#If I tagged you here and you’d rather not have your art shared
gar-trek · 2 years
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Fursona compilation from art fight (and a couple extras from friends :)
Credit left to right descending:
@abstrekt | @flockdog | razmerry (devientart) | dr.inkdog (Instagram) | @liquid-rage | me (lol) | (next two) @sockerock | @gadgetron
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cr4yolaas · 14 days
how do they love you? — various jjk men
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tags: fluff, gender neutral reader, some are a little ooc 😓, not proofread
notes: urghh my layout is all over the place … i can’t stick to one hc format </3
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𝜗𝜚 nanami kento loves you through gentle reminders. he has a tendency to litter notes and messages, both verbal and physical, here and there. there’s a collection of sticky notes on the fridge informing you that your bento for the day is in the fridge. there’s various text messages from him reminding you to attend the appointment you told him about 2 months ago. in the morning, he’ll whisper soft words against your forehead, telling you that you have a meeting in the afternoon. he knows how much it upsets you to forget something, whether it’s your water or an event you’d been patiently awaiting for weeks. thus, he makes it a habit to exterminate that issue for you.
𝜗𝜚 gojo satoru loves you in a clingy, boyish manner. he longs to have you by his side at all times, even if the situation isn’t the most favorable. when walking next to you, he’s always sure to have his fingers intertwined with yours, as if fearful you’ll drift away if he doesn’t hold on. late nights are spent on the couch laying atop each other, your limbs melding into one warm and indescribable mass. he loves feeling your skin against his, for it serves as a reminder of your presence.
𝜗𝜚 toji fushiguro doesn’t often show his love, but it’s evident in the lengths he goes for you. affection doesn’t come as easily for him. instead, whatever love he has meddles in the bottom of his lungs, patiently awaiting its release that likely won’t ever arrive. he’s consistent with this — very rarely does he say “i love you” or any similar phrase, and he isn’t too large on grand displays of affection. but even still, he’ll do just about anything to get what you want and deserve. even if it means spending the entirety of his savings, or if it means spending hours away from home, he’ll always ensure your happiness.
𝜗𝜚 geto suguru shows his love simply by being himself around you. it’s gradual, at first — he’ll speak a little bit more, hesitate a little bit less, and little by little, he begins to chip away at whatever walls he’s built around himself. it evolves rather rapidly after that. he’s telling you about every thought that crosses your mind, and he’ll share the occasional odd joke here and there. he’s a bit more sassy, too — all tell tale signs of his devotion to you.
𝜗𝜚 choso kamo isn’t quite sure how to love you properly, but he tries to do a bit of everything. yuuji had recommended him various ideas — dates, gifts, an abundance of grand gestures — and choso wasn’t quite sure which one you would like the most, so he picked all of them. he’s awkward about it, at first. his initiation skills aren’t very exceptional. but he’s genuine with each action, whether it’s showing up to your door with a bouquet thats larger than his face or taking you out to the art museum. other weeks, he’ll propose a movie night at your house or he’ll cook you a meal (which, unfortunately, doesn’t go too well). he loves trying every newfound gesture as much as he loves you.
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msbigredmachine · 1 year
Hoochie Daddy (Jey Uso/OC)
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How many of these shorts does he have? And how quickly can she take them off him? Jey Uso/OC gym one-shot.
Warnings: SMUT
Word count: 4.7k
A/N: I believe @southerngirl41​ is the reason for this title, lol. Let me know what you think!
All Jey gifs by @annoyedkayah2395
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The gym in the basement of Jey Uso’s house was something straight out of the Creed movies. The floor, walls, and ceilings were solid concrete, the old school decor contrasting with the state of the art equipment within its walls. The speaker system on the far wall blasted the late great DMX as you laid waste to the punching bag in the corner. The straining of your muscles and the aching of your joints felt good. It was helping a lot with clearing your head, given the rather stressful events of the past couple of months. 
Though not directly involved yourself, you had experienced the strife within the Bloodline through your boyfriend. From Sami’s betrayal at the Royal Rumble, to Roman’s rage, Jey boycotting the shows for weeks, the uncertainty coming to a head at Wrestlemania with the twins losing the Tag Team titles to Sami and Kevin. Hit hard by the defeat, Jey reacted by keeping his distance from the group once again. He avoided everyone’s phone calls, and you happily played gatekeeper, screening his calls and keeping the doors locked from all intruders. If Jey didn’t want to communicate with anyone, then so be it. You loved his family like they were your own, but his peace of mind always came first. Always.
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Which is why you let him sleep in while you came down here to beat the shit out of this damn bag. He’d gone to bed early last night and you wanted sex, but you couldn’t find it in your heart to wake him up and disturb his rest. This morning, you had to physically stop yourself from mounting him and riding him well into the afternoon. He looked so good lying there next to you, butt naked with his new chest tattoo just begging for your oral attention. That man made you horny at a moment's notice and it would have been infuriating if you weren’t already completely in love with the way he made you feel. 
So, you decided an early morning exercise would help you out with your frustrations. You learned that working out brought you to a state of erotic readiness. There was a power and excitement about exerting your entire body that amplified your arousal. It also helped that you were dating a man that shared your philosophy. Exercise energized you and Jey. The changes you’d experienced sexually in the past year were testament to this. As a couple you had transitioned from traditional sex to something so much more erotic and spiritual. Your relationship thrived as a result, and for the first time in years, you were happy.
"You’re stronger. But you gon’ hurt yourself if you don't relax your shoulders," a familiar gruff voice warned from the doorway of the gym.
You turned towards your boyfriend, locking eyes with him from across the room. You nodded at his barely clothed frame. “And you’re gonna have a yeast infection if you keep wearin’ them tight ass hoochie daddy shorts,” you shot back.
He burst into a chuckle as he glanced down at his yellow shorts, smiling that breathtaking smile of his. “You got jokes, huh?” he said, pushing off the door frame. As he approached you, his dark eyes raked over the light sprinkling of freckles over your beautiful face. He knew how many there were and could locate each one with his eyes closed. Your frizzy jet black hairstyle and crafted eyebrows made your eyes pop. And though they were hidden, he couldn’t help but drool over the outline of your nipple piercings through your thin, long sleeved Nike crop top.
You picked up your bottle of water. “How long have you been standing there watching me like a creep?” 
“Long enough. You know I can watch you all day, baby. You sexy as hell,” he winked, giving you a sweet kiss before swatting your backside. "How long you been in here?” 
"About an hour. Did some cardio first. I was horny and you were asleep.”
“Sorry ‘bout that, babe. I’ll make it up to you later.”
“I wanna fuck you now,” you pouted like a child, “Do you know how much willpower it took to not jump your bones this morning?” 
“I do. And I applaud your restraint. Usually, you can’t resist me,” he bragged.
“So damn arrogant.”
“Luh you too, boo,” he chuckled. Adjusting the Snapback around his head, he moved to the free weight area of the room. You noticed him fiddling with his phone, and rolled your eyes when he placed it in a strategic vantage point. Another IG story in the works; another day of women coming online to comment and thirst over his beautiful body. Just great. 
You stared as he pulled himself over the high bar and back down in flawless repetitions. The transformation of his body over the last year was goals, and you were inspired. However, with said transformation came the sudden need to wear only the teeniest tightest outfits to the gym, and now he had these little shorts in every color imaginable; pink, green, yellow, black, literally the Power Ranger collection of bikini shorts, with the hem just a few inches below his backside and showing off the extensive leg tattoos and the fullness of the groin that belonged to you. The material bunched up in that area as he slowly lowered himself back to the ground. Sweat glistened on his body, coursing down his defined contours, and you felt an animalistic urge to go right up to him and lick off every drop...
“Like what you see, baby?” His deep voice interrupted your dirty thoughts. Forcing your gaze back up, you saw his smirk, expressing his amusement at the heat in your eyes.
“You know I do. I’ve lost all my concentration thanks to them little ass shorts.”
“Concentrate on something else, then,” he insisted, empowered by how flustered he made you.
“I can’t. That ass is calling my name,” you whined, “You got your Daddy’s booty, I’ve told you this before.”
Jey groaned audibly. “Girl, leave my Daddy outta this!”
The side of your lips quirked, showing off the tiny dimple in your cheek that drove Jey crazy. “But it’s true. Jimmy got Kish’s face, you got his ass.”
The former tag champ burst out laughing. His girl was as crazy as she was beautiful. “You are unbelievable.”
“I know, Daddy.”
Not Daddy. Damn. His gaze followed your ample backside as you walked away, and involuntarily, his tongue darted out over his lips. Forcing himself to refocus, he settled down on the weight bench and picked up the weights he set out to train with.
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The two of you worked out in comfortable silence, shooting furtive glances when the other wasn't looking. As he laid back on the bench, you ogled his dick print, his grunts of exertion causing you to bite your lip and squeeze your thighs together where you stood. Noting his attention was solely on the dumbbells, you sensed the opportunity passing you by. 
Fuck it. 
“Your video still on?” you asked, going over to him.
“No, why?”
You gave no answer, but proceeded to flop down directly onto his groin, smirking at his startled grunt. You could feel his eyes burning holes into the back of your head but you didn't care. Making yourself comfortable on his lap, you started slowly, grinding your ass on his cock, feeling him harden almost instantly through the thin barrier of your clothing.
“What are you doing?” Jey demanded, scrambling to sit upright. You looked over your shoulder at him with a devilish grin, noticing the struggle in his eyes. 
“I told you…I want some dick...I want what’s mine,” you let him know, opening your legs a little wider to grind on him. With a steady roll of your hips, you moaned and whimpered at the feeling of the wetness pooling in your loins. You let his groans wash over you as you rocked you back and forth on him, bumping your ass against his abs repeatedly. 
“Fuck, baby,” he hissed.
“Yeah, Daddy, you like that?" you taunted him, looking back at him as you rode him reverse cowgirl. "Come out here looking like that and expect me not to jump you, huh?"
Jey did not know where to put his hands. You had him all discombobulated from your little ambush. He settled for the curls of your hair, tugging your head to the side to allow his lips and tongue attack your sweaty neck. This motivated you to arch your back and roll your ass more harshly, his hand in your hair making you look back at it. You knew how good you were making him feel as he shifted multiple times to make your ass stroke his dick through his shorts. His hungry eyes watched you dry hump the shit out of him, his eyebrows pinched together in total arousal. 
“Aww fuck, keep goin’,” he moaned, grabbing your gyrating backside, purposely flexing his thigh muscles to give you more friction. His husky praise encouraged you to pick up the pace. Your hips rolled diligently, your hands braced on his knees for leverage, thoroughly enjoying the sounds tumbling from his mouth. It was sweaty, it was hot, and from the way your pussy rippled, it was about to get even hotter.
Then, from out of nowhere, you stopped and stood up.
“And that’s my workout done for the day,” you announced, stepping away from him.
Jey could not keep his jaw from dropping in shock. “The fuck? Babe!” he exclaimed with wide eyes.
You casually adjusted your clothes and ignored the prominent tent in his shorts. “Yep. Pelvic thrusts. Great for mobility,” you explained, fighting the urge to laugh. He looked so frustrated, it was hilarious.
The Samoan squared his shoulders and glared at you. “Damn dick tease. I’ma get you for that, ya hear me?” he threatened.
“I hope so.” For a long moment, you regarded him, talking to him without saying a word. You were checking on him, hoping he was okay. Jey’s expression softened in understanding, and he grabbed your hand and pressed his lips to your inner wrist. The feeling of his mouth gently pressed to your skin made your stomach clench with a sweet mix of affection and need.
“See you upstairs, baby. I’ll be right up, a’ight?” he prodded gently, his eyes shining with gratitude. 
You nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Now go, before I bend your fine ass over my lap.” He burst out laughing as your eyes lit up at the prospect. “Go!”
“Fine.” Blowing him a kiss, you left the room before he could change his mind and carry out his dastardly threat. Like he did a couple of weeks ago, when he locked you inside the laundry room and proceeded to fuck you for an hour. In eight different positions. All while getting the laundry done. Good Lord. Could you do that again, actually?
Buying a jetted jacuzzi tub big enough for two, was one of the best decisions you and Jey had ever made, expense be damned. It was one of your favorite things about the whole house, your place of Zen and tranquility after a long day. You ensured the water was adequately seasoned with Epsom salts and eucalyptus mints among others. Turning off the hot water, you stripped off, tucked your hair into a shower cap, and lowered yourself carefully into the tub. You leaned back and closed your eyes with a deep sigh, allowing the quiet to take over the ambience. You could feel your pores opening instantly, absorbing the mint and the steam, making you feel much more relaxed.
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The sound of shoes being noisily kicked off forced your eyes open, landing on the handsome Samoan culprit grinning cheekily at you.
“That looks nice,” he commented.
“It feels amazing,” you concurred, crooking your finger at him. "C'mere, Daddy. Come join me."
Like he would ever turn down such an offer. He peeled off the t-shirt that stuck to his sweaty skin, followed by his so-called hoochie daddy shorts. He blushed at the way your eyes glossed over with desire as they raked over his body. He would never stop enjoying the way you looked at him. He descended into the tub on the opposite side, allowing his legs to entwine with yours underneath the water. Once he was seated, he exhaled loudly, leaning back and closing his eyes like you did.
“Your mind’s a mile away from here,” you spoke up after a few minutes of observing him in silence. “Come back to me, baby. Talk to me.”
Jey turned his head toward the window, staring dully at the bright sky outside. When he spoke, the pain in his voice hurt your soul. 
