be days where Beel would just pull a Dragon Ball and walk around at 1.5 or 2 times Earth's gravity thanks to having the MC on his back!
Sure, lifting a glass of milk becane so difficult that he literally broke a sweat from trying, but he felt like he can juggle motorcycles afterwards so who's complaining? Not him!
Was it some kind of joke?
The MC was not human. There was no way in heaven or hell that whatever he lured to the attic was supposed to be a human!!
Really, everything about the MC and their situation seemed directly designed to throw a monkey wrench into his plans...
One: They weren't human so how was he supposed to ruin Diavolo's dream? Two: They were clearly some kind of magical being so they could likely defend themselves…
But third ans most embarrassing of all... he honestly, genuinely, has never seen a more amazing person in his life. Blame it on his soft spot for the stars, but the moment the MC step up to his prison bars, he was smitten...
And. He. HATED IT!
Look, as much as he loved the night sky, he wasn't about to let some random non-human derail his anger! He was stronger than that!
He managed to hold onto his bitterness just long enough to make a halfhearted attempt on their life after they got the door open, but uh…
His brothers found Belphie when he fell through a newly-made hole in the ceiling... Said hole was made when his body slammed to the ground hard enough to crash through the attic floor... 😣
If the damage they caused wasn't enough to change his mind (which it was), then their distress when they thought they might have hurt him certainly did. Even their tears looked like stardust...
After far too long, Belphie got over his denial and began to properly love MC. If he liked stargazing before, he adored it now because he never even has to get out of bed! He can just roll over and follow the "stars" on the MC's body!
Unfortunately, that same love means it also takes a lot to ditch him if they get sick of being his personal night's sky… The brothers have found him floated up and sleeping on the ceiling on numerous occasions so the mortal can get some fresh air (clever MC)...
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tsarisfanfiction · 2 years
Delivery Boy Apollo
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Gen Genre: Family Characters: Apollo, Will Solace
Hermes is stuck on some delivery or other for Zeus, and Camp Half-Blood’s infirmary has run out of supplies.  Time for the god of healing to step in.
Day fifteen of TOApril organised by @ferodactyl, “Shopping But...”.  If I’d looked ahead on the prompt list, I’d have used today’s prompt for the clothes shopping fic, but I didn’t so I had to come up with something else instead.  Not really shopping, but hey.  That’s what the ‘but’ is for.
There’s now a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi!
The god perked up as the call resounded through his essence; he recognised the voice instantly as Will’s and immediately honed in on whatever his son had to say.  It was unusual for Will to call him directly – he usually only heard this particular son saying his name when he was talking about him to someone else, or during a healing prayer, but this wasn’t the latter and it was certainly directed at him.  The questioning call told Apollo that much.
I know deliveries aren’t your thing, Dad-
No, they were Hermes’, and his younger brother got rather territorial about other gods treading on his domains, which Apollo couldn’t exactly fault him for when it was a pretty standard godly thing.  A ‘this is my domain, back the Hades off,’ sort of thing.
-but the Hermes campers can’t get hold of their dad and I really, really need this delivery.
Oh, right.  Hermes was off on some super-important delivery for Zeus and had been for a week or two.  Apollo was pretty certain Hermes had made sure Camp Half-Blood was fully stocked before leaving, though – they were, hands’ down, his favourite customers, likely because it meant he got to drop in on his kids without the Ancient Laws breathing down his neck – so what could Will need that couldn’t wait?
Capture the Flag went badly last night.  Monsters were bolder than normal, the Ares campers seemed to be mad about something… Well, the last delivery didn’t have as much ambrosia and nectar as normal and after yesterday the infirmary’s all out and we just got another new arrival which went badly, so Dad if there’s any way you can get some more to us asap that’d be really great.  Thanks, Will.
What did he mean, Hermes hadn’t delivered as much as normal?  Hermes knew better than to skimp on the medical deliveries – Apollo had made sure of it (his little brother would forever owe him for the Cow Incident and generally knew better than to push his luck against him).
Except he hadn’t had much warning before Zeus sent him off on that delivery, had he?  Probably not enough time to source as much as he usually did.  Fine, Apollo would give him the benefit of the doubt for the time being – if it was because of Zeus then Olympus knew he hadn’t had any choice in the matter – and push Hermes’ uncharacteristically poor delivery to one side to deal with later, once the other god was back.
In the meantime, Apollo had a son in desperate need of supplies, and as he was the god of healing that came under his domain.  He didn’t know how Hermes sourced the deliveries for the demigods but that didn’t matter because ambrosia and nectar were more or less everywhere on Olympus.  He had his own stock for snacking on even just in his palace, so with a flicker of a thought he materialised in his lounging room – the one he used when he wanted peace and quiet, scattered with scrolls, parchments and books of half-written poetry he’d finish one day, maybe – and snatched up the jar of ambrosia he kept on the desk, and then the bottles of nectar next to it.
Was that enough? Well, they didn’t know how long Hermes would be gone for, and the demigods were forever getting themselves in scrapes – case in point, he could feel Will’s healing hymn starting to reverberate through him as his son worked with what he had and automatically channelled his power towards his son without even bothering to check what he was doing with it because he knew Will would never abuse it – so the more the better, right?
Apollo ended up flitting all through his palace, grabbing all the ambrosia and nectar he could find (he’d be able to leech some off of Artemis later, probably; she’d understand why his supply had been needed elsewhere, it wasn’t like she didn’t have demigod maidens who also used the stuff for healing) and adding it to a chest he snapped into existence for easier transportation and storage.
Will was tiring; the injury must be serious.  Apollo let the floodgates open a little more on his own power, careful not to exceed what Will could handle (the last thing he wanted to do was incinerate his own son), before doing one last check that he’d gathered up enough ambrosia and nectar to hopefully keep the camp stocked until Hermes came back and dissolving into light.
He appeared in the Big House, but not the infirmary – he didn’t want to distract Will with a dramatic entrance – and got an incredibly unimpressed look from Dionysus.
“Since when were you the delivery boy?” his brother asked dryly.  Apollo – Will and the new camper – didn’t have time for the snark.
“Since our father didn’t give Hermes time to stock the infirmary – my domain – properly before sending him off on some top-secret delivery,” he dismissed, walking straight past the other god.
Dionysus knew when to keep his mouth shut sometimes.
The infirmary was not in a state of panic, because his children were better than that, but there was an air of desperation in it nonetheless.  The beds were full of campers, no doubt from last night’s Capture the Flag, and in one corner he could see and feel the golden glow of his own power melding with and boosting Will’s as his son hunched over an unmoving figure.  Blood splattered from the door to that corner, and Nico di Angelo was quietly mopping up what he could without getting in the way of the healers.
Apollo wasted no time in breezing past the rest of the beds and inserting himself next to Will, snapping himself into clean scrubs in the process.  One look at the girl – her elfin features marked her as undoubtedly a child of Hermes (no wonder Will had been so desperate to get hold of the god and confused when they couldn’t) – and he grabbed a bottle of nectar from the chest to dribble into her mouth.
That was what got Will’s attention.
“One delivery of ambrosia and nectar,” he confirmed.  Will’s shoulders sagged in relief.
They held off on any conversation until the girl was stable, pulled back by the combination of Will’s healing and the godly food, with Apollo joining Chiron and the rest of his children in backing up Will as instructed (god of healing, yes. Technically his domain, yes.  Will’s territory, absolutely).
“Thanks, Dad,” Will sighed when he finally stepped back, stripping off blood-stained gloves and looking exhausted. Apollo snapped all of them out of their dirty scrubs and into clean ones before letting Nico sidle in to wrap an arm around Will, who clearly needed to rest for a few hours, minimum.  “How much did you-”
He caught sight of the chest on the floor next to Apollo and his eyes widened.
“This was all I could gather quickly,” Apollo apologised.  “If you need more-”
“Dad, that’s so much,” Will gaped.  “That’ll keep us stocked for months.  How?  Hermes said he was running low.”
