#If i had money i be on ozempic by now
deadmandead10845 · 5 days
Brady - Fat2Fit2Fat
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(243lbs) Brady works at an insurance agency in Kansas City. He’s far away from everything, and hates his job. He hates commuting and has two acquaintances and no real friends. He’s let himself go pretty badly, but he doesn’t have the will power to hit the gym or change any part of his life. Thankfully, he’s been at his company for 10 years and earns a 3 month sabbatical with full pay to use.
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(243lbs) Brady took the first part of his sabbatical to hike in the mountains solo. He stumbled upon what looked like an abandoned shack with smoke coming out of the chimney. He knew nightfall would be soon so he wanted to ask the local if he could crash at their place for the night. He knocked on the door and it opened itself. He let himself in and called.
BRADY: Hello!!!
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(243lbs) A mysterious figure appeared around the corner. The woman introduced herself as Cora.
CORA: I’ve been practicing witchcraft in the mountains since I was little and now I am the only one left. Some witch will reveal too much about herself and then she’s hunted by the locals. I chose to reveal my house and myself to you because I can tell you’re not from here and you have an open mind.
BRADY: I definitely have an open mind. I came here to the mountains to find myself. I am on a sabbatical trying to find some sort of motivation.
CORA: What is one thing you don’t have control over that you wish to have infinite control of?
BRADY: *looks down at his soft out of shape body and looks up*
His body has always been a sense of insecurity that made him feel inadequate and less than because he wishes he was fit.
CORA: Nothing with power, career, money?
BRADY: I just want to like how I look and control what I look like.
CORA: *rummages through the cabinet and throws some leaves into what looks like a brewing potion. Once all the ingredients were stirred in, the liquid began to glow a pale orange color.*
BRADY: Is this legit going to help me?
CORA: You drink and find out. Or you can go beg your doctor for Ozempic and forget you came here. At least this is free!
BRADY: I’m not being drugged right now?
CORA: You are, just not a bad kind.
BRADY: *takes the vial of orange liquid and drinks it*
CORA: How do you wish to look?
BRADY: I just want to lose like 75 pounds.
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(165lbs) Brady’s pants fell down immediately and his blue polo shirt wore him like a dress.
BRADY: Holy shit I must be hallucinating.
CORA: You’re not but I figured you’d have this reaction. Sleep it off.
Cora snapped her fingers and Brady’s vision blacked out.
Brady woke up in his hotel room down at the base of the mountain. He walked to the bathroom and sure enough he was completely thin. He went to put on an outfit and quickly realized nothing in his suitcase would fit him. Everything he had was a 40” waist and all his shirts were XL. He ran through the closest Walmart holding his shorts bunched up in his hand hoping he wouldn’t drop them and bought a new pair of 30” waist shorts. He was so happy.
After his 3 months concluded, he returned to Missouri and submitted his 2 week notice. He wanted a fresh start where he could show off his new skinny body and get laid for once. He was a gay man living in the Midwest with approximately 5 blank Grindr profiles within a 25 mile radius.
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(149lbs) Brady packed up all his belongings and moved to Miami. He looked in the mirror and audibly said “I wish I was a twink.” And in the blink of an eye another 15 pounds disappeared off his body. He met Javi at Twist, the local gay club near his apartment. After almost 2 years, the two fell in love and became inseparable and lived together. Javi told Brady he should start going to the gym and getting big arms and a six pack because he wasn’t super into twinks. Brady quietly looked at himself in the bathroom mirror once or twice a week asking for just 1 pound more trying to subtly get larger for Javi without alerting him to his powers given to him by the witch.
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(195lbs) Brady had gotten extremely fit and did no work for it. The potion he took two years ago was unbelievable. Javi loved Brady’s new extremely fit body and Brady loved the attention. Brady however, wasn’t sure he loved how he looked. Javi was going away on business to Houston for a month, so Brady booked himself a trip to Hawaii by himself to hopefully ground himself.
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(210lbs) Brady wished another 15 pounds of muscle onto his body before he left for Hawaii. He wanted to look his best for the beach so he could post photos of his body online for attention. He wasn’t the happiest, so the online attention helped. Once he landed in Hawaii he took the private boat to the small isolated island resort he had booked.
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(175lbs) Brady hated how he looked so he wished 30 pounds off his body because he thought a leaner look would suit him and he tried to walk around the beach and feel comfortable but he really wasn’t sure why he wasn’t comfortable with himself. Brady had an idea, he went to the surf shop in the lobby and bought himself a pair of 2XL swim trunks and went up to his room. He bought himself a case of beers and drank away. He got in the mirror looked at himself and asked for a dad bod.
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(280lbs) Brady, still very much in shape but much larger (100lbs larger to be exact) walked down the beach with his beer gut and massive arms. He was happy. He actually liked how he looked. No one recognized him from earlier and all the other guests just thought he was a new arrival to the resort. Brady went back to the surf shop and bought a 2XL Hawaiian shirt before returning home to Florida.
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(305lbs) Brady was a huge guy. He wished himself even bigger and squeezed himself into the premium economy seat he booked on points and flew home to Florida. He spent nearly 12 hours total on the plane and when he walked in the door felt like everything was all wrong. He was skinny Brady in Florida, not big and beefy. Javi was due to arrive at any minute. When Brady heard the lock turning, he ran to the bathroom and wished his body back to his 195lb self.
Javi found the 2XL shirts and asked and Brady told him he was trying oversized fashion and didn’t like it, so he threw the shirt away. Brady couldn’t stop thinking about his little escape he had in Hawaii and after a few months went back to the bathroom and wished to be a bit bigger. Javi hated it so much. Javi kept telling Brady to hit the treadmill and to eat less.
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(243lbs) Brady was back at the same weight he was before he met Cora the witch. However, he had so much muscle on his body he was a lot smaller than Javi still hated it. Brady loved his small belly and missed playing with the belly he once had when he was an insurance agent back in Missouri. The two attended couple’s therapy to no avail. Ultimately, it let to Brady and Javi breaking up. Javi kicked Brady out of the apartment. Just to get back at Javi, Brady lost all the weight before coming to the apartment to collect his belongings.
Brady needed a new start so he called one of his buddies in New York who was starting a boutique insurance agency and cofounded it with him.
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(327lbs) Brady wanted a fresh start in New York so he bought a 3XL hoodie and sweat at the last Walmart before the Holland tunnel, and sat in traffic looking in the mirror and wished to be fat. He’d never been as big as he was now. He watched his body tighten the dress of a hoodie he had put on and fill it out. Compared to last week in Miami, he was completely unrecognizable. He was truly starting over. Once he showered in his apartment he got a look at his new fat body covered in stretch marks and rolls. Brady was generally happy with his size. The only drawback and he couldn’t find much clothing in the city stores that fit him well so he was barely able to dress well.
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(327lbs) Four years went by and Brady’s joint venture had taken off. He was able to buy an apartment and afford more than ever. He seemed very content. He was overworked. One fateful day on the train he dozed off. In his dream he was even fatter than he is now. The dream was so vivid he could feel his body sloshing with every step.. when in reality the jerky subway train was sloshing him around. He missed his stop and rode the train to the end asleep. In the dream, Brady said he wanted to get fatter and…
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(415lbs) He woke up. His shirt had ridden up his entire belly and his pants completely ripped. He was huge. Brady embarrassed walked to the next departing train that would get him home attracting the stares of everyone for the lack of clothing he had one, especially for his size. Brady decided to take several months remote from work after that, to give his business partner a believable timeline for his nearly 100lb weight gain.
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(415lbs) Brady went to Industry, a New York gay bar and opened up his shirt in hopes he would find a chub chaser. Unfortunately he just got stares.
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(451lbs) Brady had to get an entire new suit made for him because of his sheer girth. His seamstress couldn’t believe the size of him. She had made him his suit four years ago when he weighed more than a hundred pounds less. Brady knew it wasn’t going to last long because he planned to put a little more weight on. His business partner couldn’t believe the size of him either. Brady needed to remove the armrests on his desk chair so he could fit.
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(485lbs) By the summer, Brady had willed another 35lbs onto his body. He attended a big party on Fire Island having fun with his friends. All of the sudden he saw a familiar face.
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BRADY: Javi???
JAVI: Hiiii…. Have we met?
BRADY: Javi it’s me
JAVI: Where have we met you look so familiar??
BRADY: It’s me, Brady
JAVI: Brady who?
BRADY: Your ex boyfriend.
JAVI: There is just no way. I thought you lost all the weight you put on.
BRADY: Then I gained it back, and then some
JAVI: Holy shit Brady you look awful, do you need me to get you a nutritionist? I am worried.
BRADY: No not at all. I am super happy the way I look.
JAVI: Weren’t you happy when half of Miami wanted to f*ck you?
BRADY: No, but I am happy now.
JAVI: Can I ask how much…
BRADY: How much I weigh?
JAVI: ….
BRADY: Four Hundred Eighty Five pounds last I checked. I don’t really fluctuate.
JAVI: God, this is just insane to me..
Javi walked away.
About 10 minutes later, Javi’s friend Andres walked by and…
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ANDRES: Brady?
BRADY: Andres long time no see
ANDRES: I’m sorry Javi said all that… he’s just insecure and projecting on you.
BRADY: Yeah that’s why we broke up all those years ago.
ANDRES: Well, let me tell you. I like the change
Andres grabbed Brady’s belly from underneath and leaned in and kissed Brady on the cheek. He began to walk away.
BRADY: Wait a second, Andres!
