bornetoblood · 1 year
@littlealeta making a new post for this just cus I feel a little bad tagging onto this post ad infinum I hope you don’t mind :)
A lot of the things I have to say on this are pretty complicated (and I’m a little stupid) so sorry if this is like... uninteligable (also dw you’re not being mean! This is a pretty light hearted discussion about a video game I’m really not taking it to heart). I hope you don’t mind me doing the same right back at ya.
I don't really mind Vincent not saying he has a girlfriend since he's confused as to what he wants in his life, plus Rin and Catherine both threw themselves at him not Vincent. I think the game often gets viewed wrongly, a lot of people seem to think that if you have a partner, you should settle down with them and not think about breaking up with them. The game is trying to tell you that while it's not okay to cheat and betray your partner, it is okay to not have serious relationships.
My problem with Vince not telling Catherine he has a girlfriend doesn’t stem from the fact I expect him to settle down or think that’s best for him (the true freedom ending is my favourite for a reason) I have a problem with the fact it is a very serious betrayal of Katherine’s trust. While there are extenuating circumstances (the like... demon shit) Vince’s reluctance to come clean to both the girls purely stems from him not wanting to face consequences, which is selfish. Again I don’t think this is bad from a character standpoint, I find it very compelling, but it is immoral.
The problem is moreso how both Catherine and Katherine are written. They're both selfish and overly controlling to your character in different ways that it's just hard to fathom why Vincent would want to be with either of them. I wish Katherine was written to be less selfish, like why would you want to marry and have children with a man who drinks, smokes, lives in a messy apartment, and spends money impulsively? And Catherine had such rapey and yandere vibes from the start, which doesn't make sense because again, the game is focused on cheating and the idea of whether you want to live a free or traditional life. So why make both women so mean-spirited to the protagonist, one of them even raping and sexually assaulting him? And Vincent isn't even concerned about it? At least make Catherine's evilness more subtle and maybe not really come up until later in the game as Vincent starts pushing her away more and have Vincent not remember what happened between him and Catherine at the bar at all.
I agree and I think Full Body remedied the points with Katherine specifically to an extent. The scenes we are shown of Kath and Vince at the begining of their relationship genuinely makes me wanna see if they can make it work like that again! I think Kath wants to marry Vince cus they’ve been together for 5 years and they’ve both drifted apart over the years and don’t want to acknowledge that. The K endings read to me as the rekindling of their dynamic that had been dampened over time if that makes any sense. The deal with C is that I think her malice is already a slow burn (the SA point I fully agree on btw even if it is kinda ambiguous if they ever actually had sex when she says they did ((cus of the whole demon thing)). I think theres a relitive suspension of disbelief with C because she is supernatural. I think C nad K are both pretty compelling and both can be good for the Vince that ends up with them (the Vince that wishes to settle down and rekindle his romance and the Vince who wants to be king of hell). 
But isn't that what all the characters in the game do? Is challenge women and each other? If they weren't, wouldn't we have Vincent agreeing to settle down with Katherine from the start? Sure Vincent has a problem with speaking up, but it doesn't mean he doesn't wish to rebel against the pressure women place on him. Personally, I can see Vincent's point here. He's often pressured by women to live a traditional, old-fashioned life of finding one partner and settling down with them. Vincent doesn't care about serious relationships, he just wants to take his time hooking up with women until he finds the one he truly loves. Like I said, cheating is never okay. But we've never seen Vincent make a move on Catherine.
Vincent may be jumping to conclusions about women here, but that's all he's ever known, since both Erica and Katherine and even most Catherine players are pressuring him to settle down and to stay with the one he's been with for a long time, even if she may not be right for him.
Vince being a guy who wants to sleep around and not settle down is the same Vince who wants to settle down with his family, or be with no one at all, we get to pick which Vince he becomes and the game is about Vince self discovering into the ending we pick for him. He is all and non of these things. Vince, and the other men in Catherine, experiencing pressure from women does not excuse thier treatment of them and I do not blame the women for this, it’s society as a whole that places this importance on marriage and women are more so affected by that expectation (that was created by men might I add). Marriage may be right for Vincent Brookes and it might not be. There is no right way to climb the tower.
Like Katherine, Erica can be well-intentioned at times, but just some of the things these two say just sound very morally biased, especially regarding relationships, mostly about the importance of being tied down. It's why I cannot stand any of the women in the game. They all just seem so shallow and narrow-minded. Maybe it's because I'm not someone who is focused on going after the idea of marriage, but I don't see how it's a problematic thing to not want to settle down, get married, and have a family, especially in the 21st century. Maybe that kind of thing is different in Japan, but here in the western world, where Catherine is set, those things aren't important anymore.
I’m also adverse to marriage for myself, the talk in Catherine about the importance of marriage all sounds the same to me. But it is the same coming from every character in the game, which is why I don’t hold it against Katherine or Erica and still fully enjoy them (Erica specifcially being one of my favourites I love that she takes 0 shit from anyone). Also sorry if this is pedantic but Catherine is set on Mars in an amalgum of the US and Japan (like Ace Attorney ((not the Mars part)). It being a made up setting allows it to make its own culture, which happens to be one where society deems marriage very important. I wish the characters ‘happy endings’ didn’t tend to end in marriage too but that seems more like a general thing with how Atlus decided to write the game than a specific character issue if that makes sense.
Again, I do agree that Vincent isn't written as well as he could have been but with what they had, I think they did a decent job, especially compared to characters like Shinji, Jerry Smith, and Arlo the Dinosaur who are just shallow and/or inconsistent characters. I just find everyone else shallow for the reasons I mentioned in the other post and I just can't find myself connecting to their characters. Orlando even goes back and forth between saying his ex betrayed him and he betrayed his ex. Like, am I supposed to even sympathize with this character? Is he a victim or not? I don't even know what exactly happened between him and his ex.
I ADORE these character inconsistancies. With Orlando specifically it’s implied his use of their finacies in the scam was a betrayal of sorts (like he lost their life savings by getting tricked) and his wife leaving him cus of this was also a betrayal. I love it because there is no good or bad guy here, it’s humans in a human scenario where they both made mistakes and I find that deeply compelling. Orlando’s struggle with blaming his wife and then himself for the totality of the situation is soooo fuckin cool I feel like I’ve known people like Orlando.
Like with Archie and some of the other sheep, trauma is not always an excuse to be an asshole. I went through some trauma, Vincent has gone through way more trauma, and we still care about others and want to do the right thing. We're not perfect, but at least we're willing to help others which Vincent's friends rarely do, at least they're not as empathetic with him.
I despise Archie and I would dance on his grave, but what I do love about this side quest is that it shows off how compassionate and loving Vincent is. He forgives and loves unconditionally no matter how awful a human being is and is always there to help them. When they die, he becomes quite shaken.
Here I think we are simply after different things in these characters. Archie’s trauma does not excuse his actions and never will but they do contextualise them and make him sympathetic. I can empathise with how he has come to the conclusions he has due to his past even if those conclusions are harmful and wrong. This is what I love in characters, messiness and humaness. This goes for all of the patrons for me btw. I agree that Vince’s interactions with the sheep bring the best out of him (tbh I think they showcase his more confident and heroic side in a much more natural way than Rin does lmao). Vincent finds comradre with a group of other traumatised, also misogonistic men. They learn together. Get better together. They open up to each other in a way society has barred from them outside of this life and death scenario and they are better people for it. They remedy their biases and they have each other now ( have i mentioned the bar patrons are my favourite part? cus they’re my favourite part).
I don't see the problem with the game showing another side to Vincent. I think it was Atlus's attempt at showing Vincent's more likeable side (which I think they did a good job with compared to the original) but it also tracks because we've seen Vincent being mentally stable and compassionate like this toward the other sheep. Rin is the only character who's consistently nice to Vincent, so it makes sense that Vincent would be at his best with him. Rin is perfect because he's an angel. And he does have flaws, he refuses to forgive Vincent after he apologizes for pushing him away. That was a cowardly and cold move considering how close they were. I think I just like that Rin is the only character who actually shows empathy and support for our main protagonist when everyone else hardly did.
My problem isn’t with Vincent showing another side, it’s that I think this shift is sudden and jarring. Vincent acts sooo differently in the Rin cutscenes (even when he’s with his friends he was stammering next to like 5 seconds earlier). Like I said I thnk this is done better in regards to his slow gain in confidence with the sheep. Rin is the only character who is pretty much always nice to Vince and, yes, it is because they are an (at least allegorical) angel but I do find this... boring and not very compelling. Flawless characters send me to sleep sorry I just can’t personally see the appeal in someone who has no room to grow. I feel like an angel character can have compelling flaws but they just didn’t do this with Rin and thus their scenes do not grab me the way the rest of the cast’s do. I am aware this is my personal preference but I do like my characters with a little more going on. Rin refusing to forgive Vince for having the literally textbook transphobic response to seeing them naked is not a flaw, in fact I think they reacted too mildly. While Rin is not explicitly trans I hope you understand I’ve seen the whole: Character is she/her’d, character is revealed to have a penis (shocking!!! violent and/or disgusted reaction expected!!), character is he/him’d like a billion times and I am a little sick of it actually.
