#If anything it just helps to show we care for Sigyn
malevolentmango · 1 year
meta thoughts on Loki's role in What You've Already Buried
Yes, this is a meta post about my own fic. idk how I got here but I do in fact have a lot of thoughts about Loki and how I chose to combine the p5r persona, the actual mythology of Loki, and Goro's character arc, so here we are.
If you haven't read the whole fic and you care about spoilers, make sure to leave this for after! Also, this got... really long and sort of all over the place. I tried to organize it all but alskdjfa oops?
So, to start, I'll go through the various stories I referenced in the fic. Obviously we're playing fast and loose with the mythology here in general, but stick with me.
Chapter 2
The dream in chapter 2 was the result of me mashing together two different, unrelated stories. The poem Hyndluljóð briefly references Loki eating a woman's roasted heart, and no matter how many times I told myself I didn't need to include that imagery anywhere in my fic, you can see that it ended up there anyway because it's sexy as hell. The rest of that scene, where Goro/Loki talks about his fate and how they will always end up here, is a reference to Loki's role in the death of the god Baldr, which results in Loki being bound and eventually starting Ragnarök when he breaks free. This is the first real hint in the story that Loki is behind all of this - particularly when he refers to Akira as "the bleeding god," which is an epithet for Baldr.
Fun fact about the dream sequences, actually: originally there were only two, the very vague one in chapter 1 and the binding in chapter 3. As I was editing chapter 2, I realized that I wanted to start building up to the eventual reveal of Loki's involvement much earlier than I had while writing (and in fact, when I first started writing this, I hadn't even decided who or what created the app - I just wanted to get the concept down, and it all kind of snowballed from there).
From there though, I picked up a bit of a theme, and a progression. The dreams were meant to parallel certain scenes we get in Goro's confidant route - things like him joking about taking Akira out at the arcade, and the game of billiards that's one big metaphor about Goro's subterfuge. They act as warnings, and in the case of the dreams, rather direct ones: Goro is literally eating Akira's heart. Goro is the one who wanted to kill him, and therefore Loki, as a part of his heart, is a danger to Akira. But Akira never takes them as warnings. What he sees are cries for help, a cycle that Goro can't break out of on his own.
The parallels between Goro and Loki are pretty blatant in this one. Talking about his lies, the people he's killed, how "I can be no other than what I am." That line is actually a reference to the song No More What Ifs, which plays in Jazz Jin: "I do not / regret with my choices I'm rather proud / ooh I know I won't change anything / because I can only be me."
Chapter 3
The dream in chapter 3 was, as Goro himself explains later, the binding of Loki from the poem Lokasenna. This one is actually pretty close to the original, with the major differences being that Loki was bound with the entrails of his own son and the "poison" is actually venom dripping from a snake. I think it's neat that Loki's reaction to the venom touching him is what's thought to create earthquakes, so I wanted to include that as well.
As mentioned above, this dream was actually the first one I wrote. The idea just sort of came to me while writing and I really wanted to include it. This is why it's a bit different from the others, in that it doesn't take place anywhere that would be familiar to Akira, but rather in the Void itself. And I think the result is that it's even more pointed than the previous dream. This is Loki himself showing Akira exactly what he's getting into - that Goro, and by extension himself, comes with a whole helluva lot of baggage. That if Akira goes through with this mission, he will forever be the Sigyn who loves Loki too much to let him be hurt, and must watch him hurt anyway.
But as we know, Akira is too stubborn to let that stop him. Akira believes wholeheartedly in saving people, but especially in saving Goro Akechi. That determination is really put on display in chapter 4.
Chapter 4
The dream in chapter 4 is different in that it's not based on an actual story, but rather on the etymology of the name Loki, which is thought to originate from a Germanic root word related to loops, knots, and hooks. I'm just gonna include the direct quote from Eldar Heide that inspired this because it's pretty great: "There is quite a bit of evidence that Loki in premodern society was thought to be the causer of knots/tangles/loops, or himself a knot/tangle/loop. Hence, it is natural that Loki is the inventor of the fishnet, which consists of loops and knots, and that the word loki is a term for makers of cobwebs: spiders and the like."
It's important to note at this point, I think, that all three of these dreams take place in the story after Akira and Goro have a conversation in the previous scene about who Goro is and what he wants. In chapter 2, Akira dreams of Goro eating his heart in the interrogation room directly after Akira tells Goro what he learned in the Velvet Room and Goro tries to convince Akira that he isn't worth saving.
In chapter 3, Akira dreams of the binding of Loki after Akira tells Goro that he's worthy of Robin Hood, and then teases him about how he found Black Mask Goro, and by extension Loki, attractive. This was partially just for fun (I was imagining it a bit as Loki going "you don't have a book about me yet? well check this shit out--"), but it's also another moment of Akira reaffirming that he wants Goro around.
So chapter 4, then, takes place the same night that Akira sends the thirst trap pic of himself to Goro, and Goro responds with a last ditch attempt at intimidation - trying to insist that even if Akira cares about him, he won't be able to handle the depth of Goro's feelings for him, because they're too much. He's too selfish, too possessive. Unfortunately for him, Akira is into that.
And this dream thus breaks the pattern. The previous ones were about things happening to Akira - he couldn't even speak in them. He was a bystander, a victim. In this one, he is literally bound, a treat all tied up for Goro/Loki to enjoy. The more Akira tries to escape, the more Goro/Loki breaks down, talking about how he can't let Akira go, that everyone leaves him. And when Akira does escape and goes directly to Goro/Loki instead of leaving, he delivers on the promise he didn't even realize he was making two chapters ago: that he will pull Goro out of the cycle and set him free too.
Chapter 5
The PTs genderbending and being chased through a forest came from the Gylfaginning book of the Prose Edda, which details how Loki turned into a mare in order to lure a builder's stallion away from his work and thus cheat him out of his payment from the Æsir. This encounter results in Loki later giving birth to the horse Sleipnir.
From the same book comes the story of Utgard-Loki (technically written Útgarða-Loki, but I chose to leave it as "Utgard" the way the Persona series does). Utgard is a giant who agreed to shelter Loki and Thor for a night in exchange for performing a feat. The reason the Thieves have to do four feats is because there are actually two children with Loki and Thor in the story, but I didn't want to get into all that here. For similar reasons, their feats are a lot more straightforward than, for example, Loki competing in an eating contest against the personification of a wildfire.
Fenrir, Sköll, and Hati
Next, in the forest, we get Fenrir and his sons Sköll and Hati. The two younger wolves are said to chase the sun and moon across the sky until the onset of Ragnarök, at which point they would be caught and swallowed. In the fic, this has already happened, as their light is visible when the wolves howl - implying that Ragnarök has already started, and the Thieves are moving closer to the final battle.
The place they lead the Thieves to, Fenrir's island, is a direct reference to the island Lyngvi (meaning "a place overgrown with heather") where the Æsir bind Fenrir with Gleipnir, as described in Gylfaginning. They do so by tricking him and questioning his courage, saying that if he truly can't break free of this simple ribbon, then he must not be a danger to them after all. In reality, Odin feared Fenrir, who the prophecies said would be the death of Odin, and the gods considered all children of Loki to be too dangerous to be free.
This is where a lot of the threads start to come together with regards to how I chose to portray Loki in this fic: as a deviant, as a trickster, as a murderer, but also as someone who (like Goro) was a victim of his role in the larger story he's part of. Ragnarök can't happen without Loki - it doesn't matter how much he aids the gods, how much he's a part of their ranks. The moment he pulls the strings of Baldr's death, he's an outcast. He is the unwanted, the persecuted, all because it's foretold that he will be. He cannot escape the cycle. No one escapes Ragnarök.
In talking about this story with a friend, I described my portrayal of Loki as being more sympathetic than a lot of other ones I've read in this fandom. I think that really comes through in this scene, even though Loki isn't in it at all. Part of that is because it's from Akira's POV and he has a massive savior complex, but really I just liked the idea of twisting the lens through which we think about Loki as a character and how we connect him to the actual stories about him.
When I was reading about Loki for this fic, the idea I kept coming back to was that he just seems... tragic. That as much as he delights in causing suffering, it comes at the cost of a deep, personal pain. Imagine having everything you've worked for, everything you've done and created, taken away from you at the whims of someone more powerful than you. A player in a game you were born to lose. That's Loki, and it is also, of course, Goro Akechi.
Loki in the Mead Hall
This piece was, of course, inspired by Lokasenna, Loki's Flyting. The Thieves hear the gods reacting angrily to Loki's insults as they approach the building, but ultimately don't understand what all that vitriol means. This was partly because there was no way in hell I was writing an actual flyting, but also because I wanted to show off a bit of Loki's power over this space. It's his realm, after all.
(Fun fact: the descriptions of the mead hall and the forest from the previous scene were loosely based on the truly batshit amount of time I spent playing Valheim.)
This encounter with Loki was actually the first thing I wrote that took place in the Void - I think it was around the same time that I wrote the dream in chapter 3. I wanted to show that Loki is someone to be feared, someone who by his very nature is crafty and powerful and terrifying... and I also wanted to show why that doesn't make him evil by more directly stating his intentions. This is the scene where the Thieves actually get an answer to why Loki is helping them and Goro - because he cares about Goro.
Which sounds like a simple answer - of course the source of Goro's persona cares about him - but it's not. One of the things that trickster figures are known for is defying expectations. The expectation for a god living separate from humans in the Void would be that they don't have particularly strong feelings for them one way or another. We see this in the previous scene when the Thieves encounter Odin, who was once Akira's persona - he acknowledges that connection, but still plans to trick them.
From the moment Loki captured Goro and then gave Akira the Crow app, he was defying his place in the cycle. Loki cannot change his own fate, but he can change theirs - that's what a trickster does. Similarly, Akira also defies expectations when he tells Loki that he wants him to be himself - Loki, who is meant to be a shapeshifter, who is meant to bring destruction by his very nature, is being told that that's okay. After all, Akira loves Goro just the way he is. Why wouldn't he do the same for Loki?
Plus, I just really wanted to make Loki sexy as hell in this scene. I mean Look At Him.
His appearance is brief and not as important as others, but there two important bits to take away from this. One, that Akira continues to empathize with Loki and his children where the Thieves are still frightened (this is more just to keep on theme). And two, that Jörmungandr is free - he's not biting his own tail and encircling the world, another sign that Ragnarök has begun.
Fimbulwinter and Ragnarök
So obviously there's a lot going on here. I wasn't pulling directly from any story here, just the general themes: Fimbulwinter is the harsh and unforgiving winter that precedes Ragnarök and puts an end to all life on Earth. Ragnarök itself is then characterized by the great battle in which many of the Æsir die, after which the world burns and is then completely submerged underwater. Only then can the world rise again and the cycle can continue.
An interesting note: While the Thieves battle Ragnarök Loki, the form that Goro's shadow takes, they never actually enter the part of this realm that is Ragnarök. They remain in Fimbulwinter because that's where Goro was being held - because Loki had to keep him far enough in to be safe, but didn't want to put him in the place where Loki himself is doomed to repeat his own death over and over again. It's another example of Loki's strange brand of kindness.
I'm actually pretty happy with how Shadow Loki turned out. The idea that Goro had to face his own shadow was one I took from P4, which a friend was streaming for me and a few others at the time I was writing this. Of course, in P4 it's about accepting a part of yourself you don't want to acknowledge or come to terms with, and that's not really the case for Goro. I think he knows exactly who he is - he's told both Yusuke and Haru outright that he doesn't regret what he's done. For him, facing his shadow is about proving that isn't all that he is - that he is more than the smiling prince and the bloodied assassin and the unwanted child.
And of course, the reason his shadow takes the form of a sort of amalgamation of Loki and his own Black Mask outfit is because Loki is the source of all that. He's the one who gave Goro the power to kill, and Goro used that power without restraint. Goro stepped willingly into the same cycle of violence that Loki has always known, and in this scene, he's finally breaking free of it.
After the fight, we finally get Loki explaining to Goro in his own words why he's done all this. It's slightly different from what he told Akira in the mead hall - to Akira, he admits that he cares for Goro, whereas to Goro himself he says he wants Goro to live because "one of us should." Both answers are correct, but I think the second one is more true to how Loki sees himself and how he sees Goro. Loki is limited by his nature as a god to never change, to always be both an agent and victim of fate, but Goro isn't. And rather than attempt to change himself using the so-called "leeway" afforded to tricksters, Loki uses that power to give Goro the life he himself can never have.
And finally, we have the moment where Goro gives the treasure he took from his shadow to Loki. As Akira learns later in the epilogue, this is a hair pin that belonged to Goro's mother, which he would use to hold a blanket in place around his shoulders when he pretended to be a hero. That he would give such an item to Loki - something he lost years ago after his mother's death, something he will never see again in reality - and thank him for lending him the power to survive as long as he did is, I think, really telling of their connection to each other. In a way, it's almost a challenge, even a threat - Goro is telling Loki not to forget him and what they stood for, no matter how many times he repeats the cycle. He's taking his own stance on the idea that Loki can never change, and that stance is "Try harder then."
And maybe he can. Or maybe he can't. One of the things that I really wanted to explore in this fic is the idea of how a persona and its user overlap with the stories that persona comes from, and Loki and Goro are a great example of this. Two characters bound by fate, doomed to die by their respective narratives. Of course they found each other. And of course Goro would never be happy with the idea of a part of his soul being controlled by outside forces. Whether or not Loki can really change, though, is up to interpretation.
In Conclusion
idk I just think he's neat. Which one of them am I talking about? Yes. If you read all of that nonsense, you're my hero.
And just for fun...
I actually did write an entire move set for Ragnarök Loki, even though it was completely unnecessary. Figured I'd include it here for anyone wondering just how tough a fight that would be!