“Hermes is off running errands for my father for an unknown amount of time with no prior warning,” Apollo explained.  “I assume he could only give you what he already had in his warehouse before he had to leave.”
“Oh.”  Will swayed on the spot and Nico’s arm around him tightened. The rest of his kids dispersed to their duties – Raphael and Emma picked up the chest between them and started lugging it towards the store room, while the others returned to their rounds. Apollo made a mental note to give them all some of his time before he left.
“If you ever need more medical supplies, you can always call me,” he promised, putting a hand on Will’s shoulder.  His son felt even more exhausted than he looked.  “Deliveries might be Hermes’ domain, but healing is mine.  I can help and if he wants to get shirty about it I’ll remind him who’s older.”
The blossoming relief on Will’s face made Apollo suspicious that maybe ambrosia and nectar weren’t the only things lacking in the last delivery.  He sighed.  “What else are you short on?”
Will winced.  “Everything?”  It was phrased as a question.  “I haven’t got the inventory updated after yesterday yet, but I know we’re running low on most things.  I was going to do it this morning, but…”  He tilted his head towards the unconscious new girl.  “I’ll get on that now.”
“No, you won’t,” Nico interjected.  “Raphael can do it.  You need sleep.”
“I’ll take a look at the stocks myself,” Apollo decided.  “When did you last sleep, Will?”  He squeezed his shoulder lightly and got an impression of being up all night.
“The night before last,” Nico answered for him, and Will sent him a betrayed look.
Apollo sighed.  “Bed.  Now.”
“Nico, please make sure my son goes straight to bed.  His shift is officially over.”  He didn’t usually barge in and take over infirmaries (at least, not anymore, not if they were run by his children), but Will was one papercut away from passing out where he stood.
“You didn’t need to tell me,” the son of Hades retorted, tugging Will sideways into the shadow of a partially-drawn dividing curtain where they melted from view.
Apollo made a mental note to check up on Will before leaving, but first he had an infirmary to fully stock as much as it could handle (as much as he’d love the excuse to keep dropping in, Zeus would no doubt start getting twitchy, so it was safer to make sure they wouldn’t need another top-up before Hermes’ return), and several other, awake, children to make the most of the opportunity to see.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
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Technically a redo of an older aesthetic while also now including some other character aesthetics, as these are mostly character aesthetics for alternate universe counterparts of my Power Rangers: New Samurai team, but if they were in my friends, @disneyfan , universe of Love From The Stars.  Keep in mind, Reese mostly appears in our convos on the AUs, the others are new due to a counterpart adventure idea for the main power rangers story, so...
Descriptions under read more:
Top Row, from left to right:
*Reese Tombs- The youngest daughter of Hades, Reese is technically named Heidi but never call her that. It’s bad enough she still has to deal with her dad calling her it in his fake family act because after so many years of leaving her to raise herself, Reese can’t help but not buy his sudden change of heart as soon as they freed from the Isle and sadly with her sister’s wedding coming up, she has to deal with this act constantly. At least she has Ben though, the only person in Auradon she’d befriended so far after their awkward meeting with him in Beast form, and at least she has her inventions and her inventions sketchbook, let alone has her pet Spike. But when things go wrong at the wedding, Reese’s curious nature leads her into trouble when a pirate catches her trying to grab his gun, making her wonder if there is truth to the quote that curioustly killed the cat...or maybe it brought good things, as Reese soon finds with her new friend, Lia...
*Aurora- The eldest of twin creations, Aurora like most Etherial creations, is known to be very curious about everything really and thankfully, her’s and her twin’s father at least does his best to visit them and supply them with that knowledge and gifts from his journey’s, but having grown used to the habit of peeking at ships, her and her sister accidentally peek on the wrong ship one time and while all is well with the ship’s owner, Jim Hawkins, Aurora ends up meeting Reese for the first time and suddenly, Aurora’s curiouslty now extends to not only Reese but the planet she came from, Ixsol. 
Middle Row, from left to right:
*Helia- The youngest of the twin creations, but you wouldn’t assume that from the way Helia acts most of the time, as while her sister is often more curious with everything, Helia often tries to be the responsible one of the two and is only known to really fully show her curioustly whenever their father visits them with answers for them and gifts, but despite her responsible nature, she can’t help but curiously peek at ships a-lot like her sister, leading to at least one awkward incident with Jim Hawkins and his ship, but at least Helia got a new way to tease her sister when seeing how she and Reese interacted, let alone when it comes to Ixsol, Helia letting her curioustly show a little more with stuff. 
*Morgan- The daughter of one of Ariel’s sisters, Morgan like some of her cousins and her aunt before her, is known to be curious about the human world above and once some of her cousins were able to attend Auradon Prep, it was allowed for Morgan to attend Auradon Prep as well, staying with her aunt a-lot on the world above and due to this, Morgan has developed a love for art and hopes to learn a-lot more about the world of humans. 
*Jesse- The son of Queen Tiana and King Naveen, Jesse is often seen as the combo of both his parents: he does know to work hard but he also knows when to chill and just have fun, often leading to him being the chill friend to many. But like his mother before him, he enjoys cooking and is known to excel fully in cooking class at Auradon Prep. 
Bottom row, from left to right:
*Caleb- The eldest of him and Silas, Caleb is often seen as the jokester friend to many of the pirate kids, always trying to at least cheer others up as he tries to keep up a happy face himself ever since he and Silas were found by the pirates in the wreckage of their parents ship, having only survived the attack by pure luck. But because of what happened back then, he struggles to let go of having to always take care of Silas, but has found a hobby in Solar Surfers at least and other vehicles and does have a curioustly about Ixsol when learning of it.
*Silas- The youngest of him and Caleb, Silas is pretty quiet in comparison to him and Caleb, always preferring to keep to himself and his music and sometimes tuning people out via his hearing aids, often making it hard to work with other pirate kids at least, but he is working on it slowly and just wishes his brother wouldn’t baby him so much sometimes, especially when they allowed to visit Ixsol finally.
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godsofhumanity · 3 years
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aight @xdeusxmachinax​ you asked for it.
let me introduce y’all to my cronus x rhea AU <3 i could go into a LOT more detail,, but i think i should probably just leave it at whatever’s under the cut, because otherwise it’ll literally go on for several pages.
for the record, let me just say that i did this uquiz to determine what kind of fanbase your characters would have and for my characterisation of both Rhea and Cronus, i got “people will not shut up about how they deserve better”, so that might give you a little insight into how i’ve imagined them...
so we all know the usual Gaia-got-fed-up-with-Ouranos’-bs-and-decided-to-kill-him story... well, i haven’t changed that part, it still fits in the story
here’s where we get into my AU- Cronus, in this version, while cunning, is also pretty noble and brave.. that’s why when all his siblings are a little hesitant to fight Ouranos, Cronus steps up and gives everyone a pep talk about how they can’t continue to live in oppression like this and how they need to stand up for themselves and fight to save the world from Ouranos’ tyranny
Gaia’s pretty proud of her son’s courage, and awards him the scythe, and with the Titans now invigorated with new-found pluck, they agree to follow Cronus’ leadership and help him defeat Ouranos.
at first Cronus doesn’t really have bigger plans for the future- he knows that he needs to defeat Ouranos, but after that? who knows.
that is- until he has a little aside with Rhea. now, in my AU, Rhea’s a bit of a girlboss, and while nothing’s really official between her and Cronus, it’s pretty obvious that they’re an item, even though they haven’t said anything.. anyways, Cronus thinks that it makes sense for Oceanus, their eldest brother, to become king after Ouranos, but Rhea tells him that he should be king, because he was the only one who didn’t hesitate when it came down to deposing Ouranos.
and the other Titans agree with Rhea, including Oceanus. it’s clear to all of them that, despite Cronus being the youngest, he’s the leader of the Titans, and they’re all happy to follow him because he’s a good guy.
anyways-- fast forward to the actual battle, and there’s a little incident that occurs where Ouranos tells Cronus that he’s a fool, etc. and, seeing the way Cronus looks at Rhea, Ouranos tells him that Rhea will eventually betray him the way that Gaia betrayed Ouranos- and that, as his father, it’s his duty to look out for his son’s best interests, and then Ouranos kills Rhea in front of Cronus (oh yes, we love us some tragic love)
but Cronus loves Rhea so much, he can’t deal with the idea of her dying, so he prays really hard, wishing that he just had a little bit more.. time
and time actually reverses to just a few seconds from before Rhea was killed!!! Cronus is still a little hazy about what happens, so he’s unable to save Rhea (again) but he tries to reverse time again, and he ends up going all the way back when the Titans had first gathered together to come up with a plan to kill Ouranos, and now Cronus is fully aware that he’s a god of time (he didn’t know before)
so now with his cool time powers, stuff happens, and Cronus defeats Ouranos, and he takes over from him, becomes king with his pretty girlboss queen, Rhea, and everyone’s happy.
