vexwerewolf · 2 months
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dogblessyoutascha · 3 months
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BLEACH Band AU anyone???
(Rose and Iba based off of their Hell Chapter designs)
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msclaritea · 2 months
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The International Boxing Association is holding a press conference in Paris to address the issues surrounding Algerian boxer Imane Khelif and Taiwanese boxer Lin Yu-Ting.
Dr. Ioannis Filippatos, the former Chair of IBA Medical Committee and an OB/GYN with three decades of experience, has spoken.
He has confirmed that neither Lin nor Khelif are biological females, and has slammed the IOC for using passports as a system for determining gender.
"Medicine is knowledge, it is not opinion ... One passport can give to us the opportunity to be men, and, tomorrow when I go back to Athens, I can go to my government and change my name from Ioannis to Ionnia. That means I am a woman tomorrow? Please. The nature and the biological world do not change."
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angelholme · 2 months
Vladimir Putin & The Anti-Trans Cult
So lets just sum this up, shall we?
The UK, USA and all of Europe is at war with Russia, because we think Vladimir Putin is an evil bastard who is trying to take over Ukraine. We think he is one of the most evil men in the world, and anyone who is associated with him is also an evil bastard who can’t be trusted.
Very few people disagree with this, and it is the primary reason that Russia are not allowed to take part in The Olympics.
Are you all with me so far?
There is an organisation called The International Boxing Association.
It is run by a man named Umar Kremlev. A man who is widely criticised for having very close ties with Vladimir Putin (you remember him, right?), for being associated with a Russian state owned oil company and for there being “irregularities” during the elections of 2021 and 2022. He is, in short, a very suspicious character and did I mention him being very close to Putin (the guy who is the reason Russia aren’t allowed in polite company or The Olympics).
He is also the reason why The IBA aren’t permitted to oversee boxing at The Olympics — the first time an international authority was ever expelled from The Olympics.
And — if this wasn’t enough — he was the man in charge when a woman named Imane Khelif was disqualified from the World Championships for “undisclosed reasons” just after she defeated the previously undefeated Azalia Amineva — the previously unbeaten Russian contender.
The IBA — under the direction of a Russian man who is close friends with Putin, and who disqualified someone who beat a previously unbeaten Russian contender — claimed she had “high testosterone levels” but then said “they had not undergone testosterone testing” (so quite how they knew how high her testosterone levels were is curious — did they just look at her and go “No — too high”?), then they said DNA testing proved she “had XY chromosomes” except there is no evidence that she has XY chromosomes, and the only evidence that The Russian lead IBA is willing to provide is “confidential” and shows “a competitive advantage”
So — to sum up — The IBA, which is run by a Russian who is close friends with someone most of the known world hates, and who the UK, USA and Europe is at war with, and who is suspected of being incredibly corrupt, banned a woman from The World Championship for no apparent reason other than she beat a Russian contender who was going to go for the gold medal.
Are you still with me? Because all of this is merely prologue. Now we get to the good stuff.
The woman at the centre of all this — Imane Khelif — is about to go for The Olympic Gold in Paris.
Now given everything I have just told you — that she was banned from The World Championship by a corrupt organisation run by a man with ties to the Russian regime because she beat a Russian contender who was going to fight for the gold and so far there has been no evidence whatsoever to back up the reason she was banned — where do you think the press in the UK, USA and Europe would be on her performance in The Olympics?
Yes. That’s right. They want her kicked out of the contest.
The anti-trans cult is so fucking dedicated to the bigotry that they are willing to side with a man who runs a corrupt organisation, who is in bed with Putin, who has absolutely no proof to back up any of his claims and who banned someone because they dared to beat a Russian fighter just so they can continue to target a woman who has always been a woman and who can punch harder than another woman.
It’s fucking ridiculous.
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bhaskarlive · 2 months
Paris Olympics: IBA to award 50,000 dollar prize money to Angela Carini
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The International Boxing Association (IBA) have announced that it would award Italy’s Angela Carini $50,000 in prize money after she withdrew from her welterweight round-of-16 bout against Algerian Imane Khelif at the Paris Olympics.