Ragnarök Loki (2 actions/turn)
Call of Chaos - Boost self's attack but drop defense for 3 turns. Laevateinn - Colossal Physical damage to 1 foe. Megidolaon - Severe Almighty damage to all foes. Concentrate - Multiply user’s next magical attack damage by 2.5. Sigyn’s Burden - Inflict Despair (high odds) to 1 foe. Hel’s Retribution - Decrease ATK/DEF/AGI for all foes for 3 turns. Jörmungandr’s Venom - Medium chance of instantly killing all foes. Fenrir’s Hunger - Heavy Nuclear damage to 1 foe. Medium chance to inflict Hunger. Fimbulwinter - Severe Ice damage to all foes. Ragnarök - Severe Fire damage to all foes and inflict Fear (high odds)
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Comic Sigyn was hurt by Loki as his abused wife then hurt again when she was brought back for that one shot where he called upon his friends to punch her into unsconsciousness (even tho she posed him no threat as she lacks magic or combat skills) and any Sigyn fan who actually cares about her as a character and not a self insert vessel would want her 9549 miles away from Loki since everytime they're near each other he finds a way to hurt her. But they don't, because they project onto her to live their fantasies of kissing Loki. They claim the writers just need to write her personality and dynamic with Loki differently, but if you have to change everything canon about a character to make it work it's because they don't actually ship canon Sigyn with Loki, they ship their self insert oc who happens to have the same name.
I recall seeing her use magic to help Loki on the few Simonson issues I have read. To be fair, Ikol is not the Loki she married. The exes all want revenge on someone who's no longer here (with the exception of a handful like Leah..). And yeah, they aren't good for each other and she's definitely a self-insert.
I have only ever read ONE good Loki/Sigyn fic that I enjoy where their relationship is the focus because Sygin actually has a personality and Loki was allowed to be awful in a way that was interesting rather than "evil incarnate". It reminded me a bit of "The Cruel Prince" by Holly Black. I am really not a fan of x Reader, x OFC, or x Sygin stories for the most part. Here's the good Logyn fic in question https://archiveofourown.org/works/44334754
I will warn it tends to bash Sif and the W3. So if you love those characters, I might avoid it.
They claim the writers just need to write her personality and dynamic with Loki differently, but if you have to change everything canon about a character to make it work it's because they don't actually ship canon Sigyn with Loki, they ship their self insert oc who happens to have the same name. Yeah. I have said I would only be fine with her coming back if their relationship and dynamic is retconned and rewritten entirely. I would argue that Sigyn has no personality and that's why she is the self-insert of choice...
I also don't appreciate the guilt-tripping some Marvel!Sygin stans do to try to make us care about some prop of a female character. Of course I would erase her if it benefits Loki's character and means I don't have to see her used as a prop to show how far Loki's evil goes. Loki's actually interesting and her being used as a prop didn't add anything interesting to his storyline and it was quite annoying. Of course we all have more investment in Loki as a character than Table # 5. We've already seen Loki being awful in more interesting ways. Plus, I feel he should get that specific relationship retconned/erased because comics always get retconned and the way most of the comics handled Loki annoys me ("evil from birth" narratives while everyone else is obnoxiously perfect are the bane of my existence). I am glad he's allowed to be gray rather than pure evil now and that's he's gotten some things retconned to avoid "evil from birth".
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
🎵 4
4. "Running Up That Hill" - Kate Bush
“Tell me, we both matter, don’t we?”
I am living for the Kate Bush renaissance.
Thank you for the ask!
Sigyn made her way towards the edge of the land that New Asgard had been given by Norway. The surrounding hills and mountains made it relatively secluded from the main town that was Sigyn’s kingdom. Sigyn knocked on the door before entering.
Wanda was in the kitchen area, her magic pouring a second cup of tea while she looked through a book Sigyn had loaned her. She looked up as Sigyn walked in.
“Nice to see you,” Wanda said. “It’s been a while.”
“I had some things to take care of,” Sigyn said, sitting down and accepting the tea. “Running even a small nation takes a lot of work.”
“Especially considering the influence you’ve managed to gain on the world stage,” Wanda said.
“Well, I won’t take all of the credit for that,” Sigyn said. “Fandral is very good at his job.”
Wanda smiled, laughing softly.
“How have you been?” Sigyn asked.
“Better,” Wanda said. “I’ve learned so much being here, it’s… nice to be in a place where what I do is not the strangest thing people have seen.”
“I understand,” Sigyn said. “This world is very different from what it was when I was younger. Different from how Thor described it.”
Wanda nodded.
“I understand you have a cat now?” Wanda said.
“Oh, yes, Eris,” Sigyn said. “He’s Nari’s cat, really, though I’m the one who ends up taking care of him.”
“Well, Nari’s young,” Wanda said. “He’ll grow into it.”
“Learning responsibility is something his father and uncle took much longer to learn,” Sigyn said. “I’m hoping that starting earlier will help.”
Wanda considered this.
“Eris…” she said. “Interesting name.”
Sigyn paused. “How so?”
“It’s Greek, isn’t it?” Wanda said. “Goddess of Discord?”
“Yes,” Sigyn said, deciding not to give any more information.
Wanda shrugged. “It’s just interesting.”
“I see,” Sigyn said.
There was a brief pause.
“How did you know?” Sigyn asked.
Wanda raised an eyebrow. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice? I’m a chaos witch, Sigyn. The return of one of the Gods of Chaos is not something that can be ignored.”
“Wanda, please,” Sigyn said. “You don’t know what happened. You can’t—”
“I can’t, what?” Wanda asked. “Tell anyone? Who would I tell? Who would believe me? Loki of Asgard was taken from another universe and brought to ours as a refugee from a police force that claims to be in charge of time. What did you think I would do?”
“I don’t know,” Sigyn said. “I am not as familiar with psychiatric medicine, but I imagined that this could prove a trigger for you.”
“Could it?” Wanda asked. “I suppose I did wonder how it was fair. How the universe could chose to give him back, when Vision never did anything to hurt anyone.”
“It’s not fair,” Sigyn said. “I didn’t really know Vision, but he seemed like a good man. I wish I could have done something— something different, something faster. The Mind Stone was a bane for me as much as it was a boon for you. While it gave you Vision, it took Loki from me and turned him into something horrible that he never recovered from. He can heal now. Now that it’s gone. Now that he’s gone. I’m sorry I could not do the same for you.”
“Why not?” Wanda asked.
Sigyn paused. “Wanda, his universe was destroyed, he has nowhere to return to. Even if we went and found a Vision in the Void, he would by no means be one that is safe to bring here. More likely than not, he’d be Ultron.”
“I’m not saying we do that,” Wanda said.
“What are you saying?” Sigyn asked.
Wanda got up and went over to a side table. Opening the drawer, she pulled out a book that made Sigyn’s heart clench. As Wanda paged through the Darkhold, she walked back over to the table.
“There are spells that allow you to walk in another universe,” Wanda said. “My children are out there. I can get them back.”
“You can get them back?” Sigyn said, standing. “Wanda, what has that book been showing you?”
“So many things,” Wanda said. “About the power that I wield, about Chaos Magic and the Scarlet Witch, about—”
“That book is evil,” Sigyn said. “You shouldn’t even have it, let me—”
Sigyn reached out to take the book and Wanda stepped back.
“Why shouldn’t I?” Wanda asked. “This book was written for me, for the Scarlet Witch.”
“It’s corrosive magic,” Sigyn said. “The kind that changes who you are, what you think. It grips you in the thing you want most and uses you to do its bidding and destroy everything you care about.”
Wanda shook her head. “Not for me. It is showing me the power that you refuse to teach me.”
“You were never trained by someone who wields magic!” Sigyn said. “The things I show you are the fundamentals of what we do, and you are flying through them at a pace no child would! And still you have no patience!”
Sigyn’s magic floated around her hands.
“I cannot allow you to jeopardize yourself and everything else,” Sigyn said. “Surrender the Darkhold, or I will be forced to take more drastic measures.”
Wanda laughed as her magic washed over her and the Scarlet Witch armor appeared.
“I would love to see you try,” Wanda said.
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dailylogyn · 2 years
🌼 Starting a prayer circle for Sigyn to be in Season 2 of Loki! 🌼
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🔥 Come on Marvel, you can do it! 🔥
#JusticeforSigyn #JusticeforLogyn #JusticeforLoki
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promiseiwillwrite · 3 years
Stories and Kennings
When I was young, I read a story about a Jotun who became a God's Brother, and could turn into anything.
I heard a story where he got his mouth sewn shut instead of getting his head chopped off. I thought he was very clever. But that he would absolutely have torn his lips open, without anyone ever telling me that's what happened. I imagined his wife taking care of him after it happened.
I read the story about a prophesy, and the great lengths to which Frigga went to protect her son.
I read the story of his Murder.
I never understood why any of Frigga's efforts or Balder's well being mattered to Loki. Maybe Loki just liked to push Boundaries. Maybe he just liked to see if he could get away with things. Maybe he Hated Balder because Balder was Hot.
Maybe Loki decided to get Even with the Gods for taking his kids, and really treating them badly. Especially Fenrir... Can you imagine how awesome a protector he might have been for Asgard if they had just let him be free?
(Or how he might just have taken over...)
Maybe it was all part of the Blood Brother Deal.
I read the story of how Loki ran away after helping Hod Aim, and sat in a hut with a door on every wall. How he made the Net, and then threw it in the fire. And How he Became a Salmon to get away.
I read how he was caught with a net made the same way he'd made his before burning it.
And I thought about it. Salmon represent Inborn Wisdom. Things that cannot be learned. And returning full circle.
And The Invention of the Net certainly must have impacted humans greatly.
And then I thought about how Loki had also Once Become a Fly, in that same story where he got his Mouth sewn Shut.
Why, when you've got a choice between becoming a Salmon, or a Titanothere, or a fly or a Horse or a turtle or a pangolin, if you were trying to Evade Capture, Why would you invent a Net and then Become a Salmon and Jump in the River?
Unless it was not about escape.
Unless it was to show that people can get out of anything if they choose. That was what I took from the story.
Unless it was about the Story he had agreed to help Create.
And then I imagined Sigyn freeing Fenrir, Because of everything that happened after, to her own sons. I might have done that, to get even.
And I imagined her, starving slowly, with her amazingly buff arms, holding that bowl, and the scars across the backs of her hands and down her wrists from the poison.
We love who we love.
I imagine them all, in a nonlinear sort of way, shifting through every moment now, each version of themselves changing with the tellings and re-tellings.
And I think that they have all grown and are still growing, while people believe, and tell the stories.
I can't imagine what it does to or for a god, to have other stories written about them, far removed from their original culture hearth. I can't imagine if it brings them Mirth or Humanity, if it gives them room to grow and change, if it can provide a sweeping redemption arc, or cheapens their structure somehow.
I know if I was a god, I would probably get as much out of it as I could. I think I would welcome Every Time some living person spoke my name, whether in reverence, or reference to some poorly drawn lines. Hero, Villain, Victim, and Hero Again, Eventually you expect it to come back around.
But If it was me, I would make room for all of it. So that my story would keep going... And Maybe find a Better ending than "And All was destroyed in Fire."
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bubbleteycosplay · 2 years
What ifs Sigyn's stories
Part 10
So many different universes, so many different possibilities. And in some loves Sigyn and their different stories. Pictures and brief information have been written about some of these possibilities.
But what is her full story, we don't know. But we can spin them further in our thoughts ^^
The whole project here serves to show the possibilities and potential that Sigyn would have had within the Marvel Universe. How she could have been reintroduced, her story made new and more exciting. #JusticeForSigyn stands for creating Sigyn content because Marvel doesn't give us any.
Inspired by @fauna-and-mythos @dailylogyn @dank-art @jonquilclegane @sigynoffidelity @sigynthevictorious @thewitchysystem @shenanigans-and-imagines @timeladyjamie @therese-lokidottir @puckwritesstuff @useless-chan-draws @sigynappreciation @sigyn-obsessed @ellecaterina @marvelentertainment
Echoes Sigyn Story by @jonquilclegane
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It had started when he was very young. He had always felt lonely, truly. His brother was annoying and loud. Nothing like him. Their interests were further than the Sun and the Moon. And so, while he liked to read in peace and study magic, or plan elaborated pranks, Thor preferred to train and fight with other children. Loki looked at his brother and his friends, and admitted he envied him a little bit.
The Mighty Thor Sigyn
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On her journey as Thor, Jane Foster meets a woman who pulls her out of a sticky situation and takes her home with her. Jane is grateful to the woman and tries to have a real conversation with her, which proves difficult as the woman hardly speaks. She takes care of her injuries very touchingly and lets Jane understand that she knows she suffers from a disease that is widespread on Midgard. When Jane asks her if she used to be Midgard, she just nods. But when the question comes to Asgard, the woman just remains silent and sadly looks into the distance. At that moment her son comes through the door and Jane looks at him for a long time, this boy reminds her of someone but she can't think of it.
She takes care of her injuries very touchingly and lets Jane understand that she knows she suffers from a disease that is widespread on Midgard. When Jane asks her if she used to be Midgard, she just nods. But when the question comes to Asgard, the woman just remains silent and sadly looks into the distance. At that moment her son comes through the door and Jane looks at him for a long time, this boy reminds her of someone but she can't think of it.
Sigyn has lived in seclusion and beyond the reach of Asgard since Ragnarok. She left Asgard when she realized she was expecting her third child. She knows that many gods have been reborn and she is glad that Loki thinks she is dead. So she can lead a happy life with her son. She never wants to experience anything like all those years ago again!
She has helped Jane and will continue to help, but she will not tell her who or her son is. Sigyn wants security and she only has it if nobody knows who she really is!
Witch Sigyn
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She lives on planets where only the outcasts live. Sigyn is one of them, born a princess and outlawed by her people, her own family, for being gifted with blood magic and chased away. But even from the outcasts, she lives vern in the forest. Others only come to her when they need her help as a healer.
One day Frigga, the queen of Asgard, appears to her and begs her to save her son Loki. Sigyn doesn't want to at first, because when Loki sees injuries, she knows exactly that he can only be saved with blood magic. But Frigga tearfully asks Sigyn to help her son. Sigyn reluctantly agrees and saves Loki's life. Eternally grateful to her, Frigga gives Sigyn valuable plants and herbs from her garden so that Sigyn can plant them herself.
Sigyn's life takes a small twist because of this, although blood mages are persecuted and despised everywhere. People come to her more often now and ask for help. Sigyn gives you this help and you are happy to do it.
20 years pass and one day, while Sigyn is out hunting in the forest, Loki stands in front of her.
Loki really wanted to see the woman who saved his life. However, Sigyn is anything but happy to see Loki and cool towards him. Because she knows exactly what he wants from her and she can't give him that. Loki wants to learn blood magic but it doesn't work the way he thinks it will. Blood magic is a talent you are born with and built with which Sigyn explains to Loki and asks him to leave. But Loki keeps coming back, which annoys Sigyn.
