#Ice Fleet
vintagerpg · 1 year
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Kauan is a…hm. Folk metal band? Atmospheric black metal? Ambient noise? It’s a band that is hard to pin down. I haven’t much experience with their previous releases, but their discography seems pretty well regarded by those folks who are into the more experimental realms of metal. I can understand why, listening to Ice Fleet (2021). The album feels like one long song, dedicated to evoking and sustaining an atmosphere of frigid melancholy. It’s music for gray, rime-crusted January days.
Ice Fleet is accompanied by a square bound RPG adventure of the same name, either tucked into a slit in the gatefold of the record sleeve, or available separately. Produced in collaboration with Exalted Funeral, it allows players to play through the story of the titular fleet of ships, found mysteriously frozen in a glacier during the interwar period. The story is a nice mix of The Terror with a bit of The Philadelphia Experiment or the videogame Return of the Obra Dinn. Using a modified version of the Dirk Rules! expansion of Into the Odd (and that is mostly placeholder — you can use pretty much any system to run the game and I might actually prefer something horror-tuned, like Cthulhu Dark), it explores how the fleet met it’s fate (and, through a neat time inversion late in the adventure, allows players to relive and perhaps change that fate). It should come as no surprise that the music of the album pairs perfectly with the story, imbuing it with a strange mix of hope and fatalism.
I really love the scenario! It knows how to fall back on familiar material (monster stalks the player in an isolated space!) and use that familiarity to quickly push into stranger realms. My favorite bit is that there is a clear answer to the question of why all this happened, but that answers spawns much large mysteries outside the scope of the adventure. So it has a solution, but questions will linger long after play.
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chronivore · 1 year
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ihatebrainstorm · 4 months
Happy TF Earthspark s2 part 1 release day!!! (I am 12 minutes late damnit) Have some scribbly doodles i made while watching it lol (contains spoilers)
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I want to eat. Alex Malto's food. so. badly.
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daftmooncretin · 8 months
if captain kirk irresponsible? why huge baby cow eyes???
if captain kirk bad captain? why-
you thought i was gonna talk about his voluptuous titties fat ass sparkling personality and unflinching moral character ? no.
if you say kirk is a bad captain i will kill you. I will shoot you into space like they did to bill shatty when he wouldn’t shut tf up about going to space
except unlike bill shatty ill send you up naked and defenceless into the vast chasm of space your lungs will explode and your eyes will fall out or some shit (i saw that in a doctor who episode)
kirk drift is getting out of hand and my response to this is ending all kirk drifters and repopulating the earth with kirklophiles such as myself and my dad paul.
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yuzu-all-the-way · 3 months
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This gorgeous skater, this beautiful man
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saltpepperbeard · 1 year
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sparkpop · 3 months
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Gay- I mean- friends : ))) yeah friends definitely. They're relationship is platonic and healthy and absolutely there is nothing sick and dirty between these two :333
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We have reached a level of nipple censorship so bad that we made it around to erasing men's nipples now lmao I guess Sam and Josh just aren't allowed to have nipples?
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Don't forget what they took from you.
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compacflt · 1 year
your last post abt icemav vs. interior design has me cry laughing and also makes me want to ask: how does rooster (millennial gay man, fairly good at being open about his sexuality in comparison to the the environment he came from) feel about being one-uped in the gay department constantly by Mr. and Mr. Can’t Talk About It?? like him and jake have to have conversations about it [jake, meeting ice the first time: oh this is the gayest man i’ve ever met. he had everyone fooled for thirty years???? // bradley: “yeah but you didn’t have to grow up with him. i was on the front lines.] like—they were willing to get married at the same time as icemav as a distraction, so they have to be aware of how groundbreaking icemav is to the structural appearance of the Navy. but they’re also fully immersed in Navy culture and customs, so are civilian gay people even surprised??? do they care??? or is everyone collectively reading through twitter like “gay men in navy? okay fork found in kitchen 🙄 who cares.”
this is all just a long way for me to ask if icemav is easier to pick up on/less surprising if you’re gay. bradley clocked them early because he was in close quarters with them constantly, but he’s also gay—in comparison, slider knew ice for years, but only added it up when it was way too obvious to ignore. and to other straight people they seem to be at an Ethan Hunt level of undercover, but are they really??? (this is kind of a dumb question so feel free to do whatever you want with it lol)
see i feel like i haven’t been writing them very obviously clockingly gay at all! i actually feel like it would piss Jake and bradley off how STRAIGHT ice & mav act all the time!
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1st excerpt from post-marriage, second excerpt from a scene that got deleted from WWGATTAI chapter 9, wherein compacflt ice approves the promotion of a fictional “first female admiral to be married to another woman” and then runs into her at a DOD Xmas party and chats about gay marriage for a bit out of curiosity… (deleted bc chapter 9 was already 9.5k words) like it is still a secret even if they aren’t actively trying to keep it secret anymore
but you’re right hold on. here’s christmas 2017
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skyfcx · 1 month
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     Stares at his thread with Noise.
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     Stares at his thread with Fleetway.
     ...      ......
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     "Yeah, no. Amy? Mari? You're up, you two."
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wouldtheyfuck · 2 months
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It is not 'trendy' to intentionally sabotage your hyperdrives to perform a transverse jump. Please consult your chief engineer and nav officer before attempting!
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sacredthethreadgvf · 2 years
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It’s the mullet.
It’s the little circle on his cheek.
It’s his perfectly pointed nose.
It’s that one freckle under his jaw.
It’s that stupid smirk.
It’s the shadow from his earring.
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bostonbakedbean90 · 2 days
Can’t wait for Boston hockey seasons to start!!!
Go get ‘em Bruins! 🖤💛🐻🏒
Let’s go Fleet! 💚⚓️🏒
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moonlit-trolls · 5 months
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"Log 24A. My branch of the armada has lost an exploratory ship on a Galaxy several quadrants away, We have lost complete contact with all of them in the Orion Arm."
Wrath sighed the words as they came out of her mouth
"Calling all fleet operatives, Funerals for those lost in space will be held in Seven days. Further calling operatives to stand far from that area, Hostile species that took that ship might still linger there."
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yuzu-all-the-way · 10 months
RE_PRAY Saitama Day 1 - Re: A Fleeting Dream (piano)
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