UNTIL! Hestia is born not too long after, and at first, Cronus is really fucking happy to have a daughter.
but then the more he looks into his daughter’s big baby eyes, the more he begins to think about Ouranos’ final prophecy to him- that a child of Cronus’ will rise up against him and depose of all the Titans.
and eventually, Cronus can’t take it anymore- he and the Titans worked so hard to depose of cruel Ouranos- Cronus even lost Rhea a few times in the process. under Cronus, peace and justice has been restored, and the kingdom is happy. and now some spoiled brat is going to come along and destroy everything?? Cronus begins to see little Hestia as a threat,, not because he doesn’t want anyone else to be king, but because he doesn’t want the peace in the kingdom destroyed. so, when Rhea leaves the house one day, Cronus decides to swallow Hestia whole, and that’s that.
Rhea returns and is, understandably pissed off with Cronus, but Cronus explains to her everything, and at this point, Rhea still loves Cronus, and he still loves her. She finds it hard to believe that such an innocent child could do all this harm, but she has faith in Cronus, who had previously liberated them from Ouranos, and while she doesn’t like what happened, she convinces herself that it’s just a one-off thing.
But then Demeter is born, and the same thing happens. Then Hera, then Hades, and by the time Poseidon is born, Cronus has become a completely different person- he’s cold, he’s paranoid. Now he doesn’t even try to comfort Rhea. and Rhea herself has become so distraught over the loss of her children, and she absolutely despises Cronus and what he’s become.
she goes to Gaia and begs her mother to relieve her of the pain of living with a madman, but Gaia tells her that she can’t, because Rhea is with child again. but this isn’t good news for Rhea, and she begs Gaia to just take the child from her,, that she can’t bear it. Gaia takes pity on her daughter and reminds her of the prophecy about one of her children deposing of Cronus and tells her that the child within her will save the land and his siblings.
this is pretty shocking to Rhea because she thought this whole time that her children were dead. but upon learning that they’re actually still alive and can be brought back, she’s renewed with energy, and decides that it’s time to take Cronus down.
then it’s just the usual Cronus swallows a stone instead of Zeus, and thinks nothing of it, and Rhea gives baby Zeus to the nymphs to care for.
fast forward to several hundred years later- Rhea goes down to the nymphs to visit Zeus for the first time in her entire life, and there’s an emotional heart-to-heart between her and Zeus, who has heard so much about his mother but never met her.
and Rhea tells him about her plan to free Zeus’ siblings and depose of Cronus. and Zeus is super pumped and excited and he’s like, “hell yeah i HATE that guy!” and Rhea tells him that she doesn’t hate Cronus at all- she hates what he’s become, and that she needs Zeus to fulfill the prophecy so that Cronus doesn’t have to bear the burden of being king anymore- Rhea doesn’t love Cronus anymore, she hasn’t for sometime, but she does feel pity for him, and she refuses to continue watching as Cronus poisons himself.
anyhow, then Zeus meets Cronus and they fight and all Zeus’ siblings are rescued, and eventually Cronus himself is defeated, and he’s weakened by the fight, although he’s not dead.
Zeus, for his mother’s sake, imprisons Cronus in Tartarus, not with the other Titans who had sided with Cronus, but in one of Nyx’s caves, where he dwells forever, sometimes receiving prophecies and stuff.
Rhea lives with Zeus and the rest of the Olympians in Olympus, occasionally providing her counsel, but for the most part, she’s just retired and living the good life <3
and that’s it! congrats if you read all the way down to here ^-^ 
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All right, time for some ...
Ivan Dreyar headcanons! :D
Starting with his paper dolls, Ivan always had a crafty streak. He loves to take objects (or even make new ones) and imbue them with all sorts of useful magic. Those are typically sold to non-magic users, but wizards find them quite useful, too. That would include things like:
fire, water or light lacrimas,
instant-low-level-healing cards or plasters/bandages
teleportation/portal scrolls, controllable prostheses
charm rings and other illegal magical items
Naturally, implanting a lacrima into Laxus was no big deal to him, and since he is active on the magical trinkets (black) market, he would have no problem coming across such a rare lacrima and acquiring it.
Ivan started to distribute his creations among the guild members and in town, but after a couple of accidents/incidents due to malfunctioning items, Makarov forbid his son to sell anything to fellow guild members. According to Ivan those would all have been issues of faulty user handling rather than his magic failing.
Ivan certainly sold a few patents but working on custom client projects brings better money.
Total pick-up artist in his youth. Attractiveness and Charisma +10.
On the other side, not in the least interested in real romance. Typically a man for one night, but a few partners were kept for longer throughout his life, however, just for that one thing.
Did such a miserable job at caring for a toddler, that after the second time he agreed to be around, he wasn’t asked ever again. Ivan really only started to have a better relationship with his son the moment Laxus could walk and properly communicate his needs. Then he even consented on reading bed-time stories. Occasionally.
After Laxus broke his leg (again?), Ivan gifted an early version of the SoundPod to him, so that his son would stop asking for direct entertainment from his father.
I am not yet certain what exactly his grievance with Makarov and the Fairy Tail guild is, but one thing I am certain of. Ivan is no team-player. Either way, Makarov was as slow with punishment on Ivan as he was with Laxus and avoided the excommunication for a long time. With the years, he did forbid Ivan to join any formal groups within the guild, to sell his self-made artefacts and he did strip him of his S-Class title, forcing him to take on lower paid jobs.
Aurelia (his wife) and Laxus did keep Ivan in Magnolia and the guild longer than he thought, but when his excommunication came, he was half way out of there anyway (And that’s still late, in a sense, given he was in his late 30s, or around 40 at that time).
After being forced to leave, Ivan actually met Master Hades (his own old guild Master Precht) and joined Grimoire Heart for some short while. Both have a shared interest in experiments and item enchantments and it was from Hades that Ivan learned the full purpose of Lumen Histoire (Ivan did hear of it from his father Makarov, but was never granted access to further knowledge).
Ivan creates Raven Tail following up on a suggestion made by Hades.
Ivan’s clever way with words came in handy dealing with the Baram Alliance. They tolerate Raven Tail’s existence as long as Ivan doesn’t establish any friendly contact to any other dark guild, take specifically illegal/dark guild jobs, interfere in the financial business of the Baram Alliance and keep a low profile in terms of conflict with them.  
Jobs submitted to Raven Tail are actually mostly of legal nature. Ivan does not directly accept assassination request (as per his agreement with the Baram Alliance).
They were not recognised as a guild by the Council because Ivan never wanted to bother with their regulations and because he has no issues with the crimes his members commit, during our outside guild activities. However, he will retract any formal connection to a member that has been taken in by the Council for their actions and feign ignorance as to their conduct.
Thus managing to BE recognised as a legal guild really wasn’t all that much hassle and just included some illusion trickery/forgery.
Regarding the drawing I did: 
I came up with a comeback idea for Ivan as a villain for a new arc. It’s too much to tell now but before he steps into action, he has learned to transform into a raven. Maybe he could always do that, what a missed cool opportunity, but latest then, he can. He’s a big bird for sure and with his stare creeps anyone out who sees him.