When he doesn't come back after months, Sigyn initially believes that Loki has given up. But she was happy too soon, because Loki comes back and even brings gifts every time. All of which Sigyn reject, but Loki leaves all the things there. Books, magic stones, clothes, pillows, shoes, jewelry even lamps all load into Sigyn's house in the back corner.
Sigyn starts spending more and more time in the forest to avoid meeting Loki. But when she runs home through the forest in the middle of the night, she finds Loki lying in a hollow in a tree, badly injured. Sigyn takes him into his house and takes care of him and one thing leads to another. While Loki has almost recovered after 2 weeks, the two spend a passionate night together. The beginning of an affair that shouldn't be but that's not enough. Sigyn realizes that she has feelings for Loki and hopes that he feels the same way.
But Loki betrays Sigyn, who as the two sleep together, Loki secretly pulls out his dagger and cuts Sigyn, forcing her to swear a blood oath. This means that Sigyn is bound to Loki as long as he lives.
Snow White Sigyn story by @jonquilclegane
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Once upon a time, there was a king who loved his wife very much, as she was the most beautiful of all the queens in the mortal world. However, the couple was very sad, as they did not have any children. So the Queen prayed the Goddess Frigga to grant her a child, with the skin as white as the snow, the lips as red as the blood and the hair as black as a raven’s feathers.
When the child was born, it was a true victory, and so, the happy parents called their new daughter Sigyn, the “friend of victory”. Unfortunately, the Queen got sick soon after and died.
Years later, the King decided to marry a young and beautiful lady from a foreign realm, called Amora. Her hair was like pure gold and her eyes like emeralds. Every person who laid eyes on her fell hopelessly in love with her. The king was no different and wedded her, against the advice of his ministers.
Not long after the wedding, the King died too, quite suspiciously. But by the time of his funeral, everyone at court, including the people who at first had been unsure about her, were completely under her spell.
Years passed, but the queen’s beauty remained the same.
She changed lovers often, but one did persevere and visited her from time to time. He was a sorcerer and quite charismatic, and behaved with the presence and arrogance of royalty. No one, though, knew his name.
One day, Princess Sigyn, who had grown and was now quite a beauty, much to her stepmother’s chagrin, met with the mysterious nobleman in the castle’s gardens. It was love at first sight, and soon the two young people were inseparable. They had to hide their relationship from the Queen, as they knew she would disapprove and would try to break their bond.
The sorcerer had revealed his identity to his beloved: he was Loki, the son of Odin, a god and a Prince of Asgard. Sigyn had been surprised and confused – as a mortal, she could not marry a god. But Loki reassured her. He would find a way for them to spend eternity together. He truly loved her and wanted her to be his wife. Amora was his past, she would be his future.
The lovers decided to run away from the castle and ride to Asgard. But to travel to the land of the gods, Sigyn had first to eat one of Idunn’s apples. Loki gave her one, and the princess ate it with a smile upon her face, thinking of her life with the man she loved and all the happy days ahead of them.
After one bite, Sigyn felt sick and weak. Loki, worried, took her in his arms, but there was nothing he could do. She died in a matter of seconds. The apple he had given to her was actually poisoned. Amora had known of their plans to run away together and had replaced it with a fruit of her own. The God of mischief, furious, wanted to kill his former lover on the spot. However, he decided to condemn her to a much more cruel fate: he put a pair of iron shoes into the fire until they glowed. Amora was then forced to put them on and dance in them, until death came and claimed her at last.
Iduna Sigyn
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When Sigyn was reborn after Ragnarök, Iduna and Sigyn became one and the same person. Nobody remembers Sigyn, nobody would remember her either. Even she has no memory and lives isolated from everyone in the vastness of her gardens.
Butterfly Sigyn
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On Earth 599, all Arsenic live in animal form and Sigyn the dishonest child of Odin and Frayer is a butterfly. She lives in the gardens of the rabbit goddess Easter and the badger goddess Saint Eir. She takes care of the palaces and must never be near the palace so that Frigga cannot see her. For every time Frigga's owl eyes catch sight of Sigyn, she is reminded of her husband's loyalty and of Frayer's triumph over her.
Sylvie's postman
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When Sylvie spoke to Loki about her postman, she actually didn't mean a postman, but her Sigyn. Which also draw the various time levels hidden so as not to be found. The TVA does not know that she exists and Sylvie does everything to ensure that it stays that way, which is why she will never be spoken of to the other Loki. Protecting her is her second most important goal and it was Sigyn who gave her the name Sylvie when she told Sigyn that she no longer wanted to be Loki and Sigyn said to her "just be Sylvie" and Loki called herself Sylvie from then on.
Her story begins with Sylvie finding Sigyn when she was supposed to be dying and Sylvie healing her. When she saw Sigyn for the first time, she immediately felt a deep connection. But the price was that Sigyn had to leave it all behind and her death had to be faked so no one would know she was alive. And so both began in exile, mostly separately from each other. But every now and then they meet in an end-time scenario. These encounters were something beguiling for Sylvie and she could laugh carefree. Whenever they met, Sylvie slept with her head on Sigyn's shoulder.
After Sylvie killed Kang, she didn't really know what she felt. So she went in search of Sigyn to get clear about her situation.
Sigyn Soldottir, daughter of the Sun Story by @jonquilclegane
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Sol, the Goddess of the Sun one day felt lonely. Looking at the realm of the mortals, she saw there the God of the smiths, Volundr, and found him worthy of her affections. She decided she would marry him and have a child with him. Volundr was flattered and accepted.
However, Sol’s duties demanded of her to return to the skies, and so she did, leaving on Midgard her new husband and their daughter, Sigyn. Volundr did as best he could, raising their child on his own. He often brought her to work, and on his many trips to Nidavellir. It was there that Freya saw her for the first time. Hearing her name, she pondered of its meaning “friend of victory” and concluded that it was fit for a Valkyrie. She asked to buy the child from Volundr, but he refused, until he agreed that being part of the Valkyries was a great honor and would secure a glorious future for his daughter. He let Freya take her, though his heart felt heavy.
Sigyn trained to become a warrior, but, deep in her soul, she knew she was not born for this career. She soon realized Odin’s plans of conquests were against every principles she had. She wanted peace, not war. She tried to resign, but Freya refused to let the “Victory bringer” go.
After Ragnarok and the death of most gods, she survived. Baldur, reborn, was now the Kings of the remaining deities. As her birth mother was now gone, eaten by Fenrir, he decided to appoint Sigyn as the new Goddess of the Sun.
Sigyn from Loyalty and Mischief; the untold story of Sigyn and Loki from MermaidAriel13 (Archive of Our Own Fanfiction)
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Loyalty and Mischief; the untold story of Sigyn and Loki:
This is the story of the only woman who ever loved the God of Mischief.
Lady Sigyn arrived in Asgard as the betrothed to the Crown Prince, Thor Odinson. But there was another who sought her out - the second son, Loki. The God of Mischief had meant to use Sigyn in his scheme to shame Thor before all the Nine Realms but something unexpected happened. Loki found himself falling in love with this brother's fiancée.
All of Asgard believed their love was cursed, born out of deceptions and lies. Despite their many hardships the love between Sigyn and Loki only grew.
Until one faithful day, a terrible secret comes out and Loki spirals down, believing his entire life, including Sigyn's love, was a lie. Will Loki freeze his heart to her and seal both their fates? Or will Sigyn be able to save both Loki and her people from certain impending doom?
20 years Sigyn
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This Sigyn lived on Earth 988 and was a successful singer. But one day a man showed up at her house who said she had asked a man and he had to save her. Before she could react, the man pulled out a staff and Sigyn released himself into thin air. We can only guess at her future fate.
Part 11 is in progress ^^
Here you can find the last 4 parts
Part 9
Part 8
Part 7
Part 6
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gdcee · 3 years
Old Friends
Summary: Loki doesn't meet his three counterparts in the TVA's garbage dump at the end of time but someone else entirely.
Warnings: Some sexual innuendo. Troubling possessive childhood behaviour. Mention of unwanted sexual advances (not perpetrated by either of the main characters in the fic).
Loki considers the words neatly painted in bright red letters on the large signpost.
NO LOKIS (except for the kid and alligator they're cool)
He squints, wondering if his earlier rough landing has jumbled some connections in the language processing bits of his brain. He shakes his head and reads again.
Nope, he evidently did not misread the bit about the alligator.
"What in the name of Buri's wrinkly left-"
Before Loki can finish uttering the obscenity, an overwhelming aura of powerful magic smothers him. He barely has a chance to retaliate before he's swept away like a pebble in a fluvial flood.
He finds himself lying on the half-withered gray-green grass, staring incredulously at the softly glowing incorporeal fetters wrapped about his chest and ankles.
There's only one person he knows with this particular type of binding magic.
But no, no it couldn't be. It couldn't possibly be-
"You have a lot of nerve," her achingly familiar voice rings out in the desolate silence. Her equally familiar face comes into view as she leans over his prone form, "Coming here."
"Sigyn," he can only manage a hoarse whisper at first, but giddy elation soon overtakes shock, and his mouth widens in a cheeky grin, "Oh, I'm certainly not doing that at present but since you've already skipped past dinner to the bonda-"
Sigyn whacks him sharply on the head with her staff. Not hard enough to cause any pain, but hard enough to startle him into silence.
"Brazen," she sighs, sounding more exasperated than offended, "Every single one of you."
"I prefer cockyyy-" Loki trails off at the unamused glare she shoots him, "-shutting up now."
"Good choice."
Sigyn shakes her head and dispels the fetters that hold him. Though familiar, in truth, Loki hasn't felt her magic so close to him in centuries. Not since they were children and he was showing her how to conjure fireworks in her hands.
He wonders briefly if her hair still smells like apple blossoms.
"Come on," she reaches for his hand and pulls him to his feet without waiting for his assent, "Time to go. You know the rules."
"I don't actually," Loki tries not to look upset when she lets go of his hand (pathetic, Norns, he is pathetic), "I don't even know where...what this place is." He frowns, considering. "Probably not Hel since you're here."
Sigyn coughs a short, sharp bark of a laugh. There's no humour in it.
"This is Hel," she says, "In all but name."
"So...I'm dead?"
Sigyn sighs again, closes her eyes and blows at the loose strand of hair hanging in her face.
"Wonderful. You're a new one then. You remember being pruned, yes?"
"Yes. Not very pleasant."
"Quite. Well, this-" she moves one arm in a fluid, graceful arc, gesturing in grandiose fashion at the depressing panorama of refuse and ruined buildings littered about the grey landscape. "-is where the TVA sends their rubbish. Everyone they prune, any physical material from a reset timeline - it ends up here."
"Everything?" Loki quirks an eyebrow, "Seems a little empty of clutter if the refuse of millions of dead timelines is being dumped here."
"Ah. Yes, that would be the work of the giant purple cloud monster of eternal, ceaseless hunger that devours all within its path."
An ominous sounding growl underlaid with the rumble of thunder sounds faintly in the distance.
Loki looks towards the distant horizon and sees a large dark, purplish smear like a fresh bruise in the grey sunless sky. Light flares and something that vaguely resembles a galaxy-class battlecruiser falls from the heavens. Immediately, the great bruised mass is upon the hulking remains.
He is uncomfortably reminded of that ridiculous nightmare he used to have about being phagocytosed by a giant amoeba (he longs for such innocent days, when his bad dreams were the result of his overactive imagination processing tedious microbiology lessons and not recollections of the various horrors he has experienced).
"That would be Alioth. The giant purple cloud monster. Don't ask me who came up with that name. Now if you'll excuse me-" Sigyn turns briskly on her heel and heads off in the direction beyond the NO LOKIS sign.
"Wha- hold on! You're just going to leave?You're leaving me to that thing??"
"Oh please, you'll have plenty of time before it gets here. Besides," she mutters, "You're a Loki. There's a thousand of you in this Norns forsaken wasteland. Trust me, if there's one thing you all do very well, it's survive."
Her words hurt more than he wants to admit. That bad memory loop with Sif had been more painful for obvious reasons, but...he knew what Sif thought of him. Even back then, those words she'd thrown at him had not surprised him.
As a child, he'd always felt special to Sigyn. She'd wanted to be his friend, his own true friend and not just Thor's friend who didn't mind having Loki along for the ride. She'd liked the same things he did. She'd always laughed at his jokes and pranks.
He'd felt like he mattered to her.
Of course that had only made him abominably possessive. He just couldn't abide any other child having her attention. The fear of an insecure wretch - so terrified that if Sigyn looked away even for a moment, she would see something better, that she would find him wanting.
He shouldn't have been surprised when Sigyn did not protest at her father sending her to live with her late mother's relatives on Alfheim when her true powers manifested on the cusp of puberty.
He'd...he'd said such awful things to her before she'd gone. When two people have been friends for centuries, they know exactly what to say to make it hurt. Sigyn had given back as good as she got, but instead of petty childish insults, her accusations had rung with truth.
She'd known why no one wanted to be her friend, she'd known exactly what he'd been doing behind her back - all the tricks, all the schemes, everything he'd done to ensure that none would take his friend from him.
As a parting shot she'd declared that even though he'd been horrid, she had stayed his friend because she had cared about him. That he had been special to her and she hadn't wanted to lose him either.
It was one thing to lose his only friend besides his brother - it was another to know that all his fears had been naught but smoke and mirrors. That he had been awful, that he'd made Sigyn sad and disappointed for absolutely nothing.
She had returned to Asgard.
Týr could only use the excuse of his daughter's magical education for so long. Someone of her abilities was too important an asset for the Allfather to ignore.
In the end, they had come to a reconciliation (of sorts) because they were tired of avoiding each other.
Or perhaps, the more simple truth (that neither would have admitted to) was that they missed each other.
They were never again as close as they'd been as children, but they'd stayed friends (or friendly at least). On good enough terms that the Warriors Four had not sought her out to spin their tale of treachery and magical incursion (Sigyn certainly would have been the ideal person to subdue a treacherous, power-mad and magically gifted regent). But not on good enough terms that he would have approached her for help in his ill-conceived scheme to delay Thor's coronation (perhaps events would have played out more favourably if he'd had someone to bounce ideas off).
That had been his Sigyn anyway. The one who didn't even exist now. Reset into non-existence by the TVA along with everything else on the timeline he'd been taken from.
Did you mourn, he'd asked his brother.
We all did.
He wonders if the Sigyn he'd known had mourned him.
The Sigyn briskly walking away now seems ill-inclined to mourn any Loki. What had the Loki of her timeline done to make her want to have nothing to do with him? He isn't sure if he wants to know.