I suppose my point here is that Catherine is about the relationships between damaged people. Navigating those relationships through the hardships is what I find compelling about the game and Rin distictly lacks that dimension. Vincent works for and cultivates his healthy support system by the end of the game. He gets closer to his friends, to other men, to himself- regarless on whether he chooses to persue romance. Rin throws a pretty hefty spanner in this for me in a way that could of been interesting but feels underbaked. I get why people like these additions but it runs in direct contrast to all the things I find interesting about the game soo uhh yeh.
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sturnsbaebackup · 9 months
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i highly recommend reading part one before you read this, which is linked here!
summary: after seeing matt at the party and admitting you still have feelings for him, things aren’t so radio silent between you two anymore.
warnings: not proof read lolll sorry if there’s typos 😛
immediately after the party, a week went by of still no contact from matt after your heated encounter with him.
at that party a few weeks ago, you spat out plenty of angry words at him and he did the same to you, which had been keeping you both up at night. both of you wishing you could take the entire situation back. you and matt just wanted each other, but neither of you knew how to break the silence. that was until matt decided to text you last week, asking if you wanted to go for a drive.
you hear your phone buzz as you begin to start falling asleep, and you groan in annoyance. you roll over in your bed and grab your phone off of the charger. your eyes nearly bulge out of your head as you see the familiar contact photo appear on your lock screen.
“what the fuck?” you blurt out, immediately sitting upright in your bed and opening his text.
matt | can i come pick you up in like 10 mins? i’m in the car and im not too far from you. we gotta talk
read 12:24 am
you take your sweet time rereading the text to make sure you’re not dreaming. it’s been pure radio silence from matt since the party, and the first thing he texts you is that?!
matt | you have your read receipts on yk
read 12:26 am
“oh fuck,” you mumble, immediately starting to type out a response. your hands are trembling a little due to all of the adrenaline coursing through your veins.
you | oops sorry but yeah ofc just text me when you’re here
he reacts to the message with a thumbs up, and you immediately bolt out of bed. you curl your eyelashes quickly and add a little bit of blush on your cheeks and nose. he knows you were about to sleep, so there’s no point in putting on obvious makeup. you grab a random hoodie from your closet and throw on some slippers. you look homeless, but who cares. it’s just matt.
that’s what you keep repeating in your head to yourself in an attempt to calm the nerves that are practically doing somersaults in your stomach.
it’s just matt. it’s just matt. its just matt. nothing to be scared of. it’s just matt.
your thoughts are broken up when your phone dings with the message of matt letting you know he’s waiting in the car outside. you exhale deeply as you lock the door behind you, shivering in the cold, late night, los angeles air. muffled music can be heard from the outside of matt’s car, and his eyes are glued to his phone. he’s just as nervous as you are, maybe even more.
your hand wraps around the door handle, and you pull it gently in an attempt to not frighten matt. his eyes look up at you and lock with yours, making your heart skip a beat.
“hi matt,” you say awkwardly as you sit in his passenger seat.
“y/n, hi,” he smiles softly, beginning to put the car in drive. you keep your eyes down at your feet as the car begins to drive away, the silence killing you internally. in previous moments like this, you both would be fighting over aux not even a minute into the car ride, but this time it’s dead silent with quiet music playing in the back.
“so, you wanted to talk?” you blurt out, your mouth moving faster than your brain.
“yeah, but i was hoping maybe we could get some mc donald’s before we have the serious conversation? you know, like old times,” he says, reminding you of the times where after a bad fight you guys would talk things out in a parking lot over a shared mcflurry and fries.
you let out a soft chuckle, “yeah okay, sounds perfect.” the silence isn’t as awkward as before, but the tension is so tense you genuinely could cut it with a knife. your thumbs fiddle in the front pocket of your sweatshirt as you wait for the traffic light to change, the mcdonald’s drive thru being at the other end of the intersection.
“can i get two oreo mcflurrys and a large fry?” matt asks the lady working the drive thru. she calculates the total and you immediately reach for your wallet to grab your card, but matt quickly stops you.
his hand now rests on your forearm, “no y/n. let me pay, i’m the one who dragged you out so late,” he smiles softly. when he notices his hand on your arm he quickly takes it off, making your heart sink a little. ‘things aren’t how they used to be, we aren’t dating, and you need to realize that,’ you mentally tell yourself.
eventually you guys get your food and pull into the far back corner of the parking lot. it’s very dimly lit but the flickering florescent street light that’s shining on matt is making the dark bags under his eyes extremely visible. you’re quick to notice them, and you instantly know he hasn’t been getting much sleep at all, and you have a guess that the reason is what he’s about to talk to you about.
he unbuckles the seatbelt and rotates in his seat, resting his back against his door facing you. “so… first of all how’ve you been?”
you pick up a fry from the bag that rests on the center console, letting it cool off between your fingers as you speak up. “i’ve been uh— you know. just living, i guess. how have you been?” you shrug, putting the fry in your mouth.
“not good, honestly. that’s why i texted you,” matt admits, looking down at his thumbs that reside in his lap. your heart drops at his statement and an overwhelming feeling of sadness rushes over you. if you and matt were still dating, you would be pulling him in a tight hug and holding his head against your chest. but you can’t do that, so you just sit and looking at him.
“what?” you ask, hoping you heard him wrong.
“i haven’t been getting much sleep. like, at all. i really miss you, and i fucked up at that party. i never should’ve been trying to make you jealous with her. that wasn’t fair to either of you, and your words keep playing through my mind every night. it keeps me up at night.”
you take a moment to process what you’re hearing, and sigh. “matt come here,” you say, putting your mcflurry down into the cupholder and leaning over the center console to hug matt. he looks up at you with sad eyes, confused at what you’re about to do, but as soon as he realizes, he immediately hugs you back.
you pull his head into your chest and rest your hand over his left cheek, making sure to hold him as close as possible. you press gentle kisses on the top of his head as your fingers play with the ends of his hair.
“i miss you, y/n. i love you so much and i’m so sorry i thought we needed space, i was so unbelievably wrong. i was just going through a weird phase for like a month and shoved you away, but i really think you’re the only person who can calm me down. you bring me back to earth, y/n,” matt mumbles against your chest.
“shh matty, it’s okay. we don’t need to talk about it yet, let’s just enjoy the moment,” you mutter into his hair softly. eventually you and matt break the hug and continue to catch up on everything you guys have missed in each others lives within the last few weeks.
“speaking of clothing— is that my hoodie?” matt asks you, sidetracking from your conversation.
you look down at the gray nike sweatshirt that rests on your body, and your cheeks flare up with heat. “oh my god! that’s so embarrassing, i had no idea this was yours. i just grabbed the first hoodie i could find. i swear i thought i gave this back to you,” you blush.
matt chuckles, “keep it. it looks cute on you. plus, you’re just gonna end up stealing all of the hoodies you gave back to me.”
“you know me so well,” you laugh as you throw a fry at matt.
“hey watch it! i just got the car cleaned!”
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inbabylontheywept · 1 year
"Yeah, sure, and I shit thermite. Be serious."
So. Maybe, he’d gone a little overboard after work that day. He’d admit that. Drinking the sad away wasn’t the most mature way to handle things, but when you got a letter from your dad saying-
Well saying that, you know, maybe it was okay to have a beer or two. In theory. In practice, that meant that two-beers-deep Earl had to somehow have enough willpower to say “naw, I don’t wanna become three-beers-deep Earl,” and then three-beers-deep Earl’s gotta say no to four-beers-deep Earl, and it’s just a bit of a shitshow from there.
Pardon the french.
At least he wasn’t on the clock. The worst thing that should’ve happened to him was waking up tomorrow with a fatass headache and upset friends. Instead, he was in the hospital, surrounded by men with guns, osmotically absorbing the most surreal conversation of his life.
“We’d heard that humans had remarkable healing abilities but this is incredible. Anyone else here would be dead, he’s just showing some signs of esophageal irritation.”
“We got any idea of the culprit?”
“We’re looking over security footage but the culprit must be some kind of ghost. We’ve gone over the security footage at least twenty times, nobody can spot a thing.”
Earl couldn’t help it. He spoke.
“What are you talking about?”
The detective and the doctor jumped at the sound of his voice.
“What the shit-
The doc’s hand went over the detective's mouth, cutting off the oath just a hair too late. The duo looked after each other, before the detective gestured for the doctor to go first.
“I… don’t have very much experience with humans. We thought it’d be a couple of days at least before you woke up. How are you feeling?”
Earl coughed a few times.
“Throat’s raw, head’s pounding, and would kill for anything fried in grease. Pretty standard hangover.”
The detective cut in at that.
“Eh, except for the part where someone poisoned you.”
Earl shrugged.
“Must not have been very good poison.”
The lawman didn't laugh.
“Hydrochloric acid mixed with potassium salts? You can bet your pink ass it’s a good poison. Anyone else here would be dying from a hole in their gut. You been making enemies on the station, colony-boy?”
Earl’s smart alec remark froze as his one semester of biology 101 clawed its way to the front of his brain.
The detective clicked his pen, ready to start taking notes, even as Earl waved him off.
“No crime here doc, my stomach makes that stuff naturally.”
The doctor blinked even as the detective rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, and I shit thermite. Be serious pal, there’s someone here out to get you.”
Earl held his gaze, and after a few moments, the detective’s annoyed face transformed into numb confusion.
“...Hot damn, you aren’t joking. You’re telling me you can spew concentrated acid on a whim?”
The question hit a little close to him, and Earl felt his ears burn.
“Eh… not… on a whim. More like, after six or seven beers.”