Secondly, he had an assassination attempt made on him, from which he got both the scar on his chin (sort of separating his beard into two halves) and the loss of sensation/movement in his right hand after his arm was nearly being sliced through/off. He made himself a custom glove that would allow him to move his hand as needed, but it doesn’t replace the loss of sensation.
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
So you want to Play?
Prompt + Pairing: Historical AU, ‘Play’ + Hades and Persephone
A/N: I'm so so happy with the way Day 4's fic turned out- Super happy! I never thought writing for the greek gods would be this fun but I defintely want to do more of it. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! <3 from me!!
Read on A03                 WritersMonth 2021
“Your Majesty, there is a visitor for your daughter,” the guard informed the Queen.
Demeter seemed unimpressed. “Who? And where are they from?”
The guards went silent with only the sound of mumbling and hushed whisperings.
“Well?” Demeter raised an eyebrow.
“It is King Hades of Erebus,” The guard said dutifully. Queen Demeter nodded and dismissed the guards.
The princess who had been eavesdropping immediately came skipping in with her dress bunched under her hands as she made her way towards her Mother with excitement drawn all over her face.
“Is it true mother? Is The King Hades of Erebus himself here to visit us?”
Demeter, who did not see much taste in Hades herself, simply gave a curt nod that did not match the enthusiasm portrayed on her daughter's face.
“Is he coming in? When will I see him? Mother, don't you agree that he is most handsome? I do envy any woman whom he may court- Do you think he would ever ask to court me, Mother? No, that would be ridiculous, do you think not?” Persphone rambled, her facial expressions varying with her words.
“Absolutely not.” Demeter’s voice was stern with her daughter. “ Do not entertain such fantastical ideas, Kore. Hades, I believe, is here on official business. Nothing more. And please, do wear something of a higher caliber- Make no mistakes, I do not intend for him to fall for your beauty, but I do not wish for us to embarrass ourselves in front of such an important personality, is that not correct Kore?”
Persephone sighed and nodded. Her body slumped as she dragged herself to her room where her dressing maids had found her a more ‘appropriate’ outfit for the visit. Persephone could not say she wasn't disappointed- Oh just how romantic would it be if Hades was here to beg for her hand in marriage or even the chance to have a simple outing with her!
And yet, her outfit was… unlike her. Normally, she wore yellow and pink- similar to her springtime colours and the domain and land which her mother ruled over. However today it seemed that her mother wanted nothing of Perepjhone’s innocence today. Her dress was gold, glimmering like the sun and with it was a green cloak, emerald green, like the blades of grass around her beautiful palace. There was no doubt that it made her look beautiful, the gold contrasting with her dark skin but she felt off.
The dress felt foreign around her body as she made her way to the throne where she was to take her place beside her Mother. Her hand was on the banister as she called out.
“Mother! Are you sure this is mine? I do feel that it seems much too grandiose for my tastes!” Persephone made her way into the throne room only to be met with the sight of a dozen guards all standing around a man who wore an elegant black suit, and was adjusting his golden cuffs.
Persephone noticed that the guards were not their own. Were they under attack? She did not have a weapon on her- what was she to do!
“Kore,” Her mother said in what seemed to be an affectionate attempt, “ King Hades is present. Do make yourself scarce and take your place.” Her hand batted towards her daughter’s throne and immediately, Persephone bowed, her head kept low as she hurried towards her throne and quickly took her place.
Before she sat, she made a small curtsy toward the King who in turn nodded back at her.His hair was long and messy but it suited his face. His eyes were so dark brown, Persphone swore that they were black. They had to be. She was drunk on him, his face, body- everything about him. He dressed like a man who knew what he wanted and Perphone could only wish that she was it.
“If you do not mind,” Persephone suddenly interrupted, earning a glare from her Mother, “What business is it that requires your presence here and not one of your messengers?”
Hades let out a small laugh and when he spoke, Persephone thought she might just melt. “ Do you not wish to see me? Is my presence here too unnerving for a spring princess?”
Persephone’s eyes largened and she shook her head frantically. “ Oh no! That is not it, your Majesty. It is simply that someone with as much power and business as you should not have to waste so much time travelling to simply put in a small request or discuss a little business when it could wait until one of the solstices.”
“Humour me Persephone,” Hades' eyes somehow darkened.” Do you often get suitors?”
Persephone was lucky that her blush was not visible. “What is such a question?”
“Yes, indeed, Hades- What is such a question?” Demeter’s eyes narrowed at the King whom she had known, realising she could trust his intentions no longer.
“My dearest Demeter, it is only a question. Why must you get so protective over her as if she is only a babe?”
“She is my only child, so please hurry up and take your leave Hades.”
“Mother!” Persephone gasped in horror, “We don't speak to our guests in such a dismissive manner. I am sorry, your majesty, my Mother must be getting old. Normally, she would never behave in such a manner! It must be the weather- when it gets colder, the crops begin to die and it does have the most disastrous effects on one’s behaviour. I apologise profusely. Please, let it be seen that you are taken to a guest room.”
“My name is Persephone or Your Highness- I’d appreciate it if you were to call me either of those, Mother!”
“See it that King Hades here is put in the best guest suite available. Perhaps one furthest away from the chambers of Persephone. Thank you,” Demeter, ignoring her daughter's outburst, told the maid who immediately guided Hades towards the staircase. Hades paused and turned around.
“What about my legion? They have travelled far, Demeter and I would be deemed an unfair ruler if I were to force them to deal with the nearing winter and station them outside your doors.”
Demeter sighed. “Please also see that the Legion are suitably equipped.”
Persephone was almost singing melodies from her excitement. She couldn't wait to tell all her friends about this day! Artemis and Apollo wouldn't believe her when she got to tell them. In fact, to make sure they would hear of the incident when it was as clear as day in her memory, she rushed to her chambers and immediately set out to write them a letter.
Her quill dipped in the ink as she wrote out the exciting events of the day. She had finished her intimate description of him that lasted at least a page and the events that had acted out in the Throne room. She was about to end the letter but she had been called for dinner which she had been informed would be with Hades.
Almost skipping to dinner, she smiled- She would be supping with Hades tonight! How exciting! She had to make sure to include this in her letter to the twins!
She took her seat with glee and despite the fact that her favourite dessert was not being served, she did not seem to portray any sadness.
“Kore? I would have thought you were to say something about there being a lack of your favourite dessert,” The servant cleaning up after her murmured into her ear as she picked up her plate. Persephone shrugged, still smiling brightly.
“Now Hades, why are you here? You have yet to grace us with your reasoning for travelling all this way. What could be so urgent that you came this distance through this weather? Especially to a palace where you know you have no place.” Deemter added a snarl to the last line.
“Mother!” Persephine begged under her breath.
Hades chuckled. “Demeter, still as stiff as usual. Well, I came here to discuss the everlasting problem of Gaia. It seems she is infatuated with the idea that she could combine forces with some other armies and avenge her Son, Kronos,” Hades explained.
“And why take this to me? Why not to any of the other stronger, more armed lands? I’m sure Ares or Athena both have advanced plans on how to deal with this.”
“They are all well informed about current affairs- you, on the other hand, due to your insistence to avoid any foriegn affairs that do not concern you, are not informed. I come as a helper of sorts. Prepare your armies.”
“Is that all?” Demeter asked, her tone arrogant.
Hades smirked. “There may have been other reasons for my coming here. Benefits perhaps.”
Demeter inhaled sharply. “ Such as?”
Hades gave a small glance to Persephone who was oblivious to all of this before he waved her off. “I must say the wine you serve here is delicate. I must buy some for my home In Erebus.”
“I’m afraid, My lord, that this wine is only available here, in the Springlands,” Persephone informed him.
“Just like you,” he murmured.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Oh nothing.” He batted his hand. “That is truly a shame. In that case, I do hope I can pinch some before I take my leave?”
“Of course,” Persephone answered.
“In that case then, I must be off to bed. I have a tremendously long and tiring journey to make tomorrow.” And with that announcement, Hades took his leave towards his chamber.
