#Idol (Duelist)!AU
pico-farad · 3 months
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I finished season 1 of Vrains and it was cool but I thought it needed about 2 billion more secret identity shenanigans
extended thoughts below
So I went into a deep dive in my last two posts (1, 2) about all the problems I had with Vrains, and you'd think I didn't enjoy it, but in fact as I was watching, there was a separate, parallel version of Vrains that was playing in my head, a Yugioh I think we were robbed of and which fixes every problem I had with the first season, and that is Secret Identities AU.
Yusaku needs FRIENDS
This is YUGIOH.
This dynamic is everything I wanted from Vrains. Yusaku developing unexpected fondness for these bozos who think he needs a defense squad. I want Miraculous Ladybug levels of secret identity shenanigans. I want Yusaku slapping his duel disk every time Ai tries to blow their cover.
This AU sprung forth from the scene in the duel club where he shows Naoki his decoy deck. Having Yusaku passing as a bad duelist is 1) so funny, but 2) Yusaku needing to maintain his low profile is a useful contrivance for other characters to get more duels, and 3) I think it would be a really fun one-off episode where Yusaku has to duel using his bad deck. When he wins, Naoki is so proud he cries.
Having Yusaku actually have to interact with the other characters in the real world opens up Greek play levels of dramatic irony. The crux of a secret identity story is that every single interaction builds up anticipation, because you the viewer know that the other party is being deceived, and that the tension will snap when the secret is revealed.
I have zero anticipation about Playmaker's identity being revealed, because Aoi would be like "oh.... I guess he goes to my school" and Go would be like "have I seen that guy before?" But SIAU Playmaker? My guy is making friends just so he can betray them. Insane.
I said in my first post that Go isn't a rival or a best friend character. SIAU fixes this by making him both simultaneously.
Having him be the ace of the duel club is a natural replacement for his whole hero of the orphans schtick, while placing him directly the circle of relevance with the other characters. Instead of being disgruntled that the orphans suddenly like Playmaker more than him, he's disgruntled that Naoki and the duel club mooks are fawning over Playmaker -- which is actually just Naoki's character anyway.
I would kill for a big dramatic moment where Go learns that Playmaker and Yusaku are the same person, and even though Go feels betrayed that Yusaku has been deceiving him, he stands by Yusaku anyway because they're friends.
With a secret identity story, every conversation is working on multiple levels because each character is working with asymmetric information. You get these fascinating, layered scenes of two characters talking past each other because they cannot give up their secret.
Which would go especially hard with Go and Yusaku, because Go has legitimate criticisms of Playmaker in canon and Yusaku has legitimate reasoning behind the things he does, and as Go Onizuka and Playmaker they could never come to an understanding on them, but as Go and Yusaku, two friends in duel club, that door becomes open to them.
I made a whole post on this. Basically every problem would be solved if Akira doesn't know that she's Blue Angel. There's no reason for her to lose grotesquely against Yusaku, or have her basic autonomy called into question constantly. 
Having her actively deceive her brother is delicious. Like I said in my last post, it's so obvious how Akira's overprotectiveness has taken its toll on Aoi, and pushed her into developing this other persona, Blue Angel. I want this absolutely dysfunctional sibling relationship so badly. The Blue Angel vs. Zaizen duel would make me lose my mind.
And a secret identities setting works so well with the potential themes of VRAINS as a stand-in for the internet and Blue Angel as an idol. Give me that Perfect Blue Satoshi Kon good stuff. Give me those themes about identity, and the different lives we live, outward and inward, online and offline.
This also helps Akira's character, because I think he would be much more interesting and relevantly positioned in the story if he stayed a SOL Technologies baddie. SOL Technologies has very little presence in season 1 despite being critical to the story. After Zaizen is replaced by an irrelevant clown, they don't do anything but send out mook AIs to get destroyed. By having a three-way standoff between Yusaku's squad, the Knights of Hanoi, and SOL Technologies, both Hanoi and SOL Technologies become more compelling. They've both got all the reason in the world to want to take down the other. Zaizen vs. Revolver or Spectre? That's good shit.
And don't get me started on how I would turn Revolver into a Secret Identities character.
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epikouto · 1 year
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Ace monster AU 2
Marufuji Ryo
Ryo is a former Battle Pro Duelist. At first, he was a duelist named Kaiser Ryo who liked to play fair and square. However, after a certain defeat, he was dropped into an underground duel and transformed into a warrior who craved only victory. He changed his name to Hellkaiser and began to adopt a play style of thoroughly beating his opponents by adding cyberdark parts to his body.
However, his body is at its limits due to the forced addition of parts, the lifting of the limiter, and the repeated power bond to gain strength.
His brother, who could not bear to watch him go back and forth between repairing and destroying, persuaded him to move on, and he is now striving to create a new, clean league. Even now, he sometimes misses the stimulation, and when he does, he ventures into mock matches with Manjoume, a professional battle duelist in the same league, Johan, who has high attack power, and the HERO Judai.
Tenjoin Fubuki
Fubuki is an idol duelist popular for his flashy and lively performance and his good looks. He was once sent into battle as an executive of the underworld organization "Darkness" through mental control, but was defeated by Judai and returned to his senses.
He loves to talk about love and fun events that involve everyone around him, which brings smiles to the faces of those around him, but he also often causes problems.
Now he is back to being a very popular and handsome idol duelist, and he is very active. He is best friends with Kaiser and Fujiwara, and often drags them out to play around.
Fujiwara Yusuke
Fujiwara is a former "Darkness" executive. His experience of loneliness in the past has led him to yearn for a world where everyone is equal and individuality does not exist.
He was working in the dark to erase the personalities of many people, but was brought back to his senses when he was beaten up by HERO Judai and Johan, who helped him solve a case in which the memories of people whose personalities had been erased were disappearing.
He used to be a kind and quiet person, and Fubuki, who cares about him, and Kaiser, who is serious and listens to him earnestly, are his precious friends. He now lives a quiet life with his childhood friend Honest.
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mooncyclone · 5 months
I'm taking a break from shitpost art and actually working on my OC sheets. I will post anything oc releated to new tag, if you wanna see them look on it.
Today is I'm posting my 2 5D's OCs, i probably don't even bother to post my original story ocs and only focus on the ones i created for canon or whatever its called. I will not tag my ocs to their anime tag.
Beware long post.
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We have here the first ever Yugioh OC I have designed. I was like everyone doing non original story ocs why shouldn't I make one too? And there. I had this sheet was sitting on my drawings folder for a while but i wanted to post it when i finished the other one. Now the lore time. (My story is after a while of 5D's ending, but not 10 years future.)
Her name is Sigma, an Android sent from the changed future to past for monitor everything goes normal and to prevent the other destroyed future to happen again. She lost her memories during her remodel, but she doesn't minds it because she can make new ones.
The deck she uses half of Crow's Blackwings so he hates her for that, she made her deck quickly before they sent back to past. Her ace is currently is Dark Simorgh but she is on her quest to make her own deck. (That insect is Flying Kamakiri #2, she has it on her deck even if she is scared of it) She gets called Spider hair a lot because of her hairstyle and she hates it. She hates lawbreakers. Hunts down even who litters and one day she gets asked by Satelite Police join them. I have actually tought about Ylliaster AU with her. But doesn't seemed like a good idea so scrapped. But I think she would get along with Antinomy. All of them except Zone would hate her.
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Like this lol, (csp did not save image with text so I'll write here the talk, and I'm too lazy to color this have sketch instead)
Sigma: Senpai, you look pretty messed up need a hand? Placido: Leave me alone you stupid idiot.
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The second one is here Duelist Idol, like Blue Angel but she is no angel i can say. Her name is Ayumi Meira, 17 years old girl who is also fan of Jack Atlas. She believes he will take the King's title back one day. When she was doing her job she is totally normal idol but she is actually a chuuni and pretty stupid. She hates Sigma because of her hairstyle, makes fun of her by calling her Spider hair. Her deck is made of full of magical girls, warrior types with different elements but not dark. She will never use any dark element monsters or any card with dark on its name.
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hevexns-realm · 6 months
I have an AU idea, based on an idea that I have.
So, we all know that in dark side of dimensions, Kaiba made a hologram of Atem. What if, somehow, someway. His spirit was able to hack into the hologram, and use it as a kind of secondary body?
And if that were to work, what would happen when his puzzle was rediscovered and solved in the virtual world by a newer duelist who happens to use the virtual world as an escape from the real world?
Only to end up releasing a world wide virus on accident, which can only be stopped by gathering the seven millennium items in the virtual world in order for the virus to stop.
I call it:
Yu-gi-oh: pharaoh’s Virus.
Yeah yeah, kinda cringe idea. But hey, who doesn’t want to see the beloved pharaoh return to the future and have to deal with not only a world wide virus and deal with the modern age of toxic masculinity, idol worshipping, problematic politics, and searching for a way to have a body of his own to protect his new friend..? I WOULD. I’d love to see atem confront one of those toxic masculinity sigma dudes and call him out on all his bullshit! :]
But also, you can put your own character into the spin of it! It can be a story of romance, angst, adventure, or of one’s identity! (Just PLEASE make sure if you’re going to do romance, make sure it’s a legal relationship. Do your research before you do anything!)
Anyways, hope this finds the right crowds! :D
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prideraiised · 2 years
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|| Oh actually I should probably explain that--- For my own amusement, rather than just making every version of Konami an AU of the same character, I went, as the kids say, sicko mode and instead decided each Konami would be their own independent character with their own independent personality and gimmick, to elaborate: GX Konami, OOC referred to as Kazuki: Empathetic and kind to a fault, the goodest boy of all time. Plays spell counters. Somebody legitimately not capable of being cruel or harbouring hatred.  Will always show kindest to everybody no matter what. The strongest of the four as a duelist. The most simplistic as a character of the four but also just...baby boy. Baby. 5ds Konami, OOC referred to as Pride (hes the namesake for this account!):  The most outwardly charismatic Konami and the easiest to get along with. Plays Dragunity. Openly friendly and socially outgoing but harbours a lot of regret and self loathing for things that have happened in his life that were out of his control. Also the most self-driven Konami. Where as the other 3 are more reactionary, Pride is the most likely to go out of his way to progress plots on his own accord. (He’s also a ghost unit and placcidos dad and the dark signer of the whale and I’ll be honest hes totally boning down with Sherry because seriously what the fuck was going on in tag force 5ds) Zexal Konami, OOC referred to as Lust: (I’ll be honest the most under developed of the 4) Certified little skrunkly. IRRITATINGLY friendly. The kind of guy who will sit next to you on the bus when every other seat is open to start a conversation, ahs been referred to as a psychological terrorist. A dueling idol in heartland who’s one and only desire in life is to make people smile. A prodigal talent in song and dance, when he speaks theres always a slight melody to it. Just a little ball of energy and good vibes. Plays tellarknights. 