He is tired. So very, very tired. Tired of feeling responsible for things he has not done (yet? is it really destiny if your life is just a series of bullet points on a checklist created and enforced by a totalitarian bureaucratic organization built by person or persons unknown?). Tired of not being able to do anything to make amends for the things that he actually is responsible for.
Except...he can.
Sigyn isn't a memory construct, she is real, she is here.
It's just one thing, one little thing and it is paltry compared to the other ill-deeds he has committed (and the ones he is fated to commit)-
But it's something at least.
Loki catches up to her easily (being roughly a head taller has its advantages) and grabs the end of her staff.
She fixes him with those sharp, dark eyes and he realises he doesn't know how he's supposed to start this. He swallows past the lump in his throat and says the first word that comes to mind.
Her eyes soften just a little, but her mouth remains set in a firm, hard line, and she tries to tug the staff out of his grasp.
He doesn't let go.
"Stop trying to stall me."
"I'm not-" Loki bites back the instinctive protestation and soldiers on. "I need to tell you I'm sorry about what I said before Alfheim and for everything I did before that. I'm sorry that I was selfish, I'm sorry that I didn't trust you, I'm sorry I made you cry and...I'm sorry I wasn't a worthy friend to you."
"...Loki," her voice is soft, "That happened centuries ago. I'm not...I'm not even the Sigyn you need to apologize to."
"You're still Sigyn. You deserve one regardless."
Sigyn has that look on her face. That gentle, pensive consideration tinged with something soft and tender that he can't quite name. She used to look at him like that whenever he did something nice (whether unprompted or as an apology for something not so nice he'd done earlier).
Norns. This is getting awkward. Existential fear at the potential cessation of his existence and his childhood night terrors featuring improbably large unicellular organisms notwitstanding, Loki thinks he might not mind if that giant purple cloud trundled in right now and swallowed him up.
"Well, I'd best get on, hadn't I? Surviving and all that?" He coughs, "I...I'm...it was good to see you again. Thank you for not kneeing me in the crotch mid-apology. I appreciate it."
He turns to leave. He doesn't have a clue where to go, but the opposite direction from the purple cloud monster seems like a good start.
Maybe he'll survive long enough to come across Mobius. Half of him wants to find the man as soon as possible (perhaps also be complimented on his intelligence and the betterment of his moral condition). The other half hopes that he never sees him again (because brainwashed amnesiac variant or not, Mobius has subjected him to very unpleasant situations designed to psychologically shatter him. Loki is the last person in the universe who would hold someone entirely responsible for actions undertaken after their minds have been tampered with, but still. Just because he understands doesn't mean he can forget.)
As for Sylvie...Loki doesn't want to think about it, but if the TVA is smart, they wouldn't prune her. They wouldn't risk a repeat of whatever had happened on Lamentis-1, and since he is already here...
The improbable sound of Sigyn's voice startles him from his ruminations and without thinking his hand shoots up to intercept the small rectangular object wrapped in plastic and foil before it hits his face.
Loki stares at the granola bar (expiry date 12/12/2075) incredulously and then at Sigyn, walking briskly at his side and keeping pace with his long strides.
"I thought you-"
"You looked hungry."
"Sigyn, I believe this is what the Midgardians call 'giving mixed signals'."
"Look," she sighs, "I've been looking for...someone very dear to me for a very long time. I can't deny I feel some resentment for everyone I meet wearing his face. My baggage isn't an excuse for my rough treatment of you. It was unfair of me, and I apologise."
He blinks, not quite sure what to make of what she's telling him. Sigyn had never been one to mince words, she either said exactly what was on her mind or nothing at all.
That she is being deliberately vague and yet throwing up strong implications with her choice of words means that she does not want to lie but believes the truth is not something that he will be happy to hear.
Well, by now he's had a lot of experience dealing with unpleasant truths. Another one added to the pile is hardly going to hurt.
Sigyn has just started drinking from a battered metal canteen when he voices his suspicions.
"It's Theoric, isn't it?"
She chokes and spits out half of her drink.
"What?!" She wheezes, "What in Ymir's hoary arse gave you that idea?!"
"Didn't you fancy him back in-" Loki grimaces, snapping his fingers as he tries to pinpoint the date in question, "That year when burgundy was all the rage. Burgundy, scandalously low necklines and uncomfortably tight trousers."
"I went on a date with him because he was handsome, he was annoying me and I was young and stupid," she sneers, "He tried to put his hand up my skirts an hour into the picnic so trust me, after that I wanted nothing to do with the louse."
Something a little too much like that old familiar selfish anger bubbles up in his chest.
"He dared," he growls, "He dared to put his hands on you. He should have had his filthy paws struck off at the wrist for the insult to your dignity."
"Eat your granola, don't crush it," Sigyn says calmly, "In any case, I resolved the situation quite easily and without bloodshed."
"Shame," Loki mutters. He takes a bite of the now somewhat crumbly Midgardian snack and wrinkles his nose at the taste. "So how did you handle that son of a bitch?"
"I rendered him impotent for a year. I would have kept it permanent but he came crawling on his hands and knees begging for my forgiveness, swearing on the souls of his ancestors never to trouble me again, vowing to gift me his firstborn as my thrall etcetera etcetera..." she shrugs, "What can I say? I'm soft."
Loki doesn't remember the last time he's laughed this hard.
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radiosandrecordings · 4 years
So, hot take, but I 100% believe that, by the end of TMA, the world will have been returned to close to normal. The world overall will have a happy ending. This does not mean the show won’t be tragic. It will be tragic, there is no way of denying that, but ‘tragedy’ doesn’t equate to ‘grimdark everything is ruined forever’. 
And the reason I think this is Melanie King. Not because she’ll do anything in particular to save it. She might do. She might not. I have the feeling that Georgie at least will play a big part in saving the world, but their future actions within the show don’t actually matter here. What matters is what has happened before. Which is that Melanie King has experienced her character arc. She was introduced to the story, she suffered, and she escaped. She, through her own hard work, earned her happy ending. She sacrificed her sight to free herself of the Beholding, and she got to move on and have the rest of her life with her girlfriend. 
Having the world stay in a state of constant terror would destroy everything Melanie worked for. It would just be entirely unsatisfying. Her entire arc was about recovery, about not letting her anger get the better of her, and how she went to therapy and got help and built a support system in Georgie. And what would a world of terror being her ending say to that? That that is worth nothing?That pursuit of recovery is futile in the face of all the fear in the world?
That’s just a horrible message to put in your story, and one I can guarantee Jonny would never give us. 
Linking from there, my second point is something the man himself said. In a twitch stream of Bloodborne, he at one stage said that he was going to skip a side quest because it was too sad. As far as I remember (The VOD is no longer available to check), his words were something along the lines of ‘It’s not a good tragedy story because there is no catharsis at the end’, and that the story was just sad and dark for the sake of it. That majorly helped to solidify my opinions of TMA and how it’s metaplot will go. There needs to be something at the end to have made the journey worth it. It will be tragic, because TMA is a tragedy, and it will be horrifying, because TMA is a horror, but it will also have that catharsis.
I, personally, believe Jon and Martin won’t survive the series. It’s almost certain Jon will die, and while I’m less sure of Martin (Mostly because he already had an arc about suicidal self-sacrifice), Helen’s comment about Martin not wanting to go through her tunnels without Jon and the general nature of the characters leads me to believe that one would not want to live without the other at this point. 
It would also be remiss not to mention the Mechanisms, because while I am incredibly in the ‘It’s not just Jonny’s band, please pay attention to the other people’ camp, he did write a large amount of it and I feel like the pattern there will probably influence TMA. Mechs endings are all bittersweet, but they do also end with the main couple (or trio) getting to be together, and the goal being accomplished. Loki and Sigyn literally get the line ‘At least they can die together’ as they sacrifice themselves to keep New Midguard safe (Not that that lasts forever, but honestly, it’s an hour long concept album, not a 200 episode podcast, the standards aren’t exactly 1:1). There again is that catharsis to them, OUATIS ends the war, UDAD Ulysses gets to die undisturbed by the Acheron, and in HNOC the world is too corrupt to continue so Mordred burns it. In TMA the world isn’t that corrupt though. It’s been shown time and time again that empathy and love and care for each other exists in the world and it’s the antidote to all the fear. Countless people, including Martin, are saved from the Lonely by love. Jon saved Daisy from the Buried because he wouldn’t let someone suffer like that. Even Agnes, someone raised from birth to be a messiah of the Desolation, doubted. She saw the good in humanity and she died because of it, because she’d been allowed to see the good side of living. It’s something worth not destroying, even when her most basic reason for existing was to destroy anything anyone else held dear.
And to top it all off, even without the type of story TMA is, or may be, not matter what character arcs are happening, no matter what the author has previously been involved in the writing of, from a story structure perspective, having the world stay dead would just… Be bad? Narratively? The three act structure of storytelling has, obviously, three acts. ‘Set up’, ‘Confrontation’ and ‘Resolution’. TMA, being something so incredibly long, doesn’t exactly conform to this, but it can be used loosely as a base. I would call S1 set up, S2-4 confrontation, with the season 4 finale as the obvious climax, and S5 the resolution. The world has gone to literal hell already, the stakes can’t be raised from here, so the threat level, which has been steadily rising and peaked in 160, can only go down from here. We need the resolution. All of season 5, imo, would feel like a waste if they got to the end and just. Jon died and the world continued to be hell done the end go home that’s the resolution to a five year story. That’s like if season 4 ended with Martin saying ‘I should stay in the Lonely’ and Jon going ‘Okay sure’ and leaving him there. We’d been building up to Martin rejecting the Lonely and him and Jon Seeing each other all season! What a failure of a story that would seem to just leave us there! And I feel like S5 ending with everything awful would undermine the entire story so far. TMA to me is a story about the effort it takes to be a good person despite situations you might have been put in, and an ending like that would fly in the face of all the themes we’ve seen so far. 
So overall, I think a term I like for the ending is bittersweet. It will be tragic and it will have hope in it. People will die, and people will live, and life will go on where it can. TMA has never shied away from the real world implications behind it’s story, season 5’s statements especially. It is aware of the story it’s telling and it’s going to be one that, I hope at least, will not leave listeners with a bad taste in their mouth, but instead tears in their eyes and the knowledge that the story of terror was worth something in the end.
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stardust-walker · 3 years
World on Fire: Chapter 2 {Loki x Sigyn)
Summary: Sigyn was supposed to have died almost 100 years ago. A peace mission to Migard gone wrong and she had never returned. Everyone had thought she was dead until Loki is shown someone who looks too familiar when he comes to Earth on a mission. Sharon Odell. Shannon Orwell. Sidney Orwell. No matter what name she goes by, it’s all the same. Now that Gods and heroes are real, there’s no use hiding who she really is anymore.
Chapter 2: Start a war
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Sidney hated the fact that she was stuck without much of a choice. She had to trust SHIELD and that meant she had to trust Nick Fury with her life. A heavy sigh left her lips right as she heard a branch crack in the woods somewhere behind her. The blonde squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep breath. She couldn’t get turned around right now when she was so close to getting out of here. 
Sidney’s eyes popped open as she heard a jet flying overhead. She was off again, but this time she didn’t even care. She pushed her way through the brush and branches before she stumbled into a clearing. As the wind whipped around her, she faced the woods. Those rogue agents could still be after her.
“Miss Orwell,” a voice shouted over the whir of the engine. She had been so in her own world, she hadn’t even heard them land behind her. A small smile appeared on her face as she turned and met the gaze of Phil Coulson. “How nice of you to join us,” Coulson called over the roar of the engines. Sidney stomped past him as the jet began to ascend again.
As the ramp began to close back up, they could just see the two SHIELD agents stumble out of the woods. “So those bastards were still following me,” Sidney grumbled as she shrugged off her leather jacket. 
“Some branches in your hair,” Coulson smiled as he motioned towards the back of his own head.
Her eyes narrowed and a sarcastic remark was cut off by another voice.
“Anymore detours?” That voice.
Sidney turned quickly. Her jaw nearly dropped as she finally realized they weren’t the only passengers on the jet. She swallowed hard as Coulson stepped forward to make introductions. She could practically feel the excitement that radiated off of the older man. “Steve, this is Sidney Orwell. Sidney, this is-”
“Steve Rogers,” Sidney interrupted as she took a step forward and held out her hand. Steve stood and squeezed a little too tight as they shook hands. “Pleasure to meet you, Captain.” She smirked as she pulled her hand from his grasp and straightened out her green sweater. “I have to say, I’ve been dying to meet you since they thawed you out.”
“It’s a pleasure, ma’am. I wish the circumstances were better,” he smiled at her. She couldn’t help but notice how terribly sad he looked. “I knew an Orwell.” Sidney’s shoulder stiffened as Phil’s eyebrows shot up. 
“Shannon,” Sidney stated after a few moments of silence. Her mind worked quickly. “My grandmother,” she answered Steve’s unspoken question. This seemed to comfort the man somewhat. The two of them were silent for a second.
“You mean to tell me that your grandmother knew Captain America and you held out on me?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be working right now, Philip?” Sidney responded in a cold voice. “Call me old-fashioned, but sometimes a girl would like to know who’s trying to kidnap her. Along with what they want with the Tesseract.” 
“Hope you’re a quick study. There’s a final exam when we land,” Coulson dead-panned as he picked up a tablet off of the seat where Steve had been along with a folder. “This will tell you all that we’re working with so far.”
Sidney lowered herself onto the bench across from Steve as the two men moved closer to the cockpit to talk. She was grateful they weren’t closer when she opened the folder. It felt like all of the air left her lungs and she just couldn’t bring herself to breathe as she stared at the image that had clearly been printed from security footage. There was Selvig on the right and Barton on the left. They hadn’t been lying about agents being compromised that was for sure.
It was the man in the middle that had caught her attention. He looked tired and sickly, but it was him. The person who had tried to kidnap her was Loki. She could feel the whole charade starting to crumble down around her already.
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Coulson had realized a few minutes before they landed that he needed to make sure Sidney knew exactly what she was getting into. She quickly recited a shortened version of the notes she’d read about the others. Banner was a genius who turned into a monster due to gamma radiation. Natasha was a former Soviet spy, current SHIELD spy. She had tried hard to repress any emotion in her voice when she stated all she knew was that Iron Man was a man with more money than God.
