lostdrarryfics · 1 year
Hi! I'm looking for a fic I read on ao3 a year or two ago. Draco starts hearing the voice of a creature that feeds on people, telling him to kill himself. Harry is a dark-creature hunter and shows up at malfoy manor to help get rid of it. Sorry this is pretty vague, but I hope you can help! Thank you!!!
We believe you are looking for But my prison isn't the house by Ingi (3k, T)
Don’t forget to bookmark, leave kudos and comments!
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deframpus · 9 months
Ingi Mushafyer
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shotacadaver · 8 months
For some reason this scene was funny to me.
The face he makes
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and how awkardly quiet it got after he was done talking lol
Also Ingi being the first one to clap
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fth2023fanworks · 9 months
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ingisong · 2 years
Sat Oct 1st, 2022 🍃🍂🍁 🎃🕸 🌙 🍫🍷🍇
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robog55 · 2 years
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Ottermas! 🦦
(Based on the otters holding hands in Rakko Ukabe! Please do check it out, it’s like Neko Atsume but with sea otters!)
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llama-named-pizza · 2 years
Anyone talking yet about how Elon fired someone right after publicly mocking him, and for what? Asking Elon for some contact after being ignored for days?
Meet Haraldur Ingi Þorleifsson. Born in 1977 with a genetic congenital muscle disease that forced him to use a wheelchair since age 24. That didn't stop him, though. In 2014 he founded the company Ueno. Ueno was a company that designed digital brands for various companies. The company was pretty successful, since it won various awards and Haraldur was named Icelandic businessman of the year in 2019. You can see more things he's done on his website - http://haraldurthorleifsson.com/
In 2021, Haraldur sold his company to Twitter. Not just that! He sold it as a salary so that he could pay higher taxes. He ended up paying the second highest tax in Iceland for that year (for an individual).
Outside of his company, he also aided in a project called Ramp Up Reykjavík, the intention of which is to help in installing wheelchair ramps around the city for better wheelchair access everywhere. After the success of the first project, a second one called Ramp Up Iceland was launched, with the intentions of building 1000 ramps around the country. This seems to be the site for the project - https://www.rampur.is/ - it would be great if someone who knows Icelandic can help with explaining how to donate to it?
He also created Bueno, a project that, by his own words, "a non-profit that donates money to good people doing good things". He was given The Order of the Falcon by the president of Iceland, the Icelandic medal of chivalry for contributions to social issues. He was Person of the Year in Iceland in 2022. Honestly, there's probably even more.
And this is the person Elon Musk decided to take the mick out of.
Queue March 6th, 2023. Haraldur tweets out to Musk.
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[id: Dear elonmusk,
9 days ago the access to my work computer was cut, along with about 200 other Twitter employees.
However your head of HR is not able to confirm if I am an employee or not. You've not answered my emails.
Maybe if enough people retweet you'll answer me here?]
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[id: Elon Musk: What work have you been doing?
Haraldur: I would need to break confidentiality to answer this question here.
If you have your lawyers share in writing that I can do that then I'd be happy to discuss that openly!
Elon Musk: It's approved, you go ahead.]
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[id: Two consecutive tweets by Haraldur: Among others:
- led the effort to save about $500k on one SaaS contract. Supported closing down many others
- led prioritization of design projects across the company to make sure we were able to deliver with a small team
- led design crits to help level up design across the company
- was hiring manager for all design roles
- worked on efforts to steer the company away from focusing on power users and on to younger users (because our user base is aging)]
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[id: Elon Musk:
- Level up from what design to what? Pics or it didn’t happen.
- We haven’t hired design roles in 4 months
- What changes did you make to help with the youths?
Elon Musk: Would you say that you're a people person?
Attachment to the second tweet: A YouTube video named "What would you say...you do here?". The video depicts a conversation between two men, presumably higher ups, and a third man, presumably someone who works at the company. The conversation is condescending towards the third man, implying his job (a type of customer service) is useless. The video ends with the third man outbursting "What the hell is wrong with you people!" before he leaves the room - based on his body language (looking down when he almost bumps into a colleague), it is implied that he was fired.]
There are other threads with the two conversing, this one is the most notable though as this seems to be when Haraldur learns he is fired. Musk later attempts to imply that Haraldur didn't work, saying that Haraldur "claimed he had a disability that prevented him from typing". As I mentioned above, Haraldur has a disability that forced him into a wheelchair. This same disability is slowly forcing Haraldur to lose strength in his upper body and arms. Not to mention, you don't need to type to work, mister "Lines of code matters". Newsflash, people can do work without typing. Musk thinks he's the only one who can do work without typing, I believe.