Arc-V Konami, OOC referred to as Wrath: Former assassin of Academia, would be sent to ‘handle’ people who may end up being a threat in the war. A special agent also known as the ‘executioner’ who fusion natives would know of. Eventually realised that academia were the bad guys in the war and hid out in the synchro dimension before meeting Yuya and being dragged along in a series of unfortunate events. He exists to challenge the themes or arc-v and also for me to re-write it because seriously name an Arc-V rper who didn’t do that. Rather than the literal deus ex machina of the normal ending, in tag force timeline Wrath is the one to defeat z-arc in a straight 1v1 as the culmination of his arc learning to accept the lancers and their mindset and fight on their behalf because he’s finally found something and, more specifically, someone, he can believe in. He plays Metalfoe/true-draco. Thats the extreme tl;dr of the konamis dm me questions.
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winged-kuribeau · 3 years
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Drew some art for my silly little Idol Duelist AU.
In another universe, there is a style of dueling called “Concert Duels” where duel monster’s is played, however as one person duels, the other must sing. Some sing their favorite songs, others original, some sing their feels, others try to get in their opponent’s head and cut them down. One Idol Duelist, Jaden Yuki dreams of uniting the world with his music and his dueling by reminding the world dueling is meant to be for fun, not for hurting others. However can his naive ideals truly survive in such a cutthroat industry that has destroyed so many?
Jaden: Chazz... I will get my feelings through to you... through my dueling and my music
Chazz: Jaden...
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talesofsonicasura · 3 years
Fallen Royalty (Blue Exorcist/AHIT)
Spooky Gratitude (Digimon/DMC)
Balan's Promise(BWW/P5)
Erase the Future (Pokemon/DMC) (Being reworked)
Unappreciated Hunter (MH/AHIT) (Being reworked/Lost original documents ☹️)
Stone Dove (Knack/JJBA)
Keeper of Dreams (Kirby/DMC)
Requiem of Love (Pokemon/JJBA)
Guardian of the Forest (AOT/Digimon)
His Past (JTTW/Yu-Gi-Oh)
Sage's Vow (LMK/Persona)
Reader Imagines
Joestar Misadventures- Sun Wukong: Starter, 1, 2
Corazon with a Monster Hunter s/o: Starter
Jotaro Kujo with a Cyber Sleuth s/o: Starter
Eddie Brock/Venom with a Pokemon Trainer s/o: Starter,
Ichigo Kurosaki/Zangetsu/Hichigo with a Pokemon Trainer s/o: Starter, 1
LMK characters first meeting their s/o (Manners Maketh Man): P1
Hero is Back!Sun Wukong with a Stand User s/o: Starter
Glamrock Freddy and Gregory's Special Assistance: 1, 2
JTTW 96!Sun Wukong with a Cyber Sleuth s/o: Starter, 1
Hank with a Devil Hunter s/o?!: Starter,
LMK Characters with a Comic Artist s/o: P1
MKR! Sun Wukong with a Persona User s/o: Starter, 1
Nevada's Oasis:
Gardener- Starter
DSB Sun Wukong with a Duelist s/o: Starter, 1, 2
Ryomen Sukuna and Ghostbuster!Reader: Starter
LMK Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Guardian: Starter,
Saiyuki Sun Wukong with a Game Designer s/o: Starter
Black Seastone Route- 1
By The Sea, There He'll Be/ Mer HIB!Sun Wukong x Reader: Starter, 1
Emmet and Digimon!Reader: Starter, 1
Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Parent: Starter , 1, 2
MKR Sun Wukong with a Time Lord s/o: Starter
Crocodile Rock/ Mer!MKR Sun Wukong x Reader: Starter, 1
Axolotl Dreams: Starter, 1
Josuke Higashikata with a Grunt s/o: Starter
Broken Toys
Monkie Kid: Venomous Tales
Fell Guardian
Inner Demons
Fast Shadows
Sticks and Stones
Taming Madness
Price of Power
Boy and his Beasts
Wrathful Idol
Theories/Personal Headcanons
Order and Chaos: Safi'Jiiva and Altreon
Six Eared Macaque and Blood Monkeys
Sun Wukong's actions in Lego Monkie Kid
Sun Wukongs I know
Jak and Daxter Time Travel
Fierce Deity Mini Theory
What ifs/Ideas
What if Ichigo got the powers of Sun Wukong?
Josuke Higashikata (P4) meeting and being trained by LMK's Macaque
MK finding and raising 2020 Sonic
Eddie Brock and Venom have a makeshift family drop on them: 1
Random Scenarios: 1
Sonic's Warp Ring Glitch Misadventures: 1, 2
New Species: Glitch
Worldbuilding: ReNexus,
Writing Challenges: Starter
Curses: DigiEcho
Fierce Mergence
Diamonds and Voodoo(JJBA/Crash Bandicoot: Pro., 1
Wonderful Hunter(BWW/MH): Pro.,
Stone Novas(Pokemon/LMK): Pro., 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Origami Dreams(Jujutsu Kaisen/Paper Mario): Pro.,
Thief's Ambition(P5/Digimon): Pro.,
Crossroads(Jujutsu Kaisen/Pokemon): Pro.,
Stand Needed(JJBA/AHIT): Pro.,
Sonic May Cry (being reworked)
Shadow of Iron(LMK/Iron Man): Pro,
Trip Down Memory Lane(Venom/BWW): Pro,
Prologue and Chapter 1 of Stone Novas has proper terms for Yaoguai added.
Excerpts added to Fell Guardian AU.
Glitch updated.
Part 2 of Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Parent now has a link to ReNexus.
Next part of Wrathful Idol has been added.
Next part of Madness New World has been added.
Link to MK's assassin uniform has been added to Wrathful Idol.
Madness New World been moved to Masterlist 2.
Jotaro Kujo with a Cyber Sleuth s/o is now a mini index. Can find the rest of the parts in Starter.
Next part to Clowning Around has been added.
Hank with a Devil Hunter s/o and Eddie Brock/Venom with a Pokemon Trainer are now a mini index. Rest of the parts are in Starter.
Sun Wukong and Macaque with MK's Guardian is now a mini index. Parts can be found in Starter.
Majora's Bane has been added to Wrathful Idol AU on the main masterlist.
Prologue has been to the Wrathful Idol AU on the main masterlist.
Chapter 2 and 3 of Stone Novas has been updated.
Chapter 1 for Madness Reborn has been updated and links been added on the main masterlist's Wrathful Idol AU. (Just know that writing at the butt crack of night isn't a good posting time.)
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
Do Mr Cyber End himself Zane for the ship prompt
ok first of all, i Bigly headcanon zane truesdale my beloved as some degree of aromantic because it's my party and i'll project onto my favs if i want to lmao, anyway thats very an ingredient in the way i analyze and interpret his relationships. keeping that in mind,
My NOTP for them: so weird to me they make NOTP first??? anyway, uh, if you ship him with his brother i think i should get to snap you in half like a number two pencil. get the hell outta here.
My BROTP for them: endless sobbing crying etc. over his relationship with syrus i have talked about them a thousand years and i will talk a thousand more i love them SO much!!!!!!! it has hands down become probably my favorite yugioh relationship just... in general. god. theyre special to me. i ALSO do love his relationship with jaden and alexis too--zane genuinely likes and cares about these kids!!!! he has three little siblings actually!!!!!!!
My OTP for them: i literally halfway through gx was like "no ships have grabbed me by the throat with this show lol" and then like a week after i finished it idolshipping rose out of the ocean and broke my ass in two. tag force 3 slammed me into the ground. love love LOVE him and atticus together, wwaahhhh. my beloved zatticus..... very often thinking about my personal brainworld take on this ship with aro zane...something about zane loving his best friend so goddamn much and atticus's turboromantic ass meeting him halfway and loving him romantically enough for the both of them. i could talk on this for ages lol......theyre just good. life partners.
My second choice pairing for them: ok i do think he and aster's dynamic is very, very funny, i like their post-canon potential a lot, though i particularly especially just enjoy them as annoying besties and/or fwb who argue 24/7. this is essentially their relationship in my college AU and it's one of my favs.
My fluffy pairing for them: idol.............love thinkin about them pre-atticus' disappearance, just goofy 15-16 year olds awkwardly figuring things out. something very sweet to me about atticus being the only person whose goofy antics can make zane crack a smile.
My angsty pairing for them: IDOL AS WELL............................ the things ep 89 did to me. stares out to the sea..... ive been listening to let me drown by orville peck a LOT lately and it is giving me ultra absolute zatticus agony, my GOD.
My favorite poly ship for them: do enjoy the obelisk elites as a trio ship..... tfw duel academy's 3 best duelists are all mentally fucked up nonbinary guys like, fuck it, let em cuddle together!!.
My weirdest pairing for them: this isnt a romantic ship but none of yall know the level of college AU madness im on with my roommate wherein zane and a college aged claus from the hit nintendo video game Mother 3 have an extensive tom and jerry-esque....rivalry?? friendship????? static noises??? zane wants to hit him with his car. we are truly going places never before reached with these characters
>send me ygo characters for this meme
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yugirl · 3 years
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Idol AU
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So a lot of people have been taking notice of my Idol AU here and on @winged-kuribeau so HERE’S WHAT I HAVE SO FAR
In another universe, there is a style of dueling called “Concert Duels” where duel monster’s is played, however as one person duels, the other must sing. Some sing their favorite songs, others original, some sing their feels, others try to get in their opponent’s head and cut them down. One Idol Duelist, Jaden Yuki dreams of uniting the world with his music and his dueling by reminding the world dueling is meant to be for fun, not for hurting others. However can his naive ideals truly survive in such a cutthroat industry that has destroyed so many?
The Idol Circuits are in three ranks, like Duel Academy, Slifer, Ra and Obelisk
Chazz Princeton and Jaden Yuki met at a Koyo Hibiki concert duel when they were children. they Promised that one day they would be in a concert duel together, either as allies or opponents.
Jaden is an up and coming Idol Duelist, however since he is very green to concert dueling and his singing is far from perfect he is put in the Slifer red circuit.
Syrus wants to be an Idol Duellist just like his big brother Zane. But how can he do it when he has such horrible stage fright? Maybe the new up and coming Duellist can help him with the confidence he needs.
Syrus realises that thanks to some special glasses made by Chumley, he can perform without seeing the audience, which helps his stage fright
Zane is currently one of the top idol duellists in the world
Chazz Princeton was said to be the next big Idol Duellist but the pressure from Slade and Jagger (working as his agent and music producer) put too much pressure onto him. One devastating loss later, he quits being an idol duellist.
Chumley tries being an Idol duellist but realises he’s not cut out for it. However he realises his true calling is costume design and stage VFX (and card design too) Chazz visits Jaden after a concert duel and the two discuss where Chazz should continue After a very emotional concert duel, Chazz agrees to come back and he and Jaden form a duo “Duos are old hat, you guys need to be a trio!” “A trio? I mean we have Sy!” “Nuh uh! I’m not ready to join a group yet!!”