“Tell me how I let all of this shit happen,” he whispered. “I thought I was doing the right thing, man. Staying in the Bloodline to protect Jimmy. I thought I had everything under control. Until I got in that ring on Saturday night. It shoulda been just another match for me. But one look at Sami and all I saw was red. I let my emotions get the best of me. Now we’ve lost the fucking titles.” He paused, dragging a hand down his face. “The crazy part is, I believe Sami. I know he’s right about everything. Everything he warned me about is happenin’ now. Baby I just don’t know what to do.”
He looked over at you, and your heartstrings tugged at the helplessness you saw in his eyes, something you realized you’d been seeing too often lately. It was taking a toll on the usually confident, self-assured man you knew and loved. It was no secret that your boyfriend was under the Tribal Chief’s thumb, with no true will of his own. You had your own opinions on everything that was happening and you had told Jey that much, but it was ultimately up to him to do what he needed to do. 
Pushing away from your end of the tub, you waded in between his spread legs, resting your back against his chest. You always seemed to fit so perfectly against him. His arms instantly came around you, feeding off your warmth, your aura, your quiet strength that he so desperately needed.
“You’re not happy, Jey,” you assessed. “I wish you didn’t second-guess yourself so much, because your instincts are almost always right. You need to act on them again. I want you to do what’s best for you. Nobody else. Not Sami, not your brothers, not your cousin…not even me. Look out for Jey Uso this time. Just this once. And as always, whatever you decide, I got your back one hundred percent.”
Although you couldn’t see him, you could feel him absorbing your advice, letting your words swirl around in his head. You only hoped this meant that his misery would come to an end sooner rather than later. Exhaling heavily, he reclined again, stretching one arm across the top of the tub’s ceramic surface and holding onto you with the other.
“After this shit is over, I owe you a vacation,” he spoke. “Just you and me, far away from here.”
“Ooh, yes I’m down for that,” you nodded eagerly.
“Yeah. I definitely owe you a ring, too.”
“A ring?” Your brows furrowed in confusion at first, and then it hit you. Your head angled up to meet his eyes. “Mr. Ucey Jucey, are you proposing to me?”
Jey shrugged. “I told you I’ma marry you one day, lil’ mama. I ain’t changed my mind,” he said.
“You sure you’re ready for my craziness on a full-time basis?”
“That’s what I love about you the most, baby. I ain’t letting nobody else have you, that’s for damn sure.”
“Hmm. So you’re possessive,” you interrogated.
“I just know a good thing when I see it,” he stated, gazing deep into your eyes. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and I ain’t letting it go, not even with my last breath.”
“And I’m not letting you go either,” you smiled, leaning into him, “You’re all mine, my big bad hoochie daddy.”
“Stop,” he warned, licking his lips.
“Stop what?”
“Calling me that.”
You raised your eyebrow. “Make me.”
Jey's amused expression instantly became serious, and he swallowed hard as his eyes dilated. It was always a thrill for you, challenging his control, anticipating what he would do to you afterwards. Just as that thought crossed your mind, you felt his right hand glide slowly down your body.
“What are you doing?” you asked, your words dissolving into a gasp when he squeezed your right breast.
“Finishing what you started.”
Your breath hitched when his hand continued its journey down south and slipped between your thighs. Instinctively you opened them, letting him play with your pussy using the tips of his long fingers. "Oh fuck," you gasped, your head tilting back when they breached your folds, going in deep. Licking your lips, you moaned and then grunted as he scissored his fingers back and forth inside you. “Oh god, Jey, yes…”
His lips swept the length of your neck, your little moans music to his ears. "You like that, mama? Like my fingers deep in you?"
You tried to respond, but the words evaporated as he dug deeper into your pussy. You spread your legs wider in the water, letting him work you at the pace he wanted. His mouth suckled your throat, and a blissful sigh sang from inside your heaving chest, your body awash with heat as his fingers probed you. 
“Yeah, say my name, baby.”
It was as though he’d cast a spell on you, the urgency with which you needed him inside you, on you, all over you. Holding the back of your head steady with his other hand, he leaned down and covered your lips with his. Your fingers raked through the wetness of his mullet fade, moving your lips greedily against his as he sped up the movements of his fingers. 
“Mmm, these lips were made for kissing me,” he murmured dreamily, and his soft words turned you to mush. Your mouth remained on his even as you rotated your body, unwilling to release him for even the few seconds it took to turn around. You climbed onto his lap and sat on him. His hands immediately sought the curve of your ass, squeezing in large handfuls. Your pierced, erect nipples pressed against his chest, delightfully rising and sinking like two round buoys in the sea. His groin felt hot against yours, just like it did in the gym. As he guided you down his length, you quickly grabbed the edge of the tub to keep from slipping. You both gasped from the familiar joy of your bodies joining, with every inch of Jey’s thick length sliding all the way inside you.
Jey didn't think he had ever felt you so tight, yet so slick and easy to penetrate. He watched you closely as you rocked your hips slowly, carefully, making sure you had all of him. You lifted your knees and wrapped your legs around his hips, your heels pressing against his lower back and prompting Jey to sit up and hug you tight. The tilt of his cock as you rolled your hips forward brought out another groan from you both. You rode him at a variety of paces, watching the pleasure wash over his face with each change. He lifted one hand to toy with your nipple, his palm squeezing your breast as you moaned in response. You paused for a second to adjust yourself on top of him, then switched up your movements, rising and falling, your pussy gripping his length tightly with every drop and dragging a hiss from his lips. You rode him good, rode him hard, your wanton gasps of pleasure echoing around the bathroom. Jey’s bottom lip disappeared between his teeth as he kneaded and massaged your ass, then gripping hard as he took control, working you on his dick. 
“Fuck, yes, yes!” you groaned into his neck as he steered you on his pole, his fingers digging into your hip bones as he grinded you onto him, increasing the stimulation on your clit. Then, he was lifting you up and down, bouncing you with a desperation that turned you on even more. Words failed you at this point, reduced to a panting, moaning mess. You were dizzy from pleasure, almost at the edge of release. The water splashing around you went ignored in the throes of passion, with him growling against your throat as you whimpered in his arms.
Jey’s grip on your waist was vice-like as he bounced you harder, chasing his own release. It felt like you were cracking in two from the scorching heat you and Jey had created. You didn’t try to tamp down your moans as you came. It was sweet and ferocious and ravaging all at once, ushering Jey himself past the point of control as he spurted generously inside you. His deep, raspy groan broke you all over again, and you let the ripples plunge you into another incredible orgasm, brought on by the sheer force of his. When it was over, you were both spent and trembling in the water, breathing raggedly, clinging to each other for dear life. Jey dropped a kiss to your forehead and then your nose, the gesture warm and tender.
“Damn, Daddy,” you moaned, earning a proud grin from him.
"Ay, you wanted dick, you got it. You're welcome," he said matter-of-factly, carefully lifting you off his cock and helping you out of the water.
“So arrogant.”
“Luh you too, boo.”
After draining the tub, the two of you made your way into the shower for a proper cleansing. You ended up in there for much longer than usual thanks to your make-out session beneath the cascading water while soaping each other up. There was something so sexy about him pinning you to the wall as you kissed, your wet bodies pressed together, the little sensual noises of pleasure you both made while he gripped and massaged your ass cheeks. As you left the shower, he maneuvered you towards the sink, facing the mirror. You hissed softly as the cold surface contrasted erotically with the heat of your man's body on your back, and you braced your hands on the bathroom countertop. He started kissing your neck, his hand shifting upwards so he could caress your breasts. You watched him in the mirror, your pussy moistening further at the sexy sight.
As he continued to nuzzle your throat, you flexed your spine, pressing your ass into his groin, and was rewarded by the sharp breath he sucked in. Relieving you of your shower cap, he swept your curly hair into his fist and pressed another kiss to your throat, meeting your eyes through the mirror.
“I love the way you look at me, like you want me,” he whispered.
“I do want you. I want you every day of my life. I’ll always want you, Jey,” you vowed. The look he gave you in response was so purely masculine, so primal, visibly turned on by your declaration.
"That’s my girl. Keep your eyes on me, baby,” he instructed, kissing your cheek, “Let me show you what I see every time we fuck."
Swallowing hard, you watched his head drop, and gasped as his fingers slipped unexpectedly between your legs, gathering your juices. You could hear the wet sound of his hand stroking his dick, and you longed to turn around and look, to watch him spread your essence all over himself. His husky groan as he lined his dick up with your entrance made your pussy flutter. Catching your eye in the mirror, he smirked at your impatient expression and smacked your backside for your troubles.
"Don’t worry, you gon’ get every inch, baby, all of it, it’s yours," he promised. With no further preamble, he bent you over, used your hips to pull you up onto your tiptoes, and entered you from behind. Your sharp gasp filled the bathroom as your walls stretched to accommodate his length and girth, your body almost doubling over in the process. His eyes remained on yours through the mirror as he slowly started to thrust in and out of you, reveling in the pleasure washing over your features. 
A string of moans left your lips as his cock speared you over and over, his tattooed arm around your waist to hold you steady. Your breasts jutted forward as your spine arched back, both of you transfixed by the reflection in the mirror, both of you extremely turned on, panting with the sheer eroticism of watching yourselves have sex.
"Baby, you feel so good," you groaned, bending over slightly as he thrust deeper into you. His long fingers threaded through your hair, and he used it to roughly pull you back up, almost to a standing position. Both of you were panting, moaning, the scent of sex heavy in the air, the sounds of your flesh pounding together ringing in your ears.
Dropping a wet kiss to your neck, he growled in your ear as he stared you down through the mirror. "Look at us, baby. Look how fucking good we look together."
You did look good, especially with him inside you. Together, your joined reflection looked good. You were an amazing pair, you and the man of your wildest dreams. You spread your legs further and rocked onto the balls of your feet, bringing him deeper into you, your breasts bouncing in time to his fierce thrusts, his hand still in your hair to hold you in place. He was insatiable for you, and you for him. 
"Shit, baby, your pussy is so good. You’re takin’ Daddy’s dick so well," he rasped.
His glassy eyes and barely contained groans told you he was close to coming. A naughty idea came to your mind, and you brought your hand down to touch yourself, moaning when your fingers slipped easily over the slick wetness you found there. Jey's eyes darkened in the mirror as he watched you, his hand in your hair tightening reflexively as you started stroking rapidly, right over where his dick made that sweet connection with your pussy.
Being the showman that he was, Jey loved himself a good show. And you found that you quite liked putting on a show for your man.
You could feel your body start to heat up, your swollen clit protruding against your fingers at the same time he deep-stroked your wetness. As you watched him in the mirror, you could see and feel the tension building inside him, matching yours, your naked bodies starting to tremble from the climbing pleasure. 
“Daddy, I’m gonna come,” you whined. Those four words seemed to set him off. His movements became wilder, rougher, mounting to a rising crescendo. He had you literally on the tips of your toes, at the very edge of euphoria, finally falling over when his teeth sank into your shoulder.
You exploded. Releasing one more time all over his dick. Jey was right behind you, pumping hard inside you once, twice, and groaning into your shoulder as he came. His body shuddered against yours, your orgasms seemingly pulsing through both of you together. Gripping your hips tight, he moaned again, rolling his pelvis against your thick, juicy backside to drain every drop of his cum into your warm, intoxicating pussy. You purred softly with satisfaction and rested your head on his shoulder, letting him envelop you in those strong arms of his as your bodies calmed down.
Jey slowly pulled out of you, his eyes flickering to your stance; naked, bent over with your legs splayed, with his seed trickling down your inner thighs. So fucking hot. He turned you back to him, a small smile on his face when you tiptoed up to kiss his lips and play with his hair.
“So…what else are we doin’ today?” he asked you.
“We might need another shower,” you giggled, rubbing his back, “Also, I want you to make me breakfast wearing one of them tiny shorts,” you added. “You’re gonna wear them all day and nothing else.”
“That what you want, baby?”
“Yeah, and for me and my eyes only. No videos,” you quickly added the caveat.
“Where’s the fun in that?” he quipped, laughing when you smacked his arm.
“I said what I said. I think your beloved IG fangirls have seen enough for today,” you pouted.
He chuckled at your little riot act and pecked your pouty lips. “Fine. Anything for you, pretty girl.”
“Thanks, Hoochie Daddy. Love you.”
Jey could only sigh and shake his head with a big smile. He wouldn’t have your cheeky self any other way. “Love you, too, lil’ mama.”
I’m on a roll with Jey rn. But I’ll 100% go back to my Tribal Chief soon. This one didn’t have too much drama, but I hope you liked it, still.
Please leave comments. I love comments!
Banner made by me. Credit to owners of the pics and gifs.
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pugh-bug · 5 days
No.42 Chapter 3
Art Donaldson x reader slow burn friends to lovers
Sorry for the wait! The day I set aside to get loads done on this I ended up having to visit a family member in hospital, he’s much much better now. Anyway oversharing. I hope you enjoy this chapter! I loved writing it. Let me know if you wanna be added to my tag list 💕
Part 2
You woke up on Saturday morning to a missed text from Art.
7:58am - text from Art
Sorry if I woke you when I left. Gone to play hard court today hope you slept alright on that couch.
The sudden realisation that you were not in fact in your bed hit you almost as hard as the loose spring in your back. You groaned, reaching for some leftover pizza. None left. You groaned again.
9:26am - text to Art
Did you eat all your pizza?
To your surprise the boy replied immediately, showcasing his ability to read your mind.