Steve had laughed at that one. “Sounds like something your grandmother would say about his father,” he shook his head as the small jet jolted.
Coulson clapped his hands together. “Alright, everyone out of the bus.”
Sidney rolled her eyes as she slapped her hand down on the folder one last time before she turned to stand up. Steve had his hand held out in front of her. “What a gentleman. This must be what it was like in the good old days,” she joked as she allowed him to help her to her feet. The blonde still felt far off in her own world as she shrugged her jacket on and followed the men out onto the deck. 
The salty sea air relaxed her as she took a deep breath and allowed herself to get lost in the sensation of it for just a few seconds. The dampness in the air felt nice after being cooped up in a jet or running through the woods for most of the day.
It felt like home.
“Welcome back, Sidney,” a familiar voice called out.
A smile spread across her face as she reached out an clapped a hand on Natasha’s shoulder. “Don’t get too cozy, Romanoff. I don’t plan to make this a regular thing.”
Natasha rolled her eyes as she motioned for the two of them to follow her. “It was quite the buzz around here when they found you in the ice.” The red-head addressed Steve as Sidney continued to survey her new surroundings. “I thought Coulson was gonna swoon.”
Sidney snorted. 
“Did he ask you to sign his Captain America training cards yet?”
“Natasha,” Sidney scolded jokingly. “Let’s not scare away out new friend.”
Natasha smirked at the blonde woman as Steve stepped forward to greet another new arrival.“Dr. Bruce Banner,” she interjected, “this is Dr. Sidney Orwell. Her family’s been with SHIELD since the beginning.”
“Very nice to meet you,” Banner waved at her as he smiled awkwardly. His hands tugged nervously at his jacket as he seemed to study her warily.
“It’s an honor to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your research is just absolutely incredible.”
“Sidney was brought on to help with the Tesseract…once we get a hand on it, anyway.” She didn’t miss how Steve seemed to tense up at every mention of the cube. 
“I expect we’ll be spending a lot of time together then,” Sidney grinned. “Don’t worry, I pride myself on being a very calming person.”
Bruce let out a short laugh. Sidney couldn’t shake the feeling that things were going to go downhill very fast. She had heard of the Hulk. Everyone had after what happened in the Bronx, but the only thing she could do was try. As long as she did what SHIELD wanted her to do, she could go home.
Maybe she could even see—No. She wouldn’t even let herself think about that even as her heart beat a little faster and her stomach turned.
“It must be strange for you. All of this,” Bruce motioned around the deck. At least Bruce seemed like a nice person; she wasn’t too sure she wanted to meet the other guy yet.
“Well actually, all of this is kind of familiar.” Steve sighed.
“We might want to step inside for a minute. It’s gonna get a little hard to breathe.” Sidney didn’t miss the smirk on Natasha’s face as she turned to face her. 
“God I hate planes,” Sidney whispered to herself as she jolted slightly when they rose up out of the ocean and into the sky.
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The bridge of the plane was impressive that was for sure. If SHIELD was anything, they were efficient. Her stomach turned just a little bit as she spotted Nick Fury at the helm of everything.
“Gentlemen,” the older man called out as he turned around. “Sidney,” he nodded at her. The blonde responded with a sarcastic smile. 
“Hello, Nicholas.” She patted the man on the shoulder as he passed her to greet Bruce. 
“How long am I staying?”
“That’s exactly the question I had, doctor,” Sidney chimed in.
“Once we find the Tesseract, you’re in the wind,” Fury replied. Was that supposed to be reassuring?
Sidney narrowed her eyes slightly as Coulson spoke up from the lower deck. “We’re accessing every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet.”
Sidney suddenly became very aware of her own phone in her pocket. She would have to make a mental note to dump both of her phones when she was done with this place. Bastards.
“It’s still not going to find them in time,” Natasha sounded worried. That couldn’t be good.
“How many spectrometers do you have access to,” Bruce frowned. 
“How many are there?” Fury raised an eyebrow.
Sidney pursed her lips as she watched Banner shrug off his jacket. “Call every lab you know. Tell them to put the spectrometers on the roof and calibrate them for gamma rays. I’ll figure out a tracking algorithm. Basic cluster recognition.”
“Dr. Banner, I’m impressed.” Sidney smiled as she nodded her head. She figured it went without saying that she would help him with that. “Do you have somewhere for us to work, Fury?” She crossed her arms in front of her chest. 
“Agent Romanoff?” Fury called out. “Could you show Dr. Banner and Dr. Orwell to the laboratory?” 
At least she trusted Natasha enough to follow her.
“So what’s your specialty?” She didn’t expect Bruce to be one for friendly conversation and if anything this proved her right. He was trying to be nice, she could tell. It seemed like he hadn’t had a normal conversation in years. Sidney knew what that felt like a little too well.
“Astrophysics,” she sighed. “Kind of runs in the family,” she smiled as she brushed her hair from her eyes. 
The two of them were silent as Sidney began to busy herself. SHIELD’s technology was advanced past what the general population had access too but, thankfully, she had somewhat of a grasp on it. As her hands extended along the touch screen that hung in the middle of the room. 
“Are you one of them?” Bruce spoke up suddenly. Sidney’s dark eyes narrowed as she surveyed the man.
Sidney hated to say it, but she’d been asked that question many times. Maybe not in the same context but still. “A spy? Oh no, Bruce. I’m far too much of a talker to make a good spy.” She laughed at her own poor excuse for a joke. “I’m more of a quiet observer if anything.”
“Sounds a little like a spy to me,” Banner retorted. Sidney let out a small peal laughter. 
She dragged her fingers along the screen. All the humor disappeared from her expression as her face went pale. “What the hell,” she whispered as she tapped the screen again.
“Nothing,” Sidney shook her head as she gulped. 
“What the hell is that?” Bruce raised an eyebrow as he stepped closer. 
Sidney shook her head. “Nothing! I…I was just trying to see what they had on Loki and Thor. I guess I just ended up in the wrong section or something.”
“Why Thor?” Bruce frowned in confusion.
Sidney crossed her arms over her chest as she stared at the image on the screen. “Because they’re brothers. Haven’t you heard the stories?” She wasn’t surprised to hear that Bruce lacked knowledge in the Norse mythology department.
“So if you were looking for them, why-”
He trailed off as Sidney swiped the image off the screen and hurried from the room. The text on the screen was still burned into her mind’s eye. 
Alias: Sidney Orwell
Threat Level: Neutralized
There was no time to corner Fury as she intended to. No time for anything, in fact, as she stomped her way onto the bridge of the ship.
“We found him. 67% match. No…79% match!”
She couldn’t tear her eyes away from the image on the computer. He didn’t look quite as sick as he did in the photograph, but something still felt…off.
A chill went down her spine as Loki cast a brief glance at the security camera.
He knew they were watching him.
Hello friendos, here’s another chapter. I’m just out here tryin my best so feel free to give me any feedback. I really appreciate it! Let me know if you would want to be added to a taglist! Hope you continue to enjoy!
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justjessame · 3 years
Glorious, Before the Burden - The Light~1
He didn’t see me, not the first time, when he crept into the moonlit gardens away from - well everything that I was hiding from too I supposed.  I’d found that I could actually hide away into a nook that no one ever noticed, not even during the brightest light of the day and find some semblance of peace.  I knew that no one would understand - why would I need PEACE here?  Asgard was everything right and beautiful - the palace of Odin and Frigga was a wonderland - and I was not only a welcome guest, but one whom Frigga had requested to be raised at her elbow.  
My parents had seen it as something of a coup - an elevation among even the most elite of our people, of which they counted themselves - to have Odin’s own queen to ask for their only child to live and learn at her side.  I’d known better than to beg against going.  Asking to stay home, to be reared by my own parents, in my own home, after Frigga had requested my presence would not only be seen as ridiculous by my parents, but it would have gone against all etiquette known to the Nine Realms.  
And so, at the tender age of ten years old, I’d been bundled off to live under the keen eye of Odin.  Under the same roof as his boisterous son Thor and his quieter, yet somehow more playful son Loki - with Frigga taking me carefully under her maternal wing.  She truly didn’t offer the same hearth and home to many others.  While Thor had a group of three fellows - Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun - chosen from near and far to train with the more physical Odinson, Loki and I had few others joining us with Frigga.  Rarely they lasted, and those who did kept to themselves, or broke off into their own pairs.  Sif, chosen to learn with us, broke away and found her place alongside Thor’s group.  
Frigga was both soft and nurturing while also a heavy taskmaster.  She had seen an aptitude in each of us and expected us to put forth the effort to maximize it.  If we weren’t doing our part, working hard and at the level she expected from us, then we could expect to see her disappointment.  
The work wasn’t difficult - not for me OR him - but this wasn’t HOME either.  I had trouble sleeping.  Even if the rooms I’d been given were spacious and gorgeously decorated.  Frigga had come to visit them, the evening I’d arrived, to welcome me and to let me know that I could change anything I wished to -
“It’s well within your power, Sigyn.” Her smile was sweet, and she looked as gentle and kind as she always had during the visits my parents had included me in.  “All you have to do -”
I shut my eyes and focused, changing the bed hangings from the pale pastels that someone else had chosen to the darkest red I could imagine - like blood from an artery and when I opened my eyes they were just as I’d wanted.  “I know,” I murmured and Frigga’s smile grew.  “Mother told me that I would stay until -”
Her smile had faltered, just for a moment, but I’d caught it.  “You’ll stay, my sweetness, until you’ve learned all I can teach you.”  Her tone wasn’t stern, nor were her words said in harshness, but there was something thick that ran through them - something heady that I didn’t quite understand.
And so, as I learned - soaking up the knowledge that Frigga gifted me with like a sponge might water during a bath - but I still had problems sleeping.  Unless I could spend time outside, in the dark, in the silence.  
The first time, he didn’t notice me - as I said - hidden in my little nook of leaves and fragrant blossoms.  I watched him, the quiet, mischievous one.  The one more than capable of winning in a battle of wits OR a battle of strength - by utilizing the same tricks.  Loki Odinson, an Asgardian prince, and while we were on par in our studies, we were still strangers - months into my stay here.  
He wandered the garden, pacing, sighing.  I considered, since he was older than I, that perhaps I was destined to see a tryst.  That Loki had made an appointment with one of the more than willing ladies I’d noticed taking notice of him - while they all openly gasped and gaped at Thor and his “warriors” - I could see them whisper and bite their lips as Loki walked past, his nose in a book or his eyes focused on something far beyond what was in front of him.  If I’d seen them, surely so had he.  
While I stayed hidden, wishing beyond belief that I could teleport as he could, at least he stayed alone.  Simply wandering the garden, taking in the night, much as I did - perhaps he was having issues sleeping as well.  
Loki stayed long past the time when I was growing weary and I was hoping that he’d grow tired soon - if only so I could go inside to my waiting bed - and as though he’d somehow heard my wish he finally took one last deep breath and shook his head, then headed inside.  I waited a few extra moments, his room was further along than mine, but I wanted to be certain that he’d gone on before I chanced it - and once I felt I’d given him enough of a head’s start, I left my hidden spot and went inside.
My rooms - I’d swapped out the colors more times than I could count - nothing seemed to fit or made me feel comfortable, were as warm as I could want them.  The temperature, like the colors, were controllable by me.  My bath was adjacent and I could ask for help from any of those who were tasked with keeping Odin’s realm looking and running smoothly or I could take care of matters myself - the entire point of Frigga’s tutelage was to learn to manage things on my own.  Magic wasn’t simply for glamour or illusions.  Use it for the purposes it was intended for - to make lives better, easier - not only mine, but others.  
And so, I’d learned, through trial and much error, how to dress myself and fix my own hair - Frigga was always available to come help undo anything that I had made a mess of - ready to not only show me where I’d gone wrong, but also how to make sure that I didn’t go wrong in the same way again.  Unfortunately there are a vast myriad of ways to go wrong with magic and I felt like I was going to touch upon each one.  
As I undressed and took down my hair for bed, I considered the idea that I might have to share my spot in the garden with Loki - a heavy sigh built inside of me.  It was the one place I’d found to have for my own - all my own.  Crawling into the bed, I appeased myself with the reality that he’d ONLY shown up once - I’d been going there almost nightly for months now.  Perhaps that meant that it was a one time visit.  
Drifting off, I couldn’t help but think of how he’d looked, with the pale light that lit the garden at night shining down on his pale skin and dark hair.  So very different than when we were working with his mother and the others during the day or having dinner in the hall.  His skin - I yawned, sleep whispering sweet nothings to draw me under - it looked almost blue.
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buttercups-song · 3 years
Alright, thoughts on episode 4 because I don't have anyone to scream to:
I have to be honest I really don't like loki/sylvie. Last episode they had such great chaotic friends/siblings dynamic and I hoped they would keep it strictly platonic. And I'm going to put on my clown shoes and say that I still think they might. The thing is neither of them had ever experienced a true friendship and they clearly get together fairly well (when they're not trying to kill each other), they click. You know that meme: 'i have feelings for you' 'narrator: the feeling was friendship but neither of them had ever experienced it'? Yeah that's my take on this. Also it was never brought up until (jealuous) mobius assumed that loki's feelings must be romantic in nature. I don't think they would comment so hard on how weird the ship is if they really wanted to go down that road. (Also listen people say that it's not technically incest because they're not related, but they are?? They literally are both children of laufey).
Next: I don't think mobius is dead. At first I thought he could be, but then ravonna pruned loki and he's clearly fine so unless he's somehow special pruning is probably not what we think it is. It could be sending them to somewhere else beyond the sacred timeline.
Everyone say 'thank you hunter b-15', I really didn't think she'd be the first to believe sylvie and help her but here we are and i'm delighted. I hope we get more of her in furure episodes.
To absolutely no ones surprise the time keepers are not real. Also do we think ravonna is in on it or does she really believe in their mission? She seemed to care about mobius (even though her excuse for not letting him talk to sylvie was definitely fake) but she pruned him without hesitation. She presumably had hunter c-20 killed because she knew the truth. Who is the second analisyst?
I know that loki/mobius is a popular ship and it is fun in a 'manipulate/mansplain/manwhore' way but we have to admit that uuuuh... How to say it... Mobius now twice interrogated loki in a way that is atrocious. Even beyond the psychological torture (saying that he killed his mom, he's nothing but a way for others to achieve greatness, now lying that someone loki clearly cared about was killed) mobius had him beaten for who knows how long till he begs (begs! a god begs on his knees!) for it to stop. Mobius isn't some kind of goofy beach boy uwu caring boyfriend, he's a ruthless and cunning interrogator who knows how to manipulate anyone into obedience (be it by force or 'friendship').