Chazz looks at a poster of Bastion “I have an idea...” Bastion Misawa is a top Idol Duellist in his league. He can sing in perfect pitch and duels expertly… but his performance has no heart in it and he’s losing passion in the sport… 
Jaden and Chazz challenge him and reignite his passion in Concert Duelling
The three form the idol group Primar-3 (pronounced Primary)
that’s it so far!! Lemme know if you have some ideas you want to contribute!! I would love to hear them!!
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dragonheartedslifer · 3 years
Proper infopost now!
This is a rp blog for a twin oc to jaden yuki!
Here she is!
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Sexuality- Pan
Deck- dragon based. Aces are 3 blue eyes and blue eyes ulti that she won in a raffle kaiba did. Also felgrand dragon and a few other dragons I'm making up.
Duel spirit partner- a mischevious toon blue eyes by the name of toony.
Personality- megan is a very kind but fiery person who has strong opinions and can be very protective of her freinds. She has a temper and it tends to get the better of her. She sometimes can be abit more on the harsh side sometimes, unlike jaden who tries to handle things peacefully. She secretly gets selfconsious about being the darker twin but tends to push it down.
Likes-music, food, dragons, dueling
Dislikes- crowler (who doesnt), rude obelisks who look down on slifers
Love intrests- canonically shes shipped in a polycule with zane, aster and atticus but au's exist LOL. Like in the evil au, shes with nightshroud. In another shes smooching lexi.
Shadow!rider megan (aka Nightingale)- megan embraces her darkside
Idol AU (by @winged-kuribeau)- in a idol team with aster
Psychic Duelist AU- megan but psychic duelist
Spirit clans au-need to make a post on that
Future au- shes 25 and happily going to get married to 3 idiot men
Oc friendly of course!
Any characters can hmu!
No nsfw pls
Be nice please dont be rude
I usually only rp literature style but I can do script if needed!
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tsukikoayanosuke · 3 years
Twisted Vanguard: Bonus Round
Some clans for the other boys (will change when Episode 6 and 7 drop)
Malleus: Narukami (more aggressive Kagero)
Lilia: Dark Irregular (vampire and goth)
Silver: Royal Paladin (classic clan with knights)
Sebek: Nova Grappler (he’s just a tall version of Kamui)
Crowley: Gear Chronicle or Gold Paladin (either following the time-loop theory or Crowley is Tatsunagi Takuto in this AU)
Divus: Bermuda Triangle (you have to admit the idol clothes are adorable)
Mozun: Great Nature (an intellectual deck for an itellectual man)
Ashton: Spike Brothers (american football nuff said)
Sam: Dark Irregular or Pale Moon (shadowy friends from the other side)
Plot Bunnies
Heartslabyul Arc is basically early Link Joker Arc, where Ace and the rest of the first-years try to make a Vanguard Club but Riddle, the student council president, wouldn’t allow it.
Riddle used to play vanguard with Trey and Che'nya until his mother found out and won’t let him play.
Savanaclaw Arc is basically the second half of V-Series PSYquallia Arc, with the whole shock gloves making people traumatized to play Vanguard.
Octavinelle has a secret card shop that sells rare cards. If you want, you have to fight one of them. If you win, you get the card you needed, but if you lose, you give up your deck or ace card.
Pomefiore Arc is Vanguard Koshien/the Tournament Arc with Vil as their mentor.
Shroud Family is a card game developer company ala KaibaCorp.
Or maybe Idia is Maximillion Pegasus wants to resurrect Ortho ala Duelist Kingdom
Idia and Lilia play online tournaments.
Malleus is a professional card fighter, number one in the country.
Leona comes from a famous card fighter family, but he doesn’t really fit there.
Deuce is a newbie who has too many Grade 3 in his deck but eventually learns to make a balanced deck.
Epel vows to one day beat Vil after that one-time embarrassing card fight loss.
Trey’s family runs a card shop or a cafe with a small card fight area.
Cater does booster pack opening streams.
Ruggie used to play with trial deck until he met Leona who provides him with cards.
Kalim and Jamil are eternal tag duel partners.
All overblot victims might have psyquallia, a supernatural power to see the wining image/the final outcome of the game. Usually the user wins, but if two psyquallia users fight, it’ll be more unpredictable.
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k7l4d4 · 3 years
Owl House AU Ideas, ZA THIRD!!
Once more, I AM HERE! WITH AN IDEA! (Man I love how hammy All Might is) This next one is bit lighter-tempered than my prior ideas, and is a crossover to boot! This AU crosses the Owl House with one of my favorite anime and game franchises, so I hope you all don’t think less of me for putting it out there... ANYWAY ON TO THE IDEA!
Basically, my idea is a Crossover with Arc-V, with Hexside being an elite Duel School that had been assimilated by the Leo Institute, causing a huge number of students and faculty to leave out of protest. Of those left behind were the Blight Siblings and Lilith, who is teacher at Hexside in this idea, with Amity rendered bitter and despondent over all her friends leaving. While most of those who left Hexside go their separate ways, Luz and her friends, along with Eda, transfer over to You Show and become friends with Yuya and the gang. Hexside's tracks are different in this AU, with each track representing a type of dueling or aspect of the duel/entertainment industry. The Abominations track is replaced with the Summoner's course, specializing in the Extra Deck summoning methods and experimentation, as well as attempts to create new summoning methods. The Oracle Track is replaced with Analytics course, where students study up on how to best research duelists and decks and how to apply it, as well as Ritual Summoning and deck manipulation. The Construction Track is switched with the Industrial course, which teaches students how to build, alter, and repair all the gear that goes into modern dueling, such as Duel Disks and the ARC system, they are often taught Boring But Sensible plays, with decks that prioritize an effective win over a flashy win. The Beast Keeping Track is now the Designer's course, where aspiring card designers learn the ins and out of the industry, they often possess unusual decks with an emphasis on combos and making use of difficult to play cards (Note, many of the students in the Designer course believe in Duel Spirits). The Bard track is now the Idol course, which teaches students how to be dueling idols along with the skills needed to work in that section of the industry, with decks prioritizing deck outs and burn damage. The Illusions track is the Dueltaining course, which teaches the students showmanship and acrobatics, the students of this course often use resource intensive decks with a lot of flash. The Healing Track here is the Recovery course, along with teaching students how to best recover and manage their life points and deck resources, they also teach students how to treat any injuries that might occur during an action duel along with psychology to aid those who suffer traumatic accidents while dueling on an action field. The Plant Track is known here as the Resource course, which teaches aspiring duelists how to make best use of their decks and the cards within, with many duelists in it playing a Defend The Castle play style, building their entire decks around bringing out a massively powerful monster and Keeping it there by any many means they can. The Potions Track is now the Implementation Course, which teaches students dueling formula and strategy, with many of the duelists employing multiple decks so that they have an answer to any situation (otherwise known as Bastion's dream class). Amity is considered one of the best duelists of her generation, knowing all the currently known Extra Deck Summons, and picking up Pendulum Summoning after seeing it ONCE, and is capable of performing all the summoning methods on the level of their respective dimensions, something which severely unnerved Sora during the School Duel. Amity was known as one of Hexside's twin Queens, specifically known as The Apex, alongside Luz, The Rainbow. Luz promised Amity that they would stick together throughout their careers, and Amity was left shocked and hurt when Luz withdrew from Hexside following Leo's takeover, something she herself couldn't do as a result of her parents backing the transaction; during their next duel, Amity kept a stoic face throughout, until Luz's peppy antics caused her to snap at her in frustration, with the subsequent information that Luz's mom had withdrawn her without her consent nearly breaking Amity, who realized her anger was for nothing. Amity's skill quickly earned her a place as one of Leo's best, and seeing her being dueled so evenly, when none of the present Leo students had been able to make her so much as sweat, as well as be defeated, were left extremely shaken, with Henrietta herself completely floored, as her research had shown Luz to have no better a win record than Yuya did at the start of Canon (To clarify, Luz deliberately plays at the same level of her opponent(s) at all times, so that she can better help them improve their skills, which severely skews all known data on her, as she is actually on the level of a Pro by the time of Canon). In this story, the rift between the Clawthornes is rather different; originally, they were a dueling Tag Team at the very start of Action Duels, but a mishap resulted in Eda being seriously injured, sparking a huge safety reform, resulting in action duels being playable at a level safe for kids in the form of the Junior division. While Eda eventually recovered, her career as a Pro was essentially ended, sparking a deep bitterness against the Leo Corporation, who she held responsible for her injury. She and Lilith later joined Hexside as faculty, with Eda leaving in protest when the school was bought out by Leo; when she learned that Lilith had stayed, she grew angry and cut ties, in spite of the urging against the act by her friends and loved ones. Due to not being cursed, Eda is significantly more youthful in appearance than in The Owl House, possessing vibrant red hair. As a result of her sparking the mass exodus from Hexside, the Leo Institute and Corporation both received a lot of negative publicity, with the scrutiny resulting in frigid hostility from Henrietta when she and Eda met in the School Duel. On Lilith's side of the feud, the day prior to Hexside being bought, Lilith was offered and gleefully accepted a promotion (note, she and Eda already had a significant difference in position within Hexside, but neither let it interfere with their relationship, as Eda was always happy when Lilith rose through the ranks), but one aspect of the promotion was a contract which prevented her from quitting, something that left her horrified when she learned what had happened to the school. After coming to terms with her position, Lilith decided to use her situation to learn what had become of Leo Akaba, who she blamed for her sister's suffering, along with herself, and, in her words, "remove that worthless speck of a man from the face of the Earth." Lilith's position at Hexside acts as a calming incident for those students who remained following the exodus, causing her to adopt a pseudo-maternal role for Amity as compared to their cooler relationship in canon. Oh, almost forgot to mention, during their duel, Luz maintained a perfectly even head the entire time, only to be shocked when Amity Ritual Summoned, something she had known how to do in theory but had never actually performed up until then.
As Always, feel free to ask questions, give comments, or use the idea as you see fit, not that I think this’ll attract a very big audience. Just throwing it out there.
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cyanogastra · 5 years
Tunnel Vision
Read on: AO3
Back then, Astrid had been the wonder girl of Hogwarts. The star of Gryffindor, role model student, best Chaser Hogwarts has ever seen. Her glory ended when suddenly, Hiccup Horrrendous Haddock III, previous nobody now turned superstar started beating her at everything. Literally. He took the spotlight from then on, genius Slytherin boy, top of class for all time, the fastest and the most agile Seeker Hogwarts has ever seen.
It hurt to no longer be in the limelight, to always be in his shadow. But she can't help admiring him, he was kind, compassionate, and a competent leader. And he's incredibly attractive too.