9:27am - text from Art
Afraid so :) Look in the fridge if you’re so hungry
The fridge, despite the tightness of your apartment, had never looked so far away. You’d rather wait the nine hours for Art to return and pass food to you through a funnel. He could create some sort of feeding tube, perhaps he could fashion it out of one of the dozen tennis ball containers Patrick left lying around. You hadn’t seen the floor in years.
It took you almost thirty minutes to peel your lifeless body off the sofa and trudge the eight metres to the fridge. Before all of your fingers had grasped the cold metal you caught it. The smell.
The month you and Patrick were flat hunting had been a difficult one, full of stress and disappointments. A week before you found the flat you now called home, Art had found crying outside your favourite pancake place. You didn’t know if Patrick had texted him, giving him a heads up of your less than stellar mood and where to find you, or if he had simply ran into you by accident but one minute he was there.
The two of you had shared your favourite, strawberry and kiwi pancakes with whipped cream, despite having never spent time alone together previously and it hadn’t been awkward. Any awkwardness had come from your inability to keep your emotions to yourself and not a mess for all to see. Art hadn’t minded in fact, unbeknownst to you, he’d greatly enjoyed your company and had had a shitty day himself before your talk.
10:02am - text to Art
Did I ever mention I love you living here??
Sitting proudly in the fridge, in between Patrick’s abandoned pasta and your pathetic amount of cheese, was a plate of strawberry and kiwi pancakes. You looked at the pile of washing up and noticed essence of strawberry still dripping from the chopping board next to a whisk and bowl.
‘God damn…’ you actually moaned aloud at the first bite. Not only were they delicious but they’d been made especially for you for no reason. No one had ever made you breakfast before, unless you counted the time Patrick threw a box of muffins at your head to wake you up for school. It often didn’t take a great amount of effort to impress you, something maybe a therapist needed to hear about, but you felt justified being impressed with Art for this. They were truly wonderful.
10:20am - text from Art
Come thank me in person if you want, Liam is taking another break
You couldn’t help but smile at his little dig at Liam, whether intentional or not it told you everything you needed to know: Art was the better player. Art was always the better player, he usually wiped the floor with anyone who wasn’t Patrick.
It was only a twenty minute walk to Stanford and although you were ashamed to admit it … you had nothing better to do on a Saturday morning. You decided to pack your laptop, so you could kid yourself that this was a productive thing and not just an excuse to watch Art sweat. The damn thing wouldn’t even get opened and you knew it.
It was a hot day, even for Summer it was unforgiving. You pulled at your tank top, attempting to negate any sweat stains by leaving a gap between your wet skin and the thin fabric. No such luck, the car window reflection of yourself showed you the harsh reality. How did Art do it? How did he look sexy whilst sweating? You felt like a drowned dog, heaving and panting in the back of a muggy car trying to see past the drops of sweat in your lashes.
You reached Stanford earlier than you expected and to your great satisfaction, saw no Art present. That gave you ample time to tidy yourself up in the toilets before meeting him. The college had crisp air con, much better than the pathetic excuse for a fan you and Patrick would crowd round on hot days.
Art didn’t text you directions because he didn’t need to. He knew you’d visited Patrick enough times to know your way around all the tennis courts, hard or otherwise. It didn’t take you long to find the right one.
You scanned the indoor courts for the source of the outburst. Art, third court from the left and he was not happy. For a moment you teetered on your feet, unsure if it was better to wait a bit before interfering with their clearly tense match. Before you could make a decision however-
Liam spotted you, putting his racket down immediately to wave you over. He’d once gotten drunk and told Patrick how much he liked you but that it had been so long ago that you’d almost forgotten and his new girlfriend was a tennis star. On the ‘up and up’ as Patrick’s dad would say.
Although Liam’s hug was intense, sweaty and pretty uncomfortable you were too focused on Art to cringe. He was rubbing his face with his hands, looking more pained than you’d ever seen him. You didn’t know why. He’d been playing well before you arrived.
Noticing the object of your frown, Liam suddenly grinned even wider. ‘He just lost the third set.’ Art took a large swig of water, not noticing the way you stared in awe at the angle of his jaw and the wet curls on his forehead. He was too focused on the racket he was clutching fiercely enough to force the veins of his forearm to pull your attention.
‘I know it’s not over yet,’ Liam panted slightly, clearly Art had still run him ragged. ‘But this never happens - never.’ In the years they’d played together, Liam had never beaten Art. Not in singles or doubles. Not on hard court. Not on clay or grass. Never. You were not convinced, however, that poor Liam had never won a set before so you voiced your opinion without thinking.
‘Art, you can still win. It’s fine!’
Art shot you a glare. It didn’t last long but it burned you a little, the intensity of it. He wanted so badly for you to be right, for it to not matter to him. ‘It’s just a game’ well it wasn’t to Art. It was his entire future and if he lost - if he lost ever - it was him throwing that future away.
‘You’ll win the fourth.’ You smiled, reassuringly. That lifted Art a little and bruised his partner.
‘I thought we were stopping for a bit since Y/N’s here.’ Art watched your face for a reaction, daring you to decide for the three of them. Without removing your eyes from Art you smiled. ‘No, no. I’ll watch.’
You watched them play for another hour and a half. Art just won the fourth set, by the narrowest of margins but that gave him the confidence boost he badly needed to destroy Liam in the fifth. Th-wack! Smash. Th-wack! Slice. Th-wack! Topspin. You were honestly confused why Liam bothered serving. If it had been you - well - let’s just say the floor would have made a more than sufficient bed. It was certainly making a sufficient seat for you to watch Liam get massacred. God was Art good.
‘You win…’ Liam was dripping, his white shirt almost see-through. ‘I need a sec…’ So did you. It was practically a workout just watching them. You clapped as Art walked over to you, looking very satisfied with his win. ‘You happy now?’
As Liam rung out his shirt, Art gestured to the court with his racket. ‘You and me. One game.’ His eyes were full of amusement.
You’d die.
‘One set?’ He smirked, desperate for you to humour him. Not today. ‘Absolutely not.’ You laughed, standing up.
‘Actually, I’d love lunch right now,’ Liam’s suggestion was a necessity. ‘After a shower.’ And so was his afterthought. They both needed one desperately. Art’s hair didn’t even look blonde anymore.
‘Yeah you two go, I’ll wait then we can get food. I’m not super hungry but I can always eat.’
Liam was already rushing to the showers, practically leaving a pool of loser evidence behind him but Art heard. He looked like he was waiting for something from you and for a moment, in your haze, you wondered what. Oh!
‘The pancakes,’
You could tell he was happier with your compliment than he was letting on. The truth was Art craved praise, mostly for tennis but for anything he accomplished. It didn’t matter if he’d made a three tier cake, organised a trip or won every set in a match he wanted to know he’d done good.
‘Seriously, how did you even find the recipe?’ The two of you walked together out of the hall. ‘I’ve been asking the staff for years, pretty sure they hate me now actually.’
‘I have my ways.’ He grinned. ‘Now, I’m gonna go shower-‘
‘Good, you stink.’
‘Fuck off.’
Chapter 4
Taglist: @gatorgirl007 @imblushingrn
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amhrosina · 1 year
Favorite Kind of Trouble (Matt Murdock x f!Reader x Frank Castle)
A/N: Hiiiii! I feel like it’s been forever since I posted anything, but it’s only been a little over a week! While I battled writer’s block and also had one of the roughest weeks of my life, there was a resounding desire in my asks/replies for another poly!fic with Frank, reader, and Matt, and I finally got around to writing it today! I hope you enjoy it! Also a big shout out & thank you to my lovely beta reader @wheredidiputmyfish for being so great!
**This poly fic can be read separately from the others I’ve written, but at this point, they all take place in the same universe and are just glimpses into their relationship at different times, so if you like their dynamic, you can find links to the rest of the fics here or here!**
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Summary: Frank and you get up to no good at a gala event, and Matt’s enhanced senses can’t help but focus on the pretty sounds you’re making from across the room. 
(Warnings: oh brother, smut, like pretty much all smut zero plot, somewhat dom!frank, somewhat sub!matt, switch!reader, semi-public fun!!!, fingering, dirty talk (frank mainly lmfao), blow job, choking, wholesome poly flirting, frank and matt think they’re unworthy of each other!!!, they’re all idiots in love) 
The gala had officially stretched into its fourth hour, and you couldn’t believe how incredibly unperturbed Matt looked as he politely chuckled at, yet another, bad joke told by the snobby businessman in the too-tight tux. You shifted in your seat, subtly stretching your legs towards Frank, who at least had the decency to look bored. Under the table, your left thigh brushed against his right, and his attention shifted to you as he cocked an eyebrow in your direction.
God, he was so pretty. You didn’t tell him enough, but every time Frank looked at you, even when you were out in public and he refused to let his guard down, the subtle softening of his eyes when they landed on you made him the prettiest goddamn man you’d ever met. You flicked your gaze across the table to Matt, who was putting on a good show and pretending to listen to a rather boring anecdote – the only man that rivaled Frank in the looks department – and they were both wound so tightly around your finger that you couldn’t imagine being happier with anyone else. 
Most of the public had no idea that you, Frank, and Matt were something of a trio. They didn’t even know Frank’s real name. To most people, and certainly to the prying eyes of the elites attending the gala, you and “Pete” were a wealthy, but private couple who knew Matt through connections in the art world. They had no idea that the three of you shared a bed, a home, a life together. As frustrating as it was to keep that part of his life a secret, Matt gladly played the part. They didn’t get to wake up wrapped in the arms of the people he loved, and that’s really what mattered to him, and that way, Frank could have the honor of staking his claim over you in public. It all worked out rather well, when he thought about it. 
Your gaze returned to Frank. Your eyes slowly followed the trail of buttons up his torso, over the bowtie at the base of his neck, attention snagging on his lips before finally meeting his intense stare. To others, Frank might look stoic, bored, and maybe even annoyed, but you saw the desire in his eyes, felt the way the muscles in his thighs flexed as he shifted in his seat. He wanted it too, even if he didn’t realize it yet.
The gleam in your eyes told him you were up to something, and even if he wasn’t able to read the mischief in your smirk, the subtle twist in Matt’s neck as his ears perked up told him everything he needed to know. Frank leaned closer to you, brushing your bare shoulder with his lips before whispering in your ear. 
“Spread your legs, sweetheart.”
Your breath hitched, and you nearly swore when his fingertips brushed over your bare knee. An innocent stroke of the hand from a caring lover. A simple, loving gesture between the mysterious couple that kept mostly to themselves at events like these. That’s what anyone who might be watching would assume, and you knew it. 
“What if someone sees?” You breathed in a hushed whisper, but your legs were already opening for him. The effect he had on you was maddening.
“No one can see us.” He assured you, promptly glancing around the room again to solidify his promise. His hand rubbed lazy circles on your thigh, fingertips barely ghosting over the skin of your inner thigh as he slowly made his way up your leg. 
“What if someone hears?” You eyed him warily, though the spark of desire had shot through you like a bullet the second he’d made contact with your skin. 
“If you’re worried about it, you’ll just have to stay extra quiet, sweetheart.” He lightly flicked your nose with his free hand, grinning as annoyance briefly crossed your face. “Besides, Red’s bored too. He’s probably harder than I am right now, wishing he could touch himself under the table like I’m about to do to you.”
The abrupt sound of Matt’s knee crashing against the underside of the table pulled your attention from Frank. The guests seated near him jumped as he fumbled to catch his wine glass before it tumbled to the floor. You bit your lip in an attempt to smother your giggle. For a moment, the room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Matt cleared his throat, apologizing under his breath as he took a hefty swig of his wine. As the conversations around the room picked back up, Matt glared in your direction. You looked back at Frank, who was smirking.
“Want to play a game, sweetheart?” He whispered, breath coasting over the curve of your ear. 
“Is it at poor Matty’s expense?” You cooed, spreading your legs wider as his fingertips grazed the lace of your underwear.
“Maybe.” He smirked, kissing the corner of your mouth. 
He shifted your underwear aside, and you had to take a deep breath so that you didn’t moan as the cool air kissed your wet cunt. Frank was normally a patient man when it came to coaxing an orgasm out of you, opting to draw out the experience so that you could enjoy it as much as possible, even if that meant teasing you for hours before finally giving in to your begs. But tonight, with his attention half on you and half on Matt, he had very little patience for games. Not that you were complaining. 
He slid a finger through your folds, relishing in the warmth and slickness he found there. You tensed in your seat, flicking your gaze to Matt, who looked like he was going to be sick. Frank’s warm breath heated your neck as he whispered against your skin.
“How long do you think Red will last like this?” He asked, eyes briefly flickering to Matt before returning to yours. He gently circled your clit, eyeing the heat that was crawling up your neck. “How long do you think he’ll be able to hear your pretty little moans before it becomes too much for him?”
Matt tugged at his bowtie, clearing his throat as sweat beaded on his forehead. The tension in the air was electric, and when he parted his lips, allowing the fullness of your desire to hit his senses, it nearly undid him. You were so wet around Frank’s fingers, and the sounds of your soft hums of pleasure combined with Frank’s teasing tone was enough to make him so hard that it ached. He tried and failed to divert his attention back to the conversation around him, only able to focus on your quiet sighs and Frank’s encouraging mumbles. 
“I know you can hear us, Red.” Frank teased, adding pressure to your clit. You gripped your seat with white knuckles, panting at the friction building in your core. “I couldn’t help myself. She looks,” he plunged an additional finger into your cunt for emphasis, “ravishing tonight.” 