Brady grabbed Andres’s hand and pulled him back for a real kiss. Andres’s hand found its way back to under Brady’s belly jiggling it while the pair made out.
Javi watched from a distance fuming with anger.
BRADY: Does a guy like me get to ask you for your number?
ANDRES: Definitely.
Javi walked over
JAVI: Wow Andres making out with my fat ex in front of me is really classy.
ANDRES: Sorry you’re too superficial to understand what a big guy can give you.
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(508lbs) After texting for weeks, Andres invited Brady to go golfing with his friend.
ANDRES: Hey big fella.
BRADY: Hey handsome, ready to play?
ANDRES: Yes it’s been a while.
BRADY: It’s been too long for me too.
ANDRES: Shirt’s a bit small Brady…
Brady, embarrassed tried to pull the shirt down over his belly. He knew it was way too small but wanted to test Andres.
BRADY: Wow, I seem to have grown out of it…
ANDRES: Been a while since you wore it?
BRADY: I think this fit me when we met a few weeks ago.
ANDRES: Are you going to try to tell me it shrunk in the wash then?
BRADY: No, I just have put on about 25 pounds since that pool party and haven’t bothered to go shopping.
ANDRES: Wha— … how?
BRADY: Guess I’ve been hungry
Andres knew that Brady was the man for him in that moment. The two began dating.
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(528lbs) Brady had gotten into the bad habit of putting 15lbs on every time he was going to be seen at an event to show that he was a growing man. He attended one of his friend’s backyard weddings and knocked over one of the displays with his huge belly.
Everyone who saw him at this point was asked if he was doing ok or if he needed anything. Some of the attendees even offering to give him a doctor referral for weight loss drugs. He assured them he was perfectly ok.
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(600lbs) Brady admittedly took it too far. Brady had weighed in at 551lbs this morning. He had some room in his suit and had a big event for his company. He and his business partner were announcing the sale of their company to a big insurance company. He stood on the scale and watched the number go up until he hit 600lbs on the dot.
He was now basically 75lbs heavier than he was 4 months ago. After the sale of his company, Brady was to retire with enough money for him and his grandchildren (if he ever had any) to live comfortably.
When he got home, he totally forgot he would be facing Andres.
ANDRES: Brady…
BRADY: Hey honey.
ANDRES: Something is different
BRADY: What happened.
ANDRES: You look different. Something is just off.
BRADY: I am not sure what you are talking about.
ANDRES: Wait. Is that the suit you had made last week?
ANDRES: Then why does it look like it’s about to pop.
BRADY: Oh yes something is different.
BRADY: I got fatter.
ANDRES: Since this morning?
BRADY: Babe I think it’s time I tell you something.
Brady explained to Andres the whole story about his past life in Missouri. His sabbatical, meeting Cora the witch. He explained how he lost all the weight for Javi. Went to Hawaii and experimented with his body in different sizes.
ANDRES: What do you expect me to believe you have powers or something?
BRADY: Watch this
Brady walked into the bathroom, and willed himself to be a twink again. He walked out weighing 150lbs adorned with abs.
Andres walked to the kitchen and splashed cold water in his face. He couldn’t believe his eyes.
BRADY: I would never tell anyone about this.
ANDRES: You chose to be fat?
BRADY: If I didn’t I wouldn’t be living with the man of my dreams so let’s not.
ANDRES: Ok you’re scaring me you look emaciated.
BRADY: Oh yeah.
The two started to make out while Brady’s body slowly inflated back to 600lbs. Brady’s face filled out and his abs disappeared. Slowly a belly started to form along with soft supple moobs. His love handles expanded outward and his body started to widen. His thighs began to push against each other as they filled with fat.
Andres was so horny watching his boyfriend blow up to such a massive size and came hands free when he watched the fat pad swallow up Brady’s dick.
ANDRES: So how much do you weigh now?
BRADY: Let’s go see
The scale read 600 pounds.
Brady maintained 600 pounds for a while and about a year and a half into dating Andres, knew it was time. He popped the question getting down on one knee.
He couldn’t get back up after getting down which was very hot to Andres, who eagerly said yes.
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(705lbs) Brady returned to the mountains. He bought three aur plane seats and filled them up with his girth. He struggled but he hiked his way all the way up to Cora’s hut wearing a suit to thank her for her potion that changed his life.
Brady knocked on the door which immediately opened. His belly knocked over a beaker off the table which led to Cora running into the room.
CORA: How did you get in here??
BRADY: I opened the door.
CORA: How did you find my house?
BRADY: I’ve been here before.
CORA: Who are you??
BRADY: Do you not remember me?
CORA: No, and I would.
She looked down at Brady’s belly.
BRADY: Oh right would this help?
Brady pulled out his phone and showed her a photo of him from about 10 years before. A photo of him and Javi together where he was less than 200lbs.
CORA: What was your name.. Bradley?
BRADY: Brady, close enough.
CORA: Did I do something wrong with the potion, brew it wrong?? I am so sorry!! Let me help you slim down.
BRADY: No, I am this big by choice. I could get down to this weight again any time.
CORA: Why?
BRADY: I was skinny for a while and I just didn’t like it. I was constantly making adjustments to my body so other men would see me as hot. My boyfriend left me when I decided to try out a *very slight* dad bod.
CORA: So you did this? You could’ve been half the size and still been fat.
BRADY: Well some days it just doesn’t feel like enough.
CORA: I never expected you to look like this. I expected you to have gotten massively jacked and been narcissistic.
BRADY: You were wrong
CORA: Very.
BRADY: I came here to thank you. It took me a long time to get up the mountain, but I knew that before long it would not be possible with my size.
CORA: You could’ve shrunken down to climb up here…
BRADY: But that isn’t me
CORA: Well I am happy.
BRADY: Being confident with my size and my body found me the best fiance ever.
CORA: You mean a chub chaser?
CORA: Right.
BRADY: Well I mean you would have to be to like me at this size anyways. People stare.
CORA: I am staring.
BRADY: Well thank you for doing this for me.
CORA: Any time. Here, let me get you something.
Cora made a green cocktail of ingredients. She bottled them up.
CORA: You two are getting married?
She said looking at the Lock Screen on Brady’s phone.
CORA: Wait until your wedding night to drink this. You both need to drink it for it to work.
BRADY: What is it?
CORA: You two will never break up or fight.
BRADY: This is perfect.
CORA: You also will never get health issues from your weight because you look like a heart attack waiting to happen.
CORA: So don’t have one before your wedding!
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(750lbs) Brady and Andres had a lovely wedding.
The two got married and after the reception concluded, drank the potions together.
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(785lbs) Brady loved going out and seeing the reactions on everyone’s faces seeing his size. He would eat for hours just for show and go home stuffed.
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(830lbs) Brady was walking through Central Park. Let’s be real, he was barely moving and barely waddling. Suddenly he saw a familiar face again.
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BRADY: Javi!!
JAVI: Holy fuck Brady you are huge.
BRADY: I know. Why are you here?
JAVI: I moved here for work. I got a job at an insurance company.
BRADY: You mean the one named after my last name that I just sold?
JAVI: Oh my god..
JAVI: What's new with you. I haven't seen you since you hooked up with my best friend at a pool party. I haven't seen him either that was so messy and rude of you.
BRADY: We got married.
JAVI: What…
BRADY: Yes we've been married for just about a year.
JAVI: Bet he didn't expect you to get fatter than you already were.
BRADY: He probably didn't but he loves it. He takes care of me and all the things I can't do anymore.
JAVI: I am so glad I left you before this happened.
BRADY: Me too. Next time you see me, I'm sure I'll be even bigger.
Andres walked up between the two of them.
JAVI: This is insane. You married him??
ANDRES: Yes.. of course
JAVI: Why did you let him get this big
BRADY: I’ll answer that. He likes his men big, and I wanted to get big.
JAVI: Is that why you tried to get a dad bod all those years ago?
BRADY: Yes, and now I weigh more than eight hundred pounds.
ANDRES: 830 to be exact.
Javi stormed away.
The end.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 4 months
The "just world" hypothesis by u/Equivalent-Date-4796
The "just world" hypothesis I was seeing Meghan speaking in that red dress on stage in Nigeria and I was thinking that even if none of the "bad" things about her had been the case, she would still be annoying. Even if she hadn't blackballed her whole family and his, lied about racism, etc. she is just a basic, awkward, boring, socially inept fool who didn't get very far in her career, has no special skills, monopolizes conversation, and shows no interest in others. Truly there are lots of "regular" people like that, and that's why they stay unheard of. So even in a best-case scenario, she really didn't deserve Harry...I will would be wondering what he ever saw in her.Yes, he's a total nutcase, but everything we say about him that is negative...he betrayed family, he is unkind to animals, he's stupid, etc...all of that is true about her too! But he brought power and money. He was a jerk, and he did nothing to deserve it, but that's the world, and the reality is he had more options than she did, irrespective of what we learned later about how the best of the aristocratic set wouldn't have him, etc. On a total side note...I saw on stage in that red dress and then looked back to other Nigerian photos...why is Meghan's waistline lumpy? Not shaming...just asking. Prior to Archie, she didn't have a great body but she was proportional and thin. Later, post-Archie she was proportional and heavier, which is normal. But why is she now skinny but with two pockets of fat on her stomach? Why would Ozempic do that? post link: https://ift.tt/enxmKyl author: Equivalent-Date-4796 submitted: May 13, 2024 at 07:35PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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bloodhaven · 5 months
I know i never shut up about diabetes but i almost had to go without my trulicity for a while because my insurance suddenly "wouldn't cover it" and it was $800+ for a months dose, they don't sell single doses, it was more than my fucking rent and gas bill combined, i had to call like 5 different pharmacies because someone had filled it, and not told me. There's a huge shortage of trulicity and ozempic in the U.S because of celebrities using it for weight loss and lauding it as some miracle drug. I wouldn't have had the money to cover it if I hadn't found the pharmacy that had filled it. I went almost a full week without it because of this.