The match, which lasted only 46 seconds, saw Carini overwhelmed by Khelif’s aggressive punches, leading to her early exit. The IBA, stripped of its international recognition by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) last year, also stated that Carini’s federation and coach would receive $25,000 each.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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ketrindoll · 1 month
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Russian-controlled IBA is a shitshow in more ways than one. This is just one of the examples how much they fucked up and they are the reason why boxing, after 100 years in the Olympics, is not coming back to 2028 LA. They failed to make governmental and financial changes within the federation and are no longer compatible with Olympic standards.
Another reminder is that Imane is not their only victim. South Korean female boxer also had similar accusations against her WHICH ARE COMPLETELY UNFOUNDED. To this day IBA provided NO PROOF of any (not standard, against protocol) tests that they said they conducted. Besides, they backtracked in claiming that they did a DNA test and to this day did NOT SPECIFY WHAT TEST they peformed.
Everything russia touches turns to shit but at least Imane got her gold before russians ruined boxing forever.
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lasseling · 2 months
IBA Confirms 2 ‘Female’ Olympic Boxers Are NOT Women: ‘These Boxers Are Male’
The International Boxing Association (IBA) has weighed in on the controversy surrounding two male boxers who are competing in female events at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games.
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shadycomputerpolice · 1 month
The people bringing up the Dutch rapist beach volleyball player as a gotcha to shut down the discussion about Lin Yu Ting and Imane Khelif are fucking idiots. How is that relevant to the discussion? What does one issue have to do with the other? Beach Volleyball are Boxing are two different sports, they have separate governing bodies and different rules.
If I try to follow your reasoning, we should let suspected males beat up women and win medals and potentially money for it because a player in another sport is a rapist? This level of what aboutism is just too much.
If the IBA was trying to allow a rapist to compete then your point will have more credence but even then, males should still NOT be allowed to compete in women's categories.
Also, I thought it was common knowledge that people can care about multiple issues at once. How do you know that people do not care about both issues?
Again, most of you have no idea how sports works but it is the Dutch Volleyball Federation that decides who represents the country at the Olympics. The IOC has no control and the Dutch Volleyball Federation stood their ground on their decision. So there was nothing people on the Internet who are not citizens of the Netherlands could do to persuade them to change their decision. Perhaps Netherlands nationals could have created a petition but they didn't that and the rest of us have no influence over that.
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juliaknz · 1 year
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JOHN HEJDUK THE KREUZBERG TOWER, 1988 Berlin - Kreuzberg, Germany Image 1 © Sofia Balters Image 2 © Hendrik Bohl
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stars-and-clouds · 2 years
How to Play Hakuoki SSL on PC
I didn’t find a straightforward guide how to play Hakuouki SSL (modern day AU game with the shinsengumi) so, here is what I did:
I: Things to download:-
1. Download the emulator. I used Vita3k.
2. Download the english translation patch.
3. Download the game. In case the webiste is not working, here is the dropbox link for a copy of the pkg file.
II. Installation:-
1. Emulator:
The emulator should be easy to set up.
Simply follow the onscreen instructions. Make sure to download and install the files it asks you to.
2. Game
1. Click File > Install .pkg on the emulator.
2. Select the game file from step I.3. Let it complete its installation as per usual.
3. It will ask for a zRIF code which is this:
paste this in the box.
Game should be ready after this step!
3. Translation Patch
1. Extract the zip file of english patch.
2. In the folder, go to ‘HakuoGakuen.Otogelib.Hakuoki_SSL_English_Patch_v1.1\PCSG00297\data‘ and copy its contents. There should be two files- ‘GAME.cpk’ and ‘SYSTEM.cpk’
3. Now go to the game data folder location. you can do so by right clicking on the game in the homescreen on the emulator.
For me, it was here ‘C:\Users\AMY\AppData\Roaming\Vita3K\Vita3K\ux0\app\PCSG00297\data‘
4. Paste the two patch files into the data folder. Click ‘replace the files’.
Done! You should be able to play the game in english now.