The doctor grabbed a pad and began filling out forms of his own.
“Yeah, we’re gonna have to make sure you don’t do that then. You can’t just go around creating chemical waste every time you get sad. I’m going to have to get in contact with IT, set up some kind of cut off point with the cantina for you.”
Someone down the hall must’ve sanitized something because the odor of strong alcohol wafted into the room. It was all Earl could do to not empty his stomach a second time.
“Aye. That’s fair.”
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palmviolet · 4 months
okay, as promised (thank you @madsmilfelsen for the encouragement lmao) post rewatch thoughts on true detective ep2:
— the landscape becomes more prevalent in this episode, or maybe i'm just more aware of it. it feels like nearly every scene we get a long, sweeping shot of the bayou, of the oil refineries, of the tangled roads like clogged-up arteries connecting to the heartland. these shots are often panning shots, the kind that in this genre we'd expect to be revealing something. standing right there, we think, will be the next clue — we just have to wait for the camera to reach it. this is a microcosm of the detective genre as a whole, the structure of a medium that reveals and solves truth. but TD has a troubled relationship with the camera and the filmed medium (panning away from the camera screen in ep1, the fontenot tape that 'no one should have' and indeed becomes a weapon against geraci, dora's mother saying “i saw it on the television, i prayed for that woman’s family, and it’s me.”) and its own genre in general. it won't be so easy as panning to the culprit — instead, the camera remains stubbornly fixed on the emptiness of a oily, polluted landscape, and gradually we begin to accept that landscape (cancer alley, one of america's most literal expression of the slow violence of capitalism) as a culprit in itself. this is reflected in the title sequence, which uses richard misrach's photography of petrochemical america.
(a great reference for the role of oil in true detective is Byrnes, Delia. “‘I Get a Bad Taste in My Mouth Out Here’: Oil’s Intimate Ecologies in HBO’s True Detective.” The Global South 9, no. 1 (2015): 86–106. https://doi.org/10.2979/globalsouth.9.1.07.)
— this is also connected to the pollution of the body. dora's mom gets headaches like 'storms' from the chemicals she was exposed to working in dry cleaning; dora's ramblings about the yellow king in her diary lead marty to say 'fried her brain, whatever she was on'; the whole episode deals with rust's 'neural damage' and visions from his time working narco. the brain is a permeable membrane that can be polluted just like the landscape — and it is that pollution, rust's 'mainlining the secret truths of the universe', that leads him to the mural on the wall of the church, the classical climactic reveal we expect in the detective genre. but it's not good old fashioned police work or sheer brilliance that gets him there — it's the chemical damage done to him by his trauma, his environment, and his job as police.
— speaking of, this episode is where marty's good-guy persona rapidly falls away and becomes something quite sinister. already, TD is taking aim at the copaganda myths of the troubled cop who needs to come home to unwind, party to horrors beyond imagining. he presents these excuses to maggie and they cut no ice, because they're fiction, because when he's out late he's actually just drinking and cheating on his wife.
— this is made most explicit in the juxtaposition of rust buying pills from a sex worker while marty has sex with lisa. marty brings handcuffs to the encounter; he intends them to be used on lisa, but lisa uses them on him instead, cuffing him as she recites his miranda rights just the way a cop would. meanwhile, rust tells lucy that of course he's dangerous; he's police. 'i can do terrible things to people with impunity.' he doesn't hurt her, but he could. and marty does not contradict this; he lets lisa cuff him and 'arrest' him only because she can't in reality. later on, when he uses his badge against the guy she's sleeping with from the longhorn, this reversal of power is revealed to be not a reversal at all. it's the same as when the bikers dress up as cops and rust becomes a cop pretending to be a biker pretending to be a cop; at a certain point, it all collapses and reveals police authority to be not innate and integral but in fact malleable, corrupt, and invariably performed for sexual and violent gratification.
— there remains a remove, however. as with the shots of the landscape, we mainly experience the louisiana environment as scenery speeding past while rust and marty drive. we experienced this with the glimpse of the girl (sophia's ghost?) in the first episode; we see this again at the start of ep2, when a group of young girls are smoking, scantily clad, on the side of the road and marty shoots them a troubled look through the window as they go past. it encapsulates his control issues as they unfold in this episode and beyond — that he has the desire to rescue, but really control, women's 'purity' and sexuality, but he can't. either he has to drive right on past or he has to give them a 'down payment' which will result in sexual favours later down the line. there is no way of leveraging his masculine cop authority that is not corrupt.
stay tuned for tomorrow night's round of Thoughts on ep3!
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possiblylando · 9 months
Csm Chapter 151 not so early analysis
Late cause of bullshit.
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This guy Miri is genuinely so fucking cooked if he grew up with internet his brain would be absolutely fried by twitter he's so fucking gullible I can not believe it this guy.
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I'm more interesting in finding out what Whip thinks is going on. Because as far as we've been told and shown Miri is right about their goal here being to stop the death devil from doing whatever shes going to do. But Whip seems to think theres some true reason beyond that, that Miri doesn't get. It's possible their goal is just to bring back chainsaw man for no reason at all- like just to have him there.
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Oh wow okay uhmmmmmmm geeeeez look ah wow ahem woo ahem okay maybe uhhh maybe I get barem fans okay just a little bit uhhhhh hmmm moving on
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This whole scene was great because Barems moving like a fucking Zombie he totally could've entered his hybrid state here because he still has enough strength left to get up and walk over to Nayuta and fucking choke her out but he chose to stay in human form to prove a point. He's fucking scary as shit here. Barem does this little monolog about being a Makima fanboy but honestly I doubt he's right. Barem is SCARY here imagine being like 8 years old and this motherfucker gets up after being shot a dozen fucking times and he just starts walking towards you like a fucking zombie that is SCARY Nayuta is absolutely intimidated by this dude. Plus as far as I remember there hasn't really been an instance of devil powers sticking around after the devil dies they just seem to reset to 0 each time a devil dies.
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The fact they've been keeping Fumiko alive this whole time really does just go to confirm my thoughts that she's going to end up playing an important role in this final saga/arc of part 2.
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We finally enter the end game. I've said it in previous posts but we're fucking here now. We have maybe 1-2 arcs left in part 2 before we reach the end of it. I don't know for sure whats going to happen to Denji next chapter but I doubt it'll be good. The transformation is so low key it almost feels like its incomplete. Like the real chainsaw man has yet to appear. It possible due to the fear of chainsaw man around the world spiking due to the fire devil's contracts going off, Denji is about to go berserk as the black chainsaw man because aside from Nayuta he has nothing left. But there is one question I can answer.
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He's laughing about the 3 week break see you guys in 2024
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gumnut-logic · 8 months
Five pickup and One drop off (Pick up 2)
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Pick up 1 | Pick up 2
Total crack, non-canon and nonsensical :D
But a little fun at least, maybe :D
I hope you enjoy
Julia was not a fan of her job.
It did have its perks. Quiet moments to do that last minute assignment in an emergency was definitely one of them. Though having half a brain at three am was also a challenge.
This morning was one of those times.
She had spent the last half hour staring out the drive-thru window counting lights on the far side of the bay. It was a great view, when it wasn’t pitch black.
The owner of the fast food franchise was a nice guy. She did wonder at his business acumen in choosing to place his store high up on a hill outside of town. But then he had made much more of it with the space and she had to admit that the locals used what would have been purely a drive-thru centre as more of a destination during the day, both for the view and the surrounding gardens.
But once the teenagers, parking at the look out, left around midnight, there was very little traffic and she and the two other night staff really didn’t get that much custom in the hours before dawn.
It was quiet.
She idly stared at one of the lights dancing across the bay.
One moment it was just a light, the next, it was hovering with a roar above the building.
Her jaw dropped as she peered out the window up at a set of four flaming rockets high above. Warm air tickled her hair.
Were they about to be invaded by aliens?
Maybe this was her opportunity…take me with you!
As if in answer, a figure suddenly dropped down from above, swinging from a rope. “Hi, could I place an order please?”
The alien appeared to be dressed in an scuba suit? Though he was blond and good looking.
Oh, and he was definitely a ‘he’.
“Sorry about all the noise.”
He rolled his eyes and poked something on his wrist. A hologram appeared listing approximately half their menu. “Sorry, we didn’t order ahead. Virg can’t work your app and I dropped my phone in the drink. You’d think he would let me use his, but noooo, he doesn’t trust me, and John still won’t order take out from space. Says we eat too much junk food. Virg agrees, but I can persuade him. John’s the rock, the hard place and the immovable object all in one.”
Julia just stared at him. He was definitely a talkative alien. “Did you want fries with that?”
His smile was electric. “I always want fries. Give me all the fries.”
Bob and Sophie, her two colleagues on late shift were standing behind her as stunned as she.
She cleared her throat. “Will that be cash or credit?”
He pulled a platinum something or other out of his suit and offered to wave it where it needed to go.
Julia nudged Sophia in the ribs. She startled, appeared to engage autopilot, and began prepping the order.
And it was a considerable order.
Card waved and transaction done, Julia started on the drinks. Bob tackled the fries.
All the fries.
Alien man just hung around on his rope while the UFO above hovered.
They were very lucky that the neighbours were several kilometres away.
Cooked, collected, bagged.
Double bagged with strong handles. She handed the order to the alien and made sure it was secure in the one hand he had available.
Dare she ask him?
“Take me with you?”
