scoutsurge · 8 months
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tiredjust1 · 1 year
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tax and laundry 🧺
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muckyschmuck · 8 months
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meimeikyu · 2 months
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apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
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family bonding <33333333
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
tumblr trying to recreate twitter while twitter is about to start actively demanding government id verification is CRAZY like why would you want to associate yourself with that
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entropy-sea-system · 1 year
ppl will really think that merely being anti terf/tehm means turning around and being transmed and exclus is somehow okay
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kirayamidemon · 2 years
i lvoeyou i lvoe you fiv olove you i lvoe you ilvoeyouiloveiyouilvoeyouivloveiyouiloveyouivoleoyouilvoeyou i loveyoubothsosfuckingmuchbothofyouaresofuckignperefectncomesofarnimsoporoudnhappynthankyouthankyouthankayouilvoeyoubothivloeyouboth
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a-vctlan · 5 months
I exhaust my options again Until none of this makes any sense And I thought that I could get by alone When I wash my hands I wear them down to the bone Oh, I'm waiting but can people change Is it going to go away Oh, I swear that I can hear my name It's never going to go away When I lie at night I reach for an empty space When I think of your voice I can almost see your face And I thought that I could get by alone When I wash my hands I wear them down to the bone Oh, I'm waiting but can people change Is it going to go away Oh, I swear that I can hear my name It's never going to go away Oh, I'm waiting but can people change Is it going to go away Oh, I swear that I can hear my name It's never going to go away Never going to go away Can hear my name Is it going to go away Can people change Is it going to go away
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puppyboypatrick · 10 months
hold me tight or dont is chainshipping coded
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lordiavolo22 · 2 years
just an fyi though, even though i talk about my disdain for ***********cishet********** men, this is not a t*rf or r*dfem safe space or blog. i am trans. cishet men is not codeword for trans women (because theyre women), i say cishet men to make it abundantly clear that i mean cishet men, specifically white cishet men!
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iloveyou-oliveoil · 17 days
self-tapes are such a crazy world. wow
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martinkate · 11 months
have you guys watched. free guy 2021
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linogram · 2 years
pissing me off
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angel-and-the-serpent · 2 months
*uriel sat down next to them, draping themself over the chair in a way so uncharacteristic, it didn't even seem them*
*they grin lopsidedly at uriel, waving to tehm* Her look! its ma sister...the one that's married to abby. *they were drunk as all hell.*
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not-goldy · 10 months
But why Jimin is feeling some type about turning 30 🤔 He doesn't have a biological clock ticking to get pregnant, he's a man who according according society doesn't reach their 'expiry date any time soon, he got everything settled financially and family wise, he got supportive parents but he lived majority of his life away from them... now even if he wants to have them here he's perfectly capable to do so. He still looks dropdead gorgeous... actually older he becomes prettier and graceful he turns. His body is still young and beautiful, He already got a partner who is so understanding and makes him feel the best no matter how he looks or his age.
I don't see Tae, who's same age as him focusing on turning 30 much.. he's still having fun, dating best girls out there, all set to enjoy after he retun from MS too. Like he should..because 30 is still very young in my book lol
Biological clock to get pregnant....
A. He's human
B. Different backgrounds Different directions in life
Tae doesn't have chronic backpain does he??
Tae's career is not woven around his ability to dance his ass off and contour his body into impossible shapes does he? He dances sure and he's good sure but he's not Jimin 🥴
Watch BTS Island or whatever that show was I think they talked about these things- vmin I mean.
Remember he said he hated working out but then had to learn to love it because he needed to work on his form. He said he was becoming weak- he is not just a pretty face. He is not the type of idol you'd give a mic and a seat center stage to perform.
He is Beyonce. He is a spectacle
He will always be a spectacle unfortunately
Losing weight, dieting, fixing his teeth tweaking that- can't do that all his life that's just sad if he has to😢
So he is gonna reminisce and wonder if he should keep doing this or choose a different part- as he said he did before in the past when BTS was going through stuff.
He's gonna reinvent himself take stock reevaluate and shit. 30 is a milestone I suppose most idols do that before they decide to go all in for the long ride- you wouldn't want to look back at 40 and regret certain things you know?
This is where I start ranting bout the impossible beauty standards and performance expectations yall have of him- HE IS SOMEONE'S SON NOT AN OBJECT FOR YOUR ADMIRATION
And before you tell me this idol don't do that that person don't do that- THAT PERSON IS NOT JIMIN AND YOU KNOW DEAD WELL YOU HOLD JIMIN TO A MUCH HIGHER STANDARD THAN TEHM DONT LIE
And let's not forget 30 is primarily when an Idols career is assumed to have come to an end in kpop- sure there are new trends of older idols breaking the stereotypes but let's not act like age isn't a huge part of Kpop and that newer younger, much much younger idols are popping up on the scene- they may not be as seasoned or as talented but that will not stop toxic stans perpetuating ageism against BTS.
Its very normal for an idol of JMs caliber to put some thoughts into what he wants to do with his life at this point- if the company isn't going to be any helpful to his career and he doesn't have his age playing in his favor then boy or girl he very much has a right to ponder over his age. He's human.
If he's queer and wants a family then he very much has to worry about that too. And don't be fooled, men do experience low sperm count as they age and other erectile disfunction as they age too it's not just women like they try to portray.
They grow grey hairs and they go bald 🙄
Their bodies change dramatically with age too🥲
I can go on and on but he's just human doing what normal humans do.
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