Frank could feel how close you were, relished in the tightness of your cunt as it clenched around his fingers. Matt, he guessed, was not far behind you. He looked like he was on the verge of tears, fumbling with his glass as he tried to look interested in the story being told. 
“C’mon Red. You know it’s impolite for a man to cum before a lady.” He mumbled, breathing into your ear. His eyes flickered between you and Matt, and both of you looked like you were about to cry. Matt’s fingers tightened on the glass, and you clenched around him again. “Don’t you want to cum in her tight cunt later? Don’t you want to fuck your cum deep into her pretty pussy? She’s been such a good girl tonight. She deserves our cum, Red, don’t you think?” 
His vulgar words were your undoing. You wilted against his chest as your orgasm crashed through you, the throbbing pressure easing as he coaxed it out of you. You moaned as quietly as you could, muffled only by the fabric of Frank’s coat as you shuttered against him. Simultaneously, as you came around Frank’s fingers, Matt’s hand clenched around the wine glass so tightly that the glass cracked, and then shattered all over the table, spilling a red stain down the front of his pristine shirt.
The crowd around Matt shrieked, and Frank watched as he calmly excused himself from the table and hurried towards the bathroom. Guilt crashed through him, though he was sure Matt wouldn’t be upset about the shirt. He likely wouldn’t be upset about the small cuts in his hand either. Matt was forgiving like that. Frank didn’t feel like he deserved one bit of his kindness.
“Is she okay?” 
The voice drew him out of his thoughts, back into his body, which was half curled around you as you recovered from your intense orgasm. The stranger sitting diagonal from you and Frank eyed him warily.
“Too much,” you panted, excuse already on the tip of your tongue, “wine. I think I had too much wine, darling.”
You ungracefully attempted to stand, and Frank wondered how much of this was for show and which parts of it were genuine as you leaned into his arms for support. The shakiness in your legs was definitely real, he decided.
“I’m going to take her to the bathroom to sober up. Thank you.” He nodded at the man, who was already half engrossed in another conversation as he led you in the direction that Matt had come a few minutes earlier. As soon as the two of you were out of sight, you straightened, giggling at the show you’d had to put on. 
“I didn’t know I was dating an actress.” Frank grinned, rapping on the bathroom door with his knuckles.
“I didn’t know either.” You laughed again.
The door unlocked, and you and Frank covertly slid into the bathroom with Matt, who was a heated, panting mess against the tile of the walls. You could clearly see his desire tented in his pants, and you smirked at Frank in response.
“We did that.” You murmured, stepping closer to Matt’s whining figure. 
Frank hummed, reaching for Matt’s hand and inspecting the wounds inflicted by the wine glass. You paused, waiting for a signal from Frank that Matt was okay. Matt was so delirious and high on desire that you knew he could be bleeding out and would insist that he was okay. A slight nod of Frank’s head told you to continue.
You sank to your knees, quickly unbuckling Matt’s belt and pulling his cock free from his pants. Frank wrapped a hand around Matt’s throat, gently pressing him against the wall as you licked the underside of Matt’s cock. Matt whimpered, involuntarily bucking his hips in response.
“Be patient, Red,” Frank murmured, pressing a kiss onto Matt’s jaw, “We’ll take care of you.”
You wrapped your lips around Matt, bobbing up and down his length in a feverish haze. Matt was so worked up that you knew it wouldn’t take long to undo him. Matt tried and failed to keep his whimpers and groans quiet, and he was so loud at one point that Frank had to cover Matt’s mouth with his hand, smothering the noises he couldn’t help but make. 
You pushed yourself further down his length, opening your throat to him as you hurried your pace. Matt tensed, grabbing onto Frank’s arm as he let out a stunted groan. He grunted, and you felt thick spurts of cum make their way down your throat. You swallowed around him, grinning when he rested his head against the wall behind him, panting so hard that it sounded like he had just finished running a marathon. 
You stood, adjusting your dress as Matt’s consciousness finally returned to his body. He smirked as he adjusted his pants.
“You two are the worst kind of trouble.” 
“We're your favorite kind of trouble.” You corrected, chuckling and eyeing the stain that probably wouldn’t come out of Matt’s shirt no matter how hard you scrubbed it. “Sorry about your shirt.” 
“And your hand.” Frank added. Guilt flashed in his eyes, but it ebbed away as Matt kissed both of you deeply, hands gently cradling the two of you. Matt wouldn’t admit it so nonchalantly, but when he got the chance to hold both of you like this, he felt like he was holding his entire world in the palms of his hands. 
“I’m not upset. I love you. Both of you.”
Frank nodded, humming in acknowledgment, and you noted the way Matt’s jaw ticked. You knowingly squeezed his hand. Frank didn't believe he was worthy of anyone’s love, let alone Matty’s, and you and Matt both knew it. But it wasn’t the time or place for that conversation, and you had no doubt he would breach that topic of conversation later, when Frank’s guard wasn’t so high, and he was feeling comfortable and loved.
“Wanna get out of here?” Matt smiled, squeezing your hand.
“Lead the way, handsome.”
“Good. Let’s blow this popsicle stand.” 
You snorted with laughter as Frank ran a hand down his face. 
“That was the lamest thing you’ve ever said, Red. I’m embarrassed for you.” 
“I’ll make it up to you later.” Matt smirked.
“You promise?” Frank dared, arching an eyebrow.
“Trust me, Frankie. I promise.” 
Tag List:
@xleiaorgana @mukbee @dilfs5678 @kokoterainonago666 @blackwidownat2814 @mymamalife @minervadashwood @emiemiemiii @h4rrys @messymissy @mylifeispainandiloveit @mossexe @fightmilk @spikedhe4rt @fictional-hooman @merleisapartygod @babyslyth @legocity2 @quackson03 @certifiedhunter @deliciousfestsalad @dumb-fawkin-bitch @americaarse @thatgirljayy @hiyabyeyababy @theesexystallion @scoliobean @myguiltypleasures21 @dnxgma @evyiione @megmastersgf @soft-emo-enby @purple-amaranthe @alina02 @thedevilwearsblack @violet-19999 @shoxji @layazul @lazyxsquirrel @honeysucklepotter @m0nster-fvcker @matthewmurdockswhore @infinityisbright @myguiltypleasures21 @thegirlwiththeeyes1297 @goddesspsyche @mxxnligxt @ladamari68 @alexxavicry @hallecarey1 @km-ffluv @chiaraxtargaryen @trulylavandedarling @D0wnbad @lilyevans1 @imagineadream @22carolina08 @definitelynotsugar @casualchaoticdevil @peachy-flxwr @nashja @xshewayout @blep--bloop @dreadfulxives18 @schneeflocky
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The one where scary movies count as a date. And your girlfriend counts as a distraction.
Or the eleventh installment of the SKZ!pack prequel series.
Tags: SKZ, Stray Kids, Stay, OT8, SKZ!pack, SKZ!abo, Poly!SKZ, Omegaverse, skz x you, skz x reader, ot8 x you, ot8 x reader, skz!pack prequel, pack!prequel, prequel series, skz imagines, skz reactions, skz scenarios, skz fluff, fluff, bang chan, lee minho, seo changbin, lee felix, hwang hyunjin, han jisung, kim seungmin, yang jeongin, y/n, abo, alpha beta omega
Genre: Fluff
Title: Dire Straights
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“Stop drooling all over my carpet.” 
Minho bumps his hip against yours with enough force to pull a glare from you, one eyebrow cocked, an amused smirk on his lips, full popcorn bowl held loosely in his hands. 
“I am not drooling.” You retort back, sticking your tongue out at him, although you know the gaze you’d leveled on Felix and Hyunjin up until a few moments ago was a little too intense to just be called ‘casual.’
They just smelled really, really good together, okay? 
Sharp lemon against the backdrop of soft, sugary vanilla-
You shake your head to physically clear your wandering thoughts and glance back to Minho, who is still watching you with something akin to smug triumph on his pretty features, lit up by the meager light from the lamp and the paused TV. 
“Shut up.” You snap out, though you know it’s basically an admittance of defeat. “If you wanna talk about drooling, address the obvious elephant in the room.” 
You nod your head in Changbin’s direction, sitting in the corner of the couch, one arm slung along the back, watching with intense, focused interest as Seungmin talks quietly to him, probably explaining something sciency if you’d have to guess, judging by the excited motions of the beta’s hands. 
“Oh my god, more popcorn.” 
Jisung appears suddenly at Minho’s shoulder, plunging his hand unceremoniously into the once again full bowl, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth, chewing thoughtfully as he glances between the two of you. 
His cheeks puff full of food, like a chipmunk, and you resist the urge to coo over him. 
“What’re you guys talking about over here?” 
Minho scoffs and rolls his eyes, moving the bowl out of Jisung’s reach as he tries to steal another full hand of popcorn, the beta pouting as he lets his chin drop to the alpha’s shoulder in defeat. 
“Gross.” Jisung makes a face, wrinkling his nose up in an altogether adorable motion. “Not kink shaming or anything, but spit? Not exactly my thing. No thanks.” 
“I’m not afraid of getting wet and messy.” You remark, leaning against the wall next to Minho now, stealing a piece of popcorn before he can notice. You shrug, giving Jisung a slight smirk and a cock of your brow. “Wanna try it out sometime, Sungie? Maybe I can change your mind.” 
“Yeah, Sungie.” Minho grins, teeth sharp, and chucks the obviously disgusted beta under his chin affectionately. “Let her spit on you.” 
“God, no. I’d rather listen to Hyunjin talk about art shit for three hours.” 
Your gaze slides across the room to Changbin, leaning in closer to Seungmin now, into their shared space, a slight smile on his lips as he says something in a low tone for only the beta to hear. 
You don’t miss the slight blush that comes across the arch of Seungmin’s cheekbones, reddening the tips of his ears. 
“I bet Changbin would let Seungmin spit on him.” You snicker beneath your breath, and Jisung chokes on the next handful of popcorn he has just inhaled. 
Minho slaps him on the back until he stops coughing, his eyes streaming and his face blotchy and red. 
“Oh my god, you’re right.” 
“Hyung!” Hyunjin whines from his spot on the couch, snuggled up against Felix’s side, the other omega playing carefully with his hair. He makes grabby hands at Minho. “Hurry up with the popcorn, would you?” 
Minho rolls his eyes. 
“Try to tell me what to do one more time, Hwang Hyunjin. See what happens.” 
Despite his threat, the other alpha moves toward the omega duo anyway, popcorn bowl outstretched. 
Hyunjin grins sweetly and thanks him and Minho looks like he’s just lost a battle in a greater war. 
You settle back down into the adjacent couch, pulling Jisung along with you, and shove a handful of warm popcorn into your mouth as you glance at the running movie with limited interest. 
“God, this movie is boring.” Jisung complains around his own mouthful of popcorn, rolling his eyes so violently you swear you hear them bounce around his skull.
You giggle, reaching down for more popcorn, and glance from the corner of your eye at the beta, who looks utterly and entirely uninvested in the current plight of the heroine on the tv screen. 
“You picked it.” 
Jisung sighs dramatically, heavily, and slings an arm around your shoulders. The smell of clean laundry envelops you in a heavenly wave.  
“I know. But I can’t be faulted for my past mistakes.” 
You pick up another piece of popcorn, and Jisung opens his mouth wide in response, raising his brows and widening his eyes in a silent plea for you to feed him. 
You roll your eyes, but do it anyway, popping the piece of popcorn into his open mouth as he snaps his teeth shut around the kernel and chews happily for a few moments. 
“Seriously, Sungie, you’re such a baby.” 
“Yeah, your baby.” He teases, leaning into your space, nuzzling his nose into your neck, making you flinch ticklishly, even as you laugh and squirm beneath his weight. 
“Gross.” You quip back his words from earlier, biting down a grin as you reach up to tug playfully at his hair. “Not to kink shame or anything, but sappy words of endearment? Not really my thing.” 
“Guess you’ll just have to get used to it.” Jisung retorts right back, leaning back to look at you now, his nose scrunching as he gives you a giant heart shaped grin. “I’m nothing if not a smooooooth talker, doll. Ask Minho-hyung.” 
You glance toward Minho, settled down beside Hyunjin, and part your lips, as if you’re actually going to ask him like Jisung said, and the beta lets out a yelp and slaps a palm over your mouth, muffling your instant laughter. 
“On second thought, don’t ask him. He’s not gonna tell you the truth anyway.” 
“Okay, okay.” You laugh out, voice muffled against his skin, and when he doesn’t immediately remove his hand from your lips, you chance a nip to his palm, taking a chunk of his muscle in between your teeth and biting-not hard enough to hurt, but insistent enough to be felt. 
Jisung yelps again and pulls his hand back from your mouth like he’s been burned, shooting you a petulant glare as he rubs at the offended skin dramatically. 
“Damn, noona. I hope you’ve had your rabies shot.” 
“I have not.” You tease back, leaning toward him and snapping your teeth near his throat, even as he yelps once more and scrabbles to get away from you, effeciently boxing himself in against the corner of the couch. “The vet couldn’t find the time to fit me in, sadly. Same situation with the flea problem, unfortunately.” 
“Ha. Ha.” Jisung fake laughs, shooting you a glare that lacks any sort of real bite. “You and Minho-hyung think you’re so funny-” 
“We are funny.” You protest, leaning in closer to him once more, the scent of laundry suddenly filling your nose in a way that has saliva gathering behind your very back teeth. “Tell me I’m funny, Sungie. Go on.” 