“Sorry? I can’t hear you.”
“Gordon, quit yapping and get that food up here.”
“Okay, keep your pants on, Commander.” He turned back to Julia and smiled. “Thanks.”
With that he was pulled back up into his spaceship. The UFO roared and took off over the hills behind them.
And everything was quiet again.
Julia stared up at the stars as Bob and Sophie cracked up all over the kitchen.
Please…please come back and take me with you.
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aita-blorbos · 11 months
Am I the (bigger) asshole for my personal acts of villainy?
Hi! This is a little bit unconventional of an ask. I hope that’s alright. But lately I’ve been debating something with some people and I’m curious.
I have this friend who used to be evil (me too, to be clear. I’ll get to that.) Working under an tyrannical queen who used to be his dear friend, he committed countless atrocities. He participated in the hostile takeover of a foreign country and helped subjugate its people. Not only that, but he kidnapped the leader of a different country and forcibly possessed him, making him attack an ally of his (who was also a toddler.)
Eventually, he turned things around. After his queen betrayed him, my friend sided with the leader of the foreign country and the toddler and helped kill her. Nowadays, he doesn’t cause any trouble. Although I’ve heard he had QUITE some fun with it when he was playing villain, to the point where he proudly declared everyone would ‘bow before him’ (Not even his queen. HIM)
I say this with all of the love in the world for my friend. I’m not trying to make you judge him. It’s just—
Well, let me get into it.
I have a sort of shady past too. I worked for a company ran by my father. We were separated when I was young and by the time I got back he didn’t remember me, brain-damaged by an evil artifact. I started working under him in hopes I could eventually make him remember who he truly was and save him.
That said, I won’t deny our company did some ‘problematic’ things. We invaded various planets and forcibly mechanized them, stealing their resources to expand our vast amount of wealth. We also mechanized people, one in particular who I took care of myself. I kidnapped a different friend of the aforementioned toddler (he sort of tends to somehow be involved in just about everything that happens around here), a knight, and turned him into a mindless fighting machine. I won’t deny that I, too, had fun with this. I believed in our company’s goals and it was fascinating finding ways to ‘upgrade’ people.
But eventually I was forced to make the same sort of decision as my friend. My father was killed by the evil artifact that brainwashed him in the first place (…That was partially my fault, but this isn’t about that.) As such, I realized I had no choice but to help defeat it. I gave the toddler the weaponry necessary to save the entire universe and ever since then we’ve been allies of sorts.
But I’ve noticed the way people treat me and my friend is… different. People are a lot more lenient with him than they are with me. People say that I’m cruel and a bad person for what I did, whereas what he did was okay because he was just sad and doing it for someone he loved. As if I wasn’t!?
We both invaded foreign places and attempted to conquer them for our own selfish gains. We both served a mad ruler who was once someone we loved. We both attempted to beat up a toddler (Don’t worry he’s fine. He’s invincible.) and took away someone’s autonomy temporarily, turning them into mindless battle machines. (Although they’re fine now, to be clear. The ruler is no longer possessed and the knight has been de-mechanized.) We also both had some fun with it and enjoyed our time as ‘baddies.’
But we both also helped save the day when it mattered and are on good terms with everyone now.
I’ve been told my crimes are more atrocious, but… are they? Or are people just biased? Sometimes I wonder if the knight being more popular and well-liked than the ruler plays into it. That, or some misinformation that’s gone around about me. Apparently, there was a smear campaign that implied I was still forcibly mechanizing planets a while back. This is not true.
I do, to a certain extent, still mechanize places and people, but now only with their permission and for their betterment! If a stranger wants cybernetic wings or giant fuckoff laser cannons then who am I to deny them that?
I don’t know. What do you guys think? Am I a bigger asshole than my friend, is he the bigger asshole than me, or are we equally assholes? I got his permission to send in this story because he agrees with me the reception really is peculiar, and he also wants to see what the consensus is.
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miusato · 5 months
I was wondering, do you have a ranking for Kotone ships? I assume Shinjiham is number 1, but I'm curious since you mentioned you liked them all
HMMMM maybe? I mean like I pretty much like all kotone ships since I'm biased and I like her althoughhh honestly some ships I just see more on platonic side but I salute anyone that ships her with a rare pair (provided its just not something entirely weird or borderline illegal lol)
Anyway, here's pretty much my ranking and thoughts for each ships lol:
1) Shinjiham - First of all, god Atlus doesnt FUCK AROUND with his SL route and it's so out of their fucking mind for Atlus to not let the girlies write for the romances in other persona ever again cuz WHAT THE FUCK???? They really fucking cook with his and Ryoji's SL its fucking sweet yet so tragic I just cant fucking take it anymoreeee 😭😭😭 and it fucking hurts me that even when you ended up not dating him, you can clearly see just how in love he is with Kotone like fuck man it hurtss
I am just such a sucker for the broody bf x cheery gf trope but they had me in my tits when they laced it with angst it had me bawling by the end of it. I really appreciate how in femc's route we finally get to see his true character like god before P3R we really only know him as that mean looking guy with a tragic broody past and he tries to make things right before its too late but we dont also see him trying to be better other than tiny mentions of it so when he is gone we dont feel bad other but P3P hooo boyyy shits fucked me up I miss him I miss my wife and even when I get to save him, even when he finally gains the reason to survive and have meaning to live, when the person that gives him that reasoning is gone, it fucking hits me like a truck man and that truck decides to reverse and run me over again. Absolutely spectacular shipping 11/10 dont fucking do that ever again Atlus I have inherited hypertension from my dad
2) Akiham - This is actually my initial otp before I blasted and fried my brain with foolmoon content. I was actually surprised to see this side of Aki where instead of him looking like he gets thing under control and cool all the time, he is just so clueless socially and every rank of him had me go "Holy shit he's autistic he's just like me frrrrr" like I didnt expect him to have awful social cues like me hskskssksk I also love how really cute the entire rank is like this boy is 18 and never dated anyone yet he is so sweet and thoughtful I almost forgot he probably learned this from the seventeen magazine in his room lmfaoo I love them they're the most tamed yet cute pair but also bittersweet and sad thinking that he lost everyone that he loves even after he proclaimed he will protect her ugh im in painnn
3) Theoham - I love how silly the entire route is! Its fun and relaxed and oh god what is up with everyone with white hair has autism in this game??? His lines are fucking bonkers it had me in tears and I cant even believe this man also manage to make me feel things about exposing one's hand after seeing it gloved for so long. Again Atlus please let the girlies cook again for the new persona i am begging you
4) Hamugis - idk if it was Atlus intention or not to make her pan but god I love this so much! Her entire route is her adjusting to being human and gaining human emotion gradually and I just really think its so beautiful when she said she doesnt even care if Kotone's a girl or a man she will still love her (Im sure she really meant it to be platonic and she pretty much mixed romantic and platonic but also that confession at the roof doesnt help at all I genuinely think she's in love with femc) and towards the end when she cried I can hear how human she is briefly like oh god I cant believe Atlus invented yuri
5) Yukaham - they're besties and she mentioned she wants a bf before okay whatever BUT I just refuse to believe she's into men honestly and she probably just wants a bf because thats what she believes girls should be (like obsessing over boys and such) and shes a girly girl so she should like boys, right?
Im not forcing anyone my HC at all so just ignore this if you want. Im writing this because the worm in my brain tells me to do it and i am also projecting myself here but like I just like the idea of Yukari feels conflicted about her sexuality because she's a girly girl and her liking girls doesnt fit the status as a girly girl but when she meets Kotone and she is feminine and likes girls stuff too but also a tomboy and doesnt really care much about the identity of being a girly girl and finds herself enamored towards her, she admits to her one day that she's having conflicted feelings about her and the other girls she finds oddly attracted to and Kotone's probably like "You should try to kiss me and see if you feel anything about it" and AKXHEIQPAUSQPAJQL oh god the thought of Yukari not knowing she's a lesbian and struggling to accept her identity as a lesbian is just so AAAAAAA i need more Yukaham content maybe I should draw them together
6) Mitsuham - I totally understand people's vision with Mitsuham. Actually at this point, you guys can see how Kotone brings impact to everyone in the team and towards the end of the game, everyone either finds a meaning to live or finally able to open up to each other but anyway shhh lets ignore the overall grim lore of this game and just focus on Mitsuru as a person instead. I really love the idea that Kotone introduce a lot of new things to Mitsuru since despite how rich and influential she can be, due to the responsibility and burden she has to hold at a very young age, she didnt get to experience what life is as a normal teenage girl so I just love the thought of Kotone teaches her what it feels to be a normal teenage girl like and gives her a glimpse of what it feels if she wasn't a Kirijo in the first place. Again, just a HC but like I think it would be so fun of Kotone and Mitsuru just sneaks out at night after she convinces her to forget her responsibility for a moment and loiters around town until it's the dark hour and Mitsu just freaks out because she was too distracted by having fun and being distracted by her duty and she was like I cant afford being normal, not in this world and not when she bears the name of Kirijo and oh god did I accidentally turn this into angst???? ANYWAYS yes I understand Mitsuham
7) Ryoham - Okay I have to admit, as much as bittersweet and tragic their whole relationship is (like the fuck as going on in Atlus' HQ when they wrote "Please touch me. Make sure I exist." Like ????) I'm just not into Ryoji much because of a personal reason but also like I love it when people draw them in an alternate universe where they meet again like I really believe in another life, they really do would fall for each other again ;w;
8) Juntone - Honestly I just see them as platonic but I saw this one Juntone shipper on twt before and I cant stop thinking of them whenever I have to think of this pair. Like okay shh imagine if Kotone isnt dead in the end but both of them still lost Chidori and Shinji, I know they both understands the pain but like if lets say they find confort in each other and down the line they do fall in love, I just think its really beautiful. Maybe not immediately but when years later theyre reunited and open up about their grief and still having a hard time to move on, I know they would clung on to each other just to feel absolutely alright because nobody can understand the circumstances they fall into.