Note 1: quicksaving was not working for me for some reason, so make sure to make regular manual saves!
Note 2: There are a series of mini games at the end of every route and since they use a randomiser, they are not translated. It is recommended to play Okita's route first for this reason as his games are the easiest (apparently). I have never played it past the mini games on my Saito route and my sister didn't either past the Harada route. It's not undoable ofc, we just don't have the patience for it xD
Once you finish one ending, you can skip the last mini games in other routes.
Note 3: The keyboard controls I could discern so far were:
c- enter
x- back
v- menu
arrow keys to move around the menu
q- quick save
p- emulator menu screen
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palmiz · 2 months
Da: Rodigium boxe:
Da uno scritto del Professore di Filosofia Andrea Zhok dell'Universitá di Milano:
<<questo dovrebbe chiudere la discussione.
Imane Khalif - secondo quanto riportato dall'International Boxing Association nel 2023 - è biologicamente un uomo, in quanto l'analisi del DNA ha riportato la presenza di cromosomi XY e non XX.
Peraltro, se uno dubitasse dell'analisi cromosomica, uno sguardo alla struttura fisica dell'atleta non lascia molti dubbi.
( A dispetto che sia nata esteriormente donna pur con cromosomi XY aggiungo io)
Ora, in molti sport, e in modo particolarmente rilevante negli sport di combattimento, la differenza biologica tra chi ha avuto una crescita e pubertà maschile e chi ha avuto una crescita e pubertà femminile è molto marcata. La densità ossea è maggiore nei maschi, il che ha due implicazioni: conferisce maggiore resistenza alle percosse e, dipendendo la potenza di una percossa da massa per velocità, l'incremento della massa ossea conferisce maggiore potenza al colpo (le misurazioni medie danno una potenza di pugno maschile del 162% rispetto al pugno femminile). Anche i tempi di reazione sono inferiori e sia le fibre muscolari bianche, da cui dipende la velocità, che rosse, da cui dipende la resistenza, sono mediamente maggiori nei maschi.
Chiedo scusa per essermi soffermato su queste banalità prosaiche, ma in un mondo in cui l'ideologia cancella la realtà, anche l'ovvio deve essere ribadito in forma dimostrativa.
E l'ovvio qui è che mettere su di un ring un atleta geneticamente maschio contro un'atleta geneticamente femmina è una grave scorrettezza. Può darsi che la sorte sia benevola, ma in generale è un'ingiustizia, con potenziali rilevanti rischi fisici.
(Segnalo un dettaglio forse non noto a chi non ha praticato la boxe. Alle Olimpiadi si utilizza un caschetto per gli incontri. Il caschetto nella boxe è l'apoteosi dell'ipocrisia. Infatti il caschetto limita soltanto le ferite superficiali, i sanguinamenti delle sopracciglia o degli zigomi - preservando gli spettatori - ma i traumi cerebrali legati all'entità della percossa sono esattamente identici, e naturalmente sono quelli ad essere i più pericolosi nel medio periodo.)
Ora, la questione è: come si è potuti arrivare a questo punto?
Storicamente la cesura ideologica su questi temi avviene all'inizio degli anni '70. Fino ad allora le rivendicazioni di genere (first-wave feminism) avevano sollevato il sacrosanto tema dell'eguaglianza formale, legale, dei diritti tra persone di sesso, genere o inclinazione sessuale differente.
A partire dai primi anni '70 si avvia invece un movimento ideologico con caratteristiche essenzialmente differenti, che non mira più al raggiungimento di diritti legali identici (in Occidente raggiunti), ma ad un non meglio precisato "superamento sostanziale" delle differenze.
Di questo superamento sostanziale fanno parte numerose battaglie distinte, il cui punto di caduta comune però è il rifiuto della realtà materiale nel nome di una rivendicazione ideologica (o, per chi vi aderisce, ideale).