“I would rather listen to Changbin-hyung flirt with Seungmin for an hour straight.” 
“Brave words.” You muse beneath your breath, letting your tongue dart out to wet your lips, and you can tell, by the way Jisung presses back against the couch behind him, that he’s suddenly on edge-nostrils flaring, pupils widening and darkening. “You know, you talk a big game, baby. Care to see if you can actually play it?” 
The air smells cold now-like a light frost on the very edge of a winter morning. 
The movie drones on in the background, long since forgotten. 
Finally, Jisung swallows hard, his adam’s apple bobbing, and manages to get halfway to a halfhearted scowl.
“I’m not letting you spit on me, if that’s what you’re getting at.” 
“You’re no fun.” 
You’re in the kitchen several hours later, refilling your glass with cheap box wine-some cupcake flavored pink shit you’re sure Hyunjin picked out-when Seungmin appears. 
You glance at him from the corner of your eye as he sets the empty popcorn bowl in the sink, and then turn to lean against the counter, staring him down fully now as you take a long sip of your drink. 
It’s overly sweet for your taste, but you’re just buzzed enough that the flavor itself doesn’t matter too much anymore. 
For a poor college student, wine is wine. 
“So. You like Changbin, huh?” 
The bold question holds less curiosity than it does open smugness. 
Seungmin glances at you, head tilted-looking way too cute and way too puppy like for your currently inebriated heart-and the corner of his mouth lifts, just barely, into the start of a small smile. 
“Yeah. He’s cool.” 
“He hasn’t shut up about you since the study group.” You complain with harried amusement, rolling your eyes and biting back a smile. “I’m glad he finally got the nerve to ask you out properly.” 
Seungmin arches a dark brow. “Does it really count as a date though if we’re simply watching scary movies in his current boyfriend’s living room?” 
“Sounds weird when you put it that way.” You wrinkle your nose in slight distaste. “But yeah. For Changbin, it definitely does. He doesn’t usually do things very conventionally.” 
“I mean-” Seungmin grins now, white teeth on display for the briefest of moments. “-he did stalk you before you ever went out. So. I see what you mean.” 
“And you didn’t believe me!” You point out, waving a wild finger in front of his nose, as the beta laughs beneath his breath. 
“You sounded batshit crazy.” 
“I know. So you’ve told me. Multiple times.” 
A comfortable silence falls over the kitchen as your laughter dies down, and you take another long sip of your wine as the muted sounds of the current movie choice of the movie marathon wafts through the open doorway from the living room. 
Seungmin taps his finger on the counter along to the background music, and suddenly, you have a thought. 
Maybe it’s not the brightest thing to ask, but hey, the cupcake wine is starting to make you feel warm and hazy and altogether less inhibited than you were before. 
To hell with it. 
“You like Changbin.” You reiterate, and Seungmin glances at you sidelong, blankly, as if wondering why you’re restating something he already confirmed. 
You take in a breath and plow onward, swirling the last bit of wine in your glass, watching the way the pink liquid sparkles and spins instead of the way the beta beside you is currently staring you down like you’re an idiot. 
“Do you like me? Like that?” 
There is silence, and you feel your heart in your throat. 
Because maybe you’ve never considered Seungmin as anything but a study buddy, maybe a friend, but this, this is uncharted territory and you’re suddenly so nervous you could throw up. 
Your head jerks up and he’s watching you, face unreadable and serious, eyes dark, and something inside of you dies a little at his blunt return. 
You admire him-the way he always says what he’s thinking, the way he doesn’t spew bullshit-but it hurts a little, stings a lot, and you swallow before you manage to speak again. 
“Oh-okay. Cool. Just thought I’d ask.” 
You scuff your toe along Minho’s tile, and try to imagine him making Jisung scrub it clean with a toothbrush.
“But-” Seungmin speaks again, his tone softer this time, and you manage to make yourself look at him, his eyes gentler now, his face just as serious. “I think I could like you like that.” 
Your mouth suddenly feels dry. 
“Yeah.” He nods, looking thoughtful now. “If I gave myself the chance.” 
Suddenly, your heart rights itself in your chest and you can breathe again. 
“Okay. Cool.” You repeat dumbly, stupidly, biting back a smile, and Seungmin chuckles. 
“You already said that.” 
“Dude. Do you really have to pick apart my flaws right now?” 
Seungmin grins, cocking his head, and the puppy side of him resurfaces. You force yourself to stay cool, even though you suddenly have the intense urge to squeeze and pinch his cheeks. 
“Ah yes. Changbin mentioned the ‘dude’ thing. Said he really hates it when you use it as a term of endearment.” 
“It’s not a term of endearment. I do it strictly to annoy him. Now when I call him that, it’s meant to be an insult. I’m gonna have to clear that up immediately.” 
Seungmin grins wider now. 
“Whatever you say. I think it’s cute, dude.” 
“Shut up.” 
“Did you have fun with Seungmin last night?” Hyunjin teases, as he carefully smooths the face mask over the bridge of Changbin’s nose, patting it into place. 
“Did you have fun with Felix last night?” Changbin retorts in return, shutting up as soon as Hyunjin tuts and slaps his shoulder, fixing the slipping face mask back into place once more. 
“I did, thank you.” Hyunjin sniffs, before sitting back and admiring his handiwork for a moment, before swiveling to face you. “C’mere. Your turn.” You lean toward him, and he begins to delicately place your own face mask into place, the sweet smell of strawberries filling the air as he does so, the gel of the mask settling coolly and deliciously over your skin. 
Hyunjin’s fingers are gentle as they smooth the mask down carefully, rubbing across your cheek bones and down your jaw, and you bite back an affectionate smile as you say, careful not to jostle his handiwork, “I’m still shocked you lasted the whole scary movie marathon.” 
“Yeah.” Changbin grunts, rolling over on his stomach and reaching for his phone on the nightstand. “You never do that with us.” “Felix was scared. I had to be the brave one.” Hyunjin retorts, finishing with your mask and sitting back on his hands, shooting you both a glare. “When I’m with the two of you, I can be as much of a little bitch as I want, because I know you’ll protect me.” 
“Ah, baby.” You reach out to pinch his cheek, and he dodges easily, swatting your hand away. “That’s sweet. Hand me the nail polish.” 
Hyunjin leans around Changbin-currently engrossed looking at something on his phone-and places the bottle of bright orange nail polish into your outstretched palm. 
You glance down at the shade-Neon Sunset-and hold out your other hand without looking up until Hyunjin places his fingers into your own. 
“Pretty.” You remark on the color, before you begin to carefully apply the bright nail polish to Hyunjin’s perfectly manicured nails. 
Changbin glances up from his phone and to the bottle in your hand, and makes a dramatic show of covering his eyes, squinting between his fingers as he glances at Hyunjin. 
“God, that’s bright.” 
“I’m going for memorable and unforgettable, darling.” 
“I don’t think you need orange nail polish for that, baby. Your overwhelming personality is enough.” 
Hyunjin makes a move to lunge toward the nonplussed alpha, and you giggle, pinning his fingers in place, even as you squawk, “Don’t move! You’re gonna make me mess up!” 
Hyunjin settles back down beside you, and Changbin grins, hiding behind his phone screen once more. 
There is silence as you concentrate, painting the rest of Hyunjin’s nails, except for Changbin’s quiet typing in the background, and the soft music Hyunjin had picked playing over the speaker in the corner of the room, and eventually, Hyunjin asks conversationally, drowsily, “Is that hyung?” 
Changbin blows out a harsh breath and nods, reaching up to rake a hand through his dark hair. 
“Yeah. He won’t shut up about this project we’re supposed to be doing.” 
“Hyung as in Chan right?” You ask off handedly, finishing up Hyunjin’s nails and putting the polish away, as the omega blows on them carefully. 
“That’s the one.” 
“He’s from Australia.” Hyunjin adds, glancing at you, as he arches a brow and grins wickedly. “His accent is stupid. But don’t tell him I told you that.” 
“I’ll tell him.”
“You wouldn’t dare, hyung.” 
Changbin rolls his eyes and types out another response, before tossing his phone to the side and sighing, flopping heavily onto his back as he throws an arm over his eyes. 
“God, he’s a slave driver.” 
You glance at your boyfriend with slight sympathy, and reach out to pat the meaty muscle of his thigh in a show of support. 
“I’ve never met him, but he sounds terrible.” 
“That’s the thing-” Changbin sits up suddenly, throwing his hands out, a look of utter irritation splayed across his features. “-he’s not! He’s like, the nicest guy I’ve ever met-not to mention, he’s an actual genius when it comes to producing-so I can’t hate him, no matter how hard I try. He just-” Changbin blows out another breath through his teeth, clenching his fingers into fists in frustration. “-is apparently allergic to sleep and takes on the workload of four people and never, ever stops?” 
“He’s also really pretty.” Hyunjin points out, inspecting his nails and picking at some polish that has rubbed off on his skin. He glances up between you and Changbin in the silence, meeting the other alpha’s disbelieving stare head on. “What? He is. The one time I met him, I’m pretty sure I swooned like one of those ladies in an old timey film.”
“One time.” Changbin replies helplessly, as if he can’t believe Hyunjin had been that taken the first and only time he had met his department buddy. 
Hyunjin shrugs. “Like recognizes like, hyung.” 
You grin. “So you think you’re pretty?” 
Hyunjin huffs. “Baby, I know I’m pretty.” 
You lean toward him and kiss his cheek, face mask and all. 
“The prettiest.” 
The moment you enter Changbin’s dorm, your hackles immediately rise. 
Why does it smell like rain?
You set your backpack down beside the door cautiously, every inch of you on high alert, and kick off your shoes as silently as possible, before you creep into the kitchen. 
Hyunjin glances up from his spot at the table with slight disinterest at your entrance, his phone held loosely between long fingers, a cheeto halfway to his lips. 
“Why do you look like you’re ready to start a fight?” 
“You don’t smell that?” You ask, keeping your voice low, eyes scanning the kitchen for anything out of place, as you sink into the chair beside him, body still stiff. 
Hyunjin gives you a funny look, before he stuffs the cheeto into his mouth and finishes his message to Felix before clicking off his phone with a sigh. 
Suddenly, understanding dawns in the dark of his eyes. 
“Oh, the rain thing? That’s just Chan-hyung.” 
Your wolf perks its ears at the name, but you feel confusion sweep across your face at his words. 
“Oh, hey.” 
Changbin enters the kitchen, glancing at the two of you, before he heads straight for the fridge, pulling out a bottle of gatorade and chugging it in one fell swoop. 
He swipes at his mouth with the back of his hand, and meets your leveled gaze with a raised brow. 
“Your scent is all weird.” 
“My scent?” You quip back, pinching your nose teasingly, forcing your nervous wolf farther back down into the pit of your stomach. “You smell like a dumpster.” 
Changbin rolls his eyes. “I just got back from the gym. Sue me.” 
He tosses the empty bottle into the trash and you track his movements as he moves to the table to steal a handful of Hyunjin’s cheetos. 
The omega doesn’t even notice, nose buried back into his phone once more, probably texting Felix again. 
“Why does your apartment smell like that?” You query, trying to keep your voice level and your wolf under control. 
“Like what?” Confusion crosses Changbin’s face, and then something clicks into place as you watch. “Ah, yeah, sorry about that. Chan’s here.” 
Changbin looks caught off guard by the defensive question, reaching up to rub awkwardly at the back of his neck as he fumbles over his words. 
“He went to the gym with me. Now we’re gonna order some takeout and hole up in my room for the rest of the night, try and finish that stupid project he can’t seem to let go of.” 
“He actually wants to hook the two of you up, if we’re being honest.” Hyunjin states boredly, glancing up from his phone long enough to throw Changbin an exasperated look, before he’s back to furiously typing, stuffing another cheeto in his mouth. 
The scent of frost sharpens significantly, and Changbin holds up his hands, as if to thwart any murderous attack you might throw in his direction. 
“Okay, look, it’s not quite like that-” 
“What is it like then? Hm, Seo Changbin?” You question in a dangerously low voice, rising from the table, as you stare him down, pinning him against the refrigerator with your eyes alone. 
“Hyunjin-” Changbin pleads, but the omega simply waves a hand in the alpha’s direction. 
“You got yourself into this, figure it out. Told you she’d be mad.” 
You stalk toward your boyfriend, who looks increasingly more afraid by the moment. 
“Okay, look-” Changbin tries again, voice wavering slightly, as you come to stand right in front of him now, toe to toe, expression murderous. “I just thought, that maybe, if hyung had someone in his life, you know, someone special, maybe he’d lay off me a little, let me breathe, take it easy every once and awhile.” 
Your wolf growls, low and menacing, and it starts to rumble in the back of your throat. 
The scent of rain is making your insides twitch and your skin itchy. 
“So you offered me-and my pussy-up as tribute? That really sounded like a good idea to you?” 
Changbin audibly gulps. 
“Fuck. Okay, when you put it like that, it sounds bad-” 
“He doesn’t know if he’s into men.” Hyunjin offers helpfully, gleefully, watching the two of you with open smug amusement from the kitchen table now. “So he figured what college guy doesn’t want to bang a hot chick? Especially one as hot as you, noona.” 
“Thank you, Hyunjin.” You acknowledge the convoluted compliment over your shoulder, before facing Changbin once more, lips pulled back into a scowl. “I’m going to kill you. I’m literally going to murder you-” 
The sound of footsteps in the hallway, and then the smell of rain, of damp earth, is almost overwhelming, and your wolf snarls warningly. 