On a less serious note, petty jealous cheated husband mobius is very funny. He just assumes that loki is in love with sylvie and is the pettiest bitch about it.
I would die for baby sylvie and i'm not even kidding.
Going back to loki/sylvie. I dislike how some people use their dislike of the ship to be biphobic. I get the frustration of wanting to see explicitly queer characters on-screen, I do but saying that a bi character is in a 'straight' relationship is not great. However what we should talk about is that characters are not real people, they don't choose anything, they don't choose partners. Writers and executives do that. So we could talk about the fact that the mouse company would be much more comfy saying that a character is queer than showing it. I wouldn't be surprised if they allowed the confirmation of loki's sexuality on the stipulation that he ends up in a relationship with a woman. (But also if you need him in a relationship with a woman, sigyn is right there man. His actual wife who is not a version of him)
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puckwritesstuff · 2 years
“ so... is this like, a thing now? “
I've really been enjoying She-Hulk, by the way. ^_^
Thank you for the ask!
After everyone else had left, Bruce and Sif helped Sigyn up from the throne. At 22 weeks, even the loosest clothes she could find still showed how pregnant she was, and she was starting to have trouble moving.
“I think we can start cutting these back to once a week,” Sigyn said. “Most people have houses now, and the crisis has died down somewhat. Daily audiences are probably not necessary.”
“I’ll adjust the schedule,” Sif said. “You should get home and rest before starting to work again.”
“Tell that to my call sheet,” Sigyn said.
“I’ll make sure she gets some food in her,” Bruce said.
The door to the Great Hall opened, and a young woman with very curly hair stormed in.
“Robert Bruce Banner!”
Sigyn looked at Bruce, who was slowly turning a very bright shade of red.
“I think that’s for you,” she said.
“Yeah,” he said. “If I could have a moment?”
“I’ll get her home,” Sif said.
Sif and Sigyn walked out of the Great Hall.
“I don’t need a…” Sigyn’s voice faded as the door shut. Bruce turned to look at his cousin, who was absolutely fuming.
“Now, Jen—”
“Oh, don’t ‘now Jen’ me!” Jennifer Walters yelled. “You were gone for two years, the world’s gone to hell in a handbasket, and you don’t even think of trying to get in contact with me to let me know you’re alive?”
“I had to learn from someone handing me a copy of Le Monde— who in L.A. reads Le Monde, by the way, that I was supposed to figure out anything—that you were even on the planet, much less alive and well and living in New Asgard? What the hell is New Asgard?” she asked.
“They’re refugees, their planet was destroyed by—”
“Not to mention the fact that everyone just vanished,” she continued. “I tried getting in touch with Avengers HQ to see if they had any clue to what was going on with you, but I guess the people that used to work the phones are gone— and again, how was I supposed to know what happened? How were any of us? Do you have any idea what the last two years have been like for your mother?”
Bruce looked away.
“How is—”
“She’s gone, Bruce,” Jen said. “So’s everyone else. It’s just you and me.”
He shook his head.
“I’m sorry,” he said. “We tried to stop it.”
Jen paused. “I’m sure you did. But did you even think about getting in touch with anyone, to see if we’d made it?”
“I guess not,” he said. “There was a lot going on.”
She crossed her arms. “So what are you even doing here?”
“I don’t know,” he said. “Sig needed help— she still needs help— and when she asked me to come, it… it was something I could help with. This is real, and I guess I needed something solid that felt like there was an actual difference being made.”
She nodded. “Yeah, it’s kind of like that everywhere.”
“Plus, I don’t exactly have a place,” Bruce said. “I mean, I was staying with Tony, but he got beat up pretty bad and I didn’t feel comfortable, you know… plus before that, I wasn’t exactly working a nine-to-five with a house in the suburbs.”
Jen snorted. “Yeah, no kidding. But did you think I wouldn’t put you up?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t think about it. And Sig asked, so—”
“That’s not your kid is it?” she asked.
Bruce’s face turned beet red. “Jen!”
She put her hands up. “Just asking!”
“I mean, let’s ignore the fact that I can’t, you know— and seriously? She just lost her husband,” he said.
“I did hear about that,” Jen said.
“Look, do you have a place to stay for the night?” Bruce said. “That’s a long flight to LA, fuzzball, I’m sure you’re exhausted.”
“Yeah, but I gotta get back,” she said. “I didn’t even book a return flight, I just was so mad at you that…”
“I guess anger issues run in the family, huh,” Bruce said, trying to laugh it off.
Jen paused. “Okay, Bruce, I get that your dad was an asshole.”
Bruce looked away.
“But that doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t care,” she said. “I mean, doesn’t mean that I don’t care.”
He nodded. “I know. If you need to get back, Sig can get you there quick.”
They started walking out of the Great Hall.
“So… is this, like, a thing now?” Jen asked.
“I have no earthly idea what you’re talking about,” Bruce said.
“You and the King of Asgard,” Jen said. “I mean you said yes to ‘come live with me halfway around the world and help me build an entire country’, you’re calling her by a nickname, you’re essentially sleeping on her couch, and if you put aside the fact that she’s a widow and pregnant, I saw the photos of her first appearance at the UN, she is—”
“I could also put you on that eighteen-hour flight back home,” Bruce said.
“I’ll shut up.”
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sigyn-obsessed · 3 years
The town was quiet. It was something Sigyn loved about it. People lightly talked in the market, negotiating prices. The shutters brushed against the windows as the breeze blew gently. It was warm out, the sun blazing down, warming them all. The grass swaying, tickling your bare feet.
She truly enjoyed the town. It was the fresh start she needed. When she was young, people would give her the look of pity that said, ‘I’m so sorry your mother left. So tragic.’ The glares some of the soldiers would give her when mention of her father was brought up. The people who believed she was some poor, fragile little girl who never had a constant in her life. It wasn’t what Sigyn wanted anymore.
It didn’t help that the place she grew up in no longer existed anymore, thanks to the All-Father’s estranged daughter. Sigyn couldn’t say she was particularly upset when she found out. It hadn’t been her home in a long time. She was just glad everyone was okay, and offered her healing services if they ever needed it. Sigyn wondered if her mother got out, but the care disappeared when she thought of her mother’s last words to her.
“I hope you burn in Hel for what you did.” Sigyn hadn’t taken the comment personally for a very long time. She knew her mother would be there too, so they could argue then. Right now, she had better things to worry about.
She sat cross legged, the light green floral dress balled up near her ankles. Her long curly blonde hair was pulled back in a bun, keeping it out of her way as she cheered on her boys.
Hey boys. Her sons. The two best things that ever happened to her. They were almost five, which struck her. Had it been five years already? Some days it felt like a hundred years, other days it felt like yesterday. They hadn’t been in Vanaheim too long, but it was enough to have it feel like a home. If they were in Asgard she very much wouldn’t feel like this.
“Mama look what I found.” Yelled Narvi, his blonde curls stuck to his forehead. His small hands cupped a baby snake, casually slithering around his hand. Vali, his younger brother and twin, was staring with stars in his eyes at the little creature. It was likely a garter snake, they appeared quite frequently. They weren’t dangerous, the boys were just curious.
Sigyn snapped out of her thoughts at the little boys pushing the animal near her face.
“Wow! He is pretty isn’t he?” She suggested, gently tracing down it’s back. It was a beautiful emerald green, with little black and gold marks. It warmed Sigyn’s heart. It reminded her of good times. Before everything bad happened.
“Mama you aren’t afraid of snakes?” Vali muttered. He had seen his mother shriek at spiders and centipedes in their home. Surely she would be afraid of snakes.
“Actually boys, I really love snakes. I encountered some pretty cool snakes in my time.” Sigyn gently laid the snake down, watching it slither through the grass as the boys sat next to her, one on each side. Her fingers instinctively ran through their hair, pushing the sweaty strands off their forehead. Vali’s hair was much darker, with a bit of curl. They looked so much like him in their own special ways.
“Mama are you okay?” Whispered Narvi, staring intently at her. She knew they both had magic, and knew they were likely able to tell the changes in hers. She was known as an incantation fetter. Magic was bound to her in everything she did. Her decisions, her relationships, her emotions. She had to keep everything in check.
“I’m okay honey. Just thinking too much. How about we have lunch? I’ll grab some fruit and we’ll bring it outside and eat okay.” The boys excitedly nodded as they rushed towards the back door, barging in. Sigyn took a deep breath, trying to gather herself.
Before she knew it Vali arrived with an old blanket they had on their couch and laid it out while Narvi had grabbed a pitcher of juice. Sigyn came back with some fruit they had thrown together as they all ate together. Everything was silent except for the silent munching. The sun stayed strong, blaring down hard. Sigyn had adjusted them into the shade, knowing the boys overheated easily. They tended to get sunburnt easily as well. She had experimented with many lotions to perfect the salve.
After they had finished, she gently tidied up, the boys going back to their play, exploring the small bushes that lined the back of their house, making sure not to disturb the garden Sigyn spent most of her free time on, when she wasn’t working in the town’s healing ward. The boys attended regular classes, teaching the boys essentials and basic necessities. The boys were extremely intelligent, and were reading and writing on their own already. Their bedroom had a large bookcase that was getting more full everyday. If you asked Vali what he wanted, he would likely say some type of book. Narvi was a bit more adventurous, probably asking for a weapon that was too dangerous for him.
Sigyn didn’t realize that the boys had rushed in, tapping her quickly.
“Mama, someone was outside.” Sigyn's heart dropped. Has someone found them? Sigyn ushered the boys to the living area, telling them to stay there and under no circumstances to leave. She walked outside, peering around at the trees and bushes. The house wasn’t in the town, and was at least a mile away from the closest house. Sigyn felt her hands radiating, magic flowing, tensing just in case she saw something and needed to react. It wasn’t bad that she had a dagger as well to summon. Her breathing hitched, wincing when she turned a corner, ready for something to be there.
She saw a figure, their back turned to her. They were dressed in simple clothes, dark pants and a tunic with tall boots. She was afraid to stride closer, in worry that she would surprise them and they would react as a threat.
“Who are you?” She questioned, her dagger summoned, gripped in her hand until her knuckles were white. She was breathing fast, her mind worrying that someone she had previously wronged may have found her. She hadn’t wronged many, but they had friends.
They didn't turn around, instead she saw them tense. She drew closer, still wielding her dagger. “I asked a question, now answer; who are you?” She demanded.
The figure began to turn but stopped, instead placing their hands out, to show they weren’t armed. It was a swift movement, but it wasn’t enough for Sigyn. She moved closer, the dagger now held by her side. She was close enough to touch them, but she stopped. The feeling was too familiar.
The dark hair that reached their shoulders, the pale skin on their hands.
“Turn around, slowly.” She demanded, and saw their body begin to move. She was hit with familiarity as she recognized the stranger’s face.
She met his eyes first, the light emerald she had always loved. She felt her hands drop, the dagger falling flat into the dirt. Shock coursed through her. He was dead. She knew it. Thanos had snapped his neck five years ago. She remembered the day distinctly.
Three weeks later she found out she was pregnant with the twins.
She swallowed, her throat dry, and her mouth unable to form a word. She didn’t know what to say. What was there to say? So much. Too much.
She saw his eyes follow her form, looking her over. She wondered if he recognized her, since both were still in silence. This wasn’t real. He wasn’t real.
She reached out, clasping his chest, feeling the heartbeat underneath. Her eyes flooded, heating her face as they fell. She felt him move closer before she grasped onto him, tightly hugging him. She felt his arms wrap around, almost desperately, unlike he had ever before. She was holding so tightly, feeling his hand grasped in her golden hair. She didn’t want to pull away, for worry that he would just disappear. He pulled back, looking into the blue that had made him feel safe such a time ago.
Her hands wandered to his face, rubbing the tears from his eyes. It felt like before, when they were young and nothing had happened. Like the trauma, and pain, and tragedy hadn’t hit. She pulled him close again, her hands running through his hair. It was longer than ever before. She was so used to his short hair, and how it slightly used to curl and how he hated it. Sigyn would plead with him to leave it alone. She had always loved his curls.
As they pulled back, his hands found hers, gently stroking them. Both were too in shock to say anything.
“Sigyn?” She heard him whisper. All she could do was nod. They stood alone.
“Is this really happening?” She saw him nod his head. Reason didn’t matter anymore. He was here. After all this time he was here. Was he really here? “Is this a trick? Because I miss you and my emotions are messing with me?”
He brushed the hair out of her eyes before closing the space between them. There was no desperation anymore. It wasn’t hard or brash, it was soft and calm, something she hadn’t felt for some time.
“It’s real Sig. It’s not a trick. I’m here.” Sigyn hadn’t felt this happy for some time. Probably since her sons were born.
“Come in.” She led him towards the doors, ushering him inside, where he sat at the small table in the kitchen. She began fixing him a cup of tea. She walked over, gently rubbing his back, scared to finish the conversation.
“Lo, we need to ta-”
“Mama, is everything okay?” Sigyn paused, looking at the two little boys standing in the doorway, confused at the stranger sitting at the table. Loki looked over, his expression hard to read. Everything stopped.
“Everything is okay babies.” Narvi moved towards her, Vali followed closely behind. They hid behind her, looking over at the strange man. It took Loki a second to process the two little boys. They were small, smaller than the average child their age. How old are they? Their face shape was similar, but one had dark black hair and the other golden blonde. It slightly reminded him of Thor and him as a child, but somehow this felt different. The boys held onto each other, staring wearily at him. Sigyn knelt down to them, gently grasping their shoulders.
“Boys, can you please go into the living room? I’m fine, I promise. I just need a moment.” She saw the boys linger, Vali’s small fingers playing with her dress. She saw Narvi receive the signal, and gently took Vali’s hand, leading him towards the living room through the door. Sigyn felt herself sigh. She had played this moment in her mind so many times, the boys meeting their father. It never went this way. Nothing ever went according to plan for them though.
“Loki, before-”
“Who are they?” Sigyn closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. She took a seat at the chair across from him.
“They’re my sons.” She muttered. She read his face, seeing shock. Before she could say anything else she heard him.
“I guess you have a type.” Sigyn stopped, shocked. He read the confusion on her face.
