poppy-metal · 4 months
the viens. jesus lord almighty up there in the great blue sky, let this man put me in a headlock, thank you, amen 🙏
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spaceyspacestuff · 4 days
Look, I can accept that pedro is probably gonna die in gladiator II, but can we please not cut his head off this time
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lunarifie · 1 month
So tempted to write ANOTHER pirate + prince meet up, one that could actually be considered canon maybe
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rrreverieee · 27 days
the gender envy i get from osis is one thing, but the gender envy i get from joost klein is other worldly like what the freak do u mean i can't look exactly like them 💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔💔
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notstarcey · 7 months
I am BEGGING all the Americans who started drinking tea bc of TMA to let me make you a good cup of Irish tea, American tea habits are so distressing and personally offensive
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FINALLY one not high-contrasted to hell.
FINALLY one I don't have to un-edit.
FINALLY someone who accepts skin texture and acne is normal.
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wintergrofyuri · 3 months
hey guys lets stop tagging hate, especially when that hate is really stupid and misses the whole point of the series. kabru is not an evil mastermind, he is a deeply traumatized autistic man. trauma makes you a little fucked up!!
also marcille does NOT hate laios holy shit. stupidest fucking take ive ever heard. she loves that man!! he is like family to her!!!
point is, laios does not need defending. hes a grown ass man. you do not have to make other characters look bad to make him look better. everyone in the series is human. they make mistakes. they're not perfect.
heres izutsumi and laios
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ynbabe · 4 months
I’m not watching this race anymore
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Vincent Price - The Bribe (1949)
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subpar-celestial · 1 year
Being deprived of ao3 got me shipping lalaloopsy's
All I'm saying is Storm E. Sky and Jewel Sparkes could have a nice enemies to lovers arc
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rabnerd28 · 2 years
Okay, I get that Hugh Jackman is in Deadpool 3, but will Josh Brolin return as Cable. And will he and Wade make out after decades of Sexual tension?
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thegreatluka-69 · 11 months
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zooblenation · 10 months
... I am now having the urge to join the zoom in ship.. But.. IDK WHAT TO DECIDE, EITHER ACCEPT IT, OR DENY IT-
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mydarlingdearestdead · 11 months
Family Traditions
1.5k words, very much a Halloween short story. Tw: suicide, blood, murder, death, loss/grief. Enjoy
“Crestfallen.” Eva supplied. She smiled widely, undoubtedly proud of the expansive vocabulary she’d picked up from countless hours left unsupervised in her parent’s library.
“Yes, my darling,” Her father replied, his eager gaze lingered on her a moment. “I would certainly say as much.” Their subject was a man, mid-forties with frightened blue eyes. He squirmed against Father’s muscled arms, not quite enough to be any real resistance. Eva could just about chalk it up to discomfort if she thought about it.
His lips moved around the makeshift gag in his mouth, a spare length of cloth. He was trying to speak to her, futilely by all means. Eva almost laughed at this attempt, afterall he was being honoured, no punishment to speak of. She offered him a grin in response and he, surprisingly, fought against Father’s hold with renewed vigour. The look of terror that flitted across his sharp features would haunt her for years upon years.
A shadowed figure danced at the edges of Eva’s vision before long.
“Arden,” She said sharply, “Stop lurking in my peripheral.”
Just like that her brother’s slim silhouette wordlessly slunk out of the shadows and to her side.
Eventually, Eva huffed, “Do get on with it, would you?” Her tone left no room for any assumption of it being a request. The man’s squirming abruptly ceased. The fire’s light offered a dim view, a single tear as it trailed its way down his cheek. The father brandished his body as if a shield, drawing a blade skilfully across the man’s throat.
Mother’s voice rang in her ears, a ghost of a memory.
Get back. The blood will spray and there will be more of it than you’ll expect.
Her voice was soft, sweet but jittery, stopping and starting erratically at random intervals. At this moment, she was tying an intricate pattern into Eva’s hair, finishing with a red ribbon, blood-red, rather ironically. Where our story begins, she had no longer any use for a ribbon in her hair, it was far too short, but the advice- Now that was useful.
This warning, apparently, hadn’t graced Arden’s ears, though Eva could entertain no reason in seven planes why not. While she turned and ran back, toward the ever-changed foliage that served at their scene on this night, Arden stood as though he’d suffered an unfortunate run-in with Medusa,
As the limp body fell lifelessly to the grass, Eva’s father charged for his son, thankfully leaving the silver blade at his back.
He fell to his knees before Arden, taking him by the shoulders and jostling the boy. There wasn’t a hit of reaction from Arden, only silence. A boy devoid of emotion.
Eva’s mind could only find this peculiar- once she’d first seen the event even a conscious mind and moral principles couldn’t halt the smile creeping onto her face- even if she was missing one of her front teeth at the time.
Arden opened his mouth, then closed it again. His face and clothes had taken on a new polka-dot pattern which no stain remover could possibly redeem. Still, he didn’t look horrified, or joyous as Eva had expected, just impassive.