A man you don’t recognize appears in the open doorway of the kitchen, still toweling off damp hair, a music department hoodie that’s a mirror of your alpha boyfriend’s-the one Hyunjin currently wears-slung over broad shoulders. 
Changbin looks nothing short of relieved. 
“Hyung.” He slips past you before you can make good on your promise, and slaps a hand down on the other man’s shoulder, grinning broadly, if not a little shakily. “Look who just got here. This is (Y/N).” 
You do your best not to wrinkle your nose as the full wave of petrichor hits you and Chan offers his hand, smiling widely, white teeth a stark contrast to his copper skin. 
“Chan. Nice to meet you.” You force a half smile onto your face and grit your teeth, slipping your palm into his for a brief, singular shake. 
“Yeah. I’ve heard a lot.” 
Changbin glances between the two of you hopefully, and when Chan turns to address Hyunjin, you level him with a glare caustic enough to peel paint. 
You’re so dead, you mouth silently at the other alpha, and Changbin grimaces. 
Chan turns back to you and you try-with little to no success-to ignore the way his now drying curls fall softly over his forehead, the broad slope of his nose, the cute little dimples that divot his cheeks. 
God dammit, Hyunjin was right. He is really pretty. 
“It’s honestly a pleasure to meet you. Changbin never stops talking about you guys, you know.” 
Chan grins and cocks his head, eyes sparkling, and you tell yourself you’re not admiring the way the golden flecks in his caramel irises offset the ebony of his pupils, you’re not. 
“Hm.” You hum back in confirmation beneath your breath, your skin still prickling with something akin to annoyance. 
Hyunjin was also right about another thing. 
His accent really is stupid. 
💗 Taglist: @hosh1kwon @carolinexkpop @blithevix @sunabokuto @wildflower-at-heart @faericals @5sos-wdw @hyuneyeon @studyingthemind @illicee @maddmartian @binnie--baby @xwinchesterprincessx @ley-lani59 @lady---boner @rosegaming117 @meivida @sai-kida134 @cutecucumberkimberly @aroseharder @spideyweirdo @coureurs-de-bois9 @unfiltered-starlight @sixswaggy @shimmeringmoons22 @thatgirlangelb @beautifulcolorgarden @runningthroughlifestay @dearalice @patat-boi @stay-berryful @laylasbunbunny @misxing-you @sawadabegum @changbinsrightboob @maliamaiden @sunnibearr @bkirsted @jamlou512 @latinxmochi @goquokka @leeknowsw0rldd @yoongihan @simeonswhore @rubberduckieyourtheone @chanlovesme @janvibutbetter @starlostjimin @vampcharxter
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cheolhub · 10 months
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HELLOOOOO! ok first of all, no one comment on my header (unless ur complimenting it 😊), i dropped my art minor after 3 months bc i lack artistic skill and i’ve made it very clear here. NEXT, it’s not MY birthday but cheolhub will officially be a YEAR old on the 26th of august & i wanted to celebrate with a lil sleepover event :> i've had so many ups and downs while running this blog and have almost abandoned it more times than i can count, so i just want to say CHEERS to cheolhub (aka sar aka me) for making it this far <3 i am eternally grateful for every kind message, every piece of feedback, and everyone who has been supporting me and my silly lil blog. i love u guys sm and would’ve been long gone without you T^T <3 i hope you'll join the celebration!! -3- and if this flops, you’ll never hear from me again /j /j /j
i knowww it’s early, but i start uni classes again next week (my last semester, yay 😻) and i wanna have time to do an event T-T
this event runs for about two weeks! from sunday, august 13th to sunday, august 27th. any asks sent after august 27th will be deleted!
please note that i’ll still be working on asks (if i have any left) even after the event is closed.
EVENTS ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
!★﹕ᶻ﹐LET'S EAT﹒
☆︎ who's hungry? 👹🍽 request a short (less than 1k) drabble and you shall receive. i will be writing the first 5-10 requests due to my busy uni schedule :3 — choose a prompt (or two) from this prompt list + a member from seventeen, txt or the boyz! [closed] (ik the list isnt numbered, so just copy + paste ur preferred prompt(s) ><)
★︎ mtl for seventeen and txt! [open]
☆︎ hard hours for any group i write for! [refer to my guidelines to see who i write for] [open]
!★﹕ᶻ﹐ TIME 4 SELF CARE﹒[open]
★︎ let's do the things that make us happy! what makes us happier than being delusional and horny? you guessed it! being shipped with a hottie 😻 — this is the SHIP GAME + i’ll give you a silly little trope to kickstart ur epic romance
☆︎ OR opt for a personalized moodboards or playlists based off the vibes you give off! (mutuals can get both a moodboard and playlist if they’d like bc i would diy for all of u -3- just say u want both so i know<3333)
note: anonymous senders, please send me a few bits of info like your mbti, ult group and/or bias (does not have to be a group i stan!), star sign (big three if you know it), favorite color, etc. basically anything you want to share + one of the options above. mutuals can ask for any of the above, but providing info is totally optional!!
!★﹕ᶻ﹐WANNA PLAY A GAME?﹒[open]
☆︎ q&a!
ask me anything! favorite movie, how i got into writing, what i do when i’m not writing, why i only ult leaders etc. but please nothing too personal!
★︎ my opinions on literally ANYTHING!
☆︎ ask me for fic recs or give me fic recs!
★︎ fuck, marry, kiss (not kill bc i do not condone violence… not on here at least /lh)
☆︎ would you rather
note: you can send as many of these as you’d like :p i like answering them <3
RULES ☾⋆。𖦹 °✩
everything for this event will be tagged under #[ birthday bash ! ] you can block the tag to avoid seeing the posts!
please make sure to get your ask in within the time frame (aug 13th-27th)
minors, please please please do not interact!
be respectful and patient! — the drabbles, mtls & hard hours may take longer for me to get through, but i’ll try my absolute hardest to get them done in a timely manner <3
when sending an ask, be sure to mention the event so i can differentiate between those and my regular asks :)
have fun! ⭐️⭐️
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campweehawken · 4 days
2024 Signups Open
Hello Campers! This is the official sign up post for Weehawken 2024!
Camp Weehawken is back for another year woohoo!
We are ready to open the doors up for another exciting year of camp Weehawken! Camp will officially start on Friday June 7th, however we are starting signups today!
We are keeping it pretty similar to last year, so here's a quick refresher!
Returning features-
DISCORD SERVER: The Discord Server is going to be in use again this year for Campfire group RP and general discussion of the AU.
This server was set up to help participants get in touch with each other, discuss the events of Weehawken in a group chat and share art and fics.
Discord is available to computer and mobile users and it’s free to sign up if you don’t already have an account. Requesting a link to the discord will be part of the Weehawken sign up process which I will be detailing below.
Links will be given out for the entirety of the event and won’t close until Camp Weehawken’s conclusion.
Important note: You do not need to join the Discord server to take part in Weehawken. The main posts and character interactions can take place on tumblr between RP/ask blogs. However it is highly recommended that you do so if you don’t want to miss out on anything!
Returning from Last Year: We are allowing participants to be Discord-exclusive, however we are asking that they have at the very least a text post detailing their character for reference. (full explanation here)
Spectator- If you simply want to spectate on Discord without actually participating in the camp RP, all you need to do is send an ask to this blog requesting a link and we’ll give you access to the server.
If you have any questions, send an ask to this blog. Without further ado, here is everything you need to know about signing up.
Message this blog and give us these three details:
Role: Options are camper, counselor or staff. If you would rather have some other role like camp mascot, send a request! Campers are under the age of 18. They tend to range from 12 - 17 years of age but you can have somewhat younger characters. Only characters 18 years old and up can be staff or counselors. Because this is an AU you can make your character any age you’d like!
Blog Name: You will need to have an RP blog or Info Post to participate in Weehawken; when it’s all set up, tell us the blog name or where to find your Info Post. Tumblr might not let the message through if you type a URL. Just give us the name of the blog, like so: ex. “campweehawken”
Preferred Cabin: (doesn’t apply to staff) Campers and counselors reside in cabins that fit one counselor and a maximum of 8 campers.  If you have any preference for what cabin you want to be sorted into, let us know in your registration. If you supply no preference you will be sorted into a random cabin.
Discord (Optional): If you would like a link to the discord, please ask for it in your signup ask.
Take a look at the 2024 Cabin List to see where you and other campers have been sorted as well at who the staff are! Links to all participant blogs will be available there. The list is constantly updating as more submissions come in. Discord-exclusive cabins will have links to the info posts for those characters.
If your blog has more than one character, you will be filling up more than one vacancy spot unless your characters happen to be family: cousins, twins, siblings. Then, the characters can share a bed in the cabin and fill up just one vacancy spot.
Since it’s hard for me to cover all of the topics in one little post, I’m going to give you all some resources to help you figure this event out.
-FAQ: Answers to general questions we receive. Also a well of basic information about this event.
-Camp Weehawken Staff Brochure: Information about camp activities and various roles to be played at Camp.
-Camp Tags: The tags that are used on this blog and participant’s blogs for the event.
If you can’t find an answer to your question in any of these places, just drop us an ask and we’ll respond as soon as we can.
All in all, Camp Weehawken is an open ended event! You can be as creative as you’d like. The moderators of the event are always open to suggestions for RP events, streams and more. But keep in mind that this is a public event! Please be respectful.
If you have any issues with other participants, how things are being run or any other problems, the moderators are here to help. You can send messages to this blog to request help with any topic.
Applications are officially open!!
-Camp Weehawken Directors
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countrymusiclover · 12 days
9 - The Language of Desire
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Part 10
The Last Velaryon
I have not abandoned this story my readers. Here’s a long awaited update from me. Tag list @rise-my-angel @cdragons
“Nyke Haelesa hen lentor Velaryon. Tala hen prince naejot Driftmark Monterys Velaryon. ( I am Haelesa Velaryon. Daughter of the heir to Driftmark Monterys Velaryon).”  I paced back and forth in front of my father who was seated in the throne with our house sigal carved into the back of it. 
He ran a hand over his chin raising his hand at me. “Repeat it again.”
“Nyke Haelesa hen lentor Velaryon. Tala hen prince naejot - this is stupid, father. No one else in the realm that knows old Valyrian language is alive. So why must I pour my heart into the language?” Throwing my arms away from my sides I huffed in frustration at him. 
If I was anyone else he would have said that I should learn some respect knowing you shouldn’t speak to a Lord that way. But I was the only one who could do the opposite. “Haelesa, you are the face of this house. Especially after everything came to the surface about your brother.” 
Slumping my shoulders I sighed at his words. “I know it’s for the good of our house.” 
“Then you understand why I am training like you are the heir I never got to have.” He rose from his chair coming to stand in front of me. “You may have been born a woman but you have the spirit and blood of a noble man coursing through your veins.” 
With no motherly figure in my life I suppose I did appreciate all the unladylike things he had taught me. “I understand, father. It just gets tiresome after a while.” 
“I know my sweet girl. I'm sorry. Just trust me when I say this will pay off in the long run.” He puts his hands on my shoulders before I embrace him in a hug. It was all up to me for our House to survive. 
Drawing open a book that I had kept hidden inside of my cloak when we were captured by Stark soldiers. Footsteps approached me yet I didn’t notice their presence until the person spoke, the voice belonging to Robb. “There you are. I’ve been looking for you.”
“Shouldn’t you be attending your war meeting and focusing your attention on defeating the Lannisters instead of searching for me.” I lifted my head up from the book. 
Robb responded, meeting my gaze. “The meeting was short, especially when I noticed your absence.” 
“A lady should not concern herself with the art of war," I've been told by Chezney’s mother.” I mimicked her very proper voice as best as I could. 
Robb smiled at me. “From what I gather you’d rather be the opposite of the proper lady.” 
“That’s true, yes.” I clicked my tongue, putting my attention back on the book. “I must do what is right for the sake of my dying house.” 
Robb stepped closer to the young girl eyeing the book pages that I was so invested in. He couldn’t quite understand what the language was but he was impressed that she seemed to. “What language are you so invested in, my lady?” 
“Old Velaryon. The language of my house and the members of House Targaryen. The language is now dead since most who spoke it are now passed. But my father still taught each of his children it.” 
Robb gestures with his extended hand down to me. “Hmm would you care to share some of the language with me?”
“Of course. Just not out in the open. I don’t want your men to think I am someone who can’t be trusted because I speak an unknown language around here. They already don’t trust me and Chezney being here.”  
Robb tilted his head to the side still holding his hand out till he could pull me up to stand. “Then let’s go somewhere more privately and discuss it. I've been wanting to take a walk to clear my head anyhow.” Together we walked out of the camp area and kept going forward in a comfortable silence that I didn't believe I ever felt around Jaime Lannister. 
The wind blew my hair in front of my face till I tucked it behind my ear. “So what do you want to discuss in the book?” 
“How about we start with the basics. Like just saying our names and house introductions.” Robb offers tapping the edge of the book in my arms. “Then maybe later on you can teach me the more complicated stuff.”
I nod my head in agreement, beginning to flip through a couple of pages. “I think that’s a good plan. So it would be - Issa brozi iksos haelesa hen lentor velaryon.” ( my name is Haelesa Velaryon )
“Issa brozi iksos Robb hen lentor Stark - is that right?” Robb was slow on the words coming out but nonetheless he actually managed to say the sentence correctly. 