In which Astrid and Hiccup have a confrontation that ends with a twist. Pre-relationship, silly teenagers.
Author’s Note:
Ahh, the infamous Hogwarts AU. This came to me suddenly in the middle of the night, choosing to write a 4k one shot instead of editing articles and finishing my editorial. Oh well.
Okay take note, I made some changes to this universe. One, the Triwizard tournament is back, because why tf not. And two, the age requirement of the Triwizard tournament is not quite the same. I've chosen to make it 15(?) to make it HTTYD compliant since the gang were 15 year olds when they started training dragons.  
I also made a choice that some of the readers may not like(?), which was Hiccup being sorted in Slytherin rather than in Hufflepuff. I will start my defense by insisting that he IS definitely Slytherin; intelligent and cunning, with an insane drive to prove himself to the world and leave his mark. He is a strong leader as well as a careful thinker, with a snarky attitude too. Sound Slytherin enough?
Anyway, hope you guys like this. My memory of HP goes all the way back in grade school so....have fun? And leave kudos and comments!
The Great Hall erupts with roars of cheering, as students donned in black and green robes stand from their tables to holler delightedly.
House Slytherin had won the House Cup yet again, third time on the row. Astrid huffs bitterly, jamming her fork on her steak, upset that her house couldn’t overtake Slytherin. They were only down by 30 points after all, and had House Gryffindor won the Quidditch Finals, surely they would have won the House Cup as well.
But of course. Even though Astrid scored points after points, being the best Chaser there was in the entirety of the Hogwarts Quidditch varsity, their initial access all crumbled away the moment Hiccup pumped his fist up in the air, Golden Snitch in hand.
210 to 190, Slytherin versus Gryffindor. Their massive lead over Slytherin fell away just like that.
It was a great game, if she were to be honest. The pitch stands were full at that day, with even Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students coming in to watch the decisive match for the House Cup. Gryffindor lost, but not without honor. She knew she did her best, which was why it was easy to hold her head up as both teams went for the ending handshake.
Well until her and Hiccup's hands came across each other, and she had found herself looking to the side then.
She sighed. Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. The golden boy of Hogwarts. Slytherin's seeker and the top student overall, the son of two amazing aurors Stoick Haddock and Valka Stormcutter. Chosen Hogwarts champion and won the Triwizard tournament, amazingly so, after showing a great feat of making the dragons in the arena listen and cooperate with him.
Hiccup, that scrawny, clumsy, awkward Slytherin boy, who had suddenly turned 180, improving leaps upon leaps. Suddenly one of the strongest duelists in the academy, suddenly the fastest and the most agile Seeker Hogwarts has ever seen, suddenly everyone’s biggest crush—what, with his tall and lean figure, adorable freckles, beautiful green eyes, and disarming smile—
Wait. Hold on.
Did I just…Did I just—
Did I just think Hiccup was adorable, beautiful, and disarming?
Astrid flushes despite herself. She can’t believe her sudden change of thoughts, suddenly feeling embarrassed even though she has no outward reason to be. She should be wallowing in sadness after losing the House Cup, dammit, Slytherin has won the same amount of cups as Gryffindor now ever since she entered the academy.
She chances a glance at Hiccup from her table, who is currently being swamped by students in green robes. The Thorston twins flank Hiccup side by side, with Ruffnut ruffling Hiccup’s hair, the boy swatting her hand away with a large smile. Tuffnut was making an announcement with his goblet raised. “Hiccup says he’s treating us to the Three Broomsticks this weekend!”, Tuffnut exclaims, to which Hiccup elbows him saying, “I never said that!”. The long-haired boy just cackles, Hiccup’s voice drowned out by cheers all over the Slytherin table.
Astrid watches them from behind her bangs, a small smile creeping at the corner of her mouth. Beside her, Snotlout groans, upset about the results of the House Cup. She doesn’t admonish him for it, she did see how Snotlout tried his hardest flinging bludgers back at the Slytherin Beaters, which were none other than the twins.
“Ugh, I’m gonna smack that gleeful smile off of Tuffnut’s face, I swear it!” Snotlout growls beside her, slamming his fist down on the table. Astrid rolls her eyes at that.
“We can’t do anything about it. We lost the moment Hiccup got that Golden Snitch.” Astrid replies coolly, grabbing her goblet and sipping from it. Snotlout looks up at her, having plopped his face flat on the table after his sudden declaration.
“You know what, Astrid? I’m actually surprised you’re not raging right now." Astrid pauses from her drink as she returns her gaze on the boy at her right. "You scored so much points! The twins couldn’t even make a clean shot at you.” Snotlout drawls out, continuing to eat his meal gloomily.
Astrid sets her goblet down, her fist clenching slightly. “I am angry, Snotlout. I just don’t need to slam my fist on the table like an idiot.” She fires back with less venom than usual, her mood having damped her usual fieriness.
Snotlout shakes his head. “You totally slam things around when you’re angry Astrid, don’t even.”
Astrid huffs, flips her braid over her shoulder and crosses her arms. “Whatever, Snotlout.” She replies, looking down on her nails.
“Ahhhhh damn that Hiccup. Why is he so overpowered? He’s like one of those Green Eyes Black Dragon that Fishlegs keeps talking about, damn unbeatable guy. Can’t believe I used to heckle him around back when we were first years, now this asshole just gives me a smug grin whenever I see him, you know? Like he’s trying to deliberately set me off….”
Astrid drones out the rest of Snotlout’s rant. Hiccup this and Hiccup that, even her friend (she’ll never admit that to Snotlout, ever) is talking about him. Gods, he’s such a thorn on her side, isn’t he?
She looks at the Slytherin table again, Hiccup having stood up from his seat and giving a little speech about how they were definitely going to win next year’s House Cup. The Slytherin table roars again, Hiccup ending his speech with a smile and lifting his goblet to his mouth. Tuffnut and Ruffnut cheer in unison, chanting “Butterbeer! Butterbeer!” repeatedly. Hiccup shakes his head with an exasperated grin.
From the Slytherin table, Hiccup’s gaze shifts from his housemates, to the table farthest from Slytherin’s side, seemingly looking for someone. Astrid doesn’t realize she has stopped breathing, back going rigid as she held her watchful eyes on him
Then, Hiccup’s emerald gaze slides on hers, face softening, his smile turning more shy than gleeful.
Astrid stands then, hurrying away from the table and into the doors, ignoring Snotlout’s calls. She walks briskly, all the way to the Gryffindor tower, and all the way to her room where she promptly crashes on the bed.
With red cheeks and an uneasy stomach, she curses Hiccup to Hel.
  She used to be the wonder girl of Hogwarts. At least three years ago.
She used to be the talk of the four houses. Top of class, excellent duelist, best Chaser ever, model student, whatever. House Slytherin couldn’t even hold a flame to House Gryffindor back then, completely humbled as they lost year after year against Gryffindor. She’d always been confident and headstrong, never failing to display very high aptitude in any subject, even Transfiguration. She could even say that Headmistress Gothi watched her.
Until Hiccup, the boy whom she thought as irrelevant for the longest time, the very un-Slytherin boy who sucked at casting spells and was easily pushed away. Too weak to fight back, too awkward to make himself new friends. The boy kept to himself, staying away from House Slytherin's clique even though he was pureblood and from a noble house.
But then something had changed when news of Valka’s death spread throughout the Wizarding World. Even though they were complete strangers, Astrid still felt a deep sadness for her. She was her idol after all, there weren’t a lot of Aurors who were women. Drago Bludvist was a terrible enemy, and the entire Wizarding World is too afraid to make concrete measures against him. Astrid swears that once she becomes Auror, she will definitely bring Drago to justice.
Hiccup had changed then. At first he seemed jaded and soulless, but his character had definitely changed. He had a cold look in his eyes every now and then. He had started to retaliate against the ones bullying him, although it didn’t always ended up prettily.
But that Hiccup was only temporary. She supposes Toothless had something to do with it, the Nightfury dragon hatched by Gobber (who probably got the egg illegally, now that she thought about it). The Care for Magical Creatures professor was incredibly weird, if Astrid may say so herself, and she’s friends with Fishlegs—but she supposes Hiccup being Gobber’s helping hand was a good thing that happened. If Hiccup wasn't in the library, in the pitch, or in the Slytherin common room, then he's probably at Gobber's hut.
And then history happened. As it turned out, Hiccup actually had more than enough capacity to decimate the top students in their game. To be fair, he wasn’t so bad at academics in the first place, already being the top student in Care for Magical Creatures and History of Magic even when they were first years. But to suddenly beat everyone, including Astrid in everything? That pissed her off.
And it wasn’t just academics. Duelling went astonishingly well for him, his casting quick and efficient, his duels lasting no more than a minute. They had alternated as Duelling Champion for the past four years. She supposes she should have expected that, he was the son of a noble house after all, with notable aurors in his pure bloodline.
(Weirdly enough, Stoick was a Gryffindor and Valka was a Ravenclaw.)
And then came Quidditch, when it turned out Hiccup was really really good at flying. Like impossibly good. He was the fastest Hogwarts has ever seen, with agility and precision that probably only gods should have. Odin above. She remembers the Ravenclaw and Slytherin match that ended 5 minutes into the game, when 4th year Hiccup suddenly went for an incredibly sharp dive, twisting and turning against the bludgers the Beaters sent to him, and then suddenly emerging with the golden snitch at his hand.
Perhaps what really hurt her pride the most was when Hiccup had been chosen Hogwarts champion. It had been her dream to take that role. She had wanted to make the Hofferson family proud by being the first in their family to be Hogwarts champion, or Triwizard champion if the gods let her be. She had been so nervous at the announcement, clinging into the hope that Hiccup wouldn’t waste his time with the tournament, Go to your damned dragon already!—she had thought that time.
And then the paper emerged from the Goblet of Fire, “Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III”, Headmistress Gothi read.
Of course it would be him. She remembers sitting frozen as the Hogwarts students roared to life, as students from each House began cheering his name as a display of rare unity. Even Snotlout had cheered then. But she couldn’t, she had went back to her room quickly and sobbed all night.
Gods, she despised him at that moment. She had been completely and totally overshadowed by a guy who used to be a nobody. If she thought she was confident in herself and her achievements, then she guesses she couldn’t anymore.
But Hogwarts was so happy. Especially when Hiccup tamed the dragons at the final test, having been able to make the dragons listen and cooperate with him to bring him the Golden Egg. She remembers how the Nightmare, the Nadder, the Zippleback, and the Gronckle all bowed to him, and how Hiccup had coaxed them, head turned away as he held the dragons’ snouts one by one. It was amazing, truthfully so.
She realized too, some point later on, that had she been chosen as the Hogwarts champion she may have lost the Final Test.
That didn't make her feel better at all.
  She sighed, her breakfast quickly cooling as she ate slowly. Her mood hadn’t improved much from last night, but she was still reeling with her last train of thought at the feast.