Si tratta di una curiosa forma di idealismo, che inizia in sempre maggior misura a negare la realtà come se si trattasse di un improvvido accidente, qualcosa che dovrebbe essere superato di principio dall'autoaffermazione volontaria. Come in una novella forma di idealismo assoluto, l'Io si deve qui imporre al non-Io (alla Natura, alla Materia, alla Società).
Di questa tendenza fa parte il rigetto delle differenze sessuali, viste come latrici di discriminazione, nel nome della "lotta al patriarcato", e ne fanno parte tutte le varie forme di rivendicazione dell'identità sessuale percepita, vista come come superiore all'identità biologica.
L'intera tematica viene infine presa ostaggio dall'atteggiamento politicamente corretto, che rende ogni discussione aperta di tali questioni difficile, rischiosa, sempre sull'orlo di accuse infamanti.
Il cerchio così si chiude.
La prima mossa sancisce la superiorità delle pretese idealistiche di una sorta di Io assoluto, che può e anzi deve imporsi sulla materia (sulla biologia, ma anche sulla realtà sociale).
La seconda mossa, mette al sicuro dalle confutazioni le pretese di questo Io assoluto, isolandolo dalle critiche, attraverso una loro delegittimazione a priori (come omofobe, sessiste, retrograde, ecc.).
E cosa resta fuori da questo cerchio splendidamente autoreferenziale?
Nulla. Nulla salvo la realtà, che anche se i suoi campioni sono stati silenziati, rimane tuttavia testardamente in piedi.
Ed è la realtà che, con i suoi tempi, la sua implacabilità, e purtroppo anche le sue vittime sacrificali, finirà per fare giustizia di questo delirio culturale.>>
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PS: piccolo "dettaglio" : il comitato olimpico non ha voluto riconoscere gli esami dell IBA ed ammesso lei e la thailandese per questioni ideologiche visto che l' iba ha ammesso nei suoi tornei tutti gli atleti russi lasciandogli anche esporre la loro bandiera... Sempre più una farsa.
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calacuspr · 20 days
Calacus Monthly Hit & Miss – Khelif & IBA
Every month we look at the best and worst communicators in the sports world from the last few weeks.
Gender has become a huge issue in sport as well as society.
Ever since South African middle-distance runner Caster Semenya underwent tests to prove her gender back in 2009, and the LGBTQ+ community has found a voice in mainstream society, there have been questions raised about fairness and eligibility.
The issue was thrown back into the limelight during the Paris 2024 boxing competition when Italian boxer Angela Carini broke down in tears and quit her bout against the Algerian Imane Khelif after 46 seconds in a fight that sparked huge controversy at the Olympics.
Khelif is one of two boxers permitted to fight at the Games despite being disqualified from the women’s world championships last year for allegedly failing gender eligibility tests.
The International Boxing Association, (IBA) has had a difficult few years, with concerns over governance and integrity ultimately seeing it removed as boxing’s Olympic governing body by the International Olympic Committee (IOC)  in 2023.
Former President Gafur Rakhimov was said to by the U.S. Treasury Department to have strong links to organised crime, which led the IOC to launch an inquiry and suspend IBA initially in 2019.
Rakhimov’s successor, Russian Umar Kremlev, is said to have strong links to state President Vladimir Putin while the governing body has been backed by Russian state energy firm Gazprom, which Kremlev said had ceased to be the case since 2023.
Concerns over the integrity of bouts and judging were underlined by report by sports investigator Richard McLaren which said “corruption abounded” when he concluded his report into IBA’s governance.
IBA is also under threat from the newly-formed World Boxing, which was set up by former IBA presidential candidate Boris van der Vorst, who have already held talks with the IOC about leading the boxing at the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 2028 and have almost three dozen nations supporting them.
So it’s fair to say that IBA’s credibility continues to be stretched.
Last year, Khelif and fellow boxer Lin Yu-Ting of Taiwan were disqualified from the World Boxing Championships.
“Based on DNA tests, we identified a number of athletes who tried to trick their colleagues into posing as women,” the Association’s president, Umar Kremlev, told Russia’s Tass news agency at the time. “According to the results of the tests, it was proved that they have XY chromosomes. Such athletes were excluded from competition.”