Also, it makes you lose weight by killing your appetite and making it near impossible to eat. That isn't healthy. When I was on ozempic it tore my stomach up, i was on it for 3 months and had 3-5 e.r trips on months 2&3 because of it, the first time I was told "it's a stomach bug, take some flu meds and you'll be fine" it wasn't until i lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks and was vomiting blood at work and my blood sugar was 312 despite only having A COFFEE with minimal sugars that they took me seriously and took me off ozempic, my endocrinologist wanted me on it so I would lose weight, she was PROUD that I lost 12 lbs in 2 weeks
I'm back on trulicity now and my endo dislikes that I put 10 of those pounds back on. She wants me to see a gastroenterologist bcs the ozempic might've permanently done damage and she wants to make sure it didn't.
Also also, ozempic is pricey without insurance! I have countless stories from my lyft and uber drivers talking about how they work non driving jobs and uber/lyft on the side to afford their ozempic because they don't have insurance and have no other choice. A months worth of ozempic (again, they don't do single doses, you HAVE to get a months worth or more) is uh, cheapest? $935.77 supposedly, most pharmacies will not give it to you this cheap. It regularly costs people without insurance $1000+
But you can get it cheaper if it's for fucking weight loss. My mother in law (not diabetic, not even PRE diabetic) gets hers for $50, her insurance won't cover it as a weight loss drug. Do you see that fucking difference? She gets the same medicine as a diabetic for fifty fucking dollars because it's marketed as a weight loss drug now!
For a country that supposedly cares so much abt our diabetic population they sure do make it impossible to get our fucking medicine.
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battleangel · 3 months
Come Fly the Dead Skies
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Boeing and "trust and quality"?
Being used in the same stratosphere?
"Boeing CEO steps down".
And?????????? Thats it???
How many times do the plebian slaves need to see the movie to understand these scripts are written years in advance?
Thats why this has happened again and again.
Its the same script.
CEO steps down.
That means the "company is really sorry".
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Does it though??????????
Public relations campaign ensues to "earn back the public's trust".
Fake apology, fake contriteness, fake tough new regulations from fill in the Alphabet Soup regulator - FDA, FAA, take your pick.
The public gets bored & moves on in a week, one month absolute max.
The dead Boeing whistleblowers and suicide'd Ozempians are forgotten.
The public, with their collective constant amnesia & new shiny toy "theres a new dance on the for you page on TikTok" syndrome continues apace.
The sloppy fake suicides that are actually homicides, the death by poisoning passed off as"MRSA & the flu" in an otherwise previously perfectly healthy 40 year old unalive'd Boeing whistleblower, the Ozempic suicides for a "miracle weight loss drug" that hasnt even been extensively studied in people without diabetes that has not been on the market yet for five years so no long-term effects are known but even the side effects we know now include thyroid issues, cancer and fucking suicide are just brushed aside, papered over and forgotten about for The Next Thing.
Trump was found guilty.
I mean, Hunter Biden.
Biden/Trump debate is July 11th.
Putin met up with Kim Jong-Un.
Kai Cenat is on Ozempic.
I mean, Kelly Osborne.
I mean, Oprah.
I mean, Kelly Clarkson.
Cornel is the dark horse candidate to look out for.
I mean, Jill Stein.
I mean, Claudia Karina.
Theres a new Star Wars show.
I mean, movie.
What are you doing for 4th of July?
Where are you going for your summer vacation?
Where are you flying to?
Where are you going on your cruise?
Where are you staying?
Which beach are you going to?
Have you lost those ten pounds to wear your bikini?
OTAs have started for the NFL.
Trevor Lawrence got $275 million.
Its so hot lately.
Heat waves. Humidity.
Like sticking your head in an oven.
Engines. 737s. Fuselage doors. Weapons manufacturers. Aerospace defense. Northrop Grumman. Dead Palestinian children. War is Peace. Raytheon. Lockheed Martin. Crashed planes. Planes that caught on fire. Faulty engines. FAA violations.
Shot in the head in a rental car in a hotel parking lot the day of open court testimony against Boeing with drivers license and car keys in hotel room but it was definitely a suicide.
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Not foul play. Not homicide. Not retaliation. Not punishing whistleblowers. Not intimidation through violence & fear. Not protecting defense contracts with the US government worth billions.
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40 year old otherwise healthy man dies of "MRSA infection" & "the flu" with symptoms that are exactly the same symptoms that an individual would experience if they were poisoned to death.
Similarly to the suicide'd whistleblower in the hotel parking lot who was set to testify against Boeing in open court, this 40 year old had recently filed an FAA complaint against Boeing.
The second dead Boeing whistleblower in just two months.
Boeing declined to comment either death.
Surprise surprise.
Former co-workers & current Boeing employees would only speak anonymously and off the record but they all expressed serious doubt that either death was anything but retaliatory murder for speaking out against Boeing cutting corners with safety inspections and regulations to save money.
They also spoke -- anonymously & off the record ofcourse -- about a culture of fear, secrecy & intimidation that permeates all levels of Boeing, private conversations between employees on company ground being recorded by Boeing and the inability to speak freely at work because "someones always watching and listening".
Dead hotel parking lot whistleblowers death was deemed a "suicide".
Dead previously healthy 40 year old whistleblowers quite random & mysterious "MRSA & flu" death which suspiciously mirrored the exact same symptoms seen in a death by poisioning was deemed "natural".
Then everyone returned to their regularly scheduled programming.
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living400lbs · 1 year
The American Diabetes Association developed the term “prediabetes” to bring attention to slightly elevated blood sugar levels in some Americans in 2001. Over the next two decades, the organization expanded the definition of the condition, so that by 2019, as Charles Piller reported for Science magazine, 84 million Americans had prediabetes, “the most common chronic disease after obesity.”
There were no drugs specifically designed for prediabetes, so doctors often relied on off-label treatments, a common medical practice. But because off-label drug interventions coincided with the wholesale expanded classification of millions of people with a novel condition, a new market boomed.
This shift broadened the consumer language for medicalizing weight loss as a preventive strategy to treat not only diabetes, but also supposed — though not always proven — diabetes risk. It armed a wellness machine with the medical terminology of “insulin resistance” and “insulin sensitivity,” without the medical expertise to screen for diabetes risk indicators. People could soon buy an astonishing array of apps and devices to self-diagnose insulin efficiency. Enter Ozempic and Wegovy, perfectly designed for our highly developed consumer palates.
Given all these changes, I wondered what Dr. Richard Kahn, the former chief scientific and medical officer at the American Diabetes Association, who helped establish “prediabetes” as a term, now thought about the phenomenon.
When we talked, Dr. Kahn told me that he regrets his role in developing “prediabetes” and its associated grift, but his giddiness about GLP-1 drugs was palpable. He said that encouraging weight loss through lifestyle changes was an “abject failure.” Now, Ozempic offers patients light and hope.
The problem with these drugs, he said, “is that they cost an enormous amount of money.”
From Tressie McMillan Cottom
Oh, fyi: I weigh about 400lbs. I do not have diabetes or prediabetes.
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katyasdump · 2 months
I tried to quit my job.
Back in June I said I was quitting, and my boss tried to make me stay. I stayed doing payroll for a month.
I adjusted my life (at least tried to) to losing around 80% of my monthly income. This job is my highest paying job ever but the stress was too much and after such a long deliberation, I finally had the courage to finally say I quit.
Now it's mid July and Im back on the schedule baby!
Money is just too good.
I don't know. The freedom it gives me when I don't have to think about my purchases. It feels so nice.
I'm about to buy ozempic and be super skinny by the end of the year.
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cherienymphe · 6 months
I know the ozempic conversation on here is like a day old but honestly doctors have always been so prejudiced towards fat ppl that it doesn’t surprise me that they prescribe a drug to their patients that not only could be harmful but also takes away from other people. You would think that since they preach about health, they’d want you to lose it the traditional way, but noooo. Whatever makes you skinny!
People don't actually care about health that's the problem. They just care about being skinny. I'll be the first to admit that when it comes to me and my bestie who is far from skinny, I'd put money on her being generally healthier than I am 😭 I cannot walk up some stairs without getting winded meanwhile she was on our high school's dance team and has had a personal trainer for like a year now
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rennyji · 6 months
Mental Health Resolved
UPDATED 3/12/2024 9:07 AM with Starred(***) Sections having Additional Detail
Guys? I think I had my flux capacitor moment from Back to the Future.
When Doc Brown was standing on his toilet or something, and fell or hit his head, he came up with the concept of the flux capacitor, through which time travel is possible. The flux capacitor is what enables the channeling of 1.21 Gigawatts of electricity (one bolt of lightning), to create the energy needed to tear a hole in space/time, to visit other points in time.
But my flux capacitor moment is on mental health.
Americans tend to think by creating a drug like Ozempic or Advil, you've done something phenomenal. You're always making these treatments that address symptoms, but never address the root cause of illnesses. If your neck/wrist or something hurts, taking an Advil to suppress the nerve pain, makes no sense. It's a quick way to make money, but it's not a solution. You need to strengthen the muscles around the neck or increase blood flow or just give it a massage to accomplish this.