She had chosen to sit beside Fishlegs at the Hufflepuff table this time. Beside her, Fishlegs eats pop tart after pop tart, all the while engrossed with his deck of cards that Astrid has no interest of knowing about.
“You should cheer up Astrid.” Fishlegs remarks, not looking up from his cards. Astrid tsks, punching Fishlegs’ shoulder lightly.
“I’m not sad.” She replies, sitting up straighter now, feeling self-conscious. She can't be looking all weak and gloomy now.
Fishlegs hums, unconvinced. “You’ve been sighing non-stop since you sat here. That IS a sad Astrid.” He promptly puts his cards down and looks at her with his beady eyes. “So, how are you? You know you can tell me about it.”
Astrid smiles at him, appreciative for his concern. If only Fishlegs ended up in Gryffindor and not Snotlout…
“It’s nothing. I’m just sad we lost for the third time, that’s all.” She replies easily, because it’s part of the truth. Fishlegs blinks once and twice. “Okaaaay.” Astrid doesn’t reply, choosing instead to toy at her braid.
“But normal Astrid would be more angry than sad.” Fishlegs says, to which Astrid raises an eyebrow.
“Does it have something to do with Hiccup?” He asks, out of a sudden, and Astrid abruptly looks down on her lap.
“No.” She replies a bit too quickly.
“So it is about Hiccup.” Fishlegs presses on, his tone lilting with excitement.
“I said no, this is not about him.” Astrid retorts, perhaps a bit too harshly. She bites her lip, suddenly apologetic. Beside her, Fishlegs doesn’t take offense.
“It’s okay, Astrid. The two of you have been toe-to-toe for the past three years, it’s like you guys are unspoken rivals. It must be really frustrating.”
Astrid nods. Not toe to toe, more like me completely losing every damn time which makes me a total embarrassment… She replies bitterly in her head.
Speaking of the devil, the Great Hall suddenly grows noisy as Hiccup enters the doors, a large group of Slytherin students at his back.
The two of them watch the crowd, her eyes particularly drawn to Hiccup as he sits on his spot, chatting animatedly with Ruffnut. Around Astrid, the Hufflepuff students start to chatter among themselves, particularly about Hiccup.
"He's so amazing and dreamy...", remarks a soft-spoken Hufflepuff girl to her right.
“And so good looking!” A particularly bubbly Hufflepuff girl responds to her friend who giggled in response.
Yeah…he is…Astrid thinks, only to catch herself half a second later. She slams a hand to her forehead in grimace. The two girls at her right suddenly quiet down to stare at her confusedly.
“You know, I get that you’re a Gryffindor and all, and Hiccup's a Slytherin, but he's actually not that bad.” Fishlegs tells her jovially, watching the Slytherin table with interest. "He's actually super cool! We actually played a game of Dragons and Vikings last week, and let me tell you, he's one of the best competitive gamers I have ever met."  Fishlegs trails off with something like respect laced in his voice.
“I know.” She replies with a sigh, because it was true. Hiccup was amazing. No doubt. No amount of jealousy in her heart can prevent her from admitting that. Astrid plays with her bangs as she continues to watch the Slytherin table.
Hiccup was kind and passionate, she reflects. He loved dragons, and he also loved people. She knows she’s biased because of her house, but for a Slytherin, he’s really kind.
Hiccup was also level-headed and competent. His intelligence wasn’t of the bookish, theory-heavy kind, no, he was equal parts adept at both theory and application. He was a strong leader too, charismatic and genuinely good.
Sure, there has been skirmishes between their houses in the past, but Hiccup was never one to play foul. Indeed, he had a sharp tongue and knew where to taunt where it irritates the most. Snotlout has been up his face quite a number of times, has stepped over the line often enough. But in those times Hiccup just smirks at him, says a thing or two about how Snotlout should really brush up on his skills as a Beater, because clearly he could never land a single hit on Hiccup.
In those times her role has always been to pull an agitated Snotlout away and reprimand him on the spot. She would not make him go on stupid fights, both as a Gryffindor and a prefect. But also because Hiccup was a prefect too, and he could very well report Snotlout to the headmaster and deduct points from their house.
And then Hiccup would give her a smirk, the greens of his eyes twinkling with amusement as he looked at her. And the she would look away coldly, dragging Snotlout by the back of his robes.
And Hiccup was…well, Hiccup. He was handsome and tall and dorky and has a cute voice—
Oh my Thor. She stands up, cheeks flaming yet again, and stomps out the Great Hall. Fishlegs observes her curiously, wondering what got her so wrung up. He brings his gaze back to the Slytherin table and finds that he wasn’t the only one who watched Astrid’s sudden exit.
From his spot, Hiccup stares at Astrid’s retreating back, eyebrows drawn together in confusion.
  Astrid paces the corridors, lost in thought.  She wants to get away from all this, from Hiccup being the center of attention, from her thoughts on Hiccup, from her loss at Quidditch, everything. She hates herself for her jealousy, because Hiccup deserves the recognition he gets. But she also hates herself for losing and losing, because there would be no jealousy and loss had she just been worthy enough, had she just been good enough.
She thinks of her family, all Gryffindors, proud and brave and strong. Her parents would surely be disappointed in her, being at the 2nd place all the damn time.
She bites her lip frustratedly. She wants so badly to get out of this mess, to prove herself to be an equal to Hiccup and to redeem herself as Gryffindor’s star student.
She’s so lost in her thoughts that she failed to notice an incoming set of footsteps, not until the person was in close enough proximity. She composes herself suddenly, standing straighter and flipping her braid back on her shoulder. She raises her eyes slowly, black, then green, then—oh no.
Hiccup smiles at her, hands in his pockets. Astrid cannot find it in her to smile back, her heart still tittering from her disappointment with herself. That, and the nerves in her stomach as she stared up at Hiccup’s face.
“I, uh, just wanted to tell you something.” Hiccup swallows, the apple at his throat bobbing up and down nervously. Astrid stares, transfixed.
“First, there’s the thing with the House Cup.” Hiccup starts, voice uncharacteristically unsure. Astrid nods along.
“Our house won for the third time, which I’m really happy for, but that meant yours lost so…no hard feelings, yeah?” He says and chuckles playfully. His smile quickly drops when Astrid doesn’t say anything in response, her blue eyes staying glued on his face.
“Uhm. Right. So.” She watches the expressions on his face, jumping from teasing to a sudden restrained panic, like he had done something very very wrong.
“Just…lately, some things have changed and I guess it has been kind of...weird for me.” He continues, holding her gaze steadily.
Inwardly, Astrid’s stomach drops. Oh no…he must have noticed that I’ve been cold to him for the past few weeks. And how I didn’t even congratulate him, and how I’ve been avoiding his eye since last night…
“But I guess I realized I shouldn’t think about it too hard, because really, I won’t lose anything.”
Oh gods no. Astrid breathes in shakily, preparing herself for the rightful accusation, because she was wrong, so utterly wrong about how she felt about all this
“I’ve decided that I should just tell you what’s been on my mind. For a while now.” Hiccup continues, voice dropping. He takes a breath to still himself. But Astrid beats him to it.
 “I know what you think of me, Hiccup!” Astrid blurts out agitatedly, eyes pinched closed with fists clenched at her sides. In front of her, Hiccup’s mouth gapes open in shock.
 “Y-you do?” He asks nervously.
“I do.” Astrid replies. “I  know how what you think about me, and I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you.” She swallows, her hands flying to toy with her braid, while looking to the side. “But I’m really sorry, this is what I am, and you don’t deserve this…whatever this is…because it is wrong and I—“
“You’re right, Astrid! I totally don’t deserve you at all!” Hiccup interrupts which promptly stuns her to silence.
 Hiccup swallows again, one hand shooting up to rub at his nape. “I know it’s pathetic, only watching you from afar and never making a move, but how could I really?” He sighs, biting the bottom of his lip which totally doesn’t steal her gaze.
“How could I stop myself from liking you when you’re so amazing? When you’re so talented, and brave, and inspiring that I—” Hiccup suddenly pauses, looking away with flushed cheeks as he runs his hand over his hair.
Hiccup called me…amazing?
“I really admire you , I really do. And...I also think you’re beautiful.” He was looking at her when he said that, trying very hard to not to break his gaze away.
“I m-mean, of course you know you’re beautiful! But I just wanted to tell you that in my personal definition of beauty, I think you’re perfect.” He continues, cheeks seemingly getting redder at the second. “Odin Allfather, why did I say that?” He says as he winces to the side, messing up his hair once more with his left hand.
“But okay Astrid…I understand. You are right, I don’t deserve you. But thank you for letting me know right away.” His eyes had gone from embarrassed to sad in just a second. “It hurts but I guess I’ll just have to—”
“You’re wrong! I like you too!”
That stuns them both.
Hiccup’s eyes widen, his face in disbelief. Astrid was flushing now too, cheeks burning ablaze because of her sudden confession.
“I like you...It’s just that some things are difficult to accept, especially with you beating me at everything.” She breathes out, holding his gaze even if all she wanted to do was to look away.
“You don’t deserve my ill feelings, and I should just congratulate and support you.” She mumbles, shifting her weight left and right.
In front of her, Hiccup nods, hanging on to her every word.
“But I can’t help it too, you are all sorts of amazing, and you deserve everything. I know I can’t measure up to you but still…” Astrid trails off, wringing her hands nervously.
“I can’t deny that you look handsome and—“Astrid cuts off, too embarrassed to continue. Meanwhile, Hiccup couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing, his ears coloring a dusty pink at Astrid's words.
“Wait, so you weren’t rejecting me?” Hiccup asks her after a moment, voice softer and more hopeful. Astrid brings her gaze back up at his eyes then, confused.
"...what do you mean? Why would I reject you?" She says back to him. They stood frozen for a few seconds, both unable to think of an appropriate response.
 Oh gods. Hiccup was supposed to be confessing and I just--I just-- She shifts at her feet, wringing her hands together while keeping her gaze to her feet. In front of her Hiccup scratches at the side of his head, looking at her with a lop-sided confused smile.
"Um, shall we start again?" Hiccup asks her, moving a little closer. Astrid nods and looks up once more to find his emerald eyes looking back at her.
"I like you Astrid. I have liked you for a long while now and we're already on our sixth year and I still haven't invited you out on a date." Hiccup exhales, chuckling nervously. Astrid hmms at that, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards. Hiccup catches her smile and visibly relaxes giving her a wide grin.
"Tomorrow's the weekend and if you're not going home yet, I was hoping if we could hang out in Hogsmeade together?" He asks expectantly. Astrid chuckles inwardly.
"Sure, why not. Your treat." She replies, trying to be cool, but the weird feeling in her stomach has come back.
Hiccup beams at her words. "Great!" He says a bit too excitedly. "I mean, wow Astrid, what a way to take advantage of my heart, huh?" He replies playfully to which Astrid rolls her eyes.