I smiled, tucking the boob underneath my arm once I had shut it closed wishing to just talk to him now since we rarely got to be alone. “Yes, that’s actually perfect. I’m impressed, Robb.” 
“Maybe it had something to do with my teacher.” He teased me, forming a smirk on his lips and he stepped closer to me where I had to lift my head up to look him in the eye. 
I parted my lips feeling my face turning slightly red realizing how close our faces were from the other. “Robb, I - I don’t know what to say.” I knew what Chezney would tell me to say at this moment. He should know what I wrote in the letter to Joella even if he didn’t feel the same. But we were in a time of war, I’m not sure telling my feelings that I may not even understand myself would do much good. 
“Haelesa, I-“ Robb trailed off shifting his gaze onto mine. 
I released a breath, not sure what I should do. “Robb.” 
He didn’t utter another word and instead leaned his head downward towards my lips. To my surprise I leaned forward up on my toes to get closer to him. Robb touched the side of my face and I leaned into his palm. I hadn’t ever kissed anyone but Jaime so I wasn’t sure what I should be doing. 
Robb finally closed the gap and our lips met with a sweet and uncertain kiss. I take a few steps closer to him trying to deepen the kiss we were sharing. Robb moved his other hand to my hip tugging me against his embrace until we heard a horse galloping up to where we stood. “Lord Stark. Lady Lannister.” 
“Uh yes.” I broke the kiss avoiding the man on the horse's gaze. 
Robb ran a hand through his auburn curls trying to regain his tough composure to one of his father’s soldiers. “Do you have some news to tell me?” 
“Yes, my lord.” The soldier informs the two of us. “We’ve captured a Lannister scout. He appeared to be counting the number of men we have.” 
Robb cleared his throat following the lord. “Put him in a different holding cell than the Kingslayer. Gather the leading Lords and my mother to the war tent.” I watched him begin walking away but I waited a few minutes. I touched my lips with the ends of my fingers, smiling at the thought of kissing the young wolf again one day. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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crenna · 3 months
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once upon a time...
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lili | 21 | she/her | infp
hii, welcome to my blog! i'm lili, and it's so nice to meet you 🫶
this is my personal blog where i post about my life, thoughts, and interests. and who knows what else! i love books and writing a lot, as well as a lot of fandoms and other things like pretty aesthetics. if we have any interests in common, feel free to hang out here for as long as you’d like and come say hi! i’d love to be mutuals and i love making new friends 💕
below you can find info about me, my fandoms and interests, and my blogs!
side blogs: @onceuponaneverafter (OUABH, active), @seeyouinthestars (the aurora cycle, inactive), @legendarydante (caraval rp, active), @rosegoldscrimson (caraval/ouabh rp, active)
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...there was a girl...
to put it shortly, i'm a hopeless romantic with a love for everything creative! you will most likely find me procrastinating on something, impulsively starting a new project, or falling in love with fictional characters and daydreaming. or all of them at the same time.
i'm a university student, working part time and trying to write a BA thesis - so if i disappear from time to time, i'm probably busy and stressed, and will be back soon!
out of fictional characters, evangeline fox and cress darnel are very relatable to me. if they are to you as well, i love that for us!! this is a safe space for shared fictional crushes, too - if we love the same character, we both have good taste 🫶
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...who loved deeply...
my fandoms :: once upon a broken heart (OUABH), caraval, the aurora cycle, acotar (the fandom scares me but i've read the books), shatter me, divine rivals, the lunar chronicles, the rosewood chronicles (RWCH), star wars (+ the mandalorian), star trek (movies + next generation s1), shadow and bone, six of crows (first book), minecraft story mode (old fandom but i sometimes reblog stuff from it!), mystreet (also old fandom but i’ve seen it many times), the selection, the hunger games, divergent, she-ra, gilmore girls & more, feel free to ask if i know a fandom!
other things i love :: my friends, giggling over fictional characters and fandoms, taylor swift's music, minecraft, aesthetics, tea, pretty skies and clouds, fairy lights, fangirling, roleplaying, houseplants, writing, reading, dancing, arts and crafts (including drawing, painting, knitting, sewing, graphic design...), singing, baking, the colors purple and pink, flowers, all things soft and cozy, sparkles, pretty dresses, girls (as in i’m bi,, i think, it’s an ongoing crisis but i know i like girls), interior design, and honorable mention goes to the rivals to lovers and sunshine character x villain tropes 💕
my writing :: i sometimes write fanfiction for fun, and make rather slow progress on bigger projects that i'd love to turn into full novels and publish someday! my favorite genres to write are fantasy, romance, and sci-fi - sometimes combined. i also roleplay many of my fandoms, please dm if you’re interested!
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...and dreamed big
crenna - main blog :: this is where you'll most often see me hanging out! i post about books, writing, and my life, i reblog posts i like, and i've been trying my hand at graphics (such as dividers) so i might post those at some point too.
onceuponaneverafter - side blog :: this blog is dedicated to the OUABH series, and only has content related to it. a more detailed blog introduction is pinned there! i post theories, general thoughts and observations about the series, and fanfiction (working on it hehe).
seeyouinthestars - side blog :: dedicated to the aurora cycle series, currently inactive until i reread the books haha. only contains reblogs as of right now.
legendarydante - side blog :: roleplay blog for dante/legend from the caraval series.
𝓠 & 𝐀
do you rp your fandoms? // yes, i do! i'm currently not actively looking for new roleplays, but if we both love a fandom, feel free to dm me with your ideas.
can i tag you in tag games? // absolutely! don't be shy, i love them 🫶
why have you not responded to my message/tag/ask even though you've been active? // even though i try to respond frequently, sometimes it takes me a while to get to individual notifications when i’m not in the right headspace. i might also have just forgotten. so sorry if that happens!
can we be friends? // yes!! i love chatting and meeting new people - especially if we're mutuals, feel free to interact/message me anytime, i promise i'm more scared to interact with you 🫶
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— 24.2.2024. 🤍
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hyuccubus · 4 months
Writer Q&A Tag Game!
Tagged by the cool+radical @cheetoflavoredpasta!
1. What motivates you to write?
I'm in a unique position to answer that with a snippet from Target Practice, because it's practically what keeps me going.
People in things I like always have something to say. Profound, deep things that make me think about how I live my life, or change how I make decisions, or what I do, or even how I think. They don't need big words to move me. I want to say something like that before my life is over. I want someone to hear it, or read it, and their life to change because of me. I want to be the first domino that crashes right through the life of someone who needs it, so they can pass it on to someone, and they might pass it on to two people, and then I'll have been something.  I'll have a whole pile of people that I changed, in a good way.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
This comes after a particularly harsh twist that closes out Book 1. I am so proud of what is said here that I can't help but want to share it, though:
“Love?’ she croaked, her voice hoarse from screaming and then saying nothing.
“Huh?” I managed to mutter, confused at that being what she’d taken away.
“That’s what you think you felt for her? Love?”
“Ira, I don’t-”
“Let me tell you something." When she spoke that threatening line, she was up on her feet with the agility years of martial arts had granted her, those strong hands that had saved me from drowning now gripping my shirt with white-knuckle fury. She yanked me close, so close that my eyes couldn’t possibly avoid those hazel irises, smoky in the dusk sun. “You don’t know a fucking thing about what it’s like to love a woman who didn’t birth you, you dense motherfucker. You wanted someone to validate you. Someone to help you believe that you have value, that you matter. You wanted to use her, and who was I to say anything? Doing something physical to a woman without her consent isn’t the only way you can use her, so you can feel bad about what I’m saying all you want, but you can’t pretend I'm wrong. I could see it in your eyes, Swift. I could see it in the way you let her walk behind you, in the way you didn’t make sure she was eating well, in the way you tried to impress her before you really knew her. You didn't care how she was feeling, you just wanted to know how she was feeling about you. And if you had the chance to go through with what you felt for her, maybe act out your little fairy-tale romance, she would have gotten sick of you always wondering how she felt about you, always absorbed in your own impossible fantasy. And you would have had the nerve to tell her she broke your heart when she told you so. That’s all men like you do, before you know any fucking better. You think you’re so special, so unique, that you’re above making a juvenile mistake like that. All we can do is hope you learn something when it does happen, rather than hoping it doesn’t happen at all. All you’d do if I told you was rebel against me, and then end up hurting her anyway. So don't say that shit to me. Don't talk about love. Just don't.”
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
Definitely dialogue. I don't do much worldbuilding in the way so many of my peers that write fantasy do, and settings end up being the backdrop for the character interactions that really satisfy my writer's itch. I do take pride in the way my prose flows sometimes, I've developed a style I'm quite proud of, and I think I can only get better with time.
6. What do you enjoy most about the Writeblr community?
Everyone seems equally as invested in the art of creation as the results of that passion. It's a unique perspective I really value, as well as it feeling a little more tight-knit than Twitter, where I immigrated from.
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
I'm gonna cheat here, I couldn't write without a music player, silence is like kryptonite for my flow. I will say, I switched to Obsidian, and it's really helped my focus, since I was using Google Docs before that and the urge to click off to another piece of internet was always high. ... that still happens when I'm doing research, though...
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
This is such a silly, inconsequential detail, but idk I love it
...There was a boy playing NavBall with another friend of his, pinching his fingers together over the display of his NavWrist and letting the projected ball fly as if out of a catapult, disappearing outside the radius of his unit to land in a projected target on his friend’s.
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
The bad feelings always go away. Whether it's a battle with impostor syndrome you feel like you can't win, or a fear that your writing will never be noticed, nevermind hated, or a block you can't seem to escape from, it all goes away if you give it time. If you give up, if you ball up that paper or delete that file in an impassioned moment of despair, you don't get that time back. You don't stop caring about it. So take a breath, have a snack, take a walk, grab a shower, and let the bad feelings see themselves out. And then, keep trying 💜
Tagging some new folks I've gotten to know at the writblr-cafe! @the-down-upside-finch @hippiewrites @lexiklecksi, and anyone else who wants to participate, feel free to use this!
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WIP Last Line/Weekend/Whenever
tagged by @direwombat @megraen @clicheantagonist @jacobsneed @josephseedismyfather and @inafieldofdaisies
tagging: @roofgeese @chazz-anova @adelaidedrubman @strangefable @trench-rot @neverthesameneveranother and anyone else with something to share consider me tagging you
This is a whole lot longer than one last line heh...and comes from about four chapters down the line because the current chapter is just going nowhere right now:
John reclined back into the passenger’s seat, staring at her, focused on her neck and the two red lines that circled it, not to mention all the bruises and bite marks along her collarbone and neck.
Her ears were burning, that sixth sense that told her someone was paying attention to her. She tried to ignore it as she kept her eyes on the road, but his bright blue eyes just leered harder. 
“What?” she snapped.
Smiling to himself, ear to ear and slick with slime, John had that cheshire cat grin about him again.  “Tell me Kathleen, was the collar your idea or my brother’s?”
Kit glared at him from her periphery, focusing on driving rather than the annoyance that sat beside her. “What are you on about?”
“If I’d known all it would take to get you to join us was to put one on you I would have done so from the start.”
Kit stretched her neck absentmindedly from side to side, as if she could feel the muscles tensing on their own.
Leaning over the middle console, he stroked the side of her neck. “Apparently it's been sitting tight on you, rubbing you raw.”
“Fuck off, John.” She said, slapping his hand away.
He sat back in his seat once more, a smug grin making his eyes sparkle with so much joy. “A kinky little thing, aren’t you? Hardly following the laws of the Father while up in the mountains, hmm?”
She rolled her eyes, her thumb tapping against the wheel as her shoulders started to hunch like an alley cat about to fight. “Oh yeah, because you’re so innocent. You were really living that humble lifestyle with the cars, the planes and the mansion.”
He ignored her comeback, repositioning his sunglasses on top of his head, pushing back slicked black hair. “I’m surprised Jacob is keeping you as his pet, he never took me for much of a cat person.”
“And you are?” Her eyes slid sideways to look at him with a sneer. “Somehow I imagine you’d be the type to catch them and skin them, considering the art projects I saw in your bunker. You know they say that that kind of behavior starts young, and it's a good sign of being a –”
“I’m sure you’d know well, Kathleen. How many spiders did you pull the legs off of just to see them twitch and slowly die?”
Kit spun the wheel, turning the truck to the side of the road abruptly. Ripping back on the emergency brake, the truck stopped with a screech. Whipping round to face John in her seat, pale blue eyes glared at him, rage barely contained. 
“Whatever the fuck you think it is you’re doing, it needs to stop. I am not yours, I was never going to be yours, and your delusional fucking wedding where you carved into me doesn't make us a thing.”
He sat forward in his seat, his brow furrowed, eye twitching as he pulled on the front of his jacket, straightening it. “You kissed me back!”
“Yeah, I did. So fucking what, John? I’ve lived to regret it. I’m Jacob’s, nothing is changing that.” She said, pointing her finger into John’s chest. “You and I are a lot alike, in the worst ways. Seven years trapped in a bunker together? We wouldn’t make it seven days. Either one or both of us would be dead, and on both occasions it would be you first.”
He scoffed, a roll of his eyes telling her he didn’t believe it. “Please Kathleen, you’re not so dangerous. I know how a mind like yours works, I’m sure I could have you purr -”
Her hand gripped around his throat, short nails digging into the skin until it bled, and two pale eyes staring into his very soul. “I swear to God, John, I will end your fucking life. Right here, right now. For real this time.”
“And just how would you explain that to Joseph? You think Jacob would forgive you for harming me?”