The problem with drugs like Ozempic/Zepbound? What does it do? Their apparent genius is this ridiculous complicated slowing of peristalsis and digestion. It gives you the feeling of feeling full so that you don't eat. WOW! That's what a $1000 drug will do for you. The best these guys can do is "make you "feel" full" by making you eternally constipated and risking stomach paralysis. ***
Updated 3/12/2024 9:07 AM Though weight loss drugs like Zepbound do have one plus point of stretching out energy release from foods to brain, over longer period of time, for someone like myself, whose brain metabolizes sugar/caffeine too quickly where useless, after 1 hour...
Updated 3/12/2024 9:07 AM *** For weight loss, you need to look at why people with no body fat are slim, or why some people are tall/slender and others short/stocky/fat. You need something that effectively regulates the metabolism.
But, not my focus right now.
Mental health!
So as always, let me give some background info to paint a picture:
At the onset of my SITUATION, it was coinciding with me taking an ADD stimulant drug, called Vyvanse. It is a legal extended release amphetamine, covered by health insurance for those who have it, and prescribed by a treating doctor. Some people taking it, report, feeling enhanced… But, when "I" took it? I felt normal. For one thing, my veins were thicker vs my spindly spiders web veins now, and circulation was respectable.  When I took the stimulant, I didn't feel stimulated. I felt I attained what I've been after my whole life. In effect, I was blind and I could see.
Currently, when I look at something, I need to give it a few seconds for my brain to register what I'm seeing and (listening to/vs. "hearing"). Let’s say I want to verify my pants pockets are empty, before doing laundry. That feeling of emptiness doesn’t register, when sedated and maybe without a stimulant for me, either (I can't remember after being shocked 20 times). It’s like a computer without enough RAM. You might've heard of laptops with 16 GB RAM/32 GB RAM. When you give it more memory, it works faster. When I got Vyvanse, instantly, my pockets felt empty. My processing power increased or I became normal for whatever "normal" is for me, as difficult American doctors I've run into, don't get that every individual and what's normal for them, is different.
Now, currently, because of my mind reading/mind control situation, I'm forced to comply through meds, and because there's another stupid group that thinks I'm paranoid in a paranoid setting without testing for it by removing the paranoid setting, I’m treated with the opposite set of drugs; sedating drugs, which worsen my poor processing power condition. Compared to anytime before in my life, I have to leave my hands in my pockets for a few seconds, than a second, to register that the pockets are in fact empty- I guess I’m slow that way.-Or my body’s faster than my brain - I notice I walk a lot faster than usual people dragging themselves.
Other thing noticed, when consuming A LOT OF sugary foods/carbs, it gives my brain the processing power that something, like an amphetamine, as Vyvanse gives me.
It makes sense. Vyvanse uses the energy reserves from your adrenal glands. Sugar is energy for the brain. Carbs are simple and complex, sugars and starch, that add to your body's energy supply.
Recently, I posted pics of a steak, some waffles, and an egg sandwich. I actually cooked two steaks. We Indians, don't consume at typical American portions. How you survive off of a turkey sandwich with mayonnaise, a chicken caesar salad, or a single palm sized steak, is beyond me. The beef curry my mom makes, in its cubed pieces, amounts to twice the amount of a steak. Americans say eat one cup of rice. We probably eat 2-3 cups of rice. Now regarding the food I cooked, my reason for cooking it was because I was bored, and I figured I'd show a likable/relatable side to Twitter. But after making all that food, I ate it. I ate it, because I could, I ate it because I can. Yeah I know, it sound like Dr. Seuss. I eat, or can eat, without consequence, like Goku or Vegeta from Dragon Ball. Prior to antipsychotics like Zyprexa or any of them, I don't gain weight. I don't get Diabetes or Cholesterol. My brain needs all that nutrition to keep up with, what I call: "my willful self." What do I mean by "willful self?" I'll elaborate as I continue below. That food intake was maybe 1.5 weeks ago. Haven't gained a pound. I'm not even sure how I have the room for it. Because of the sedating drugs for mind control, I'm forced take a weight loss drug called Zepbound. I've still managed to consume all that, and I felt right, not like I couldn't move. Probably because my brain is active and I need energy.
Now, I hated my SITUATION and protested it, and complained to the police, and sought help from family, because its terms and conditions, was something that was going to make me sicker. I mentioned I was blind and could suddenly see with Vyvanse. To have sight taken back from you, with opposite drugs that sedate you, you just end up asking what more, what else? The orchestrators of my situation wanted to take away my energy, by sedating me, to get me to believe that nothing was transpiring.
Now I mentioned something called "the willful self." What if the major takeaway of mental illness -the obvious point that took years for the others to realize- is that it’s sourced in a misalignment of the: 1. conscious mind, 2. the brain, 3. and the body.
That's right. The idiot orchestrators like to advertise that your brain is a computer. I'm not sure if I should indicate otherwise. I kind of have a knife to my neck. I like to know what I'm dealing with, before opening my mouth or reacting.
Here's the scary thing. Maybe some of you have read my blog post about you as a chariot driver, and your emotions and commitments as the horses that move the chariot.
This is what I'm referencing. It helps if you read the below link, otherwise continue to section below link.
Our souls(minds) R a chariotDriver, driving Horses that R our emotions/feelings/commitments, inFormOf thought/speech/action. On #SaturdayMorning , as #SaturdayVibes , #SaturdayMotivation , & #SaturdayThought, I extend perspective in Tumblr blog post below:
So Again, There's 3 parts:
There is the willful self. For some of you, this is not to be demeaning, but a sad fact: it's limited to the decision making part of your executive functioning, associated with the frontal cortex of your brain. For other's, the willful self is the soul or the seat of the soul.
Then, there is the brain.
And, there is the body.
There's something disturbing I'm noticing about many of you. American culture is so focused on gratification, lack of restraint, and "doing what you feel" PRIMARILY, you violate the Biblical concept of spirit and body. I assure you, ITS NOT HOCUS POCUS, RELIGIOUS GOBBLTY GOOK. It's why you're prone to shooting each other, and carelessly building planes and trains, a quarter or the millennium in, in contrast to the 1950s/1960s. While this phenomena is happening with your lives, you're also succumbing to legally allowed marijuana type drugs and whatever illegal, that's available.
In the Bible, Galations 5:17 says: For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh, for these are opposed to each other, to keep you from doing the things you want to do.
In the Bible, it also says in Matthew 10:28: "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell."
These two quotes are what creates the willful self or the conscious mind or the chariot driver. The two quotes are what serves as the basis for the conscious mind. The division between the desire of your body, and the morals you acquire (which hinder you from always attending to your desire; abstaining/fasting) is what constitutes the conscious mind. For a lot of you, in this degradation of culture and times, your chariot driver is limited to the will power/decision making part of the frontal cortex of your brains. You're doing stupid things on the news and not extrapolating..., in all due respect, as some of you will instinctively react, these events, are, in part due to this.
Now, Let’s say your brain cannot focus.
Your willful self, grown/nurtered throughout your life, keeps trying to focus, but cannot, without coffee or some stimulant. That is because your conscious willful self is faster than your brain.
When the body is faster than the brain, a visual OCD occurs. When the mind is faster than the conscious mind, delusions occur. When consciousness is faster than the brain, ADD occurs, because your willful decision making self, which I’m calling the soul, is thinking, or scatter-brained or indecisive... an amphetamine stimulant lets the brain keep up with the speed of your conscious mind and helps break you out of a thought loop or "lost in thought" sensation and into "time to do something about it"….
Now some of you have a poorly trained conscious mind. There's no way I can break that down or make it sound nice. It has to do with that Galatians quote. Read it again.
So what's another way, where ADD can occur. If your sense of self is weak, or you don't have much of a willful self from aforementioned reasons,
Your impulses are faster than your brain can take. In which case, ADHD can occur. These are my Two takes on lack of focus.
So how can this be addressed:
Schizophrenia and ADD are two opposite sides of a spectrum. Through the regulation of metabolism, both can be controlled.
A vegetarian diet accommodates slow digestion. It gives someone with a slow digestion, the benefits of a fast metabolism, where all that digestive energy or processing power, gets redirected to the brain. You'll notice those who are athletic, and coincidentally with a fast metabolism, are smart or, at least, sharp people.
American psychiatric drugs? They further slow digestion, partcularly with American diet favoring pizzas, steaks, hamburgers, hard to digest foods. American psychiatric drugs slow cognition. Not getting stimulation of sunlight also slows the brain. I know this how?
The drug Lexapro has a particular side effect to white light stimuli. It makes you light sensitive to that color light or sunlight. It ends up stimulating you if you look at such light for 10 min or more.
Whatever be the cause, if there are factors that slow digestion or ultimately slow the brain, it results in the brain being unable to keep up with conscious self, which gives ADD. You then need to speed up the mind, but orchestrators of my SITUATION, "doing their thing," nullify my efforts at speeding up brain/increasing my computer's RAM, or speeding up my processing power. For those with a less developed conscious self, coming from a collective projection of the total brain, (No, I'm not saying some of you are retarded), The facet of your brain: your impulsive side, is stronger and more craving, than the load your brain can take. So in effect, your brain, also, is not moving fast enough, to keep up with your impulses.
Now I said you need to regulate metabolism to control ADD and schizophrenia.