"I mean, you might as well add me to the list of people you'll have to treat for a Butterbeer tomorrow." She retorts with a smirk. Hiccup rubs his face with a groan at her reply, mumbling, "Those twins, I swear..."
She laughs softly at him, watching as Hiccup tried to give her a glare that was completely ruined with his smiling mouth.
They stare at each other for a few seconds, comfortable in the silence that followed Hiccup's confession. Then, Hiccup steps closer and holds his hands out at her, to which she looks at questioningly. Hiccup just gives her a smile and waits for her to put her own on his.
And when she does, she immediately notes how Hiccup's hands were calloused and warm. With long fingers that curled easily around hers, her smaller ones wrapped delicately in his hold.
She's sure she's blushing from her ears to her cheeks. She hopes Hiccup wouldn't notice.
"When I said that you were amazing and inspiring, I was dead serious you know." She nods and bites  her lip, waiting for his next words. "I didn't understand what you meant when you said you can't measure up to me, because I always thought I was trying to catch up to you."
She blinks at Hiccup then, perplexed at his line of thought, not when he was literally unbeatable and everyone looks up to him. "But I guess that's something we'll have to work around, I guess? I will try to understand you, even if right now what you said doesn't make sense to me." Hiccup continues, green orbs locked on their hands, his thumbs running over her knuckles. But Astrid was staring at his face, lost in the earnestness of his voice and his emotions.
Suddenly, she feels a weight slowly rising out of her chest, like a burden was slowly being lifted off from her. Her heartbeat thunders on her ears, so fast and steady as she took in the boy in front of her.
"I want to get closer to you, if you'd let me. And then maybe we'll...I dunno...holdhandsorsomething..." Hiccup mumbles the last part embarrasedly, but Astrid caught all of it. She chuckles at him, untangling one of her hands to lay a punch on his shoulder. Hiccup grunts and rubs at the part where she hit him, his "What now?" being choked up by his laugh.
"That's for beating me in the finals." She says, smirking as she placed her hands on her hips. Hiccup shakes his head at that, his grin seemingly plastered permanently on his face.
They hear several voices from the end of the corridor, signifying that breakfast in the Great Hall was over.
"So...see you at the Great Hall tomorrow morning?" Hiccup asks her, hands back in his pockets. Astrid hums out a "Sure" while pretending to look at her nails.
"Okay. I'll see you then." Hiccup finishes right before a crowd of students emerge from the end of the corridor. She watches him as he fixes his tie before walking.
"See you." Astrid says over her shoulder, Hiccup looking back at her one last time with a grin, before facing forward to find his house members.
She breathes out an easy sigh this time, her feet moving automatically to go find her friends at the Gryffindor common room. She fixes her bangs, feeling the heat from her cheeks simmer to a comfortable warmth.
And just like that, Hiccup's words build up a considerable part of her confidence back, and Astrid feels headstrong once more. She failed to tell him that she has also liked him for a while now, just as he did, but she supposes they have all the time.
For now, she has a date to get ready for.
Ending note:
And that's my first ever HP AU! Hope you enjoyed it.
This was written as a character study for Astrid, because let's face it, she will definitely have inferiority issues given her competitiveness. I think it would be interesting to write how would Astrid feel when the spotlight is taken from her--but make it HP universe. Oh and, I have a soft spot for Hogwarts AUs even tho Rowling is shit af.
To be completely honest, a big part of the reason why I wrote this was because I wanted to prove the point that Hiccup is definitely Slytherin lmao.
*Green Eyes Black Dragon - hope you guys got this reference, haha. I was referring to Blue Eyes White Dragon, the incredibly overpowered card in Yu-gi-oh!
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something-2-prove · 4 years
Adding Three more muses to the list!
They’re all their own AU kind of. I... I want to adventure more into these characters....
also this gif perfectly describes how I feel about this.
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Just me delving deeper into muses sanity.
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The AI shaped and formed as Yami (from Dark Side of Dimensions) gets his own body in the form of an android. How and why is unknown, but he believes that he was created in order to protect something. What that is, he doesn’t know. But he has a few ideas. Such as secrets of the Kaiba Corp. Even though he was created to live up to Yami’s King of Games title that Seto has idolized him to be, this AI was given the freedom of creating its own personality, and has become just as teasing and has an almost free spirited nature to him on top of the competitive nature that was already installed within him.  He isn’t too knowledgeable of anything unless Kaiba installed it in him. Some of those data including: Yugi is the top duelist. There were three Egyptian god cards. AND Jonouchi/Joey Wheeler has… little to no data is saved on this name. Examples of people he could protect: if he meets Yugi or even Yami, he will think that is who he must protect, as they are the original King of Games. If he meets Mokuba, he will protect him as he is Seto’s brother, and he is very much aware of how protective Seto is. He will even protect Seto if possible. (he can read when Seto is being too proud to admit it.) What kind of abilities does this android have? It depends on what you’d like to RP with. He could go from super strength to making holograms to possibly even recreating some Duel Monster abilities- based on his deck of course. So he could instantly summon Dark Magician and have him attack. Each monster would last for 3 minutes. Romance? .... not sure. Age? Newborn if you want to be literal but appears the same as Yami did when he was in Battle City.
 Ryou Bakura
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A sweet young man who had a bunch of strange happenstances that caused his friends to either disappear or enter comas. Most of which they are still in. He fears that his family would be next so he leaves to live on his own. He is still on good terms with them and writes to his sister every week, keeping in contact with them. Even though he is quite shy, he does his best in everything he can do. He hopes to make more friends in this new school. Headcanon: He has asthma. Being inside only playing board games without going outside much as a child. There is no Yami Bakura involved with him.  You want to ask him about Romance?: expect a shy and stuttering boy who doesn’t even know how to respond to the girls at school who fawn over him without even knowing much about him. He’s extremely shy around girls. He doesn’t know how to talk to them. 
Marik Ishtar
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A young Egyptian man born and raised inside the tomb of an unnamed Pharaoh. Someone who is eager in adventuring the world that had been shut off away from him since he could remember. He is bright eyed and filled with awe at the world around him. He loves learning new things, and especially cultures. His father disappeared without a trace, leaving him only with his siblings, Ishtar and Odion. Who vowed to gain a new life for him outside of the tombs.  Basically a more innocent (and less thirst for vengeance) version of Marik. There is no Yami Marik. There is only a sense of awe and wonder at the world and a protection over his siblings. When it comes to Romance?: He hadn’t thought of ever being in a relationship. Either Panromantic or homoromantic (he can only think of romance and knows nothing except the scriptures. Basically he the most innocent boy)
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maddmuses · 5 years
Judai Yuki // Jaden Yuki
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Age: 15-18+ (Verse/year dependent) Occupation: Student/Vagrant/Amateur League Duelist Aliases: Dropout Boy, Slifer Slacker, Aniki (from Sho), Jay (Also Sho), Schmaeden Schmuki, Number 1 (Ichiban), The Supreme King Date of Birth: August 31 Ethnicity: Japanese Nationality: Japanese Affiliations: Duel Academy (Student/Graduate), Slifer Red Dorm, Team HERO (Dueling League Team for post-school AU)
(AU Inspiration: An attempted amalgamation of manga and anime canon, first anime season was benign and mostly one-offs, attempted to give season 2 and 3 more of a cohesive feeling, though the Neo-Spacian contest arc and having Yubel also be Judai’s childhood card was a stretch, so tried to fix that)
Appearance Judai is tall, for a Japanese youth, with a thin frame, and wild brown hair. Almost always, he can be seen grinning, and this smile has been described as infectious by others, just as much as his pure spirit in regards to duel monsters. Despite not being especially muscular, Judai is still athletic, having preferred sports to sedentary hobbies before discovering Duel Monsters, and even still participating after he began dueling.
Before even his time as a Duel Academy student, Judai preferred wearing red shirts and jackets, usually accompanied with blue, white, or black jeans. As a Duel Academy student, Judai was fairly good about following, though he was fairly casual in his sense of dress, preferring to wear his blazer open, and shirts untucked. Following his graduation, Judai would continue to wear his Slifer Red jacket as a badge of pride for underdogs everywhere, but also to match with his idol Koyo, who also was known to wear a red jacket when dueling.
Personality A spirit of youth and vigor, Judai’s name is a fitting one, as he is always eager, and finds wonder in almost everything new. While he has this nature it is also worth noting that Judai isn’t an especially focused or disciplined young man, often finding academics, or really any sort of lecture even if they’re about something interesting to him, extremely dull; he was frequently known to sleep through lectures while at Duel Academy. Judai has always preferred to do things in a practical capacity, and is actually fairly intuitively capable.
Friendly and generally a good sport, Judai has a sincere love for dueling that only the most dire of situations, such as his year 3, would ever be able to weaken. Excited at the prospect of any strong duelist, Judai will seek out a game with any of them, and often in spite of himself will often have a blast, even when his own life is on the line. Judai has fun with any particular game format, though he strongly prefers to duel with actual cards, rather than in a digital simulation.
While prone to brief bursts of melancholy, especially when being defeated in a duel that he sorely desired to win, Judai is usually able to shake these off with ease, though the conditions under which he came back to, after having killed a number of people as The Supreme King. It was during such a time that Judai lost his love of dueling, for a time, and found himself only engaging in duels that the school expected of him, or that had some manner of dire stakes, or otherwise pertained to the different conspiracies involved with the Academia.
As a rule, Judai prefers to use HERO cards in his decks, having a certain connection to the heroes in American comics, as well as wishing to be like his mentor Koyo. While initially he used HERO cards based on American Heroes (The original Elemental HEROs, such as Clayman, Sparkman, Avian, and Burstinatrix, who were reminiscent of The Justice League and Avengers, before switching to the OmniHERO set that Koyo preferred, as well as Elemental HERO Earth, before eventually settling on a final deck type that made use of the Masked HERO cards, which were based on Super Sentai and Kamen Rider-style characters). Additionally, Judai has been known to tech in non-archetype cards into his HERO decks, that either support his playstyle, or have some sort of sentimental value, such as Winged Kuriboh (the only card that he has built dedicated decks around) or Honest.
Biography Judai Yuki was born to two parents in Kyoto Japan, a fair distance from Domino but still no less swept up in Duel Mania. Growing up, Judai had very little interest in Duel Monsters, instead preferring Baseball, and other sports. However, Judai also had a love for American comic books, his father being a businessman who often traveled abroad gave him frequent access as his father would buy single issues in bulk for the boy to enjoy. Judai’s mother would, while the boy was still in grade 3, pass on due to cancer, which would leave Judai to largely raise himself, as his father’s work wouldn’t often permit him to spend much time with his son.
Though it wasn’t a great situation to be in, Judai didn’t blame his father for this, as he saw it as a way to grieve, something which Judai did mutually by taking an even greater interest in sports.