It's unknown (to me) if Haraldur was fired during this exchange or before it. At any rate, don't forget that Haraldur was on a "Don't Fire" list, yet Musk still laid him off.
And definitely don't forget that Musk seems to be avoiding paying him.
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[id: Tweet by Haraldur: But ok, fair enough, I've been laid off and I'm ok with that.
Next up though is finding out if Twitter will pay me what they owe me per my contract.
Or, will elonmusk, one of the richest people in the world, try to avoid paying?
Stay tuned!!]
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choochooboss · 1 year
Greetings passengers! Twitter is being silly again so it's high time to share my submas fiction, Team Break Submas & Submas plushies here on Tumbrl!
There is a fun submas tournament going on in which they are both competing in called @ultimate-submas-tournament! Go check it out!! There is so much cool submas content listed there, maybe you can find new favourites!! I hope you enjoy my silly submas shenanigans too!
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Team Break Submas, aka. Breakmas!
"Menacing shadows are being cast over Pasio's streets, a rythmic march echoing through the night. The subway bosses are on a patrol challenging any sync pairs they come across, with the opponent's precious pokémon at stake! They are not pulling any stops to reach their goals!"
Two champion level pokémon trainers whose tactics mesh together precisely like gears in a clockwork, they make a terrifying force most sync pairs woulnd't be strong enough to handle even in teams of three! Would you dare to encounter them with the risk of losing your pokémon partner in their hands, or would you avoid conflict at any cost?
Whether I finish this story or not, I am planning to share all material I have eventually!
Next up...
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Submas Plushies! (Ingy & Emmie) (Not sold separately!)
"100% huggable. Made with squishy materials. Wash with similar colors in 30°C. Use tumble dryer at low settings.
Caution: May induce sudden spikes in serotonin levels. If they start taking eye contact or move around the house, remain calm and contact the nearest ghost type specialist. With other inquiries, contact the manufacturer at ChooChooBoss@/iwishtheplushieswerereal.com
The original characters belong to Nintendo™, Game Freak™ & Creatures™"
The plushies are not alt versions of the twins, they are literally what they are supposed to be: plushies! I still have plenty of funny ideas for them which I like to draw in the viewer's point of view, as if you had them in real life! If I ever get the chance I would love to have actual physical versions of these one day!!
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diana-andraste · 11 months
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A single lightning bolt climbs the ash cloud of erupting Grímsvötn volcano in Iceland.
Photo by Jóhann Ingi Jónsson, 2011
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just1gnome · 1 year
needed to design a philza for a new au and there was . trial and error
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figured it out tho <33
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the-ratcl0wn · 8 months
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. . .
Never talk about that. Again
What Jon does is none of my business, so I don’t need asks about… that…
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wherefore-whinnies · 6 months
a couple hours until we find out if feh has really decided to make all the specific decisions that they would need to make for me not to spend a forma soul on the 3h hof
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The Capture of Light
In a tiny village on the outskirts of Pharos, a boy suddenly falls ill and collapses. A duo of travelers passing through decide to put a pause on their plans in order to find a cure for the mysterious sickness. As their journey progresses, they realize the boy is not one isolated case, and that the sickness' prevalence is far greater than they imagined. Together, they travel from town to town to save the afflicted, joined on their quest by a feisty teenage bodyguard-for-hire, who possesses the strange ability to manipulate solid light.
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I don't know if anyone remembers that original story I wanted to post... but I'm going to be starting it soon! This is a quick drawing of the main cast.
I'll be starting to post chapters on my side blog I created for it, @captureoflight, in about two weeks from now (optimistically), and hopefully update every two weeks from that point on (also optimistically).
I hope those who are interested will enjoy it. :)
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choochooboss · 1 year
Plushies with removable hats and coats, cuddly and soft, (maybe the Ingo one having reversible coat and hat to sorta reflect his Hisui style?) but most importantly made with love and ready to give and get love. Take my money plz
Yesss I love these ideas!! The reversible Hisui style is a very fun idea I didn't think of before! Could be fun to design some seasonal gear for them too hehe!
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pleafyistired · 4 months
as a treat god gave me the ability to be a smooth flirt but he unfortunately forgot to remove the social anxiety and the fact i do not know how to have a normal coversation and become friends with another person so what do i do with this ability man 💀💀
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coffee-at-annies · 10 months
Missed warmups cause I psyched myself out and also wanted to eat real dinner instead of arena food but I did wander near Yotes warmups on my way to my seats and grabbed some video for @reavenedges-lies
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