If you speed up the metabolism, brain is faster/has more processing power, but if conscious self has no morals, nothing to ground you, your sharp brain can drive you insane, or you end up experiencing the symptoms associated with schizophrenia. Let's assume, I'm hearing an auditory delusion no one else can. What's to say it's different from any other noise, or listening to music while you work? What if you could focus through the noise? What if you could tune out the auditory sounds? That's why a strong sense of self is needed in such a setting. If you slow metabolism-> in the sense of the three alignments of willful self, brain, and body, it slows down the brain, and may help someone with an overly stimulated mind, settle down, or less reactive to a delusion. Think about it form the perspective of a starving schizo. Usually they're depicted as violent. If they don't have the energy from food or drink, will they be as aggressive as with food and water. They just don't have the fuel. Probably why psychiatric drugs directly or indirectly slow metabolism which has a direct causal connection to the sharpness of your brain.
Now OCD stems from a body operating faster than your brain, despite the best efforts of the conscious self to suppress its urges. To address it, you need to find a way to relax the body. But how do you go about that...it doesn't make sense to do it through the route of metabolism. If your metabolism is fast and your mind is sharp, you'll aggressively repeat compulsions. If your metabolism is slow, you'll lose the processing power of your brain to recall whether you checked something properly, and that leads to doubt, and that also leads to compulsion. The solution has to be through blood flow. When you get a massage or do a headstand, blood flow is better. You may feel less anxiety overall, and if relaxation can be taken one more level up, it can be enough to suppress OCD symptoms through a vasodilator, where the nerves in your brain can send the signals they send, at the strength they send, to the places they send, in a non deteriorating way. Like a telephone line or a strong signal between two phones. If your nerves are relaxed and calmly talking to each other, then you're calm and level headed to see what you do, clearly, to remember, what you do, clearly. You check if your door's locked? You see it. You register it. You remember it. Perhaps what stimulants do, in terms of these signals, they send a tidal wave. The tidal wave is strong in the beginning, which is what caused stimulation. But as it continues and ebbs and flows, the effect of the signal becomes weak. Over time, this becomes an unreliable way of two phones communicating. It would be like everyone talking loudly in the beginning in a deafening way, and then everyone trying hard to hear each other. If your nerves signals aren't able to hear each other, it could cause anxiety. Relaxation and blood flow and vasodilators can be a way to submit a steady nerve signal, eliminating obsessions/compulsions, on a physical level. You may also require some mental guidance (or the cr*p psychotherapy I don't respect), or some self confidence or "not care" attitude. When I go to India, a lot of times, to be blunt, the bathrooms aren't like in the U.S. There is no tub, there is no shower. What is there is a bucket, a shower cup, a faucet, where you're squatting on a floor. You feel dirty, but then, what can you do, you shrug it off, accept the quality of bathing you get, move on. Acceptance is what I'm getting at. But that's choice you have to make.
Schizophrenia/ADD are about metabolism regulation.
Bipolar disorder requires a lot of self discipline, impulse control, restraint. This seems to be more about action vs. medicine. But by teens, might need Lithium or something. But here meditation, prayer, fasting can help, but Americans are more likely to try Lithium.
******* UPDATED 3/12/2024 9:07 AM
OCD= blood flow/circulation/relaxing of body. Could benefit from muscle relaxers like "Flexeril" (though the medicine, by nature, isn't recommended long term). Other ways to increase circulation, spend extra energy, is through exercise. But in modern lifestyle, can't depend on people to reliably and consistently exercise, no matter how much you recommend. Next aspect is sleep. I feel less OCDish, when I sleep less, (natural tiredness/normally from serotonin reuptake, which really should come from serotonin addition like more than one cup of rice.) Sleep regulation, for some: 6 hours suffices, others 9 hours, wrong amount upsets the brain balance of neurotransmitters. On sleep, a potent muscle relaxant that can be taken like Flexeril, gives you an after-massage relaxing sensation, that aids with mental health side/as well as sleep.
UPDATED 3/12/2024 9:07 AM
Mental health is a big concern in the modern day, not because of the hippy flowery notions like awareness of mental illness. Mental health is a concern because of modern lifestyle changes. Think about it from this basic sense: If people were shooting each other, at the level of smaller populations, 100s or 1000s of years ago, it would be a sign they were not mentally strong enough to survive to the present day. Physical labor/exercise, would've thickened veins, increased circulation, spent energy, made you stronger to have higher energy reserves which then lessen anxiety, when people had to hunt food/when lives constantly in danger <- all happening in an unquestioned/never thought about balance. =By which I mean your exercising, your eating, you're using your gains to make more gains, over come weaknesses, eliminate threats... OCD wouldn't be an issue if you're already going through h*ll, because you wouldn't care about dying from not washing your hands or whatever.
Before people started eating Nature Valley Bars and smoothies, they were eating salty meats, eggs, forms of carbs. Salt increases blood pressure and increases heart rate, eggs give energy for processing power, carbs like rice give serotonin-sometimes you need that snicker bar or orange juice bottle for a brain sugar boost... & Exercise/physical labor, prevents it all from killing you with diabetes and cholesterol and heart disease type issues. Sunlight stimulates you, heat back in Africa/India gets the blood flowing. Need lots of fluids as people are now consciously realizing. Fluids increase blood volume, may increase vein size, prevents hypotension.
"Life is out of balance" for several reasons. Modern lifestyles, whether you're a newscaster, a programmer, you need innovative ways, like pills, to give the same effects of natural foods and movements to deliver stronger minds.
We need some form of epinephrine to stimulate the heart, because you can't count on people to do cardio regularly every day.
We need a vasodilator like beta blockers to increase blood flow.
We need something that reduces blood pressure like an alpha blocker.
Need something to regulate metabolism. *******
UPDATED 3/12/2024 9:07 AM
A good heart rate (maybe with drug "Carvedilol"), good blood blood pressure, solid blood flow (vasodilator effect maybe with drug "Carvedilol") , a means to metabolize glucose in stabile manner, in a modern lifestyle that goes against all four, gives us the benefits of our ancestors. And heart rate/blood flow, if already high heart rate, there's narrowing of veins, narrow blood flow. If drink coffee or exposed to sunlight (for light sensitive people), further narrowing of veins and restriction of blood flow causes the tiredness associated with my coffee drinking.
UPDATED 3/12/2024 9:07 AM
"Modern lifestyle" /leaving native places for non mixed blood people=mental illness
Misalignment of willful self, brain, body=mental illness
Now I'm a zombie at time of writing this. I'm like something set in motion, and I'm aware of it happening. I'm probably equivalent to a dead version of me where you can electrically stimulate my brain to see memories/understand thoughts.) My chariot driver seat has been compromised, if you recall what I said at beginning of this post. I'm kind of like a chariot driver, in a chariot, who lost control of the reigns, and now the horses are running wild, taking the chariot along with it.
Now this is coming from the zombie-instigated-sedated mind of the fast body of 250 lb me, capable of doing a pull up, at a rate of 220 lb. Big numbers, but by arm strength, I need to add 30 lbs to an assisted pull up to do pull up, which is basically removing 30 lbs, so that I can do a regular pull up, at a rate of 220 lbs.
What I'm getting at it, with so many weird things happening in my life, I can test my theories, but I assure you, there's three parts to you. 1. Whatever composes your willful self 2. Your brain. 3. Your body
So what’s established?
There is a soul. This is the willful self, or a weak form of it if not attended to as in: Galations 5:17. (I really don't mean to sound all religious-y. I find the stories very meaningful and useful. There's a reason you worry about someone who can destroy your soul, and thereby sending you to hell, assuming hell is a state of mind. Without your willful self, the chariot driver, your body, is essentially, in h*ll)
There is Book of Life/Judgement that someone will use to see one’s life from start to finish. If someone can see memories or thoughts, then your whole life can be seen at the Pearly Gates.
Christs’ Golden Rule, from which all follows…everything from news, Britt’s speech, 212f immigration, abortion and brainwaves, It comes down to "interpret the law rather than taking things word for word"
there is something possessing me, implying demons in the Christian past, implying the devil, and if there’s a devil, there is a God.
Desire is not bad, it’s about how you go about it
Sin is an action committed by the willful self. Willfully abusing someone/something/or self.
Attachment/desire - it’s all about focus. A mind that has focus, has purpose, can do anything. A form of mind reading can occur by projecting a bunch of assumptions at someone and see which emotions they react with. This could be so that someone takes my chariot driver seat and steer left, in my mental car, when I want to steer right. Operating off wrong GPS. What I"m saying is in theme of "Just because you have my sword, doesn't mean you can wield it like I do."
___ Some other things:
On another note: With the weird things I see on the news, like all the scary stories about planes, weekly shootings, fist fights in Congress, ... all the way down to mind reading/mind control I can't help but be the nerd who feels he clearly entered an alternate reality. With things seen on news, like with Katie Britt's speech, People are in such a rush to speak mind that they're not listening to content but looking to inflict bias.
On a larger scale, Insinuations, and minor discrepancies in detail, shouldn’t matter, in comparison to overall point/getting gist of a message. People seem to be ready on the attack for random things all around. -MayB itsNot just myFocus thats the problem-maybe somethingsWrong w/the worlds Ability 2 Listen.
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keyki421 · 9 months
Lizzo is on Ozempic.
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So what exactly is she gonna do, when she loses all the weight? What will her music be about? Will she still be singing about body positivity, when she is now the idealized weight and size?