Anyway, that's pretty much my ranking. I really do love and understand why people would love her with other pairing like I am all game but the ones I am pretty much very obsessed with is Shinjiham and Akiham while the others are more of an afterthought to me.
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itspdameronthings · 10 months
Never Letting You Go Ch9
Summary: Here it is! Another chapter. Lots of stuff happening. Drama, tears ,and new characters!! Cant tell who they are! Hope yall enjoy! since its late my brain is fried to type a proper summary!
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Look in William's blue eyes tells everyone in the room he is serious. Santi nods as he goes to pack. That doesnt go well with you. How can he just leave you like that! Need both of them here! Wailed," I need you here! Not going off to be a hero! Will can go alone! Seems like there is some kind of danger. You leave! Can you for once stay put!" Kneeling down in front of your now sitting form. Took your hands into his large ones," I have to baby. Not like before. Want to keep you safe. Have to do this. Not gonna be like before. Have.." Not wanting to hear any of this. Pushed him down rushed into the bathroom. Locked the door. Benny rushed over. Knocking on the door," Baby girl, it's me. Not gonna be alone. I'm here. Never gonna leave ya. Have alot of people in your corner. Remember? Part of a large family now. Come out so I can hold ya in my arms. Pope too. Even ya are pissed at him. If ya like? I can try to reason with him." Listening to what he said was true. You're not alone. At this time you need your husbands. Want to be selfish. Can't Santi see where you are coming from? Want some distraction for your mental trauma.
Gemma arrives to her former home. Looking around. Things look different. House looks modern. From paint to the fixtures. Even the courtyard. Black gates that lead upstairs to your room. Close her eyes and remember the good times. Where you used to play outside. Diane SWlooks out of her kitchen window. Being unterly pissed off. She goes outside yelling," Better get off of my property if you know what's good for your sorry ass. Oh forgot. Ya don't. " Gemma had enough of this. Goes over to Diane ready to fight," Gonna fight me wimp? Ya never can throw a punch to save your life. Such a nice oh so proper girl. Raised to not to fight." Diane had enough. Not much a word from Gemma. Diane slugs her in the face. Knocked her down," Ya were saying? I do know how to hit. Thank my sons for that. Consider that a warning. Now go!" Got up to rub her jaw as she stands up again," oh you want to go down that road? Bring it on!" Shouts coming from outside caused Jack to rush outside . Pulling his wife out of the way. Grunting," Enough! Ya better leave if ya know what is good for ya! This is a private property. Means the house ya called home is mine. Now leave!" Gemma leaves not before yelling" I'll find her! Mark my words! I fucking will!"
An unknown car parked not far from the property. Saw everything that transpired. Took a few pics of Gemm's truck. On the phone. The person replies," Fugitive has been spotted. Call back when I have more to report "
Meanwhile You haven't come out of the bathroom. Others were at wits end on what to do. Shouts from both Will and Santi exorcited, causing Benny to let out a mighty yell, " All of this yellin isn't helping matters! We have a fragile soul in that room that's scared shitless.Which is now our mission to get her out of there. I'm the one to do it." Santi rolls his eyes as he plops into his old, smelly chair. Not wanting to hear that Benny knows you longer than he does. Has more experience in his young age. Will stands next to his friend. Patting the chair," Don't let it get to you man. Sure you have a bond with Sunshine. Something rather special. I remember the story ya told me. This situation is so delicate. Let Benny do his thing.
Benny did his best to finally let him inside the bathroom. Site of your fragile form made him breakdown ,and cry. Hair all wet and mangled from the tears. Practically shaking from all of the crying. All there was to do was lay your head on Benny's lap. All he could do is send some much needed comfort. Rubs your back," Shhhh… baby girl. I'm here. Let me take care of ya okay?" Sniffling at his reply caused you to cry again," All I need is you to hold me baby boy. Can't… go .. out there.. you know… Santi would leave me…."
Benny knows that too.That is how Santi is. Wants to save the day. Protect his family. Hope his brother can talk him out of it. Sounds of your wimper caught his attention again. Looking down to see his fragile baby girl asleep . What he did was to get up,but not to cause you to wake up. Kissed your still damp forehead,” I got ya darlin. No need to worry. Just rest “
" So what's the plan Ironhead? Go over there. Follow her till she screws the hell up?" Santi at this point getting back to his old habit. Not thinking things through. All he wants is to protect his precious Sunshine from a woman he has never met. Does he want to? Will sits on the edge of the messy bed. Rubbing his bearded chin," No, just the opposite. Recon first. Then.. visit the police. Not wanting a fucking repeat of Columbia man! My baby sister is crying on the fucking floor crying all because her husband wants to leave her! I know you want to go ,and play the hero. Not this time okay? Matter of fact. I know a certain sheriff that might help."
Sounds of the door opening caused both men to look at Benny holding you close to him. Santi was ready to rush over to them,but was met by Benny shaking his head,” Not a good idea okay? She needs to rest. Thinkin she might not be ready to see ya .” Santi didn't listen to him. Goes over to rub his finger against your cheek. Taking a deep breath,” Breaks my heart to see her like this… wish … she understands why I have to do this.” Benny lays you down. Covering your body with the blanket that contains both of their soothing scents for comfort. Closed the door . While they can talk downstairs.
Hanna arrived at the Millers . Thought about how long it had been since she was here . Too long. Last time it was for a get together with her parents. Before her mother left. Oh how she missed her. So does her dad. Which doesn't say much. Right now is to chat with the Millers about the run in with Gemma. Jack sees her right before knocking on the door,” Come on in honey. Sit down while I go ,and fetch Diane.” She looked around to see some recent pictures of her friends, Will ,and Benny. Both of them look so happy. Good for them. Sounds of footsteps caused her to shake her head. Diane hugs her,” So happy to see ya hun. I take you have some info to share. “ Clearing her throat as she sits down,” Yes I do. My father wanted to come over,but a situation came up. Seems like this woman in question is wanted for killing a FBI agent in California. Also involved with a bad group of bikers. They deal with illegal gun activities. I'm here to offer y'all some protection. “ The couple wasn't a bit surprised. Gemma was always a bit wild. Even before her husband left. She cheated on him. Just like he cheated on her.
“ So let me get this straight. Will your goin home to do recon alone! Are you nuts?! What would happen if there was a situation ya cant get out of!” Will rolled his eyes. Benny wasn't really listening to the plan . Took a breath,” I'm not going alone. As much as I want Pope to come . Gonna ask Fish to tag along. I know Pope. You want to go. Have to stay. “ Santi nods,” I agree now I see where you are coming from. Still we need another person to help “
Will was about to answer his question when his phone rings. Accepted the call to see who it was. His cousin , Jake Mills.
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ladyhoneydee · 1 year
Of Anguish and Apple Fritters
zelink | Modern AU | <1k
It’s 4:53 in the morning. The corner donut store won’t even be open for another hour. But he keeps the door unlocked for her.
On bad brain nights, Zelda finds refuge in the quiet comfort and warmth of her local donut shop, and its owner, Link.
This one goes out to all my homies whose brains hate them anytime past 11pm lol. It's the polished version of a previous post, if it seems familiar to you!
Read it on AO3, FFN, or under the cut!
The bell jangles hollowly above her head as Zelda yanks the door open. One bare, quivering hand on the metal handle, the other braced against the doorframe to counter the late-winter wind. A bone-chilling gust, speckled with snow and dashed with the urban bouquet of cigarette smoke and exhaust, joins the squeaks of her damp sneakers against the vinyl tile floor and drowns her in a sensory cacophony of overstimulation as she pushes the door closed behind her with a heavy exhale.
It’s 4:53 in the morning. The corner donut shop won’t even be open for another hour. But he keeps the door unlocked for her. 
The desperate knot of loneliness and fear winding through her chest and threading her organs loosens when she leans back against the door and takes a deep breath through her nose. The fragrance of warm dough; the must of yeast. Chocolate, sugar, cinnamon. At least five different fruits boiling down into thick jam fillings. The scent would be delectable and heavenly on its own for any customer, but for her, it carries a different, deeper comfort. Classical conditioning.
Link pokes his head out of the doorway to the kitchen. He clutches a stainless steel baking sheet clamoring with eclairs in his oven-mitt-clad hands. “I heard the bell,” he says. It’s unnecessary; they both know he did. But she appreciates it regardless, because what he really means, she knows, is I hear you. “Take a seat, Zel, I’ll be out once I’ve set these on the rack.”
In addition to a handful of small tables, Link’s little donut shop has a bar: five stools lined up along a laminate counter. It joins up to the left side of the massive display case, which glimmers half-full with maple twists, glazed donuts, a small mountain of cinnamon-sugar donut holes, and a dozen other varieties of the best way to eat fried dough. The bar thing certainly isn’t common for a donut shop, but Link makes it work. Sometimes she imagines that he used to be a bartender before he opened this place, and missed the longer talks with customers so much that he added in a place where they could linger.
