humanmorph · 14 days
can you say "i'll be fucked if" as an alternative to "i'll be damned if". is that a thing in any way or did i just make it up because it sounds funny
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inavagrant · 1 year
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His smile doesn't quite reach his eyes, even less so when he begins to condense angry gales of wind upon the palm of his hand. "I will allow you the privilege of a running start. Run along now." Before he changes his mind and shoves the condensed gales of wind right upon his face so they slash up his flesh.
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
🔥🔥🔥anything you want!
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Your oreos are meant to be dipped in milk. Them sinking is part of the risk, don't worry if they sink a couple of times the more you do it the more you will master the art. Why are you not dipping them in milk.
"Sunshine," friendly, or otherwise nice characters are not plain and boring.
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neuviliette · 2 years
Focalors vc: quaso ✨️✨️
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He sighs. Not this again.
"My lady Focalors, for the last time it is croissant... not quaso." He corrects respectfully.
Please for the love of the motherland make it stop...
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lord-harmoniaa · 1 month
i’m gonna touch you /threat
"Get out. Now."
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simulateduniverse-rp · 6 months
hi i'm really interested in your server, but i'm sort of not fully up-to-date with the game, is that okay? i don't mind spoilers if that matters??
That is completely alright!
However, as we strive to be canon-aligned, we would still highly suggest catching up to it especially if/when the character you plan on roleplaying is involved heavily in the most recent story quest.
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frownyalfred · 2 months
the “We should get married so we can’t ever be forced to testify against each other” trope except it’s Bruce and Clark as a catch all for any/all crimes committed by Bruce (as a vigilante) Clark (usually as a party to vigilantism, but also all the lies/forgery to look human) and both of them (money laundering, fraud, etc committed to create and fund the Watchtower).
Because if one identity gets found out, it’s not hard to connect the dots. And if it ever came to a trial, or a military tribunal, no one would see spousal privilege being invoked by Batman & Superman coming. Not from a mile away.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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The girls are back (from the grave)
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thatonekimgirl · 2 months
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Jordan Chiles finding out she won the Bronze medal on Floor || Olympics 2024
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czvrnvolk · 2 years
don't walk away. stay.
@pumpcursed inquired.
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❝ you've got a lot of guts if you're wanting me to stay in THIS state. my need to shred you down the bone doesn't terrify you ? do you not have the slightest inclination for self preservation, boy ? color me impressed....❞
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inavagrant · 1 year
❝  𝐰𝐡𝐲  𝐝𝐢𝐝  𝐲𝐨𝐮  agree  to  an  offspring?  won’t  they  be  mortal  &&  𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘬?  ❞
It is a bold endeavor to inquire something such lack of compassion, especially when he is holding the subject in question in his very arms. To say that he took it as a jab would be a misleading statement, in fact Tetsuya didn't expect anything less for he too is the same way. "If you believe I had anything planned then you are sorely mistaken." He admits of so without shame, in fact when the news initially dropped it really was news to him that he can apparently make such a thing happen. For a small moment he ignores the other and pays attention to his son, rocking him gently amidst his arms as he peacefully slumbers away, ensnared and trapped in his deep sleep that not even the conversation taking place between him and Scaramouche seems to bother him. The dream must be a pleasant one. It is of an unsettling sort that he can be this gentle, why he almost forgot that he could, that it's still within his capacity. To be this mindful. He is reminded of ghost days, days lost in time, days snatched by fate. A beautiful and pristine puppet who's joints have yet to fully fade, his fascination with the children in the village, his awe with a child born only weeks ago. There was awe in his eyes as he watched the child's mother rock him back and forth as he slept just like this and how the itch to try was apparently so obvious that she asked him if he wanted to try.
In his excitement he agreed immediately, nodding his head like he just got offered his favorite snack. Katsuragi was there with him then and even now Tetsuya remembers that kindhearted young man's words as he supervised the exchange: This is a baby, he had said, they're fragile and defenseless, the most pure and innocent. Be gentle, Kabukimono. The information intimidated Kabukimono, having already seen and experienced for himself just how much strength he had compared to those who were human around him. But, he went through with it, it was odd, though it roused concern, his body seemingly knew how to be gentle it seemed. How to be mindful, almost like he was designed to know how to be just that. And the child had snuggled comfortably then and it made Kabukimono's face light up.