Cause I absolutely hate that. I don't like it when thin people sing about loving their body, when they are the idolized body. Like everyone wants to look like you. The body struggles you face aren't similar to mine.
I had a feeling she would do this. Most plus size singers will make money off of singing body positive music until they get the funds to explore other options.
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vivianbernadetteaurora · 10 months
Hey guys, this is a new one, it’s just basic principles, see in life with addiction some of us. Some of us you have mental issues can idolise the whole music industry, pop figures, historical figures, just people they admire and a lot of these people had addictions and insomnia and poly substance misuse And I’m gonna be really real hair Scorpio what I’m learning here when you have strong Scorpio placements I’ve been Scorpio and you’re gonna be praying to getting infections a lot and if you’ve got Scorpio in your chart beware for being able to be a drug injector too. This is just a PSA, because in my early 20s, I wouldn’t have listened to any of this bullshit I’m saying right now that’s why I would’ve called it but it wouldn’t have been to me it would’ve been what is this person on about get real addiction is so narcissistic to the point of your thing Ain’t gonna get me crack ain’t ,going to get me heroin ain’t gonna get me pills aren’t gonna get me alcohol isn’t gonna get me or anything else for that matter legal highs tobacco smoking you know weed I mean weed doesn’t so bad but it can fuck with fucked with my head massively now and I can’t even have a puff of joint kill me. I just makes me go crazy. I don’t wanna analyse myself even more than I already do. Thank you.
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I will tell you, here I sit it 6 o’clock in the morning on a cold English December morning thinking about the first time I used the first time I smoked heroin I cannot lie it was like ecstasy, not the drug of course because that was not for me either But there was no paranoia. The voices stopped in my head. Everything was quiet, but everything made sense. I felt like I had all the answers to life right there, just from smoking a bit of brown powder here I am 10 years lateer  09 if you want to be really specific, I sit with lumps on my body abscessed. I can’t even begin to tell you how many abscesses I’ve had my thumb been burn away from cooking up in the dark. I’ve been to hospital with an abscess on my breast, which is 25 inches deep and 400 mg of pus, so yeah that’s dead appealing isn’t it sexy the thing is I literally said to my mum the other day I said I only need what they celebrity has an IV blood transplant whatever whatever they do because they get the best care in the world they don’t need to go to rehab to change their lives they don’t because they haven’t got that much to lose when they’re making that much money. I suppose they have if they’re on a really really deep level like say Robert Downey junior in the 90s, Heidi Fleiss, all these people who were in the 27 club, and now I’ve passed that boy, five years six years, and I have to say that in this last year or two, I have felt like I’m gonna die and I’ve just had this feeling in the back of my head that I’m gonna die, because my body has got so big i’m so overweight, it’s dangerous, but then I’m in a predicament that the pills keep me well but at the same time they’re not so I’m stuck in this Embo of not knowing what not to do. I’m borderline diabetic now and it’s all started from the doctors and taking sleeping tablets when I was in my early 20s they are my biggest addiction I plan to see a diabetic nurse and get on those Ozempic it’s really not nice being with size and not being able to do things I used to do.
Because I am a fit person I’ve come from a family where they’re very fit the other side of my family my dad side I’m not so good so I have to be really careful this as well when I was younger I used to walk a lot and walk around everywhere and be very healthy and fit like a pig it was because I wasn’t on any medication and I looked back and I wonder was that but worse or is this worse in one sense of mental torture of the past was worse, but in this sense, the physical torture is worse. But then you can’t have it all I guess just now let people like Courtney love people like Rihanna who supposedly lost her voice swarm drugs. If you wanna believe by dims people like Whitney Houston who had it all, but sang I have nothing .
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ear-worthy · 2 years
NYT “First Person” Podcast: How Do We Treat Obesity?
Interview podcasts are as common as hidden fees in today’s world. Think about it. They’re cheap to produce, easier to set up than on-location recording, and enable the guest to fill in most of the script with their comments and observations.
Most interview podcasts market themselves as having culturally relevant conversations on topics of social importance. The reality, however, is far different from the hype.
Interview shows like Something You Should Know and The Jordan Harbinger Show are solid interview podcasts with interesting guests a host that knows how to ask probing questions, then listen to the response and follows up.
The New York Times’s interview podcast, First Person, is one of the best in the genre. The show’s tagline is: “Every opinion starts with a story. Intimate conversations about the big ideas shaping our world, hosted by journalist Lulu Garcia-Navarro. From New York Times Opinion.”
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Garcia-Navarro has Ira Glass-level interviewing skills, and the topics chosen resonate with listeners. Consider some of the recent episodes.
Why Does Big Tech Make It So Hard to Fix Your Devices? — The C.E.O. of iFixit is fighting for your right to stop shopping and start repairing.
Veteran Outing Domestic Extremists — Veterans are valuable recruits for far-right groups. Kris Goldsmith wants them to fight back.
A Librarian Spoke Against Censorship. Dark Money Came For Her. — Now she’s fighting back.
In the most recent episode of First Person, host Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks to Dr. Fatima Cody Stanford, a professor at Harvard Medical School and Obesity Medicine Specialist at Massachusetts General Hospital.
When Dr. Stanford entered medical school in the early 2000s, obesity medicine was not part of the curriculum, even though obesity rates in the United States have been steadily rising since the 1980s.
Since then, she’s spent her career pushing for changes in the way the medical establishment thinks about and treats obesity, calling for interventions that recognize the condition as a disease, not simply a failure of willpower.
And one of those interventions is medication. As new weight loss drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy enter the market, Dr. Stanford finds herself at the forefront of a larger cultural debate about weight loss, body image and the role of medication in it all.
You can listen to this episode of First Person on Apple, Spotify, Google or wherever you get your podcasts. The full transcript of the interview can be found here, with highlights below:
Fatima Cody Stanford
“A lot of people believed that obesity was just a consequence of other diseases as opposed to a cause of the 200 plus diseases that obesity does cause. That was one of the arguments. A lot of people pointed to a lot of the behavioral studies that did demonstrate for some people that they had achieved success in interventions like Weight Watchers, like you mentioned earlier, or community level interventions. And so there was this pushback against this being a disease characterized by pathophysiology in the body. And a lot of that, I would say, came from the public health space, this idea that we can fix it if we just work harder.”
Lulu Garcia-Navarro
“Dr. Stanford, let me ask you this. What does that mean? When you say you began to see that obesity is a disease, what is it a disease of? I mean, do we know what causes obesity?”
Fatima Cody Stanford
“So I’m going to say it’s a disease of the brain. And the reason why I’m going to say it’s a disease of the brain is because the brain regulates how the body stores fat. The brain is the central operating system.”
Fatima Cody Stanford
“If the brain’s not there, the rest of the body doesn’t work. So let’s explain what happens. There are two primary pathways by which the brain will regulate weight. There is the pathway that tells us to eat less and store less, what we call the POMC or proopiomelanocortin pathway, or AGRP pathway, which is the agouti-related peptide pathway, which tells us to eat more and store more.”
Fatima Cody Stanford
“And we don’t choose. And this is where the willpower issue goes away. My organs, my genetics, my environment, all of these things can play a role in whether I signal down the more desirable pathway or less desirable pathway. And so this comes the complexity of this disease that is obesity. Why do certain people signal one way and other people signal another way?”
Lulu Garcia-Navarro
“Well, help me understand this. Our genetics haven’t completely changed in the past 40 years. Yet, we’ve seen this huge increase in the number of people living with obesity. So what’s changed? I mean, are there environmental factors at play?”
Fatima Cody Stanford
“Absolutely. So we’ve placed our bodies inside of what we call this obesogenic environment. And this gets into those environmental factors and how they play a role.”
Fatima Cody Stanford
“How has diet quality changed? How has our sleep quality changed? Our screen time, how does that disrupt or affect our circadian rhythm? We’re supposed to rise when it’s bright outside and go to sleep when it’s dark outside.”
Fatima Cody Stanford
“But I can tell you that most of us don’t follow that as our inherent rhythm. So when we deviate from all of these things, put ourselves in this world that our bodies weren’t really created to be in, it’s going to lead to a greater storage of adipose or fat. It’s stress on the body. And when we have stress, stress increases storage of an organ that has typically helped us out. And that organ is adipose or fat.”
The full transcript of the interview can be found here.
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nancymcl · 2 years
Nobody I know in real life is on Tumblr or if they are, we haven't found each other so I feel free to happy vent here on a subject that is sensitive to me. If you have no interest, scroll on.
I am 66 years old. I have been overweight all my life. In 6th grade I remember I weighed 124lbs. I have bounced between trying seriously to eat carefully and giving up and saying fuck it. I was generally strong and health despite my weight. Till my 60s. My poor body is suffering the accumulated years of stress. Arthritis, spinal stenosis, high blood pressure, and finally type 2 diabetes. The only untried step was gastric surgery. I watched someone I know go thru it successfully but balked at something so life changing and permanent. Timing was on my side for once & my Dr started me on Ozempic (diabetes treatment and appetite killer) and I enrolled in a medical nutrition shake only diet.
This morning was my weekly weigh in. It has taken 7 years (with a bit more than half of the weight lost in the last year on the Ozempic), but I have now lost 100 lbs. Went from 380 to 279.8. My A1c is 5.4 (normal range). My blood pressure is normal. I still want to lose another 100 lbs and have had to switch from Ozempic to Mounjaro (due to drug shortages), but I feel a real psychological milestone today.