Persephone was ecstatic as she practically ran back to her chambers to finish writing her letter to the twins. She couldn't wait to continue telling them all about the dinner and just how beautiful Hades had been!
As she pushed open her door, she found that her letter was missing. She searched all over her desk but could not seem to find it anywhere.
“Oh my, where could I have left it?” She mumbled to herself.
“You would not believe how handsome he is- he has the most ethereal face and his eyes! Oh I get lost in them continuously and when he speaks, one cannot help but be drawn to his lips. How I wish they were stuck to mine for eternity! They are the softest lips, almost like the skin of a newborn babe, that one could ever see,” A familiar voice read out.
Persephone, remembering that those were the very words she had written in her letter, turned around and to her most dismal horror, found Hades leaning on the wall furthest away from her desk and closest to her bed, clutching the letter in his hand.
“Oh, do give that back, will you!” She cried as she ran forward, trying to save herself the embarrassment. Hades sidestepped, making Persephone fall straight into the wall as he read another section of the letter.
“His aura is undeniably superior to any other suitor I’ve ever met! But unlike any other suitor, he is not here for me! It does break my heart that such a man, so handsome in his appearance and -dare I even say- seductive in his personality, is not here for me and instead here to discuss important matters. Why, if I were to ever get a simple night with this man, I believe that my lifetime satisfaction would undeniably be reached.”
Persephone could feel the will to live quickly draining her body as Hades read out her utmost desires- worst of all, the desires which she had tried so hard to conceal from him!
“My dear Persephone, who knew that you held such desires? And to think you were simply an innocent face?”
“Give that back Hades!”
Persephone, this time realising he would try and sidestep, grabbed Hades and with all her strength which she had accumulated from her training lessons that her mother simply insisted on, pushed Hades onto the bed before scrambling on top of him and reaching over him to try and pry the letter out of his firm grasp.
She had nearly grabbed the letter when Hades switched it to his other hand and so to prevent him doing it again, she grabbed both of his wrists and immobilised them above his head before prying the letter out of his hands. She breathed happily as she held the letter in one hand and pushed down on both of Hades wrists in the other.
“Persephone,” Hades murmured, his voice deeper.
“I won!” She smiled on top of him, her head falling closer to his making her small afro bob slightly .
“So this was a game?”
Persephone shuffled around, unaware that she was straddling Hades. “Yep. And I beat you!”
Suddenly, Hades ripped his hands free, gripped Perephone’s hips and used his momentum to flip them so that he was lying on top of her, only being supported by his arms which lay beside her head. She looked up at him.
“If you want to play, Persephone, you’ll need to know a few rules. 1- I’m always on top.
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miraculouswolf99 · 4 years
Silver Siren
Happy New Year!!! This is not a New Years story, but it is a story that I am using New Years as an excuse to post it. LOL
Luka Couffaine was often described as the most relaxed and chill guy that anyone could ever meet. Often seen with his guitar on hand, playing what he would call a person's heart song. He was also described as a protective older brother to his sister, Juleka. Especially when it came to her friends.
The only ones that Luka really knew were Rose, Ivan, and Mylene as they were the ones that came over the most often. This was the first time that the entire class was on the Liberty. And if Luka was being honest with himself, he was most intrigued by Marinette, Lyon, and Adrien.
While he had not met Adrien personally yet, the things he had heard from the class made him curious about the model. Marinette also seemed really sweet and the type of person that could brighten a room just by walking into it. And Lyon seemed similar to himself, calm and easily just as observant.
Lyon and his sister had seemed almost like him and Juleka. They liked to be off to the side and observe. They also spoke of animals and plants like they spoke of music, that it relates to everything and everyone. Luka was amazed by their heart songs. So full of life, harmony, and with a slight sense of mysteriousness.
But most of Luka's cool, calm, and collected personality was thrown out the window when his mother got akumatized into Captain Hardrock.
"A treasure in return for freedom," Anarka says. "Ho, ho, ho then I shall be your pirate Hawkmoth."
Black and purple smoke covers the ship.
"Oh no," Luka hears Marinette gasp.
Captain Hardrock rose up. Captain Hardrock has long red hair that is spiked upwards and golden eyes. The upper half of her face is covered with a black mark edged with dark red and she wears a black bandana with a white spiky-haired skull on the front, along with gold circular earrings.
She wears a bodysuit that is red from the collar to the chest and black from the chest, the color separation looking like flames. Her suit includes three yellow buttons vertically on her lower body, three golden spikes horizontally over each knee, and a golden patch above each hip. She has two black belts, one going around the body diagonally and the other wrapped around the waist, that have golden buckles. Over her suit, she wears a black captain jacket with golden inner lining, golden spikes on the shoulders, golden edges, and golden buckles on the sides. Black fingerless gloves with golden edges around the upper holes cover her arms up to her elbows. Her knee-high boots that end below the knees are black and red in a flame-like pattern with black soles, golden heels, black inner lining, and black stripes with golden spikes above the ankles.
"Raise the mainsail, me deck hands let's get swashbuckling around here," his akumatized mom orders.
"Mom," Juleka asks, shocked and scared.
"What's going on," Luka asked, concerned.
"Your mom has weighed anchor, me lad," the akuma says. "I'm Captain Hardrock and today Paris's timbers are about to be shivered by my cannons."
The captain looks through a telescope. Luka took that second to make a quick headcount. He realized that the Greek twins were not on board the Liberty anymore. Remembering that the two were close to the gangplank when all this started, he figured that they had most likely had gone and went to get help.
"Westward ho, Liberty next stop," she orders. "Jagged Stone at the Eiffel Tower. Soon, there will only be one concert in Paris only one Music Festival. We will destroy all the others. Now, get to your instruments and rock those decibels!"
"Mom please, you can't ruin the Music Festival," Luka calmly pleaded.
"You can't force people to listen to your music," Marinette tells the villain.
"No way we're playing like this," Ivan yells.
"Mutiny," Captain Hardrock sounded offended. "On my ship! Liberty, seize these scallywags and throw them down into the hold!"
Chains shot out from different places on the ship. But before any of the teens could react, arrows started flying over their heads and hit the chains. Every chain that an arrow hit instantly froze into ice. Then the next thing that they knew, another weapon flew past them and shattered all the ice chains.
Floating near the ship, above the water, was Beautifly with her shield-sized razor blade flower. And looking over, back on land, was White Wolf. His bow was still at the ready. Luka was amazed that the two got there so quickly and figured that it was because of Lyon and Vallia. He had seen the two newest heroes of Paris on the news and the Ladyblog, but this was the first time in person.
"If I was Cat Noir, I would probably make a very bad ice pun right about now," Wolf smirked. "But I'll stick to freezing things with my arrows."
"And I am happy you are," Beautifly giggles. "I mean, Cat is a great hero and all, but I am very close to slapping him over those cat puns."
"Creatures of the land and air are not welcome on my ship," Captain Hardrock shouts, pointing her sword at the butterfly girl.
"Do I look like I'm on your ship," Beautifly floated around. "If you haven't noticed, I'm not even touching the ground let alone your ship."
"Lock this fly in the brig, Liberty," Captain Hardrock ordered.
Chains, once again, shot out from different parts of the ship. They headed right for the butterfly hero. But unlike Ladybug, Cat Noir, and even her own partner White Wolf, Beautifly is able to fly. But that is obvious at this point. It did give her an advantage over most akumas. The way that she was currently flying around to avoid the chains was one very good example of these advantages.
"I'm a butterfly, thank you very much," Beautifly put her hands on her hips.
She made a quick dive back toward the water, flying barely a foot above it. The chains would hit the water instead as she gracefully dodged them. But she soon made a quick shot upwards as she got close to where her partner had been standing. That allowed him to fire a volley of arrows at the chains following her. Each one of them was soon frozen into ice. She quickly shattered them with her razor flower.
"Nice try, Jackie Sparrow," Wolf smirked.