“Their dark hair, pale skin. I always knew you liked men with dark features.” Sigyn sighed, feeling the pent up magic crawling to the surface.
“I always knew you liked to lie, but I never thought you couldn’t tell when others lied.” There was silence between them. “A few weeks after Thanos, I found out.”
“You moved on fast.” Sigyn couldn’t hide it anymore. He was doing this to anger her, to get a rise out of her.
“Are you serious? Loki, I lost the only person I ever loved, that I ever felt loved by. The man that I married and had planned a future with but no! He had to go after the strongest creature in the world with a puny dagger!” She felt her voice crack. She thought the mourning had ended a long time ago, but it had all been brought back. She wiped her eyes, hoping the boys didn’t hear the yelling. They would be worried. They were protective of her, even though they were so little. She was the only thing they had besides each other. Sigyn read the silence and continued.
“Do you remember when we were first married? We went to the turning of the season festival in the outskirts of Asgard? We talked about having kids when the little boys came up to us and you were so good with them. Do you remember the names you adored?”
There was silence for a second and Sigyn was about to interject when she heard him whisper. “Narvi and Vali. We never came up with a name for a girl because we both believed we would never have one. You always joked that there were too many women in your family for another.”
“Their names are Narvi and Vali. After the names their father chose.” It was quiet when she heard the pieces click together. She turned her head, looking into the living room, noticing the boys on the floor playing with some small blocks her father had made them. When their powers acted up they were freeze-proof so they could never be broken.
She felt his presence behind her, a hand on the low of her back.
“They’re mine?” She felt a cry come out before turning around.
“Of course they’re yours. I found out I was pregnant three weeks after Thanos defeated the Avengers. I came to Vanaheim when I heard my family had relocated here after Asgard’s fall.”
“Do they know-”
“They know who their father is. I’ve told them stories about you to them when they ask. I told them that even though you didn’t know them, you loved them. I told them stories about when we were courting, and that you had done bad things because of a bad man. That they were jotun. They know everything and it never changed anything.” She gently rubbed his cheek. “They love you the same no matter what. They aren’t Thor and you. They are your sons and they deserve to meet their father.” She saw him nod before she walked into the living room, watching the boys play, but it seemed wrong. The way they were playing was almost robotic? Sigyn sighed before muttering how much they were like their father. She quickly walked into the kitchen before taking a deep breath, Loki watching her.
“Boys, I know that you aren’t in the living room. Please show yourself. I’m not going to be mad.” Sigyn felt a shift in magic and looked in the corner to find the two boys crouched, listening in on the conversation. Sigyn sighed as she walked over to the boys.
“I assume you heard what we were talking about.” Muttered Sigyn as she knelt down to their level. The boys nodded as she thought of what to say next, but they beat her to it.
“So papa’s okay?” Sigyn stopped and looked at Vali, shocked he had made the first comment. He was a generally quiet kid, and really only opened up to Narvi and Sigyn. Having Loki just a few feet away made Sigyn think he would be hidden and drawn away.
“Yeah, papa’s okay.” Sigyn brushed the hair out of Vali’s eyes. It was getting almost as long as his father’s.
“So that’s our papa?” Questioned Narvi, looking over at Loki from the corner of his eye. It caught Loki off guard, seeing his eyes on such a small little being. It made him swell with immense pride he didn’t know he had. It made him think of his mother. Sigyn nodded and gestured to Loki to take the reins. The boys moved slowly towards him, and Loki knelt down to look the boys in the eyes. He saw Vali tilt his head a bit.
“You look like me.” Loki smirked, and was almost unsure whether to touch them. He was afraid. Here they were, years later, and he was a stranger to his own children. It made him feel guilty. Truly, he had been searching for Sigyn for years, but the fact that she had been raising two boys alone made his guilt rise.
“You don’t look like me.” Narvi muttered. “Mama says I act like you though.”
Loki laughed. He had remembered his mother made a comment when he was young, warning him that he would be in trouble if he had a child that behaved like him. He was sure it was to encourage him not to misbehave. He felt his mother probably smiling and the fact that there were two made him smirk even more. It took a second for them to approach him, and it was seconds later that he was hugging them, holding onto them tight, never letting them go again. What was stranger though was that the boys were holding on tight, like they had saved it up for him.
“I love you two so much.” He whispered, afraid to let go of them, that they may disappear or be taken away, his hands running through their hair, Narvi’s light blonde and Vali’s pitch black. Looking at them you couldn’t tell they were twins.
“They’ve been saving this for you.” Muttered Sigyn, rubbing his shoulder as he sat the boys on his knee, giving each a kiss on the forehead. Sigyn rubbed Loki’s back as she looked up intently at him.
“I promise you all, I am never leaving again. I promise you three.” He pressed his forehead against Sigyn’s, holding onto them tightly. Nothing would take them away. Not now, not ever. He had fought to see her again. He traveled across the galaxy to look into Sigyn’s comforting eyes, and nothing would take that away. He had two beautiful children whom he had missed out on. He wouldn’t be Odin. Never. He would be there for them through anything. He was going to be not a father, but a dad. Someone who cared for them and looked out for them and played with them.
Loki was a dad, and he had never felt happier.
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leah-halliwell92 · 4 years
Summary: After seeing what the Dursley’s are when it comes to Muggles, Professor Minerva McGonagall makes the judgement call to take Harry in before the worse can happen.
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Part 1 – Part 2 – Part 3 – Part 4
“Come now lass, you can’t say you’re not excited over what the future holds,” he said laying on his side to face her taking her hands in his.
Minerva wanted to scoff but gave into the smile.
“Goodnight Abe,” she said tenderly.
He returned her smile and placed a kiss on her hands, “Good night tabby.”
Part V
Severus woke up startled the following morning a bit before dawn to the cries of a wee babe. He looked over to find Harry fat tears falling from his green eyes looking like he’d seen a ghost...and perhaps he had.
Severus went to the cot and picked Harry up bouncing him lightly as he waved his free hand about checking the wards on his home to find nothing, to his great relief, had been disturbed. He made his way to the ensuite bathroom and turned the lights on blinking wildly at the bright light. 
“Calm down scamp,” he said gently looking Harry over, making sure he was alright aside from the inflamed scar, “Nothing will get you here. Now let’s get you cleaned up and into something clean.”
Severus spoke calmly and tenderly to the toddler as he undressed him and took off the diaper. 
‘I’ll have to get every book under the sun and beyond to know how to do anything for one of these,’ he thought as he wet small towel with warm water getting it thoroughly wet. 
Harry calmed under the dark man’s care feeling safe in his hold as he was being washed. Harry had seen a picture of the man on his mama’s table and had heard her call him Sev. 
“There you are little one,” Severus said with a small grin, “You’re all clean now. Let’s see what we can find to put on you.”
He made quick work of washing his own face rinsing his mouth before setting the babe back into his cot. He picked up a pair of dark jeans and grey t-shirt before heading for the bathroom once again. He made quick work of changing and headed out taking Harry downstairs along with him. 
It’s a bit before 6, the sun wasn’t even showing rays in the horizon yet, so Severus took a moment to get everything he’d need for a quick breakfast, while he could being one currently one-handed. The kettle was filled, the breakfast items were put on the counter and all was quiet save for Harry’s baby babble in his ear. 
“This seem good to you?” He asked looking at the toddler.
Harry looked at him eyes wide and cooed. 
“Granny Tabby will just have to deal with no cream in her milk today,” he said said with a satisfied nod and made his way to the library.
“I remember your mum liking this book,” he said with a sad grin as he picked up “Alice in Wonderland”, “She always seemed to think me a butterfly for some reason.”
He took a seat on his wingback placing Harry on his lap before opening the book and starting to read.
//Time Skip – an hour later//
Minerva snuggled into the warmth beneath her as she came to. She sighed contentedly having not had such a good night sleep since the war began. She felt the pillow movie and started as found herself pulled tight to Aberforth. She lay back down her head on his chest as she remembered the events of the previous evening. She closed her eyes and felt as his chest rose and fell with each breath. She thanked Merlin and any deity that would listen for this second chance at happiness and promised not to waste it. 
She extracted herself from his grip and wandered into the bathroom to prepare for the long day ahead. She made quick work of transfiguring her clothing into a modest winter dress and made quick work of braiding her hair before going downstairs to find it empty. 
“Severus?” She called as she made her way through the bottom floor of the house.
“In here Minerva,” she heard coming from the library. 
Minerva walked in to find Severus walking back and forth holding Harry to him as the babe snoozed on his shoulder. One thumb in mouth while his free hand gripped Severus’ shirt in a death grip. 
Minerva couldn’t help the silly grin on her face as she took in the sight. She knew her boy would make a good father if given the chance. 
“Not a word Minerva,” Severus hissed in a whisper, he knew what he looked like, he didn’t need to be mollycoddled. 
Minerva looked like the proverbial cat that caught the canary and just followed Severus into the kitchen where he went about turning on the stove and prepping the pot for tea the muggle way. 
Aberforth woke not long after Minerva and heard her downstairs so, momentarily, ignored that is most definitely not a morning person and worked on transfiguring his own clothing. That done, he focused on the glamour that made him look so like Albus it was almost uncanny. He waved his wand and strongly said, “finite”. 
He watched as his eyes lightened some and his hair darken a substantial amount. He almost didn’t recognize himself as the changes happened before his eyes.
He grinned at himself in the mirror as he saw the blended features of his parents on his face. He saw his mother in his nose and mouth and his father in his eyes and chin. He eyed the long hair and beard questioningly and made a mental note to replace the sheers he found in the medicine cabinet and cut them both short. 
He made his way downstairs hearing the tinkering of plates and cutlery as he approached the kitchen to find Severus manning the stove as Minerva cut up some fruit for Harry. 
“Good morning Aberforth,” Severus said without turning.
Minerva gasped when she saw Abe at the doorway. Could that really be him?
Aberforth shifted on his feet but stood his ground, he wouldn't to be cowed by his nerves. Changes are happening, and he was going to do his very best to roll with it, as the saying goes, and land on his feet as his own man after years of being under his brother’s shadow. 
A/N: Like and reblog if you enjoyed reading!! Let me know if you want to be tagged.
Tag list: @disneymarina​​​​ @hoefordarkness​​​​ @thebeautyofdisorder​​​​ @lets-talk-about-claes-baby​​​​ @toooftenobsessed​​​​ @smailaway​​ ​@lady-sigyn​​​​, @therealcountdracula1931​​​​  @lokiisbrucebanner​​​​ @197863451​​​​​  @miranak​​​​ @nanasoo​​​​ @thehallowsden​​​​ @yangaiko @girldxckcentral​​
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lokislittlesigyn · 3 years
A Day’s Work - Pt.3
Part 1
Part 2
Pairing: Loki / Sigyn (basically an oc based off the marvel/myth namesake)
Warnings: Some slight/implied language. Violence.
Summary: The Guardians of The Galaxy have been, well, guarding the galaxy on their own time. But when a handsome reward for the safe return of an Asgardian princess is released, they may get more adventure than they bargained for.
No Loki yet! Don’t worry. He’ll show up soon enough. ;)
Sigyn pressed the other panels’ blue buttons as quickly as she could, making her way to the end of the hall. One by one, the cell doors opened, previous inmates flooding out.
The alarms blared.
"Time to go!" Rocket shot off, the other Guardians in tow.
Sigyn followed them - but noticed the panel of their cell. Stopped.
Sigyn Lokiwife of Asgard, it said. That was her name. Lokiwife.
She was married?
"Hey, princess! C'mon!" Quill yelled, ready to come back for her. She turned, snapping out of her trance-like focus on the panel. Caught up with the Guardians and stayed close to them as they ran through the ship.
"Any ideas where the armory might be?"
"How about we just ask them for directions?" Rocket snapped as a group of the bounty hunters sprung from behind a corner. Drax tackled one, Gamora running in to attack another. Rocket and Groot took another. Sigyn jumped, staying back as Peter reluctantly took the last one, socking him in the jaw. The Guardians made quick work of the bounty hunters, taking their blasters. Peter panted after the fight, holding his newly-borrowed blaster close. "About that armory..." Somehow, among the ruckus and chaos, the Guardians found the armory - more of a messy storage room, in truth - and grabbed their belongings. Sigyn stayed to the side, still mulling over the panel's words.
Wife.. Someone's wife... Did her husband miss her?
Did he love her?
Did she love him?
"You okay there, princess?" Peter glanced at her, clicking a small device to his hip. She met his gaze.
"Fine. Just ready to be out of here." She smiled weakly. “Can I help..?”
"Uhh..” He looked down at their weapons, then at Gamora, who gave him a look. Back to her. “Just stay close.”
Sigyn’s shoulder drooped.
“All right, let's haul out." He nodded to the group, grabbing his blaster. They left the armory - and were immediately met with a dozen or more bounty hunters, all guns trained on their position. Groot, seated on Rocket’s shoulder, reached over and pressed the device on Peter’s hip.
((if you want to follow along with music for the full experience, queue Take A Chance On Me - ABBA right about now ;) ))
Music began blaring from the device.
“If you change your mind, I’m the first in line!”
"You know the drill, Guardians!" Peter triggered a helmet to cover his face.
“Honey, I’m still free. Take a chance on me!”
"Hey, Drax?" Rocket grinned, "Bet'cha I can take out more of ‘em than you can!"
"Is that a challenge?" Drax pulled out dual knives. Sigyn's eyes widened and she moved closer to Quill, staying just behind him.
The Guardians charged.
They ran to the beat of the music, practically plowing through the droves of bounty hunters -  Peter leading the way. Rocket grabbed pebble-sized bits of metal from his belt, tossing them out onto enemies. With a grin, he clicked a remote - triggering colorful pink and orange explosions all around them. Several bounty hunters gagged on the colored gas. He then jumped on Drax’s shoulders, then onto more enemies, weaving among them. Groot, still clinging to his shoulder, released a fierce little battle cry.
They shot past Gamora, who impaled a hunter on her sword. He spat out blood before she tossed him away, meeting her next foe with a lethal slice across the chest. She turned, bashing the blaster of another hunter up just as he fired - hitting a wire that supported beams above, causing the heavy beam to swing down in front of them.
“Stop!” Peter slid to a halt as the beam groaned, colliding with a handful of the bounty hunters...
“Now!” he called, the Guardians hopping past the beam just before it swung back over their path.
They rounded a corner. Down the hall, another crowd of bounty hunters was advancing on them. Past their shoulders, a large, open hangar housed countless ships. In the distance, the Milano.