As this day approached, I was confident enough to schedule myself a reward. Friday morning I leave for my first Supernatural convention in Nashville. I never could spare that kind of money but circumstances made it barely possible. I bought a silver pass, 4 photo ops, 3 autographs and 2 meet and greets. I am traveling alone for the first time as a disabled person. I am amazing myself. It's hard to explain the change in my mental and physical state but take it from me, major accomplishments.
If anyone here is also going to Nashville, look for the lady with the rollator (a walker with wheels and a bench seat), a big camera and a huge grin on her face and say hi. Some goals may take most of your lifetime to reach but they still feel sweet.
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thatbipolargirl · 2 years
We finally have a buyer for our house in Brookfield! Our real estate agent said we should be able to close in 7-10 days. I am beyond relieved. Although we didn't get as much money for it that I originally wanted, I don't fucking care anymore. I just want to get rid of it and wash my hands of the whole damn thing. I will be a lot less stressed when we sign the final papers. Hallefuckinglujah!
I have therapy today, and I'm struggling with this new therapist. She mostly likes to talk about past clients she's had or what's going on in her life. Isn't that backwards? As soon as I see the nurse practitioner on July 19th for a referral to a psychiatrist, I'm going to ask for a referral for a new therapist as well. I just have to hold on until then. I'm still debating on whether to go to the Mayo Clinic or not. I have been so-so mentally the past few days, although I've had several minor panic attacks and my OCD has been interfering with my daily life significantly. Reminder -- recount the steps at my therapist's office today if the elevator is still broken.
After therapy, Jeremy and I are going to eat at Golden Corral. I have a free buffet for my birthday (which is next Tuesday). Then I have to go to the library, get a library card, and then print off some documents for the realtor. I have a few other papers to print off too. I also need to pay my Kohl's bill and pick up my prescriptions at Walmart. I want to go to Genesis Health Club to sign up for a membership through my insurance, but I doubt I do that today. I'll have to go tomorrow after my thyroid ultrasound or after therapy on Thursday. I can't do too much in one day or I get anxious and panicky because I get so overwhelmed. My brain is such a cunt.
They are having the January 6th committee hearings on television this week. So far, they have been very jaw-dropping, even though some of the information was already out in the public eye. I fucking hope Trump goes to prison. He deserves to live the rest of his fucking miserable life behind bars. Fucking asshole.
Jess called me Sunday and was wanting to talk through her mania. I was not feeling well physically due to my Ozempic. It is a really good medication for my diabetes, but it makes me throw up sometimes. I took it Friday, and I threw up both Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, I threw up about 20 minutes after I took my morning medication, so I felt awful that whole day. I texted her and told her I had a "stomach bug," because it was so much easier than explaining about my Ozempic. I texted her again yesterday, just wanting to check in with her, and she said her boyfriend was coming to stay with her for the week. So I'm glad she isn't alone now. I need to text her later to see how she is feeling.
I seriously cannot believe I will be 47 next Tuesday. My life has been wasted on having mental illnesses. My brain has stolen so many opportunities, so much hope, so much faith. I am resigned to the fact that I will commit suicide within the next 10 years, unless I am stricken with some physical ailment that takes me sooner. I was talking to Jenny about this, and she said she is also ready to commit suicide as soon as she can no longer take care of herself or live alone. It makes me upset to know she feels the exact same way I feel because I wouldn't wish these feelings on anyone. However, it is also nice to know I'm not alone.
Until then...
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thewaitisogre · 6 years
WEEK 4 RECAP: Trios Night October 15, 2018
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This week the couples were asked to perform a trio with an all-star, a friend from home, or in Alexis and Alan’s case Maddie Ziegler. Why? Because why not. Producers are feeling frisky and concepts are being explored all at once. The takeaway tonight was Bachelor Nation is powerful and we need to make sure they vote for the right candidate this midterm election. Joe is still in the game despite his complete lack of timing and it’s thanks to his fans. Is there a point in keeping Joe still? Bachelor Nation, you’re voting for him out of brand loyalty, but at what cost? My sanity? Joe reached his peak weeks ago and it’s time to get real. Vote for Milo, Evanna, Len Goodman, anyone! Just stop voting for Joe. 
Juan Pablo featuring Melissa Rycroft | cha cha | 8 8 8
Juan Pablo and pro Cheryl were paired with All-Stars winner Melissa Rycroft.  This cha cha had a lot moments of just Juan Pablo pounding the air. We get it, you can swivel your hips. 
Tinashe featuring Amy Purdy | tango | 9 9 9
Is this a Kavanaugh hearings inspired tango? At the end the jury raised a sign that said “guilty.” I’m just saying! Here is the thing with Tinashe and other stars that come with dance experience. They come polished and trained. They can’t grow week to week because they’re already dancers. If a dancer does come on the show they need to play the game with storytelling, like Lindsey Stirling, and I don’t know what her journey is yet. Heck, Tinashe’s Willy Wonka bob gave me more to talk about than her journey. 
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John featuring Joey Fatone | Argentine Tango | 7 7 7
John and Emma get assisted by Asterisk NSYNCer Joey Fatone in an Argentine Tango where they play space commanders in Ancient Greece? I’m confused by the concept. Hair caught in zipper incident aside, this was an ambitious number with too much on its plate. 
Evanna featuring Scarlett Byrn | salsa | 8 8 8
This week they’re aided by Harry Potter co-star and friend Scarlett Byrn. I knew when I saw Scarlett wrongly breaking the fourth wall that she was going to be trouble. In the package I noticed Scarlett suffers from Caucasianitis. For just 15 cents you can sponsor a patient suffering from this condition. I was hoping it wouldn’t hinder their saucy salsa, but it did. Second-runner up Janell Parrish would’ve been a great fit.
Demarcus featuring Rashad Jennings | paso doble | 7 7 8
A pretty nominal paso set on football field to a OneRepublic-sounding song. Nothing much to say, so let’s talk about Demarcus’ finger! When season 24 winner Rashad Jennings entered rehearsal Demarcus and Rashad had a greeting (that totally wasn’t practiced 27 times) so epic that Demarcus broke his finger. The good news is his finger is fine now. The even better news is surviving an injury improves your chances of winning by 12%.
Mary Lou featuring Nastia Liukin | charleston | 9 8 9
In the package Mary Lou talked about how she is having a hard time not comparing herself to others because her career depended on being perfect. “I don’t need to win the Olympics in everything I do.” Thanks for giving us a quote worthy of Pinterest. Something clicked this week for this couple and the scores were stellar. You all know how I feel about Joe, but I would understand if Mary Lou left next week because she had the breakthrough all contestants dream of.
Milo featuring Riker Lynch | salsa | 10 9 10
Dance soulmates Milo and Riker assisted Witney in a salsa very derivative of Jordan, Corbin and Lindsay’s trio salsa to Meryl and Maks’ salsa song. This could’ve gotten a perfect score if I hadn’t seen it before. 
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Joe featuring Jordan Kimball | salsa | 5 5 5
While everyone else was paired with a somewhat competent dancer, Joe was paired with a Bachelor colleague who is shockingly worse than him. A second into the dance Jordan’s tareaway didn’t tare completely defeating the purpose of dancing to “I’m Too Sexy.” I guess Jordan wasn’t too sexy for his shirt. About the dance, Joe and Jordan jigged and flailed like drunk aunts doing the YMCA. Luckily, the boys provided a chemistry class safety shower to wash our eyes with. Evanna, can you spare a spell to forget this dance?
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Alexis featuring Maddie Ziegler | tango | 8 8 9
This was the palate cleanser I deserved. I’m not mad at it! I liked the spins, the charisma, and the frame, but it was missing some signature tango elements. I think Alexis suffered being paired with a dancer of Maddie’s caliber. There was no way she could ever match her lines and she was upstaged. 
Bobby feauturing Lindsay Stirling | cha cha | 7 6 7
A quirky cha cha to “U Can’t Touch This.” Has MC Hammer done the show? He should. We all know he could use the money. Caroline Rhae of Sabrina The Teenage Witch fame is in the audience. She should do the show. I’m talking about everything but this dance and that’s not good. Lindsey Stirling deserved better. 
Tom Bergeron Quip of the Night
“It’s Marie Osmond all over again,” says Tom after Joey Fatone fakes fainting. Marie Osmond fainted on Dancing With The Stars.
Len Goodman Zinger of the Night
To Juan Pablo: “Your bottom is the tops.” This is not even the first time Len has made a comment about Juan Pablo’s butt.
Evanna and Tinashe
Tinashe and her partner Brandon were eliminated. 
JOE LASTED LONGER THAN TINASHE. I was heartbroken at first, but then I ate a twinkie dipped in kerosene and it numbed the pain for a bit. How could this happen? I recommend you read this article Dance Network wrote on the factors that went into this elimination. My take? Girls, get the V For Vendetta mask because we are voting for Milo and Evanna from 12,000 different VPNs. 
Joey Fatone has tape on his hat during rehearsal. It could be to cover up a logo, but I want to think he is doing research to play a railroad tramp
If I see that “Oh oh oh ozempic” commercial while watching the show one more time I s2g
They apologized for mistakenly listing the wrong number for John so I wonder who they actually voted for
“You’ve got guns but not always the ammunition.” That’s Len’s burn of the night
Evanna and Scarlett’s lighting bolt on their costume screamed “WE WERE IN HARRY POTTER DO YOU REMEMBER THAT?”
Bruno fanning Len while Len gathered his critiques about Joe’s trio 
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Click here for more Dancing With The Stars Recaps.