It was a pure coincidence that Khelif had beaten Russian opponent Azalia Amineva in the semi-final, her disqualification ensuring that Amineva’s unbeaten record was restored.
Fast forward to Paris and Khelif, who was born and raised a woman, and does not identify as either transgender or intersex.
The controversy over her inclusion in the women’s 66kg boxing event prompted everyone from author JK Rowling, Tesla billionaire Elon Musk and former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss to pour scorn over Khelif’s inclusion.
Carini, meanwhile, expressed regret over her actions in the ring. "All this controversy makes me sad," Carini told Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport. "I'm sorry for my opponent, too. If the IOC said she can fight, I respect that decision. It wasn't something I intended to do.
"Actually, I want to apologise to her and everyone else. I was angry because my Olympics had gone up in smoke."
The IOC made a statement criticising IBA’s governance and later IOC President Thomas Bach confirmed that the boxers were not transgender.
He confirmed: “We have two boxers who are born as women, who have been raised as women, who have a passport as a woman and have competed for many years as women. Some want to own a definition of who is a women.”
He went on to underline the IOC’s position while referring to the wider and politically motivated campaign by Russian interests against the IOC and the Paris Olympics.
He added: “What we have seen from the Russian side and in particular from the (IBA),” Bach said, “they have undertaken already way before these Games with a defamation campaign against France, against the Games, against the IOC.”
IOC Director of Communications, Mark Adams, dismissed the legitimacy of IBA’s testing and the frenzy it was attempting to capitalise on.
He said: “The whole process is flawed. From the conception of the test, to the way the test was shared with us, to the way the tests were made public, it's so flawed that it's impossible to engage with it.
“I'm not going to discuss the individual intimate details of athletes in public, which I think is quite disgraceful for those who leaked that material. Frankly, it must be terrible to be put in that position. On top of all the social media harassment these athletes have had to endure.”
Despite their lack of involvement from Paris 2024, IBA called a press conference to build upon the controversy and explain why they had banned Khelif from their own event last year.
Given their reputation as an organisation, and despite of the facts as laid out by the IOC, what IBA needed to do was show leadership, authority and professionalism.
That would send a message to the world that they are a serious organisation capable of representing the diverse boxing family and acting with integrity.
What transpired was quite the opposite.
Reporters were kept waiting for the press conference for over an hour amid technical difficulties which were to affect the translations, the live feed to Kremlev in Russia and the sound system.
One reporter described the event as “the most extraordinary, chaotic, shambolic and badly organised international sporting press conference I have ever attended,” and it was perhaps a fatal blow to IBA’s hopes of regaining Olympic Programme control for boxing.
The speakers rambled, avoided answering direct questions and there was no coherent messaging to convince the attendant media that IBA, and by extension its point of view, was credible.
IBA Chief Executive, Chris Roberts, a former British Army officer, revealed that blood tests carried out by a laboratory in Istanbul during the 2022 World Championship came up as inconsistent for Khelif and another boxer, with a similar test the next year leading to her disqualification.
He added that Roberts the controversy “wasn’t anything that we wanted. We delivered the test information to the IOC and they haven’t done anything with it because they believe in their own criteria, which is the passport. We never intended to raise any issues because this is not our event. We are now here because the media has questions.”
Kremlev used the opportunity to attack the IOC and President Bach again, claiming that he was standing up for women’s sport, despite all the speakers being men.
In a rambling tirade that prompted journalists to leave or ask him to stop talking, Kremlev said; “As a Christian, the Olympic opening ceremony was something horrible. Today we are destroying sport, especially feminine sport.
“We have genetic tests showing that these are men. We have not checked what’s between their legs. There are doctors and medics who can verify these things. We don’t know whether they were born like that or changes were made.
"Today we are witnessing the death of women's boxing, the corruption of judges. All this is happening while Mr Bach is president (of the IOC). Under no circumstances should we allow women's boxing to be destroyed. Today not only is women's boxing being destroyed, but I believe that in the future they will also try to destroy women's sport.”