Their father exhaled a heavy breath, then let his son go.
“Evaline.” He called on her, “Take your brother back to the house. Tell your mother what happened.”
Eva understood the potential severity of this incident then. Father only used her full name when things were dire, when she needed to obey him. So, she did what she was told, ruining a perfectly good pair of white boots in the process. On the walk, short as it was, she took it upon herself to berate Arden:
“Do you have any idea what Mother will do when she sees how you’ve ruined that shirt? She’ll have a fit! It was one of your proper ones!”
“Why didn’t you back away? Frankly, you don’t need a warning. It’s sense.”
“Arden! Are you even listening to me? You better not need therapy… actually, no, try and explain this to a therapist. Just make sure it’s recorded for me to watch at my leisure.”
Once more, her brother was expressionless. Eva doubted he was even hearing her. On a grander scale, he’d been lucky, no blood in his eyes or mouth. He would have been luckier if he had stepped back with her, of course, but there was no use on dwelling on that. What’s past is past.
The siblings made haste for home, where upon arrival, Mother carried Arden off to the sitting room with the concerned look only even sported by mothers, leaving Eva behind in the foyer. She whispered as many comments as her underdeveloped mind could muster before sauntering off to her bedroom.
The girl bided her time, listening. She heard her father come home, heavy footsteps muffled by the thick carpet, and her mother go to bed, the ruffle of satin sheets, and her father follow suit, the crackle of static from an old TV. There wasn’t a stir from Arden’s room, it remained silent and unlit. Finally, hall light clicked itself off and everything was plunged into the merciless dark. Eva’s favourite place.
Eva, being of a certain resourcefulness you don’t often see in children of her age, clambered out of bed, torch in hand, and wandered toward the kitchen.
Out of nothing more than habit, she stopped to check the cat, a tabby she swore was older than her mother, leisurely lying by the heater. She checked his pulse first, as he had always lain awfully still. Then the memory hit her. Their cat died seven months ago.
Taxidermy really can do wonderful things, provided it’s given a chance.
Her own stupidity struck her. Even her sorry excuse for a brother had ceased making that mistake. Perhaps it was this day, the shock and the embarrassment finally getting to her.
As she passed, Eva noticed a number of syringes sat on the kitchen island. She swiped her arm across the mass, knocking the objects harmlessly into the bin. Her mother needn't have waited till they were gone, her husband did the same thing in his ‘workspace’ - also known as the garage - every other night. Not that Eva was trying to stop it, not at all. The syringes were already empty, and her mother already had that pleasant look on her face, like she’d been in a world of her own for many hours and just made it back in time for tea.
She took for herself a carton of strawberries, as well as a large glass of milk from the refrigerator.
The floorboards creaked beneath her weight as she ventured back to the sanctuary of her bedroom. Once at the landing between her and Arden’s rooms, Eva took notice of a thin slit under her brother’s door. Evidenced only be the manner by which light poured from it onto the darkened space.
Eva sighed, taking on the responsible role she often played, she placed the strawberries and milk on the floor, moving cautiously as she opened the door to Arden’s bedroom and slipped in through the gap.
Eva cursed, taking on the responsible role she often played. She slipped the strawberries and milk into her own darkened room before, moving cautiously, taking it upon herself to put Arden to bed.
She opened his door a crack, so the pouring light couldn’t alert any adults by spilling out past her, and slipped in.
Sure enough, every light was on- the desk lamp, ceiling light, bedside lamp and even an LED display he’d gotten for his last birthday. It glowed acid green with the words And Remember: Watch Your Mirror. She never understood the reference, but Arden was ecstatic, tackling their mother and hugging her fiercely.
On the far wall, Eva noticed, something blocked the light- a figure’s shadow. She almost laughed at first, pondering the ludicrous reasoning Arden would give to why he was standing stalk-still and ominous in the middle of his room. Then she noticed the angle of which he stood. His shadow was simply too long… to tall. Arden was smaller than her standing, he always had been unless-
Arden wasn’t standing at all.
Eva spun around before she could really consider the choice. She stumbled back against the wall, the little food in her stomach threatening to make a reappearance. The sight before her- Arden, her brother, six inches off the ground, held stuff by a thick rope coiled around his neck like a snake.
She screamed, the hopeless wail of someone who had learned just how unfair the world could be.
Eva screamed until her mother’s shape had embraced her and her father’s shadow was cast over them both, his muscled body blocking the horrific scene.
And she screamed some more.
Until her throat was raw and her lips were chapped. Her eyes were dry, no tears left when finally, finally her vocal cords gave out.
Death had always followed her. Eva would even say she had grown accustomed to its presence, like a comforting pet. But this was a different kind of loss. This was someone who counted on her. Someone she failed.
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gotadeburbuja · 9 months
I'm in love with this man and I want him NOW
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notstarcey · 1 month
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i just need them to have a little chat
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