She plops herself down on the rightmost stool, the one closest to the kitchen door. Her snow-damp hoodie nearly strangles her upon its strained removal, but she breathes a little easier with the fabric covering the seat beside her, rather than her own clammy skin.
It takes five minutes, but Link eventually pops out of the kitchen as promised. This time, the wooden tray he holds is populated by sausage kolaches. He uses a flour-dusted hip to push the sliding glass out of the way, and slots in the tray next to the fruit-filled kolache variants. 
“It’s good to see you, Zel.” He throws her a smile through the display pane as he kneels down to rearrange some chocolate cake donuts that have fallen just slightly out of alignment. 
Seven visits ago, he would have led with a sympathetic Rough night?, to which she would glumly nod. Twelve visits ago, it was a Hey, sorry, we’re not open ye—oh, honey, take a seat at the counter. No, go ahead, it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m just getting set up. I’ll be right back out. Stay as long as you want. Now, he just knows: the night is rough, and she is here, and in half an hour or so, she’ll be okay. 
His hands are never empty, and he hardly steps out of the kitchen for longer than two minutes at a time. Their conversation comes in stops and starts and stutters. But every time he’s behind the counter, they talk. 
He follows up on how her grad school applications are coming (poorly, given the gaps in her resume from four years of unrelated experience). She asks him what seasonal flavors he’s planning for when spring finally comes (kiwi, with peach coming later in the season). She learns that he has indeed bartended, but left the field for “sweeter digs—get it? Sweeter?” when he decided to go sober.
On his fifth pass, he hands her an unglazed apple fritter, still piping hot from the oven: her favorite. They both laugh as she juggles it between her fingertips and litters the bar with crumbs despite her best efforts. 
By 5:47am, the only thing still weighing her down is the increasing heaviness of her eyelids. Her traitorous, poison-spewing brain has moved on to happier pursuits. The deep-seated fear that she will live a very long life and she will spend it alone and unloved, and that the few people that have ever cared for her will forget her and find better relationships than she could ever offer them, has settled. She knows it will return; knows that by now, the existential dread is a part of her. Still, as long as she can find refuge and give herself grace, she thinks she’ll be okay. 
As Zelda pulls her hoodie back on, Link tells her to take care and that he looks forward to seeing her next time, and she knows from the look in his eyes—warmer than his ovens and deep-fryers combined—that he truly means it.
She exits the shop at 6 on the dot as the first impatient customer of the day enters, and the bell chimes her a hopeful goodbye. 
Author’s Note
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed. 
This fic was borne from a Twitter thread, originally posted by the user @pochaccobebi, which said "weird but long time ago when i felt scared alone during 2-4 am i always think about bakers in their bakery who are already up during that time doing their thing", with a reply from a former bakery employee confirming that "if you are sad or scared at 3am just remember that we're up preparing donuts, and the donuts are warm for you". I found this to be such a compelling idea--the donut shop as a place of personal comfort–I I turned it into an entire oneshot. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. 
Much thanks to my beta readers, Ace and pastels-and-pining! They are lovely friends and wonderful creators, and I recommend checking out their own LoZ fanfic and fanart!
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eazy-peazy54 · 2 years
okay so yall wanted to see my jank ass smiling friends au so HERE WE GO
Basically a new building appears near the hq
like.. really close
and low and behold its a fucking factory
and that factory just so happens to have a gas tank in the basement. a gas tank that was installed by complete morons.
a gas tank that fucking exploded !!
yippee !!!
anyways turns out the factory was actually really shady, and that gas was extremely toxic, meaning that if you ever breathe that shit for over a minute without a gas mask,
you're ermmm kinda dead
well not dead exactly. mostly just extremely mutated in terrible ways. oh and also your brain is basically kiiinda fried too so you are basically a half dead walking corpse !
well not completely. because you can still think and see, you just cant control anything you do or say. hell, you cant even say anything. so your basically in zombie-limbo-purgatory-hell.
fun times !!!!!
either way you are totally screwed.
anyways heres where smiling friends comes in
charlie, glep and alan are all in the building.
charlie hears about the news, and alerts the other two and everyones like "oh shit"
but charlie is now very aware that pim is NOT IN THE BUILDING AND NOWHERE TO BE FOUJND?!?!!?
so immediately charlie starts panicking
meanwhile, alan is also panicking, because he didnt think it was that bad (dumbass) (affectionate) and opened the door and went outside to see.
once alan realized "oh shit its real and i breathed it in" it was far too late and he was already infected.
one down, 3 (?) to go.
✓ ? X ✓
meanwhile, in a different place pim is totally infected
✓ X X ✓
anyways,. alan tries to get in the building whilst infected, but only ends up opening the window instead
charlie has a mask on so he closes the window. he gives glep one too so theyre both good
stuff happens and shenanigans ensue
somehow glep gets infected (havent figured this part out yet but ill edit when i do hehe)
✓ X X X
more shenanigans ensue etc..
charlie is left alone, so he has a panic attack and passes THE FUCK out and wakes up the next morning, still at the hq
and everyone is there and okay.
turns out charlie was just really fucking tired (and high) and that whole thing was just a really shitty fever dream
or not. who knows? i dont. i havent finished this au yet and i just came up with that ending (it probably will be the ending anyways but whatever)
and that is literally all i have
hope yall enjoyed this silly ass au
ill drop designs for the characters some day
also idk what to call it but for now its just the gas leak au / mutilated au
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3-aem · 3 years
Gojo braids tiny bows into sugurus hair to be annoying like that. Well he did it once and they couldn't undo it without making it a tangled knotted mess so suguru had to get a haircut and that's how he ended up with those messed up bangs and depression.
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pairings: mezo shoji, tokoyami fumikage, hanta sero, izuku midoriya, shoto todoroki, eijiro kirishima, denki kaminari, hitoshi shinsou
warnings: reverse comfort, may or may not have cried a lil’ while writing this. this one hurt a lot but it’s so sweet and fluffy, enjoy luvs!! also lol you could see my favoritism for kirishima
part two with bakugo, iida, ojiro, tamaki, mirio, hawks, dabi, shigaraki, and aizawa is here!
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he starts panicking as soon as you ask him to take off his mask
at first, he declines right away before turning his face around so you couldn’t touch the fabric
“mezo, i promise. i won’t hurt you, or judge you i just- i want you to trust me, is that alright with you?” you said gently. “but if you don’t want to, don’t worry about it, ‘kay?”
could he really trust you? or would you leave when he found out he wasn’t a normal person with a normal smile, that he was a monster, that was someone who looked different, what would you do?
but if you didn’t love him for who he really was, then... what was the point, right?
shoji let out a trembled sighed in defeat as his dupli-arms took the mask off. he looked down in shame, eyes shut so he couldn’t see your reaction
but your reaction was... completely unexpected
"You're beautiful!!! Why didn't you tell me that you looked so lovely all this time baby??" 
did he just hear you correctly?
did you just-- call him beautiful?
and in that moment, in those small moments, you can see his geniune smile.
his real smile beneath the mask, as his eyes shine for the first time with sincere, and earnest love and thanks
pls keep him 🥺
the moment he hear the words "you're beautiful" come out of your mouth, he couldn't stop thinking about it for days. 
and i mean days as in multiple days, so probably weeks
and he’ll probably think about it for the rest of his life
because when he looked at himself, he thought: what about him was beautiful? 
he didn't have human-like features like everyone else, he didn't have those big muscles and a nice body, because-- well, he had a bird head!
A LITERAL BIRD HEAD, so why on earth did you: you who had human features, you who was so nice to everyone, and you who could have gone for so many other people call him beautiful?
he didn’t have that charisma and extroverted personality like some others did, and he kept to himself 
why did you think he was beautiful? how?
but you were the one who said it. you were the one who reminded him, you were the one who gave him hope
and he knew that you were always straightforward with the truth-- and this was a truth, too
and to him, that was the most beautiful thing.
this amazing bby doesn’t get enough recognition
but for a good part of his life, he’d been surrounded by people with amazing quirks, levels of strength, and amazing appearances.
he was literally friends with bakugo fricking katsuki, and he was in the same class as shoto todoroki
when he first met you, he had to convince himself for days that there was no way that he could ever catch your eye,
until he did.
when you two met after a long day of training and you told him a joke, his eyes sparkled and he laughed, genuinely
before you knew it, you blurted out the words, “you’re beautiful” before realizing what you’d said and flushing
lol sero chokes on his water
“...did you really mean that?” 