One day, though, Judai would break his leg, and have to spend a length of time in the hospital to recover, as his dad was out of the country and the time, and having his usual caretaker stay with him full-time during that period, with a busted leg, was not doable. However, due to an overbooking the pediatric ward, Judai was forced to stay in the adult part of the hospital, a situation that was not popular with both Judai and the nursing staff.
For several days Judai was a headache for the adults around him, excepting for his neighbor, Koyo Hibiki, who found amusement in the boy’s antics. After a short time, the young man and his elder sister began talking to the young man, wanting to learn more about him. Experiencing an almost immediate connection with the man, Judai found it fun to get into hi-jinks with the man, who despite being sick was still willing to be a gently-handled accessory. As Judai got to know Koyo better, he found out that the man was a famous Professional Duel Monsters player, frequently regarded as the current best, in fact. While this impressed the other adults enough to rarely contradict or order him around, Judai didn’t much care for cardgames, preferring baseball, and treated the man the same as any other adult.
It was thanks to this that the two were able to easily become friends, and though it took time, Koyo’s sister, Midori Hibiki, had brought some videos of Koyo’s duels. In these videos he saw how cool Koyo truly was when he dueled. Wishing to be like the older boy, Judai began playing against the man, learning the game, though never beating Koyo in a single duel. As time went on, even though Koyo had already retired, Judai lamented that the man had decided to retire with his most recent game. But once Judai was released, he continued to visit every day, and the day before Koyo’s release from the hospital, he told Judai to meet him for their final duel, to build his greatest deck, and that it’d be their last.
Arriving at the established time, other guests and staff from the hospital had gathered to watch the game. It had become something of an event for those who knew Koyo and Judai, and it was at this time that Midori would give Judai his first duel disk. As the duel started it was plainly apparent that the deck Judai had built was the most fitting, given that it would be their last game, as Yuki had elected to use an Elemental HERO deck.
In an intense final duel, Judai would find out after his loss that not only would Koyo not retire, but he’d hold his position at the top of the dueling world, waiting for Judai to someday meet him there. But in Koyo’s next match he would collapse, due to a curse inflicted on him by Traegodia, and be placed into critical care; eventually slipping into a coma. As a parting gift, before they’d spend an extended time away from one-another, Midori would give Judai Koyo’s deck, including his one-of-a-kind Elemental HERO Earth, and his most prized card, the Winged Kuriboh. On some level, even if Koyo couldn’t continue dueling, the spirit in Koyo’s Winged Kuriboh, and the heroes in his deck, still desired to, and it would disrespectful of her brother’s memory for them to simply gather dust because he can’t use them.
Judai, at age fourteen, would enroll into Duel Academy, after arriving late for practical exams, and dueling Professor Crowler, instead of regular exam proctors, as an intended punishment for his tardiness, and Crowler’s attempt at pruning the boy who had tested poorly on the written exams from attending. With Koyo’s superior deck, Judai was able to trounce the more experienced duelist with a combination of plays that he’d seen from Koyo’s duels on video, as well as some key draws, including Winged Kuriboh.
During his exams, Judai would meet several other students, such as Chazz Princeton, Alexis Rhodes, Sho Marufuji, and Bastion Misawa. He would become fast friends with the latter three, and due to his current ownership of Koyo’s deck become a bitter rival with Chazz, who idolized Koyo and had spoken to him directly before his last pro duel. Due to his poor written tests, and despite beating the head of Obelisk Blue’s dorm who was considered the most seasoned professor at the academy in terms of dueling, Judai was placed into the Slifer Red dormitory.
Throughout Judai’s first year at Duel Academy he would be largely undefeated during the regular term, dueling many of the Obelisk Blue students, who were mostly compromised of second and third year upperclassmen, as well as a student teacher who cheated, and Chazz Princeton himself (though without his signature card).
At the end of the year, though, Judai would enter the Genex Tournament, an event put together by headmaster Shepherd upon his return from abroad, with the two top students, Atticus Rhodes and Ryo Marufuji. While easily breezing through the preliminary event, which essentially involved dueling other students at the academy and taking their medals as per an ante situation. When reaching the finals, Judai would first duel Bastion Misawa, beating him in their rematch, before moving onto the finals for his rematch with Chazz. However, Judai would lose this duel, as Chazz made exceptional use of his signature card Light and Darkness Dragon. This was Judai’s first loss using Koyo’s deck.
In order to investigate some sort of conspiracy surrounding the tournament, particularly some of the American transfer students that had been brought along by Shepherd for the event, Judai would duel against possessed students, under the control of an Egyptian spirit Traegodia, that was somehow connected to his partner Winged Kuriboh. In which would follow Judai and friends dueling a group of individuals who were corrupted by this, as well as duels among a group of transfers from the United States campus who would participate in a special “Elites Tournament” event. Eventually, Judai and Chazz would duo duel against Traegodia when he took over the body of Duel Master America’s headmaster, winning and defeating the spirit, though resulting in the loss of Jaden’s and Chazz’s card spirits, Winged Kuriboh and Light and Darkness Dragon.
At the end of Judai’s freshman year he would return to Japan over the Summer, retooling his deck over the Summer, feeling that he had failed Koyo by losing with his deck, shifted gears to a different type of HERO deck, specifically Masked HEROs. During his Summer break, Judai would find out that defeating Traegodia woke Koyo up, and it gave Judai the opportunity to return his mentor’s cards.
Through Judai’s second year a conspiracy would arise surrounding the pro duelist Aster Phoenix, a Dual Academy America student who Judai had dueled and lost to in the Elites Tournament the year before, as well as a mysterious seer named Sartorious, who were working together to convert people around the earth, and those at Duel Academy, to a mysterious cult regarding some sort of dimensional White Hole, that created energy and light, rather than what a black hole does. Due to the graduation of Ryo and Atticus, Chazz and Judai were regarded as the top duelists, and so these two would make examples of them, by converting Chazz to this cult, and Aster defeating Judai not long after defeating Ryo on the pro tour.
Following Judai’s loss he would flee into the wilderness of the island, as through a hypnotism on the part of Sartorious, Judai was no longer able to see the faces of his cards, rendering him unable to play, which further gave him a sense of detachment from his cards, especially after losing his partner Winged Kuriboh.
While wandering in this wilderness, Judai would experience a moment of astral projection, as a series of duel spirits based on a set of cards he’d designed, and conveniently forgot, for a contest run by Seto Kaiba that would feature those cards being sent into space. These cards would explain that they were given sapience by a gentle darkness, an opposite to the hostile light that Sartorious had been corrupted by, and he’d need to help them and the gentle darkness to defeat this evil force.
With these cards, Judai would challenge Aster to a rematch, and as he drew his cards, his ability to read their faces would be restored steadily, and their abilities, along with his new HERO partner Elemental HERO Neos would allow him to turn the tables on Aster, and defeat the pro.
Upon Aster’s defeat, the Neo-Spacians were able to clear his mind of the hostile light, and cause Aster to have his own side-story regarding his own personal identity or something dumb that was longwinded and boring.
In the second Genex tournament, Judai would duel against his friends who had been swallowed by The Light, either defeating them and allowing them to return to their true state, or through trickery, appealing to their true character to allow them to overcome The Light. Despite this, and even defeating Chazz who would go on to win the tournament a second time, Judai would choose to not enter the final stages of the tournament to finally defeat Sartorious.
Though, over his Summer, Judai would withdraw, not practicing his dueling as much, and even developing something of an aversion to the game, after spending so much time essentially only dueling for stakes that involved the souls of others, or the fate of the entire world.
Going into his senior year Judai was also the only remaining upperclassman IN Slifer Red, though this solitude didn’t especially bother him, he admitted to Sho that after graduation he was contemplating retirement from Duel Monsters altogether. And as the year progressed, many of his friends would grow worried for the young man, until it reached a peak at roughly the mid-term. An evil card spirit that had been battered by both The Light of Hatred and The Gentle Darkness used the weakened heart of Judai to transport the entirety of Duel Academy Island, or rather the souls of its students, into a dimension of Duel Monsters created by the Chaos Wars, as they were referred to.
This card, Yubel, had a certain connection to Judai through a past life, and as his spirit had weakened they possessed him in order to take action as The Supreme King, evidently a version of Judai from another universe that had been their lover in another life. Yubel, controlling Judai, manipulated a series of events that forced his friends to duel for their lives, engaging in Shadow Duels that would kill a number of key players, such as many of the American transfer students, whose souls would only be returned to them in the event that the Supreme King was defeated. And even upon The Supreme King’s ultimate defeat in a duel with Sho, the spirit would then transfer to Jesse Anderson, one of the transfer students who used the one-of-a-kind Crystal Beast monsters to duel, forcing Judai to then duel Yubel for the fate of him and his schoolmates.
Though he had no way of possibly defeating Yubel’s Dark Rainbow Dragon, Judai was able to, in a last ditch effort, use the Super Polymerization card that Yubel had created as a means of fusing their dimension to the real-world as a way of fusing them and Judai together as one soul. It was through this that the gentle soul of Judai would be able to keep the warrior Yubel in check, while Yubel was able to remain connected to the one they wanted to be with most of all.
At this point, following the duel immediately, the students of Duel Academy would return in a meteor shower, returning to their regular lives, believing that Judai had sacrificed himself, before the Slifer student himself also returned roughly a month later.
As classes continued on, Judai found himself more scarred by the incidents than before, essentially having killed his classmates, and now sharing bodies with the person who had caused him to do these things, it took roughly a semester of events, including Judai’s investigation into a mysterious group of duelists who were using Shadow Games to steal souls of powerful players and card spirits, so as to resurrect what they believed to be a god, before he could even come to grips with tolerating Yubel, by playing them in his deck, and fusing them with Neos to make Neos Wiseman, a representation of what Judai and Yubel could accomplish together.
Eventually, Judai didn’t even compete in the third Genex tournament, leaving Chazz to win it in a three-tournament sweep, an impressive record that would be unbreakable for the rest of Duel Academy’s three-year structure, having lost the fun in dueling. However, the echoes of Winged Kuriboh drew Judai to a room, an old display from Judai’s first year that held a copy of Yugi Muto’s deck. The spirit drew Judai to the deck, and when he touched it, the remnants of Winged Kuriboh’s spirit displaced Judai’s soul across time, to just before the Grand Championship arc, in front of Solomon Muto’s game shop.
Running into a young Yugi Muto as he was on his way to school, an excited Judai challenged the legend to a duel. As the game progressed, Yugi could tell that something was causing Judai to hold back, and not put his whole heart into it, and thus they dueled in such a way that the game was more fun, not worrying so much about absolutely dominating, but having a good game, and as this progressed, Judai’s spirit and vigor for dueling returned to him!