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austinpanda · 5 years
Dad Letter 060919
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9 June, 2019
Dear Dad
Well, my favorite part of the year is starting, the part where it’s 100 degrees every day, and my electricity bills shoot way up, and I get sweaty in a way that doesn’t dissipate for the next four months! Summertime! We’re supposed to hit 100 today for the first time this year, and the heat index will be around 110 degrees. Our plan, as with most days, is to stay inside, and try to remain thankful to the gods of air conditioning. Hope it doesn’t break down, like it did last year! The maintenance pukes here consider it acceptable to give you a small window AC unit if they can’t fix your main unit right away, like if it’s a Saturday, for example. Sorry to bitch about the heat. That may be a recurring theme over the next few months.
So, you’re moving soon! I hope you aren’t grieving too badly about leaving Texas. I assume that’s a large sad thing for you, and if so, I hope you’ve been able to talk to someone about it. This was your destination state, and you have a Texas flag tattoo, and I worry that you’re going to see leaving Texas as a death in the family, so to speak. I hope it’s a comfort that you won’t be far from Texas. Oklahoma is, after all, Texas’s hat. And it’s a beautiful state, with lots of exciting tornadoes (try to have a plan for that) and I think there are native Americans there, and possibly gambling. I don’t recall you ever having much of a taste for gambling, but I’ve always wondered if there are any Weidmanns that are good at it. It’s never too late to find out that you’re a wizard at counting cards. :)
Life here is getting a bit exciting. We’ve been saving up towards a certain goal, and once we reach that goal, we believe we’ll have enough to move to a different state. And it’s taken five months, but we believe we’re about to get paid for Zach’s car by State Farm. And when that money arrives, a peculiar thing will happen: For a brief period, we’ll have about $1000 more than our savings goal (which is $10,000). In other words, if we don’t buy Zach a replacement car, and become just a one-car couple, we could conceivably leave our unpleasant jobs and move someplace that isn’t like walking on the sun, and do it NOW, instead of at the end of this year. So the question becomes: Ohmygod, should we do it?
I look forward to being in that situation, because right now I have no idea what I’d prefer to do, whether to GROW A PAIR and leave in 30 days, or wait until December, when I can get another gainsharing bonus from work and have more safety net. Obviously, that first option is a bit sexier, because it’s less conservative and more reckless. Basically, we want to have enough money so we don’t end up having to eat cat food (or become homeless) between the time when we have steady paychecks here, and the time in the future when we have steady paychecks there (wherever “there” ends up being).
My depression meds must be working, because, at this moment, it doesn’t scare the shit out of me to ponder things like that. We decided not to go to our Sunday breakfast taco establishment this morning. Few reasons. My new blood sugar medication causes a sort of permanent upset stomach, which is so awesome I think I’m going to write a love song about it, and it means some nights and mornings, I just don’t feel like eating anything. My doctor, incidentally, touted this as one of the drug’s benefits.
“Lot of people lose weight on Ozempic,” he said, “It makes you permanently nauseated!”
“Thank you, doc. That’s great. Can it make my ass fall off, too?”
Also, the last time we went to the taco place, we accidentally stole part of their soda machine. This sounds exceedingly stupid, but it’s true. They let you dispense your own sodas at this taco place. They give you a cup, you go up to the machine, get your diet cola, and get refills at your own pace. I love places that do this. So when you’re leaving, you want to top off your drink. We got home from the taco place last Sunday and Zach discovered a plastic nozzle about the size of a golf ball had fallen off the soda dispenser and fallen into his drink, and we’d taken it home without ever noticing. I thought that was hilarious when he found it last week, but I assume it fucked up their soda machine, at least for that one beverage, and we never bothered to call them and tell them we had it.
So this is not exactly a reason why we didn’t go to the taco place. I kinda wanted to take it back and hand it to them, because I’m sure they’re all wondering where it went. But there’s a small chance that they’ll see we had their nozzle this whole time, and they’ll be angry at us for not bring it back sooner, because (let’s just say) they’re expensive to replace. If that happens, if the taco place we love so dearly gets pissed off at us, it will be a sad day indeed. It will taint our tacos, and no one wants that. I think the obvious solution here is to (a) throw the fuckin’ thing away, and (b) continue patronizing the taco establishment, since, after all, they have free soda refills, and (c) forget any of this ever happened.
The main reason why we didn’t get tacos, aside from my upset stomach, was because we had a backup plan for donuts. Ever since the doctor made it official that my blood sugar level sucks, I’ve pretty much sworn off donuts. (I’d like to replace them with cigarettes, but I gave those up too, goddammit) And that’s a shame, because the relationship I had with donuts was a sacred, holy thing. I really like them. Since this blood sugar medicine that I keep complaining about is, in fact, working, my blood sugar level is dropping, looking better and better, and I decided I would treat myself to some donuts. The donut place we go to has the regrettable name Super Donut, and we got a dozen assorted. It really is nice having them as a once-every-few-months kind of treat, so this morning is now donut morning, and life is good.
More next week. Keep your chin up. Love to you both!
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austinpanda · 5 years
About Damn Time :)
I have been depressed lately. (I know. What are the chances?) Now this, obviously, is an “above and beyond the normal baseline malaise” kind of ennui. Lots of reasons. The job can get difficult sometimes, and it’s been difficult. I’m still not smoking cigarettes, which makes my body happy, I’m sure, but it makes the rest of me all fuck-you-stabby. We still don’t know where we’ll move, but the need to do so grows, despite the corresponding increase in stress and fear.
But lately, on top of all that, I suffered another setback. Naturally, it’s all of my own doing, and I’m bitterly disappointed in myself. I have to start on insulin. Despite all my effort, and worry, and attempts at disgusting exercise, my pre-diabetes has become professional-strength diabetes, and it’s time for some changes. Gotta inject myself. Gotta see a nutritionist, so that I may pay actual money for the privilege of having someone tell me that Hamburger Helper served on a bed of mini Snickers and garnished with Cheetos is bad for me. (Duh! That’s what makes it taste good!)
And the doctor wanted to put me onto a medication called Ozempic. The good news was that it would get my blood sugar down and also help me lose weight. The bad news was that it causes weight loss through nausea, which is awesome! The other bad news is that a brief google strike gave me the impression that the cost per dose was somewhere between $600 and $800. That was also awesome!
So this morning when I left work I was pretty damn anxious and depressed. I had to go to CVS to pick up the prescription, and my only plan, if it cost $600, was to refuse it. That’s what the doctor said I should do: Don’t accept the medication, just let them know you’ll need to get with your doctor for something else and they’ll understand. And when I went to the CVS, I was not optimistic. I got in line at the prescription pick-up window and texted Zach, “Now I get to find out if I can afford to continue having blood.”
The guy in front of me had one prescription that was ready and one that was still being worked on, and he hated that. He was grumpy with the wee lass behind the counter. “Yeah, that’s what y’all said last time, grumble grumble…” So he grumbled away and I got nervous and said, “HEY! My doctor called in a prescription for me, I think, for some stuff related to, um, diabetes!!! I’m Rick Weidmann!” And she found it in her system, and said it was going to be $25.
So I figured, that’s obviously wrong. I said, “For what medication?”
“For O-...O-...Oz-...”
“Okay, yeah, the internet said it would be many hundreds of dollars!”
“It’s a few hundred, but your insurance, ya know. Oo! I like your shirt!”
At this point I dissolved into a puddle of ecstasy on the floor, swirling and swishing around, helpless with mirth. I paid for the medication. (It’s an injection pen thingy.) She asked if I’d ever taken it before, and I’m probably the first person all day who replied, “Why no, I’ve never taken this stuff before.” So she arranged for an even more wee lass, who never made eye contact with me once, to tell me the following:
“So you take this out. Take the pen out. Take this cap part off and put the needle in. Turn the dial to point two five here, that’s your dose, and stick it in your stomach. Hold it there for thirty seconds. That’s it. Any questions?”
I may have had questions, but the fact that she still hadn’t looked at me (and the ridiculous affordability of the medication) got me flustered so I left. On the doctor’s advice, I’m now going to watch at least one YouTube video to show me how to use the pen, because Dr. No-Look’s narrative just didn’t cut it for me.
I felt good! I got my medicine pens, four doses, one month’s worth, and it cost less than dinner for two at Whataburger. I decided to see if the drugstore had any other items I might want to purchase, like more gum, and perhaps a card for Zach. He’s been an extra-sweet husband lately, since I’ve been depressed. He got me the cool new multi-bulbed tree lamp thing, just because it was on my wishlist and he wanted to do something nice for me. I got a card for Zach, and a Russell Stover assortment to go with the card, and got myself an Arizona green tea and some more sugar free Juicyfruit to keep not smoking cigarettes. And I went up to the counter, and I was rung up by this tidy bearded fellow who said he loved my shirt!
Here’s what my shirt has on it:
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So I’m feeling a bit better about everything now. I can afford to have blood. Two CVS employees complimented my gay shirt. I got all my adulting done, stayed under budget, got some love for the husband, and it’s Junk Food Day.
JFD is going to take on a more austere shape now that I’m a professional-grade diabetic. I’m going to have to serve myself fewer dishes on beds of Snickers with Cheeto garnish, i.e., which is sad, because, while I never actually ate that, I did enjoy having the option to every Wednesday. But I’m still going to eat something fun. It’s not going to be a bowl of brown rice with a single broccoli floret in the middle holding a note that says, “Fuck you,” either. I’m thinking something in the neighborhood of a bacon cheeseburger. Will advise.
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