Beautifly facepalmed. "What you lack in puns, you sure make up for in pop culture references."
"What can I say," Wolf shrugged. "I love American movies."
The kids still onboard the Liberty, meanwhile, seemed to finally get out of shock over the heroes showing up so quickly.
"We need to get off this ship," Alya quickly says.
"How," Ivan asked. "Do you want us to jump into the seine?"
"Would you rather be chained up on this ship," Alya countered.
"All ashore that's going to shore," Ivan headed right for the edge of the boat.
"Never thought I'd have to walk the plank of my own house," Juleka says, surprisingly still as calm as she was during the Horrificator incident.
"Why is everyone in the Couffaine family so shockingly calm," Marinette whispered to Alya.
"Your guess is as good as mine, girl," Alya whispered back. "But they can't all be that calm. Captain Crazy, over there, is one example."
"I am suddenly very grateful for my normal mother," Marinette says. "Yet, I am also intrigued by everyday life in the Couffaine household."
"I hope my crew isn't planning on jumping ship," they were caught in the act by the akuma.
"Shoot," Nino swore.
With a slash of her sword in the air, Captain Hardrock sent another round of chains toward them. Only this time, White Wolf was not fast enough with his bow. He tried, but people need to remember that nobody's perfect. The group of teenagers was soon all grabbed by the chains and pulled below deck.
"Oh, Hades," Beautifly swore. "Now we're going to need a rescue mission. Where are that cat and bug?"
"Don't ask me," Wolf said, freezing another chain.
Meanwhile, Adrien had been in his room. He was watching the news broadcast about the music festival. His father had not allowed him to go to the Liberty and play the keyboard for Kitty Section. He was pretty salty about that. (AN: An ocean pun inspired by Captain Hardrock. hehe.)
"Breaking News," Nadja Chamack interrupted the fun stuff.
"Huh," Adrien knew what this most likely meant.
"Another akuma attack is in progress along the seine," Nadja reported. "This akuma's goal seems to be to take over the music festival with its rock music by taking out all the other musical acts in the city."
"Some people just don't appreciate good music when they hear it," Plagg says, munching on some of his cheese.
"Plagg, claws out," Adrien did not have time for his sarcasm since he knew his friends were at the same river.
His friends may not currently be in much danger, but they were being held prisoner.
While the room wasn't really a brig, but the teens were still trapped in it. Ivan and Mylene were chained together, as were Nino and Alya. Rose and Juleka were both alone in their chains while Luka and Marinette were also chained together.
"You don't seem very worried, Marinette," Luka noticed.
"I am, but this isn't really my first time being held captive by an akuma," Marinette says. "Even if the Evillustrator considered that situation a date."
"Alright," Luka accepted that.
"Alya, remind to apologize to Nathaniel later for bringing that up," Marinette said.
"Girl, I am pretty sure that he wouldn't mind," Alya says. "Nath is almost as forgiving as you. And that says something considering that you could forgive anyone for anything."
"Not anything," Marinette protested. "If anyone insults my parent's bakery, I'll open up a can of butt-kick of fighting techniques that my mother taught me."
The way that she said that so sweetly was enough to send shivers down most of their spines.
Marinette then looked down. She saw Tikki waving at her, having come out of her purse to silently aid her. The kwami phased into the lock on her and Luka's chain, taking a little bit before the lock opened with a quiet SNAP.
"Wow, how'd you do that," Luka asked her.
"Uhh, I, Uhm..." Marinette had to think fast. "With this."
She holds up a guitar pick.
"You're amazing," Luka praised her. "A real magician, Marinette."
"You think so," Marinette asks, going all nervous like how she does around Adrien. "Oh, it was nothing, uh, amazing, really?"
"Excuse me, but some of us are still chained up here you know," Alya says, rolling her eyes.
Before either of the freed teens could do anything, they heard Captain Hardrock walk downstairs and laughing.
"Marinette, she's coming," Nino warned them.
"We'll come back, I promise," Marinette says as she and Luka leave the room quickly.
The two ended up locking themselves in Luka's own bedroom. They had to work quickly as Captain Hardrock soon broke in.
"Run, Marinette quick," Luka yelled out the window.
"Seize him," Captain Hardrock some more chains to catch her son.
It all happened faster than Luka could blink. Chains shot through the open door in order to trap him again. But at the same time, a trio of arrows flew through the open window/porthole and froze all of the incoming chains.
Luka turned around and saw that White Wolf was hanging from an icy-looking rope outside the window.
"My outfit is bright white, how do people miss me," he joked.
"Uh..." Luka had no idea how to respond to that.
"Whatever," Wolf shrugged. "Move that fine-looking butt, handsome, you're getting off this Black Pearl wannabe."
Luka blushed, even if he hid it very well. He didn't have much time to really try and think of anything as his mother was currently breaking through the frozen chains on her way to capture him again.
Taking White Wolf's hand, he was just barely able to get through the porthole.
"Time to leave," Beautifly tells them, seen fighting more chains with the newly arrived Cat Noir.
Luka had to immediately tighten his grip around White Wolf's waist as the icy hero fired another ice rope arrow. The two swung away on the rope, landing on the shore of the seine.
"My sister and friends are still in there," Luka immediately tells him.
"I know," Wolf says. "We will try to get as many of them off of the boat as possible. But we might need to also rely on Ladybug's Miraculous Cure if we can not."
"I understand," Luka said.
"Stay safe, Mr.Couffaine," Wolf tells him, running back into the battle.
Luka couldn't help but get lost as he caught a glimpse of the hero's beautiful eyes.
"Flirt later, Wolf," Beautifly calls.
"Yeah, that's my job," Cat Noir jokes. "OW!"
Beautifly had hit him on the back of the head.
"Sorry, I'm late," Ladybug apologizes, swinging into the fray.
"All heroes are allowed to be late every once in a while," Beautifly stated, blocking a chain with her razor flower. "May I remind you of Cat Noir's late arrival to the fight with Riposte."
"He also told me you were quite late during an akuma attack by someone called the Evilistrator," Wolf said. "That name, by the way, is horrid."
Captain Hardrock, unfortunately, then made her reappearance on deck. She was already angry over her son escaping the Liberty and seeing the four heroes together did not help her mood. She raised her sword.
"Capture those pests, Liberty," she ordered.
The heroes started flipping, jumping, and flying in Beautifly's case to avoid the flying chains. White Wolf aimed another of his arrows at the chain, but Captain Hardrock was having it this time.
"Liberty, fire," she ordered her ship.
One of the cannons aimed at the icy teen. But instead of a cannonball coming out, the cannon fired a soundwave of rock music. It was almost like the soundwave effect that Black Canary causes with her canary cry. It washed over the Greek hero.
White Wolf covered his wolf ears on the top of his head, yelling in pain. The sound was loud and horrible, actually causing pain with his enhanced wolf hearing. When Captain Hardrock sent more of her chains his way, Ladybug quickly threw her yo-yo around his waist and pulled him away from them and the sound blast.
"Leave it to me to face an akuma with sound powers when I have enhanced hearing," he shook his head like he had swimmer's ear.
"Just be happy that you and Beautifly weren't here when we were fighting Guitar Villain," Ladybug said.
"There was seriously a villain with that as a name," Wolf raised an eyebrow. "Does Hawkmoth have no creativity at all?"
"That remains to be seen," Cat Noir comments. "His villain names range from weird, to good, to not very original at all."
"Jagged Stone ahead, Liberty fire," Captain Hardrock ordered.
The ship fired its sound cannons again, only this time entire speakers were shot out. The speakers landed and attached themselves all around Jagged Stone's music area at the Itfil Tower. The music was so loud that it caused cracks to spider all around where the speakers landed.
"Where's a pair of earplugs when you need them," Beautifly remarked.
"Are you the one with sensitive ears, I don't think so," Wolf commented. "My ears are still ringing from that earlier blast."
"What do you think her akumatized object is," Beautifly asked.
"It has to be something on the ship, otherwise she wouldn't be able to control it the way she does," Ladybug theorizes.