Despite the match ending in a loss for Judai, he was able to return to his own time, and leave a letter for each of his friends, promising to someday see them again, and that when that day came, they could even have a duel!
Following this skipped graduation, Judai would travel the world, dueling in the minor circuits, as no large sponsors had picked up the largely inactive third year to enter the majors, dueling with others, and even connecting to other duelists who used HERO decks around the world, joining a team for Team-based dueling leagues known as Team HERO.
Two years after his graduation Judai would appear at the top of the world, with Koyo, finally ready to duel his mentor, facing off against the world champion’s Heroes with his own.
Abilities and Skills -Physical Ability: Judai was an extremely physically active youth, and was a gifted athlete. This is evident in even the physical education courses of Duel Academia, in which he outperforms many of his classmates, with only a few rivals in these specific courses. This is further enhanced when Judai fuses with Yubel, becoming able to leap from building to building, without any apparent shift in his biology or physiology. -Dueling Skill: Judai is a talented duelist, particularly skilled in the use of fusion techniques. Particularly he specializes in using monsters in combos to execute these fusions, but then later shifts to a style that relies on Mask Change for his Masked HERO cards, and then later becomes versed in Contact Fusion, and the individual strategies of the Neo-Spacian cards. Generally, Judai is accepted as being skilled in the use of any HERO card, though he stops using OmniHERO cards after returning Koyo’s deck. Despite being a freshman, Judai was able to dominate the rest of the Duel Academy Japan’s student body in duels, only losing to his rival Chazz. By adulthood he’s able to meet his mentor, and the multiple-time world champion Koyo, in a final match of The Duel Monsters World Tournament. On a technical level, Judai is especially adept at adapting to the strategies and cards of opponents, turning losing situations into his win conditions, or developing win conditions that prevent his opponents from achieving their own, such as with his Masked Heroes. --Drawing Luck: Being especially lucky, Judai Is always able to draw a card he sorely needs, rarely drawing the wrong card, unless it doesn’t matter. When Judai is beaten, it’s never because of a poor draw.
Superhuman Powers and Abilities -Human-Duel Spirit Hybrid: After using Super Polymerization, Judai and Yubel become a single entity, essentially placing him in a unique position where he is neither totally human, or totally duel spirit. As a result of his fusion with Yubel, he can enhance the duel monsters that he materializes using The Gentle Darkness. Additionally, through Yubel, he can sense the thoughts and emotions of others, and see the future, so long as it protects him from other supernatural powers, such as Hypnosis and Nightshroud. While using these powers, his eyes become the same as they were when he was the Supreme King, with one orange and one teal eye. He is also able to use Yubel’s power to project his voice beyond the range, and at a volume louder than, normally physically possible. -The Gentle Darkness: The Gentle Darkness is a semi-sentient force that is meant to counteract the Destructive Light, bringing about peace and serenity in its wake. Evidently The Supreme King was previously linked to this force. Through The Gentle Darkness now inhabiting Judai’s body, allowing it to act through him in certain situations, he can see, heard, and control Duel Monster Spirits. Additionally, he becomes able to manifest these monster spirits physically, and grant them their powers, without tapping into his Supreme King abilities.
Weaknesses and Limitations -Laziness: Judai is not a very enterprising young man, except for in the fields of dueling and athletics. Even in the case of the former, while attending a school that was solely dedicated to the studying of his favorite card game, he found himself sleeping through many lectures and the like, with grades that only narrowly allowed him to move onto subsequent grade levels, but still low enough to keep him in the Slifer Red dorm, in which there were no other third-year residents besides him. -Short Attention Span: Notably, Judai has a difficult time staying on a single subject for long stretches of time. Even during duels, when lengthy card effect descriptions or combos can easily bore Judai, especially if they aren’t particularly flashy. This can often result in him forgetting how they work, until experiencing them first-hand, in which case, he begins to commit them to memory.
Equipment and Support Gear -Judai’s Decklists Here -Duel Academy Uniform (Slifer Red): The standard Duel Academy uniform, Judai wears it even into adulthood, though he will often change the pants into a color that doesn’t so easily stain, preferring to reserve the full look for tournaments and title duels. -Duel Academy Duel Disk (Slifer Red): A standard duel disk given to the students of Duel Academy. Initially it was a 3rd Generation Duel Disk without any special modification or decoration, though in Judai’s senior year the student body were given prototype 4th Generation Disks, which didn’t require any special hologram projectors be used external to the disks themselves, that came with special house-color-based lining. -Duel Disk (Standard Model, 2nd Generation): A gift from Midori Hibiki, this was Judai’s first duel disk that he used in his duel against Koyo, and all duels leading to his time at Duel Academy. This is a standard 2nd Generation Model released after Battle City to the general public. They were notably considered expensive.
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Dual Enter: A Completely Serious Undertale AU
Tired single parent Dale Tuner takes his daughter, Lea Turned, on a hiking trip to take their minds off his recent divorce from his husband and step-father of Lea, Elan Trued. Forced by a sudden thunderstorm to take shelter, Dale witnesses Lea fall down a hole in the back of the cave, vanishing into the dark - not seeing that something, a sort of dark tendril, had wrapped around her ankle.
Panicking, he tries to call for help only to find there’s no mobile signal. Faint noises from below cause him to realise that his daughter is still alive; coming closer to the hole, he too finds himself falling into the darkness...
He wakes up on a patch of flowers and is greeted by nobody at all. He makes his way through the Ruins and meets a bizarre, almost goat-like humanoid lady who tells him that Lea has been and gone. That there’s no way of escaping the cave by going through the hole or any other way. She tells him that Lea is going to the castle, where the only method of escaping their rocky prison awaits. But not for Lea, only for the monsters - since the method requires her soul.
Furious, Dale sets out to rescue his daughter and find a way to get out of there. But time’s ticking, as the monsters are looking hard for their key to freedom...
Out in the land of the monsters, Dale finds a place torn into pieces by four clashing powers and on the brink of war. There’s a revolt brewing against King Asgore, three armies lead by three almost-identical figures forming as the impatience of the trapped monsters reaches boiling point. Lea has become a pawn for these armies, which their leaders each seeking to snatch the key to freedom and the eternal gratitude of monsterkind. Whoever takes the human’s soul first will be the winner of their three-way war. And they all want to win.
As tensions rise, a new phenomenon has gripped the underground - duelling. Since there’s so few monsters, an all-out war to the death would likely wipe them all out. So they’ve developed a system of non-lethal duels, with each monster capturing their enemies like chess pieces. Of course, a human has the power to become not just the most powerful but the deadliest duelist in all the land. 
And in the midst of all this, a billowing, boiling shadow and a bright, blinding light lurk in the dreams of monsters and in the places none dare to tread.
If Dale isn’t careful, both monsterkind and humankind could bite the dust.
Residents of the underground include:
Dale Tuner - unwilling recent arrival. Once a widower and now divorced, he nevertheless has a loving relationship with his eleven-year-old daughter Lea. Like many, he copes with things through the use of humour. Enjoys neo-Dadaism. Fortunately, he used to be in the fencing class in high school. Unfortunately, high school was a long time ago.
Lea Turned - unwilling pawn and modern Alice down the rabbit hole. At eleven years old, she’s not sure what she wants to be. But she’s willing to try a lot of things. Probably on the spectrum. Always has her camera with her, along with her umbrella and MP3 player. Doesn’t like mustard.
Earl Ed Nut - the one and only Ed Nut, accept no imitations. A former Captain of the Royal Guard who vanished suddenly one day after getting into a fight with - and some say trying to assassinate - King Asgore, he reappeared suddenly after a long absence. But not alone... Bold and brash, he charges into battle with his trusty sword and shield.
Real Ed Nut - the one and only Ed Nut, accept no imitations. A former Captain of the Royal Guard who vanished suddenly one day after getting into a fight with - and some say trying to assassinate - King Asgore, he reappeared suddenly after a long absence. Unlike the armoured, sword-wielding Earl, this sneaky lad favours a bow and twin daggers.
Neutral Ed - the one and only Ed Nut, accept no imitations. A former Captain of the Royal Guard who vanished suddenly one day after getting into a fight with - and some say trying to assassinate - King Asgore, he reappeared suddenly after a long absence. Uses powerful magics of earth, wind, fire, and soul. Appears to be biding his time.
Alder Tune - a sort of semi-sapient tree that shapes its trunks and branches into a natural woodwind instrument. Can also slap you silly with those branches if look like you’re not enjoying its tunes.
Tad Unreel - a merman with legs. Despite being a monster in a world full of magic, they manage to be the Fox Mulder of the underground. Won his legs in a surfboarding contest but refuses to explain how. The only one who believes the old stories about the Unaltered and the Altered Nu.
El Nude Rat - a shaved rat. A horrible little man. Yet somehow very popular amongst some residents of the underground.
Tundra Eel - an eel that likes cold places but craves hot cocoa with whip cream and marshmallows. Pity you can’t drink hot cocoa underwater.
Daunt Leer - a crabby old witch with a foul expression. A famed spellcaster named after her signature spell. Or is it the other way around? Despite her magical power, she’s aligned herself with the Real Ed.
Ant Dueler - a follower of the Earl, they might be small but their sword is still sharp! While you were busy being heterosexual, they were studying the blade. Sold their gender years ago for more swords.
Tan Dueler - a surfboarding magician-duellist and follower of Neutral Ed. Has a grudge against Tad Unreel for reasons she refuses to explain.
Renal Duet - a pair of kidney-monsters who want to become idol singers. They’re conjoined twins but singing in harmony isn’t coming easy...
A Nerd Lute - a living, speaking instrument who’s very geeky. Part of the Renal Duet’s band along with Real Tuned and Lunar Teed.
Lad Tureen - a keen young chef who specialises in soups. Hot, hot soups that can serve as a weapon in a pinch. Usually when people tell them that they’re sick of eating soup. Serves the Earl... lots of soup.
Lad Tenure - a keen young teacher who’s a minefield of useful information and dubious facts. Follows the Real Ed.
Neutral Lad - a keen young illusion specialist. Acts as a spy for Neutral Ed, though nobody knows it because they’re the master of disguise.
Ultra Need - he needs it! What is it? He doesn’t know, but he needs it! If you stick around him for too long, then you’ll need it too!
Tuna Elder - very old seafood. Follows King Asgore, hates humans.
Dental Rue - she wants your teeth when you’re done with them.
Aunt Elder - everyone’s auntie. Even an auntie to lost humans. Always has snacks and stickers ready, as well as advice that may or may not be useful. Something of a vodka aunt. Ex-Royal Guard. Hates the Earl.
The Unaltered - a mysterious shadowy force that follows Dale around and might have something to do with the disappearance and sudden reappearance of the three Ed Nuts. Doesn’t like humans or Asgore.
Altered Nu - they live in the light. Don’t go into the light. Don’t go into the light. Don’t go into the light. Don’t go into the light. Don’t go into the light.
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