The muscles in her face twitched as she bit back on the need to hurt him.
"Clearly you haven't given up on your sin yet. Your soul is not yet clean. Even if you are set to be our Lion. You're still no better than the wild animals my brother likes to keep in cages."
Kit rolled her eyes and pulled her hand away. "I can't give up on my wrath yet. There's still a war going on and just because I've switched sides doesn't mean I stop being a soldier."
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I’m so sorry you were harressed off your last blog! What happened? If you don’t mind sharing, if you’d rather not then I understand.
Short answer I started getting death threats from from proshippers and anti because I reacted poorly to a ship. Long answer under the cut.
I'm personally triggered by underaged ships where the younger character is a girl. To further clarify, I mean ships where its a grown adult with a young teen, not ships where theyre both teens the girls about 16/17 and the boys 18(or somewhere close). Usually these are well tagged and not an issue.
I was modding a discord where underage wasn't allowed. A person was shipping a minor character with an adult and saying they aged up the character, but every description read the way the looked girl when she was a minor *exactly* and au art posted showed the girl in a form that read as a minor and the man as an adult. I tried bringing it up to other mods because I was the only one in that particular channel, but I was told I was over reacting. Others felt the way I did and I tried bringing it up to mods, but the mods didn't want to look like anti's so they decided not to do anything.
I stepped down as mod and then later rebloged a post I shouldn't have here. It was an anti shipper post and included a ship I really didn't care if people shipped, but I was so angry and it agreed with my view on the underage ship so I shared it.
Shortly mods of the server contacted me and told me I was out of line, but again I was angry so I doubled down and ended up leaving the server entirely. After that I started getting death threats from proshippers for having turned to the dark side along with the ones I'd gotten from anti's, but the thing was I had shared roughly where I live in that discord. So these ones actually carried a little weight in my mind.
I never should have shared that post. I'm very much a ship and let ship person, but several weeks of having to mod a dynamic that activity triggered me(not a squick, this was a trigger) had me on a hair trigger that unfortunately exploded.
I'm not sharing the discord, it probably still exists and to be fair to at that time there was a mod who was actively doing their best to take any drama that cropped up and make it worse.
I lost a several friends over it, obviously lost followers because I had been out of line to share that post. But seeing walls of death threats from people who I had possibly been on good terms with only a few weeks ago was to much for me to swallow and I decided to delete everything.
I learned a lot in hindsight, but it was a shitty way to learn it and like I said I lot friends in the process.
Sorry that was long but that's pretty much why I deleted everything.
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cmkinkbingo2024 · 2 months
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Frequently Asked Questions
I submitted my form wrong, what should I do?
You can submit another sign up form in the sign up window, but please send us a message to let us know so we can remove the incorrect response. If the issue is minor (wrong name, wrong email) we can resolve it without needing another sign up, just pop us a message.
Can I use OC/Character (character/reader etc) pairings? Can I use crackships? Can I write crossovers?
Yes, as long as it’s anchored in some way to Criminal Minds! This includes using characters from the CM spinoffs Suspect Behaviour and Beyond Borders.
Can I interpret the prompt as ___?
Yes, you can interpret the prompt in any way you like.
Can I use multiple prompts in one fill?
You can, but in the spirit of the challenge, your word count should reflect multiple prompts. For example if you fill two prompts in one fic, it should be at least 1000 words, rather than the 500 word minimum for a single fill.
For art or other kinds of fanworks, use your best judgement as to the spirit of the challenge.
Where should I post my work? How should I track my bingo card?
Anywhere you like! Make your own link to your fics on tumblr, create a series on Archive of Our Own, do both!
You can use the bingo card we provide and edit the image with prompts stamped/marked off as you progress.
You can tag your fills, bingo updates or WIPs with #cmkinkbingo2024 on tumblr.
We also have a collection on AO3 for your works here.
Do I have to wait until the deadline to post my fills? Can I discuss my fills on tumblr/discord etc?
You can post them as you create them, the deadline is for completing 1 line, 2 lines or a blackout.
You can discuss/share your fills wherever you’d normally talk about works in progress.
I really don’t like/can’t fill a prompt I’ve got, what do I do?
If you’ve got a prompt that you are struggling with, and its inclusion is keeping you from completing a win state (1 line, 2 lines, blackout) contact us, and we will assist with modifying your card. Please only do this if you’re really stuck!
I've completed a line, do I have to black out the board before I can request a new card?
As soon as you've completed at least 1 line, you can request a new bingo card to try again for another win. Send us a message, and let us know you'd like a new card, and if you want any already completed prompts excluded from the new card.
Can I create a mix of fiction and art fills?
Yes you can.
Can I count something I've already published as a fill for my bingo?
No, works should be new for the challenge, or at least mostly new. For example, if you've written a 100 word drabble that fits a prompt that you decide to build on for a fill, this would still be in the spirit of the event.
Can I publish something for a fill that is also part of an existing series?
Yes, as long as it fits the criteria for a fill in its standalone form (500 words/finished piece).
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swamp-spirit · 1 year
Petty things that will make you my enemy on AO3 (and what you can do instead)*
When I’m into something, I like to check the entire tag. That means I sift through ALL the weird clutter. And, especially when you’re looking through an underloved fandom or tag, clutter can get really frustrating, so here’s my desperate plea to not make tags unusable. This is all personal opinion, not objective orders on what you can and can’t do. I’m just a simple fellow passenger on this bus of life, wishing you’d waited until you were off the bus to eat your tuna sandwich but helpless to stop you.
DON’T put oneshots from different fandoms as chapters in the same fic. WHY NOT? Two reasons. Let’s say you’re putting your Lord of the Rings short stories and Sherlock Holmes stories as chapters in the same fic, but you also put one Inuyasha story in there. That means EVERY TIME you add a new Sherlock Holmes short story, it’s still updating in the Inuyasha tag. This can also hurt you as an author. Somebody who loves your Lord of the Rings stories is more likely to follow something that only tells them when an LotR story is added than something that updates three times a week with stories that won’t read. The other thing is it makes it hard to find crossovers. The person who desperately wants to see Sherlock Holmes and Inuyasha meet isn’t looking for a short story collection where the two properties never intersect. There’s plenty of times where searching two fandoms will yield multiple pages of results but only one or two crossovers. The more fandoms you add, the longer it takes to scroll past, and the more people are getting flooded with stories for fandoms they aren’t in. Many people will even tag fandoms for works they PLAN to do, then abandon the project, leaving people with one, 300 word Naruto short story in 14 fandom tags. DO use multiple works in the same series. If you did all these stories for the same challenge or just like having your short stories in one place, make a series! Users can follow the entire series, or just the fandoms or pairings they like. It gets you more bookmarks and makes the site more readable.
DON’T put things in the tag that should have been a blogpost. I’m not talking art of flash fiction. I’m talking posts that are literally just you talking. The most common offender is people asking for the location of a fic they read years ago. The more annoying cousin of this is posting requests for fic you want somebody else to write, especially containing complaints that more people don’t write it This also applies to headcanon and opinion posts. I have seen a list of Starbucks orders, each about ten words and it’s own chapter, with a tag for each character. I have seen somebody just posting a series of essays about why they hate a bunch of characters (all of whom happened to be women). WHY NOT? Because this fills the tag with things that aren’t fic. I assume a lot of these are by young people without other social media or people who cut there teeth writing on blogs like LiveJournal, but AO3 is designed as a fiction archive. The more people that use AO3 to share requests and opinions, the more unusable the site becomes. It’s like going into an art gallery and running across frames that just have a sticky note that says “draw my dog“ or “I don’t like Van Gogh very much”. The more people that do it, the less of an art gallery we have. AO3 works because most of us respect that and don’t use it as a blogging platform. Even if your fic requests get more responses on AO3, it still assumes that what YOU want to blog is important enough to abuse the platform. There are blog and twitters devoted to sharing opinions and headcanons or helping people find fic. DO put these posts in places intended for these posts rather than tagging them on a fiction archive. If I can’t talk you out of it, at least consider deleting things like “find this fic for me“ requests once you find it or replies dry up.
DON’T tag use the original work tag for RPF, fanfic focusing on OCs, or anything else that has a different tag. WHY NOT? Everything on AO3 should be an original work. Plagiarism is against the TOS, so by posting, you are promising original content. The Original Work tag is explicitly for non-fandom works. RPF works have a fandom tag. Even if it’s just “My OCs in the One Piece universe“, it still only goes in the One Piece tag. It’s very hard to get nonfanfic stories out there, and AO3 is one of the few places where non-monotized, queer stories can get a lot of traction, but the Original Work tag is often like 50% mistagged fanfic. DO use the Original Work tag for, and only for, non-fanfic projects.
Thank you for not making me want to challenge you to a duel of honor and keeping AO3 usuable.
*if you wish to be my enemy in a fun, sexy way, consider writing properly tagged, well-written fic of a pairing I hate. I will be filled with rage, but have no room for valid criticism, and will stew in the rage of being unable to enjoy an excellent story as others around me enjoy it. Or, worse, be forced to bookmark fic of a pairing I hate by your excellent takes.
edit: I read a good post noting AO3 isn’t just for fiction, and my second point was overly reductive. AO3 SHOULD have a place for meta people want to archive, but I remain firm that fic requests and other ‘posts‘ are clutter
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zaharadessert · 1 year
Last Christmas - Once Bitten (1/4?)
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Rating: M to be safe for now...
Warnings: I guess the following apply. There is a Swanfire relationship. It's toxic. There is a Milian relationship of sorts, which is also toxic.
Length: 12K and climbing rapidly, hopefully 4 chapeters
Summary: The gang end up taking on Mary Margaret's parents booking at a luxury chalet at the ski resort Killian and Liam's distant relative, Nemo, happens to own. What follows is a little bit of good, a little bit bad, and some ugly too and not just the Christmas jumpers. There's a whole host of Christmas cheer to make up for it though... eventually.
Notes: Happy Holidays @stahlop!!!!! I am your secret Santa! I was so happy when you told me you didn't hate this song, and I'm really sorry it's not completely finished for me to spam you with all of the words buuuut... Have some art to go with it instead? I hope you enjoy it, I've loved getting to know you better over the last couple of weeks! Huge thanks to @kmomof4 for betaing this monster for me, even if she is partly to blame for the high word count. Full Chapter on AO3, link below.
Tagging: @jrob64b64 @xhookswenchx @wefoundloveunderthelight @superchocovian @lfh1226-linda @teamhook @jonesfandomfanatic @tiganasummertree @onceratheart18 @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @itsfabianadocarmo @ouatpost @ultraluckycatnd @winterbaby89 @thepirateandhisson @xarandomdreamx @xsajx @captainswan21 @spaceconveyor @pirateprincessofpizza @sparlecorn93 @hollyethecurious @ammelia @pawshapedheart
As always, let me know if you’d like me to add you to my taglist for future fics :)
Also on AO3
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It was a familiar ride from the airport to the resort, the route up to the cabin one he couldn’t really forget, even after all this time. Even so he was grateful to have been able to share the driving with his brother, who was possibly the only person going this weekend who was even more familiar with the terrain and weather than he was, having spent more years in the Nautilus Mountains than he had.
The range of cabins crept up the side of the mountain, following the pathways of slightly more compacted snow that connected them all to the main hotel and the resort that offered pretty much everything a rich holidaying family could possibly want which lined the heavily compacted tire tracks that spread like a spider web across this section of the mountain, recent fresh snowfall dusting everything with a soft wintry look. It was the first time he’d be experiencing it from this side of the doors marked ‘employees only’ and Killian was looking forward to it more than he’d expected. A soft smile curled the corners of his lips as their destination came into view, four trucks already parked outside one with its trunk still open as a member of staff helped unpack it and get everything inside. It was a picturesque scene, covered in snow and fairy lights, like something on a Christmas card, with the added magic of the resort radio station playing nothing but Christmas music all the way up here.
Liam turned into the last parking space carefully, even with the snow chains on the tires one couldn’t be too careful up here where the only way to get to a hospital was to be airlifted out.
Killian stretched as he unbuckled his seatbelt and climbed out of the truck, the familiar sound of snow crunching under his boots enough to push away the thoughts that had been plaguing him the whole journey as he pondered on the fact that he was due to be the only singleton around for their Christmas celebrations. At least Emma was going to be around to partner up with for the ridiculousness of charades and such, as her boyfriend had been told he was needed at work and he wouldn’t have time to do more than stay the night if he even made the trip.
His footsteps crunched in the snow as he made his way to the trunk and grabbed his cases, carrying them rather than dragging them through the snow up to the front door. He nodded at the man lifting bags out of the other truck, an older gentleman who’d worked there when Killian had and they exchanged a grin and a pointed look as the older man commented about Killian’s ‘moving up in the world’ with a light chuckle before getting back to work.
The warmth that enveloped him when he walked into the lodge from the front porch was incredible, making his skin flush and tingle. The place was a flurry of activity, the smell of baking already wafting through the main living space from the open kitchen, the thunder of young feet as Roland and Leo chased each other round the house having not seen each other since they broke up from school for the holidays, and lights twinkling on the richly decorated Christmas tree in the great room.
Killian smiled and pulled his large suitcase back just in time to not get taken out by the young Nolan lad who barrelled past with a loud, Hey, Uncle Killian! and using the bannister of the large cabin to swing himself round the bottom of the staircase and disappear through a door that Killian was fairly sure was just a closet. Apparently they were playing hide and seek.
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Continued on AO3
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