"I could Cataclysm the entire ship," Cat Noir offered, raising the hand that he uses to destroy things.
"No," Ladybug instantly shut that idea down.
"There are hostages on the ship, Cat," Wolf informs the hero. "If you sink the ship, they might drown."
"Myself and White Wolf only managed to get one of them off the ship before you two showed up," Beautifly says. "The rest of them are still trapped somewhere on there."
"I think he is Anarka Couffaine's son Luka," Wolf said. "He might know why was hit by the akuma. I'll ask him."
"Fire at XY," Captain Hardrock commanded, the Liberty shooting more of its speakers at the Justin Beiber wannabe.
"Well, do it fast," Ladybug told him, then swung away toward the ship.
"She knows that we're not her sidekicks and she doesn't have to order us around like that, right," Wolf crossed his arms.
"We can tell her off later, let's go, Cat," Beautifly ordered, flying toward the ship.
"We are around some seriously bossy ladies," Cat Noir commented, before using his staff to get to the ship himself.
"I am surrounded by weirdos," Wolf shook his head.
He took his bow in hand, notching another arrow. He aimed it to freeze one of the cannons closed when the akuma saw what he was doing.
"Fire," she ordered.
Another sound blast came right at him. He covered his wolf ears as the sound really hurt with his magical hearing. His bow and arrow fell to the ground. He could hardly tell when another person ran up and picked up his bow. Said person aimed it at the cannon, fighting the headache that the sound was causing. The arrow froze the shooting cannon, stopping the sound.
"I never liked rock music before, and I am most certainly not going to start now," Wolf says, getting up.
"Are you okay," asked the person that fired the arrow.
White Wolf looked and saw that it was Luka that had picked up his bow.
"I'm good now, Mr.Couffaine," Wolf says. "Thanks for the assistance."
"You can call me Luka, White Wolf," Luka tells him.
"Alright, then, Luka," nobody can say that superheroes aren't great actors. "It was very brave of you to use my bow. Very telling as well."
"Telling," Luka was confused.
"Most civilians would be afraid of turning to ice by touching one of my arrows," Wolf explains. "It shows that in maybe another life, you would have made an excellent fit for the wolf miraculous."
"Wow," Luka was still as cool as they come.
"Anyway, did you see what object the akuma landed on," Wolf asked the blue and black-haired boy. "Destroying it is the only way for Ladybug to de-evilize your mom."
"I didn't see exactly, but it is most likely her compass," Luka says. "She has always said that a compass is a sailor's most prized possession."
As someone that grew up near the water, White Wolf actually understood that. He wondered how much easier Odysseus would have gotten home if he had just used a map and compass instead of the stars and a lot of faith. As much as he believed in the gods, common sense is also a thing to believe in.
White Wolf noticed the ice on the cannon starting to crack. He quickly scooped Luka into his arms and ran away just in time as the ice shattered and the sound blast started up again. The two barely got away in time. The sound waves just missed them. White Wolf put Luka down a little way more away from the akumatized ship.
"Stay here, Luka," Wolf directed.
"I have to help," Luka tells the hero. "White Wolf, there has to be a way for me to help."
White Wolf looked at the blue-haired teen. He had shown great bravery when he picked up his bow. Not many people, let alone teenagers, would do such a thing. An image of a silver box flashed into his head, giving him an idea.
"Wait right here, Luka," Wolf instructed. "If any of the others ask, tell them that I went to get help. Beautifly will understand what I mean."
Luka nodded as White Wolf got out his bow again. Using an icy rope, the Greek hero swung away from the Seine. He had no idea what the wolf hero was up to.
The holder of the wolf miraculous landed in an alley on the other side of the street from a beautiful jungle-like flower/garden shop. He de-transformed and out of the alley walked Lyon Garden. The dubbed Ice Prince made his way to the flower shop, greeting his father on the way in. He quickly made his way up to his room, which from what his sister, Vallia, had told him was almost like Marinette's bedroom but made for him instead of her.
Lyon went over to the bookshelf he keeps in his room. He pulled back the one book on the shelf that did not have a title on the spine. In a bit of a cliche turn of events, the bookshelf slid tp the side to reveal a hidden compartment. From the compartment, he pulled out a secure but elegant silver box. It was in the shape of a large jewelry box with bright blue markings that looked like a cross between ice and vines. Silver roses also were dotted around the box.
Lyon opened the box lid, revealing several other pieces of jewelry inside of it. On a raised area of the box was a place for hour pieces of jewelry. The ones marked for the wolf and butterfly miraculous were empty. But there was a bluebird necklace in the space for the miraculous of the songbird and a stag brooch in the place for the stag miraculous. The other miraculouses at the top of the box were around the raised area. A deer head pendant for the deer miraculous, a black snake armband for the python miraculous, a black panther pendant for the panther miraculous, a brown bear cuff bracelet for the grizzly bear miraculous, a feather hair clip for the falcon miraculous, and a white bird hair comb for the dove miraculous.
"I know the perfect choice for this akuma," Lyon talks to himself.
He picked up a necklace before quickly sealing the box back in its hiding place and leaving.
Back at the battle with Captain Hardrock, the remaining trio was having a bit of trouble with fighting off the chains as well as trying to search for her akumatized object.
"I have never seen Pirates of the Caribbean, and this is not making me want to," Cat Noir comments, jumping out of the way of more chains.
"There is a reason why pirates have never been very recorded in Greek history," Beautifly says. "Because there weren't any."
"Seriously," Ladybug raised her eyebrow at that.
"I'm pretty sure," Beautifly shrugs. "I'm a butterfly hero, you really think I know much about pirates at all?"
"I agree with her, only replace butterfly with black cat for me," Cat Noir says. "Cats and water do not mix, in any form."
There was a reason why being surrounded by frost and ice weakened him so much when Lady Wifi locked him in that freezer. Cats and water have never mixed.
"Heads up," Beautifly warned, darting around in the sky to avoid the chains coming her way.
"Fire at Nightingale," Captain Hardrock commanded.
The Liberty shot out more speakers at the energetic pop star.
"Beautifly, where is White Wolf," Ladybug practically demanded.
"I don't know, but I do have a pretty good idea," Beautifly tells her.
"He just abandoned us in the middle of a fight," Ladybug snapped, using her yo-yo to fight off chains.
"Need I remind you that we are not your sidekicks," Beautifly snapped back, blocking chains with her razor flower. "We don't have to inform you of everything we do. I trust that White Wolf has a plan. I do not immediately go for such negative thoughts."
"If he has a plan, he should have told us," Ladybug did not back down. "Maybe he would have if he didn't stop with those ridiculous pop culture references every other sentence."
"Not all heroes have to be stern and serious to be good heroes, Bug," Beautifly did not take any crap if someone insults her brother. "Have you ever seen videos of the Flash? He never seems all that serious, but succeeds every time in his fights."
"I've seen news of his battles, and Beautifly does have a point," Cat Noir said.
But before the other female hero could try to find a comeback, one of the chains managed to hook itself to Cat Noir's left wrist.
"Oh crud," Beautifly swore.
Cat Noir was pulled up to the crow's nest and his hands were pulled to either side of him as he was chained down by his wrists.
"Cataclysm," Cat Noir shouted.
His right hand bubbled with black energy, signaling his power of destruction. With a twist of his hand, he was able to free himself from the chain holding him to the crow's nest.
"Great, because you had to act all high and mighty with trying to boss us all around, Cat Noir now only had five minutes," Beautifly snaps at the red and black hero.
"He should have been paying more attention to what was going on around him," Ladybug countered. "He was probably too busy trying to think up another joke or another lame pick-up line to focus on the fight."
"Or maybe you distracted him by treating us all like sidekicks," Beautifly did not back down.
"These two fight more than most would think me and White Wolf would," Cat Noir thinks. "The whole cats and dogs hate each other stereotype and all that."
That was when the icy hero finally made it back to the fight. He landed not too far from where Luka was trying to keep up with the ship.
"Are those two seriously at it again," he asked the teen in blue.