“i- yeah, sorry, i didn’t-”
“no, uh, thank you. thank you so much.”
for the next few days, he stays up at night and keeps on training because he thinks of the time you called him, who constantly felt like he wasn’t enough, beautiful
and that was more than enough to make him smile. 🥺💕
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he immediately starts tearing up when you kiss them
most people probably expect him to get flushed with something so intimate, but it’s the opposite
his scars are just something that’s so meaningful to him because it’s evidence of what he’s been through
but at the same time, he’s also insecure about them because he feels like he disappointed his mom by getting hurt so often 🥺
when you kiss his scars and tell them that they’re beautiful, he starts tearing up because-- wow
this is the moment that he’ll remember until the day he dies, because it’s when he feels free to finally open up to you
it’s when he feels free to open up to anyone, for that matter, and a huge weight just gets lifted off his chest
you took his hands and kissed his knuckles before pressing your forehead to his
izuku begins to cry, just a little bit as you gingerly kiss his scars again
“you see? you’re safe. you’re safe with me, okay?”
he nods slowly. “th-thank you.”
you two were walking back to the dorms after training out on the field together
it wasn’t too late a night, just a few minutes before curfew
your hands were buried in your pockets as you two talked about your day and what you could improve on in training
“shoto, can i ask you a question?”
he thought you were mad at him for a moment 😳
you swallowed, as you took a breath, “can i touch your scar?”
he whips his head around, out of shock and confusion
you wanted to touch his scar?
shoto had never planned on anything like that happening to him, and especially not from someone who meant so much to him
“...i suppose so,”
you hid your anxiousness and swallowed, cupping his face in your hands as your hand brushed across his scar
a jolt went through your fingers at that moment, and it was the first time you’d ever felt so connected to someone
shoto todoroki, the prodigy and son of endeavor was letting you touch his scar
to your surprise, shoto melted into it as he closed his eyes, placing his hand gently on top of yours 
you could feel his hands shaking though his expressions were so relaxed
you kissed the side of his scar, running a hand through his hair
“i’m so lucky to have you.”
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eijiro cursed as he slammed his head against the wall for the hundredth time that day
he hated to admit it, but ever since the sports festival, everything had just been falling apart
for starters, he was already insecure enough on his own about his quirk
it seemed like everyone had something flashy and made them look invincible, while he was stuck with something that could only follow around his body and cracked if he used it too much
and that... that made him upset
but when the sports festival came around, not only did he see everyone with amazing quirks and using them to their full potential, tetsutetsu had nearly the same quirk as him
and to make matters worse, they had tied and had to settle it with a fist fight
“why?” he asked to himself, looking down at the floor. “why couldn’t i- why couldn’t i have been born with a flashier quirk?”
great, now he was crying.
at least no one else was around to see him this weak-
oh shit.
he turned around, his bloodshot eyes locking with yours. “h-hey,” eijiro said weakly 
“what are you- what are you doing here-?” you noticed the way his body trembled when he took a breath and blood trickling from his forehead. “hey, are you okay?” you said.
eijiro sincerely had no idea what to say. “my quirk,” he looked down at his hands. 
you cocked your head. “what about it? i think it’s pretty neat!”
kirishima looked up. “really?”
“mhm!” you nodded enthusiastically. “it can be the strongest barrier, or the most powerful weapon! i think it’s cool that your body can just become a shield out of nowhere, it’s like-- it’s like you’re a shield, ya know? sure, todoroki might have his ice, but that makes damage and takes time to clean up, like midoriya’s punches or bakugo’s explosions. but your quirk is its own little thing! and i think that’s pretty neat.”
kirishima beamed. huh, maybe so. 
“good job, bakugo!” 
“haha, nice job on that one, kirishima.”
“your quirk is so cool, todoroki! i love how the ice just went striaght through the roof!”
“nice jumping, deku! your punches are amazing.”
but i...
i was the one who helped the power come back, i was the one who literally fried my brain, i was the one who did all of that, and i-
i’m so weak.
denki inhaled through his nose, exhaled through his mouth, trying to stop the trembling in his breath as he closed his eyes
he had done so much, and what did he get in return?
all he wanted was to be someone, to be someone that made people smile, to be someone that people genuinely wanted to see
did anyone even want to see him?
“i’m a failure, i’m a failure, what am i doing, why am i so weakwhat’swrongwithmewhycan’tidoanythingright-”
“good job, kaminari!”
he turned his head, finding you running up to him and waving your hands up in the air
“hey! pikachu!” you exclaimed, trying to catch your breath once you stopped. “great job up there! you left before anyone else could notice, i can’t believe you managed to do all that. your quirk is so cool!”
denki’s heart swelled with pride, his eyes saying nothing but thanks.
your quirk is so cool!
“thanks, y/n! so, how do you feel about going to the arcade after school?”
hitoshi stared at himself in the mirror, his eyes blood-shot and head fuzzy
“i’m not a villain.” hitoshi said slowly. “i can’t be a villain. i want to be a hero.” 
he splashed the sink water onto his face. “get yourself together, are you really going to let a few words hurt you?”
but hitoshi couldn’t help but feel that way-- what could he even use his quirk for- no, no, he could use it for so much. but...
“ha! a quirk such as yours should be only used for villains, you monster! you might as well get out of here before anyone else tries to kick you out.”
hitoshi screamed in anger, splashing the water across his face and pressing hard into his eyes, before slapping himself across the face
“get yourself together..”
“hey, shinsou!! i was wondering if-”
your eyes locked with his frustrated expression. “shinsou? is... something wrong?”
normally, he’d push you away, but-- but now, he really needed someone
your breath hitched when you saw his eyes land onto yours, but for some reason, there was something so lonely and upsetting behind them, before you remembered what a few students at ua had said.
you didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but you were on a rush to get to school that morning and had to run ahead and pass through that area. 
“if it’s about what some of those idiots said this morning, just... know that i think, for the record, that your quirk is so cool.”
shinsou’s eyes furrowed in confusion. you? you thought his quirk was cool?
“i’m not lying,” you said, as if reading through his thoughts.��“i really think its amazing. you can help so many people with it, you can change the entire world with a quirk as special as that, so act like it! because it’s true, your quirk is really amazing, and i’m pretty sure you’re the only one who doesn’t see it, you knucklehead.”
he doesn’t tell you this, but-
ever since that day, he’s never stopped thinking about it. 
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🕭 reblog | comment | follow 🕭
hey bbys! reminder to go drink water if you’re reading this! water nourshies your sexc body and can make you feel a heck ton better ‘bout yourself-- and remember, whatever you did today was more than enough. ily very much, but if it’s past your bedtime, GO TO SLEEP KIDDO, ily!
qotd, what’s your favorite drink 👀
join my family! 
list of family members: @kirishimuhhhhh​​, @xuxisushi-1​​, @kirishima-my-beloved​, @msminsuga​, @farfetchedparanoia​, @satis-mangata​, @moonhere​​, @renegadedeca​​, @viridevi​​ <3
☂ requests are open for mha + hq!! ☂
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neolovesneo · 2 years
crush!jeno, classmate!6dream | fluff | highschool au, crush au (?)
note ; happy jeno day!!!! wishing nothing but the best for our pretty, pretty boy <3 + not quite sure what to feel about the ending? its so bad and my brain is fried,, rip
taglist ; @soobin-chois (lmk in comments, asks, or dms if you'd like to be added to my taglist! ^^)
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You stifle a yawn as you sit up straight, barely listening to what Renjun, your classmate, is saying.
It's not like you didn't want to listen to him - you just couldn't.
English class has never been this boring, but it was just so for today. Perhaps it was because it was Friday, the weekend so close and yet so far.
Everyone else seems to be fine though, working away diligently in assigned pairs on a worksheet your teacher had just given out.
Mark is writing furiously on his worksheet while Haechan rambles answers, Chenle busy folding his own worksheet into a paper airplane while a confused Jisung tries to copy him, and Jaemin is reading his textbook while Jeno looks at you.
Jeno's looking at you?
You momentarily freeze, a million thoughts racing through your mind as you lock eye contact with the blue-haired boy.
Maybe he was looking at someone behind you?
The wall is the only thing that greets you when you turn around to check, and your cheeks immediately flush red when you realize that he is looking at you.
Now, no one knows this, but you've recently developed a crush on Jeno.
It's the way his hair falls prettily over his sparkly eyes that gets your heart skipping a beat faster, as well as the way he adorably talks in pout when he gets excited.
Jeno always catches your eye wherever he goes too, be it coincidentally passing by each other down the corridors or when he just happens to be lining up in front of you during lunch at the cafeteria.
All of that is enough to make your heart race and face involuntarily tug up in a smile, but now?
With him looking right at you, maintaining heart fluttering eye contact across the room?
You panic.
Do you look away? Do you keep the eye contact? Do you pretend like you didn't notice it? Do you look at the floor? Do you look at the ceiling?
"Should we include point two in our summary?"
Renjun's question snaps you out of it, and you're grateful for the excuse it provides for you to break the eye contact.
"Y-Yeah, I think point two is fine." you stutter, face flushed as you tried to act cool.
Renjun hums in response and scribbles something down on his worksheet, and you fight the curious urge to see if Jeno is still looking at you.
Which he probably wasn't.
In fact, he probably was looking at the wall earlier.
Or zoning out in your direction.
It seemed impossible that he'd be looking at you.
Or was it?
A quick peek answers your burning question, and this time he smiles at you, eyes creasing up into the little crescent moons that you loved to see every day.
"Oh my God." you mumble, physically feeling your heart beat faster as you quickly jerk your head back down to your worksheet. "Are you okay?" Renjun asks concernedly, frowning.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just uh - stepped on my own foot." you lie blatantly.
It's obvious Renjun doesn't buy it, raising an eyebrow at you in confusion.
He's about to question you further about it till your teacher interrupts, clapping her hands twice. "Alright, class's over! Thank you, you're dismissed." she calls.
Immediately, everyone makes a beeline for the door, and you scramble to get your things too. The last thing you needed was to be late for your next cla-
You flinch and let out a surprised gasp when you almost get run into by someone, and you glance up to see it's... Jeno?