The door behind the hunters slammed closed.
“How many you got, Drax?” Rocket grinned, already poised to throw another round of grenades.
“Thirteen.” The giant man rolled his shoulder, brandishing his knives.
“Awh, that’s cute. Got fifteen myself-”
“I am Groot!”
“Well, we’ve got fifteen. But who’s counting?” Rocket tossed the grenades, downing a handful of hunters.
“We are!” Drax charged into the fray.
“Aren’t there more pressing matters at hand than games?” Gamora shouted, stabbing one of the hunters in the leg, then the chest.
The group made their way down the hallway, Sigyn staying close behind Peter - and dodging blaster shots from the enemies, silently lamenting her lack of a weapon. Peter shot one enemy in the neck, then grabbing his arm, swung him around and, using him as a sort of shield, shot two others. He dropped the limp body, then triggered his mask to disappear, revealing his face. He caught Gamora’s eye, giving her a cheeky wink. She rolled her eyes, but not without a small smile.
They reached the blast door.
“All right, let’s pry this sucker open.” Rocket walked over to the controls.
Immediately, Drax grabbed the door and with a roar, pried it open. The others stared at him.
“What? He said pry it open.”
Sigyn giggled slightly. “Well... He’s not wrong.”
((music ends here!))
~~~~ They made a beeline for the Milano.
"Okay, guys, let's get out of here ASAP," Peter sat in the cockpit, having just finished releasing the Milano from the various tethers that held it in place. "No telling who might show u- Awh sh-" Another large group of bounty hunters rushed into the hangar. Alarms blared louder as the Milano took off.
"They must have sensors up!" Rocket snarled when the Milano shook from the impact of a blast, "Punch it, Quill!"
Before them, the main doors to the garage were starting to close as another ship was brought in.
"Hold onto something, this is gonna be rough!" Peter slammed the shift forward. Sigyn clung to a seat, yelling along with the others and the Milano lurched, then jumped into a high-speed escape. Other, slightly smaller ships around them rose, chasing them, grappling hook-like guns loaded and ready, already shooting at the Milano.
"C'mon- C'mon! We can make it!"
“Peter, we can’t!” Gamora screamed. The ship rocked as hooks made impact, mercifully sliding off without taking hold.
“We can!”
The opening before them was getting smaller... Smaller...
They sped through the door just in the nick of time. Behind them, explosions sounded as the enemy ships crashed into their own mothership's door - and each other.
"Ha!" Peter let out an almost maniacal burst of laughter, the rest of the Guardians cheering loudly. Even Sigyn cheered, whooping once. The Milano, still at a considerable speed, shot out into space.
"Oh, thank goodness.." Sigyn breathed, "That was- that was incredible! Is this normal for you? Escaping captors? Close calls?"
"Well, now that you ask-" Rocket started.
"Don't even, Rocket, don't even." Peter cut him off.
"What? I was just answering the lady's question." He grinned.
"No, you were definitely about to rat me out."
"Was not."
"Yes you were." Once they were out of range of the enemy ship, Peter slowed the Milano, flipping a few switches. "What's the quickest way to Asgard?"
“Ehh, there’s a few ways. You could always let me drive...”
Sigyn glanced at Peter.
Sigyn Lokiwife of Asgard. Asgard, whatever it was, must be home.
She excused herself and stepped back into the main room of the Milano, staring down at the table, arms crossed.
Would the people there hate her, if she didn't remember them, or would they understand?
Did they care for her in the first place?
She closed her eyes, letting her mind wander. Surely, there was some memory she still held, even something faint...
Asgard. What was Asgard?
She furrowed her brow. Gold. Asgard has gold. Sun. Warmth. Smile. Her heart fluttered. Something about Asgard made her feel lighter... Excited?
"Feeling overwhelmed?" Gamora walked in.
Sigyn gasped and turned to her, eyes open. She swallowed, and managed a tiny smile. "A little."
The alien walked closer, stood across from her. "I don’t blame you. Not everyone’s used to such.. Intense fights. We'll return you home safe."
Sigyn nodded, pursing her lips.. "About that, are... Look, I know you think I was given some sort of - something - to make me forget. But I can hardly remember anything about this Asgard place. I.. I’m not so sure I belong there."
"You're the princess. You belong there. And I doubt your husband would take kindly to you being away from him much longer."
"He's protective?"
"Notoriously. There’s several million units being offered for your safe return; no doubt, he had a hand in that."
So he does care about me.. Unless he's just an over-protective, overbearing jerk...
I guess we’ll see.
"You're all returning me for the sake of a reward, then?"
Sigyn nodded. "Well, I'd probably do the same.." Would she? "...I think."
Gamora pursed her lips slightly. "You should start remembering soon.. Even the most powerful amnesiac gases only last a few days, maybe a week at best."
"How long will it take to reach Asgard?"
"Depends on if we have to stop for fuel, or hit another detour... I'll let you know."
Gamora left, walking back to the cockpit. Sigyn took a seat and, sighing quietly, mulled over what little she could remember of her apparent home.
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hela-avenger · 4 years
poison & wine- part 20
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Author: hela-avenger
Word Count: 1664
Summary: Prince Loki of Asgard is in need of a date to take back home. That’s where you come in with a task of your own to make the whole trip with an insufferable prince worth it. Too bad that things don’t always go as planned and you end up giving more than you can take. Fake-Dating AU.
A/N:  Thanks for reading and commenting everyone! Please send me a message/ask if you’ll like to be tagged!
poison & wine masterlist
You were putting the final touches on Loki’s shirt when the doors swing open. Loki comes rushing in, out of breath, quickly tugging his leather coat off. The girls are startled by the act but it doesn’t dissuade the prince from undressing. 
“Ladies,” Loki greets as he tugs off his vest next. “Unless you would like to catch a show, I suggest you make yourself scarce.” 
“Loki!” you shout in alarm but he simply grins in response and shrugs. 
The girls had been in the midst of doing your hair which they quickly finished up at Loki’s insistence. Lynn and Datya were trying to suppress their giggling while Iana looked stressed. 
“My lady,” she calls out to you. “We are meant to help you get ready for the banquet.” 
“She won’t need your assistance,” Loki answers for you as he perched himself on the edge of his bed. His shirt was partly undone revealing a hint of his bare chest. “I can lend my dear lady a hand.” 
Iana doesn’t look up to meet your stare. Her focus remains on the floor. She gives you a nod and finally takes her leave closing the doors behind her. 
The moment you’re alone you turn towards the prince. 
“Was that really necessary?” you ask him. You’re trying to be serious but he’s making it hard as he grins up at you. “Do you know what you just did?”
“Giving them the impression that I’m here to ravish you?” Loki chuckles out as he resumes to unbutton his shirt. “Yes, indeed I did. It was my entire intention.” 
He peels off his shirt and you quickly turn away from him. 
“But why?” 
“Keeping up with the pretenses,” Loki explains as he approaches your seat on his vanity. “You do recall we are faking to be in love and with love comes passion… desire...” You feel his breath on your ear as he leans in next to you. “...lust.” 
You shiver and elbow him away from you. 
“I uh… I really don’t know how you want me to respond to that.” 
Loki shrugs and takes a step away from you. Your reaction to his words hadn’t gone unseen by him. 
“Have you ever been physically intimate with someone?” 
You stab yourself with the needle at his question. 
“Ow, what the…” you press the small bleeding wound to your lips. The small sour taste of iron filling your tongue. “Why are you asking me that?” 
“Curiosity,” Loki answers simply as he stares at you through the mirror. “Come on. You can tell me. We’re friends now.” 
You shake your head at him but saw no harm in giving him an answer. 
“Not that it matters, but yes I have,” you tell him as your focus returns to his shirt. 
“Hmm,” Loki hums. “Did you sleep with that soldier of yours?” 
You glare at him in response. 
“I take that as a no,” Loki grins. “How come?” 
You hesitate to answer him this time. 
You had been surprisingly quite vulnerable with him in this trip but your history with Bucky was something meant just for you and him. You don’t even think Steve knew how deep your connection with him really was. 
“I uh… I’ve had my string of lovers in the past centuries,” you explain to the prince. “But only because of moments of weakness when I crave companionship. It was all physical though. Nothing ever extended to an emotional level.” 
“But the soldier was different?” 
You knot the emerald string before cutting it. The shirt was finally done with every embroidered detail in place. 
“The soldier indeed was different,” you answer as you turn to look at him. “Bucky and I, we were companions in a bloody war. It was hard not to get emotionally involved especially since he was just so charming. And we danced and kissed and… I know we both wanted more but we knew better than to get too attached. We were right in the end seeing as he was killed… or well not killed. You know what I mean...” 
“Sounds like you loved him.” 
You shrug hesitant to agree.
“It was the closest thing I’ve ever gotten to being in love,” you confess. “It was nice.” 
You stand up from your vanity and present to him the shirt you had dedicated yourself to make for him. 
“Have you ever been in love?” you ask as you present the shirt for him to put on. He tenses up at the question.
“No, I have not,” Loki answers as he buttons his shirt up. “I am a man who needs order and love… well love seems like a chaotic emotion to have.” 
You hum in response as you fixed his collar. You hope to catch sight of a scar but his back is still under an illusion he conjured. Loki doesn’t notice your curiosity as he inspects the shirt in surprise. 
“You did all of this?” he asks as he takes in his reflection in the mirror. The shirt was a simple white button down but you had embroidered two green snakes entangled by gold thorns on the collar. “By hand?” 
“Yeah,” you answer, happy that all your work paid off. “I did.” 
You take in your work yourself and are relieved to see that it wouldn’t need any last minute adjustments. 
“Fits perfectly,” Loki comments. 
“It does,” you answer. “The girls were making their own replicas. Iana managed to finish the black one but Lynn and Datya left scraps of the green one. I can have those shirts finished and embroidered by tomorrow if you like.” 
“If you feel the need then why not,” Loki responds as he continues to appraise his reflection. “Good job, pet.” 
“Don’t call me pet,” you snap at him as you enter the closet to pull out a gown for you to wear. Loki was basically ready for the banquet while you had much to do yourself seeing as your help was sent away. “Did you find anything about my dad today while communing with the royal court?”
“I’ve asked around,” Loki sighs out. “Unsurprising, they all had no clue of what I was referring to.” 
You step out of the closet with a dress of your choosing this time. Loki is once again taken by surprise and you chuckle. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” 
Instead of dishing it back to you, Loki just nods. 
“Asgardian fashion suits you,” he responds quickly clearing his throat and turning away from you. “I have something for you to wear.”
You scowl trying to figure out what he could possibly have for you. He pulls his leather coat on which seems to bring back the mischievous Loki you are used to dealing with. 
“Come on, we’re friends now,” Loki motions you forward. “I’m not going to do anything to you.” 
“You’re a really demanding friend,” you mutter under your breath as you make your way towards him. “What do you have for me?” 
Loki reveals a sheath meant to house the dagger he had yet to give to you. You frown at the sight of the ugly hanging leather strap that you were meant to wear as a purse. 
“That is hideous.” 
“Well, you have to wear it,” Loki mutters as he tries to hand it to you.
“Can’t I wear one of those thigh strap-on thingies?” you offer as you avoid taking it. “Like the one Natasha wears?” 
Loki sighs as he thinks it over but the dagger had to be visible which meant you would have to be willing to show it. 
 “I know what you’re referring to but it is quite scandalous.” 
“Isn’t that what I’m here for?” you answer. “To rile people up? Especially your father?”
Loki chuckles in agreement and with a shift of his hands the sheath in his hands shifts into the one you wanted.
“Perfect!” you exclaim as you shift your leg out of the slit the dress had. “So I’ll just…” 
“Allow me,” Loki interrupts you as he kneels down beside you. 
You still as his hands gently wrap the leather thigh strap around you. Your skin erupts into goosebumps and you hold your breath as Loki tightens it to your comfort. 
You're surprised the man can be gentle but you shouldn’t be. In your fake courtship, Loki has managed to be gentle when it came to you even more so now that you two seemed to be on the same page. 
“You’ll have to be careful,” he tells you as he stands. “The dagger is quite sharp. One wrong move in placing it in your sheath and you will harm yourself quite seriously.” 
“Right,” you swallow as you try to be unaffected by him. “Speaking of the dagger, where is it?” 
“With me,” Loki answers. 
“Can I see it?” you ask as you pat his jacket down for a clue. 
The leather made it hard to feel if anything was there and Loki is quick to put your investigation to an end as he grabs a hold of your wandering hands.
“Why not?” you pout. “You’re wearing the shirt I made and I can’t wear my dagger?” 
“It’s meant to be a gift,” Loki states as he peered down at you. “I have to present it to the royal court first before I can give it to you. Royal traditions and what not.” 
You’re still pouting at his explanation and he wonders if that has ever helped you get your way. It seems to almost be working on him when a knock on the door pulls his attention away. 
“It’s time for us to go,” Loki states as he lets your hands go. He hadn’t realized he still had them pinned against his chest. “You ready?” 
You nod knowing there was no point in trying to decipher his recent behavior change. You simply chalk it up to his newfound attempt of being your friend. 
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” 
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poison & wine tag: @damalseer​ @just-the-hiddles​ @jessiejunebug​ @nonsensicalobsessions​ @smollest-soybean​ @assassinoftheworld​ @readerbandit​ @doyoufeelikeayounggod​ @strangemcuvlogs​ @ha-tep​ @i-dont-know-eiither​ @gene-king​ @day-dreaming-fox​ @bn-studies​ @is-it-madness​ @sigyn-njorddottir​ @devilbat​ @victor-criss-bish​ @skinny-macncheese​ @musicconversedance​ @baby-bunnyxn​ @fandoms-allovertheplace​ @marvelloonie​ @jinxjinxednova​ @queenmuahaha​ @accio-boys​​ @eternalqueensworld​​ @umlvk​​ @roger-the-reindeer​ @punkrockhufflefluff​ @your-local-abyss​
Loki Tag: @unicorniorosacomefrutillas​ @thesilentbluesparrow​ @oddly-drawn-muse​ @josiehosiedaninja​ @hp-hogwartsexpress​ @sadwaywardkid​ @wolf-lover74​ @sizzlingbarbarianglitter​​
All Works Tag: @jmb959​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​ @hellocookiecutter​ @steve-rogers-personal-hell​ @buckybarnesyard​ @not-zari-tak @strangersstranger
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