"It is quite ironic," Luka says. "But their music has no way to harmonize. It is too different and can barely even be in the same song."
"It's funny that you mention harmonizing," Wolf smirked.
"Pardon," Luka faced the hero.
White Wolf pulled out a small silver box from under his cloak. It was like a mini version of the Miracle Box in his room, only square-shaped.
"Luka Couffaine, this is the miraculous of the songbird, symbolized by the gift of heart," Wolf held the box out to him. "You will use it for good in this time of need. After the battle is finished, I shall return to retrieve it should you choose to accept it."
"I...I do," Luka was actually showing shock. "I accept the miraculous, White Wolf."
Luka opened the box, and a ball of light came out. It soon turned into a kwami, but this one was a cute bluebird one.
"Geia, young holder," the kwami greeted. "My name if Meloetta and I am your kwami."
"My kwami," Luka was confused.
"Kwami's are what give me and the other heroes our powers," Wolf explained. "They are also generally good friends and guides of sorts for us."
"Wow," Luka says.
He took the necklace out of the box, putting it around his neck. The color blended quite well into his natural style choice as well as the fact that he was a musician wearing a songbird around his neck. Part of him wanted to ask the wolf hero if that was part of why he had chosen this particular miraculous for him. But he shrugged it off as a coincidence.
"All you have to say is 'Meloetta, let's rock,' and you will transform," the kwami explained. "To de-transform, you say 'concert's over.' Your special power is activated by saying 'Harmonize."
Luka nodded at the kwami.
"You ready to be a hero," Wolf asked.
"I'd do anything for my friends and family," Luka says. "Meloetta, let's rock."
"At least my weapon isn't a children's toy," Beautifly shot at Ladybug.
"Yours is nothing more than an oversized daisy," Ladybug countered.
The two of them were back-to-back fighting off the chains while constantly trading insults back and forth. It also seemed that because of the two's constant fighting with each other, Captain Hardrock had basically forgotten about Cat Noir altogether. He was just watching from the crow's nest and also scanning the ship with his eyes to see where the akumatized object could be.
White Wolf soon landed next to him.
"And Ladybug calls the two of us annoying," he raised his eyebrow at the cat hero.
"I don't even pretend to know anything about girls," Cat Noir put his hands up in defeat.
"Good, because I know a few girls back home that would skin you alive if you tried to ever say that you were a girl expert," Wolf chuckled.
"Even with that little bit of information now permanently etched into my brain, I still would want to visit Greece someday," Cat Noir snickers.
"Not like we'd ever deny the help against the myth spirits," Wolf commented.
"So, was Beautifly right when she guessed that you were getting help," Cat Noir asked.
"When is she ever wrong," Wolf smirked.
Another flying hero then came out of nowhere, even if White Wolf did know where he came from. Moving so fast that he was basically a blur, he used his weapon to slice his way through all the chains until there were none left.
"What in the world," Ladybug was shocked.
"I should have known that Wolf was going to chose that miraculous," Beautifly grinned.
"What," Ladybug gasped.
The new hero finally stopped, and everyone was able to get a good look at him. He was in a silver jean vest with matching jeans. He was now also had a turquoise t-shirt with darker silver boots. On his hands were turquoise fingerless gloves. His hair was the same black with blue streaks. And to the shock of Ladybug and Cat Noir, he also had angel-like bird wings that were also silver. The bluebird necklace was still around his neck, matching the bird's eye-like mask over his eyes.
In his hand was an ax-like weapon that also resembled a hybrid of a guitar and a lyre.
"Hope I am not late to the party," the new hero comments.
"You're right on time," Wolf smirks.
"Who are you," Ladybug did not like another miraculous being out and about, as when she recruited Alya to be Rena Rouge was risky enough.
"You can call me... Silver Siren," the newly named hero smiled softly.
"Finally, another hero with wings," Beautifly giggles. "I was getting lonely up in the air all by myself."
"Happy to be of assistance to you, Beautifly," Silver Siren smiles at her.
"Guys, we may need to speed this up," Cat Noir shows his ring as it blinked to show he had three minutes left.
"Gottcha," Beautifly gives him a thumbs up.
"Luka said that the akuma is most likely in the compass," Wolf says.
"Once you freeze it, Beautifly and I can destroy it," Cat Noir said.
For once, Ladybug had to play catch-up as the other four heroes went back to battle Captian Hardrock. The akuma did not look happy that another hero had joined the fight.
"Another pest in the sky," she snarled. "Get them, Liberty."
Chains shot at the team from all angles.
"Nature's Heart," Beautifly called upon her power, throwing her flower up.
The gem on her razor flower released a blossom that came down with the weapon.
"Amaryllis," Wolf immediately figured out. "I always thought that was a beautiful flower."
"I know exactly what this flower does," Beautifly said.
Holding up the flower, it released a number of petal missiles. Each petal exploded on contact with the chains, destroying them. The move almost looked like a combo of the draco meteor and pin missile moves from Pokemon.
"My chains too easy for you," Captain Hardrock yelled. "Then I think it is time for you land-loving pests to face the music."
"Land-loving," Cat Noir raised an eyebrow. "She does know that two of us don't even touch the ground, right?"
"Akumas, big on destruction and not so much on logic," Beautifly says.
The ship rumbled as its sound cannons aimed at the five of them. White Wolf, in particular, did not want to have to hear that loud music again.
"Hit it, Silver Siren," he called out to the new hero.
"I'm on it," he responded. "Harmonize."
He strung his guitar ax, blue energy flowing from the strings to his throat. His eyes glowed as he started to open his mouth.
"Cover your ears," Wolf warned everyone.
Just as the heroes covered their ears, Silver Siren let out a loud scream as the akumatized ship sent out its own sonic blasts. Silver Sirens scream came out as powerful sonic waves similar to the Black Canary's canary cry. Only his seemed slightly more powerful and the sound waves were a bright blue color.
The two sound attacks met in the air, a loud BOOM resulting from the collision. It blew their hair and loose pieces of clothing back a little at the wind blast that also resulted from the collision.
White Wolf and Beautifly uncovered their ears as both sides died down their attacks. They had to move quickly.
"Winter's Touch," Wolf quickly called.
His hands started to pour out an icy mist with a slight blueish color to it. The wolf hero then jumped to where he was sure that the compass was on the ship.
"Stay away from my compass," Captain Hardrock yelled.
But with one touch, the piece of equipment was frozen into ice. With a quick jump back, he let Beautifly throw her razor flower at the compass. The weapon smashed right through the frozen compass as easily as it would be to shatter glass.
"Gotta love this thing," Beautifly smiles at her weapon.
A black butterfly soon flapped its way out of the rubble. That was when Ladybug stepped forward.
"No more evil-doing for you, little akuma," she said, opening her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize."
She caught the corrupted insect.
"Bye, bye, little butterfly," Ladybug released the now white insect.
"That thing is definitely a moth," Beautifly comments.
Cat Noir snickered at the comment while White Wolf simply rolls his eyes playfully. Silver Siren smiled but Ladybug looked annoyed.
"She does seem like the perfect person to know a butterfly from a moth," Cat Noir joined in Beautifly's fun.
"You two give me headaches," Wolf said.
"You know you love us," Cat Noir winks in a flirty way.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Wolf waved him off, making him and Beautifly snicker. "You did great out there, Silver Siren."
"You think so," the new hero asks. "I was a bit worried about using my power against those cannons."
"If I didn't think you could help, I wouldn't have given you the miraculous," Wolf smiles at him.
All of the heroes but Ladybug all started to beep as their miraculouses flashed. Cat Noir had a minute left as his ring lost another piece of the paw. One of the wings on Beautifly's bracelet went black. A feather on Silver Siren's bird necklace went from blue to white. One of the wolf's teeth on White Wolf's medallion went black.
"You can handle the clean-up, Bug," Beautifly says. "We all have to go. Secret identities and all that jazz."
"No one likes smooth jazz, Fly," Wolf said, but then all of them separated.
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