The question Scaramouche presents is a sound one, it is one that Tetsuya acknowledges and yet. "Mortal or not, those details do not matter to me... not as much as I thought they would." He confesses, looking back at him. It's peculiar really, though the question itself is one he has asked in concerns to his mortality, it is not one that vexes him so, one that affects him. Besides, if he's honest, he does question if his son is even mortal at all, he has his doubts based on what he has seen thus far, but he can not come up with his own conclusion with that little information... at least not yet. Perhaps time will tell eventually.
"Mona wished to keep the child, who am I to tell her what to do with her body when she's the one carrying it?" Tetsuya shrugs his shoulders slightly. "That was a decision she took and though I had my... reservations, I can't say all of that wasn't worth it." Mona has shown to be a fierce woman during her pregnancy, has seen sides of her he has not seen before, but in that same coin, he has also seen her at her most vulnerable and that will be something he will be the only one to ever see and experience.
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"His name is Henri," yes Mona got to name the child, she was adamant... and quite fierce about it, which Tetsuya had no mind in that. She had informed him that the name is native to Fontaine. "Would you like to hold him?"
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inavagrant-a · 1 year
Apollo I have a lot of respect for you, and I'm so sorry I know you have a no drama rule please feel free to delete this message, but I think its important that you know there's a group of people you're mutuals with that have said some disgusting things about you in a server and in private. The purpose of this message isn't to stir conflict for you. I like seeing you on my dash a lot, I just think it's deplorable of them because you're such a sweetheart, but I just want you to be safe. I have screenshots I can send to you in private I'd just like to remain anonymous.
The whiplash I'm getting from this ask, someone did this exact thing for me three years ago but it was about some insecure Scara rper who got anxious because I was a new Scara blog that just popped up on the rpc like three years ago awraxawraxa.
I appreciate your sentiment and your intention, I know your heart is in the right place and it means a lot to me! I already know who they are awraxa. If they're around is because if I'm such a hot topic for them why not give them much more to talk about since they have nothing better to do with their, apparently, boring little lives. They feel the need to run and run their little brains about me as for why who knows but if I live rent-free in their minds then who's really wasting their time here. I'm having fun and wonderful time awraxa.
Again, I appreciate it, but I promise I don't lose any sleep over them. I have bigger and better things to do, a little trash talk from a few internet children does little to faze me.
You can send me the screenshots if you would like, I promise I'm not gonna tell on you or anything, I'll respect your want to remain anonymous. Have a good one!
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kuradex · 7 months
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day 260 Swampert
buy stickers, commission a pokemon, or support me on kofi!
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kiwinatorwaffles · 6 months
maya fey goes to steel samurai con and finds miles edgeworth there in the world's least convincing disguise
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couldve at least taken that cravat off
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simulateduniverse-rp · 6 months
Hi!! How up-to-date is your master list? I’m really interested in joining this server but I’m trying to figure out which muses are still even available
Hello there!
We ensure that our masterlist is updated as much as possible, so feel free to take a check and see which ones are available now! (Alternatively, on our page, you can see "Last Check-In" on the left side. It shows the date when everything was last checked and updated! :>)
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neuviliette · 2 years
Sandrone will stand there ominously. Being a whole hater.
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What a peculiar young(?) woman. For the past minute or so all she has been doing is standing there, staring directly in his direction. Neuvillette can not help shake off this feeling that he has seen her before. In his many years of life, at this point in his elongated lifespan he finds it quite difficult to recall faces that perhaps would be in his best interest to preserve in memory, regardless he is unbothered. The grand chief justice of Fontaine stares back in kind, though his gaze is much more indifferent compared to hers that seems to be filled with malice. Neuvillette would much prefer not to raise his blade against a woman, but he will not hesitate if the situation presents itself that he need to.
However, the one thing that does prickle at the chief justice is that she looks at him like she knows him in a manner that differs from the general public. Now that does indeed catch his attention if only slightly with all the stress that's already piling up on him... honestly, what's going to get thrown at him now?
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