Several journalists and other people who were attending left in disgust, at not just the language, but the tone of the answers from the IBA participants.
Nothing is ever off the record with journalists and it was laughable that Roberts then contradicted his President by confirming that Gazprom was still a sponsor and also undermining the validity of the 2023 tests by saying that there was no independent presence when they took place.
No wonder the IOC’s Mark Adams responded: “It was a chaotic farce. The organization and the content of this press conference tells you everything you need to know about their governance and credibility.
"It clearly demonstrates that the sport of boxing needs a new federation to run boxing. If you ever needed any evidence at all that the IBA is unfit to run boxing just look at the key members of the IBA who took part in that travesty yesterday.
"We would love to see boxing, we want to see boxing on the programme in LA. Now it is up to the boxing community to organise themselves for the sport and for the athletes." 
It wasn’t just Carini who came to Khelif’s defence.
Amy Broadhurst, who competed for Team GB at this summer's Games, recently spoke out on Khelif competing in Paris, having previously fought and beaten the Algerian in the final of the 2022 World Championships.
"Have a lot of people texting me over Imane Khelif," she posted on X. "Personally I don't think she has done anything to 'cheat'. "I thinks it's the way she was born and that's out of her control. The fact that she has been [beaten] by nine females before says it all."
Beyond the confusion, the chaos and the shambles that was IBA’s press conference, not once did any of the speakers show any sympathy for the online bullying and abuse that Khelif has faced.
Khelif (above in red) had earlier said the furore was having “massive effects” as she called for restraint. “I send a message to all the people of the world to uphold the Olympic principles and the Olympic Charter, to refrain from bullying all athletes, because this has effects,” she said.
After winning gold by beating Chinese world champion Yang Liu by a unanimous decision over five rounds to win welterweight gold, Khelif said: “I am fully qualified to take part in this competition. I’m a woman like any other woman.
"For eight years, this has been my dream, and I'm now the Olympic champion and gold medalist. That also gives my success a special taste because of those attacks.
"We are in the Olympics to perform as athletes, and I hope that we will not see any similar attacks in future Olympics.
 “I was born a woman, I lived a woman, I competed as a woman, there’s no doubt about that. [The detractors] are enemies of success, that is what I call them. And that also gives my success a special taste because of these attacks.
“As for the IBA, since 2018 I have been boxing under their umbrella. They know me very well, they know what I’m capable of, they know how I’ve developed over the years but now they are not recognised any more. They hate me and I don’t know why. I send them a single message: with this gold medal, my dignity, my honour is above everything else.”
Paris 2024 will go down as one of the greatest Olympiad of all time, with the Khelif affair a rare controversy which raised questions of fairness and safety. But Khelif has struggled in other competitions, her Olympic gold surely the peak of her career which has never been characterised by overly powerful punching.
Sadly for IBA, their communications and their shambolic Paris press conference end any hope they had of regaining the hearts and minds of the boxing community, or, more importantly, the support of the IOC.
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leregirenga · 1 year
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Te iba a dedicar un poema pero la mayoría hablan de eternidades y morirse de amor, y yo, yo lo único que quiero decirte es: Ven, querámonos, cuidemos, bailemos, follemos y que dure lo que tenga que durar."
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whalewhale82 · 1 month
Now we have a important thing to do
If our TPE Olympic committee doesn’t sue it, I’ll kill them
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kamakru · 2 years
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I'm so thrilled and honored that my painting "Golden Hour" will be in Infected by Art volume 11!
This is the first time I've ever made it in and I'm beyond words of happiness. I really needed this boost to my confidence lately and gosh I'm just over the moon. Thank you judges and thank you everyone who has supported me and encouraged me to keep trying :'D
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bettertwin9000 · 1 year
Everyone calling u a pancake is wrong. You're a sneefsnorfer. A cutie pasnootie, if you will. A divine noodle, perhaps
<0====/^`````````````\- ← the noble Apalone Spinifera, laying in the sun
I never saw this... what is wrong with you,,
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