"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" he asks worriedly.
"I'm fine, yeah, I'm fine, don't worry, nothing to worry about here!" you ramble, flustered at how close the two of you were.
But the breath is taken out of you as you note how much more prettier he is up close - the usual boyish glint in his eyes now like the countless stars of the galaxy.
"Okay, that's good." Jeno chuckles. "Well, see you Monday then!" he chirps, softly nudging your arm.
With that, he leaves the classroom and into the bustle of the crowd and the swarming hallways.
Yet the feeling of his fluffy, sweater-clad arm against yours remains, burning right through the fabric of your jacket and onto your skin, leaving a tingly, electrical rush coursing through your body.
Truly, only Jeno could make you feel this way, and you couldn't wait to see him again - next Monday.
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© neolovesneo, 2022.
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belphies-cuhm-sluht · 3 years
Time For Bed (Lucifer x GN!Reader) FLUFF
Random Lucifer fluff! I write about going to sleep way too much considering I barely get any sleep myself. Holy shit I think I'm projecting onto the characters. WHOOPS!
Word Count : 1.7K
Warnings : Nothing. Just fluff and soft tired Lucifer
How long had you been laying in bed waiting for him to come up to see you? A few minutes? Hours? You turned to look at the clock on the nightstand, rolling your eyes as another minute ticked by. “Dammit, Lucifer…” You groaned, kicking the blankets off as you got out of the bed. He was probably still working on some shit that Lord Diavolo had made him do, or he was passed out at his desk. Either way, he was overworking himself and you hated that he did it so often. There wasn’t a moment that the two of you could be alone, whether he was working in his office or dealing with his brothers, there was never a time where you could actually be together.
“Lucifer…” You mumbled his name as you tapped your knuckles against the wooden door of his office, letting your head rest against it as you waited for him to respond. You weren’t even tired when you had gone up to the room, but just waiting for him made you sleepy, and the thought of how much work he had to do made you exhausted. You could only imagine how he felt having to actually do it, and he deserved a break, or at least a comfortable bed to actually fall asleep in. “Come up to bed, please.” Your hand slid down the door and landed on the doorknob, still waiting for him to answer, or literally say anything or even mumble… just a noise.
“Work… have to work…” He grumbled from behind the door and you could hear the lack of emotion in his voice. The man was beyond tired, beyond exhausted, and he was still pushing himself to keep going. It wasn’t okay, and if you weren’t terrified of the repercussions, you’d have a word with Diavolo about making Lucifer do his work for him. “Go to bed, dear… I’ll be up soon…” Which you knew was bullshit. It was already two in the morning, and he woke up early too, the least he could do is try to get a little bit of sleep and rest his head on an actual pillow instead of a stack of papers.
You sighed loudly outside the door, mentally telling yourself that you wouldn’t leave without him. He wouldn’t leave the office though, not with you standing outside of the door, so you quickly pushed it open, crossing your arms as you finally took in the sight of him. His hair was disheveled and his eyelids were heavy. You could only imagine how many cups of coffee he had drank to stay up this late, and even though you knew nothing could actually happen to him, you still didn’t want him to get ill. “You can’t keep staying up like this. It’s not good for you.” You shut the door behind you before going over to his desk, shaking your head when you saw the full cup of black coffee right next to him. “You need sleep, Lucifer.”
He hummed quietly, but never dropped the pen from his fingers, scribbling across the papers in front of him and you weren’t even sure if he was actually writing legibly or if he was just making little squiggle lines at this point. Nothing made what he was doing worth it, and you weren’t just going to leave the office, not without him. You walked around the desk, grabbing his arm and giving it a light tug to try to get his attention. “Hmph… You don’t need to watch me. I’ll be up when I can.” He pulled his arm away, rolling his shoulders before going back to working on the paper in front of him.
“I’ll just stay here until you’re done, then.” You huffed loudly as you walked back around to one of the arm chairs across from his desk, flopping down in it and crossing your arms across your chest. Were you tired? Yes, but if he wasn’t going to get to bed, you weren’t either. It didn’t make any sense in the long run, and by the end of all of this, you’d both be exhausted because he was too prideful to say that you were right and actually leave, and you were too persistent to just give it up and let it go.
He finally looked up from his desk, tsking his tongue and staring at you as he leaned back in his chair. “You’re being ridiculous. What is both of us losing sleep going to do?” You weren’t actually sure what the answer to that question is because honestly, you both were just going to be extra tired by morning, and you knew that he already knew that, so there was no point in you saying it. So you shrugged, giving him a little smirk as if you knew something that he didn’t about your miraculous plan to pull an all-nighter with him, but he wasn’t a fool, and he wasn’t going to fall for whatever it was that you were doing. “Is there an actual reason that you need me right now?”
There were a lot of reasons you felt like you needed him right now, some of them didn’t actually include using the bed for its intended purpose, but you still needed him in the bed to do what you were thinking. The other reason was… well… you missed him. You missed being able to curl up into his chest and cocoon he and yourself in his blankets as you both dozed off. It seemed like it had been forever since you had done something like that with him, just having an intimate moment together in private, in silence. You were able to just enjoy… him… and being with him. It might not have been a lot to him, but it meant a lot to you. “I can’t sleep…” It wasn’t lying, because in a sense, you did find it harder to fall asleep without him in the bed with you, but it was also partially because you stayed up waiting for him every night even though he told you to get some sleep before he came up because it would be a while.
He let out a small chuckle, pushing his chair away from the desk as he got up, shaking his head. “You made this whole thing about me when it was you who couldn’t sleep. I think I have something for that…” Your eyes narrowed as you watched him walk to the bookshelf that lined the wall. What was he going to do? Was there a spell that would knock you out, or did he have a secret bottle of Z-Quil hidden in the pages of one of his books? That wasn’t the main thing though, what you couldn’t stop thinking about was how absolutely clueless he was, or at least, pretended to be. How could he not piece everything that you had said together? Maybe his brain was fried from working so much that he was unable to pick up the hints that you were dropping.
With a loud sigh, you got up from your own seat and walked over to him, grabbing his hand as he reached for a book. “I can’t sleep because you’re not there…” You didn’t actually want to put it so bluntly, it was kind of embarrassing to admit things like that, especially to him. You watched his face, waiting for his reaction, and as you watched him you could have sworn that you saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. His hand dropped as he turned to look at you completely, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. It wasn’t the usual smile you’d receive for something like this, usually he’d be smug and smirk at you while giving a witty, subtle remark about how he knows just the way to help get you to sleep. This time was different though, and it was most likely due to him being so tired.
“What kind of demon would I be to deny my darling a good night's sleep?” The question kind of threw you off because in terms of demons… he’d be a pretty good one to make you not have a good night’s sleep, but you knew what he meant and you didn’t want to ruin the moment by being a smartass. His hands moved to your hips, pulling you lightly to bring you closer to him as he leaned in to rest his forehead against your own. “Let’s get some sleep. I guess we both need it.” You hummed quietly in response, and once his hands were dropped you reached out to grab one of his to lead him out of the office. If you turned your back on him and started walking by yourself, he’d probably go back to his desk and continue working, and you weren’t going to let that happen.
Both of your movements were slow, your feet practically dragged across the floor as you walked up the stairs to his room. The fact that neither of you fell or tripped up the stairs or ran into anything is shocking considering both of you could barely keep your eyes open. By the time you were in the room all you wanted to do was fall into the bed with him, cover up, and pass out. “Are you gonna-” You hadn’t had time to finish your question, which probably didn’t matter at the moment, but you knew it would be uncomfortable for him to fall asleep in what he was wearing, but apparently he didn’t care, or he was just too tired to care right then.
He fell face first onto the bed, burying his face in the pillow. It didn’t take long for the soft sound of snoring to fill the room, and the sound of it made you smile to yourself. He was finally getting some decent sleep, and if anyone deserved it, it was him. You climbed into the bed next to him, pulling the covers up around you as your eyes started to fully close. You’d both get a good night’s sleep together, and that’s all you really wanted.
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ego-tistical-prick · 2 years
I know I’m a bit late to the party but think I got everything, although I will admit I'm not entirely sure. If you want me to decode anything else just reblog with a screenshot and I should be able to see it. okay without further ago LETSGO
When you first fill in the passcode it takes you to this screen and warning.
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After pressing x and closing the warning, you can see the page and this behind it.
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The code is a hyperlink, and if you click on it you get redirected to the universal stability agency home page. It does have other photos and banners on it, this is just the code.
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If you click on Schedule, Eats, Para.Docs, or Messages, you get this Error 404 page.
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However, Case Directory leads you to this page.
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Yes I decoded all of it. No I don’t want to talk about how long it took. Most of these links just lead to the same Error 404 page, however I think it is important to note that each has its own url, meaning they are all technically different pages. 
There are however a few that do lead somewhere else entirely, (e.g. Drowned, Man leading to marks mockumentary series The Drowned Man on youtube).
If you click Log Out, you get this page.
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Departments, Agency Directory. Help Centre, Inhuman Resources, Review, and Legal all also lead to the same Error 404 Page.
If you press on the “Don’t Push”, you get sent here.
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and I think that’s pretty neat. ^-^
that’s all I have for now, although Im looking through the website code rn and all the links in the case directory that might mean somethin (Ill make a post if i find anything.)
if you have any theories on what all this might mean, feel free to send them my way. my brain is way to fried rn to think of anything
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